It's really a shame that desertpea wastes her immense breadth of knowledge and superior intellect on a scrapbooking messageboard. _____________________________________________
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
"Compwalla says she's house shopping. What happened to the weird house she went on about and said they were buying?"
Compwalla said, "We got all the way to the DAY of closing and found out it does not satisfy underwriting requirements for anything. Not VA, FHA, nothing. Why? Because the property is on two neighboring lots but because the lots are physically separated by a public easement (the alley) the lots are not contiguous. We appealed and a waiver was denied."
Made no sense to me--but I'm not a realtor or a loan officer.
Facebook is hurting her and not bringing her joy...what the fuck? http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&forum_id=15&thread_id=3239245 ----------------- Look who the OP is and it makes total sense.
con·tig·u·ous adjective \kən-ˈti-gyə-wəs, -gyü-əs\ Definition of CONTIGUOUS 1: being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point 2of angles : adjacent 2 3: next or near in time or sequence 4: touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence — con·tig·u·ous·ly adverb — con·tig·u·ous·ness noun
PeaNut 92,987 June 2003 Posts: 22,428 Layouts: 364 Loc: With my dogs Posted: 6/7/2013 7:59:30 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BEER, that was the recommendation from many friends in the medical professions. And lots of water too. Okay the TMI stuff
Immediate relief, use Fleet's. have some old towels to lay on the bathroom floor. Try to keep it in for 5-10 minutes (laying on your side on the floor helps). If you have K-Y jelly, you may want to apply it before going.
You do not want to deal with impacted stuff. That can be a very uncomfortable ER visit.
Often times if you have become impacted, more than one application of an edema might be needed. And this is what they will do in the ER first, after confirming you are impacted. Save the ER cost, do this at home if you are otherwise healthy.
Immediate relief, use Fleet's. have some old towels to lay on the bathroom floor. Try to keep it in for 5-10 minutes (laying on your side on the floor helps). If you have K-Y jelly, you may want to apply it before going.
http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&thread_id=3239113&pg=2 STFU about the damn spooks already scrappower. You dear are a blithering idiot. It's not a racist comment you ding dong twit.
I hate the cutesy term, Aspie. It's like they're describing their pet Yorkie or Doxie. ---- Careful! I bet there are doggie mommies at 2Peas who have Yorkies with Asperger's! You might hurt their feelings. :sadface:
http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&thread_id=3239113&pg=2 STFU about the damn spooks already scrappower. You dear are a blithering idiot. It's not a racist comment you ding dong twit.
XXXXX You just know she wants someone to take the bait and fight with her if it's a racist comment or not.
How is it possible that practically every pea kid has a genius IQ and an IEP? Do they harass the school long enough that they put the kid on an IEP to shut them the hell up?
seriously? why do they share this shit (pun intended):
tgp0014 BucketHead
PeaNut 316,482 May 2007 Posts: 743 Layouts: 64 Loc: Fort Worth, TX Posted: 6/7/2013 10:07:32 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Since this is a TMI thread, I'll share.
I went to the dr after I had such severe constipation (from pain meds) that I literally... so sorry for this image, btw... had to wrap tissue around my fingers and DIG as much of my stool out as possible. I was Miserable... almost to the point of crying. I mean, it hurts so bad, and to have to insert your finger in your anus isn't very pleasant. But, tbh, It didn't bother me at the time. I just wanted relief!!
My dr recommended an either/or approach. Miralax over several days, or the liquid other people mentioned. Something "citrate," super cheap at the pharmacy. I decided to do the miralax, and it really helped.
I did not need that visual!! I really can't imagine sharing that info on a message board, unless said mb was about constipation, or weird poop fetishes!
http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&thread_id=3239113&pg=2 STFU about the damn spooks already scrappower. You dear are a blithering idiot. It's not a racist comment you ding dong twit.
XXXXX You just know she wants someone to take the bait and fight with her if it's a racist comment or not.
No way in hell would I buy eggs from the dollar store. And buy meat from the local latino store? Yeah, where does that meat come from, Mexico?
I have an irrational aversion from buying anything food wise from the dollar store. I go and have tried but I ask myself, "Why is this food so cheap? There must be something wrong with it." Plus its all brands I've never heard of. I know, stupid.
I do the same thing with Mexican markets. We have a big chain store near where I live and the produce and meat are super cheap and again I think there must be something wrong with it.
I have an irrational aversion from buying anything food wise from the dollar store. I go and have tried but I ask myself, "Why is this food so cheap? There must be something wrong with it." Plus its all brands I've never heard of. I know, stupid.
I do the same thing with Mexican markets. We have a big chain store near where I live and the produce and meat are super cheap and again I think there must be something wrong with it. ~~~~~~~
I do this as well, but then I get over it. I did find out that some of the food sold to discount stores isn't sold at large retailers because of mislabeling; the calories per serving, or serving size isn't correct.
The Obama administration takes first step toward opening a criminal investigation into purported leaking of classified documents related to federal government tracking of Americans' phone calls and emails, a source familiar with the discussions told Fox News.
Yet they don't mind claiming how well it worked in 2009. Oi
WASHINGTON – New health insurance rules under ObamaCare could lead to a host of personal insurance plans being canceled as early as this fall, a scenario expected to cause consumer confusion.
Under the federal overhaul, those policies that cannot meet new insurance plan standards may be discontinued. This means individuals, and some small businesses, that rely on those plans will have to find new ones.
The goal is to ensure that most insurance policies offer a basic set of coverage, as part of the Obama administration's plan to cover most of the nation's 50 million uninsured.
Yet it also seems to run afoul of one of the president's best-known promises on the law: "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan."
It doesn't surprise me that some low-class, rabid, right-wing nut job posts here.
I'll say this, I don't have to sit around and bitch about the government and the fucking flag turning red, because I am not afraid of the government because I don't worry about what the government will do to/for/against me.
Only small minds think that that the government holds YOUR future in their hands. Greater minds realize that your life is independent of the fucking government.
The ones who are anti-(THIS) government are the ones still suckling at the government's teet.
Isn't it time to go pick up your farm aid? Or your disability? Wait, maybe your dependent stipend or base housing allowance for military? Perhaps your social security check? No, how about your government cheese?
LOL 75, quite a broad brush you have. I can't wait until you're bitching that your hours are cut and your insurance is now gubment aid. Grab *YOUR* cheese while you're there.
Don't you realize that all of the government programs are WANTED by liberals. Most of the liberal voters WANT those programs. GIVE GIVE GIVE TO THE POOR!
Republicans prefer to CONSERVE and keep what they make.
There is definitely no need to argue with stupid. Seriously, go look up the definition of liberalism (give it all away) and conservatism (keep what you earn - no welfare state).
The Obama administration has taken a first step toward opening a criminal investigation into the purported leaking of classified documents related to the federal government tracking Americans' phone calls and emails.
Of COURSE! Can't have this kind of thing leaking! DRIP...Drip...drip...
OMG, what is up with Annabella's hair? It looks like a fucking powdered wig. June 9, 2013 at 7:47 AM
I can't believe she goes out in public with hair like that. Holy shit! June 9, 2013 at 8:02 AM -------------------------------------- It looks like she has a headband on or something.
"Now you don't want to talk about it because it's affecting you." ------
Actually, I don't want to talk about it because I'm NOT affected by it, to be honest. My family and I continue to prosper because we aren't reliant on the government for our well-being, financial or otherwise.
P.S. Not sure what #80 (which prompted my post earlier) has to do with insurance....
OMG, what is up with Annabella's hair? It looks like a fucking powdered wig. --------- Looks like she's in the process of growing out that God awful blonde.
Annabella: I would accessorize bthat dress by doing your roots girl. They look terrible! Nobody will notice your stripped dress because they won't be able to get past your skunk striped hair!
It doesn't surprise me that some low-class, rabid, right-wing nut job posts here.
I'll say this, I don't have to sit around and bitch about the government and the fucking flag turning red, because I am not afraid of the government because I don't worry about what the government will do to/for/against me.
Only small minds think that that the government holds YOUR future in their hands. Greater minds realize that your life is independent of the fucking government.
The ones who are anti-(THIS) government are the ones still suckling at the government's teet.
Isn't it time to go pick up your farm aid? Or your disability? Wait, maybe your dependent stipend or base housing allowance for military? Perhaps your social security check? No, how about your government cheese?
**** Amen Sista! The ones that bitch the most about gov't hand-outs are the ones on food stamps, farm subsides, military pay/allowances,medicare and medicaide. What they really want to say is we don't want any brown skin people taking money from OUR country.
Amen Sista! The ones that bitch the most about gov't hand-outs are the ones on food stamps, farm subsides, military pay/allowances,medicare and medicaide. What they really want to say is we don't want any brown skin people taking money from OUR country. June 9, 2013 at 5:47 PM
Yeah, the brown and white taking from the brown and white. You do realize how racist you sound right? YOU brought up color.
IF you even earn a paycheck, take a look, you are paying into medicare for YOUR benefits when the time comes. You vote for the people who want these programs and you don't know how they "work"? Wow.just.wow
She's using a two-story house as an excuse. There are plenty of slobs in single-story houses and plenty of clean freaks in two-story houses. And every variation of cleanliness in between.
104...the military is a haven for stupid retards that barely graduate from high school and have no other choice in life but to serve and then suck off their benies for the rest of their pathetic lives.
Don't get me started on the fucktards that serve for a couple of years, never see combat but try to get veterans disability for the rest of their fucking miserable life for knee pain or hearing loss or some other stupid shit. It happens all the fucking time and GUESS WHAT? It is usually the poor as fuck, dim witted, no class browns that do the most sucking. It runs in their families. Think I am joking? Go visit the south dumbass.
I'm pretty sure there is only one or two idiots volleying back and forth here. I'm also pretty sure that they need some help with homophones.
now/know -99 their/they're-104
They can't spell second grade words and they are worried about how people vote. (Go ahead and tell me it was a typo, but it really means you are stupid.)
There are some nuts on this thread. I am an epileptic. That means I am a person who has epilepsy. It does not mean I AM the disease, and I don't need to say "I am a person with epilepsy" to change that fact. Leave it to the peas to go overboard with something.
The term Aspies annoys me because cutesy annoys me.
The military is the biggest government welfare program we have. It accepts enlistees with low IQs and no other opportunities and gives them a sense of purpose and a paycheck. If we didn't have such a large military, we'd have a lot more people in prison and on the streets.
The pay is paltry, but it is more than most of the enlistees could earn in the real world. And base housing is indeed a handout akin to section eight.
Hitting a little too close to home, 115? Are you one of those dependents who married too young because your spouse would "earn" an increased housing allowance just for being married? Did you crank out of couple of kids because more dependents would mean a bigger paycheck?
Military housing allowances are tied to marital status and number of dependents because military housing allowances are a form of social welfare.
Granted, there are probably a small percentage of military enlistees with higher than average IQs, but the majority rank in the lowest percentiles. The Marines consider anyone with a composite score of 12 on the ACT or an SAT score of 1000 to be officer material. Valedictorians may occasionally opt for enrollment in a military academy, but they don't join the ranks of the enlisted.
You may think I have no idea what I am talking about, but honey, you are in denial about your life and your place in society. Keep patting yourself on the back when people wave flags and cheer for your husband's uniform. The rest of know we would have a higher quality military with a system that drafted from all tiers of society, but we are grateful that there are the less fortunate who enlist and that the government has the military welfare system in place that requires some work in exchange for the hand outs it gives.
I'm pretty sure there is only one or two idiots volleying back and forth here. I'm also pretty sure that they need some help with homophones.
now/know -99 their/they're-104
They can't spell second grade words and they are worried about how people vote. (Go ahead and tell me it was a typo, but it really means you are stupid.) June 9, 2013 at 8:53 PM
Hi dumbfuck! Yeah I typed fast, bfd. Get over yourself. YOU'RE a NAZI through and through, right down to spelling. Wow, I'm thoroughly fucking impressed. NOT! (I typed that fast too and guess what, I'm not reading it to make you happy - I HOPE there's a typo in it).
Hitting a little too close to home, 115? Are you one of those dependents who married too young because your spouse would "earn" an increased housing allowance just for being married? Did you crank out of couple of kids because more dependents would mean a bigger paycheck?
Military housing allowances are tied to marital status and number of dependents because military housing allowances are a form of social welfare.
Granted, there are probably a small percentage of military enlistees with higher than average IQs, but the majority rank in the lowest percentiles. The Marines consider anyone with a composite score of 12 on the ACT or an SAT score of 1000 to be officer material. Valedictorians may occasionally opt for enrollment in a military academy, but they don't join the ranks of the enlisted.
You may think I have no idea what I am talking about, but honey, you are in denial about your life and your place in society. Keep patting yourself on the back when people wave flags and cheer for your husband's uniform. The rest of know we would have a higher quality military with a system that drafted from all tiers of society, but we are grateful that there are the less fortunate who enlist and that the government has the military welfare system in place that requires some work in exchange for the hand outs it gives. June 9, 2013 at 11:59 PM
As cliche as it may sound. They FIGHT for your freedom to spew that shit (I guess you'll say you're not an American now but from the way what you wrote reads, you are certainly American.)
Of course those freedoms are diminishing and I guess that makes you happy. Whatever. (Don't really care about your thoughts on it after seeing the shit you spewed.)
Sure, go ahead and draft and you'll have more draft dodgers than before. (i.e. Bill Clinton)
Sorry asshole(s) but last time I checked an IED didn't check the IQ of the men or women it blows the legs off of or kills. I stand with my fucktard/eat shit comment and I'll add fuck off and you disgust me just so you don't misunderstand how loathsome your loss are to those who's family has made the ultimate sacrifice for that "military houseing benefit"
"If Aspies have no problem using the term to describe themselves, I'm not sure why it should bother anyone who doesn't have Aspergers." I-95
Bullshit. If I used the N word, which is how quite a few blacks "self identify" I'd be in a world of shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if a "aspie" mom started a thread about how some mean teacher called her snow flake a "aspie" and it hurt her feelings.
And for the moron who thinks only the lowest of the low IQs join the military you're a self deluded asshole.
You do realize that quite a few jobs are highly technical these days. You can't be a half wit and keep those jet planes flying, computer networks running or defuse a bomb with limited intellect.
It's a shame you have such disgust and loathing for people who do what you won't. I hope one or more of your snow flakes joins. You'll change your tune then.
I have a family member that is basically a moron. He enlisted at the age of 17. He really is dumb as a box of rocks. For some very odd reason, he was NEVER sent overseas. Never saw Irag or Afghanistan. How odd is that? At the age of 24, he got sick of living in the barracks so he found a "wife". A dumb ass ho that had just graduated high school and her mother was kicking her lazy ass out of the house. This guy promised her a roof over her head and three squares a day if she married him and fucked his dumb ass. Boy, where they damn excited when they moved into their base housing and his paycheck went up.
At 25, the loser decides to leave the Marines. He has no marketable skills and no job prospects. He decides to try and claim disability so he can get a nice paycheck every day for the rest of his fucking user life. He says his knee hurts and he can't hear out of one of his ears. He figures it will work since he equally loser ass sister did the same thing and said she has fibro. The government now takes care of her...FOREVER.
But this fucktard is lazy and stupid and never goes to the appts. at the veteran's hospital to be evaluated. He also applies for unemployment. He does whatever he can to suck the system while slapping those USMC stickers on his car and pretending to be GI Joe. Loves all the soldier attention but is too fucking lazy to get a real job.
There, that is the mentality of many in our special military that so many of you loser expect us to respect because they SERVED....
As cliche as it may sound. They FIGHT for your freedom to spew that shit ********************************* This comment goes a long way to show just how deluded Americans are about their military. Do you really think that the military is fighting to protect First-Amendment rights? Darling, Afghani villagers pose no threat to the freedom of speech on American soil. Taliban operatives are not censoring American newspapers.
In fact, if you look at America's history, there are a few instances of the military, the National Guard in particular, protecting the rights of American citizens. Little Rock High School is one such example. There are far more instances where America's military has suppressed the Constitutional rights of citizens. Kent State is just one example of that type of suppression. No, I am not an anarchist or even anti-government, but before you claim that America's military men and women are fighting wars abroad to protect the First-Amendment rights of American citizens on American soil, think about the validity of that claim.
If any entity is fighting to protect citizens' Constitutional rights, it would be the ACLU. It works to protect Constitutional rights in American courts, not by using young soldiers as fodder in foreign wars.
That is a story about YOUR family member. The mentality of YOUR family.
Fuck you? Absolutely. Take your fucktard lazy ass family and fuck off. Shut the hell up about the people fighting for YOUR freedom to show us what a clueless fucktard you are. Before you say it's only one family member, let me clue you in. Your posts show that you fit right in with your family. Idiot.
The military is a life-long welfare program for many. That's why your family members can claim disability and continue to draw a government check without working.
I'd rather the government spend the military's budget on something like the Civilian Conservation Core where people could serve our country and learn viable skills in exchange for their paychecks.
The unemployment rate for returning veterans is higher not only because many of these men and women are cognitively in the lower percentiles, but because the military teaches very few real-life skills. Even with preference points for some jobs, former enlistees can't make the grade.
My eye is finally better and I haven't spoken to neighbor yet. Although I did catch her husband digging through our trash and taking all the junk mail we had thrown away with him. It was weird, he acted like it was the most normal thing in the world to do.
And as for the idiot here spewing about the military, go enlist. Right now, go enlist and take part in all those free goodies that you barely have to work for. With your superior intellect I'm sure they will waive the weight and fitness requirements and they won't care if you are older than Methusula. Go now and enlist and enjoy the good life. If more people like you would put or shut up just think how great we'd be?
129, the name of the school is Central High School in Little Rock. Get your historical facts straight. And the National Guard was there to escort the black students into the school because the majority of lameasses thought their constitutional right included being able to assault high school students who had the right to go to that school. But the hillbillies didn't want their kids to go to school with black kids. And you call THAT the US government suppressing people's constitutional rights? The Central High 9 had a constitutional right to attend that school without being assaulted. The racists did not have a constitutional right to assault them or try to block them from attending that school. Fuck, I take back what I said about enlisting in the military. The only thing you could pass for is a bullet catcher.
"I'd rather the government spend the military's budget on something like the Civilian Conservation Core where people could serve our country and learn viable skills in exchange for their paychecks."
What 'viable skills' are you talking about? Everyone I know currently employeed with state conservation entities are already degreed, i.e. biology, forestry, etc. And, neither of them is paid squat. The biology major is just marking time while applying to various corporations that will pay him a decent salary.
The 'trainees' reporting to them are unskilled and paid minium-wage. They are assigned grunt duties which prepare them for absolutely nothing, i.e. counting birds, taking/logging/submitting soil samples. The only thing they get out of it is a low-level job to put on a resume when applying for another low-level, unskilled job.
I'd rather the government spend the military's budget on something like the Civilian Conservation Core where people could serve our country and learn viable skills in exchange for their paychecks. ***************************
It was the Civilian Conservation Corps, not Core. It was open only to unmarried, unemployed men from families on relief. And it didn't really teach skills--it existed as a way to supplement relief benefits and to provide young men with shelter, food, and clothing. Most of their paychecks (I believe it was $25 from each $30 check) was sent home to their families.
Both of my grandfathers were in the CCC. They planted trees in northern Michigan.
I agree, 129. I would also like to see the government spend our money on something like the Civilian Conservation Corps.
The CCC did a lot more than counting birds and sampling soil, 136. It built roads, planted tress, created campgrounds and trails, built bridges, and mitigated flood damage.
Married and older men could join the CCC, 143, if they were veterans of the Spanish American War or WWI.
College is not for everyone. We need more options for our young people that don't involve the long-term commitments of the military or the high risk of death, disability, and mental trauma associated with war.
130-Go ahead, keep on spouting your Rah-Rah military bullshit. Face the facts...the military i s a haven for the stupid and unproductive of society. They want the free ride to last forever. Maybe that hits to close to home for YOU??
I don't understand the assumption that the military isn't providing 'viable' training for post service employment. Are people genuinely unaware as to how many of the air traffic controllers, pilots, aircraft maintenance workers, EMT'S, firefighters, police, etc. are hired straight out of the military because of their military training and experience?
Thank you 151, it is amazing how ignorant people are about today's military. The reality of it is that there are very few low skilled jobs in the service anymore. Not everyone in the Army or Marines runs around shooting the enemy. I'd say for every one infantryman you have at least 5 support positions to make sure the infantry gets to where it needs to be and has what it needs to fight.
There are logistics specialists, lawyers, paralegals, telecommunications specialists, medics, vehicle mechanics and so many more positions that require skills. Marketable skills that will get you a good job after you get out.
And not everyone who gets out gets a disability check for life. Many do their time, get out and use their VA loans to buy a home and GI bill to go to school.
Jesus, people. You sound just like the dumb-ass peas. Life is not so black and white.
The military is like a miniature version of our society. It may not be comprised totally of lazy, dumbass moochers, but if you're denying that some do exist-in the military and throughout the US, then you're being deliberately obtuse. Same goes for the people saying that's all the military is made of. It's got dumbass moochers, but it's also got well-educated and/or smart people in leadership positions, and it also has people in-between who are of average intelligence and who are hard workers.
The person claiming that the military is full of moochers of sub-par intelligence does have one point, even if she's taken it to an extreme. Sadly, TPTB (the haves) in this country are more than willing to accept the really stupid moochers (the poorest of the have nots) and even set them up with "benefits" so that their own peers and/or kids of peers won't be drafted into combat. They really are looking for human shields. And those PTB don't really care if some of the hard-working, well-intentioned people in the middle get sacrificed as well.
There are lots of people that are smart, or even average in brain-power who do enlist, and get good training and leave the military and eke out a good existence for themselves. Those aren't the people the military "basher" is talking about.
True, a lot of pilots have previous military experience, but you would be hard-pressed to find former enlisted among those employed as civilian pilots. Officers and enlisted are different breeds.
Do you realize what very small percentage of military men and women actually work in the military as air-craft controllers? Prior military training and experience don't help at all when people apply for the FAA. This is from the FAA's website: "We are currently not accepting applications for military air traffic controllers who are either on terminal leave pending retirement from active duty military service or who retired from active duty on or after September 17, 1999."
More and more jobs require a higher education. More and more police and fire departments require a four-year degree, and those that don't require degrees, still tend to hire people with degrees.
Sweetheart, there are not a lot of jobs in the civilian world for infantry soldiers. The unemployment rate for veterans is higher for a reason.
There are PLENTY of smart folks in the enlisted service ranks. They just didn't have the advantage of having their parents pay for their college and then go in as an officer. No, they have to WORK their way through the ranks and if anyone thinks it isn't hard work then I feel safe in saying you are an idiot. Some people are bullet catchers but there are plenty of training opportunities for bright enlisted members. Maybe you've heard of the GI Bill? Yeah, you can't use it if you NEVER go to college. I would NEVER refer to any member of the military as lazy or a moocher. SO long as they have an honorable discharge, they worked hard. Whether they are able to use their training in the civilian world is completely dependent on what their specialty was. And that is dependent on the recruiter and what openings they have available at the time.
I don't understand the assumption that the military isn't providing 'viable' training for post service employment. Are people genuinely unaware as to how many of the air traffic controllers, pilots, aircraft maintenance workers, EMT'S, firefighters, police, etc. are hired straight out of the military because of their military training and experience? June 10, 2013 at 2:23 PM
Don't forget the airline mechanics. Those planes tote everyone around and you're going to call the people who repair them stupid? LOL
Unemployment is extremely high in veterans under 25 years old. These are kids who did one enlistment and got out. They usually don't have any education past high school and no marketable skills because they didn't stay in long enough to get any rank, education, or responsibility. Veterans that young have often been pushed out early by denying them re-enlistment for job performance or fitness issues. If you can't even figure out how to be a decent E3 of course you're going to have a hard time finding a job.
Mostly the ones who stay in longer leave with more education and better job prospects. Their unemployment rate is only slightly higher than civilians their same age and the unemployment rate for working-age military retirees is even lower. Your one lazy jarhead does not equal the entire US military.
Wow, DOdogshaveBrains sure has lots of kids with "issues." Different baby daddies, and still all her spawn are special. Wonder if she has figured out that she's the common denominator.
Fatties and drama go hand in hand. You're gonna be Blubbo's girl soon after his massive coronary. ----------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------
You are the shittiest troll that 2Ps has ever seen. This isn't even funny. You're trying to be hurtful but that shit doesn't work.
Lame at best. Give up the trolling, it's not working for you.
"A U.S. Internal Revenue Service manager, who described himself as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN, told congressional investigators that HE and a local colleague decided to give conservative groups the extra scrutiny that has prompted weeks of political controversy.
In an official interview transcript released on Sunday by Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings, the manager said he and an underling set aside “Tea Party” and “patriot” groups that had applied for tax-exempt status because the organizations appeared to pose a new precedent that could affect future IRS filings."
"“a close examination of these groups and others reveals an array of election activities that tax experts and former I.R.S. officials said would provide a legitimate basis for flagging them for closer review”
“I do not believe that the screening of these cases had anything to do, other than consistency and identifying issues that needed to have further development,” the manager answered, according to a transcript released by Cummings.
Asked if he believed the White House was involved, the manager replied: “I have no reason to believe that.”
Now we know why Darrel "Car Thief" Issa refused to release this report.
Doesn't matter 181 if your goal was to fight with someone on here then *THAT* is what you get called.
You sound like a liberal though (sure go ahead and fight back - I do not care LOL). Oh and do some good 'ole name calling too while you're at it, for good measure. Just giving simple info...
"I am so disappointed. I was so hopeful for this. It's made even harder by my SIL who is due to give birth to my niece any day now. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that." rayofsunshine
Yes because if she can't have kids, no one in her life should be allowed to have them either.
176, if your sample size consists of only the people you know, your research isn't research. It's just bullshit that is flowing out of your mouth like diarrhea. That makes you one of the dumbasses you are extrapolating to the US military. If any of the words I used are too big for you I recommend dictionary.com.
Yes, the infertile peas with the "it's not fair, nobody should be happy that someone else is having a baby because I can't have one" are the most self-centered people ever. Maybe Darwinism is at work and you can't reproduce because you are a dumbass and we don't need any more of those. Adopt or shut up. If you can't afford to adopt or can't pass the screening, then you didn't need to have kids anyway.
Doesn't matter 181 if your goal was to fight with someone on here then *THAT* is what you get called.
You sound like a liberal though (sure go ahead and fight back - I do not care LOL). Oh and do some good 'ole name calling too while you're at it, for good measure. Just giving simple info... * * *
My goal is to never fight with anyone. I see your goal is to fight with everyone. I don't need to call you any names, you already know what you are.
176, if your sample size consists of only the people you know, your research isn't research. It's just bullshit that is flowing out of your mouth like diarrhea. That makes you one of the dumbasses you are extrapolating to the US military. If any of the words I used are too big for you I recommend dictionary.com.
You are using words that everyone can understand, but please continue to pat yourself on the back for using "extrapolating" in your sentence.
Yes, the infertile peas with the "it's not fair, nobody should be happy that someone else is having a baby because I can't have one" are the most self-centered people ever. Maybe Darwinism is at work and you can't reproduce because you are a dumbass and we don't need any more of those. Adopt or shut up. If you can't afford to adopt or can't pass the screening, then you didn't need to have kids anyway.
How easy for you to spew this bullshit. You have four kids and they were probalby never "planned". You have no idea what infertility feels like, you fucking cunt.
190-SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I get so fucking tired of you bitches that can't get pregnant and your constant fucking whining. There is MORE to life than spitting out crotch nuggets.
Guess what? I bet you want that cute and fuzzy baby bundle don't you? You want to decorate a nursery and have a baby shower and all the fun stuff. Well, guess what dumbass? Your little bundle grows up and becomes a foul mouthed, pain in the ass, fucked up teenager and you will regret the day you bitched about having a BABY.
Babies grow up...it ain't all about the BABIES. Get over yourself, cunt.
You have to be convicted to a have a rap sheet. But I wouldn't expect someone of your limited knowledge of how the world works to know that. And I don't have CPS looking over my shoulder. But they are welcome, I have all my shit together and my kids are wonderful. I got pregnant easily, had wonderful, healthy pregnancies, and beautiful perfect births. I can afford all of my children although they are all smart enough to receive academic scholarships to the universities of their choice. They have received superior educations and have 2 parents who would lay down their lives for them. And every time one of the yahoos in our extended families pops up with their sociopathy, we shut it down and remove our kids' exposure to the lunacy. The only stones I am throwing are to the selfish nimrods who can't be happy for anyone else because they (pout) can't get exactly what they want. Wah! Nobody here gives a shit and nobody knows that better than me.
Tell that "I can't get along with anyone" to my friends of 26 years, 23 years and my husband of 21 years. I just don't try to make nice to stupid assholes. And there are a lot of those here and in real life.
You might not have noticed them because you fit in with them so well.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 387 Newer› Newest»First!
It's really a shame that desertpea wastes her immense breadth of knowledge and superior intellect on a scrapbooking messageboard.
Just think of all she could accomplish if she'd just push away from the computer a couple hours a day!
42 Anonymous said... 42
Typical dumbass. I'm ignorant about things so you must be full of shit.
What the hell? She's just answering a question and you respond with this?
It was meant for the person she was responding to.
46 Anonymous said... 46
That fat man at the bottom of this page with the long mustache that says, "Ever been arrested?" underneat it..... Reminds me of bananalady.
Not everyone has the same ad.
Thank you for posting the obvious, 4.
#3, I think we can figure that out for ourselves.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeees baaaaaaaaaaaack. Dumbsss!
More L'Urine please.
That's not Lauren, that's ADDLousewife.
6 Anonymous said... 6
#3, I think we can figure that out for ourselves.
Well 246 was having some sort of problem figuring it out. That's why I cleared it up for her. Sorry you didn't understand that.
Well 246 was having some sort of problem figuring it out. That's why I cleared it up for her. Sorry you didn't understand that.
It was already at the end of the last thread. You don't need to repost it.
I think it's CrafterBeth
"It was already at the end of the last thread. You don't need to repost it."
You don't need to be directing the blog about who can post what and where.
You don't need to show your stupidity 14.
Damn, the in-fighting isn't as entertaining as it was before. It's as entertaining as the bucket lately. [yawn]
Compwalla says she's house shopping. What happened to the weird house she went on about and said they were buying?
busypea woof woof
LOL @ the TV above him. "Joy Rider"
Busystink needs to shut up, it's not like the person who posted this at the bucket took the photo. .let.it.go.
It's really a shame that desertpea wastes her immense breadth of knowledge and superior intellect on a scrapbooking messageboard.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln
Desertpea should change her pea-name to 'Hyperbole'.
Facebook is hurting her and not bringing her joy...what the fuck?
I know, right!
"Compwalla says she's house shopping. What happened to the weird house she went on about and said they were buying?"
Compwalla said, "We got all the way to the DAY of closing and found out it does not satisfy underwriting requirements for anything. Not VA, FHA, nothing. Why? Because the property is on two neighboring lots but because the lots are physically separated by a public easement (the alley) the lots are not contiguous. We appealed and a waiver was denied."
Made no sense to me--but I'm not a realtor or a loan officer.
They've got an alley running through the property.
"They've got an alley running through the property."
I understood the alley part---just not why an alley on the property would cause them to be turned down for a loan.
Facebook is hurting her and not bringing her joy...what the fuck?
Look who the OP is and it makes total sense.
28 is spot on.
enjoytotheend is a major head-case.
con·tig·u·ous adjective \kən-ˈti-gyə-wəs, -gyü-əs\
Definition of CONTIGUOUS
1: being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point
2of angles : adjacent 2
3: next or near in time or sequence
4: touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence
— con·tig·u·ous·ly adverb
— con·tig·u·ous·ness noun
This might (or might not [aww] help).
Just another bloody day in America.
I don't see why her dd being a "aspie" is relevant here.
I don't either, 32. But add Aspie to a thread and the Peas lap it up.
Just another bloody day in America.
the flag is solid red!!1!!! lol
Land of dreams and opportunity. We're all beating down the doors to get in.
^^ loony lefty ^^
Exhibit A, 35.
"Is the Mall of America a vacation spot?"
We could play for days!! LOL
Let's all hold hands and pray for mental health, no more shootings and shiny dining room tables. Kumbaya!
They fib about it, that's how. The peas are serial exaggerators.
I hate the cutesy term, Aspie. It's like they're describing their pet Yorkie or Doxie.
Holy crap. Someone dared to ask an aspie mother a question. Stay tuned for more.
Link, 40?
Thanks kristin:
I can't remember the last time (at least a few weeks)I had a BM that was more than a few pieces (sorry for the TMI).
Link to aspie madness
I can't remember the last time (at least a few weeks)I had a BM that was more than a few pieces (sorry for the TMI).
I take a perfectly S shaped odorless shit 3 times a day. Possum woman would be so proud!
I can't remember the last time (at least a few weeks)I had a BM that was more than a few pieces (sorry for the TMI).
Old Dogs are Best!
PeaNut 92,987
June 2003
Posts: 22,428
Layouts: 364
Loc: With my dogs
Posted: 6/7/2013 7:59:30 PM
BEER, that was the recommendation from many friends in the medical professions. And lots of water too. Okay the TMI stuff
Immediate relief, use Fleet's. have some old towels to lay on the bathroom floor. Try to keep it in for 5-10 minutes (laying on your side on the floor helps). If you have K-Y jelly, you may want to apply it before going.
You do not want to deal with impacted stuff. That can be a very uncomfortable ER visit.
Often times if you have become impacted, more than one application of an edema might be needed. And this is what they will do in the ER first, after confirming you are impacted. Save the ER cost, do this at home if you are otherwise healthy.
No way in hell would I buy eggs from the dollar store. And buy meat from the local latino store? Yeah, where does that meat come from, Mexico?
Immediate relief, use Fleet's. have some old towels to lay on the bathroom floor. Try to keep it in for 5-10 minutes (laying on your side on the floor helps). If you have K-Y jelly, you may want to apply it before going.
No way in hell would I buy eggs from the dollar store. And buy meat from the local latino store? Yeah, where does that meat come from, Mexico?
You're an idiot.
STFU about the damn spooks already scrappower. You dear are a blithering idiot. It's not a racist comment you ding dong twit.
I hate the cutesy term, Aspie. It's like they're describing their pet Yorkie or Doxie.
Careful! I bet there are doggie mommies at 2Peas who have Yorkies with Asperger's! You might hurt their feelings. :sadface:
Mexican cattle probably live a more natural, humane life and have way less chemicals, hormones and disease than commercial US herds.
I'd rather have Mexican beef than that nasty disgusting shit they sell at US Walmarts. Gross.
the flag is solid red!!1!!! lol
STFU about the damn spooks already scrappower. You dear are a blithering idiot. It's not a racist comment you ding dong twit.
You just know she wants someone to take the bait and fight with her if it's a racist comment or not.
How is it possible that practically every pea kid has a genius IQ and an IEP? Do they harass the school long enough that they put the kid on an IEP to shut them the hell up?
seriously? why do they share this shit (pun intended):
PeaNut 316,482
May 2007
Posts: 743
Layouts: 64
Loc: Fort Worth, TX
Posted: 6/7/2013 10:07:32 PM
Since this is a TMI thread, I'll share.
I went to the dr after I had such severe constipation (from pain meds) that I literally... so sorry for this image, btw... had to wrap tissue around my fingers and DIG as much of my stool out as possible. I was Miserable... almost to the point of crying. I mean, it hurts so bad, and to have to insert your finger in your anus isn't very pleasant. But, tbh, It didn't bother me at the time. I just wanted relief!!
My dr recommended an either/or approach. Miralax over several days, or the liquid other people mentioned. Something "citrate," super cheap at the pharmacy. I decided to do the miralax, and it really helped.
had to wrap tissue around my fingers and DIG as much of my stool out as possible.
I did not need that visual!! I really can't imagine sharing that info on a message board, unless said mb was about constipation, or weird poop fetishes!
Careful! I bet there are doggie mommies at 2Peas who have Yorkies with Asperger's! You might hurt their feelings
That comment about digging out a shit made me think of this clip from Bobby and Whitney Brown's show RE: doodie bubble. So fucking hilarious.
Mexican cattle probably live a more natural, humane life and have way less chemicals, hormones and disease than commercial US herds.
I'd rather have Mexican beef than that nasty disgusting shit they sell at US Walmarts. Gross.
I've been to Mexico where people live, not vacation, and I would never eat beef, pork or chicken there. It's another third world country.
It's another third world country.
very true.
55 Anonymous said... 55
STFU about the damn spooks already scrappower. You dear are a blithering idiot. It's not a racist comment you ding dong twit.
You just know she wants someone to take the bait and fight with her if it's a racist comment or not.
Ha ha ha. Told you!
they're all dookie diggers
No way in hell would I buy eggs from the dollar store. And buy meat from the local latino store? Yeah, where does that meat come from, Mexico?
I have an irrational aversion from buying anything food wise from the dollar store. I go and have tried but I ask myself, "Why is this food so cheap? There must be something wrong with it." Plus its all brands I've never heard of. I know, stupid.
I do the same thing with Mexican markets. We have a big chain store near where I live and the produce and meat are super cheap and again I think there must be something wrong with it.
I have an irrational aversion from buying anything food wise from the dollar store. I go and have tried but I ask myself, "Why is this food so cheap? There must be something wrong with it." Plus its all brands I've never heard of. I know, stupid.
I do the same thing with Mexican markets. We have a big chain store near where I live and the produce and meat are super cheap and again I think there must be something wrong with it.
I do this as well, but then I get over it. I did find out that some of the food sold to discount stores isn't sold at large retailers because of mislabeling; the calories per serving, or serving size isn't correct.
I like registries, I'm not offended when I see one mentioned in an invite, I don't think they're tacky at all.
Bitching because not enough has been bought off of your registry is tacky. And low class.
yeah, it's almost as close as sharing how you dig dookie out of your ass
The Obama administration takes first step toward opening a criminal investigation into purported leaking of classified documents related to federal government tracking of Americans' phone calls and emails, a source familiar with the discussions told Fox News.
Yet they don't mind claiming how well it worked in 2009. Oi
Yeah yeah *nobody* likes foxnews. Too bad. I have *NEVER* seen Shep *THIS* fired up!!! Love it!
Time to make the switch! Switch now, don't be a slacker last.
WASHINGTON – New health insurance rules under ObamaCare could lead to a host of personal insurance plans being canceled as early as this fall, a scenario expected to cause consumer confusion.
Under the federal overhaul, those policies that cannot meet new insurance plan standards may be discontinued. This means individuals, and some small businesses, that rely on those plans will have to find new ones.
The goal is to ensure that most insurance policies offer a basic set of coverage, as part of the Obama administration's plan to cover most of the nation's 50 million uninsured.
Yet it also seems to run afoul of one of the president's best-known promises on the law: "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan."
It doesn't surprise me that some low-class, rabid, right-wing nut job posts here.
I'll say this, I don't have to sit around and bitch about the government and the fucking flag turning red, because I am not afraid of the government because I don't worry about what the government will do to/for/against me.
Only small minds think that that the government holds YOUR future in their hands. Greater minds realize that your life is independent of the fucking government.
The ones who are anti-(THIS) government are the ones still suckling at the government's teet.
Isn't it time to go pick up your farm aid? Or your disability? Wait, maybe your dependent stipend or base housing allowance for military? Perhaps your social security check? No, how about your government cheese?
LOL 75, quite a broad brush you have. I can't wait until you're bitching that your hours are cut and your insurance is now gubment aid. Grab *YOUR* cheese while you're there.
Don't you realize that all of the government programs are WANTED by liberals. Most of the liberal voters WANT those programs. GIVE GIVE GIVE TO THE POOR!
Republicans prefer to CONSERVE and keep what they make.
75, yep, but it isn't worth arguing with stupid so don't even engage.
Awww 77 don't shy away. Stand up for yourself like 75 should.
Sad little liberals all of a sudden can't *fight*.
SWITCH! Pansy!
There is definitely no need to argue with stupid.
Seriously, go look up the definition of liberalism (give it all away) and conservatism (keep what you earn - no welfare state).
It's that easy.
The Obama administration has taken a first step toward opening a criminal investigation into the purported leaking of classified documents related to the federal government tracking Americans' phone calls and emails.
Of COURSE! Can't have this kind of thing leaking! DRIP...Drip...drip...
Not only is this blog now lame, but it has also been infiltrated by the politards.
(It also looks like the same conservative that has been posting random bits is now talking to herself.)
Bailing out.
OMG, what is up with Annabella's hair? It looks like a fucking powdered wig.
OMG, what is up with Annabella's hair? It looks like a fucking powdered wig.
June 9, 2013 at 7:47 AM
I can't believe she goes out in public with hair like that. Holy shit!
OMG, what is up with Annabella's hair? It looks like a fucking powdered wig.
June 9, 2013 at 7:47 AM
I can't believe she goes out in public with hair like that. Holy shit!
June 9, 2013 at 8:02 AM
It looks like she has a headband on or something.
Maybe that's a hairband on her head. Her ponytail is brown. She needs to darken her eyebrows, they are too iight.
JustLazy must have woken up on the wrong side of the coffin today. What a grouch.
81 Anonymous said... 81
Not only is this blog now lame, but it has also been infiltrated by the politards.
(It also looks like the same conservative that has been posting random bits is now talking to herself.)
Bailing out.
June 9, 2013 at 7:32 AM
Well if healthcare now means politics. It's what you wanted. Now you don't want to talk about it because it's affecting you. LOL
"Now you don't want to talk about it because it's affecting you."
Actually, I don't want to talk about it because I'm NOT affected by it, to be honest. My family and I continue to prosper because we aren't reliant on the government for our well-being, financial or otherwise.
P.S. Not sure what #80 (which prompted my post earlier) has to do with insurance....
OMG, what is up with Annabella's hair? It looks like a fucking powdered wig.
Looks like she's in the process of growing out that God awful blonde.
"Some of us rightfully wept in November of 2008. I'm past weeping and am at the point of complete and utter disgust." Mrs. T
Drama whore party of one.
The ARTICLE that was being referenced (sorry if you missed that - comprehension and all...) 88.
Annabella: I would accessorize bthat dress by doing your roots girl. They look terrible! Nobody will notice your stripped dress because they won't be able to get past your skunk striped hair!
What the fuck are you talking about 91?
88 said she was talking about 80 which had nothing to do with insurance.
Feel free to share where you see a fucking article referenced in 80.
Ironic that you question HER reading comprehension. I'm with the other poster. This blog is tired.
This blog is tired because the pod is tired and quite boring as of late. It'll pick up.
No it won't.
It doesn't surprise me that some low-class, rabid, right-wing nut job posts here.
I'll say this, I don't have to sit around and bitch about the government and the fucking flag turning red, because I am not afraid of the government because I don't worry about what the government will do to/for/against me.
Only small minds think that that the government holds YOUR future in their hands. Greater minds realize that your life is independent of the fucking government.
The ones who are anti-(THIS) government are the ones still suckling at the government's teet.
Isn't it time to go pick up your farm aid? Or your disability? Wait, maybe your dependent stipend or base housing allowance for military? Perhaps your social security check? No, how about your government cheese?
Amen Sista! The ones that bitch the most about gov't hand-outs are the ones on food stamps, farm subsides, military pay/allowances,medicare and medicaide. What they really want to say is we don't want any brown skin people taking money from OUR country.
"base housing allowance for military"
WTF bitch! That shit is earned. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you uninformed dumbass.
93 Anonymous said... 93
What the fuck are you talking about 91?
88 said she was talking about 80 which had nothing to do with insurance.
Feel free to share where you see a fucking article referenced in 80.
Ironic that you question HER reading comprehension. I'm with the other poster. This blog is tired.
June 9, 2013 at 3:28 PM
""WHAT THE FUCK" (You make me laugh, for real) blah blah blah I DON'T UNDERSTAND SO I WILL YELL "WHAT THE FUCK" ON THE INTERNETZ" blah blah blah".
THAT is how you come across...
Yeah, no one (okay a few idiots maybe) is going to read your blathering foaming spew. You're embarrassing.
93 Anonymous said... 93
What the fuck are you talking about 91?
88 said she was talking about 80 which had nothing to do with insurance.
Feel free to share where you see a fucking article referenced in 80.
Ironic that you question HER reading comprehension. I'm with the other poster. This blog is tired.
June 9, 2013 at 3:28 PM
Sweety, are you sitting down? You missed a post (or two). Sorry you don't now how to pay attention, keep up or vote.
Amen Sista! The ones that bitch the most about gov't hand-outs are the ones on food stamps, farm subsides, military pay/allowances,medicare and medicaide. What they really want to say is we don't want any brown skin people taking money from OUR country.
June 9, 2013 at 5:47 PM
Yeah, the brown and white taking from the brown and white. You do realize how racist you sound right? YOU brought up color.
IF you even earn a paycheck, take a look, you are paying into medicare for YOUR benefits when the time comes. You vote for the people who want these programs and you don't know how they "work"? Wow.just.wow
She's using a two-story house as an excuse. There are plenty of slobs in single-story houses and plenty of clean freaks in two-story houses. And every variation of cleanliness in between.
93 Anonymous said... 93
What the fuck are you talking about 91?
88 said she was talking about 80 which had nothing to do with insurance.
Feel free to share where you see a fucking article referenced in 80.
Ironic that you question HER reading comprehension. I'm with the other poster. This blog is tired.
June 9, 2013 at 3:28 PM
80 is part of an article that was copy and pasted here you MORONIC MORAN. (along with a comment from the copy/paster).
(It's sad when people need such simple things explained to them - and they're allowed to vote).
"base housing allowance for military"
WTF bitch! That shit is earned. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you uninformed dumbass.
It is indeed earned! Our military gets shit for pay.
96 you are a fucktard! The military deserve a hellava lot more than their getting. Eat shit!
And they make that choice of their own free will.
Stop whining about it already.
Fuck off 105. It's not a handout.
104...the military is a haven for stupid retards that barely graduate from high school and have no other choice in life but to serve and then suck off their benies for the rest of their pathetic lives.
Don't get me started on the fucktards that serve for a couple of years, never see combat but try to get veterans disability for the rest of their fucking miserable life for knee pain or hearing loss or some other stupid shit. It happens all the fucking time and GUESS WHAT? It is usually the poor as fuck, dim witted, no class browns that do the most sucking. It runs in their families. Think I am joking? Go visit the south dumbass.
No everyone that "serves" in the military deserves to be taken care of for the rest of their miserable lives.
I'm pretty sure there is only one or two idiots volleying back and forth here. I'm also pretty sure that they need some help with homophones.
now/know -99
They can't spell second grade words and they are worried about how people vote. (Go ahead and tell me it was a typo, but it really means you are stupid.)
Yeah, yeah. Subject-verb agreement is jacked up in 109. At least, I caught it before you.
I can't believe there are people in the world that are this stupid. Stupid enough to call military housing a handout.
There are some nuts on this thread. I am an epileptic. That means I am a person who has epilepsy. It does not mean I AM the disease, and I don't need to say "I am a person with epilepsy" to change that fact. Leave it to the peas to go overboard with something.
The term Aspies annoys me because cutesy annoys me.
111, if the military wanted you to have a family...they would have issued you one.
The military is the biggest government welfare program we have. It accepts enlistees with low IQs and no other opportunities and gives them a sense of purpose and a paycheck. If we didn't have such a large military, we'd have a lot more people in prison and on the streets.
The pay is paltry, but it is more than most of the enlistees could earn in the real world. And base housing is indeed a handout akin to section eight.
You really have no idea what you are talking about 114.
Hitting a little too close to home, 115? Are you one of those dependents who married too young because your spouse would "earn" an increased housing allowance just for being married? Did you crank out of couple of kids because more dependents would mean a bigger paycheck?
Military housing allowances are tied to marital status and number of dependents because military housing allowances are a form of social welfare.
Granted, there are probably a small percentage of military enlistees with higher than average IQs, but the majority rank in the lowest percentiles. The Marines consider anyone with a composite score of 12 on the ACT or an SAT score of 1000 to be officer material. Valedictorians may occasionally opt for enrollment in a military academy, but they don't join the ranks of the enlisted.
You may think I have no idea what I am talking about, but honey, you are in denial about your life and your place in society. Keep patting yourself on the back when people wave flags and cheer for your husband's uniform. The rest of know we would have a higher quality military with a system that drafted from all tiers of society, but we are grateful that there are the less fortunate who enlist and that the government has the military welfare system in place that requires some work in exchange for the hand outs it gives.
105 Anonymous said... 105
And they make that choice of their own free will.
Stop whining about it already.
June 9, 2013 at 8:10 PM
I don't see it as whining. I see it as having to defend a bull shit statement made on a bullshit blog.
Stop being an ass.
109 Anonymous said... 109
I'm pretty sure there is only one or two idiots volleying back and forth here. I'm also pretty sure that they need some help with homophones.
now/know -99
They can't spell second grade words and they are worried about how people vote. (Go ahead and tell me it was a typo, but it really means you are stupid.)
June 9, 2013 at 8:53 PM
Hi dumbfuck! Yeah I typed fast, bfd. Get over yourself. YOU'RE a NAZI through and through, right down to spelling. Wow, I'm thoroughly fucking impressed. NOT! (I typed that fast too and guess what, I'm not reading it to make you happy - I HOPE there's a typo in it).
110 Anonymous said... 110
Yeah, yeah. Subject-verb agreement is jacked up in 109. At least, I caught it before you.
June 9, 2013 at 8:54 PM
That's because you're hitting refresh too often.
116 Anonymous said... 116
Hitting a little too close to home, 115? Are you one of those dependents who married too young because your spouse would "earn" an increased housing allowance just for being married? Did you crank out of couple of kids because more dependents would mean a bigger paycheck?
Military housing allowances are tied to marital status and number of dependents because military housing allowances are a form of social welfare.
Granted, there are probably a small percentage of military enlistees with higher than average IQs, but the majority rank in the lowest percentiles. The Marines consider anyone with a composite score of 12 on the ACT or an SAT score of 1000 to be officer material. Valedictorians may occasionally opt for enrollment in a military academy, but they don't join the ranks of the enlisted.
You may think I have no idea what I am talking about, but honey, you are in denial about your life and your place in society. Keep patting yourself on the back when people wave flags and cheer for your husband's uniform. The rest of know we would have a higher quality military with a system that drafted from all tiers of society, but we are grateful that there are the less fortunate who enlist and that the government has the military welfare system in place that requires some work in exchange for the hand outs it gives.
June 9, 2013 at 11:59 PM
As cliche as it may sound. They FIGHT for your freedom to spew that shit (I guess you'll say you're not an American now but from the way what you wrote reads, you are certainly American.)
Of course those freedoms are diminishing and I guess that makes you happy. Whatever. (Don't really care about your thoughts on it after seeing the shit you spewed.)
Sure, go ahead and draft and you'll have more draft dodgers than before. (i.e. Bill Clinton)
You also have a grammar error.
Hey BL, how's your eye? How are things going with that bitchy old neighbor?
Yes, I'm trying to change the subject here.
Sorry asshole(s) but last time I checked an IED didn't check the IQ of the men or women it blows the legs off of or kills. I stand with my fucktard/eat shit comment and I'll add fuck off and you disgust me just so you don't misunderstand how loathsome your loss are to those who's family has made the ultimate sacrifice for that "military houseing benefit"
Post not loss....damn IQ showing
I applaud your post 122!! Nicely put!
"If Aspies have no problem using the term to describe themselves, I'm not sure why it should bother anyone who doesn't have Aspergers." I-95
Bullshit. If I used the N word, which is how quite a few blacks "self identify" I'd be in a world of shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if a "aspie" mom started a thread about how some mean teacher called her snow flake a "aspie" and it hurt her feelings.
And for the moron who thinks only the lowest of the low IQs join the military you're a self deluded asshole.
You do realize that quite a few jobs are highly technical these days. You can't be a half wit and keep those jet planes flying, computer networks running or defuse a bomb with limited intellect.
It's a shame you have such disgust and loathing for people who do what you won't. I hope one or more of your snow flakes joins. You'll change your tune then.
114 and 116 have no clue what they are talking about. Clueless, but let's let them keep that dream about the military.
121Anonymous said... 121 Hey BL, how's your eye? How are things going with that bitchy old neighbor?
Yes, I'm trying to change the subject here.
Then go away instead of calling that drama whore back here.
I have a family member that is basically a moron. He enlisted at the age of 17. He really is dumb as a box of rocks. For some very odd reason, he was NEVER sent overseas. Never saw Irag or Afghanistan. How odd is that? At the age of 24, he got sick of living in the barracks so he found a "wife". A dumb ass ho that had just graduated high school and her mother was kicking her lazy ass out of the house. This guy promised her a roof over her head and three squares a day if she married him and fucked his dumb ass. Boy, where they damn excited when they moved into their base housing and his paycheck went up.
At 25, the loser decides to leave the Marines. He has no marketable skills and no job prospects. He decides to try and claim disability so he can get a nice paycheck every day for the rest of his fucking user life. He says his knee hurts and he can't hear out of one of his ears. He figures it will work since he equally loser ass sister did the same thing and said she has fibro. The government now takes care of her...FOREVER.
But this fucktard is lazy and stupid and never goes to the appts. at the veteran's hospital to be evaluated. He also applies for unemployment. He does whatever he can to suck the system while slapping those USMC stickers on his car and pretending to be GI Joe. Loves all the soldier attention but is too fucking lazy to get a real job.
There, that is the mentality of many in our special military that so many of you loser expect us to respect because they SERVED....
As cliche as it may sound. They FIGHT for your freedom to spew that shit
This comment goes a long way to show just how deluded Americans are about their military. Do you really think that the military is fighting to protect First-Amendment rights? Darling, Afghani villagers pose no threat to the freedom of speech on American soil. Taliban operatives are not censoring American newspapers.
In fact, if you look at America's history, there are a few instances of the military, the National Guard in particular, protecting the rights of American citizens. Little Rock High School is one such example. There are far more instances where America's military has suppressed the Constitutional rights of citizens. Kent State is just one example of that type of suppression. No, I am not an anarchist or even anti-government, but before you claim that America's military men and women are fighting wars abroad to protect the First-Amendment rights of American citizens on American soil, think about the validity of that claim.
If any entity is fighting to protect citizens' Constitutional rights, it would be the ACLU. It works to protect Constitutional rights in American courts, not by using young soldiers as fodder in foreign wars.
That is a story about YOUR family member. The mentality of YOUR family.
Fuck you? Absolutely. Take your fucktard lazy ass family and fuck off. Shut the hell up about the people fighting for YOUR freedom to show us what a clueless fucktard you are. Before you say it's only one family member, let me clue you in. Your posts show that you fit right in with your family. Idiot.
The war in Afghanistan and Iraq have done nothing but bankrupt us more and paint more of a target on our country. It has not made us safer period.
The military is a life-long welfare program for many. That's why your family members can claim disability and continue to draw a government check without working.
I'd rather the government spend the military's budget on something like the Civilian Conservation Core where people could serve our country and learn viable skills in exchange for their paychecks.
The unemployment rate for returning veterans is higher not only because many of these men and women are cognitively in the lower percentiles, but because the military teaches very few real-life skills. Even with preference points for some jobs, former enlistees can't make the grade.
My eye is finally better and I haven't spoken to neighbor yet. Although I did catch her husband digging through our trash and taking all the junk mail we had thrown away with him. It was weird, he acted like it was the most normal thing in the world to do.
And as for the idiot here spewing about the military, go enlist. Right now, go enlist and take part in all those free goodies that you barely have to work for. With your superior intellect I'm sure they will waive the weight and fitness requirements and they won't care if you are older than Methusula. Go now and enlist and enjoy the good life. If more people like you would put or shut up just think how great we'd be?
129, the name of the school is Central High School in Little Rock. Get your historical facts straight. And the National Guard was there to escort the black students into the school because the majority of lameasses thought their constitutional right included being able to assault high school students who had the right to go to that school. But the hillbillies didn't want their kids to go to school with black kids. And you call THAT the US government suppressing people's constitutional rights? The Central High 9 had a constitutional right to attend that school without being assaulted. The racists did not have a constitutional right to assault them or try to block them from attending that school. Fuck, I take back what I said about enlisting in the military. The only thing you could pass for is a bullet catcher.
I'm sorry 129, I misread what you said about Central High. You agree they did the right thing there. I'll be more careful next time. My bad.
"I'd rather the government spend the military's budget on something like the Civilian Conservation Core where people could serve our country and learn viable skills in exchange for their paychecks."
What 'viable skills' are you talking about? Everyone I know currently employeed with state conservation entities are already degreed, i.e. biology, forestry, etc. And, neither of them is paid squat. The biology major is just marking time while applying to various corporations that will pay him a decent salary.
The 'trainees' reporting to them are unskilled and paid minium-wage. They are assigned grunt duties which prepare them for absolutely nothing, i.e. counting birds, taking/logging/submitting soil samples. The only thing they get out of it is a low-level job to put on a resume when applying for another low-level, unskilled job.
Banana Lady, go take your meds.
137, Are you twelve?
128 it's so nice that you think so highly of those around you.
127 Anonymous said... 127
121Anonymous said... 121 Hey BL, how's your eye? How are things going with that bitchy old neighbor?
Yes, I'm trying to change the subject here.
Then go away instead of calling that drama whore back here.
June 10, 2013 at 7:08 AM
Don't tell me what to do. LOL Seriously...?...
I see desertpea is once again being a blathering idiot.
129 YOU are an idiot.
131 That comment is out of context with the subject at hand. Keep up.
I'd rather the government spend the military's budget on something like the Civilian Conservation Core where people could serve our country and learn viable skills in exchange for their paychecks.
It was the Civilian Conservation Corps, not Core. It was open only to unmarried, unemployed men from families on relief. And it didn't really teach skills--it existed as a way to supplement relief benefits and to provide young men with shelter, food, and clothing. Most of their paychecks (I believe it was $25 from each $30 check) was sent home to their families.
Both of my grandfathers were in the CCC. They planted trees in northern Michigan.
I agree, 129. I would also like to see the government spend our money on something like the Civilian Conservation Corps.
The CCC did a lot more than counting birds and sampling soil, 136. It built roads, planted tress, created campgrounds and trails, built bridges, and mitigated flood damage.
Married and older men could join the CCC, 143, if they were veterans of the Spanish American War or WWI.
College is not for everyone. We need more options for our young people that don't involve the long-term commitments of the military or the high risk of death, disability, and mental trauma associated with war.
130-Go ahead, keep on spouting your Rah-Rah military bullshit. Face the facts...the military i s a haven for the stupid and unproductive of society. They want the free ride to last forever. Maybe that hits to close to home for YOU??
Let's dissolve the military for 145 and watch her shit her pants.
146-you really are stupid, aren't you?
I wonder if the idiot who grouped in military housing with medicare/medicaid/social security disability/welfare is even still here.
147, you really are a cunt, aren't you?
Yes she's still here, she's 147, 145, etc.
I don't understand the assumption that the military isn't providing 'viable' training for post service employment. Are people genuinely unaware as to how many of the air traffic controllers, pilots, aircraft maintenance workers, EMT'S, firefighters, police, etc. are hired straight out of the military because of their military training and experience?
Thank you 151, it is amazing how ignorant people are about today's military. The reality of it is that there are very few low skilled jobs in the service anymore. Not everyone in the Army or Marines runs around shooting the enemy. I'd say for every one infantryman you have at least 5 support positions to make sure the infantry gets to where it needs to be and has what it needs to fight.
There are logistics specialists, lawyers, paralegals, telecommunications specialists, medics, vehicle mechanics and so many more positions that require skills. Marketable skills that will get you a good job after you get out.
And not everyone who gets out gets a disability check for life. Many do their time, get out and use their VA loans to buy a home and GI bill to go to school.
Jesus, people. You sound just like the dumb-ass peas. Life is not so black and white.
The military is like a miniature version of our society. It may not be comprised totally of lazy, dumbass moochers, but if you're denying that some do exist-in the military and throughout the US, then you're being deliberately obtuse. Same goes for the people saying that's all the military is made of. It's got dumbass moochers, but it's also got well-educated and/or smart people in leadership positions, and it also has people in-between who are of average intelligence and who are hard workers.
The person claiming that the military is full of moochers of sub-par intelligence does have one point, even if she's taken it to an extreme. Sadly, TPTB (the haves) in this country are more than willing to accept the really stupid moochers (the poorest of the have nots) and even set them up with "benefits" so that their own peers and/or kids of peers won't be drafted into combat. They really are looking for human shields. And those PTB don't really care if some of the hard-working, well-intentioned people in the middle get sacrificed as well.
There are lots of people that are smart, or even average in brain-power who do enlist, and get good training and leave the military and eke out a good existence for themselves. Those aren't the people the military "basher" is talking about.
True, a lot of pilots have previous military experience, but you would be hard-pressed to find former enlisted among those employed as civilian pilots. Officers and enlisted are different breeds.
Do you realize what very small percentage of military men and women actually work in the military as air-craft controllers? Prior military training and experience don't help at all when people apply for the FAA. This is from the FAA's website: "We are currently not accepting applications for military air traffic controllers who are either on terminal leave pending retirement from active duty military service or who retired from active duty on or after September 17, 1999."
More and more jobs require a higher education. More and more police and fire departments require a four-year degree, and those that don't require degrees, still tend to hire people with degrees.
Sweetheart, there are not a lot of jobs in the civilian world for infantry soldiers. The unemployment rate for veterans is higher for a reason.
There are PLENTY of smart folks in the enlisted service ranks. They just didn't have the advantage of having their parents pay for their college and then go in as an officer. No, they have to WORK their way through the ranks and if anyone thinks it isn't hard work then I feel safe in saying you are an idiot. Some people are bullet catchers but there are plenty of training opportunities for bright enlisted members. Maybe you've heard of the GI Bill? Yeah, you can't use it if you NEVER go to college. I would NEVER refer to any member of the military as lazy or a moocher. SO long as they have an honorable discharge, they worked hard. Whether they are able to use their training in the civilian world is completely dependent on what their specialty was. And that is dependent on the recruiter and what openings they have available at the time.
150 Anonymous said... 150
Yes she's still here, she's 147, 145, etc.
June 10, 2013 at 2:05 PM
Please post when you can make sense of what's being said.
153 = sub par back pedaling/lots of blah blah and it's definitely tl:dr due to initial content ignorance.
151 Anonymous said... 151
I don't understand the assumption that the military isn't providing 'viable' training for post service employment. Are people genuinely unaware as to how many of the air traffic controllers, pilots, aircraft maintenance workers, EMT'S, firefighters, police, etc. are hired straight out of the military because of their military training and experience?
June 10, 2013 at 2:23 PM
Don't forget the airline mechanics. Those planes tote everyone around and you're going to call the people who repair them stupid? LOL
158 here for clarification. I wasn't bitch AT you 151 but WITH you. :)
Unemployment is extremely high in veterans under 25 years old. These are kids who did one enlistment and got out. They usually don't have any education past high school and no marketable skills because they didn't stay in long enough to get any rank, education, or responsibility. Veterans that young have often been pushed out early by denying them re-enlistment for job performance or fitness issues. If you can't even figure out how to be a decent E3 of course you're going to have a hard time finding a job.
Mostly the ones who stay in longer leave with more education and better job prospects. Their unemployment rate is only slightly higher than civilians their same age and the unemployment rate for working-age military retirees is even lower. Your one lazy jarhead does not equal the entire US military.
There are losers everywhere including the military, yes. Whoever lumped military housing in with welfare was full of shit though.
Whoever lumped military housing in with welfare was full of shit though.
Yep. The blog is dead.
I think COG considers it mandatory to start at least one ridiculous thread of meaningless nothing every day!
163 Anonymous said... 163
Yep. The blog is dead.
June 10, 2013 at 6:21 PM
Are you mistaking the blog for your brain cells again?
164 Anonymous said... 164
I think COG considers it mandatory to start at least one ridiculous thread of meaningless nothing every day!
June 10, 2013 at 6:22 PM
At least she has goals unlike those miserable house mooching loser military "people".
At least she has goals unlike those miserable house mooching loser military "people".
that was a lame attempt at sarcasm.
167 Anonymous said... 167
At least she has goals unlike those miserable house mooching loser military "people".
that was a lame attempt at sarcasm.
June 10, 2013 at 6:37 PM
Hi Hostile In-fighter!
Wow, DOdogshaveBrains sure has lots of kids with "issues." Different baby daddies, and still all her spawn are special. Wonder if she has figured out that she's the common denominator.
I'd bet money that her youngest snowflake is "on the spectrum" just likexher older one. His "aspie" coming out announcement to follow shortly.
PeaNut 587,402
May 2013
Posts: 17
Layouts: 0 Posted: 6/10/2013 11:52:27 PM
Fatties and drama go hand in hand. You're gonna be Blubbo's girl soon after his massive coronary.
You are the shittiest troll that 2Ps has ever seen. This isn't even funny. You're trying to be hurtful but that shit doesn't work.
Lame at best. Give up the trolling, it's not working for you.
WTF is wrong with that troll Valvoline??? Who would feel the need to be so cruel to poor sad little Wade's Girl?
Valvoline sounds like L'Urine
Hey who is the blog bitch owner scrap smacker? She just posted that her DH cheated on her!
"A U.S. Internal Revenue Service manager, who described himself as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN, told congressional investigators that HE and a local colleague decided to give conservative groups the extra scrutiny that has prompted weeks of political controversy.
In an official interview transcript released on Sunday by Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings, the manager said he and an underling set aside “Tea Party” and “patriot” groups that had applied for tax-exempt status because the organizations appeared to pose a new precedent that could affect future IRS filings."
"“a close examination of these groups and others reveals an array of election activities that tax experts and former I.R.S. officials said would provide a legitimate basis for flagging them for closer review”
“I do not believe that the screening of these cases had anything to do, other than consistency and identifying issues that needed to have further development,” the manager answered, according to a transcript released by Cummings.
Asked if he believed the White House was involved, the manager replied: “I have no reason to believe that.”
Now we know why Darrel "Car Thief" Issa refused to release this report.
In my real life experience, military enrollees break down like this:
5 out of 10 are dumb and poor with no other post-high school prospects. AKA cannon-fodder.
3 out of 10 are gun nuts with anger issues who want to blow shit up and intimidate and kill others.
2 out of 10 are smart and driven and achieve respectable careers...pilots, doctors, high-level engineers, analysts, officers, lawyers, etc etc.
The algebra thread. All the peas have gifted and advanced children, except for a couple of honest peas at the end, Monklady and Kimberly.
No I'm not Monklady or Kimberly. My kids aren't old enough for algebra yet.
This is funny considering all the weird shit she runs to post at the the pod about other people.
173 Anonymous said... 173
Valvoline sounds like L'Urine
June 11, 2013 at 12:00 AM
I think she gets blamed for a lot but is none of the trolls people claim she is. If it makes them feel good though, whatever.
175? Link to the article?
Hi Hostile In-fighter!
Sorry, wrong person. That was my second post on this thread.
Doesn't matter 181 if your goal was to fight with someone on here then *THAT* is what you get called.
You sound like a liberal though (sure go ahead and fight back - I do not care LOL). Oh and do some good 'ole name calling too while you're at it, for good measure. Just giving simple info...
"I am so disappointed. I was so hopeful for this. It's made even harder by my SIL who is due to give birth to my niece any day now. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that." rayofsunshine
Yes because if she can't have kids, no one in her life should be allowed to have them either.
176, if your sample size consists of only the people you know, your research isn't research. It's just bullshit that is flowing out of your mouth like diarrhea. That makes you one of the dumbasses you are extrapolating to the US military. If any of the words I used are too big for you I recommend dictionary.com.
Yes, the infertile peas with the "it's not fair, nobody should be happy that someone else is having a baby because I can't have one" are the most self-centered people ever. Maybe Darwinism is at work and you can't reproduce because you are a dumbass and we don't need any more of those. Adopt or shut up. If you can't afford to adopt or can't pass the screening, then you didn't need to have kids anyway.
She's only 36 days into her cycle. She very well could be pregnant and her at home tests just aren't picking up on it.
179 Anonymous said... 179
173 Anonymous said... 173
Valvoline sounds like L'Urine
June 11, 2013 at 12:00 AM
I think she gets blamed for a lot but is none of the trolls people claim she is. If it makes them feel good though, whatever.
Sure valvoline. You would know. Did you get banned or just delete your post on the wade's girl thread?
Doesn't matter 181 if your goal was to fight with someone on here then *THAT* is what you get called.
You sound like a liberal though (sure go ahead and fight back - I do not care LOL). Oh and do some good 'ole name calling too while you're at it, for good measure. Just giving simple info...
* * *
My goal is to never fight with anyone. I see your goal is to fight with everyone. I don't need to call you any names, you already know what you are.
176, if your sample size consists of only the people you know, your research isn't research. It's just bullshit that is flowing out of your mouth like diarrhea. That makes you one of the dumbasses you are extrapolating to the US military. If any of the words I used are too big for you I recommend dictionary.com.
You are using words that everyone can understand, but please continue to pat yourself on the back for using "extrapolating" in your sentence.
Yes, the infertile peas with the "it's not fair, nobody should be happy that someone else is having a baby because I can't have one" are the most self-centered people ever. Maybe Darwinism is at work and you can't reproduce because you are a dumbass and we don't need any more of those. Adopt or shut up. If you can't afford to adopt or can't pass the screening, then you didn't need to have kids anyway.
How easy for you to spew this bullshit. You have four kids and they were probalby never "planned". You have no idea what infertility feels like, you fucking cunt.
Just ignore Bananalady and her high horse she prances around on. Remember, she's been arrested twice and can't seem to get along with anyone.
190-SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I get so fucking tired of you bitches that can't get pregnant and your constant fucking whining. There is MORE to life than spitting out crotch nuggets.
Guess what? I bet you want that cute and fuzzy baby bundle don't you? You want to decorate a nursery and have a baby shower and all the fun stuff. Well, guess what dumbass? Your little bundle grows up and becomes a foul mouthed, pain in the ass, fucked up teenager and you will regret the day you bitched about having a BABY.
Babies grow up...it ain't all about the BABIES. Get over yourself, cunt.
Take your own advice 192, you deranged freak. And no I don't have any trouble conceiving.
Wow, CL is getting a divorce- color me surprised. not.
Yep, I don't have to worry about infertility and all 4 of my kids are normal and not special little snowflakes. Darwinism, such a bitch.
Too bad there mom is trash with a rap sheet and CPS looking over her shoulder. You might want to Windex the glass in your house...
*their* not there.
You have to be convicted to a have a rap sheet. But I wouldn't expect someone of your limited knowledge of how the world works to know that. And I don't have CPS looking over my shoulder. But they are welcome, I have all my shit together and my kids are wonderful. I got pregnant easily, had wonderful, healthy pregnancies, and beautiful perfect births. I can afford all of my children although they are all smart enough to receive academic scholarships to the universities of their choice. They have received superior educations and have 2 parents who would lay down their lives for them. And every time one of the yahoos in our extended families pops up with their sociopathy, we shut it down and remove our kids' exposure to the lunacy. The only stones I am throwing are to the selfish nimrods who can't be happy for anyone else because they (pout) can't get exactly what they want. Wah! Nobody here gives a shit and nobody knows that better than me.
Tell that "I can't get along with anyone" to my friends of 26 years, 23 years and my husband of 21 years. I just don't try to make nice to stupid assholes. And there are a lot of those here and in real life.
You might not have noticed them because you fit in with them so well.
You are the shittiest troll that 2Ps has ever seen. This isn't even funny. You're trying to be hurtful but that shit doesn't work.
Lame at best. Give up the trolling, it's not working for you.
No kidding. Why do these trolls have to go for low blows on the nice peas when there are so many others deserving of a smack down?
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