Monday, March 4, 2013

Space 3/4/13


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1 Anonymous said... 1


wait, what?

2 Anonymous said... 2

Thanks Jane!

3 Anonymous said... 3

I think most of those peas spend about $25 on a wedding gift.

4 Anonymous said... 4

If childofgrace spent half the time cleaning that she does chalking herself to clean, she wouldn't have a problem.

Stupid and lazy. Her husband must be so happy.

5 Anonymous said... 5

chalking = challenging. Damn autocorrect.

6 Anonymous said... 6

This why peas don't get anything done. They keep empty boxes of Girl Scout cookies. @@

From CoG's latest dumbs thread.


WTF? She's a hoarder!

No shit. How goddamn hard is it to put an empty cookie box (or any other item) in the trash or recycling? My recycling cart is outside, and I still manage to do it.

I can't believe how lazy and inept (and proud of it) some peas are.

7 Anonymous said... 7

Delphinium Twinkle obviously wasn't.

8 froth the moonbat swing! said... 8

NSBR is a freakshow.

9 Anonymous said... 9

$25 is a decent wedding gift in my part of the country and No I don't live in Alabama

10 Anonymous said... 10

All I ever got was candy. Too bad I didn't have a pea mother. Score!!!

On second thought, good thing I didn't have a pea mother. My own was bad enough.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Just another made up condition.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Delphinium Twinkle obviously wasn't.


Holy shit she has a lot of posts! I've been a pea for 8 years too, and I'm not even near 5000.

13 Anonymous said... 13

All I ever got was candy. Too bad I didn't have a pea mother. Score!!!


Some peas treat it like a second Christmas! My dd gets candy and a dvd. She'll probably need therapy later :)

14 Anonymous said... 14

When will they understand that Skybarf is hiding in her trailer, wearing a tin foil hat and licking her wounds?

15 Anonymous said... 15

Rebelyelle is such a fucking know it all.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Bucket broke early this week? Or are they making up for this past weekend?

I've never seen a website with so many technical problems. When you start thinking, I could do better than's a problem. Oh, well--I think I gain IQ points if I stay away from the peas.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Then you come here and lose twice what you gained.

18 Anonymous said... 18

Speak for yourself 17.

19 Anonymous said... 19

I'm so glad my neighbors are more considerate than some of these lovely ladies. I don't want to listen to your kids practice their "music", and I don't think that makes me a bad person!
No shit! Both of my next door neighbors have kids who play instruments. One "plays" piano and the other a trumpet. I call the police at least four times a week. I don't think that makes me a bad person either.

20 Anonymous said... 20

It's happening to you whether you like it or not 18.
Studies have shown, 9 outta 10 Drs. agree. The 10th one came here too often.

21 Anonymous said... 21

My son is learning piano and drums. He practices after school and before our neighbors get home from work.

How difficult is that to do?

22 Anonymous said... 22

It always has been in my family. We always got presents from the bunny and grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc.

Now that I have kids I do it with them, too.

Mostly I just like buying toys I also give the kids presents for Valentines, Halloween, first day of school, tooth fairy, pretty much any excuse I just think it's fun.

Strangely I despise buying gifts for people other than my kids, though.. myshelly

We only do candy for Easter, maybe a stuffed animal when the kids where younger. Her last sentence makes her sound like a real peach. Very giving and generous.

23 Anonymous said... 23

9 Anonymous said... 9
$25 is a decent wedding gift in my part of the country and No I don't live in Alabama.


Where do you live? Mississippi? $25 dollars in a cheap ass gift.

24 Anonymous said... 24

Anyone who has never suffered from RLS should count themselves lucky. No, I am not one of the women on that thread.

25 Anonymous said... 25

Why do the peas think they are entitled to help all their friends and family shop? Why can't they mind their own business?

26 Anonymous said... 26

Where do you live? Mississippi? $25 dollars in a cheap ass gift.


Not in my circles it isn't! Sorry, I aint a rich bitch like you obviously are but $25 is the standard wedding gift where I live and it's NO WHERE near the South ;)

27 Anonymous said... 27

Where do you live? Mississippi? $25 dollars in a cheap ass gift.

The food isn't $150/plate either. Weddings aren't all about gift grabs. It's about sharing that special day with others. Not let's see how much cash I can collect!

28 Anonymous said... 28

No shit! Both of my next door neighbors have kids who play instruments. One "plays" piano and the other a trumpet. I call the police at least four times a week. I don't think that makes me a bad person either.

You call the police? For a kid practicing a trumpet? Are they practicing into the wee hours of the morning? If it's just normal after school practice I think calling the police makes you a HORRIBLE person. I suppose children's laughter pisses you off too.

29 Anonymous said... 29

You call the police? For a kid practicing a trumpet? Are they practicing into the wee hours of the morning? If it's just normal after school practice I think calling the police makes you a HORRIBLE person. I suppose children's laughter pisses you off too.

Agreed! I think you're HORRIBLE for calling the police on a kid practicing trumpet during daylight hours! Glad you don't live in my neighborhood.

30 Anonymous said... 30

ITA 28. Crazytown. O_o

31 Anonymous said... 31

Pretty much every kid in my hood plays an instrument....I don't think I've ever 'noticed' the noise except from the drum kits in the garage, no biggy, it's not like they're amped to 130 decibles and go all night long.

What the hell is wrong with people? Music is something that should be encouraged. Kids could be off doing sooooo much worse.

32 Anonymous said... 32

No shit! Both of my next door neighbors have kids who play instruments. One "plays" piano and the other a trumpet. I call the police at least four times a week. I don't think that makes me a bad person either.


I took that to be sarcasm, would the cops even take something like that seriously? I'm pretty sure the cops would tell you to suck it up butter cup it's not breaking any noise ordinance.

33 Anonymous said... 33

#32 I really hope it was a sarcastic comment

34 Anonymous said... 34

No it wasn't meant to be sarcastic. I can't imagine calling the cops even once much less 4 times a week because a neighborhood kid is practicing the piano. How could a kid practicing even come close to being so noisy it warrants a call to the cops?

35 Anonymous said... 35

I told my DH to make sure you bitches know when I die because it's important to me that anonymous strangers know my family's business.

36 Anonymous said... 36

That comment was sarcastic, 34.

37 Anonymous said... 37

I know, right 35?

and, It's nice with no skybar at the bukkit.

38 Anonymous said... 38

I didn't think it was sarcastic either! I could totally see some of the uptight pea-tards calling the cops for some piddly shit like that!

39 Anonymous said... 39

15Anonymous said... 15

Rebelyelle is such a fucking know it all.


She's just smart and that irritates you for some reason. Oh, and I am not Rebelyelle and I do not know her in real life.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Remove the stick from your ass 38, you'll see you can breathe better.

41 Anonymous said... 41

I don't have a problem with rebelyell usually, but in that thread, she came off like a major cunt.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Also, rebel might be smarter than the average peatard, but that doesn't make her very smart IRL.

43 Anonymous said... 43

There's no stick in my ass 40. The one with the stick in their ass is 19

44 Anonymous said... 44

$25 for a wedding gift makes you look like an ass. Don't keep trying to justify it. Jesus Christ. That is just embarrassing.

45 Anonymous said... 45

$25 for a wedding gift makes you look like an ass. Don't keep trying to justify it. Jesus Christ. That is just embarrassing.

Maybe where you live it's embarassing. I'm not a Real Housewife of ____ County so it's a perfectly acceptable gift in my neck of the woods, especially if you aren't related to the couple. It's what I received from most of the people who attending my wedding back in the 90's. Heck, I even got $10 from one relative of DH's and that didn't even cover 1 plate, let alone two.

I usually give $50-100 depending on the relation of the couple to me or DH but I'm sure that's embarassing as well for you "Real Housewife" blog bitches whose DH's make over 100K/yr. I unfortunately do not. I won't go broke giving wedding gifts, I give what I can afford

46 Anonymous said... 46

FFS, some of you are starting to sound as bad as the peabrains.

Give what you want and what you can AFFORD for a wedding gift, and then just forget about it.

It's not rocket surgery!

47 Anonymous said... 47

$25 can buy a nice toaster from Target.

48 Anonymous said... 48

43, she was not serious about calling the cops. She was being sarcastic.

49 Anonymous said... 49

I usually give a $50 wedding gift. That should cover the bad catering.

50 Anonymous said... 50


Well -what do you know.

Gale W finally admitted they use crop insurance.

Last summer she was boo-hooing all over the message board about the drought in Indiana and how they would have no crop ....wah, wah, wah. .....all the way to the bank.

New car, total remodel of her home. Poor little farmer.

Blech. She had all the Peas bamboozled into thinking she was going to be destitute and I thought WTF - not with crop insurance.

Lord, the Peas love to stretch the truth to get sympathy and attention.

51 Anonymous said... 51

43, she was not serious about calling the cops. She was being sarcastic.

And you know this how? I didn't detect one hint of sarcasm in her comment.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Of course you didn't 51, because you have a stick up your ass.

53 Anonymous said... 53

I agree with 51, 19's comment had no hint of sarcasm in it whatsoever. So go fuck yourself 52.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Yes, you would agree with yourself.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Well -what do you know.

Gale W finally admitted they use crop insurance.

Last summer she was boo-hooing all over the message board about the drought in Indiana and how they would have no crop ....wah, wah, wah. .....all the way to the bank.

New car, total remodel of her home. Poor little farmer.

Blech. She had all the Peas bamboozled into thinking she was going to be destitute and I thought WTF - not with crop insurance.

Lord, the Peas love to stretch the truth to get sympathy and attention.

March 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM

I completely agree with you. I thought she was being disingenuous last year, and now with all the new stuff, building a new home, etc. I'm sure of it.

People like her crying wolf are exactly why no one believes anything anymore. Poor, small farmers my azz.

56 Anonymous said... 56

No 54, I'm 51 but not 53

57 Anonymous said... 57

After reading these posts here, it's just damn funny that ANY of you here claim to be above "pea intelligence".

I'm quite astonished you're just that stupid that you don't even read what you write yourselves.

58 Anonymous said... 58

I didn't think it was sarcastic either! I could totally see some of the uptight pea-tards calling the cops for some piddly shit like that!


This. The line between Peas and parody is a mighty thin one.

59 Anonymous said... 59

Has Jesus' No. 1 Disciple Mrs. Typus burned her Kindle yet?

60 Anonymous said... 60

"She's just smart and that irritates you for some reason."

Whenever someone uses common sense or has a bit of knowledge they don't possess, the peas and many that come here, get very intimidated and lash out. It becomes very obvious, how little self esteem they actually have.

61 Anonymous said... 61

oh, except for you, 60. You're just better than all peas *and* blog bitches, aren't ya? ;)

62 Anonymous said... 62

buzz off, L'Urine/57.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Maybe Gale doesn't know anything about the family finances.It seems like a lot of peas are like that.
Either that or they know everything Dave Ramsey knows (and more).

64 Anonymous said... 64

gale kind of proved herself to be just another lying, drama-mongering pea.

random question-who's the dude in her avatar? is it someone famous, or just some random guy?

65 Anonymous said... 65

Nope 61. You won't see me bitching about something Mrs. T said that was absolutely correct and polite but just because she's Mrs. T you throw a hissy fit. Each and every single time she posts. Or KikiNichole because you didn't like the fact that she was thoughtful and insightful, what bitch she is. Let's tear her to shreds because you "don't like her". Or Lauren just because someone twisted what she said into something that no longer resembles any form of truth. You heard it was said, so you just take it as truth. Never mind that it never happened. Someone said it did, so just go with it instead of thinking for yourself.

I'm not better than anybody, but you won't see me doing that brainless bitching.

The people that do this have no common sense OR self esteem.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Oh fuck off 65 we all have peas that annoy us for one reason or another, that's why this blog exists. Just the fact that you think KikiNichole is thoughtful and insightful shows that you're a moran.

Mrs. T never says anything remotely correct or polite but she'll right fight for days over anything.

67 Anonymous said... 67

people like 65 make me laugh.

so virtuous. so mature.

yet hanging out at the smack blog.


68 Anonymous said... 68

I agree with 66 here.

69 Anonymous said... 69

67 shows her ignorance with the way she neglects to start a sentence with a capital letter.

70 Anonymous said... 70

not ignorant, 67. just lazy.

if you don't have a problem with me in real life why the hate for my capitalization laziness?


71 Anonymous said... 71

Leave busypea65 ALONE!!!!!!!11111111!!!!!!!!!!!

72 Anonymous said... 72

GaleW is overly dramatic about every little thing. She does not handle stress well.

73 Anonymous said... 73

random question-who's the dude in her avatar? is it someone famous, or just some random guy?


Jayne Cobb. The Hero of Canton. Wearing his Jayne hat his mom knitted him.

74 Anonymous said... 74

I don't really remember gale as making many drama posts before her DROUGHT-WE'RE RUINED!!!! posts last year.

75 Anonymous said... 75

We remember what you wrote, we haven't twisted anything. So fuck off, you lunatic.

76 Wash said... 76

Wash: A man walks down the street wearing a hat like that... people know he's not afraid of anything.

Jayne: Damn straight.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Ah-thank you 73. :)

78 Anonymous said... 78

Dear 65:

Hi Lauren! Go fuck yourself you hideous old shrew.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Nope 75, I'm still not Lauren. What exactly did she write?

80 Anonymous said... 80

Doesn't really matter who 65 really is. Delusional bitch fits perfectly.

81 Anonymous said... 81

Leave 65 alone!!!!one1111!!!!!!

She's just here to show us the error of our ways1111111!!!!!!!!!

82 Anonymous said... 82

And 69 shows her ignorance when she starts a sentence with a number instead of the written word for the number....

83 Anonymous said... 83

if you don't have a problem with me in real life why the hate for my capitalization laziness?
Lots of people don't like you Gina and your inability to punctuate gives you away every single time.

84 Anonymous said... 84

something Mrs. T said that was absolutely correct and polite


Bahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!1!!! Good one LOL. See, THAT sarcasm, I totally get.

85 Anonymous said... 85

82Anonymous said... 82 And 69 shows her ignorance when she starts a sentence with a number instead of the written word for the number....

March 5, 2013 at 3:34 PM

Grasping again?

86 Anonymous said... 86

No one has to twist anything Lauren says. Her words are ugly enough on their own. Nice attempt at re-writing pea history, though. I'm sure the eleventy billion people who hate remember the same hateful shit from that beast just remember incorrectly.

Like the time she lost it and wished Yvonne's baby dead. Or the time she talked shit to French Toast as her mother lay dying. Or the time she implied that she'd hate for anything to happen to janedoescrapper's baby, wink wink nudge nudge. Or the time she took great joy in using the word spic and got banned for 30 days. Good times.

87 Anonymous said... 87

"Like the time she lost it and wished Yvonne's baby dead."
That is such a Pea Legend, why isn't it included in the epic posts?
Or a link to it?

"Or the time she talked shit to French Toast as her mother lay dying."


"Or the time she implied that she'd hate for anything to happen to janedoescrapper's baby, wink wink nudge nudge."


"Or the time she took great joy in using the word spic and got banned for 30 days."


88 Anonymous said... 88

Get off your lazy ass and find 'em for yourself if you're so curious.

89 Anonymous said... 89

I'm not the one alleging it happened. I don't know when it happened or on what threads, so I wouldn't know where to look.

90 Anonymous said... 90

45: you know how much we make per year? $50k gross For a family of 5. And we live in one of the top 5 most expensive states to live in. We have a house most peas would rather die than live in. So I am far, far from a "Real Housewife" of any fucking county.

But bringing $25 for a wedding gift is embarrassing. I can't stand cheap ass peas justifying bringing $25 for a wedding gift, ESPECIALLY since I can guarantee they are the same ones that have iPhones, Coach purses, iPads, and daily Starbucks.

Everyone is so goddamned self-absorbed these days. Spend a fortune on yourself but being a cheap gift giver says a lot about you.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Some of those threads have been pulled. I for one don't keep a spreadsheet, but I saw all of them, except maybe the French Toast one. Lots of peas have seen her spew her venom. No one needs to make shit up about it.

I'm not the person who posted that list of threads, just another blog bitch and Lauren hater. There are a million of us. LOL

92 Anonymous said... 92

Depends on who the person is. If a family member or friend, probably around $50. For my close friends, probably more.

93 Anonymous said... 93

The time she wished Yvonne's baby dead - that thread is around somewhere, look it up yourself Miss Lazy. She also wished TimsJen's baby dead years ago. It was a nasty, nasty post. It was super late at night so only a handful of peas saw it and she deleted it before morning. I had a screenshot of it on my computer back then but that pc is long gone. It was the only post I ever saved but I was so stunned by it I just had to.


94 Anonymous said... 94

I'm so fucking nosy and I'm dying to know what the physical malady was. Sex change? Reverse a tubal?

95 Anonymous said... 95

15Anonymous said... 15

Rebelyelle is such a fucking know it all.


She's just smart and that irritates you for some reason. Oh, and I am not Rebelyelle and I do not know her in real life.

I'd bet my last fucking dollar that I'm smarter than Rebelyelle and she is irritating as all fuck!

96 Anonymous said... 96

How funny no one has a link to any of the threads that Lauren said all those things and she hasn't done anything so horrible in recent linkable times that you can point out.

So you say it happened but can't show where it happened. We're just supposed to take your word for it.

It sounds like the dimwit who just recently said that Mrs. Tyler said dimwit's mother chose to die of cancer. When she never said that all.

It's bullshit. Someone decides they don't like someone, then twists their words to make them sound awful and repeat the new version of what was said over and over for years and it becomes gospel truth.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Cuntface Lauren also questioned whether or not someone was raped not too long ago.

98 Anonymous said... 98

"Cuntface Lauren also questioned whether or not someone was raped not too long ago."


99 Anonymous said... 99

Of course you didn't 51, because you have a stick up your ass.


I didn't detect any sarcasm either, and I'm not 51 or 53

100 Anonymous said... 100

Link all of Lauren's horrible posts? Are you too retarded to look them up yourself?

Go to bed, L'Urine. We all know it's you here. Just because you were too drunk to remember posting your bile doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Why don't you make up another ID? Oilbrat, Enough, and Desertpea isn't fooling anyone anymore.

101 Anonymous said... 101

After reading these posts here, it's just damn funny that ANY of you here claim to be above "pea intelligence".

I'm quite astonished you're just that stupid that you don't even read what you write yourselves.


Hello pot meet kettle. FFS lay off the vodka!

102 Anonymous said... 102

97 Anonymous said... 97

Cuntface Lauren also questioned whether or not someone was raped not too long ago.


Haven't the blog bitches done the very same thing here VERY recently?

103 Anonymous said... 103

How funny no one has a link to any of the threads that Lauren said all those things and she hasn't done anything so horrible in recent linkable times that you can point out.

Because Lauren's shitty comments managed to get every one of those threads pulled. Go figure.

But let's not forget the times she mocked both Lucy and LBrock about their mothers being dead.
The time when she mocked JBeans about her premature baby.
The time when she literally re-edited a quote to support her racism.

104 Anonymous said... 104

She's just smart and that irritates you for some reason."

Whenever someone uses common sense or has a bit of knowledge they don't possess, the peas and many that come here, get very intimidated and lash out. It becomes very obvious, how little self esteem they actually have.

No, when fuckers at the pod post condescending diatribes about how we should be drinking milk in it's pure form we come here to vent about it. If you don't like it don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

105 Anonymous said... 105

15Anonymous said... 15

Rebelyelle is such a fucking know it all.


She's just smart and that irritates you for some reason. Oh, and I am not Rebelyelle and I do not know her in real life.

I'd bet my last fucking dollar that I'm smarter than Rebelyelle and she is irritating as all fuck!

You are irritating as all fuck.

106 Anonymous said... 106

96 sorry you are so new that you have missed every single one of Lauren's 547 hateful, nasty attacks. You poor thing! Stick around for a bit, she'll do it again, then she'll deny, justify, apologize, promise to be a better person, and repeat.

Seriously, your comments are ridiculous...even LAUREN has admitted most of the stuff she has said. I don't embellish or twist things. Too OCD for that...I just copy/paste.

She should have been banned long ago and the people who support her and interact with her make me sick. Same with the idiot who faked a suicide and had hundreds of peas praying for her and several were crying. But now everyone acts like it never happened. Yeah I don't mind second chances but grow the fuck up. Some "mistakes" are over the line. Like hers and Lauren's.

107 Anonymous said... 107

"Link all of Lauren's horrible posts? Are you too retarded to look them up yourself?"
How convenient that you don't have to back up anything you say here.

"Because Lauren's shitty comments managed to get every one of those threads pulled. Go figure."
How convenient that you don't have to back up anything you say here.

Lauren was talking to herself then? Nobody responded in kind? Everyone was sweet and kind and thoughtful and she alone got the thread pulled?
How convenient that you don't have to back up anything you say here.

And not a single "horrible" thing from Lauren in recent times to link to?
How convenient that you don't have to back up anything you say here.

108 Anonymous said... 108

"Like the time she lost it and wished Yvonne's baby dead."
That is such a Pea Legend, why isn't it included in the epic posts?
Or a link to it?

"Or the time she talked shit to French Toast as her mother lay dying."


"Or the time she implied that she'd hate for anything to happen to janedoescrapper's baby, wink wink nudge nudge."


"Or the time she took great joy in using the word spic and got banned for 30 days."



GiaLuPea, is this you? Because you're the dumb twunt who was doubting that Lauren said what a million others confirmed she said not too long ago.

Here's a link to the thread that caused Lauren's last 30 day "reflection period:

And most of the others were pulled due to her bullshit. But you can believe what you want to believe about her. Guess the rest of us are just liars ;)

109 Anonymous said... 109

No twisting We know what she said and to whom. Many of those threads have been pulled and Lauren is famous or deleting and editing. The Yvonne/baby death is up top if you want to read it. She is a vile person.

110 Anonymous said... 110

"GiaLuPea, is this you? Because you're the dumb twunt who was doubting that Lauren said what a million others confirmed she said not too long ago."

Yeah I must be, because GiaLuPea is the only one that can question things and want to see for herself and not just believe every urban legend told to her.

"and the people who support her and interact with her make me sick."

Oh wait would those all be Gia LuPea too?
But I thought I was Lauren? Make up your fucking mind you dumb twunt.

111 Anonymous said... 111

"The Yvonne/baby death is up top if you want to read it."

Up top where?

112 Anonymous said... 112

Fuck off 86! I mean Wench!

113 Anonymous said... 113

"Or the time she took great joy in using the word spic and got banned for 30 days. Good times."

Looks like she was repeating the poster above her's use of the word spic.

114 Long-timer who's witnessed it all... said... 114

funny no one has a link to any of the threads that Lauren said all those things and she hasn't done anything so horrible in recent linkable times that you can point out.


1. L'Urine herself or the 2peas mods pulled most/all of her nastiest posts/threads.

2. Due to her own tirades, L'Urine has either been booted off by the mods or removed herself from 2peas for periods of time.

3. L'Urine's come back under *at least* three different user names that I can remember. This is not counting any troll accounts.

4 The 2peas search function only goes back 6 months.

But you know all of this already.

115 Anonymous said... 115

"Cuntface Lauren" was right. That lying troll BM wasn't raped she gave it up willingly because she wanted the stink stick.

116 Anonymous said... 116

"How convenient that you don't have to back up anything you say here."

spoken like a true ambulance chaser.

117 Anonymous said... 117

What brought Miss Jen back?
Another tragedy? That woman lives on grief and drama and gets off on thinking she's some sort of saviour.
Would've thought she learned her lesson after the Libis debacle.

Keep your big fat meddling face out of other people's problems MissJen...didn't you learn anything the last time?

118 Anonymous said... 118

I hear the Buick revvin'!!!!!!!!! And the clink of empty wine bottles!

119 Anonymous said... 119

"Cuntface Lauren" was right. That lying troll BM wasn't raped she gave it up willingly because she wanted the stink stick.

And she's accusing BM of it again. I can't imagine being as hateful as that. How pitiful.

120 Anonymous said... 120

Why do you need links when so many people have seen Lowrent's awful threads? Are ALL of us making it up? Starting to sound like you have a crush on Lauren--being her protector from all us vicious hooker blog bitches who haven't saved years' worth of atrocious threads so we must be lying. @@

121 Anonymous said... 121

Nerd in the making. Probably a helicoptered one, too.

122 Anonymous said... 122

How funny no one has a link to any of the threads that Lauren said all those things and she hasn't done anything so horrible in recent linkable times that you can point out.

FFS those threads go back 9 or 10 years, WTH bothers to save links that old? Not that it would help, most of them were deleted. . If you'd been around you'd have seen them. Nobody gives a shit whether you believe it or not.

123 Anonymous said... 123

"Why do you need links when so many people have seen Lowrent's awful threads?"

Because >I< haven't seen it. Because I HAVE seen how things get twisted and then spoken about as if it was true. Just like the cancer thread.

"Starting to sound like you have a crush on Lauren"

I get tired of seeing it all the time with more than just Lauren. Lynlam, Kikinichole, Mrs.T come to mind. Someone doesn't agree with someone else and twists their words to sweeten their agenda. Then other people with the same opinion swoop like vultures and it becomes a mob mentality.

Let's discredit someone who doesn't think like us. If someone makes a valid point that negates the point we're trying to make, instead of conceding that point and continuing the debate, let's tear them apart and ruin their reputation.

Then when it goes on long enough you get the same posters who just swoop no matter what their target has said.

It's transparent as hell and you look a dumbass when you do it. You think you don't because you have other posters backing you up, but guess what. You just look like a GROUP of dumbasses that swoop together.

124 Anonymous said... 124


125 Anonymous said... 125

"FFS those threads go back 9 or 10 years, WTH bothers to save links that old?"

Amazing that she's such an awful person and yet NO ONE can provide one link to even a recent awful horrible post she's made.

Not one single one.

126 Anonymous said... 126

Good one 105. You are so witty, what are you doing wasting such wit here?

127 Anonymous said... 127

Fine, then don't believe it.

2peas deleted Lowrents posts for No REASON.

Lowrent deleted her own posts for NO REASON.

Lowrent was banned/exiled for NO REASON.


128 Anonymous said... 128

Jenn should not post a pic of herself sticking her tongue out like that.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Heh. She's more beautiful than Princess Kate and Jennifer Aniston put together! Also, too.

130 Anonymous said... 130

That dog looks better than HenJenn.

131 Anonymous said... 131

125 FFS no one is talking about recent horrible posts. I think she's a horrible human being overall, for everything I've heard her say going back to fucking 2000 or 2001. Who cares if she hasn't said something horrifyingly nasty in the past 5 months, the fact that she did it a decade ago is enough for me.

The fact that she even thought the things she did, let alone said them, means she's a horrible person. End of story. Even if her 3 page apologies and promises to "be better" back then were legit, which they were obviously not, I wouldn't give her a second chance, ever. Anyone who interacts with her is a moron.

132 Anonymous said... 132

Speaking of deleted accounts, did Athena delete hers?

133 Anonymous said... 133

"FFS those threads go back 9 or 10 years, WTH bothers to save links that old?"

Amazing that she's such an awful person and yet NO ONE can provide one link to even a recent awful horrible post she's made.

Not one single one.


Wrong. 108 provided a post to the racist rant that got Lauren's fat ass banned for 30 days.

Whatever floats your boat, though. Hope it makes you feel superior to defend a miserable cunt like Lauren. I'll sit on the bench with the rest of the decent human beings who understand that people like Lauren don't behave in a way that is human or decent.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Is Mariah trying to be a bitch or just her usual stupid self when she posts that Matthew looks like Mr(gay)Jen?

135 Anonymous said... 135

WTF that recipe thread has been bumped again?
The only thing that thread is good for is to read recipes out loud in the lunch room at work and have people laugh and make fun of them.

Who the fuck eats pasta, canned pineapple and water chestnuts? That is *not* a recipe, that is "I've survived a natural disaster and this is all that's left in the pantry"

136 Anonymous said... 136

"Wrong. 108 provided a post to the racist rant that got Lauren's fat ass banned for 30 days"

Making a post using the same word that the person above her used, continuing the discussion, is not really an example of a racist rant.

137 Anonymous said... 137

No one used the term 'border jumpers'. Lauren threw that gem out all on her own. And you're just being obtuse if you want to pretend that many of the statements Lauren made in that thread weren't racist. Her assumption that every minority wants a hand out, for example.

I see you approve of her tactics and opinions, though. Trash does tend to attract trash. Maybe Lauren will invite you to the next white supremacist meeting she attends :).

138 Anonymous said... 138

I hate Typus. I DESPISE that sanctimonious bitch.

139 Anonymous said... 139

Speaking of deleted accounts, did Athena delete hers?


Heard she went back to her BDSM boards.

"Whip me, Master! I'm a bad, bad Slave! Twist my titties!! Harder! Harder!!!! Oooooooh yes. "

140 froth the moonbat swing! said... 140

Maybe Lauren will invite you to the next white supremacist meeting she attends :).


They can carpool in the Buick.

141 Anonymous said... 141

French Toast's thread. Her mother wasn't dying, but had some health issues and was being difficult.

Lauren came out of left field swinging and being a bitch for no reason.

142 Anonymous said... 142

You are all lying and exaggerating because you hate Lauren.

143 Anonymous said... 143

Go to bed, Lowrent. Nobody gives a shit about you.

144 Anonymous said... 144 hate Lauren.
At least you got this half right.

145 Anonymous said... 145

45: you know how much we make per year? $50k gross For a family of 5. And we live in one of the top 5 most expensive states to live in. We have a house most peas would rather die than live in. So I am far, far from a "Real Housewife" of any fucking county.

But bringing $25 for a wedding gift is embarrassing. I can't stand cheap ass peas justifying bringing $25 for a wedding gift, ESPECIALLY since I can guarantee they are the same ones that have iPhones, Coach purses, iPads, and daily Starbucks.

Everyone is so goddamned self-absorbed these days. Spend a fortune on yourself but being a cheap gift giver says a lot about you.

I don't think $25 is cheap. Attending the reception & bringing nothing is cheap. FTR, I don't go to Starbucks daily, my Coach bag was a gift for my last birthday and I don't have an iPhone. I'll give what I want & you give what you want. I just wish they'd send out thank you notes!

146 Anonymous said... 146

You are all lying and exaggerating because you hate Lauren.


That's got to be one of the funniest things I've ever read, here or at the bucket. You're right, we all got together off the board and came up with a bunch of outrageous shit to blame on Lauren, all for your benefit. Uh huh, that must be it. F'ing idiot.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Just as I suspected.

"Or the time she talked shit to French Toast as her mother lay dying."

is a far cry from the actual truth
-FT bitching about her difficult mother and trying to get her to move in with her brother.

But that's doesn't sound as pathetic, so you had to amp it up to make FT seem more like a sweet innocent victim. And if FT wasn't a sweet innocent victim, well then your painting of Lauren wouldn't be as monstrous.

"Lauren came out of left field swinging and being a bitch for no reason."

Lauren's first post on that thread:
"Well, that might explain the bitchiness.
almost daily I get a dig from you so you'll have to forgive me if I'm not all full of compassion for you. It ain't happening. The one I feel sorry for is your mom if you treat her anything like you do some people here"

Says a lot about how FT treats others to begin with and doesn't sound like Lauren's post was for no reason. Sounds like she was being pounded on by FT first. As a matter of fact that was the whole point of her post that she "came out swinging" with.

I was really thinking someone would have an actual example of Lauren saying she wished some poor innocent sweet poster's baby dead or something so unprovoked and TRULY "out of left field". Something closer to what is claimed, that I would have no choice to but to back down and apologize.

Instead all that has been shown are a couple of examples where the words or facts HAVE to be twisted in order to fit the agenda. Because saying the actual words Lauren used wouldn't paint her to be the monster you would like everyone to believe she is.

I suspect the same thing on the wishing baby dead threads.

148 Anonymous said... 148

Fuck me with a chainsaw. Shut it, L'Urine, you yeasty beast.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Oh for fuck's sake, stop fingering L'Urine's clit already.

150 Anonymous said... 150

BTW, L'Urine NEVER lived in a trashy walk-up apartment that reeked of cat pee. Or failed at being a math teacher in Florida.


151 Anonymous said... 151

147, this isn't the thread where Lauren talked shit to French Toast. There was another thread (I don't care enough to find it) where French Toast said something to Lauren and Lauren asked, "how's your mother?"

You're way too invested in defending this cow. You believe what you believe and we'll believe who Lauren has shown herself to be.

You two should buy a double sided dildo and fuck off together.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Says a lot about how FT treats others to begin with and doesn't sound like Lauren's post was for no reason. Sounds like she was being pounded on by FT first. As a matter of fact that was the whole point of her post that she "came out swinging" with.


I've been around for a long time and I haven't seen FT treat anyone, other then maybe Mrs T, nicely.

So you're saying that if Lauren says it, it must be so. You must be Lauren.

Well, that might explain the bitchiness.
almost daily I get a dig from you so you'll have to forgive me if I'm not all full of compassion for you. It ain't happening. The one I feel sorry for is your mom if you treat her anything like you do some people here"

I do believe FT called Lauren out on this and asked her to show her "how she treated people around here" and proof of her daily digs, but Lauren in true LOWRENT form could not.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Sounds like she was being pounded on by FT first.


154 Anonymous said... 154

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

155 Anonymous said... 155

148, 149, 151 just continue to show the peas fantastic ability to debate a point. Twist the truth, flat out lie, and when that doesn't work call names and get downright ghetto. Yeah, that'll prove your point. (insert eye roll smiley here)

156 Anonymous said... 156

Last-word Typhus. @@

157 Anonymous said... 157

Lowrent's loser kid was never incarcerated. Never happened. Nope. Uh-uh.

158 Anonymous said... 158

148, 149, 151 just continue to show the peas fantastic ability to debate a point. Twist the truth, flat out lie, and when that doesn't work call names and get downright ghetto. Yeah, that'll prove your point. (insert eye roll smiley here).


And you continue to show the Peas' fantastic ability to disregard reality and be deliberately obtuse.

Why are you here if we're such a lost cause?

You aren't going to change anyone's mind about Lauren - she's convinced them of who she is and she's somehow convinced you that she's a really nice person who just gets picked on.

Can't we agree to disagree? Or do you just need to keep beating your drum so that you can feel superior to someone?

Love how you decided that people who disagree with you are "ghetto." Totes adorbs. (insert eye roll smiley here, too)

159 Anonymous said... 159

Pineapple's hubby and son googled her name and discovered she was putting out too much personal info! This infuriated Mr. Pineapple so he finally told her, "Find a job woman!"

160 Anonymous said... 160

I just wish they'd send out thank you notes!

I don't get this. I have given three wedding gifts last year at bridal showers I attended and not one of them sent any Thank You cards to anyone. And I bought the $50-$75 gift listed on their registry, so I know it's something they wanted.

I also gave a baby gift to my cousin's daughter at her baby shower and not once did I receive a Thank You note. And I spent about $100 on her gift from her baby registry.

Is this a new trend? Hell, I'd be happy with an email of thanks. It doesn't have to be a card.

Next time, I'll just have my husband trash the invitations so I can say I never knew about the event to be able to attend.

161 Anonymous said... 161

125 FFS no one is talking about recent horrible posts. I think she's a horrible human being overall, for everything I've heard her say going back to fucking 2000 or 2001. Who cares if she hasn't said something horrifyingly nasty in the past 5 months, the fact that she did it a decade ago is enough for me.

The fact that she even thought the things she did, let alone said them, means she's a horrible person. End of story. Even if her 3 page apologies and promises to "be better" back then were legit, which they were obviously not, I wouldn't give her a second chance, ever. Anyone who interacts with her is a moron.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Next time, I'll just have my husband trash the invitations so I can say I never knew about the event to be able to attend.


That's nice.

Seriously, I'm a fanatic about sending out thank you cards, but you're a loser if you're keeping track as to who sent you one and who didn't. Yeah it sucks that some people don't put in the effort, but come on...

The point of giving a gift is because you want to. Because you love the person and you are happy for them. You go to the event to celebrate their new marriage, baby, retirement, birthday, whatever.

If you're only going to attend events that will earn you a thank you card - events for people you supposedly care about - that says more about you than about them.

Also, why can't you throw away your own mail? Why do you need your husband to decide what gets trashed and what gets kept? Bizarre.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Yeah, this sounds made up.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Why does it sound made up? You don't think kids have imaginary friends?

165 Anonymous said... 165

I know kids have imaginary friends, this is what sounds fake:

He told us his friend's name is Ankal (spelling it the way he pronounced it) Today my son tells me that his friend punched him because he has been saying his name wrong. He now says that his friend's name is Angel. My son said Angel has brown skin, brown eyes, wears a white or silver shirt and is mean to him.


It sounds like she has watched a few A Haunting TV shows and is setting up a OMG we have a demon in the house.

I'm sure if country ham chimes it on that thread it will be something like that.

166 Anonymous said... 166

That imaginary friend thing, made me think the kid is being haunted by a mean spirit. It's sort of strange, but I didn't see anyone mention that in the thread, LOL. I can't be the only one to be thinking that.

167 Anonymous said... 167

@7:25, we were both thinking the same thing!

168 Anonymous said... 168

"Because >I< haven't seen it. Because I HAVE seen how things get twisted and then spoken about as if it was true. Just like the cancer thread."

@@ So, what you're saying is, YOU are the one who needs to read old threads and make the determination once and for all about Lauren? And then point out the error of our ways because we're all wrong about her?

Yeah, yeah, it's all about you No, wait, it's all about you and Lauren.

You are such an asshat. Why don't YOU go look up some threads where Lauren is a perfectly wonderful pea and post THOSE links since you have such a boner for links??

169 Sick of the Lowrent Champion's Gay Lover said... 169

If you haven't seen or read any of the horrible Lowrent threads, obviously you haven't been around very long. You look like a moran with every post

170 Anonymous said... 170

158 Anonymous said... 158

Love how you decided that people who disagree with you are "ghetto." Totes adorbs. (insert eye roll smiley here, too)


This is ghetto:

"Fuck me with a chainsaw. Shut it, L'Urine, you yeasty beast."

"Oh for fuck's sake, stop fingering L'Urine's clit already."

"You two should buy a double sided dildo and fuck off together."

Nothing at all to do with who agrees with who.

171 Anonymous said... 171

OMFG. I'm pregnant. Condom broken, took morning after pill, and I'm still fucking pregnant.

172 Anonymous said... 172

where is the Lauren fight at? I am missing this whole thing apparently.

173 Anonymous said... 173

Good grief, childofgrace has outdone herself with the stupid this morning.

174 Anonymous said... 174

That's nice.

Seriously, I'm a fanatic about sending out thank you cards, but you're a loser if you're keeping track as to who sent you one and who didn't. Yeah it sucks that some people don't put in the effort, but come on...

The point of giving a gift is because you want to. Because you love the person and you are happy for them. You go to the event to celebrate their new marriage, baby, retirement, birthday, whatever.

If you're only going to attend events that will earn you a thank you card - events for people you supposedly care about - that says more about you than about them.

Also, why can't you throw away your own mail? Why do you need your husband to decide what gets trashed and what gets kept? Bizarre.


My eyes rolled into the back of my head when I read this. It's gonna take awhile before I can see straight again.

Thanks for the laugh!

175 Anonymous said... 175

"Why don't YOU go look up some threads where Lauren is a perfectly wonderful pea and post THOSE links since you have such a boner for links??"

Because I never claimed she was a perfectly wonderful pea.
It has been claimed, however, that she is a horrible human being. Back it up with something other than "because we said she is".
That's all I'm saying.
Why is that so hard to understand?

A group of people caught up in a mindless mob mentality is not proof of anything.

176 Anonymous said... 176

The peas aren't answering because they're horrified that she lets her son read the SI swimsuit issue. Or that she admits he reads it. @@

177 Anonymous said... 177

The earth is flat!

178 Anonymous said... 178

Face slapping decreases wrinkles.

Line up bitches -I'm handing out free facials!

179 Anonymous said... 179

Actions that are always right and always wrong?
That will be really hard for the peas.
According to them it all really depends on WHO is saying the action is always right or always wrong.

180 Anonymous said... 180

"Why don't YOU go look up some threads where Lauren is a perfectly wonderful pea and post THOSE links since you have such a boner for links??"

Because I never claimed she was a perfectly wonderful pea.
It has been claimed, however, that she is a horrible human being. Back it up with something other than "because we said she is".
That's all I'm saying.
Why is that so hard to understand?

A group of people caught up in a mindless mob mentality is not proof of anything.


You obviously weren't reading the Squillen thread to carefully, then. Lauren took someone's use of the word "spic" and ran with it. Then tossed in "border jumpers" and several racist assumptions all by her lonesome. Can't blame anyone else for those gems, they rest squarely on Lauren's shoulders.

But I guess being racist doesn't qualify her as being an asshole in your eyes.

There was a thread recently (last few months) where she got into it with janedoescrapper and Lauren told jane she better be careful and take care of that baby - it was a really menacing and mean post.

There was a thread where she asked another Pea whose mother was dying how her mother was.

And on and on and on.

What do you get out of defending Lauren? And why bother trying to change our mind if you feel that poor little Lauren is nothing more than the victim of a mob mentality?

Lauren loves to use really low blows when she's arguing online with someone. She's made a lot of racist statements. Doesn't exactly qualify her as an amazing person in my book.

181 Anonymous said... 181

What do you get out of defending Lauren?


Because the poster IS Lauren. She has to watch her behavior at 2peas so she's bloviating here. She must have run out of clients at her "law firm" because of her cunty personality.

182 Anonymous said... 182

It has been claimed, however, that she is a horrible human being. Back it up with something other than "because we said she is".
That's all I'm saying.
Why is that so hard to understand?


HELLO!!!!!!!!?? I did exactly that. Can't speak for everyone else on here but don't generalize to all of us. I am no part of any mob mentality. I did not say "because we said she is". I gave concrete examples of things she has said and done that make her a horrible person.

But of course you choose to ignore it all and blather on for 2 days about mob mentality and people making up stories and embellishing.

No. She said horrible things. Not once, not twice, not even 5 times. MANY times. She did horrible things. She's a horrible person. It's a fact.

Either accept it or move on. Stop posting the same fucking thing over and over to us because you are annoying and stupid.

183 Anonymous said... 183

What do you get out of defending Lauren?


Because the poster IS Lauren. She has to watch her behavior at 2peas so she's bloviating here. She must have run out of clients at her "law firm" because of her cunty personality.


I was thinking the same thing, 181.

If I needed a defense attorney, I'd try to dig up as much information as I possibly could about them before I made the decision to hire. Lauren's hateful posts at the bukkit would make me run the other way. She doesn't hide who she is (except that now she's using Alan Rickman for her avatar), and her behavior is just so unprofessional and awful. None of the attorneys I know have the kind of time that she does.

Also, Alan Rickman is a more handsome woman than Lauren.

184 Anonymous said... 184

She must have run out of clients at her "law firm" because of her cunty personality.

Her law practice that she had to crawl back to after FAILING miserably as a teacher hahahahahaaa

Although - hey, good for those kids at the school she worked for - they must still be rejoicing that she left.

185 Anonymous said... 185

174 what's so funny, ITAgreed with her. You are just embarrassed at being a cheapassfuck, or embarrassed that she proved you're a typical Pea - cutting off anyone who can't get on their knees and present you with a gold encrusted thank you note for your amazing gift

186 Anonymous said... 186

Some of those threads have been pulled. I for one don't keep a spreadsheet, but I saw all of them, except maybe the French Toast one. Lots of peas have seen her spew her venom. No one needs to make shit up about it.

I'm not the person who posted that list of threads, just another blog bitch and Lauren hater. There are a million of us. LOL
March 5, 2013 at 5:34 PM


187 Anonymous said... 187

If I needed a defense attorney, I'd try to dig up as much information as I possibly could about them before I made the decision to hire. Lauren's hateful posts at the bukkit would make me run the other way. She doesn't hide who she is (except that now she's using Alan Rickman for her avatar), and her behavior is just so unprofessional and awful. None of the attorneys I know have the kind of time that she does.


Same here. And if my child were assigned to Karalynn Tyler's classroom, I would DEMAND a reassignment. No way would I allow my (fictional) child to be taught by somebody like her. Can you imagine a child wanting to discuss a valid point with which Karalynn disagreed?

Last word last word last word last word last word last word...

188 Anonymous said... 188

Last word last word last word last word last word last word...
How ironic.

189 Anonymous said... 189

What a bunch of tight-fisted, bah-humbug, selfish fucking bitches at the pod. How dare young couples celebrate baby gender news with those they care about? The nerve. I'm sure someone is going to post about how hard those invitations are for those having trouble conceiving. The op didn't say her son and dil invited 200 guests or anything. Maybe it's just their closest family and friends. They'll be singing a different tune when their little snowflakes procreate. Gah

190 Anonymous said... 190

"What do you get out of defending Lauren?"

I mentioned the same mob mentality happens for Lynlam, KikiNichole, Mrs. Tyler, etc. I’m not the one that made it only about Lauren.

191 Anonymous said... 191

This infuriated Mr. Pineapple so he finally told her, "Find a job woman!"


LOL. Fat chance of that happening.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Karalynn Tyler NEVER posted about locking her two small children in their bedrooms at night.

Karalynn Tyler has NEVER made derogatory posts about her students and their parents.

Karalynn Tyler NEVER posted about needing Chapstick after giving her DH blowjobs.

Karalynn Tyler has NEVER posted on 2peas during work time or using government property.

How's that for starters? Happy?

193 Anonymous said... 193

192 you know the rules..... you need to put a gazillion links to prove you are being sarcastic ;-)


194 Anonymous said... 194

Athena is too busy Twitter-fucking a 22-year-old baseball player to get a job.

195 Anonymous said... 195

Jesus fucking Christ. He is EIGHTEEN years old and Mommy has to oversee his homework???!!! This next generation is completely fucking screwed.

196 Anonymous said... 196

Duh. Haven't we seen this issue before?

197 Anonymous said... 197

Jesus fucking Christ. He is EIGHTEEN years old and Mommy has to oversee his homework???!!! This next generation is completely fucking screwed.


Seriously - this young man couldn't work this assignment out on his own? Appalling.

198 Anonymous said... 198

This 10 year old kid charges an online gaming membership to your credit card, and then lies about it.

She isn't even livid about it????? Taking away the computer for a month and not even cancelling it, seriously wtf???? So he gets to keep the game after charging their credit card and lying about it, that will teach him a lesson.

199 Anonymous said... 199

She even writes "So far we have come up with" she's clearly sitting there doing the assignment with him like he's 7 years old. It's not like they were just having a thought-provoking discussion on the topic. Holy fuck. Sometimes I don't realize how different my life has been from others until I read things on 2Peas. The thought of me asking my Mommy for help on my papers as a - 18 is what, a college freshman? - makes me dissolve in laughter. I cannot imagine.

ITA with the above - this generation is fucked.

200 Anonymous said... 200

18 is what, a college freshman? -


Could be a high school senior, either way at that my folks didn't know if I had homework much less what exactly the assignment was.

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