She is truly too stupid to own a dog! After a million dog questions, now this one! Idiot!
No kidding. If my dog was humping anybody, it would get a kick in the ass and a loud, "NO!" to realize who was the dominant one in the house. I always thought that was gross, whether it was sexual or not. I never understood anybody who thought that was funny.
3 - Peabay's mentioned it before on occasion, but since she doesn't feel the need to cram her credentials down people's throats a lot of people don't know it.
I can't stand that damn Travel Agent chick. If I was on that flight with her and she started handing me someone else's crap just so her rolling bag could fit in the overhead, I would've told her to shove it up her ass. Planes are crowded enough with having a bunch of bags and stuff at your feet so you can't move at all. Check your fucking rolling bag if there's no room and try to get on the flight a little sooner next time. If you're just going to shove it up there, you don't need it anyway.
Anonymous said... 184 What is up with BergdorfBlonde? She has posted for YEARS on the board and never, ever mentioned all these health problems before...not once. All she posted about was how fabulous she was because she lost weight at Jenny Craig and become a consultant.
Now, all she does is whine and say she has had over 30 surgeries and was written up in medical journals and shit.
SHE is the one I call bullshit on.
October 28, 2011 7:35 PM
I remember her talking about a few over the years... Maybe she hasn't over-shared and sounded like a hypochondriac like the rest of them.
Damned if you do; damned if you don't I guess.
No, something's not right there. She supposedly is some special, amazing, ground-breaking case but these highly sought after doctors she used to have tell her to just take an aspirin for her pain? She said she lost an eye and she has a foreign object in her brain. But in 30 years no doctor has addressed her pain control issues properly? I call bullshit. It doesn't add up.
Jamie is aware of the members of this blog trying to get people banned. I think she's ignoring the reports unless the behavior is truly outrageous. And most of the shit isn't worth raising an eyebrow about. You cunts outed yourselves.
Anonymous said... 10 Anonymous said... 184 What is up with BergdorfBlonde? She has posted for YEARS on the board and never, ever mentioned all these health problems before...not once. All she posted about was how fabulous she was because she lost weight at Jenny Craig and become a consultant.
Now, all she does is whine and say she has had over 30 surgeries and was written up in medical journals and shit.
SHE is the one I call bullshit on.
October 28, 2011 7:35 PM
I remember her talking about a few over the years... Maybe she hasn't over-shared and sounded like a hypochondriac like the rest of them.
Damned if you do; damned if you don't I guess.
No, something's not right there. She supposedly is some special, amazing, ground-breaking case but these highly sought after doctors she used to have tell her to just take an aspirin for her pain? She said she lost an eye and she has a foreign object in her brain. But in 30 years no doctor has addressed her pain control issues properly? I call bullshit. It doesn't add up.
This place has got nothing on the pod! It's bigot klan heaven over there. Can you imagine what their grandparents and great grandparents were like! Hell, I bet if you were a fly on the wall in Miss Bitts, Typhus, KKKim M, Rainbow, Jonduh, pitmom, or any of the Texan/Southern peas living rooms you'd have to plug your ears from their fowl racist mouths.
scrappilicious must be a real bitch. on that 80s pic thread she is too obvious about how she feels about the girl at the end of the pic. in her description she calls her and the one on the other end *book ends*. what a bitch! ========== Scrappilicious is always kissing L'Urine's ass even though L'Urine slams her and her friend Yvonne. With friends like that and all.
You'd think that BlechyTech would have had the decency not to abbreviate Bergdorfblonde as BB after finding out she'd been shot in the eye at close range with a BB.
When did she fucking lose an eye? Never heard this shizz before. She used to post pics of herself and she had both eyes then. Her shit is getting weirder and weirder.
Here's her post about why she's had so many surgery's from the chronic pain thread.
BergdorfBlonde Getting blonder every day
PeaNut 162956 - August 2004 Posts: 7973 Layouts: 0 Loc: LI girl, livin' in the gulf Posted: 10/28/2011 8:56:12 AM ---------- Okay, just a few more tidbits, because I realize I was very private with the details and it's too hard to understand. Here goes:
I was shot in the eye with a BB gun in 1974 (by a "friend", at close range. I lost the eye (painful enough), but the BB ended up pressed on my brain so it's inoperable. Can't remove it. I have pain daily as a result. I wake up in pain and go to bed in pain. Some days are just better than others, and some days I'm knocked to my feet with migraines or severe pain. The only Rx I've had in those 36 years is aspirin. It's a godsend that I still have a stomach and esophogus!
I can't do accupressure and have to be super-careful with people even touching my face, since it's 1/2 "fake" (silicone built up my cheek, socket, etc..........). I can't even get a facial. Plus, I'm allergic to so, so much.......
I've tried not being stupid with my diet--no caffeine (no soda, coffee, tea, etc......), but I do have some chocolate, wine, cheese..... My triggers are sunlight, perfume, loud sound & things of that nature.
"Headache" is a bad term, I guess. It's definitely severe chronic pain. I'm ready to look for new ways to deal with it instead of downing a 1/2 bottle of Excedrin a day. Thanks SO much for your ideas and your referrals. I'm checking into all of them!!
Jamie is aware of the members of this blog trying to get people banned. I think she's ignoring the reports unless the behavior is truly outrageous. And most of the shit isn't worth raising an eyebrow about. You cunts outed yourselves
I am not buying what Bergdorf Blonde is selling. If I recall correctly, she has also said that she was a model, both before and after the weightloss. She was a model in her teens, early twenties, then she was a plus size model, then she lost weight and became a spokesmodel for Jenny Craig.
I think she's just bored on the internet. From this day forward, I will call her Ralphie.
30-I totally agree with you. She posted pictures of herself years ago. She also divorced her first DH and married another one not too long ago. I remember her pictures, she thought she was hot shit and she DID NOT HAVE A GLASS eye or look like she lost half her face.
This latest shit is just too weird, sorry. I don't buy it. I think she has gone nuts.
Has anyone else thought she might be drug-seeking? That is always my first response when I hear that someone has "chronic pain." Among the people I know, those who have chronic pain are also those who have been junkies for most of their lives.
drug seeking? she's only taken aspirin for over 30 years, I think she's long over due for some pain medication.
As for you guys not believing, you watch way too many movies and too much tv to believe that you can't look good with an eye injury..
She *NEVER* said glass eye, some twit on here did. She may very well have *her own* eye. Then again, if you don't pry into her life and ask her, you'll never know, will you.
33-how long have you been at the Pod? Do you remember when she only posted about being a hot blond and going from a size 18 to a size 2? Do you remember when she posted pics of herself and got off on flirting with SlowerJoe like the rest of the middle age hags? No, I bet you don't.
Unless she was lying THEN, I call bullshit on her. This new personality of hers is completely different from how she used to post before. I have never seen a pea does such a 180 before. It really is weird.
Nope, don't remember pics. But I will say, unless you knew about it before hand, you probably wouldn't notice. Technology and all that (OMG even in the 70s LOL)
I'm not going to argue over your opinion, you think it's BS, you think she should look like shit and have her eye pop out, I get it..
I find it odd that they can't remove the BB pellet.
If you Google search her, her Jenny Craig story has an odd time frame. In 2006 she was offered a fabulous job with them as a Program Director, which she took (in NJ), she was a nutritionist. In 2009 she started a thread asking if she was crazy for turning down a fabulous job at Jenny Craig in NJ after telling them she would take it.
She was also offered a television commercial for Jenny Craig, and had also considered having Jenny Craig feature her wedding in advertisements since her new fiance was also a Jenny Craig success story.
I think she's always been full of shit. It used to be she was full of shit to get attention from Slower Joe, now that TwoPeas has become the Misery Olympics she's reinvented herself to fit the niche.
So she chose to accent the positive and not overshare about an injury that would probably have people (like the poster here) judge her. I have no problem with that.
I think it's great that she's lost weight and tries to do what's best for her health.
tell this actress she's full of shit because she didn't tell *YOU* that she has an artificial eye because her brother shot her in the eye with a BB gun.
she doesn't dwell on it. most don't share that type of shit. it's not BS because one day they decide to talk about it.
how many of you knew stacy used a wheelchair, not many, because she doesn't over share..
PeaNut 375830 - May 2008 Posts: 1544 Layouts: 0 Loc: Boston
Posted: 10/29/2011 10:31:02 PM I would have done what you did because like you I carry my very expensive things (camera, jewelry and purses) in a 21" roller and there is no way that they are leaving my site. Whenever possible I pay to board the plane first. Both Airtran and Jet Blue charge small fees so that you can get on the plane first and it really does eliminate the stress of wondering if there will be room for your stuff.
The worst offenders IMO of the overhead bins are male business travelers in the winter. They put their roller, computer bag and coats in the bin leaving room for no one. I have handed some of them their coats so I could put my roller in the bin.
***************************************************************** Braggy mcbragger at it again. All of my *expensive* stuff!
34., that's what I remember. When I came to Peas, Bergdorf was all over the place, constantly bragging how hot she was. She even put it in her avatar line so you wouldn't miss it. She flirted with everything that moved, not just SleazyJoe.
Then she disappeared. Now she's back. And a bit more subdued, but that's a good thing.
DebbieFailure can't talk about anything without mentioning how much she paid for it, what designer brand she was, and how she's better than the peasants that surround her everyday.
I all way answer our door it is rude not to. What if was some in need of help or a family member who could not reach us by phone. I am not scare to be alone. Unlike most women I can and will defend my self if need be i never back down or live my life in fear of what could happen. With most friends and family i have a open door any ways. I Do now live in a gated area and its hard for people to get in to the area but still i am not rude and I have manners. _____________________________________
this would definitely qualify her for a Darwin award. not all of us are built like linebackers.
Seriously, who has a bunch of kids over for a party, and only serves a roll up sandwich, fruit, a candy bar and cake. With the food only being consumed during the appointed time frame.
It's odd that had no snacks /munchies available. How about a few bags/bowls of chips, cheese puffs, cookies, pretzels, popcorn, grapes, etc....
34., that's what I remember. When I came to Peas, Bergdorf was all over the place, constantly bragging how hot she was. She even put it in her avatar line so you wouldn't miss it. She flirted with everything that moved, not just SleazyJoe.
Then she disappeared. Now she's back. And a bit more subdued, but that's a good thing.
Anonymous said... 52 I all way answer our door it is rude not to. What if was some in need of help or a family member who could not reach us by phone. I am not scare to be alone. Unlike most women I can and will defend my self if need be i never back down or live my life in fear of what could happen. With most friends and family i have a open door any ways. I Do now live in a gated area and its hard for people to get in to the area but still i am not rude and I have manners. _____________________________________
this would definitely qualify her for a Darwin award. not all of us are built like linebackers.
I wish all the L'urine brownnosers would lose their internet connections. Posting and agreeing with her just fans the flames. It's amazing that people "forget" how nasty she is 99% of the time.
Oh Dear God, make it stop! Lauren is vaguepeaing, handslapping, and accusing every one else of handslapping. What the hell is up with her? She's out of control with the shit stirring lately. I thought she posted that she was supposed to have Jackie this weekend. Maybe that fell through and she's manic.
Just tired of all of them, her and her minions who take up for her when she blasts others for doing the same as she's doing. AND wow, talk about having to have the LAST word in every situation.
"Something I'm seeing" at the pod that I don't like is her. Why does she make herself the Final Authority on what others post?
Yeah it's especially rich considering she's spread more absolute nastiness for a longer period of time than anyone in the history of 2peas.
As for the people supporting her, when she turns nasty on them, as she always does, it's like that old fable about the snake.
And believe it, she is a snake. ____________________________________
"You Knew I Was a Snake" A fable that is told with many variations:
The Farmer and the Snake
One winter day, a farmer found a snake by the roadside, stiff and motionless with cold.
"If you put me inside your shirt," the snake said, "your body will make me warm and I won't freeze to death."
"Oh, I know your kind," replied the farmer. "If I pick you up, you will bite me."
"Oh no," the snake objected. "Why would I do such a thing, if you are good enough to help me?"
So the farmer had compassion on the snake, and taking it up, he put it inside his shirt. The warmth quickly revived the snake, and resuming its natural instincts, it bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. "Oh," cried the farmer with his last breath, "why did you bite me? You promised you wouldn't."
"Ah," said the snake. "So I did. But you knew I was a snake when you picked me up."
I have an account at twopeas (years old) that I have yet to post anything with. I am so tempted to post on Lauren's thread but man, I am a wimp and totally suck at the whole be bitchy on purpose thing.
SO wishing I had a troll account right now!It would be fun to go tell Lauren off an every single one of these threads she's been nasty on lately (maybe even revive some old ones and call HER out) and then hairflip right on out. Not sure why she's bothering me so much this week, I usually just roll my eyes at her idiocy.
" agree. there's a good number of you on here that we shouldn't bother arguing with. You are just set in your nasty ways and it will take someone greater than we are to change your hearts... "
Says Skybar on Lauren's "One thing I'm tired of" thread.
Oh, the irony! The most hateful bitches at the bukkit are the ones who are so sad about the people 'set in their nasty ways'.
You'd think Jesus would tell Skybar what a fucking hypocrite and a bitch she is; after all, they're super good friends, right?
I have an account at twopeas (years old) that I have yet to post anything with. I am so tempted to post on Lauren's thread but man, I am a wimp and totally suck at the whole be bitchy on purpose thing. ______________________________
In the (way) past I have interacted with her, have disagreed civilly with her, and gently called her on some of her shenanigans. I ignored several of her earlier episodes and continued to interact with her in that way.
After her personally attacking me (and me not taking the bait because I really think there is a mental problem there) and having seen several other posters in a breathtakingly vicious manner (ie their children. WAY out of line) I no longer interact in any way.
#73 here. I won't post anything over there (she will probably see it here anyway). She fascinates and scares me. You know the maniacal villian that thinks the destroying the world is actually the benevolent thing to do? She seems kind of like that. The snake fable shared earlier is quite apropos, as well.
Anonymous said... 82 #73 here. I won't post anything over there (she will probably see it here anyway). She fascinates and scares me. You know the maniacal villian that thinks the destroying the world is actually the benevolent thing to do? She seems kind of like that. The snake fable shared earlier is quite apropos, as well.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 295 of 295 Newer› Newest»199-what thread is that?
The ferret look would be great for Lowrent. And BF, too. Take away attention from their faces.
Peabay has a doctorate? I did not know that.
She is truly too stupid to own a dog! After a million dog questions, now this one! Idiot!
No kidding. If my dog was humping anybody, it would get a kick in the ass and a loud, "NO!" to realize who was the dominant one in the house. I always thought that was gross, whether it was sexual or not. I never understood anybody who thought that was funny.
3 - Peabay's mentioned it before on occasion, but since she doesn't feel the need to cram her credentials down people's throats a lot of people don't know it.
I give her props for that, then, 5. It bugs when people (momof3pits, anyone?) brag about their alleged credentials.
That was also a Mariah specialty.
It bugs when people (momof3pits, anyone?) brag about their alleged credentials.
Yeah I don't believe her bs for a single second.
I can't stand that damn Travel Agent chick. If I was on that flight with her and she started handing me someone else's crap just so her rolling bag could fit in the overhead, I would've told her to shove it up her ass. Planes are crowded enough with having a bunch of bags and stuff at your feet so you can't move at all. Check your fucking rolling bag if there's no room and try to get on the flight a little sooner next time. If you're just going to shove it up there, you don't need it anyway.
Anonymous said... 184 What is up with BergdorfBlonde? She has posted for YEARS on the board and never, ever mentioned all these health problems before...not once. All she posted about was how fabulous she was because she lost weight at Jenny Craig and become a consultant.
Now, all she does is whine and say she has had over 30 surgeries and was written up in medical journals and shit.
SHE is the one I call bullshit on.
October 28, 2011 7:35 PM
I remember her talking about a few over the years... Maybe she hasn't over-shared and sounded like a hypochondriac like the rest of them.
Damned if you do; damned if you don't I guess.
No, something's not right there. She supposedly is some special, amazing, ground-breaking case but these highly sought after doctors she used to have tell her to just take an aspirin for her pain? She said she lost an eye and she has a foreign object in her brain. But in 30 years no doctor has addressed her pain control issues properly? I call bullshit. It doesn't add up.
Jamie is aware of the members of this blog trying to get people banned. I think she's ignoring the reports unless the behavior is truly outrageous. And most of the shit isn't worth raising an eyebrow about. You cunts outed yourselves.
#211 has to be L'Urine. I can smell the sulfur through my computer.
And to add: how your saggy ass hasn't been banned is beyond me.
Anonymous said... 10 Anonymous said... 184 What is up with BergdorfBlonde? She has posted for YEARS on the board and never, ever mentioned all these health problems before...not once. All she posted about was how fabulous she was because she lost weight at Jenny Craig and become a consultant.
Now, all she does is whine and say she has had over 30 surgeries and was written up in medical journals and shit.
SHE is the one I call bullshit on.
October 28, 2011 7:35 PM
I remember her talking about a few over the years... Maybe she hasn't over-shared and sounded like a hypochondriac like the rest of them.
Damned if you do; damned if you don't I guess.
No, something's not right there. She supposedly is some special, amazing, ground-breaking case but these highly sought after doctors she used to have tell her to just take an aspirin for her pain? She said she lost an eye and she has a foreign object in her brain. But in 30 years no doctor has addressed her pain control issues properly? I call bullshit. It doesn't add up.
October 29, 2011 4:54 PM
Stranger things have happened..
This place has got nothing on the pod! It's bigot klan heaven over there. Can you imagine what their grandparents and great grandparents were like! Hell, I bet if you were a fly on the wall in Miss Bitts, Typhus, KKKim M, Rainbow, Jonduh, pitmom, or any of the Texan/Southern peas living rooms you'd have to plug your ears from their fowl racist mouths.
scrappilicious must be a real bitch. on that 80s pic thread she is too obvious about how she feels about the girl at the end of the pic. in her description she calls her and the one on the other end *book ends*. what a bitch!
Scrappilicious is always kissing L'Urine's ass even though L'Urine slams her and her friend Yvonne. With friends like that and all.
I just read a study that listed the US as 101st out of 139 countries on how welcoming said country is to foreigners.
It's a safe bet that our low standing is due to the Typus, MissBitch, Athena, Johnduh et al mindset.
Think about this ladies: Rwandans(3) and Lebanonese(4) are - by magnitudes - nicer and less racist than than the sorry lot of you.
Speaking of Pineapple Ass...where did she slither off to?
You'd think that BlechyTech would have had the decency not to abbreviate Bergdorfblonde as BB after finding out she'd been shot in the eye at close range with a BB.
When did she fucking lose an eye? Never heard this shizz before. She used to post pics of herself and she had both eyes then. Her shit is getting weirder and weirder.
Here's her post about why she's had so many surgery's from the chronic pain thread.
Getting blonder every day
PeaNut 162956 - August 2004
Posts: 7973 Layouts: 0
Loc: LI girl, livin' in the gulf
Posted: 10/28/2011 8:56:12 AM
Okay, just a few more tidbits, because I realize I was very private with the details and it's too hard to understand. Here goes:
I was shot in the eye with a BB gun in 1974 (by a "friend", at close range. I lost the eye (painful enough), but the BB ended up pressed on my brain so it's inoperable. Can't remove it. I have pain daily as a result. I wake up in pain and go to bed in pain. Some days are just better than others, and some days I'm knocked to my feet with migraines or severe pain. The only Rx I've had in those 36 years is aspirin. It's a godsend that I still have a stomach and esophogus!
I can't do accupressure and have to be super-careful with people even touching my face, since it's 1/2 "fake" (silicone built up my cheek, socket, etc..........). I can't even get a facial. Plus, I'm allergic to so, so much.......
I've tried not being stupid with my diet--no caffeine (no soda, coffee, tea, etc......), but I do have some chocolate, wine, cheese..... My triggers are sunlight, perfume, loud sound & things of that nature.
"Headache" is a bad term, I guess. It's definitely severe chronic pain. I'm ready to look for new ways to deal with it instead of downing a 1/2 bottle of Excedrin a day. Thanks SO much for your ideas and your referrals. I'm checking into all of them!!
I've never seen a pic of her except for that stupid sun or moon on her upper hip/backside she had for an avatar. Where did she post a pic?
I'm curious how a BB can take out your eye + socket + cheek = "1/2 face"??
Shotgun I get, but a BB?
I'm speculating here, maybe infection set in?
Ok I'm speculating some more here. Maybe she was shot upward?
So does she have a glass eye?
Can it be popped out?
That much asprin x 40 years = thrashed liver.
Jamie is aware of the members of this blog trying to get people banned. I think she's ignoring the reports unless the behavior is truly outrageous. And most of the shit isn't worth raising an eyebrow about. You cunts outed yourselves
Go fuck yourself and the unicorn you rode in on.
Anonymous said... 25 So does she have a glass eye?
Can it be popped out?
October 30, 2011 3:23 AM
You can read what she posted there and here.
If you want to know, you could always ask her..
If I walk up behind Bergdorf Blonde and smack her in the back of the head hard enough, will her glass eye pop out? Because that would be amusing.
I am not buying what Bergdorf Blonde is selling. If I recall correctly, she has also said that she was a model, both before and after the weightloss. She was a model in her teens, early twenties, then she was a plus size model, then she lost weight and became a spokesmodel for Jenny Craig.
I think she's just bored on the internet. From this day forward, I will call her Ralphie.
30-I totally agree with you. She posted pictures of herself years ago. She also divorced her first DH and married another one not too long ago. I remember her pictures, she thought she was hot shit and she DID NOT HAVE A GLASS eye or look like she lost half her face.
This latest shit is just too weird, sorry. I don't buy it. I think she has gone nuts.
Has anyone else thought she might be drug-seeking? That is always my first response when I hear that someone has "chronic pain." Among the people I know, those who have chronic pain are also those who have been junkies for most of their lives.
drug seeking? she's only taken aspirin for over 30 years, I think she's long over due for some pain medication.
As for you guys not believing, you watch way too many movies and too much tv to believe that you can't look good with an eye injury..
She *NEVER* said glass eye, some twit on here did. She may very well have *her own* eye. Then again, if you don't pry into her life and ask her, you'll never know, will you.
33-how long have you been at the Pod? Do you remember when she only posted about being a hot blond and going from a size 18 to a size 2? Do you remember when she posted pics of herself and got off on flirting with SlowerJoe like the rest of the middle age hags? No, I bet you don't.
Unless she was lying THEN, I call bullshit on her. This new personality of hers is completely different from how she used to post before. I have never seen a pea does such a 180 before. It really is weird.
Nope, don't remember pics. But I will say, unless you knew about it before hand, you probably wouldn't notice. Technology and all that (OMG even in the 70s LOL)
I'm not going to argue over your opinion, you think it's BS, you think she should look like shit and have her eye pop out, I get it..
I find it odd that they can't remove the BB pellet.
If you Google search her, her Jenny Craig story has an odd time frame. In 2006 she was offered a fabulous job with them as a Program Director, which she took (in NJ), she was a nutritionist. In 2009 she started a thread asking if she was crazy for turning down a fabulous job at Jenny Craig in NJ after telling them she would take it.
She was also offered a television commercial for Jenny Craig, and had also considered having Jenny Craig feature her wedding in advertisements since her new fiance was also a Jenny Craig success story.
I think she's always been full of shit. It used to be she was full of shit to get attention from Slower Joe, now that TwoPeas has become the Misery Olympics she's reinvented herself to fit the niche.
People with glass eyes. Look just fine to me.
Oh, and another one, just for good measure.
So she chose to accent the positive and not overshare about an injury that would probably have people (like the poster here) judge her. I have no problem with that.
I think it's great that she's lost weight and tries to do what's best for her health.
If you don't ask, and they don't won't know the difference.
tell this actress she's full of shit because she didn't tell *YOU* that she has an artificial eye because her brother shot her in the eye with a BB gun.
she doesn't dwell on it. most don't share that type of shit. it's not BS because one day they decide to talk about it.
how many of you knew stacy used a wheelchair, not many, because she doesn't over share..
33, she SAYS she's only taken aspirin. How many lies have other peas been caught in? And 36 has some interesting points too.
Wow. You're really invested in this whole BergdorfBlonde saga.
Me - I'll just keep an eye on her. Pun intneded.
links to her *odd time frame story* 36?
What's so odd.
Fake eye does not mean you can't lose weight or look hot. She never said she had a fake eye though, hmmm..
I'm glad she didn't dwell on it but pain must be horrible for that long untreated. Good for her for not seeking drugs until now.
Anonymous said... 44 Wow. You're really invested in this whole BergdorfBlonde saga.
Me - I'll just keep an eye on her. Pun intneded.
October 30, 2011 9:03 AM
Yeah, whoever thinks she she be ugly, overweight and have her eye pop out when they smack her in the head is a total twat who is really invested.
It's sad.
PeaNut 375830 - May 2008
Posts: 1544 Layouts: 0
Loc: Boston
Posted: 10/29/2011 10:31:02 PM
I would have done what you did because like you I carry my very expensive things (camera, jewelry and purses) in a 21" roller and there is no way that they are leaving my site. Whenever possible I pay to board the plane first. Both Airtran and Jet Blue charge small fees so that you can get on the plane first and it really does eliminate the stress of wondering if there will be room for your stuff.
The worst offenders IMO of the overhead bins are male business travelers in the winter. They put their roller, computer bag and coats in the bin leaving room for no one. I have handed some of them their coats so I could put my roller in the bin.
Braggy mcbragger at it again. All of my *expensive* stuff!
She's always made my bs meter go off.
Not sure why (in fact all of the stuff she said could be true and still something would be off).
Maybe because if she was so hot she wouldn't be flirting with Joe? lol
34., that's what I remember. When I came to Peas, Bergdorf was all over the place, constantly bragging how hot she was. She even put it in her avatar line so you wouldn't miss it. She flirted with everything that moved, not just SleazyJoe.
Then she disappeared. Now she's back. And a bit more subdued, but that's a good thing.
DebbieFailure can't talk about anything without mentioning how much she paid for it, what designer brand she was, and how she's better than the peasants that surround her everyday.
Hey ours rang at 10:30 am and we didn't answer We were -uh- busy!!
I'm not a prude but really, keep this shit to yourself.
I all way answer our door it is rude not to. What if was some in need of help or a family member who could not reach us by phone. I am not scare to be alone. Unlike most women I can and will defend my self if need be i never back down or live my life in fear of what could happen. With most friends and family i have a open door any ways. I Do now live in a gated area and its hard for people to get in to the area but still i am not rude and I have manners.
this would definitely qualify her for a Darwin award.
not all of us are built like linebackers.
LauraTen is either a control freak, or cheap.
Seriously, who has a bunch of kids over for a party, and only serves a roll up sandwich, fruit, a candy bar and cake. With the food only being consumed during the appointed time frame.
It's odd that had no snacks /munchies available. How about a few bags/bowls of chips, cheese puffs, cookies, pretzels, popcorn, grapes, etc....
TwoPeas has become the Misery Olympics
LMAO. Perfect description!
BlechBlonde in da house!
34., that's what I remember. When I came to Peas, Bergdorf was all over the place, constantly bragging how hot she was. She even put it in her avatar line so you wouldn't miss it. She flirted with everything that moved, not just SleazyJoe.
Then she disappeared. Now she's back. And a bit more subdued, but that's a good thing.
'zactly how i remember it.
Yeah she was always bragging about her looks and how hot she was. Kinda came across to me as needy as far a man-attention goes.
She needs to get a fucking life.
Anonymous said... 52 I all way answer our door it is rude not to. What if was some in need of help or a family member who could not reach us by phone. I am not scare to be alone. Unlike most women I can and will defend my self if need be i never back down or live my life in fear of what could happen. With most friends and family i have a open door any ways. I Do now live in a gated area and its hard for people to get in to the area but still i am not rude and I have manners.
this would definitely qualify her for a Darwin award.
not all of us are built like linebackers.
October 30, 2011 10:23 AM
I just knew this had to be DAngel LOL but went to see, sure 'nuff.
Most of you with two good eyes wouldn't know hot if you saw it.
what a joke.
I wish all the L'urine brownnosers would lose their internet connections. Posting and agreeing with her just fans the flames. It's amazing that people "forget" how nasty she is 99% of the time.
Anonymous said... 62 Oh LURINE SHUT THE FUCK UP!
what a joke.
October 30, 2011 12:05 PM
Ooooh, careful, you'll pop a vein.
Anonymous said... 55 BlechBlonde in da house!
October 30, 2011 10:57 AM
Delusional Dumbass in da house! You really think she posts here?
Completely agree 63. Can't believe that many people still kiss her ass - they must be afraid that she will turn on them
I opened this thread expecting to send prayers to someone experiencing a serious illness.
Instead, Donna in GA is asking everyone to pray that her son finds his laptop?
How about we pray for Mr. College to quit fucking partying and remember where he left his shit instead?
Batya is an idiot, my kid has to wear them for orchestra, I have no problem finding them. Can't she ask her jew friends who only wear long skirts?
Oh Dear God, make it stop! Lauren is vaguepeaing, handslapping, and accusing every one else of handslapping. What the hell is up with her? She's out of control with the shit stirring lately. I thought she posted that she was supposed to have Jackie this weekend. Maybe that fell through and she's manic.
Just tired of all of them, her and her minions who take up for her when she blasts others for doing the same as she's doing. AND wow, talk about having to have the LAST word in every situation.
"Something I'm seeing" at the pod that I don't like is her. Why does she make herself the Final Authority on what others post?
Red Boots on the Muslim Thread:
Lauren, Mrs. Tyler and Skybar are like the holy trinity of Racism/Xenophobia Disguised as Christianity.
Word +1000.
67, same here. I was pissed she wasted my time with her stupid "pray for his computer " crap.
She needs to get a fucking life.
Yeah it's especially rich considering she's spread more absolute nastiness for a longer period of time than anyone in the history of 2peas.
As for the people supporting her, when she turns nasty on them, as she always does, it's like that old fable about the snake.
And believe it, she is a snake.
"You Knew I Was a Snake"
A fable that is told with many variations:
The Farmer and the Snake
One winter day, a farmer found a snake by the roadside, stiff and motionless with cold.
"If you put me inside your shirt," the snake said, "your body will make me warm and I won't freeze to death."
"Oh, I know your kind," replied the farmer. "If I pick you up, you will bite me."
"Oh no," the snake objected. "Why would I do such a thing, if you are good enough to help me?"
So the farmer had compassion on the snake, and taking it up, he put it inside his shirt. The warmth quickly revived the snake, and resuming its natural instincts, it bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. "Oh," cried the farmer with his last breath, "why did you bite me? You promised you wouldn't."
"Ah," said the snake. "So I did. But you knew I was a snake when you picked me up."
I have an account at twopeas (years old) that I have yet to post anything with. I am so tempted to post on Lauren's thread but man, I am a wimp and totally suck at the whole be bitchy on purpose thing.
SO wishing I had a troll account right now!It would be fun to go tell Lauren off an every single one of these threads she's been nasty on lately (maybe even revive some old ones and call HER out) and then hairflip right on out. Not sure why she's bothering me so much this week, I usually just roll my eyes at her idiocy.
Nah, Lowrent thrives on negative attention. It's her gatorade.
Ignore her and she'll go crazy. Maybe even go away.
There is a certain irony of Raindancer whining about Occupy Wall Street protestors whining.
74 - she is bothering me more than usual too. So much that I don't even want to be around the pod, and that hasn't really happened before.
She really is a miserably unhappy person and just being on the same board with her breeds negativity.
She is sad.
" agree. there's a good number of you on here that we shouldn't bother arguing with. You are just set in your nasty ways and it will take someone greater than we are to change your hearts... "
Says Skybar on Lauren's "One thing I'm tired of" thread.
Oh, the irony! The most hateful bitches at the bukkit are the ones who are so sad about the people 'set in their nasty ways'.
You'd think Jesus would tell Skybar what a fucking hypocrite and a bitch she is; after all, they're super good friends, right?
I have an account at twopeas (years old) that I have yet to post anything with. I am so tempted to post on Lauren's thread but man, I am a wimp and totally suck at the whole be bitchy on purpose thing.
In the (way) past I have interacted with her, have disagreed civilly with her, and gently called her on some of her shenanigans.
I ignored several of her earlier episodes and continued to interact with her in that way.
After her personally attacking me (and me not taking the bait because I really think there is a mental problem there) and having seen several other posters in a breathtakingly vicious manner (ie their children. WAY out of line) I no longer interact in any way.
It's completely pointless.
Nah, Lowrent thrives on negative attention. It's her gatorade.
Ignore her and she'll go crazy. Maybe even go away.
I no longer interact with her in any way. Not even when she is trying to be nice. I wouldn't give her the time of day.
Why the fuck does Lauren mention the blog whenever someone disagrees with her?
#73 here. I won't post anything over there (she will probably see it here anyway). She fascinates and scares me. You know the maniacal villian that thinks the destroying the world is actually the benevolent thing to do? She seems kind of like that. The snake fable shared earlier is quite apropos, as well.
The Teabagger froth on the OWS thread is classic.
Lauren needs to graduate from high school
Anonymous said... 82 #73 here. I won't post anything over there (she will probably see it here anyway). She fascinates and scares me. You know the maniacal villian that thinks the destroying the world is actually the benevolent thing to do? She seems kind of like that. The snake fable shared earlier is quite apropos, as well.
October 30, 2011 1:45 PM
People chased off the board (by themselves or others) :
EmilyJones (for now, right?)
AcidFreePea & Daughter
Steffie, oh wait, what?
There are so many more..add one
MergeLeft hairflipped and left, then came back five minutes later.
Rainbow Scrapper's update on the FB thread gas convinced me that the hitch is either a troll or a pathological liar.
Fuck Lauren. I put that hag on ignore & can now enjoy two peas and Alan Rickman again.
I heart that OWS thread so much. It provides a handy reference to remind me which peas are teahadist morans.
"gas" = "has"
"hitch" = "bitch"
typos = iPhone's autocorrect is annoying
Rainbowscrapper acknowledges that she was raised in a crazy family but isn't self-aware enough to realize that very same crazy is infecting her.
New Space is up!
Anonymous said... 86 People chased off the board (by themselves or others) :
EmilyJones (for now, right?)
AcidFreePea & Daughter
Steffie, oh wait, what?
There are so many more..add one
October 30, 2011 2:23 PM
Anonymous said... 87 Putabuttononit
October 30, 2011 2:23 PM
Anonymous said... 88 MergeLeft hairflipped and left, then came back five minutes later.
October 30, 2011 2:33 PM
There's CindyTred (i missed the flip if anyone has the link or recalls it) but her fatass waddled right back too.
Usually they just take 6 months off figuring their post history can't be searched. How long before Lanus' 6 months are up??
oops damn
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