Sunday, May 5, 2013

Space 5/5/13


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Anonymous said...

Fullofcrappower is no better than Mrs. T or other people that she screeches about being intolerant. Typical libtard.

Krustina must've been busy at lunch today. Perhaps she was feeding out of the trough and didn't have a free hand to pea.

Anonymous said...

Not 188 and I'll throw 189 in there too. It doesn't fucking matter if Bush was worse. Someone else doing a shitty job doesn't excuse your own fuck ups. You might know that if you ever had a real job.

LMAO. Smoooooooth.......You've got deflection down to a science, haven't you?!

Anonymous said...

Party of personal responsibility!

Anonymous said...

Ummm you brought up BUSH dumbass. Do you understand what deflection means?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see that. Are you stalking her, 199?

By "her", do you mean "me"? lol! #notsmartEnough #cutandpastequeen #ITA #libsaresomean

Anonymous said...

It doesn't fucking matter if Bush was worse.


I have no problem with a non-political, non-partisan investigation, or with holding people accountable. In any administration.

My issue is that, back when Bush was implementing FISA and the Patriot Act (ie government spying), THE VERY SAME PEOPLE/PEAS who are currently stroking out over the AP thing were all:


"If you've done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to hide!"

"It's a matter of national security! You either with us or against us!"

"We need to rally around and support our President!"

Etc. etc.

It's the hypocrisy, Katie.

Anonymous said...

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation improperly obtained calling records for more than 3,500 telephone accounts from 2003 to 2006 without following any legal procedures, according to a newly disclosed report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

Instead, according to the 289-page report, F.B.I. agents informally requested the records from employees of three unidentified telephone companies who were stationed inside a bureau communications office."




IMPEACH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kendra had 3 Doritos locos tacos and a large root beer.

Anonymous said...

"By "her", do you mean "me"? lol! #notsmartEnough #cutandpastequeen #ITA #libsaresomean"

English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?

Anonymous said...

How is scrappower bashing christians? I just don't see it in that thread. Others yes, but not that one. That lady was out of line.

Anonymous said...

Who is the bent-out-of-shape bitch ranting about the POTUS here on this blog? God I wish she would give it a fucking break!

You hate Obama, shout it to the fucking world.

Anonymous said...

I bet her heavy ass is what broke the elevator. I would hate to be stuck with her for 5 seconds, let alone 25 minutes.

Anonymous said...

11 Anonymous said... 11
"By "her", do you mean "me"? lol! #notsmartEnough #cutandpastequeen #ITA #libsaresomean"

English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?

Thank you 11 for a really good laugh today. There are so many times at work I would love to use that line but I doubt my boss would find it amusing.

Anonymous said...

14 Anonymous said... 14

I bet her heavy ass is what broke the elevator. I would hate to be stuck with her for 5 seconds, let alone 25 minutes.
May 15, 2013 at 1:18 PM


No shit. Maybe if she'd start using the stairs, even if it is 21 flights she'd lose some damn weight.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I fucking hated Bush. I never voted for him and regularly bitched and moaned about his bullshit. So can I complain ahem Obama fucks up. I'm terribly sorry I hadn't heard of NSBR 5 fucking years ago.

Anonymous said...

199 Anonymous said... 199

(not smart) Enough is in a posting frenzy, here and at the bucket! Chasing "libs" all over the place with her butthurt. Awwwww!
May 15, 2013 at 10:53 AM

You sound just like the "typical liberal" spewing crap and making Republicans look good.

I agree 200, 199 is definitely a stalker.

Anonymous said...

6 Anonymous said... 6

I didn't see that. Are you stalking her, 199?

By "her", do you mean "me"? lol! #notsmartEnough #cutandpastequeen #ITA #libsaresomean
May 15, 2013 at 11:40 AM

libs are so mean? LMAO This makes me laugh to no end. They are pathetic and try to hard but mean? Mean? Really? LOL

Republicans eat Libs for breakfast. LOL Mean...

Anonymous said...

Seriously Jane? Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

From Shannon:

I'm QUITE certain that homeless people don't know what A & F is


Really? Like they never EVER had a home. Not everyone that is homeless has ALWAYS been homeless. Some probably made more money than you'll ever see. Sometimes shit happens to people way beyond their control.

Believe it or not every single one of you reading this (I'm included) are 3 decisions away from having to shit in the homeless bucket.
3 decisions. Think about that for a while.

Anonymous said...

The homeless people in that video would have accepted the clothing whether that guy handed it to them or whether the CEO handed to them (or his employees).

Also if the kids who wear it now stop because

1. The homeless now wear them.


2. Parents aren't buying them for them.

Then no one is buying it anymore. Pefect.

Anonymous said...

How is it "Missindependent/Is there another word for synonym?"s information is one big link? I guess that's what happens when you make an incredibly long naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmme.

Anonymous said...

WTF are you trying to say?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's a question 25, try to follow along.

Anonymous said...

No one knows what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Wow 28, you're a fucking moron. Go click her fucking name, the whole fucking information section is a link.

It wasn't that hard.

Yes, call me "fucking" hostile now LOL. It's a shame there's so much stupidity here.

Anonymous said...

28 Anonymous said... 28

No one knows what you are talking about.
May 15, 2013 at 5:06 PM

No one? I got it. MissIndependent changed her name to "is there another word for synonym" and when you lay your mouse over the information under her name the whole thing is a link. No one elses is.

Anonymous said...

8 Anonymous said... 8

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation improperly obtained calling records for more than 3,500 telephone accounts from 2003 to 2006 without following any legal procedures, according to a newly disclosed report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

Instead, according to the 289-page report, F.B.I. agents informally requested the records from employees of three unidentified telephone companies who were stationed inside a bureau communications office."




IMPEACH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 15, 2013 at 11:48 AM

You seem sane.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"No one? I got it. MissIndependent changed her name to "is there another word for synonym" and when you lay your mouse over the information under her name the whole thing is a link. No one elses is."

Thank you. That is informative. 24 wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying she actually changed her name?

Anonymous said...

"I hadn't logged into my TSP since Christmas until yesterday and I was shocked to see that my lifecycle fund has gained almost 27K since January. I've been putting the most I'm allowed to in it for the last 25 years and even though it took a hit in 2008, I'm thrilled to see that it not only has made up what I lost but that it seems to be gaining leaps & bounds since January.

With my DH's new better paying job and my retirement fund on a recovery course, I'm on track to retire in 4.5 years at age 60 with 34 years of service."

overshare much Krusty? What a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

MrsT is actually comparing a law breaking open carry protest the same as Rosa Parks. She is a moran.

Anonymous said...

33 Anonymous said... 33

"No one? I got it. MissIndependent changed her name to "is there another word for synonym" and when you lay your mouse over the information under her name the whole thing is a link. No one elses is."

Thank you. That is informative. 24 wasn't.

May 15, 2013 at 6:03 PM

It's the same information. Just spelled slower... s l o w e r

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Let me spell it for you. F u c k y o u

Anonymous said...

"Thank you 11 for a really good laugh today. There are so many times at work I would love to use that line but I doubt my boss would find it amusing."


Anonymous said...

38 Anonymous said... 38

Thank you.
Let me spell it for you. F u c k y o u
May 15, 2013 at 6:37 PM

No thanks!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention a sad overshare by Krusty Carebridge. I never understand why people are so fucking stupid. My portfolio is up $270,118 since January 1st. I'm not stupid enough to think that's impressive.

Anonymous said...

Well my portfolio is up over one mill-e-on $$$ and I work for the govmint and pea on the tax payers dime.

Anonymous said...

Can't really retire on $270,118.

Anonymous said...

Now Krustina has companies begging for her resume even tho shes not looking for a new job. I didn't realize there was such a demand for Obama ballsack lickers.

Anonymous said...

Reading comprehension problems 443.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of RETARDS.

Anonymous said...

Reading comprehension problems 443.


Anonymous said...

I would really like to reply to this that she's never had a problem getting rid of animals before, so this shouldn't be difficult for her either, even if it isn't her cat.

Anonymous said...

Her house is a big cat litter box.

Anonymous said...

That's an insult to cats and their litter boxes.

Anonymous said...

"I would really like to reply to this that she's never had a problem getting rid of animals before, so this shouldn't be difficult for her either, even if it isn't her cat."

Then you have trouble with reading comprehension and have shown you are swayed very easily by mob mentality.

And as stupid as it is, it has been shown to be necessary to say that I am not ADD

Anonymous said...

Clearly you do 443. She said her portfolio was UP $270K. Obviously the total portfolio is larger. The poster is probably a blow hard liar, but saying you can't retire on $270K just makes you an idiot.

Anonymous said...

"Then you have trouble with reading comprehension and have shown you are swayed very easily by mob mentality."

I read it and understood it completely. Clearly YOU have no reading comprehension.

Anonymous said...

50, 51, and 52 really should pull the stick out of her ass... or perhaps it makes her feel better to belittle others so she can feel better about her insignificant self.

Anonymous said...

wow 54, i'm not 50, 51 or 52 and have to say you're just plain fucking stupid. Reread it, seriously.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly new to the board, but I've noticed here at the blog that everyone calls the peas fat. Are they all fat? Are there any thin peas???

Anonymous said...

Yeah 56 the ones that aren't being called fat or know better to post a picture.

Anonymous said...

56, if they aren't called fat here
they are called ugly as shit
I am all for calling peas on the stupid shit they say, but many here call the peas out for just the way they look.

Anonymous said...

True 58.

Anonymous said...

"I read it and understood it completely."

Read what, 53? Because it's more than obvious you have no idea what I'm referring to.

Anonymous said...

enough is just another one of L'Urine's many alters.

Anonymous said...

"enough is just another one of L'Urine's many alters."

And maddiesmum is just another one of Lizard's many alters. Ah, so cunning, so devious--LOL!

Anonymous said...

61 Anonymous said... 61

enough is just another one of L'Urine's many alters.


I'm not convinced of that. They are too different.

Anonymous said...

UmbrellaGate! Impeach!!

Anonymous said...


I have a feeling someone on here will have her story. Inquiring minds would like to know what's going on here!

Anonymous said...

65-not sure of the deets but I think she boinked another guy and had an affair then left her husband and married the new boink...all within a year.

I think she lived in the OC before but she said she moved like a 100 miles away when she married the boink. Odd sitch.

Anonymous said...

wow 54, i'm not 50, 51 or 52 and have to say you're just plain fucking stupid. Reread it, seriously.

I'm not 54 but I agree with her, you really need to get the stick out of your fat ass.

Anonymous said...

And I also believe you are 50, 51, and 52... just look at the times of the posts. Next time, wait longer.

Anonymous said...

67 Anonymous said... 67

wow 54, i'm not 50, 51 or 52 and have to say you're just plain fucking stupid. Reread it, seriously.

I'm not 54 but I agree with her, you really need to get the stick out of your fat ass.


Then you are 54, because 54 is the only one that would think that.

50, 51, & 52 are about entirely different subject matter and by entirely different people. I know, because I'm one of them.

Anonymous said...

I think you're confused about what you're reading 68.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell can't people just talk to each other at the bucket? Why the need to discredit those that disagree. I see some of them do it. I know it can be done.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the retard freak could not handle being told they were wrong.

You don't like being told "No." either do you?


To whoever originally tried to get said freak to understand the money amounts, well, good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Jane talks to herself here.

Jane starts shit on here more than anyone else.

Jane is the lowest of low.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I hope Michelle doesn't try to steal the silverware when she leaves the white house.

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