Sunday, March 2, 2014

Space 3/2/14


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Anonymous said...

201, you certainly do sound like Typhus, name calling and all....

Anonymous said...

198, Otherwise known as Karalynn Tyler. You think because your husband skulks about at night that the police department and school system are under your sway? Pretty delusional. EVERYTHING in this day and age can be traced if someone is interested. Just because this is an anonymous site doesn't mean information can't be traced. Not to mention you've basically outed yourself with your statement. Are there other people out there who AREN'T you that would tell someone they would be surprised if they made phone calls about YOU, Kara? You're sloppy and there is so much crap you spew on the internet you'd be nailed in an hour.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, make my day. Make the calls.

Anonymous said...

How timely this article is on huffpost about Christians being the worst tippers. Typhus fits the description to a T: loud, obnoxious, demanding, hypocritical, racist, homophobic narcissist who no doubt leaves a two dollar tip on the fourteen pounds of food and seven Cokes she just chugged down. Then demands to know where the free dessert bar is. All while bellowing about her holier-than-thou soul. Funny.

Anonymous said...

The lunatic won't make any calls. She's crazy. But more importantly, she's full of shit.

Anonymous said...

4 - Just so we're clear, who's day? Yours, Karalynn? Pretty much just outed yourself and owned up to the last 10 posts you made after the one where you wrote, Die, Theresa Shapardanis. Them's fightin words. Don't mess with smarter, more experienced people than yourself, Kara. It's going to bite you in the ass. So now hubby Tim, who prowls the night for the safety of little CR, MN has SO MUCH power that he controls the police chief, school district administration and State of Minnesota Department of Child Protective Services. You're telling me to make your day and I think I'll take you up on that generous CHRISTIAN offer of yours. We'll see how much the authorities in Anoka bend to the power of your all-powerful husband. Didn't you say I'd be surprised at what I'd hear if I called?

Shouldn't lie and inflate, Kara. Just like you had two brothers, remember? To boost your argument about the military? But really they are brothers-in-law? Then you backpedaled and said those two little words, in-law, don't make a difference? Try the difference with the IRS claiming a daughter and a daughter-in-law. You lie. You deceive. You are full of shit. A big-mouth, blowhard, obnoxious racist homophobe who is going to have karma knocking at your door.

Anonymous said...

6 - (Karalynn) - Done and done.

Anonymous said...

Cray cray

Anonymous said...

What a frothing, foaming lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Seek help Ravenmist.

Anonymous said...

They're coming to take you away . . .

Anonymous said...

Whoever keeps calling out Ravenmist doesn't have very good reading comprehension skills.

Anonymous said...

wonder how those calls went for ol' crazy limpy? I'm sure that everyone just rushed right out to settle her score with Typhus!

Anonymous said...

It is zealots like her who finally put the kibosh on my being a "believer".
You weren't a believer in the first place.

Anonymous said...

14 - Gosh, since you're so curious (Karalynn), I'll tell you. Sometimes all the superintendent of schools needs to do is have a little birdie whisper in his ear. There's this thing known as "conduct unbecoming a teacher" that almost all school districts abide by. Posting ANYTHING on the internet that is unbecoming professionally, or compromises the faith that the public has in the school district overrides the first amendment rights of any teacher. Usually there is some type of disciplinary action for using profanity, racist remarks, anti-gay sentiments on the internet, and often outright termination. Funny, but parents, society and school systems hold a much higher degree of behavior for teachers than they do for other professionals since they are entrusting the lives of their impressionable kids with them.

But I digress, just an old habit of reciting stuff from my knowledge of law, child welfare, education, etc. "Everyone" rushed right out to settle scores? Everyone takes their time, they are thorough. Hope that answered your question. Signed, limpy

Anonymous said...

More like animal control had to come running for limpy with the tranquilizer gun. That kind of crazy should be institutionalized.

Anonymous said...

We'll see.

Anonymous said...

...just an old habit of reciting stuff from my knowledge of law, child welfare, education, etc.
From all your experience in the many spectacularly high-level, crucial positions you've held, no doubt. LOL!!! Can't face the fact that no matter how much education you have (or claim to have), your professional "credentials" just plain suck. You're a loser Limpy that has nothing better to do with her day than sit by her computer with the aid of a Thesaurus and spew hollow threats.

Anonymous said...

Limapea, you are so full of shit. I am not Mrs. Tyler, but I'm sure you'll insist that I am.

You are crazy. You need help. You really do.

You are also delusional about being able to do anything to Mrs. Tyler or anyone else that you harbor an internet grudge against. The fact that you think anyone would take anything you have to say seriously just shows how far gone you really are.

Anonymous said...

You're a loser Limpy that has nothing better to do with her day than sit by her computer with the aid of a Thesaurus and spew hollow threats.
March 11, 2014 at 9:51 AM

So true!

Anonymous said...

That kind of crazy should be institutionalized.
Yes, yes it should.

Anonymous said...

Keep chuckling, kids. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Threatening someone's job--anyone's job--is inexcusably reprehensible. I can remember my days as a Customer Service Manager with a large corporation taking calls from people insisting I fire one of my employees. Needless to say, I never fired any of them. But, I always wondered what kind of sick individual would actually take pleasure in costing someone else their livelihood.

Anonymous said...

24 - I have to say that you don't have a very good understanding of the expectations for teachers, which are clearly in their contracts. Right up there at the top, next to don't come to school drunk, is avoiding conduct unbecoming to a teacher. Most districts are pretty strict about this. It's obvious you don't have a child who goes to school and faces a drunk teacher or a Typhus. You only didn't fire anyone because they weren't worthy of being fired or you didn't have the balls. School districts are far more ballsy than you. Try to focus on the fact that I am not the one who has posted inflamatory racist, homophobic shit on internet sites - that would be Typhus. How about you put the blame where it belongs? Considering she's been doing it for 9 years and most the peas can't stand her, I can't understand why no one has reported her yet. Probably chicken shits like yourself. You do have to identify yourself with these things and again, I am used to that, what with all the knowledge and experience I DON'T have, remember? Sick individual? That would be Typhus using words like fuck, bitch, etc. and publicly announcing how she wouldn't serve gays. And lying - a lot. Get your facts straight, Tootles. I'm not seeing executive material there.

Anonymous said...

Tootles. I'm not seeing executive material there.
Deduction based on your own illustrious management career, right? You're an agoraphobic loser!!! Draw the shades, have another bon-bon and type away---nothing else on your agenda today--or tomorrow, or next week, or....

Anonymous said...

26 - So I'm on the internet, agoraphobic, with the shades drawn and you are ....... researching the cure for cancer? I have plenty on my agenda, every day. Sometimes I just make time to be a superhero. I almost called the workplace of Typhus several times, but I didn't because I knew what the outcome would very likely be, and I know how the shit rolls downhill when someone loses their job and I thought about her kids. Plus, I wasn't that invested in it. I think the last straw is her little "die" phrase. A bit much for a school teacher, wouldn't you say? Especially at 11 in the morning on a school day?

And, so we're clear, I've had several (4) management jobs. WHAT!?!? THEY'RE NOT ON THE INTERNET!!?? HOW CAN THAT BE??!?!?

Anonymous said...

Theresa bring me a cup of coffee and then go pick up my laundry, fuel my car and then stop and get me some lunch. Love, every boss you've ever had.

what a pathetic loser you are.

Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry lynlam/lauren your little friend might not get fired. It's hard to believe with her personality that she doesn't already have a few spots on her record, but maybe she'll just get a hand-slapping. Then you two fun gals can go back to calling Obama a prick. On an internet site, where her students can easily read it, since she uses her own name. Of course, often the union will force her to close all her social network sites, but who knows? I don't live there, and it's not my job to discipline her. Speaking of bosses, you know what's so weird? Like 6 degrees of separation? Wouldn't it be crazy if the executives I worked with in child welfare knew the executives in other states? That would be so crazy! That never happens! Oh right, get some lunch. That is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

How, precisely, do you know it was "Typhus" who told you to die? It would appear that many on this site dislike you. I think you have a score of culprits from which to choose.

Also, please cut the crap about your holding management positions. You are crass and malicious. It's simply part of your character. There isn't an HR Dept that actually does an in-depth interview that wouldn't spot your glaring foibles and put you in charge of anything or anyone.

I think the online info about you pretty much sums up the pinnacle of your fabulous employment history----you've got Administrative Assistant written all over you---zero responsibilities, zero subordinates and zero chance of any meaningful advancement.

Anonymous said...

Is this blog one crazy person talking to themselves in characters of various peas?

Anonymous said...

30 - Another management dropout posts. How do I know it was Typhus? Because someone else started posting about her (not me, I only made 1 remark), and the die comment was aimed at me. Meaning - think kids - in a thread that is mostly about Typhus who else would suddenly call me out? The most likely would be Typhus but as you say, you never know. However, when I accused her of posting she outed herself, as anyone who THINKS can clearly see in the preceding posts. Who else would write go ahead and call, you might be surprised at what you find. Are there thousands of you out there who know I would be surprised about something if I called that little police dept in Anoka? No, only Typhus would. Then, just to wrap it all up and string herself nice and tight in the noose she made for herself she said made her usual bravado bully challenges of go ahead and call, make my day. I don't know what your detective background is, but that's pretty much a statement of ownership. Make whose day? The only day I could make would be Mrs. T's. THINK, kids - who ELSE would defend Typhus? Why are you so worried about it anyway? I merely did something that should have been done years ago, she's been violating her contract for years with her internet profanity and inflamatory statements. Let it go. Who knows how they operate in Minnesota? It's none of my business any more, or yours. Just get something straight - KARALYNN TYLER is the one who has been making racist, homophobic remarks, lying and using profanity on internet sites, not ME. It is HER responsibility to follow the rules of her teaching contract, not ME. As far as the rest of your babble, all I hear is babble babble babble.

Anonymous said...

Theresa your hatred of Typhus won't make the popular kids like you so just give up and call your doctor. You are in need of a med check. Your dosage is definitely off dear.

Oh and your deadbeat daughter called and needs you to make another payment on the 1972 singlewide you bought her. Then your brother the lawyer needs you to stop by with the addresses of all the anons who slander you on the interwebz so he can get those subpoenas out. Just another busy and awesomely prodective day in the life of Limp.

Anonymous said...

33 - Such a comedian - you need to take that on the road. I'm sure you'll have them rolling on the floor. Actually, what I mean is, you aren't funny at all, it's all dull and boring. You have zero comedian skills. I know a lot of you don't "get" sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

thanks for splanin that crazy lady @^@

Anonymous said...

" The fact that you think anyone would take anything you have to say seriously just shows how far gone you really are. "


That about covers it.

Anonymous said...

No one needs to or should take anything I say, or anyone says about anyone. Conclusions of any sort should be based on FACT, or PROOF, such as 29,000 posts (easily readable to the public). Boy, this is tiring. Talk about pushing that boulder uphill. Trying to impress some very basics upon you people makes me have great compassion for those who have to work with the developmentally delayed.

Anonymous said...

" Trying to impress some very basics upon you people"


You need a real hobby and a discussion with your doc about changing your dosage.

Anonymous said...

*humph* you're losing your edge forgot to call us fat...bwahaha

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Mrs. Tyler's politics, but I've never seen her make an actual racist or homophobic statement. Limapea, you are a raving, drooling lunatic.

Anonymous said...

I almost called the workplace of Typhus several times, but I didn't because I knew what the outcome would very likely be, and I know how the shit rolls downhill when someone loses their job and I thought about her kids. Plus, I wasn't that invested in it.
LMAO! Told you she wouldn't call. Because she CAN'T. She's got nothing to say. No one is going to take the rambling spew of a nutjob seriously.

And even more importantly, she can't prove a damn thing that she has alleged.

Crazy AND stupid. You really lost out on the genetic lottery, Teresa!!

Anonymous said...

Hey limapea, Typhus here. Really.

You need help. Really.

Anonymous said...

Oops, 42 here again.

I'm actually not Typhus.

Are you really that big of an imbecile? That you think you can guess who's posting here?

You're not smart enough for even a ditch digging job.

Anonymous said...

School districts are far more ballsy than you.

^hahaha^ This shows just how little you know about teaching, school districts, and how they work. It is not at all easy to just up and fire a teacher. And it's even less easy for a completely psychotic, delusional, middle-aged failure to call a school district and get a teacher fired because of her message board posts on 2peas.

You really are stupid, limpy.

Anonymous said...

Typhus-I'm not Lima or limapea or whatever you call her (Theresa?) but I do have a question for you...on all the gun threads...why do you personally feel the need to defend the OPs? Do you think they can't do it themselves? I just checked your post history. 28 of the last 35 posts you made were about guns and a person's right to protect themselves. Is there really nothing else on NSBR that you are passionate about? That god that you love so about showing some compassion and love for others every so often? Maybe lift someone up when they are having a bad day, post a congrats to someone who has a brag post or comfort someone who has just lost a pet or SOMETHING...Put your gun down for a second and see that there are other things going on in this world. You are like Kelpea in reverse.

Anonymous said...

You really are stupid, limpy.
Now, now, have you forgotten about her partial PhD?

Anonymous said...

ffs just when I think this place couldn't possibly get any lamer it does.

Anonymous said...

44-So true!! We are having a terrible time in the state I live in, with child molesters being hired by our schools. In the county my child goes to school, one was fired by one school for having sex with an underage girl and then hired by another the same school system!!!

Anonymous said...

"Our last home was built on an ant hill.
So, even though we didn't leave food out, ever and we never ate anywhere but the kitchen table we still had ants coming in through our electrical outlets.

One day though a smart ant wound it's way around and around the peanut butter jar lid and actually got into the jar. His friends followed.
And that lid was on tight! " *Delphinium Twinkle*

That must have been one Hell of a ant hill.

Anonymous said...

31, yes, and it will go on for days. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

A certain someone is going through her manic phase again.

Anonymous said...

LOL at Mental on this thread, finding a way to work in her DH buying her a Coach bag into her response (the topic has nothing to do with purses).

Anonymous said...

50 - Oh, sigh. How do you EVER put up with it?!?! Considering you're a brain surgeon and all your idiot cohorts here are Nobel prize winners. I swear, will you people make up your minds? Can't stop complaining about Typhus, can't stop defending Typhus. As I recall, none of you seemed to have ANY problem posting my name and address here. Now suddenly Typhus is the new martyr. Go back and read all the shit you numbskulls have written about Typhus in the past few years. Typhus is not a victim here, kiddos. Okay, fat kiddos. She chooses to conduct herself in a certain way (a bad, unprofessional one), and now you can't make up your minds whether you like that or not. What is it, if poor poor Typhus stops posting because it's considered inappropriate conduct in 99% of school systems, then you won't have anyone to bitch about? What about Ella/BananaLady/lynloon, etc.? Can't you still pick on them? Ohhh, booooohoooohoooo!

Anonymous said...

OMG>....Now I know for sure Boots is Ellapea. Someone needs to call her out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like Ingrid did 54. Facepalmer needs an 8 inch wiener bad. Bitch is strange!

Anonymous said...

Karalynn Starr Tyler..... tone it down a notch or two.

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced 54. She uses the name Marie but she also uses Ella and Ellanah when her name is Dawn. I agree she's "out there" but that thread doesn't convince me at all...

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure it is getting crazy again.

Anonymous said...

Theresa, the difference is that your information was posted to knock down your claims of being this well-off scholar. Your POS properties were linked so we could all have a good laugh an that was it. The fact that your name was linked to a foreclosure was just a bonus gift. When you step into the realm of screwing with a person's job, no one is going to back you, no matter how shitty the person is you're going after. Sorry you didn't get the support you were hoping for.

Anonymous said...

60 - Oh the high hopes the dreadfully impaired have. To think that I was looking for YOUR support is so laughable I better not even start, because I'd need to go to the ER to make me stop. Crow on all you want about my educational credits. I know they're there, the University of Michigan knows they're there and you can go screw yourself, which is probably what you do all day anyway since god knows you probably are virtually unemployable. Your attempt at LINKING me to my grown daughter's foreclosure due to the effects of MS are PATHETIC, asshole. You know, Karalynn used poor choices when it came to what she wrote on the internet and especially since she was a teacher. However, I'm not a teacher, so GO FUCK YOURSELF. Knocking my daughter for being forced into foreclosure, a thing she avoided as much as was possible, is lower than low. Go knock people over in wheelchairs now you thug.

Anonymous said...

60-shut up already.

Anonymous said... lower than low.
====================== of those "pot meet kettle" moments.

Anonymous said...

limpy didn't mess with Tyhpus' job. She admitted it herself. Nothing to complain about, too chickenshit to back up her keyboard courage, or whatever.

She's a crazy, destitute loser who spins elaborate fantasies online. She's nothing special. Not even as a troll.

Anonymous said...

Damn board is down again.

Anonymous said...

No it's not.

Anonymous said...

Try to reply to a thread in NSBR. No one has posted since "10:28:29 AM" Not sure what time zone TwoPeas is in.

Anonymous said...

Well the typhlima saga is boring.

How's it going BL? Hope things are going well.

Anonymous said...

good idea Limpiss to deflect to BL. You're the one who is boring with your bravado blather. You don't even do troll well.

Anonymous said...

Honest question: if the foreclosure was due to medical issues, why didn't you step up and help out?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your daughter is ill, Theresa, but you're obviously not the great financial benefactor that you claim to be if you let her lose her home. How interesting that my remarks make me a wheelchair-upsetting thug when you've happily slammed people for pulling the dead child/cancer/sick family member "card" multiple times.

Anonymous said...

69 is straight up retarded...

Anonymous said...

Can someone post a link to whatever thread you're all referencing about "Theresa". Not sure who that is and I am bored.

Anonymous said...

70 - I will respond to you because you are polite. 71 on the other hand, is human garbage who doesn't deserve a second of my time. When an adult child in their late 20s can no longer work, but still has 25 years left on a mortgage, it is best for them to file for bankruptcy and foreclosure rather than everyone they know paying off their bills for the next 25 years. This is the whole purpose of filing for bankruptcy. It is for people who have catastrophic life events and who can no longer work, events they did not plan, but leave them straddled with mortgages, car payments, etc. And of course, we did and still do help out - buying for their cars, buying groceries, helping with medical bills. This is why we don't live an extravagant lifestyle. We certainly could afford a larger home in a more upscale area, but I would rather have and use the money to help my kids get on their feet. They could use the help now, rather than when we drop dead (probably) when we're older and this house won't fetch a lot, to be divided among 6 kids. I feel it's better to invest in college education, starter homes, cars, etc. rather than make them struggle all through their 20s and 30s in this economy. I never understood people hanging on to all their assets in order to leave it all to their kids who are usually in their 70s. Who needs money in your 70s? People need education, cars and places to live when they're young.

Anonymous said...

Limp - you are a dumbass - you know they've only asked so they can pick it/you apart (or attempt to - whatever)...

I am not reading your wall-of-text though.. have fun.

Anonymous said...

they're coming to take you away, limpy

Anonymous said...

People can pick away at whatever they want. Obviously they have too much time on their hands, no doubt due to the fact that they, too, are playing on here when they should be working (like my friend Karalynn). Or are unemployed. In any case, why would I give a damn? I don't care what their motivation is - it won't change my answers or facts.

theoriginalbananalady said...

I am doing pretty good, considering. I've reconnected with some old friends, found that some of them needed to stay in the past LOL, and have started making new friends too. I am trying new things and forcing myself to get out there and build a new support system.

I don't give the ex-friend much head space at all anymore, I'm not completely successful with never thinking about things but it is getting better. As for my kid's dad, he claims he wants a new "us" but I thought the old us was okay. Not perfect, but ok. I don't understand why he prefers the "broken" me that doesn't trust him and is pissed off and hurt over the me that believed in him and our marriage.

I know that no matter what, I am going to be all right. I have learned a lot about myself, pitfalls I fall into and am learning how to avoid those. I went to the salon and got an updated look and have taken the effort I used to expend toward my marriage and am now spending it on me. I have been a little selfish which my therapist applauds and says finally!

My kids are adjusting, their lives will never be the same, but we are all learning to accept that. My youngest finally will speak to her dad now, my oldest is coming around. One thing that is nice, is the amount of drama in my life is next to nothing. Living with a passive aggressive man really does a number on you, one you don't even realize until you can step away from it. Anyway, kind of long, I'm sure I'll get some who cares? But for those of you that are wondering, that is how things are with me and my family right now.

Anonymous said...

I am glad things are getting better for you.

Anonymous said...

Yay! New posts from bananalady and more from Theresa! Said no one ever.

Anonymous said...

80 - Your joke is old and tired. No one is missing your fabulous posts. What were they again? Oh yes, I remember - a big ZERO.

Anonymous said...

5'3" and 175 in a pair of "skinny pants" ?? Michelin man comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Shepherd Anus and BL, the Smack's two resident lying liars who lie.

Anonymous said...

Don't sell cookies but buy paper from other suppliers...hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Who did that 84?

Anonymous said...

Yubon seems to be going out for 'Troll' status. No more commenting or elaborating, just bitch. Maybe that whole ideal life isn't working out for her so well!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 74, I can see where you are coming from. I would have thought it would be better to pay the mortgage for your DD while she tries to sell it so there was not a foreclosure, but I don't know the specifics, so I could be wrong.

Banana ~ good for you for focusing on yourself! Keep moving forward and leave him as much in the past as you can. How is the new apartment?

Anonymous said...

87 - There's no point trying to sell a house that you owe $130,000 on in a market that crashed where you would only get $50,000. There were no buyers at that time anyway. The house was foreclosed and empty for 3 years before the bank finally just sold it last October (for $42,000). If she hadn't filed for bankruptcy/foreclosure, she could still owe the remaining $90,000 on the mortgage for a house she no longer owned. It was a bad market for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh this economy......

Anonymous said...

funny how so many wanted to fight about this, but once the true facts come out, they are all silent...

Anonymous said...

I suspect someone's husband just doesn't want to pay child support.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Rainbow Scrapper and why is she so stupid?

Anonymous said...

Rainbow Crapper is part troll, part bible-thumping bigot. IIRC, she also has a history of borderline child abuse. I think she was the reason I signed up for 2P in the first place--so I could put her on ignore.

Anonymous said...

child abuse is when you have an appointment for your "kidlet" (as she called her) and the peas tell you to make one sooner but you can't get one? Oh....good to know.

Anonymous said...

Removing part of this post since this was thrown into another topic (someone asked her about her daughter).

I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,809
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet

I am on an upper floor, so alternate escape routes are not feasible with the kidlet and her low vision. She recently was declared legally blind by the eye specialist.


Legally blind does NOT mean completely blind...

Anonymous said...

Seriously? She came back and never answered questions about her stupid assed poll?

theoriginalbananalady said...

It's nice actually. I got to go see my oldest daughter perform in The Vagina Monologues tonight and I was so glad I had a chance to be there and see it. For someone who has never had a drama class, she did amazing.

We are really doing okay as a family of 5. STBX is not handling his family of 1 status well. But that is what he chose. No taking back now,

Anonymous said...

Stay strong BL.

Anonymous said...

94 Anonymous said... 94
child abuse is when you have an appointment for your "kidlet" (as she called her) and the peas tell you to make one sooner but you can't get one? Oh....good to know.
March 12, 2014 at 8:10 PM


The kid was having some serious vision issues and instead of trying to do anything about it she just waited, who knows maybe the kid would still be legally blind but I would have done anything I could to get my kid in sooner.

She also had some drama about the kid having trouble getting on and off the bus, she felt the driver should help? I can't quite remember that one but she would in no shape or form drive the kid back and forth to school.

She's a bitch who couldn't even be bothered to properly dispose of her dog.

I really hope she's a troll and not a idiot home schooler with a legally blind kid.

Anonymous said...

Typical pea kid so advanced and gifted and this time so talented in the kitchen he will be bored in class.

Anonymous said...

Love the response from Aslan to Typhus!! STFU and let the OP answer. Literally 3 minutes had passed...she didn't give the OP a chance to respond before she came on with, surprise, surprise another one of her lovely, very Christ-like, snarky responses.

Anonymous said...

Kelp vs Typhus - this should be good! It'll be a long thread of assholiness from both those looneys!

Anonymous said...

Since when does anyone wait for someone else to respond at the bucket? It happens all the time.

Anonymous said...

99 Anonymous said... 99

94 Anonymous said... 94
child abuse is when you have an appointment for your "kidlet" (as she called her) and the peas tell you to make one sooner but you can't get one? Oh....good to know.
March 12, 2014 at 8:10 PM


The kid was having some serious vision issues and instead of trying to do anything about it she just waited, who knows maybe the kid would still be legally blind but I would have done anything I could to get my kid in sooner.

She also had some drama about the kid having trouble getting on and off the bus, she felt the driver should help? I can't quite remember that one but she would in no shape or form drive the kid back and forth to school.

She's a bitch who couldn't even be bothered to properly dispose of her dog.

I really hope she's a troll and not a idiot home schooler with a legally blind kid.
March 13, 2014 at 6:47 AM

She DID try to get the kid in sooner - did you want her to go picket ALL the eye Doctors until one saw her sooner?


I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,810
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 9/14/2012 7:58:46 PM

Have they assigned her to the regular bus? It seems to me that they should be sending the handicap bus for her. Her disability will determine the accommodations that need to be made for her.

She does ride a special bus (well she did last year) and there is/was an aide on the bus. Her disability is what is making these steps dangerous for her. The aide apparently can't do anything if she is falling.


Looks like the daughter was doing fine with her transportation until the school changed it.

Glad to know it's abuse FROM THE SCHOOL...

None of what was stated is abuse. Someone called her a child abuser...not seeing it..Oh wait "borderline abuser".

Anonymous said...

Yep 104, find something to harp on, true or not and it becomes pea gospel. Typically facts don't matter when you want to grind someone down because you feel like such a useless shitbag yourself and need something, no matter how pathetic it is, to make yourself feel better.

Anonymous said...

I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,810
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 9/15/2012 12:09:07 AM


We can read just fine, BTW.

The private vehicle is mine. And no, apparently many here cannot read just fine. If they could then I wouldn't have had to repeat several times that she is not riding the bus. What they are providing for her is not safe. She has O&M and that person was the one who said that the aide cannot help her if she falls. They've known about her vision for a while now, and obviously don't know how to keep her safe. Therefore, I have to step in. She must have safe transportation.

Anonymous said...

Whoever she was quoting has deleted their comment...

Anonymous said...

I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,810
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 9/15/2012 12:43:13 AM

Does she use a cane? How are you and the school helping her to be independant?

Again, many blind people get on and off buses. Why isn't she being taught how to do it safely on her own?

She does have a cane. The team is looking into getting her a spot at the school for the blind. There they teach how to live as a blind person. I don't believe the school here knows how to effectively keep her safe and to train her in how to live as a blind person. She needs people who have specifically been trained to work with the blind because so far these people aren't being effective.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who stands up for RS is a moran.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who picks her apart and falls into the pile on and reading the posts AFTER the OP and believing what people are assuming instead of what she posted is a huge moran.

I think someone should post her pic again like a few weeks ago, she'd kick a lot of peas asses...haha!

Anonymous said...

I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,810
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 9/15/2012 10:16:18 AM

so you have more than one child. And one is home schooled. SO the other one you trust with strangers yet she's is the disabled one? This is the one you'll drop off without knowing what's going on in there? Really? Your logic doesn't add up.

It is quite common to have one child in school and another homeschooled, in the same family. They have different circumstances and needs. My other child was in a much more serious situation involving another child who brought a knife to school in his backpack. I decided that day that she was no longer going to be there. The kidlet was in a different school. There is more to the situation but it really isn't relevant to this thread, IMO.

Anonymous said...

So posting what was actually said instead of believing some blog whore nonsense is taking up for Rainbow? Oh this is getting good...

Anonymous said...

Is that more pea gospel, 109? I stand up for the truth and I don't give a fuck who it is, or who doesn't like it. Suck it 109.

Anonymous said...


Even people on that thread agreed with her. People who also homeschool one or two kids and their others go to public schools. People who also have children with disabilities.

Even MOLOVE (loser) jumped on the bitchfest loser pile on in that thread...asking other peas if they believe that these kids exist? WTF that's just plain ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Is this a current thread, or old stuff being pulled up?

Anonymous said...

From the old thread - for 99 who called her a "borderline abuser" but apparently hadn't read the thread. People were tripping over themselves to apologize to her for NOT READING THE OP and instead going with what people were asking/assuming as being the truth.

Anonymous said...

does it matter if it's current? it's QUOTES not interjection of non-fact blog whore bullshit.

Anonymous said...

It's all just nonsense anyway!

PeaNut 97,456
July 2003
Posts: 20,370
Layouts: 0
Loc: California, NY & Orlando
Posted: 9/16/2012 11:07:04 AM
C'mon folks, you're really reaching when you start to bash the OP for calling her child 'kidlet'. In many parts of the world that's a completely accepted way to refer to the youngest child...a little kid/kidlet.

Anonymous said...

Can you link the thread instead of pulling quotes?

Anonymous said...

Why? So you can side with the pile on that misread the important parts (THE OP)?

(Don't answer those, I don't really care about your motives.)

Go look it up...

Anonymous said...

Here's one of the threads.

Anonymous said...

Here's the falling out of the bus one.

Anonymous said...

My stomach is in knots because of all this and I'm so frustrated! Thank you all for your concern for her.

OMG There's that EVIL borderline ABUSER coming out again...

Anonymous said...

And here's a fun, kidlet needs special lunch but school should provide it not RS.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could find the original thread about her dds eyesight. I'm sorry but if you read that one you'd see she really doesn't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

You are a complete ass 125 and misinformed.

Anonymous said...


PeaNut 188,645
January 2005
Posts: 2,362
Layouts: 157
Loc: illinois

Posted: 1/15/2009 7:56:19 AM
Geez some of you people begged for a update. She updates and you still flame her. Before you ask I very well of her antics and no I don't approve of them. But I think anything involving someones child should be off the table.

I think waiting 2 more days for the specialist is probably her best bet. I honestly don't think the dr. that has seen her is going to put her at risk. It might not be as bad as RS thinks it is. Not saying it's not bad. Just that you would think the DR. would have advised her to go to the ER if he thought it was necessary.

Personally if I were you RS I would keep this to yourself at this point. No matter what you do it's not going to be right. I pray that your dd's alright.

Anonymous said...

Here we go, I'm sorry but she's a moran she really didn't do all she could for her dd.

Anonymous said...

I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,811
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 10/8/2009 6:02:28 AM
Yesterday I took the kidlet to the doctor for a spot on her leg and while we were there the doc asks if he can give her a flu shot. I tell him no, that she already had one from somewhere else. So then he asks if he can give her the menningitis one. I said yes, that would be fine. So he marks the paper and sends us down to the nurse who gives her a shot. We go to check out and I glance at the paper. FLU is marked off as the shot. I said to the nurse "Tell me she did NOT just get a flu shot!" The nurse says yes she did. What to do? You can't take back a shot. So I said can she get the menningitis one now? The nurse sends us back to get it. We pass the doc who says the second flu shot will be a little extra protection for her. Anyway, so we get the right shot and leave. Poor kitlet had needless pain that day. What a stupid mistake! Thank goodness it wasn't a worse mistake!

I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,811
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 10/8/2009 6:02:28 AM
Yesterday I took the kidlet to the doctor for a spot on her leg and while we were there the doc asks if he can give her a flu shot. I tell him no, that she already had one from somewhere else. So then he asks if he can give her the menningitis one. I said yes, that would be fine. So he marks the paper and sends us down to the nurse who gives her a shot. We go to check out and I glance at the paper. FLU is marked off as the shot. I said to the nurse "Tell me she did NOT just get a flu shot!" The nurse says yes she did. What to do? You can't take back a shot. So I said can she get the menningitis one now? The nurse sends us back to get it. We pass the doc who says the second flu shot will be a little extra protection for her. Anyway, so we get the right shot and leave. Poor kitlet had needless pain that day. What a stupid mistake! Thank goodness it wasn't a worse mistake!

Anonymous said...

From your thread 128 (are you seriously that bored that you are trying to make someone look bad - this was YEARS ago).

I think she did what the Docs told her to and it's that simple.


I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,811
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet

Posted: 12/20/2008 12:49:07 AM
I'm afraid my kidlet is going blind. We went to the eye doctor today because she is "grabbing" things as she walks by them, as if to orient herself. She just isn't seeing as well as she used to. She tried to sit on the couch and missed and fell back on the floor. Her balance is off as well. The ears are fine, we went to the ped earlier this week. She's sleeping a lot as well. All this started after her recent illness. I took her to the eye dr today and he immediately made us an appt with a retinologist and made it clear that he wants us to go there asap. The earliest we can get in is Jan 14. She's missed two weeks of school already, and at least now she has Christmas vacation ahead until Jan. 5th. I feel like I'm keeping a brave face for the family, but inside I'm really crying and scared.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't sound like neglect or abuse...

Anonymous said...



I'm in NO SHAPE to exercise patience.

PeaNut 308,697
April 2007
Posts: 7,811
Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet

Posted: 12/22/2008 7:12:08 PM
Update: I got the referral to the neurologist, who will be out of town until Jan 6th. The eye dr office is the one who made the appt with the retinal specialist on Jan 16th. They wanted me to get her in asap and that was the first they were able to get. Since they seemed OK with it I guess I am too.

Anonymous said...

The eye dr said the appt on the 16th is fine, he just didn't want us to put it off and to take the first appt that we could get.

The eye dr said the appt on the 16th is fine, he just didn't want us to put it off and to take the first appt that we could get.

The eye dr said the appt on the 16th is fine, he just didn't want us to put it off and to take the first appt that we could get.

The eye dr said the appt on the 16th is fine, he just didn't want us to put it off and to take the first appt that we could get.

Anonymous said...

Convenience doesn't even enter into this. I took her to the eye dr the very day that I saw she was having difficulty, because I was so scared for her. That eye dr office is the one who made the appt for her. This dr is very good, we've been going to him for years. If he recommended that I take her to the ER or demand getting in sooner, I would. I'm not sure what the ER could do for her. They're more of a "patch you up until you can get to the non-urgent dr" type of thing. She already has an appt and has seen a dr. I did hear from the neurologist who is still out of town, he wants us to call him after the appt with the retinal specialist.

Anonymous said...


PeaNut 308697 - 4/7/2007
Posts: 3654 Layouts: 18
Loc: where salt is in the air and sand is at my feet
Posted: 1/23/2009 11:03:17 AM
We went to the retina specialist this morning. He put at least six different kinds of drops in her eyes and did some tests. It turns out that she has rod-cone dystrophy or retinitis pigmentosa. I guess it is hereditary. It had nothing to do with the recent illness. She is losing her field of vision peripheral first and central last. We now have to go to a low vision specialist. He also recommended a multivitamin especially vitamin A. It won't really help though. There is nothing we can do to fix this. I drove to a relative's house this morning and cried because I am heartbroken for my kidlet. I want to call my Mom but I'll just start crying again. I need to make some arrangements for her at school but I'm not sure where to begin.

Anonymous said...

OK, rainbow, we get it. you are a stellar mom. can you please stop with the manic C&P? Thank you

Anonymous said...

Awww 136, don't you have a kid to go neglect?

Anonymous said...

I prefer to read just the OPs posts in a thread and THEN go back and read all the crazy paranoid people interjecting non-fact.

Anonymous said...

aww, how sweet. Crazy limpy has a new obsession.

Anonymous said...

139 Anonymous said... 139
aww, how sweet. Crazy limpy has a new obsession.
March 13, 2014 at 2:52 PM


This or BL is working on her lawyering skills.

Anonymous said...

139/140 = butthurt because you're wrong.

Anonymous said...

136 Anonymous said... 136

OK, rainbow, we get it. you are a stellar mom. can you please stop with the manic C&P? Thank you


I love how the fucktards here go all insane and insist over and over something completely wrong about someone and then when it's pointed out (with facts) that they're wrong, they accuse them of being the person in question and being manic.

Anonymous said...

Bingo 142

theoriginalbananalady said...

140, that doesn't even make sense. Eh, what else could be expected from this place? Carry on. My give a damn is low.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering @ 99

I didn't know those were her issues. was She was the kirby dog disposal?

I was wondering about all her recent troll posts on outrageous issues. She seems unbalanced.

Anonymous said...

99 didn't answer anything.
RS is not a troll. As others said in some of those threads - she has had it rough... Real life sucks for a lot of people.
You WISH you had a cushy life and didn't know what I meant...

Anonymous said...

Let it go 145

Anonymous said...

145 Anonymous said...
I was wondering about all her recent troll posts on outrageous issues. She seems unbalanced.

In pea/blog bitch land, unbalanced = you don't think the same as me.

Anonymous said...

what troll posts? links? lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just waking up from your drunken stupor 150?

Anonymous said...

rainbow scrapper is a total troll.

she makes up stuff and/or changes her stories constantly

she posts shit designed to rile the peas all up

she purposely acts obtuse and obnoxious

Not sure why the peas have kept responding to her all these years. But then again, this is the group that engages with the likes of Lauren, Lynlam, and limapea (until she got herself banned).

Anonymous said...

"she posts shit designed to rile the peas all up"

You say that like it's a bad thing. As peas they live for that shit, she's providing a valuable service.

Anonymous said...

152 Anonymous said... 152

rainbow scrapper is a total troll.

she makes up stuff and/or changes her stories constantly

she posts shit designed to rile the peas all up

she purposely acts obtuse and obnoxious

Not sure why the peas have kept responding to her all these years. But then again, this is the group that engages with the likes of Lauren, Lynlam, and limapea (until she got herself banned).
March 14, 2014 at 8:58 AM

I think she's bluntly honest and some people aren't used to that. She doesn't owe people answers when they start asking stupid shit that they've assumed about a situation. THAT does not make a troll. She's not always right there to answer right away (obviously less obsessed about her on the mb than her - she's doing her thing and doesn't come back and gets bashed lol)...

"Not sure why the peas have kept responding to her all these years." (Umm you are obviously interested in her business too or you wouldn't be talking about her.)

The blog is pretty sad when it spends two days talking about 5 year old shit...

Anonymous said...

her presence* on the mb than the peas.

Anonymous said...

yes 151.

Anonymous said...

152 - Oh the irony of you not realizing you're one of the biggest trolls of all stirring up shit.

Anonymous said...

Lets name her 157. We have to, of course, pretend to know who she is. Why not play along? lol

Anonymous said...

It must be exhausting to be scrappower, she gets offended by everything.

Anonymous said...

She's not offended, she's a troll in pea's clothing.

Anonymous said...


PeaNut 308,882
April 2007
Posts: 3,424
Layouts: 15
Posted: 3/14/2014 1:46:37 PM
Surge free gummie bears


This had potential on the constipation thread.

Anonymous said...

If I had a disability like Dorkangel, I would use Word to auto-correct my spelling and show me any grammar errors I've made. Once corrected, I would copy/paste into my posts. If I didn't have Word, I would spell check my message at least twice before pressing that button to post it. I would also read as much as I can.

But Dorky seems to be a bit on the lazy side. She doesn't do anything to help her disability, just put something in her signature to explain why she looks/sounds stupid with her posts.

Anonymous said...

I think she has more than just a learning disability I know it's not PC but I think she is at least boarder line retarded.

Anonymous said...

As I said earlier unbalanced.

Schooby must be RS alter login.

Anonymous said...

"boarder line retarded"


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think dorkangle is mentally challenged, sometimes I think she's just lazy and can't be bothered to spell correctly. She spells perfectly well at times.

Anonymous said...

165 Anonymous said... 165

"boarder line retarded"

March 15, 2014 at 9:50 AM


Anonymous said...

LOL @ everyone getting mad at RS. She posted an article - she didn't write it, she didn't write the title. Her post title is identical to the article - not her words.

People have their twisted knickers bunched too far up their asses today. If they hate it that much - go bitch at the site...

Anonymous said...

Yep - read - ignore - don't post - move along... That's what I did. No one HAS to read her stuff. No one HAS to post.

Bitchy handslappers on there. (Mofatasslove and Flubs)

Anonymous said...

I think Seaweed is related to DorkA.

Anonymous said...

It's a Jersey/Philly/Surrounding Area thing. (Not ALL of Jersey speaks like that though)
Should watch an old BAM show with his Mom April speaking.

Anonymous said...

"Schooby must be RS alter login."


Speaking of "boarder line retarded"...
You would have to be to constantly attribute a line of thinking to only one person.

Anonymous said...

" if the Associated Press is not what you consider a reliable source, I'd like to know where you get your news "


Most of them get it from Comedy Central.

Anonymous said...

165 Anonymous said... 165
"boarder line retarded"

March 15, 2014 at 9:50 AM


Opps, I guess I was "boarder line retarded" myself this morning, from not on coffee, then bash peas.

Anonymous said...

Oh my... I'm doubled over in pain 174...

Anonymous said...

Apparently they're trying to get their news from 2Ps. Shit like this response is pushing it - why get a glimmer of hope and blame RS? She posted the article title....she hopes they're alive too...

Anonymous said...

Make a Wish!

PeaNut 577,483
January 2013
Posts: 111
Layouts: 0
Posted: 3/15/2014 3:36:35 PM
I have a friend with an extended family member on board - your title really rubbed me the wrong way & gave a glimmer of false hope


She wants a glimmer of false hope? It's a pea, that's what they all want.

Anonymous said...

Gabby Pea

PeaNut 82,634
April 2003
Posts: 17,010
Layouts: 2
Loc: Seattle, WA
Posted: 3/15/2014 10:12:37 AM
Good lord. Change that title, would ya?
Or is it that you like to see the clicks go up? But you have to endure everyone calling you stupid and an idiot. Ah well.

Not clever. Not funny. But you know that.
If you really think the mystery is solved, I think you have a whole separate set of issues you are dealing with. I don't know if you are learning disabled or have mental health issues so if you do, I'm sorry. But truly, you are way off base here.


Quit being a bitch would ya?

THIS is why you should NEVER start a sentence with the word "but".:

But you have to endure everyone calling you stupid and an idiot.

She does it three times.

Anonymous said...

But you have to endure everyone calling you stupid and an idiot.

Anonymous said...

But you have to endure everyone calling you stupid and an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! A cousin of a friend's brother's uncle is waiting to hear from his sister's boss's cat groomer! I am so distraught that RS linked this information that is floating all over the internet. How disrespectful of her!

Anonymous said...

Most of them get it from Comedy Central.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Uh yeah considering all the bitching about one sided fox and then the alternative being news that's based completely on a punch line and not reality. You'd have to be an idiot to think your getting the truth from that.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be an idiot to think your getting the truth from that.
Not any different than getting your "news" from Fox.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

184 Anonymous said... 184

You'd have to be an idiot to think your getting the truth from that.
Not any different than getting your "news" from Fox.
March 15, 2014 at 4:19 PM

You sound a little paranoid not wanting to watch the news. Break out your tinfoil hat yet?

Anonymous said...

At least with fox,cnn, msnbc and the others you're actually watching news and not a comedy routine.

Anonymous said...

Scrappower: "I'm over this place."
Does this mean she is going to stop posting forever?
Oh, could we be so lucky?

Anonymous said...

Lousewife thinks if she loses 25lbs she'll be unhealthy skinny. bwahahaha

Who arexyou trying to kid Lousewife? If you lose 25lbs you'll still be a fatty mcfaterson.

Anonymous said...

Ah, you are wrong 189, she's lost weight and had a boob reduction surgery...

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping we'll be so lucky, 188. That stupid bitch scrappower is always stirring the shit and then acting like the victim when people respond to it.
She got a little cocky this time and tried it with everyone instead of having a single target like she usually does. Big fat cocky witch got her ass handed to her. People are starting to see her for the shit stirring troll she's always been.
What do you wanna bet she comes back with some sob story about how she was affected and everyone should feel sorry for her.

Anonymous said...

Scrappower:"I'm the bad guy." Uh, yep. You are the constant bitch here. You have to argue with everyone. Good riddance. We WILL NOT miss you.

Anonymous said...

Scrappower: "I'm over this place."
Does this mean she is going to stop posting forever?
Oh, could we be so lucky?
March 15, 2014 at 8:53 PM

No. she has hair-flipped before (more than once). She always comes back.

Anonymous said...

Too bad she won't just hair flip out for good. She would not be missed.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Lousewife have lap band surgery?

Anonymous said...

Maybe lousewife should take her dog for a walk...... oh wait.

Anonymous said...

I swear dodogshavebrains posts like she's drunk. I read two threads she started. I still don't know what "We aren't in gazelle intensity" means.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a Dave Ramsey term, 197.

Anonymous said...

Yes, "gazelle intensity" is a Dave Ramsey term. I thought dodogshavebrains wanted to hire out someone to put her important papers away for her? Dave Ramsey would have a FIELD DAY with that one! BWAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

crappower will be back. She's just taking a break to spend time worshiping her carrot goddess.

Anonymous said...

So gazelle intensity is a Dave Ramsey term. I figured it was just dodogshavebrains being stupid as usual.

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