Celebrity psychic Sylvia Browne, famous for her appearances on shows like “Unsolved Mysteries” and “Montel,” died on Wednesday at the age of 77, according to her website.
Now I see why scrappower is so easy going about having to work on Thanksgiving, she works from home. I had no idea but if this was common knowledge I'm sorry for bringing up old news.
Wow, must be a slow news day over at the teaparty websites. November 21, 2013 at 9:51 AM
Oh course NO other website would cover this... Seriously krusty, not everything is political. I feel sorry for the people around you too. It's just sad.
7, Scrappower also prides herself on not celebrating normal average American holidays. She's different than everyone else, dontcha know? She's a special witch.
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do?
11 Anonymous said... 11 I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do? November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM
To bad so sad, you reap what you sow, you made your bed now lie it, karma or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Get a job and get out of your parents house.
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do? November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM
this will be Toni when it doesn't work out with Dr. Wade
7, Scrappower also prides herself on not celebrating normal average American holidays. She's different than everyone else, dontcha know? She's a special witch.
What does that even mean? Do you think that about Jewish or Muslim Americans too? She posted the other day about celebrating Thanksgiving. Doesn't get more American than that.
LOL @ Heartcat. She's just like Benem. She lost a few pounds and really thinks she's hot stuff. Always talking about clothes and makeup and sexy lingerie now. Bless her heart. Ironic that she's another one who needs a full body wax. You can always see her mustache when she posts photos.
16----I think that poster was just trying to make a point that Scrapower ALWAYS has to be different from everyone else. She always goes out of her way to have the opposite opinion on every issue just like GC does.
20 Anonymous said... 20 LOL at Ilovebuble calling M in Carolina out on the hate thread: http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&thread_id=3261928&pg=2 November 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM
She could have been talking about enjoytotheend also. She posted on the first page about not having family and hating the holidays.
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do? November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM -------------------------------------------------------
BonnieRose is that you? Did your younger hubby finally dump you?
What a classic that 'yes, this is a call out to squillen' thread is! What a NSBR gem! Wonder if Squeals is still hiding out with Athena, Toni, BF, Kim, and the other Big Brother hags in their private facebook group selling $50 Rice Crispy treats and talking smack about Leanne. Wonder if Jonduh and Athena are working on some new "chess moves."
Who gives a shit where that miserable Nightowl bitch is. Contrary bitch argued about everything under the sun. She'd pop a vein arguing over amusement parks and baby names.
"What a classic that 'yes, this is a call out to squillen' thread is! What a NSBR gem! Wonder if Squeals is still hiding out with Athena, Toni, BF, Kim, and the other Big Brother hags in their private facebook group selling $50 Rice Crispy treats and talking smack about Leanne. Wonder if Jonduh and Athena are working on some new "chess moves.""
They must feel so special having a private FB group. Leanne is a nice Pea so I don't know what they could say that would be smack. Women are such bitches.
Athena- the cuntiest, most self righteous, do as I say not as I do (AKA IOKIYAR) bitch at the pod.
It was either Athena's dh or one of her sons who googled her name and found her history here. That's why she disappeared. Her dh probably told her wtf are you putting out your personal business all over the interwebs for! I'm sure they weren't thrilled finding out about Athena's old black gym cock.
It's the thread where with the giant candy box. No one said anything about her daughter. AND the date on it is a YEAR prior to her comments that led to the "call-out" thread.
I tried to get to the real thread but I think maybe it was deleted. Not sure what's up with that.
It's the thread where with the giant candy box. No one said anything about her daughter. AND the date on it is a YEAR prior to her comments that led to the "call-out" thread.
I tried to get to the real thread but I think maybe it was deleted. Not sure what's up with that. November 22, 2013 at 6:52 PM
I thought they meant that us blog bitches said that, like how we called Mrs. T's kid a rat or some such nonsense.
I thought they meant that us blog bitches said that, like how we called Mrs. T's kid a rat or some such nonsense.
------------ No, they're insisting it was at 2peas. It was probably something Liz or another troll said, but those posts are deleted. Still, you know if something like that was said about her daughter, that thread would be at least five pages, not two pages.
They're all martyrs that never do or say anything wrong, even when there is evidence they did.
I can't copy and paste, but she posted a thread titled "when will it be enough" or something like that to bring up her dad bring called out on her weight...
What a classic that 'yes, this is a call out to squillen' thread is! What a NSBR gem! Wonder if Squeals is still hiding out with Athena, Toni, BF, Kim, and the other Big Brother hags in their private facebook group selling $50 Rice Crispy treats and talking smack about Leanne. Wonder if Jonduh and Athena are working on some new "chess moves."
This thread was great for another reason: it resulted in Lauren's 30 day ban. I always thought it was crazy that Two Peas didn't straight up ban her for saying such racist shit. I know lots of Peas have been banned for less.
Oh, well. Squillen and Lauren both got their racist asses handed to them in that thread. Red Boots and Miz Independent wiped the floor with Lauren. It was a thing of beauty.
I see that Lauren's back hoping to get in a fight with someone then Mrs. chicken breast Jodster will be defending her vile behavior and hand slapping everyone for instigating another one of her dear friends she's been peamailing since 2006. No one pays Lauren any mind anymore tho. Rush Limphog listening Jodster's a passive aggressive one. She doesn't fool me.
Now BF, defender of all things white trash pops in. She must still be unhinged over Pjaye telling everyone about AN's classy pea history on the peaboard. Her presence was missed on the Zimmerman thread the other day, hmmm? There was another funny thread between her and Rachel where she accuses Rachel of calling her white trash. Everyone's like WTF are you even talking about? She never apologizes or acknowledges she's wrong. She has Typhus disease. I forgot to save that thread.
A lot of peas are like that, 55. It doesn't mean what they're trying to say isn't incredibly stupid. She swoops in to tell people how stupid they are and gets nasty over petty little things. She sounds like a generally miserable person.
Was the AN/Pjaye thing recent? I must have missed it.
It was that thread where Karen of all the old LLP drama dropped in out of blue to put Seanna in her place because of all the drama she and AN created. I guess Seanna was on another thread trying to rewrite history. Everyone was calling each other out so Karen had it deleted. BF was losing her mind in conniption mode threatening Liz and PJ.
It was either Athena's dh or one of her sons who googled her name and found her history here. That's why she disappeared. Her dh probably told her wtf are you putting out your personal business all over the interwebs for! I'm sure they weren't thrilled finding out about Athena's old black gym cock.
Black gym cock. Chatroom shenanigans. BDSM. Knocked-up single mother. Cheating (her). TMI blog. Undersexed DH.
^^ Pineapple's awesome conservative family values, yo.
I had forgotten about limp dick! What on earth was she thinking sharing that information online? That's probably when gym cock swooped in. He was probably one of her massage therapy customers who ended up getting the happy ending.
If those sorry looking ice cube tray chocolates and $50 Rice Crispy treats are any indication of what she makes those pies must taste and look like shit too.
She swoops in to tell people how stupid they are ------------------------------ The peas ARE stupid you dumb cunt otherwise there wouldn't be a smack blog about them.
I had forgotten about limp dick! What on earth was she thinking sharing that information online?
on her blog read by her family and friends, about how she's a super horny chick and he's limp dick not interested and their resulting incompatability problems . the capper was the shout-out to her dad LOL.
my eyes would roll out of my head at how she always acted like she was the smartest person in the room on 2Ps. um no.
I was curious because they're now saying that Kellyo was run off the board and that someone posted a map to her house. When I googled her there were lots of threads about swaps and about her bullying people both at 2peas and Facebook.
Things are never what they seem when it comes to people leaving 2peas. Almost always they are the cause, not the other way around.
Squeals got her fat panties in a twist when Twopeas checked her. That's when her klan friends began playing their violins or banjos. Twopeas doesn't want that hog pimping her unsanitary crap on their site.
The so called cookie scandal happened when Squeals sent her shills from her facebook group to the bucket to drum up business for her after she was warned not to. It was a neener, neener. oink, oink moment for them. Forgot who her shills were. BF, Pineapple, or Typhus? One of those assholes. Then they try and play all innocent. @@ Isn't BF the one always crying, Rules are rules! If you don't like them, then leave!
She swoops in to tell people how stupid they are ------------------------------ The peas ARE stupid you dumb cunt otherwise there wouldn't be a smack blog about them.
Sorry you took what I said so personally, 63. It wasn't meant to be a jab at you. Yikes.
ETA: Suzanne and I have been friends since I first joined 2Peas. I consider her closer than just a message board buddy. We've chatted on the phone many times and she's been nothing but a wonderful friend to me. I would certainly hope that if one of my own children witnessed a friend of theirs being harassed or bullied, they'd stand up for their friend and expose the nasty behavior of the harasser. If my child stood back and ignored the behavior, I'd be disappointed. I'd hope you're raising your children to stand up to ignorance and hate as well.
And there we have it! November 27, 2011 at 11:12 AM 193 Anonymous said... 193
192 - I think this means Squillen is a closet republican. She doesn't get into it on the board to keep the front of a nice pea. But we all saw her flippant reply in Liz's thread so the title of nice pea should be stripped from her. November 27, 2011 at 11:14 AM 194 Anonymous said... 194
Another comment from Kelpea trying to play the victim. Sheesh.
"Couldn't have gotten through the last several months without you guys. I've just been slammed for sharing our issues with our son on that other site, but I don't give a rat's ass. Walk a mile in my shoes, and you might have a clue about what hell on earth can be like.
And thank you, Mrs. Tyler, for sticking up for me." November 27, 2011 at 11:15 AM 195 Anonymous said... 195
It's almost certain that Squillen doesn't view Typhus with the same devotion that Typhus views Squillen.
Mrs. Typhus is embarrassing herself badly. November 27, 2011 at 11:23 AM 196 Anonymous said... 196
And Kelpea is now coming off like a sad sack. November 27, 2011 at 11:24 AM 197 Anonymous said... 197
Burning Feather Posted: 11/27/2011 2:21:13 PM
I agree with your whole post except for one thing. Her "FB friends" did not "preplan" anything.
I know this because I was not only involved in that conversation, I'm the one that started it. It was a joke. I was poking fun at Suzanne.
So BF has let her take the heat all this time without piping up? Although BF can't say you can always believe BF. November 27, 2011 at 11:26 AM
This skeeves me out. To me it's literally impossible to watch every one of those videos to pick the best one. I am not sure how I feel about a "help me get money so I can get pregnant" contest anyhow.
This skeeves me out. To me it's literally impossible to watch every one of those videos to pick the best one. I am not sure how I feel about a "help me get money so I can get pregnant" contest anyhow.
Bizarre. I particularly like the comment about how cute the wife is in real life because she can wear Converse with her wedding dress and make it cute! (didn't watch the video, so in that context the whole thing is weirdly hilarious)
Funny that it was an unknown pea that took the bait on squillens cookie thread and asked if she was still selling boxes! They didn't even have to use the plan they hatched on FB!
I am not sure how I feel about a "help me get money so I can get pregnant" contest anyhow. November 24, 2013 at 5:49 AM I know how I feel about it. It's ridiculous. People will do a money grab over any damn thing these days.
PeaNut 158,336 July 2004 Posts: 37,072 Layouts: 3 Loc: Ain't no black widow serial killer going to get between me and my man Posted: 11/25/2013 1:05:00 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm sorry you won't be spending Thanksgiving together, but as another Pea said (and several others in other industries), my DH works in aviation and he works so that YOUR family can be with you on Thanksgiving.
Mechanic... Mechanic...
Why is it so hard to say he's a mechanic instead of "in aviation". Some idiots would assume he's a pilot and he's far far far from it.
Well, 93, I take it you don't need to cover for your son in any way and that both he and you are comfortable with who he is (which I don't blame you for - as far as I am concerned, he is as normal as the rest of us fucked up society).
However, the thought of BF and her husband in this way amused me and I stand by what I said.
I'm sure your gay son could tell you stories about some of the hip swaying little faggy ones working out there - I know my GAY cousin tells me those as well, so get alife which doesn't revolve around defending a son who probably doesn't give a shit about what is posted here anyway.
OMG...You bitches are so dumb. Have you EVER SEEN BurningVag's husband? OhMmmGee..He is a total pumpkin headed redneck retard. His name is VERNE if that gives you any clue. I swear to Jeebus he looks special. Of course, one would have to be special to marry that annoying bitch.
Who gives a shit?! If he's a mechanic who works on planes, he's in aviation you bitchy little idiot. Damn, making a dumbass comment like that, you're just as stupid as the peas you're complain about.
BurningVag's husband? OhMmmGee..He is a total pumpkin headed redneck retard. His name is VERNE if that gives you any clue. I swear to Jeebus he looks special. ---------------------------------- Well, she had to take what she could get. Still, he's probably too good for her.
Who gives a shit?! If he's a mechanic who works on planes, he's in aviation you bitchy little idiot. Damn, making a dumbass comment like that, you're just as stupid as the peas you're complain about. November 25, 2013 at 4:07 PM
o_0 Take a deep breath. Return to the bukkit and roam amongst your own kind if you are getting that stressed out about this place.
77- LMAO at Redboots calling out Typhus for her prolific posting during school hours on page 4.
Where has Red Boots been? She disappeared. Too bad. I think she said a lot of shit that other people wished they could say.
I had forgotten about her calling Mrs. Tyler out for Peaing from school. IIRC, Mrs. T actually cut back on posting during the day after that. I wonder if someone really did contact her boss. I doubt it. She would have cried about it at the bukkit if so, I think.
I bet there are a few of Typhus coworkers reading and lol at her loony posts. The dummy posts she puts chapstick on her lips when giving blow jobs knowing her mother still lurks on NSBR! Idiot! Posting during labor was one of the saddest sickest things I've ever seen.
Typhus is a fat, cunty twatnozzle. And, listen up Typhus, NO ONE has ever said your damn kids look like rats. No one gives a shit about your crotch nuggets...NO ONE. So stop looking for sympathy at the bukki by constantly bringing up your bullshit lies about the big bad blog bitches saying mean things about your damn kids. No one gives a fuck.
We have made fun of your FAT ASS and how you suck your husband's teeny penis with the help of Chapstick. We have made fun of your craptastic teaching skills since you do nothing but Pea all day while your students sit in your classroom. We have made fun of how you suck up to certain Peas like Squillen. Squillen doesn't give a shit about you unless you keep buying her piece of shit cookie boxes.
Glad she's now happily married but wtf cares about this. Some peas must think other peas are just waiting for stupid ass posts about dumb shit that happens in their lives.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 317 of 317 Newer› Newest»She is always over the top bitchy about things. Some people just choose to be miserable.
Celebrity psychic Sylvia Browne, famous for her appearances on shows like “Unsolved Mysteries” and “Montel,” died on Wednesday at the age of 77, according to her website.
No cause of death was given.
Wow, must be a slow news day over at the teaparty websites.
OMG for the peas who keep saying they HATE Select a Size paper towels, there's a super easy solution. DO NOT BUY THEM!!! Buy the regular kind.
Starting a thread to list all of the things you HATE. Classic Twopeas women!
3 Anonymous said... 3
Wow, must be a slow news day over at the teaparty websites.
November 21, 2013 at 9:51 AM
You seem so butthurt. I feel sorry for those around you.
You seem so butthurt. I feel sorry for those around you.
I feel sorry for you. You seem so butthurt that no one cares.
Now I see why scrappower is so easy going about having to work on Thanksgiving, she works from home. I had no idea but if this was common knowledge I'm sorry for bringing up old news.
3 Anonymous said... 3
Wow, must be a slow news day over at the teaparty websites.
November 21, 2013 at 9:51 AM
Oh course NO other website would cover this...
Seriously krusty, not everything is political.
I feel sorry for the people around you too. It's just sad.
7, Scrappower also prides herself on not celebrating normal average American holidays. She's different than everyone else, dontcha know? She's a special witch.
The pizza thread is a showcase of crazy.
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do?
Go post that at the bukkit, 11. They will give you all sorts of advice!
11 Anonymous said... 11
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do?
November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM
To bad so sad, you reap what you sow, you made your bed now lie it, karma or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Get a job and get out of your parents house.
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do?
November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM
this will be Toni when it doesn't work out with Dr. Wade
Who cares that nobody will marry you? If you had an affair you don't take marriage that seriously anyway.
7, Scrappower also prides herself on not celebrating normal average American holidays. She's different than everyone else, dontcha know? She's a special witch.
What does that even mean? Do you think that about Jewish or Muslim Americans too? She posted the other day about celebrating Thanksgiving. Doesn't get more American than that.
LOL @ Heartcat. She's just like Benem. She lost a few pounds and really thinks she's hot stuff. Always talking about clothes and makeup and sexy lingerie now. Bless her heart. Ironic that she's another one who needs a full body wax. You can always see her mustache when she posts photos.
16----I think that poster was just trying to make a point that Scrapower ALWAYS has to be different from everyone else. She always goes out of her way to have the opposite opinion on every issue just like GC does.
Holy shit. All that drama over a pizza. A grocery store pizza.
Christ, no kidding. Hope she and her family enjoy their future grocery store pizzas with some extra mystery 'toppings'. If you get my drift.
LOL at Ilovebuble calling M in Carolina out on the hate thread:
Heartcat hates people who talk too much or go on and on about something. Surely she's joking. LOL She has to be more self aware than that.
20 Anonymous said... 20
LOL at Ilovebuble calling M in Carolina out on the hate thread:
November 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM
She could have been talking about enjoytotheend also. She posted on the first page about not having family and hating the holidays.
What a dumbass, wtf didn't she ask her doctor while she was there at her appointment.
And squillen drama is back! bet the batphone is ringing now!!
Holiday Cookies anyone?
I divorced my husband after having an affair. Practically abandoned my child. The new relationship didn't work out. Now no one will marry me. I live with my parents and binge watch television. I'm lazy and never finish anything. What should I do?
November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM
BonnieRose is that you? Did your younger hubby finally dump you?
What a classic that 'yes, this is a call out to squillen' thread is! What a NSBR gem! Wonder if Squeals is still hiding out with Athena, Toni, BF, Kim, and the other Big Brother hags in their private facebook group selling $50 Rice Crispy treats and talking smack about Leanne. Wonder if Jonduh and Athena are working on some new "chess moves."
Who gives a shit where that miserable Nightowl bitch is. Contrary bitch argued about everything under the sun. She'd pop a vein arguing over amusement parks and baby names.
Why is typhus defending squillen so much?? Since when are they BFFs???
Because people were picking on Squillens precious snowflake just like they picked on her little darlings.
Athena- the cuntiest, most self righteous, do as I say not as I do (AKA IOKIYAR) bitch at the pod.
"What a classic that 'yes, this is a call out to squillen' thread is! What a NSBR gem! Wonder if Squeals is still hiding out with Athena, Toni, BF, Kim, and the other Big Brother hags in their private facebook group selling $50 Rice Crispy treats and talking smack about Leanne. Wonder if Jonduh and Athena are working on some new "chess moves.""
They must feel so special having a private FB group. Leanne is a nice Pea so I don't know what they could say that would be smack. Women are such bitches.
" Women are such bitches."
This blog is the perfect proof of that.
"Starting a thread to list all of the things you HATE. Classic Twopeas women!"
Said the woman on a blog started about things you hate.
Talk about lack of self awareness.
Why did Pinecone change her name?
Kimberly Dobbs.
private facebook group = rw echo-chamber
Athena- the cuntiest, most self righteous, do as I say not as I do (AKA IOKIYAR) bitch at the pod.
It was either Athena's dh or one of her sons who googled her name and found her history here. That's why she disappeared. Her dh probably told her wtf are you putting out your personal business all over the interwebs for! I'm sure they weren't thrilled finding out about Athena's old black gym cock.
Why did the ugly right wing hags pick on Leanne? What did she ever do to them?
I bet that uber cunt Squillen raised her the price on her box o'lard cookies. I am sure they are up to 60.00 bucks with 16.00 for shipping.
Squillen was selling chocolate she made in ice cube trays too!
41 Anonymous said... 41
Squillen was selling chocolate she made in ice cube trays too!
November 22, 2013 at 6:37 PM
Those looked nasty, someone else post a picture of their truffles and boy did that show squillens lack of skills.
I found this on Google:
It's the thread where with the giant candy box. No one said anything about her daughter. AND the date on it is a YEAR prior to her comments that led to the "call-out" thread.
I tried to get to the real thread but I think maybe it was deleted. Not sure what's up with that.
43 Anonymous said... 43
I found this on Google:
It's the thread where with the giant candy box. No one said anything about her daughter. AND the date on it is a YEAR prior to her comments that led to the "call-out" thread.
I tried to get to the real thread but I think maybe it was deleted. Not sure what's up with that.
November 22, 2013 at 6:52 PM
I thought they meant that us blog bitches said that, like how we called Mrs. T's kid a rat or some such nonsense.
Got it! I Googled the thread title:
She does always show up around the holidays!
I thought they meant that us blog bitches said that, like how we called Mrs. T's kid a rat or some such nonsense.
No, they're insisting it was at 2peas. It was probably something Liz or another troll said, but those posts are deleted. Still, you know if something like that was said about her daughter, that thread would be at least five pages, not two pages.
They're all martyrs that never do or say anything wrong, even when there is evidence they did.
What the FUCK???!!
(fuck you jane)
I can't copy and paste, but she posted a thread titled "when will it be enough" or something like that to bring up her dad bring called out on her weight...
Should be her dd, not her dad...
What a classic that 'yes, this is a call out to squillen' thread is! What a NSBR gem! Wonder if Squeals is still hiding out with Athena, Toni, BF, Kim, and the other Big Brother hags in their private facebook group selling $50 Rice Crispy treats and talking smack about Leanne. Wonder if Jonduh and Athena are working on some new "chess moves."
This thread was great for another reason: it resulted in Lauren's 30 day ban. I always thought it was crazy that Two Peas didn't straight up ban her for saying such racist shit. I know lots of Peas have been banned for less.
Oh, well. Squillen and Lauren both got their racist asses handed to them in that thread. Red Boots and Miz Independent wiped the floor with Lauren. It was a thing of beauty.
I see that Lauren's back hoping to get in a fight with someone then Mrs. chicken breast Jodster will be defending her vile behavior and hand slapping everyone for instigating another one of her dear friends she's been peamailing since 2006. No one pays Lauren any mind anymore tho. Rush Limphog listening Jodster's a passive aggressive one. She doesn't fool me.
Now BF, defender of all things white trash pops in. She must still be unhinged over Pjaye telling everyone about AN's classy pea history on the peaboard. Her presence was missed on the Zimmerman thread the other day, hmmm? There was another funny thread between her and Rachel where she accuses Rachel of calling her white trash. Everyone's like WTF are you even talking about? She never apologizes or acknowledges she's wrong. She has Typhus disease. I forgot to save that thread.
Was the AN/Pjaye thing recent? I must have missed it.
I missed it, too. Link, please?
I like Pjaye. She tells it like it is and without the sugar-coating, so you know exactly what she's trying to say.
Megmc's grandmother was involved with the mob? Uh huh.
A lot of peas are like that, 55. It doesn't mean what they're trying to say isn't incredibly stupid. She swoops in to tell people how stupid they are and gets nasty over petty little things. She sounds like a generally miserable person.
Was the AN/Pjaye thing recent? I must have missed it.
It was that thread where Karen of all the old LLP drama dropped in out of blue to put Seanna in her place because of all the drama she and AN created. I guess Seanna was on another thread trying to rewrite history. Everyone was calling each other out so Karen had it deleted. BF was losing her mind in conniption mode threatening Liz and PJ.
It was either Athena's dh or one of her sons who googled her name and found her history here. That's why she disappeared. Her dh probably told her wtf are you putting out your personal business all over the interwebs for! I'm sure they weren't thrilled finding out about Athena's old black gym cock.
Did this really happen? Talk about karma.
Black gym cock. Chatroom shenanigans. BDSM. Knocked-up single mother. Cheating (her). TMI blog. Undersexed DH.
^^ Pineapple's awesome conservative family values, yo.
Black gym cock. Chatroom shenanigans. BDSM. Knocked-up single mother. Cheating (her). TMI blog. Undersexed DH.
^^ Pineapple's awesome conservative family values, yo.
I had forgotten about limp dick! What on earth was she thinking sharing that information online? That's probably when gym cock swooped in. He was probably one of her massage therapy customers who ended up getting the happy ending.
If those sorry looking ice cube tray chocolates and $50 Rice Crispy treats are any indication of what she makes those pies must taste and look like shit too.
She swoops in to tell people how stupid they are
The peas ARE stupid you dumb cunt otherwise there wouldn't be a smack blog about them.
I would not buy Squillen's baked goods. Just look at her. She's fat. She's lazy. She's nasty looking and her kitchen is probably nasty.
Leave it to the peas to make somebody else's tragedy all about them. Bitches.
I had forgotten about limp dick! What on earth was she thinking sharing that information online?
on her blog read by her family and friends, about how she's a super horny chick and he's limp dick not interested and their resulting incompatability problems . the capper was the shout-out to her dad LOL.
my eyes would roll out of my head at how she always acted like she was the smartest person in the room on 2Ps. um no.
OMG. My husband would fucking kill me if I discussed his dick or his sexual performance on my blog!
Not that I would ever, under any circumstance, even consider doing that in the first place!
I was curious because they're now saying that Kellyo was run off the board and that someone posted a map to her house. When I googled her there were lots of threads about swaps and about her bullying people both at 2peas and Facebook.
Things are never what they seem when it comes to people leaving 2peas. Almost always they are the cause, not the other way around.
This shit seems to go back 3 years:
That old stuff was insane then, now it's just ridiculous. And peas say the nsbr is bad. Smh
Kelly ruined the swap board. She was an obnoxious gossiping twat when she was there. Her own sister wants nothing to do with her.
Squeals got her fat panties in a twist when Twopeas checked her. That's when her klan friends began playing their violins or banjos. Twopeas doesn't want that hog pimping her unsanitary crap on their site.
The so called cookie scandal happened when Squeals sent her shills from her facebook group to the bucket to drum up business for her after she was warned not to. It was a neener, neener. oink, oink moment for them. Forgot who her shills were. BF, Pineapple, or Typhus? One of those assholes. Then they try and play all innocent. @@ Isn't BF the one always crying, Rules are rules! If you don't like them, then leave!
PEAcefulmind is Kelleylo
Her first post is to tell everyone how to join the "new" Scrapyard facebook group:
She swoops in to tell people how stupid they are
The peas ARE stupid you dumb cunt otherwise there wouldn't be a smack blog about them.
Sorry you took what I said so personally, 63. It wasn't meant to be a jab at you. Yikes.
Yes, you do live in a hick town, as evidenced by the world view of the hicks that live there. Try to get out a little more.
PEAcefulmind is Kelleylo
Yep, that's her! Busted! lol She's going to have to change her name again.
Here's the thread where Squillen gets called out for her promise to donate money to the lady she berated and then changing her tune.
77- LMAO at Redboots calling out Typhus for her prolific posting during school hours on page 4.
192 Anonymous said... 192
Sitting on the right side.
Posted: 11/27/2011 1:35:39 PM
Suzanne and I have been friends since I first joined 2Peas. I consider her closer than just a message board buddy. We've chatted on the phone many times and she's been nothing but a wonderful friend to me. I would certainly hope that if one of my own children witnessed a friend of theirs being harassed or bullied, they'd stand up for their friend and expose the nasty behavior of the harasser. If my child stood back and ignored the behavior, I'd be disappointed. I'd hope you're raising your children to stand up to ignorance and hate as well.
And there we have it!
November 27, 2011 at 11:12 AM
193 Anonymous said... 193
192 - I think this means Squillen is a closet republican. She doesn't get into it on the board to keep the front of a nice pea. But we all saw her flippant reply in Liz's thread so the title of nice pea should be stripped from her.
November 27, 2011 at 11:14 AM
194 Anonymous said... 194
Another comment from Kelpea trying to play the victim. Sheesh.
"Couldn't have gotten through the last several months without you guys. I've just been slammed for sharing our issues with our son on that other site, but I don't give a rat's ass. Walk a mile in my shoes, and you might have a clue about what hell on earth can be like.
And thank you, Mrs. Tyler, for sticking up for me."
November 27, 2011 at 11:15 AM
195 Anonymous said... 195
It's almost certain that Squillen doesn't view Typhus with the same devotion that Typhus views Squillen.
Mrs. Typhus is embarrassing herself badly.
November 27, 2011 at 11:23 AM
196 Anonymous said... 196
And Kelpea is now coming off like a sad sack.
November 27, 2011 at 11:24 AM
197 Anonymous said... 197
Burning Feather
Posted: 11/27/2011 2:21:13 PM
I agree with your whole post except for one thing. Her "FB friends" did not "preplan" anything.
I know this because I was not only involved in that conversation, I'm the one that started it. It was a joke. I was poking fun at Suzanne.
So BF has let her take the heat all this time without piping up? Although BF can't say you can always believe BF.
November 27, 2011 at 11:26 AM
This skeeves me out. To me it's literally impossible to watch every one of those videos to pick the best one. I am not sure how I feel about a "help me get money so I can get pregnant" contest anyhow.
This skeeves me out. To me it's literally impossible to watch every one of those videos to pick the best one. I am not sure how I feel about a "help me get money so I can get pregnant" contest anyhow.
Bizarre. I particularly like the comment about how cute the wife is in real life because she can wear Converse with her wedding dress and make it cute! (didn't watch the video, so in that context the whole thing is weirdly hilarious)
BF's a big instigator for starting all that shit just like her daughter AN.
And PEAcefulmind/Kelleylo is still over there talking about herself in third person. Drama queen still trying to make it all about her.
Funny that it was an unknown pea that took the bait on squillens cookie thread and asked if she was still selling boxes! They didn't even have to use the plan they hatched on FB!
I am not sure how I feel about a "help me get money so I can get pregnant" contest anyhow.
November 24, 2013 at 5:49 AM
I know how I feel about it. It's ridiculous. People will do a money grab over any damn thing these days.
BF's a big instigator for starting all that shit just like her daughter AN.
Yes, yes she is.
Mapchic is free to date Zimmerman now and Zimmerman's free to strangle or shoot her!
This isn't being a mean mom, it's being a lazy controlling bitch.
Burning Feather
I conceived but I can't see you
PeaNut 158,336
July 2004
Posts: 37,072
Layouts: 3
Loc: Ain't no black widow serial killer going to get between me and my man
Posted: 11/25/2013 1:05:00 PM
I'm sorry you won't be spending Thanksgiving together, but as another Pea said (and several others in other industries), my DH works in aviation and he works so that YOUR family can be with you on Thanksgiving.
Mechanic... Mechanic...
Why is it so hard to say he's a mechanic instead of "in aviation". Some idiots would assume he's a pilot and he's far far far from it.
I would NOT fly with him as pilot LMAO, btw...
WTF, 89? You can be the best pilot in the world and you're still fucked if the mechanic doesn't do his shit, YKWIM?
I thought she was covering for him being a little hip swaying faggie little steward!
Yes, bitch, I know what you mean......
She's a little overboard though.
Give me a fucking break.
He's still just a mechanic, no need to say "he is in aviation" all the time.
I did laugh at your steward comment though...
Does anyone really care?
I thought she was covering for him being a little hip swaying faggie little steward!
November 25, 2013 at 1:13 PM
My son is gay. I hate comments like this. Good luck to you if any of your kids are homosexuals.
Well, 93, I take it you don't need to cover for your son in any way and that both he and you are comfortable with who he is (which I don't blame you for - as far as I am concerned, he is as normal as the rest of us fucked up society).
However, the thought of BF and her husband in this way amused me and I stand by what I said.
I'm sure your gay son could tell you stories about some of the hip swaying little faggy ones working out there - I know my GAY cousin tells me those as well, so get alife which doesn't revolve around defending a son who probably doesn't give a shit about what is posted here anyway.
oh god here we go
I fucking love Seth Rogan.
OMG...You bitches are so dumb. Have you EVER SEEN BurningVag's husband? OhMmmGee..He is a total pumpkin headed redneck retard. His name is VERNE if that gives you any clue. I swear to Jeebus he looks special. Of course, one would have to be special to marry that annoying bitch.
Who gives a shit?! If he's a mechanic who works on planes, he's in aviation you bitchy little idiot. Damn, making a dumbass comment like that, you're just as stupid as the peas you're complain about.
Does anyone really care?
November 25, 2013 at 1:30 PM
She sounds like she's giving some kind of acceptance speech. @@ SMH
BurningVag's husband? OhMmmGee..He is a total pumpkin headed redneck retard. His name is VERNE if that gives you any clue. I swear to Jeebus he looks special.
Well, she had to take what she could get. Still, he's probably too good for her.
Who gives a shit?! If he's a mechanic who works on planes, he's in aviation you bitchy little idiot. Damn, making a dumbass comment like that, you're just as stupid as the peas you're complain about.
November 25, 2013 at 4:07 PM
o_0 Take a deep breath. Return to the bukkit and roam amongst your own kind if you are getting that stressed out about this place.
77- LMAO at Redboots calling out Typhus for her prolific posting during school hours on page 4.
Where has Red Boots been? She disappeared. Too bad. I think she said a lot of shit that other people wished they could say.
I had forgotten about her calling Mrs. Tyler out for Peaing from school. IIRC, Mrs. T actually cut back on posting during the day after that. I wonder if someone really did contact her boss. I doubt it. She would have cried about it at the bukkit if so, I think.
IIRC, she defiantly kept up her nonstop daytime peaing 'during her break periods' (insert eyeroll).
When a new principal came in to her building was when she cut back.
BF's husband reminds me of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. He can be the third Tweedle.......Dip.
He or BF obviously cut his own bowl cut. Cheapskates.
Redboots was to cool for NSBR. All of those housewives over there and their lame questions get boring.
She sounds like she's giving some kind of acceptance speech. @@ SMH
L@@L as well!
I bet there are a few of Typhus coworkers reading and lol at her loony posts. The dummy posts she puts chapstick on her lips when giving blow jobs knowing her mother still lurks on NSBR! Idiot! Posting during labor was one of the saddest sickest things I've ever seen.
Typhus is a fat, cunty twatnozzle. And, listen up Typhus, NO ONE has ever said your damn kids look like rats. No one gives a shit about your crotch nuggets...NO ONE. So stop looking for sympathy at the bukki by constantly bringing up your bullshit lies about the big bad blog bitches saying mean things about your damn kids. No one gives a fuck.
We have made fun of your FAT ASS and how you suck your husband's teeny penis with the help of Chapstick. We have made fun of your craptastic teaching skills since you do nothing but Pea all day while your students sit in your classroom. We have made fun of how you suck up to certain Peas like Squillen. Squillen doesn't give a shit about you unless you keep buying her piece of shit cookie boxes.
You are a dumb fucking cunt, Typhus.
:::::golf clap::::::
309 you just lost your shit over a person on a message board you've never even met. Get some help.
111-pipe down, Karalyn. no one has lost their shit. we all know you are a raging cunt. get some help.
LMAO 111 - I was thinking the same thing.
PEA RAGE!!!!!!!!11111111!!!11!11111!!!!!
And there goes Scrappower getting into it again. She can't post without getting into it with someone.
And there goes Scrappower getting into it again. She can't post without getting into it with someone.
No one needs your 'reminders' handslappy bitch.
Glad she's now happily married but wtf cares about this. Some peas must think other peas are just waiting for stupid ass posts about dumb shit that happens in their lives.
New space is up!
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