Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Space 3/26/13


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1 Anonymous said... 1

This hooker is first!

2 Anonymous said... 2

First?! Woohoo!

3 Anonymous said... 3

^^^Oh, crud.

4 Anonymous said... 4

Thanks Skanks!

5 Anonymous said... 5

6 Anonymous said... 6

204: yes, someone did. go look again.
March 26, 2013 at 3:35 PM
7 Anonymous said... 7

@204 and @206 they probably did it AFTER it was copied here, lmfao ;-)
March 26, 2013 at 3:38 PM

Well No Shit 7 LOL First post about it time stamps..


6 Anonymous said... 6

I don't see where anyone ON THE THREAD has copied the OP. I guess they gave up on the rules..

7 Anonymous said... 7

i wonder why brandi(y?)327 stopped posting.

she is definitely smarter than the average pea so that must be it, she must have decided to go elsewhere.

8 Anonymous said... 8

I really think that some-pea and Enough are 2 of Lauren's many alters.

Maybe because I'm too scared to believe that there's more than one Lauren in the world.

9 Anonymous said... 9

I believe you are right 8. That woman gives a whole 'nother definition to "crazy".

10 Anonymous said... 10


I'd bet the OP's coworker is exaggerating (at least partly) her kid's credentials. I'm also grateful that so far, the responses on this thread are reasonable, and not the usual "those people get special favors" and "us v. them" crap that usually happens on such threads.

I'm waiting for Lowrent and her many alters to chime in now.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Hmm, Lauren hasn't posted since the Pea bans. Maybe she was finally disposed of with a global mute/ban?

12 Anonymous said... 12

Her alters have been posting. I'd bet my cat that Some-pea and Enough are both hers. So banning her, even if they did, doesn't really work.

I kinda hope a sinkhole opens up beneath her bedroom. And yes, I do feel bad about saying that.

13 Anonymous said... 13

Yeah when you stop to see who Enough and SomePea go after it is obviously Lauren.

14 Anonymous said... 14

why? she is the anti-christ. i smell sulfur whenever she posts, and i definitely catch a whiff when enough and some pea post. and i don't feel bad about saying that.

15 Anonymous said... 15

Same posting style. Goes after the same people and the same topics. Posts when Lowrent herself isn't. Proof enough for me.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Goes after the same people and the same topics.


Maybe they're just tired of the same ol' bullshit from the same ol' people ALL the time.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Yep, you don't have to be Lowrent to feel that way.

18 Anonymous said... 18

^^said Lauren

19 Anonymous said... 19

I really don't think Lauren would come here and call herself Lowrent.

20 Anonymous said... 20

I don't put anything past that psychotic bitch, 19.

21 Anonymous said... 21

I think you care too much 20. You need to hit up Hallmark and refer to her address listed here on the blog and mail it already. Get it out in the open, your closet love for Lauren is old for all of us. Go! Go Now!!!

22 Anonymous said... 22

Go to sleep, Lauren. You've had too much to drink and you have to pretend to work tomorrow.

23 Anonymous said... 23

When I originаlly left a comment I seem tο havе clicked thе -Notify me ωhеn nеw сοmments are аԁdeԁ- checkbox аnd from noω оn еach time a commеnt is аdԁеd I recеіve four emails wіth thе same comment.

Therе has to bе an easу method you
агe able to remove mе from thаt serѵice?
Many thankѕ!

Lоok at my ωeb page: buy and sell cars for profit

24 Anonymous said... 24

Typus stirring up shit again. SSDD.

25 Mr. Pea said... 25


Mr. Pea lol

26 Anonymous said... 26

I really don't think Lauren would come here and call herself Lowrent.


Any attention is good attention, no? Also deals herself a handy Victim Card.

27 Anonymous said... 27

LOL @ 198, no one ON the thread copied it, in "TRUE PEA FASHION GOING BY THE RULES".

I posted it here because I thought it would be nasty to post on the thread. But I also figured that once she figured out that she wasn't going to leave him (because like someone else said she's a sahm with 3 kids. She got herself good and stuck) she'd want to delete it so she could pretend to have the perfect pea life again.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Good for you but you're NOT the ONLY Pea you know. ?

I simply said I couldn't believe no one had. I didn't ask for it to be posted here but whatever lol.

Someone else asked you why it was posted here, not me (I'm not 198).

29 Anonymous said... 29


Try cleaning it weekly, not twice a year.

30 Anonymous said... 30



Nothing like adding little religious guilt to the holidays.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Calling herself "Lowrent" wouldn't even be a blip on Lauren's radar. She thinks it makes her look like she's someone else, but everybody knows her combative, one or two liner style of posting. I think she has posted multiple times on this thread alone. Hi Lauren! Have a little hair of the dog so you can sober up.

32 Anonymous said... 32

31 = obsessed

33 Anonymous said... 33

31 = Liz

34 Anonymous said... 34

Never mind. Can't be Liz. She never has her ass out of bed before 11am. Maybe Oblio???

35 Anonymous said... 35

On the tanning bed thread:


PeaNut 214,305
July 2005
Posts: 6,381
Layouts: 469

Posted: 3/27/2013 10:38:18 AM
Never have never will.

Father died of melanoma over 20 years ago.

Plus having protected my skin from the sun all these years I regularly
get mistaken for 41 instead of 51.
CrafterBeth, are you smoking crack? No one would EVER mistake you for 41...EVER!!

Delusional, it's what's for dinner.

36 Anonymous said... 36


yeah I don't think you're having any problem with the grieving. Or wallowing in it.

37 Anonymous said... 37


Ha! A fall couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

38 Anonymous said... 38

37 Anonymous said... 37


Ha! A fall couldn't have happened to a nicer person.
March 27, 2013 at 11:04 AM

What did she do to you? What is so bad about her? I've not seen her get nasty with anyone before (maybe I'm missing something)..

39 Anonymous said... 39

@35 Hysterbeth has just confirmed my suspicion that she has no mirrors in her house!

40 Anonymous said... 40


Ha! A fall couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


Maybe it was Satan, trying to destroy her limbs.

OP is a fundamentalist twatwaffle. Search her post history and read about what a compassionate 'friend' she is.

41 Anonymous said... 41


What I find odd is that in the beginning of the op she says this woman is a scientist and later she says she's an engineer.

42 Anonymous said... 42

benem probably doesn't keep track of the details in the stories she makes up.

She's a pea troll.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Poor Mariah2 aka Benam. Her doctor told her that she can't have kids? I thought it was because she can't find a man to put up with her shit.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Maybe Benem/Mariah is gay.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Search her post history and read about what a compassionate 'friend' she is.


No thanks.Is anybody really that invested? I would have to say no.

46 Anonymous said... 46

Search her post history and read about what a compassionate 'friend' she is.


No thanks.Is anybody really that invested? I would have to say no.


You were invested enough to ask why someone thinks she's a twat. So STFU if you don't care and move on.

47 Anonymous said... 47

@32 and @33 - there are over 10 posts about Lauren before #31. But only #31 is obsessed?


48 Anonymous said... 48

"Delusional, it's what's for dinner."

lmao! Totally stealing that--

49 Anonymous said... 49

You were invested enough to ask why someone thinks she's a twat. So STFU if you don't care and move on.

Nope. I didn't ask.
Why do you have to be so hostile. Can't you just converse like a normal person.

50 Anonymous said... 50


yet ANOTHER grief thread from this grief whore.

Jesus H. Christ.

51 Anonymous said... 51


yet ANOTHER grief thread from this grief whore.

Jesus H. Christ.


Now she wants a weekly thread about grief. Isn't that what she's already doing?

52 Anonymous said... 52

enjoytotheend is a sicko. She's found the perfect place for other sickos to enable her.

53 Anonymous said... 53

50, 51, 52
You have a blog dedicated to bitching and yet you deny a simple thread so people can deal with their grief. SMH

54 Anonymous said... 54

50, 51, 52
You have a blog dedicated to bitching and yet you deny a simple thread so people can deal with their grief. SMH


enjoytotheend can start as many threads as she wants. she already does.

That doesn't mean I don't find her fascination with grief and her grief whoredom weird and irritating, though.

No one is denying her anything. Get over yourself, drama queen.

55 Anonymous said... 55

No one is denying her anything. Get over yourself, drama queen.
March 27, 2013 at 3:45 PM


56 Anonymous said... 56

"yet ANOTHER grief thread from this grief whore."

Yet another bitch from the bitchfest queen.

57 Anonymous said... 57

enjoytotheend = trolling grief whore

58 Anonymous said... 58

"yet ANOTHER grief thread from this grief whore."

Yet another bitch from the bitchfest queen.


59 Anonymous said... 59

Yes 57, because only enjoytotheend can possibly see the irony in your complaint. No one else in the world can.

60 Anonymous said... 60

blog ghandi, you have not been missed.

Your little mission here is a big fail.

You will not shut this blog down or change anything.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Grief whores are the worst kind of selfish. Using dead people to get attention and garner sympathy.


62 Anonymous said... 62

Who said I wanted to shut the blog down? Or change anything?

63 Anonymous said... 63

I hope you get enjoy slapping our hands and thinking of how superior you are, blog Gandhi. Hope it gives you the eho boost you so obviously need :)

64 Anonymous said... 64

Gawd, give it a rest already with the stupid blog Gandhi shit.

65 Anonymous said... 65

if the shoe fits . . .

66 Anonymous said... 66

The point is:
People need to express their grief.
People need to bitch.
It's a fact.

67 Anonymous said... 67

i think everybody needs an eho boost now and then ;)

68 Anonymous said... 68



69 Anonymous said... 69

From now on I'm not storing my card at any site again. It's nice not having to reenter it but I'm sick of going through this (this will be about the 5th or 6th time for me).

She's either lying or there's something else going on.


70 Anonymous said... 70

I feel horrible for Child of the 60s.

71 Anonymous said... 71

Why do the peas feel the need to clarify a fluff post with the title FLUFF POST? Do they think no one would know without being told?

72 Anonymous said... 72

STFU #70

73 Anonymous said... 73

Why do you feel sorry for child of the 60s, 70? And why is 73 telling you to STFU?
What did we miss?

74 Anonymous said... 74

I second the STFU 70. What the hell kind of friend are you?

75 Anonymous said... 75

Don't even go there 70. Don't be that asshole.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what's so mean about 70's post?

77 Anonymous said... 77

It is not a stupid question. Just not something 70 should be blabbing about. It is not her news to share.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Something is wrong with or has happened to Child of the 60s and one of her friends is hinting at it here, and the rest are telling her to shut up?
Does that sum it up?

79 Anonymous said... 79

Wish her well if you know something.

I do not know, do not need to know, do not want to know. Hopefully she doesn't over share and get dragged through this hell hole if it's as bad as someone has made it sound.

80 Anonymous said... 80

Hell hole

That's funny, why are you here then?

81 Anonymous said... 81

The devil put that potato on the restaurant floor.

82 Anonymous said... 82

81 Anonymous said... 81

Hell hole

That's funny, why are you here then?
March 28, 2013 at 1:07 AM

I owe you no answer. Comment wasn't really about the blog - comprehension.

83 Anonymous said... 83

My reading is just fine thanks, not my problem you can't write well enough to express yourself.
Being "dragged through THIS hell hole" can only mean here (the blog) there is no other "this" because "this" is used to identify a specific thing close at hand.
If you were referring to somewhere else, then you should have used "that" not "this"

I hope you aren't one of those home schooling cunts.

84 Anonymous said... 84


She didn't even seek medical care...she must not have hurt herself too badly. She's considering calling for a free meal? Bitch please...you don't need a free meal. And a blog bitch was wondering why Angela was a twunt.

85 Anonymous said... 85

84 Anonymous said... 84

My reading is just fine thanks, not my problem you can't write well enough to express yourself.
Being "dragged through THIS hell hole" can only mean here (the blog) there is no other "this" because "this" is used to identify a specific thing close at hand.
If you were referring to somewhere else, then you should have used "that" not "this"

I hope you aren't one of those home schooling cunts.
March 28, 2013 at 2:02 AM

Are you seriously stupid or just act that way?

Clear enough? Did someone smack you too hard when you were little or was it HERE? I'll help you out, it doesn't matter how it's written the post was about leaving Childofthe60s alone.

Get over yourself. Oh no, wait, go on and on about YOUR issue.

86 Anonymous said... 86

North Korea Warns War Could Begin at Any Momentent

87 Anonymous said... 87

What awful people you are. To make fun of someone who is mourning is cruel. You have no idea what anyone is going through. Too bad it wasn't your loved one that died. Perhaps then you may learn empathy. Let's hope it's you next.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Grief whores are the worst kind of selfish. Using dead people to get attention and garner sympathy.



ugh, anyone remember all the Lisa Bearnson (creating keepsakes founder) drama about always getting pictures of her family with dead people (viewings, cemeteries, etc) or at services. She is a grief whore.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Doing a bit of catching up......

Someone told Crafter Beth she looks like she's 41? Seriously? Gah.

I have often maintained CB is a narcissist, and this confirms it. Honestly, I don't know a single woman who looks as much as ten years younger. A few years younger - maybe.

She has also said that her "circle of friends" is all fellow runners. Does she honestly believe any of them would tell her she looked her age? Hardly. Her runner obsessed friends are all undoubtedly *all* youth obsessed and believe they all look fit and young. "Birds of a feather" and all that.

90 Anonymous said... 90

CrafterBeth looks 60 to me, like she needs to stay out of the sun.

91 Anonymous said... 91

88 Anonymous said... 88

What awful people you are. To make fun of someone who is mourning is cruel. You have no idea what anyone is going through. Too bad it wasn't your loved one that died. Perhaps then you may learn empathy. Let's hope it's you next.
March 28, 2013 at 8:47 AM

Can you read? People said NOT to talk about it.
No one brought up mourning - so now "they" know it's a death. YOU brought that tidbit here dumbass...

May you learn empathy.

92 Anonymous said... 92

92? Really? Talk about hate. Wishing that people have their loved ones die? Hoping it's them next?

.wow.just.wow. You fucking sick bitch!

93 Anonymous said... 93


And she's off. It's Desertpea's annual post where she bitches about paying her taxes.

94 Anonymous said... 94


Won't be long before she starts posting about her bf's ex and how much of a bitch she is.

She needs to get a grip, because child support can be spent on anything the mother feels it should be spent on.

95 Anonymous said... 95

90 Anonymous said... 90

Doing a bit of catching up......


Liar. You just wanted to start shit up again.

96 Anonymous said... 96

^^ Don't see bitching along a post from yesterday about hysterbeth as starting shit up "again".

Some people just feel the need to bitch about nothing. It seems that's all you've got today 96. Quit being a buttcracker.

97 Anonymous said... 97

My apologies 97. I missed that post from yesterday.
Thought you were dredging it up from the past.
I'm done being a "buttcracker" now.
Whatever that is. LOL

98 Anonymous said... 98

LOL I wasn't the one doing the catching up that you were talking to but I pointed out the obvious. Thanks for no longer being a buttcracker. LOL

99 Anonymous said... 99

And she's off. It's Desertpea's annual post where she bitches about paying her taxes.


Gawd, she's so predictable. SSDD.

100 Anonymous said... 100

NOBODY WORKS HARDER THAN DESERTPEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

101 Anonymous said... 101


Dorkangle's sister?

102 Anonymous said... 102

101 Anonymous said... 101

NOBODY WORKS HARDER THAN DESERTPEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 28, 2013 at 2:15 PM



103 Anonymous said... 103

smacking the Peas just isn't as fun as it used to be. It has been so long since anybody has been smack worthy. Where is Lowrent anyway? She's always worth a smack in the mouth.

104 Anonymous said... 104

96 Anonymous said... 96
90 Anonymous said... 90

Doing a bit of catching up......


Liar. You just wanted to start shit up again.
March 28, 2013 at 11:50 AM


Ok. I'm the one who was "catching up".

It boggles my mind there are people that think other people spend hours and hours on the Internet, let alone believe people read this blog every single day, multiple times a day. Sheesh. Seriously. You need to get a life. And yes, I do believe Crafter Beth deserves the shit she gets on this blog. The dodo bird sets herself up for by repeatedly posting crap about herself and her giant ego.

This is a smack blog. People talk smack. About the Peas.

It is what it is. Don't like it. Don't come here. How hard is that to understand?

105 Anonymous said... 105

I thought DesertPea "went Galt" so she wouldn't have to pay taxes.

106 Anonymous said... 106

North Korea's leader says he is preparing his rocket forces to "settle accounts with the U.S." after the U.S. deployed B-2 stealth bombers to South Korea to participate in a training exercise Thursday.

Kim Jong Un's comments in a meeting with senior generals early Friday are part of a rising tide of threats meant to highlight anger over the drills and recent U.N. sanctions over Pyongyang's nuclear test.

State media says Kim signed a rocket preparation plan and ordered rockets on standby to strike the U.S. mainland, South Korea, Guam and Hawaii.

107 Anonymous said... 107

I like to be informed as much as the next blog beyotch, but WTF is up with the random posts about North Korea? Is North Korea the next Kendra?

108 Anonymous said... 108

What happened with Childofthe60s, and when did the blog become PC?

109 Anonymous said... 109

88 Anonymous said... 88

What awful people you are. To make fun of someone who is mourning is cruel. You have no idea what anyone is going through. Too bad it wasn't your loved one that died. Perhaps then you may learn empathy. Let's hope it's you next.
March 28, 2013 at 8:47 AM

Can you read? People said NOT to talk about it.
No one brought up mourning - so now "they" know it's a death. YOU brought that tidbit here dumbass...

May you learn empathy.

I think that as enjoytotheend or whatever whining about how mean we all are, not some bitch talking about child of the 70s. I could be wrong, but I rarely am.

110 Anonymous said... 110

I actually appreciate reading those posts, 108.

111 Anonymous said... 111

111 Anonymous said... 111
I actually appreciate reading those posts, 108.


Then maybe you should be at MSN, CNN or Fox news. This is a smack blog. If I want the nightly news I'll dig up Walter Cronkite.

112 Anonymous said... 112

enjoytotheend is being smacked because she is a grief whore in general. In addition to the 19,386 posts she's started about her grandma's death, she seems to latch on to any sad event that happens and make it all about her.

What makes you think that the people smacking her haven't experienced grief and loss? I have, and I still think she's an attention whore.

Fuck you and your wishing death on other people's family member so that they "may learn empathy."

May you learn to understand what you read and shut your fucking mouth.

113 Anonymous said... 113

I think you take what you get here, 112.

114 Anonymous said... 114

smacking the Peas just isn't as fun as it used to be. It has been so long since anybody has been smack worthy. Where is Lowrent anyway? She's always worth a smack in the mouth.


I'm really missing LULZ provided by Athena. Where did that asshat slither off to anyway? StormFront?

115 Anonymous said... 115

I could be wrong, but I rarely am.
March 28, 2013 at 8:03 PM

A know-it-all Pea, imagine that!!!

116 Anonymous said... 116

I - like most human beings - have experienced profound loss and grief. The difference is we don't let tragedy define us and rule/ruin our lives.

117 Anonymous said... 117

Desertpea is one sour-assed puss.

118 Anonymous said... 118


Well there's some over sharing. On an old thread. "Angieandsnoopy" even said it was an old thread but they still want to talk about their boobs.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Is talking about your grief and getting it out really letting it define you and ruining your life?
Talking about it and expressing how you feel is what allows you to move on and not let it define you.

120 Anonymous said... 120

How about talking about shit that has NOTHING to do with you (like all of her responses on the Jodi Arias threads that make it sound like she was BFFs with the victim) and making it about you? How about her endless threads about her grandma's death and the fact that other people have lost loved ones and haven't droned on and on and on and on?

You have your opinion and others have theirs.

You disagree. Awesome. STFU and move on.

121 Anonymous said... 121

Can you guys get a room?

122 Anonymous said... 122

Blathering endlessly on twopeas the way she does is not "moving on'.

Chick needs a shrink and possibly meds. She's fucking obsessed. And marinating in negativity.

123 Anonymous said... 123


Cute couple, but I would kill my mom if she was pasting links to my engagement pictures at a public site. This really bothers me for some reason.

124 Anonymous said... 124

122 Anonymous said... 122
Can you guys get a room?


How about you just skip the posts you don't want to read, precious?

125 Anonymous said... 125

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s latest threat is his most specific yet – a vow to strike the U.S. mainland, complete with a photo on the state-run media showing Hawaii, Washington, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, as the targets of choice.

Photos believed to have been taken at an “emergency meeting” Friday appeared in the state-run Rodong newspaper and showed Kim signing an order putting rockets on standby to fire at U.S. targets, the paper said. Behind Kim, a chart titled "U.S. mainland strike plan" can be seen and a map shows missiles arcing into the U.S. locations.

Kim warned Friday he is preparing to "settle accounts with the U.S." after the U.S. deployed B-2 stealth bombers to South Korea to participate in a training exercise Thursday.

126 Anonymous said... 126

125 Anonymous said... 125

122 Anonymous said... 122
Can you guys get a room?


How about you just skip the posts you don't want to read, precious?
March 29, 2013 at 2:12 AM

Can you tell that to 112 too, smeagol?

127 Anonymous said... 127


heartcats dh sounds like a stand up guy, didn't see his dd from the time she was 3, she's now 23. They never told their kids about her.

Yeah that's some awesome personal responsibly and parenting right there.

I'll give him a point for paying child support but I'm guessing it was the bare minimum.

128 Anonymous said... 128

Wow love how she justifies it later in the thread:

"In dh's situation, her mother was not a young woman he was in love with. They were not even really in a relationship and barely knew one another. This was an unplannced pregnancy on his end, planned on hers. He did not want to have or raise a child with this woman, nor make any promises of doing such or committments to doing that."

129 Anonymous said... 129

Bastard children are not held in the same regard as those born into a home with married parents.

130 Anonymous said... 130

Is there any tale of woe that hasn't also happened to enjoytotheend? If I was her I'd be tempted to put an end to my misery.

131 Anonymous said... 131

130 Anonymous said... 130
Bastard children are not held in the same regard as those born into a home with married parents.


What's your point? That it was OK for her dh to ignore his child? If he didn't want kids he should have used condoms. It wasn't the child's fault she came into the world.

I think her dh is a douche. And nothing can justify basically abandoning his child. Honestly if my dh had told me he had a child he never saw and explained it the way her dh did I probably wouldn't have married him.

He wanted to have sex but didn't step up and be man to his own flesh and blood.

132 Anonymous said... 132

I think her dh is a douche. And nothing can justify basically abandoning his child. Honestly if my dh had told me he had a child he never saw and explained it the way her dh did I probably wouldn't have married him


Yeah, I'm with you on that 1000 percent.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Bastard children are not held in the same regard as those born into a home with married parents.


It's not 1955.

134 Anonymous said... 134

does anyone else think "enjoytotheend" should change her moniker to "enjoytheend" because sure seems to enjoy lamenting about death. Odd Peas that one.

135 Anonymous said... 135

Dear 130,
I got your sarcasm with the "bastard" comment. I apologize on behalf of the denser blog bitches who are so fucking literal about everything.

136 Anonymous said... 136

And even IN 1955, calling them "bastard children" would have been considered crass.

137 Anonymous said... 137

What's your point? That it was OK for her dh to ignore his child? If he didn't want kids he should have used condoms. It wasn't the child's fault she came into the world.

I think her dh is a douche. And nothing can justify basically abandoning his child. Honestly if my dh had told me he had a child he never saw and explained it the way her dh did I probably wouldn't have married him.

He wanted to have sex but didn't step up and be man to his own flesh and blood.

+10,000. I'm so tired of hearing men (my dad) complain that they didn't want children. If you don't want kids, use a damn condom.

Hey, Dad--birth control was legal in the '70s, you asshole. Stop blaming my sister and I--our existence--for your crappy life.

138 Anonymous said... 138

^^^Sorry--a little family vent. Bad parenting really hits home for me, whether absent or not.

139 Anonymous said... 139

#139-go right ahead and vent dearie....the real bastards in these situations are the fathers who desert their children.

140 Anonymous said... 140

No, the REAL bastard is the stupid bitch that gets herself pregnant with a man she barely knows and who doesn't want fucking children. Women are so fucking stupid. Do you really think your crotch nugget is gonna change the fucker's mind?

Stupid is as stupid does.

141 Anonymous said... 141

141- of course it's shitty but who knows if that story is true or just some BS made up to justify being a douchebag.

Either way he has an obligation and that's just that.

sorry your SO has a babymama you don't like.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Sorry 141 I disagree, if a man doesn't want kids then he needs to be the one to make sure it doesn't happen.

143 Anonymous said... 143

143-BOTH fuckers need to make sure. Condoms don't always work...the bitch needs to use a form of birth control too. But they don't. Why? Because they try to trap a man. My DH doesn't have kids with anyone else so I am not a bitter bitch. I am just being real and telling the truth. Many of us know some stupid bitch that got pregnant on purpose thinking it would change the man and make him step up. Guess what those dumb bitches are now? Single mothers that bitch and moan.

144 Anonymous said... 144

whatever happened to that pea who was posting about her "clean eating" every day?

can't remember who it was but I kinda figured she lost 3 lbs, went off the "clean eating" kick, then gained 50.

145 Anonymous said... 145


146 Anonymous said... 146

Whatever 144 you know as well as I do if a man is about to get some and the woman says she's on the pill he'll go with that, he won't bother with a condom. Fact is if nightowls douche of a husband had used a condom he won't have had a daughter to abandon.

And yes I'll admit they can fail but I'm guessing Mr. I'm not ready to be a dad didn't even bother with one in the first place.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Either way he has an obligation and that's just that.

He paid child support, that's more than most men would do in this situation. WTF did you want him to do, stick around and play daddy? If the bitch didn't want to get an abortion and he didn't want the kid, he's met his obligation by paying CS.

148 Anonymous said... 148

Yes I want him to stick around and be a father.

He's a douche. Any asshole with a job can write a check.

It would have been nice if he'd took some personal responsibility and been her father, not a bank deposit.

I can't believe you think it's OK for someone to walk away from their child. If he didn't want kids he should have kept his dick in his pants. No one forced him to fuck her.

149 Anonymous said... 149

He paid child support, that's more than most men would do in this situation. WTF did you want him to do, stick around and play daddy? If the bitch didn't want to get an abortion and he didn't want the kid, he's met his obligation by paying CS.
It's his flesh and blood whether he wanted the child or not. The loser denied his own child. Just paying CS doesn't make him any less of a loser.
Nightowl was getting older and desperate and settled for a LOSER. She admitted as much in her post.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Nightowl is a super-cunty bitch. Not surprised at all that she would marry some asshole who would treat his kid like that.

What other kind of man is going to hook up with a ginormous bitch like Nightfoul?

They sound like they're perfectly matched.

151 Anonymous said... 151

^^oops, I saw in 147 that someone said it was nightfoul's DH. Clicked on the link, and it was heartcat.

I still think Nightowl is one of the cuntiest bitches at the pod.

152 Anonymous said... 152

150 here. Meant Heartcat not Nightowl. Either way that man is a first class loser!

153 Anonymous said... 153

151+152 here.

ITA with you, 150/153!!

THe guy sounds like a really special kind of asshole.

154 Anonymous said... 154

Remember the old days when Papa would hold a shotgun on the punk who impregnated his daughter, and force him to marry her? j/k

I wouldn't have a relationship with someone who had a child with someone else and doesn't accept the child in his life and says, "Oh, hey, I'm a respectable dad because I pay child support!"

It's sad that some women will stick with a man like that just because they can't bear to be alone.

155 Anonymous said... 155

WTF did you want him to do, stick around and play daddy?


I guess that's his prerogative to run. But I sure as hell would not give the bastard the time of day, much less marry him/or start my own family with him. He's shown exactly what sort of husband/father he is. No thanks.

156 Anonymous said... 156

I had an aquaintance, who after HS was desperate to get married and have babies, so she picked - with full knowledge - this loser who pulled all sorts of shenanigans like he didn't work/worked under the table to avoid paying for his existing kids/ex-wife.

No shock when, three kids later, friend and loser divorce and she's whining and crying and pissed cuz he's doing the same crap to her and her kids.

Of course this same dumbass bitches all over FB about welfare moochers, when she herself was on welfare both during and after her marriage.

I'm betting she's a Pea.

157 Anonymous said... 157

One of the reasons I married my DH was that I saw how good of a father he was to his son, how totally involved he was, despite the ex's animosity.

Good dads are sexy. Deadbeats...are just gross.

158 Anonymous said... 158

I had an aquaintance, who after HS was desperate to get married and have babies, so she picked - with full knowledge - this loser who pulled all sorts of shenanigans like he didn't work/worked under the table to avoid paying for his existing kids/ex-wife

Based on that part: did you know my sister?!

She intentionally got pregnant by some drunk who had three kids with his ex-wife. One of whom is only five months older than the one he had with my sister. He didn't pay CS for any of them and is in and out of jail.

And my sister was surprised. @@

159 Anonymous said... 159

You know if some no name pea had posted about some kid her dh paid child support for but otherwise didn't acknowledge she'd get her ass handed to her. I can't believe how most of the other peas seem to thing it's a sweet story.

160 Anonymous said... 160

You know if some no name pea had posted about some kid her dh paid child support for but otherwise didn't acknowledge she'd get her ass handed to her. I can't believe how most of the other peas seem to thing it's a sweet story.


Word. Most of the peas have a very thinly veiled hatred of the opposite sex. They act like men are all childish, lazy assholes and women are all saints and martyrs. It's one of the main reasons I haven't posted there in months.

I just hate read now, and I like it better that way :)

161 Anonymous said... 161

You know if some no name pea had posted about some kid her dh paid child support for but otherwise didn't acknowledge she'd get her ass handed to her. I can't believe how most of the other peas seem to thing it's a sweet story.


162 Anonymous said... 162

I just hate read now, and I like it better that way :)

162 here - word again.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Heartcat is a Hag - she deserves a douche waffle for a husband.

164 Anonymous said... 164

This blog is so fucking dead.

165 Anonymous said... 165

This blog is so fucking dead.


Yeah, the bitching doesn't really liven it up for me.

166 Anonymous said... 166

What would liven it up for you?

167 Anonymous said... 167

And my sister was surprised. @@


That's the part that gets me.

168 Anonymous said... 168

I think what surprises those women most of all is that they end up not being "the one he changed for" It's like they never consider that they might end up in a situation they can't control and can't handle

169 Anonymous said... 169

I went to high school with a chick who had 3 kids from 3 different guys, all of whom had OTHER children they already didn't support.

She stopped being my friend when, one day, in response to her bitching about how all the dads were deadbeats, I asked her if she thought her children would have been the magic bastards who cured their fathers of their deadbeat status.

Sure, the "men" in these cases are assholes, but I blame the women who CHOOSE to get knocked up even more. They told you who they were and you expected them to change. No sympathy from me for anyone except the kids.

170 Anonymous said... 170

And my sister was surprised. @@


That's the part that gets me.


And it's complete bullshit - feigned ignorance in order to absolve herself of any responsibility for her bad choice of baby-daddy.

171 Anonymous said... 171

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea said Saturday it had entered "a state of war" with South Korea in its latest threat aimed at the United States and its ally after two American B-2 bombers flew a training mission in the region.

"From this time on, the North-South relations will be entering the state of war and all issues raised between the North and the South will be handled accordingly," said a statement carried by the official North Korean news agency, according to a Reuters report.

The joint statement by the government, political parties and organizations said North Korea will deal with all matters involving South Korea according to "wartime regulations." It also warned it will retaliate against any provocations by the United States and South Korea without "any prior notice."

172 Anonymous said... 172


More Peas with advanced kids. Especially Ladyscrap whose son started playing "at an advanced level when he was just 6". I guess my kids are failures, when they were 6 they were kicking a ball around in the K/1 peewee league.

173 Anonymous said... 173

why son started playing with himself at age 6 so is he advanced?

174 Anonymous said... 174

No, you silly goose, mine started at 2. Now he is training for the Olympics. LOL ;-D

175 Anonymous said... 175

did he somersault out of your vagina when born?

176 Anonymous said... 176


I love sports, especially baseball, but the whole "we" thing irritates me. "We" have not been terrible; the Mariners have. And "we" didn't sign Felix Hernandez; the Mariners did.

Every time I hear it, I want to say, "I didn't see your fat ass playing last night."

177 Anonymous said... 177


Poor thing can't even make stuffing.

178 Anonymous said... 178

178 Anonymous said... 178

Poor thing can't even make stuffing.


She can make it, she just doesn't know when she should make it.

179 Anonymous said... 179

" I don't wear foundations at all. I am fortunate to have good skin and taken care of my skin well."


Crafter Beth on the Beauty Products thread.

Her ego is unbelievable. Either that, or she is seriously delusional.

180 Anonymous said... 180

My vote is for delusional 180. She needs glasses.

181 Anonymous said... 181

Beth's corneas must be as sun damaged as her skin if she thinks she looks youthful and fresh.

182 Anonymous said... 182

You bitches better watch it. (not)Beth is gonna start up with the blog Gandhi bullshit again.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Hysterbeth - what a trip! If she thinks her skin looks good I can't wait to hear what she's got to say about her fucking hair!

184 Anonymous said... 184

183 Anonymous said... 183

You bitches better watch it. (not)Beth is gonna start up with the blog Gandhi bullshit again.
March 30, 2013 at 5:43 PM

Who are you kidding? We all know she's out running.

185 Anonymous said... 185

She perms it 184, that "hair" is intentional LOL & she thinks it looks great. This came up using google lol..



PeaNut 214,305
July 2005
Posts: 6,386
Layouts: 469
Posted: 9/4/2011 5:26:45 PM

I love mine!! Been getting it done for about 12 years now......looks way better than my fine straight hair and I get compliments all the time! and with all the running/biking I do it's way easier to take care of!

Most people have no idea that my hair is permed. My hair is very soft and damage free. My sylist uses an all organic line of products in her salon and that includes the colors and perms.

Oh and FYI I only have 3 months left to be in my 40's and I'm keeping my perm as long as I can!LOL

186 Anonymous said... 186

See her second post in that thread. I'm just SURE someone asked for her photo!

187 Anonymous said... 187

OMG. She creates that look on purpose?

Oh, Beth.

188 Anonymous said... 188


anyone find the irony in gina talking about dressing up for holiday dinner but her son wore jeans to his own wedding!

189 Anonymous said... 189

"(not)Beth is gonna start up with the blog Gandhi bullshit again."

I'm one of the people that had an issue with the last go round of crafterbeth.

I don't have any issue with what is being said here now. It's much different this time than the vile nature of what was said the last time.

190 Anonymous said... 190

190 Anonymous said... 190


anyone find the irony in gina talking about dressing up for holiday dinner but her son wore jeans to his own wedding!


No. Two different people, two different ideas of how things should be.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Gina's posts always make me want to claw my eyes out and get her an elementary school book on punctuation.

192 Anonymous said... 192

I think Gina is one of the biggest bitches at two peas, and laugh at how much she calls everyone else out for being rude and bitchy

193 Anonymous said... 193

Gina's posts always make me want to claw my eyes out and get her an elementary school book on punctuation.

I'm tired of her writing style as well.

194 Anonymous said... 194


i don't understand why it's a problem.

you don't like things typed out like this?

195 Anonymous said... 195

And didn't Gina used to type her posts normally? I don't remember her posting like that years ago. Why the sudden change? So bizarre.

196 Anonymous said... 196

Too many years of texting where it capitalizes for you?

197 Anonymous said... 197

WTF did you want him to do, stick around and play daddy?

Are you serious? YES. Not with the baby's mother of course. Not in the same house. But you don't see a child until age 3 and then walk away and cut off contact until she grows up and finds you on Facebook at 23. He should have had regular visitation throughout her life and supported her as her father - child support means shit to the poor girl. WTF is wrong with you with this comment? The only choices aren't to marry the girl and play daddy or to walk away and cut off contact! There are the normal options that most people manage to do. That DH is the ultimate asshole.

198 Anonymous said... 198


i don't understand why it's a problem.

you don't like things typed out like this?


that doesn't bother me....it's this....and this ....and this....that bothers me....

199 Anonymous said... 199

I am surprised that there has been no ranting at the pod about some stores being open tomorrow. After all, isn't Easter a more sacred holy day than Christmas?

200 Anonymous said... 200

200 Anonymous said... 200


i don't understand why it's a problem.

you don't like things typed out like this?


that doesn't bother me....it's this....and this ....and this....that bothers me....
March 30, 2013 at 10:02 PM

This doesn't bother me if used the right way. People use it improperly all the time though.

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