This blog or the new one could be funny again. It's the blog bitches that fight amongst themselves that gets old. Watching people always trying to one up the other poster with the wittiest, most condescending retort is not "fun".
I think if we could all get back to a kinda " us " (the blog bitches) VS "them" (peas, posting things that we can make fun of) kind of posting, we could have fun again!
I think it's one maybe two blog bitches that are over the top hostile and argumentative, if anything kills the blog it will be them. Of course no space doesn't help either.
This blog or the new one could be funny again. It's the blog bitches that fight amongst themselves that gets old. Watching people always trying to one up the other poster with the wittiest, most condescending retort is not "fun".
I think if we could all get back to a kinda " us " (the blog bitches) VS "them" (peas, posting things that we can make fun of) kind of posting, we could have fun again! April 18, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Awww, you guys better step up your game, someone on the internet is not having fun.
Dawn has ruined the blog - she's not going to ever be witty or fun.
People are going to argue when there are different opinions whether it's on the blog or not - big deal if anonymous doesn't like what someone else is saying... move along and quit fighting.
"I think if we could all get back to a kinda " us " (the blog bitches) VS "them" (peas, posting things that we can make fun of) kind of posting, we could have fun again!"
I agree! Let me find a post to mock. It won't take long.
The Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies reportedly awarded contracts to a license plate-tracking company to provide access to license-plate recognition databases or technology used to collect plate information.
Bloomberg News reported that the IRS and other government agencies awarded about $415,000 in contracts to Livermore, Calif.-based Vigilant Solutions before the Department of Homeland Security dropped a plan for similar work after privacy concerns were raised.
In June 2012, the IRS awarded Vigilant a $1,188 contract for "access to nationwide data," according to federal procurement records compiled by the news agency. The contract ended in May 2013, according to the records.
"The IRS uses a variety of investigative tools similar to other law-enforcement agencies to assist with criminal cases," Eric Smith, an agency spokesman, told Bloomberg, declining to say how the IRS used the records in its investigations.
Freebird always talks a tough game, but her SS's boss supposedly assaults him physically, and they don't want to report it/press charges? Can't see a reason to weenie out of that one, especially since he's quitting anyway. So much keyboard courage out of her, and then this. Strange.
Meh on the freeturd thing. Once I read her story about how she freaked out and couldn't shoot the supposedly VICIOUS dog, I realized all her tough talk about guns, etc. was just that---cheap talk. She's a blowhard.
Seaweed to the OKC bombing thread in 5....4....3....2....1....
She always has to have some sort of personal connection to every tragedy...every city in the nation blah blah blah. I don't think she gets enough attention at home because she's always looking for it at the pod. I truly pity her family.
Good can 2 people have so many medical issues. It's insane. Also, if he has epilepsy, and seizures of any kind, why does he still have a license? What happens when he seizes while driving? I'm also having a hard time believing that he works 70-80 hours a week, after all the time off for appt's and migraines, etc....
Carla - you don't know the lay of the lot, or frankly what you're talking about. Houses and pools are positioned on the lot where the land perks, are dependent upon septic line placement, community ordinances, etc. If you were trying to help, that would be great, but to argue about something you know nothing about is not helpful. We did everything 100% correctly and where the town inspector and health dept. told us to put everything. Again, just looking for creative ideas -- not to be attacked! +++++++++++++++++ heh
Has Volt showed up to share her expertise on that thread yet 25? She is such a friggen know-it-all. She must post during work hours since she spews her wisdom on pretty much every post!
Why does M post on a scrapbooking website asking about her epeleptic migraine husband, FFS if I was him I would be faking a migraine just to get her to shut her freaking pie hole! No two people can be that sick and him work that hours she is full of it. PS, I don't miss Typhus but I do miss something to laugh at
I rarely do. It's just not worth it. I've tried to answer a few posts, only to have the right-fighters come along and start raging on and on.
And I do agree that there are "popular peas" that the lemmings will follow off a cliff. There was a thread sometime ago where someone asked a question that really only had one correct response (they could have googled the damn thing and not even posted it was so obvious.)
Then low and behold a hierarchy pea stated the opposite and WHAM. A gazillion of her wannabes chimed in and all hell broke loose. It was nuts.
I find myself typing a response and deleting before I post it. I've even deleted after posting when threads get ugly. It is definitely not the same board. There is so much anger and hatred around there. I think it's an odd place now. How can someone expend so much time and energy arguing with a nameless, faceless person. It's weird.
I know, I know - I should STFU and leave. I pretty much have. This is just a rambling observation.
M(ental)'s whole pea-story is bullshit. It's all made up. April 20, 2014 at 6:06 PM ---------------------- I concur.
Desperate for attention is only the tip of the iceberg with her.
And y'all are right-no way two people could be that sick and diseased and still be functioning and self-sufficient.
They must be a couple of loons IRL. I feel for him b/c he lives with M, and I feel for his coworkers b/c they must listen to an awful lot of whining from him.
M is also an expert at preparing AND grinding her own meat, according to the grocery thread. April 21, 2014 at 8:58 AM
It's fascinating that someone with so many health issues (including stuff like arthritis, and/or other inflammatory and immune issues and god knows what else) has the strength to cut and grind meat like a pro @@
Years and years ago I had the audacity to disagree with BF's daughter AN. I'm a pretty mild Pea. It was just a "oh, that's not been my experience, blah, blah." We went back and forth on the thread a little, discussing our points of view. It was all very tame. I said NOTHING nasty or bitchy. No name calling, swearing, etc. Neither did AN. But all of sudden - BF got on the thread and holy crap did shit hit the fan.
BF called out the troops and they absolutely crucified me. I even got some really vile p-mails. It was so disgusted I left the board and had them delete my account.
After being gone for a couple of years, I can back with a new name and now some of the Peas that cussed at me and called me names now interact with me and they don't even know it. That includes AN and BF. Haha Dumb asses.
I always laugh when someone says "there are no top tier peas"! "We're all equal!" Baloney.
People drive with active seizures all the time. As long as they don't get caught they think it's fine. M has stated many times he is the only one available to drive to the many appointments. I would imagine he is breaking their state laws.
Only in the "top tier" pea mind are they top tier. In real life, they're a bunch of pathetic nobodies trying to lord it over other nobodies. It's comical.
Oh, I hear ya, 35! I-and some others- disagreed with something BF said one time, and AN came onto that thread guns blazing, and accusing people of piling on her precious mommy.
And I will never forget that AN is the bitch that led the wolfpack accusing some dead pea's son of faking her death.
BF and her spawn are a couple of nasty bitches. And AN is such a fucking knowitall.
Only in the "top tier" pea mind are they top tier. In real life, they're a bunch of pathetic nobodies trying to lord it over other nobodies. It's comical.
Exactly. Only in pea-world are a bunch of lazy, bitchy SAHMs/SAHWs the bearers of all knowledge and wisdom.
Not too long ago someone posted here and said they were a well known pea with an alter and they were going to come out at the bucket. Which one of you blog bitches was that and what are you waiting for? ;)
Isn't this the pea that asked how much underwear to pack??? April 21, 2014 at 12:39 PM
That's her. If breathing weren't an autonomic function, the stupid twat would have to ask how to do that multiple times per day. She is an utter dimwit--if she doesn't give extraordinary blowjobs, her husband is a damned fool.
FFS. Her name is Melissa. MELISSA. That's not a horrible or trendy name. It's a regular name. She just isn't happy unless she has something to complain about.
She makes it seem like her name is a state secret. She used to have it in her signature under her old user name.
I'm with you, 48. She's hands-down the most miserable person ever. Always complaining. Always seeking out or manufacturing drama. Always looking for a new job.
No wonder she can't land a teaching position. She's a serial job-hopper. I'd be pissed off if my kids' school hired an ass like that. She'd jump ship just as soon as she decided a "better" opportunity came along.
Give her perfection and she would still bitch, moan, whine, complain, and argue endlessly. She's a fucking waste of oxygen.
For starters, I really don't like my name. Never, ever did. It's 4 syllables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From sammel/oldpea's name thread.
Is she so fucking stupid that she can't count syllables? Melissa is 3 syllables.
Fuck me running-please tell me no district will hire her. Especially for an EC or reading position, as she claims these are her specialties. Jesus.
47 Anonymous said... 47 Isn't this the pea that asked how much underwear to pack??? April 21, 2014 at 12:39 PM
That's her. If breathing weren't an autonomic function, the stupid twat would have to ask how to do that multiple times per day. She is an utter dimwit--if she doesn't give extraordinary blowjobs, her husband is a damned fool. April 21, 2014 at 3:48 PM
You know what's weird, AN and I were never friends nor enemies. I posted about a movie I saw on TV and it was a scary movie (I know I am a wuss). I said I liked it but it terrified me. AN came on and said she, too, really liked the movie for the same reasons I did. I couldn't believe it. A top tier pea agreeing with me. Then I stopped posting. I just didn't care enough.
54 - You make it sound as if AN was a member of the Supreme Court. She's just some no-name schmo. Why would you be so thrilled that she agreed with you? You can get a homeless person to do the same thing.
Are you saying you should decline better opportunities? April 21, 2014 at 7:26 PM
Not at all. The problem with sammel is that she's never happy-with anything. But constantly seeking a new job seems to be one of her biggest obsessions. She posts constantly about job woes and job interviews. She's constantly jumping ship. You'd think after all that, she'd have found a job that she could stick with. A teacher who's constantly moving around is not a good thing. Districts don't like that-because it's not good for kids and parents don't like it.
57 - Why shouldn't something you post be as valid as something she, or anyone else posts? The only reason anyone thinks there is a tier is because people buy into that bullshit. AN is no more important than you or anyone else. If you treat someone like royalty, they'll act like it, just like if you treat someone like shit they'll act like it. There's no reason AN or any pea should be treated like royalty. By and large, the majority of peas probably don't have college degrees, don't have jobs or careers, and don't have a lot of power in life. They go on message boards and try to throw their weight around. Real big shots don't go on message boards and try to throw their weight around. By reinforcing the idea that they are "top tier" people feed into the the crazy fallacy that the peas are somehow powerful and important. They aren't. The king has no clothes.
Really? Beth? Because on April Fool's Day Jane said new space was up, unless someone else did that. Would Beth take time away from her suffering to play an April Fool's joke?
Cunty-schmunty. Perfectly appropriate considering Beth Anne is a Professional Sufferer and a card carrying member of the Victims and Martyrs Club. Those VAMs are busy people. There are millions of people who aren't yet aware of how much they suffer - they need to get the word out. They don't have time to lay around and play practical jokes. There are snarky bitchy remarks to make, anonymous websites to visit, proclamations of the level of their suffering and imminent demise they must make.
It's not an easy road, especially considering how humble they are. After all, they are the first to have ever experienced suffering of any kind in the human race, so give them a break for god's sake. You didn't think only the nice, fuzzy warm people who love Jesus got cancer, did you? How fair would that be? Cancer is an equal opportunity employer and even snarky bitches are allowed to the chance to be Professional Sufferers. It's only fair.
Some dipshit pea posted that she covered her day planner with duct tape and she posted pics. Is this 5th grade? It looks like something a ten year old would be psyched to show.
Is that for the Narcissists Cancer Club? Where can I make my donation? I was going to give $100 to an animal shelter, but screw it - this is far more worthy. After all, when one has STAGE THREE CANCER and COULD DIE AT ANY MINUTE, the first priority definitely should be to get one's hair and nails done, spend the day at a spa, go shopping for a new handbag. True, you could always spend that time reflecting on your life, make amends for any wrongs, spend time with loved ones, but that stuff is B O R I N G, not to mention depressing.
I think the new goal should be a million dollars. That way people can get new homes and cars to enjoy in their last days, especially if they have STAGE TWELVE CANCER, and COULD DIE AT ANY MOMENT. I'm not sure why the goal was set so low? Kind of an insult, if you ask me, considering the tremendous amount of suffering that is going on. Animals can wait, it's not like they're fabulous humans or anything. Who cares if they feel pain? They're just animals. Now, where's that website address? I've got my debit card ready.
Oh fuck off 76. BethAnne is a nasty snarky bitch who happens to have cancer. Cancer is not her problem, her character is her problem. Her personality is what is ill, the cancer is secondary. Life is trying to give her a lesson and she's not getting the message. Go kiss her ass, maybe you'll be lucky enough to get cancer too and then you can play Victim just like she does. You are the company you keep.
You are a revolting piece of shit, Theresa. Beth is probably too sick right now to follow the blog, and I'm glad she doesn't have to read your hysterical rankings. You would have made a very successful Nazi in another life. Cruelty for cruelty's sake.
Beth is not too sick to have been on an anonymous scrapbook site, for Christ's sake, when by her own admission she COULD DIE AT ANY MINUTE. What was she doing on that site being a bitch if she knew her time was limited? Stop trying to stick up for her. You're a big a jackass as she is. She and only she is responsible for her behavior. Most people, if they know they have a limited time left on earth, do NOT spend it making snarky remarks on an stupid scrapbook site. Stop trying to make her into a fucking saint just because she has cancer. That does not excuse her behavior. If anything it should be a wake up call for her to do some real soul-searching, not sit her ass on an anonymous website shooting off her little barbs. I am not cruel, I observe and make statements of fact. I don't know Beth from a hole in the wall and my impression of her BEFORE I KNEW SHE HAD CANCER was that she was and is a snarky bitch. Just like Lucy (probably you), and several others. That 2Peas NSBR site is a conglamoration of NASTY NASTY bitches. Maybe not all, but certainly there is a big group of big-mouthed bullies. Beth Anne is one, so are you. So again, go fuck yourself. I know a bully when I see one and I don't tolerate them.
I rest my case. NEVER in my life have I ever come across more nasty, mean, vile scum (who call themselves women) than in the scrapbooking world, mostly 2 Peas and here (but of course, you are from 2Peas). I have worked with thousands, probably tens of thousands of people in all kinds of settings - academic, professional, business - and I have NEVER seen such low-level bullies as the lot of people like yourselves. I know it's because you have nothing to redeem you - you are stupid, uneducated, jobless, lowlifes and like all animals, you think brute force is the answer. You don't even have the guts to do it in person - you people hide behind your anonymous 2Peas names. PATHETIC. I have never hidden myself, I have no reason to. True power comes from acting in accordance with ideals such as honesty, compassion, integrity - things you thugs will never know. Go ahead with your bully tactics. The only place you could ever get away with it is on an anonymous site - god knows most humans in real life avoid you, no one pays any attention to anything you say and why should they, and you'll never get any attention elsewhere. Losers with a capital L.
wow, this blog has stepped into new territory. I feel dirty just reading the "rants" above, I really can not believe that someone would actually type that. With this, I am out. To whomever typed that, please please please get help.
Your next target is clear, Theresa. Are you gonna email Beth's boss? Wait, she probably doesn't work with all that cumbersome chemo and radiation. I know! Contact her oncologist! That'll shake her up. She's just begging to be revealed don't you think -- just like MrsT? Ya nut.
86 - Right, and if I died instantly I would have no problem standing behind my behavior or what i've ever written. The COWARDS (like Lucy, lynlam, lauren, enough, etc.) of 2Peas would and will quake and quiver with terror and shit their pants when what they say and do is held in front of their faces.
It could be Beth. I don't recall a lot of posts by her on 2Peas in the last few months. I do believe she is ill and having a rough time of it. But I agree, she was very snarky/bitchy long before her illness.
I did see that post for donations and I thought the goal was $2000. Now the goal is for more?!? E-gads that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's hard to feel a lot of sympathy when people turn down right greedy.
There is still a handful of fairly decent Peas that just like to interact, ask questions, have fun and actually know how to disagree in a fairly intelligent manner. Sadly, that number is few and greatly out-weighed by the nasty/bitchy vile spouting psychopaths. (And to think I used to wonder why so many P's were divorced.)
And have you noticed the decrease in the religious right-fighting threads since the departure of Mrs. T.? Amazing. Now if Skybar and Lynlam and Lauren would just drop off the face of the earth....... Ah, well. Wishful thinking on my part.
Why the fuck do you have such a hard on for handbags Shepardsass? WTF did Fendi, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Marc Jacobs, and Prada do to you that gets you so twisted up? Go refill your perscription and then bring your boss some coffee and maybe he'll give you a raise so you can afford a knockoff from China. You're a fuckhead with a capital F.
Theresa is just butthurt because some sucker started a "go fund me" site for her drama whoring welfare sucking bastard birthing daughter so she could get her mullet cut and her back and coochie waxed and the site only raised $3.00 and Happy Cunt Saloon and Spa charges $6.00 for "the works" So sad because nowx her long suffering spawn will have to pluck her own Pusey.
I own 6 LV bags and one Coach. I don't post about it, I mean why would I? It's my money, DH and I make good livings so who cares?
In other news, did you see that Two Peas is having a mega sale? Does that make anyone else start to wonder how bad things are there? They even have Technique Tuesday stamps on sale at 75% off. That is unheard of. It makes me wonder.
Buy it all up and start your own website and you can have your own forums where you talk to your narcissistic self all day and night, Mrs. Money Bags (not).
I am going to somewhat disagree with some Ps. I know some won't like what I have to say. Some will understand. I think it takes 2 people to have a good marriage, and 2 people to have it fall apart. None of us is perfect. Men make mistakes, Women make mistakes. Yes, in the marriages where the man cheated over and over, etc. That is just wrong. But I am sure she tried in the beginning to make it better, and did take some responsibility. My dh emotional cheated on me. It was devastating. It changed our marriage. It did make me look at the things I did. I am very critical sometimes. I have to be at my job, it sometimes carries over to home. There are other things. No, he did not know that when he married me. We all change. We grow, and sometimes one person grows more then the other. You can make it work, and yes it takes two working hard to do it. You can PM me if you want. I'm not on here much anymore due to some nasty Peas, that I hope don't come on this thread, but rather give you good advice.
LOL Seriously? She takes off one week from posting (peeked at her history after reading this) and claims:
I feel sorry for her. She used to post shit he was doing. He's always been horrible to her. :(
Wish she had a backbone. April 23, 2014 at 4:54 PM
If she's going to keep him around it's hard to feel sorry for her. But it seems like a lot of women will ignore giant problems in their marriage just to keep a man or be a sahm.
"It's my money, DH and I make good livings...." ------------------------------------------------- No-o-o-o. Your DH may or may not make a good living. One has to take 3/4 of your claims with a block of salt. You contribute ZERO. As far as I can tell, all you do is sit at home on your ass banging out tripe about an exaggerated (pretty much imaginary) "career" and academic "achievements"---loving the partial doctorate from a local yokel satellite college. You're as big a counterfeit as one of your flea market "designer" bags.
103 - Ha, what a dumbass. You're a fool. I didn't write whatever that was about purses or income. As a matter of fact, I don't have a pile of stupid handbags because I don't waste money on stupid shit. Furthermore, you don't have the first clue what I do. Finally, it's spring - time for a new haircut, clothes and especially for you - new material. You aren't funny, you're boring. Your tired old shit goes nowhere. On top of that, you're so fucking stupid, you don't even realize that I don't author every single response on this site, yet you think respond as if I do. Idiot.
" don't even realize that I don't author every single response on this site...." ----------------------------------- Golly gee wheez!!! It was an honest mistake. It was so excessively arrogant & contemptuous I automatically assumed, of course, that it was you. It just screamed "Theresa".
An honest mistake is accidentally hitting someone with your shopping cart. There is nothing honest about you. You are so eager to prove how superior you are by attempting to dismiss what I do, my "imaginary" achievements and education that you jump on anything that moves. I guarantee, you could not graduate from that "satellite" school as you call it in a BILLION TRILLION years. You probably wouldn't even be able to get in the door. You disparage things you know nothing about. I'm contemptuous of ignorant, stupid bullies like yourself.
107 - Hardly. Isn't is obvious? I love myself far to much to loathe. What's not to love? It's pretty safe to say that what I loathe is you, and people like you. Can't have it both ways - either I'm excessively arrogant or I'm self-loathing. Which is it, Sigismund?
Oh, Theresa. So much energy devoted to convincing the rest of us how superior you are. I'll put my Ivy League education up against your state school anytime. It's kind of sad that you've been reduced to spending your twilight years screaming like a virago at startled strangers on the Internet.
109 - The only ivy thing you have ever had in your life was poison. Put your thesaurus down, I could (and do) outwrite you every second of your life. Some people are just given more gifts in life, like me. Others, like you, pretty much got screwed. So I spend my life giving people like you a boost. Those are the responsibilities of receiving great gifts - having to deal with the chaff like yourself. Don't try to compete with me, in every category you will LOSE. But of course, you're used to that.
111 - Okay, Ms. ANONYMOUS IVY LEAGUE, BILLIONAIRE, BEAUTY QUEEN. Whatever you say, Ms. ANONYMOUS. My credentials check out, Ms. HARVARD/YALE/PRINCETON TOP TIER FASHION MODEL TRILLIONAIRE. Is there anything I'm leaving out of your resume, Ms. TOP OF HER HARVARD CLASS?!?!?!? You know, I can find out. I have a cousin in HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA who actually did go to HARVARD. My daughter's father-in-law graduated from HARVARD. What's your name and class year? I'll ask them about you, maybe you guys can get together for a little shindig, MS. IVY-LEAGUE.
114 - The bumfuck backwoods southern "university" Mrs. T went to is not Ivy League and despite her penchant for lying about brothers she doesn't own, even she wouldn't claim it was so, troll-baiting baiter, so dry up.
Oh, dear. You seem to be a little excited, Theresa. Flying spittle and all. You don't like the idea of someone who is better educated than you? Or you just don't care to be crossed, ever?
114 - The bumfuck backwoods southern "university" Mrs. T went to is not Ivy League and despite her penchant for lying about brothers she doesn't own, even she wouldn't claim it was so, troll-baiting baiter, so dry up. April 24, 2014 at 1:51 PM
117 - Oh yes, really. That Oral Roberts wannabe institution of higher learning that was graced by the presence of Mrs T is no match for the rinky dink, no name, satellite state school I went to. I believe the results speak for themselves. Mrs T is a well-known Educator, opening the eyes of the multitudes to the Suffering and Sacrifice of our Fallen Soldiers, her nonbrothers included; informing the masses of their Constitutional Rights; shining the Light of Truth, Love, and Virtue directly given her by Jesus onto the unworthy heads of us sinners. Obviously, I can't match that. What the hell do I do anyway? Just read, write, observe, listen, and speak. True, I am asked to do these things, but certainly not by Jesus. Old Oral knew what he was doing when he gathered Virtuous Mrs T to his bosom. Really.
117 - Oh yes, really. That Oral Roberts wannabe institution of higher learning that was graced by the presence of Mrs T is no match for the rinky dink, no name, satellite state school I went to. I believe the results speak for themselves. Mrs T is a well-known Educator, opening the eyes of the multitudes to the Suffering and Sacrifice of our Fallen Soldiers, her nonbrothers included; informing the masses of their Constitutional Rights; shining the Light of Truth, Love, and Virtue directly given her by Jesus onto the unworthy heads of us sinners. Obviously, I can't match that. What the hell do I do anyway? Just read, write, observe, listen, and speak. True, I am asked to do these things, but certainly not by Jesus. Old Oral knew what he was doing when he gathered Virtuous Mrs T to his bosom. Really. April 24, 2014 at 3:30 PM
121 - Oh please. As if you had the power to shut anyone up. You can't even control yourself. My credentials are easily available to anyone who searches. If you're so eager to know everything, do your own damn homework. I don't bring my credentials up here, other people do. I couldn't give a good goddamn what any of you believe. I don't hold the opinions of bully thugs in high regard.
The sad thing for Theresa is that even the big ol' loser bullies at 2peas and this blog can't stand her. You've been rejected by the dregs, Theresa.
And if you were as wonderful as you claim, you wouldn't be here (and at other scrap smack blogs) wasting your time defending your sullied honor. You'd be out living the fabulous life you claim to have.
You are such a vile piece of shit that even here you are anathema. Sucks to be you!
121 - Oh please. As if you had the power to shut anyone up. You can't even control yourself. My credentials are easily available to anyone who searches. If you're so eager to know everything, do your own damn homework. I don't bring my credentials up here, other people do. I couldn't give a good goddamn what any of you believe. I don't hold the opinions of bully thugs in high regard. April 24, 2014 at 4:35 PM
Oh but you DID bring it up. If you hadn't, how would anyone know how great you are? They wouldn't unless you informed them.
(Get over yourself btw)
I don't care to go digging up dirt on people like you do. Either put up or shut up.
126 - What's wrong, pussycat? Bad day? Have you finally realized that you're on the bottom and always will be? Maybe you should stop reading here - it's not doing anything for your complexion. You would give your right arm to have 1/100th of my life, but you never will. Things like you never make it out of the swamp.
Quote from Kelpea on the "Are there still people without insurance" thread:
"I don't know how many don't have it now, but prior to the healthcare reform, there were countless Americans without insurance."
She's a fucking idiot. The point of the question was if people are STILL uninsured, after the "healthcare reform". It's like she can't control herself, she has to respond even when she has nothing intelligent to add.
Quote from Kelpea on the "Are there still people without insurance" thread:
"I don't know how many don't have it now, but prior to the healthcare reform, there were countless Americans without insurance."
She's a fucking idiot. The point of the question was if people are STILL uninsured, after the "healthcare reform". It's like she can't control herself, she has to respond even when she has nothing intelligent to add. April 24, 2014 at 6:39 PM
OMFG krazyscrapper is a dumbass. She never posts on anything but battle threads taunting enough and all the sudden she's posting a fluff post. Is she trolling for friends now?
Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday Russia is not abiding by last week’s Geneva agreement to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine and warned "if Russia continues in this direction, it will be not just a grave mistake, it will be an expensive mistake."
Without specifying any specific future sanctions, he laid the groundwork, saying unless Russia changes course, "the world will make sure costs for Russia will only grow."
One week after Geneva, he said, Russia “has refused to take a single step in the right direction.”
Kerry says he has seen U.S. and Ukrainian intelligence which shows the separatists working in Ukraine are taking direct orders from the Russians. He said Russian officials have not once gone on TV since the Geneva agreements to call for de-escalation, to call on the separatists operating in Ukraine to stand down.
He told reporters at the State Department, it was clear “only one country is keeping its word.”
“Let’s get real,” he said. “The Geneva Agreement is not open to interpretation.”
Kerry's remarks came after Russia announced new military exercises involving ground and air forces near its border with Ukraine, swiftly responding to a Ukrainian operation to drive pro-Russia insurgents out of occupied buildings in the country's tumultuous east.
The Ukrainian move, which killed at least two people, brought new threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who denounced it as a "punitive operation."
"If the Kiev government is using the army against its own people, this is clearly a grave crime," Putin said.
Putin's statement and the announcement of new military maneuvers sharpened anxiety over the prospect of a Russian incursion into Ukraine. Russia's foreign minister warned a day earlier that any attack on Russian citizens or interests in eastern Ukraine would bring a strong response.
My sister ran a dayhome and looked after one of the band members for 8 years. He was at the party and left about 30 minutes before it happened. He lived.
The statement from the father is just a tear-jerker. He suffers from MS, I believe, but also under unbelievable stress making the statement, so I am not sure which was the result but he was soooo emotional and his body shaking and almost confulsing he was shaking so hard. He was thanking the police for doing their job and ...stating unconditional love for a was just heartbreaking.
Just heartbreaking...for everyone.
IS grief whoring. Why make it about her? Why bring her sister up? Classic head case there. (sorry if you don't like that, Dawntard)
Posted: 4/25/2014 1:39:00 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Luvinlifelafy you stooped to an all new level with this gem:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you jealous that your marriage failed and our's didn't? Your DS is probably better off now that he has your ex's GF part of the time instead of you full-time. I feel bad for him being in the middle of your divorce but at least he stands a fighting chance being away from you some. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PEAcefulmind BucketHead
PeaNut 592,332 August 2013 Posts: 537 Layouts: 0
Posted: 4/25/2014 1:43:00 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cindyupnorth got your pmail demanding that I answer you regarding your nasty posts; ironic that you posted what you did trying to call me out here, i will address you later it's getting to be bed time and yes, I know what I speak of. Yes, you have a tendency to make it all about you and if you cannot see how vile dome of your posts are then you are not looking hard enough
Seriously, Yubon, you need to find another hobby rather than stalking me on here. Yes, I post about what DH and I went through on threads where it is applicable. Maybe there's someone out there that can benefit from our experience. Who cares how often I post about it?? Jesus, this is a thread specifically asking about our very situation. Get a life already and stop being such a bitch!
Who opens a thread just to track someone and then bags on them for posting on a relevant thread? Damn, you seriously need to find some action or something else to occupy your time.
Are you jealous that your marriage failed and our's didn't? Your DS is probably better off now that he has your ex's GF part of the time instead of you full-time. I feel bad for him being in the middle of your divorce but at least he stands a fighting chance being away from you some.
"Can't have it both ways - either I'm excessively arrogant or I'm self-loathing. Which is it, Sigismund?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you go...
"The Self Loathing Narcissist: Many think Narcissm is being pretentious, or in love with one self. True Narcisstic Personality Disorder is quite the opposite. The need to lie and be seen as perfect is because truly Narcissists loathe themselves and think of themselves as defective. They don't believe they deserve love and that's why any true intimacy is shown, they are at a complete loss as how to handle it. They lie about themselves, pretend to be things they are not to gain the narcisstic supply they need to feel even keeled but, they never truly feel loved, nor do they know how to love. They are empty shells of a person and anyone involved with them is there to serve a distinct purpose; sex, money, supply and for the Narcissist to control so, that he believes he has some sense of power and he isn't the insignificant person he knows that he is."
149 - I'll go ahead and continue improve the well-being of more people in one hour than you will in eighty years. You can continue to stay up all night desperately searching the internet for anything to support your tiny little thoughts. As if you knew more than I did - what a joke. You lose, again, and you always will. You know why? Because I follow a certain ethical code that you don't have so everything I do goes in the right direction. You fumble aimlessly through life trying to make your little daggers stick, but they have no power, and they never will. And for all you Einsteins out there, Sigismund is Freud's birth name. Lose again.
Because I follow a certain ethical code that you don't have
Is that the same ethical code that led you to search down someone's personal info and call their boss and cry that they said something on the internet that you didn't like? Yeah I'm very thankful I don't have that ethical code.
"And for all you Einsteins out there, Sigismund is Freud's birth name. Lose again. " ----------------------------- Yes, Theresa, I bet a great many people know this WAS his birth name. But, a great many are also aware that HE chose to legally change it to "Sigmund" in the late 1800's. Trying to set up the smackers so you could dazzle them with irrelevant trivia?
149 - I'll go ahead and continue improve the well-being of more people in one hour than you will in eighty years.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You really do think you're smart, don't you? Did your "supposed" teachers in your "elite school" enjoy the head you gave them just for your miserable D-? You will never be anything but the loser you are calling everyone here (and talk about "bullying" hahaha You even fail at that! Have fun sucking at life today at the blog TS.
Good god Theresa. You are seriously mentally ill. You graduated from a satellite of a state school and worked as an ASSISTANT in social services. When will you get it through your thick head that fetching someone coffee does not equal saving the world. Your delusions keep getting bigger and bigger. The reality is your wonderful life as a peon in a sub $200,000 house in Michigan doesn't even make you average on twopeas.
Have a new "ethical" quest for you Theresa aka Limbo. Appears that one of our smackers/peas who recently claimed to have re-entered the work force as a social worker is posting while on the clock, and (drum roll.......), doesn't appear on the 4/25/14 state listing for licensed social workers. I'd give you more information, but with your tracking skills, I'm sure you'll pinpoint the culprit, her place of employment and go in for the kill. Of course, there's the off-chance that the person in question, much like you, has exaggerated or flat out lied. Your mystery to solve if you choose to accept the assignment. Destroy your computer after reading this message. That is all.
The only way to rid ourselves of the scourge that is Theresa Shapardanis is to stop responding to her. For the love of all that's holy, let's all stop feeding the nasty troll. When she quits getting attention, she'll find someplace else where she can get it.
The only way to rid ourselves of the scourge that is Theresa Shapardanis is to stop responding to her. For the love of all that's holy, let's all stop feeding the nasty troll. When she quits getting attention, she'll find someplace else where she can get it. April 25, 2014 at 1:22 PM
It's too easy to ruffle her feathers and watch her cluck around. It's way more fun than ignoring her.
Maybe I shouldn't. I thought the point of this place was to smack the peas, not be bitches to each other. April 25, 2014 at 8:10 PM
Well 161 asked a question while in bitch mode and received a somewhat calm response and went off. So yeah - she was being a bitch to another bitch. Big deal though...
Hop2 acting like her daughter is so enlightened and that she discovered something no one else has thought of ever. And that she has to indoctrinate the boys to her oh so enlightened discovery.
You are really disgusting and pathetic if the only thing you can find to smack about is a couple of innocent high school girls. I am not the mom of either of them, but your comments make me sick. Something is seriously wrong with you.
Oh FFS! M is such a medical whore. A retainer in Kindergarten and knowing the sexual positions of her cot mate?? My kids at that age would simulate the whole Kama Sutra when they were sleeping and anyway how would she know the little child was immitating sex positions? She has gone from just everyday crazy to animal crazy, I'm sure the OP of the cat thread wanted to hear of M's pinched nerve.... totally batshit crazy I tell ye. One day, when I can be bothered I will become a Spreadsheet Pea and document all her illnesses, I will report back in a few years.
190 here, had a few mins and M's recent posting states that she has:- a trapped nerve and cant walk had a retainer in Kindergarten Stroke, that I believe but I think she has fully recovered otherwise how can she type freaking essays about her for every post Daddy Issues Cronic Pancreatitis Back Issues Depression Bladder Disease Endometrisis Uterus turned upside down during surgery UTI on Honeymoon and the nurse thought she was a hypocondriac!!! Her husband is epelectic and had migraines and depression and she also has a good friend who lived in Finland but he was seriously ill, That thread was about living in Scandanavia and she still managed to get some personal health issues in there albeit somewhat vicariously.
I actually feel sorry for her, if she has had even half of what she claims, what a shitty life she must have led. I don't think there are kids so she is probably lonely and maybe The Peas are her only communication.
I don't think I'm built to be a Pea Bitch, I love laughing at the comments here but you guys need to toughen me up.
I'm surprised that seaweed has not yet posted about the tornadoes, having a connection to either one of the victims or the city where deadly weather struck. Because we know what an attention seeking, desperate, and needy cunt she is
"Sorry if I've missed some questions. I'm posting from my phone and need to charge it."
Anyone else catch Yubon's lie? No phone icon. Anyone else that posted from their phone on that thread has the little cell phone icon on the lower right corner. But not Yubon.
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 1690 Newer› Newest»Incoherent sentences aren't bringing back the flock either...
I think you can fill in the missing word. It's not that hard.
^^ rabble rabble rage ^^
You see rage in that statement? Really?
This blog or the new one could be funny again. It's the blog bitches that fight amongst themselves that gets old. Watching people always trying to one up the other poster with the wittiest, most condescending retort is not "fun".
I think if we could all get back to a kinda " us " (the blog bitches) VS "them" (peas, posting things that we can make fun of) kind of posting, we could have fun again!
I think it's one maybe two blog bitches that are over the top hostile and argumentative, if anything kills the blog it will be them. Of course no space doesn't help either.
7 Anonymous said... 7
This blog or the new one could be funny again. It's the blog bitches that fight amongst themselves that gets old. Watching people always trying to one up the other poster with the wittiest, most condescending retort is not "fun".
I think if we could all get back to a kinda " us " (the blog bitches) VS "them" (peas, posting things that we can make fun of) kind of posting, we could have fun again!
April 18, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Awww, you guys better step up your game, someone on the internet is not having fun.
Dawn has ruined the blog - she's not going to ever be witty or fun.
People are going to argue when there are different opinions whether it's on the blog or not - big deal if anonymous doesn't like what someone else is saying... move along and quit fighting.
"I think if we could all get back to a kinda " us " (the blog bitches) VS "them" (peas, posting things that we can make fun of) kind of posting, we could have fun again!"
I agree! Let me find a post to mock. It won't take long.
Can't find a thread that I hate right now. The Peas are super-boring!
Who do you think everyone considers to be a great Pea that can do no wrong?
The Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies reportedly awarded contracts to a license plate-tracking company to provide access to license-plate recognition databases or technology used to collect plate information.
Bloomberg News reported that the IRS and other government agencies awarded about $415,000 in contracts to Livermore, Calif.-based Vigilant Solutions before the Department of Homeland Security dropped a plan for similar work after privacy concerns were raised.
In June 2012, the IRS awarded Vigilant a $1,188 contract for "access to nationwide data," according to federal procurement records compiled by the news agency. The contract ended in May 2013, according to the records.
"The IRS uses a variety of investigative tools similar to other law-enforcement agencies to assist with criminal cases," Eric Smith, an agency spokesman, told Bloomberg, declining to say how the IRS used the records in its investigations.
the Peas love them some Batya for sure. a few more seem to be Lucy, Peabay, BethAnne, Dali Mama, Busybitch...
Freebird always talks a tough game, but her SS's boss supposedly assaults him physically, and they don't want to report it/press charges? Can't see a reason to weenie out of that one, especially since he's quitting anyway. So much keyboard courage out of her, and then this. Strange.
"Who do you think everyone considers to be a great Pea that can do no wrong?"
A better question would be who do YOU think is a great Pea and what makes a great Pea?
Meh on the freeturd thing. Once I read her story about how she freaked out and couldn't shoot the supposedly VICIOUS dog, I realized all her tough talk about guns, etc. was just that---cheap talk. She's a blowhard.
Thar she blows!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, that made me laugh.
I don't know why that would make you laugh. It's not funny.
Seaweed to the OKC bombing thread in 5....4....3....2....1....
She always has to have some sort of personal connection to every tragedy...every city in the nation blah blah blah. I don't think she gets enough attention at home because she's always looking for it at the pod. I truly pity her family.
What a whiny bitch. I think she did a BS and created an alter to defend herself, too.
Good can 2 people have so many medical issues. It's insane. Also, if he has epilepsy, and seizures of any kind, why does he still have a license? What happens when he seizes while driving? I'm also having a hard time believing that he works 70-80 hours a week, after all the time off for appt's and migraines, etc....
Most states have laws that if one has been seizure-free for six months or one year, one can drive.
M(ental)'s whole pea-story is bullshit. It's all made up.
PeaNut 407,791
January 2009
Posts: 1,526
Layouts: 7
Loc: In my jammies, sipping a cup of coffee.
Posted: 4/19/2014 11:04:34 PM
Carla - you don't know the lay of the lot, or frankly what you're talking about. Houses and pools are positioned on the lot where the land perks, are dependent upon septic line placement, community ordinances, etc. If you were trying to help, that would be great, but to argue about something you know nothing about is not helpful. We did everything 100% correctly and where the town inspector and health dept. told us to put everything. Again, just looking for creative ideas -- not to be attacked!
Has Volt showed up to share her expertise on that thread yet 25? She is such a friggen know-it-all. She must post during work hours since she spews her wisdom on pretty much every post!
Why does M post on a scrapbooking website asking about her epeleptic migraine husband, FFS if I was him I would be faking a migraine just to get her to shut her freaking pie hole! No two people can be that sick and him work that hours she is full of it.
PS, I don't miss Typhus but I do miss something to laugh at
Quote from above: "Who do you think everyone considers to be a great Pea that can do no wrong?"
Pick me! Pick me!
Does anyone here even post at 2Peas anymore?
I rarely do. It's just not worth it. I've tried to answer a few posts, only to have the right-fighters come along and start raging on and on.
And I do agree that there are "popular peas" that the lemmings will follow off a cliff. There was a thread sometime ago where someone asked a question that really only had one correct response (they could have googled the damn thing and not even posted it was so obvious.)
Then low and behold a hierarchy pea stated the opposite and WHAM. A gazillion of her wannabes chimed in and all hell broke loose. It was nuts.
I find myself typing a response and deleting before I post it. I've even deleted after posting when threads get ugly. It is definitely not the same board. There is so much anger and hatred around there. I think it's an odd place now. How can someone expend so much time and energy arguing with a nameless, faceless person. It's weird.
I know, I know - I should STFU and leave. I pretty much have. This is just a rambling observation.
M(ental)'s whole pea-story is bullshit. It's all made up.
April 20, 2014 at 6:06 PM
I concur.
Desperate for attention is only the tip of the iceberg with her.
And y'all are right-no way two people could be that sick and diseased and still be functioning and self-sufficient.
They must be a couple of loons IRL. I feel for him b/c he lives with M, and I feel for his coworkers b/c they must listen to an awful lot of whining from him.
M is also an expert at preparing AND grinding her own meat, according to the grocery thread.
right now burning fart is getting called out in one thread, and scrappower in a different thread. Maybe the tide is finally turning.
Do you remember what that thread was about 29??
M is also an expert at preparing AND grinding her own meat, according to the grocery thread.
April 21, 2014 at 8:58 AM
It's fascinating that someone with so many health issues (including stuff like arthritis, and/or other inflammatory and immune issues and god knows what else) has the strength to cut and grind meat like a pro @@
32, unfortunately the tide won't turn far enough. The pea lemmings will be along to defend them. BF probably hasn't sent out the bat signal yet.
"BF probably hasn't sent out the bat signal yet."
Oh My God it's that the truth.
Years and years ago I had the audacity to disagree with BF's daughter AN. I'm a pretty mild Pea. It was just a "oh, that's not been my experience, blah, blah." We went back and forth on the thread a little, discussing our points of view. It was all very tame. I said NOTHING nasty or bitchy. No name calling, swearing, etc. Neither did AN. But all of sudden - BF got on the thread and holy crap did shit hit the fan.
BF called out the troops and they absolutely crucified me. I even got some really vile p-mails. It was so disgusted I left the board and had them delete my account.
After being gone for a couple of years, I can back with a new name and now some of the Peas that cussed at me and called me names now interact with me and they don't even know it. That includes AN and BF. Haha Dumb asses.
I always laugh when someone says "there are no top tier peas"! "We're all equal!" Baloney.
I no longer post on the bukkit. I find the blog a nicer set of posters than the vile lies spouted over there.
People drive with active seizures all the time. As long as they don't get caught they think it's fine. M has stated many times he is the only one available to drive to the many appointments. I would imagine he is breaking their state laws.
AN was called out in this thread and her big ole momma came to the rescue (or tried to).
It's pathetic...
It even has peatlejuice!
Only in the "top tier" pea mind are they top tier. In real life, they're a bunch of pathetic nobodies trying to lord it over other nobodies. It's comical.
and shit like this... she's trash..
Burning Feather
I conceived but I can't see you
PeaNut 158,336
July 2004
Posts: 37,664
Layouts: 3
Loc: Ain't no black widow serial killer going to get between me and my man
Posted: 4/18/2013 3:08:27 PM
If ever I wanted to Peatlejuice someone, it would be her.
C**t Punt indeed. Let's see if this chick can handle the NSBR bitches.
'Cause I'm as free as a bird now
PeaNut 104,551
September 2003
Posts: 11,564
Layouts: 3
Loc: Missouri
Posted: 4/18/2013 3:11:08 PM
Let's peatlejuice her. I think I figured out her name
Isn't this the pea that asked how much underwear to pack???
Oh, I hear ya, 35! I-and some others- disagreed with something BF said one time, and AN came onto that thread guns blazing, and accusing people of piling on her precious mommy.
And I will never forget that AN is the bitch that led the wolfpack accusing some dead pea's son of faking her death.
BF and her spawn are a couple of nasty bitches. And AN is such a fucking knowitall.
Only in the "top tier" pea mind are they top tier. In real life, they're a bunch of pathetic nobodies trying to lord it over other nobodies. It's comical.
Exactly. Only in pea-world are a bunch of lazy, bitchy SAHMs/SAHWs the bearers of all knowledge and wisdom.
No pea hierarchy, my ass.
Not too long ago someone posted here and said they were a well known pea with an alter and they were going to come out at the bucket. Which one of you blog bitches was that and what are you waiting for? ;)
Isn't this the pea that asked how much underwear to pack???
April 21, 2014 at 12:39 PM
That's her. If breathing weren't an autonomic function, the stupid twat would have to ask how to do that multiple times per day. She is an utter dimwit--if she doesn't give extraordinary blowjobs, her husband is a damned fool.
FFS. Her name is Melissa. MELISSA. That's not a horrible or trendy name. It's a regular name. She just isn't happy unless she has something to complain about.
She makes it seem like her name is a state secret. She used to have it in her signature under her old user name.
I'm with you, 48. She's hands-down the most miserable person ever. Always complaining. Always seeking out or manufacturing drama. Always looking for a new job.
No wonder she can't land a teaching position. She's a serial job-hopper. I'd be pissed off if my kids' school hired an ass like that. She'd jump ship just as soon as she decided a "better" opportunity came along.
Give her perfection and she would still bitch, moan, whine, complain, and argue endlessly. She's a fucking waste of oxygen.
For starters, I really don't like my name. Never, ever did. It's 4 syllables
From sammel/oldpea's name thread.
Is she so fucking stupid that she can't count syllables? Melissa is 3 syllables.
Fuck me running-please tell me no district will hire her. Especially for an EC or reading position, as she claims these are her specialties. Jesus.
She'd jump ship just as soon as she decided a "better" opportunity came along.
Are you saying you should decline better opportunities?
47 Anonymous said... 47
Isn't this the pea that asked how much underwear to pack???
April 21, 2014 at 12:39 PM
That's her. If breathing weren't an autonomic function, the stupid twat would have to ask how to do that multiple times per day. She is an utter dimwit--if she doesn't give extraordinary blowjobs, her husband is a damned fool.
April 21, 2014 at 3:48 PM
Or she's his beard.
51 Anonymous said... 51
She'd jump ship just as soon as she decided a "better" opportunity came along.
Are you saying you should decline better opportunities?
April 21, 2014 at 7:26 PM
The problem with her is she's always jumping ship.
You know what's weird, AN and I were never friends nor enemies. I posted about a movie I saw on TV and it was a scary movie (I know I am a wuss). I said I liked it but it terrified me. AN came on and said she, too, really liked the movie for the same reasons I did. I couldn't believe it. A top tier pea agreeing with me. Then I stopped posting. I just didn't care enough.
So, was Oaksong the first one to bump that seriously old thread that was linked here or did she just out herself?
54 - You make it sound as if AN was a member of the Supreme Court. She's just some no-name schmo. Why would you be so thrilled that she agreed with you? You can get a homeless person to do the same thing.
I was just surprised she would post to a thread I started. I am a no name pea and pretty much never post on 2 peas. That's the only reason.
Are you saying you should decline better opportunities?
April 21, 2014 at 7:26 PM
Not at all. The problem with sammel is that she's never happy-with anything. But constantly seeking a new job seems to be one of her biggest obsessions. She posts constantly about job woes and job interviews. She's constantly jumping ship. You'd think after all that, she'd have found a job that she could stick with. A teacher who's constantly moving around is not a good thing. Districts don't like that-because it's not good for kids and parents don't like it.
Or she's his beard.
April 21, 2014 at 8:41 PM
Ah, yes. I forgot about that possibility. It makes the most sense.
Seriously JenHen? Scamming for a couple of dollars? Then trying to get everyone else to do it too?
Sounds like building your own really great computer and getting it for next to nothing because the website you're buying from is glitched......
57 - Why shouldn't something you post be as valid as something she, or anyone else posts? The only reason anyone thinks there is a tier is because people buy into that bullshit. AN is no more important than you or anyone else. If you treat someone like royalty, they'll act like it, just like if you treat someone like shit they'll act like it. There's no reason AN or any pea should be treated like royalty. By and large, the majority of peas probably don't have college degrees, don't have jobs or careers, and don't have a lot of power in life. They go on message boards and try to throw their weight around. Real big shots don't go on message boards and try to throw their weight around. By reinforcing the idea that they are "top tier" people feed into the the crazy fallacy that the peas are somehow powerful and important. They aren't. The king has no clothes.
Hi Lima
Hi Oaksong
So Cherrymoon is back...what's the deal..?..does she have another of her daughters "so-so" songs to shove down the gullible peas throats?
Timidly asking -
Has there ever been a general agreement/consensus of just who owns this blog?
Just curious. I'm not here or at the Peas often enough to figure it out.
I'm leaning toward Beth.
Jane is most likely Mrs T
I'm gonna say Beth too.
Really? Beth? Because on April Fool's Day Jane said new space was up, unless someone else did that. Would Beth take time away from her suffering to play an April Fool's joke?
Someone else did that.
"would Beth take time away from her suffering"
what a cunty Theresa Shapardsass thing to say!
Cunty-schmunty. Perfectly appropriate considering Beth Anne is a Professional Sufferer and a card carrying member of the Victims and Martyrs Club. Those VAMs are busy people. There are millions of people who aren't yet aware of how much they suffer - they need to get the word out. They don't have time to lay around and play practical jokes. There are snarky bitchy remarks to make, anonymous websites to visit, proclamations of the level of their suffering and imminent demise they must make.
It's not an easy road, especially considering how humble they are. After all, they are the first to have ever experienced suffering of any kind in the human race, so give them a break for god's sake. You didn't think only the nice, fuzzy warm people who love Jesus got cancer, did you? How fair would that be? Cancer is an equal opportunity employer and even snarky bitches are allowed to the chance to be Professional Sufferers. It's only fair.
Some dipshit pea posted that she covered her day planner with duct tape and she posted pics. Is this 5th grade? It looks like something a ten year old would be psyched to show.
link to the all exciting date book covered with duct tape jubilation
67 donated of $3,500.00 goal $3,090.00 days to go18.
88% Funded
the "goal" was $2k when it was first posted....
Is that for the Narcissists Cancer Club? Where can I make my donation? I was going to give $100 to an animal shelter, but screw it - this is far more worthy. After all, when one has STAGE THREE CANCER and COULD DIE AT ANY MINUTE, the first priority definitely should be to get one's hair and nails done, spend the day at a spa, go shopping for a new handbag. True, you could always spend that time reflecting on your life, make amends for any wrongs, spend time with loved ones, but that stuff is B O R I N G, not to mention depressing.
I think the new goal should be a million dollars. That way people can get new homes and cars to enjoy in their last days, especially if they have STAGE TWELVE CANCER, and COULD DIE AT ANY MOMENT. I'm not sure why the goal was set so low? Kind of an insult, if you ask me, considering the tremendous amount of suffering that is going on. Animals can wait, it's not like they're fabulous humans or anything. Who cares if they feel pain? They're just animals. Now, where's that website address? I've got my debit card ready.
Seek help 75.
You're an asshole 75. Either that or you are a total failure (no doubt) at sarcasm.
Oh fuck off 76. BethAnne is a nasty snarky bitch who happens to have cancer. Cancer is not her problem, her character is her problem. Her personality is what is ill, the cancer is secondary. Life is trying to give her a lesson and she's not getting the message. Go kiss her ass, maybe you'll be lucky enough to get cancer too and then you can play Victim just like she does. You are the company you keep.
You are a revolting piece of shit, Theresa. Beth is probably too sick right now to follow the blog, and I'm glad she doesn't have to read your hysterical rankings. You would have made a very successful Nazi in another life. Cruelty for cruelty's sake.
***rantings, not rankings
damn autocorrect
Beth is not too sick to have been on an anonymous scrapbook site, for Christ's sake, when by her own admission she COULD DIE AT ANY MINUTE. What was she doing on that site being a bitch if she knew her time was limited? Stop trying to stick up for her. You're a big a jackass as she is. She and only she is responsible for her behavior. Most people, if they know they have a limited time left on earth, do NOT spend it making snarky remarks on an stupid scrapbook site. Stop trying to make her into a fucking saint just because she has cancer. That does not excuse her behavior. If anything it should be a wake up call for her to do some real soul-searching, not sit her ass on an anonymous website shooting off her little barbs. I am not cruel, I observe and make statements of fact. I don't know Beth from a hole in the wall and my impression of her BEFORE I KNEW SHE HAD CANCER was that she was and is a snarky bitch. Just like Lucy (probably you), and several others. That 2Peas NSBR site is a conglamoration of NASTY NASTY bitches. Maybe not all, but certainly there is a big group of big-mouthed bullies. Beth Anne is one, so are you. So again, go fuck yourself. I know a bully when I see one and I don't tolerate them.
Teresa, you really are a sick, twisted bitch
die Theresa Shapardanis
I rest my case. NEVER in my life have I ever come across more nasty, mean, vile scum (who call themselves women) than in the scrapbooking world, mostly 2 Peas and here (but of course, you are from 2Peas). I have worked with thousands, probably tens of thousands of people in all kinds of settings - academic, professional, business - and I have NEVER seen such low-level bullies as the lot of people like yourselves. I know it's because you have nothing to redeem you - you are stupid, uneducated, jobless, lowlifes and like all animals, you think brute force is the answer. You don't even have the guts to do it in person - you people hide behind your anonymous 2Peas names. PATHETIC. I have never hidden myself, I have no reason to. True power comes from acting in accordance with ideals such as honesty, compassion, integrity - things you thugs will never know. Go ahead with your bully tactics. The only place you could ever get away with it is on an anonymous site - god knows most humans in real life avoid you, no one pays any attention to anything you say and why should they, and you'll never get any attention elsewhere. Losers with a capital L.
wow, this blog has stepped into new territory. I feel dirty just reading the "rants" above, I really can not believe that someone would actually type that. With this, I am out. To whomever typed that, please please please get help.
Anyone anywhere can "die at any moment"
Your next target is clear, Theresa. Are you gonna email Beth's boss? Wait, she probably doesn't work with all that cumbersome chemo and radiation. I know! Contact her oncologist! That'll shake her up. She's just begging to be revealed don't you think -- just like MrsT? Ya nut.
86 - Right, and if I died instantly I would have no problem standing behind my behavior or what i've ever written. The COWARDS (like Lucy, lynlam, lauren, enough, etc.) of 2Peas would and will quake and quiver with terror and shit their pants when what they say and do is held in front of their faces.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
77 Anonymous said... 77
You're an asshole 75.
#64 Here
It could be Beth. I don't recall a lot of posts by her on 2Peas in the last few months. I do believe she is ill and having a rough time of it. But I agree, she was very snarky/bitchy long before her illness.
I did see that post for donations and I thought the goal was $2000. Now the goal is for more?!? E-gads that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's hard to feel a lot of sympathy when people turn down right greedy.
There is still a handful of fairly decent Peas that just like to interact, ask questions, have fun and actually know how to disagree in a fairly intelligent manner. Sadly, that number is few and greatly out-weighed by the nasty/bitchy vile spouting psychopaths. (And to think I used to wonder why so many P's were divorced.)
And have you noticed the decrease in the religious right-fighting threads since the departure of Mrs. T.? Amazing. Now if Skybar and Lynlam and Lauren would just drop off the face of the earth....... Ah, well. Wishful thinking on my part.
I feel sorry for her. She used to post shit he was doing. He's always been horrible to her. :(
Wish she had a backbone.
Oh damn, I thought it was from Al and Peg!
Why the fuck do you have such a hard on for handbags Shepardsass? WTF did Fendi, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Marc Jacobs, and Prada do to you that gets you so twisted up? Go refill your perscription and then bring your boss some coffee and maybe he'll give you a raise so you can afford a knockoff from China. You're a fuckhead with a capital F.
^^ +100000000
Theresa is just butthurt because some sucker started a "go fund me" site for her drama whoring welfare sucking bastard birthing daughter so she could get her mullet cut and her back and coochie waxed and the site only raised $3.00 and Happy Cunt Saloon and Spa charges $6.00 for "the works" So sad because nowx her long suffering spawn will have to pluck her own Pusey.
I own 6 LV bags and one Coach. I don't post about it, I mean why would I? It's my money, DH and I make good livings so who cares?
In other news, did you see that Two Peas is having a mega sale? Does that make anyone else start to wonder how bad things are there? They even have Technique Tuesday stamps on sale at 75% off. That is unheard of. It makes me wonder.
Buy it all up and start your own website and you can have your own forums where you talk to your narcissistic self all day and night, Mrs. Money Bags (not).
Tony is MY hoochie!
PeaNut 3,902
April 2000
Posts: 25,876
Layouts: 9
Loc: MN
Posted: 4/23/2014 8:54:46 PM
I am going to somewhat disagree with some Ps. I know some won't like what I have to say. Some will understand. I think it takes 2 people to have a good marriage, and 2 people to have it fall apart. None of us is perfect. Men make mistakes, Women make mistakes. Yes, in the marriages where the man cheated over and over, etc. That is just wrong. But I am sure she tried in the beginning to make it better, and did take some responsibility. My dh emotional cheated on me. It was devastating. It changed our marriage. It did make me look at the things I did. I am very critical sometimes. I have to be at my job, it sometimes carries over to home. There are other things. No, he did not know that when he married me. We all change. We grow, and sometimes one person grows more then the other. You can make it work, and yes it takes two working hard to do it. You can PM me if you want. I'm not on here much anymore due to some nasty Peas, that I hope don't come on this thread, but rather give you good advice.
LOL Seriously? She takes off one week from posting (peeked at her history after reading this) and claims:
"not on here much anymore due to some nasty Peas"
93 Anonymous said... 93
I feel sorry for her. She used to post shit he was doing. He's always been horrible to her. :(
Wish she had a backbone.
April 23, 2014 at 4:54 PM
If she's going to keep him around it's hard to feel sorry for her. But it seems like a lot of women will ignore giant problems in their marriage just to keep a man or be a sahm.
She has posted lots before in the past that he's abusive and cheats. I felt sorry for her up until she basically said that she stays for the $$.
She just needs to shut up and enjoy the $$
"It's my money, DH and I make good livings...."
No-o-o-o. Your DH may or may not make a good living. One has to take 3/4 of your claims with a block of salt. You contribute ZERO. As far as I can tell, all you do is sit at home on your ass banging out tripe about an exaggerated (pretty much imaginary) "career" and academic "achievements"---loving the partial doctorate from a local yokel satellite college. You're as big a counterfeit as one of your flea market "designer" bags.
103 - Ha, what a dumbass. You're a fool. I didn't write whatever that was about purses or income. As a matter of fact, I don't have a pile of stupid handbags because I don't waste money on stupid shit. Furthermore, you don't have the first clue what I do. Finally, it's spring - time for a new haircut, clothes and especially for you - new material. You aren't funny, you're boring. Your tired old shit goes nowhere. On top of that, you're so fucking stupid, you don't even realize that I don't author every single response on this site, yet you think respond as if I do. Idiot.
" don't even realize that I don't author every single response on this site...."
Golly gee wheez!!! It was an honest mistake. It was so excessively arrogant & contemptuous I automatically assumed, of course, that it was you. It just screamed "Theresa".
An honest mistake is accidentally hitting someone with your shopping cart. There is nothing honest about you. You are so eager to prove how superior you are by attempting to dismiss what I do, my "imaginary" achievements and education that you jump on anything that moves. I guarantee, you could not graduate from that "satellite" school as you call it in a BILLION TRILLION years. You probably wouldn't even be able to get in the door. You disparage things you know nothing about. I'm contemptuous of ignorant, stupid bullies like yourself.
I'm contemptuous of ignorant, stupid bullies like yourself.
So, you are a self-loathing asshole?
107 - Hardly. Isn't is obvious? I love myself far to much to loathe. What's not to love? It's pretty safe to say that what I loathe is you, and people like you. Can't have it both ways - either I'm excessively arrogant or I'm self-loathing. Which is it, Sigismund?
Oh, Theresa. So much energy devoted to convincing the rest of us how superior you are. I'll put my Ivy League education up against your state school anytime. It's kind of sad that you've been reduced to spending your twilight years screaming like a virago at startled strangers on the Internet.
Now scurry off and look up virago.
109 - The only ivy thing you have ever had in your life was poison. Put your thesaurus down, I could (and do) outwrite you every second of your life. Some people are just given more gifts in life, like me. Others, like you, pretty much got screwed. So I spend my life giving people like you a boost. Those are the responsibilities of receiving great gifts - having to deal with the chaff like yourself. Don't try to compete with me, in every category you will LOSE. But of course, you're used to that.
No, honey. I don't think so. But keep on insisting, because I'm sure you've convinced the gals here. @@
You have an ivy league education and this is how you spend your free time?
111 - Okay, Ms. ANONYMOUS IVY LEAGUE, BILLIONAIRE, BEAUTY QUEEN. Whatever you say, Ms. ANONYMOUS. My credentials check out, Ms. HARVARD/YALE/PRINCETON TOP TIER FASHION MODEL TRILLIONAIRE. Is there anything I'm leaving out of your resume, Ms. TOP OF HER HARVARD CLASS?!?!?!? You know, I can find out. I have a cousin in HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA who actually did go to HARVARD. My daughter's father-in-law graduated from HARVARD. What's your name and class year? I'll ask them about you, maybe you guys can get together for a little shindig, MS. IVY-LEAGUE.
Her name is Mrs T
You already have her info, right?
114 - The bumfuck backwoods southern "university" Mrs. T went to is not Ivy League and despite her penchant for lying about brothers she doesn't own, even she wouldn't claim it was so, troll-baiting baiter, so dry up.
Oh, dear. You seem to be a little excited, Theresa. Flying spittle and all. You don't like the idea of someone who is better educated than you? Or you just don't care to be crossed, ever?
115 Anonymous said... 115
114 - The bumfuck backwoods southern "university" Mrs. T went to is not Ivy League and despite her penchant for lying about brothers she doesn't own, even she wouldn't claim it was so, troll-baiting baiter, so dry up.
April 24, 2014 at 1:51 PM
117 - Oh yes, really. That Oral Roberts wannabe institution of higher learning that was graced by the presence of Mrs T is no match for the rinky dink, no name, satellite state school I went to. I believe the results speak for themselves. Mrs T is a well-known Educator, opening the eyes of the multitudes to the Suffering and Sacrifice of our Fallen Soldiers, her nonbrothers included; informing the masses of their Constitutional Rights; shining the Light of Truth, Love, and Virtue directly given her by Jesus onto the unworthy heads of us sinners. Obviously, I can't match that. What the hell do I do anyway? Just read, write, observe, listen, and speak. True, I am asked to do these things, but certainly not by Jesus. Old Oral knew what he was doing when he gathered Virtuous Mrs T to his bosom. Really.
118 Anonymous said... 118
117 - Oh yes, really. That Oral Roberts wannabe institution of higher learning that was graced by the presence of Mrs T is no match for the rinky dink, no name, satellite state school I went to. I believe the results speak for themselves. Mrs T is a well-known Educator, opening the eyes of the multitudes to the Suffering and Sacrifice of our Fallen Soldiers, her nonbrothers included; informing the masses of their Constitutional Rights; shining the Light of Truth, Love, and Virtue directly given her by Jesus onto the unworthy heads of us sinners. Obviously, I can't match that. What the hell do I do anyway? Just read, write, observe, listen, and speak. True, I am asked to do these things, but certainly not by Jesus. Old Oral knew what he was doing when he gathered Virtuous Mrs T to his bosom. Really.
April 24, 2014 at 3:30 PM
...still trollin...
Can we please see a link to your credentials? I don't believe you and do not take your word for it.
Ahhhh, that shut her up!
Cats lick things, that's why...dumbass!
Hey TS, you claim everyone loves you. Try starting a thread at the bucket and see how many are nice because they "love you".
121 - Oh please. As if you had the power to shut anyone up. You can't even control yourself. My credentials are easily available to anyone who searches. If you're so eager to know everything, do your own damn homework. I don't bring my credentials up here, other people do. I couldn't give a good goddamn what any of you believe. I don't hold the opinions of bully thugs in high regard.
Enough is worse than MrsT. She can not ever stop. LASTWORD!!
The sad thing for Theresa is that even the big ol' loser bullies at 2peas and this blog can't stand her. You've been rejected by the dregs, Theresa.
And if you were as wonderful as you claim, you wouldn't be here (and at other scrap smack blogs) wasting your time defending your sullied honor. You'd be out living the fabulous life you claim to have.
You are such a vile piece of shit that even here you are anathema. Sucks to be you!
HAs Teresa Sharpadanis or whatever fake name she is going by now, died yet?
124 Anonymous said... 124
121 - Oh please. As if you had the power to shut anyone up. You can't even control yourself. My credentials are easily available to anyone who searches. If you're so eager to know everything, do your own damn homework. I don't bring my credentials up here, other people do. I couldn't give a good goddamn what any of you believe. I don't hold the opinions of bully thugs in high regard.
April 24, 2014 at 4:35 PM
Oh but you DID bring it up. If you hadn't, how would anyone know how great you are? They wouldn't unless you informed them.
(Get over yourself btw)
I don't care to go digging up dirt on people like you do. Either put up or shut up.
126 - What's wrong, pussycat? Bad day? Have you finally realized that you're on the bottom and always will be? Maybe you should stop reading here - it's not doing anything for your complexion. You would give your right arm to have 1/100th of my life, but you never will. Things like you never make it out of the swamp.
127 Anonymous said... 127
HAs Teresa Sharpadanis or whatever fake name she is going by now, died yet?
April 24, 2014 at 5:26 PM
Not yet Kristina, she's still posting...
Lima must have run out of her antipsychotic meds again. Somebody call CVS, quick.
Her new Obama plan doesn't cover them.
It's Obama's fault she's here annoying us.
Real bullies contact other peoples bosses and spew lies about an innocent victim. You're a piece of shit TS.
Quote from Kelpea on the "Are there still people without insurance" thread:
"I don't know how many don't have it now, but prior to the healthcare reform, there were countless Americans without insurance."
She's a fucking idiot. The point of the question was if people are STILL uninsured, after the "healthcare reform". It's like she can't control herself, she has to respond even when she has nothing intelligent to add.
Yeah, 135 and she swears she's not a shit stirrer.
135 Anonymous said... 135
Quote from Kelpea on the "Are there still people without insurance" thread:
"I don't know how many don't have it now, but prior to the healthcare reform, there were countless Americans without insurance."
She's a fucking idiot. The point of the question was if people are STILL uninsured, after the "healthcare reform". It's like she can't control herself, she has to respond even when she has nothing intelligent to add.
April 24, 2014 at 6:39 PM
She NEVER has anything intelligent to add. :)
OMFG krazyscrapper is a dumbass. She never posts on anything but battle threads taunting enough and all the sudden she's posting a fluff post. Is she trolling for friends now?
Forgot the link for 138
"She NEVER has anything intelligent to add. :)"
Touche, 137!
Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday Russia is not abiding by last week’s Geneva agreement to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine and warned "if Russia continues in this direction, it will be not just a grave mistake, it will be an expensive mistake."
Without specifying any specific future sanctions, he laid the groundwork, saying unless Russia changes course, "the world will make sure costs for Russia will only grow."
One week after Geneva, he said, Russia “has refused to take a single step in the right direction.”
Kerry says he has seen U.S. and Ukrainian intelligence which shows the separatists working in Ukraine are taking direct orders from the Russians. He said Russian officials have not once gone on TV since the Geneva agreements to call for de-escalation, to call on the separatists operating in Ukraine to stand down.
He told reporters at the State Department, it was clear “only one country is keeping its word.”
“Let’s get real,” he said. “The Geneva Agreement is not open to interpretation.”
Kerry's remarks came after Russia announced new military exercises involving ground and air forces near its border with Ukraine, swiftly responding to a Ukrainian operation to drive pro-Russia insurgents out of occupied buildings in the country's tumultuous east.
The Ukrainian move, which killed at least two people, brought new threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who denounced it as a "punitive operation."
"If the Kiev government is using the army against its own people, this is clearly a grave crime," Putin said.
Putin's statement and the announcement of new military maneuvers sharpened anxiety over the prospect of a Russian incursion into Ukraine. Russia's foreign minister warned a day earlier that any attack on Russian citizens or interests in eastern Ukraine would bring a strong response.
Seriously? A grief whore bumps this after a week?
I don't know what's worse, her need for attention or the tragedy. (Well, yeah, I do know but she doesn'
A grief whore? No one is allowed to talk about it or they are a grief whore?
142 - I guess your need to stir shit up makes you a drama whore.
Searching out and bumping a week old thread about a tragedy to make it more about YOU and how it affected YOU. Yep, grief whore.
KMA, 143, if you don't like it... and 144? You don't even make any sense..('s a clue: "That's not shit stirring.".)
Yep, Care1 posting this shit:
My sister ran a dayhome and looked after one of the band members for 8 years. He was at the party and left about 30 minutes before it happened. He lived.
The statement from the father is just a tear-jerker. He suffers from MS, I believe, but also under unbelievable stress making the statement, so I am not sure which was the result but he was soooo emotional and his body shaking and almost confulsing he was shaking so hard. He was thanking the police for doing their job and ...stating unconditional love for a was just heartbreaking.
Just heartbreaking...for everyone.
IS grief whoring. Why make it about her? Why bring her sister up? Classic head case there. (sorry if you don't like that, Dawntard)
PeaNut 592,332
August 2013
Posts: 537
Layouts: 0
Posted: 4/25/2014 1:39:00 AM
Luvinlifelafy you stooped to an all new level with this gem:
Are you jealous that your marriage failed and our's didn't? Your DS is probably better off now that he has your ex's GF part of the time instead of you full-time. I feel bad for him being in the middle of your divorce but at least he stands a fighting chance being away from you some.
PeaNut 592,332
August 2013
Posts: 537
Layouts: 0
Posted: 4/25/2014 1:43:00 AM
Cindyupnorth got your pmail demanding that I answer you regarding your nasty posts; ironic that you posted what you did trying to call me out here, i will address you later it's getting to be bed time and yes, I know what I speak of. Yes, you have a tendency to make it all about you and if you cannot see how vile dome of your posts are then you are not looking hard enough
Ancient Ancestor of Pea
PeaNut 289,166
December 2006
Posts: 19,365
Layouts: 7
Loc: Southern California
Posted: 4/24/2014 12:25:49 PM
Seriously, Yubon, you need to find another hobby rather than stalking me on here. Yes, I post about what DH and I went through on threads where it is applicable. Maybe there's someone out there that can benefit from our experience. Who cares how often I post about it?? Jesus, this is a thread specifically asking about our very situation. Get a life already and stop being such a bitch!
Who opens a thread just to track someone and then bags on them for posting on a relevant thread? Damn, you seriously need to find some action or something else to occupy your time.
Are you jealous that your marriage failed and our's didn't? Your DS is probably better off now that he has your ex's GF part of the time instead of you full-time. I feel bad for him being in the middle of your divorce but at least he stands a fighting chance being away from you some.
"Can't have it both ways - either I'm excessively arrogant or I'm self-loathing. Which is it, Sigismund?"
Here you go...
"The Self Loathing Narcissist: Many think Narcissm is being pretentious, or in love with one self. True Narcisstic Personality Disorder is quite the opposite. The need to lie and be seen as perfect is because truly Narcissists loathe themselves and think of themselves as defective. They don't believe they deserve love and that's why any true intimacy is shown, they are at a complete loss as how to handle it. They lie about themselves, pretend to be things they are not to gain the narcisstic supply they need to feel even keeled but, they never truly feel loved, nor do they know how to love. They are empty shells of a person and anyone involved with them is there to serve a distinct purpose; sex, money, supply and for the Narcissist to control so, that he believes he has some sense of power and he isn't the insignificant person he knows that he is."
^^ Bingo! ^^
Sigismund!!!!! LMAO
Holy Roman Emperor
Reign 1433–1437
Coronation 31 May 1433 in Rome
Predecessor Charles IV
Successor Frederick III
King of Hungary and Croatia
Reign 1387–1437
Hungary 31 March 1387 in Székesfehérvár
Predecessor Mary
Successor Albert
King of Germany
Reign 1411–1437
Coronation 8 November 1414 in Aachen
Predecessor Rupert
Successor Albert II
King of Bohemia
Reign 1419–1437
Coronation 27 July 1420 in Prague
Predecessor Wenceslaus IV
Successor Albert
Spouse Mary of Hungary
Barbara of Celje
Elizabeth of Luxembourg
House House of Luxemburg
Father Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor
Mother Elizabeth of Pomerania
Born 14 February 1368
Nuremberg, Kingdom of Germany
Died 9 December 1437 (aged 69)
Znojmo, Kingdom of Bohemia
Burial Oradea
Religion Roman Catholicism
149 - I'll go ahead and continue improve the well-being of more people in one hour than you will in eighty years. You can continue to stay up all night desperately searching the internet for anything to support your tiny little thoughts. As if you knew more than I did - what a joke. You lose, again, and you always will. You know why? Because I follow a certain ethical code that you don't have so everything I do goes in the right direction. You fumble aimlessly through life trying to make your little daggers stick, but they have no power, and they never will. And for all you Einsteins out there, Sigismund is Freud's birth name. Lose again.
Because I follow a certain ethical code that you don't have
Is that the same ethical code that led you to search down someone's personal info and call their boss and cry that they said something on the internet that you didn't like? Yeah I'm very thankful I don't have that ethical code.
"And for all you Einsteins out there, Sigismund is Freud's birth name. Lose again. "
Yes, Theresa, I bet a great many people know this WAS his birth name. But, a great many are also aware that HE chose to legally change it to "Sigmund" in the late 1800's. Trying to set up the smackers so you could dazzle them with irrelevant trivia?
152 Anonymous said... 152
149 - I'll go ahead and continue improve the well-being of more people in one hour than you will in eighty years.
You really do think you're smart, don't you? Did your "supposed" teachers in your "elite school" enjoy the head you gave them just for your miserable D-?
You will never be anything but the loser you are calling everyone here (and talk about "bullying" hahaha You even fail at that!
Have fun sucking at life today at the blog TS.
Good god Theresa. You are seriously mentally ill. You graduated from a satellite of a state school and worked as an ASSISTANT in social services. When will you get it through your thick head that fetching someone coffee does not equal saving the world. Your delusions keep getting bigger and bigger. The reality is your wonderful life as a peon in a sub $200,000 house in Michigan doesn't even make you average on twopeas.
Have a new "ethical" quest for you Theresa aka Limbo. Appears that one of our smackers/peas who recently claimed to have re-entered the work force as a social worker is posting while on the clock, and (drum roll.......), doesn't appear on the 4/25/14 state listing for licensed social workers. I'd give you more information, but with your tracking skills, I'm sure you'll pinpoint the culprit, her place of employment and go in for the kill. Of course, there's the off-chance that the person in question, much like you, has exaggerated or flat out lied. Your mystery to solve if you choose to accept the assignment. Destroy your computer after reading this message. That is all.
You can continue to stay up all night desperately searching the internet for anything to support your tiny little thoughts.
And for all you Einsteins out there, Sigismund is Freud's birth name. Lose again.
I see what you did there. Do you?
Dear Fellow Blog Bitches,
The only way to rid ourselves of the scourge that is Theresa Shapardanis is to stop responding to her. For the love of all that's holy, let's all stop feeding the nasty troll. When she quits getting attention, she'll find someplace else where she can get it.
Theresa, Joseph Smith wants his magic underwear back. He thinks you're too stupid even for Moronism.
Does this make Kristina a grief whore?
Now you have people on that thread bringing up guns and hoping it doesn't turn into a gun thread.
159 Anonymous said... 159
Dear Fellow Blog Bitches,
The only way to rid ourselves of the scourge that is Theresa Shapardanis is to stop responding to her. For the love of all that's holy, let's all stop feeding the nasty troll. When she quits getting attention, she'll find someplace else where she can get it.
April 25, 2014 at 1:22 PM
It's too easy to ruffle her feathers and watch her cluck around. It's way more fun than ignoring her.
161 Anonymous said... 161
Does this make Kristina a grief whore?
April 25, 2014 at 2:29 PM
Did she scour and search 2ps and bump it after a week? No. She posted the same day is was posted. Comprehension dear friend...comprehension.
It's too easy to ruffle her feathers and watch her cluck around. It's way more fun than ignoring her.
April 25, 2014 at 4:00 PM
Meh. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. She's sick-truly deranged, and it just seems too much like poking an injured puppy.
Did she scour and search 2ps and bump it after a week? No. She posted the same day is was posted. Comprehension dear friend...comprehension.
Excuse the hell out of me, I wasn't aware of the rules, bitchy.
2peas is full of grief whores. They're annoying.
166 Anonymous said... 166
Did she scour and search 2ps and bump it after a week? No. She posted the same day is was posted. Comprehension dear friend...comprehension.
Excuse the hell out of me, I wasn't aware of the rules, bitchy.
April 25, 2014 at 6:04 PM
You think that's bitchy? You must be new here. Welcome, bitch!
(or were you signing your name "bitchy"?)
Bingo 167!
164 was clearly bitchy.
I thought 164 was way less bitchy than that reply to her.
If you can't handle someone being blunt, then you really shouldn't be here.
Maybe I shouldn't. I thought the point of this place was to smack the peas, not be bitches to each other.
Of course the band dude is alive he wasn't at the party.
Feeling more sorry for the parents of the killer than the parents of the mass murder victims is just wrong.
171 Anonymous said... 171
Maybe I shouldn't. I thought the point of this place was to smack the peas, not be bitches to each other.
April 25, 2014 at 8:10 PM
Well 161 asked a question while in bitch mode and received a somewhat calm response and went off. So yeah - she was being a bitch to another bitch. Big deal though...
161 was itching for a fight.
or it's just krusty being krusty...
Wow, begging for clothes and craft supply trades at two peas, This is new. It's weird, even if it's for a good cause.
Here come the handslappers bitching at gina for starting a gun thread...3...2...1...
Ha! Good call, right down to the very same minute.
I think Miss Ang's prom daughter is pregnant.
Another weird old thread bump.
It was bumped by someone that has one post and wanted hits to their blow dryer ad.
I think Miss Ang's daughter is just chunky, not pregnant.
180 Anonymous said... 180
It was bumped by someone that has one post and wanted hits to their blow dryer ad.
April 26, 2014 at 9:45 PM
I think her bow makes her look chunky. I think she's slim and looks just fine.
She has a chunky face and chunky arms.
Hop2 acting like her daughter is so enlightened and that she discovered something no one else has thought of ever. And that she has to indoctrinate the boys to her oh so enlightened discovery.
You are really disgusting and pathetic if the only thing you can find to smack about is a couple of innocent high school girls. I am not the mom of either of them, but your comments make me sick. Something is seriously wrong with you.
Holy crap. M had a retainer in kindergarten? Is there no end to her suffering?
185 was about hop2, not her daughter, so just chill, 186.
187...did you see she commented on the cat post?? Yeah the cat reminded her of herself with a pinched nerve... She really can't be serious
Oh FFS! M is such a medical whore. A retainer in Kindergarten and knowing the sexual positions of her cot mate?? My kids at that age would simulate the whole Kama Sutra when they were sleeping and anyway how would she know the little child was immitating sex positions?
She has gone from just everyday crazy to animal crazy, I'm sure the OP of the cat thread wanted to hear of M's pinched nerve.... totally batshit crazy I tell ye.
One day, when I can be bothered I will become a Spreadsheet Pea and document all her illnesses, I will report back in a few years.
190 here, had a few mins and M's recent posting states that she has:-
a trapped nerve and cant walk
had a retainer in Kindergarten
Stroke, that I believe but I think she has fully recovered otherwise how can she type freaking essays about her for every post
Daddy Issues
Cronic Pancreatitis
Back Issues
Bladder Disease
Uterus turned upside down during surgery
UTI on Honeymoon and the nurse thought she was a hypocondriac!!!
Her husband is epelectic and had migraines and depression and she also has a good friend who lived in Finland but he was seriously ill, That thread was about living in Scandanavia and she still managed to get some personal health issues in there albeit somewhat vicariously.
I actually feel sorry for her, if she has had even half of what she claims, what a shitty life she must have led. I don't think there are kids so she is probably lonely and maybe The Peas are her only communication.
I don't think I'm built to be a Pea Bitch, I love laughing at the comments here but you guys need to toughen me up.
You forgot mommy issues to go along with daddy issues. Sometimes her mother is her best friend and other times she was slapping the shit out of M.
I'm surprised that seaweed has not yet posted about the tornadoes, having a connection to either one of the victims or the city where deadly weather struck. Because we know what an attention seeking, desperate, and needy cunt she is
^^ she's waiting to announce the gunman on a NC campus, maybe?
Enough has gone off the deep end.
Sure she is maddiesmum.
Her heart will explode
Her husband has marfans
The peas have the worst taste in books. Ewww
That's it?
People are too mean to do that 199. Nothing but a bunch of grouchy ass bitches at the pod.
"Sorry if I've missed some questions. I'm posting from my phone and need to charge it."
Anyone else catch Yubon's lie? No phone icon. Anyone else that posted from their phone on that thread has the little cell phone icon on the lower right corner. But not Yubon.
Strange thing to lie about.
I've posted from my pone before and been surprised to see there was no phone icon. So she's probably not lying.
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