Sunday, September 30, 2012

Space 9/30/12


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Anonymous said...

News flash 198 after being in the Army for 10 years and a landlord with a duplex in a lower income area President Obama isn't the only black to hate whites. Just be glad they don't have their shit together like the Asians or us honkey's would be fucked.

Anonymous said...

If you buy bagged lettuce there probably chop up the whole head there by mixing the poop evenly over every leaf.

Plus to me bagged just has a funny chemical taste.


1. most bagged salads taste weird to me as well.

2. it grosses me out to find brown (or worse, black), wilty bits that seem to make up the bulk of bagged salads. the quality is shit.

Anonymous said...

durrrhhhuuuur. he;s a nigger1

Anonymous said...

Nothing like just putting it all out there!!

Anonymous said...

Kendra is white! Obama hates her!

Anonymous said...

1Anonymous said... 1 News flash 198 after being in the Army for 10 years and a landlord with a duplex in a lower income area President Obama isn't the only black to hate whites. Just be glad they don't have their shit together like the Asians or us honkey's would be fucked.

October 3, 2012 12:23 PM

Hello? The difference: They are NOT POTUS

Anonymous said...

Whe's yo moneh? Whe's yo dollah!? (Obama speech)

Anonymous said...

"Johnson's Baby Oil in a spray bottle."

Well, I am done with TwoPeas for the day.

Anonymous said...

ITA #8. I think I'm done for a while. one needs to know that! Why does it need to be in a spray bottle? Wait, don't answer that!

Anonymous said...

BM is the stupidest libtard on the pod - and that's saying a lot. I'd post a link - but just visit any political thread and you'll find her frothing.

Anonymous said...

BM is L'Urine. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Who is the one doing the spraying?

Anonymous said...

Darcy Collins is quite the Blog poster.

Anonymous said...

Ha - BM caught you bitch! I'm not Darcy but was watching you get your ass handed to you and posted and you fell for it. You really are a stupid bitch.

Anonymous said...

I think 14 is way too invested in a message board. You tried to 'trick' someone into posting and they fell for it? Ummm, maybe you should step away from the computer and go breathe some fresh air. (no, I am not either of those people, I don't even go on the political threads)

Anonymous said...

Why is no one naming names on the "Do you know anyone famous" thread?

Liars, liars, pants on fire?

Anonymous said...

More like, "I'm not name dropping but....." then they give you all the clues you need to figure it out.

So they can feel like they're not bragging when they are. Georgiapea is good at that.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you 15. I find BM to be a fucking moron oops I mean moran, if you visited the political boards you might understand. I'm patting myself on the back for outing the bitch.

Anonymous said...

Look out, pearl clutchers ahead!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

What did you out??? That she is a blog bitch?? That's not new information....

Anonymous said...

I have progressed from hoping childofgrace's internet goes off, to hoping her fingers fall off.

Anonymous said...

Ha - BM caught you bitch! I'm not Darcy but was watching you get your ass handed to you and posted and you fell for it. You really are a stupid bitch.

What exactly did you supposedly catch her at? You're not making any sense at all.

Anonymous said...

Kendra was dropped on her head as an infant.

Jane Doe said...

New space is up!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like just putting it all out there!!

She annoys the shit out of me with her inane posts. fuck off, child of grace~!!!!!

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