Friday, April 22, 2011



1 Anonymous said... 1

Happy Easter everyone!

2 Anonymous said... 2

Do Molove and Nosliver take shifts at being Queen of the Pod?

3 Anonymous said... 3

Merry Easter to all my bitches!

4 Anonymous said... 4

squealins' pig posse is pretty stupid
if someone publicly disagrees with you
they're not your mole because they aren't afraid to say they think you're wrong
its the bitches in the posse who kiss your ass you should be afraid of
the ones who wanted the pea drama on that FB thread
there's your enemy
mean girl 101 and its not rocket science piglets

5 Anonymous said... 5

Yo Yo Yo Skanky Hos, Happy Easter ya Blog Bitches!

6 Anonymous said... 6

They aren't the Queens, they are the evil stepsisters trying to stuff their fat bunion-ed feet into the glass slipper.

7 Anonymous said... 7

They aren't the Queens, they are the evil stepsisters trying to stuff their fat bunion-ed feet into the glass slipper.


Or abnormally long, freaky toes.

8 Anonymous said... 8

If I were Mrs. T, I'd be worried about some emails hitting my principal's email on Monday. And no they won't be from me but you know there are some nutters in the pod and Mrs. T probably has more enemies then friends.

9 Anonymous said... 9

I'm not interested in getting Typhus busted, but I do love the fact that she's finally being called out on the fact that she's at the pod all.the.fucking.time.

I'd raise hell if I found out one of my son's teachers was spending class time on a message board, and even more pissed if I realized this teacher was behaving like Typhus. We're on opposite ends of the political
spectrum, but it's not her political views that bother me. It's the talking about students and revealing private details/conversations that completely disgust me.

Also, the fact that the bitch doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your" or "coarse" and "course" says A LOT about her abilities. She doesn't have a fundamental grasp of the english language, but she's qualified to teach social studies? She doesn't know what makes something a business, but she's in charge of moulding young minds?

Boggles my mind.

She's an example of what's wrong with the educational system in America. Worthless with a huge sense of entitlement.

10 Anonymous said... 10

The Buick has screeched into the building is hereby decreed the official introduction of L'Urine into a thread in which she normally has no business, LOL!!

and this:
Typhus deleted her comment where she said Squealin's friends were just
*helping a friend out* by buying her cookies

made her sound like a charity case LMAO!

nice friends you have there squealin'

Has Squeels not learned that most peas like her pretty much because she is fatter than them?

I'm a left coasty, still getting caught up, wow, busy night!

11 Anonymous said... 11

I bet I know why her class does so well in tests (if that's true), she's probably one of those teachers whose lesson plans haven't changed in the last 5 years. So the kids in this year's class get the essay topics and tests from the previous years because they are word for word the same.
I used to have a lazy teacher like that, each year was exactly the same as the previous year, no updating, no changes.
Test time and home room time are for teachers to complete their other WORK... not 'free' time.
Shit I occasionally do have free time at work, and I would never post on a MB in that time, I am being paid to work, so I need to find work to do.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Sue_pea hasn't been on my radar before now, but she totally posts over here, the Jeebus and "bless your hearts" is a dead give away! Can't be fucked going back to look at exactly what she has posted here, but pretty sure she is one of the bitches that comes over to tell us all what horrible people we are.

13 Anonymous said... 13

I thought the same.exact.thing. when I saw Sue's post with the Jeebus and bless your heart! LOL

14 Anonymous said... 14

DId Squillen ever comment on any of those threads?

WTF is the unfathomable sadness they are worried about? The IRS? Health inspectors?

15 Anonymous said... 15

The unfathomable sadness of their own pathetic little lives and the overwhelming hurt and betrayal by complete strangers on a message board that they considered to be like family.

16 Anonymous said... 16

BF is still furious about the FB cut-and-paste: "It was a shitty thing to do!"

Perhaps. But BF is one of the meanest Peas next to L'Urine and SabrinaM. She makes the nastiest, personal comments to other Peas. But now that she's gotten a taste, she suddenly wants everyone to play fair.

17 Anonymous said... 17
This sounds a little whack job to me, why didn't she tell him to ask her in a different way? The situation would have been cringeworthy for every one involved.

18 Anonymous said... 18

If Nosliver is overcome with unfathomable sadness over a generic flamewar, maybe we should point her to a kinder, softer messageboard where she'll find a rapt audience for her pearls of wisdom. Like /b/ over at 4chan.

19 Anonymous said... 19

Poor Mrs. Typhus. She's always the victim.

20 Anonymous said... 20

Paigepea wants another baby. Yikes!

21 Anonymous said... 21

I don't mind PaigePea. She does post stupid things sometimes, but she's not a complete idiot. And I like that she doesn't get offended when people give her a smackdown, just continues on her way.

22 Anonymous said... 22

So, does *Steffie* changing her avatar and sig pic mean she thinks we'll forget what she's been like over the past weeks?

23 Anonymous said... 23

paigepea has mellowed out a bit over the past couple years. when she was pregnant and then a new mom she was neurotic. i do agree she doesn't flip out when people criticize her or give her honest opinions and that's rare.

Aw our little paigepea is growing up <3

24 Anonymous said... 24

a fb comment i just read indicates that at least one pea just got reported to an official of some sort and im not tlking stj a official. no flames. wasnt me doing the reporting. just read the post. could be interesting over there if anything comes of it. dont know which pea either

25 Anonymous said... 25

Seriously? 50 bucks a box for that shit?

Yay 24 I was so sad about Thrusday being over.

26 Anonymous said... 26

Damn Yubon you've soften up once you got rid of that fuckless husband of yours! The Cookie-gate thread needs the old Yubon. You don't want the newb Olong to take your spot do ya.

27 Anonymous said... 27

And the great Yubon has spoken.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Who made the comment?

29 Anonymous said... 29

'The Great' Yubon may have spoken, but a little too late and a little too lame. She shouldn't have wasted her time.

30 Anonymous said... 30

Squeals cookies looks like something my grand daughter and I make together. Butterfly sprinkle?

31 Anonymous said... 31

a fb comment i just read indicates that at least one pea just got reported to an official of some sort and im not tlking stj a official. no flames. wasnt me doing the reporting. just read the post. could be interesting over there if anything comes of it. dont know which pea either
Huh? Reported to whom? A Facebook official? For what? Give us details. How do you know this and what exactly was said.

32 Anonymous said... 32


PeaNut 356359 - January 2008
Posts: 3427 Layouts: 0
Loc: Hawaii

Posted: 4/15/2011 3:34:07 PM

I'm about 95% sure I don't want children but my SO is only 33 and if we don't work out I'd like for him to have the option. I would never suggest he get a vasectomy.

33 Anonymous said... 33

Olan announces her pregnancy:

34 Anonymous said... 34



35 Anonymous said... 35

Holy hell. The latest bitch on the Pod has procreated.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Need more details. COME ON!

Who got reported to whom and for what?

For the posting last names thing????

37 Anonymous said... 37

She has lost her freaking mind. WTH is she so pissed off about? Hardly anyone even posted. Freak.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Why do peas get so worked up over this? Stop having kids if you don't want anyone to ever talk to you about them.

39 Anonymous said... 39

OH gawd jeebus, Olan is pregnant? What a twat. Wasn't she just talking about broken condoms and shit the other day.

I bet she did it to trap the poor guy. So weird about someone that goes on about how she doesn't want kids wouldn't use a better method of birth control than a rubber that her idiot retard boyfriend doesn't know how to use.

40 Anonymous said... 40

If one more Pea uses the word AMAZING to describe everything from cookies to her kid shitting in the toilet, I am going to go postal.

Everything is NOT THAT FUCKIN' AMAZING! Find another word to use.

41 Anonymous said... 41

24 here again. dont know which one but from the text i guess either typus or squealer. either to boss or either tax office or health office. fb message was
just took care of rulebreaking hypocrite. the power that be already had her on their radar and were verrrrrryyyyyy interested. well see what happens now

42 Anonymous said... 42

FFS, who did the ratting?

43 Anonymous said... 43

Photos are starting to trickle in at the Pod of the cookie boxes. SDT posted pics of the entire contents.

Sorry Peas, but y'all got royally *ripped off*. My husband would skin me alive if I paid 50 bucks for that box of crap.

50 dollars would buy me alot of nice cookies at the fancy bakeshop in my town.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Oh sorry. For fucks sake...

45 Anonymous said... 45

41-kinda thinking that has to do with Typhus. I doubt squillen and her cookies were on anyone's radar that is important.

46 Anonymous said... 46

Looks like he trapped her

47 Anonymous said... 47

24 again. sorry but wont share the name here. it was wrong to post the fb post on twopeas and i wont do that. will say its not one of the usual suspects on either of the cookie threads.

48 Anonymous said... 48

She can now change SO to BD.

49 Anonymous said... 49

That was cruel.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Don't care much for would-be queen bee SherrieN. I wonder if she's still holding her DH's balls, or if she decided to give him the boot for his "financial infidelity"?

51 Anonymous said... 51

Oh THAT was cruel but the shit you bitches say here on a regular basis isn't.

Jeebus. Irony, your table is ready.

52 Anonymous said... 52

52 in case you don't know it the second you post here you are *one of us*. That comment was uncalled for.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Wrong 53. I'll never be anything like some of the psychos that post here.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Then why are you here? The pod isnt doing it for you anymore? Thats where all the real cruel shit like wishing babies dead happens. Which is essentially what you said.

55 Anonymous said... 55

You're a dumbass. I'll never be like any of those psychos either.

56 Anonymous said... 56

WOW..the way everyone is going on and on about these fucking boxes I expected them to look so much better. Wasn't the shipping $15.00 on top of $50.00 or it was just $50.00? I would have been SO disapointed if I was stupid enough to buy them.

57 Anonymous said... 57

I'm thinking it's Typus as well.

In my experience, it's pretty darn easy to spot a co-worker (or teacher) who's wasting a lot of time on the internet. Of course the person doing it thinks a) no one else notices, b) that they're clever at hiding it and/or c) they severely underestimate the amount of time they're stealing from their employer.

I'd bet she's already on the Principal/IT's radar. How could she not be with her posting history? Her students obviously see it...I imagine they talk.

58 Anonymous said... 58

im not invested in this whole mrs t thing too much (tho id be LIVID if it was my kids teacher). and i'd never be bothered to turn the old hag in.

however, if it's so innocent and perfectly ok, and not a problem with her admin - i have to wonder whats the harm in putting her post history in front of the principal? I mean, if it's all justified and hunky-dory?

59 Anonymous said... 59

Seriously, if she's got nothing to hide, then she's got nothing to hide. She needs put her money where her mouth is and walk into her administrators office with her post history in hand.

Bahahaahahah!! Right.

60 Anonymous said... 60

I'm a decent cook and I tried making Sqeals almond sugar cookies - gross. The frosting was was nothing but greasy shortening.

I'm a cream cheese frosting kind of gal. ;)

61 Anonymous said... 61

I thought the shipping was in addition to the $50.


62 Anonymous said... 62

The worst part of the almondine (whatever) cookies is that they made a ginormous batch....we ate one or two and ended up tossing the rest.

Honestly, the waste of ingredients and my time kinda pissed me off.

63 Anonymous said... 63

*KAS* gets on my last nerve. She is obsessed with celebrities and acts like she's a Hollywood insider or something. Her avatar gives me the creeps. It makes her look "special". She seriously looks like the pretty girl in Special Ed who likes to put on make-up and mug for the camera. She is not nearly as pretty as she thinks she is and I'm not surprised she's still single.

64 Anonymous said... 64

I prefer my cookies and pastries FRESH.

65 Anonymous said... 65

I'm sure that every one of Typhus' students has tipped off their parents about how much she surfs and posts during school. I didn't do it, but I wouldn't cry tears if someone gave admin a heads up. She posts non-stop during the school day; it's not a furtive little thing. Every post is a huge sermon.

66 Anonymous said... 66

And as someone else pointed out, just imagine all the time she spends reading.

67 Anonymous said... 67

In my experience, it's pretty darn easy to spot a co-worker (or teacher) who's wasting a lot of time on the internet. Of course the person doing it thinks a) no one else notices, b) that they're clever at hiding it and/or c) they severely underestimate the amount of time they're stealing from their employer.

Certainly her students are fully aware of her goofing off on the internet.

So what kind of example is the high-and-mighty Mrs T setting for her students?

68 Anonymous said... 68

LOL 64, I thought the same thing about *KAS*'s photo, I have always thought it looked weird but couldn't put my finger on it. You're right it looks like she rides the short bus to school.

69 Anonymous said... 69

And as someone else pointed out, just imagine all the time she spends reading.


Holy shit! Don't even think of that!


70 Anonymous said... 70

In my experience, 90% of teachers are great, work hard, put in extra hours, etc. And I hate it when they get unfairly slammed (see: wisconsin), told they have a cushy job, they're overpaid, etc.

So the Mrs T stich *really* pisses me off. She's a lazy, cheating, lying slacker (the 5%) and she's done it publically. Feeding the stereotype.

71 Anonymous said... 71

I thought the cookies looked good and sounded good too.

but I must be a poor pea cuz 50 bucks is a lot of money for what looked like not many cookies.

72 Anonymous said... 72


Mrs. Typhus should have her own slogan.

"Typhus: Wasting taxpayer dollars and stealing your kids future, one coarse at a time."

73 Anonymous said... 73

LMAO @ Mrs Typus: "I think every person should use wisdom and integrity on the job."


74 Anonymous said... 74

She's a lousy bullshiter.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Hey 73, can I put that as my siggy?

76 Anonymous said... 76

Gawd, thanks for the KAS visual...she does look "special".

77 Anonymous said... 77

I suspect their gonna come gunning for the blog.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Hey 24/47 is the ratter on this thread? Come on and give us something.

79 Anonymous said... 79

I am gobsmacked that someone would pay $50 for cookies that look like they were made by my 7 year old!

I am an amateur baker, (would never want to do it professionally EVER) and my cakes, cookies, and my specialty cinnamon rolls look (and probably taste) a hell of a lot better than that shit.

Squillens' cookies look like the crap you'd buy at an elementary bake sale.

80 Anonymous said... 80

Post Date/Time
Oh my goodness!!!! Someone just brought our family and a meal and guess what it was??? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 6:18:03 PM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school hours? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 6:17:21 PM
I am just crying for my ds right now. NSBR Board 4/22/2011 5:46:30 PM
I predict that Mary Mary... NSBR Board 4/22/2011 5:42:52 PM
I am just crying for my ds right now. NSBR Board 4/22/2011 5:31:29 PM
Does anyone ever let anything just roll off their back? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 5:25:25 PM
A Line Is A Line Is A Line NSBR Board 4/22/2011 5:22:12 PM
So what's open/not today being Good Friday? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 5:21:15 PM
A Line Is A Line Is A Line NSBR Board 4/22/2011 4:48:27 PM
AZ Peas: How long did it take your kids' birth certificates to arrive from the state? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 4:42:53 PM
I predict that Mary Mary... NSBR Board 4/22/2011 4:39:06 PM
Cookie Gate - yes, another thread..... NSBR Board 4/22/2011 4:20:10 PM
"Are they all yours?" NSBR Board 4/22/2011 2:02:26 PM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school hours? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 2:01:22 PM
What Squillen and friends are really up to...minus last names NSBR Board 4/22/2011 1:56:55 PM
So what's open/not today being Good Friday? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 1:53:31 PM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school hours? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 1:49:24 PM
He's 4 MONTHS today!! It's just not fair I tell ya!! :CRY: NSBR Board 4/22/2011 1:37:25 PM
I am just crying for my ds right now. NSBR Board 4/22/2011 1:35:31 PM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school hours? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 1:32:05 PM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school hours? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 10:29:11 AM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school hours? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 10:18:25 AM
Wait, what? Teachers are allowed to browse the internet for personal use during school 4/22/2011 9:56:32 AM
How did you know you were ready for a third baby? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 9:46:21 AM
An apology to Squillen NSBR Board 4/22/2011 9:06:57 AM
high school this appropriate?? NSBR Board 4/22/2011 9:05:09 AM
An apology to Squillen NSBR Board 4/22/2011 8:55:52 AM

Is she manic or something?

81 Anonymous said... 81

Squillens' cookies look like the crap you'd buy at an elementary bake sale.



82 Anonymous said... 82

Doesn't Typus have two little kids at home?

83 Anonymous said... 83

Yes she does 84, but dontcha know she locks them in their bedrooms at night so she can pea in peace.

84 Anonymous said... 84

oops, I'm 84, I meant 83. lol

85 Anonymous said... 85

76, you may. Use it in good health!

86 Anonymous said... 86

That's right, wasn't that Mrs. T that said she would lock her poorly behaved children in their bedrooms at night when they were toddlers? And she had the neighbor complaining all the time about the kid who was kicking the wall they shared night and day?

87 Anonymous said... 87

mrs tyler will never be fired. she's a union teacher.

88 Anonymous said... 88

i bought some of her cookies
they are pretty good
maybe a little spendy, but my family loved them

89 Anonymous said... 89

Maybe not 88. But the Principal sure as hell can keep her off the internet (Yay us!) during the school day.

90 Anonymous said... 90

and that would be a far worse punishment for her(no internet and a professional repremand) than being fired

91 Anonymous said... 91


92 Anonymous said... 92

ugh, i hate the word 'spendy'

93 Anonymous said... 93

Mrs. T is completely full of shit.

I can't believe peas think that box of cookies is worth $50. What a herd of sheep.

94 Anonymous said... 94


95 Anonymous said... 95

How big of an idiot can you be? Why do you need to ask this question? Seriously, next week I expect a thread "I planned a picnic, but it's raining, how can I eat lunch?"

96 Anonymous said... 96

Cookie peas got ripped off. Big time.

97 Anonymous said... 97


98 Anonymous said... 98

L'Urine's trying to bully LizandJuan! Glad she's giving it right back to that fat old cow.

"Knock it off, Liz. You and I have mended fences. I'm just calling it as I see it here.

Knock it off? We have mended fences, Lauren, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to speak my mind. I'm just calling it as I see it. Don't ever tell me to stop doing something again. GOT IT?"

99 Anonymous said... 99

Why didn't the Scraptastic all out thread go anywhere?

100 Anonymous said... 100

I know, how much of a retard do you need to be to not fucking know what to do when it rains on Easter? How do they get out of bed in the morning? How do they dress themselves? Gawd, they are all so stooopid

101 Anonymous said... 101

What a bunch of idiots. Some of those fucking lemmings at the pod must have more money than brains to spend $50 for that box of bake sale leftovers. Of course they will publicly proclaim how "yummy" and how talented Squeegie is but I bet a few are kickin themselves.

102 Anonymous said... 102

i dont know of the fb poster is on this thread. dont know who anyone is here. i do know she wasnt posting endlessly on the twopeas threads. twice on the long one and once or twice on the other. i dont think theyre gunning for this site. too busy fighting each other over there.

103 Anonymous said... 103

I'd be PEA LIVID if that was what I got for my $50

104 Anonymous said... 104

lol @ 96

105 Anonymous said... 105

Squeegie? LOL

106 Anonymous said... 106

FFS Liz, Mutt and Jeff and think without each other much less carry on a adult conversation

Bitchelley and the Joker are tweedle dee and tweedle dum when it comes to interactions on the board

107 Anonymous said... 107

can't think

108 Anonymous said... 108

100 i think its because the peas dont want to admit theyve been had. plus they were all hanging all over the cookie and fb post thread.

109 Anonymous said... 109

mrs tyler will never be fired. she's a union teacher.


Nonsense. Union teachers are fired all the time. All the time. You just have to have cause. And wow, has Typhus given them cause complete with a long, long paper trail.

She'll probably get a warning if this is her first time on the carpet. But that warning will go right into her file, and if she continues her nutty behavior, she'll get canned.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Spendy? What the he'll is that? Makes you sound like a retard, which of course you are for spending $50 on a handful cheap cookies.

111 Anonymous said... 111

Cookie peas got ripped off. Big time.
Oh yeah. But it's hard to muster up any sympathy for sycophantic lemmings.

112 Anonymous said... 112

I liked Yubon's thread. And most Peas took it in the spirit it was written, except Kelli, who's incredibly defensive about her cookie purchase.

113 Anonymous said... 113

So 103, you know who the fb mole is?

114 Anonymous said... 114

Why was posting the FB stuff so wrong? You post your life on the Internet where people can read it and someone copies and pastes it somewhere else, if it didn't occur to you that could happen, then you are a big fucking idiot. All this last name bullshit, if people didn't have their last name out there, then it wouldn't get posted.
People need to take responsibility for their own stupidity.

115 Anonymous said... 115

I think it's pretty stupid how the squealin' pig posse is dramatically hinting around about horrific repercussions.

I wouldn't put it past them to make up shit about being 'turned in.' Turned in to who? Some anon. pea is not going to be very credible to any kind of regulatory agency if it's squeal that supposedly got 'turned in.'

And as for Typhus, same thing about an anon. accuser. Besides that, that dumb obnoxious excuse for a teacher WILL hit the radar all on her own and hang herself without any help from anyone. She's so damn arrogant and clueless that she truly thinks it won't happen to her. The know it all, superior blabbermouths like her are on more radars than they can possibly imagine. Plus, I'm sure her students have said plenty about what they see.

116 Anonymous said... 116

People need to take responsibility for their own stupidity.
April 22, 2011 7:28 PM

Totally true, and doubly so at the pod. But the peas will be the last ones ever to see that or actually do it.

117 Anonymous said... 117

I think Kelli/KAS is slightly creepy. Something's definitely off about her, and it's not just her strange and sad obsession with celebrities.

She seems strangely obsessed with cookiegate--especially for someone who supposedly wasn't involved.

118 Anonymous said... 118

just took care of rulebreaking hypocrite. the power that be already had her on their radar and were verrrrrryyyyyy interested. well see what happens now
April 22, 2011 2:37 PM

that totally sounds like Squillen.

119 Anonymous said... 119

So, has Squillen said anything since willingly and smugly setting the whole shit storm into motion with her "non" (*cough*cough) advertising thread? Or is scrap4maddie her designated mouthpiece?

120 Anonymous said... 120

Ya know, in the back of my mind I'm starting to wonder if Typhus is even a teacher. Or maybe she is/was a teacher and just fakes that she has a job. For what reason I don't know. Maybe for credibility on threads?Maybe for an air of superiority? "well,in my class.....;well, my students.........; well, at my school....." Just throwing that out there. Since you really can be whoever,whatever you want at the Pod. It just doesnt make sense with all the free time she has during the day.

121 Anonymous said... 121

I've been thinking the same thing lately 121,especially the last couple of days.

122 Anonymous said... 122

Who is the blog bitch with the piggies at the pod copying and pasting all the blog posts at the pod? Lame, really lameeeeeeeeeeeee.

And who is the ass kisser that keeps saying she is squills BFF? She even has that as her Pea title, what a wanna be!

Do dogs have brains? Isn't it amazing, that I was given this amazing dinner by my amazing friends and it is so amazing that I may just shit myself because turds are amazing. I swear, that woman has had a lobotomy.

Oh yeah, Yakiscrappy has slithered back to the pod. How ya doing there Cherryeye? Who ya gonna troll as now? Does she really think everyone has forgotten?

123 Anonymous said... 123

good call 121. I play a doctor in my spare time.

124 Anonymous said... 124

uh oh. This could ramp up to another interesting evening.

125 Anonymous said... 125

Nosliver's shown up for her evening shift! That means Molove is off-duty.

126 Anonymous said... 126

I picture moths flying out when Nosliver uncrosses her legs.

Oh, and a creaking noise.

127 Anonymous said... 127

Nosilver doesn't ever uncross her legs, that would be so *gasp* unladylike.
She walks with them crossed too, and with one hand on her pearls, of course she falls over a lot, but that's the price a real lady has to pay.

128 Anonymous said... 128

123, yaks has been back for months.

she needs to stop with the pig/squeelin alt though. It's not even remotely funny.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Someone posted that they missed Cherryeye

She's backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

130 Anonymous said... 130

114, dont know who the mole is. only know who called and reported someone.

121, shes definitely a teacher. fb person told me where she works. found her on the school website. she said it took about a min to find her. guess some of them are better sleuths than i thot. it would be scary if it werent tyfus.

but even tho she found tyfus im not sure thats who she reported. hard to say from her post. cryptic as hell.

131 Anonymous said... 131

She's talking about her "weight loss journey" and the surgery she had, yet she's eating those gross sandwiches, macaroni and cheese and chocolate cake?

132 Anonymous said... 132

Huh, stage 2? I'll bet that was a tummy tuck/lip to get rid of that flapping skin.
I bet the churchy lady who brought over all that crap food actually hates her and is trying to make her fat again.
Who brings that sort of crap to someone who has struggled with their weight for 8 years and is having the saggy skin removed? Probably some bitch that couldn't get an iPad 2 and this is her way of getting revenge.

133 Anonymous said... 133

dammit...lip = lipo(suction)

134 Anonymous said... 134

I picture moths flying out when Nosliver uncrosses her legs.

Oh, and a creaking noise.



135 Anonymous said... 135

ok "sqealin" = the pig siggy made me LMAO.

well done!

i love you bitches.

136 Anonymous said... 136

where is the pic of what was in the cookie boxes?

137 Anonymous said... 137

There were some pics on Sherrie_N's thread and SDT posted a bunch of pics too.

138 Anonymous said... 138
I wonder how old she was before she could dress herself. Perhaps she still needs assistance.

139 Anonymous said... 139

squealins' pig posse is pretty stupid
if someone publicly disagrees with you
they're not your mole because they aren't afraid to say they think you're wrong
its the bitches in the posse who kiss your ass you should be afraid of
the ones who wanted the pea drama on that FB thread
there's your enemy
mean girl 101 and its not rocket science piglets
April 22, 2011 9:07 AM

Bingo. My money's on BF. Just the right combination of sanctimonious and mean.

140 Anonymous said... 140

I seriously can't believe any of the pig posse ever FB friended LTO in the first place. Her manic, obsessive replies to every thread with even a whiff of drama are like a big, huge blinking neon sign.

141 Anonymous said... 141

LTO may be manic in her posting, but I think she is a very nice pea with lots of personal issues. i think her children are disabled and her dh is gone all the time. i can't recall seeing her be mean to anyone.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Maybe this was pointed out already.
Steffie changed her siggie and avatar and now just goes on posting like nothing ever happened.?. Is that the "manic phase" or another "calm before the storm"? I'm just curious how that works. lol

143 Anonymous said... 143

To me, 143, it's proof that the bipolars know exactly what they're doing, use their bipolar as an excuse for their bad behavior, and then when they're ready to be "nice" again, they will either make excuses (I was "manic") or if they're on a messageboard, they'll just change their avatar and sig, pretend like nothing ever happened, and think that they're fooling everyone. Unfortunately, at the pod, they are lots of idiots that are easily duped.

Either way, it shows that they totally know that their behavior is wrong. They can control it. They just choose not to.

144 Anonymous said... 144


There ya go kiki

145 Anonymous said... 145

I think bipolars know when they are maniac. Problem is, most of them LIKE being in that maniac state. They feel no pain, don't need sleep-it is like being high on drugs. All common sense goes out the window while they are on their "bender".

If you have ever gone thru depression, what would you chose? Mania or feeling like you want to kill yourself? Bipolar disease is a bitch.

146 Anonymous said... 146

Maybe there are some that do? I don't know. I do know that there are peas who remember an amazing amount of stuff.

This is KeriWest's response to the "Do people REALLY keep a spreadsheet?" thread.

This is exactly the kind of hypocrisy that spawns the cookiegate stuff.

It takes huge, clanking ball of hypocritical steel to claim that you don't know if people really keep spreadsheets when you were one of the ones studying the spreadsheet and foaming + frothing at thought of being able to go after people with it.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Bipolar disease is a bitch.

Yes, for the people that have to deal with or be in contact with the bipolars, it is absolutely a bitch.

148 Anonymous said... 148

I seriously can't believe any of the pig posse ever FB friended LTO in the first place. Her manic, obsessive replies to every thread with even a whiff of drama are like a big, huge blinking neon sign.
that. the fact that she feels the need to reply and reply and reply is just over the top needy

she grovels for attention. any attention.
she's a troll who's a dramallama and will create her own if need be

149 Anonymous said... 149

who sent spongebobsquarepantspeamomshitiforgethernamenow
to walmart?

150 Anonymous said... 150

and BF going gray ~ at walmart

151 Anonymous said... 151

Got to love all the biggest drama queens with 10,000+ posts all answering on L'Urine's thread that they are sooo easy going and never get worked up over trivial things.
Look in the mirror bitches, that IS all of you and L'Urine as well.
No insight into their own personalities on that thread.

152 Jane Doe said... 152

New Space. :)

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