Totally, 208. That woman asks for advice, is told she's wrong, and continues to badmouth her son's fiancee. Repeatedly, over something that's her fault because she doesn't like the girl in the first place and she overreacted to something that's really none of her business.
Did the evil MIL post that her son doesn't spend holidays with her, but rather with his future wife in her hometown? Gee, I wonder why.
I love how she's putting this all on how it sucks for her poor old mom not to be able to see her grandson etc on FB. The cunt is nosing into and monitoring her future DIL's business and that's the only reason she cares that her mom is also blocked. Now she totally has no access. Stupid twat.
She's gone all crazy before about something on the board, I can't remember what, I just see the avatar and remember "nutter". Someone like that isn't going to recognize that she's screwed up big time. She's just got the cray-cray and nothing's going to fix that. DIL better think long and hard before marrying into that craziness.
NoSliver is a well known poster on Stormfront. I heard it from someone I know on a different closed board, who is a world famous documentary film narrator.
"For me Strunk and White is a keeper. Ours sits next to our dictionary, atlas, and concordance."Monklady123
Really? I got rid of all those years ago when I got this new thing called the internet, amazing what you can find on there and not have dusty books you use maybe once a year cluttering up your shelf's.
But I'm sure seeing those books makes her feel smarter.
14, your dumbass is showing. There is actually useful information in those books, things that don't show up in your favorite source, the urban dictionary. @@
And some people just like holding a book once in a while. Not everyone has to live your book-free, soulless life.
Oh my, an article linked from NewsMax. Of course it's legitimate journalism! Even better are the oh so predictable replies from the looney tunes duo of Skybarf and the tldr queen Nightowl.
The economy is in the crapper, it's all Fartbongo's fault!!
Sure there is useful information in all those books but why bother have them cluttering up your house when you can get the exact same information from google?
208 - Shit like that is exactly why I'm not friends with my MIL on Facebook. She's not crazy or anything, she's actually very nice but any chance to not have drama is good for me. If she would have just minded her own business then she wouldn't have gotten herself and her mother unfriended.
Crafterbeth if you read here PLEASE PLEASE get a blog for your running shit or write your damn boring self absorbed book somewhere other than on 2peas. That's all.
NoSliver is a well known poster on Stormfront. I heard it from someone I know on a different closed board, who is a world famous documentary film narrator.
Jesus, I just saw the photo of those MN ladies. What a bunch of 2-ton-tony-golentos! No wonder most of them are miserable bitches having to carry around all of that ugly fat.
Crafterbeth if you read here PLEASE PLEASE get a blog for your running shit or write your damn boring self absorbed book somewhere other than on 2peas. That's all.
She managed to toss in a reference to the hysterectomy in there too.
"FWIW, as a married woman I wouldn't even think to post pictures of other men on FB. That's just me though."SabrinaM page 3 of the mil from hell post
Of course you won't, you're to much of Christian lady to do anything like that, but you would give your house back to the bank because you where underwater on it and "needed" to move.
Jesus, I just saw the photo of those MN ladies. What a bunch of 2-ton-tony-golentos! No wonder most of them are miserable bitches having to carry around all of that ugly fat. --------
Most of them are fat but I don't know if most of them are miserable because I have no fucking idea who most of them are.
Jane! Inquiring minds want to know. Do any other peas know your identity or are you completely incognito? Remember the post where a pea shared her brother's huge secret that he'd been working for the FBI? Will your secret ever be shared?
My son plans to join the military and needed a copy of his medical records for the recruiter. His grandmother, my MIL, told him to give her a copy. She's scanning them in and printing them off so she can have a copy at her house, just in case he misplaces his copy.
Would you be pissed that she did this? I would ask at the peas but I value the opinion here more.
That is weird. What does a grandma need her grandsons medical records for? I don't think I'd be mad but I would want to know why my son just handed them over to granny no questions asked.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 237 of 237 Newer› Newest»So are the closed messageboards that Nosliver referenced the same super secret boards that are sometimes mentioned here? Invitation only and all that?
It's only for well-respected, famous, important people.
To pass scurrilous rumors around.
messageboards that Nosliver referenced
Free Republic is my guess.
Complete figment of her imagination is my guess.
Where's Mrs Chapstick when you need her?
This bitch deserves everything that is going to come her way.
Totally, 208. That woman asks for advice, is told she's wrong, and continues to badmouth her son's fiancee. Repeatedly, over something that's her fault because she doesn't like the girl in the first place and she overreacted to something that's really none of her business.
Did the evil MIL post that her son doesn't spend holidays with her, but rather with his future wife in her hometown? Gee, I wonder why.
I love how she's putting this all on how it sucks for her poor old mom not to be able to see her grandson etc on FB. The cunt is nosing into and monitoring her future DIL's business and that's the only reason she cares that her mom is also blocked. Now she totally has no access. Stupid twat.
She's gone all crazy before about something on the board, I can't remember what, I just see the avatar and remember "nutter".
Someone like that isn't going to recognize that she's screwed up big time. She's just got the cray-cray and nothing's going to fix that.
DIL better think long and hard before marrying into that craziness.
NoSliver is a well known poster on Stormfront. I heard it from someone I know on a different closed board, who is a world famous documentary film narrator.
So it must be true.
Jane this post really needs to be added to the epic post list. Seriously it's up to 10 pages at the moment although it has fallen back to page 2.
This is the opt in to evolution thread. OMG.
"For me Strunk and White is a keeper. Ours sits next to our dictionary, atlas, and concordance."Monklady123
Really? I got rid of all those years ago when I got this new thing called the internet, amazing what you can find on there and not have dusty books you use maybe once a year cluttering up your shelf's.
But I'm sure seeing those books makes her feel smarter.
You're shopping at a dollar store, do you really think they are going to have awesome customer service?
"I don't pea during school hours because I no longer have to "babysit" the naughty kids as my incredibly unproductive duty like I did two years ago."
Funny how when we called her out on it, she said she posted during school hours because her kids were doing testing that week.
All the right fighting may not get her fired, but I bet the bad-mouthing of her school board could.
14, your dumbass is showing. There is actually useful information in those books, things that don't show up in your favorite source, the urban dictionary. @@
And some people just like holding a book once in a while. Not everyone has to live your book-free, soulless life.
17 wants to add, no I am not monklady!
Oh my, an article linked from NewsMax. Of course it's legitimate journalism! Even better are the oh so predictable replies from the looney tunes duo of Skybarf and the tldr queen Nightowl.
The economy is in the crapper, it's all Fartbongo's fault!!
Sure there is useful information in all those books but why bother have them cluttering up your house when you can get the exact same information from google?
How often do you really use them?
Space please
208 - Shit like that is exactly why I'm not friends with my MIL on Facebook. She's not crazy or anything, she's actually very nice but any chance to not have drama is good for me. If she would have just minded her own business then she wouldn't have gotten herself and her mother unfriended.
tldr queen Nightowl.
Sometimes I wish this place was like Reddit. I'd upvote you for that.
Crafterbeth if you read here PLEASE PLEASE get a blog for your running shit or write your damn boring self absorbed book somewhere other than on 2peas. That's all.
NoSliver is a well known poster on Stormfront. I heard it from someone I know on a different closed board, who is a world famous documentary film narrator.
So it must be true.
222-God I hope my MIL never joins FB. I wouldn't want to have to friend her but it would be awkward not to.
Jesus, I just saw the photo of those MN ladies. What a bunch of 2-ton-tony-golentos! No wonder most of them are miserable bitches having to carry around all of that ugly fat.
Crafterbeth if you read here PLEASE PLEASE get a blog for your running shit or write your damn boring self absorbed book somewhere other than on 2peas. That's all.
She managed to toss in a reference to the hysterectomy in there too.
When she mentions the hysterectomy along with all the marathon, half-marathon, daily training stuff: you get bingo!
Kendra, can we get some space?!
"FWIW, as a married woman I wouldn't even think to post pictures of other men on FB. That's just me though."SabrinaM page 3 of the mil from hell post
Of course you won't, you're to much of Christian lady to do anything like that, but you would give your house back to the bank because you where underwater on it and "needed" to move.
Jesus, I just saw the photo of those MN ladies. What a bunch of 2-ton-tony-golentos! No wonder most of them are miserable bitches having to carry around all of that ugly fat.
Most of them are fat but I don't know if most of them are miserable because I have no fucking idea who most of them are.
Jane! Inquiring minds want to know. Do any other peas know your identity or are you completely incognito? Remember the post where a pea shared her brother's huge secret that he'd been working for the FBI? Will your secret ever be shared?
I hate SabrinaM. She's as ugly inside as she is outside.
Can I ask you ladies for your opinion?
My son plans to join the military and needed a copy of his medical records for the recruiter. His grandmother, my MIL, told him to give her a copy. She's scanning them in and printing them off so she can have a copy at her house, just in case he misplaces his copy.
Would you be pissed that she did this? I would ask at the peas but I value the opinion here more.
That is weird. What does a grandma need her grandsons medical records for? I don't think I'd be mad but I would want to know why my son just handed them over to granny no questions asked.
Oh looky...yet again, guns didn't kill (or maim) a bunch of innocent people.
No, I'm last.
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