Wednesday, September 7, 2011



1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2

Jane, you can't ask a question about L'Urine being in Spain and then not give up the goods.

3 Jane Doe said... 3

All I can definitively say is that there have been page views from Spain.

I'm not going to accuse Lauren because she is litigious, so all I'm stating is fact.

4 Anonymous said... 4

oh joy, janedoescrapper is posting AGAIN about her IVF treatments. Can't wait until she flames out yet again. Another attention whore!!

5 Anonymous said... 5

I don't think it shocks anyone that she looks at the blog.

And I doubt she's a very good lawyer. I know a few good ones if you need em' ;)

6 Anonymous said... 6

L'Urine couldn't lawyer her way out of a paper bag.

Jane, I hope she has provided you with enough goods to stick it to her sorry ass.

7 Anonymous said... 7

So Mishkismom and SDeven ("Who farted?") had massive crushes on Ari Fleischer. Ew. You just know that Bernie Madoff and Dick Cheney are also on their laminated lists that they carry around in their Dave Ramsey envelopes.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Apparently Raindancer is expanding her expertise as she criticizes 9-11 survivors for their feelings and post-attack trauma.

And she's not the only asshole on that thread.

9 Anonymous said... 9

A 40 year old man saying "LINKY POO" makes me want to vomit.

10 Anonymous said... 10

Who is trustyone? she posted as herself, did anyone see?

11 Anonymous said... 11

A 40 year old man saying "LINKY POO" makes me want to vomit.


All the peas with the lame sexual innuendo comments make me want to vomit. They trip all over themselves to flirt with the one 'man' on the board...maybe they should pay attention to their own DH????????

12 Anonymous said... 12

They all seem to forget that Asians have tiny little dicks.

13 Anonymous said... 13

13-an Asian penis looks like a naked mole rat. There balls are hairless too.

14 Anonymous said... 14

see last page 11

15 Anonymous said... 15

I'm sure Hergie is turning him on LMAO

16 Anonymous said... 16

There balls are hairless too.
Thank god... I hate hairy balls. =p

17 Anonymous said... 17 her Google broken or something? Just to see, I googled 'costco wedding cake' and MULTIPLE images came up. It literally took 3 seconds. Why does she post such questions?? Is she just bragging that she has an IRL friend or something??

18 Anonymous said... 18

myshelly has really been on my radar lately as a turbo-bitch. Has she always been like this, or is she changing?

19 Anonymous said... 19

myshelly has really been on my radar lately as a turbo-bitch. Has she always been like this, or is she changing?

I just noticed that. She comes off as a complete bitch in that thread.

20 Anonymous said... 20

She was a major bitch in a thread about being away from her DH. She went on and on about how 'she and her DH picked career fields where they would NEVER have to travel, and just CAN NOT believe that some couples have to spend nights apart' She came off as such a bitch!

21 Anonymous said... 21

Same goes for all the reality shows and faux celebrities they're always bitching about. If they'd quit lining pockets by watching the stupid shit, it would go away.
Amen. I was dying on the who still watches "Kate Plus Eight" thread. The same assholes who rip that family's behavior apart are the same losers who have obsessively watched it from the beginning, thus perpetuating the whole sick circus.

22 Anonymous said... 22

Yeah, myshelly has turned into a right uber-cunt lately. Her husband will be the next one to leave.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Drama over on Emily Falconbridges blog.

Someone doesn't like Em's kiddo's names. Bet it was a helicopter pea mom, third tier, that sent Em the nasty email.

24 Anonymous said... 24

24-seriously, no one cares about that chick. Isn't she the dirty hippy friend of Cara Whitney? Take that lame ass shit over to the scrapsmack blog where people still care about scrap celebs and their dirty hippy hangers-on!!

25 Anonymous said... 25

Who the fuck is Emily falconwhatsit and why in the holy he'll would anyone here care??

26 Anonymous said... 26

Myshelly is definitely a thundercunt. While I've noticed her cuntiness for a while now, it does seem like she has kicked it up to turbo level.

I loved the response to her on the homemade gift thread that said she was right to be worried about a 'The Help' moment.

27 Anonymous said... 27

You know, the whole scrap celebrity wanna be tactic of slamming yourself on a blog just to try and draw some page views is getting really tiresome. It's beyond pathetic and very transparent.

Emily Whatever, seriously you need to give it up. No one here cares. This is not a blog about scrapping

28 Anonymous said... 28

Who is cara Whitney?

29 Anonymous said... 29

I loved the response to her on the homemade gift thread that said she was right to be worried about a 'The Help' moment.


Haven't read the book...anyone care to fill me in? What was her 'moment'?

30 Anonymous said... 30

29-i think they meant Tara Whitney

31 Anonymous said... 31

Why do kids with cancer need pillowcases? I am all for contributing to charity, especially kids with with cancer, but FFS it needs to be something useful. If my kid has lost her hair, and is immunosuppressed, I am not going to put something on her bed that comes from heaven knows what kind of house... It could contain any number of germs, pet hair, cig smoke smells etc. Ugh, makes me feel ill am
Nd itchy just thinking about it.
Instead of wasting money on shit like this, donate the $3 to cancer research or directly to the hospital so they can buy some useful equipment that might save a few lives.
Who comes up with these half assed ideas?

32 Anonymous said... 32

That should be "ill and itchy" damn autocorrect

33 Anonymous said... 33

30, the hard core bitch of the book/movie unwittingly eats a couple of slices of (literal) shit pie. The only reason this happens to her is because she's such a stone-cold twat. Much like myshelly who made that reference to the book. It was kind of awesome that someone pointed out to her that only a thundercunt would need to be worried about something like that, so it made perfect sense for myshelly to be worried about :P

34 Anonymous said... 34

For 32-is that you, myshelly?

35 Anonymous said... 35

194, my lips are sealed. ;)

you be winkin', Jane, so I'm thinkin' L'Urine did post! I knew it. I would bet skyshit and Typhus post, too.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Who is tara whitney?

37 Anonymous said... 37

What the hell? Would you pay $27.50 for this piece of ugly crap???

Yeah, it is a Pea selling this fug.

38 Anonymous said... 38

37-dude, use the power of the Google. Jeebus Christ on a Cracker.

39 Anonymous said... 39

who cares?

40 Wingnut said... 40

Executions!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



41 Anonymous said... 41

Who the heck would name their poor kid Banjo? Naming him after some dumbass Austrailian poet is not as cool as you think it is. "We grew up on his poetry". LOL Give me a break!

42 Anonymous said... 42

24-seriously, no one cares about that chick. Isn't she the dirty hippy friend of Cara Whitney? Take that lame ass shit over to the scrapsmack blog where people still care about scrap celebs and their dirty hippy hangers-on!!
September 7, 2011 8:36 PM

Hi Cindyupnorth! I knew you posted here.

43 Anonymous said... 43

How about Nazi Germany?

44 Anonymous said... 44

L-anus must have a bitch of a hangover or she is too chicken shit to post again after she humiliated herself.

45 Anonymous said... 45

I FUCKING HATE with the passion of 1000 burning suns, spongemom slutpants.

I finally just put her on ignore. She is such a fucking know it all cunt.

That feels better to get out. hahahaha

46 Anonymous said... 46

Is can_i_pea_2? always unhappy?

47 Anonymous said... 47

Kim can't just post a thread asking about Chicago can she? SHe had to list all the places she's lived to brag.

48 Anonymous said... 48

All I can definitively say is that there have been page views from Spain.

I'm not going to accuse Lauren because she is litigious, so all I'm stating is fact.

She went to Spain a few months ago.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Kim can't just post a thread asking about Chicago can she? SHe had to list all the places she's lived to brag.

She didn't know where the freaking water tower was. I'm pretty sure she didn't live in Chicago more like some godforsaken suburb like Gary.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Who the heck would name their poor kid Banjo? Naming him after some dumbass Austrailian poet is not as cool as you think it is. "We grew up on his poetry". LOL Give me a break!

I'm sure there are people who think our kids have awful names, but Banjo? For serious? Awful. Why not give him a normal name and let his middle name be Banjo so he has something to use when he's a grown up. FFS.

51 Anonymous said... 51 quote from writermom: "I suffer from High Self Esteem." No shit, anyone on this board could have told you that!

52 Anonymous said... 52

flooding in Binghamton, NY - is it too much to hope that L'Urine floats away?

53 Anonymous said... 53

#14:13-an Asian penis looks like a naked mole rat. There balls are hairless too.

What *KIND* of ghey porn did you find on your husband's browser history?

Because all penises look like naked mole rats flaccid and only prepubescent boys have hairless balls...

54 Anonymous said... 54

Banjo is a little wacky but doesn't hold a candle to a kids name I saw on a blog yesterday. It was a little girl named littletree. LITTLETREE.

55 Anonymous said... 55 quote from writermom: "I suffer from High Self Esteem." No shit, anyone on this board could have told you that!
I think the correct phrase is OTHER people suffer from MY high self esteem.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Why do the peas insist on perpetuating LAME ASS JOKES?? That thread was not funny the first time around, now it has its own 'where are they now' thread? LAME!!!!!!!!!!

57 Anonymous said... 57

Well thank God that back to peality makes an exception for police dogs in an active investigation.

58 Anonymous said... 58

DUMB QUESTION OF THE DAY!!! Really? A PT is cheap, just test! Why do people think to run to the peas for this sort of thing??

59 Anonymous said... 59

peality is a dumb shit and i don't even go in the dog threads

60 Anonymous said... 60

59, they want attention and oohs and aahs.

Basically, they're very needy attention whores.

Then, when it's negative, they can come back to the pod all *DEVASTATED* and needing support.

From an attention whore's standpoint, it's a win-win.

61 Anonymous said... 61

I FUCKING HATE with the passion of 1000 burning suns, spongemom slutpants.

I finally just put her on ignore. She is such a fucking know it all cunt.

Putting her on ignore has the added advantage of not having to look at her smug face every time she posts. I swear she has gotten so much worse over the last couple of months.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Anybody want to bet most of the peas who SWEAR they'd never let their dog shit in someone's yard (and would always clean it up if they did) do just that?

63 Anonymous said... 63

I admit I am not a fan of large sigs, so take this as you will, but WTF is WRONG with that Rhondito chick and her MASSIVE fucking photo in her sig? FFS. she posts a sentence followed by another five inches of crap on my monitor.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Amen, 64. It's a nice picture, but does it have to be so damn big?!

She annoys me anyway.

65 Anonymous said... 65

Nice Callout! are being upstaged!

66 Anonymous said... 66

66-I don't think Bootz needs to worry. Most of us know mommytosix is a train wreck and most likely a total bullshitter and liar.

67 Anonymous said... 67

My opinion? land the helicopter and don't worry about it.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Anybody want to bet most of the peas who SWEAR they'd never let their dog shit in someone's yard (and would always clean it up if they did) do just that?

I always think the same on a tipping thread.

69 Anonymous said... 69

no update here either.

i guess she didn't get it??

70 Anonymous said... 70

She's just another pain the ass...who cares if she got it or not.

71 Anonymous said... 71

TankTop gets my vote for one of the most annoying peas EVERRRRRRR. I really wish she would shut the fuck up.

72 Anonymous said... 72

Is Captain K the stupidest person you've ever met?

73 Anonymous said... 73

64 - ITA

74 Anonymous said... 74

What's the deal with Amarvel? Was she the pea that everyone bashed for having a dirty house when photographing her son? Isn't she the one struggling financially yet can afford camera gear? Her avatar photo makes her look like a tramp.

75 Anonymous said... 75

I think Captain K is PDR.

76 Anonymous said... 76

76-yeah, me too

77 Anonymous said... 77

Angela Marvel is a slob married to a ginger hambeast. She has a dirty house and dirty kids that wear leaking, saggy diapers. She even takes pictures of said kids in those nasty ass diapers.

She thinks she is hot stuff but she is a train wreck.

78 Anonymous said... 78

DH and I will be at our favorite fancy restaurant in Seattle on Sunday night. (Il Bistro by the Pike Place Market for all you stalkers out there.)
thanks for the heads up pennyring. Now we know what place to avoid on Sunday night.

does the stupid twat REALLY think someone would WANT to seek her out? FFS. She needs a good bitch slappin'

79 Anonymous said... 79

angela marvel = pure trash

Captain K is just a dumbass troll. The PDR theory is interesting. The scizophrenia between acting semi-nice and totally cunty makes sense.

80 Anonymous said... 80

79-Pennydipshit wants to make sure the hobos from Walmart know where she will be so they can hit on her skank ass some more.

81 Anonymous said... 81

yeah but she still has to go home to renton. punishment enough right there.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Wow must be a slow night. You have 2 nutjobs arguing over which part of Southern California is out of power. Who the fuck cares!!!!
Burning Feather vs Bootzee

83 Anonymous said... 83

Captain K = Beadhound

84 Anonymous said... 84

Good doG. BF must really be bored and looking for drama. Really?? Getting all lathered up over a power outage and shrieking "terrorists!! The terrorists are coming!"

I fucking hate people that use events like 9/11 to feed their pathological drama addictions. So slimy and despicable.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Damn I wish kristin16 would hurry up and have that baby. So damn sick of all her STOOPID pregnancy questions. Really, if you're this clueless by your fourth it's time to get spayed.

86 Anonymous said... 86

All I can definitively say is that there have been page views from Spain.

I'm not going to accuse Lauren because she is litigious, so all I'm stating is fact.

Can't Lanus C&P this to the bucket? Instead she C&Ps bootzee shit and disses the saintly Peabay -whom I acutally like BTW.

87 Anonymous said... 87

The absolute perfection of the peas blows my minds. Not only are your children lily-white snowflakes, but your dogs are so incredibly well trained that they only shit on your own grass? When my dog has to go, he's got to go, and as long as we clean it up when he's done does it really matter that he crapped on the precious grass next to your sidewalk? Or should I be more respectful and force the poor thing to hold it another mile until we get home? The peas are such assholes.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Or should I be more respectful and force the poor thing to hold it another mile until we get home?
Yes, you should, asshole.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Glad to see the perfect peas are here too, bitch.

90 Anonymous said... 90

99% of the peas are just completely full of shit. It's actually amusing to watch them claim to be perfect in so many aspects of life. Kindergarteners who were reading at fifth grade level, returning shopping carts to the corral-al.ways, perfectly behaved and well-trained pets, such conscientious & law-abiding drivers, totally green & environmentally responsible, so many school volunteers and PTO big wigs, everything in their homes sparkling clean & spanking fresh, happy happy husbands, children who would never smoke, drink, or have sex until *after* they have their temple sealed marriage or perfect, perfect church. wedding. :yawn:

I have yet to see one of these pea-perfect specimens here in the real world, but I'm **sure** that I'll find one soon. @@ (massive eye roll)

91 Anonymous said... 91

yeah but she still has to go home to renton. punishment enough right there.


Doesn't pennybitch live in Everett? I seem to remember a thread where she tried to convince everyone it was all unicorns and rainbows up there where she lives and yet she commutes more than an hour everday into Tacoma to work.

And I agree she needs a good bitch-slappin'.

92 Anonymous said... 92

When my dog has to go, he's got to go, and as long as we clean it up when he's done does it really matter that he crapped on the precious grass next to your sidewalk? Or should I be more respectful and force the poor thing to hold it another mile until we get home? The peas are such assholes.
YOU are the asshole. Even if you clean up your dog's crap on my lawn, it's already done some damage. And there's no way to clean up dog pee which kills grass, shrubs and flowers.

You want to walk your dog, fine - but have it crap and piss in YOUR yard first. And if you allow your dog to shit and piss on someone elses property, don't bitch when we bring our kids over to your house to wiz in the corner of your living room.

93 Anonymous said... 93

YOU are the asshole. Even if you clean up your dog's crap on my lawn, it's already done some damage. And there's no way to clean up dog pee which kills grass, shrubs and flowers.

And if you allow your dog to shit and piss on someone elses property, don't bitch when we bring our kids over to your house to wiz in the corner of your living room.

Are you fucking serious?
And of course your kid is going to pee in my living room. His special snowflake eag tutor won't be there to monitor him ALL THE TIME.

94 Anonymous said... 94


not used to typing that out. I have an average kid.

95 Anonymous said... 95

No special snowflake here either, but I'm pretty sure the acronym you are struggling with is IEP.

96 Anonymous said... 96

Slower Joe needs to change his name to retarded Joe, I just submitted a letter to the editor using that link he posted. Telling them that he begged for hits on a message board, and I copied and pasted his post into the letter and I linked to the thread. Told them there was no real interest in the story, just a bunch of old bored housewives who never read that paper usually (and never will again) clicking away mindlessly.
The editor was right, the story was totally boring, as for "culturally" ambiguous that should read 'sexually'

97 Anonymous said... 97

Hey were did my post go??

98 Anonymous said... 98

No special snowflake here either, but I'm pretty sure the acronym you are struggling with is IEP.
HA. thanks. I'll have to see if I can get my boss to get me a special tutor.

99 Anonymous said... 99

Jane is deleting posts about Joe, interesting!!

100 Anonymous said... 100

Maybe Jane's dh is asian.

101 Anonymous said... 101

Maybe Jane is Joe, I just posted about Joe, and it was there, then I refreshed the page and poof it was gone.
Let's see if it happens again...
I just wrote a letter to the editor on that site Joe linked to, told the editor that there was no real interest in the story, but that Joe had just begged a bunch of bored housewives to click on it for him to make it look like there was. I also linked to Joe's thread at the bucket and copied and pasted his original post into the letter.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Maybe Jane is Asian.

103 Anonymous said... 103

Some peaple sure are psycho about fucking grass and shrubs. :shrug: I always have my dog pee and poop before we go for a walk, but if she has to go again, then I clean up the poop. If that's not good enough for you, then too fucking bad. Go ahead and come outside and yell at me, I'll respond calmly, and then fucking laugh all the way home because you're the one that (rightfully) looks like a damn nutbag. Go ahead and clue your whole neighborhood in to just what an uptight, psycho bitch you really are.

104 Anonymous said... 104

I wonder if they're also rabidly chasing around the squirrels and bunnies that are peeing and pooping in their yard.

105 Anonymous said... 105

What's Elaine's problem? SHe doesn't want to be stuck with her autistic sons?

106 Anonymous said... 106

Bravo, 103!!

107 Anonymous said... 107

Anonymous Fri Sep 9 2011 09:13 You realize Joe begged a bunch of old ladies on a message board to click on this link a bunch of times to make it look like there was interest in this story.



There will be more influx stupidity at the bucket now and eventually they'll find their way here when someone whines over there that they were bitched about.

108 Anonymous said... 108

This is going to sound cold hearted as hell but after dealing with autistic kids in the cub scouts. No I wouldn't want to be home with them either. Not sure how I lucked out in having three kids with no "spectrum, or board line" anything. But I am so glad I did.

109 Anonymous said... 109

108 I agree. I have dealt with them as a teacher and they try my nerves. I must say the parents are 100 times worse though. I've also watched several of these spectrum kids just work their parents.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Maybe Jane is Joe, I just posted about Joe, and it was there, then I refreshed the page and poof it was gone.
Let's see if it happens again...
I just wrote a letter to the editor on that site Joe linked to, told the editor that there was no real interest in the story, but that Joe had just begged a bunch of bored housewives to click on it for him to make it look like there was. I also linked to Joe's thread at the bucket and copied and pasted his original post into the letter.


Are you fucking serious? You talk about bored housewives, yet you take the time to do that? It's a fucking college newspaper! Wow, you are a first class bitch. I hope you sleep better at night knowing that you screwed someone over in real life.

111 Anonymous said... 111

I think that, in many cases, "autism" is the label used for a child who is simply misbehaved. Yes, there are legitimate cases, but I think all this "on the spectrum" bullshit is just a band-aid invented by the system to excuse shitty parenting and poorly behaved children.

112 Anonymous said... 112

I think that, in many cases, "autism" is the label used for a child who is simply misbehaved. Yes, there are legitimate cases, but I think all this "on the spectrum" bullshit is just a band-aid invented by the system to excuse shitty parenting and poorly behaved children.


YES, 111 - I totally agree. I can look around at all of my friends and NOT ONE of them that's a good parent has a 'child on the spectrum' - whatever the fuck that means. Now, I have a few friends that are HORRIBLE parents that DO NOT make their children behave and those kids have some kind of diagnoziz or other.

Funny how those 'diagnosed' kids behave just fine for me when I watch them. It's when their parents are around that they act up - because they know they'll get away with it.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Funny how those 'diagnosed' kids behave just fine for me when I watch them. It's when their parents are around that they act up - because they know they'll get away with it.

I've been wanting to say this for months, but I agree 100% with your post! I have a friend that has a son diagnosed with SPD. She says the SPD causes her son to be a picky eater...but he will eat pizza, chicken nuggets, pancakes and all that junk no problem. She gives them to him because of his "spd". The only food he won't eat is healthy food. If it truly was SPD, he would not eat pizza! (its a texture thing, and all the different textures of pizza would be too much for him to handle) That is what I can't stand...when parents don't parent their kids, and just drag them to Dr's to get a 'diagnosis'

I do think that these disorders are real, but I think they are VERY over-diagnosed.

114 Jane Doe said... 114

Yo, 98: I don't delete posts unless they are about kids.

Your post went to the spam filter, and now it's back.

Also, not Joe. Definitely 100% a woman. Carry on!

115 Anonymous said... 115

111 *i didn't post that over there - but* how in the fuck is it screwing someone over? joe just wants to get his name out there, to a college and it's bullshit. he's 40 and shouldn't even be hanging with them probably.

whoever wrote the shit (didn't read it, don't care to either) should not have joe doing that for him/her.period. let them get merits on their own, if it's not supposed to be in the paper, it shouldn't be.

i doubt anyones life is *screwed* LOL

116 Anonymous said... 116

BrandyM is so fucking dramatic.

How does she function through life if this shit gets her panties in a twist.

117 Anonymous said... 117

Good doG. BF must really be bored and looking for drama. Really?? Getting all lathered up over a power outage and shrieking "terrorists!! The terrorists are coming!"

I fucking hate people that use events like 9/11 to feed their pathological drama addictions. So slimy and despicable.


OMG....I sooo agree!

They're all *shocked* and freaked out cuz there's a 'terror alert' this weekend?? Really?

118 Anonymous said... 118

Also, not Joe. Definitely 100% a woman.
Joe is also mostly woman

119 Anonymous said... 119

177, she's pea dependent, there's no other way to look at it.

120 Anonymous said... 120

Funny how those 'diagnosed' kids behave just fine for me when I watch them. It's when their parents are around that they act up - because they know they'll get away with it.
That has been my experience too time and time again.

I had a cousin who truly had some issues. He couldn't eat certain foods like ice cream without gagging. He would want to watch a movie and just couldn't. He was unable to concentrate enough to do things he enjoyed not just unable to do this he didn't feel like doing.

He had to take several meds to be able to go to school and he wore ear plugs part of the day to stop the overload to his senses. He was a great kid at times but it was like his nervous system who short circuit and he would go from distracted to acting up to a full blown seizure if he wasn't helped.

121 Anonymous said... 121

*clapclapclap*, 112. I've thought this for a long, long time. I have one friend whose son is autistic--you can SEE the difference between him and a kid who is just badly behaved. It's night and day.

I also think most of the kids diagnosed as ADHD and ADD are just overstimulated.

122 Anonymous said... 122

Anonymous said... 120 177, she's pea dependent, there's no other way to look at it.

September 9, 2011 10:16 AM

117 *obviously* not 177 :)

123 Anonymous said... 123

I think that, in many cases, "autism" is the label used for a child who is simply misbehaved. Yes, there are legitimate cases, but I think all this "on the spectrum" bullshit is just a band-aid invented by the system to excuse shitty parenting and poorly behaved children.
September 9, 2011 9:19 AM

Sing it Sistah!! You are 100% spot on. I would say that a HUGE percentage of the kids that are labeled "on the spectrum" are just the product of bad parenting. Either crazy, nuerotic helicopter parents, or the lazy asses who want some kind of excuse for their kid's crappy behavior. It's a fucking crime that the medical community is caving in to all the nujob parents who are pressuring for "A DIAGNOSIS." Someone needs to nut up and give a true diagnosis: stupid, crazy-ass parent.

124 Anonymous said... 124

BrandyM is so fucking dramatic.

How does she function through life if this shit gets her panties in a twist.
September 9, 2011 9:57 AM

She doesn't. You've seen her stupid posts. Also, note the fact that one of her snowflakes has "ADHD" and/or is "on the spectrum."

FMR. The future of this country is fucked.

125 Anonymous said... 125

I'm gonna tell Ali what y'all are saying. OMFG

126 Anonymous said... 126


127 BEAVIS/BUTTHEAD 2012 said... 127


128 Anonymous said... 128

WTH are you talking about, 126? Are we supposed to know who Ali is?

129 Anonymous said... 129

Based on the autism stuff I'm assuming she's talking about Ali Edwards who thinks she is scrapping's big deal to autism.

The interesting thing since she's had her daughter is that she seems to pigeonhole her son because he's "autistic." When HE was a picky eater, drew on himself or anything like that it's because he was autistic. The girl draws on herself and of course she is "discovering art and full of creativity!" If she refuses to eat something, it's not because of texture issues, it's because "she definitely has her own opinions." She treats the boy like a retard and the girl like she's a mensa baby.

130 Anonymous said... 130

Ali is a dumb ass. She had a post about how her son doesn't play with the other kids in his class at a field trip. Could it be because he has the weird mom who is in his face taking pictures about how wonderful he is during a class trip?

131 Anonymous said... 131

The interesting thing since she's had her daughter is that she seems to pigeonhole her son because he's "autistic." When HE was a picky eater, drew on himself or anything like that it's because he was autistic. The girl draws on herself and of course she is "discovering art and full of creativity!" If she refuses to eat something, it's not because of texture issues, it's because "she definitely has her own opinions." She treats the boy like a retard and the girl like she's a mensa baby.


Makes sense since she started out as a pea huh?

132 ##$_$(Q@#_$( said... 132

myshelly again

fucking PSYCHO man. Does she hate everything???

133 Anonymous said... 133

132 - you hit it right on the head

134 Anonymous said... 134

Some of the peas are so wound up I really wonder if they enjoy anything in life.

135 Anonymous said... 135

135-of course they do! they all have multiple orgasms within 30 seconds of the pee-weinie being inserted into their gaping vaginas!

136 Anonymous said... 136

BurningChicken, why does this not surprise me? I am pretty sure any male left to your devices would no longer have the instinct to lift their leg.
Bootzee, I love you.

(from the dog pee thread)

137 Anonymous said... 137


138 Anonymous said... 138

That lady on the dog thread that WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT LET HER DOG USE THE RESTROOM ANYWHERE ELSE BUT A CERTAIN SPOT seems a little crazy.

I feel bad for her doggy :(

139 Anonymous said... 139

I also think most of the kids diagnosed as ADHD and ADD are just overstimulated.
and under-parented- but there's no drugs or $$ for that.

140 Anonymous said... 140

seansmommy--her son has been doing yoga for a year? He just started third grade?

There might be a legitimate reason, but this sounds odd to me.

141 Anonymous said... 141

111 *i didn't post that over there - but* how in the fuck is it screwing someone over? joe just wants to get his name out there, to a college and it's bullshit. he's 40 and shouldn't even be hanging with them probably.

whoever wrote the shit (didn't read it, don't care to either) should not have joe doing that for him/her.period. let them get merits on their own, if it's not supposed to be in the paper, it shouldn't be.

i doubt anyones life is *screwed* LOL

Didn't his post say there were more people than just him being written about? If they pull all the articles, then more people than Joe will not have the free publicity. I agree that taking something from the peas and using it to mess with someone IRL is a TOTAL bitch move (unless it truly is a life and death matter). Is Joe really that important to you that you need to mess with his real life???

142 Anonymous said... 142

FREAKED OUT!!!1!!!! by the emergency broadcast test thing on TV????

Holy hell. OBL has indeed won.

143 Anonymous said... 143

The interesting thing since she's had her daughter is that she seems to pigeonhole her son because he's "autistic." When HE was a picky eater, drew on himself or anything like that it's because he was autistic. The girl draws on herself and of course she is "discovering art and full of creativity!" If she refuses to eat something, it's not because of texture issues, it's because "she definitely has her own opinions." She treats the boy like a retard and the girl like she's a mensa baby.

I have noticed that since she had her daughter too. Of course she gets more sympathy for having an autistic son. Otherwise people wouldn't care about her.

144 Anonymous said... 144

since she likes to brag about how much money they have why not just call another contractor.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Jeebus, I can't believe anyone is reading scrapping blogs these days. Especially the scrapping "celebs" of old.

Just as fucking bad as the twats who watch all that reality TV and bitch about Kate Gosselin, and all those other stupid "stars."

Fucking sheeple morons.

146 Hairy Asian Balls said... 146

Didn't his post say there were more people than just him being written about? If they pull all the articles, then more people than Joe will not have the free publicity. I agree that taking something from the peas and using it to mess with someone IRL is a TOTAL bitch move (unless it truly is a life and death matter). Is Joe really that important to you that you need to mess with his real life???

#142, her point:
****i doubt anyones life is *screwed* LOL*****

Which means JOE turned her down when she offered to suck his naked mole rat dick and hairless pre-teen Asian balls and probably refused to even fuck with her husband's twink loving mangina.

And #111 has to be one of the ringleaders of the infamous Emily/Joe Facebook thread, so it isn't really surprising that an angry unhappily married hairy white middle-aged woman being spurned by the pod half-Filipino "stud"(cuz he is just a halfie) would do that?

I'm just surprised she didn't post a ferret.

147 Anonymous said... 147

This just strikes me as an incredibly BITCHY thing to *ASSume* about anyone else, and completely unnecessary to post:

"I hope that you are able to find a place for them even if you have to wait on a list and that you won't dump them."

Anna-fuckin-stupid-bitchass-banana, you need to take the stick out, good gravy. You must be such a pleasure to be around IRL. do you EVER have anything nice to say? Ever?

148 Anonymous said... 148

I hate to say it and agree with AnnaTwat but I can see the OP of the thread dumping those cats, she is a bitch and a whiner.

149 Jennifer Aniston said... 149

Sorry Boots, I love ya, but that comment meridan made about wiping your ass for you when you take a crap was pretty fucking funny!


150 Noell Hyman said... 150

Jeebus, I can't believe anyone is reading scrapping blogs these days. Especially the scrapping "celebs" of old.


Especially Ali Edwards and Lisa Bearnson any of them that made a "career" out of scrapbooking thanks to CK. Smart career move!

151 Anonymous said... 151

Ah, didn't know the OP was a bitch 149, that might have changed my opinion of what bobanna said. It still rubs me the wrong way that she said it though..

152 Anonymous said... 152

Do you ever get the feeling that the Peas are the biggest dorward, nerd herd, bang geek, bucked toothed, morans that ever walked God's green earth?

I cringed about a million times on that movie quote thread. Dorksssssssss

153 Anonymous said... 153

Do you ever get the feeling that the Peas are the biggest dorward, nerd herd, bang geek, bucked toothed, morans that ever walked God's green earth?

I cringed about a million times on that movie quote thread. Dorksssssssss


Lighten up, Francis.

154 Anonymous said... 154

154-dammit Janet, you're a slut!

155 Anonymous said... 155

Joe brought his real life over to the bucket, and he asked the peas to lie for him "make it look like there is interest in these stories" and those dumbass hausfraus sat there "clicking the shit out of it" the only person lying and manipulating here is Joe. If someone uses the information he willingly and deliberately put out there to make him look like a fool, then no sympathy from me.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Joe brought his real life over to the bucket, and he asked the peas to lie for him "make it look like there is interest in these stories" and those dumbass hausfraus sat there "clicking the shit out of it" the only person lying and manipulating here is Joe. If someone uses the information he willingly and deliberately put out there to make him look like a fool, then no sympathy from me.
I do not get the allure of that guy. I just don't. :retch:

157 Anonymous said... 157

I do not get the allure of that guy. I just don't
He is a man technically and that is about as high as some women have their standards.

158 Anonymous said... 158

I do also remember him at one time being funny. I can't point to an exact thread but I keep thinking in the back of my mind he had some witty things to say once in awhile.

159 Anonymous said... 159

I don't get the Joe worship either. He has always creeped me out, and I don't find him funny at all.

Weird that peas are still wetting their panties over him. Very weird.

160 Anonymous said... 160

Joe's idea of funny is always some pathetic sexual innuendo. No actual humor involved there, any slime ball can do that.

161 Anonymous said... 161

I just can't bring myself to open Joe's threads. He's skeevy.

But is it the usual pea suspects that are falling all over themselves to interact with him? The usual bored, unhappy bitter hausfraus who are in bitter sexless marriages like cindyupnorth, peanutpattie, et. al and the lonely divorcees like Rhondito, maddiekmom etc?

I really don't understand the behavior of some of the peas when a "man" shows up at the pod. They act all stupid and giggly and it's like being locked in at a really lame slumber party with a bunch of 11 year olds. so many peas are just flat out weird

162 Anonymous said... 162

I do not get the allure of that guy. I just don't. :retch:
And he seems really skeevy to me too. Not sure why he's such a big deal. I personally wish he'd just go away.

But that probably won't happen as long as the bitches are willing to click for him on command.

163 Anonymous said... 163

I wonder how many peas will be clicking the shit out of the link to help educate children in Ghana?
Probably none because it wasn't a guy who posted the link, and fourth rate comics are more important than educating third world kids.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Is this just...odd?

165 Anonymous said... 165

No one cares that the owner of this blog is mining the data tracking who comes here? Fuck you Compwalla. Shove my ip addy up your flabby ass.

166 Anonymous said... 166

165-omg, these fucking bitches and their fucking disorders. I am so sick and tired of all of them thinking their special snowflake has a "disorder". It is getting to so fucking old. That OP sounds like a nutter who wants to attach some type of label to her disfunctional, moody, pimple faced teenager. Give it a rest lady!!!!

167 Anonymous said... 167

166-what the fuck are you talking about???

168 Anonymous said... 168

RIP Jonduh and Flymflam!

169 Anonymous said... 169

166 sounds like l'Urine on a bender.

Maybe she's revvin' up the LeSabre.

170 Anonymous said... 170

165-omg, these fucking bitches and their fucking disorders. I am so sick and tired of all of them thinking their special snowflake has a "disorder". It is getting to so fucking old. That OP sounds like a nutter who wants to attach some type of label to her disfunctional, moody, pimple faced teenager. Give it a rest lady!!!!

Hi esperanza! You come off an uber cunt on that thread. Only you and your dh are allowed to have PTSD.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Esperanza really does sound like a cold hard bitch on that 9/11 thread. I would also venture to guess that the person who views PTSD as some kind of competition or exclusive club might be the one who really doesn't have PTSD. For someone who supposedly has it, she doesn't know jack shit about it-- not even the definition.

172 Anonymous said... 172

espersnaza with the nose picker kid has been county before. But I don't keep a spreadsheet so now I can't remember what the deal was with her.
What a warped person you have to be to act like she did on that thread.0

173 Anonymous said... 173


174 Anonymous said... 174

I don't think Esperanza acted cunty, she was just putting the OP in her place. The OP needs to pull her head out of her ass. I seriously doubt 9/11 coverage hurt her kid. My kid was the same age, watched the coverage and is not traumatized. The kid has issues but I doubt it is PTSD.

175 Anonymous said... 175

I don't think Esperanza acted cunty, she was just putting the OP in her place. The OP needs to pull her head out of her ass. I seriously doubt 9/11 coverage hurt her kid. My kid was the same age, watched the coverage and is not traumatized. The kid has issues but I doubt it is PTSD.


Jesus, no kidding - ditto everything. My kid was 10, we didn't shield him from from events, though we did talk and reassure him. He's doing just find - as are all his peers.

That pod is full of FREAKS: moronic, anxiety-ridden, Munchausen-syndrome-by-proxy helicopter moms.

176 Anonymous said... 176

Give the damn kid some Zanax and call it a day. Sheesh.

177 doodoo said... 177

Pennyring tries so hard to be tough and bitchy its funny. She's a wannabe cyberbully. Her avatar is totally misleading too, she is a fatty, and her husband looks like his name is Cleatus.

178 Anonymous said... 178

A five year old experienced PTSD from watching TV? He watched the towers fall 4000 times? Really? How many five year olds can count to 4000?

*I* think we have yet another Pea with a teenager with issues and it has nothing to do with 9/11 or PTSD. Look at all of the sympathy she is garnering. What is it with Peas? It's ALWAYS something else that causes bad kids. It is NEVER, EVER a bad kid or bad parenting.

It is getting very old.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Wench is a fucking idiot, with a faulty spreadsheet.

180 Anonymous said... 180

No, I didn't go to NSBR to get all "America Fuck Yeah" that day, I had real friends and family members to worry about, locate and mourn.

181 Anonymous said... 181

How is it Gsquared didn't catch on until her son had watched it 4,000 times?

182 Anonymous said... 182

Honestly, I think yvonnes thread was not intended to be as much about that day as a reminder of what an old-time pea she is. She seems very fixated on "the old days" and past pea scandals-the older the better. She seems to take "pea seniority" very seriously. She's a twatty tool.

183 Anonymous said... 183

I agree with you 183. I'm sure she's waiting for the Old Pea Queen NoSliver and her lady in waiting Seanna to show up so they can cyberhug and shed tears of rememberance for how things used to be a Two Peas...wait, I mean how things were before we were attacked on 9/11, because surely they aren't that shallow as to only think of themselves.

184 Anonymous said... 184

A five year old experienced PTSD from watching TV? He watched the towers fall 4000 times? Really? How many five year olds can count to 4000?
He also watched it over and over and didn't understand it was the same building. I think she thought if she turned the TV off at home her kids wouldn't know what happened. Her kids did know but since she was clueless they got more upset than they should have. Add some attention for being upset, stir with a helicopter and you have a child with some real issues that could have been prevented with a hug and a reassurance that he would be fine 10yrs ago.

185 Anonymous said... 185

What do you bet.....the mother of the "post traumatic stress 9-11" kid, has "fibromyalgia" aka the hypochondriac disease.

186 Anonymous said... 186

My six year old (now 16) watched months of coverage and is fine. :::shrug:::

187 Anonymous said... 187

I think the real PSA out of gsquared's story is to pay some freakin' attention to your kid and what's going on with him. Even IF the kid has PTSD, he had to have shown some signs way back.

Talk to your kids, talk to them often, and then FFS if something's wrong, address it NOW and not 10 years later.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Ah yes, Yvonne. Don't you just picture her in a taffeta prom dress with big puffy sleeves from the 80's? Complete with prom queen sash, plastic tiara and over teased hair? But now she has the face of a woman in her late 40's that is trying way to hard to hold on the "good old" days when she was in her glory? Nothing else exciting has happened in her life since "the prom" so she just can't get over herself. Everyone else thinks she is an old hag that needs to get over herself but she still sees the young queen when she looks in the mirror.

Sick, really.

189 Anonymous said... 189

I was thinking the exact same thing about Yvonne's thread. Everyone's on to her now. She's one of the biggest phonies at the pod.

190 Anonymous said... 190

How is it Gsquared didn't catch on until her son had watched it 4,000 times?

yeah that just didn't ring true to me.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Yvonne's hitting 50 in two years! I can't believe her and Athena are offended by the peace symbol! lol Yvonne was offended by her neighbor's Christmas peace symbol lawn ornament! These crazy bitches are offended by everything!

192 Anonymous said... 192


I'm waiting patiently for Jonduh and his Randian overloards to take on the LONGSHOREMEN'S UNION.

Those pussy, stunted little losers spend their days kicking and pummeling the teachers, public employees, and service workers from the safety of their computers, thinking they're John Gault. RAWWWWR!

I call BS. Man up little boy (sand girls), go after the evil, leeching, liberal, kenyan, socialist longshoremen.


193 Anonymous said... 193

Jonda is an idiot twatwaddle. It honestly baffles me that anyone over at the pod would take him seriously enough to even engage in debate. It's like watching someone trying to reason with a tree stump.

194 Anonymous said... 194


195 Anonymous said... 195

His post re the merits of kindy show just how clueless, ill-educated and out of touch he is.

196 Anonymous said... 196

118: OMG....I sooo agree!

They're all *shocked* and freaked out cuz there's a 'terror alert' this weekend?? Really?
The best part is that none of them live anywhere near NYC, if they actually lived somewhere with a constant threat they'd be used to it and it wouldn't even register.

But the peas are such attention whores that it kills them not to have something to bitch about

197 Anonymous said... 197

Is it common for it to take 10 yrs before someone is diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress? I would think someone would notice it a lot early than that!!!

198 Jane Doe said... 198

Hey 166, I'm not "tracking" anything. In fact, I've never even looked at the stats of where traffic was coming from before this week (and the time that Olan asked.)

I just thought it was curious that there were hits from Spain. Especially since Lauren was there, and she denies ever coming here.

I honestly don't give a fuck who reads here. Save for maybe Lauren, whom I cannot stand.

199 Jane Doe said... 199

New space is up.

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