So, this 3psoup claims (not saying she doesn't have it) to have cancer. Goes on and on about an upcoming (past now) vacation. Leaves bucket for 1 week (during said vacation). Has another Pea give everyone an update on her health when she's returned from her vacation as if she's been gone due to her health. Then she proceeds to post like nothing ever happened. (Other than ohhhh thank you all).
She's out there (bad health or not). Always asking about Peas jewelry...hmm.
Way back when on the meatblog, I remember some posts saying that 3psoup is related somehow to SimpleCrafter/OceanDreamer. SILs maybe? The posts I remember reading always said that the two didn't get along and had publicly feuded on the board.
PeaNut 69,964 February 2003 Posts: 21,094 Layouts: 213 Loc: South Centralish Ohio
I've only punched two people ever. My ex mother in law when she intruded where she didn't belong and laid her hands on me while I was holding my 2 month old and some random guy at a bar when he got too touchy with one of my girlfriends and wouldn't back off. That was probably 10 years ago and I still get comments when I go back there
Where do you think the peas will go for advice when two peas closes???? They won't be able to raise their kids, cook, deal with school issues or wipe their own asses!
20, it may be two separate instances, but who takes a 2-month old baby into a bar? Who takes a young child into a bar?
WTF are you talking about??? Obviously you are the kind of person that 2peas is made for. It is two separate instances, and she did NOT have the baby in the bar. She was at the bar, with friends. Are you the one that had to ask how to wipe your own ass at the bukkit?
24 is one that is too stupid to go on once the peas shut down. Dear God the stupidity in that one strong. I don't know how she manages day to day even with the peas help.
It probably won't help but just wanted to TRY to help someone (and if they're just being stupid to be stupid/trolling then he/she failed there too). Carry on...
This was here, then it was deleted. (Jane is a liar and/or the dumbass who read wrong).
28 followed this post:
Steph (D)Rebel I'm what the *buzz* is all about!
PeaNut 69,964 February 2003 Posts: 21,094 Layouts: 213 Loc: South Centralish Ohio
I've only punched two people ever. My ex mother in law when she intruded where she didn't belong and laid her hands on me while I was holding my 2 month old.................................................................................
......................................... and some random guy at a bar when he got too touchy with one of my girlfriends and wouldn't back off. That was probably 10 years ago and I still get comments when I go back there
As long as fuckyouJane doesn't delete this again, ....just trying to help the poor unfortunate idiot (or troll - which would be classified as fail troll for sucking so bad.).
20, it may be two separate instances, but who takes a 2-month old baby into a bar? Who takes a young child into a bar? ---------- OMFG. How stupid are you?
We should have a NSBR sponsored girlfight. I'll fight Yubon. We can meet at the crick and may be the best Pea win.
Annabella can coordinate the fighting outfits. Skybar can lead us in prayer first. Scrappower can let us know the best day and time to fight, astrologically. Enough can write an opinion piece blaming the fight on Obama. MergeLeft can bring her school band. Rainbow Scrapper can keep the gays out. Kelpea can make it all about her. Lauren can draw up the necessary paperwork to keep it legal. Bootspalmer can show up to reveal her real identity. GailinOH can ensure all animals are kept from harm. Cake Diva can provide dessert.
One rule; No hair-pulling. With perimenopause, I need all the hair I can keep.
I've been following the Lauren/Trollie/Alter thread at the bukkit. Maddiesmum says Lauren has 3 alters. I figured out she thinks Enough is Lauren, but who are the other two supposed to be?
I've seen her say enough, and oilbrat. Can't remember the third that she has claimed. ++++++++++++++ Are you sure about it being "oilbrat"? She's from my neck of the woods and we're in flyover country---nowhere near Lauren (NYC, right?).
68 - Well, lauren, I'm repeating back to you your fine rebuttal on the Two Peas thread, as you should well know. Is that even your real name, lauren? No one named girls lauren fifty years ago. No doubt the first time you saw the inside of a courtroom you slapped down twenty wrinkled dollar bills and changed your name from Matilda Bernice.
Ah...The Lizard's crawled out from under her rock. Once again, EVERYONE is Lauren, because surely no more than one person could actually think she's a total stooge. What are you doing on the internet, Lillybutt, thought you were gainfully employed these days as a social worker? Don't let Limpy catch you!!!
Stick to you handling illegal adoptions and money laundering, Matilda. You create a call-out thread and strangers off the street can out-argue you. Court-room presence is not your strong suit.
Which attorney would that be, Matilda? You, the new Alan Dershowitz? Why don't you take that fine prosecuting mind of yours and file suit? You don't have anything else to do. I haven't heard an ambulance go by your rental in at least an hour. Who is the defendant in this case? Please fill in the following: Defendant: Anonymous MeanyMo
Out of luck Lauren. You can't sue The Lizard--she doesn't have a pot to pee in. Maybe if you're lucky, the libel looney is our super dooper smart, super dooper rich, Limpy. Oh, crap, never mind, there's probably a lien on her shotgun shack and the rest of her funds are tied up paying off her litters' bankruptcies.
Hey Matilda, why don't you hook up with your bestie, Typhus, the Renowned Educator. You guys could teach seminars on How To Sue Anonymous Internet Sites for Libel. You could set a precedent by going up against those legal eagles at Blogger and see if they won't spill the beans. You crazy chicks could charge at least several thousand a head for your seminars. I'm seeing a real investment opportunity here. Say, I hear you're good at making income disappear. Can I get message you about this?
There's no Limpy here, only Disguised Defendant, who lives in Anonymityville, USA, who Matilda is going to sue for libel. Most of her current and potential clients read here and her reputation's been RUINED. That's why Matilda Bernice has to throw her considerable weight around and try to intimidate readers with the power of her lawyerness. Matilda counts on the fact that since she's a lawyer, no one will rebut her, even though a monkey could get a law degree.
Of course, Matilda already knows that; talk about preaching to the choir. And Matilda would never stand for allowing monkeys to get law degrees anyway, she doesn't believe in affirmative action. Once she hauled her considerable heft through law school, it was time to slam the door shut. This is due to the fact that she is incredibly insecure. Even with law degrees monkeys aren't always what they project. Why else do you think Matilda changed her name to lauren?
the only reason that 80 has brass ones right now is due to anonymity. If she had to post her name, she would be a fucking chicken shit coward and never say the shit that she does.
86 - What a pathetic greedy bitch you are, lauren. You think money is the be-all and end-all of civilization. You are an embarrassment to the Jewish people. I've worked with Jews my whole life. On the whole they are very compassionate and philanthropic when it comes to those who are discriminated against. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being, grabbing as much as your fat paws can while excluding everyone else from opportunity. I get coffee alright, for myself, between talking to people with emotional issues and writing pieces. Don't worry about me; I have more than you ever will in your life because you are a subhuman rodent with a great big fat piggy appetite that will never be satisfied and a mean nasty disposition to boot.
You are an embarrassment to the Jewish people. ============================== Ooohhhh 86, think you struck a nerve. Really Theresa? Bringing Lauren's religion into the fray---the name "Limbo" a previous poster called you fits----"how low can you go".
There is nothing low about acknowledging a person's religion, especially one with a history like the Jews. What is low is all the damage that lauren has caused countless numbers of people with her sociopathic selfishness and greed. The nerves that are struck are not mine. Lauren can answer to a source higher than myself for the damage she inflicts. It's obvious she has no sense of history. Sociopaths aren't good at self-reflection since they have no conscience.
There is nothing low about acknowledging a person's religion, especially one with a history like the Jews. =================== Lauren's being Jewish has nothing to do (or shouldn't) with what you deem to be her "defects". You're a pig for even bringing her faith up. Does your faith have anything to do with your glaring shortcomings? Hell, no!!!
92 - So you think you know what you're talking about. Child, go back to outside and play. There is no reason in the world that a person's ethnicity or religious affiliation should be ignored. Behavior is a reflection on one's entire character. Because of what the Jews have been through since the beginning of time, most Jewish people have a keen sense of discrimination, fairness, justice, and many act on it. Whether lauren is Jewish by birth or marriage doesn't matter - she is a reflection of the Jewish culture, most of whom would rather die of shame than admit knowing her. Humans judge others and are judged by their behavior, and their given characteristics and histories add depth to the judgment. If a person claims to be Christian they should act like a Christian; lauren has a Jewish name, she represents that culture whether she likes it or not. It is apparent she has no respect whatsoever for the historic suffering of the Jewish people. If she did, she wouldn't be the self-absorbed, narcissistic, envious greedy bitch that she is. I've read enough of her posts on Two Peas to be certain of her character. My faith is in truth and fact and practice what I preach. Lauren certainly practices what she preaches.
You empty-headed dumbshits are beyond help. A person's ethnicity, religion, other cultural features have a direct relation on how they are treated, which in part determines their behavior. If you think for a second that whites, blacks, asians are all treated equally you are more stupid than you already look. People with different surnames are treated to a certain extent based on the assumptions of those names. Yes, we all know people shouldn't be judged on how they look or other inherent characteristics, but they are and their behavior reflects it. The only thing that statement speaks to me, 94, is that you are an incurable jackass. People with Jewish names have been treated differentially for centuries, as have those who are African American. You are a reflection of your culture and upbringing. Mature people acknowledge their cultures and upbringings, and make compensations in their behavior for the negative aspects, and celebrate the good. Isn't it time for reading hour for you now?
People with Jewish names have been treated differentially for centuries.... ======================= Clearly illustrated by your need to point out that Lauren is Jewish. Your moral compass has a major glitch.
98 - Does everyone in your life have to hold your hand to guide you through every thought? Shitty people (bullies, much like yourself) have treated others differentially throughout history based solely on appearance, ethnicity, religion, which affects their behavior. I judge people on their behavior, as all mature adults do. Certain behavior can be anticipated from certain groups, as all well trained people know. A black male who grew up in poverty with abuse and neglect will probably behave differently than a white female who grew up in privilege. THEREFORE, when someone who represents a group that has traditionally been discriminated against acts similar to the oppressors of her ancestors, it's an indication of how very little they have traveled in their lives, metaphorically speaking. My moral compass is guided by truth and fact. There is a lot of truth in the bible, but not a lot of fact. There is a lot of truth in history, religion, philosophy, and the study of human behavior, all of which I've invested in heavily for 35 years. I know from moral compasses.
You're not the boss of me, and I'm not a Christian, I'm a Jew. Get a clue, dumbass. Just for that, here's this for you - what goes around comes around. BOOM.
Theresa Mormons aren't Jews. that's what that lying Joe Smith told you but its bullshit. youre a poor white trash stupid delusional woman with mental problems. get help.
It must be lonely inside your head Theresa. I truly feel sorry for you. You think so highly of yourself (and try to confirm it with how much people love you and seek you out.). I can guarantee that IF they are seeking you out and inviting you to things that there is something bigger going on elsewhere that they're trying to avoid having you show up to. It's called avoidance.
Please, open your mind and seek some kind of help.
I am not interested in arguing with you over religion like others are. I'm not interested in arguing with you.period..
I really want you to reach out and get some help... Wishing you the best if you dare to take on this new task.
Poor busypea. Got rid of her kids old photo just to replace it with one of her dried out hair and is now back to putting her kids on there. No one wants to see your kid in a dentist chair. No he doesn't look cool with the dentist shades on. Everyone takes their kids to the dentist, must you put that ridiculousness on the internet? Who takes pics of their kids at the dentist anyway? Psychos, that's who. Live through your kid much? (Having to use his pic all the time...pathetic).
108 - That's quite a stretch there, Tiny. Let me get this straight. People invite me places in order that I don't show up other places? Where did you dream this one up, during your residency at Harvard Medical School? I'm certainly thankful you have no interest in arguing with me over religion or anything else, you'd be slaughtered right out of the gate. Good news, though. I hear Teen Beat magazine is having a writing contest. I definitely think you should submit something, you're a shoe-in.
108 - That's quite a stretch there, Tiny. Let me get this straight. People invite me places in order that I don't show up other places? Where did you dream this one up, during your residency at Harvard Medical School? I'm certainly thankful you have no interest in arguing with me over religion or anything else, you'd be slaughtered right out of the gate. Good news, though. I hear Teen Beat magazine is having a writing contest. I definitely think you should submit something, you're a shoe-in. May 14, 2014 at 9:52 AM
Annabella can coordinate the fighting outfits. Skybar can lead us in prayer first. Scrappower can let us know the best day and time to fight, astrologically. Enough can write an opinion piece blaming the fight on Obama. MergeLeft can bring her school band. Rainbow Scrapper can keep the gays out. Kelpea can make it all about her. Lauren can draw up the necessary paperwork to keep it legal. Bootspalmer can show up to reveal her real identity. GailinOH can ensure all animals are kept from harm. Cake Diva can provide dessert.
And M in Carolina can describe the injuries on full, gory detail, comparing and contrasting with her own ailments.
Or more likely she finally had a picture to post 133. The thread is not that old more like you have nothing to say so you're reaching. May 15, 2014 at 10:49 AM
Hi nitwit, No one, NO ONE, bumps a 5 month old thread to post a pic, especially her.
Is that your rule 138? Are you the posting and bumping police? Do you think everyone is supposed to respect your authoritay? ha ha ha what a fucktard you are.
There is nothing wrong with my son. He is loving and and thoughtful. Way better than a lot of Peas' kids. That's because I raised him right. He is as close to an angel as possible.
That is my son...only mine. Anyone else? All bets are off!
Daytime running lights are great when it is a clear day but on most vehicles that are not the same as your full headlight system which is brighter and should be used when visibility is low. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. ++++++++++++++++++ THIS ++++++++++++++++++ THIS ++++++++++++++++++ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks.
Some nut job didn't like what she had to say so allegedly, nut job called her boss to complain that she was receiving death threats from her 164. ************************
Oh boo hoo hoo! Theresa hates Lucy for no reason! What a victim. Knock off the feigned innocence, Lucy, since I know you read here. You know damn well why I "hate" you. You had no problem trying to elbow me out of conversations on 2Peas, reminding me of my newbie status, and attempting to bully me into knowing my place. It just so happened that you had the sanctuary of the idiot 2Peas management, who allow bullies to run off customers at their own expense, which is one reason they are failing miserably.
As for Tyler, everyone knows goddamn well that school districts, or any other employers for that matter, do NOT pay people to sit on their fat asses and text all day. I can't believe Mrs T got away with her shit for as long as she did. What about her kids? It's obvious they were severely emotionally neglected with Mrs T texting 24/7. For god's sake, the woman was texting IN THE FUCKING DELIVERY ROOM. Hopefully she got a wake-up call, she has severe emotional issues.
Enough with all the victim shit (double entendre). The only ones arguing with each other over at 2Peas are all cut of the same cloth - insecure bullies desperately scratching at each other for superiority. It goes on every day at the local zoo.
attempting to bully me into knowing my place. It just so happened that you had the sanctuary of the idiot 2Peas management, who allow bullies to run off customers at their own expense, which is one reason they are failing miserably. ++++++++++++++++++++++ She did a fine job bullying you off the board. It's obvious once you have it in for someone you go in locked and did that and TPTB smacked you down. Perfect.
she has severe emotional issues.
pot, kettle... kettle, pot
GET SOME HELP WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God only knows why you started talking to yourself here today. GET HELP
Oh, I thought nut job took credit for calling her boss. I didn't know nut job allegedly called her boss. *********************** I don't believe anything Psycho Bitch says, which is why I said "allegedly."
176 - Give it up, loser. I "allegedly" call Typhus's boss and Typhus allegedly left the bucket of her own accord, a person with a severe compulsion who couldn't control herself. Right. You're a real scholar.
I wish you would die 184. I'm so sick of your "die Theresa" bullshit. It's on here about every 10 or so comments. We get it. You fucking hate a stranger on the internet that you will never meet and your lack of self-control bleeds on this blog. Theresa has really pushed your buttons.
You might say "it's a date!" when you make plans with your girlfriends or business associates, but you wouldn't call it "going on a date" so quit being a bitch. It .is. creepy to say it about a mother and son.
AprilFay's kids are going to spend their whole lives explaining their names, correcting the spelling, and being the subject of god only knows what kind of taunts/made-up variations. What a dumb twunt she is. Her SO looks like a redneck hambeast, too.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 4874 Newer› Newest»Jane lives. Long live Jane.
Are you fucking kidding me? LOL
So, this 3psoup claims (not saying she doesn't have it) to have cancer. Goes on and on about an upcoming (past now) vacation. Leaves bucket for 1 week (during said vacation). Has another Pea give everyone an update on her health when she's returned from her vacation as if she's been gone due to her health. Then she proceeds to post like nothing ever happened. (Other than ohhhh thank you all).
She's out there (bad health or not). Always asking about Peas jewelry...hmm.
Isn't 3peasoup the same person as Ocean Dreamer? I stay away from her, cancer or no.
And thanks for the space, Jane. Hope you're okay.
4 Anonymous said... 4
Isn't 3peasoup the same person as Ocean Dreamer? I stay away from her, cancer or no.
May 8, 2014 at 8:32 AM
Wow, just wow space
3-got a link????
8, try her whole history... "a link????"? there are so many. lol
4, it's spelled 3psoup.
3peasoup is a different person. (Just putting that out there in case someone does a search) :)
Also, Ocean Dreamer is Simple Crafter. Was one of the peasoup/psoup people the relative of ocean dreamer who used to start shit? Maybe?
Yeah, OceanDreamer is now SimpleCrafter.
Way back when on the meatblog, I remember some posts saying that 3psoup is related somehow to SimpleCrafter/OceanDreamer. SILs maybe? The posts I remember reading always said that the two didn't get along and had publicly feuded on the board.
Oh, right. 4 here. So Ocean Dreamer is Simple Crafter and 3Psoup is her SIL? And they both have or had cancer? I get them confused, I guess.
I don't know for sure, but looking at their ages, it would be more likely that Simple Crafter is 3peasoup's daughter in law.
I don't think 3p's avatar is a picture of her. But yeah, SimpleCrafter is an old hag.
14-I believe both women are in the late 40's, early 50's. AND I don't think that avatar that 3psoup uses is her picture.
Whoever it is they need to quit with the side-fling hair LMAO
Thanks for the space, Jane! Just in time for the annual Mother's Day Pea Pity Party (MDPPP! Yay!) Just wait for these posts:
What did you get?
My DH got me . .
My MIL said. . .
My Mom is Narcissistic and a bitch. .
My kids don't love me. .
My DH sucks . . .
Fun, fun, fun!
Steph (D)Rebel
I'm what the *buzz* is all about!
PeaNut 69,964
February 2003
Posts: 21,094
Layouts: 213
Loc: South Centralish Ohio
I've only punched two people ever. My ex mother in law when she intruded where she didn't belong and laid her hands on me while I was holding my 2 month old and some random guy at a bar when he got too touchy with one of my girlfriends and wouldn't back off. That was probably 10 years ago and I still get comments when I go back there
Why would you have a two-month old baby in a bar?
Two separate instances, 19.
Why would you punch someone holding a 2 mo. old baby?
geeze you are stupid 21
Where do you think the peas will go for advice when two peas closes???? They won't be able to raise their kids, cook, deal with school issues or wipe their own asses!
20, it may be two separate instances, but who takes a 2-month old baby into a bar? Who takes a young child into a bar?
^^ stupid ^^
20, it may be two separate instances, but who takes a 2-month old baby into a bar? Who takes a young child into a bar?
WTF are you talking about??? Obviously you are the kind of person that 2peas is made for. It is two separate instances, and she did NOT have the baby in the bar. She was at the bar, with friends. Are you the one that had to ask how to wipe your own ass at the bukkit?
24 is one that is too stupid to go on once the peas shut down. Dear God the stupidity in that one strong. I don't know how she manages day to day even with the peas help.
It probably won't help but just wanted to TRY to help someone (and if they're just being stupid to be stupid/trolling then he/she failed there too). Carry on...
I figured it was rainbowscrapper doing her usual on purpose not getting what's written.
Love it when someone feels so good about themselves.....
I wouldn't be surprised if Staph took her baby into a bar.
This was here, then it was deleted. (Jane is a liar and/or the dumbass who read wrong).
28 followed this post:
Steph (D)Rebel
I'm what the *buzz* is all about!
PeaNut 69,964
February 2003
Posts: 21,094
Layouts: 213
Loc: South Centralish Ohio
I've only punched two people ever. My ex mother in law when she intruded where she didn't belong and laid her hands on me while I was holding my 2 month old.................................................................................
......................................... and some random guy at a bar when he got too touchy with one of my girlfriends and wouldn't back off. That was probably 10 years ago and I still get comments when I go back there
As long as fuckyouJane doesn't delete this again, ....just trying to help the poor unfortunate idiot (or troll - which would be classified as fail troll for sucking so bad.).
I've only punched two people ever.
I've only punched two people ever.
I've only punched two people ever.
how many more times do you need to say that, 32?
32 is foaming at the mouth, LOL!
Not 32 but nobody is foaming at the mouth. Calm down 36.
35 Anonymous said... 35
how many more times do you need to say that, 32?
May 10, 2014 at 12:36 PM
What? That shit was deleted, Jane? Get with the program...
35/36 must be:
the poor unfortunate idiot (or troll - which would be classified as fail troll for sucking so bad.).
Someone needs new batteries.
^^ the poor unfortunate idiot (or troll - which would be classified as fail troll for sucking so bad.). ^^
^^ I bet she'll post about her idiot or toll within 30 minutes of my post.
^^^ Idiot.
troll trolling trolls
20, it may be two separate instances, but who takes a 2-month old baby into a bar? Who takes a young child into a bar?
OMFG. How stupid are you?
Stupid is the mother that takes a baby into a bar.
Happy Mother's Day bitches! Take your kids to a bar and celebrate!
Sounds like Krazy scrapper is here trolling because no one will talk to her at the bucket.
47 Anonymous said... 47
Happy Mother's Day bitches! Take your kids to a bar and celebrate!
May 10, 2014 at 7:37 PM
Happy Mother's Day you fatass troll...sorry you have to use the bars wifi while breastfeeding your kid in the bar.
Is she drinking too? Poor Krazy.
Happy Mother's Day 49!
Stupid is the mother that takes a baby into a bar.
May 10, 2014 at 7:06 PM
Hey fucktard, no one on that thread took a baby into a bar.
I think that horse has been beaten to the bone!
52 Anonymous said... 52
Stupid is the mother that takes a baby into a bar.
May 10, 2014 at 7:06 PM
Hey fucktard, no one on that thread took a baby into a bar.
May 11, 2014 at 6:40 AM
and the thread is how many years old?
and none of her kids are babies now...
The smack here surprisingly isn't about the GeDKay? Slackers!
PeaNut 600,567
January 2014
Posts: 95
Layouts: 0
Posted: 5/10/2014 2:25:26 PM
GeDKay, I sincerely hope you don't breed.
We should have a NSBR sponsored girlfight. I'll fight Yubon. We can meet at the crick and may be the best Pea win.
Annabella can coordinate the fighting outfits.
Skybar can lead us in prayer first.
Scrappower can let us know the best day and time to fight, astrologically.
Enough can write an opinion piece blaming the fight on Obama.
MergeLeft can bring her school band.
Rainbow Scrapper can keep the gays out.
Kelpea can make it all about her.
Lauren can draw up the necessary paperwork to keep it legal.
Bootspalmer can show up to reveal her real identity.
GailinOH can ensure all animals are kept from harm.
Cake Diva can provide dessert.
One rule; No hair-pulling. With perimenopause, I need all the hair I can keep.
and the thread is how many years old?
oops months!
What's the link to the other smack blog?
Does anyone know what religion Skybar is?
Good grief that woman is a nutter.
Perkiss won't update because her "survey" was riddled with errors.
I've been following the Lauren/Trollie/Alter thread at the bukkit. Maddiesmum says Lauren has 3 alters. I figured out she thinks Enough is Lauren, but who are the other two supposed to be?
I've seen her say enough, and oilbrat. Can't remember the third that she has claimed.
Much as I think Lauren is a nasty piece of work, she has a point about how crazy Liz is.
I've seen her say enough, and oilbrat. Can't remember the third that she has claimed.
Are you sure about it being "oilbrat"? She's from my neck of the woods and we're in flyover country---nowhere near Lauren (NYC, right?).
Perkiss won't update because her "survey" was riddled with errors.
Interesting to see the newest update was a pea that is happy with her DH...seems like most peas seem to hate them...
There's lauren, with her fine lawyering skills - "They're not. Not at all." Step aside, Perry Mason, she just blew the jury away.
"There's lauren, with her fine lawyering skills - "They're not. Not at all." Step aside, Perry Mason, she just blew the jury away."
No clue what this means---reads like a Altavista Babel translation.
68 - Well, lauren, I'm repeating back to you your fine rebuttal on the Two Peas thread, as you should well know. Is that even your real name, lauren? No one named girls lauren fifty years ago. No doubt the first time you saw the inside of a courtroom you slapped down twenty wrinkled dollar bills and changed your name from Matilda Bernice.
Ah...The Lizard's crawled out from under her rock. Once again, EVERYONE is Lauren, because surely no more than one person could actually think she's a total stooge. What are you doing on the internet, Lillybutt, thought you were gainfully employed these days as a social worker? Don't let Limpy catch you!!!
Stick to you handling illegal adoptions and money laundering, Matilda. You create a call-out thread and strangers off the street can out-argue you. Court-room presence is not your strong suit.
"Stick to you handling illegal adoptions and money laundering, Matilda."
Brave little soldier! Accusing an attorney online of criminal activities.
Which attorney would that be, Matilda? You, the new Alan Dershowitz? Why don't you take that fine prosecuting mind of yours and file suit? You don't have anything else to do. I haven't heard an ambulance go by your rental in at least an hour. Who is the defendant in this case? Please fill in the following: Defendant: Anonymous MeanyMo
Out of luck Lauren. You can't sue The Lizard--she doesn't have a pot to pee in. Maybe if you're lucky, the libel looney is our super dooper smart, super dooper rich, Limpy. Oh, crap, never mind, there's probably a lien on her shotgun shack and the rest of her funds are tied up paying off her litters' bankruptcies.
Hey Matilda, why don't you hook up with your bestie, Typhus, the Renowned Educator. You guys could teach seminars on How To Sue Anonymous Internet Sites for Libel. You could set a precedent by going up against those legal eagles at Blogger and see if they won't spill the beans. You crazy chicks could charge at least several thousand a head for your seminars. I'm seeing a real investment opportunity here. Say, I hear you're good at making income disappear. Can I get message you about this?
74? what's "her shotgun shack"?
76 - She's not sure, she just heard her parents say that's where they were when she was conceived. She still lives in their basement.
By parents, of course, I mean her mother and any one of eight members of the football team who were there that night.
Oh, God. Limpy's back.
There's no Limpy here, only Disguised Defendant, who lives in Anonymityville, USA, who Matilda is going to sue for libel. Most of her current and potential clients read here and her reputation's been RUINED. That's why Matilda Bernice has to throw her considerable weight around and try to intimidate readers with the power of her lawyerness. Matilda counts on the fact that since she's a lawyer, no one will rebut her, even though a monkey could get a law degree.
Of course, Matilda already knows that; talk about preaching to the choir. And Matilda would never stand for allowing monkeys to get law degrees anyway, she doesn't believe in affirmative action. Once she hauled her considerable heft through law school, it was time to slam the door shut. This is due to the fact that she is incredibly insecure. Even with law degrees monkeys aren't always what they project. Why else do you think Matilda changed her name to lauren?
Who is 71 and 73? 80? I wish whoever she was would gtfa.
the only reason that 80 has brass ones right now is due to anonymity. If she had to post her name, she would be a fucking chicken shit coward and never say the shit that she does.
^^^chicken shit coward about what? Lawyers are a dime a dozen, laurens a nobody.
I agree with 82.
When will the stupid peas ever realize that Enough is a bored 19 yr old dude who likes getting all the old bats riled up.
"chicken shit coward about what? Lawyers are a dime a dozen, laurens a nobody."
So says the dead ender who never managed to parlay her "partial" doctorate into anything more that a gofer girl friday.
85 they are too fucking stupid to realize they are getting spanked like a stepchild by some loser dude living in his mothers basement.
86 - What a pathetic greedy bitch you are, lauren. You think money is the be-all and end-all of civilization. You are an embarrassment to the Jewish people. I've worked with Jews my whole life. On the whole they are very compassionate and philanthropic when it comes to those who are discriminated against. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being, grabbing as much as your fat paws can while excluding everyone else from opportunity. I get coffee alright, for myself, between talking to people with emotional issues and writing pieces. Don't worry about me; I have more than you ever will in your life because you are a subhuman rodent with a great big fat piggy appetite that will never be satisfied and a mean nasty disposition to boot.
You are an embarrassment to the Jewish people.
Ooohhhh 86, think you struck a nerve. Really Theresa? Bringing Lauren's religion into the fray---the name "Limbo" a previous poster called you fits----"how low can you go".
There is nothing low about acknowledging a person's religion, especially one with a history like the Jews. What is low is all the damage that lauren has caused countless numbers of people with her sociopathic selfishness and greed. The nerves that are struck are not mine. Lauren can answer to a source higher than myself for the damage she inflicts. It's obvious she has no sense of history. Sociopaths aren't good at self-reflection since they have no conscience.
Can M possibly have any more ailments and tragedies/near death experiences???
There is nothing low about acknowledging a person's religion, especially one with a history like the Jews.
Lauren's being Jewish has nothing to do (or shouldn't) with what you deem to be her "defects". You're a pig for even bringing her faith up. Does your faith have anything to do with your glaring shortcomings? Hell, no!!!
92 - So you think you know what you're talking about. Child, go back to outside and play. There is no reason in the world that a person's ethnicity or religious affiliation should be ignored. Behavior is a reflection on one's entire character. Because of what the Jews have been through since the beginning of time, most Jewish people have a keen sense of discrimination, fairness, justice, and many act on it. Whether lauren is Jewish by birth or marriage doesn't matter - she is a reflection of the Jewish culture, most of whom would rather die of shame than admit knowing her. Humans judge others and are judged by their behavior, and their given characteristics and histories add depth to the judgment. If a person claims to be Christian they should act like a Christian; lauren has a Jewish name, she represents that culture whether she likes it or not. It is apparent she has no respect whatsoever for the historic suffering of the Jewish people. If she did, she wouldn't be the self-absorbed, narcissistic, envious greedy bitch that she is. I've read enough of her posts on Two Peas to be certain of her character. My faith is in truth and fact and practice what I preach. Lauren certainly practices what she preaches.
"Lauren has a Jewish name...."
That statement alone speaks volumes.
Hey 94, She's a closeted bigot. You can always tell when they being with the predictable "some of my dearest and closest friends are...?"
You empty-headed dumbshits are beyond help. A person's ethnicity, religion, other cultural features have a direct relation on how they are treated, which in part determines their behavior. If you think for a second that whites, blacks, asians are all treated equally you are more stupid than you already look. People with different surnames are treated to a certain extent based on the assumptions of those names. Yes, we all know people shouldn't be judged on how they look or other inherent characteristics, but they are and their behavior reflects it. The only thing that statement speaks to me, 94, is that you are an incurable jackass. People with Jewish names have been treated differentially for centuries, as have those who are African American. You are a reflection of your culture and upbringing. Mature people acknowledge their cultures and upbringings, and make compensations in their behavior for the negative aspects, and celebrate the good. Isn't it time for reading hour for you now?
"You empty-headed dumbshits"----Hey Bitch, don't lump me in with the fuckheads you sit on your fatass and argue with.
People with Jewish names have been treated differentially for centuries....
Clearly illustrated by your need to point out that Lauren is Jewish. Your moral compass has a major glitch.
98 - Does everyone in your life have to hold your hand to guide you through every thought? Shitty people (bullies, much like yourself) have treated others differentially throughout history based solely on appearance, ethnicity, religion, which affects their behavior. I judge people on their behavior, as all mature adults do. Certain behavior can be anticipated from certain groups, as all well trained people know. A black male who grew up in poverty with abuse and neglect will probably behave differently than a white female who grew up in privilege. THEREFORE, when someone who represents a group that has traditionally been discriminated against acts similar to the oppressors of her ancestors, it's an indication of how very little they have traveled in their lives, metaphorically speaking. My moral compass is guided by truth and fact. There is a lot of truth in the bible, but not a lot of fact. There is a lot of truth in history, religion, philosophy, and the study of human behavior, all of which I've invested in heavily for 35 years. I know from moral compasses.
Dear Christian Lord,
Please smite Theresa/Limpy/Limbo ASAP.
Dear Amen,
You're not the boss of me, and I'm not a Christian, I'm a Jew. Get a clue, dumbass. Just for that, here's this for you - what goes around comes around. BOOM.
No she's not.
102 - Hey Einstein, Jesus was a Jew. Christ. And BTW, Vengeance is Mine.
Yeppers, she's Jewish. Quickie conversion around post #100.
Unfortunately there's no cure for stupidity. Anyone affected is doomed to suffer for life.
Theresa Mormons aren't Jews. that's what that lying Joe Smith told you but its bullshit. youre a poor white trash stupid delusional woman with mental problems. get help.
Dear Jewish Lord,
Please smite Theresa-Limpy_Limbo ASAP.
It must be lonely inside your head Theresa. I truly feel sorry for you. You think so highly of yourself (and try to confirm it with how much people love you and seek you out.). I can guarantee that IF they are seeking you out and inviting you to things that there is something bigger going on elsewhere that they're trying to avoid having you show up to. It's called avoidance.
Please, open your mind and seek some kind of help.
I am not interested in arguing with you over religion like others are. I'm not interested in arguing with you.period..
I really want you to reach out and get some help... Wishing you the best if you dare to take on this new task.
Poor busypea. Got rid of her kids old photo just to replace it with one of her dried out hair and is now back to putting her kids on there. No one wants to see your kid in a dentist chair. No he doesn't look cool with the dentist shades on. Everyone takes their kids to the dentist, must you put that ridiculousness on the internet? Who takes pics of their kids at the dentist anyway? Psychos, that's who. Live through your kid much? (Having to use his pic all the time...pathetic).
108 - That's quite a stretch there, Tiny. Let me get this straight. People invite me places in order that I don't show up other places? Where did you dream this one up, during your residency at Harvard Medical School? I'm certainly thankful you have no interest in arguing with me over religion or anything else, you'd be slaughtered right out of the gate. Good news, though. I hear Teen Beat magazine is having a writing contest. I definitely think you should submit something, you're a shoe-in.
die Theresa Shepardanis.
110 Anonymous said... 110
108 - That's quite a stretch there, Tiny. Let me get this straight. People invite me places in order that I don't show up other places? Where did you dream this one up, during your residency at Harvard Medical School? I'm certainly thankful you have no interest in arguing with me over religion or anything else, you'd be slaughtered right out of the gate. Good news, though. I hear Teen Beat magazine is having a writing contest. I definitely think you should submit something, you're a shoe-in.
May 14, 2014 at 9:52 AM
That's your "defense"? Get some help hon,
LOL @ 111 (Kristina)
What the heck happened to the blog? Who even follows this drivel? There was actual smack, but it got lost by all the pointless word vomit.
As usual the peas are helping Enough verbally masterbate for hours.
114 is spot on.
Not much different than what goes on here 115. This place and the bucket have become useless drivel.
^^ have become? ^^
No, it's been like that forever.
90s called 116.
119 it's from the UK not the 90s.
Pathetic 120
They aren't THAT far behind the times. Maybe in Loserville.
Where's BL? How's it going BL?
Leads a Charmed Life
PeaNut 43,843
July 2002
Posts: 43,996
Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast
Posted: 5/14/2014 9:09:05 PM
Wow for the first time ever I might actually use some of this stuff. What exactly is the water spray? I tasted it and almost poisoned myself. lol
I don't even know what that's about 123. Link?
That's from the Ipsy thread.
Annabella can coordinate the fighting outfits.
Skybar can lead us in prayer first.
Scrappower can let us know the best day and time to fight, astrologically.
Enough can write an opinion piece blaming the fight on Obama.
MergeLeft can bring her school band.
Rainbow Scrapper can keep the gays out.
Kelpea can make it all about her.
Lauren can draw up the necessary paperwork to keep it legal.
Bootspalmer can show up to reveal her real identity.
GailinOH can ensure all animals are kept from harm.
Cake Diva can provide dessert.
And M in Carolina can describe the injuries on full, gory detail, comparing and contrasting with her own ailments.
Enough clearly needs to up her meds.
We've resorted to summoning Banana Lady now?
It must really be dying here.
M has problems with her Fine Dining, HAHA, she goes to places where they give spagettii for kids. Does she even know what Fine Dining is?
You mean Red Lobster and Olive Garden is not fine dining?!?!?!???
So where is Keri? Oh wait, she doesn't have a need to beg for votes for anything lately?
Why didn't freebat start her own thread? Why bump this old one?
I think she was digging in 3psoup and OD/SCrafters histories.
M makes a lengthy post with no health references.
really didn't like freebirds latest painting much but she is talented.
Or more likely she finally had a picture to post 133. The thread is not that old more like you have nothing to say so you're reaching.
Why does everyone want something wrong with their child.
And why are there so many parents of autistic kids on this board.
136 Anonymous said... 136
Or more likely she finally had a picture to post 133. The thread is not that old more like you have nothing to say so you're reaching.
May 15, 2014 at 10:49 AM
Hi nitwit,
No one, NO ONE, bumps a 5 month old thread to post a pic, especially her.
Hey Nitwit learn to count.
Is that your rule 138? Are you the posting and bumping police? Do you think everyone is supposed to respect your authoritay? ha ha ha what a fucktard you are.
shut up freebat
140 has interwebzez rage! LMAO
Face freebat, you were busted...
The stupidity here is astounding. Hint- not everyone who knows that you said something stupid is the person you said it about.
There is nothing wrong with my son. He is loving and and thoughtful. Way better than a lot of Peas' kids. That's because I raised him right. He is as close to an angel as possible.
That is my son...only mine. Anyone else? All bets are off!
144 Anonymous said... 144
The stupidity here is astounding. Hint- not everyone who knows that you said something stupid is the person you said it about.
May 15, 2014 at 1:52 PM
Yes, your stupidity is astounding.
Hint: not everyone gives a shit AND everyone has an opinion of why Freebat bumped it.
La la la not listening la la la
147/total butt crack!!!
Enough clearly needs to up her meds.
Now there's an understatement.
Lucy hit the nail on the head when she called Enough a sociopath. The woman/person really is mentally ill.
Two peas seems to have more than its share of bat shit crazy posters. Always has and always will.
Maybe they're closing because of loud mouth lima. Why bother when there are so many psychos participating at the bucket?
Carissa H
PeaNut 63,233
January 2003
Posts: 827
Layouts: 13
Loc: Ontario
Posted: 5/15/2014 7:07:03 PM
Daytime running lights are great when it is a clear day but on most vehicles that are not the same as your full headlight system which is brighter and should be used when visibility is low. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks.
In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks. In many cases your taillights do not come on either unless you turn on the full system. There is nothing worse than following a car in pouring rain or fog that you can barely see until they hit the breaks.
If brakes, breaks bothers you how about working class dogs garage sailing...
Some of my best memories are of garage sailing.
Ah, summers by the lake - the hot sun, the surf, the bargains.
Making change as the garage drifts lazily in the heat.
Once I got so excited when I found some Danielle Steel books for fifty cents that I tripped over a push mower and fell overboard.
Heartcat is going to end up with bedbugs bringing home stuffed animals and pillows from junk sales. Eeeeew...
So long Photo"bored"...
So long Two Peas...
So long NSBR...
So long dead dead blog...
So long bitches...
Mrs T left the board? Can somebody fill me in on what went down?
So where is Keri? Oh wait, she doesn't have a need to beg for votes for anything lately?
I hear that Pineapple is very busy coming to grips with climate change.
Some nut job didn't like what she had to say so nut job called her boss to complain that she was receiving death threats from her 164.
Some nut job didn't like what she had to say so allegedly, nut job called her boss to complain that she was receiving death threats from her 164.
Fixed it for you.
the bat phone went off on the photography thread...look at all the peas coming to defend themselves as to why they made a private FB page and left...
Thanks 167.
Oh, I thought nut job took credit for calling her boss. I didn't know nut job allegedly called her boss.
Guess they didn't bully these people enough the first time. Even though there was plenty of hand slapping for bullying last time.
Oaksong, why are you bullying? Yep you're being asked since you were already outed here as a bitch...
I can't believe Just T actually started this thread.
Oh boo hoo hoo! Theresa hates Lucy for no reason! What a victim. Knock off the feigned innocence, Lucy, since I know you read here. You know damn well why I "hate" you. You had no problem trying to elbow me out of conversations on 2Peas, reminding me of my newbie status, and attempting to bully me into knowing my place. It just so happened that you had the sanctuary of the idiot 2Peas management, who allow bullies to run off customers at their own expense, which is one reason they are failing miserably.
As for Tyler, everyone knows goddamn well that school districts, or any other employers for that matter, do NOT pay people to sit on their fat asses and text all day. I can't believe Mrs T got away with her shit for as long as she did. What about her kids? It's obvious they were severely emotionally neglected with Mrs T texting 24/7. For god's sake, the woman was texting IN THE FUCKING DELIVERY ROOM. Hopefully she got a wake-up call, she has severe emotional issues.
Enough with all the victim shit (double entendre). The only ones arguing with each other over at 2Peas are all cut of the same cloth - insecure bullies desperately scratching at each other for superiority. It goes on every day at the local zoo.
attempting to bully me into knowing my place. It just so happened that you had the sanctuary of the idiot 2Peas management, who allow bullies to run off customers at their own expense, which is one reason they are failing miserably.
She did a fine job bullying you off the board. It's obvious once you have it in for someone you go in locked and did that and TPTB smacked you down. Perfect.
she has severe emotional issues.
pot, kettle... kettle, pot
GET SOME HELP WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God only knows why you started talking to yourself here today. GET HELP
"Oh boo hoo hoo! Theresa hates Lucy for no reason! What a victim. Knock off the feigned innocence, Lucy, since I know you read here."
What are you talking about/referring to here?
"You know damn well why I "hate" you."
Enquiring minds want to know.
The thread on 2Peas NSBR where someone asks Lucy if Skybar has apologized to her.
Oh, I thought nut job took credit for calling her boss. I didn't know nut job allegedly called her boss.
I don't believe anything Psycho Bitch says, which is why I said "allegedly."
176 - Give it up, loser. I "allegedly" call Typhus's boss and Typhus allegedly left the bucket of her own accord, a person with a severe compulsion who couldn't control herself. Right. You're a real scholar.
Jesus H. Christ. Typhus's problems aside, I find it hilarious that PB says other people can't control themselves.
Link 178?
175 Anonymous said... 175
The thread on 2Peas NSBR where someone asks Lucy if Skybar has apologized to her.
May 17, 2014 at 10:19 AM
That has nothing to do with PsychoTheresa...
She said it in 177, 179.
The Lucy/Skybar thread has nothing to do with Theresa so I don't know wtf you're talking about.
all i'm reading here is psychobabblewordvomit...
I thought you were dead Theresa but unfortunately, you're still mouth breathing. Please do the planet a favor and die Theresa Shepardanis.
I wish you would die 184. I'm so sick of your "die Theresa" bullshit. It's on here about every 10 or so comments. We get it. You fucking hate a stranger on the internet that you will never meet and your lack of self-control bleeds on this blog. Theresa has really pushed your buttons.
"I'm so sick of"
makes me laugh...because of this:
"your lack of self-control bleeds on this blog"
Hope you're not sick enough to die 185. This blog is.
I don't know why but it bugs me when they call it mother son dates, father daughter dates.
I don't know either.
WTF is wrong with these people and their extreme attachment to their pets?
188Anonymous said... 188
I don't know why but it bugs me when they call it mother son dates, father daughter dates.
May 18, 2014 at 4:34 PM
Because dates are what two people do who are looking to see if they have enough in common to become a couple.
Mothers and sons should go on outings not dates.
2. a social OR romantic appointment or engagement
Synonyms: appointment, meet inning, engagement, rendezvous
Widen your narrow mind just a little.
Meeting, not meet inning.
Damn you auto correct.
You might say "it's a date!" when you make plans with your girlfriends or business associates, but you wouldn't call it "going on a date" so quit being a bitch. It .is. creepy to say it about a mother and son.
"so quit being a bitch."
That's the entire purpose of this board you dumb twit.
Briseis???? Poor kid!
Eh, at least it's not a top 10 name like a lot of the names nowadays.
IDK 197 Briseis seems more ridiculous than being the third Sophie in the class.
Here we go again with the "My child is so gifted".
Love really red with her "Highly Gifted and Exceptionally Gifted" because a true peas kid can't just be gifted.
You give it back when done with it and her response tells you the answer. Isn't this just common sense to everyone?
AprilFay's kids are going to spend their whole lives explaining their names, correcting the spelling, and being the subject of god only knows what kind of taunts/made-up variations. What a dumb twunt she is. Her SO looks like a redneck hambeast, too.
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