Thursday, April 26, 2012



1 Anonymous said... 1

Hey look, I'm the first loser

2 Anonymous said... 2

That's okay, I'm the second one.

3 Anonymous said... 3

I wonder how many "what will my going to college kid need" threads there will be from now until the end of August? Place your bets!

4 Anonymous said... 4

I am already sick of the cookbook bitching. Squillen is making up her rules of presentation as if she was going to sit down and hand type every recipe herself instead of having all those who volunteered doing the hard parts.

I'd like to see all the volunteers back out.

5 Anonymous said... 5

I'd like to see all the volunteers back out.
April 27, 2012 2:15 AM

I agree. While there are enough sycophants at the pod that squeals won't end up doing much besides taking credit, I'm sure lots of initial volunteers will flake.

I can't wait to see how much "nicer/better" the squeals version is-ha.

I also thought the top 10/20 thing was funny. OF COURSE yvonne and squeals want a "top" title for their recipes. Also, how was squeals going to determine the winners in that thread? Sit with a pencil and make a handwritten list with a bunch of tally marks beside each entry? @@ She's so fucking stupid, and yet her version will "look better?" It will be fun to see how long this takes and what the finished products ends up being!

6 Anonymous said... 6

"cookbook" is a misnomer anyway.
It should be called the "2 Peas how to open packets and mix stuff together book" or alternatively; "cooking with fat, salt and a shitload of sugar"

When is Squeals going to get a clue and correct her "almondine" to the proper term 'amandine'?

7 Anonymous said... 7

Meat Glue Meat

8 Anonymous said... 8

Gee don't you think your doctor would know? If the peas are giving better medical advice the your MD it's time to look for a new doctor.

9 Anonymous said... 9

What the hell point is Aslan trying to make? Has that chic never been in a physical fight?

10 Anonymous said... 10

go kick her ass #9

11 Anonymous said... 11

She's too old to hang

12 Anonymous said... 12

Jenny and Aslan..two peas in one effed up pod

13 Anonymous said... 13

Aslan is annoying.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Jenny is on the board all the time arguing over something.

15 Anonymous said... 15

Looks like Rainyday Woman has a cheater on her hands.

16 Anonymous said... 16

BAH! Mariah!

17 Anonymous said... 17

Who would email Mariah about being mentioned as the blog owner @@.

Admit it, you read here you dumb twat.

18 Anonymous said... 18

French Teenager of course!

19 Anonymous said... 19

Wow, every single time I see a post from GeorgiaPea I suddenly get the urge to post that she's the expert on everything and knows essentially nothing. She posts crap all the time as if she has first hand knowledge about it, but I bet dollars to donuts that she has never been out of the "holler" and has no clue about what life is like in the "big city" where there are real problems that don't revolve around livestock.

20 Anonymous said... 20

I don't mind Mariah, but yeah, she reads here. It would have been better to just let it pass. By starting a whole thread about it, she's giving actual weight to the rumor.

21 Anonymous said... 21

And who in their right mind would admit to running the blog if they did?


22 Anonymous said... 22

Awwww MariahJane, you weren't pissed about it until your *vacation* was called a lamecation!

Now STFU & give us some fucking space!!!

23 Anonymous said... 23

Hey MariahJane, would this piss you off?


24 Anonymous said... 24

Wow, every single time I see a post from GeorgiaPea I suddenly get the urge to post that she's the expert on everything and knows essentially nothing. She posts crap all the time as if she has first hand knowledge about it, but I bet dollars to donuts that she has never been out of the "holler" and has no clue about what life is like in the "big city" where there are real problems that don't revolve around livestock.

April 27, 2012 9:17 AM


Seriously. I was @@ a while back when she was giving advice/opinion to a pea on traveling to Mexico: TOO SCARY!!

You know, 'cause she read all about it in the BumFuck Oklahoma Weekly Gazette.

25 Anonymous said... 25

Cecilia fired from Walmart? How in the world?
Yes, I'm kind of curious but wish her well.

26 Anonymous said... 26

Sounds like Celia was let go, but from her post it's hard to tell. If they fired her, why would they say she'd "always be welcomed back?" That's lay-off language.

27 Anonymous said... 27

After ditching her own thread, Lynloon is back with today's new poutrage!

28 Anonymous said... 28

She's averaging about one of these threads a day. She'll be under a 72 hour psych hold by June at the rate she's going!

29 Anonymous said... 29


I'm boggled over the pea line of thinking that the Catholic Church's vagina rules are A-OK and at the same time 'smart' women should just lie to get around those rules.


30 Anonymous said... 30

Celia had some health problems. She said she took a leave of absence and she might have run out of time off before she was ready to return to work so they let her go. That is my guess since she always talked about how well her reviews went and since they said she could come back.

31 Anonymous said... 31

I'm boggled over the pea line of thinking that the Catholic Church's vagina rules are A-OK

Funny how the Catholic Church had hundreds of priests raping little boys and they just shuffled them around to different parishes instead of firing them. Then this woman wants a family and gets fired for doing what she has to do to have one.

Sometimes it's so embarrassing to be Catholic.

32 Anonymous said... 32

After ditching her own thread, Lynloon is back with today's new poutrage!


I can hardly wait for Lynloons spittle-flecked outrage post over Obama daring to mention Osama bin Laden while campaigning.


In 5, 4, 3, 2, .....

33 Anonymous said... 33

Funny how the Catholic Church had hundreds of priests raping little boys and they just shuffled them around to different parishes instead of firing them. Then this woman wants a family and gets fired for doing what she has to do to have one.



The Catholic Church has, for the most part, spent the last three decades looking the other way when it comes to members' personal reproductive choices. Suddenly, those old white pedophile protectors are all Lynloon-level outraged about every single thing vagina?

Look! Bright, shiny object! Over there!

34 Anonymous said... 34

gilfcoastgirl is right up there with lynloon and asslan:

"I have a huge problem with IVF. I think forcing a life unnaturally into the world is as much of an ethical issue as abortion is.
And Herx is an idiot. They were probably trying to find some way to fire her ass, and they got lucky and hit on this issue."

35 Anonymous said... 35

Pretty sure lynlam's just pissed because her ass is on the list.

I'm not even a democrat and I'm tired of her ranting and raging.
LYNLAM, you have no Republican candidate that can win this thing......GIVE IT UP!!!!!

36 Anonymous said... 36

I find it amazing that she says she chooses to "educate' herself about politics and history. Educate? Are you fucking kidding me, its not educate, its INDOCTRINATE!!

37 Anonymous said... 37

LOVE all the peas that have 'never heard of the blog' or 'never visited or read or posted at the blog.' Usually the ones that post the most are the ones that are here the most...

38 Anonymous said... 38

FMR, Mariah, I didn't think my opinion of you could get much lower, but your dumbass "I'm not the blog owner" denial over at the pod managed to push me right over that edge.

AND, now I sort of think you really are the blog owner. I'm only half kidding.

39 Anonymous said... 39

squeals is a regular here. And obviously, Mariah, since she owns the place :P janedoescrapper2 is a total blog bitch.

38 is right-some of the most prolific and well-known peas are totally here all the time.

40 Anonymous said... 40

I so want to reply to this thread with "pizza rolls, doughnuts, chocolate ice cream with whipped creme and sprinkles, movie theater butter popcorn, nutella covered marshmallows, or potato chips with french onion dip. I would love to see the stir from all the 'healthy' peas about how bad that is...

41 Anonymous said... 41

How many nail polishes does one person need?? 200 on one stand? how many stands does she have?? 200 is more than the nail spa I go to! What a colossal waste of money...special Hunger Games edition of colors??? OPI really knows how to reel in the suckers..I don't remember any of the HG characters stopping to polish their nails...

42 Anonymous said... 42

Mariah is an attention whore.... a stupid one.

43 Anonymous said... 43

26Anonymous said... 26 Sounds like Celia was let go, but from her post it's hard to tell. If they fired her, why would they say she'd "always be welcomed back?" That's lay-off language.

April 27, 2012 10:31 AM

Who knows but she's the one that said "fired".

44 Anonymous said... 44

Welcome to the newbies! Please read a few pages before posting and making a fool of yourself. Don't bother making some holier-than-thou post about how awful we are and how bitter we are and how boring our lives are...that's been done to death.

PS: Hi myshelly! Glad to see you are an active BB. You might want to get laid more often...then you might not be such a bitch over at the pod.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Yep, AprilFaye, we ARE convinced that your SO sells drugs-or worse. And you are the one who has provided all the clues.

Fucking dumbass.

But hey, go on with your bad self and raise the next criminal generation.

46 Anonymous said... 46

#45 Said:

"PS: Hi myshelly! Glad to see you are an active BB. You might want to get laid more often...then you might not be such a bitch over at the pod."
Glad I'm not the only one that thinks she is a bitch. She's the only Pea I currently have on ignore. I'm a totally unknown pea, yet she was a total bitch to me a while back, so I put her on ignore. Even Lauren and a few other mega-bitches don't bug me as much as she does for some odd reason.

47 Anonymous said... 47

myshelly and nightowlscrapper are two of the biggest cuntwaffles on the board. They give L'Urine a run for her money.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Is 45 in response to something?? link???

49 Anonymous said... 49

almost daily I get a dig from you so you'll have to forgive me if I'm not all full of compassion for you. It ain't happening. The one I feel sorry for is your mom if you treat her anything like you do some people here


Lurine is on a bender!! Look out. That was weird and unprovoked.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Yep, AprilFaye, we ARE convinced that your SO sells drugs-or worse. And you are the one who has provided all the clues.

Fucking dumbass.

But hey, go on with your bad self and raise the next criminal generation.


Put together all the clues you have laid out on the bukkit, and it leads right to drugs or a pimp. Maybe the "friend" she was buying a baby present for was really his employee...

51 Anonymous said... 51

Typical Lauren, wow what a raging bitch.

52 Anonymous said... 52

I so want to reply to this thread with "pizza rolls, doughnuts, chocolate ice cream with whipped creme and sprinkles, movie theater butter popcorn, nutella covered marshmallows, or potato chips with french onion dip. I would love to see the stir from all the 'healthy' peas about how bad that is...


ITA. They're so condescending with their answers. They oh so casually throw out there that they usually grab 5 grapes or 3 nuts for a mid-afternoon snack. Shut up. It's so transparent.

I recently went to a stand-up comedy show and one of the women was effing hilarious, talking about the "perfect" women/moms these days, specifically what they post on Facebook and message boards, such as "We only eat organic, of course" or whatever. I wish I could think of more examples of the comedy routine. The entire audience was rolling. And she sounded just like the Peas.

53 Anonymous said... 53

You mean like SisterBDSQ?? In one thread she is claiming to be a "plant-eating vegan" but in the french fried onions thread she says "Put hand in can, grab handful, shove in mouth!" I'm not sure French's Fried Onions are on a vegan diet...

54 Anonymous said... 54

ChildofGrace posts nonstop about how much she wants to lose weight. That is what she's famous for so anyone vaguely familiar with her knows she's not looking for new cake ball recipes.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Is 45 in response to something?? link???
April 27, 2012 3:32 PM

Here you go, 48:

56 Anonymous said... 56

ITA. They're so condescending with their answers. They oh so casually throw out there that they usually grab 5 grapes or 3 nuts for a mid-afternoon snack. Shut up. It's so transparent.


The 3 nuts count when they inside a *LARGE* candy bar though, right?

57 Anonymous said... 57

Silly, stupid edgy. We know you're here multiple times Your brand of crazy is hard to miss.

1/2 a point for mentioning L'Urine's LeSabre, though.

58 Anonymous said... 58

maybe if childofgrace would do some actual research and step away from the pod, she'd actually lose some weight.

don't hold your breath though. it seems like her entire life consists of shoving junk into her mouth and peaing nonstop.

59 Anonymous said... 59

Ah, the good old blog. Where they regularly bash kids and have been convinced for years my SO sells drugs.
Ah, the evil blog thread gets better and better. Guess what, aprilfay? Bashing kids is against our code. And it sure sounds to me like your fuck buddy has something to hide.

Maureen, we know who you are but you're not a frother, so nothing to smack on.

60 Anonymous said... 60

So sick of being accused of bashing kids. Yes, some idiots have bashed kids a few times...but the posts are removed, and all the other posts usually are calling out the person that did the bashing and it's never a pile on on the pea kids. Once again shows how dumb april is....but I guess shacking up with and putting out for a criminal isn't high on the smart list either...

61 Anonymous said... 61

what actual kid-bashing has ever taken place here on this blog? or was it in the meat days?

Other than L'Urine wishing that Yvonne's baby would die-and that was at the POD, I never saw any kid bashing.

62 Anonymous said... 62

I don't even remember which pea it was, but one of the peas kids was called a ret*rd by ONE person here. There were several posts standing up for the child, NO ONE agreed with the post, and it was removed. That pea took it upon herself to make a post at the bukkit about it, and WOULD NOT LET IT DIE. It was one post by one idiot, that's it. Not a normal blog post at all...

63 Anonymous said... 63

That was Attention Whore Magz (and I hate to even think it, but I think she lied about having breast cancer, too; it's never mentioned anymore).

64 Anonymous said... 64

I like this idea. Not put the recipes in a separate category, but at least make a special index page in the front for the TOP 10.
From one of squeals' last posts on the cookbook thread.

OF COURSE she wants a TOP 10 designation in some way :P Wonder how many of her recipes she'll put in the top 10? My bet is on at least 4 and maybe as many as 7

LMAO. Oh, and whoever said she'd use Lexica like a doormat was right on. She's already pouncing on Lexica's suggestions for templates, codes, and scripts. LMAO

65 Anonymous said... 65

Thank you, 62. I remember the magz kerfluffle, but never actually saw the post. Jane/Mariah was quick on the draw and deleted it fast, I guess.

Magz is a twunt.

66 Anonymous said... 66

waving hi to Bethie/DelphiniumWhatsHerFace!!

You've never hear of the blog, but you know about the meat blog and it being shut down. Uh-huh, sure.

67 Anonymous said... 67

What do the peas do with straws that they need to be washed in bleach water????!?!?!? Seriously?? What is wrong with the dishwasher or regular hot soapy water?

68 Anonymous said... 68

Very disapointed in you called out April, but when she answered with lame canned crap, you backed right on down, even replying with smileys??? LAMEST TROLL EVER!!

69 Anonymous said... 69

I so want to reply to this thread with "pizza rolls, doughnuts, chocolate ice cream with whipped creme and sprinkles, movie theater butter popcorn, nutella covered marshmallows, or potato chips with french onion dip. I would love to see the stir from all the 'healthy' peas about how bad that is...


ITA. They're so condescending with their answers. They oh so casually throw out there that they usually grab 5 grapes or 3 nuts for a mid-afternoon snack. Shut up. It's so transparent.
I know, right??
"I have 1/4 cup of greek yogurt, one almond, and 1/2 a grape. Then I run 12 miles. I'll probably run 4 more miles before bed. Then maybe a spin class."

70 Anonymous said... 70

Oh yeah, I forgot about Magz' breast cancer. Whatever happened with that??? Did she leave the pod or is she still around?

71 Anonymous said... 71

No, the lamest troll evah is Drunk Again. No one responds to her posts. No one. She just looks like a raving idiot.

Oh and because I know it's coming, I'm not Lauren. Just someone who gets tired of the true nutters coming from the blog to the pod. Assholes like Drunk Again gives us a bad name. LOL.

72 Anonymous said... 72

Laurine's post "not malicious"??

LMAO delusional much?

Every fucking thing you post is malicious, you bitchy, bitter, nasty old hag.

73 Anonymous said... 73

How stupid is lovemy3?? There is a link to the original thread is right on the first page, and several of the posts talk about how to make it available...

74 Anonymous said... 74

Come on 73, get with the program. It's "L'Urine". If you're going to try to be a cunt, you have to get it right. Otherwise you just look stupid.

75 Anonymous said... 75

No, the lamest troll evah is Drunk Again. No one responds to her posts. No one. She just looks like a raving idiot.


Awwwww, poor L'Urine! Is DrunkAgain hurting your widdle feelings? You deserve it, you hateful old hag. The troll speaks the truth.

76 Anonymous said... 76

ROFLMAO, I knew someone would come back with that. And now we know that Myrna is Drunk Again.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Lauren is like a fucking stuck record. And every fucking friday it's the exact same routine. This must be how she unwinds and chills.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Maybe she didn't read the other post. FFS maybe she was being a smart ass.

79 Anonymous said... 79

73 how stupid are you?

80 Anonymous said... 80

I wonder if L'Urine's son is still in prison. Maybe she will be able to live with him when she becomes elderly.

81 Anonymous said... 81

How do you know her son's in prison. You've said that several times.

82 Anonymous said... 82

I'm interested too 80. How do you know that? I've been at the pod for 10 years and Lowrent's never said that. So, how do you know?

83 Anonymous said... 83

It was about the time that Jackie was conceived. L'Urine's son was out of the picture. L'Urine may have even hinted that he was in prison. it has been many years tho' Somebody should ask her

84 Anonymous said... 84

Hinted or said? It sounds like you're making it up.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Hi L'Urine!!1

86 Anonymous said... 86

73 how stupid are you?


Um, a pea asked a question that has already been answered several times in the thread...isn't that stupid??

87 Anonymous said... 87

So 85, I guess you are making it up. Good to know.

88 Anonymous said... 88

ROFLMAO, I knew someone would come back with that. And now we know that Myrna is Drunk Again.
No, L'Urine, we know that DrunkAgain could be any one of hundreds of peas who see you for the bitter old hag that you are.

You totally blew it when you accused DrunkAgain of being PDR over at the pod. We all knew it was you that keeps bringing Myrna up, but you confirmed you nasty snatch.

Now run on back to hell-Satan's getting lonely.

89 Anonymous said... 89

oops, that should be

confirmed it, you nasty snatch.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Yeah, I'm late to this party but who the hell is Kristalina and why is she so over-invested in the cookbook?

91 Anonymous said... 91


92 Drunk Again said... 92

ROFLMAO, I knew someone would come back with that. And now we know that Myrna is Drunk Again.


I'm definitely not Myrna. I don't even know who that is. I am having fun driving Lauren insane, though!

93 Anonymous said... 93

Someone upthread said that this is L'Urine's usual Friday night pattern. I agree.

She's gotten very predictable. It's painfully obvious that she's just fucking with people for sport. Kind of like the psycho kid who tortures pets or animals for sick thrills.

She belongs in a strait-jacket.

94 Anonymous said... 94

It was about the time that Jackie was conceived. L'Urine's son was out of the picture. L'Urine may have even hinted that he was in prison. it has been many years tho' Somebody should ask her


Yes, he was "out of the picture". Legal problems. Drugs/stealing. Loorine disgusted with him.

95 Anonymous said... 95

There’s no cure for being a cunt, L'Urine.


96 Anonymous said... 96

I'm just gobsmacked that the two people who seem to think that they are the nation's greatest legal brain-trust (aslan and jenny) are not actually practicing attorneys.

We should all feel a little bit poorer tonight. To think that we are missing out on the chance to see them hone and practice their courtroom skills . . .sniff


97 Anonymous said... 97

The irony on that elder care thread is that laurn is EXACTLY the type of sorry, sick, curmudgeonly hag that would end up abandoned by her family and dumped in the nearest nursing home. She defintitely has no irony sensors in that tiny shrivelled up walnut she calls a brain.

98 Anonymous said... 98

I'm just gobsmacked that the two people who seem to think that they are the nation's greatest legal brain-trust (aslan and jenny) are not actually practicing attorneys.


Have either of them weighed in on the revelation that Zimmerman LIED to the judge about his financials - hiding his $200,000 Paypal account and understating his financial worth to get a lower bail?

I can't wait for their, insight on this matter.

99 Anonymous said... 99

$200,000 Paypal account
Palin, Newt, Beck et al Griftpaloozas
Record gun and ammo sales

Man, I need to figure out a scheme to get the rubes to give me some of their sweet, sweet cheddar.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Oh yah, the KKK are still sending contributions to the defense attorney himself. Heard on news he had to start being real careful with all the money flying into the coffers from the "Free Georgie" mobs.

101 Anonymous said... 101

Man, I need to figure out a scheme to get the rubes to give me some of their sweet, sweet cheddar
shouldn't that be "achingly sharp" cheddar?

102 Anonymous said... 102

74, not everyone uses *Lurine*. It's been said here many times that it's just not funny.

103 Anonymous said... 103

58Anonymous said... 58 maybe if childofgrace would do some actual research and step away from the pod, she'd actually lose some weight.

don't hold your breath though. it seems like her entire life consists of shoving junk into her mouth and peaing nonstop.

April 27, 2012 4:32 PM

It's a bucket, not a pod. @@

104 Anonymous said... 104

90Anonymous said... 90

Yeah, I'm late to this party but who the hell is Kristalina and why is she so over-invested in the cookbook?

April 27, 2012 7:54 PM

She is the P who's relative went missing last year in the summer from some kind of camp (rainbow people or some shit). She was later found, dead. Very sad. She posted all over to try to find her, including posting at Ps about it.

I don't see where she's overinvested in the book. Now, as for Squealin..

105 Anonymous said... 105

74, not everyone uses *Lurine*. It's been said here many times that it's just not funny.

You are the only one not to find it funny, L'Urine. Everyone else finds it hilarious.

106 Anonymous said... 106

105Anonymous said... 105 74, not everyone uses *Lurine*. It's been said here many times that it's just not funny.

You are the only one not to find it funny, L'Urine. Everyone else finds it hilarious.

April 27, 2012 10:56 PM

Bullshit, go back and read for yourself. No I'm not going to go back and dig through pages of shit here to find it for you.

Influx sux.

107 Anonymous said... 107

I think Lanus is *DrunkAgain* just like Mariah is MariahJane.

Hi Lanus!

108 Anonymous said... 108

I think L'Urine is perfect and I'll continue to use it.
Whoever posted that "we" don't think it's funny over here is an idiot, we do.
As for the anal "it's a bucket" poster, go shove a bukkit up your ass. I also use pod and will keep doing it because I know it irritates at least one person.

109 Anonymous said... 109

Lurine. Lowrent. Loorine. L'Urine.

That passive-agressive bitch has a looooooong history of misspelling Peas names. You know, because they're so beneath her Royal Highness.

I'll spell her name any damn way I please.

110 109 said... 110

Heh, jinx 108!

111 Anonymous said... 111

108Anonymous said... 108 I think L'Urine is perfect and I'll continue to use it.
Whoever posted that "we" don't think it's funny over here is an idiot, we do.
As for the anal "it's a bucket" poster, go shove a bukkit up your ass. I also use pod and will keep doing it because I know it irritates at least one person.

April 28, 2012 12:35 AM

Hi Hostile and go fuck yourself, twatwaffle. NO ONE in that post said *WE*, bitch. Learn to read.

I will continue to think it's not funny. Who gives a shit. As for you or whoever wrote 74 (i don't care if it were you 108/110, really LOL) they're an idiot for telling people who post here to use Lurine or look like an idiot. Plain and simple, it's been over-discussed here and plenty of people don't see it as humorous. Get over it. So what if people do it doesn't make them an idiot for not using it as 74 inferred.

As for 110, people will know you're also 108 and claim not to be, quit talking to yourself.

112 Anonymous said... 112

109Anonymous said... 109 Lurine. Lowrent. Loorine. L'Urine.

That passive-agressive bitch has a looooooong history of misspelling Peas names. You know, because they're so beneath her Royal Highness.

I'll spell her name any damn way I please.

April 28, 2012 12:42 AM

Feel free bitch. Realize that 74 here is the one telling people to use lurine or look stupid. Use what you want but 74 can't go around telling people they have to use one or the other. Miss the point again?

113 Anonymous said... 113

74 DEMANDS you use it or look STUPID


114 Anonymous said... 114

Hostile1 and Hostile2 are back to argue amongst themselves again.

Same AuntJemima, different day.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Stupid bitch has the dog 1 week and already posting stupid "what do i do" shit at the bucket. Damn stupidity!

116 Anonymous said... 116

114Anonymous said... 114 Hostile1 and Hostile2 are back to argue amongst themselves again.

Same AuntJemima, different day.

April 28, 2012 1:48 AM

Look, it's the stupid fucking moron Cleo!

117 Anonymous said... 117

and Moran! Which I will now DEMAND you to use!

118 Anonymous said... 118

link for 115 oops

119 Anonymous said... 119

Should I try to make him vomit to see if he has any in his stomach? Since it was a soft foam ball (Yes, I know, I should have watched him closer.) will he just poop it out? I haven't fed him yet today.


120 Anonymous said... 120

it's been over-discussed here and plenty of people don't see it as humorous. Get over it.

No, I think you need to get over the fact that me and several others by the looks of it, don't agree.
It's not so much "funny" as it is appropriate. Connecting her with a toilet is very apt. I post here a lot and I haven't seen your claim that "plenty of people" don't like it.
I think it's just the one retard (you) objecting every single time.
L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine.
Sorry, but I'm keeping it.

121 Anonymous said... 121

I'm surprised that Lauren has a mother. I thought she was the product of some dog's pile of shit that transformed.

122 Anonymous said... 122

I blame Lauren's mother for Lauren's behavior. She should have taught Lauren how to be a respectable person.

123 Anonymous said... 123

I love Saturday mornings. They're easy and quiet.

I wake up when I wake up, have several large cups of coffee, browse the news and 2 Peas and watch either TLC (moving up is my favorite show) or the food channel.

I lounge until about 11:00 and then go on about my day.

Takes her a while to recover from her drinking binge the night before

124 Anonymous said... 124

120Anonymous said... 120 it's been over-discussed here and plenty of people don't see it as humorous. Get over it.

No, I think you need to get over the fact that me and several others by the looks of it, don't agree.
It's not so much "funny" as it is appropriate. Connecting her with a toilet is very apt. I post here a lot and I haven't seen your claim that "plenty of people" don't like it.
I think it's just the one retard (you) objecting every single time.
L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine, L'Urine.
Sorry, but I'm keeping it.

April 28, 2012 2:33 AM

You missed the point L'Urine. 74 DEMANDS you use it. No one else gives a shit.

125 Anonymous said... 125

120 tl;dr

Hi Heartcat! FFS quit spewing your shit.

126 120 is Eric Cartman said... 126


127 Anonymous said... 127

Yeah L'urine has been overplayed and overused. Her LeSabre is quit funny though. Usually a bit long and boring in spots but funny.

128 Anonymous said... 128

Don't post your opinions here. 120 doesn't like it, ONLY 120 IS RIGHT!!!

LEAVE 120 ALONE!!!1!111oneONE1!!1

129 Anonymous said... 129

120 - You *HAVE* to use it!!! 74 said so!

130 Anonymous said... 130

53Anonymous said... 53 You mean like SisterBDSQ?? In one thread she is claiming to be a "plant-eating vegan" but in the french fried onions thread she says "Put hand in can, grab handful, shove in mouth!" I'm not sure French's Fried Onions are on a vegan diet...

April 27, 2012 3:56 PM

Is there meat in them? I thought they were onions. I never have looked at the ingredients though..

131 Anonymous said... 131

I think the point is 130 most vegans are very picky about what they eat. For the most part I'm guessing it's all natural and healthy. You can't tell me French's Fried Onions are natural or healthy.

132 Anonymous said... 132

French's Fried Onions ingredients:

Palm Oil, Wheat Flour, Onions, Soy Flour, Salt and Dextrose.

Made on same equipment as products containing milk ingredients.

Doesn't sound like something a vegan would be chowing down on.

They frown on milk.

133 Anonymous said... 133

131Anonymous said... 131 I think the point is 130 most vegans are very picky about what they eat. For the most part I'm guessing it's all natural and healthy. You can't tell me French's Fried Onions are natural or healthy.

April 28, 2012 7:48 AM

Did someone say they were natural or healthy? ..just not meat. @@

134 Anonymous said... 134

Vegan is more then just no meat. It's no dairy and eggs or things made from them, like cheese.

135 Anonymous said... 135

From the "what do you have for a mid-afternoon snack" thread: 'I'll brush my teeth and/or have a sugar-free mint and that usually does it for me. And drinking a glass of water, too'.


I have never wanted to smack someone across the face over a comment as much as I do this chick. Seriously, STFU, you "I'm so perfect" bitch.

136 Anonymous said... 136

Not just a mint, she made sure to add that it was a sugar-free mint.

137 Anonymous said... 137

134Anonymous said... 134 Vegan is more then just no meat. It's no dairy and eggs or things made from them, like cheese.

April 28, 2012 9:04 AM

or french fried onions

138 Anonymous said... 138

She forgot to mention that she is brushing her teeth and having a sugar free mint because she just finished puking up the half a bag of cheetos and the half gallon of coke.

Well it was probably a diet coke anyway.

I swear that half the pod bitches have an eating disorder the way they describe how they eat.

139 Anonymous said... 139

I guess it's too hard for Aslan to use google and simply type George Zimmerman Bond Hearing Transcripts. I did yesterday and a few of them came up. But I was too lazy to post them for her.

140 Anonymous said... 140

yeah miss ang we know you have healthy snacks now change your avatar

141 Anonymous said... 141

Just stfu scrappinboysmom there was no issue. You're the dumb ass that said she could invite a friend over. FFS way to try and make a mountain out of a mole hill.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Somebody join 2Ps as MariahJane (no I won't do it) :P

143 Anonymous said... 143

So Peabay was out of town last week too? Is she PeabayJane? I mean really who would suspect it?

144 Anonymous said... 144

Damn, L'Urine is on Jenny's ass now, following her from thread to thread.

145 Anonymous said... 145


The only thing I see she posted is her own thread and one that she had posted to yesterday (people go back and post to things that interest them, you know).

146 Anonymous said... 146

DrunkAgain isn't funny at all. Her hard on for Lauren/Lurine/whateverthefuck is showing. I bet she'd love to shove Laurens head up her ass like a huge pineapple.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Is there meat in them? I thought they were onions. I never have looked at the ingredients though..


Are you confusing vegan with vegetarian??? Vegan is MUCH more than no milk. It's no animal products at all...

148 Anonymous said... 148

EWWWW..a typical "pea" recipe from the frenchs onion thread: boxed scalloped potatoes with frenches onions on top...MMMM boxed crap with more fried crap on the top...that needs to be in the top 10 pea crapbook, oops, I mean cookbook

149 Anonymous said... 149

Didn't lauren have weight loss surgery??? What the hell is she yammering on about in this tread?

She didn't learn a thing, she just went to a dr to have her stomach made smaller...

150 Anonymous said... 150

I noticed the Lowrent/Jenny thing as well.

Here she is showing up on PP's thread. Not to post about the subject, but to mock Jenny.

151 Anonymous said... 151

Someone needs to respond "this is twopeas, no one eats ice cream here! Maybe try a broccoli and asparagus trifle drizzled with EVOO and balsamic vinegar and a very light sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, but only if the parm is organic."

152 Anonymous said... 152

If it's not your job and no one asked you to do it. Then stfu and leave it alone.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Jane said once she wasn't a well-known pea. She posted another time that she has a husband and, I think, two kids. I don't think anybody has guessed yet who she is.

Hey, Jane! Thanks for maintaining the blog. Can you please give us another hint or two so we can try to guess who you are?

154 Anonymous said... 154

I don't want to know who Jane is. I like her here and don't want to be bummed out if it turns out that she's someone I don't actually like on 2peas.

155 Anonymous said... 155

I don't want to know who jane is either. Does it really matter?? She provides space to make fun of the clueless peas...she is doing the world a good deed.

156 Anonymous said... 156

150Anonymous said... 150 I noticed the Lowrent/Jenny thing as well.

Here she is showing up on PP's thread. Not to post about the subject, but to mock Jenny.

April 28, 2012 11:23 AM


THAT was yesterday. Lauren posted today on it after it was brought to the top. (Dates people, dates..times) Whoever posted this here today posted it as if Lauren posted after Jenny TODAY. Nope, not the case.

157 Anonymous said... 157

150Anonymous said... 150 I noticed the Lowrent/Jenny thing as well.

Here she is showing up on PP's thread. Not to post about the subject, but to mock Jenny.

April 28, 2012 11:23 AM

144 is pointing out yesterdays thread. She didn't follow her. She posted to it yesterday when they both did. (Then today and jenny hadn't so how is she following her?) Riiight, she isn't.

158 Anonymous said... 158

153Anonymous said... 153 Jane said once she wasn't a well-known pea. She posted another time that she has a husband and, I think, two kids. I don't think anybody has guessed yet who she is.

Hey, Jane! Thanks for maintaining the blog. Can you please give us another hint or two so we can try to guess who you are?

April 28, 2012 12:12 PM

It's MariahPeabayJane

159 Anonymous said... 159

FFS, let me get this straight. Laurent posted to that thread today. Jenny has not.

When Jenny DOES post to it, we get to claim here that Jenny is "following her from thread to thread"?

Right? @@ Really people..get a grip.

160 Anonymous said... 160

Hey Jane, does the number 8 mean anything to you? ;)

161 Anonymous said... 161

Please, go way you are stinking up the place.


162 Anonymous said... 162

Here she is showing up on PP's thread. Not to post about the subject, but to mock Jenny.
April 28, 2012 11:23 AM

This is L'Urine's standard M.O. But there is a bonus-it's obvious that stuff that's said to her bothers her much, much more than she claims :)

She's a dumb twat-and very easily riled.

163 Anonymous said... 163

ITA, 162. Makes me feel for Jenny, which I didn't think was possible.

164 Anonymous said... 164

lmao, T-Rex the Deadbeat, aka Sabrina "let others pay for our mistakes" M. is now on that thread.

165 Anonymous said... 165

Holy HOT DOCTOR Batman! Totally pod unrelated but this movie I am watching has a hot ass doc on it.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Who's the doc?

167 Anonymous said... 167

I'm watching some Tori Spelling movie called Hush. The actor is Tahmoh Penikett.

168 Anonymous said... 168

TRex changed her avi pic someone reads the blo-og!

169 Anonymous said... 169

T-Rex both reads and posts here.

170 Anonymous said... 170

sabrina totally needs to be called out on her comments. She obviously does not live below her means, as he had to do a short sale on her house, sticking the bank with the balance...

171 Anonymous said... 171

Not to mention her tax evasion on that extra 10k she pulls in a year, selling drugstore supplies to snowbirds.

172 Anonymous said... 172

I'm 153. I don't want to know who Jane is, either. I just think it's fun to guess.

173 Anonymous said... 173

T-Rex both reads and posts here.
April 28, 2012 2:05 PM


*waving hi to T-Rex!*

And yeah, Sabrina you are a total fucking hypocrite. When you cheese out on a home loan and do a short sale, you are most certainly NOT responsible with money. You are a fucking deadbeat. You, Sabrina, are a loser and everything you claim you're above. You're a bottom-rung bitch.

174 Anonymous said... 174

WTF...I still see her old t-rex avatar...hmmmm

175 Anonymous said... 175

T-Rex both reads and posts here.

That's a lie - I never read here. Or post.

176 Anonymous said... 176

Pennyring doesn't eat cookies? Yeah right.

177 Anonymous said... 177

Frother stupidity continues to amaze and horrify me.

178 Anonymous said... 178

link 176

179 Anonymous said... 179

are you fucking kidding me??? what the hell is this all about?? Seems appropriate that the thread # includes 666...

180 Anonymous said... 180

for's the afternoon snack thread

181 Anonymous said... 181

161Anonymous said... 161 159=L'Urine
Please, go way you are stinking up the place.


April 28, 2012 1:20 PM

Your twat is what's stinking! Jenny is here pretending to be a victim.

No one posted after her today, she didn't post on that today at the time it was posted here.

182 Anonymous said... 182

LMAO! I guess Mrs. Pibb hit a nerve with you, eh pennyring? You are such a cunt, and now it's doubly obvious that you eat cookies.

183 Anonymous said... 183

are you fucking kidding me??? what the hell is this all about?? Seems appropriate that the thread # includes 666...
April 28, 2012 3:14 PM
that's one of the strangest threads ever. everything there could have been said on the 'my mother lives with me thread.'

My new theory: the OP of this thread is one of L'Urine's alters ;)

184 Anonymous said... 184

Lauren to Red boots on April 22nd:

You know nothing of me either. And I find that people who brag about relationships are often simply bragging. It's pure fiction used to make you feel better about yourself. Those of us who have relationships in life don't feel the need to brag about them.

Lauren to Gulf Coast Girl on April 28th:

My mom, my sister and my daughter are my three best friends. I'm very fortunate to have 6 really close girlfriends, but I love my mom, sister and dd with all my heart.


You said it yourself, Lauren: bragging about how many friends you have means you're probably lying. Bragging about how many friends you have and using an EXACT friend count (6) means you are *definitely* lying.


You are so pathetic. You must neglect the shit out of your job, 'friends' and family for all the time you spend at two peas, because you are there all the damn time, you pathetic cow.

185 Anonymous said... 185

Jenny? Is that you stalking Lauren again?

186 Anonymous said... 186

the blog is dead

187 Anonymous said... 187

It's Saturday night dumbass, of course the blog is dead...most people have lives...

188 Anonymous said... 188

dumbass, the blog is dead

(it's an old saying Miss influx)

189 Anonymous said... 189

April is Whitney's neighbor? LOL

190 Anonymous said... 190

Ask Aprils dh/so how to be more discreet.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Lauren/185: Not Jenny.

Just one of the 8 billion Peas who wish Lauren would slink off into the internet's nether regions, never to be heard from again.

She's one of the most miserable people I've ever encountered in LIFE - not just on the internet. She must be so fucking despicable in person.

192 Anonymous said... 192

#143, You've really never suspected Jane is Peabay? I've thought so all along. Wouldn't want to say so at the bucket because they would then all be over here agreeing with her and slobbering over her! :)

193 Anonymous said... 193

My parents were/are cheaper than yours...

194 Jane Doe said... 194

Space is up. :)

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