Monday, December 3, 2012

Space 12/3/12


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Anonymous said...

Squillen should DEMAND an apology for being called white trash by Lauren repeatedly. White Trash!!

Anonymous said...

Squillen's too stupid to know when she's been insulted. Lowrent will order her gray-tinged chocolates and pay top dollar for them, so she won't care either.

Anonymous said...

But Squillen IS white trash.

Anonymous said...

Lauren must be reeling that a spic put her in her place. I don't believe for a second that Lauren and Squillen aren't sitting off somewhere treating their burns and refreshing those pages.

Who's taking the bets on which one will slink back first.

Anonymous said...

Redboots is now on BM's thread confused on why it matters that one of the nastiest peas on the boards is the one doing a Lauren callout. I'm not suprised, I think the shit redboots spewed on that thread was a whole lot worse than being called a spic. I know the pc police is going to disagree. A RACIAL comment, the HORROR. But the bitch was on there talking shit about Lauren's family, they might all be worthless pieces of shit, but if you say crap like that don't expect me to shed tears because someone insulted you.


Hi, Lynlam. Guessed you missed the parts where Lauren called Redboots' family a bunch of unproductive border jumpers. RB answered and pwned Lauren.

Lauren opened that door, as she likes to say. RB just walked through it.

And RB didn't make anti-semitic comments over and over and over. She apologized and didn't go there again. Unlike Lauren.

Anonymous said...

Lauren must be reeling that a spic put her in her place. I don't believe for a second that Lauren and Squillen aren't sitting off somewhere treating their burns and refreshing those pages.


Yup. Exactly.

Anonymous said...

FreeBird is one of those shitty "lifestyle" photographers that just runs Photoshop filters over her photos, turns them black and white and leaves eyes, roses and wedding rings colored in.

She's a mom with a DSLR.

Anonymous said...

2Anonymous said... 2 Squillen should DEMAND an apology for being called white trash by Lauren repeatedly. White Trash!!

December 5, 2012 12:30 PM

Squillen should apologize first. What she said was hateful and derailed the thread. I don't think she'll be back, out of embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

"Redboots is now on BM's thread confused on why it matters that one of the nastiest peas on the boards is the one doing a Lauren callout. I'm not suprised, I think the shit redboots spewed on that thread was a whole lot worse than being called a spic. I know the pc police is going to disagree. A RACIAL comment, the HORROR. But the bitch was on there talking shit about Lauren's family, they might all be worthless pieces of shit, but if you say crap like that don't expect me to shed tears because someone insulted you."

I am LOLing so hard at this. You missed like 99% of that thread if this is all you took away from it. You sound too stupid to be Lauren, so I'm trying to figure out which one of the secretly racist frothers you really are.

Anonymous said...

Red boots wasn't talking smack about Lauren's family she was specifically calling Lauren out on her failures. She didn't call Jackie a bastard or Lauren's daughter a fat ugly bitch. She responded to Lauren's comments and insults without resorting to the same. Even her "jew school" comment was a throw away retort to Lauren's "hispanic school" insult. Red boots pwnd Lauren and then showed enough class to apologize. Lets see Lauren, Burning Vagina, Lymlam, Slybar, Cindosha, Squillen, Sharl, Mrs Tyler etc do the same. They are all nasty "white trash" cunts so it will never happen.

Anonymous said...

211 add CountryHam to that list otherwise spot on.

Anonymous said...

And Bowel Movement starts another attention -seeking thread. For as vile as Lauren is, Bowel Movement is absolutely, 157% no better. One and the same. Pot. Kettle. Bowel Movement is just as pathetic as Lauren. And MSP is still ghetto and gross.

Anonymous said...

BM has moved beyond attention whore. Seriously grow the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

apparently the man has everything he'll ever need she should sponsor a child with her extra money

Anonymous said...

Come on pepea. Why the fuck are you kissing BMs ass. Youre going to get shit all over your face.

Anonymous said...

Lynlam asked BM for proof. She's providing that proof of her being an asshole when it was unwarranted. I don't see the issue.

Anonymous said...

213 I'll take 10 MSPs over any *one* of the bitches in 211's list.

Anonymous said...

Lynloon is her own brand of stoopid.

Anonymous said...

213 I'll take 10 MSPs over any *one* of the bitches in 211's list.


Me too.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that none of them will be run off the board. It's good entertainment.

Hi Lanus! Sorry you can't participate and try too hard being funny, you stupid bitch! lol

Anonymous said...

No BM aka 217. The only proof you're providing is that you're a retard.

Anonymous said...

Lynlam is a crazy angry frother and I've seen her get out of hand on political threads. I don't think I've ever seen her personally insult someone who wasn't engaging her politically.

Lauren will just fire off at the next likely target.

Lynlam is the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

What we need is the crazy pea scale. Bonus points for random acts of insanity. Deductions if one keeps the crazy in the political threads. The question is who wants to read all the crazy to rate them?

Anonymous said...

Has Lynlam mentioned that she owns a gunshop? (just.askin')

Anonymous said...

I really wish the worst thing I had to deal with today was finding a new planner. ffs they really do sit around and think of things to bitch about don't they?

Anonymous said...

pic of lynlam

Anonymous said...

Squeals is white trash, and her entire family is obese.

*******It's not a nasty thing to say if it's true, and I think it's true!!!!!!!!!one111!!!!!!!**************

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's Lynne Lammers and that website is hilarious! What a fucking loon!

Anonymous said...

manicurist? where did that come from?

Anonymous said...

I thought she was a kohl's worker, or maybe target?

Anonymous said...

she's a manager at

looks like her husband owns a custom gun shop though

Anonymous said...

Anyone read the thread about the baby that was gave up for adoption and the mom didn't tell anyone where the bio father, her husband was?

I can't believe *kiki* thinks the bio dad who wants his daughter should have to share custody with the two religious nutters that have her.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lynlam looks inbred.

Anonymous said...

"manicurist? where did that come from?"

it was a typo, she meant mentalist. As in mental. I'm not a spelling nazi, but I see a mistake when it's made. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kiki showed her true (stupid) colors on that thread.

Funny that the peas are too afraid to mention that the father is a Big Scary Black Man(tm), which might affect how the POS thieving adopters view him.

Anonymous said...

211 I'd like to propose Pinky Zebra as an addendum to your list.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see some peas did acknowledge that the father is a BSBM. And for once, Captain K got something right.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lynlam looks inbred.
December 5, 2012 2:16 PM

yes, yes she does.

her sagging tatas need a lift, too.

Anonymous said...

2dogshavebrains is being an idiot in that adoption thread too.

Anonymous said...

However, as Typhus points out: BM made a snarky comment about another Pea's handle and that's much much worse!!!!one!!!!


I am so fucking SICK of these morons/lying scumbags (and/or, take your pick) and their stupid-ass false equivalencies. It's like a Pavlovian reflex.

Anonymous said...

Don't like freebirds business name, it seems like an odd choice for a photography business.
its from her last name - duh

Anonymous said...

213 I'll take 10 MSPs over any *one* of the bitches in 211's list.



Anonymous said...

What's the story on mapchic? Is she a fundie nut or just an all-around bitch? And what makes her think she's a top tier pea?

Anonymous said...

My vote: Catholic apologist and totally an all-around bitch.

She's BF's evil spawn's former roomie, so she seems to think that makes her top tier @@

Anonymous said...

The crazy has gone mainstream. They're simply no longer hiding their paranoid lunacy and blinding rage.

Anonymous said...

Catholic apologist, 246? Is she one of those sick assholes who denies pedophile priests and church cover up?

I've met a few of those. They're disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Mapchic address the Church/child abuse scandal or even mention it. Not once.

Anonymous said...

The frothers are really having an auto da fé on BM's thread.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of hearing about the OP's exceptional children. For some reason, she annoys me more than most.

Anonymous said...

43 Anonymous said... 43

Don't like freebirds business name, it seems like an odd choice for a photography business.
its from her last name - duh


I don't know free birds last name but Cease Fire Studios is a dumb name, what is her last name? Cease? Fire? Cease Fire? or Studio?

It sounds more like it has something to do with guns then photography.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of hearing about the OP's exceptional children. For some reason, she annoys me more than most.


Really Red's daughter obviously isn't that exceptional if she couldn't bother reading basic directions for an assignment.

The whir of the helicopter is strong with that one.

Anonymous said...

I know 51 her and mother of jackal's both have the most amazing and hard to educate but brilliant kids ever.

Pretty sure busypea will be added to the list when her ds starts school. He'll probably start kindergarten reading at college level and be so bored by school.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Pinky Zebra know that "Barak and roll" was used by the Obama campaign? What a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Does Pinky follow Liz on Twitter?

Anonymous said...

All the conservatives have been following Liz around.

Anonymous said...

So one camp thinks BeautifulMorning = Lowrent, and another camp thinks BM = Liz? Is there evidence for either?

If anything, BM's style is more like Lowrent's.

Anonymous said...

Freebird named her photo biz that because Cease is her last name.

Wonder how squillens lard business, I mean cookie biz is going now. I would love to know if sheepeal's cancelled their cookie orders over the whole kerffule.

Anonymous said...

Liz was always kind of zany, and her posts had a wacky humor to them that BM just does not have. If anything, I thought Edgy was Liz for a time, because those two are far more similar than BM/Liz.

Another thing: Liz always copped to being Liz when she was outed.

The whole BM as Liz just doesn't ring true, and that "evidence" is flimsy as hell.

Anonymous said...

The only thing PZ's post proves is that the wingnut peas are fucking obsessed with Liz, and it's getting icky.

Anonymous said...

BM is definitely Lauren.

Anonymous said...

Lowrent has so many alters, she must keep multiple computers lined up next to each other, all signed in to 2P with different pea names. What a sad life she leads.

My prediction is that either Jackie grows up, realizes what a freak her grandmother is, and rejects her completely, or grows up to take after her grandmother and her fucked up family.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think Pennyring is somehow profiting off Diamond Candle sales.

Anonymous said...

Those candles are tacky as all get out. The cheap diamond chips that you get aren't worth the gold plated settings they're wrapped in. While we're on the subject, I really hate when people get 6-40 small diamonds and have them pave set to look like a larger stone. Losers.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that BM chose a profile photo that is very close to SarahH's profile photo?

Beautiful Morning came to 2peas right after Lauren and Sarah went at it on one thread, I think THAT is why so many think BM is Lauren.

She came to 2peas and went after ScrapWench almost immediately. THAT is another reason people think she's Lauren.

But, looking back through some old threads, I think she very well may be Liz.

Honestly, I don't care, and I think it's creepy that they're all stalking Liz. Or another Pea from way back. LOTS of "old peas" have issues with Lauren, many who stopped posting long ago.

I despise PinkyZebra and think she's a fucking hypocrite for trying to "out" BM as Liz when she's had her own posts deleted several times to hide her racist posts. She's also had her accounts deleted and started over a few times.

Anonymous said...

"I want to add some stuff to it to 'bulk up' the gift, but keep it as inexpensive as I possibly can"

That doesn't sound very upper middle class to me...

Anonymous said...

When did BM go after ScrapWench? I missed that one.

Anonymous said...

The link is post 66, starts at the bottom of page one and continues to the end. She took a couple swipes at Seanna in that thread too.

She joined in May and that thread is from May as well.

Anonymous said...

I would be beyond pissed if my husband told our son that "he" paid for a gift when I was a SAHM. One of the reasons my husband was able to have the work and family life he did (we're divorced) was because I was at home. Just because I didn't work for a paycheck doesn't mean that HE paid for everything. Ridiculous.


"We're divorced"

Of course you are.

Anonymous said...

270 if it wasn't for the "we're divorced" I'd have thought SabrinaM wrote that, since she and her husband are both working on HIS degree and HIS job.

I'll see your Pinky Zebra and CountryHam and nominate SabrinaM for 211's list.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of trash holy shit i just saw the trashiest thing-annadumbell's picture on facebook. serioulsy go check out that trash

Anonymous said...

What's the URL?

Anonymous said...

Feel free to add anyone who thinks this article is "great" to the too stupid to live list, 211.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!!!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Green Genes
Pinky Zebra
Country Ham
Burning Feather
Mrs Tyler

The pod (and the world) would be so much better off if these white trash cunts were gone from it. They are all such huge pieces of shit and they don't realize it.

Dis-honorable mention:

Anonymous said...

Annabella's a dipshit, but she's nowhere near the level of the others.

Anonymous said...

And she's not white.

Anonymous said...

78Anonymous said... 78 And she's not white.

December 5, 2012 9:00 PM

she's 1/2, that counts

Anonymous said...

Who was it said that "those people breed so much faster than us". ?? I think it was a 47% type discussion.

Anonymous said...

who the fuck is Henny than? Obviously someone who reads here but is probably an alter for one of the peas.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Matt decided not to leave his office decor up to NSBR; the post is missing LOL

Anonymous said...

81Anonymous said... 81 who the fuck is Henny than? Obviously someone who reads here but is probably an alter for one of the peas.

December 5, 2012 9:37 PM

A few weeks ago she's the one that called out Freebird for the bodybuilding and then deleted her posts. Chicken ass up for an avatar is perfect for her.

Anonymous said...

Who was it said that "those people breed so much faster than us". ?? I think it was a 47% type discussion.
December 5, 2012 9:36 PM

Oh yeah! I wish I could remember. I wanted to pop whoever it was in the face. It was someone stupid. Obviously. I mean someone who doesn't know how to debate properly.

Anonymous said...

It was on this thread, which is now gone (I don't know/remember why).

From google:

Bingo - and unfortunately those people breed faster than we do, which may mean more of the same going forward


The thread was one started by Athena

Anonymous said...

**Election Night Results - November 6, 2012**President Obama wins re-election**

Bookmark this ThreadWatch this ThreadReport ViolationPost Reply . Post New Topic Posted 11/6/2012 by AthenainCA in NSBR Board

Anonymous said...

And I remember most of the peas even pineapple called the bitch on it. Whoever it was. But that deleted thread got me wondering if Admin is quietly deleting any racist sounding threads. You know, once all the dust has settled and no one is the wiser.

Anonymous said...

Lynne Lammers, Staff Writer


Staff Writer?

OK. That. Is fucking hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck is cake diva when you need her.

Anonymous said...

Henny is a big old blog bitch. But that website is pretty embarrassing isn't it?

"I am raising two awesome daughters perfect? I sure think so sometimes. Other times I think they are the devils spawn, sent here to drive me deep into the wine bottle."

Anonymous said...

Cease Fire. More space. Please.

Anonymous said...

Your cake diva spiel is as old as the Kendra bullshit. Stop it, please. It is neither clever nor hilarious. Come up with something new.

Anonymous said...

thanks *KIKI*

Anonymous said...

oh there you are cake. bit touchy this morning aren't we? what? didn't get enough votes for the new stove? I was going to vote for you honest. but I had a case of fat fingers and voted for your facebook friend by mistake. sorry cake. can we have new space now?

Anonymous said...

Yeah thanks *KIKI*. You old drunk.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Because cake diva is the only person on earth who finds your cake diva shit annoying. Face it. Your fucking retarded 'joke' grew old 900 times ago. You think you're so clever and you're really not. You and the Kendra idiot aren't as funny as you think you are.

I doubt you'll believe me, but I'm not cake diva. Just someone tired of your boring shit and your complaints about space! More space cake diva! Thanks, cake diva! Har Har fucking Har.

Anonymous said...

Cake diva would love some new space.

Anonymous said...

Gonna vote for you right now.
I just made a mistake.
You'll get the stove. I know you will.


Anonymous said...

Your cleverness is showing again. Cake diva! Cake diva! Cake diva!

So fucking clever.

Is it that hard to believe that someone would get tired of reading the same tired non-joke 8 times on every thread? Maybe you're Lanus or Chopped Liver. Both of those idiots think they're much more clever than they really are, too.

Anonymous said...

96 When you make buttercream is it best to use the cooked or the cold method? Do you have to use real butter?

Anonymous said...

Kiki go write in your *journal* for a bit and you'll feel better. Twenty or so pages should head off that rage attack you're having.

Anonymous said...

From that deleted thread, this is who made the "those people breed faster" comment:


PeaNut 8,880
January 2001
Posts: 1,233
Layouts: 41

Anonymous said...

Please add desertpea and homespunhurricaine to that list.

Anonymous said...

And that idiot with the watermarked ups golf cart pic. Momoftriplets or whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

Add MochasMom to that list of bitch ass cunts, please.

Anonymous said...


The fucking board is down AGAIN!!

Anonymous said...

It's back up. Calm your titties.

Anonymous said...

There's more than one person posting the cake diva jokes. I know because I'm one of them, and I think they're hilarious.

Pull the stick out of your ass and carry on.

Anonymous said...

Some of these are really sad for the kids. "Oh they'll only get 3 gifts because that's what Jesus got"

"They want xyz but they won't be getting that they'll be getting clothes & bedding/room decor"

I always feel bad for the kids who get things their parents should be providing disguised as "gifts".

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 102. I knew it was some idiot who was in way over her head.

Anonymous said...

109 Anonymous said... 109

Some of these are really sad for the kids. "Oh they'll only get 3 gifts because that's what Jesus got"

"They want xyz but they won't be getting that they'll be getting clothes & bedding/room decor"

I always feel bad for the kids who get things their parents should be providing disguised as "gifts".

It does suck for the kid but if that's the worst thing that happens in their childhood they'll be ok.

Hopefully they won't be getting anything "homemade".

Anonymous said...

peacesign had an over the top reaction to this story, it was horrific but in the end I took it as a story of hope.

Anonymous said...

111 anyone growing up in a home where "you don't get more presents than JEEBUS" is going to grow up fucked up.

It's not the religion that fucks them up, it's the crazy mother and her "holier than thou" that gets them.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the fact that they're not even *getting* 3 things!

Anonymous said...

Or the 3 things they get are clothes, socks and underwear!

Anonymous said...

How about you buy the kid a chemistry set, it will be much cooler and more fun then a homemade one.

WTF is it with peas and homemade crap?

Anonymous said...

They like to think they are kr8ative, but the truth is that most of their stuff (recipes, layouts, decorations) are derivative, unoriginal, and cheesy. Giving HC gives them an excuse to go shopping and spend money on stuff they want anyway.

If peas are "creative," I'd rather be totally lacking in it.

Anonymous said...

Did they pull BM's threads?

Anonymous said...

I'm giving two homemade things this year, but I'm also giving those people two other store bought gifts as well. I don't get people that only give out homemade cans of crap or "altered" notebooks ala ~*duhmanda*~. Christmas is the same time every year, how hard is it to put away $20 a paycheck for an entire year for gifts?

Anonymous said...

BM got banned but Lauren is still there. What the fuck is wrong with the assholes at twopeas?

Anonymous said...

Because unlike BM, Lauren walks away and stops posting. She may be feverishly refreshing the pages but she goes scarce so she doesn't look too rabid.

Anonymous said...

102Anonymous said... 102 From that deleted thread, this is who made the "those people breed faster" comment:


PeaNut 8,880
January 2001
Posts: 1,233
Layouts: 41

December 6, 2012 5:06 AM

Google show robnjen coming up AFTER the quote meaning she was the next poster (after whoever said it). You have proof? or? ? ? ? ? ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11 - Two Peas in a
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Nov 6, 2012 – Bingo - and unfortunately those people breed faster than we do, which may ... robnjenb. Going Up PeaNut 8,880. January 2001. Posts: 1,234 ...


Anonymous said...

The fuck? I'm no fan of BM, but they BANNED her?

And L'Urine of the racist froth and laughing at people's dead mothers gets to stay?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure lauren (and others) who believe she is Liz told them she's "the repeat offender Liz". Poof.gone.

Lauren may have gotten put into the time-out corner (week ban? maybe?) or something like that.

Anonymous said...

I personally can't wait until jackie (and some of the other pea kids) are old enough to pea.

"My Mom/Grandmom lied to the whole 2p community constantly and made me be quiet all the time while she did it".

Anonymous said...

So, liberal peaNUTS who are your choices (personal choices - not that they'd actually come to be) for 2016 presidential nominations? hmm?

Adoptee Pea said...

Oh FFS. Poor Mormon mommy in Utah had the birth mother change her mind. She's the birth mother, you fucktard, she can change her mind right up until the last second it's legal to do so. I understand you were upset, but it's HER CHILD.

People like this really piss me off. I understand the adopters' side, but the focus should be on helping the birth mother parent her child. Not on getting a baby for somebody else.

Anonymous said...

A Texas burglary suspect dialed 911 early Tuesday morning to report that an armed homeowner was threatening to shoot him, reported.

James Gerow, the homeowner, told the station that he awoke and discovered a man wearing a dark hoodie inside his Springtown, Texas home. Springtown is a small city Northwest of Fort Worth.

Gerow grabbed his gun and followed the man out to a truck in his driveway.

With gun in hand, Gerow convinced the man to drop his keys. He told his wife to call 911 and waited for deputies to arrive.

"I pointed the gun at him and asked him who he is and what the hell he was doing in my house," Gerow said. "He said his name was Lance, and I said, 'Lance, what the hell are you doing in my house?'

"And he said, ‘unlucky.’ Just unlucky.”

Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said the suspect, later identified as 41-year-old Christopher Lance Moore, also called for help while sitting in his pickup truck.

"I'm out in the country somewhere and some guy's got a gun on me," he said on the call.

When deputies arrived they arrested Moore for burglary of habitation, a second-degree felony.


The stories are the best! and to think there are people against owning guns. I bet the wife is quite happy her husband has a gun. Also quite happy the burglar did not.

Anonymous said...

'Lance, what the hell are you doing in my house?'


Anonymous said...

Carla, we need space.

I don't believe Jane was/is sick, I think it's Carla and since she didn't blab (miracle) about her move to texas no one could pin down times that space weren't provided.

Hey Carla, with your gray dyed all one shade hair, give click the damn button for space.

Anonymous said...

82Anonymous said... 82

Looks like Matt decided not to leave his office decor up to NSBR; the post is missing LOL

December 5, 2012 9:42 PM

Now it's back LOL

Anonymous said...

Cheleoh your daughter isn't funny

Anonymous said...

There's more than one person posting the cake diva jokes. I know because I'm one of them, and I think they're hilarious.

Pull the stick out of your ass and carry on.

I think the cake diva thing is tired, too. You are probably one of the people who was acting like skybar's crazy lady comment was the funniest thing ever said if you think saying "hi, cake diva" is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

"In the spirit of disclosing all the details, she does have mild dysgraphia. The difference between her rote learning and her aptitude is over 45 IQ points. That's a big struggle for anyone (22 points difference and schools make exceptions. She does not want this), but she has managed well. I think that when the teacher wrote "Write in essay form" she skipped over it because she was nervous and multi-step directions are extremely difficult for children with dysgraphia (my son has it severely - 80 IQ points difference, but has a 504). It is an excuse, but not a reason to change a grade. It just seems to me that while clearly on the AP exam they wouldn't accept something not in essay form, but to give a child a zero on the essay section (maybe half the test) because she didn't write it in essay form seems a bit hard-nosed. I did ask if the information was good and he said she knew what she was talking about. I do not think a tutor would necessarily help her. It seems to me that she is just not giving the teacher what he wants to see. It's not only the essay, but other things as well. "

She didn't follow instructions, she gets a zero. If she can't handle multi-step directions how is she seriously going to function in the real world? I worked with a girl like that at a retail couldn't give her a list of tasks, you'd have to give her a task and let her complete it. Then she'd come back to get another task. It was tedious and infuriating.

Anonymous said...

hey carla, some comments are stuck in spamville

Anonymous said...

What's the story with Aprilfay and her baby daddy? Is he refusing to marry her or something?

And will they fix the fucking board already? It's getting ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he wants to marry her, I don't think he even wanted another kid. But accidents happen.

Anonymous said...

"Accidents" happen, too. My sister has had four "accidental" pregnancies.

Alan Simpson Gangnam Style said...

Alan Simpson Gangnam Style Fiscal Cliff!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the process is so difficult because your credit sucks.

Anonymous said...

Mishkismom that was a little more information than you really needed to share!

Anonymous said...

has bm's banning been brought up at the bukkit?? Do you think that just because her threads are gone?? Maybe lauren was banned too...

Anonymous said...

mishkismom looks like a dopehead.

Anonymous said...

Common law marriage... sort of sad.

Damn if ain't better than being in no realtionship at all like that dried up old hag Cpt K who is the most miserable person I know.

Anonymous said...

So. Jane = Burning Feather

Could be, could be. She certainly has the time. Has there Been any sort of a correlation between the times Jane has been MIA and BF was missing on the 2 Ps board?

Anonymous said...

Dont know if BM is banned just because her thread is gone. I said last night though that its starting to look like an unspoken policy of deleting "racist" threads. Like that one about "they breed faster than us" just disappeared when no one was paying attention anymore.

Anonymous said...

Big surprise here! Excuses and more excuses from the OP.

Anonymous said...

147Anonymous said... 147 So. Jane = Burning Feather

Could be, could be. She certainly has the time. Has there Been any sort of a correlation between the times Jane has been MIA and BF was missing on the 2 Ps board?

December 6, 2012 3:54 PM

Who knows? Who cares? It's easier to pick the flavor of the week. LOL

This week Jane = ____fill__in__the__blank____

Anonymous said...

I think Jane = Mary Mary and her brood of sisters and sister in law(s?) (Yaki/Cherryeye)

They share the password.

Sounds good.

Anonymous said...

She has really been through a lot of shit. Some Peas should read her posts and stop their fucking whining and bitching.

Anonymous said...

^^^Yes, she sets an example. I feel bad for her. And the whiner peas and lazy asses need to shut the fuck up.

BeautifulMorning said...

Have no fear, BM is here!

Can you believe that I got banned? I have no idea what I did, either. I'll probably have more fun here. I wonder when those asshole triplets (Flynflam, Lowrent and Squealin') will show their ugly faces at the pod again?

Anonymous said...

She has really been through a lot of shit. Some Peas should read her posts and stop their fucking whining and bitching.


Amen. I love BethAnne and am praying for her.

Anonymous said...

Sure, it's you. . .

Anonymous said...

BM, you were really banned?

And yet Lauren remains.


Anonymous said...

You mean, Liz was banned, AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Lynlam definitely posts here.

BeautifulMorning said...

Hi Flynflam! You really need to go back to school and learn how to write proper English. You sound exactly like the idiot you are on that wingnut website you're a "staff writer" for.

Anonymous said...

Will the wingnuts speak up for BM now? We know from the Lowrent Ban thread that they're strongly against banning.

Anonymous said...

No one seems to give a shit that Lowrent was banned twice. Once as lulusmom and again as ANewDay. They're all over BM/Liz but have different standards for cuntface Cohen.

Anonymous said...

Lowrent is a tier one pea. That's the difference. Don't ask me why anybody would want Lauren Cohen to be a part of their group.

Anonymous said...

If I had gum disease, I sure as fuck wouldn't be announcing it on 2P.

Anonymous said...

164-yeah, that is pretty gross

Anonymous said...

Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

Anonymous said...

*whine* My daughter can't do it, so NO ONE should be able to do it *whine*

Anonymous said...

Cuntface Cohen. Has a rhythm to it.

Anonymous said...

Announcing gum disease is a hell of a lot tamer than some other announcements made on 2peas.

Anonymous said...

166Anonymous said... 166 Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

December 6, 2012 7:28 PM

Your hard on for them is showing again! They bother you that much?

Anonymous said...

161Anonymous said... 161 Will the wingnuts speak up for BM now? We know from the Lowrent Ban thread that they're strongly against banning.

December 6, 2012 6:44 PM

TPTB not banning people is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

There's some weird shit on this thread. And some rampant pea-style materialism, too.

Anonymous said...

166Anonymous said... 166 Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

December 6, 2012 7:28 PM

Your hard on for them is showing again! They bother you that much?


Okay, Lynn Lammers, Staff "Writer"

Anonymous said...

173Anonymous said... 173 166Anonymous said... 166 Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

December 6, 2012 7:28 PM

Your hard on for them is showing again! They bother you that much?


Okay, Lynn Lammers, Staff "Writer"

December 7, 2012 12:08 AM

You're a fool. You can't even spell her name right.

Anonymous said...

173Anonymous said... 173 166Anonymous said... 166 Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

December 6, 2012 7:28 PM

Your hard on for them is showing again! They bother you that much?


Okay, Lynn Lammers, Staff "Writer"

December 7, 2012 12:08 AM

Hi Freebird! You dumb shit!

Anonymous said...

173Anonymous said... 173 166Anonymous said... 166 Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

December 6, 2012 7:28 PM

Your hard on for them is showing again! They bother you that much?


Okay, Lynn Lammers, Staff "Writer"

December 7, 2012 12:08 AM

You definitely have a hard on for her, she hasn't even posted at the bucket for like 5 days. Can't get her out of your mind huh? You loser! LOL

Anonymous said...

173Anonymous said... 173 166Anonymous said... 166 Lauren S. Cohen and Lynne Lammers.

December 6, 2012 7:28 PM

Your hard on for them is showing again! They bother you that much?


Okay, Lynn Lammers, Staff "Writer"

December 7, 2012 12:08 AM

You definitely have a hard on for her, she hasn't even posted at the bucket for like 5 days. Can't get her out of your mind huh? You loser! LOL


You are unintentionally hilarious :)

Anonymous said...

You are unintentionally hilarious :)

December 7, 2012 1:12 AM

and your butt hurts

Anonymous said...

Staff Writer posted just the day before yesterday. Hasn't been around since Henny outed her authentic racist wing nut persona last night.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think BF runs this blog, there's been some horrible things said about her and AN (all true!) and I doubt she could have kept her cool if she was the owner.
I don't care and don't want to know who runs it anyway, what difference would knowing make? If we can all be anon, so can Jane.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and your butt hurts


Your brain must hurt... alot.

Anonymous said...

180 have a little fun. It's Carla! It's Freebird! It's Lanus! It's YOU lol

All in the name of fun. I'm sure there some people who are over the top and believe everything they read (182) but people will continue to post funny (and not always true) shit.

Anonymous said...

179Anonymous said... 179 Staff Writer posted just the day before yesterday. Hasn't been around since Henny outed her authentic racist wing nut persona last night.

December 7, 2012 1:58 AM

Uhhh, no she hadn't. She posted today twice. She hadn't posted since the minimum wage thread.
Nice try though Sparky!

btw, her pic was posted here so people who could see who she was (she'd posted her pic before at the pod - it was for those who hadn't seen her before). Of course leave it to some flipped out person with no life who takes shit like this and runs with it because she offended them. To continue to use her real name over and over just shows how childish you are. So she hurt you in some way or you didn't like what she said. Time to get over it or tell everyone who you are so you can get the same treatment.

"Oh I don't tell the peas who I am for security reasons". Well guess what, she didn't tell the Peas her name either. Get over yourself already LMAO

Anonymous said...

179Anonymous said... 179 Staff Writer posted just the day before yesterday. Hasn't been around since Henny outed her authentic racist wing nut persona last night.

December 7, 2012 1:58 AM

You're not very smart. I am embarrassed for you. (I don't anyone else cares about you though LOL). Henny isn't very smart either.

At least Lynlam can form her own thoughts and express them. (especially without hiding anonymously)

Anonymous said...

182Anonymous said... 182 and your butt hurts


Your brain must hurt... alot.

December 7, 2012 8:06 AM

{pat pat on your head} pssst, "alot* is two words. I'm so sorry if that hurt *your* brain.

Oh and of course the *KIKI* comments will follow. {tiring old joke}

Go buy a dictionary. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Anonymous said...

{pat pat on your head} pssst, "alot* is two words. I'm so sorry if that hurt *your* brain.

Oh and of course the *KIKI* comments will follow. {tiring old joke}

Go buy a dictionary. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Mariah2? Is that you?

Anonymous said...

It laughable that there's a democrat loose on the blog that is so hurt by the things lynlam says. "Your democrat is showing".

Anonymous said...

{pat pat on your head} pssst, "alot* is two words. I'm so sorry if that hurt *your* brain.

Oh and of course the *KIKI* comments will follow. {tiring old joke}

Go buy a dictionary. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

If anyone here needs a pat on the head, it is you dear. No one's brain could hurt as much as you trying to insult someone.

Someone needs to knock some sense into your empty head but that would take a miracle to penetrate your thick skull.

Go buy a life. Do pass go and collect $200, you'll need it.

Anonymous said...

LOL I need a life because you don't know the difference between "a lot" and "alot"(which isn't a word) LOL I'm laughing so hard at your lame attempts! It's all still over lyn! As for me, she doesn't take up space in my head and after finding out her husband is a sniper, yeah I don't think I'll be bashing them at all but go ahead.

I doubt him or her think about you as much as you do about her though. I can almost guarantee it.

Go get your dictionary sweety!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is 390 blabbing about? She makes no sense. But I do agree, she does need a brain!

Anonymous said...

191 you're tiring and no longer fun to play with. You keep pretending to be "other posters". I'm sorry that your personality disorder has spilled onto the blog. Please go take your medications and leave the blog up to the adults.


Leave more really stupid comments so everyone can see how stupid you are (obsessed with lauren and lynlam and can not spell).

Tier 1 Pea said...

Looks like 192 is also 190, 186, and 192.

Anonymous said...

Leave the hostile troll bitch alone. She won't go away unti you stop feeding her.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lesli/shih tzu mommy, would that be the son who got arrested for drugs or the other one?

Anonymous said...

193Tier 1 Pea said... 193 Looks like 192 is also 190, 186, and 192.

December 7, 2012 10:27 AM

Yes, it does! She was talking to the stupid blog troll who really needs to get a grip. The Darkangel/Scrappertastic characteristics are sadly similar.

Anonymous said...

Another my-kids-have-evil-teachers thread from ADD_Lousewife.

Anonymous said...

So they won't let MrsT Pea at work so she comes to the blog all day and posts stupid shit? (193/194) Pathetic! Oh wait, MrsT hates Lauren AND Lynlam? Interesting.

Tier 1 Pea said...

Wrong-o 198.

Anonymous said...

At least Lynlam can form her own thoughts and express them. (especially without hiding anonymously)

December 7, 2012 9:02 AM

That is fucking funny right there.

Anonymous said...

Someone here is really invested in defending that POS flimflam. It almost has to be her because she's not a popular pea. Does she know a lot is two words and alot is a yeti like creature?

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