Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Space.


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1 Anonymous said... 1

welcome to the new space

2 Anonymous said... 2

Slow night on the bucket and the blog. It's just as well because the peas have been annoying me on just about every thread.

3 Anonymous said... 3


4 Anonymous said... 4

I call bullshit on Lauren spending that much money. I, like Busypea, shop pretty much exclusively at Whole Foods and never would spend that much on just those foods.

And I shope for two people, and we haven't had our stomache's stapled.

5 Anonymous said... 5

Maybe Lauren bought some booze and forgot to mention it. I call BS on her whole thread.

6 Anonymous said... 6

okay, ther's an interesting call out under her pea name. I haven't read the responses yet

7 Anonymous said... 7

I don't get why people have to call out other people on their interest. Who the fuck cares.

People want to watch big brother? great

Michelle Duggar wants to shoot 20 watermelons out of her bat cave? cool

Lauren wants to drink her life away while spinning donuts in her le-sabre? meh

8 Anonymous said... 8

funny 7. You do realize you posted that first sentence on a smack blog right?

9 Anonymous said... 9

yeah, I realized that after I posted it, hahha

10 Anonymous said... 10

Leftturnonly is back in that call out thread

11 Anonymous said... 11

#7 - thanks for the best laugh of the day, maybe of several days. hypocrisy of such magnitude is hilarious.

12 Anonymous said... 12

This Casey Anthony crap's been going on for weeks and NOW some of the Peas decide to have a rant at the posters dissecting every fucking word of it? Guess they sense the end of the road and the chance of chastising them diminishing by the hour.

Shame they didn't do it a while back.

13 Anonymous said... 13

BF, as the self-appointed queen of the CA threads, is fighting back. KAS is at her heels spouting the usual dumbassery.

14 Anonymous said... 14

BF is close to believing her own publicity and she thinks she is fucking fireproof. That arrogant stance taken by former peas such as Bead who thought no-one should ever disagree with them or their position on the board. She's getting more annoying by the post.

15 Anonymous said... 15

did anyone read andypac's latest blog? do you think her husband had an affair?

16 Anonymous said... 16

Anonymous said... 15 did anyone read andypac's latest blog? do you think her husband had an affair?

July 3, 2011 12:47 PM

Yes, very little though, on the last page

17 Anonymous said... 17

Sounds like her husband has been putting his dick where it doesn't belong. Also sounds like she is going to stand by her man.

18 Anonymous said... 18

All that crap she posts bores me. Either tell me what's wrong or don't even bother starting the conversation.

19 Anonymous said... 19

I read Andy's post and I agree, it sounds like her husband's dick went awanderin' and she's going to fight for her family. It would take a lot of time before I'd be trusting the guy.

Maybe I should qualify my comment by the fact that I am divorced after a cheating ex. I don't regret dumping his ass, but life hasn't exactly turned out all rosey for me. And he has expressed numerous times that he screwed up and wishes we would have stayed together.

I guess in sifting it all over and from the vantage point of all these years later, I'm glad I divorced, but I wish I would have put more effort into remarrying. I focused all my energy on raising my kids alone. They are now grown and gone and I am still alone. I wish I would have dated a bit while I was still young. I felt raising them was where my focus should be.

Now, I'm older, puffier, tired, and not such a catch as I was 20 years ago.

So if Andy chooses to slug it out and stay in the marriage, that's not a choice I'm going to criticize. I guess it all depends on his level of regret and how he feels about staying in the marriage now.

20 Anonymous said... 20

It's kind of sad in a attention whoring way that she teases it in her blog. Pretty sure if I were in her boat I won't be putting any of this out there for the public, especially if I were staying with wondering willy.

21 Anonymous said... 21

BF, as the self-appointed queen of the CA threads, is fighting back. KAS is at her heels spouting the usual dumbassery.


ITA BF is so rude on those threads. Sad she doesn't have a life and is so absorbed in a trial.

22 Anonymous said... 22

KAS is a straight up idiot. She's one of those fat chicks that only posts pics of themselves from the neck up so you don't know they are fat. She's a single gal in her 30s, no friends to celebrate her birthday with, pretty sad.

23 Anonymous said... 23


PeaNut 408684 - January 2009
Posts: 4217 Layouts: 0
Loc: Georgia girl

Posted: 7/3/2011 1:04:19 PM
And to say you're not invested in it like BF? Really? You've posted almost daily. She wasnt even on the threads while she was out of town. And I'm not 100 percent sure, but I don't think she works outside the home - so she likely has more time to pay attention than somebody who is a full time lawyer or legal assistant.

Let's not twist the facts - nobody here is on trial.


Pot meets kettle. KAS has a full time job and is watching the trial from her office and the airport bar.

24 Anonymous said... 24

I like SharonBruckner!

25 Unknown said... 25
This comment has been removed by the author.
26 Anonymous said... 26

Whoops, Hi Danielle!

27 Anonymous said... 27

Let me guess, Danielle:

You received a pea mail with the link and you were just coming to see what was being said...
You never say anything unless you say it under your own name...
You were just going to tell us how disgusting we all are, but then decided better of it.

Did I miss anything?

28 Anonymous said... 28

What is Danielle's peaname?

29 Anonymous said... 29

Spot on 27!!

30 Anonymous said... 30

I don't know who she is, doesn't look familiar. From CT, 2kids, has a blog about die cutting?

31 Anonymous said... 31

More of those religious cunts on the Michael Vick thread. Nice how believing in God absolves you of all responsibility, just sit back and let the Norris of the works pass you by because God forgives everyone, so need need for you to get your lard ass up and do anything.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Damn auto correct, that was meant to say "horrors of the world" not Norris of the works, still, not all bad, it made me laugh.

33 Anonymous said... 33

While the CA peas are somewhat annoying, Smurfie is more annoying on that call out thread.

You live in England, get your fucking nose out of our laws.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Yes we all know American laws are perfect.

35 Anonymous said... 35

Anonymous said... 28 What is Danielle's peaname?

July 3, 2011 2:11 PM
This is her:

Anyone catch what was said?

36 Anonymous said... 36

Didn't know U.K. laws were perfect either. Must be nice.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Wouldn't have suspected her as being a blog bitch, I don't even know who she is, but I do now!

38 Anonymous said... 38

OMG people, if you don't give a shit about the CA threads quit posting 34205u052359358n threads about it.

39 Anonymous said... 39

Did I miss where someone claimed all then laws in all countries were perfect except for America? Get your head out of your ass.
Which one of the CA obsessed fuckers are you?

40 Anonymous said... 40

Did I miss where someone claimed all then laws in all countries were perfect except for America? Get your head out of your ass.
Which one of the CA obsessed fuckers are you?


Where did I say American laws were perfect? I said she doesn't live here, so for her to get her nose out of our laws.

I can't argue with stupid though so resume.

41 Anonymous said... 41

Smurfie is annoying and was before that thread

42 Anonymous said... 42

If Danielle was a regular blog bitch, she'd know better than to post with her own name, wouldn't she? Did anyone catch what she posted before she deleted it?

43 Anonymous said... 43

Her stating that every American is blood thirsty and loves the death penalty is pretty fucking stupid.

Every British person has bad teeth, AM I RITE?

44 Anonymous said... 44

If you have a blogger account (which she does) you have to switch to Anonymous before you post or else it posts under your own name. I'm assuming she's a regular and just forget to switch profiles.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Why do I have to click Post Comment 3 times before my post goes through here?

46 Anonymous said... 46

I'm a brit and I think smurfie is bloody annoying. She doesn't know what she's talking about. She rarely does. And she sounds like the worst sort of Brit, smug and superior. I bet she has wooden teeth too.

47 Anonymous said... 47

Because blogger hates your guts 45.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Her stating that every American is blood thirsty and loves the death penalty is pretty fucking stupid
I didn't read every post on the thread, just skimmed through, but I agree if she said that, then it is stupid. However I stand by what I said before, commenting on specific laws of another country is not unreasonable, and you don't have to live there to be able to do so.
Saying "everyone" in any country thinks one way is idiotic.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Smurfie may be annoying, but she absolutely didn't say that every American was bloodthirsty and blah blah blah. In fact, she's kept repeating that that's NOT what she's saying, but nobody there is actually reading her posts. She needs to give up, Yvonne aka Prom Queen has showed up to bully everyone into submission, so that thread is DONE!

50 Anonymous said... 50

Smurfie seems like a U.K. version of L'Urine

My apologies Brits

51 Anonymous said... 51

How is Smurfie like L'Urine?

She seems more like Heartcat to me.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Rabid, bitchy, seems drunk. She does have the Heartcat length but once L'Urine gets going she can get pretty lengthy. L'Urine also will not let anything go and fights her point to the death.

53 Anonymous said... 53

yes, she often seems drunk when she posts. I agree with that. It's hard to follow her and she gets lost in her argument.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Smurfie isn't a Brit. She lives there, but she's German. They don't like being argued with.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Smurfie is an idiot. German, British, whatever.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Heartcat needs to STFU for one freaking day!

She even has a picture posing as if she really believes she dear Abby or something. I see her posts and my eyes glaze over and skip them.

57 Anonymous said... 57

Danielle's one of the secret pal swap board peas probably looking for the latest dirt on MIA Dolands.

58 Anonymous said... 58

I get Lauren and Burning Feather mixed up for some reason. I don't know if their avatars were once alike or what it is.

59 Anonymous said... 59


Perhaps his ears are turning red as a sign of solidarity with his mom who was caught posting to the blog.

60 Anonymous said... 60

lol good one 59

61 Anonymous said... 61

Isn't ScrapinCT one of those peas who NEVER EVER goes anywhere without her kids. God forbid they are invited to a kidless wedding.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Smurfie is STILL going in that thread. What time is it over there, like 2 am?

63 Anonymous said... 63

Skybar just popped into the thread.

I really want to know what she looks like. I picture an older lady with greasy brown hair down to her asscheeks. Wearing sweatshirts 3 sizes too big, glasses, saggy boobs, slippers and smelling of moth balls.

64 Anonymous said... 64

I picture Skybar as morbidly obese, and unable to move without a cane. Grimy Christmas sweatshirts being worn in June, sweatpants with stains front and back. Oily gray hair parted in the middle, but too brittle and broken on the ends to gain any length.

Yes to the saggy boobs, slippers and mothball smell. Unfashionable, cheap glasses that are smeared. Crazy eyes, with a paranoid expression. People at the grocery store and fast food restaurants recognize her and cringe, because she rambles and talks really loud--if anyone says "no" to her for anything, she makes a scene and has to be removed by security. All the while screaming that the people who offended her are godless libs who will face theirs when the revolution comes.

Police have a file on her a mile long. They recognize her address when called out to the trailer park when she makes a disturbance. She spies on her neighbors, and has called the cops so many times for frivolous reasons that the 9-11 operator just rolls her eyes when her number comes up.

There are bible verses on the wall, and dog shit on the floor. She hasn't cleaned her house in ages, and blames her fibro. And libs, of course.

65 Anonymous said... 65

lol 64!

66 Anonymous said... 66

Dear Burning Feather,


67 Anonymous said... 67

Heartcat is so starving for attention yet no matter how much she writes, she can't seem to get any. Pathetic.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Sorry 64, I never read posts or comments that are longer than about 2-4 sentences. I'm sure you can say your thoughts in less than a short paragraph. Stop being so Heartcatty.

69 Anonymous said... 69

Heartcat lacks the intellect to hold the reader, unlike 64.

70 Anonymous said... 70

GAH! I'm sick of these tit nazis putting their nasty sh*t in the subject line. WEANING what, a puppy?

71 Anonymous said... 71

sh*t? really? you won't get banned here for saying SHIT

72 Anonymous said... 72

What is so nasty about saying her son is weaned?

73 Anonymous said... 73

Wow a curfew for a 19yo, good luck with that.

74 Anonymous said... 74

HOLY SHIT! Post is heartcat long but this popped out:
"The girls showered together (not uncommon in my extended family, my 2 girl cousins and I used to shower together when we spent the night, and DD didn't have a problem with that at all - she figured it would save time and water)"

EEK!!!!!!! That post has f'd up ALL over it

75 Anonymous said... 75

I know a middle-aged white guy, a Randian super conservative, who is on the gubmit dole - SS disability and Medicare due to kidney failure. He just posted a FB picture/post of him having bought a full-sized pickup truck load of fireworks. HUGE pile, he spent a shit-ton of $$.

Pisses me off.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Unless he posts on 2peas I don't give a shit 75. Or is that sh*t.

77 Anonymous said... 77

#75 WTF kind of shit are you spewing?

78 Anonymous said... 78

Actually. BF, your level of obsession with CA IS morbid.

79 Anonymous said... 79

And a waste of time. You know it, it shows in your over the top defensiveness.

80 Anonymous said... 80

PS - KAS, you're an idiot.

81 Anonymous said... 81

No wonder KAS isn't married or a mother. It would cut into her Peaing time.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Remember, I'm not being bitchy, I'm just being honest.

83 Anonymous said... 83

I agree 80. Total dipSHIT

84 Anonymous said... 84

"Hey DaaniBee - I was trying to figure out if you and I had some sort of past history for you to jump into a thread and randomly post that I'm a bitch with a stick up my ass sideways.

It doesn't appear that we do.

But I did find this comment from you on the cookie thread from a few weeks ago: "

Gosh, she's concerned enough to search frantically through weeks of posts to find a slight? What a pathetic dingbat

85 Anonymous said... 85

I seriously don't get peaing from the car, the airport, a bar, etc.

Totally overinvested and obsessed.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Does anyone even give a SHIT what the Real Housewives of wherever-the-fuck have stashed up their twats?

87 Anonymous said... 87

Which peas do that? The frequent CA posters of course!!

88 Anonymous said... 88

KAS is as bad as Lurine about always having to get in the last word. Dogs on a bone.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Just bein' honest.

90 Anonymous said... 90

LOL, 64! I imagine she leaves a stench-cloud of Poligrip, cigarette smoke and instant coffee wherever she goes.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Munch munch, box lunch.

92 Anonymous said... 92

Pennyring is such a dork on this thread:

93 Anonymous said... 93

She even has a picture posing as if she really believes she dear Abby or something. I see her posts and my eyes glaze over and skip them.

Too long/Didn't read is all I can think when I see Heartcat post. I have never read an entire post by her I tried a few times but she rambles hard. She seems like they type of person to trap you for 45 minutes because you said hello to her.

94 Anonymous said... 94

Anonymous said... 84 "Hey DaaniBee - I was trying to figure out if you and I had some sort of past history for you to jump into a thread and randomly post that I'm a bitch with a stick up my ass sideways.

It doesn't appear that we do.

But I did find this comment from you on the cookie thread from a few weeks ago: "

Gosh, she's concerned enough to search frantically through weeks of posts to find a slight? What a pathetic dingbat

July 3, 2011 8:05 PM
What? Where is this?

95 Anonymous said... 95

The CA spin-off thread.

96 Anonymous said... 96

Pennyring is a douchnozzle of the highest degree. She just really needs to just the fuck up.

I lost all respect for that twit a long time ago. Anyone that is supposed to be educated but can't go to the doctor for a simple pap smear is a dimwit weirdo. She thinks because "cancer doesn't run in my family" she will never get it.

97 Anonymous said... 97

PS - KAS, you're an idiot.


This cannot be said enough.

98 Anonymous said... 98

WTF is Seanna (Shwanna) talking about on that thread? Is she sworn enemies with Angie or BF? God, I fucking hate all of those bitches on that thread.

99 Anonymous said... 99

KAS, you are an idiot!!!

BurningVag, you are a bitch cunt of the highest level.

100 Anonymous said... 100

God, I fucking hate all of those bitches on that thread.

Cosign that. Queen Bees, all of 'em.

101 Anonymous said... 101

And that's ^^^ NOT a complement.

102 Anonymous said... 102

BurningCrotch is nothing but an internet mean girl. I bet she got picked on and made fun of because she is very unfortunate looking so she now hides behind her keyboard and takes it out on people by being a total bully. Cuntbag.

103 Anonymous said... 103

KAS, you are an idiot!!!

BurningVag, you are a bitch cunt of the highest level.


Yep. Just bein' honest.

104 Anonymous said... 104

Burning Vag has nothing going on in her pathetic little life except cleaning toilets, painting cabinets and peaing. Period.

Is it any wonder she gets all over-invested in an anon messageboard? Or the minute details of some trial halfway across the country?

105 Anonymous said... 105

I miss JonDUH and Barf.

106 Anonymous said... 106

how unfortunate

107 Anonymous said... 107

LOL Look at the proposal link!

108 Anonymous said... 108

I miss peasbkind. Crap on a cracker, now I probably beetlejuiced her back to the bucket.

109 Anonymous said... 109

I read those CA threads yesterday. Decided to put the idiots, paralegal wannabes and lynch mob members on ignore as I read through. After 5 or 6 pages of this, I ended up with about 6 posters that had anything remotely intelligent to say. nuff said

110 Anonymous said... 110

Penny's got herself a real hambeast there, doesn't she? They should have gone with a Beauty and the Beast theme instead.

111 Anonymous said... 111

And there goes Yvonne in true busybody form jumping in a thread to hand slap. She's attracted to drama like a fly on shit. It must make her feel relevant. You know she's a blog bitch since she adores her buddy Seanna. Yvonne's probably a few handful of not so bright peas left that eat up Seanna's bullshit.

112 Anonymous said... 112

I thought BF was a Cha Cha operator?

113 Anonymous said... 113

I still can't believe Rhondito got her panties all wet over Joe and went out with him.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Hey 108---did I miss a Peasbkind hairflip? Just realized when you posted that she hasn't been on here.

115 Anonymous said... 115

What is with the "Smack Center" blog? Once in a while it seems geared toward the Peas board, and other times I can't tell WHAT the heck they are talking about.

116 Anonymous said... 116

Tree lover and Cami car have also been MIA, I wonder if they read shit about themselves on here and left the pod.

117 Anonymous said... 117

I doubt Treelover is gone. She is lurking while eating a Kraft single and looking at two stray dogs eating from the trash on her back porch.

118 Anonymous said... 118

BF was a ChaCha guide but she probably quit because it was too hard. I think she pissed people off there too. I remember her bitching about her "work forum". Her cuntiness follows her around like a snail trail.

119 Anonymous said... 119


yeah, she makes men fall over in walmart alright. bitch certainly has an elevated sense of self esteem. and yeah, what a hambeast she married. ick

120 Anonymous said... 120

Anonymous said... 116 Tree lover and Cami car have also been MIA, I wonder if they read shit about themselves on here and left the pod.

July 4, 2011 7:54 AM

Isn't that the goal here? To make them leave?

"I wish she would just STFU and LEAVE"

"I wish she would quit posting and go away"

Some wishes really dooooooo come truuuuue.


121 Anonymous said... 121

120-I sure hope so. If they do come true, BurningVag would go *poof*

122 Anonymous said... 122

Anonymous said... 121 120-I sure hope so. If they do come true, BurningVag would go *poof*

July 4, 2011 8:54 AM

Her daughter got the hint, for the most part but we all know she's smarter than her mother.

AN must get the little bit of brains she has from her father. Poor BurningFart

123 Anonymous said... 123


'Burning Fart' &

'Her cuntiness follows her around like a snail trail.'

Hilarious and SPOT ON.

124 Anonymous said... 124

Anonymous said... 114

Hey 108---did I miss a Peasbkind hairflip? Just realized when you posted that she hasn't been on here.
July 4, 2011 5:43 AM

Not that I know of. I just haven't seen her around for a long time, and I miss the predictable snarkiness-in-the-guise-of-naivete of her posts.

To the rest of you bitches, I think pennyring's DH is cute. You are really impossible to please.

125 Anonymous said... 125

Do yall ever think we may be posting with peas on here that we cannot stand on twopeas?
Me burningvag and Seanna in a big lovefest, when I can't stand the two thundercunts.

126 Anonymous said... 126

Her taste is all in her ass. She goes on and on about decorating a house she doesn't even own yet. I'm not sure why she annoys me so much, lol.

127 Anonymous said... 127

lol, I didn't know smurfie was a Kraut. Especially hilarious then that she made a post about blood-lusting Americans.

128 Anonymous said... 128

126 did you see that hideous orange bathroom someone posted? with a parrot on the wall and country bumpkin hand towels on the rail?

129 Anonymous said... 129

you're classy 125

130 Anonymous said... 130

Anonymous said... 124 Anonymous said... 114

Hey 108---did I miss a Peasbkind hairflip? Just realized when you posted that she hasn't been on here.
July 4, 2011 5:43 AM

Not that I know of. I just haven't seen her around for a long time, and I miss the predictable snarkiness-in-the-guise-of-naivete of her posts.

To the rest of you bitches, I think pennyring's DH is cute. You are really impossible to please.

July 4, 2011 10:17 AM

Fucking gross!

131 Anonymous said... 131

These women are bitching about Walmart, and I guarantee they don't know jack shit about that company or how it treats its employees. Do they really think Target is completely fair and honest with ITS employees?

132 Anonymous said... 132

I'd like to think of this place as helpful! How else will they know what is wrong with them?

133 Anonymous said... 133

does this stupid fucking bitch truly think she is funny? Second lame ass thread in two days?

134 Anonymous said... 134

and she's bumping it!

135 Anonymous said... 135

125 BF or Seanna. Either one I don't care, you're both way too invested.

136 Anonymous said... 136

BF, we all GOT what you were doing earlier - you were GLOATING like the BITCH you are, so the repeated message wasn't really needed. FFS, you are one of the least likeable individuals on there and your necessity to prove you are right just smacks of insecurity.

(On today's mess of a Casey thread)

137 Anonymous said... 137

I don't think Pennyring's dude is cute. At least not my type. He isn't hideous, but not what I would term attractive at all. At least not in that first picture. He looks a bit better in the others. Maybe it is the slack-jawed mouth hanging open? Or is that his smile? And what is this that he does for a living - maintenance clerk for the Everett Housing Authority?

138 Anonymous said... 138

Am I the only one who thinks it's weird pennyring got married on 9 11?

139 Anonymous said... 139

Mr. Pennyring is normal looking, not stunning but not hideous either. She's average too, not sure why she seems to think she's so hot. Having good self esteem is important but she must have a magic mirror that reflects back a super model and not real life.

140 Anonymous said... 140

"She's average too, not sure why she seems to think she's so hot. Having good self esteem is important but she must have a magic mirror that reflects back a super model and not real life.
Could it just be keyboard courage? Does anyone know what she is like IRL?

141 Anonymous said... 141

I hate when people misspell a word and then write (sp?) after it. If you know you aren't spelling the word correctly, why not take five seconds to look it up?

This does not apply to accidental or innocent misspellings.

142 Spell Check is for *L*O*S*E*R*S* said... 142

Anonymous said... 141 I hate when people misspell a word and then write (sp?) after it. If you know you aren't spelling the word correctly, why not take five seconds to look it up?

This does not apply to accidental or innocent misspellings.

July 4, 2011 2:12 PM

Because it's quikkker (sp?) LOL

143 Anonymous said... 143

really? seriously? pmail your number to burning fart and she'll text you the outcome.

how fucking stupid can you get?

144 Anonymous said... 144

Has Athena and her family packed up and moved to the small-government paradise of MN yet?

145 Anonymous said... 145

From the BurningVag:

Peamail me Anna - I'm compiling a list - LOL.

If this verdict comes back while I'm actually out having a life - or my annual exam - then I apologize in advance, but I will be home MOST of the week.

I find this the most pathetic and saddest thing I have ever read at the bukkit.

Pretty sad if the only *having a life* you get to talk about on the board is going and getting a fucking pap smear. WHAT.the.FUCK!

146 Anonymous said... 146

At least BF gets a pap unlike pennyring. Still don't fully understand that and really wonder what kind of sex life she has if she's so uptight she can't take care of her female health needs.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Pennyring's hambeast husband is probably gay and doesn't want to look at her twat either.

148 Anonymous said... 148

Athena's moving to Bikini Bottom.

149 Anonymous said... 149

for those of you who are fans of bostonheart, she is already asking for photographer recommendations for her twins on the photo board

150 Anonymous said... 150


Voltagain is such a fucking weirdo.

151 Anonymous said... 151

Voltagain is sooooooo weird. She seems like another skybar.

152 Anonymous said... 152

149, I actually feel kinda sorry for Bostonheart. She's in for one hell of a rude awakening if this adoption doesn't go through.

And maybe throughout life, anyway.

153 Anonymous said... 153

149, I actually feel kinda sorry for Bostonheart. She's in for one hell of a rude awakening if this adoption doesn't go through.

Yup! I remarked on this a few spaces ago when she was asking about rooming situations of other mothers of boy/girl twins.

There's a pretty good change this adoption WON'T go through! I wouldn't wish that heartache on anyone. KNOW she's excited and all but she needs to put the brakes on!

154 Anonymous said... 154

At two peas that's spelled "breaks." You put the breaks on when your wearing heals or sandles.

155 Anonymous said... 155

OMG BF is such a douche. The girl asked about WEIGHT LOSS before her cruise and this is what she got. Can you imagine having this bitch as your MIL?????

"Since it's your first cruise - check out You can select your cruise line and even your specific ship and date of cruise. There may already even be a thread started already. Very often, Cruise Critic members have meet ups.

Also, I think there are general message boards there and they have "Lose to Cruise" type threads that you might find inspiring since other people will have the same goal.

Finally (and you didn't ask at all), but since it's your anniversary, check and see if your ship offers vow renewal and whether it's something you might want to do. DH and I did this on a cruise last year and it was really special. There were 4 couples - one had their family with them, the other three couples (including us) were traveling alone as couples. We had a private ceremony (although not all Captains make it private) and then a reception with the rest of the couples. We also received some special things as well as a certificate, a special dinner, flowers in our room, corsages, etc. It was very, very nice and worth the little bit extra (I think it was about $125/couple - about the same as an excursion - and way more meaningful to us.)"

156 Anonymous said... 156

AngieVP cracks me up, so desperate to pretend she has money, never talks about anything else. It is clear she is a full of SHIT. She must get her ideas about money from rap videos.

I read a funny comment after an article online that said "The middle classes act more posh these days than her royal highness ever has, what's with THAT."

157 Anonymous said... 157

What's with these Lulumon cultists? It's just cheaply made shit that you can buy the EXACT crap at Target right now. Wearing it to new job???? WTF? They're basically female colored wife beaters and Target yoga pants

158 Anonymous said... 158

Yes, Volt is a total weirdo. I have "known" her since the AOL scrapbooking boards over 10 years ago.

I don't know why the hell she makes such a big deal about hiding her identity. You would think she was in the witness protection agency or something.

Anyway, I remember when her marriage imploded and she was really in a bad way. Of course, we don't know BOTH sides of the story but from what she has posted over the years, he exDH really took a dump on her and left her penniless after her being an uneducated SAHM for over 20 years.

159 Anonymous said... 159

Lulumon? wtf? $150 bucks for a fucking hoodie? What a joke.

160 Anonymous said... 160

What the hell kind of job do you have that you can wear that Lulumon yoga shit to unless you are a fucking yoga instructor?

161 Anonymous said... 161

Whiney babies.

If you're single and you want to do something, do it! Invite your friends, make your own plans. Don't sit at home and complain about being on your own and how inconsiderate it is that your friends didn't invite you to join their family activities. I didn't invite any of my single friends over this weekend to join us in our long weekend of yardwork and housework. Oh, wait, we went out to eat Saturday and to a movie today... I guess I should have invited my single friends! Shame on me.

162 Anonymous said... 162

So, cookscrapper hasn't been around since the end of May. Did the posts about her here run her off or is she out chasing cook around?


163 Anonymous said... 163

I remember when her marriage imploded and she was really in a bad way. Of course, we don't know BOTH sides of the story but from what she has posted over the years, he exDH really took a dump on her and left her penniless after her being an uneducated SAHM for over 20 years.

I don't know that she has actually said it but I think there domestic violence involved and I know she was homeless and lived in a shelter for a long time. She has always come across to me as somebody who got the holy shit kicked out of her and is trying to have a somewhat normal even if it is totally fake life at 2Peas.

164 Anonymous said... 164

I like Voltagain. Have only seen posts by her recently, but she seems a lot more normal & intelligent than a lot of these dimwitted redneck psychos on the board.

165 Anonymous said... 165

I like her too. I just think that she comes across a bit off because her life was turned inside out.

166 Anonymous said... 166

we pay $6 for paper flowers, is $150 such a far stretch?

167 Anonymous said... 167

From the splurge thread:


Just made reservations for 17 days and 16 nights at Disneyworld for our 37th anniverary. Just dh and I. We got Deluxe Dining too. Now to plan all those meals.

Sylvia in MN


OMG. I can't even wrap my head around this.

168 Anonymous said... 168

deluxe disney dining.

what a nightmare.

169 Anonymous said... 169

Lulumon? wtf? $150 bucks for a fucking hoodie? What a joke.

your just fuckin jealous you can't afford that for a fucking hoodie and get the crap knock offs at Target/Walmart...there is a BIG difference and you would know that if you ever tried the real shit.

170 Anonymous said... 170

deluxe disney dining.

what a nightmare.

what is it.. beef dogs on wholewheat.,special Kraft mac and cheese and a chocolate sundae for dessert??

171 Anonymous said... 171

i'm glad scrapstench put her car back in her sig line, now when i see that stupid thing i scroll past.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Disney dining is the least of it.


173 Anonymous said... 173

LOL 172


that's all i have.

174 Anonymous said... 174

.there is a BIG difference and you would know that if you ever tried the real shit.

Keep telling yourself that. Lulumon and all the other fad brands are not good quality and if you had ever had good quality clothing you would know that. They have more detail that Target and a better fabric but the difference does not justify the price. Besides what is the point of paying top dollar for something that will be out of style in 3 months.

175 Anonymous said... 175

How can I find out if someone else in my house is monitoring my laptop usage?

176 Anonymous said... 176

lock it down, take it with you.

177 Anonymous said... 177

I like Voltagain. Have only seen posts by her recently, but she seems a lot more normal & intelligent than a lot of these dimwitted redneck psychos on the board.


I like her too, but why even answer that thread to say "I don't want to say"

178 Anonymous said... 178

"your just fuckin jealous you can't afford that for a fucking hoodie and get the crap knock offs at Target/Walmart...there is a BIG difference and you would know that if you ever tried the real shit. "

Umm, got news for you there, Rockefeller..the sure sign of someone who doesn't have money is to spend it on stupid cheap shit that someone who knows how desperate you are put a big price tag on. People with $ don't spend it dumb shit like that. I do however know of many people living in trailers with big screen tvs. You're in good company.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Same Chinese factory, dipshit

180 Anonymous said... 180

We have the new must have item in Pealand

181 Anonymous said... 181

I particularly liked the 6.5 yo that still uses a actual potty, because her DH "wants him to have the option" She says he is perfectly capable of using the regualr toilet yet they let him use the potty for nostalgic reasons???Sure, it's not like the other kids will pick on him for that.
Some parents are just fuck wits, it's your JOB to make sure your kid functions in the real world, keeping him untantalized isn't going to do him any favors in the long run.

182 Anonymous said... 182

#180, old news, they have that poop helper as part of a comic bit on 2 and 1/2 men. Charlie (Winning!) comes in and find Allan setting on the "throne" with something that looked like one of those leg separators for people with hip issues.

183 Anonymous said... 183

"It works for childbirth, so why not the other?"

Because if you are shitting out 8 pound craps you have bigger issues than where to put your feet when going potty!

184 Anonymous said... 184

Try eating something other than burgers and fries and drink some water instead of Pepsi and you might find that you don't have to grunt and strain for 2hrs....or need a poop stool. I don't even want to think about how unhealthy some of those digestive tracts are, bowel cancer waiting to happen.

185 Anonymous said... 185

#156 AngieVP is the same poser who claimed to be buying her best friend jewelry from Tiffany for Christmas yet lives with her mother or something

186 Anonymous said... 186

Those Vera Bradley bags are old lady shit that any grandma could sew herself in 2 mins. WTF am I missing? There is no end to what the sheeple will follow, apparently. Go great with Crocs

187 Anonymous said... 187

#180, old news, they have that poop helper as part of a comic bit on 2 and 1/2 men. Charlie (Winning!) comes in and find Allan setting on the "throne" with something that looked like one of those leg separators for people with hip issues.

Just because it is old doesn't mean the Peas won't jump on it. All it takes is one well known Pea to swear by it and people will be posting their altered poop stools for months and starting poop stool question and praise threads daily.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Umm, got news for you there, Rockefeller


Just made me snort at work

189 Anonymous said... 189

#156 AngieVP is the same poser who claimed to be buying her best friend jewelry from Tiffany for Christmas yet lives with her mother or something
Tiffany has lots of $100 things.

190 Anonymous said... 190

Well after a meal of magikal beouf you'll need a poop stool and about a gallon of pepto.

191 Anonymous said... 191

But the items she was linking to that she was deciding between were $700-$1000. range. For her 'best friend'

192 Anonymous said... 192

OMG... they have now signed up for text alerts for the CA verdict.

Fucking bunch of sick bitches with absolutely NO LIVES.

It is disgusting to me that this is a big, fun soap opera for them. A child was killed. Her mother possibly getting the death penalty. And they need text alerts.


193 Anonymous said... 193

They've got the cray-cray going on

194 Anonymous said... 194

MAC is like greasy/nasty theatrical makeup, but because skanks like Jennifer Anniston were pimping it in 1990, the board is just catching on.

Good thing, that nasty twat of Jennifer Anniston's needs some commission these days. :P

195 Anonymous said... 195

All it takes is one well known Pea to swear by it and people will be posting their altered poop stools for months and starting poop stool question and praise threads daily.



196 Anonymous said... 196

Burning Feather
I conceived but I can't see you

PeaNut 158336 - July 2004
Posts: 32665 Layouts: 3
Loc: Ain't no black widow serial killer going to get between me and my man

Posted: 7/5/2011 9:38:40 AM
For those that keep wondering "why" someone would be interested in this trial (and you KNOW you are reading these threads, so don't even deny it), here's an interesting article


Could she get any bitchier? A few peas ask an honest question about why the damn trial is so interesting and she takes it as some personal insult to her sensibilities (which it very well might be but that's beside the point). She is such a bitch when her opinion isn't shared by everyone.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Anonymous said... 192 OMG... they have now signed up for text alerts for the CA verdict.

Fucking bunch of sick bitches with absolutely NO LIVES.

It is disgusting to me that this is a big, fun soap opera for them. A child was killed. Her mother possibly getting the death penalty. And they need text alerts.


July 5, 2011 7:43 AM

maybe CA will somehow gain access to the internet while in jail and find her way to twopeas.

that would be interesting.

198 Julia Roberts said... 198

MAC is like greasy/nasty theatrical makeup, but because skanks like Jennifer Anniston were pimping it in 1990, the board is just catching on.

You are fucking crazy. My sister is a make up artist in Da Big Citee and she uses Mac. I've been using it for years. And it is neither greasy nor nasty.

I realize it's out of your price range once you can't buy it at CVS with your ECBs but don't be a hater, hater.

199 Anonymous said... 199

I can't believe they were watching the Casey Anthony trial on the 4th of July!

200 Anonymous said... 200

"You are fucking crazy. My sister is a make up artist in Da Big Citee and she uses Mac. I've been using it for years. And it is neither greasy nor nasty.

I realize it's out of your price range once you can't buy it at CVS with your ECBs but don't be a hater, hater."

Spoken like true white trash.

News flash: Price does not = quality, only gullability of the consumer.

News Flash2: While that passe shit is most definitely BELOW my "price range" doesn't mean I need to but it.

You identified with Myrtle in The Great Gatsby, didn't you :D

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