Monday, December 5, 2011



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1 Anonymous said... 1

Yay!!!!!!!! First!!!11

2 Anonymous said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3

Is this where the Jill Fan Club is meeting?

4 Anonymous said... 4

She could have posted a response stating that she's not decorating yet because of her youngest, but that would not get enough attention for her.

Wasn't the second kid a hellion too?


5 Anonymous said... 5

A crawling baby who potentially could get into xmas decorations doesn't necessarily equal a "hellion."

6 Anonymous said... 6

FFS, half the people I know wouldn't decorate for Christmas if they had to avoid while the children were small. Excuse for laziness probably.

7 Anonymous said... 7

A crawling baby who potentially could get into xmas decorations doesn't necessarily equal a "hellion."

A crawling kid will also eat rat poison. That's why you're supposed to watch them.

For the record I don't think the kid is a hellion. I think it's probably a normal kid, like the other one. I should have said "supposedly".

8 Anonymous said... 8


9 Anonymous said... 9

Lynlam needs to be pepper sprayed in the face. Maybe it would shut her up.

10 Anonymous said... 10

And I'd call Rainbow Crapper a piece of shit, but that's insulting to shit.
December 4, 2011 4:38 PM


11 Anonymous said... 11

5 - agreed. I don't think Jill alluded to her baby being a problem; just a typical mobile healthy child.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Lynlam needs to be pepper sprayed in the face. Maybe it would shut her up.


She's just another Keyboard Commando. The pod is full of 'em.

13 Anonymous said... 13

Gee, I wonder why Ashley isn't married???

14 Anonymous said... 14

AN babbles as much as her idiot mother. I pity any person who might get stuck somewhere listening to those two.

Both in love with themselves, convinced that everyone else loves them too.

15 Anonymous said... 15

WTH? So people don't put up trees or decorate for Christmas when they have a crawling or walking toddler? I've had 3 kids and it never occurred to me not to decorate for Christmas because of my babies. Weird.

16 Anonymous said... 16

15; jill doesn't strike me as one who won't decorate because of babies. I think she is just hesitant. It's human.

17 Anonymous said... 17

It's Human? How so? Hesitant about what? I think it's just an excuse not to put up a tree or decorate. Laziness or whatever. That's fine, but it seems stupid to say you're not putting up a tree because you have a baby/toddler.

"Sorry kids, we can't put up a tree because your baby brother might try to touch it because I don't want to have to watch him".

Oh and Jills DH reminds me of a thinner Conway Twitty.

18 Anonymous said... 18

She can put a tabletop tree up where the toddler can't reach it. Christmas Eve, she can put out all the presents after the kids go to bed.

Easy solution.

19 Anonymous said... 19

17-you don't know that it's like that. For all we know, there are plans for decorations, but it's just a little later than normal. This is how people are perceived in ways that they aren't - statements like that! And tell me how you know she isn't watching the baby? You're saying she's a bad mother because she is hesitant to put up decorations. I guess you have your spreadsheet of how often she posts and from your scientific data conclude that CPS should be called. And go ahead and jump on my case for defending her. I'm just another Mom like she is who has been targeted here, so I know how unfair and maligning it is.

20 Anonymous said... 20

Holy shit. AN is planning to spend $2000 - $3500 on a FAKE diamond??

FTR, I wear a CZ. It's beautiful and I love it. I just can't imagine spending that amount on a piece of factory-made glass.

She's truly a dumbass.

21 Anonymous said... 21

So, AN and fiance have a few grand to spend on a ring of their choosing. Big fucking deal. Just because you chose a boxed ring from the Walmart doesn't mean that anyone else has to.

22 Anonymous said... 22

#19 don't be so fucking DUMB.

"I think we need to get that room looking pristine (less office cluttery) and put his small birthday tree up there. I don't see the big tree going up this year."

Does NOT translate to "there are plans for decorations, but it's just a little later than normal" in the context YOU mean decorations.

She may not be a bad mother but her house sure looks worse than I ever thought it would. At least she can avoid the Courtney Lynn's by having a relatively clean environment for her kids.

23 Anonymous said... 23

5 - agreed. I don't think Jill alluded to her baby being a problem; just a typical mobile healthy child.

interesting observation, you know what, Jill has stopped complaining about her kids on the board. Hence I believe she is a blog regular.

If you're going to call anyone's child a hellion it's Mary's toddler.

24 Anonymous said... 24

19 needs to get a grip, gheeze!

25 Anonymous said... 25

7-you don't know that it's like that. For all we know, there are plans for decorations, but it's just a little later than normal. This is how people are perceived in ways that they aren't - statements like that! And tell me how you know she isn't watching the baby? You're saying she's a bad mother because she is hesitant to put up decorations. I guess you have your spreadsheet of how often she posts and from your scientific data conclude that CPS should be called. And go ahead and jump on my case for defending her. I'm just another Mom like she is who has been targeted here, so I know how unfair and maligning it is.
December 5, 2011 1:16 PM


The difference is, Jill is just a bitch who always manages to make herself out to be some sort of victim. Then pretends she doesn't know why people are so 'mean' to her. She cannot take a social cue to save her life.

26 Anonymous said... 26

Just because you chose a boxed ring from the Walmart doesn't mean that anyone else has to.

This comes up time and time again. The peas say they didn't need a big ring to prove anything. Well let me tell you, I would be so fucking embarrassed to be wearing some tiny ass rock on my finger to the point where I would have told my dh not to bother with any rings.

Sorry size does matter to some of us and its nothing I should be ashamed of. It's like shoes, everyone has a different style. I prefer large rocks on my fingers. And its not to impress other people, its what I think is attractive and would be proud to wear.

27 Anonymous said... 27

Why are we talking about Jill? Sure she's annoying as fuck! But she's not a bitch and quite frankly not that interesting to talk about in depth, no mormon is.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Whoa, Jill is not a bitch? Since when?

29 Anonymous said... 29

23) another scientific and factual observation. She doesn't complain about her kids, so she must be here. Seriously? You guys are so deep in your blog smack, you're delusional. And she did post about some of her dd's school issues on the thread about the 6th grader who is having trouble with motivation at school. Therefore, you guys are behind.

30 Anonymous said... 30

Correction: Jill is officially a bitch.

31 Anonymous said... 31

27: What is "fuck" and why is it annoying? Make more sense when you're maligning someone.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Jill used to complain about her kids all the freakin' time.

33 Anonymous said... 33

All the broke peas take issue with the well off peas wanting nice rings and try to make the well of ones feel bad about it by twisting it anyway they can.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Can you even tell its her in the after pic? lol

35 Anonymous said... 35

Oh, OK. Whatever you say, Miss Cleo, I mean #21.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Eh, I had a nice ring set when I married decades ago. The style got dated (ugh gold) and I was tired of it. So ever since, I've bought lovely inexpensive (not $3K!) rings - precious metal and faux diamonds.

I can change up the style whenever I want, for a while it was a big ass solitare, now it's a antique-y platinum large cushion cut that gets lots of "WOW"s.

I can afford a real "rock" but would rather use the money to fund retirement and travel. And not worry about theft or loss.

But hey, that's what works for me. YMMV.

37 Anonymous said... 37

I try not to believe that Annabella is that dense, but damn, she keeps proving she is. And mucho materialistic, too.

Engagement thread.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Lynlam needs to be pepper sprayed in the face. Maybe it would shut her up.

LOL we can take turns!

39 Anonymous said... 39

Annabella is the offspring of Gomer Pyle

40 Anonymous said... 40

Those are some ugly boots!

41 Anonymous said... 41

ugly and expensive! $205 for those??? I think they look way too 'worker boot' to wear with a skirt...

42 Anonymous said... 42

Because some people find the wearing of Bible verses and prayers in the end zone over the top...they're Christian haters?...FFS

I know where the NUT in wingnut's name comes from

43 Anonymous said... 43

I agree those are some ugly ass boots.

44 Anonymous said... 44

No shit, 42. I read that post, looked at her name, and thought, nut is right.

I'm so tired of bible thumpers claiming they're under attack because people are brave enough to admit they don't believe, or they follow other faiths. Ugh. Back to the 1950s we go, where life was great IF you happened to be white, upper class, and Christian. For everyone else, it blew.

45 Anonymous said... 45

JanelK is the biggest loser on that Tebow thread. "Christian bashing is very in right now..."

Despite her claims, she's not from Denver, either. She's from the redneck exurbs in a highly wingnut area, the one that sent Tancredo to congress year after year. Cheap McMansions and strip malls along with the belief that Teh Ghey is a disease.

The overriding sentiment in Denver is appreciative of his wins, but wishing he'd shut the fuck up. Only the lunatics like her worship him.

46 Anonymous said... 46

The Broncos were 1-4 with Kyle Orton. Tebow took over, and now we're tied for first
JanelK's comment on that thread. I didn't realize that she played for the Broncos.

47 Anonymous said... 47

Those are some ugly boots!

oh hell yes they are. I thought it looked like something they would wear in a mad max movie.

then I noticed her user name


nope. She's dressing like star wars.


48 Anonymous said... 48

Yes, by all means, roll your jeans up to mid calf when wearing those boots. FFS - who does that?!

49 Anonymous said... 49

The Broncos were 1-4 with Kyle Orton. Tebow took over, and now we're tied for first
JanelK's comment on that thread. I didn't realize that she played for the Broncos.


Is anyone getting the feeling that this is a woman who takes credit for others in all areas of her life?

50 Anonymous said... 50

I'm so tired of bible thumpers claiming they're under attack because people are brave enough to admit they don't believe, or they follow other faiths.
This. 1000 times, this.

51 Anonymous said... 51

That Angel Tree thread just gets sadder and sadder. Travel Agent criticizing poor kids asking for stuff, and calling them "entitled?"

Do these women have any idea how ugly they sound?

52 Anonymous said... 52

The Angel Tree thread should be combined with the pepper spray thread. Eager peas are all ready to get in line and pepper spray these young spoiled poors in the face to put them in their place.

Those dirty entitled baby poors!

53 Anonymous said... 53

51-No they have no idea how ugly they sound. If they did, they would shut up. Stupid cow cunts!

54 Anonymous said... 54

I live paycheck to paycheck but the angel tree thread made me go buy gift for it when I was out this weekend. I hope that $17 lego set brings a smile to a little boys face.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Sorry size does matter to some of us and its nothing I should be ashamed of.
considering where those diamonds come from and how they get on your finger it is defiantly something to be ashamed of.

56 Anonymous said... 56

considering where those diamonds come from and how they get on your finger it is defiantly something to be ashamed of.
Oh fuck off. Not every diamond is a blood diamond. I have a polar diamond, mined from the arctic.

57 Anonymous said... 57

of course you do babe.

58 Anonymous said... 58

I'm so tired of bible thumpers claiming they're under attack


Yeah, they should walk in an atheists shoes. Or a Hindu or Buddhists.

It'd be an eye-opener, that's for sure.

59 Anonymous said... 59

Most natural diamonds are formed at high-pressure high-temperature conditions existing at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers in the Earth mantle. Diamonds can also be produced synthetically in a high-pressure high-temperature process which approximately simulates the conditions in the Earth mantle.


Wiki wiki!

60 Anonymous said... 60

That Angel Tree thread just gets sadder and sadder. Travel Agent criticizing poor kids asking for stuff, and calling them "entitled?"

Do these women have any idea how ugly they sound?


They REVEL in it. PROUD of it.

Ugly, hateful, disgusting, smug, entitled cunts.

Entirely the polar OPPOSITE of christian family values they claim to profess.

61 Anonymous said... 61

What to do with a lot of lettuce?

Gee, I haven't a clue.

62 Anonymous said... 62

I'm pretty sure my diamond provided income for others on many levels. Not every diamond is a blood diamond.

63 Anonymous said... 63

there you go you dumb shits.

64 Anonymous said... 64

That Angel Tree thread just gets sadder and sadder. Travel Agent criticizing poor kids asking for stuff, and calling them "entitled?"


Sweet Jebus.

When we were kids in the 1960's, at Christmas time we'd go throught the Sears catalog and circle a billionty things - many (most?) of them too expensive and frivolous for my poverty-line family.

I guess we were trickle-down "entitled brats" who learned the "you-owe-me" mindset at the knee of the Kenyan Socialist Usurper. And OWS.

Oh, wait....

65 Anonymous said... 65

I'd kill myself if - like Travel Agent - I saw evil intent in the most innocent and mundane of things.

That's no way to go through life.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Well, you just *know* that the entitled bratty X-Box wantin' poors are mostly browns, right?


67 Anonymous said... 67

They REVEL in it. PROUD of it.

Ugly, hateful, disgusting, smug, entitled cunts.

Entirely the polar OPPOSITE of christian family values they claim to profess.
December 5, 2011 7:03 PM


Disgusting and beyond sad, but it's absolutely true.

They are proud of their hate, hypocrisy, and bigotry.

Such good Christians.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Well, you just *know* that the entitled bratty X-Box wantin' poors are mostly browns, right?

December 5, 2011 7:35 PM

Fucking spot on.

69 Anonymous said... 69

Travel Agent spreads more of her ignorance. Idaho and eastern Washington are decidedly RED.


70 Anonymous said... 70

dem brown poors are soon gonna be weilding a mop and pail and getting teh bathrooms clean so teh janitors can be fired and euthanized. dem kids can just save up their below minimum wage stipend and git their own xbox after a year or two. that way, they'll know the value of good hard work and graduate to a good paying job dealing drugs. ah the poors! just like ah pictured it.

71 Anonymous said... 71

When we were kids in the 1960's, at Christmas time we'd go throught the Sears catalog and circle a billionty things - many (most?) of them too expensive and frivolous for my poverty-line family.


Late 70's and middle class, but we did the same, exact thing. The fun was in the fantasy, the idea of all those toys.

72 Anonymous said... 72

I'm pretty sure my diamond provided income for others on many levels.
probably not unless you paid many times it's actual value. not every diamond is a blood diamond but most are especially if you were married more than a few years ago. polar diamonds are really no better strip mining is strip mining even if children aren't dying it is still awful.

Ugly, hateful, disgusting, smug, entitled cunts.
you are just jealous you can't wear kitten heels and slather coconut oil all over your body.@@

73 Travel Agent said... 73

Late 70's and middle class, but we did the same, exact thing. The fun was in the fantasy, the idea of all those toys.


You entitled, selfish, greedy brat.

74 Anonymous said... 74

I'm pretty sure my diamond provided income for others on many levels.
probably not unless you paid many times it's actual value. not every diamond is a blood diamond but most are especially if you were married more than a few years ago. polar diamonds are really no better strip mining is strip mining even if children aren't dying it is still awful.

Ugly, hateful, disgusting, smug, entitled cunts.
you are just jealous you can't wear kitten heels and slather coconut oil all over your body.@@


......and fucking good for me.

75 Anonymous said... 75

I didn't hear the evils of the diamond industry until after I had my engagement ring and wedding ring. Is there any way to find out where my diamond came from? It was not from a 'chain' jewelery store, it was a family owned independent store, if that makes a difference...

76 Anonymous said... 76

you are just jealous you can't wear kitten heels and slather coconut oil all over your body while chowing own on Magical Boeuf™ and cake pops.


77 Anonymous said... 77

love the trademark 76!

78 Anonymous said... 78

CA$H AND FUCKING GA$!!!! That's me. Suck on my tailpipe.

79 Anonymous said... 79

ok keri. whatever.

i'm guesssing you're pretty adept at sucking on big fat tubes.

80 Anonymous said... 80

Life at 11 is full of drama. I bet if you could piece together decaying pieces of notebook paper in a landfill, you'd find where I wrote about hating nearly everyone in my life at some point during childhood. (Well, I'm still not fond of my cousin Patty, but adulthood meant I didn't have to interact with her. Yea!!)

She's surly and in a bratty phase. Do not dignify your niece's attitude by acknowledging it. Let the kids hash it out. That's honestly how we learn to get along later down the road.


Newsflash Travel Agent: By all appearances you have not, in fact, grown out of the hateful and bratty phase.

81 Anonymous said... 81

That Angel Tree thread just gets sadder and sadder. Travel Agent criticizing poor kids asking for stuff, and calling them "entitled?"

So much angst and concern for the pre-born; but once they're out and breathing they're suddenly deadweight mooching little bastards who need to pick up a broom and start earning their miserable existance.

These bitches are positively Dicksonian.

82 Anonymous said... 82

I'm surprised I have not seen a a recipe for roasted baby from one of them.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Interesting Kadyn deleted her dating thread. I think her other thread about a "friend" dating a jehovah witness was really about her.

WTH is Captain K talking about? Kadyn never said she had an addiction/alcohol problem.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Newsflash Travel Agent: By all appearances you have not, in fact, grown out of the hateful and bratty phase.

Seriously, this bares repeating.

85 Anonymous said... 85

WTH is Captain K talking about? Kadyn never said she had an addiction/alcohol problem.

Oh yes she did and you can count on Captain Kunt to bring it up for those who may have missed it. Such a fucking bitch.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Annabella giving dating advice? That would be the last person I would listen to.

87 Anonymous said... 87

Great photo but I think I would have picked a better blanket/basket.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Love seeing the Christians getting worked up because they feel persecuted over praising their imaginary friend.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Love seeing the Christians getting worked up because they feel persecuted over praising their imaginary friend.

It's ridiculous. If I roll my eyes at their crazy talk what's the BFD? Atheists hold back a lot at the bucket and still are accused of being meanies. Boo fucking hoo.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Dalayney's bullshit thread isn't going quite the way she wanted it to (at least from what I've read so far).

Somebody needs to start an Atheists, What Are You Most Tired Of? thread so the hellbound can vent.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Love seeing the Christians getting worked up because they feel persecuted over praising their imaginary friend.

It's ridiculous. If I roll my eyes at their crazy talk what's the BFD? Atheists hold back a lot at the bucket and still are accused of being meanies. Boo fucking hoo.


I would also say that a lot of moderate religious folk hold back as well. The ones who believe in god, but don't need to think about Jesus 24/7 and insert their dogma/agenda into every.single.situation.

It's the in-your-face nutters who ruin it for everyone else.

Hint: If you're a christian in the US who feels persecuted, it's likely a sign that you're overzealously pushing your beliefs onto others and it's unwelcome and annoying.

92 Anonymous said... 92

I'm glad you liked my pie! Jesus blessed my hands to know just the right amount of nutmeg to add. I just want everyone to know how much my relationship with Christ has helped me in the goal to make the best pie ever.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Remember, if you don't sin then Jesus died for nothing.

94 Anonymous said... 94

What post are you referencing #92???

95 Anonymous said... 95

every single one ever made by twopeasfaithful.

96 Anonymous said... 96

Dalayney's bullshit thread isn't going quite the way she wanted it to (at least from what I've read so far).
* * * * * * * * * * *

No, it isn't. Most of the posters on that thread are Christians who don't feel persecuted. Of course Skybar has thrown her support to the OP. Congrats, Dalayney, you've got the resident nutter on your side. I hope that makes you feel validated.

97 Anonymous said... 97

I figured it was 2peasfaithful...just wondering if she actually posted about her blessed pie...

98 Anonymous said... 98

ha about the 2peafaithful comment.

This is going way back but didn't Dalayney pull some big scam. Or maybe it was a moderate one.

99 Anonymous said... 99

Skybar, please eat a big bag of dicks. Please.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Skybarf is probably afraid of them.

101 Anonymous said... 101

I thought she was staying away.

102 Anonymous said... 102

I never knew Kath was Athena's "babe". lol

103 Anonymous said... 103

101, she did for awhile (or only posted once in a great while).

The cynic in me wonders why she didn't come back with a splash.

104 Anonymous said... 104

I turned my siggies on and noticed Kath's. I must have missed some pod drama with my sigs turned off so long. I remember when she was a crazy religious zealot her early pea years.

105 Anonymous said... 105

All of these religious threads make me want to take a gun to my monitor.

Two peas is THE ONLY PLACE where I see religion discussed ad nauseam. Good thing I can X out.

106 Anonymous said... 106

It's a good day on the bucket...religious threads AND someone who thinks Plan B is an abortion pill. Awesome entertainment by brain dead nut jobs.

107 Anonymous said... 107

I love it when the intelligent ones come out to play and the dumb ones just look...dumber.

108 Anonymous said... 108

Is CaptainK, Fleur?

109 Anonymous said... 109

108 - no fleur had no snark

110 Anonymous said... 110

Jesus that plan b thread is making me lose IQ points just reading it.

111 Anonymous said... 111

Plan B...reading the fucking instructions and take a pill. How fucking hard is it?

Of course, those bitching and moaning think their special snowflakes would never do the nasty and if they did, they would wear three condoms and a plastic trashbag.

ADDHousewife puts chastity belts on her kids...male and female

112 Anonymous said... 112

and a plastic trashbag.

...and I still don't believe that bullshit story.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Any advice?

Yup. Don't have babies and marry someone who would belittle you and make you feel stupid.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Jesus that plan b thread is making me lose IQ points just reading it.

Same thing with just being over there period lately. Just a bunch of offended bitches, whiners, and social misfits yammering it up and crying out for constant attention day after fucking day.

115 Anonymous said... 115


where's that "look at me I'm an attention whore" picture.

116 Anonymous said... 116

I would bet $100 that if 'shannon' from work was a pea, there would be a thread about how she is PEA LIVID that some guy from her office asked her on a date! She'd go on and on about how creep it is, and if she should quit, or go to HR, or just wring her hands some more. The peas would all grab the torches and pitchforks, and brand the guy a womanizer, because you just know that his story that 'his wife accidentally did it' could never be true...

117 Anonymous said... 117

I love it when the intelligent ones come out to play and the dumb ones just look...dumber.


You'd think these repeat offenders would learn to vet their 'info' before posting and/or be embarrassed that they look foolish and are spreading glaring inaccuracies/lies, but no. Like the Energizer Bunny, the keep on a-goin'.

This puzzles me.

Makes me wonder if they are deliberately posting inaccurate, inflamitory topics?

118 Anonymous said... 118

right on 116. oh and
Apparently, I think this is way more funny than he does!
yeah he doesn't find it amusing because he probably knows he can get in trouble over something like that.

but what would have been funnier is if he kept the date from Shannon at work.
Who'd be laughing then?

119 Anonymous said... 119

Certain factions in the US want women to have as little control as possible over their reproductive choices.

1. Because they believe - to varying degrees - that women's sexual drives must be governed.

2. An effective way to keep teh sluts, err ladies, zippers zipped is with the threat/punishment of an unwanted pregnancy via less easy access to birth control.

3. The elites - those with money and access - can circumnavigate the roadblocks to reproductive choice. (This is a feature, not a bug.)

4. All those unplanned/unwanted babies, born mostly to the young, the poor and minorities, can be then used as scapegoats for bitching about societal irresponsibility, "entitled brats with you owe me" attitudes, laziness, welfare abuse, socialism, baby daddies, Randian Looters, the browns, immigrants, etc. etc.

Really, it's the perfect plan.

120 Anonymous said... 120

don't forget #5

they just plain don't like women so fuck em.

121 Anonymous said... 121

“More people are driven insane through religious hysteria than by drinking alcohol.”
--W. C. Fields

Just sayin' Delanyne. Something to think about.

Look at Skybar.

122 Anonymous said... 122

113 - April isn't married yet.

123 Anonymous said... 123

The Jesus threads make me want to hurl. Okay, you love Jesus, we get it. But don't claim you are so persecuted when you are a huge majority in this country. Puh-leeze.

And, yes, whoever said it above, i agree - annabella is a loser twunt. Shallow and bitchy. Whatevs.

124 Anonymous said... 124

oh FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kiwi: a cute bird

PeaNut 9462 - January 2001
Posts: 5552 Layouts: 11
Loc: New Zealand

Posted: 12/6/2011 2:07:15 PM

You write such a lot of fabulous stuff, Heartcat - this in particular is just great. Very thought provoking.
If you ever decide to write a book on living well, I will purchase it, for sure.

I've gotta hurl now

125 Anonymous said... 125


A living well book for The Bridges of Madison County types?


126 Anonymous said... 126

I never read Heartcat's posts.

127 Anonymous said... 127

I thought Heartcat was married but in love with another man?? Wasn't she pondering leaving an amazing (in her words) DH for a mediocre other guy? Not really the person that I'd want to read a book on life from...

128 Anonymous said... 128

I used to tolerate Keriwest, but lately she makes me wish I had eye bleach. What a fucking moron.

129 Anonymous said... 129

I know 126, my eyes glaze over as soon as I see who it is too

130 Anonymous said... 130

What the heck is up the the OP's avatar? It maks me jump every time it pops up!

131 Anonymous said... 131

Are you kidding me?

132 Anonymous said... 132

130, that's a messed up photoshop job!

133 Anonymous said... 133

I used to tolerate Keriwest, but lately she makes me wish I had eye bleach. What a fucking moron.

Girlfriend needs to lay off the cosmetic procedures. She's starting to go too far, trying to look like a 22 year old. The long

Plus she's a snotty entitled show-off bitch.

134 Anonymous said... 134

#130 Look at JBeans avatar and then see how scared you get

135 Anonymous said... 135

What else has Kerri done?

136 Anonymous said... 136

A few years ago Heartcat laid it all out there for PeaLand. She was in love with some dude. I don't remember how she even knew the guy since she doesn't work and doesn't drive. Maybe he was the UPS guy or the mailman...who the fuck knows.

Anyway, she posted about how she wanted to ditch her husband for this was gross. The Peas talked her down and then suddenly she was going on and on AND ON about how fucking wonderful and AMAZING her husband was. Complete 180 and it was WEIRDDDDDDD.

She is one odd fucking duck for sure and she looks like a man.

137 Anonymous said... 137

I don't remember that she was 'in love'. More that she was feeling attracted to some other guy and was pondering acting on it. Peas discouraged that and she apparently dropped the idea.

In the hierarchy of Pealand, she I'd rate her a 2/10 on the annoyance scale.

138 Anonymous said... 138

JBeans oy now there's a real winner. She don't know shit from applesauce

139 Anonymous said... 139

hm, go figure. I like heartcat and I like jbeans. Okay, I tolerate jbeans anyway. lol

140 Anonymous said... 140

What else has Kerri done?

She looked like an old fat aging hag at her daughter's wedding. She likes to put up pictures of herself in the 80's, her heyday.

141 Anonymous said... 141

Sorry, there's nothing you can do to soften a mug and turkey neck like that. All the hair pieces and Sophia Loren wigs in the world aren't going to help you.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Is it me or is tiki mama just as bad as squeals and the other schillers? Every link she posts for amazon links to her affiliates, making her tons of cash no doubt. Se seems to just pop up out of nowhere around Christmas time every year. Best part is, the peas that click on the links have no idea what's going on.

143 Anonymous said... 143

#119 you also forgot the people who truly believe that there is no reason to control birth. If you just get married and trust God everything will work out. If you die during childbirth or end up with 6 kids you can't support it's because you are a sinner or it was part of the "plan".

144 Anonymous said... 144

How much is tikimom making per hit? I hate spammers!

145 Anonymous said... 145

Up to 15% of a sale

146 Anonymous said... 146

Is this the inaugural They Didn't Like What I Bought Them/Made Them and My Feelings are Hurt thread? I didn't expect it until December 25.

147 Lady Clairol said... 147

Someone should tell Carla she looks old in that gray photo. I would have guessed her to be sixty, at least.

148 Anonymous said... 148

147-just came to post about the fucking saga of BurningFarts gray hair. Gawd, I hope she stops talking about it now.

Yup, she looks like an old lady. It aged her at least 15 years. I don't know if it is the hairdo or what, but she also looks like she gained about 40 plus pounds.

NOT impressed there Carla and you have made me even more positive that I will not stop coloring my hair until I am at least 70.

149 Anonymous said... 149

I've mentioned this before - I designed, cut almost all the wool and latch hooked a small Canucks rug for my nephew. It took me hours. I went to visit a few months later and found he used it as a rug at the bottom of the bunkbed ladder. It was dirty and matted. It was used, but in such way that showed me he had no regard for it really.


It's a rug. WTF did you expect him to do with it.
The 70s are over. People no longer put decorative handmade rugs on the wall.
Also, in case you missed this one, macrame is also out. Although I hear it's coming back in a kitschy kind of way.

150 Anonymous said... 150

BF aged 20 years in one day!

151 Anonymous said... 151

If you need an example of when Jill gets out of hand, see Star Wars thread. One or two posts is fine. Any more then that is just annoying.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Muellertime is #2 for poster of the day. Doesn't she have 5 kids and an alcoholic husband to take care of?

153 Anonymous said... 153

Muellertime has 5 kids, a drunk dh, AND a baby on the way.

I'm so sick of BF's gray hair stories. She is obsessed with it. She looks old. You don't have to dye your hair an unnatural shade to get of gray. When every single hair strand is dark, dark, dark, yeah you look stupid but going gray isn't the answer. That looks stupid too....unless maybe you are/were a supermodel.

I was going to comment on the hooked rug. What did she think he was going to do with it? He saw she got him a rug and he used it as a rug. End of story.

Jill is an attention whore and that she is defended on it here cracks me up. WHO in the world would ever defend that?

154 Anonymous said... 154

omg...she just keeps going and going about the stupid gray hair. Shoot me dead if my life ever becomes so damn mundane that I can wax poetically about my old lady hair for hours on end.

Sunshine had the balls to say what most of us were thinking...lmaoooooooooo

155 Anonymous said... 155

Aaa and there she goes again!

156 Anonymous said... 156

BF's thread is going the same way Mary Mary's butch hair thread went. They are only getting responses from the sycophants that don't want to tell the truth. FACT is she looks 30 years ~older~ than the first picture. Feminist or not that is the fact. Is that what she was going for? I'm not saying she looks like a ghoul like Mary Mary but yes very very much older. Some people don't look that much older gray. She does. Fact.

157 Anonymous said... 157

hahahahaha Captain Kunt getting bitchslapped somewhere other than here

158 Anonymous said... 158 guys sure are something. On the Star Wars thread, has Jill posted any picture of herself of her kids? No. But you still attack. I thought all the Star Wars pictures and links from everyone were funny. Who cares how often someone posts them! It's not like every post means they make money. IT'S.FOR.FUN.

159 Anonymous said... 159

That petenthuscunt chick really needs to start taking her meds again and I'm not talking about heart worm medicine.

160 Anonymous said... 160 guys sure are something. On the Star Wars thread, has Jill posted any picture of herself of her kids? No. But you still attack. I thought all the Star Wars pictures and links from everyone were funny. Who cares how often someone posts them! It's not like every post means they make money. IT'S.FOR.FUN.

Hi Jill!

161 Anonymous said... 161

157: CK does what all you miscreants do on here. Find ANYTHING to attack about the person.

162 Anonymous said... 162

160-I'm not her. I'm Caroline and I'm a pea, but more of a lurker. I post once in awhile. You bitches think that anyone that thinks different than you has to only be the person. That gets old. And 153 - who would defend that? Someone that doesn't make strange rules of how people should act on a socializing message board; especially a "fluff" thread like a Star Wars thread!

163 Anonymous said... 163

aw capn k's widdle feelings got hurt so she had to run here

it must be hell living in that miserable head

164 Anonymous said... 164

Hey Caroline, you are on a smack blog, what do you expect? If you can't work out what it is we do here, then fuck off, this isn't the place for you. Go back to kissing ass at the bukkit, it sounds like you are probably good at it.

165 Anonymous said... 165

164-Smack, but try not to look stupid when you do. Oh wait, too late.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Coming back to add on to my post #156.
I just realized that is a hair ~cut~ and not just pulled back? It IS almost as bad as Mary Mary! Why do so many women go all butch when they reach 50s? You're going to start being old when you look that old. You don't have to have long hair but FFS stop the butch

167 Anonymous said... 167

what an odd thread title.

168 Anonymous said... 168

OMG 167 I wasn't preparec for that one

169 Anonymous said... 169

Gawd, I hope she stops talking about it now.

Yup, she looks like an old lady. It aged her at least 15 years. I don't know if it is the hairdo or what, but she also looks like she gained about 40 plus pounds.

NOT impressed there Carla and you have made me even more positive that I will not stop coloring my hair until I am at least 70.

ITA 100%.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Carla does look old with the gray hair, but then again some women don't give a shit about how they look. I guess if she doesn't give a shit, then she should rock on with her old hag self.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Of course, so many peas hate their sisters too. They hate everybody and then have the nerve to call us haters over here. They constantly complain about their family, their dh, their in laws, the kids, cousins, nephews, neighbors, teachers, delivery men, waitresses, sales clerks, etc but God forbid we say something negative about the peas.

And yes I say THEY because 99% of the time it's the SAME ones who are always bitching about someone.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Lmao, Lowrent is crapping her pants at PetEnthusiast on the Pearl Harbor threads for some reason.

173 Anonymous said... 173

L'Urine is off her meds. And having a tantrum that her Pearl Harbor thread isn't getting the same amount of replies as the two other threads.

Ramping up.

174 Anonymous said... 174

The ABA should be directed to LURINEs threads.

175 Anonymous said... 175

Jeezus fucking Christ on a krispy cracker, by the thread title, I would have thought her kid had a bout of cancer after remission.

The kid is getting a new teacher. Big fucking deal. Tell your special snowflake to suck it up and get on with life. It happens all the damn time. @@

176 Anonymous said... 176

Why doesn't everyone just ignore all of the elenty billion threads L'Urine has start.
She needs serious psychaitric treatment. For REAL.

NPD & BPD look it up L'Urine and get admitted as an in-patient you fucking SOCIOPATHIC CUNT!

177 Anonymous said... 177


178 Anonymous said... 178

You'd be miserable too if you had obesity surgery and became a blimp again already!

179 Anonymous said... 179

Don't forget OCD 176

180 Anonymous said... 180

Lowrent needs to start an Elf on the Shelf or political thread.

Not being very Christian Conservative on the Pearl Harbour threads

181 Anonymous said... 181

Jeezus fucking Christ on a krispy cracker, by the thread title, I would have thought her kid had a bout of cancer after remission.

The kid is getting a new teacher. Big fucking deal. Tell your special snowflake to suck it up and get on with life. It happens all the damn time. @@

What the fuck are you talking about? She doesn't mention anything about a new teacher. Her 16 month old baby has scratches on his arm.

I just looked, did you mean to link raindancer's thread?

182 Anonymous said... 182

Lowrent could bring Elf on the Shelf to a new level.

She'd start an "innocent" thread about it, wondering why Moms are using it as a crutch, and abdicating their parental responsibilities to a piece of plastic.

Or she'd go on some poor Pea's thread and wonder aloud if their Elf knows about that abortion she had at 16, or if said Pea knows that the Elf told her kid that she was at fault for her recent divorce, or (insert nasty rumor here) old L'urine wants to spread.

Lowrent was born to fling feces. She couldn't be a nice person, even if you paid her.

183 Anonymous said... 183

good luck with the future for that kid.

184 Anonymous said... 184

Let's face it. You ARE haters here. Denial ain't a river in Egypt.

185 Anonymous said... 185

184: word!

186 Anonymous said... 186

Smack is a form of hate. The need or desire to say such negative things about people, the need to make fun of people, the need to criticize people and make up ugly names for them. Can any of you really claim that this is not hate. is hate. It's ugly and it's hateful. Be here since you obviously get some kind of sick pleasure out of it but don't try to tell yourselves that you're wonderful people.

187 Anonymous said... 187

Don't be hatin'!!!!!eleventy!!!!

188 Anonymous said... 188

184/186: You are truly what the Encyclopedia Dramatica calls "An Hero."

189 Anonymous said... 189

Jane, can you add Dalayney's I'm Persecuted Because I'm a Christian thread to the keeper list?

190 Anonymous said... 190

Another vote for Delayney's cri de coeur. The title could involve her and Jeebus getting a room.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Has anyone ever tried to deny that fact that peas like L'Urine, squeals, BF, Annabella, etc. are hated?


Also, the peas hate pretty much everyone, so what's your point?

192 Anonymous said... 192

My point is that you're all haters too and just as bitchy, cunty, crazy as anyone at the pod.

193 Anonymous said... 193

The pod made me a bitchy hater.

194 Anonymous said... 194

Go back to honking at people through the drive-thru window, 192.

195 Anonymous said... 195

Love the Pod. It's pure farce.

196 Anonymous said... 196

194: Nah, that's where you haters are - in the drive-thru window handing me my change.

197 Anonymous said... 197

186 - ITA!!!

198 Anonymous said... 198

The pod has all the klan members.

199 Anonymous said... 199

I'm a pea-hater and proud of it.
That's why I'm here and not ass kissing at the bukkit.

200 Anonymous said... 200

Well no, but you've just proven what a stupid cunt you are.

Those people through the drive-thru window actually work. They don't scream about cookie exchanges and evangelical persecution and sit around whining about how their husbands or wives don't love their whiny lardasses anymore.

You're not worth the scum on their shoes.

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