Thursday, June 23, 2011



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1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3

pea trolls are so predictable

4 Anonymous said... 4


5 Anonymous said... 5

AB is so obnoxious

6 Anonymous said... 6


7 Anonymous said... 7

Pea trolls...Link?

8 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 8

check the last space 7. very bottom. TROLLED!

9 Anonymous said... 9

7: eh, I was referring to the pea troll on the previous blog thread that claimed that AngelaMarvel is pretty and that everyone here are fat, jalos frumps.

So predictable.

10 Anonymous said... 10

"7: eh, I was referring to the pea troll on the previous blog thread that claimed that AngelaMarvel is pretty and that everyone here are fat, jalos frumps."

predictable but right

11 Anonymous said... 11

oh, pea troll you're so clever!

12 Anonymous said... 12

predictable but right
June 23, 2011 12:59 PM

Not IMO. But whatevs. Because honestly, there are way more fat, frumpy jealous fucks over at the bukkit than here. You've got a whole thread of fatties over there defending their fatness. Suck it, pea!

13 Anonymous said... 13

Meh-I'd take 10, 20 or even 50 extra pounds over AngelaMarvels "pretty," her disgusting skanky-ass ginger hambeast husband, and filthy house.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Anna, you sound like such a dumbass on those Casey Anthony trial threads.

15 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 15
This comment has been removed by the author.
16 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 16

LOL!!!!! SUCK IT PEA, I like that

14, link me a thread

17 Anonymous said... 17

Don't be too hard on AB, 14. If anyone knows how a horribly dysfunctional mother operates, it would be Anna. It's also a good bet that she's no stranger to lies

18 Anonymous said... 18

Myrna you're a hag. Dye your hair and fix yourself up. IPeaFreely you need to lose 100 pounds of blubber and an equal amount of skin removed from your face. Annabella go find the wizard and ask him for a brain. Those are the 3 biggest posters here. You all are being watched. You've been warned.

19 Anonymous said... 19

No one cares that you spent $800 on clothes Yubon!

20 Anonymous said... 20

18 - Seanna your obsession with Myrna is strange. She's been off the board for years.

The top 4 posters here are:

Captain K

21 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 21

LOL I read that too 19.. why wont she go there and say "hey, gimme my shit back" spineless

22 Anonymous said... 22

You all are being watched. You've been warned.
June 23, 2011 1:16 PM

srsly? do you know how completely stupid you sound?

23 Anonymous said... 23

@22 I know right! lol JaneDoe already told us she can't tell who visits this blog.

24 Anonymous said... 24

20 don't forget those that publicly admitted yesterday that they visit the blog: Anthacat, Magz and Olan.

25 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 25

LOL.. i love it! undersexed cunts

26 Anonymous said... 26

can't leave fanniemae off the list ;)

Or jrenae, either!

27 Anonymous said... 27

And Scrapwench. How could you forget her! She's notorious for : !!!!!11!!!one!!111

28 Anonymous said... 28

gennifer whatshername, too.

29 Anonymous said... 29

14 ITA

30 Anonymous said... 30

C'mon people. It's a given that the vast majority of peas read/post here. Their denials are just lame. They know it, we know it. God and Jeebus know it, too.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Anonymous said... 19

No one cares that you spent $800 on clothes Yubon!

June 23, 2011 1:19 PM

I hope they send her crap to her and her and the chick across the street end up looking like they planned to wear the same shit.

She's so fucking bold she claims. Grow a pair and go ask for your shit!

32 Anonymous said... 32

Sounds like she lives in the hood.

33 Anonymous said... 33

Anonymous said... 32 Sounds like she lives in the hood.

June 23, 2011 1:41 PM

Really! Who in their right mind would call the police "po po" unless they lived in the hood.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Ha....Yubon lives in a piece of shit neighborhood.

35 Candy Boots-Lick 'em said... 35

I don't get Pennyring and the sexy shit? She makes ducks lips at herself and wears hooker boots to Walmart but she can't go spread her legs so the Gyno can check out her cankered up vag?

She is one weird piece of shit.

36 Anonymous said... 36

They run a business out of their house and have 10-15 different people living there (there is a camper out front and a tent in the back).
Holy fuck....I thought she was so great with money. She can't afford anything better than this?

37 Anonymous said... 37

33-stop being such a Stepford Wife. I live in middle class suburbia and we jokingly call the police the *po-po* all the time.

38 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 38

LOL Candy, I want to see these photos of her!

Also, any chick on that site that thinks shes a "rebel" annoys me to death

39 Anonymous said... 39

33-stop being such a Stepford Wife. I live in middle class suburbia and we jokingly call the police the *po-po* all the time.


Different person but I live in the city. Po Po sounds like something a country bumpkin would say.

Sorry. :(

40 Anonymous said... 40

Also, any chick on that site that thinks shes a "rebel" annoys me to death


What site are you talking about, SuicideGirls?

41 Anonymous said... 41

Po Po actually sounds like something a 3 year old would say - whatever 'hood they live in. As for an adult in any class strata..sounds like dumbass shit. Do you go to bed with your blanky?

42 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 42

40, no no no.. I'm talking about 2peas ladies. the ones who are renegades and hipsters and all that crap

43 Anonymous said... 43

Anonymous said... 37 33-stop being such a Stepford Wife. I live in middle class suburbia and we jokingly call the police the *po-po* all the time.

June 23, 2011 1:49 PM

How trashy of you.

44 Anonymous said... 44

You lick my trash 43!!

45 Anonymous said... 45

You ARE my trash, 44

46 Anonymous said... 46

so I just read yubon's original post- wasn't she the one, way back, that worked in finance for a car company, and made oodles of money in the stock market? yet she doesn't have the freakin common sense to file a complaint with her credit card company? WTF?

47 Anonymous said... 47

While I agree that Yubon should be filing a complaint with her CC company, those of you saying she's a wuss for not starting shit with skeevy neighbors are beyond stupid.

Regardless of what kind of neighborhood you live in, it's foolish to go knocking on people's doors and saying something like "hand over my shit-I know FedEx delivered it to you."

People are crazy. Look at the damn peas . . . phone calls, spreadsheets and all kinds of nastiness--over INTERNET disputes. A single woman with a small child can't afford the kind of keyboard courage some of you are spouting off about.

48 Anonymous said... 48

I agree with her not going to the neighbor; that wouldn't be smart. I'm just laughing because she doesn't live in a neighborhood decent enough to keep out the trash.

49 Anonymous said... 49

WTF Yubon lives in the hood? I thought she had money? What a dumb ass cunt.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Trash comes in all kinds of packages. One of my neighbors let another neighbor steal the shed out of the backyard after he was foreclosed on. This is in a good, decent neighborhood.

51 Anonymous said... 51

"Good" neighborhoods can be full of trash, too.

Look at Casey Anthony's neighborhood . . . .

or Mrs. Tyler's . . .

52 Anonymous said... 52

Even in the best, nicest neighborhoods I've ever lived in, there have been at least a few shady, trashy, skeevy people.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Oh goodie, BF is back to the pod and commenting on the casy anthony trial thread.

54 Gretchen Weiners said... 54

I think 43 and 44 have


on each other

55 Candy Boots said... 55

Oh god jeesuz, Burning Vag is back already??? Shit....

56 Anonymous said... 56

Over used words at the Pod:


feel free to add to the list-

57 Anonymous said... 57

"And Scrapwench. How could you forget her! She's notorious for : !!!!!11!!!one!!111"

oh yes, she is the only one who does that...
"C'mon people. It's a given that the vast majority of peas read/post here. Their denials are just lame. They know it, we know it. God and Jeebus know it, too."


58 Anonymous said... 58

long ass abbreviations that normal people can't decipher

59 Anonymous said... 59

Leave it to *KAS* to turn mention the Kardashians on thread like this. She is so celebrity-obsessed.

60 Anonymous said... 60

"And Scrapwench. How could you forget her! She's notorious for : !!!!!11!!!one!!111"


oh yes, she is the only one who does that...


Hi Scrapwench!

61 Athena's Ass Pineapple said... 61

The only person I've ever heard use the term "po po" is a crazy-assed huffer on Intervention.

"I'm walking on sunshine...............!!!"

62 Anonymous said... 62

lunch is for wimps
PeaNut 261669 - May 2006
Posts: 12158 Layouts: 0
Loc: Hotel for Cats

Posted: 6/23/2011 6:12:24 PM

LOL, the Bloggers are saying that I live in the hood. Sure sounds that way, huh? I've lived here 12 years and it's a great neighborhood. The house to my left and the one across the street have been for sale for 3-4 years with no takers. Now they are both rented out. On the left I've got the renters who let their cat roam and kill things because "that's just nature" (and the damn cat somehow got on my roof last night and was in my son's bedroom window and my 4 cats were going nuts - CREEPY!) And across the street are the well-dressed Greek woman and her 15 brothers.

Other than that, it's a very nice neighborhood with lots of nice people, with a school system that is in the top 15% in the state.

Even in the nice neighborhoods, you can find some riff-raff. Especially when houses have to be rented out because they can't sell. I imagine that is happening all over the country and is a sign of a poor US economy.

And the term "po-po" I heard here. It's one of those pea-isms that made me LOL.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Does Burning Feather ever shut up about anything?! Now she's the expert on when ethnic groups start getting gray hair.

I must be some special type of Caucasian then, because I started at 20. Message to Carla: shut up and stop generalizing.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Key-dollar sign-ha uses po-po in one of her songs. It's urban slang for the police department. The peas did not make that up like they made up redonkulous and asshat.

65 Anonymous said... 65

61, that's the first thing I think of when I hear "po-po."

66 Anonymous said... 66

You bitches don't watch enough Jerry Springer and Maury if you haven't heard Po-Po before.

67 Anonymous said... 67

I've seen several Peas use the term po-po.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Over used pod word: stinkin'
Stinkin' cute... What the hell is that? If it stinks that pretty much rules it out of the cute category for me.
Whatever happened to good old "very"?

69 Anonymous said... 69

I've *heard&* the term po-po, I just don't use it.

70 Anonymous said... 70

ok, 69 I just picture you primly pursing your lips while you say that.

have you looked into having that gigantic stick up your ass removed?

71 Anonymous said... 71

Nah, I'm good

72 Anonymous said... 72

Ok, whatever trips your trigger ;)

73 Anonymous said... 73

WTF is up with Trollie starting multiple threads with pictures from Pinterest? FFS, most of the peas are there-they can see it for themselves.

She seems to be a little manic these days. It's getting really annoying.

74 Anonymous said... 74
I think this is muellertime. At least, I hope it is. Her refusal to get her kids away from her hopeless drunk of a husband has been beyond irresponsible.

75 Casey Anthony said... 75

Does Burning Feather ever shut up about anything?! Now she's the expert on when ethnic groups start getting gray hair.


Well, we can safely say AN comes by her know-it-all-ness honestly.

76 Anonymous said... 76

I call bullshit on Yubon's $800 worth of shit from the Limited. WTF?

77 Anonymous said... 77

Adding to list of words overused at teh bukitt:

slow cooker

78 Anonymous said... 78

"Adding to list of words overused at teh bukitt"

Don't forget P&PT

79 Anonymous said... 79

173 on the last Space is 100% Annabella. If anyone wants to do the research you will find Anna said the exact say thing in a thread a couple months ago. I'm fairly sure it was word for word or it wouldnt have clicked as fast as it did for me.

80 Anonymous said... 80

You expect us to go back and look at the last thread? Haha

I could care less if Annabella posts here.

81 Anonymous said... 81

Annabelle is a retard.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Bitch I said if anyone wants to do the research. Excuse the hell out of me for having a life outside the blog and twopeas and not reading it until just now. I bet you are one of the hefty SAHM who would be up shits creek if your hubby grew a pair and left your skank ass

83 Anonymous said... 83

over-react much, 82?

I'm with whoever said they couldn't be bothered to check up on Annabella. She's completely insignificant.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Ugh, these types of necklaces are hideous, but I expect nothing less from Mrs T.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Bitch I said if anyone wants to do the research. Excuse the hell out of me for having a life outside the blog and twopeas and not reading it until just now. I bet you are one of the hefty SAHM who would be up shits creek if your hubby grew a pair and left your skank ass


LOL. I have my own job but thanks. He would up shit's creek if he left me ;)

86 Anonymous said... 86

I'd bet 82 is one of the nutbag peas who goes all crazy and shit when she misses one dose of her meds.

Calm the hell down and pop a tranq or something. @@

87 Anonymous said... 87

Some of those necklaces can be cute. But not any of the ones that Typhus chose. Not surprising.

88 Anonymous said... 88

I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV but is this a real type of cancer "vaginal cancer"?

And no I'm not googling it, not after the blue waffle

89 Anonymous said... 89

Thatgirlintexas agrees with you 73

90 Anonymous said... 90

Anonymous said... 47 While I agree that Yubon should be filing a complaint with her CC company, those of you saying she's a wuss for not starting shit with skeevy neighbors are beyond stupid.

Regardless of what kind of neighborhood you live in, it's foolish to go knocking on people's doors and saying something like "hand over my shit-I know FedEx delivered it to you."

People are crazy. Look at the damn peas . . . phone calls, spreadsheets and all kinds of nastiness--over INTERNET disputes. A single woman with a small child can't afford the kind of keyboard courage some of you are spouting off about.

June 23, 2011 2:34 PM
Anonymous said... 48 I agree with her not going to the neighbor; that wouldn't be smart. I'm just laughing because she doesn't live in a neighborhood decent enough to keep out the trash.

June 23, 2011 2:37 PM

Just offering stupid advice like she would give.
It's not that hard to think that her stuff is over there unopened. I would go ask, not start shit.

Po Po is from Tyler Perry Madea's as well.

FTR, the Ps did NOT coin the term asshat as much as they'd like to claim they made up crackalashish (from crackalackin/chris rock in the movie madagascar).

91 Anonymous said... 91

FTR, the Ps did NOT coin the term asshat as much as they'd like to claim they made up crackalashish (from crackalackin/chris rock in the movie madagascar). FTR, the Ps did NOT coin the term asshat as much as they'd like to claim they made up crackalashish (from crackalackin/chris rock in the movie madagascar).


Your sarcasm gene is missing.

92 Anonymous said... 92

No, not really, they actually think they made that shit up.

Nice try sweety!

93 Anonymous said... 93
I think this is muellertime. At least, I hope it is. Her refusal to get her kids away from her hopeless drunk of a husband has been beyond irresponsible.


I was coming to post the same thing. It has to be her

94 Anonymous said... 94

well I couldn't stand it so I had to look up 173 on the last space, supposedly Annabella:

Anonymous said... 173
I've lost 25 pounds just but changing what I eat.

I really didn't need to lose 25 pounds, because now I'm at the point where I shouldn't lose anymore. I don't by this I can't lose weight bullshit.

I did and I didn't even try-just didn't eat crap anymore.
June 23, 2011 10:10 AM

95 Anonymous said... 95

" Honestly, some of us have very little control over this issue. I cook healthy meals for my family, walk daily with a neighbor and the weight simply doesn't budge. "

Oddly, no mention of the route 44 cherry limeaid and large order of tots consumed on a daily basis.

96 Anonymous said... 96

Yes 88, vaginal cancer is real. It's very uncommon though.

97 Anonymous said... 97

muellertime's kids are going to be just as angry at her as they are with their father when they finally escape that hellhole--and rightly so.

98 Snark said... 98

Overused words:

99 Anonymous said... 99

90 - OMG Yubon stop supporting yourself on the blog!

100 Anonymous said... 100

Why does courtney_lynne shave her punany? Her dh was a virgin when they got married and never looked at playboy. Why would he care if she's shaved or not? Men didn't care 15 years ago, her dh wouldn't know any different.

101 Anonymous said... 101

Why do women say "we miscarried" when only *you* miscarried?

102 Anonymous said... 102

101-because they think their husband is totally invested in the *baby* from the moment the sperm hits the vags like they are. It makes it sound like they are so CONNECTED with their husband and he is in the pregnancy 100 percent like they are. Which of course is total bullshit when it comes to 99.9% of the male population.

103 Anonymous said... 103

LEAVE YUBON ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

104 Anonymous said... 104

I took a few minutes to read up over hear and I have to say I'm totally amazed that grown women would write stuff like this. Seriously, it puts the bitchiest middle schooler to shame.

Cue blog bitches...if you don't like it don't come over here...oh, the hypocrisy...blah, blah, blah.

Pinheads, all of you. No talent, no money, no brains, no imagination, no creativity, pinheads.

105 Anonymous said... 105

oh *hi* kiki!

106 Candy Boots-Lick 'em said... 106

Sweet Buttery Jeebus #104, if you are going to be an ASSHOLE, at least come over here with SOMETHING ORIGINAL to say. I could give you props if you said something that was never said before but you are just another Stepford Pea with the same schtick. Get some new fucking material bitch!

107 Yubon is a Fucking Cunt said... 107

Why does courtney_lynne shave her punany? Her dh was a virgin when they got married and never looked at playboy. Why would he care if she's shaved or not? Men didn't care 15 years ago, her


the thread question is about what you did about the poon-fro before you went to the hospital to deliver. You know so the drs and nurses arent grossed out by a stray hair while you are straining and shitting youself and theres blood and mucus everywhere. they have weak stomachs like that.

108 Yubon Licks Candy Ass Boots said... 108

^^^^^ also very important to look well groomed for the de reguier photographer that will be in the room. you cant become a pinterest star with random vag hair in your money shots!

109 Anonymous said... 109

well I couldn't stand it so I had to look up 173 on the last space, supposedly Annabella:

Anonymous said... 173
I've lost 25 pounds just but changing what I eat.

I really didn't need to lose 25 pounds, because now I'm at the point where I shouldn't lose anymore. I don't by this I can't lose weight bullshit.

I did and I didn't even try-just didn't eat crap anymore.


I made this comment and I am most surely not Annabella. I'm also the one who said I couldn't be bothered to go look on the last page. LOL.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Why have a link to your blog in your sig if you've never bothered to post on it? Booby Trap is right.

111 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 111

THUD? really? thats so stupid how peas add sound effects to there posts LOL

112 Anonymous said... 112

Gotta love FLCindy for her tact on this post. "What happened to the peas who's loved ones croaked recently and why haven't they come back to tell us about it in detail?"

FFS show a little tact at least when people have died. It's not the same as asking about what happened at a baby shower or a creepy neighbor.

113 Anonymous said... 113

THUD? really? thats so stupid how peas add sound effects to there posts LOL


That's not nearly as annoying as

Oh Em Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

or Sqeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

114 Anonymous said... 114

I'm just PEAchy - thanks for askin'

PeaNut 32153 - March 2002
Posts: 19164 Layouts: 66
Loc: Land of the Pea...Home of the Brave
Posted: 6/24/2011 7:15:11 AM

My redneck neighbor has a new GF from Columbia


What's redneck is the fact that you don't know how to spell Colombia.

Or is the GF from the motion picture company? Or the outdoor apparel manufacturer? Or the space shuttle?

115 Anonymous said... 115

THUD? really? thats so stupid how peas add sound effects to there posts LOL


Not as stupid as substituting there for their. ;-)

116 Anonymous said... 116

Good morning AB! You're off to an early start on your trolling today.

117 Anonymous said... 117

Damn why did Burning Feather come back from vacation?

118 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 118

LOL 116, didnnt no ey wuz stil in skool

119 Anonymous said... 119

The grammar police over here is annoying. Keep that shit at the bucket, we all make stupid mistakes now and then.

120 Anonymous said... 120

120 - ITA

121 Anonymous said... 121

poon-fro FTW!!!!

oh my, literal LOL

122 Anonymous said... 122

Poon-fro is pretty fucking funny. I may steal it :)

123 Anonymous said... 123

Blog is slowing moving today, where are all the bitches? Don't tell me they found Jeebus.

124 Yubon Wears Shitty Clothes said... 124

Dat's right THE BLOG has officially coined the term POON-FRO.

125 Candy Boots-Lick 'em! said... 125

Candy Boots is in da house! Slow moving this morning. Stayed up way too late with that bottle of Merlot and then Mr. Boots insisted we swing from the chandelier and have some raunchy sex. After that it was fellatio and cunnilingus all around!

Damn, it my tongue tired this morning. No chapped lips though! Suck on that Typhus!!

126 Anonymous said... 126


127 Anonymous said... 127

I can get through the day just fine without an update on sex in the Boots household, really.

128 Anonymous said... 128

128-go back to the bukkit granny!

129 Anonymous said... 129

not a granny at all.

130 Anonymous said... 130

I wonder if those cackling harpies on the casey anthony threads will ever realize how ridiculous they sound. They're completely clueless, and parroting things they're hearing from ridiculous TV commentators, and on those crazy trial chatrooms.

They are completely ignorant about the law, trials, and courtroom proceedings. Every time they open their mouths and try to analyze any of it, they come off as complete morons. x2 for AB and BF.

All their snarky commentary on the personal aspects of this case proves that they are just as bitchy, gossipy, and heartless as they say the blog bitches are. Hypocrites-every last one of 'em.

131 Anonymous said... 131

How could you leave Kim M out of your list? She's the biggest jackass of them all.

132 Anonymous said... 132

"I think an A+ should be 100% or more"

Tell me freecharlie's not a teacher. Please.

133 Anonymous said... 133

They are completely ignorant about the law, trials, and courtroom proceedings.


Oh wise one, please go bless them with your amazing and awesome legal skills @@

I hear tons of bullshit on the pod day in and day out. That's all the pod is.

People who have legal backgrounds can also have differing opinions. Not every lawyer thinks exactly the same...BUT OH WAIT, nevermind, you know everything.

134 Anonymous said... 134

134-shut the fuck up. You must be one of them or one of their hangers-on, hoping to be accepted into their clique of morans. None of those dumbasses have legal backgrounds and watching reruns of Law and Order DOES NOT COUNT!

Wonder what they will all obsesses about once the trial is over?

AND, what is the deal with Kim M? I am a long time NSBR Pea but she wasn't on my radar before. Was she one of those Pubster cunts that came over to the NSBR after the ceiling collapsed on the whole getting published thing?

135 Anonymous said... 135

134-shut the fuck up. You must be one of them or one of their hangers-on, hoping to be accepted into their clique of morans. None of those dumbasses have legal backgrounds and watching reruns of Law and Order DOES NOT COUNT!


I've posted in the thread a few times and I do have a legal background. SO THERE!

I could care less about being accepted into their clique. I could care less about being accepted into any clique on the pod. Hence why I'm here.

136 Anonymous said... 136

Pretty sure BF does have a legal background 135. I remember her posting about working in firms in some capacity.

I'm curious though, are you a lawyer? or do you just play one of the blog.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Our resident lawyer must have been called in to court, LOL

138 Anonymous said... 138

Pretty sure BF does have a legal background 135. I remember her posting about working in firms in some capacity.


oh FFS- a medium to large law firm in any city has plenty of positions for people who have absolutely nothing to do with the practice of law. Besides, Burning Fart has eye problems, unless they are tying out their briefs in braille she's useless.

139 Anonymous said... 139

s/b typing out their briefs

140 Anonymous said... 140

I posted 131, and I never claimed to be a legal expert. I stand by my statement that the clueless harpies posting on that thread sound like a bunch of smug idiots. Sorry if that offends some of you smug idiots who are posting on the thread, but it's true.

141 Anonymous said... 141

AND, what is the deal with Kim M? I am a long time NSBR Pea but she wasn't on my radar before. Was she one of those Pubster cunts that came over to the NSBR after the ceiling collapsed on the whole getting published thing?

Yes, Kim M. was a "Pubster" and is a former scrapbook store owner. She had to close when Recollections (I think) moved in to town.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Random typing or filing in an office does not mean you have legal experience. Even if you are BF. @@

143 Anonymous said... 143

Maybe they should all start watching the eagle cam like Yubon.

144 Anonymous said... 144

PIMP 139! Maybe she worked in the mail room.

145 Yubon Flunked Law School said... 145

None of those dumbasses have legal backgrounds and watching reruns of Law and Order DOES NOT COUNT!


Hey now. "I'm not a lawyer... but I watch one on TV."

146 Anonymous said... 146

Random typing or filing in an office does not mean you have legal experience. Even if you are BF. @@


Jesus, I didn't say I knew exactly what she did minute by minute, but I remember her saying she's worked for firms. Sew me.

147 Anonymous said... 147

looks like quite a few of the trial groupies are over here and getting offended.

they really do sound like a bunch of stupid shrews

love AB's "expert" psychological analysis of the anthony family.

148 Anonymous said... 148

147, BF can *say* anything she wants. We all know what a big, fat liar she is from the squeals' debacle, so no way in hell do I believe that she has any kind of legal knowledge or expertise.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Not a "trial groupie", just love the blog bitches who point out they know so much about the law. Right @@

The CA threads keep them out of the other threads so I'm happy.

150 Anonymous said... 150

More My Way is Better Than Yours BS. The sanctimony is so annoying.

151 Anonymous said... 151

^^^from Rachag and courtneylynne.

Sorry, forgot to add that.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Not a "trial groupie", just love the blog bitches who point out they know so much about the law. Right @@
I haven't seen any blog bitches pointing out that they know so much about the law?

The only ones doing that are the peas over on the casey anthony thread.

153 Rache Is a Fucking Cunt said... 153

AND WE HAVE A WINNER! pod troll! I just coined it,its trademarked now.. ! :)

154 Anonymous said... 154

I haven't seen any blog bitches pointing out that they know so much about the law?


131 up there seems to think she knows it all

155 Anonymous said... 155

131 never said that.

But it looks like she sure did hit a nerve with someone here who's also posting on that pea thread.

ITA w/ 131. Anyone posting on that thread looks and sounds like an ass. Suck it, assy peas ;)

156 Anonymous said... 156

But it looks like she sure did hit a nerve with someone here who's also posting on that pea thread.


I'm not posting on that thread but I am posting here. Neener Neener. :p

I haven't even looked in the thread, but let me go check it out.

157 Anonymous said... 157

does anyone get butthurt more than AB? FFS, she gets all offended and ???-smilie at least once a day. For someone who's such a snarky, condescending twat all the time, she sure can't take any in return!

158 Anonymous said... 158

I think we can all agree that AB is an annoying bitch.

159 Anonymous said... 159

Anonymous said... 139 Pretty sure BF does have a legal background 135. I remember her posting about working in firms in some capacity.


oh FFS- a medium to large law firm in any city has plenty of positions for people who have absolutely nothing to do with the practice of law. Besides, Burning Fart has eye problems, unless they are tying out their briefs in braille she's useless.

June 24, 2011 11:25 AM
Ummm, she has had surgery to correct her eye issues (hopefully that worked out for her). I know you're *trying* to be sarcastic but still.

I hope when you age you have the money for any surgeries you may need on your eyes.

160 Anonymous said... 160


PeaNut 221523 - September 2005
Posts: 7828 Layouts: 100
Loc: A little to left of somewhere and a bit to the right of nowhere
Posted: 6/24/2011 2:23:52 PM

It's frustrating isn't it!?! makes me want to scream that my DH and I even though we have most of a good sized down payment saved up can't get house financing b/c we don't have enough credit history (we are both under 25, so they want 5 yrs of good payments) Thankfully we have a credit card with a high enough limit that we put everything except our rent on it, and pay it off several times a month so it never get ahead of us (the points are a nice bonus too, as they will be paying for my Dh's new laptop!) but we have to wait at least another year before we will qualify for any type of home loan - even though we don't have an income issue, or any debt.

ETA: We use it to pay for eating out too - most restaurants here have portable machines they bring to your table - is this just Canadian? they didn't have it in the States, when we lived there but they didn't have it here right away either - it must be new.
What? She came her for her cheesy *education* and went back to Canada? When did they go back?
Wasn't that just so convenient for them.

161 Anonymous said... 161

I hope when you age, 160, you can be a better person and less of a bitch than BF. Eye issues or not.

162 Candy Boots said... 162

Jeezus Krist on a Kracker 160, you lips are chapped from your BF ass kissing. Pass her the chapstick! Oh wait, Mrs. Tyler stuck it up her twat.

Anyway, BF aint some 65 year old granny. She is married and has health insurance I am sure so I am not even sure what you were trying to prove with that comment.

I don't think BurningVag was much For more than a secretary (admin assistant for the PC crowd) in a legal office. Plus, I thought she said she worked for the government in some way since she was out of high school. Legal Eagle, she ain't.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Maybe BF's 'legal expertise' comes from having a relative on death row.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Is BF the only person in the granny set to have a health issue? @@ Playing up her eye shit as a sympathy ploy is very lostinspace-ish. Attention/drama whoring at its finest.

165 Anonymous said... 165

"Jeezus Krist on a Kracker 160, you lips are chapped from your BF ass kissing. Pass her the chapstick! Oh wait, Mrs. Tyler stuck it up her twat."

Some of the blog bitches just try too hard. The fact you are here doesn't mean you have to leave your IQ at the door on the way in, you know. We have been known to enjoy intelligent discussion from time to time.

166 Anonymous said... 166

166-pull the stick out you smart one!

167 Anonymous said... 167

Ohhh, Detective Yumi.
Kim M is such a moron. It's embarassing when someone her age acts like a jr. high groupie.

168 Anonymous said... 168

167 - of course I will, I am smart enough! I am smart, some are not.

169 Anonymous said... 169

AnnaBanana is once again sensitive that someone is being "snarky" to her. This bitch is snarky all over the board. Pot meet kettle!

170 Anonymous said... 170

Anonymous said... 162 I hope when you age, 160, you can be a better person and less of a bitch than BF. Eye issues or not.

June 24, 2011 1:03 PM
Umm, I defended her and her eyes. Not seeing where that was being bitchy. (the top of the post was a quote from here, maybe you didn't read it thoroughly?) eh.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Umm, I defended her and her eyes

172 Anonymous said... 172

MrsTyler doesn't get it. Vacations build family memories. It's a relaxation away from work. It gives couples one on one time. But I guess she'd rather spend her summer off on the peaboard.

173 Anonymous said... 173

Candy Boots said... 163 Jeezus Krist on a Kracker 160, you lips are chapped from your BF ass kissing. Pass her the chapstick! Oh wait, Mrs. Tyler stuck it up her twat.

Anyway, BF aint some 65 year old granny. She is married and has health insurance I am sure so I am not even sure what you were trying to prove with that comment.

I don't think BurningVag was much For more than a secretary (admin assistant for the PC crowd) in a legal office. Plus, I thought she said she worked for the government in some way since she was out of high school. Legal Eagle, she ain't.

June 24, 2011 1:05 PM
The comment had nothing to do with law/occupation.

It had to do with the eye comment. Get over it sweety. Of course she had health insurance to cover it and I hope the asshole that posted the stupid braille shit (that she doesn't need) being sarcastic or not, one day see's that surgery fixes things so calling he blind is *useless* (as op of braille shit said).

Explanation enough? or are you still lost?

Put down the crack pipe while you're at it too. No one is kissing anyones ass thank you very much.

174 Anonymous said... 174

Anonymous said... 172 Umm, I defended her and her eyes

June 24, 2011 1:21 PM

Go away Scrappertastic!

175 Anonymous said... 175

we've got ourselves an eye-kisser!!

176 Anonymous said... 176

Damn, I make 1 comment and 50 morons answer the idiot questioning it.

If someone isn't talking directly to *YOUR* post, don't fucking answer!

177 Anonymous said... 177

Anonymous said... 176 we've got ourselves an eye-kisser!!

June 24, 2011 1:23 PM

you get dumber with every post

178 Anonymous said... 178

IF BF can't see well enough to drive, I can totally see why her eyes were mentioned. If you can't see well enough to drive, you can't see well enough to do a lot of things. Deal with it, eye-obsessed freak.

179 Anonymous said... 179

If someone isn't talking directly to *YOUR* post, don't fucking answer!
June 24, 2011 1:24 PM

You are not in charge of this blog.

180 Anonymous said... 180

Office manager at a pet hospital-I'm not exactly thinking this is going to be that stressful. So overdramatic.

181 Anonymous said... 181

The simplest of comments here need explained.

It's getting quite discouraging.

Also, the fact that there is ONE idiot that seems to want to make everything all about her with

Move along sweets!

182 Anonymous said... 182

Anonymous said... 180 If someone isn't talking directly to *YOUR* post, don't fucking answer!
June 24, 2011 1:24 PM

You are not in charge of this blog.

June 24, 2011 1:25 PM

No, and I don't want to be but YOU are the one I'm referencing in 182. You really need to walk away from this place.

Go ahead, get all cocky and claim to want to come kick my anonymous ass! Really? Get out STastic!

183 Anonymous said... 183

183, you sound like you are the one who needs to walk away from this place. Sounds like you're in desperate need of meds.

184 Anonymous said... 184

Oh craptastic! BurningVag has the Conrad Murray trial inked into her very busy schedule.

Will we be exposed to her stellar legal prowess come September??

185 Anonymous said... 185

You betcha, 185. Someone else on that thread said that between this, BB, and the Murray trial, they just won't have much of a life through November or something. These are the same hags telling blog bitches to get a life? @@

186 Anonymous said... 186

WTF is wrong with you 183??? You sound like a total headcase.

187 Anonymous said... 187

AB mushbrain: "I wasn't being condescending Val... I thought we were just postulating and thinking out loud. I don't get the snark sometimes when I postulate something different"

lol, I postulate we have to break out the antiquated words and repeat them a lot to sound more credible when we are playing armchair lawyer in the pod

188 Anonymous said... 188

Anonymous said... 184 183, you sound like you are the one who needs to walk away from this place. Sounds like you're in desperate need of meds.

June 24, 2011 1:40 PM

LOL Lame response. So is 187. I really wish the influx would leave.

189 Anonymous said... 189

The Tudors - just cracked open my box set. DS gone for the weekend...........
Posted 3:39:42 PM by Yubon in NSBR Board

More and more like cadoodlebug every day.

190 Anonymous said... 190

looks like the ca trial wannabe experts got their collective closed minded ass kicked yesterday when the "stupid-useless-incompetent-amateurish defense turned the tables on the lynching committee.

So funny reading their piteous "gobsmacked" and outraged responses.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Myrna, enough already. Don't your sweet children need you or want their mother to pay atttention to them? You're a sad person.

192 Anonymous said... 192

192-the Myrna bullshit is soooooooo 2007, so please shut your trap. Half the people here don't even know who she is. Go away dipshit or come up with something new.

Gobsmacked, every time those twats say that, a puppy dies!!

193 Anonymous said... 193

AB and her postulating is almost entertaining.

194 Anonymous said... 194

omfg,,,have any of you actually read some of the comments on the trial threads? Hilarious!!

Burningfrump said, "I wonder if Casey has a reason that she wears her hair down and in a pony some days and up in a tight bun on other days."

Yey burning frump, shes sending subtle messages to the jurors via hairstyle. Hair down means "I'm innocent", pony means "yanking your chain with this alibi", tight bun means "ok, this part is REALLY true".

195 Anonymous said... 195

Wonder if scrapinboysmom is going to jump in on this thread

196 Anonymous said... 196

**Waves to 131** Hi AngieVP!

197 Anonymous said... 197

195 - I thought that was the dumbest question I've ever heard from BF.

198 Anonymous said... 198

Burning Feather
I conceived but I can't see you

PeaNut 158336 - July 2004
Posts: 32538 Layouts: 3
Loc: Ain't no black widow serial killer going to get between me and my man
Posted: 6/24/2011 4:21:37 PM
I was only halfway listening - did the Judge just tell the State to let him know if there were any other lesser charges that they want to include.

Does that mean that they can amend the charges? Because that's been my biggest worry - that they charged premeditated murder one (once we got that established) but not regular murder one (without premeditation).


*THAT* is her *biggest worry*? Lady needs a life.

199 Anonymous said... 199

I thought it was totally skeevy that the granny trial groupies were talking about how yummy, hot, handsome, etc. that Lee Anthony and the Yuri detective are. Bunch of old lady creepers

200 Anonymous said... 200

lol, I postulate we have to break out the antiquated words and repeat them a lot to sound more credible when we are playing armchair lawyer in the pod
June 24, 2011 2:38 PM
ugh, just how poorly educated do you have to be to think that postulate is an antiquated word?

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