Tuesday, April 5, 2011



1 Anonymous said... 1

I wonder what the response would be if we told Muellertime to scream "Allahu Akbar" in her dying grandmother's ear. Especially when it might save her from hell and grant her paradise.

No shit, lol! Oh, and *first*! :P

2 Anonymous said... 2

If I were mullertimes grandma I'd come back and haunt her ass. I'd make her think she had a demon in the house. Really freak her out.

3 Anonymous said... 3

I don't remember Christians being so over the top crazy when I was a kid. Maybe I was just young and naive.

4 Anonymous said... 4

or #3 you were Catholic. I am not a christian, but Catholics are the only ones that don't prosthelytize. They don't "witness" they aren't "born again" nor do they have "stories of salvation".

If I was going to believe in the sky fairy, Catholic would be the way for me to go.

5 Anonymous said... 5

Episcopalians are ok. They don't scream and witness and handle snakes or fling their own feces everywhere like the current crop of Christians du jour.

6 Anonymous said... 6

If I were Muellertime's grandma and she pulled that nonsense on me, I'd muster the last ounce of strength I had and say in a deep voice: "Worship Satan, kneel before the Prince of Darkness!"

And watch her lose control of her bladder and bowels as she ran out of there.

7 Gennifer said... 7

From the last post: i wonder how long the clanky balls button will be around. i have to say it looks idiotic.
Hey. I made that.

8 Anonymous said... 8

I don't remember Christians being so over the top crazy when I was a kid. Maybe I was just young and naive


No kidding....religion was a "personal" thing and you didn't have to try and indocrinate everyone in your path.

Shit - my FB feed is nothing but praise Jeebus postings these days. And I'm sooooo tempted to repost 'em, substituting "Allah" or "Muhammed" for God/Jesus.

Might as well since my heathen ass is going to fry in hell anyway, according to my "friends".

9 Anonymous said... 9

LOL @ #6. Winner!

10 Anonymous said... 10

8, I would be HONORED to be your friend!

11 Anonymous said... 11

do any of you blog bitches know the name of the pea who had a sick son named luke?

12 Anonymous said... 12


13 Anonymous said... 13

11, are you talking about the one who kept his picture all hooked up to monitors with tubes everywhere in her siggy for sympathy/attention?

if so, no I don't remember her name.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Heh. thanks 10.

Interestingly, virtually all of my vocal Christian friends have pretty un-christian backstories. Affairs, multiple messy divorces, nasty drugs/drinking problems, criminal stuff, jail, abandoned kids, poor parenting, etc, etc.

Yet my fellow atheist/agnostic friends are overwhelmingly kind, ethical and decent people with very little of the ^^^above^^^ problems.

Funny how that works.

15 Anonymous said... 15

11 - her name was meant2b4, something like that.

16 Anonymous said... 16

15, thanks. i was curious at how luke was doing. don't know how he popped into my mind.

17 Anonymous said... 17

To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).

You did it so you could bitch? That's lame.

Now you've gone on enough about it, we get it, you hate it. Move along now please.

18 Anonymous said... 18

Gennifer said... 7 From the last post: i wonder how long the clanky balls button will be around. i have to say it looks idiotic.
Hey. I made that.

April 5, 2011 4:07 PM

that's nice gennifer

did you forget to log out or want to pretend to be so bold as to post on the blog here and the bucket?

dumb bitch

19 Anonymous said... 19

I like how she ignores the few people who told her NOT to send a CD. How about an peaceful instrumental CD without the preaching. I wouldn't want to hear some of that shit they are suggesting as I am lying there dying.

This is why I left the church the MINUTE I turned 18. So many fucking hypocrites telling me how to live my life and what to believe when they were the ones beating their kids, drunks, having affairs, and sexually molesting people.

20 Anonymous said... 20

OMG Obsess much?

21 Anonymous said... 21

Anonymous said... 17

To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).


Now see. THIS is what bothers me about so called Christians. A mass of contradictions. If you were truly a good Christian (which you clearly are not) you would not be using that kind of language or calling people such vile names.

22 Anonymous said... 22

To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).

You did it so you could bitch? That's lame.

Now you've gone on enough about it, we get it, you hate it. Move along now please.


STFU. Normally I wouldn't dare step in a calling all Christian thread, but it was linked here so I took a peak.

I'm glad that you get that some people don't like to have religion shoved down their throats. And I'll move along, when I fuck well feel like it.

23 Anonymous said... 23

*took a PEEK

24 Anonymous said... 24

Anonymous said... 22 To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).

You did it so you could bitch? That's lame.

Now you've gone on enough about it, we get it, you hate it. Move along now please.


STFU. Normally I wouldn't dare step in a calling all Christian thread, but it was linked here so I took a peak.

I'm glad that you get that some people don't like to have religion shoved down their throats. And I'll move along, when I fuck well feel like it.

April 5, 2011 4:45 PM
Move along Missy, it's old and you're shoving it down my throat.

25 Anonymous said... 25

Anonymous said... 21 Anonymous said... 17

To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).


Now see. THIS is what bothers me about so called Christians. A mass of contradictions. If you were truly a good Christian (which you clearly are not) you would not be using that kind of language or calling people such vile names.

April 5, 2011 4:45 PM

THIS is what "bothers" (not) me, that you can claim someone is Christian when they never said that in their blog post.

It's an old subject.

26 Anonymous said... 26

Now see. THIS is what bothers me about so called Christians. A mass of contradictions. If you were truly a good Christian (which you clearly are not) you would not be using that kind of language or calling people such vile names.


Or hanging out at the blog! LOL!

27 Anonymous said... 27

Go to hell, 22.

Take your own advice--don't like what's being said here? Then back on out of the discussion.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Anonymous said... 22 To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).

You did it so you could bitch? That's lame.

Now you've gone on enough about it, we get it, you hate it. Move along now please.


STFU. Normally I wouldn't dare step in a calling all Christian thread, but it was linked here so I took a peak.

I'm glad that you get that some people don't like to have religion shoved down their throats. And I'll move along, when I fuck well feel like it.

April 5, 2011 4:45 PM
Anonymous said... 23 *took a PEEK

April 5, 2011 4:46 PM

I think you took a toke.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Anonymous said... 22 To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).

Sometimes you idiots need a slap upside the head to knock you out of your religious stupor. Nobody wants to listen to your bullshit except for other buybull thumpers, so STFU.

30 Anonymous said... 30

Is silverdolphin for real? An eye for an eye attitude? Rape and thou shall be raped back? Even at 7 and 9?


31 Anonymous said... 31

Anonymous said... 29 Anonymous said... 22 To all the people hating Mueller and what she is doing. Why did your atheist ass open it, it is clearly a Christian thread (as stated in the thread title).

Sometimes you idiots need a slap upside the head to knock you out of your religious stupor. Nobody wants to listen to your bullshit except for other buybull thumpers, so STFU.

April 5, 2011 5:04 PM

Awww "you idiots"? LOL You're the classiest person around, it shows. STFU?? LOL Not impressed. Your "non-spelling/phonetic" wordings are getting old too.

Don't you have to go make dinner now?

32 Anonymous said... 32

silverdolphin has to be a troll everything she says is sure to set the peas into a frenzy

33 Anonymous said... 33

Go to hell, 22.

Take your own advice--don't like what's being said here? Then back on out of the discussion.


hmmm...I think you're a RAtard! I never told anyone to back out of the discussion. I did say I could say what ever the fuck I wanted. What advice did I give that you are referring to?

And I am going to hell according to most of the pod so there's that.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Jeebus in da house!

35 Anonymous said... 35

Oh yay..more Christian hate..

36 Anonymous said... 36

LOL at BrandyM's thread. Now they're going on about how their kids aren't the regular kind of gifted NOOOOOO they're a special extra nacho supreme version of teh smarts.

And I noticed Brandy hasn't come back to bitch about those pesky forms since it's been revealed that the only people who have to fill those out are the parents who are forcing the issue.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Silverdolphin is vile. She is the epitome of the south. I wonder how fat and greasy she is.

38 Anonymous said... 38

I've seen far worse remarks from some of you bitches about Scrappertastic. She's just as disabled or even more than Adarasmommy.

There is no comparing L'Urine to any other pea. She's a vile, evil bitch with not one shred of humanity.
STFU FATwench!

39 Anonymous said... 39

so who tattled on Lauren? any ideas?
from that thread it looks like at least heartcat and probably scrapwench...

40 Anonymous said... 40

STFU FATwench!

you STFU L'Urine!

41 Anonymous said... 41

Oh yay..more Christian hate..
If Christians didn't generally act like such tools, it wouldn't be necessary.

Religion is the scourge of this planet. Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Silverdolphin is a troll. She has systematically hit every pea hot button and it's almost amusing to watch the same old idiots keep falling for it. . .almost.

She has even managed to hit every bad stereotype about the south. Unfortunately, she has lots of material to work with on that front.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Amen 41----A fucking men

44 Anonymous said... 44

I think silverdolphin might be one of L'Urine's alters. :)

45 Anonymous said... 45

Lowrent's double speak is amusing on her whiny PVM thread. She thinks people who use the report button are tattling, then she goes on to say she'll be making frequent use of the report buttons.

Such a twat

46 Anonymous said... 46

Anonymous said... 34 Jeebus in da house!

April 5, 2011 5:19 PM

Truthfully, I do not see where anyone on this blog has claimed to be Christian. I do see people getting tired of the subject.

47 Anonymous said... 47

I guess Gennifer isn't coming back to answer that?

48 Anonymous said... 48

Anonymous said... 32 silverdolphin has to be a troll everything she says is sure to set the peas into a frenzy

April 5, 2011 5:13 PM


Wasted comment space.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Shut up MizIhavenolife

50 Anonymous said... 50

Anonymous said... 41 Oh yay..more Christian hate..
If Christians didn't generally act like such tools, it wouldn't be necessary.

Religion is the scourge of this planet. Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

April 5, 2011 5:33 PM

Go read your qur'an.

These kids are waiting to take the lazy american kids out, but you go ahead with your gifted selves.


Don't even say shit unless you've watched that.

They'd kill you in a heart beat too.

So go ahead, go read your qur'an.

51 Anonymous said... 51


PeaNut 491196 - December 2010
Posts: 193 Layouts: 0
Loc: San Diego

Posted: 4/5/2011 6:50:57 PM
Hahahaaa. When you get raped come talk to me about they need only counseling. And yes fyi I was raped once many years ago.

Shut the fuck up you inbred, hillbilly bitch. You are the stereotypically southern stupid fuck. Still have all your teeth? Fuck if I don't normally ignore your disgusting rants but you crossed a serious line when you said children need to be raped themselves to be taught a lesson. You go around here like your opinion is the end all be all. You don't give a shit about this or that or censoring yourself or blah blah blah. And you remind us daily as if we can forget your incoherent ramblings. You are such a walking contradiction it is filthy. How the hell do you know who has and hasn't been raped here? How do we know you weren't throwing your skank pussy around in someone's face and later claimed rape because mommy and daddy found out?? You don't care why these kids did what they did and you just want them to be raped back to be taught a lesson. Are you a statistician, a professional on all things rape? Are you a trained counselor? No you aren't. So shut the fuck up. You are a disgusting excuse for a person. You need to have yourself committed based on your comments on this subject alone. I'm sure in po-dunk Alabama the world is black and white, but in the rest of the world there are shades of gray. Damn I feel like I and everyone else around lose a few IQ points every time I read anything you write. And for my sanity I am putting you on ignore.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Teh Caliphate!!!!!one!!!!!

53 Anonymous said... 53

Dear 50,

To a uninvested bystander - with no skin in the religion game - Islam and Christianity are pretty much the same thing. Hard to tell them apart without the labels.

Caught in the Crossfire

54 Anonymous said... 54

The only thing I got from that rant is that everyone from Alabama is a hillbilly.

55 Anonymous said... 55

To a uninvested bystander - with no skin in the religion game - Islam and Christianity are pretty much the same thing. Hard to tell them apart without the labels.

Pretty much. If Skybar could*, she would fly a plane into her local public school or the nearest PBS station.

*If she wasn't too fat to get through the cockpit door.

56 Gennifer said... 56

Shockingly, Gennifer doesn't live on the computer. No, I didn't forget to log out. I've always posted under my own name here. Keeps me honest. ;)

57 Anonymous said... 57

Genn, please don't refer to yourself in the third person. It makes you sound like Bob Dole. Or that boy in The Shining.

58 Gennifer said... 58

Noted. :)

59 Anonymous said... 59

Or that Jimmy guy from Seinfeld

60 Anonymous said... 60

Anonymous said... 41 Oh yay..more Christian hate..
If Christians didn't generally act like such tools, it wouldn't be necessary.

Religion is the scourge of this planet. Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

April 5, 2011 5:33 PM

Go read your qur'an.

These kids are waiting to take the lazy american kids out, but you go ahead with your gifted selves.


Don't even say shit unless you've watched that.

They'd kill you in a heart beat too.

So go ahead, go read your qur'an.
Dear Allah,
Save me from your followers too.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Yes, Islam and Christianity are just different sides of the same coin. The crazy nutter coin.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Jane, you ignorant slut!


63 Anonymous said... 63

51, don't spew shit here that no one will see. Spew it where it matters.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Shockingly, Gennifer doesn't live on the computer. No, I didn't forget to log out. I've always posted under my own name here. Keeps me honest. ;)

Wow...you're *so* risky, considering you don't actually add anything of interest or drama to the conversation. I'd rather see you post some dirt anonymously. ;)

65 Anonymous said... 65

Gennifer is the "I'm so bold" wannabe's then.

Not impressed. You really want your hubby and kids associated with this nonsense? The link back to your blog by doing that is the D.U.M.B.E.S.T. thing ever.

I'm sure your kids and husband will love it when they see it.

66 Anonymous said... 66

60 finally admits to reading the qur'an.

Claiming to be atheist would have made you more fun to play with.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Anonymous said... 53 Dear 50,

To a uninvested bystander - with no skin in the religion game - Islam and Christianity are pretty much the same thing. Hard to tell them apart without the labels.

Caught in the Crossfire

April 5, 2011 6:13 PM

No one cares what skin you have. No one is comparing the two religions, but showing you what you and your kids are against in the real world. You should (and all the bloggers of the world) get out more.

68 Gennifer said... 68

I wish I had some dirt to post!

I'm not one of those people who is paranoid about my information online, and I'm not saying anything that would bother my husband or children.

I'm pretty bummed out that you're not impressed by my boldness, OR the fact that I was a gifted child.

Carry on! :)

69 Anonymous said... 69

Anonymous said... 61 Yes, Islam and Christianity are just different sides of the same coin. The crazy nutter coin.

April 5, 2011 6:33 PM


Go watch it you dumb bitch. These kids would slap you down faster than a blog bitch would!

Are they gifted? LOL

70 Anonymous said... 70

Gennifer said... 68 I wish I had some dirt to post!

I'm not one of those people who is paranoid about my information online, and I'm not saying anything that would bother my husband or children.

I'm pretty bummed out that you're not impressed by my boldness, OR the fact that I was a gifted child.

Carry on! :)

April 5, 2011 7:08 PM

No one said that YOU said anything that would bother them, did they? (comprehension)

It links them to this nonsense and hate.

Nice going Mommy.

71 Anonymous said... 71

It seems to me you've all already forgotten about Grandma already. You're so easily distracted.


72 Anonymous said... 72

Those kids like being anonymous too, wearing their ski masks and all.

73 Anonymous said... 73

#60 here. I am an atheist, dumbass. You don't have to read the Quran to know who Allah is.

so STFU, aerofart.

74 Anonymous said... 74

51, don't spew shit here that no one will see. Spew it where it matters.

I think that post was from the pod.


75 Anonymous said... 75

I despise SD and I'm glad someone finally gave it to her on that thread. And I watched her try to respond with her rubber and glue BS. And then she edited that posting along with her other few saying those kids should get raped also. Fucking bitch.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Anonymous said... 73 #66?
#60 here. I am an atheist, dumbass. You don't have to read the Quran to know who Allah is.

so STFU, aerofart.

April 5, 2011 7:46 PM

So there it is, you don't like being lumped into a group either. You finally get it.

Nice job on the aerodumbass comment but you, once again, are way off base.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Fuck if I don't normally ignore your disgusting rants but you crossed a serious line when you said children need to be raped themselves to be taught a lesson. You go around here like your opinion is the end all be all. You don't give a shit about this or that or censoring yourself or blah blah blah. And you remind us daily as if we can forget your incoherent ramblings. You are such a walking contradiction it is filthy. How the hell do you know who has and hasn't been raped here? How do we know you weren't throwing your skank pussy around in someone's face and later claimed rape because mommy and daddy found out?? You don't care why these kids did what they did and you just want them to be raped back to be taught a lesson. Are you a statistician, a professional on all things rape? Are you a trained counselor? No you aren't. So shut the fuck up. You are a disgusting excuse for a person. You need to have yourself committed based on your comments on this subject alone. I'm sure in po-dunk Alabama the world is black and white, but in the rest of the world there are shades of gray. Damn I feel like I and everyone else around lose a few IQ points every time I read anything you write.



I can't put her on ignore. she is so crazy, it's like I have to watch to see how bad she will get.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Blah blah blah. Why don't you shut your d*ck sucker. I'd love to see you come try to shut me up. So typical when someone wants you to be quiet. Guess what it's not going to happen you nasty bitch. Put me on ignore & go back where it's safe for your eyes. Lmao. Can't help some can't deal with different opinions & views.

OMG... dick sucker...LOL

I love how she says "so typical." I guess she's had a lot of people try and get her to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

79 Anonymous said... 79

She reminds me of that video about a girl with Huntington's disease was being tortured by her neighbor. The neighbor was the most vile person imaginable and absolutely didn't care. When I read Silverdolphin's posts, I picture Jennifer Petkov.

80 Anonymous said... 80

I know Luke's mom. Luke is doing fairly well, if you really were just wondering. I believe he is 6 years old now.
To the poster who thinks Christina had his picture up for sympathy or attention, obviously you don't get it. I'd try to explain the real reason, but it's not worth it here.

81 Anonymous said... 81

seriously, is silverdolphin for real? I used to think not but now I really do think that's the real her. you can't make this shit up. if it was someone just trying to rile up the peas, i don't even know if they could come up with such idiotic posts. the sad thing is no matter what people try to tell her, she's still going to think the way she thinks. SCARY

82 Anonymous said... 82

Who was the pea with the daughter getting married and pea mom was going crazy with planning and constantly creating wedding threads. It was almost like she thought it was her own wedding? Did the wedding happen?

83 Anonymous said... 83

April 5, 2011 7:46 PM

So there it is, you don't like being lumped into a group either. You finally get it.

Nice job on the aerodumbass comment but you, once again, are way off base.
Still banging your sister?

84 Anonymous said... 84

Silver Dolphin brings the entertainment to new levels!

85 Anonymous said... 85

I have posted on about 20 threads over on the board today, and deleted every one of them. The level of stupid over there is not worth tying myself in knots about.
They never listen to the right advice anyway, they just listen to the other stupids that tell them what they want to hear.
20 research scientists each specializing in coconut oil could all post and say that there is NO evidence that coconut oil is effective in any way, but one pea posts that it faded an age spot and the reply would be "great thanks, I'll buy some, it sounds like it really is a miracle product"

As for Pinterest FFS! Most of them can't even use it properly, they just repost a pretty pictures from someone's flickr account & it doesn't even link to a blog or a recipe. It's just a repost of something that has been reposted by 200 others. Too many peas are easily distracted by shiny objects.

86 Anonymous said... 86

I know Luke's mom. Luke is doing fairly well, if you really were just wondering. I believe he is 6 years old now.
To the poster who thinks Christina had his picture up for sympathy or attention, obviously you don't get it. I'd try to explain the real reason, but it's not worth it here.

Meh. It was totally for sympathy/attention. There are lots of peas with sick kids that don't post those hospital photos as their siggy. Same with Cara's "special guy".

87 Anonymous said... 87

81, if not for sympathy or attention why not have a picture of him outside the hospital? Maybe one of him smiling. I know why, because that wouldn't get her any sympathy/attention.

If he was still in the hospital, then it would be a different story, like with Scarelette (or however the hell you spell it). Once she's home, I'm sure her mom will change those pics to ones of her in her crib or in a bouncy seat or something less attention-whore-ish.

88 Anonymous said... 88

How hilarious that someone who's 14 year old 'child' is pregnant is giving other people parenting advice.

89 Anonymous said... 89


Jen's push present should have been a real pearl necklace.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Wait! Isn't Jen one of the "nice peas"?

91 Anonymous said... 91

Jen may be one the nice peas but I for one do not want to read her 'labour story'!! Why does everyone think that the world and his wife wants to know every detail of their frankly mediocre lives?
Oh hang on I just had a pee I must go blog about it!

92 Anonymous said... 92

Silverdolphin is the first pea EVER that I am confident I'd punch in the face if I met her. And that's considering yubon and lauren too.

93 Anonymous said... 93

MissJen is not nice. She's as phony as a three dollar bill.

94 Anonymous said... 94

Is Muellertime's grandma wearing make-up? The Christians should be on this.

95 Anonymous said... 95

Everyone should put peasbkind on ignore. She'd go apeshit. What an energy creature.

96 Anonymous said... 96

silverdolphin's another one everyone should put on ignore, that would be funny

97 Anonymous said... 97

I have always hated MissPiggyJen and her arrogant attitude. Hopefully her snowflake will keep her too busy to post her stupidity at 2Peas.

98 Anonymous said... 98

She doesn't deserve "Miss" in front of her name, more like BitchJen.

99 Anonymous said... 99

I have posted on about 20 threads over on the board today, and deleted every one of them. The level of stupid over there is not worth tying myself in knots about.
They never listen to the right advice anyway, they just listen to the other stupids that tell them what they want to hear.
20 research scientists each specializing in coconut oil could all post and say that there is NO evidence that coconut oil is effective in any way, but one pea posts that it faded an age spot and the reply would be "great thanks, I'll buy some, it sounds like it really is a miracle product"

I have to hold myself back from posting on the HCG threads. Are these women stupid? 500 calories a day plus some Miracle Drops...a sucker is definitely born every minute. Some savvy asshole is making a ton of cash off of these fools.

100 Anonymous said... 100

WTF is the deal with all these Peas who have cars but they constantly have to be "fixed" before they can go any place?

Seriously, you have a car but the POS has to be fixed before you take your children to the Zoo?


I think you need to use the fucking money that you spend on scrap-crapping and making that tater tot casserole and get your car fixed!


Someone please explain it to me because they must be RETARDED that they would constantly need to have their car fixed BEFORE they could...

I need the yelling smiley face here!

101 Anonymous said... 101

Why would she get mad at her MIL for taking her kids on a nice outing? I don't get that. Her MIL probably took those kids to the zoo because she figured her daughter in law could never take them anywhere because her car was always broken down.

102 Anonymous said... 102

100, you are an idiot.

You think she's been sitting around waiting for her car to be fixed for months so she can go to the zoo?

It sounds like her car broke down a few days ago and was going to spend the day she had to herself without kids to get it fixed, since taking a bunch of kids to the mechanics all day sounds like a real PITA.

103 Anonymous said... 103

#99 SNORT! I drank that coconut Koolaid.

I could get the same nice coconutty smell and temporary soft skin from Hawaiian Tropic Suntan Oil and it has not lived up to it's hype.

It does taste great as a substitute for butter in cookies though.

104 Anonymous said... 104


She's a PITA over here too.

105 Anonymous said... 105


She's a PITA over here too.
Good grief, there are boards to plan your fucking white trash Disney vacation?

106 Anonymous said... 106

And holy shit, their signatures list all their Disney trips too. No mention of how many motorized scooters they had to rent to haul their fat asses around the parks though.

107 Anonymous said... 107

I have no words to describe how f**king ugly those pants are, people actually part with money for those things?

108 Anonymous said... 108

I have no words to describe how f**king ugly those pants are, people actually part with money for those things?


$20 bucks at Wal Mart honey..nuf said

109 Anonymous said... 109

I meant the shorts that she has so 'tastefully' altered!

110 Anonymous said... 110

yup..can see the camo bra,chicken on the bbq with a beer can stuffed up its ars, mountain dew in the kids sippy cups....

111 Anonymous said... 111

As for Pinterest FFS! Most of them can't even use it properly, they just repost a pretty pictures from someone's flickr account & it doesn't even link to a blog or a recipe. It's just a repost of something that has been reposted by 200 others. Too many peas are easily distracted by shiny objects.

Sweet Buttery Jesus now there's a "proper" way to use Pinterest? Kiss my ass, I post what I like on there, just because -- guess what -- I LIKE IT. Now I'm required to link to a blog or a recipe? For what, your convenience? If you don't like it, get your own account and do what you want. Or better yet, get off the damn internet.

112 Anonymous said... 112

OMG those pants are the ugliest things I've ever seen! Not the ones SHE thinks are ugly, those ones are adorable...but those shorts! Who the crap where zebra print flowers on camo shorts?!

113 Anonymous said... 113

I have no interest in Pinterest and, therefore, find the constant posting about it boring not to mention inane. One of these days, I'll look into what the fuck it is. Until then, I'll just ignore any reference to it.

114 Anonymous said... 114


The best part about this thread are the boneheads who don't realize it's a joke.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Hell, yeah, 114 - an open invitation for others to create troll accounts is stoooooopid for those who won't appreciate the 'wrong type of Pea' taking that and running with it......tempted to get in there myself, and it wouldn't be good natured, just funny as they debate whether or not I am a nice or nasty little pea!

116 Anonymous said... 116

#102, you lack reading comprehension, I said:

WTF is the deal with all these Peas who have cars but they constantly have to be "fixed" before they can go any place?
That was and is my POINT. That was just the example.

All these SAHMmies are the same, they have the POS car that always need to be fixed and instead of taking care of that they spend on scrapcrapping or the latest electronic gadget.

I would think having a WORKING CAR would be more important than having an Color Nook.

117 Anonymous said... 117

they have the POS car that always need to be fixed

It's always a minivan or some shitty SUV like a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Who still buys those? Dirty, broken down, stinking like sour milk, dead french fries, and the diaper that got lost under the seat on the last road trip.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Lanus, shut the fuck up.

We all know you are SO FUNNY with your fake accounts and it's SO FUNNY every time you post. I just can't get over how amazingly funny you are. Honestly.

119 Anonymous said... 119

#106 posted:

No mention of how many motorized scooters they had to rent to haul their fat asses around the parks though.

Get a life!

You're just jealous you were too vain to get one for your lazy fatass and had to chase your spechul widdle ANNOYING snowflakes around.

120 Anonymous said... 120

I like Lanus.

Leave LANUS ALONE!!!!1111ONE!!!!

121 Anonymous said... 121

I like Lanus too.

I don't like all the jokey, gif, graphic, or "witty" posts.

122 Anonymous said... 122

who are your guesses for "GoldenPorpoise"?

123 Anonymous said... 123

Yes #111 you are one of the fools I was talking about & yes there is a *right* way to use Pinterest, I guess you were too stupid to figure that out for yourself. Probably too busy repinning pictures of cupcakes that 800 other people pinned before you.

124 Anonymous said... 124

Get a life!

You're just jealous you were too vain to get one for your lazy fatass and had to chase your spechul widdle ANNOYING snowflakes around.
Ain't no real life happening at Disney but thanks. I've also been thin my entire life and walk wherever I need to, but try not to accidentally ram your scooter up someone's leg next time you are tooling around Wally World.

125 Anonymous said... 125

Pinterst = stupid, pointless timewaster.

Adults LOVING Disney/taking adult vacations there = retards

126 Anonymous said... 126

MissJen is not nice. She's as phony as a three dollar bill.
April 6, 2011 8:27 AM

So true.

127 Anonymous said... 127

It would be an awesome thing for everyone to put peasbkind on ignore.

That bitch needs to go away-for good.

128 Anonymous said... 128

ll these SAHMmies are the same, they have the POS car that always need to be fixed and instead of taking care of that they spend on scrapcrapping or the latest electronic gadget.

LOL, you should see the fuckin hooptee I drive around in. Its a 1995 Corolla! Bought it brand new, put 250,000 miles on it. I haven't had a car payment in 12 years. It just now needs a bunch of work, the most expensive thing I did to it was put a new timing chain in. I decided to drive it til it disintegrates. could just about buy any car I want, will probably buy another cheap ass car and pay cash for it this time. hoping for no car payments for 15 years this time! judge the hooptee all you want, I rather have cash than some fancy ass luxury car anyways.

129 Anonymous said... 129

You don't need a luxury car, an old, paid-for car is great. Just have something reliable. You know to get out of the house occasionally.

130 Anonymous said... 130

If you've got a passel of kids and a leaky, jacked-up beater in the driveway, you're doin' it wrong.

131 Anonymous said... 131

I have posted on about 20 threads over on the board today, and deleted every one of them. The level of stupid over there is not worth tying myself in knots about.


Ditto that.

132 Anonymous said... 132

All these women who can't afford to get their cars fixed are the ones saying that middle class is 75 to 100K minimum? Where the hell is their money going if they can't keep their cars running?

99% of the peas are damn liars.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Reading the "What's For Dinner" thread http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&forum_id=15&thread_id=3082300 reminds me Americans are so immense.

134 Anonymous said... 134

If you've got a passel of kids and a leaky, jacked-up beater in the driveway with no money to get it running, you're doin' it wrong.


135 Anonymous said... 135

....should say reminds me WHY Americans are so immense.

136 Anonymous said... 136

ok, fair enough. I have never once stayed home cause of the hooptee though. We just go on and do stuff. I did rent a car to go to the beach last year though, the hooptee isn't big enough for 5 people and a week's worth of crap. all my friends are SAHMs too and I don' know anyone who stays home because their car sucks, and my car sucks way more than all of theirs.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Heh I like coconut oil. But I'm sure not claiming any medical miracles over it.

138 Anonymous said... 138

Lanus really tries way too hard. I wonder if she got bullied as a child?

139 Anonymous said... 139

It would be an awesome thing for everyone to put peasbkind on ignore.

That bitch needs to go away-for good.

Is she the "keyboard diarrhea" pea they are referring to?


140 Anonymous said... 140

I like Lanus. I think she's often hilarious and her opinions are usually spot-on with mine.


141 Anonymous said... 141

Now Keriwest, she was definately the mean girl who did the bullying.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Fuck. Every.damn.post. over there is some medical thing. Gross, TMI and boring.

143 Anonymous said... 143

what's up with the peas and their mountains of laundry?? you keep loads going throughout the day until it's done. if you work, start a load in the am, and keep the cycle going when you get home. it takes what 5-10 minutes to transfer loads and fold? you can do it while you're waiting for the pasta water to boil or when you're watching tv. sheesh. it really isn't that difficult to figure out.

truly mystifies me.

144 Anonymous said... 144

Unclench and let the hubby and kids take some responsibility for it.

Oh wait. It wouldn't be done *perfectly*.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Yes, 139.

I'm kind of glad people are saying something.

Not only does she have the keyboard shits, she has now decided that she is in charge of handslapping, and dictating the content and tone of everyone else's posts.

She makes me want to throw her into traffic or something.

146 Anonymous said... 146


Worrying about what she will catch doing her clothes at the laundromat. How do 75% of the peas make it through the day? And what did they do before the internet?

147 Jane Doe said... 147

New space is up. :)

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