Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Sorry bitches.  What can I say?  It's summer...and I have a life. ;)

Carry on. :)


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1 Anonymous said... 1

That's ok Jane. I'm happy to know at least one of us has a life! ;)

2 Anonymous said... 2

Has the Typhus troll bumped that damn thread yet???

3 Karl Marx said... 3

Most of the bitches talking about making soooo muuccchhhh monnnneeeeyy are talking about their husbands.


But isn't that sort of.......SOSHALIST???!!!!

4 Anonymous said... 4

Thanks Jane! We forgive you. ;)

5 Anonymous said... 5

Skybar has emerged from her drunken stooper.

I wonder if she will go back to that cancer thread.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Hey Liz, bump that Typhus thread

7 Anonymous said... 7

OMFG! Raindancer...where does one begin oy

8 Anonymous said... 8

WTF CarrieBscrappin, seriously, you would say no to a mohawk but your dd has safety pins in her ears.

9 Anonymous said... 9

7-I posted on the last blog entry but did she ever say what is wrong? I cannot remember if her husband has mental issues or some kind of disease.

Either way, she makes it all about herself because she is a self-centered twatnozzle.

10 Anonymous said... 10

If I am remembering right I think her dh has a heart issue. I know it's nothing mental, just can't remember what type of physical issue he has.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Rachag03 or whatever is seriously stupid. I think she really has a mental deficiency.

12 Anonymous said... 12

I just showed the mohawk thread to my kids. "White trash" seemed to be the unanimous opinion.

13 Anonymous said... 13

We will all bow down to your most impressive kids, 12.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Grinningcunt is a fucking idiot. Need to make it difficult to buy alcohol by making you get out of your car instead of using a drive thru? OK, hun, your logic by-passes my intelligence.

15 Anonymous said... 15

Grinningcunt needs to shove a vodka soaked tampon up her twat and chill the fuck out. It must hurt to be her.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Now the style of your HAIR makes you white trash? I'm doomed.

Everybody has to make themselves feel superior somehow. Tell your kids, 12, to keep patting themselves on the back.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Lotsokids reminds me of one of those air headed OC Housewives phonies. The dh is in "real estate" or "construction." Nothing but tasteless white trash with cash money. She sounds naive and I'm sure her wake up call is coming soon.

18 Anonymous said... 18

12: mohawks on little kids=cute.

Your kids are probably dorks to the nth power.

19 Anonymous said... 19

I bet Lotsokids came from nothing, married rich and is now going to shove it down everyone's throat how well off they are.

If you have to talk about money that much though, you are probably lying. Those with money, and tact, usually don't bring it up.

20 Anonymous said... 20

12: mohawks on little kids=cute.


Seriously. They're kids, let them be kids.

Save the grown up judgments for later on in life.

21 Anonymous said... 21

Those with money, and tact, usually don't bring it up.
August 10, 2011 1:37 PM

This. People that really have money don't need to tell other people about it. She's full of shit.

22 Anonymous said... 22

wow *Delphinium Twinkle* is back, I don't think I've seen her around for a good year or so.

23 Anonymous said... 23

20 sure, let's raise kids that think they can do whatever the fuck they want. Orange Mohawk? Why not, it's not like one day they will have to get a job and fit into society, looking like a low class trashy freak will certainly help them with that.
These are the kids who lose their job at the deep fried chicken place because they refuse to take out their facial piercings.
Do your kid a favor, prepare him for real life and work, not for life on the streets.

24 Anonymous said... 24

You must be one of those my way or the highway parents 23. It's possible to let your kid have a orange mohawk and for the kid to grow into a responsible person.

Personally I think it's best to let the kid do what they want with their hair as young as possible. That way they'll get it out of their system and be ready to accept societies values without trying to stick it to the man as a 20yo.

25 Anonymous said... 25

damn I wish the old meat blog was around, Delphinium Twinkle seems so familiar but I can't quite remember the details.

26 Anonymous said... 26

Delphinium Twinkle was Bethie Pea or something like that. IIRC, she posted like crazy for a while Racked up a huge number of posts.

27 Anonymous said... 27

Sorry...but I agree with Carrie be scrappin.

28 Anonymous said... 28

20 sure, let's raise kids that think they can do whatever the fuck they want. Orange Mohawk? Why not, it's not like one day they will have to get a job and fit into society, looking like a low class trashy freak will certainly help them with that.


Welcome to the blog Ms Typhus

29 Anonymous said... 29

Delphinium Twinkle went through some kind of posting mania a while back. Very annoying--much like Lefty or peasbkind.

She seems to have toned it down a bit. Did a quick check of her recent posts and she's been posting, but not liked the crazed-fool days of old. Yay :)

30 Anonymous said... 30

No, Delph Twinkle now pins like a freakin' lunatic at Pinterest!! she has traded obsessions.

I remember her posts used to sometimes be full of typos and not make sense. I think she was on meds.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Yes, she was BethyPea and she was the top poster I think, for awhile anyway. A lot of it was from commenting in the gallery.

32 Anonymous said... 32

There I said it. Feel so much better. She is such a twit

33 Anonymous said... 33

But, but, but....Chopped Liver has a big ole pair of saggy ass cow tits! How could you not love her? @@

34 Anonymous said... 34

I'd rather have my kid sporting a mohawk then running around with safety pins in their ear. Talk about trashy looking.

35 Anonymous said... 35

How can safety pins be sanitary? Yuck.

36 Anonymous said... 36

37 Anonymous said... 37

uhhh, safety pins are no different than earrings sanitary wise... it's all about how you clean them and your ears. It's not like they pluck them off a diaper or some shit. Dumb fuck.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Safety pins are slightly wider then a normal earring, wearing them for an extended time is going to leave a bigger hole in the earlobe. If there is one thing my kids don't need it's big holes in their earlobes.

Hair grows back naturally, pierced earlobes don't. And ffs mohawks are so common now no one even looks twice at them. Safety pins dangling from ears are more notice worthy. And from the way CarrieBScrappin talks her dd is just soooo punk, I'm sure she gets lots of attention when she hits the mall.

39 Anonymous said... 39

Yeah, that's called stretching. It's pretty common with the younger crowd. You put in tapered gauges and plugs to stretch them.

FYI, safety-pinned size holes DO shrink back to normal size.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Anonymous said... 37 uhhh, safety pins are no different than earrings sanitary wise... it's all about how you clean them and your ears. It's not like they pluck them off a diaper or some shit. Dumb fuck.

August 10, 2011 6:17 PM


41 Anonymous said... 41

Mohawk hair cuts on little boys = white trash.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Did the Typhus thread get pulled?

43 Anonymous said... 43

No, 42. It's just that NO ONE CARES.

I'm starting to think it's Typhus herself who bumps old threads and "trolls" herself. She loves the attention . . . any excuse to post and toot her own, um, horn.

44 Anonymous said... 44
Christ. I was really hoping she'd be busier now, and posting less. Seems like the opposite has happened. Gah.

45 Anonymous said... 45

I don't care if Olan is a quack medicine woman dyke she is quickly becoming the only pea I don't want to bitch slap. That Jewbitch does always has a foot up her mouth and meant for that Color purple comment to sting.

46 Anonymous said... 46


47 Anonymous said... 47

Did someone let peaintheattic in?

48 Anonymous said... 48

Why do people like avedadiva have kids?
She bitches about the ones she already has,yet she's having anyone.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Mohawk hair cuts on little boys = white trash.

A lot of the cute little Morman boys in AZ have them. Very white trash... NOT!

50 Anonymous said... 50

Nice way to drum up the drama and sympathy. Reminds me of that blogger that had some "life changing thing happen that she just could not talk about" Did she ever reveal her big thing??

51 Anonymous said... 51

Jaxton in a Mohawk=Mormon white trash
Jim Bob Jr=white trash

Olan did you really attend medical school I find that extremely hard to believe

52 Anonymous said... 52

I remember on the old meatblog someone posting Olans full name and email address and it ended in She always posts on the Wash DC threads so maybe she is smarter than she acts. Another cryptic thread was posted at the pod that hinted at her sucking off professors for research grants. Anyone remember that?

53 Anonymous said... 53

I thought fuckin Olan lived in Hawaii and she had worked as a nanny before. I think Olan posts a lot of bullshit.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Anonymous said... 35 How can safety pins be sanitary? Yuck.

August 10, 2011 4:55 PM

OMG, you are a dumb fuck!

55 Anonymous said... 55

I find StephdRebel to be a clusterfuck herself. She is so goddamned irritating.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Now the style of your HAIR makes you white trash? I'm doomed.
1 word...mullet. I think the mohawk has become the mullet of this generation.

57 Anonymous said... 57

Olan lives in Hawaii but moved there when couldn't hack it in the real world. People have asked her about the research grant stuff and she ignored the thread and the troll. I think she may have went to that off shore med school but if you wiki it it's more of a second string sort of school. Looks like it's not even accredited. Like those bible colleges the Mormons find their husbands at HA!

58 Anonymous said... 58

Anonymous said... 35 How can safety pins be sanitary? Yuck.

August 10, 2011 4:55 PM

OMG, you are a dumb fuck!


I thought she was talking about real safety pins too, not earrings, lol. I didn't read the whole thread and have no interest in reading it.

Sew me.

59 Anonymous said... 59

The most common white trash response is "it's just hair' - go look at all the peas who say that.
Of course white trash never realize they are white trash, so the denials are not surprising.

60 Anonymous said... 60

I like more of the peas that say it's just hair than those who have sticks up their asses.

I have no interest in ever being that clenched.

If it makes me white trash, so be it.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Are Angelie Jolie and Gwen Stefani white trash? I would love to be as white trash as them.

62 Anonymous said... 62

They just have money - you bet if they were poor they would fit squarely into white trash territory.

So tell me - you want to tongue kiss your brother like Jolie too?
Whose blood are you wearing in a vial around your neck and have you had a man's name tattoo lasered off your arm?

I'm sure you could do all of these and be just like your idol.

63 Anonymous said... 63

No, I don't talk to my brother.

I'm thinking more along the lines of humanitarian/fucking Brad Pitt, that Jolie.

64 Anonymous said... 64

As for Gwen - not white trash at all that she is married to a man who one day says, "oh by the way honey, I used to fuck a cross dressing gay dude and I have a kid I didn't bother mentioning to you"

Full of klass those two.

65 Anonymous said... 65

As for Gwen - not white trash at all that she is married to a man who one day says, "oh by the way honey, I used to fuck a cross dressing gay dude and I have a kid I didn't bother mentioning to you"

Full of klass those two.


I love it when nobodies (such as yourself) think so highly of themselves.

I'm sure you're perfect and I'm sure your husband is perfect and I'm sure your kids are perfect and I'm sure your dog shits butterflies. Congrats!

66 Anonymous said... 66

I'm glad I like things that the peas don't because that means I'm doing something right!

I can't imagine having the same views as many of the women on the board and that is perfectly fine with me, that's why I'm here, lol.

67 Anonymous said... 67

haha I wish my dog shit butterflies or better yet gold coins then I could be as rich lotsokids

68 Anonymous said... 68

I'm torn between mohawks are cute on little boys and mohawks are the new mullet.

69 Anonymous said... 69

I'm torn between mohawks are cute on little boys and mohawks are the new mullet.


I don't think anything will ever take over the mullet.

My uncle still rocks one, lol.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Go with Mohawks are the new mullet.

As for "cute little mormon boys in AZ that have them" somehow proving that Mohawks are klassy--please.

mormons are hardly hip, cool, or trendsetters. They are cultists that try way too hard. And yes--polygamists ARE white trash.

71 Anonymous said... 71

LOL 68, I'm with you.

72 Anonymous said... 72

You know what's cultish? Dave Fucking Ramsey.

73 Anonymous said... 73

Gwen Stefani was just a ho-bag from Anaheim, CA that had very little talent but she fucked the boys in the band and they made her raunchy ass the lead singer.

Now she is married to a queer Brit has-been rocker that would probably rather paint his toenails than fuck her overbleached ass.

Yeah, she be klassyyyyyyyyy

74 Anonymous said... 74

PS: Mormon bitches get their husbands from BYU. Those poor fucks go for freshman year and then get called to serve-usually in some third world shithole like Guatemala. After two years in the shithole, the little saps head back to BYU and are considered ripe for the marriage pickins. The first Mormon slut to cock tease them enough gets the proposal and they graduate from BYU married with at least one crotch maggot on the way.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Mormon boys start looking for a wife wayyyyy before college.
Walking into a Mormon church is like walking into a meat market.

76 Anonymous said... 76

You know what's cultish? Dave Fucking Ramsey

Just like Suze Orman, "Dr." Phil and every other talking head.

At the end of the day their "members" are out the price of the book, program,etc and still broke and fucked up.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Sdeven can't wait to bring up Dave Ramsey on every.fucking.thread she can. The thing about DR is that it is common sense crap for those who can't handle money. They grasp on to a few 'concepts' and think they are genius money managers all of a sudden.

78 Anonymous said... 78

The lack of sympathy and understanding shouldn't surprise me on those threads but it always does. The blame the victim mentality is so deeply seated. If you got laid off it was because you sucked at your job. If you don't have savings, it's because you drink too many Starbucks and never learned to manage your money. If you get buried in hospital bills, you're a moran who didn't save up enough to pay for cancer. I don't comprehend that mindset.

79 Anonymous said... 79

SDeven probably spends extra for Ramsey's "Designer Envelope" system, lol. What a racket.

Dave Ramsey is an old-fashioned huckster who profits on the backs of the dumbest Peas.

80 Anonymous said... 80

#78 - I was not talking about any of those situations in #77. I was talking about those that got in debt by mismanaging money and not understanding savings/interest/cc rates and things like that.

81 Obsession is not a pretty thing. said... 81

Gwen Stefani was just a ho-bag from Anaheim, CA that had very little talent but she fucked the boys in the band and they made her raunchy ass the lead singer.

Now she is married to a queer Brit has-been rocker that would probably rather paint his toenails than fuck her overbleached ass.

Yeah, she be klassyyyyyyyyy


You sure seem to know an awful lot about someone you claim to despise/spit upon.

82 Anonymous said... 82

The lack of sympathy and understanding shouldn't surprise me on those threads but it always does. The blame the victim mentality is so deeply seated. If you got laid off it was because you sucked at your job. If you don't have savings, it's because you drink too many Starbucks and never learned to manage your money. If you get buried in hospital bills, you're a moran who didn't save up enough to pay for cancer. I don't comprehend that mindset.


I totally agree with you^^^.

Here's the drill:

1) they accidentally"forget" that they ever took government assistance.

2) when pointed out, their situation was "different" and a-ok. the justifications are many.

3) everybody else are fucking lazy losers. period. no excuses. AND I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR 'EM!!11!!!

Lather, rinse, repeat.

83 for the grammar fuckwit said... 83

are = is

84 Anonymous said... 84

81-that's all you got? Gee, thanks for contributing so much to your little community.

For Fuck's sake....

85 Anonymous said... 85

yes, you moran. there will be people getting high and dropping Ecstasy. it is a fucking rock concert, not Disney on Ice. Keep your special snowflake at home because he could get a contact high.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Anonymous said... 84 81-that's all you got? Gee, thanks for contributing so much to your little community.

For Fuck's sake....

August 11, 2011 11:23 AM


87 Anonymous said... 87

Anyone ever been to an Evanescence concert?
Posted 1:07:15 PM by FlybabyLaura in NSBR Board


PeaNut 74765 - March 2003
Posts: 4180 Layouts: 3
Loc: Surrounded By Books
Posted: 8/11/2011 2:09:09 PM

Zella... if that's your real picture in the avatar then I won't feel so bad about being an older person going to an Ev concert!


Damn!! @@


88 Anonymous said... 88

yes, you moran. there will be people getting high and dropping Ecstasy. it is a fucking rock concert, not Disney on Ice. Keep your special snowflake at home because he could get a contact high.


I hope this is sarcasm.

89 Anonymous said... 89

88-no, it the truth. have you ever been to a concert?? LOL

90 Anonymous said... 90

Dave Ramsey sucks balls. People believe in him and make him richer.

We filed bankruptcy. Took all the crap off our name. A year later we bought a new place and car, now we have no debt. Was the best way for us.

If we went the "davey way" we'd be paying shit off til we were 93 years old.

91 Anonymous said... 91

88-no, it the truth. have you ever been to a concert?? LOL


All the time. I don't do "rock" concerts though because it's buttrock to me. I go to shows most peas would crap their pants at and never see drugs. Some whores probably do coke in the bathroom but I don't ever see it.

92 Anonymous said... 92

91-so who do you see? Lawrence Welk and Yanni?

I remember going to a smooth jazz type of concert with my MOTHER back in the late 80's and the fucking yuppie next to us passed my MOTHER a pot pipe! :::face palm::: The poor woman didn't even know what it was.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Well, going to a jazz concert you might get passed pot. I've seen pot at a show once but it was outdoors, never indoors.

The bands I see are in a more alternative scene, resemblance of Black Flag, DYS, Bad Brains, ring any bells?

94 Anonymous said... 94

Dave Ramsey sucks balls. People believe in him and make him richer.

We filed bankruptcy. Took all the crap off our name. A year later we bought a new place and car, now we have no debt. Was the best way for us.

If we went the "davey way" we'd be paying shit off til we were 93 years old.


so, 90, we, as consumers in general have to pay off your frivilous spending and poor decisions, rather than you fucking living with your inability to control yourself until your fucking 93? Gee, thanks alot fuckstick. You are what's wrong with the economy, buy buy buy with no intent towards regard to accountability or desire to pay up and pay off.

95 Anonymous said... 95

The circumstances around us were unpreventable. Death and tragedy that found us in a spot that was not our fault. Our lawyer suggested bankruptcy and he was 100% right. Not everyone that goes that route is a failure or lazy, some people have valid reasons. It's just easier to point blame then to look past the inital assumption.

96 Anonymous said... 96

I hope I'm just missing the sarcasm in your post 90 because if you got yourself in debt and walked away then you suck. You bought it YOU pay, even if it takes until your 93.

As for the concert question, they sure are a lot tamer nowadays compared to back in the mid 80s. I miss the smell of marijuana in the arena. And the drunk assholes puking on themselves as they rolled down the stairways. Good times, good times.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Spin it anyway you want 90,95 it sucks that you walked away from your responsibilities. Your debt gets passed on to schmucks like me who pay my bills.

Everyone has some shit in their life, you deal with it. Don't pass it on.

98 Anonymous said... 98

Kids are probably around pot more at school than they would be at a "rock" concert

99 Anonymous said... 99

Not all bankruptcies are walk-aways.
We filed, we paid it all back (except the interest) But we did it in 4 years instead of the rest of our lives.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Well you can believe what you choose to. Bankruptcy is there for a reason, and 1000's take use of it yearly. Right or not. It's a matter of opinion.

Moving on. Or better, rock on =D~

101 Anonymous said... 101

I Lol'ed at dyke medicinewoman but if kids are off limits shouldn't racial slurs be? I haven't confirmed or denied because it's no ones business where I attended school. Unless you want to cover my student loan payments STFU. And research grants are not awarded to the best headmasters (damn Stacey you still lurk at the pod and blog?) and are generally merit based or in your case who's coffee can I fetch and whose ass can I kiss you. Without me and my hard work no one would even know your name.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Check it out annebella is making sense:

"The point posters are making is you can't have abstinence as your platform when your own children can't follow it. If it doesn't work for the people you've raised, you can't preach it to everyone else. I'm just glad they named the child something normal vs Track."

103 Anonymous said... 103

101-take a page outta your own book


104 Anonymous said... 104

Well apparently you do. There was several comments made.

105 Buy my book, send me your $$$$$ said... 105

ITA w/Annabella. *faints*

The whole family values, abstinence shit is just more "do what I say, not as I do" from so-called Christian conservative leaders.

They don't believe or follow it, but use it to rile up and dupe their moran followers.

Grifters gotta keep on griftin'.

106 Anonymous said... 106

Grifters gotta keep on griftin'.


And fools keep opening their wallets.

107 Anonymous said... 107

She raised a few little whores. But those in glass whorehouses should not throw stones.

She should be grateful. It's the knocked up kid who helped push their celebrity status higher.

108 Anonymous said... 108

Please, Teabaggers, donate now. Lots! Give till it hurts!

109 Anonymous said... 109

If my choices are Obama or Palin
I won't be voting in the next election. Can't stand or trust either of em

110 Anonymous said... 110

Jeebus, dont they sell condoms in friggin' Alaska?

111 Anonymous said... 111

Of course, 110. It's just that Sarah and her spawn are too stupid to figure out how to use them.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Sarah thought they were party favors.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Most likely too drunk/high to give a damn.

114 Anonymous said... 114

What I don't get: mom and dad are too busy with their 'careers' to properly parent these kids. Theolder kids were clearly left to their own devices and got in shitloads of trouble....fucking around, drinking, meth, vandalism, sleepovers, teenaged unwed mothers, etc.

Yet they're held up by so many as the paragon of good ole Christian-American conservative family values.

Does not compute.

115 Anonymous said... 115

I thought she was talking about real safety pins too, not earrings, lol. I didn't read the whole thread and have no interest in reading it.

Sew me.


omfg you are just making it worse. WTF difference does it make whether you stick a safety pin or one of your average germ infested earings in your ear? Or would you have us believe you fucking sterilize your earings before you wear them? The average earing is filthy already! Dumbass.

116 Anonymous said... 116

omfg you are just making it worse. WTF difference does it make whether you stick a safety pin or one of your average germ infested earings in your ear? Or would you have us believe you fucking sterilize your earings before you wear them? The average earing is filthy already! Dumbass.


I don't wear earring so fuck off

117 Anonymous said... 117

And fools keep opening their wallets.

Given the brain trust that forms the bulk of the teatards, it seems to be a pretty safe bet to say that there's a day coming - probably sooner than later - that we're going to see them licking wall sockets just to see what electricity tastes like.

And Jonduh will be the first in line.

118 Anonymous said... 118

maybe be for you mix in to other business you should look in to your own. i mean what grown own cant make a destitution for her self. I think you should look in to your own problems first

119 Anonymous said... 119


120 Anonymous said... 120

118-what the fuck???

total gibberish dude

121 Anonymous said... 121

Dang 118 that is clear as mud, the grammar/spelling Nazi is going to have a fun with you.

122 Anonymous said... 122

********JENNY************ is a fucking moran!!!

She makes me very stabby.

123 Anonymous said... 123

118 go to the fucking ER, you are having a stroke. I can't even get my grammar Nazi ass around that.

124 Anonymous said... 124

122-I agree. I haven't seen her around much lately so I had forgotten what a cunt bag she is.

125 Anonymous said... 125

they're held up by so many as the paragon of good ole Christian-American conservative family values.

Does not compute.
August 11, 2011 3:18 PM

Actually, it makes perfect sense. In the hypocritical world of conservatives.

126 Anonymous said... 126

The hypocrisy of the conservatives is absolutely astounding. How do they not see it? Every single one of them on that thread is just spin spin spinning it. What a load of bullshit. Do they really believe what they are spewing?

127 Anonymous said... 127

I don't care if Olan is a quack medicine woman dyke she is quickly becoming the only pea I don't want to bitch slap. That Jewbitch does always has a foot up her mouth and meant for that Color purple comment to sting.


ITA Batya is a bitch nonstop on the board. This is the second time this week I've seen biochemipea post her extensive knownledge on trannies. lol PIMP at what pepea said to batya!!!!

128 Anonymous said... 128

Batya is a nice person regardless of the way her posts come across. Maybe it's just hard to "express" things by type.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Given the brain trust that forms the bulk of the teatards, it seems to be a pretty safe bet to say that there's a day coming - probably sooner than later - that we're going to see them licking wall sockets just to see what electricity tastes like.

And Jonduh will be the first in line.


Let us fold our hands and raise a prayer to the White Republican Butch Jesus: let it be so. Amen.

130 Anonymous said... 130

Nah batya is a bitch. Always has been. First she says she never said it and then olan finds it, to much time on your hands or what BTW, and shes like well I meant it in a nice way. Calling someone Whoppi Goldberg is just cruel LMAO.

131 Anonymous said... 131

SabrinaM., tax cheater extraordinaire, and The Amazing 2Peas Talking Anus, has shown up to the karma thread to lecture on deadbeats draining society.

132 Anonymous said... 132

While ChloeSweetPea, not to be outdone in the crazy department, is using a discredited email forward that she knows is lies, to bolster her crazypants anti-Obama paranoia in the military photo thread.

133 Anonymous said... 133

ChloeCrazypants and Mrs. Typhus should hook up. It would be True Love Forever!

134 Anonymous said... 134

Wasn't rude Batya's new year's resolution to stop being such a cunt? She thinks a little too highly of herself. She's just another social misfit pea.

135 Anonymous said... 135

Anonymous said... 118 maybe be for you mix in to other business you should look in to your own. i mean what grown own cant make a destitution for her self. I think you should look in to your own problems first

August 11, 2011 3:47 PM
Anonymous said... 119 Darkangel?

August 11, 2011 3:52 PM


and LOL 123!!!!

Thanks for the laughs!

136 Anonymous said... 136

What a load of bullshit. Do they really believe what they are spewing?


Cognative dissonance. Every fucking one of 'em suffers from it.

137 Anonymous said... 137

I'm sort of loving Ron Paul...he's the least crazy/most sensible of the Repub debate panel.

Never ever thought I'd say that.

138 Anonymous said... 138

The PERIOD poster is backkkkkkkkkkkk

139 Squills Sat on Me, Now I am Flat said... 139

OMG...I just peaked into the Big Brother thread. What a bunch of freaky twats. They have the live feeds going on ALL FUCKING DAY? I just don't get it.

Looks like most of last year BBFF or whatever the fucked they called themselves packed up their toys and left the sandbox. I am sure Squills getting run off had lots to do with this. But even so, uber bitch BF and her bestie Kelly (1EdgePea) have to keep coming back to rub it in everyone's nose that they no longer care about the Pea threads or transcribe live feeds. What a bunch of cows.

Seriously? Peas would sit there and type about what happens all day, everyday? Fucking weird ass shyte.

140 Anonymous said... 140


141 Anonymous said... 141

Sure, you just happened to "peak" into a Big Brother thread. Bullshit. Quit being a pussy and own up to it.

142 Anonymous said... 142

142-don't be such a bitch. I saw the poster of the BB threads bitching about the thread on Facebook so I had to go check out the drama.

No one here is a pussy but you and yours stinks. Time to douche your twat.

143 Anonymous said... 143

No one here is a pussy but you and yours stinks. Time to douche your twat.

+1 Awesome

144 Anonymous said... 144

"I do try to post on the BB threads once in awhile. 2 jobs, purchasing a house, moving, unpacking and life in general just don't allow as much posting as years past.

Up until today, I was definately not motivated to sit and provide feed play-by-play, but only because I didn't see participation over here."

STFU Kim! twat! We all know you sit on your fat ass all day posting and reading BB message boards and feeds. Everyone hates you and all your BBBFF twats. No one is interested or cares about you or those twats anymore. Kim M always the phony.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Kim's flustered because she's not the BB queen bee anymore.

146 Anonymous said... 146

I really have no clue what BB is all about - I know its a reality show and that's about it. But these people sit around and watch a live feed all day and post all day about it??? Or am I missing something?? That is all sorts of effed up if that's what it is. Don't these posters have lives - jobs, kids, homes, husbands??!!!

147 Anonymous said... 147

Anonymous said... 146 Kim's flustered because she's not the BB queen bee anymore.

August 12, 2011 5:33 AM

I don't understand why *anyone* would want to be the *queen* of BB or Ps any of the loser groups LOL

148 Anonymous said... 148

When your major accomplishment in life is netting a husband and popping out kids, it's probably quite a cap in your feather.

149 BBBFF's are Retarded Housewives said... 149

That is the most fucking boring and stoopid show I have ever seen in my life. Bunch of yahoos that sit around and piss and moan about living in a damn house. There is NOTHING cerebral about this fucked up reality show.

If you have nothing better to do with your day that have live feeds of morans going all day long, you seriously need to think about committing suicide because you have nothing to live for.

My husband is an easy going guy, but if I watched BB feeds all day and sat on my ass crocheting, knitting,sewing, and transcribing on 2Peas and then spending all his hard earned money on purses and my crafts, he would divorce my pathetic ass.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Anonymous said... 118

maybe be for you mix in to other business you should look in to your own. i mean what grown own cant make a destitution for her self. I think you should look in to your own problems first
August 11, 2011 3:47 PM
Anonymous said... 119



She was the one to say that. Too funny!

151 Anonymous said... 151

yes 150, but you are here and you also read twopeas.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Sorry 152, I ITA with 150. I spend a little time here and at 2peas but don't devote entire days to reality tv and other bs time wasters.

153 Anonymous said... 153

I have to giggle when posters don't like the answers they get on a thread.

But bless her heart, this one even asked people to "be honest", and still didn't like what she heard! lol

154 Anonymous said... 154

Okay, maybe I'm strange, but I don't get all the drama over the OP (10:13's link) calling her niece "her girl'. I doubt she was pretending to be the girl's mother and didn't feel the need to add "niece" to the photo's caption because, likely, everyone who knows the OP knows SHE DOESN'T HAVE A CHILD.

I call my niece my girl ALL the time, and it's never bothered my sister or anyone else in the family. My sister is well aware of who her daughter's real mother is; she's also quite confident in that fact.

I'd be glad my sister was so in love with my child and leave it at that.

The Peas are, generally, a bored, strange, sad and miserable bunch.

155 Anonymous said... 155

I'm so bored I'm going to go read the stupid BB thread from yesterday. There was drama I hope.

156 Anonymous said... 156

The Peas are, generally, a bored, strange, sad and miserable bunch.


In a nutshell. What a depressing thread. She's besotted with her niece, so what? If she was besotted with Michele Bachmann, Pinterest, cake balls or Big Brother, that would be more acceptable to those crazy hags.

157 Anonymous said... 157

Those BB peas are nutters. Especially 1edgepea. It's a fucking tv show.

158 Anonymous said... 158

"you would know that the women you are criticizing are the ones that carried the load of transcribing DETAIL updates not only last year, but the year before and the year before that, etc., etc. They know this game and the production flaws inside and out. They have lived and breathed the game so they could share with people like me and even people like you."

And she says that like it's some kind of good thing! Living and breathing BB is not natural.

Nice to see BF's still a bitch as well..

159 Anonymous said... 159

159-Did kelly edge write that? She has gone off the deep end with the reality tv crap.

160 Anonymous said... 160

I don't know if Kelly wrote that but she did write this:

"Those of us who used to transcribe and keep everyone up to date are no longer active participants on this thread. But certainly other people can do the same thing. I just find it odd that every time I open these threads (once or twice a week), there is no discussion about the strategy and the game play. These threads have become all about bashing the players - not for their game but more of a personal attack. Like them or hate them, that's not what a daily live feed thread used to be. And for that reason, I don't bother opening the threads for information because there is none."

Again, it's just a FUCKING TV SHOW

161 Anonymous said... 161

160 - some bitch I've never heard of called crochetmama51 said it. Next time, fucking scroll through the boring shit yourself, lazyass!

162 Anonymous said... 162

Somebody is on their period.

163 Anonymous said... 163


164 Anonymous said... 164

"And that's really sad - that you let your life be eaten up by hatred."

Guess who said this?

I can't stop laughing at the hypocrisy. That woman hates everything.

165 Anonymous said... 165

162-do you need a Pamprin, dear? How about a shot of tequilla or a dick up the twat? You need to back away from the keyboard.

166 Anonymous said... 166

166 - I'll take 1 of each, please.

What's a Pamprin? I might have to revise my answer to one of the others and none or three of that!

167 Anonymous said... 167

LOL, 165! That's the best laugh I've had all day!

168 Anonymous said... 168

wait a sec, 165 ... did skybar really say that??? that's the funniest freakin' thing I've heard all day!! Can you point me in the right direction, right thread?

169 Anonymous said... 169

Here's the thread. Her whole response is golden.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Thanks 170. The hatred comment made for a good laugh, but some of the other shit she says is downright scary.

171 Anonymous said... 171

OMG Skybar has outdone herself this time. Now I'm going to have to read the whole thread.

172 Anonymous said... 172

She really is crazy. I've never, in my whole life, met someone like her. The shit she spews is one of a kind, or at least I hope it is.

The way she talks about Planned Parenthood and abortion makes me roll my eyes. You can't have a discussion with someone who is that irrational. You would probably get a better response talking to a wall.

173 Anonymous said... 173

Planned Parenthood sells abortions? Skybar is truly insane. Truly fucking insane.

174 Anonymous said... 174

They never sold me a damn abortion

175 Anonymous said... 175

They should have sold her mother one

176 Anonymous said... 176

Is Skybar divorced?

177 Anonymous said... 177

Skybar will pull another Annabella on that thread now that she got called out.

178 Anonymous said... 178

I went to Planned Parenthood for the abortion pill. They didn't "sell" me one. I am damn happy that in this country, we are able to go to PP for a safe abortion.

Skybar is a fucked up, crazed nutbag that needs a lobotomy.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Skybar is divorced. I wonder why??


180 Anonymous said... 180

omg skybar isn't the sharpest tool in the shed is she. Does she really think there are rooms in pp with people counting little aborted arms and legs. What a loon. And that workers really get percentages of every abortion they sell.

I'm not an abortion supporter but I am glad other women who need one can get them. In some cases of horrific child abuse I wish the dumbass mother would have just ended the poor babies life before it ever began.

181 Anonymous said... 181

I laugh at the hypocrisy of a divorced woman who spends so much time talking about what the bible says you should do. There's a whole lot more in the bible against divorce than half the shit she runs her mouth about. Skybar seems to read that bible selectively. As do most bible thumpers.

182 Anonymous said... 182

From the narcissist mother thread:


Out of the 4 things funnypea was bitching about it was the only one in all caps.

Will someone please explain to me why this is so horrible? Is it because the suit was white? That's my guess. I tend to be fashion challenged.

And fwiw I'm pretty sure 20 years from pea kids are going to be talking major shit about their parents.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Where's Typhus? Is it possible that she's been parenting instead of Peaing for the last 24 hours?

184 Anonymous said... 184

I would hope 184, that or getting ready to head back to teaching. She does pea a lot for someone with 3 little kids and a job as a teacher.

185 Anonymous said... 185

184-she is in a Twinkie coma. She will resurface when she gets hungry about an hour.

186 Anonymous said... 186

You beetlejuiced her back!! lol

187 Anonymous said... 187

187-i think she reads here-A LOT!!!

188 Anonymous said... 188

What 188 said! That was my first thought when Typhus not only surfaced, but happened to surface on the very thread that we've been actively discussing here.

Either that, or Skybar put out the Bat(shitcrazy) Signal and all the Good Christuns are gonna mob that thread....

189 Anonymous said... 189

They should have sold her mother one
August 12, 2011 1:38 PM

And yes, Typhus reads here constantly. Same with L'Urine. They also post here quite a bit, too.

190 Anonymous said... 190

Typhus is the new Mapchic of the boards.

191 Latrina Vagina said... 191

Ok look I am not a grammar nazi and I am fine with typos. I make them all the time. So when Rosy Cheeks started!!! yelling!!! about HER SCARED BOOK OF MORMOON!!! ELEVENTY!! I was a little amused but it was a typo.

Then after a couple people point it out she comes back AND!!! SHE wants us TO KNOW!!!! she won't support ANYTHING that MAKES FUN of anyone's SCARED RELIGION!!!

Christ on a cracker. Did she protest spelling class in school too???

192 Anonymous said... 192

Could kittenonthekeys be briannajill?

193 Anonymous said... 193

193 here, upon further review I may be mistaken about BJ

194 Anonymous said... 194

76 you sounds just a tad jealous. we used dr to get completely out of debt. house included. allowed dh and i to retire 5 years early and its great. you keep going with your plan and sneering at others. see where you are and how your retirement is

195 Anonymous said... 195

Where does Typhus live? Florida?

196 Anonymous said... 196

Typhus is a hobbit with hairy feet and she drags her knuckles. She lives in Middle Earth.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Typhus lives in heaven.

198 Anonymous said... 198

A bunch of middle-class white women who would deny to their last breath ever having a racist thought, criticizing black women historians' views regarding a book that many people think is racist. Interesting.

199 Anonymous said... 199


200 Jane Doe said... 200

New space is up. :)

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