Friday, March 18, 2011



1 Anonymous said... 1

I have nothing to say but FIRST!!!!

2 Anonymous said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3

where is "sunshine"?

4 Anonymous said... 4

Shelly49...what's her story? Is she another chronic complainer/woe is me..victim?

5 Anonymous said... 5

FreeBird just told SilverDolphin that she is a complete fucktard on the facebook thread.

No, I am not going to link because it is too difficult for me this morning(lol)

6 Anonymous said... 6

Shelly49...what's her story? Is she another chronic complainer/woe is me..victim?
March 18, 2011 10:52 AM

7 Anonymous said... 7

Haven't seen sunshine on the pod lately - miss her!

And didn't you know .... GrinningCat is an expert at everything. She makes me roll my eyes every time she posts.

And speaking of Shelley's, wasn't there an old pea names Shelley that had a golden child named Cody? She insisted on taking Pepsi products to her local pizza parlor because she could not even think about eating pizza without her drink of choice.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Oh, I knew that Grinning Cat is an obsnoxious, asshole, thinks-she-knows-it-all, but I am pretty freakin' stunned that she'd even attempt to claim that she's an on-air star with her own producer. That's just beyond unbelievable. Especially when she brags about other supposed careers and abilities.

She's starting to remind me of that SNL chick who's always trying to one-up everyone else, no matter WHAT the situation or setting in the skit.


9 Anonymous said... 9

And speaking of Shelley's, wasn't there an old pea names Shelley that had a golden child named Cody? She insisted on taking Pepsi products to her local pizza parlor because she could not even think about eating pizza without her drink of choice.

they are one in the same!!

10 Anonymous said... 10

jeebus' tears...

11 Anonymous said... 11

Shelley49 seems like a mental trainwreck.

No one has ever had as much pain as she has.
No one has ever had as bad of a divorce as she did.
etc. etc. etc.

Sounds like her and maddieksmom and lostinspace could all be BFFs.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Yeah, Grinning Cat is probably a 300lb lesbian that eats Chef Boyardi ravioli for dinner every night and the highlight of her week is going to Wally World to buy a 50lb box of cat litter for the cats she hordes.

She has been going on about the same TV job for years now. The trained chef stuff has been pretty recent. She left the pod (and the heavens parted and the angels sang) but for some damn reason she came back as a chef. She is a looney for sure.

$100 bucks for the Pea that can ferret out her true identity and if she is really on Canadian TV. Canadian TV??? hahahaha...what a joke

13 Anonymous said... 13

Shelley had some "horrific" flesh eating disease a few years back. She is a miserable cow. She of course has fibro so she is always in pain. I think she is a drug addict and a cranky one at that.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Eh, dontcha know now...Grinning Cat is Robin Shabotsky from How I Met Your Mother!! Canadian TV personality and news anchor, eh.

15 Anonymous said... 15

She of course has fibro so she is always in pain. I think she is a drug addict and a cranky one at that.
I'd put money on it. Pjaye nailed it on her whiney nurse thread. Shelley sounds like a chronic drug seeker. So not surprised that she "has fibro." Ah, yes the malady of every whiny, complaining hypochondriac. The doctors and nurses that deal with the fibro crazies ought to be getting hazard pay.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Never heard of Robin Shabotsky *shrug*

17 Anonymous said... 17

#17-she is a character on the sitcom How I Met Your Mother. She is Canadian and a news anchor.

18 Anonymous said... 18

I know that this is a smack blog but I find it really sad that bostonheart is planning for her non-existent baby again.

I can't do a link, sorry but its near the top - "flying from Mass. to Melbourne with a baby".

19 Anonymous said... 19

This thing with Mrs. Typhus and SD is getting out of control. Neither one of them will STFU and they just keep trying to get the last word on each other in multiple threads.

I wonder who will walk away first. They are so much alike it's scary. They're both crazy delusional with what they believe (they're just at opposite ends of the spectrum), obnoxious blowhards, with no filters and no consideration for anyone but themselves.

Maybe they're twins who were separated at birth :)

20 Anonymous said... 20

I know that this is a smack blog but I find it really sad that bostonheart is planning for her non-existent baby again.
meh. It's more pathetic than sad to me. She's touched with more than just a tad of the cray-cray.

21 Anonymous said... 21

re: BostonHeart
I don't get the peas who can't be with out their spouses. It's 6-8 weeks. Bostonheart says him going alone is not an option. Good grief, take the ball and chain off him, and send him alone.

22 Anonymous said... 22

It's weird that she's saying he couldn't go alone for 6 to 8 weeks. Any real reasons for that to be true would be very bizarre.

Actually, I think her whole story is bizarre. I don't think she's playing with a full deck.

23 Anonymous said... 23

HAHA. Surely someone else has to remember Shelly49's comments years ago when her DH had a vasectomy. She posted on the board that he actually (the nerve of the guy) expected HER to help him when he needed to collect a sample after he'd had the vasectomy. NO way was she going to help him get himself off for that.

No wonder the guy got some smarts and left the bitch.

She is such a self centered ignorant bitch. And everything she experiences is the absolute worst possible. Nobody has ever suffered the way she has.

She is really nuts

24 Anonymous said... 24

#24-He probably got the big V so anyone he cheated on her with, he wouldn't get pregnant!

She is a total twat.

25 Anonymous said... 25

I noticed she did not return to that thread after several peas said she was probably difficult. If the twat fits wear it.

26 Anonymous said... 26

" he wouldn't get pregnant!'

urm...what do you think his chances of getting pregnant were? 5%? 43%?

I agree, she really is something else.

27 Anonymous said... 27

This may be the weekend smackdown, it has promise.

(Sorry didn't direct link - I'm already crocked and there's just no way I could do it tonight.)

28 Anonymous said... 28

Pretty sure within 5 years Brandy m is going to end up divorced, kind of sounds like her DH has already mentally checked out.

And sorry no linky, I can't remember the steps and am feeling to lazy to look them up.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Brandy_m is another whining, pain in the ass. I agree, her husband will be gone soon.

30 Anonymous said... 30

"So not surprised that she "has fibro." Ah, yes the malady of every whiny, complaining hypochondriac. "

Ok, Ok, I know fibro is the joke of the century. I swear to you, I thought the same thing. I used to smirk and think the people complaining about it were such attention whores. Then damned if I didn't get fibro myself. I'm here to tell you, it is real. It does suck. And it does hurt.

But the difference between me and some of these others, I don't complain about mine. No one wants to hear about it. It doesn't make me feel better to bitch about it, and I have no desire to run off the friends that I have. I also hide it from my boss and coworkers.

I just wish all the whiners would just shut up so that people wouldn't immediately assume the diagnosis was bullshit. It isn't!

If you knew me, you wouldn't know I have it unless you happened to show up at my house during a bad spell. I prefer to just keep it to myself. You don't hear diabetics running around complaining all the time, why should fibro sufferers?

31 Anonymous said... 31

Sadly, most "fibro" suffers are lazy ass whiners who don't want to work so they use fibro as a way to get on permanent disability. I mean really, is fibro SO BAD that you can't ever work again??? It blows my mind how many people get approved because of fibro. I mean crap, some stage 4 cancer patients can't get approved but the whiny fibro "sufferers" get approved. This country is whack.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Fibro and it's pain are very real and depending on how you handle pain, it could be so bad for someone that they could not work.

I have it. I do not ever talk about it except to my doctor because in my mind, it is just not something anyone wants or needs to know about.

I am still working, but honestly there have been a few days this winter I should have taken off as sick days and just stayed home and rested. I really was in quite a bit of pain but I just don't want to give in to it.

I have a close family member who has it, she is no slacker or drug seeker and she needs a lot more care to cope with it than I do. I think it's as individual as a fingerprint as to how bad it is for a person. She is so much sicker than I am. She was already a retired and staying at home when she got it. There are day she can not get out of bed without help.

I hope I never get that bad. Right now I can handle the case I have been giver without much more than OTC drugs. My doctor did send me straight from his office to the ER this winter to get a pain shot his office doesn't stock it. He admitted me after the amount of torodal they had to give me to get me out of pain. It was ridiculous. I needed 3 doses that normally masks kidney stone pain!

33 Anonymous said... 33

"I mean really, is fibro SO BAD that you can't ever work again??? "

Yes, it can be. Educate yourself further. I have it and I can not work. I love my work and want to go back so badly. I am not lazy and I don't think I have ever whined once, no less told anyone outside of my family that I have it. I had private disability insurance that is taking care of me. I am one of the lucky ones, except I can't walk anymore. I am losing the use of my arms without extreme pain slowly, the same way my legs went. I am terrified about my future. I can't even brush my own hair.

34 Anonymous said... 34

31- Exactly only my husband knows, AFAIC only he will ever know. There is too much of a stigma around fibro now to admit to anyone you have it.

It's poorly understood by medical professionals, and they lumped all the hypochondriacs in with the real sufferers, so we have no credibility.

God help you if you reach out to a ER for help, the way the nurses look down at you make you want to just leave, except you are hurting to much to leave.

35 Anonymous said... 35

Gawd this place is boring. I don't care about your fibro.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Pretty sure within 5 years Brandy m is going to end up divorced, kind of sounds like her DH has already mentally checked out.

Oh no! Then she'd have to get a job and wouldn't be able to be a sewist!

37 Anonymous said... 37

sorry, but sewist isn't even a fucking word! the way those bitches go after poor spelling and grammar I am surprised no one has been roasted and broasted for using such a dumb ass word.

Sewist, All Hail the Magikal Beouf

38 Anonymous said... 38

There are many peas who chose to "look the other way" or "forgive his sins", so they can stay in the marriage. So they don't have to get off their lazy ass and go to work. And, continue to have his paycheck. I think Brandy m is one of those types.

39 Anonymous said... 39

Maddiekmom and Shelly49 both are very bitter ex-wives. I bet their ex-husbands have completely different stories of dealing with them post-divorce. I feel sorry for Maddies exhubby, it is very clear that she wants to still control his every move.

40 Anonymous said... 40

So right #39. Everytime someone mentions divorce, so many peas rush to recommend counseling and medication. It's a wonder that some of the peas can even get through their hazy drug induced days. Ugh! It just makes me want to barf.

41 Anonymous said... 41

keep voting for shana (voting is not over)

42 Anonymous said... 42

Shelly is the pea who thought she was having a stroke and posted to the pod. It was a mini-stroke supposedly.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Anonymous said... 39 There are many peas who chose to "look the other way" or "forgive his sins", so they can stay in the marriage. So they don't have to get off their lazy ass and go to work. And, continue to have his paycheck. I think Brandy m is one of those types.

March 18, 2011 10:14 PM
where is your husband?

44 Anonymous said... 44

have you looked at shelly (sheila)'s blog link? the graphic stuff must have been horrible for her but you go ahead and keep treating her like crap. I hope it makes you feel really good.


45 Anonymous said... 45

45. She puts it out there. her flesh eating stuff was a long time ago. I am sure it was horrible. Most of us have horrible things that happen in our lives. It doesn't give us a free pass to be attention whores the rest f our lives.

46 Anonymous said... 46

Lauren must be bored: stirring up the cart crap. Really? You couldn't come up with anything better? I'm disappointed in her.

47 Anonymous said... 47

46, you're such an anonymous attention whore


48 Anonymous said... 48

Anonymous said... 47 Lauren must be bored: stirring up the cart crap. Really? You couldn't come up with anything better? I'm disappointed in her.

March 19, 2011 8:27 AM

Another blog bitch with a hard on for Lauren. So nice to see!

49 Anonymous said... 49

Trust me, a whole bottle of Viagra couldn't help someone get a hard on for Lauren.

50 Anonymous said... 50

No Kristina, she was judged harshly because she intentionally left her baby in the car because he was napping and she wanted to read a book and nap herself.

She brought in the groceries, put them away, told her other children to go take a nap while she then blogged about how she was going to curl up with a book and hopefully drift off herself.

She KNEW her baby was in the car in the driveway/garage, she THOUGHT it wasn't very hot out.

And Yvonne, you were not pregnant when this happened, it happened well after Dahlia was born.

51 Anonymous said... 51

where is your husband?
March 19, 2011 7:37 AM

Don't have one, don't want one. I can support myself.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Prom Queen makes everything about her.

53 Anonymous said... 53

oooh. Nice smack to SD on the unassisted childbirth art thread. LOL.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Maybe they are annoyed at your inability to spell the word COLLEAGUE

55 Anonymous said... 55

Prom Queen needs to STFU and go have sex with her illegal immigrant husband.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Sweet Tiny Jamie needs a big hard dick up her arse. Just sayin'...something to get that stick out of there.

57 Anonymous said... 57

oooh. Nice smack to SD on the unassisted childbirth art thread. LOL.
Which one?

58 Anonymous said... 58

Proof that SD is a recycled pea. She knows exactly what to say to get the peas all riled up.

59 Anonymous said... 59

STJ has a very strange way of policing the boards.

It will be interesting to see how this all shakes down.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Hey L'Urine, saw a quote that reminded me of you today:

There is one thing that everyone wants to feel: to be loved without begging for it.

It almost made me feel bad for you. Until I remembered that you did it to yourself.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Which thread about STJ?

62 Anonymous said... 62

Let me get this straight. Seanna (who was banned) is defending arbitrary moderation while flagrantly thumbing her nose at that same moderation by posting under a different unbanned account.

IIRC it was Yubon she went after then too.

63 Anonymous said... 63

was just going to say that #63!

64 Anonymous said... 64

Poor Yubon, life sure is rough for your narcissistic Lauren wannabe asshole self. Let's spend an entire day posting about how the moderator handslapped you and how unfair it is. Boo fucking hoo!

65 Anonymous said... 65

hi seanna!

66 Anonymous said... 66

So Yubon gets her shit pulled by Jamie, yet Jamie lets Squillen keep up countless posts selling her baked crap where she makes thousands of dollars off of the peas? B.S.!

67 Anonymous said... 67

What was Seannas peaname before being banned?

68 Anonymous said... 68

I don't know who *maureen* is, but I love her comment on that thread.

69 Anonymous said... 69

I think it had one less N in the name.

I love how she is now denying she was ever banned.


Seanna is a wretched filthy excuse for a human being. And she looks like Weird Al.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Yubon and Seanna are both wretched excuses for human beings. #67 I agree!

71 Anonymous said... 71

Seanna is actually denying she was banned??? No fucking way. Does she think we are all stupid?

Yeah, I know you read this blog Shawna-Seana-Seanna-spreadsheet keeping bitch so fuck you and your lies.

72 Anonymous said... 72

Seanna's account of the incident is utterly self-serving and false.

73 Anonymous said... 73

That must be an old picture of Krustina. She looks like a younger tranny.

74 Anonymous said... 74

Anonymous said... 52 -------
where is your husband?
March 19, 2011 7:37 AM

Don't have one, don't want one. I can support myself.

March 19, 2011 9:46 AM
Ugly, have toys and I think all a man is good for is money or this wouldn't have been brought up. "I can support myself", are you insinuating that any woman that actually has a relationship can't support herself?
Carry on with your next stupid comment.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Seanna = mean, vile bitch banned yet still allowed to post
Lauren = mean, vile bitch who has inexplicably not been banned

Squillen selling her cookies = undeniable TOU violation

Until something happens re: above, then Jamie can fucking stop with her bullshit

76 Anonymous said... 76

sorry you are all pissed off yubon, well, not really.
quit your fucking whining.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Seanna has had several accounts. The one she is using now has a period at the end, and it's an old account. She started several different accounts some with a third "N" some with ~ before and after her name.

She was banned despite what she claims.

I don't know if any of you remember the MMA trolls, but they discovered that periodically and with every slight site redesign that Two Peas resets itself, and even if they've banned your IP from setting up a new account all that is gone.

At least that's what I remember reading when the thread from their forum was posted at Two Peas.

78 Anonymous said... 78

"Lauren = mean, vile bitch who has inexplicably not been banned"

Lauren has been banned a couple of times.


79 Anonymous said... 79

So Lauren's in the same hypocritical boat as Seanna. Why am I not surprised?

80 Anonymous said... 80

"I found the couple of times I went there it was just too ugly. Vicious in fact."

Lauren, you are a fuckin' scream. Plus, you are a nut case hypocrite.

(posting about her little travels to the blog, you know, the one she never read again/posted on/etc)

81 Anonymous said... 81

Mother Leatherbag has weighed in. Yes, KeriWest was cheerleading the witch hunt at 2Peas as innocent posters were left and right were accused of running the Azz Blog. She's always been a big Seanna supporter.

The Big Oompa Loompa couldn't stand being called on her shit.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Mother Leatherbag + Father Seanna = marriage made in heaven.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Do a member search for Seanna, it looks like she set up several accounts in 2010. She has always had multiple "backup" accounts.

I was fairly new when the whole IP thing went down, and I know that they all act like Two Peas was some utopia prior to the infamous blog but that simply is not true.

The drama threads about the blog, and the IP address mining contained so many links to past dramas that proved otherwise. That classic two peas bitchiness is the only reason I've been reading there for so long.

Honestly, the pod is fucking boring these days in comparison to what it once was.

84 Anonymous said... 84

L'Urine, you are cowardly for coming over here, reading and posting constantly, and then denying it over at the pod.

And too fucking funny that YOU of all creatures on this earth would claim that any.thing. or could be too vicious for your tastes.

You are the undisputed queen of low, vicious, deliberately hurtful jabs. Deny it all you want: only those just like you believe it.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Lauren, you are a fuckin' scream. Plus, you are a nut case hypocrite.

TOO TRUE!!!!!!!

86 Anonymous said... 86

ITA, 84.

87 Anonymous said... 87

Who is MelyW, and why is she such a kiss ass?

88 Anonymous said... 88

I love Lauren's claim that anyone who posts here is more of a coward than someone at the pod who makes a bitchy remark. Please. You are just as anonymous over there when you make your posts. Delusional hypocrite. You're just pissy b/c you can't whine to a moderator over here.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Over 5,000 posts, a member since 2001, a major drama, and I STILL have no idea who this is.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Sorry for not doing direct links. It isn't because I don't know how, I deliberately do not follow direct links, so therefore I don't make them.

Now that STJ is actively and selectively moderating the board I choose not to put a target on my back that says "ban me."

91 Anonymous said... 91

89, I don't recognize her either. And what a strange reintroduction filled with all kinds of awesome overshare.

92 Anonymous said... 92

sack up 90 sack up

93 Anonymous said... 93

someone really thinks lauren would have a conversation with you?

94 Anonymous said... 94

lulusmom - not banned

95 Anonymous said... 95

Anonymous said... 82 Mother Leatherbag has weighed in. Yes, KeriWest was cheerleading the witch hunt at 2Peas as innocent posters were left and right were accused of running the Azz Blog. She's always been a big Seanna supporter.

The Big Oompa Loompa couldn't stand being called on her shit.

same shit, different year
some of this stupid shit is 5 or more years old
new people to the party suck, such dregs

96 Anonymous said... 96

shelley49 was also the one who had that guy "friend" when she was still married. Remember they would hang out at the park with their kids because he was a SAHD? And she asked the Peas about wasn't it ok because they weren't cheating and the Peas said NO, not okay, because she had a crush on him and was purposely spending more and more time with him. Then she was pea livid because no one agreed with her. And she posted about all the things that were great about him compared to her own DH who she made a list of complaints about. Remember that? I used to like her back in the day even though she was a bit of a drama queen, but once all the crush stuff happened and then she got a divorce, she's been no fun any more - just annoying.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Sorry 96, you asked twice if it's remembered and the answer is NO. I do not have a spread sheet like you.

98 Anonymous said... 98

Anonymous said... 96 shelley49 was also the one who had that guy "friend" when she was still married. Remember they would hang out at the park with their kids because he was a SAHD? And she asked the Peas about wasn't it ok because they weren't cheating and the Peas said NO, not okay, because she had a crush on him and was purposely spending more and more time with him. Then she was pea livid because no one agreed with her. And she posted about all the things that were great about him compared to her own DH who she made a list of complaints about. Remember that? I used to like her back in the day even though she was a bit of a drama queen, but once all the crush stuff happened and then she got a divorce, she's been no fun any more - just annoying.

March 19, 2011 3:24 PM
YOU are annoying!! Shut up man!

99 Anonymous said... 99

Hi Shelly!

100 Anonymous said... 100

Typical Seanna has to fling herself to any drama going down on the board like a fly to a piece of crap. She can't help herself. I saw her a couple of wks ago on the For Sale or Trade board in the middle of some drama happening over there too.

Lauren should have been banned when she told Lucy to F off.

101 Anonymous said... 101

L'Urine should have been banned long, long ago.

But you bring up a good point, 100. She told Lucy to fuck off recently. During Jamie's reign as mod. That was certainly cause for being banned. Yet not a damn thing was done.

And FFS, if she's going to go all mod on Yubon, she could have at least deleted something that made some damn sense. The Grumpy/Dopey thing is beyond lame.

102 Anonymous said... 102

My money is on STJ having bought some of Squillen's fucking cookies. Why else would she get away with blatant TOS violations?

Maybe she's not so tiny after all?? hahaha

103 Anonymous said... 103

Typical Seanna has to fling herself to any drama going down on the board like a fly to a piece of crap.
^^True. And it didn't take Keri and L'Urine long to join the swarm. Very typical.

104 Anonymous said... 104

Hi Sheila!!

105 Anonymous said... 105

Hi everybody!

106 Anonymous said... 106

It's time for the peas to ignore SD's trolling. Are they so dumb that they can't see she's just posting for reactions and attention?? With as many trolls as that place sees, you'd think more of them* would clue in at some point and stop feeding into the madness and dysfunction.

*with the obvious exception of Mrs. Typhus. She is just as obnoxious as SD so it goes without saying that she won't ever shut her pie hole. It would be kind of fun if STJ would lock those two into their own private little thread that no one else could post to, and then see which one of the mighty thundercunts would cry uncle first.

107 Anonymous said... 107

Anonymous said... 99 Hi Shelly!

March 19, 2011 3:43 PM

this shit is about 5 years old too. welcome to 2011 dumbass

108 Anonymous said... 108

Someone is cranky!

109 Anonymous said... 109

Anonymous said... 100 Typical Seanna has to fling herself to any drama going down on the board like a fly to a piece of crap. She can't help herself. I saw her a couple of wks ago on the For Sale or Trade board in the middle of some drama happening over there too.

Lauren should have been banned when she told Lucy to F off.

March 19, 2011 3:51 PM

ISPs and other info ARE being collect from this site, keep on posting..

110 Anonymous said... 110

Anonymous said... 108 Someone is cranky!

March 19, 2011 4:31 PM

someone is stupid!

111 Anonymous said... 111

ISPs and other info ARE being collect from this site, keep on posting..
March 19, 2011 4:31 PM


112 Anonymous said... 112

ISPs and other info ARE being collect from this site, keep on posting..

Does anyone actually really give a shit besides the 2peas queen bees?

113 Anonymous said... 113

Hostile Blogger is back!

114 Anonymous said... 114

Nurse sweets story doesn't make teen parenting sound any better and judging from her writing skills clearly it impacted her education.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Log my IP address bitch, I could care less.

116 Anonymous said... 116


But of course no one will say so, because it's the beloved MaryMary.

117 Anonymous said... 117

Seanna's a fucking liar. Rewrite history much?

118 Anonymous said... 118

I made Squillens sugar cookies....the cookies were meh and the frosting was disgusting. Shortening? WTF??? Gross.

119 Anonymous said... 119

lol at the logging IP addresses thing. srsly? that's the best you can do?

120 Anonymous said... 120

I clearly remember IPgate.

Seannnnna thought she was QUEEEN of the pod because she allegedly had IP addy's (big whoop).

She was fucking REVELING in it. Lording it over everyone and threatening peas right and left.

She's unpleasant and insane.

121 Anonymous said... 121

Seanna WAS banned, there was even a post from Kristina about it saying that using malicious code on the board was not going to be tolerated and bother Seanna and OD had been removed because of it.
If you notice, she doesn't actually say she wasn't banned she does the well known Seanna 'double speak' and says "but if you want to keep thinking I was banned, then that's up to you"

122 Anonymous said... 122

Seanna sounds as mean, nasty, and crazy as L'Urine . . . almost

123 Anonymous said... 123

I clearly remember IPgate.
What year was that?

124 Anonymous said... 124

She didn't really have IP addresses, she had hundreds of pages of code that had IP adresses contained in there... and she could have found the IP addresses but it would have taken months.
Even if she had the addresses it really means nothing unless she knows where you live and you are the only person that posts on 2 peas that lives in that area. In short all the pages of code were completely useless and the 3 names they came up with were a guess at best.

125 Anonymous said... 125

I'm not #120, but I think it was about 4-5 years ago

126 Anonymous said... 126

I hear there's a shortage of fugly faux tuscan tapestries in texas.

127 Anonymous said... 127

for a nanosecond back in 2006, swannna thought she was hot shit, didn't she?


128 Anonymous said... 128

She didn't really have IP addresses, she had hundreds of pages of code that had IP adresses contained in there... and she could have found the IP addresses but it would have taken months.
Even if she had the addresses it really means nothing unless she knows where you live and you are the only person that posts on 2 peas that lives in that area. In short all the pages of code were completely useless and the 3 names they came up with were a guess at best.
March 19, 2011 7:56 PM
exactly. Which is why tonight's threat about gathering IP addresses was beyond laughable.

129 Anonymous said... 129

for a nanosecond back in 2006, swannna thought she was hot shit, didn't she?
ha! I guess she's always been delusional

130 Anonymous said... 130

Shweannnnna's sipping at L'Urine's crazy fountain.

131 Anonymous said... 131

No one cares Virginia. Not a single person cares what you think you know about IP addresses.

132 Anonymous said... 132

#131 that is so vague and no-one knows who you are talking to or about, so you must be Seanna.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Virginia is Compwalla and she is some kind of computer geek/programmer type person. I guess that poster thought she was the one talking about how useless IP address are.

Shwanna, Seanna, Seana, Seanna. is still on that thread posting like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

Remember the link posted to the Way Back Machine? Go check out the old posts by Seanna on the boards circa 2002-2003 and you can see what a total Queen Bee-stuck up bitch she was.

She totally thought everyone was her peon and we all had to bow to to her supreme awesomeness. She treated newbies like crap-you think Prom Queen Yvonne was bad? She had nothing on Shwanna.

Bitch had a squirting orgasm when she was bestowed with those sheets of code and IP addresses. She thought she was the SHIT and she would have everyone bowing and scraping before the Great Shwanna so she wouldn't "out" them. She was out.of.control. AND she deserved to be banned.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Bottom line when it comes to Seanna:


135 Anonymous said... 135

"Bitch had a squirting orgasm when she was bestowed with those sheets of code and IP addresses. She thought she was the SHIT and she would have everyone bowing and scraping before the Great Shwanna so she wouldn't "out" them. She was out.of.control. AND she deserved to be banned. "


Spot on. Exactly how it went down.

136 Anonymous said... 136

Didn't she also mention that quite a few of the addresses were from .edu's which then had the peas pointing fingers all over the place.

That whole debacle was both riveting and revolting.

137 Anonymous said... 137

138 Anonymous said... 138

Anonymous said... 128 She didn't really have IP addresses, she had hundreds of pages of code that had IP adresses contained in there... and she could have found the IP addresses but it would have taken months.
Even if she had the addresses it really means nothing unless she knows where you live and you are the only person that posts on 2 peas that lives in that area. In short all the pages of code were completely useless and the 3 names they came up with were a guess at best.
March 19, 2011 7:56 PM
exactly. Which is why tonight's threat about gathering IP addresses was beyond laughable.
threat? LOL

139 Anonymous said... 139

Anonymous said... 133 Virginia is Compwalla and she is some kind of computer geek/programmer type person. I guess that poster thought she was the one talking about how useless IP address are.

Shwanna, Seanna, Seana, Seanna. is still on that thread posting like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

Remember the link posted to the Way Back Machine? Go check out the old posts by Seanna on the boards circa 2002-2003 and you can see what a total Queen Bee-stuck up bitch she was.

She totally thought everyone was her peon and we all had to bow to to her supreme awesomeness. She treated newbies like crap-you think Prom Queen Yvonne was bad? She had nothing on Shwanna.

Bitch had a squirting orgasm when she was bestowed with those sheets of code and IP addresses. She thought she was the SHIT and she would have everyone bowing and scraping before the Great Shwanna so she wouldn't "out" them. She was out.of.control. AND she deserved to be banned.

March 19, 2011 10:21 PM
Look, Miss Queen Shit Anonymous remembers some really old shit. I highly doubt the newer P's want to see you roll in the mud over remembering.

140 Anonymous said... 140

spot on
cray cray

141 Anonymous said... 141

Look, Miss Queen Shit Anonymous remembers some really old shit. I highly doubt the newer P's want to see you roll in the mud over remembering
Well, I am 132 and didn't have a clue what 131 meant & I appreciated 133's explanation, so you can STFU.
Plus you sound way too invested, so back away from the anon MB and go get some sleep.

142 Anonymous said... 142

threat? LOL
Delusional much?

143 Anonymous said... 143
Please god someone ban this woman, her friends and family from every fabric shop in the land. That is the fugliest thing I have seen in my life.

144 Anonymous said... 144

Anonymous said... 142 threat? LOL
Delusional much?

March 20, 2011 2:40 AM

huh? someone said that was a threat, too funny.

stupid much Hostile?

145 Anonymous said... 145

Anonymous said... 141 Look, Miss Queen Shit Anonymous remembers some really old shit. I highly doubt the newer P's want to see you roll in the mud over remembering
Well, I am 132 and didn't have a clue what 131 meant & I appreciated 133's explanation, so you can STFU.
Plus you sound way too invested, so back away from the anon MB and go get some sleep.

March 20, 2011 12:56 AM

invested? LOL you're barking in the wrong bucket.

146 Anonymous said... 146

You sound like the stupid one, 144.

147 Anonymous said... 147

I was told that your ip address belongs to your internet provider, and they are required by law to protect your identity. They would need a court order before they can release any info about the ip address user. Any truth to this?

148 Anonymous said... 148

The information they had was going to be based purely on speculation and cross referencing the IP addresses from a blog post with a two peas thread, as well as - "OMG! Someone from Ohio said something nasty about me, what Pea is from Ohio? Well, so-and-so is from Ohio. No, it can't be her, we like her, who else you got?

149 Anonymous said... 149

Anonymous said... 146 You sound like the stupid one, 144.

March 20, 2011 7:46 AM
Hi Hostile!

150 Anonymous said... 150

this is so boring

lets talk about shit that was hashed out and rehashed out 2, 3, 4 and 5 years ago so the whiners on the "i wasn't here and wanted to know" bench can be "in the know"? Boring!!

When you start giving cliff notes like the old one maybe people would be interested. Bitch about the present and stop living in the past.

Reminds me of the Aerosmith lyrics "talk about things and nobody cares".

Some people just need to let go of the past. It's sad you have no life and have to do that.

151 Anonymous said... 151

150 - I agree. To a point. I think people should be warned about the psychos and their past history.

152 Anonymous said... 152

can someone explain what the big deal with PDR was? Her name is brought up a lot, but no details are ever given

153 Anonymous said... 153

and someone will drool and answer that one 152

these types of boards were created to run people off from the boards that weren't liked. guess what, they've left so why not leave it alone?

154 Anonymous said... 154

no, blogs like this were created so that people could say or ask what they wanted without being bullied and told what to do.

People can ask and answer anything they'd like. Don't like it? Then run along back to the bullies' sandbox and commiserate with your pals like Seanna, L'Urine,

155 Anonymous said... 155

ITA. These are current/active Peas who are trying very hard to rewrite history.

156 Anonymous said... 156

these types of boards were created to run people off from the boards that weren't liked. guess what, they've left so why not leave it alone?
March 20, 2011 10:28 AM

what a stupid statement. blogs like this exist because people like you want to run the show, dictate the topics, and rewrite history when you've been a part of something you'd rather sweep under the rug.

it just drives you crazy that not everyone falls into line, doesn't it? too bad.

157 Anonymous said... 157

If you were paying attention a few months ago at the pod all of this shit got rehashed on a couple of threads when Karen and Vanessa came back. Seanna, BF, and Ashtray got owned, who btw are enemies. PDF/Oatsey came back to taunt BF. It was classic! BF was trying to protect her precious Ashtray because, afterall, Ash, Fern, and her were the instigators that brought Seanna's steamy non-secret about the LLP board existing to the pod. Big whoop! Vanessa and Karen are now trying to blame the drama on why their business didn't make it, which is just a convenient excuse.

158 Anonymous said... 158

Sorry if I asked a redundant question, 157 but I guess I did miss the rehash over at the pod.
And, the "rehashes" often include vague comments about people, and then when newer peas ask questions, they are often ignored or handslapped for 'bringing up the past' 'we've all moved on, etc.'

*shrug* I thought maybe someone here wouldn't mind giving a quick Cliff Notes version of who PDR was and what the big deal is. Guess I thought wrong.

159 Jane Doe said... 159

There is a new post up. :)

160 Anonymous said... 160

I know. Just wanted to post here instead.

161 Anonymous said... 161

Keri West was just a smug cheerleader "Get 'em, expose 'em, kill 'em"


Hummersucker was really, really salivating wasn't she? Good times.

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