Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flying Douchemen...



1 Anonymous said... 1

first! suck it!

2 Anonymous said... 2

who fuckin' cares

3 Anonymous said... 3

Hey all they are doing is bitching on their own site. Now if they try and sign up for the POD and start some shit on there, that's diff. (Diff = amusing)

I'm not gonna bitch cuz they made their own little spot on the internet to play with each other. Go for it boys. Enjoy!

by the way and for the record, there are many pea bitchez who post openly all about how the man is the head of their household and they are all submissive to him and ego stroking. So that should make you happy. Yes they do exist. All married to men who have money by the way.

4 Anonymous said... 4

from the DM thread -- which I wont link cuz OMG the stoopid here

"Gentlemen, we could leave them alone, but isn't watching women try to use logic amusing? I mean, we have to explain to them how to troll, how to make a logical sentence, how to douche, because after all, we're 'douchemen', right?"

Dats right Sparky. You have to 'splain to us how to troll. Cuz while you were spending your time becoming an expert on trolling and how to work teh internetz, we were spending our time giving birth to new life, raising the next generation, and perpetuating humanity.

Which is more important. hmmmm... gee. I wonder... Which gender is required for that... I wonder... hm it is taxing my lil ole brain....

Internet.... perpetuating humanity .... internet porn.... raising children.... oh it is too hard for me to decide!

don't even try to tell us you became a big baddie on teh internetz cuz you was doing something important. It was so's ya could find more PORN and that's all. We knows it. LOL OMG ROFLMFAO GAGA SMD!

now now don't get in a tizzy, I loves ya, tis all in good fun. You ain't one of the PEAS. there there *pats gingerly*

5 Anonymous said... 5

WTF? Can a computer-literate bitch explain this to me? If you are just on their site, can they see you? When you copy and paste, can they see you? Or just when you paste the link somewhere? How do you post a link if you don't want them to see you? Much appreciated!

6 Anonymous said... 6

Is anyone else a little repulsed by the vulnerability of those men?

They are only angry like that because they have obviously been hurt by women and that is sad.

All of that bravado and pseudo-superiority is a mask that disguises their wounded soul.

It makes me sad that they are so pathetic. :(
I wanted to repeat for the poor little fellas.

7 Anonymous said... 7

Says Lauren: "I am posting on your thread to tell you I don't want to talk about it with you any more."

"As much as I appreciate the sentiment Heather, like just about every other pea who has expressed the opposite view, I decided last night I'm no longer willing to engage in conversation on this issue here anymore."

Then. Scroll. On. By.

8 Anonymous said... 8

WTF? Can a computer-literate bitch explain this to me? If you are just on their site, can they see you?


When you copy and paste, can they see you?


Or just when you paste the link somewhere?

If you embed the link and someone clicks on the link, they can see where you were when you clicked. They have a link tracker. Where is the traffic coming from on their site? They look and see where you came from.

If you open a new window and just copy a link and paste into the address bar, then no they can't see where you are coming from.

They probably can track your IP address and know your town, if you are posting from work or school or from a network owned by someone else that you are logged in to.

How do you post a link if you don't want them to see you

Post a link where? Here? Copy and paste it.

The reason they knew about 2peas is b/c the idiot OP embedded links and named them - ie "FAT CHICK THREAD" then you click that phrase and it's a link.

If the idiot OP had copied and pasted a link and then people who were interested copied that text and pasted into a new window no one would know it came from 2peas.

Unless of course there were 1023308423 posts on a thread with the site name, and the site owner had it set up to let him know when the name of his forum is posted on the internet. One mention probably not gonna send up a red flag. 1293812931 mentions, yeah he's gonna see it.

Ok Sunshine?

9 Anonymous said... 9

Hmmm it said the thread is closed. I guess they had enough! LOL

10 Anonymous said... 10

Yep we are too much WOMAN for them

11 Anonymous said... 11

Wow. There's a whole lot of fucked up at that Men who Hate Women site.

I am as annoyed and disgusted by their juvenile characterization of women as I am by man hating feminists.

People who spend so much time obsessing over something they claim not to care about at all are obviously far more emotionally invested than they'd like to admit. The irony is that most of those douches complain about a woman's emotional nature....while using some of the most emotionally charged language I've ever read on a forum.

And yes, flying doucheman: anger is an emotion, too.

Another irony: much like the bitter and angry feminists they spend their every moment despising, they view the other gender through the spectrum of their very limited - and obviously fucked up - experiences with women. This is no less myopic or idiotic than a woman who claims that every man is an evil asshole.

These boys seem not to understand that free will dictates that a certain percentage of humanity will choose to be cruel/fucked up/worthless/whatever. Some of those cruel/fucked up/worthless people happen to be men, and some of them happen to be women.

Obviously, very few (if any) of these guys got hugged enough or saw enough of a positive female role model at home to realize this.

And obviously, their exposure to women who are not shallow/vapid/fat/gold diggers has been extremely limited. Maybe they don't know that you can't meet a nice girl on a website created to bash women?

Or maybe they got tired of getting rejected by women who are completely out of their league and chose instead to go the bitter route.

Keep telling yourselves you're single by choice, boys. I'm sure it's got way more to do with the fact that all women are cunts than the fact that most of you look like Shrek & Jack Black had a love child who chose a 'career' that requires that you ask "paper or plastic?" or "do you want fries with that."

Which is not to demean retail employees, but more to illustrate the fact that I doubt ANY of these losers are the highly successful g's they want us to believe they are. I have friends who are masters of the universe and they're all too busy to obsess like these freaks.

12 Anonymous said... 12

How bizarre that their moderator "closes threads" for them. It's like they've been exposed to too much estrogen, so they have to be shielded from us! LOL I guess they don't get to think for themselves over there. :-O

13 Anonymous said... 13

I think Nacho closed it. He did say it had come to a natural end. Very interesting post #10!

14 Anonymous said... 14

who the hell is anthacat to say what can and cant be said on nsbr and what she will and wont tolerate and tell other posters what to do. i guess you bitches and the peas are too scared of her to challenge her on it. talk about sheep.

15 Anonymous said... 15

WTF #13? She made rules for HER thread, not the whole fucking board. Maybe you need to actually think about what you read and not just spout off crap?

16 Anonymous said... 16

Apparently the bitches all go to bed early. Wonder if they use face cream and hair curlers too?

17 Anonymous said... 17

Apparently, all the assholes without lives are awake and posting on a Scrapbook smack blog. Keep telling yourselves you're single cause all women are bitches, boys! It stings a lot less than the truth, huh?

Of course, we all know that doesn't apply to YOU. We know the truth: you're all super rich, uber handsome and have a harem of genius supermodels dying for a piece of that giant cock of yours, right?

How nice of you guys to cancel your dates with the amazingly hot and successful women (I mean, dick receptacles) that you allow into your lives so you could come play with us!

Quick question: do you guys spend hours spewing vitriolic bull before or after you put time into your super successful careers, personalities and bodies? I ask because all of the handsome, successful men (single or not) I know are just too busy working and enjoying their lives to spend as much time on the web as you all obviously do.

18 Anonymous said... 18

I had hoped that the flying douchemen would buy a clue about this site.
Looks like I set my sights too high.

One last attempt to explain to the Lost Boys:
*Someone at 2peas found your site and linked it and bashed it
*This site is about smacking the bitchery @2peas
*Your site was discussed here in the context of smacking on the peas

19 Anonymous said... 19

Anonymous said... 11 How bizarre that their moderator "closes threads" for them. It's like they've been exposed to too much estrogen, so they have to be shielded from us! LOL I guess they don't get to think for themselves over there. :-O

April 27, 2011 8:23 PM

It's Nacho's site. He said it when he posted shellwhatever's name. She applied to HIS site.

20 Anonymous said... 20

10 tl:dr

21 Anonymous said... 21

Their site should be named: "My Peaing wife left me because those bitches told her to".

22 Anonymous said... 22

Wow, those men didn't even want to mess around with the peas. They know what they're up against and are AFRAID!!!!

23 Anonymous said... 23

They had the perfect opportunity and place to spew their hate and didn't. They have more class than all the peas put together.

If they had come onto the Pea thread it would be 8 pages of vicious bitch shit and they know to avoid that crap.

Kudos Douchemen!!

24 Anonymous said... 24

ITA 22!

25 Anonymous said... 25

Anyone else think the new mom_of_gay_son is chele oh?

26 Anonymous said... 26

One last attempt to explain to the Lost Boys:
*Someone at 2peas found your site and linked it and bashed it
*This site is about smacking the bitchery @2peas
*Your site was discussed here in the context of smacking on the peas

WTH are you talking about,I go away for 1 day and miss drama??

27 Anonymous said... 27

Your arms won't fit in your sleeves cuz they're fat, not cuz you have to many muscles.

"Well, this morning I put on a very nice short-sleeved top from New York and Co and could BARELY get my arms through the sleeves! Apparently I'm some sort of Hercules with more massive biceps then the average woman. (I'm not really a weightlifter, my arms aren't ripped or cut or even bulging so I don't get it?) "

28 Anonymous said... 28

#24-no prolly not. her son is still in high school. he won't come outta the big bad closet until at least his second semester of college.

after being engaged to Hambeast, I bet her daughter turned lesbian.

29 Anonymous said... 29

26-yeah, she probably has hanging Hambeast arms and is in denial. Just cause they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it!

30 Anonymous said... 30

Who is the pea that posts very long posts on the pod? Heartcat?

31 Anonymous said... 31

OP = CheleOh

32 Anonymous said... 32

She's a crappy mother. All of her kids are effed up. I'm sick of hearing it's because they were born to a druggie. Big deal. Sass adopted them and has been the one who raised them. Years ago when she used to post daily, I think we all got the impression that she was mean to those kids. She seemed like an abusive mother. Now she wants to come on every few months and ask for prayers and say how awful they are and how she doesn't know what to do with them.

33 Anonymous said... 33

30-I don't think so. Her son is a graduating senior and she is very much a Christian. Try again.

34 Anonymous said... 34

yeah, heartcat is the queen of the epic length posts at the pod. my eyes glaze over whenever she posts.

35 Anonymous said... 35

Heartcat may have a few long posts but they're at least intelligent. It's Nightowls posts that ramble on and on with spittle flying.

36 Anonymous said... 36

can not believe
the blog couldnt hook
L'Urine up with
a doucheman
it seems that
even the douchemen
have standards


37 Anonymous said... 37

-speaking of, did anyone notice the uncanny resemblance Lauren has with a certain Sharon Bruckner who just started a Laurenesque passive aggressive thread at the bukkit?

LMAO her lack of protein must be making her dumber than ever

38 Anonymous said... 38

So #10 is Heartcat? I don't read her posts either. Whatever she has to say can be said in a few sentences, not several paragraphs.

39 Anonymous said... 39

Sure muellertime is being a douche but KelleyLo has lost her freaking mind on this thread.

40 Anonymous said... 40

mrstyler must have hurt feelings
no one is starting threads asking if shes checked in daily

*hurt feelings*

41 Anonymous said... 41

Muellertime is a waste of skin, I always feel so sorry for her kids.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Mrs. Tyler is the poster hag for butthurt.

43 Anonymous said... 43

I agree 32. Sass faked her own suicide via internet, and had her husband and those same kids lie for her. Now she's distraught because daughter is a liar, attempted suicide, etc. Sass was never stable enough to attempt to raise those kids. They deserved better.
I'm not belittling the fact they had a rough start - but their second shot at some stability was never all that great. There are many things Sass has written over the years that showed she was ill-prepared to parent those children. It's a a different home, in a different area with better resources, with a stable family, they might have had a chance.
The problem is not the kids alone. It's troubled kids with a troubled mother.

44 Anonymous said... 44

all very good points 43. spot on.
I've always wondered every time she posted that nothing was available there - what is the attraction to living there if there are no resources that you need for your family. even their jobs were so far away. Why are you there??

45 Anonymous said... 45

maybe StacyAngel and her KrazyKhristianKlown Posse needs to load up in the Klown Kar so they take a road trip. That way they can verify Sass's story.

46 Anonymous said... 46

43 The Sass sucide attempt post dates me. Whats the scoop? Just from that post she sounds all kinds of fucked up.

47 Anonymous said... 47

I feel for Sass, but why in the world do unstable people take on troubled foster children? I think she's done more harm than good.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Sass was a major whackadoo back in the day. She got a lot of heat for it at the bucket. When it all got to be too much, she posted as someone else news of her suicide. Another nutjob at the board took it on herself to contact the family. When she called the house, the husband and the kids confirmed that poor Sass had ended it all. Except she hadn't. Not sure how it unraveled at that point, but Sass eventually confessed it was all a lie, she asked the husband and kid to lie for her. The peas, of course, welcomed her back with open arms. Sass is literally the only pea to come back from the dead. And people act like it never even happened...or is normal. or that she's really stable. She is quite fucked up.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Wow. Faking your own sucide is crazy but having your kids confirm it is really fucked up

50 Anonymous said... 50

as fucked up as Sass is the really fucked up crazy is the stalker StacyAngel and her crew of fucking misfits. Talk about nutjobs, Sass knows she needs help, those stalking bitches stop at nothing.

51 Anonymous said... 51

You people would not believe how many fucking "elephants" are in the room when it comes to the Peas and the crazy. Sass and the Suicide is just one...prolly the worst one but just one in many.

The Peas are a crazy bunch when it comes to shoving shit under the carpet and acting like they are one big happy fucking family (of morans)

52 Anonymous said... 52

"In any case, they should be bitter bc after all, they are right. I can be 50 lbs overweight and I can still get laid. All I have to do is show up to any bar, wait long enough, and lower my standards. They however, have to pay for it. Or persuade someone by lying about their intent."

Well go on with your bad self, MSMARIAH.

I think she ought to hookup with old Deathslayer, they would definitely be "equally yoked." He'd finally get laid and she could finally roll in the "mud."

53 Anonymous said... 53

mrstyler must have hurt feelings
no one is starting threads asking if shes checked in daily

*hurt feelings*

don't think I haven't noticed the "brick" imitations (the Middle)
I have and I'm LOLing
luv me some blog bitches

*blog bitches* LOL!

54 Anonymous said... 54

My personal opinion:
The single Flying Douchemen are the World of Warcraft playing types that would seldom darken the door of a bar much less attempt an approach at any woman, fat or otherwise unless she was in her WoW persona.

The bitter divorced/still married Douchemen are too busy trying to figure out how to that child support and still live above the poverty line to do more than PAY for a quickie with their lunch money stash.

They harmless for the most part and it seems that NACHO didn't want to expose some of his more "delicate flowers" to cold bitterness of a PeeBukkit assault.

Kudos to him! Hit me up Nacho and let this fat chick show you the new meaning of "hogging."

55 Anonymous said... 55

It's hilarious when SabrinaM or Anna(fucksa)banana scream they aren't racist. They make good companions to white hooded LeSabre L'Urine.

Whose ears pricked up when the Birther threads started. She's all over them.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Someone help me with my history....Sass also really seemed to benefit when she was falsely accused of some shit years later on the board, and it turned out to be a well-known, well-liked pea who was the culprit. What exactly happened with that? That seemed to be the really turning point in when many forgave/forgot the whole Sass debacle. Since she was later railroaded by someone later. What was that about? I'm old and my brain don't work so good. And the bucket isn't my life, just a happy, bizarre diversion.

57 Anonymous said... 57

I remember that too, 56. Let me wrack my little pea brain to see if I can come up with some deets.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Ohio Jenny's parents must have been siblings. Nobody should be as stupid as she is.

59 Anonymous said... 59

56--was it SherryW? Found this interesting thread from 2005. She is posting as "HiSass".

Funny how yakiscrappy/cherryeye is the expert on what a troll is, lol!

60 Anonymous said... 60

Some good reading at this old blog.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Ohio Jenny's parents must have been siblings. Nobody should be as stupid as she is.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


62 Anonymous said... 62
does this OP look a bit "special" to anyone?

63 Anonymous said... 63

62 - as in her avatar or her post?

64 Anonymous said... 64

What the hell does she need explained, #62? Why doesn't she just err on the side of caution?

65 Anonymous said... 65

OP = CheleOh
April 28, 2011 8:26 AM
No, it's not Chele.

I think it's KikiNichole.

But whoever it is, I think she's a good mom for supporting her child through something like this.

66 Anonymous said... 66

loozandwhine is in the house. same complaints over the same people. she must have a crush on these women.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Meh, I thought Kiki too, but the complete lack of *asterisks* in the post would lead me to believe it's not Kiki.

And even if she was trying to not make herself evident, I don't *think* kiki can *resist* her asterisks.

68 Anonymous said... 68

*agreed* 57 :)

69 Anonymous said... 69

how fucking stupid would you have to be to go to the pod to ask if you should take nakie videos of your kid down after being told it was linked to a pedophile site? I mean, who gives a shit if the message came from a fucking troll or not? Geezus christ on a cracker.

Some people are too stoopid to be walking upright and breathing.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Even Kiki would not be so dumb as to not remove her identifying asterisks from a post.

I am sure she knows that the blog bitches all talk about her (*)(*)'s.

71 Anonymous said... 71

Why do I get the feeling if Kiki's son was gay, her dh would freak out? The OP never mentions the father or her husband. It made me think it was a single or divorced mom.

72 Anonymous said... 72

Aerobigirl is an idiot. You can tell she was determined not to take down that video of her kid in the tub. She really didn't want to and who knows if she really did or not. She acted like it was perfectly fine to have it up and also seemed to be proud that the video got so many hits on You Tube. What a nutter!

73 Anonymous said... 73

I think the "my son is gay" pea is Kelpea.

74 Anonymous said... 74

Molly = underrated pea bitch.

75 Anonymous said... 75

STFU Joe. You are NOT funny. What a loser. The same women who get their panties wet when Joe posts are probably the same ones over here drooling and begging for the Douchemen to stay and chat. Pathetic desperate peas.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Saint Esther is back.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Aerobigirl has some nice scrapbook pages!

78 Anonymous said... 78

I don't know if they're good or not, but there is a shitload of them..............

79 Anonymous said... 79

Rainbutch has also reappeared at The Pod.

80 Anonymous said... 80

-speaking of, did anyone notice the uncanny resemblance Lauren has with a certain Sharon Bruckner who just started a Laurenesque passive aggressive thread at the bukkit?

LMAO her lack of protein must be making her dumber than ever

You can't give Lauren credit for that one. Look at her first post. She mentions how she doesn't want any heat on her blog and whatnot.

She's some pseudo scrapbook queen that thinks she has a "career".

81 Anonymous said... 81

STFU Joe. You are NOT funny. What a loser.

CL needs to simmer down too.

82 Anonymous said... 82

I'm not sure who looks more pathetic and desperate on that Slower Joe thread--him or the bored, loser hausfraus who wet themselves at the possibility that a "man" will interact with them.
It's a tough call, but I'm going to have to go with Joe. 40, wannabe stand-up comedian, no relationship experience and desperate enough to troll the pod for some cyber flirting. Jeebus, how sad.

83 Anonymous said... 83

I'm not Kiki, but my DH would freak if he had a gay DS.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Slower Joe creeps me out. I really don't like his siggy with the pics of him and peas he has met. I don't think I'd be bragging about meeting 'slow' Joe.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Joe just absolutely skeeves me out. And I detest the word "skeeve", it that gives you any idea how much he does. blech

86 Anonymous said... 86

myshelly is the dumbest cunt on the fucking board. She is basically saying child porn is ok, because she can't control what someone else thinks. Also, comparing a picture of a fully clothed child is NOT the same as a video of a NAKKED child in a bathtub. What a moron!

87 Anonymous said... 87

Who is the pea who has a teenaged son named Nicky? I think that's what his name is. She posted awhile back about how he is in theater and dance and loves to wear pink, even though he gets teased, but he's a really great kid (and he totally seemed like a wonderful kid) and that she loves him for who he is no matter what?

88 Anonymous said... 88

Guess KikiPEA doesn't have a sense of humor. That's exactly what I thought when I opened this!!!!!!

89 Anonymous said... 89

#87-that boy Nicky had a cancer a few years ago. His mom bailed on the board when she had gastric bypass surgery and now only posts to show weight loss pictures and pics of her kids.

I am thrilled her son has recovered from his cancer but he do seems like is going down the gay path but he isn't 15 years old yet so I don't think it is him either.

90 Anonymous said... 90

KikiPea is a pursed-lip tightass.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Wasn't kikipea the chick that went through a drive through, ordered a grilled cheese and the guy working the window said "No." so she said okay and drove home? Anyone remember this story?!

She seems so timid and weak.

92 Anonymous said... 92

SDeven's post on here makes me think her whole house smells like mothballs. I'd also love to know what she considers 'quality' clothing.

93 Anonymous said... 93

and of course, TracyC/FL didn't even spend that much in 5 YEARS! Boo Hoo, poor me!

94 Anonymous said... 94

She may not have spent that much in 5 years for clothes but somehow she has an ipad.

And yes I am bitter, both dh and I work and an ipad would be a total extra that would strain the budget yet her unemployed ass has one.

ps don't bother telling me I should have picked a better career field, don't you think I have realized that by now.

95 Anonymous said... 95

SDeven's post on here makes me think her whole house smells like mothballs. I'd also love to know what she considers 'quality' clothing.


Quality clothing for the poor man's Peppermint Patty is the Lost & Found box at church, and rugby shirt seconds at the sweatshop south of the border.

She's someone who'd pay a guy at the local morgue to pull outfits off of the stiffs. Waste not, want not. Besides, that Duggar detergent washes the putrefaction right off!

96 Anonymous said... 96

She may not have spent that much in 5 years for clothes but somehow she has an ipad


97 Anonymous said... 97

Is Stephanie Howell still a drunk?

98 Anonymous said... 98

Hold up. This woman is a fitness trainer??????

99 Anonymous said... 99

She looks a lot more normal in her pics in her layouts. On her thread, she did say she was leaving for work, I guess she could be teaching an evening aerobics class. Her daughter does have Downs. (I am NOT saying anything bad about that, just an observation. It is mentioned in a layout or two)

100 Anonymous said... 100

Who is Stephanie Howell and why do we care if she is a drunk?

101 Anonymous said... 101

How do you take that picture?

102 Anonymous said... 102

Who said anything about her being a drunk? Link?

103 Anonymous said... 103

Holy shit! I actually agree with Silver Dolphin. I'm going to faint now.

104 Anonymous said... 104

MsMariah is quickly becoming the #1 most annoying pea. That "degree" has really went to her fat head. Every time she posts I remember that photo of her disgusting dirty kitchen.

105 Anonymous said... 105

I agree #103. Also, on that thread, SDeven says how her boys don't run, they are teenagers! Really not comparable to toddlers! Of course she uses a reusable shopping bag!

Sidenote: I'll bet her husband is an "expert packer...wink wink"

106 Anonymous said... 106

Is Hoosierchick86 preggers?
Did I miss an announcement?

107 Anonymous said... 107

SabrinaM is furious that her kids are taught that saving energy is a positive thing.

108 Anonymous said... 108

I'm not Kiki, but my DH would freak if he had a gay DS.

109 Anonymous said... 109

I'm not Kiki, but my DH would freak if he had a gay DS.

sounds like you picked a winner there sweetie. hopefully you don't have a DS with him that might be gay since he'd have such an ass of a father to worry about

110 Anonymous said... 110

Doesn't cycworker claim to work with kids?

If a perv jacks off on a photo of your kid in the forest, is he still really a pervert?

111 Anonymous said... 111

Cycworker is one of those people that no one likes, and the only people who will have anything to do with her are her family (because they have to) or church peoPle who feel sorry enough for her to put up with her crap. Her whole LCD is essentially just a pity fuck.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Damn you auto correct!

113 Anonymous said... 113

Confirmation on the wedding thread, that immature fuckwit Pinky Zebra and Kim M both post over here.
Must be time to fumigate.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Anonymous said... 107

SabrinaM is furious that her kids are taught that saving energy is a positive thing.

April 28, 2011 9:16 PM

I don't see *furious* in that post at all. Just irritation about it.

I think it's stupid to take them out of classes for bullshit stuff.

*Jimmy* is failing English but we had assemblies all week. (or whatever class lol)

115 Anonymous said... 115

Anonymous said... 112 Damn you auto correct!

April 29, 2011 1:34 AM

you're on a phone?

116 Anonymous said... 116

cyworker was the one on the christmas dinner thread said:

On dry runs Santa drives the Isuzu
PeaNut 159331 - July 2004
Posts: 6244 Layouts: 0
Loc: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Posted: 12/23/2010 7:42:12 PM

I can't believe you're letting him do this. You don't want to hear this, but you'll be embarassed if this turns into a disaster, because like it or not, people are going to put it on you for not looking after it.

That's the benefit of a matriarchal family. None of our men would ever DREAM of volunteering his home without permission.


On dry runs Santa drives the Isuzu
PeaNut 159331 - July 2004
Posts: 6244 Layouts: 0
Loc: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Posted: 12/24/2010 4:06:15 PM

Actually, I get why you'd think that. But it isn't that way.... the women in my family have more finesse than that. It's more along the lines of 'getting your man to do what you want in such a way that he thinks it's his idea.'


Matriarchal means my mother has veto power on everything. She rules the roost. Again, my dad would never DREAM of doing what this guy is doing, because WOMEN make the decisions, particularly about matters like 'what we're doing for Christmas' and the men simply do as they are told.


One more quick, shorter example re: a woman making decisions:

My mom wants to do some redecorating in the living room. She was mentioning it this weekend. She manages their finances so she knows what they can afford. She'll talk to my dad about it, but ultimately SHE will decide if/when it happens. Because SHE is the one who will wear it when/if that group starts gossiping about how dated and old her living room looks.

It is very much a cultural based on keeping up appearances.


Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.

Isn't she a bundle of fun!!

117 Anonymous said... 117

116 tldr and also this one should get steffies attention

118 Anonymous said... 118

117 sorry your attention span sucks today

119 Anonymous said... 119

I doubt it will bring her out again 117

120 Anonymous said... 120

I'm not Kiki, but my DH would freak if he had a gay DS.

sounds like you picked a winner there sweetie. hopefully you don't have a DS with him that might be gay since he'd have such an ass of a father to worry about.

Really? The man YOU plan on having children with or do have children with would just automatically, immediately react in such a loving, appropriate manner when informed his son was gay? You must be married to one of those secretly gay guys.

I think any guy would freak. It's just the way they are wired. BUT, hopefully in a very short time, they would come to their senses and be supportive and accepting of their son.

121 Anonymous said... 121

Too funny.

122 Anonymous said... 122

Is it bad that I want to see pics of the smiley faced bush? LOL

123 Anonymous said... 123

Anonymous said... 121

Too funny.

April 29, 2011 6:56 AM

Is this someone from 2Ps blog?

No references there, not many people would go there if they have half a brain.

124 Jane Doe said... 124

There is new space.

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