Monday, July 11, 2011



1 Anonymous said... 1

I touch myself

2 Anonymous said... 2

Get yer hands outta yer pants ya skank

3 Anonymous said... 3


4 Anonymous said... 4

. A three hour tour.


I lol'd, thanks!

5 Anonymous said... 5

Anonymous said... 2 Get yer hands outta yer pants ya skank

July 11, 2011 10:13 AM

If it's a male, it would be a rising skank.

6 Anonymous said... 6

I've never heard rising used that way before, but I don't get the hate. I understood what she meant and moved on.

Hmmm, maybe I belong at the bucket today, not here.

7 Anonymous said... 7

hate? LOL

8 Anonymous said... 8

Whoa! merrymaker is a freakin FREAK! on that class choices in high school thread. I'm so glad I didn't have parents like that. I was kind of half joking before, but really think kids brought up that way probably have no motivation and some major issues to deal with down the road.

9 Anonymous said... 9

rising hate.

10 Anonymous said... 10

I don't know how I made it in life through school, college and a great paying profession without a merrymaker mom to helicopter me. Shit, and I left home and set up on my own at age 17. The horror. Are these moms trying to live vicariously through their own poor kids, or is it really all about their pathological need to control? Something. Anything.

11 Anonymous said... 11

votes for pathological need for control.

12 Anonymous said... 12

thank god somebody else thinks merrymakers crazy on that thread. The thumbs up she got from somebody else baffled me.

"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"

13 Anonymous said... 13

Yes 11 that is clearly the case in merrymaker's case, and it comes shining through in all her posts on that thread.

14 Anonymous said... 14

12 the thumbs up I believe came from the OP of that thread. The one with really bad speeeling and grammer who wants to choose her kid's subjects.

15 Anonymous said... 15

merrymaker "bowed out" because a pea was 'rude' to her... what a spineless twat

16 Anonymous said... 16

merrymaker bowed out because she used her last brain cell on what she thought was a good argument and didn't have any left to debate with the responders.

bye, merrymaker.

17 Anonymous said... 17

her last argument was mocking a siggy... lame

18 Anonymous said... 18

Daanibee you nutcase, YOU are the one that makes no fucking sense you teenage psychopath. MerryMaker is the one making sense on that thread you douchebag little girl. Had you any education you'd be occupying yourself outside of the 24/7 you spend on the pod.

19 Anonymous said... 19

you kinda sound like a butcase 18... pretty angry

20 Anonymous said... 20

Those types of parents do their kids a HUGE disservice. In college there were so many kids who couldn't do anything on their own - blew my mind. They're ADULTS but their mommies were still making their dentist appointments, filling out their school paperwork, doing their taxes, handling their checkbooks, buying their groceries, doing their car maintenance - every.freaking.thing. Sad, really. I'm so grateful my mom raised me to be self-sufficient so I was totally ready to go out on my own.

21 Anonymous said... 21

22 Anonymous said... 22

OMG I meant nutcase! haha!

23 Anonymous said... 23

that blog is dated 2006 21, anything more current?

24 Anonymous said... 24

ITA 20. Kids really don't learn a lot of life skills these days. Back in the day kids knew how to do house, car, financial, maintenance, lawn, etc. stuff before they left home. Now they leave home and have to spend a huge chunk of their money on hiring people to do the things they don't know how to do!

My BFF and her DH are like that. They can't afford to hire people though so every time they have a problem like a flat tire they have to call her dad to come help them - even though he's in his 70s and shouldn't be having to help out the "kids" in their late 30s!

25 Anonymous said... 25

merrymaker in da hoooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuse

26 daanibee said... 26

wow, 23, interested in stalking me much?

Congratulations on finding a blog from when I was 14. You must be very interested in my life.

Also, I hardly spend 24 hours a day at the pod, but of course nobody will believe me.

and 18, I don't give a shit if you think I make no sense, other people backed me up anyways. Calm down.

27 Anonymous said... 27

90% of these posts, as usual are DaaniBee posting about whoever she wants to harass that day

28 Anonymous said... 28

18? Go play with the other children and leave the grown ups to talk.
You have nothing of any importance or any interest to add to any conversation.

29 Anonymous said... 29

daanibee made sense

merrymaker made sense

different opinions clash


30 Anonymous said... 30

Is your space bar broken? Stop being a loser like Kiki with the odd punctuation no-one thinks you are clever because you can double or triple space.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Anonymous said... 30 Is your space bar broken? Stop being a loser like Kiki with the odd punctuation no-one thinks you are clever because you can double or triple space.

July 11, 2011 2:58 PM

STFU Moran! Plenty of spaces in that post.

Still ssdd...........;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::

32 Anonymous said... 32

Anonymous said... 30 Is your space bar broken? Stop being a loser like Kiki with the odd punctuation no-one thinks you are clever because you can double or triple space.

July 11, 2011 2:58 PM

You just want to start fights today don't you? Are you really that fucking bored? Get a job and get out of here.

33 Anonymous said... 33

All the same boring pea drivel in here today, *look* AT meeee and *my* crazy PUNCTUATION see how "creative" I am.
That shit only gets rewarded at the bukkit.

34 Anonymous said... 34

wow, 23, interested in stalking me much?

Congratulations on finding a blog from when I was 14. You must be very interested in my life.

Also, I hardly spend 24 hours a day at the pod, but of course nobody will believe me.

and 18, I don't give a shit if you think I make no sense, other people backed me up anyways. Calm down.


Awrighty hush now, the grown ups are talking. Here, have a Barbie.

35 daanibee said... 35

Thanks, 34, but only if you get me the dream house to go with it. You know how us young'ins have a short attention span.

36 Anonymous said... 36

OMG. Can you imagine being one of her kids? You could not take a dump without her being in your face and telling you how to do it. CUT THE STRINGS SOMETIME.

Jesus Christ. Hand slapper, Pea slapper, Facebook slapper, Slap slap slap slap!

37 Anonymous said... 37

It's really sad how all these pea moms smother their kids. And their bad attitudes so clearly rub off their little snoflakes. All I saw in that girl's comment (without benefit of wider context) is a comment trying to make light of something sucky. I thought the boy's chiding response was completely uncalled for.

38 *P*U*N*C*T*U*A*T*I*O*N* *Q*U*E*E*N* said... 38

Anonymous said... 33 All the same boring pea drivel in here today, *look* AT meeee and *my* crazy PUNCTUATION see how "creative" I am.
That shit only gets rewarded at the bukkit.

July 11, 2011 3:35 PM

I guess you need your medications again if it's driving you *THAT* *CRAZY*.

39 Anonymous said... 39

He told me he didn't put bleach on my hair, it just lightened the hair if your hair has never been colored. I watched him do it, he mixed it in a bowel
hehehehehehehehehe Another Annabella-ism. She makes it so damn easy to make fun of her.

From the latest hair color thread.

40 Anonymous said... 40

scrapstench, always a bitch.

41 Anonymous said... 41

Besides the bowel error, wtf is she talking about? He lightened her very dark hair without bleach? Plus they always have to mix that shit together before they lighten your hair.

42 Anonymous said... 42

41, it's the bowel error. I included the bleach bit for context.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Her DD is screwed. If your own mother doesn't like being around you, you are going to need therapy.

44 Anonymous said... 44

42 i know. I was asking wtf Anabella was talking about

45 Anonymous said... 45

Unbelievable. I propose we have a contest here for the most assinine question you feel appropriate to bring to a message board full of strangers.

46 Anonymous said... 46

Leads a Charmed Life

PeaNut 43843 - July 2002
Posts: 37679 Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast

Posted: 7/11/2011 12:48:10 PM
Sally's is having a sale right now on the Ion, but when I started reading all the instructions of what I'm supposed to mix with the color I just got confused.

47 Anonymous said... 47

I guess the bright side is that she could read it at all.

48 Anonymous said... 48

She only started, I doubt she finished. lol

49 Anonymous said... 49

scrapstench, always a bitch.

she called you on your own bitchiness nantini

and because someone will say it not the wench

50 Anonymous said... 50

^^^fucking ipad that should read i am not the wench

51 Anonymous said... 51

What is magical beef? I've seen it mentioned here, but I've never been on the bukkit long enough to find out what it is...

52 Anonymous said... 52

51 your post count is obviously too low and therefore you must be a troll because had you been posting ad nauseum 24/7 you would know

get thee gone tier 389 pea

53 Anonymous said... 53

Yep, I've been there 4 years, and my post count is not even to 1000 yet! I think spending your life on a message board with goals **cough**choppedliver**cough** to get a certain number of posts shows a lack of a real life. But, I guess I'm not anywhere near a top tier pea, so what the heck to I know!!

As long as I am asking history, what is with Jerzeygirl? From what I understand, she had 2 or 3 kids taken away from her, but now she is adopting 3 foster kids?? What the hell???

54 Anonymous said... 54

scrapstench, always a bitch.


WTF are you posting shit from January for?

55 Anonymous said... 55

Annabella's blond hair looks skanky and ghetto. She is no better than the "who's my baby daddy" ho bags on Maury Povich.

For someone that thinks she is so classy, I can't believe as a black girl, she would bleach her hair blond.

56 Anonymous said... 56

51-Here is the lowdown. BurningVag posted about her famous "crock pot beef" last winter. It is nothing but a cheap roast and some dry Italian Dressing that cooks all day in the fucking crockpot.

The lemmings at the post thought the shit was the second coming of Jeebus and got all up her ass about how fucking wonderful it is.

I swear we had three or more posts a day talking how they were making BF's wonderful beef or wanting the stupid recipe. Those bitches wouldn't know gourmet from Chef Boyardee.

A blog bitched dubbed it "The Magikal Beouf" and we "All Hail the Magikal Beouf".

57 Anonymous said... 57

Thank you #56! I've not seen this magical recipe. Maybe if I make the bukkit more of a priority, I could be making it right now...

58 Anonymous said... 58

I believe JerzeryTwat has an older teen boy from a previous marriage that does not live with her. I don't know the backstory on why he doesn't so I can't say much.

Most likely, the kid didn't want to live with the obnoxious bitch. "Stina" is about has fun as an STD.

59 Carla Can't Cook said... 59

57, that beef smells good but tastes awful. I think only a few people actually came out and said that.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Didn't someone compare it to a chicago sandwich or some such thing? Like on a toasted roll with cheese melted on it?? It's not good that way either?

61 Anonymous said... 61

60-dude, make it yourself and figure it out.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Anonymous said... 54

scrapstench, always a bitch.


WTF are you posting shit from January for?

July 11, 2011 6:20 PM

You really can't read for yourself? Annabella, is that you? It says "always a bitch".

Posted to show why Darkangel is now Darkangel. She was adararararasmommy up until then.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Anonymous said... 58 I believe JerzeryTwat has an older teen boy from a previous marriage that does not live with her. I don't know the backstory on why he doesn't so I can't say much.

Most likely, the kid didn't want to live with the obnoxious bitch. "Stina" is about has fun as an STD.

July 11, 2011 6:38 PM

LOL @ that last sentence!!

I don't know about her business but if she if fostering (now adopting) maybe she has fostered in the past and the parents had the children returned to them? Just guessing.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Anonymous said... 54

scrapstench, always a bitch.


WTF are you posting shit from January for?

July 11, 2011 6:20 PM

You really can't read for yourself? Annabella, is that you? It says "always a bitch".

Posted to show why Darkangel is now Darkangel. She was adararararasmommy up until then.

it looks to me that wench told that fucktard to shut up because her idiotic post was not what the OP needed to hear at the time most of adarasararasmommys shit is ridiculous and ignorant

i would have told the bitch to STFU but wench beat me to it

65 Anonymous said... 65

adarasmommyisanidiot changed her name more recently that thread was in January i don't think you can blame it on scrapstench

66 Anonymous said... 66

I just read that thread in #54 and all I have to say is... I had no idea freaking Tylenol was so dangerous. I pop 3 at a time all the time.

Damn. Who'd a thunk I'd learn something actually useful at the bucket?

67 Anonymous said... 67

Anonymous said... 65 adarasmommyisanidiot changed her name more recently that thread was in January i don't think you can blame it on scrapstench

July 11, 2011 8:55 PM

That IS when she changed it, it was posted here on the blog when it happened too.

Sorry Stench!

68 Anonymous said... 68

64, yes, it needed to be said. The post is only to show again (says in the post here) "Scrapstench, always a bitch". Also to show why she changed her name. She TRIED to stay under the radar but the stupid shit started flowing again and the "dose" layout was still there.

69 Anonymous said... 69

I make the magikal boeuf once every couple of months. It smells good, it tastes good, and my family loves it.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Adarasmommy/Darkangel is not only stupid, but she's a bitch, too.

71 Anonymous said... 71

I made the magikal boeuf - it was fine, but wasn't anything special. Just a crockpot roast beef.

72 Anonymous said... 72

Anonymous said... 70 Adarasmommy/Darkangel is not only stupid, but she's a bitch, too.

July 11, 2011 11:04 PM

All I can say is that I like her quillwork. I wish she'd shill it once in a while, I'd probably buy something. LOL

73 Anonymous said... 73

#66 yep you can kill your liver if you take more than 4000mg a day! Kill your liver and you will die without a transplant. Tylenol is not as harmless as people think.

74 Anonymous said... 74

BostonHeart is setting herself up for a big heartache when the birthmom renegs on the adoption idea......I hope I'm wrong but I get a skeevy feeling about this whole situation. Boston heart already has them named..nursery planned. I'm surprised she hasn't put them on a waiting list for preschool!!

For her sake, I SO hope I'm wrong but girlfriend has gotten her hopes up WAY high.

75 Anonymous said... 75

OOPS I copied the wrong thread.

Here's the BostonHeart thread asking for advice on how to act in the delivery room

76 Anonymous said... 76

For someone that thinks she is so classy, I can't believe as a black girl, she would bleach her hair blond.


She's also said she's half Polish. All Polish girls dye their hair blonde. Pay attention now!

Eh AB is not my best friend, but she is a young, pretty woman who at least spends some money and time and effort on her appearance, unlike most of the peas (onion ring crumbs in my cleavage anyone), and the last pic she posted of herself was in Italy. Which makes ME jealous, at least, don't know about you. Yes going to Italy does require leaving the house (other than going to Target to have deep thoughts about EARBUDS and thinking you are so special of course the security guards watch everythign you do!), which most peas have said they don't like to do. And traveling also means you might miss the CA trial on fucking TV as well so ixnay on that plan for the peas.

Yeah sometimes she uses the wrong word, well my iPad sometimes does auto fill in with the wrong word too.

I don't get the hate for her, really.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Annabella is a dumb twat. Just because she's traveled to far away places doesn't make her smart...she has teh dumb. There is NO cure for teh dumb..for someone so highly traveled, she asks some VERY inane assinine she's lived in a fall out shelter her whole life and was just let out to see the light of day for the very first time!

78 Anonymous said... 78

WHY do peas announce their BFP the SECOND they get it on the bukkit???

79 Anonymous said... 79

AB doesn't bother me either, but she always gets a bad rap on the blogs. As far as I'm concerned there's far bigger twats to fry over there.
At least she's no a home schooling mormon with 5 kids who doesn't have a life outside of the bukkit.

80 Anonymous said... 80

AB's bad rap is WELL deserved 79. WHO charges people to attend a birthday party that you're throwing for YOURSELF??? AB, that's who? And then there were A-list guests and B-list guests who were treated differently?? TOTALLY whack! but I guess that's how HER pool of friends does things. Whatever.

81 Anonymous said... 81

My problem with AB is that she sets a poster up to be attacked by asking an obvious question. She is mean and she thinks she is better than anyone.

82 Anonymous said... 82

AB takes those vacations with her elderly Mommy. She is not out living it up on those vacations.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Her elderly mommy who probably PAYS for the entire vacation including AB! I doubt AB makes too much $ at her job.

84 Anonymous said... 84

I didn't say I agree with everything she does, but there's plenty of fucked up stuff like that from lots of other peas. I'm not an AB fan exactly, but she doesn't annoy me as much as many of the others do.

85 Anonymous said... 85

At least she gets to see more than a Disney cruise, that,s better going than two thirds of the peas already.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Is it me or is Darkangel seeming to be cycling into some sort super all powerful manic phase?

" Posted: 7/11/2011 4:14:33 PM 
someone post that women are so much more vulnerable then men. You are only as vulnerable as you let you self be. Learn to protect your self. Learn to use a weapon. You let your self be seen as victomes that tuns you in to a target. If you show your strong and are not scare of your own shadow then that turn off most people up to no good.

I am the one who hates to have window closed and doors locked. Make me feel traped, Dh is always going be hind me locking and closing door. i tell him he is scared the big bad boogie man going to get him. I am not scared of some one coming in to my home. I am more worried about having a mess to clean up when its all done."

From this thread:

87 Anonymous said... 87

I like Annabelle. She says some off the wall stuff sometimes, but I get the impression there is some sort of pea vendetta following her (and several others).

I agree with the person's comment who said the board is full of people acting on perceived slights from years ago.

88 Anonymous said... 88

My problem with AB is that she sets a poster up to be attacked by asking an obvious question. She is mean and she thinks she is better than anyone.


I guess this is what I have not seen myself.

What I HAVE seen is some peas being super bitchy and obnoxious about anyone who has money, has an education, has a job, travels the world (not Disney, please), basically has a life outside of popping out kids and being pissed at the assholes in the preschool dropoff lane or at husband for not loading the damn dishwasher right. Or any partial combination of the above.

If she's been mean, I haven't seen it myself so carry on then!

Also can AB's mom please buy ME a trip to Italy??? That would be fantabuloso.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Is it me or is Darkangel seeming to be cycling into some sort super all powerful manic phase?

I am also not getting the hate for her. Isn't she, excuse the word, retarded or something? And really unattractive. And poor. Kick a puppy while your at it. Doesn't she have enough problems as it is?

90 Anonymous said... 90

I don't think AB has much of an education since she is a receptionist and I don't think she has money. I am pretty sure her lifestyle is funded by her mommy.

If you haven't seen AB be mean, then you either haven't been around the Pod very long or you are rather obtuse. AB gets in her digs whenever she can.

To put it in simple terms, she is as dumb as a box rocks.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Omg you that haven't seen AB be mean must be fairly new. About 5-6 years ago she was just downright cruel and mean. A huge number of peas had her on ignore because of her nasty side swipe comments. She has toned it down since she got reamed about it got questioned about the lifestyle she eluded that she had...and it all turned out to be on Mommy's dime. AB is a liar, cheap, mean and ugly.

92 Anonymous said... 92

I think part of Darkangel's multitude of problems may also be uncontrolled mental illness. She is "slow" but she has also changed from being annoying to being harsh, mean and with even weirder opinions.

If anyone kicks people when they are down it's her lately. That is why I think she has deeper problems than just being "slow."

93 Anonymous said... 93

I love how the pea kids are all exceptionally well behaved in restaurants.

94 I Fucked Kelpea's Husband said... 94

Oh, jeebus. Kelpea from the Pea Tier Thread:
Oops...creeping onto this thread to explain my comment.

I think I mentioned tiers on my Adam thread because I've seen it mentioned a time or two here and I suffered from Pea-insecurity. Sometimes my posted threads had little or no response; I guess they were just boring as hell.

I didn't realize how many Peas cared about me until my epic post this week about our son.

Hope that explains my comment about Tiers! xo
Don't you just love a middle aged woman with the self esteem of a fucking 12yr old??

Heads up Kelpea. Most of your threads are stupid and no one cares. You got responses this time but it was juicy stuff. How many twats are stupid enough to post shit about a kid that has to go to the looney bin? Most people keep that stuff between family and close friends, not THOUSANDS of people on an anonymous message board.

Oh, and thanks for again proving that you read and probably post on this blog.


95 Anonymous said... 95

I think that Lexica's story is bullshit.

She seems a bit of an attention whore. If I recall correctly, about a year or so ago, she was housesitting for someone and there was some weird things happening and she milked that for all it was worth..

96 Anonymous said... 96


time to reveal a game.
a few of us revealed false info to the dumb ass twit. we fed her bull shit about each other. she posted on every. single. blog. this information. AB would "innocently" ask questions on the pod claiming she remembers reading said info.

we fucked with her and the dumb bitch fell for it. peas would ask us privately about what she said at the pod. we filled them in.

this group grew over time. she has posted bull shit, planted info on this blog.

she is a bitch who posts on this blog.
she can't be trusted.
she is stupid enough to fall for it.

come on with the lame ass claims that we are bored housewives who need to get a life. just remember we are proud blog bitches who use the same amount of time to mess with the bitch, as you have messing with the peas as a blog bitch yourself.

of course, need to add: Hi AB. we all know what a royal fool you are. Poor also. thank your mom for all your trips. your assy..."classy" friends won't travel with you. they at least have a little amount of smarts.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Omg you that haven't seen AB be mean must be fairly new. About 5-6 years ago she was just downright cruel and mean. A huge number of peas had her on ignore because of her nasty side swipe comments. She has toned it down since she got reamed about it got questioned about the lifestyle she eluded that she had...and it all turned out to be on Mommy's dime. AB is a liar, cheap, mean and ugly.

Been on 2peas for 8 years. Didn't see it then, maybe she wasn't on my radar. Or maybe I agreed with her comments LOLZ. No I don't think you can be so subtly mean it is not apparent AND dumb as a rock at the same time.

Thanks for the explanation. Was mean 5-6 years ago, has toned it down since then, got it, people are bitching about her due to that, also got it.

98 Anonymous said... 98

96-English please or is this Gina posting this? Try writing in a way that makes it easy for people to actually understand what the fuck you are trying to say.


99 Anonymous said... 99

time to reveal a game.
a few of us revealed false info to the dumb ass twit. we fed her bull shit about each other. she posted on every. single. blog. this information. AB would "innocently" ask questions on the pod claiming she remembers reading said info.

a ha. I see. Well that is pretty bitchy.

100 Anonymous said... 100

77- I love you.

101 Anonymous said... 101

98- you must be a friend of AB

102 Anonymous said... 102

So where did you feed AB this bullshit so other peas would not see it?

103 Anonymous said... 103

I find it interesting that Annabella happens to be online posting on Two Peas.

#101 You are wrong. #98 or #99 is Anna herself posting since she is too much of an idiot to follow along.

104 #96 said... 104

Anonymous said... 102 So where did you feed AB this bullshit so other peas would not see it?

102: not answering that one. we do have an id to protect. there are other forms of communication away from the pod. let your imagination run wild.

105 Anonymous said... 105

Not buying the crap you are selling #104...nice try though!

106 #96 said... 106

deflect all you want. believe the story, don't believe the story. this was more for AB then anyone else. we wanted to tell the game to her where we were guranteed she would read it. didn't have to make up a fake name at the pod or a fake email.

simple, easy, to the point.

107 Anonymous said... 107

When you lie long enough, the truth begins to meld with the lie...then you have to work to figure out the truth again...

108 Anonymous said... 108

Thank you Casey Anthony, or 107

109 Anonymous said... 109

Not surprised that Mrs. Typhus likes the idea that people can "pray the gay away."

Maybe she'll serve in President Bachmann's cabinet as Secretary of Teh Ghey.

110 #96 said... 110

we waited to post the game when we knew AB would be back online from her lunch break.
we know her enough that she would read and post ASAP.
thank youAB for not disappointing us.

111 Anonymous said... 111

Whenever I see AB I think of AnnaBanana

112 Anonymous said... 112

Where did AB post again?

113 #96 said... 113

112: at the pod and I *believe* here.
i don't do the Hi Sass! thing.
though i do have an educated guess on a post i believe is AB here.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Well, fucking share with the class 113!!

115 Anonymous said... 115

Not surprised that Mrs. Typhus likes the idea that people can "pray the gay away."

Typhus Mary posted that she LETTERED IN CHOIR in HS.

Could you be a bigger loser? That's the whole point of Glee. "Lettering" in CHOIR or BAND = HS LOSER.

Sorry to all the losers on here.

116 Anonymous said... 116

Screw choir, she lettered in Twinkies

117 Anonymous said... 117


118 Anonymous said... 118

Did evel dick ever come back to the BB house?

119 Anonymous said... 119

I quite honestly feel sorry for you #96. How lame must your life be that you need to get so wrapped up in a message board. Setting up something like you described takes more than a few minutes (getting AB on FB or where ever the lies were posted), then watching all the posts AB makes on the bukkit to see if she is passing on the said lies. Venting on the blog is one thing, but actually luring an innocent party into a scam takes a special kind of person.

120 Anonymous said... 120

Also, #96, did you learn from Lori Drew? Things didn't go so well for her, she lost her business and all, so maybe you should find a new hero. Just a thought...

121 Anonymous said... 121

#118 does this look like the BBBFFs or whatever dumb ass name they call themselves??

122 Candy Boots-Lick 'em! said... 122

118-go search facebook for the twat group that gets an orgasm over Big Brother. Then bow and scrape and kiss ass until they let you into to their super secret special group of twats. Keep that shit off the blog.

119-I gotta agree with you. I am the biggest blog bitch around but these covert ops to smear someone are just fucking weird and over the top. 96-you are way too invested in this stupid shit. Being a bitch at this blog is one thing, but you have way overstepped the bounds into creepy ville. Single white female anyone?

123 Anonymous said... 123

I agree with 119 but I also call bullshit. I think whoever 119 is just wants to stir up more shit than usual.

124 Anonymous said... 124

Hey bitches!
I'm always looking to try new things with my DH. I saw vibrating condoms by Trojan at Target and then came across a coupon and went hmmm...... I'm going to pick them up on my next trip to Target, but was wondering if anyone had any experience with them they would like to share.

125 Anonymous said... 125

Nightowl crapper is deluded. ALL SHE DOES is shove herself into threads where she is not welcome and then fucking correct people. All. Day. Long. And she thinks she is the queen of social signals and how to talk to people??? DELUDED, party of one.

126 Anonymous said... 126

124-there is a vibrating penis ring that Trojan makes and is sold at Target. I dont think they make vibrating condoms. The penis ring is pretty cool. Give it a try.

127 Anonymous said... 127

yup, thought 124 must be talking crap as surely nothing that great exists, but found the ring - as long as you can do your thing in 20 minutes, you're good!!

128 Anonymous said... 128

Nightowl crapper is deluded. ALL SHE DOES is shove herself into threads where she is not welcome and then fucking correct people. All. Day. Long. And she thinks she is the queen of social signals and how to talk to people??? DELUDED, party of one.

You are an idiot. The OP asked for and thanked her for her input, and you're calling it a thread where she's not welcome? You just sound like an idiot with a grudge.


129 Anonymous said... 129

Thanks 126 that must be it. I was afraid to google because I didn't want to get trojan ads all over the place.

127 I am happy keeping that portion under 20 min. Hopefully the extra stimulation will help my DH along. I swear he must be thinking about baseball because he keeps going and going.

130 Anonymous said... 130

Anonymous said... 128 Nightowl crapper is deluded. ALL SHE DOES is shove herself into threads where she is not welcome and then fucking correct people. All. Day. Long. And she thinks she is the queen of social signals and how to talk to people??? DELUDED, party of one.

You are an idiot. The OP asked for and thanked her for her input, and you're calling it a thread where she's not welcome? You just sound like an idiot with a grudge.


July 12, 2011 1:51 PM

OP has thanked EVERYONE!

131 Anonymous said... 131

99 and your've got the wrong audience here sister, this is the smack blog and most of us here would sell you out in an instant if you were a pea that was dumb enough to tell us your secrets . You'd probably be able to muster some outrage at the pod, but here it doesn't seem very shocking.

Plus you aren't exactly rocket surgeons are you?
Let's think this through, say there's 3 of you, you all hate AB so you tell her a bit of gossip, then it appears on an anon blog. But what if bitch 2 hates AB a bit more than bitch 1 or bitch 3, so bitch 2 is really the one that posts on the blog to make AB look guilty? Something to think about because it makes you all losers.

132 Anonymous said... 132

FairyNicePea decided it's fucking history trivia evening? Strange chick.

133 I can't control my brat's mouth much less her behavior said... 133


You can't tell you 9 year old to Shut The Fuck Up? I don't know about anyone else but if I had done that my teeth would still be LOOSE in my mouth.
And the bukkit wonders why the childless can't stand their obnoxious brats.

134 Anonymous said... 134

133-I also love how they want to blame the Disney channel and Nick for the fact that their kids are entitled little brats that never get told to shut up.

My kids watched Disney and Nick all.the.friggin.time but they didn't pull that sassy but into adult conversation stuff. If they did, they would have been taken down a few notches.

NightOwlScrapper...jeebus krist, she needs to shuck the fuck up. Telling the OP not to ground her she a fucking child psychiatrist. I really hate her.

135 Anonymous said... 135

Speak English 131, O_o

136 cycworker aka single crazy old maid said... 136

Psst #134... it is cycworker aka Tania who is single and likes to interject her POV into any subject she has no knowledge of that said not to ground that brat.
Actually Nightowl Scrapper was telling cycworker that she is a dumbass and didn't know what the hell she was talking about.
I use to think that cycworker was one of those "Mooslims" but I think she must have been raised in some kind of "Kristian Fundie" family and she was too ugly to catch her a "man" before she was 16 and now she is the old maid taking care of Pater and Mater and just spoiling for a nervous breakdown.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Anonymous said... 135 Speak English 131, O_o

July 12, 2011 3:16 PM

Comprehension dear. I'm not the poster of 135 but it DOES make perfect sense. Are you Annabella, DAngel or Scrappertastic?

138 Anonymous said... 138

Why do the Peas insist on playing along with the idea that Jonda is actually an out and proud gay man who also happens to be more far right leaning than most of the Republicans in the US? I mean, are you kidding me????

139 Anonymous said... 139

Annadumbella is on my ignore list. She used to put others down but I assumed it was because of her low self-esteem and lack of life itself. She looks really ghetto with her new hair.

140 Anonymous said... 140

What I know of cycworker is that she's from a strict matriarchal family, family is everything to her, she has opinions about children and family relationships and isn't afraid to share them even though she's had neither children nor any significant relationship, she works with kids, and she's in a wheelchair. What else?

141 Anonymous said... 141

Leads a Charmed Life

PeaNut 43843 - July 2002
Posts: 37705 Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast
Posted: 1/7/2009 7:10:01 AM

"But she takes lavish vacations, (Paris, Dubai, etc.) she parties on the weekends in the hamptons, including at the famous white party."

I think you have me confused with Puffy? lol Oh wait, I did throw a white party this summer, but it definitely wasn't in the Hamptons. It was in the unnamed city that I live in.

I don't remember the charging for the party story all that well, so I can't comment on it specifically. But I've gone to several parties with friends / coworkers that required a cover to get in, and we pay for the drinks, etc. for the birthday person, even if they sent the invite, so it doesn't strike me as far out. Heck, I'm helping my friend (she is also my boss) plan her birthday party in Cabo in August - and that will set me back a pretty penny, but as long as it's in my budget, I don't find that weird. Could be generational. The birthday is the catalyst, but it's really just a 'social event,' if that makes sense.

Thank you.

I wanted to share the evite desciption with you guys for my birthday party.


Picture this... "Night Fever" was crankin on the boombox in Africa. Bell bottoms with batik shirts and platform shoes were all the rage. Two people decided to take a ride in their Volkswagen beetle. Nine months later, I made my debut in the Polish maternity ward amidst a snow storm.

Come join me to celebrate as birthday's are meant to be celebrated, with a night on the town that will start nice with a classy Indian dinner and will invariably end with some alcohol-induced arguments and several of my friends being asked to leave a very nice nightclub before the authorities are involved. You could be one of those friends if you play your cards right! Orange is the color of the night, good practice for the jumpsuits some of you will be wearing by morning...

Bring yourselves, bring your friends, bring people you meet at the bus stop who seem like they might enjoy a good basket of Punjabi bread and having their picture taken standing next to every wall in the nightclub. Hope to see you there! If not for me, do it for the confused Polish doctors who looked at me and told my mother I didn't look Polish.

After dinner, we're going to head over to [club name removed] where I'll have a table.


142 I know a GHEY on the INTERWEBS but I wouldn't let him in my house said... 142

#138 they like to think that they are hip and trendy by knowing a GHEY on the Interwebs. You know they would never let him in their homes around their hambeasts and crotch-nuggets for fear he would try to suck off the hambeasts or have the little crotch-nuggets suck him.

I envision Jonda as a 600lb housebound man on strong anti-psychotic meds who uses his rabid Republicanism to torture his liberal Democratic parents whom he is totally dependent on and resents. He definitely has never acted on his GHEYness and would be a prime candidate for Marcus Bachmann's brand of getting the GHEY out with all that personal one on one prayer time together.

143 Anonymous said... 143

141, if that's really from Annabella then I like her a little bit more now. That invite is funny.

144 Anonymous said... 144

she posted it

145 Anonymous said... 145

Wow.Just.Wow #140, lets get out the Woman of the Year award for her! She must be the Mother Teresa of the wheelchair set with all those children she works with.

Last time I looked many wheelchair bound people had full active lives that included romance and just because she is in a wheelchair doesn't give her a pass on the Smack for being idiotic and writing that the MonicaB shouldn't punish her brat for being mouthy.

Crawl back over to the pod, oh sensitive one the smack isn't for you!

146 Anonymous said... 146

Tania is a know it all twat that has no life and no life experience yet she tries to shove her opinions on child rearing and marriage down everyones throat. Her ideas are from the fucking Middle Ages anyway.

I wouldn't ask a nun how to give a blow job and I would ask Tania Twat how to have a good marriage.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Calm down, 145. I don't actually like her, and I don't know or care if she has romance in her life or not. I was asking for more information about her because I don't really know that much about her other than she has a lot of opinions on things that she doesn't appear to have personal experience with.

148 Anonymous said... 148

Jonduh is the perfect illustration of the self-hating gay man. He hates other gay men who actually hook up and get laid, because nobody will go near his sanctimonious ugly self.

So he's ready to pledge his allegiance to Bachmann, the second coming of Anita Bryant. Of course if he ever saw her in person and touched her shirt, she would scream bloody murder and call the cops, and accuse him of being a pedophile and trying to give her AIDS.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Everyday Angela posts the dumbest things. Problems with her work, her family, etc. Can't she handle anything on her own?

150 Anonymous said... 150

I believe JerzeryTwat has an older teen boy from a previous marriage that does not live with her. I don't know the backstory on why he doesn't so I can't say much.

Most likely, the kid didn't want to live with the obnoxious bitch. "Stina" is about has fun as an STD.

She's a Jew, that explains a lot about her personality. She said her grandma was in Auschwitz.

151 Anonymous said... 151

Feel better MAGZ!!!!!

Remember, FUCK THE ASSHOLES OVER HERE!!! Not ALL are bad people here!!

152 Anonymous said... 152

my advice. do not count your chickens before they hatch. i feel so bad for her and the heartbreak she is setting herself up for. this is the kind of stuff that ends marriages because one partner gets so over the top.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Anonymous said... 152

my advice. do not count your chickens before they hatch. i feel so bad for her and the heartbreak she is setting herself up for. this is the kind of stuff that ends marriages because one partner gets so over the top.

July 12, 2011 6:49 PM

Thanks Dr. Laura!

154 Anonymous said... 154

Magz, how can we miss you if you NEVER FUCKING LEAVE. Go wai now plz kthanxbai

155 Anonymous said... 155

my advice. do not count your chickens before they hatch. i feel so bad for her and the heartbreak she is setting herself up for. this is the kind of stuff that ends marriages because one partner gets so over the top.

July 12, 2011 6:49 PM

Thanks Dr. Laura!
whatever. i'll eat burningfeathers italian beef if she gets to adopt those babies.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Anonymous said... 154 Magz, how can we miss you if you NEVER FUCKING LEAVE. Go wai now plz kthanxbai

July 12, 2011 7:03 PM


'nuff said

157 Anonymous said... 157

lulz @ 156. u mad bro?

158 Anonymous said... 158
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
159 Anonymous said... 159

Apparently you missed all the class and intelligence, 158. Why don't you get the fuck out of here and go crawl back under whatever rock you slithered out from. We don't need your kind of assholish commentary around here, and I don't care if you're joking or not.

160 Anonymous said... 160

Let me guess you are Olan butch lesbian lover what happen to that homely carpet muncher lespea I believe?

161 Jane Doe said... 161

Do I really have to ask that you don't use the "n" word?

Racial slurs are not going to be tolerated.


162 Anonymous said... 162

Well darn if this is how you welcome back a fellow blog bitch I guess I will head back to the pod for my handslaps. Toodles you African American lovers. Is Jane really Olan?

163 Anonymous said... 163

yeah 162, why dont you do that.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Thanks, Jane.

165 Anonymous said... 165

162-you are an asswipe. Using the N word is just no cool. Blog bitch my ass.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Anonymous said... 157 lulz @ 156. u mad bro?

July 12, 2011 7:58 PM

u a moran bro?

u? really? go back to yahoo checkers brat.

167 Anonymous said... 167

156 and's a special kind of love.

168 Anonymous said... 168

Anonymous said... 167 156 and's a special kind of love.

July 12, 2011 10:55 PM

You really really aren't that bright are you?

169 Anonymous said... 169

I'm going to hell because I'm just not buying Magz story.

It isn't adding up for me. She works in healthcare, she easily knows what goes into these procedures.

The timing was convenient and she seems overly excited with her diagnosis. Throwing parties? Puhleese.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Darkangel traveled around the world for 2 years?

Does she also smoke crack regularly?

171 Anonymous said... 171

Darkangel didn't "travel around the world." It sounds more like she hitch-hiked with truckers. If that's adventure, I'll pass.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Gotta say I enjoyed CaptainK's vacation from the board. She's already returned with veiled insults towards people.

173 Anonymous said... 173

See how quick she is to throw Jill under the bus.

174 Anonymous said... 174

Jonduh used to whine on Kim M's immigration threads about his poor sickly Russian FOB bf he met online. There's something seriously wrong with an American gay male who has to search the interwebs for a gay mail order bride and can't find any locals to hook up with. He must be even more revolting in person.

175 Anonymous said... 175

DarkAngel also buys her t-shirts in the mens section of Walmart. You can't make this stuff up.

176 Anonymous said... 176

I'm going to hell because I'm just not buying Magz story.

It isn't adding up for me. She works in healthcare, she easily knows what goes into these procedures.

The timing was convenient and she seems overly excited with her diagnosis. Throwing parties? Puhleese.


I'm catching a whiff of bullshit too. I hate to think that but I do because I normally like Magz.

177 Anonymous said... 177

Jonduh's mail-order gay wasn't Russian, he was Middle-Eastern. Perhaps Iraqi.

178 Divine has nothing on Jonduh said... 178

#177, why am I NOT surprised that he had an online Middle-Eastern GHEY trying to get a nice fat WHITE American GHEY like Jonduh to "marry" him for a green card.

Hell, I bet Jonduh looks like his mother and he had the Taliban burqa all ready for him to wear at their wedding ceremony.

Jonduh really, really needs to go to the Bachmann clinic and get over his GHEYness or at least crawl back into his homophobic closet.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Anonymous said... 176 I'm going to hell because I'm just not buying Magz story.

It isn't adding up for me. She works in healthcare, she easily knows what goes into these procedures.

The timing was convenient and she seems overly excited with her diagnosis. Throwing parties? Puhleese.


I'm catching a whiff of bullshit too. I hate to think that but I do because I normally like Magz.

July 13, 2011 7:09 AM

What do you want? Pictures? (of the party/t-shirt that everyone signed?) Really?

Maybe a confirmation from Scrapstench?

180 Anonymous said... 180

I wonder how the Repubs/Mormons are going to react with the news that Romney won't sign an Anti-gay bill.

181 Anonymous said... 181

DarkAngel also buys her t-shirts in the mens section of Walmart. You can't make this stuff up.


Anyone know what she means when she says she "goes vending"?

182 Anonymous said... 182

Can the pea kids do NOTHING?

If my mom was so overly involved in my life, oh wait she was, so I moved out.

No wonder kids can't do shit for themselves and then they wonder why they feel so *entitled*. Take a look at how your raising them! Won't even let the little maggots buy their own fucking textbooks.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Anyone know what she means when she says she "goes vending"?


Her and her husbands idea of a fancy night out = dining at different vending machines

184 Anonymous said... 184

LOL, 183!

"Honey, I'm in the mood for Butterfinger!"

185 Anonymous said... 185

Apparently she does not get spell check either....

186 Anonymous said... 186

Anonymous said... 181

DarkAngel also buys her t-shirts in the mens section of Walmart. You can't make this stuff up.


Anyone know what she means when she says she "goes vending"?

July 13, 2011 8:14 AM

LMAO @ 183 but she sells her quillwork at shows (craft fairs maybe?). There are a few in her gallery (listed under gifts or something). IMO, they're very pretty.

187 Candy Boots-Lick 'em said... 187

NightOwlCrapper is on my last fucking nerve these days...

"my dumbass kid lost his cellphone, wahhhh, what do I do?? Wahhhhh!!!"

I wonder how she makes it to the toilet to take a shit. "what do I do first? piss or pinch a loaf?..wahhhhh"

Somebody shoot her and put her out of her fuckin' misery.

188 Anonymous said... 188

I like how she said she bought him a nice phone but it's not a smartphone.

I didn't know you could still buy flip phones, LOLOL.


189 Anonymous said... 189

she said it was a slide out querty from Samsung. Ummm...i don't think they make a slide out in that price range anymore. My old Gravity was Samsung was FREE. I think she is full of crappola.

I paid less than that for a fully loaded, 4G Android smartphone when I renewed my contract. I would not pay that much money for a "brick"

190 Anonymous said... 190

Jonduh was busted after a pea detective found him at a Middle Eastern gay boy site using the same ID. He's still boning his Russian orphan.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Not that this matters but for future reference if ever needed:

"PeaLimePie" = "Official Pea Police"

192 Jane Doe said... 192

New Space is up.

193 Anonymous said... 193

Magz is a major attention whore. She never used to bug me till she started that whole "I'm leaving the bukkit b/c of the mean ol' blog" bullshit story.

Fuck off, Magz. You need to keep your shit over there, now.

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