Saturday, August 6, 2011



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1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3


4 Anonymous said... 4

Fourtist, come on bitches, come out and play.

5 Anonymous said... 5

Fifthist -- this place is boring.

6 Anonymous said... 6

It's Saturday night. Some have lives outside of the internet so that's my guess as to where all the blog bitches are at.

7 Anonymous said... 7

If a child is hungry, let them eat.
So many "helicopter mom" peas. they want to control portion sizes, and when their kids eat.

It's gotta suck to be hungry, and your controlling weight obsessed mom won't you have more food. No wonder so many pea kid get caught sneaking food.

8 Anonymous said... 8

7-no shit! I just want to fucking yell at them to leave the damn kids alone and let them fucking eat. these dumb bitches are doing NOTHING but raising food obsessed, fatty closet eaters or anorexics.

Anyone that ever grew up with a fucked up mother than wouldn't let them eat ended up with fucked up issues over food and is probably overweight.

Dumb Cunts!

9 Anonymous said... 9

Looky it's cumshots!

10 Anonymous said... 10

Christ on a popsicle stick. Cut the freaking cord already. Are you going to talk to HR if she has a problem at work after she graduates?

11 Anonymous said... 11

@10. A-fucking-men. If I was that woman's DD, I'd be pissed at her for sticking her nose in. Calling the Housing Dept? Fucking unclench.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Yes, the pod has got to be one of the most highly concentrated helicopter-mom spots on the net. Yet, if someone started a thread asking 'Are you a helicopter mom?' the majority of them would deny it-and the copters with the loudest whirring would lead that charge. Denial and hypocrisy-it's what fuels that place.

13 Anonymous said... 13

Wow some of those moms on the portion control thread, Idk what to say.

And what's with gorgeouskid :"I fill our plates before serving, and there are no seconds. I also measure out portions for school lunches. "

Seriously? No seconds, that just seems spiteful.

14 Anonymous said... 14

13-I am pretty sure Gorgeouskid was an extreme fatty before she got her gastric bypass surgery. Too bad she didn't learn what made her fat in the first place and she is carrying it down the line with her own kid.

How pitiful for a kid to not be able to have seconds? Especially the boys. A boy in puberty can eat like a friggin' horse. If helicopter mommy doesn't give him enough food, he will either sneak eat or spend his pocket money on dollar burgers at McDonalds.

I remember a post by Cuntwalla who is ALWAYS yapping endlessly about how they eat-organic, half a cow, blah, blah, blah-anyway she was bitching that her kid spent all his allowance on junk food from the mini-mart. So much for your family and their "perfect" eating.

Dumb cunts.

15 Anonymous said... 15

Anonymous said... 10 Christ on a popsicle stick. Cut the freaking cord already. Are you going to talk to HR if she has a problem at work after she graduates?

August 7, 2011 6:55 AM

She didn't say she contacted housing.

Also, if her DD didn't want her to know (or ask advice) she wouldn't have told her about the situation. Her daughter obviously wanted Mom to know.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Is that a helicopter hovering nearby?

17 Anonymous said... 17


18 Anonymous said... 18

Good for her for losing the weight, but it boggles my mind that someone would have 200+lbs to lose. I've lost a lot of weight in the past year, but no where near 200lbs, yet I'm embarrassed about the amount of weight I had to lose.

And I only know one person, irl, who has had weight loss surgery. There sure are a lot of peas who have had that surgery!

19 Anonymous said... 19

That's probably peafaithful's biggest (!) accomplishment in life.

She's stoopid. She is a fundie. She is a housewife*.

Not much going on there.

*some housewives could claim raising kids into good people as an accomplishment. Faithful's son scalps ipads for a living.

20 Anonymous said... 20

I just read the portion control thread - good grief, those poor kids.

Those women make everything so complicated and have to make an issue out of everything. They aren't doing their kids any favors, that's for sure.

21 Anonymous said... 21

dang paigepea even limits fruit. And of course all of them only eat healthy snacks. I'd believe that if squeels didn't make a killing selling crap cookies in a box.

22 Anonymous said... 22

I never post congrats on weight-loss threads. I don't ever feel like congratulating people for losing weight they never should have had to begin with.

23 Anonymous said... 23

ITA, 22. Especially the ones who had surgery to lose it.

I still think having weight-loss surgery is taking the easy way out. Didn't they ever hear of the Subway diet?

24 Anonymous said... 24

If I truly believed that all the peas fed their families what they said, I would spend my entire day being depressed that I wasn't a good enough pea. Because I don't believe even half of what they say, I think I'm still a pretty good mom :)

25 Anonymous said... 25

Anonymous said... 16 Is that a helicopter hovering nearby?

August 7, 2011 9:34 AM
Anonymous said... 17 Lmao!

August 7, 2011 9:36 AM

Idiots hovering? Ahhh, of course!

26 Anonymous said... 26

23, I just read an article that weight-loss surgery requirements just got less strict, meaning you could be 5'8", weigh 230 pounds and qualify for the surgery if you met one other medical condition, such as pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. Hello, if you weigh 230 pounds, you're going to have at least one, if not more, of those conditions!
I, myself, have a lot of weight to lose and I've heard more than once that I should see if I qualify for that surgery. No thanks! I've lost it before and I'll do it again without medical intervention.

27 Anonymous said... 27

Anonymous said... 22 I never post congrats on weight-loss threads. I don't ever feel like congratulating people for losing weight they never should have had to begin with.

August 7, 2011 10:51 AM

LOL of course the *now* photo is just her face.

Instead of congratulating you could just put *sorry you got so fat*. LOL

28 Anonymous said... 28

My SIL is HUGE and said to me, *I could probably get surgery but I'm not ready yet*. I took that as, she's not done bellying up to the trough.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Anonymous said... 15 Anonymous said... 10 Christ on a popsicle stick. Cut the freaking cord already. Are you going to talk to HR if she has a problem at work after she graduates?

August 7, 2011 6:55 AM

She didn't say she contacted housing.

Also, if her DD didn't want her to know (or ask advice) she wouldn't have told her about the situation. Her daughter obviously wanted Mom to know.

August 7, 2011 9:32 AM
Anonymous said... 16 Is that a helicopter hovering nearby?

August 7, 2011 9:34 AM


Seriously? Why because the poster pointed out that there was no call made as claimed by the previous person? Moran!

30 Anonymous said... 30

I'm another who won't congratulate anyone who lost weight the easy way - through surgery. And I know someone will bitch and say its not that easy. Bullshit. It is the easy way out.

31 Anonymous said... 31

For the record: I am more than 50 lbs overweight. My fault, I own it, I am working on losing it.

But, I have to agree - weight loss surgery IS the easy way to lose weight. Over all, I am not impressed by people whole gloat over how thin they are when it turns out they lost it by surgery. If they don't change their eating habits, they will gain it back.

I do have to applaud 2peafaithful for being honest and upfront about the skin reduction surgeries she has to go thru. Most of the other surgery weight-loss peas never mention the downside: lose that much weight super fast and you WILL end up with excess unsightly skin.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Who's Claddagh? Did she have another Pea name?

33 Anonymous said... 33

Anonymous said... 31 For the record: I am more than 50 lbs overweight. My fault, I own it, I am working on losing it.

But, I have to agree - weight loss surgery IS the easy way to lose weight. Over all, I am not impressed by people whole gloat over how thin they are when it turns out they lost it by surgery. If they don't change their eating habits, they will gain it back.

I do have to applaud 2peafaithful for being honest and upfront about the skin reduction surgeries she has to go thru. Most of the other surgery weight-loss peas never mention the downside: lose that much weight super fast and you WILL end up with excess unsightly skin.

August 7, 2011 11:38 AM

*Leanne* comes to mind when you mention *not impressed*. I'm not impressed by her weight loss at all. *THAT HAIR!!!!* Ugh, how unsightly and unfortunate.

She needs to lose that stupid, huge ass blinking bbrother thing. I think I'll just put her on ignore and leave it there.

34 Anonymous said... 34

15: But when her dd told her about the situation, that's when you tell her she is an adult going to college and she needs to deal with it on her own. Maybe give her your opinion, but not handle it for her like she's 10 years old.

Saw soooo many helpless students in college when I was there and it is their parents' fault. I shudder to think how they ended up doing in the world after college.

35 Anonymous said... 35

How can 2peafaithful post an "after" pic that doesn't show her body???

36 Anonymous said... 36

Anonymous said... 34 15: But when her dd told her about the situation, that's when you tell her she is an adult going to college and she needs to deal with it on her own. Maybe give her your opinion, but not handle it for her like she's 10 years old.

Saw soooo many helpless students in college when I was there and it is their parents' fault. I shudder to think how they ended up doing in the world after college.

August 7, 2011 11:56 AM

She *DIDN'T* handle it for her, that's the point. Sure she asked the peas and vented but she *DID NOT* say she called or intervened.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Anonymous said... 35 How can 2peafaithful post an "after" pic that doesn't show her body???

August 7, 2011 11:57 AM

27 mentioned that already :P

38 Anonymous said... 38

36 - omfg, CUT THE APRON STRINGS. If you are her or a mom that's like her, you are doing your kids NO FAVORS. Trust me.

No mother should be asking Peas advice on a situation like that. She shouldn't be involved. Time for little Miss Princess to grow the fuck up.

39 Anonymous said... 39

Anonymous said... 38 36 - omfg, CUT THE APRON STRINGS. If you are her or a mom that's like her, you are doing your kids NO FAVORS. Trust me.

No mother should be asking Peas advice on a situation like that. She shouldn't be involved. Time for little Miss Princess to grow the fuck up.

August 7, 2011 12:41 PM
She was not involved at all but obviously the kid mentioned it to her. Are you fucking stupid?

NOWHERE in her post did she say she intervened, get over it.

So what she mentioned it at the peas and someone here said she was *involved* in it, the only point made here is that she was *NOT* involved, get it? Dumbass!

I'm going to go with this: "You are a complete fucking idiot and have no comprehension".

*IF* she had gotten involved I could see the comments.

40 Anonymous said... 40

The involvement = telling the Peas

Either you are her or you have serious anger management issues.

Calm down sweetie.

41 Anonymous said... 41

Isn't a Claddagh a type of ring. Seems like on that sister wife show that was the type of ring the new wife got.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Yes, it's the hands that hold the heart.

It's an Irish symbol, the sister wives just adopted it.

43 Anonymous said... 43

36 - omfg, CUT THE APRON STRINGS. If you are her or a mom that's like her, you are doing your kids NO FAVORS. Trust me.

No mother should be asking Peas advice on a situation like that. She shouldn't be involved. Time for little Miss Princess to grow the fuck up.
August 7, 2011 12:41 PM

WORD! So many pea moms need to cut the fucking cord already.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Yes, they need to cut the cord but the dumb twat that keeps going on about how the OP in that thread was involved is bullshit, she wasn't.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Anonymous said... 40 The involvement = telling the Peas

Either you are her or you have serious anger management issues.

Calm down sweetie.

August 7, 2011 12:53 PM

You are so not worth arguing with. You're an idiot and there's no help. You totally missed the point. OF COURSE they shouldn't be involved in their kids shit but in this case the chick wasn't. Telling peas was not "involved". You're dumb, I'm not angry just pointing out your obliviosness. Get over it, Spanky! :P

You need to let it go, really. Oh LOL and stop agreeing with yourself.

46 Anonymous said... 46

*obliviousness to you idiots who can't handle a typo

47 Anonymous said... 47

Sweet buttery Jeebus, who let the OCD pea in?

48 Anonymous said... 48

That was me 47, sorry, I didn't make sure the door locked shut behind me.

49 Anonymous said... 49

She came in with Darkangel, please make her leave. She's a blathering idiot!

50 Anonymous said... 50

The school supply pea-livid threads have begun-right on time.

You could set your clock by the pea bitching.

51 Anonymous said... 51

The school supply pea-livid threads have begun-right on time.

You could set your clock by the pea bitching.

Get ready for whole bunch of posts by peas bitching that they just can't buy junior that brand of crayon and that many boxes of tissue or that many pencils, blah blah blah. We know. You can't afford it because you're saving for your stupid Cricut and the latest online digital photography class, plus you have to buy the ingredients to make your disgusting crockpot Italian chicken.

Buy the f*cking crayons already!

52 Anonymous said... 52

I have never seen so many people that have things like iphones, iPads, high$ laptops, DSLRs etc. that also can't seem to afford a box of crayola crayons or markers.

So many hypocrites. Skip one fucking trip to Starbucks, and there you go-some crayola crayons, markers, and even an Elmer's large gluestick or two.

The peas give housewives a bad name.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Shouldn't Lefty be at the cemetery or church today instead of panting on political threads defending loser Bush. She's the queen of denial. Idiot Bush appointed one of his inexperienced flunkees to the head of FEMA. He was a dog and horse breeder FFS! Bush's legacy will always be divisiveness. The entire world hated him.

54 Anonymous said... 54

The pod is full of whiners today - even worse than usual.

55 Anonymous said... 55

I know - between lazy ass dhs, peas who live in the sticks and peas throwing themselves pity parties - its a pretty pathetic bunch.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Lefty is an ass.

57 It's Raining Frozen Turkeys said... 57

"But I have a 101 degree fever, my head feels like it's in a vice grip, and it hurts so damn much to swallow anything I just want to sleep until I can wake up and feel normal."

FFS, Typhus must be dumber than a rock, I wonder if she would drown like a domesticated turkey if she stood in the rain because if a "doctor" told me to take Motrin with a 101 fever and a sinus infection, I would demand to see someone else or go to an ACTUAL DOCTOR'S OFFICE instead of the "Quack in the box."

58 Anonymous said... 58

I realize Caras kid is her "special guy", but really? A mickey camper for a 15 year old?!

59 Anonymous said... 59

Anonymous said... 58 I realize Caras kid is her "special guy", but really? A mickey camper for a 15 year old?!

August 7, 2011 4:28 PM

You're an asshole. Say what you want in response, I refuse to converse with an asshole!

60 Anonymous said... 60

Dramatic much? Why am I an asshole?

61 Anonymous said... 61

I don't like it when parents make their own kids feel inferior because they have a diagnosis. He's 15 and in other threads, he appears to have the mental capacity to handle a lot more than a mickey camper. I think that's more insulting to him than anything.

62 Anonymous said... 62

#58, you are an asshole, there is more than one pea that has a Barbie or Hello Kitty collection.
Hell, there are some peas out there married to men that have "toys" and I know of at least one single man that spent his paycheck on comic books and collection shit to the point he didn't have money for food and still wanted to "date."

The fact that she posted a pic of her "special kid" with his toy doesn't make her a bad mother or him some freak, it just means that he likes to play with is toys still.

So STFU you stupid thundercunt.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Eegads! Forget about the weight loss. 2peafaithful needs some teeth bleaching, STAT!

64 Anonymous said... 64

Her child looks very content with his gift. She said he's enjoyed it for days.

65 Anonymous said... 65

I thought kids were off limits here. I didn't think you hobags could get any lower!

66 Anonymous said... 66

Anonymous said... 65 I thought kids were off limits here. I didn't think you hobags could get any lower!

August 7, 2011 5:40 PM

Comprehension dear friend. Only one *asshole* said anything and really their comment was about Cara's choice for him. The *asshole* was subsequently told off so your comments are not needed.

Thanks though *hobag*, and welcome to the blog, bitch!

67 Anonymous said... 67

Ok thanks for the handslap. Next time I will drop the "s" from hobags. My comments are not needed? Try to stop me. lolololol Welcome to the true blog bitch!!

68 Anonymous said... 68


69 Anonymous said... 69

They weren't bashing the kid for fucks sake.

You guys need to learn to read.

Obviously there are a lot of newbies here tonight because Cara was routinely bashed for how she treats him.

I find it to be sad. I think she stifles him.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Anonymous said... 67 Ok thanks for the handslap. Next time I will drop the "s" from hobags. My comments are not needed? Try to stop me. lolololol Welcome to the true blog bitch!!

August 7, 2011 6:00 PM

Handslaps (your lame attempt) deserve bitch slaps and that's what you got! Get over it.

71 Anonymous said... 71

Anonymous said... 68 @@

August 7, 2011 6:05 PM

LOL perfectly placed @@ always make me LOL


72 Anonymous said... 72

You're welcome! ;)

73 Anonymous said... 73

No word from Blogher yet....

74 Anonymous said... 74

It kind of makes me sad that anyone is wasting their time at fibis' blog. She's not interesting, there's really nothing to be jealous of, and why give her any blog hits?

If you're still upset that she got away with scamming the peas, consider this: every time you go to her blog, you give her blog hits that could contribute to some kind of success or revenue for her.

75 Anonymous said... 75

#22 - what is your recommendation for my fat ass? I didn't get this way by letting go and eating too much. It's due to my medications, which my dr has confirmed. I haven't changed my diet or exercise habits, if anything, I have increased my physical therapy and eat much less now because of always feeling sick.

My point is, not all fat people are lazy and eat too much.

76 Anonymous said... 76

#69, unless you have a "special" child or relative you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
I would rather see Cara post that her son loves toys than for her to post that he is interested in nothing and just sits there and what is she going to do like some of the other peas with "normal" children.

So get off of your high horse or Karma is gonna give you a swift kick in the ass and then see how you enjoy it.

77 @@ said... 77

Jesus. It's barely August and the school supply outrage is already in overdrive.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Is this DAngels cousin? sister?

79 Anonymous said... 79

53 - inapprioriate

80 Anonymous said... 80

Why is yubon always updating us on the price of oil?

81 Anonymous said... 81

Because it's related to inflation and the price of goods?

82 Anonymous said... 82

" Claddagh" has to be an old pea with a new name. There is something very familiar about the posting style.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Anonymous said... 80

Why is yubon always updating us on the price of oil?

August 7, 2011 8:14 PM

She *THINKS* she has privy info LMAO

Flubs isn't really that smart, don't let her fool you like she has the Ps fooled.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Yubon is smarter than at least 95% of the peas.

85 Anonymous said... 85

There was nothing inappropriate about 53. Lefty is a twat. Her husband dying did not change that.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Anonymous said... 84 Yubon is smarter than at least 95% of the peas.

August 7, 2011 8:51 PM

Like I said, she isn't really that smart. LOL

87 Anonymous said... 87

85 you and 53 are assholes. Lots of widows are bitches, no need to bring up the husband.period.

88 Anonymous said... 88

I agree. Lefty is an annoying obnoxious twat.

89 Anonymous said... 89

yeah her husband needs to grow up and stop living vicariously through the son.

or stop being an idiot and counting on the son to become a professional football player. he's not your retirement fund.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Claddagh reminds me of that white trash pea AZpea? who complained about living in CA so she left to move into a trailer to white trash Vegas. She was always trying to get into it with Yubon on financial threads. She was really weird and bitter and Yubon was like whatevs. That's probably her here. Hey whore!

91 Anonymous said... 91

Why Frenchie, are you calling Yubon a liar?

92 Anonymous said... 92

Was that DesertPea? She had bet on the stock market declining, so she was always exhorting the Peas to panic, sell everything, and hoard ammunition. Freak.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Kaminer has a bio DD and an adopted DD right? Or so she claimed?

Then why is she posting on FB that it's her ONLY DD's and ONLY Child's first day of school?! That's fucked up.

94 Anonymous said... 94

Someone needs to tell 2peafaitful that you can't post an "after" shot of only your head. DUH.

95 Anonymous said... 95

Does Batya do anything besides read and pea?

And am I the only person who thinks her reading threads might be embellished just a little bit--by her and by other people?

96 Anonymous said... 96

Anonymous said... 93 Kaminer has a bio DD and an adopted DD right? Or so she claimed?

Then why is she posting on FB that it's her ONLY DD's and ONLY Child's first day of school?! That's fucked up.

August 8, 2011 8:33 AM

Wasn't the adoptee her niece? (I am probably wrong, I can't remember). If that's the case then it would be her ONLY child. :P

Blog link? (do i really want to go there?)

97 Anonymous said... 97

Anonymous said... 93 Kaminer has a bio DD and an adopted DD right? Or so she claimed?

Then why is she posting on FB that it's her ONLY DD's and ONLY Child's first day of school?! That's fucked up.


Oh look - once again a blog whore doesn't have the factual information, so she just spews bullshit out there and hopes to start crap. Getting all pissed off about something she's wrong about.

Second verse, same as the first around here.

98 Anonymous said... 98


looking for @@ and don't see her so inserting my own @@


99 Anonymous said... 99

IIRC, it wasn't her neice or anyone related to her. It was a friend of the DD.

100 Anonymous said... 100

There is something completely fucked up about Kaminer. It's been nice having a break from her at the pod.

101 Anonymous said... 101

Yubon is smarter than at least 95% of the peas.

Hahaha, just because 95% of the peas have an IQ of 70 or lower.

102 Anonymous said... 102

101 - That's just because 95% of them sit on their asses all day, lazing around in their sweat pants while their teenagers are at school. Their lives are mind-numbing and it shows.

103 Anonymous said... 103

^^^Unlike yours at 11:36 am. Should you be at work, working???

104 Anonymous said... 104

Most Peas are mental midgets.

Kaminer-I thought she left on a world wide trip to sell her vitamin snake oil???

105 Anonymous said... 105

Hawkmoon is the most fucking annoying, stoopid, lame ass lesbo that ever walked. No wonder she is single. Not even the carpet munchers want to listen to her lame ass I am Celtic, I did men in kilts and I want to live in Middle Earth nerd herd shit.

106 Anonymous said... 106


107 Anonymous said... 107

I did men in kilts

108 Anonymous said... 108

And we're off!

109 Anonymous said... 109

How many threads do you think she'll post daily! I'm surprised she even has TIME to post on the bukkit with not one but TWO newborn babies to deal with!

110 Anonymous said... 110

Ronald Reagan supplied weapons and assistance to the Afgan Mujahideen­s in their war against the Soviets. Not too many would have guessed they would become Al Quaeda

111 Anonymous said... 111

Spot on, 108, spot on. Thnkfully, she has Typhus to weigh in (*ahem*) and guide her.

112 Dried Up Old Prune said... 112

#108, I thought it took her 2 years to buy those babies from a professional breeder and didn't she work as a nanny plus take meds to be able to produce milk?

Sweet Baby Jesus, you would have thought she would have been studying up on all thing baby and knew how to keep her kids from getting a flat head and going bald.

We should get a pool going as to how long before she goes totally nutters and has to get a nanny. I'm thinking she will have one hired after their first doctor's visit.

113 I voted for the other guy said... 113

Ronald Reagan supplied weapons and assistance to the Afgan Mujahideen­s in their war against the Soviets. Not too many would have guessed they would become Al Quaeda

Don't forget he sent the Ayatollah a King James Bible after the Iran Hostages were released and he was President.

He was after all our FIRST ACTING PRESIDENT.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Not too many would have guessed they would become Al Quaeda
Many could and did predict that those deals would be trouble. They were summarily shouted down by the wingnuts as "traitorous and unpatriotic."
SSDD 25 years later.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Christ-I predict at least one stupid baby question thread per day out of bostonheart.

And this is so typical of what I thought would happen--her questions are about stupid shit like thinking bald spots just aren't super cute. It's like she just wanted some cute little dolls to play with.

She has not a fucking clue about motherhood.

116 Anonymous said... 116

Did you see Libis' sister is pregnant with her third? Makes you won't why she couldn't birth a child for lizz?

117 Anonymous said... 117

I have two sisters and have had 3 kids but I'm not sure I'd want to have a baby for one of my sisters. Plus after she wasted her mom's kidney maybe the sisters just weren't in a giving mood.
Why didn't she just adopt?

118 Anonymous said... 118

Are MaryMary & Julee sisters? I noticed they looked alike somewhat and since Mary has 10 (or 11?) sisters than it just might be. Anyone know?

119 Anonymous said... 119

These bitches sure are quick to tell the OP to go into debt to save her son. Seems like until the kid wants to change they will just be throwing money away. I still half way think she's pulling some sort of BS story for pity or something.

120 Anonymous said... 120

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Returning guacamole because you didn't use it? The peas really are one special breed...

121 Anonymous said... 121

Are MaryMary & Julee sisters? I noticed they looked alike somewhat and since Mary has 10 (or 11?) sisters than it just might be. Anyone know?

August 8, 2011 5:03 PM

I thought I read that they sisters-in-law. Not sure tho...

122 Tara Orr said... 122

Have you thought about joining the gallery and forum?

You may find that you don't have to complain as much.

123 Anonymous said... 123

Tara Orr said... 122
Have you thought about joining the gallery and forum?

You may find that you don't have to complain as much.
August 8, 2011 5:32 PM

No, Tara Orr, we haven't.

Have you thought of logging out before you post?

124 Anonymous said... 124

Bostonheart has posted like 3 threads tonight you bitches are slacking.

And lol @Tara Orr

125 Anonymous said... 125

Who's Tara Orr?

126 Anonymous said... 126

Not too many would have guessed they would become Al Quaeda
Many could and did predict that those deals would be trouble. They were summarily shouted down by the wingnuts as "traitorous and unpatriotic."
SSDD 25 years later.


I remember finding out years after the fact about the secret deal Reagan with Iran to hold on to the hostages extra months until his inauguration. I wasn't crazy about Carter, but damn...that information was sickening. Talk about fucking treasonous.

127 Anonymous said... 127

Anonymous said... 121 Are MaryMary & Julee sisters? I noticed they looked alike somewhat and since Mary has 10 (or 11?) sisters than it just might be. Anyone know?

August 8, 2011 5:03 PM

I thought I read that they sisters-in-law. Not sure tho...

August 8, 2011 5:30 PM

That's Mary & Yaki(cherryeye)

128 Anonymous said... 128

Julee and MaryMary are not related.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Who's Tara Orr?

Attention whore making Graphic45 look stupid.

130 Crackhead Mary said... 130

Tara started scrapbooking in 2008? A little late to the party aren't ya hun?

131 Anonymous said... 131

So what does Turbopea do? Its a business that serves customers, but it is not retail and they dont have repeat customers...

132 Anonymous said... 132

Anonymous said... 128 Julee and MaryMary are not related.

August 8, 2011 6:56 PM

They sure do look a lot alike. That many sisters, not a bad guess.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Christ on a fucking cracker. Does bostonheart know you can buy Similac practically anywhere nowadays? Instead she induced lactation 2 years ago and has 50 bagillion gallons stored? I find this sickening and disturbing. I may just have to vomit now.

She needs to get off the damn computer and take a nap. One newborn is exhausting enough as it is, let alone two.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Instead she induced lactation 2 years ago and has 50 bagillion gallons stored? I find this sickening and disturbing. I may just have to vomit now.


Sorry but that is fucking gross. Of course all the peas are telling her what a wonderful mommy she is.

135 Anonymous said... 135

Instead she induced lactation 2 years ago and has 50 bagillion gallons stored? I find this sickening and disturbing. I may just have to vomit now.


Sorry but that is fucking gross. Of course all the peas are telling her what a wonderful mommy she is.


I gotta agree, this is sick. I thought it was disgusting when she posted about 2 years ago!
Now she's got another post about having a sip and see for the babies. People can come look at the babies but don't touch! What a weirdo!

136 Anonymous said... 136

Now she's got another post about having a sip and see for the babies.

She can serve breast milk! =) What a treat!

137 Anonymous said... 137

So the babies get a delicious breast milk frosty?

How long is this milk good for? How did her DH put up with this for the last 2 years. She's insufferable.

138 Tara Orr said... 138

I am not late to the party. I am on several design teams if you haven't noticed.

139 Anonymous said... 139

131 it could be lots of things. But one thing that I'm familiar with that sounds like what she is doing is providing copies of medical records. Quite often the hospital or doctor's office outsources to a service provider, so they work set business hours while the rest of the facility has their own hours.

140 Anonymous said... 140

Feeding human babies human milk is sickening and disturbing? Get a grip you sad ass bitches, it's far superior than feeding babies commercially prepared garbage in a can. Formula is disgusting. Good for Bostonheart rocks, wish all of you would get over it.

141 Anonymous said... 141

Typus simply cannot abide anyone or anything outside her little bubble - outside her narrow definition of normal.

142 Anonymous said... 142

I thought you could only freeze boobie juice for 6 months and then it looses its nutritional value and she may as well be feeding them CoffeeMate.

Why would you freeze all that shit anyway? For two fucking years???? If she is lactating, just plug the brats in and go to town.

I bet her husband is one of those adult nurser freaks and he has been getting his jollies for two years while he sucks at her drug induced boobies.


143 Boob Nazi's Go To the Gas Chamber said... 143

Hey 140...knock, knock.

yeah, I am talking to you Boob Nazi. Formula is not disgusting and it does not belong in a trash can. Get over your stupid titty self. Not every woman wants a kid hanging off her tits for three plus years so shut the fuck up.

144 Anonymous said... 144

Why would you freeze all that shit anyway? For two fucking years???? If she is lactating, just plug the brats in and go to town.


Exactly. It's weird to me that she took hormones to make herself lactate, but I get it. Good for her, she's clearly already a much better mother then I am because I couldn't BF.

What I don't get is freezing it for the last year or two. THAT is disgusting.

145 Anonymous said... 145

I wonder, how BostonHeart passed the adoption screening process.
As over zealous, obsessed she is with having a baby, I can see her volunteering the info: Oh I gave myself a baby shower a year ago, so the nursery is all done. I also took hormones, so I have a years worth of breast milk in the freezer.

Clearly, this kind of stuff should "red flag" during adoption screening". It's hard to imagine, Boston not mentioning this stuff at least once during the screening, meeting of birth parents, or at the hospital.

146 Anonymous said... 146

Also in support of BH breastfeeding those babies.

Breast IS best. No matter what you tell yourself to make you feel better.

Formula is disgusting. And you don't have to BF a child for 3 years to know that. All mine weaned themselves at a little after one. Oh and none of them ever got sick as babies. None of my kids have ever had an ear infection, croup, strep, ANYTHING.

147 Anonymous said... 147

And my *gasp* formula-fed babies were never sick, either. Anecdotal evidence is not proof, dumbass.

148 Anonymous said... 148

The only thing worse than a religious zealot is a breastfeeding zealot. I would bet that our breastfeeding Nazi troll is both.
BH is afucking freak for freezing bm for two years.

Suck on that you self righteous, tittie obsessed twat!!

149 Anonymous said... 149

I can understand a BF mom having a small supply frozen, but honestly don't get why bostonheart has or needs so much frozen if she's currently nursing them. Plus, she didn't know she was getting twins over a year ago, so it seems doubly strange that she be saving that much for so long.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Something I'm wondering about with BH's adoption-she says in her BM thread that they are a 15 hr drive away from home. Obviously that's not in MA. Wouldn't adoption laws in the state where the babies were born govern the adoption? She mentioned MA law being final as soon as the birth parents sign, but I would have thought that the bio mom's state of residence would have to be followed,

151 Anonymous said... 151

Wouldn't adoption laws in the state where the babies were born govern the adoption? She mentioned MA law being final as soon as the birth parents sign, but I would have thought that the bio mom's state of residence would have to be followed,

No Matlock, it's the state the contract was entered into as to whose laws you must follow.

152 Anonymous said... 152

15 hours away from MA, jesus, she must have went all the way to fucking FL for those babies

153 Anonymous said... 153

Boob Nazi, Breastfeeding Zealot and Nazi troll checking in.

I am none of those things. Just sticking up for a woman who wants to do what she feels is the best for her kids. Bunch of bored twats on this board rip BH apart on the fishy adoption and "something will go wrong I just know it." Then it goes beautifully you need to attack her for something else? Get a life and start smacking something worthy.

One of my kids never nursed and got formula. I NEVER said it belongs in the garbage...but it is gross and it does stink. I totally admire the dedication it takes to induce lactation for a someday baby. Cool in my book.

Bunch of jealous cows.

154 Anonymous said... 154

Tara Orr said... 138 I am not late to the party. I am on several design teams if you haven't noticed.

August 8, 2011 9:11

No one gives a shit lady. Get lost.

Why did I get stuck feeding the troll today?

155 Anonymous said... 155


She just couldn't resist helicoptering.

Oh no wait, she made a call on a totally unrelated issue, and the housing department already knew about the drama going on.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Tara, you're an idiot for bringing your name here. Are you friends with the idiot from last week who claimed she was bashed here? You don't get enough people interested in you and this is an attempt to get people interested maybe? Not going to work LOL

This place is to bash people from NSBR (Not Scrap Book Related - Hello!!!) No one cares about you or you scrapbooking.

157 Anonymous said... 157


I don't give a shit what design teams you are designing for. Your shit sucks.

158 Anonymous said... 158

Spongemom and Janedoe going at it. Let's hope it gets good.

159 Anonymous said... 159

156 *your (excuse the hell out of me ok?)

160 Anonymous said... 160

Anonymous said... 158 Spongemom and Janedoe going at it. Let's hope it gets good.

Pants really didn't need to bring up the "trying to get pregnant" issue.

That isn't going to go well even if Jane never shows back up on the thread.

161 Anonymous said... 161

Oldhotpants seems to be channeling L'Urine with that pregnant comment. That was very much a low blow, especially for such a refined, southern "lady."

162 Anonymous said... 162

yeah, that infertility jab was extremely cunty. But that's how Slutmom rolls.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Meh, janedoe is a bitch she just hides it better. That's two grammar threads she's gotten her panties in a bunch about. Maybe she could brush up on her grammar and then they wouldn't bother her so much.

164 Anonymous said... 164

I haven't seen many, or even any grammatical or spelling errors in janedoescrapper2's posts.

I've actually seen more from OldHotPants.

It's kind of interesting that many of the peas who find that link funny are constant abusers of grammar and spelling rules themselves.

It's also *interesting* that OldHotPants has such exacting standards for language, and yet such appalling and lax standards for men. His spelling, punctuation and grammar were pretty damn bad in his posts.

165 Anonymous said... 165

I completely agree with janedoe2 that Spongemom is an insufferable, bitchy thundercunt.

But she seriously needs to remove the stick from her ass. Expecting adults to have a basic grasp of grade school grammar, punctuation, and spelling is not too much to ask.

I may not get all verbally bitchy about people with crappy ass spelling and grammar, but I damn sure think less of their intelligence when they're constantly flaunting their stupidity, ignorance and/or laziness.

166 Dried Up Old Prune said... 166

I wonder, how BostonHeart passed the adoption screening process.
As over zealous, obsessed she is with having a baby, I can see her volunteering the info: Oh I gave myself a baby shower a year ago, so the nursery is all done. I also took hormones, so I have a years worth of breast milk in the freezer.

Clearly, this kind of stuff should "red flag" during adoption screening". It's hard to imagine, Boston not mentioning this stuff at least once during the screening, meeting of birth parents, or at the hospital.
#145, I already told the blog bitches she BOUGHT those babies from a professional breeder. The fact that it was an out of state adoption, the whole BM drama/saga and the sudden appearance of the BF to sign the adoption papers made it obvious that they paid some Gray Baby (that is a private adoption for CASH) Business that uses women who professional breed children for cash for these baby rabies infertiles.

I would bet hard cash that the BM is some "army wife" and she probably used some "POPcicle" sperm to make those twins and her "hubs" just signed off to make it look "legal." I would even bet that those babies were born in a private birthing clinic owned by the Gray Baby Business.

Like I said about my cousin's ghey mental patient ex-husband, BH and her hubs probably couldn't get a kid through the real legal route and had to PAY to buy some kids because they probably couldn't get a rabid stray dog from the ASCPA much less a baby in their own State.

Really people, that is just a Lifetime Movie Network Horror flick waiting to happen.

167 Anonymous said... 167

In Oldhotpants' defense, she probably needs an EXTRAORDINARY sense of humor to be married to that revolting slug that she has hooked herself up with.

168 Anonymous said... 168

BH and her hubs probably couldn't get a kid through the real legal route and had to PAY to buy some kids because they probably couldn't get a rabid stray dog from the ASCPA much less a baby in their own State.
This sounds about right.

169 Anonymous said... 169

NJdevils a dipshit, yes bitch, everyone should work retail just because YOU had to.

Well I went into the Air Force after high school so maybe everyone should have to do that, so they could all understand.

170 Anonymous said... 170

That thread gave me a few chuckles, of course most peas would never dare to go into a business a few minutes before closing and expect service. They would all show up at least 20 minutes before closing. I'm sure they would all be wearing kitten heels and pearls also.

171 Anonymous said... 171

BF brought up a courthouse. I deal with people at the court all the time and I could totally see them closing up shop at 4:55 and telling you tough shit.

I've found most government workers are that way though. Extremely hard to deal with.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Mrs. T being rabid again.

173 Anonymous said... 173

I was just coming to post the same thing, 172. She IS rabid.

174 Anonymous said... 174

She just can't let things go. Can you imagine trying to discuss things with her in real life? Oof. Or to be married to her? I pity the fool.

175 Anonymous said... 175

I can't link from smart phone but who knew Olan went to some quack offshore medical school. Intelligence found in how much should I spend on the child I fucked up thread.

176 Anonymous said... 176

What are you blabbing about 175?

177 Anonymous said... 177

If you can't figure it out take your special snowflake ass back to the pod. Blog bitches are witty and smart dontcha know

178 Anonymous said... 178

It's 5 o'clock somewhere.

179 Anonymous said... 179

I can't stand the fucking homophobia at the Bukkit. Typhus is the absolute worst. I'd respect her if she just came out and said, "hey, teh gayz gross me out. I don't think they're fully human and thus am quite skeeved out at any mention of them doing normal, human things." Instead, she posts 123,431 "opinions" on every fucking thread related to teh gayz, but never forgets to mention her "dear friends" that are homos and pretend that she's really a good Christian.

How many people want to be that the guy in the cross dressing post did NOT follow that kid into her dressing room, but that homophobic mom and dad were on high alert because he didn't fit their narrow little model of normalcy?

180 Anonymous said... 180

Typhus is like a rabid dog with a bone in its mouth in EVERY where someone disagrees with her. Wonder how much care she's taking of that newborn and the other kids when she's got time to post several hundred/thousand posts a month....not to mention her students, considering lots of those posts come during school hours.

181 Crackhead Mary said... 181

I was watching Family Guy last night and this reminded me of Typhus.

182 Anonymous said... 182

I read the cross dressing thread, while I wasn't there I think the guy just wasn't paying attention and walked in the wrong stall. I've done that before. I was 3 different colors red when I walked into the mens room at Wal Mart one day.

Shit happens and not all of it is going to be someone evil trying to defile your snowflake.

183 Anonymous said... 183

For the Boob Nazi. My kids were formula fed. They were never sick as babies, while my friends bf babies were sick every other week with something. Quit using that as reason why formula is so horrible because you are wrong.

My kids are now in their teens and they are strong, healthy, and brilliant!!

184 Anonymous said... 184

As happy as I am for BH, could someone please tell her she is not the first woman to ever adopt, have a baby, breastfeed, parent or anything else related to having children? All these posts about crap are getting very tedious. There is something about this whole "adoption" that isn't sitting right with me. And I agree with 166, who does all the shit that she claims to have done? She's a definite nutter!

185 Anonymous said... 185

I never bf but I have heard how the mothers milk gives some immunity to the baby, will that work when your not biologically related to the child? Could the bf Nazi please enlighten me?

For being formula fed I don't think my kids were any sicker then any bf baby. They really didn't start getting sick until they started preschool. They brought home some nasty colds and flus from being around other kids.

186 Anonymous said... 186

Yes, it will work 185. Antibodies are passed through milk, it does not matter if the baby is biologically related.

187 Anonymous said... 187

Aaannnd.....The Transgender Guy in the Dressing Room thread has officially turned into Cuntapalooza, courtesy of Skybar:

Quote from Kristina:

I'm SO not surprised by a few self righteous poster's responses on this thread. Too funny!

Skybar's response:

not surprised by your comments either.

do you know what self righteous even means? evidently not.

there are those who think their view or thinking is right because it's theirs...

and those who are righteous thru Christ.

oh what a slippery slope... an unintended result but still the result of the views, opinions of many.

188 Anonymous said... 188

I won't bankrupt myself if my ds was acting like crayolamamaa's kid.

I am sorry for her troubles and hope it works out ok but by 15 he knows it's wrong to run away and he doesn't care.

Yes I would look for him and help him in anyway I could but what good would it do if I ended up homeless too?

While the peas seem to have no limits on what they would do for their kids I do. I'm not eating raman noodles for life because jr is an asshole who thinks its fun to be a hobo.

I'm also guessing I may have a more limited financial ability to help my kids then most of the peas seem to have.

189 Anonymous said... 189

Thank you 186. :)

190 Anonymous said... 190

I'm so glad my world is not lived through the narrow window that Mrs T and Skybar live their lives through.

What a sad sad life they must lead.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Love the link, 181!!! Spot on.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Stacy's story is bullshit. She's massaged the details just enough to get all the Peas into a lather.

193 Anonymous said... 193

It's getting harder and harder for me not to respond to Mrs T. She's so fucking dumb it's scary.

194 Anonymous said... 194

I just don't get why Typhus is so much more upset about the whole thing than the OP.
And would she not have been as upset if the cross dressing he-she had walked in behind her son?

195 Anonymous said... 195

Because Typhus gets upset about EV-ER-Y-THING

196 Anonymous said... 196

It's getting harder and harder for me not to respond to Mrs T. She's so fucking dumb it's scary.
If tempted just remind yourself that trying to talk to that ignoramus is like trying to teach the alphabet to a gnat.

197 Anonymous said... 197

hahahaha!! Typhus saying those shorts the girls were wearing at the Perry rally WOULD NOT BE IN HER WARDROBE...yeah, ya twat, because The Avenue does not make them in a size 24. What a cunt.

I hope when she dies, she ends up in that circle of Hell where she is beat with used condoms by homosexual monkeys with hard-ons that fling poop.

198 Anonymous said... 198

BUT BUT BUT she has NO problem with girls wearing those short shorts.



199 Anonymous said... 199

How does Mrs T post so damn much with three kids?

I don't even have a quarter of her post count and I don't have kids and I usually pea at work (heh)

With all the preaching she does about being a good mother, you would think she would actually be parenting instead of spouting off on the computer.

200 Anonymous said... 200

Mrs T is nuts on legs - she clearly has no-one who will listen to her or agree with her opinions so has to spew her crap on the inter-webs. I am sure many of her congregation feel the same as she does but do not want to ally themselves to her own brand of nut.

I would no way on earth want this teaching my kids. In fact, she is probably the most positive reason for home-schooling I have ever come across.

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