Friday, November 8, 2013

Space 11/8/13


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1 Anonymous said... 1

What the fuck Jane? What's with the lack of space? Do you get more ipad money if you have a shit load of comments?

2 Anonymous said... 2

wow thanks Jane for giving us space so quickly this time. You're really on top of this blog - good job!

3 Anonymous said... 3

so in the previous space..I asked what Monique and Mackey(sp?) big scadals where that they were " drug thru the mud"?? ( Per that thread that was linked about the GG scandal.....just being nosy LOL

4 Anonymous said... 4

What's up with you, Jane? Not enough pennies to buy that iPad yet? Or are you wanting a Surface now? I have both and the Surface is much better.

5 Anonymous said... 5

Every time I see Kristina's picture, I can't help but wonder if she is related to Porky Pig. Ththththat's all folks!

6 Anonymous said... 6

Ochre Dawn

7 Anonymous said... 7

Pimento Parsley

8 Anonymous said... 8


9 Anonymous said... 9

We will never hear the end of her wedding saga. We heard about every detail of every date she ever had with about 10 different men who were the "love of her life"

10 Anonymous said... 10

WTH? Benem really thinks she's hot shit doesn't she? Has she ever looked in the mirror? She is so damn ugly. Not to mention fat and hairy as hell.

11 Anonymous said... 11

mariah must read here. She changed her avatar picture.

Thanks, benem! :)

12 Anonymous said... 12

Who the hell is Mariah to talk down to "overweight middle aged soccer moms"? She is really out of her mind.

13 Anonymous said... 13

I hate my boss. He is a perverted fucking douchebag and would hump a corpse. I think I will peamail his digits to benhem.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Put a pull up on that child and get over it!

15 Anonymous said... 15

I give exactly zero fucks about that.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Do the peas get along with anyone?

17 Anonymous said... 17

I'm trying to understand why she - or anyone, really - would be excited to carry a concealed weapon. Truly. I don't get it.

18 Anonymous said... 18

17, me either. Why would anyone be excited to carry a gun in their purse? Maybe I'm lucky but in my 45 years I have never been in a situation where I wished I had a gun in my purse.

I think the gun concealers are the same weird paranoid people who always think someone is saying or doing something mean to them or their children. You know those people? The ones who always get offended over every little thing and think someone is always slighting them. Freaks. A man looks in their direction in the Target parking lot and they think he wants to rob or rape them and wish they had a gun for protections. LOL

19 Anonymous said... 19

16, the OP is always posting stuff about her daughter. She has so many problems so I'm not surprised at all that she hates her family for having an opinion on her daughter or her parenting. She sounds like a complete nutter over that child.

20 Anonymous said... 20

So here she's pissed that her DH never takes the initiative to do anything without her taking charge....

And here's she's mad that he did take charge and tried to fix the furance/water heater. Nothing is ever good enough for her with her poor DH. These aren't the only 2 threads of hers but I'm not looking for the others. There are MANY. She has no respect for him and apparently neither does their daughter and Mom just lets her act like a little bitch to Dad.

21 Anonymous said... 21

George Zimmerman carried a concealed weapon.

22 Anonymous said... 22

Mrs. Tyler suggests that the OP dress her son in "elastic waste pants" on the days he goes to grandma's house. She's such a great teacher.

23 Oscar T. Grouch said... 23
This comment has been removed by the author.
24 Anonymous said... 24

I think that luvinlifelady is anything but a lady who loves life. She seems like such a miserable bitch.

25 Anonymous said... 25

Luvinwhinelady is more like it. Her husband's worthless, her daughter is practically a serial killer, nobody will hire her because age discrimination!, her sister's a grifter...

26 Anonymous said... 26

Why is her sister even living with her if she hates her & their mother is paying her rent? Doesn't even make any sense. How can you live with someone, especially your sister, and not speak to them? I highly doubt they live in a mansion with an east and west wing.

Why bring a loser like her sister into her home in the first place when she already has a troubled marriage and a depressed disturbed daughter?

27 junkgarden said... 27
This comment has been removed by the author.
28 Anonymous said... 28

Why does Jane wait so long to give us space?

29 Anonymous said... 29

I was waiting for someone to post about this over there.

30 Anonymous said... 30

What a stupid thread title.

31 junkgarden said... 31

Hi. This is Angie from Junkgarden. I'm a little confused as to what this blog is. LOL I can't find any contact information and it seems all blog posts have been deleted. I had some questionable comments made on my blog that linked back here and I came here and saw a comment posted as coming from me. It seems to have been deleted but I would like to know if the blog owner could delete the comment with my name. Is there anyone here who can tell me how to contact the blog owner? Thanks.

32 Anonymous said... 32

26 Anonymous said... 26
Why is her sister even living with her if she hates her & their mother is paying her rent? Doesn't even make any sense. How can you live with someone, especially your sister, and not speak to them? I highly doubt they live in a mansion with an east and west wing.

Why bring a loser like her sister into her home in the first place when she already has a troubled marriage and a depressed disturbed daughter?
November 9, 2013 at 5:20 PM


The sister lives with them for money. If the her mom wasn't paying the rent the sister would be gone. And seems like the problems with her dd are something new. Of course if I were a kid in that house I'd probably have issues too.

33 Anonymous said... 33

Junkgirl you will be waiting a long time. The blog owner never comes back here. This is a comments only blog that is used for another website message board.

34 Anonymous said... 34

I wonder what's up with Jane. She used to create new space before it would hit 200.

35 Anonymous said... 35

I don't see any comments made on Junkgirl's blog. She's probably trying to get more traffic to her blog.

36 junkgarden said... 36

Anonymous 35, I don't have any ads on my blog so I don't care too much about blog traffic. I deleted the comment and turned off my blog comments until I can figure out what is going on. There were a couple of comments posted under my name on Pinterest as well. The first comment over here under my name has been deleted so I guess it's not a big deal now. I'd just like to have my name and posts completely deleted if the blog owner sees this. Thanks.

37 Anonymous said... 37

36-you will die waiting. don't waste your breath

38 Anonymous said... 38

30- totally WTF'd on that one. If that girl was PMSing, there's just something wrong with that girl's development. PMS should be the least of her concerns.

39 Anonymous said... 39
Why oh why is she so hung up on everything being 'expensive'? I'd be ashamed to spend my husbands money the way she does, poor guy sounds like he works all the hours god sends just to keep her in designer shit.
And was she caught out in a fib in this thread?

40 Anonymous said... 40

But 39, he buys himself the perfect watch and golf equipment. Why isn't she buying him these things.. hmmm.

41 Anonymous said... 41 mean M in Carolina??? Yeah I think she did.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Has Kimberly38 always been Kimberly38 or did she have another pea name?

43 Anonymous said... 43

Why does M in Carolina even buy purses and makeup and everything? She used to constantly post about how sick she was and how she never left the house because she was so sick and disabled.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Good point 43. Does her husband have good medical insurance?

45 Anonymous said... 45

44 Idk about their insurance but I do know she is on disability. I remember her posting about it a year or so ago.

46 Anonymous said... 46

She said a couple of times recently that she doesn't receive disability because their finances are so great. Husband works very long hours and is hardly ever home so he can earn good money. I just picture her wanting stuff all the time and throwing hissy fits if she doesn't get it. She doesn't need all that expensive crap.

47 Anonymous said... 47

I should start keeping a spreadsheet...I know M recently posted that they were having money problems (money was really tight), and I remember thinking that if DH and I were short on money, I sure wouldn't be buying $500 handbags. I wish I could remember what thread she posted it on so I could post a link on her new makeup/hair care thread.

48 Anonymous said... 48

I'm so happy to have such a savvy husband. I also love that even though I can't work and contribute financially or even do many household chores, dh believes everything he earns is OUR money. He insists on buying pretty things for me and puts my needs and even wants first. I do the same for him. --I insist that he uses part of his bonuses on himself since it's extra money he earned by working so hard.

What a little treasure she is!!!

49 Anonymous said... 49

Big decisions to make here. I want a divorce from my cheating husband. But, his health insurance through his job is I suppose a cadillac plan. I know my kids will still be covered but I have some pretty expensive prescriptions. Do you stay married to someone for health insurance. COBRA will cost over $500 per month and he will fight me tooth and nail over paying that plus alimony. I've met with attorneys and their numbers are consistent. I am entitled to $2200 a month in child and spousal support but a judge probably won't make him pay the Cobra too. I get half his pension but that does me no good until he retires. I get half his 401k too but once that money is gone, it is gone.

Of course, he was all about getting a divorce while he was in his latest affair but once I found out and ended it, he talked with an attorney and found out I can bring him to his knees financially. Now, he of course wants to make our marriage work. I'm done, I want out. But dammit this health insurance thing is a bitch. I will never be able to get a job with benefits this good. He's a cheating asshole but do I stay for money? I'll never sleep with him again so I'm not worried about catching anything.

50 Anonymous said... 50

49....make him keep you on his plan. I know many who have done that. Don't prostitute yourself for HI. Maybe look into what it would cost you for a single plan-not cobra.

51 Anonymous said... 51

I believe he has to keep you on his plan until the divorce is final. You can ask for alimony (you'll pay taxes on it) and child support (tax-free) until the divorce is final. You can drag it out a year, I bet.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Yeah, I'm just worried about after the divorce is final. I didn't know about the tax status though. Helpful info, thanks.

53 Anonymous said... 53

boo fucking hoo, I can't believe you'd whore yourself out for health insurance. At least if your not so dh gives you a social disease you'll be able to get treated for it.

54 Anonymous said... 54

I already said I'm not having sex with him. And I don't plan to. We are in separate beds.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Pay for your own insurance. Plenty of us do it-even without cs or alimony. Get a job and support yourself.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Have some integrity. If you want out, then get out and make your own way. Smh at dragging out a divorce or staying with someone you hate b/c you're too lazy and entitled to support yourself.

57 Anonymous said... 57

I'm sorry, but this really isn't the best place to ask. The blog bitches obviously can't even read your post, as evident by the responses that don't even make sense. I don't have any knowledge on this subject, but good luck trying to find a solution.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Maybe her whining and self-pity cost her her job.

59 Anonymous said... 59

57 Anonymous said... 57
I'm sorry, but this really isn't the best place to ask. The blog bitches obviously can't even read your post, as evident by the responses that don't even make sense. I don't have any knowledge on this subject, but good luck trying to find a solution.
November 10, 2013 at 5:27 PM


Oh bullshit, I read it, poor little woman doesn't like her husband but God forbid she tries and take care of herself.

60 Anonymous said... 60

I know it isn't a great place to ask but I want to remain anonymous. I'm not too lazy to support myself, I just won't be able to get health insurance as good as what I have through his job. And I think it sucks balls that because he is a liar and a cheat I have to have sub-standard healthcare. I know, life isn't fair, but I am mad as hell that I'm the one who has had to suffer through the affair and now I will have to suffer the most post-divorce too. I hope karma gets this SOB.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Use alimony to pay your health insurance. It is called spousal maintenance in many cases. Use it to maintain your needs. Of course, you could always get a J-O-B.

62 Anonymous said... 62

I don't believe in alimony in 99% of cases. Why should someone be obligated to support a former spouse? Child support, absolutely.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Have some integrity. If you want out, then get out and make your own way. Smh at dragging out a divorce or staying with someone you hate b/c you're too lazy and entitled to support yourself.


Please tell me where she should apply for jobs? I'm not currently looking for a job, but from what I understand, good jobs with benefits are very hard to find. It's not as easy as applying a few places and getting hired just like that.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Why should someone be obligated to support a former spouse?


Because the person paying the alimony was supported by the former spouse???

65 Anonymous said... 65

This sounds like 49

66 Anonymous said... 66

Nope, sorry that isn't me. And I have been trying to find a job. Nothing so far. If I can move out of this area I think I will have better luck, at least I hope so. But will the asshole try to forbid me from leaving the state with my kids? Who the hell knows? He didn't care enough about them to keep from destroying their family, all he cared about was what made him feel good.

67 Anonymous said... 67

52, don't take alimony. Take "property settlement" so you don't have to pay taxes on it.

68 Anonymous said... 68

See? Now that is helpful info and why I am here. Thank you, 67. I will see what is allowed in my state.

69 Anonymous said... 69

Alimony is supposed to be for things like insurance. If you want all the perks of marriage, then stay married

70 Anonymous said... 70

Don't be so sure that a property settlement is tax free. Talk to your lawyer.

And for you fucking cunts telling her not to take alimony, FUCK YOU RETARDS. If the judge awards alimony, you fucking take very penny. Fuck the bitches like T-Rex Sabrina that say pull yourself up by your bootstraps...fuck that.

Also, you could work it that the exfucktard needs to keep you on the insurance even after divorce. Ask your attorney, it worked for me.

71 Anonymous said... 71

It's that time of year again. Someone please tell the lazy stay at home moms, that teachers don't want their crappy homemade christmas gifts. Most teachers throw that crap in the trash.

72 Anonymous said... 72

I gave manicure gift certificates for the teachers that were exceptional. The ones that were average got Starbucks gift cards. One year the teachers wanted a donation to the school instead of gifts. It's all good.

73 Anonymous said... 73

I think I can live without the perk of being cheated on.

74 Anonymous said... 74

Don't be so sure that a property settlement is tax free. Talk to your lawyer.


My mother received alimony and was very upset to find out she had to claim it on her taxes as income. Her attorney advised her to take property settlement so it's tax-free. Since it was worded as such in the divorce papers, she didn't have to pay any taxes on it.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Peas either have the perfect marriage with their soul mate or absolute hell hole marriages like this one:

"It's my husband. And I struggle with mental illness and I should die because I am not productive in society. There's no value to me, no worth, no goodness, nothing that produces any long term success or worthiness. It's very overwhelming and exhausting. just fighting to figure out if I should even live,, if I even deserve to live." janetr

76 Anonymous said... 76

Wait what? Redoing an entire kitchen around a set of overpriced dishes? Bat shit crazy

77 Anonymous said... 77

LOL I don't consider Fiestaware expensive or overpriced at all. How cheap are you? What do you use, paper plates? With that being said, redoing my entire kitchen around my dinnerware is silly, although I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she just means painting and maybe new curtains or something. Nothing wrong with that.

78 Anonymous said... 78

I have my doubts that Janet R's husband said the things she's saying he said. She says she suffers from depression and mental illness. I think this is all in her head. She's feeling things and projecting them on her husband. Just the way she is wording her posts and how he says the things he says sound like her depression talking.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Plenty of people have to live w/o alimony, or even child support. Quit whining about not getting everything you want, get what you can and get out.
Or, stay for the insurance, but then stfu about it. Life's not fair-better get used to that, princess.

80 Anonymous said... 80

Maybe they do, 79, Queen Cold Bitch. But there are a lot of women who sacrifice careers and furthering their education to stay home, raise a family, and support their husbands in furthering a career and are left with nothing when the husband decides to step out and bang their secretary. Your little "suck it up" mentality is adorable, but you sound like a heartless cunt. Another woman is hurting and afraid. While we all come here to snark and bitch about petty stupidity at the bucket, it's sad to know that someone who is too afraid to ask for help under her own name just wants some kind of advice or support and you can't just shut your mouth or find a single decent bone in your body to just say something that isn't belittling. So edgy and brave.

81 Anonymous said... 81

"Do the peas get along with anyone?"

Have you read THIS BLOG? at all? Its all peas.

Obviously the answer is NO.

82 Anonymous said... 82

I do consider fiesta overpriced because it is an expectation that no one buys it without a special, a bargain, a clearance.
Similar to Micheals being deliberately overpriced because everyone knows there will bea coupon available.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Who the hell is Mariah to talk down to "overweight middle aged soccer moms"?

12 = Fat Soccer Mom

84 Anonymous said... 84

80 Anonymous said... 80
Maybe they do, 79, Queen Cold Bitch. But there are a lot of women who sacrifice careers and furthering their education to stay home, raise a family, and support their husbands in furthering a career and are left with nothing when the husband decides to step out and bang their secretary.


Exactly why you don't give up your career. Yeah being a sahm sounds all good but in the cold light of a divorce not so much.

85 Anonymous said... 85

I wanted to work part-time and be at home during the late afternoon/evening hours. No one would hire me in this field since I wanted 8-3 hours. So I either sacrificed a career to be with my kids or sacrificed my kids to have a career.

My kids were more important than a career.

86 Anonymous said... 86

85 Anonymous said... 85
I wanted to work part-time and be at home during the late afternoon/evening hours. No one would hire me in this field since I wanted 8-3 hours. So I either sacrificed a career to be with my kids or sacrificed my kids to have a career.

My kids were more important than a career.
November 11, 2013 at 11:28 AM


Nice so mothers that choose to work don't feel their children are important? Fuck you I want to make sure that if something goes wrong between my dh and I, I can take care of them without having to worry about alimony and losing my insurance.

And what have you taught your children by staying or considering to stay with a man you don't love?

87 Anonymous said... 87

Oh, Yeah! The mommy wars at the blog. Who the fuck cares. Some SAHMs divorce and fall apart, some find a great job and support themselves...guess what? Same thing happens to working moms! Some can't make ends meet with their salary alone, and some all depends on the individual circumstances. We each make the best decision for our families. Move the fuck on.

88 Anonymous said... 88

I didn't have a career to give up. We married young with a baby on the way and I couldn't make enough money to pay for childcare. So I stayed home and kept house. I did get a degree through the years but I'm finding that without the work experience, it isn't doing me a lot of good. So I need SOMETHING until I can get on my feet. I made a mistake, I got married and pregnant young and became dependent on this man. But I also provided support in his career and encouraged him to take risks that made him what he is today. I acknowledge my mistakes, but regret ain't gonna pay the bills.

I've got consults with 2 more attorneys this week. Just got to find the right one.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Fuck you I want to make sure that if something goes wrong between my dh and I, I can take care of them without having to worry about alimony and losing my insurance.


Bitter martyr, table for one. I did the same things, all while being a SAHM. It is possible.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Stop with the damn mommy wars already.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Unless is Harmony. She's being "gender neutral" to hide the fact that she's a lesbian and it would lead peas to guess her regular ID.

92 Anonymous said... 92

Nice so mothers that choose to work don't feel their children are important? Fuck you I want to make sure that if something goes wrong between my dh and I, I can take care of them without having to worry about alimony and losing my insurance.

And what have you taught your children by staying or considering to stay with a man you don't love?


Your anger made me laugh!

93 Anonymous said... 93

want a good paying job with good benefits and 8-3 hours do what I did - go to your school district transportation office and apply for a school bus driver job. They train you free and once you have your CDL you can move anywhere and get a job.

94 Anonymous said... 94

That is a good idea 93. Thank you.

95 Anonymous said... 95

My mom was an idiot who was a SAHM her whole life. She was trapped with my jackass of a father and basically whored herself out for a roof over her head and health insurance. She didn't stay at home with us b/c we were important to her. She stayed at home b/c she was too lazy to work, and she had zero skills to hold down a job anyway. She didn't keep a clean house, she quit cooking anything by the time I was 12 (I was the oldest kid, so my siblings were even younger) and she sat on her ass all day while we were at school.
She was a role model of what not to do in life and marriage. Go SAHMs!!!!

96 Anonymous said... 96

Be careful about the school bus thing. In many parts of the country, buses are running by 6:00 am, so you'd have to be at work even earlier.
If there are districts out there who only run buses 8-3, then great, but I don't think that's really standard.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Seriously??? Harmony is not the only lesbian at the pod. There even were two in a "long distance relationship" that recently broke up.

98 Anonymous said... 98

Yes, all sahms are lazy and just staying home to avoid work. You are a genius to have figured us all out!! Go you!

99 Anonymous said... 99

"I have my doubts that Janet R's husband said the things she's saying he said. She says she suffers from depression and mental illness. I think this is all in her head. She's feeling things and projecting them on her husband. Just the way she is wording her posts and how he says the things he says sound like her depression talking."

Oh he does absolutely say those things. He has a cousin who is a drug addict and he says ALL the time she should just die do her family wouldn't have to put up with her. I may be mentally ill and have depression, but I'm not a stupid idiot that can't comprehend what people are saying. That's just ignorant to say.

100 Anonymous said... 100

"so" her family

101 Anonymous said... 101

My mom was the same 95. But that does not mean all SAHM's are. I would say the too lazy to work thing is more the exception than the rule.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Driving a school bus? No thank you. I don't want to deal with all the special snowflakes and their helicopter moms.

103 Anonymous said... 103

Seriously??? Harmony is not the only lesbian at the pod. There even were two in a "long distance relationship" that recently broke up.

Hi Harmony. There are other lesbians at the pod who are trying to pin their relationship trouble on the introvert/extrovert idea? Don't think so. Sorry chicky...she's just not that into you.

104 Anonymous said... 104

Isn't Harmony kind of a bible thumper, too? If so, strange dichotomy.

105 Anonymous said... 105

Speaking of Harmony, Satan has apparently released her from his clutches, and God has blessed her, or some such BS.

106 Anonymous said... 106

92 Anonymous said... 92
Nice so mothers that choose to work don't feel their children are important? Fuck you I want to make sure that if something goes wrong between my dh and I, I can take care of them without having to worry about alimony and losing my insurance.

And what have you taught your children by staying or considering to stay with a man you don't love?


Your anger made me laugh!


I was angry about the insinuation that only sahm care about their kids. The whole "I love my kids so much I could never leave them with a sitter or in daycare". Is ridiculous.

107 Anonymous said... 107

When my kids were little I started a home daycare and earned more money than I would have working outside of the house, plus I had the added benefit of being with my kids all day. My kids also benefited from being around other kids and learning to share. There are solutions to problems if you actually Think about it and don't make excuses all day long. I also supplemented my income with freelance writing - which helped keep me from going stir crazy. I was lucky to have a supportive husband who encouraged me to keep up my skills. I'm forever grateful that I had that time with my kids and I would do it all over again.

108 Anonymous said... 108

Isn't Harmony kind of a bible thumper, too? If so, strange dichotomy.

Was this a play on words?;)

109 Anonymous said... 109

As many as 80 people were publicly executed in North Korea earlier this month, some for offenses as minor as watching South Korean movies or possessing a Bible.

South Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo reported that the so-called criminals were put to death in seven cities across North Korea on Nov. 3, in the first known large-scale public executions by the Kim Jong-un regime.

A source, who is familiar with internal affairs in the North and who recently visited the country, told the paper that about 10 people were killed in each city.

Eight people -- their heads covered with white bags -- were tied to stakes at a local stadium in the city of Wonsan, before authorities shot them with a machine gun, according to the source.

Wonsan authorities gathered a crowd of 10,000 people, including children, at Shinpoong Stadium and forced them to watch the killings.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Does GrinningCat have to shit on every single thread?

111 Anonymous said... 111

Oh topic is over. Shut down the thread. Miss Know it All AshleyNicole has spoken. She knows everything about everything, dontcha know?

112 Anonymous said... 112

This scared me a little.

113 Anonymous said... 113

That BeckyTech gal is wrong on half the stuff she's saying on that thread.

114 Anonymous said... 114

That idiot BeckyTech is wrong on almost everything she writes all the time. I don't know why anyone bothers to respond to her. She's the same as lynlam, desertpea, and Mrs T - full of shit.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Isn't Harmony kind of a bible thumper, too? If so, strange dichotomy.

Was this a play on words?;)


Yes, she is a jeebus freak who thinks satan has a hold of her. I wonder how her fellow thumpers would respond to a relationship-rescue prayer request? "Urgent Prayer Request: Lesbian Introvert Fiancee Can't Stand Being Around Me"

116 Anonymous said... 116

Lots of pod regulars have been missing lately. Mary Mary, kikinichole, scrappin spidey, cami car, Ipeaglitter. Wonder what happened to them.

117 Anonymous said... 117

I don't wonder about them at all/

118 Anonymous said... 118

ditto, 117.

119 Anonymous said... 119

where has ~amanda~ been?

120 Anonymous said... 120

I think Layce is a secret twin of Al Franken.

121 Anonymous said... 121

I seriously don't give a damn, I'm just enjoying her absence.

122 Anonymous said... 122

I'm guessing she's making/eating dinner.

123 Anonymous said... 123

But there are a lot of women who sacrifice careers and furthering their education to stay home, raise a family, and support their husbands in furthering a career and are left with nothing when the husband



124 Anonymous said... 124

But there are a lot of women who sacrifice careers and furthering their education to stay home, raise a family, and support their husbands in furthering a career and are left with nothing when the husband
And the price they pay for their stupidity (and in many cases laziness) is that they get screwed when it all falls apart. Of the 3 alimony cases I personally know of, two of the husbands WANTED the wife to go out and help earn money to support the family. Neither one was much of a homemaker. Dirty house, kids in school all day, not doing laundry, etc. Then all of a sudden they are SHOCKED when he wants out! The 3rd lady truly did a great job of being a SAHM. Clean house, well-rounded kids, etc. Husband just decided he was GAY. He did have to pay alimony because they had both agreed for her to stay home and be a homemaker. Well deserved in that case. The other two had to hop off when the gravy train came to a screeching halt and STILL they bitch about the alimony not being enough, etc. Too bad for them.

125 Anonymous said... 125

If you go to the bother of having kids, they should be your number one priority when they are young. What the hell is wrong with all you people who think that making money and having a career is the only thing there is in life? You can work part-time when your kids are little or figure out other ways to make money. Your kids aren't going to give a shit that you got a promotion or made this or that money when they were growing up. All they want and need are their parents.

126 Anonymous said... 126

I have a friend who was married straight out of high school and their agreement was for her to go to work once he turned 30 so he could go to law school. She decided she didn't want to go back to work. He divorced her and left him penniless. He wound up staying in a job he hates until he retires in 3 years. It took forever for him to get back to where he was. Thing is, the ex-wife works now. It's a sad story for their family. The ex-wife got a settlement and he got the kids. No alimony but the amount she got was huge. I don't know where I stand on this though. He lost big time in the divorce. He is happily married to someone else so it did have a happy ending.

127 Anonymous said... 127

Fuck the damn mommy wars!!! Do what is best for your family and stop judging those who do it differently!! I am a SAHM, but I also have over a year of full living expenses in my name only, as well as my own retirement and savings accounts. It can be done, it just takes planning.

128 Anonymous said... 128

The point is kids aren't accessories you collect like china. Every relationship has an economic element - you get out what you put in. If you don't spend a lot of time with your kids when they are young they won't spend a lot of time with you later. How much time do you spend with people who never bothered to spend time with you? The point of life is not to collect accessories.

129 Anonymous said... 129

128 Anonymous said... 128
The point is kids aren't accessories you collect like china. Every relationship has an economic element - you get out what you put in. If you don't spend a lot of time with your kids when they are young they won't spend a lot of time with you later. How much time do you spend with people who never bothered to spend time with you? The point of life is not to collect accessories.
November 12, 2013 at 6:06 PM


By your logic no one but upper middle classes families should ever have kids.

I guess that would take care of the whole over population thing.

130 Anonymous said... 130

It's a matter of priorities for a few years. Kids are only home for 4 years, but if you have more than one that can stretch out. People come up with a lot of creative ways, working different shifts, working from home. The point is, money is not the point of life. The upper middle class are the worst offenders for having kids as accessories.

131 Anonymous said... 131

You are one self righteous individual.

132 Anonymous said... 132

Who happens to know what I'm talking about. Studies consistently show that children bond with those who spend the most amount of time with them. The whole quantity vs. quality thing is bullshit. Kids don't care about quality time - those 7 minutes average that working parents spend with their kids a day. They care about quantity. Call researchers self-righteous all you want, You can repeat that to yourself over and over again as your sitting alone in your empty house the last 30 years of your life because your kids choose to spend time with others.

133 Anonymous said... 133

You sound like myshelly.

134 Anonymous said... 134

You sound like someone making excuses to defend your choices.

135 Anonymous said... 135

134 Anonymous said... 134
You sound like someone making excuses to defend your choices.
November 12, 2013 at 6:48 PM


No, no now she just cares so much about her kids, much more than any working mother possibly could. After all they only have 7 minutes of quality time you know.

136 Anonymous said... 136

Yes, studies show that the average working mother spends approximately 7 minutes per day paying full attention to each individual child. Fathers spend even less. But I suppose you know more than researchers who have been doing this for decades.

137 Anonymous said... 137

132 Anonymous said... 132
Who happens to know what I'm talking about. Studies consistently show that children bond with those who spend the most amount of time with them. The whole quantity vs. quality thing is bullshit. Kids don't care about quality time - those 7 minutes average that working parents spend with their kids a day. They care about quantity. Call researchers self-righteous all you want, You can repeat that to yourself over and over again as your sitting alone in your empty house the last 30 years of your life because your kids choose to spend time with others.
November 12, 2013 at 6:39 PM


So what about a child's bond with their father? Are you saying it doesn't matter as long as mommy is home?

138 Anonymous said... 138

No, it doesn't matter if a child bonds with it's mother or father, although infants prefer mothers. Don't blame someone on an anonymous smack site for this information - it's the way god and nature conspired to make humans.

139 Anonymous said... 139


140 Anonymous said... 140

Well basically you're saying fathers don't matter. You are really something.

141 Anonymous said... 141

Fathers don't matter to an infant in tests where infants consistently choose mothers based on smell over fathers. However, fathers do matter greatly as parents. This has nothing to do with me. Stop being 12 years old and shooting the messenger. Kids can bond just as strongly with fathers as they can with mothers, or day care workers - the ones who pay attention to them. That was the point. A child will bond the most with the people who spend the most time with them. These are facts, not opinions.

142 Anonymous said... 142

I give up sit on your fat ass and tell yourself your children love you more because you don't work.

143 Anonymous said... 143

It's a mater of how much time and attention you spend on them and with them, not specifically whether you work or not. The problem is that when mothers work they are usually very tired when they come home, and then they are stuck making dinner, doing dishes and laundry and checking homework so they don't end up spending time with their kids. They may be in the same room or house, but they don't actually pay real attention to them. Grow up.

144 Anonymous said... 144

Well I am certainly sorry that a Mommy War started over my post about my POS husband. Trust me ladies, he is not worth fighting with each other about any subject for. I have found my bulldog attorney. He can go find someone else to cheat on. It will be tough but I'll make it, I'm stronger than he thinks and stronger than even I gave myself credit for. That is what infidelity does, it destroys your self-esteem. I'm also in no hurry, we can drag this thing out for as long as it takes. He's going to feel it this time.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Good for you, 144! Hope all works out for you! Sending you my best!

146 Anonymous said... 146

lima is loose on the blog!!!

147 Anonymous said... 147

Nah, it's myshelly

148 Anonymous said... 148

I was just reading a marathon related thread from a few days back (someone was trying to get up the nerve to sign up for a half) and noticed that 26.2 Pea seems to have left the Pod. A few folks got really irritated with her running advice, and now all of her posts are missing from what I can tell.

149 Anonymous said... 149

ah fuck you jane

150 Anonymous said... 150

26.2 always deletes her posts. Rest assured she has not completely left the BUCKET.

She'll be back pretending she has been off having the time of her life...running LOL

151 Anonymous said... 151

Wait, 148. You mean peas got irritated and told her that-over there?

152 Anonymous said... 152

26.2/crafterbeth is a serial deleter. She's also an obnoxious twunt.
It's good to see that some of the peas finally called her out, but, unfortunately, she'll be back. Where else but the pod could she claim to be a superior runner?

153 Anonymous said... 153

Crafterbeth was a bit annoying. I felt sorry for her. It's obvious she needs some attention and recognition and the only place she can find it is from a bunch of strangers on the internet.

154 Anonymous said... 154

What thread did she get called out on?? I missed it...

155 Anonymous said... 155

Can't believe none of you bitches have posted this little gem yet:

Ever since Toni left her husband and married this dude like 3 minutes later she has been a bit whack but this is just over the fucking top.

Yeah, my husband investigates sex crimes and is an expert at removing IUDs....fucking CREEPY. Way to overshare there, Toni.

156 Anonymous said... 156

She's definitely a strange one.

157 Anonymous said... 157

What was the deal with Toni and her divorce and lightning quick new marriage? Did she have an affair with the new DH?

158 Anonymous said... 158

"Fwiw...I have fallen in love with Cupcake wines of late. A little pricier than what I usually drink, but very much worth it. Especially the Red Velvet variety. (And by pricier I mean $10 vs $5 )"

This made me laugh! No wonder she's so crazy, she drinks $5 wine! The only wine I know that's $5 is from the gas station.

159 Anonymous said... 159

I don't know the details, but I know she lost her older kids over the situation. I always astounded at the women that choose the new man over her kids. Why rush things?? If it really is true love, it will work while you focus on your kids.

160 Anonymous said... 160

Yeah, she's fairly barking. Must be all the MD20/20

161 Anonymous said... 161

She walked out on her kids?! Holy shit

162 Anonymous said... 162

Her older ones chose to live with the dad and not have anything to do with her. Makes you wonder what was going on.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Yikes. I don't think I would choose a man over my kids:/

164 Anonymous said... 164

Lots of women choose a man over their kids. It's disgusting.

165 Anonymous said... 165

I agree 164. And I'm not saying single moms don't deserve a second chance at love, but why do so many moms put their love life ahead of their children's happiness??

166 Anonymous said... 166

The same reason lots of dads do. Because they're selfish. It isn't a new concept, either. My birth grandmother abandoned her second son and let her oldest go to an orphanage because her common-law husband (a wifebeating pedophile) didn't want him around. I wish I were kidding. The scary part is that the kids who were discarded were better off.

167 Anonymous said... 167

Here's the running thread that Beth deleted her posts on. Some peas quoted her and those are still there.

168 Anonymous said... 168

I just can't get over destroying 2 families over a piece of ass. SMH

169 Anonymous said... 169

Well, if you were in your teens and all of a sudden your mom had a raging affair and then left your dad for the new man and got married 10 seconds later and tried to turn you all into this happy, shiny new would probably tell her to fuck off and go live with your father too.

I am pretty sure the new dude was married and he left his wife too. I wish the well, but once a cheater, always a cheater.

170 Anonymous said... 170

It always amazes me when somebody is the other person (man or woman), then is surprised when s/he is cheated on by the same cheater. Duh.

171 Anonymous said... 171

I really want someone to ask toni if her "hero" is the one that caused her older kids to move out and basically tore her family apart. I want to know if he is that good in bed that he is worth all that.

172 Anonymous said... 172

She didnt go for him because he was good in bed but because he can pull stuff out of hoo has without batting an eye

173 Anonymous said... 173

She's just gross-in so many ways.

174 Anonymous said... 174

Well, if you were in your teens and all of a sudden your mom had a raging affair and then left your dad for the new man and got married 10 seconds later and tried to turn you all into this happy, shiny new would probably tell her to fuck off and go live with your father too.
??Who said they wouldn't?

175 Anonymous said... 175

The hypocrisy of the eas is puzzling. One f their DHs cheats, and he's been lured away by a tramp. A married pea has an affair with a married man, and everyone is supposed to look the other way and act like it didn't happen.

Kind of like with kric's thief of a DH or Trex's short sale and n and on. SMH

176 Anonymous said... 176

did you see angelkrissc dh is now a 'cellar master' for a winery??? wonder how much hot wine is in their basement.

177 Anonymous said... 177

175 Anonymous said... 175
The hypocrisy of the eas is puzzling. One f their DHs cheats, and he's been lured away by a tramp. A married pea has an affair with a married man, and everyone is supposed to look the other way and act like it didn't happen.

Kind of like with kric's thief of a DH or Trex's short sale and n and on. SMH
November 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM


I can't believe the peas are giving her pass on her thread, if a lesser known pea had posted it, it would be nothing but ewww and gross and nasty.

Instead their all like, it's no big deal! He's been down there before!

178 Anonymous said... 178

I can't believe the peas are giving her pass on her thread, if a lesser known pea had posted it, it would be nothing but ewww and gross and nasty.

Instead their all like, it's no big deal! He's been down there before!
November 13, 2013 at 6:51 PM


In a way it is no big deal, most dh's do go down there and play. But to post what she did is just her white trash showing.

179 Anonymous said... 179

In a way it is no big deal, most dh's do go down there and play. But to post what she did is just her white trash showing.
November 13, 2013 at 7:41 PM

You know who's dh I wouldn't want down there? galew's she posted a picture of his hands one time. He's got some nasty eczema thing going on.

180 Anonymous said... 180

Kric's thief of a DH?

181 Anonymous said... 181

Yep, the thief now makes wine.

182 Anonymous said... 182

It doesn't gross me out that her "hero" went down there and pulled it out. It grosses me out that she was willing to share it with perfect strangers. There are some things that just aren't meant to be shared.

183 Anonymous said... 183

She's just that desperate for attention. I would never post something like that. And my husband would not be happy with me chatting about it on the internet with a bunch of strangers.

184 Anonymous said... 184

LOL OCLittleFlower is "allergic" to pot. Her husband had to get rid of a computer he bought on Craigslist because the owner obviously smoke pot and it made her deathly ill. LOL That's a new one! Geez, where do these people come from?

185 Anonymous said... 185

Wait now Kelpea says her son is on the NJHS, honor roll and plays on 2 football teams. WTH? When did all of this happen when just a few months ago he was a hot mess in a mental institution or so she said.

186 Anonymous said... 186

Think it was more like two years ago 185 and I'm sure the kid is medicated way the hell up.

187 Anonymous said... 187

I live for the applause applause applause...

PeaNut 526,154
October 2011
Posts: 7,061
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Loc: Illinois

Posted: 11/13/2013 10:42:27 AM
God I love cologne. Not so strong my eyes water, but a good cologne on a cute guy who is smiling at me? *heart flutters*
LOL!!! She cracks me up. She really thinks she's hot shit. NO ONE is smiling at you Mariah, unless they are laughing at the hair on your upper lip. She is the most conceited pea at the bucket which is hilarious.

She looks exactly like Roseanne in the beginning of that She-Devil movie!

188 Anonymous said... 188

I think Mariah forgets we have all seen many pictures of her. She is a hairy fat beast. I will never forget the first pic she ever posted years ago of her fat Flintstone legs posing in a pair of high heel shoes with varicose veins and black stubble all over. Yuck! That was around the same time she posted that photo of her disgusting dirty kitchen and stovetop. It was so nasty.

Ok, I'm laughing at myself for remembering that because it was so long ago. Peas call out people for having spreadsheets but some things just make a BAD impression on you and you remember it. LOL.

189 Anonymous said... 189

I actually like Mariah/Benem. She seems very confident and happy. Losing weight has been good for her. She is far from a "fat, hairy beast". How fucking insecure are YOU that has to beat down other women just to make yourself feel good.
Let me play your game--- You are a CUNT.
And no, I'm not Mariah before someone throws that out there.

190 Anonymous said... 190

189-Benem is a fucking bitch...plain and simple. The icing on the cake is that she is a hambeast with delusions of grandeur. I don't have to beat down other women. Benem is a twat with a dirty kitchen.

Let me play YOUR game...go lick Benem's cunt. I bet she sports a bush scarier than any 70's porn flick you probably watch while you flick your bean. I bet you flick the bean to the pictures of Benem's slum kitchen and her hairy tree trunk legs in those Payless pumps she was sportin'.

I don't give a fuck how ugly Benem is cause her personality makes her even uglier.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Here we go again. I find it hilarious that some of these women claim to be so perfect about putting their carts back & go crazy about people who don't, yet are so nonchalant about other important issues.

192 Anonymous said... 192

190 LOL. I think Mariah's overconfidence gets on my nerves because she's such a bitch about everything. If she's as truly confident as she lets on, then ok, good for her because the woman has nothing to be confident about. She keeps claiming she lost weight but I can't really tell. She looks the same to me. She may have lost 5 pounds. It's not just the weight. It's her whole look. She looks dirty all the time and looks like she smells like smoke and asparagus.

I can just imagine her going up to some handsome man at the library and fluttering her eyes and smiling at him with a piece of bread stuck in her teeth and black eyeliner goop in the corners of her eyes.

When she was making fun of overweight soccer moms with bob haircuts, I had to laugh. She looks worse than any overweight soccer mom I've ever seen.

193 Anonymous said... 193

I don't give a fuck how ugly Benem is cause her personality makes her even uglier
This is basically the bottom line. Her arrogance is comical and annoying.

194 Anonymous said... 194

190.. that's the best you got?

195 Anonymous said... 195

Yeah, confidence in women is such a deplorable trait. You need to knock that bitch down a notch.

196 Anonymous said... 196

I agree with whoever said Benem looks dirty. She also needs a full body wax.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Confidence is great in a woman but do you really believe the stories Mariah tells? Do you really think handsome men (or any man) are smiling at her and flirting with her and all the other crap she has been constantly spewing since she supposedly lost 5 pounds?

The woman loses 5 pounds and now she's putting down how other women look and gushing over all the men who want her. She is delusional.

198 Anonymous said... 198

I think it's so funny how ALL of the peas put their shopping carts back. Of all the issues that are discussed at the bucket, this is the one issue they just will not admit that they don't do. Nope, none of them are lazy or leave their carts. They all take their carts back and even take other people's carts back for them. LOL.

199 Anonymous said... 199

198--I have never understood why so many peas are willing to die on that issue. They are almost manic about people putting back shopping carts and give no one a break for any reason if they don't. They are nasty and rude to anyone who doesn't always put the cart back. A few of the "I ALWAYS put my cart back & you are going to hell if you don't" are the same peas who are bitches and mean as hell all of the time. It's such a dumbass thing to get all riled up about.

200 Anonymous said... 200

I knew someone who thought every man wanted to bang her. Well, I'm sure she still thinks that. Look up Histrionic Personality Disorder, you might be amazed at how similar some traits are.

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