Sunday, May 5, 2013

Space 5/5/13


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Anonymous said...

Well isn't this some shit!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jane!

Anonymous said...

That "dress" looks the same as the cheap plastic tablecloth I bought at the dollar store for today's party and I hate to break it to annabelly but it looked better on my card table!

Anonymous said...

WTF is desert pea blathering about here?

So, is this a reference of some kind? I am not familiar and thought for sure you'd back up your statement with the opinions you mentioned about why your deity allowed The Holocaust.

is not a question. It is a malevolent troll after I specifically answered your question about the Holocaust. You obviously know the difference.

You are not respectfully asking anything because you really don't care to know. Yet you -- out of sheer ignorance -- feel fully confident to slam people who most definitely studied the subject and know so much about their faith to come to a conclusion and provide you with the simplest answer that explains it all.

Does your Tanakh include the New Testament?


I rest my case.

YEHOVAH isn't some "guy," by the way.

Haven't you all learned that desertpea is just oh so much smarter than all us peons. We should bow down to her superiority.

Well, it is certainly very apparent I know more about my faith and belief system than most of the ignorant ones who have no clue what they are talking about.

Insulting wide swaths of people because you don't have the knowledge about something is obviously easier than having any sort of curiosity.

And to directly answer the OP:

Yitro 20: God spoke all these words, saying:
I the LORD am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage:
You shall have no other gods besides Me.
You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image, or any likeness of what is in the heavens above, or on the earth below, or in the waters under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I the LORD your God am an impassioned God, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me,
but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.

A good chunk of people have no idea what that means.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H. Christ. These assholes should just keep their fucking snowflakes at home, wrapped in bubble wrap, if they're so worried about every thing on the planet.

My children managed to spend the night at their friend's houses and not get shot, develop asthma, learn how to smoke, get molested, etc.

The bukkit is full of paranoid, bored loons, IMO.

Anonymous said...

to become a physical therapy apprentice

shit sorry, i meant assistant not apprentice. she is still not smart eough to ba an

Anonymous said...

We have 3 kids, 24, 22 and 11. No parent, either with our older kids or younger one has ever asked if we smoke or have weapons in the house.

I never asked that either. I know the dad of one of my youngest son's friend is a hunter and he has rifles. Plus he's in the Army so I'm sure the peas would never let their kid spend the night at that house.

I have to wonder if they really do ask other parents those things.

Anonymous said...


1. create new post
2. title it space plus date
3. on the right hand side click schedule
4. select set date and time
5. change date to match title click done
6. click publish (it will publish on the date and time you have set)

take date plus two days and schedule another. It will take you under 20 minutes to set a new post every two days for the next 90 days. This will not affect your clicks or anything and you can leave the blog alone for three months while we automatically get new space and don't move onto another blog.

Anonymous said...

1. create new post
2. title it space 5/8/13
3. on the right hand side click schedule
4. select set date and time
5. click on 5/8 leave time alone and click done
6. click publish

1. create new post
2. title it space 5/10/13
3. on the right hand side click schedule
4. select set date and time
5. click on 5/10 leave time alone and click done
6. click publish

1. create new post
2. title it space 5/12/13
3. on the right hand side click schedule
4. select set date and time
5. click on 5/12 leave time alone and click done
6. click publish

1. create new post
2. title it space 5/14/13
3. on the right hand side click schedule
4. select set date and time
5. click on 5/14 leave time alone and click done
6. click publish

do you see a pattern?

Anonymous said...

happy Monday bitches!!

Anonymous said...

take date plus two days and schedule another. It will take you under 20 minutes to set a new post every two days for the next 90 days. This will not affect your clicks or anything and you can leave the blog alone for three months while we automatically get new space and don't move onto another blog.


then 3 months goes by and she has completely forgotten there IS a blog, how to find it, what fake email address she used to set it up, and the password to it. bye bye blog.

no thanks.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll just go ahead and be a real bitch here and say that I think it's a crock of shit that mothers can't be honored because of the infertility of a few. I struggled with getting pregnant for a few years. I sucked it up and went to baby showers, babysat the nieces and wished others a happy Mother's Day. I feel bad for those dealing with infertility but it just seems these days it can often be an excuse to be selfish and ugly.

Being a mother is an honor but it is also hard work. It's okay to honor that. FFS

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 13. Fuck them!

Anonymous said...

Only a pea would say -it must be a pea thing- every time they hear something they don't agree with.

Anonymous said...

You bitches are pulling shit out of your asses. Go ahead and celebrate Mothers Day any way you want. Let those who don't or cant celebrate wallow in their pity party. Nobodys trying to take your damn made up holiday away.

Anonymous said...

16 must not have any kids, which may be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll just go ahead and be a real bitch here and say that I think it's a crock of shit that mothers can't be honored because of the infertility of a few. I struggled with getting pregnant for a few years. I sucked it up and went to baby showers, babysat the nieces and wished others a happy Mother's Day. I feel bad for those dealing with infertility but it just seems these days it can often be an excuse to be selfish and ugly.

Being a mother is an honor but it is also hard work. It's okay to honor that. FFS


My patience is zero for these infertile bitches who turn everything into an excuse to whine about how they can't have children. Sorry you can't be happy for someone else because you didn't get what you wanted.

I am childless - not by choice - and feel this way. Fucking tired of the whining and self absorption.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Annabella's lightened up a little...not just the hair.

Anonymous said...

Enough smacked the shit out of dottyscrapper. LOL

Anonymous said...

Anabella's looking a bit long in the tooth. Not nearly as cute as she thinks she is, and certainly way too old to be wearing this idiotic getup to a cinco de mayo party.

The bleached blonde hair does her no favors, either.

Agree! She's not that pretty and isn't she pushing 40? Yipee that she went on some vacation to Panama. DO.NOT.CARE! Why? Because I have a husband and child whom I love very much and don't need to throw vapid parties for stupid things!

And No I'm not jealous of her either, I really feel sorry for her because she comes off as a stupid twat!

I had awesome sex last night, what did AB have besides a hangover? lol

Anonymous said...

I wonder if AB charged admission to her Cinco de Mayo party?

Anonymous said...

I really feel sorry for her because she comes off as a stupid twat!


So do you 21.

Anonymous said...

You are kind of coming across as jealous 21.

Anonymous said...

Dottyscrapper picked the perfect peaname. She often sounds unbalanced and mentally unstable.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off 23 and 24. 21 is right. I feel sorry for Annabella. She looks hideous in that costume. I agree with Comeonalready.

It's like she tries too hard to make up for the fact that she's alone. Never posts about a boyfriend but only about the exotic trips she's taken.

I'd say she's the dumbest pea in the pod next to "do dogs have brains' 2pfaithful.

Anonymous said...

Annabella is a stupid hooker.

Anonymous said...

$1,500. Is angie on crack. That's fucking hideous. She'd have to pay someone to haul that fucking set away.

Anonymous said...

I could see her getting a few hundred for the table and chairs but not much more than that!!

Anonymous said...

If someone needed some firewood maybe. It's fugly as hell

Anonymous said...

We need a gun debate board like they did a political board once. Except keep it there FOREVER!

Anonymous said...

We need a right wing nutjob board too!

Anonymous said...

26 Anonymous said... 26

Fuck off 23 and 24. 21 is right. I feel sorry for Annabella. She looks hideous in that costume. I agree with Comeonalready.

It's like she tries too hard to make up for the fact that she's alone. Never posts about a boyfriend but only about the exotic trips she's taken.

I'd say she's the dumbest pea in the pod next to "do dogs have brains' 2pfaithful.


Seems your the one with the problem that she doesn't have a boyfriend. You don't even know if she has a boyfriend or not and who the hell cares if she doesn't. You come off as the kind that needs a man no matter what and is jealous that someone might look cute and be enjoying life. Jealous since you're too ugly (inside and out) to post a picture of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ. Find a fucking wedding board to post about your white trash extravaganza. that dress is hideous.

Anonymous said...

I think the dress is pretty.

Anonymous said...

I like the dress also, it is flattering on her body shape.

Anonymous said...

Dress makes her look fat. Oh wait, she is fat.

Anonymous said...

I hope she uses some makeup to cover up that hideous tattoo she got.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yay. Red Boots is back. Eyeroll. Stupid smug bitch.

Anonymous said...

Annadumbella is a vapid twat. It would be one thing if she were somewhat coherent and a nice person. She's not. So she spends her life obsessed with her "social life" and herlooks-which really aren't anything to brag about. The blonde hair just made it that much worse. She looks like a weird colored Cindy-Lou-Who.

Her posts are amusing to read, so there is that!

Anonymous said...

Enough smacked the shit out of dottyscrapper. LOL


Yes she did!

Anonymous said...

I love the dress on her, and I love that it does not look too tight. Way too many brides get dresses that are too tight, and they end up looking terrible! Hers looks like she can breathe, and there is no boob fat hanging over. It looks great on her!

Anonymous said...

42-she just needs to do something about her face. she always looks dirty to me, like she needs a good wash. she icks me out.

Anonymous said...

#43 Huh? WTF

Anonymous said...

Her makeup looks too dark and too heavy, 43 and 44. I see it, too. It does make her face look unclean.

Anonymous said...

Ok we get it. You don't like Steph, but her face isn't dirty and doesn't look dirty.
Unless you're looking at a different picture than was linked in 34, I call bullshit and 43 & 45 are the same person.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm 45 and not 43. Try again. Steph's taking care of her kids and she's not a whiny hypocrite like 99% of the peas, so she's okay with me.

Anonymous said...

I agree, her face does look dirty. She looks like typical trailer-park whore.

Anonymous said...

She has no choice but to take care of her kids. The loser men she breeds with wanted nothing to do with her.

Instinct of a mother is to take care of their kids.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 43 or 45 and I agree that she does look dirty.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it, but this is why you'll never see a picture of me on the board. I look at pictures there and know what's going to happen. I have no gumption, I guess. lol

Anonymous said...

How do you report wenches stupid ass picture? I hate seeing it when I am scrolling through a thread.

Anonymous said...

I had to turn off signatures because of that photo, 52. I don't want to see anybody's ass when I'm reading Two Peas (except maybe Javier Bardem's).

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the bridesmaids' dress that she posted. Have you seen the size of her bridesmaids?
The dress will look NOTHING like the one that she posted.

I have another question. Why is it that all of the people selling that Pure Romance stuff (including Steph) are tons of fun? It is kind of weird.

Anonymous said...

The women I know who sell hat shit are drama queens.

Anonymous said...

54-cause they are so fat their partners need to roll them in flour to find the wet spot so they don't get many partners so that means they need battery operated dildos and twat oil to grease that pig up.

Anonymous said...


Too bad that nice dress was ruined by not having a decent bra.

Anonymous said...

54-cause they are so fat their partners need to roll them in flour to find the wet spot


WTF??? The smacking sure has gotten lame around here, that is the stupidest smack I have ever heard!

Anonymous said...

13,044 votes for Parrot Partners 1394 for Cake Diva


Anonymous said...

58-no, you're stupid.

Anonymous said...

Amanda is bigger than I thought. She does need a better bra.

Anonymous said...

41 Anonymous said... 41

Enough smacked the shit out of dottyscrapper. LOL


Yes she did!

Spot on!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, Amanduh the hypocrite is as big as a house. I never pictured her as an obese woman.

Anonymous said...

Wow 60, you put me in my place...what is this, 2nd grade?

Anonymous said...

63-no shit. She is fucking HUGE!! I swear I have seen her post pictures a few years ago and she was not that fat. Must be all those fabulous meals she likes to post about every fucking day...NOT!

Anonymous said...

Too bad that nice dress was ruined by not having a decent bra.
That's a pretty nice comment for a smack blog. The bra is the least of the problems with how she looks.

Anonymous said...

Amanda is bigger than I thought. She does need a better bra.
A better bra isn't going to help that! She needs to put the fucking fork down!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the insight, and I'll take your advice- I think infertility is one of the hardest things you can endure in life- there just are no words sometimes.


Anonymous said...

68-are you fucking serious? Not being able to shoot out a crotch nugget is one of the hardest things you can endure in life??? Fuck me running. You are an idiot of the highest degree. I hope nothing ever really serious does happen to you, you will probably kill yourself because you are too fucking weak to deal. Twat.

Anonymous said...

I am childless - not by choice - and feel this way. Fucking tired of the whining and self absorption.


My thoughts exactly. We couldn't have kids and it has fucking sucked at times's not about ME all the time!
You can't talk about Mothers Day because of a miscarriage or infertility.
You can't talk about it if someones mother was a worthless bipolar whore.

And then you get this:

'Well, you should just be thankful you have a whore as a mother because mine dropped dead last year'

Shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

"We dated off and on from 8th grade through first semester of college. More off than on probably. Finally just sort of drifted apart without a real break up. We just moved on I suppose. Then 32 years later, we got married.

So I guess you could say we had the mother of all break-ups. LOL." Spongemom Scrappants


Yeah and that pesky first husband and kids you had in between weren't going to keep you from your true love there were they?

Anonymous said...

68 should have quoted, someone in the thread said that. But way to over react there 69.

Anonymous said...

72-i don't think 69 overacted. some of these women act like not having a child is worse than being murdered, having cancer, losing a limb in a bombing, going to war,etc...I could go on and on. the self pity and self absorption is just really laughable at this point. no one cares.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for making fun of that woman's weight! This is the reason why women can't get ahead, we are so busy attacking one another for things such as this that we can't see the forest for the trees. She is beautiful in her own right, heavy or not. SIZE is not a reason to tear someone down. What do you accomplish by doing this? Do you feel better about yourselves? How about taking a look at yourself and asking what you get out of hurting another person like this. Sheesh, some women make me sick :(

Anonymous said...

She's only going to be hurt if she's here reading. Someone who does everything right all the time the way she does wouldn't be here reading this. So how is anything here hurting her?

Anonymous said...

(not smart) Enough couldn't smack someone if she tried.

Anonymous said...

Except she did, 76.
You may not like her, but she smacked the shit out of dottyscrapper. Done deal.

Anonymous said...

Im happy for you 69 that you can "shoot out a crotch nugget" so easily. You really are a pathetic bitch.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for making fun of that woman's weight! This is the reason why women can't get ahead, we are so busy attacking one another for things such as this that we can't see the forest for the trees. She is beautiful in her own right, heavy or not. SIZE is not a reason to tear someone down. What do you accomplish by doing this? Do you feel better about yourselves? How about taking a look at yourself and asking what you get out of hurting another person like this. Sheesh, some women make me sick :(

You cannot control the sex or race you were born as, but you can do something about your weight and physical health. She decided to shovel shit in her mouth and sit on her ass all day. Lazy. Yes, I judge people who are lazy.

Anonymous said...

You don't endure murder dumbass. You're dead, it's fucking over. Having had both cancer and infertility, I'd take the cancer all fucking day. Infertility's a fucking bitch.

Anonymous said...

There is something very gross about someone who would use the term crotch nugget. That's just nasty.

Anonymous said...

81 - I bitched about that on another thread before. It's such a gross visual, it sounds dingleberry-ish instead of motherhood related. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

You cannot control the sex or race you were born as, but you can do something about your weight and physical health. She decided to shovel shit in her mouth and sit on her ass all day. Lazy. Yes, I judge people who are lazy.


Anonymous said...

You cannot control the sex or race you were born as, but you can do something about your weight and physical health. She decided to shovel shit in her mouth and sit on her ass all day. Lazy. Yes, I judge people who are lazy.

When you meet people you see them, unless your blind. You see what race, what sex, their hair color and weight.

And you make judgments on them whether you will admit it or not.

I always hate when people say "Oh I never notice race!". Really? Well thanks for not noticing I'm black.

Anonymous said...

DalaiMama smacked the shit out of (stoopid)Enough.

Who are you, troll? You sound as simpleminded as Sammel/old pea new name....

Anonymous said...

Oooh pointing out a spelling mistake. Good job DalaiMama, that's some great smack there! Dumbass. Come back when you've really done something.

Anonymous said...

No shit. I thought boar was more appropriate anyway. dotty came off looking like stupid pig.

Anonymous said...

When you meet people you see them, unless your blind. You see what race, what sex, their hair color and weight

Seeing is different than judging. I don't judge for things beyond one's control. Weight is not beyond one's control.

I'm biracial.

Anonymous said...

And i'm bipolar. whats your point?

Anonymous said...

Seeing is different than judging. I don't judge for things beyond one's control. Weight is not beyond one's control.


People judge on what they see, so if you see someone who is over weight you will judge them on it. Unless you're one of those idiot's who don't "see" peoples color or weight or whatever else it is people can be judged by.

Anonymous said...

"I always hate when people say "Oh I never notice race!". Really? Well thanks for not noticing I'm black."


And I hate when asked which girl was it, and someone says "The tall black girl over there." You have assholes screaming at them :Why you gotta' point out she black."
So you condition people not to notice color and then get mad when they say they don't notice your color.
Make up your fucking minds. Which way do you want it, you can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Another pea makes someone else's misfortune all about her. FFS

Anonymous said...

85 Anonymous said... 85

DalaiMama smacked the shit out of (stoopid)Enough.


FFS if you are going to smack someone, then make it worthwhile. That was just sad DalaiMama. And really sad when you got somebody bringing up the rear telling you how funny you are to point out spelling mistakes.

Anonymous said...

FFS if you are going to smack someone, then make it worthwhile. That was just sad DalaiMama. And really sad when you got somebody bringing up the rear telling you how funny you are to point out spelling mistakes.
Waaaaa! Stuff it, Enough. DalaiMama knows you're a troll, and she was playin' with ya'. You know, throwing the same lame shit right back in your face.

Anonymous said...

What lame shit are you talking about? Enough wasn't pointing out anyone's spelling errors that was DalaiMama. I'm 93 but I'm not Enough.

Anonymous said...

80 said: Having had both cancer and infertility, I'd take the cancer all fucking day. Infertility's a fucking bitch.

Are you fucking serious? You would rather deal with cancer including surgery, radiation, chemo and even DEATH than being able to not have a kid??

Something is seriously wrong with your outlook on life and your priorities. When are women going to learn and realize that you are no less of a woman because you can't have a fucking kid.

Being a mother is great but not so great that I would prefer cancer to infertility.

You are seriously whacked out.

Anonymous said...

Amanda is a self-righteous bitch who has totally changed her colors since she got rid of the convict husband and married this new dopey looking guy.

She rallies against EVERYTHING that she did including having kids out of wedlock because she has suddenly turned into a conservative.

Let's face it, she is a fucking fat cow and a cunt most of the time. If you don't like that, kiss my not so large ass.

Anonymous said...

80 said: Having had both cancer and infertility, I'd take the cancer all fucking day. Infertility's a fucking bitch.

ITA with #96

If it means that much to you - then adopt. Oh wait - I bet you're the type that only your own bio kid. Or you want the "perfect white, blue-eyed, blonde WASP baby. The typical "perfect family". How about a bi-racial older child that desperately needs a family?

And don't tell me you can't afford it. Women like you will spend $$$$ on fertility treatments. Put that money to good use, stop your whining and adopt if you want to be a mommy so badly.

Anonymous said...

You don't have control over what race you were born, so I won't judge you based on the color of your skin.

You don't have control over what family you were born in, so I won't judge you based on the stupidity of your family.

If you are stupid, I will judge you. With today's internet, you should be able to use Google and look up the answer to your question, not ask a bunch of women on a scrapbooking message board.

If you are fat, I will judge you. Get off your ass and exercise. Eat healthy. Say no to McDonald's. And even if you have a health condition, your doctor will assign you a nutritionist to help you with dietary needs. There's no excuse to being 100 pounds or more overweight.

You share all your personal information on a blog, I will judge you. Berrysmoothie comes to mind on this one.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why more people don't consider adoption. Yeah, I'm sure that they don't want to deal with the possibility of the child taken away from them because the mother changed her mind. But there are adoptions in other countries, and you don't have to worry about it. China comes to mind.

I know a woman who spent about $75k on fertility treatments before she finally got pregnant. She has her own bio child now who has some pretty costly medical needs and they are borderline bankrupt because of it.

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here next to a woman telling her friend about a recipe she makes at least twice a week. It has cream of something along with two cups of cheese and a pint of sour cream among other ingredients. That probably explains why she's complaining about her knees. She weighs at least 300 pounds. I am sure she would have no knee problems if she would eat more salads, veggies, and broiled chicken.

I also judge fat people. There is no excuse.

Anonymous said...

Amanda is a self-righteous bitch who has totally changed her colors since she got rid of the convict husband and married this new dopey looking guy.

She rallies against EVERYTHING that she did including having kids out of wedlock because she has suddenly turned into a conservative.

Let's face it, she is a fucking fat cow and a cunt most of the time. If you don't like that, kiss my not so large ass.

Gotta agree with this. She is a straight up judgmental bitch. Who also needs a good bra. lol

Anonymous said...

Uuuugh! ShannoninKC is back. I have not missed that ding dong.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord the helicopters are out in full force on this one.

Anonymous said...

I don't have kids (would have liked to) and giuess what? I'm a fulfilled, happy human being anyway. I do other things: dote on friends & relatives kids, travel, have a great marriage and friendships, etc.

Being utterly devastated and bereft because you can't give birth is a choice. A piss-poor one.

Anonymous said...

This ^^^^ (post 105).

Anonymous said...

She rallies against EVERYTHING that she did including having kids out of wedlock because she has suddenly turned into a conservative.


Typical. Like my asshole now-rw acquaintances who bitch constantly about welfare 'losers'.

Conveniently forgetting that they themselves were once on welfare.

I haven't forgotten.

Anonymous said...

If you are fat, I will judge you. Get off your ass and exercise. Eat healthy. Say no to McDonald's. And even if you have a health condition, your doctor will assign you a nutritionist to help you with dietary needs. There's no excuse to being 100 pounds or more overweight.


I am going to be honest here (I know, I know, it's the blog...). Attitudes like this really hurt. I am about 50 pounds overweight, and I can not get it off. I have been to the Dr, and I worked with a Registered Dietician, so I am doing all the right things, but it just will not come off. Usually I am fine with how I look, and I am still working, but attitudes like this cut deep. I work out 5 days a week, using a routine I get from a trainer I meet with every 3 weeks. Still nothing.

I should know better than to defend myself on a smack blog, but maybe it will cause just one person to think twice before judging someone for their size. I am not lazy, and I don't even remember the last time I had McDonalds, so please don't judge me in that manner.

Anonymous said...

108, I don't believe you are the person they are smacking/judging.

It's pretty obvious when you see someone that could lose 150+ pounds and puts no effort into changing their eating habits. And these are women in their 30's and still a bit on the young side.

Did your doctor check your thyroid? My friend had the same problem and she was able to lose weight after she started taking thyroid meds.

Anonymous said...

108-Amanda has way more than 50 pounds to lose (try 150 and more like 109 said) and it is pretty obvious that she gets no exercise except for trips to the fridge. You are not who we are smacking on.

Anonymous said...

people who are that overweight obviously have issues that they aren't able to or ready to deal with yet. I just don't get what YOU get out of judging people who have a problem that may be different than yours. There are a multitude of reasons people are overweight from health issues to addiction issues to emotional issues. They are NOT happy, they live a life of pain and it is not being lazy. I wish it were that easy! I was underweight most of my life and was always being called anorexic, etc., but I had issues that kept me from eating. Nobody stopped to ask me what they were, they simply judged me for being underweight. The same goes for overweight people. The next time you see an obese person, trying having some empathy, you never know you may end up being someone who needs empathy from others someday. God willing...

Anonymous said...

Amanda and Staph are beasts! If you squeezed or poked them Cream of Mushroom and Velveeta would come oozing out.

Anonymous said...

For Burning Feather:

Anonymous said...

Why does Staph's wedding dress have a giant vulva on the side and why is the clitoris in the wrong spot?

Anonymous said...

Don't try to be funny 114, you can't pull it off.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why the peas can't seem to understand that times were different when they were kids. I'm sure their parents thought they were doing the best they could for them.

It's not like their parents were rubbing their hands together manically while saying "This will make her childhood awful!!!!".

Smoking was common then, so was riding in the back of pick ups. Kids had a lot more freedom then for better or worse.

I don't resent my folks for anything they did or didn't do in my childhood.

Anonymous said...

If I'm still alive in about 20 years or so I'm going to start a "My mom was a pea blog" and see what kid of things their kids say about them.

Anonymous said...

Seriously 116. But then anyone who has time to sit there and think things like that really just needs to be smacked. I'm thinking the only thing the parents really did wrong was raise such self-absorbed little snits.

Anonymous said...

"I did some googling and I told him to give this answer:
"No one is perfect, but my I'm qualified for this job and there's nothing that would keep me from performing this job to your satisfaction."

It doesn't really answer the question, but it's also not the eyerolling make a negative into a positive.

I hate that question, I vow to never ask it.


That is a terrible response, of course it comes from smug Free~Bird.

Anonymous said...

"people who are that overweight obviously have issues that they aren't able to or ready to deal with yet. I just don't get what YOU get out of judging people who have a problem that may be different than yours. There are a multitude of reasons people are overweight from health issues to addiction issues to emotional issues. They are NOT happy, they live a life of pain and it is not being lazy. I wish it were that easy! "

--Yeah, I would not be happy either if my ass was wider than the chair I sit in, duh! Of course no fat person is happy. Their choices got them into their obesity state. But here's how they can solve it and it's pretty fucking easy. Put the chips and soda down and drink some water while munching on some carrot sticks. See how that works?

"I was underweight most of my life and was always being called anorexic, etc., but I had issues that kept me from eating. Nobody stopped to ask me what they were, they simply judged me for being underweight. The same goes for overweight people."

--Why didn't your parents get you some help? Why didn't you see a specialist? therapist? What the fuck was wrong with you? Being underweight is just as bad as being overweight.

"The next time you see an obese person, trying having some empathy, you never know you may end up being someone who needs empathy from others someday. God willing... "

---I have no empathy for someone who is 150 pounds or more overweight.

Look at the woman who posted on this blog. She said she was 50 pounds overweight and trying hard to lose it. If she wasn't trying, she probably would be much heavier and have all those conditions you think we should show empathy for. No, she's fucking trying and I give her a high-five slap for that. Kudos!

So fuck no to having empathy for these fat asses. If you can walk your ass from the parking lot to the scooter plugged in at Walmart, you can walk to the back to get your beer, chips, and soda. That's what your fucking fat ass needs, some EXERCISE and proper nutrition.

Empathy my fucking ass.

And I would NEVER hire a fat person. If they are too lazy to get off their ass and take a walk, then they are too lazy to do a job.

Anonymous said...

Funny how CrafterBeth makes that thread ALL ABOUT HER!

Anonymous said...

people who are that overweight obviously have issues that they aren't able to or ready to deal with yet. I just don't get what YOU get out of judging people who have a problem that may be different than yours. There are a multitude of reasons people are overweight from health issues to addiction issues to emotional issues. They are NOT happy, they live a life of pain and it is not being lazy.

funny how most of them are Americans riding around Walmart on a motorized scooter.

Anonymous said...

At 215 pounds I am about 75 pounds overweight and wear a size 18. I am fat. I do work hard at my job and have had numerous promotions. I'm not lazy at work.
I will admit I am lazy about my eating and exercising habits. I could probably lose the 75 pounds in less than a year if I stuck to a strict plan.

The fact is I'm damn tired when I get home. I'm stuck in a horrible rut, but I am the only one who can change that.

That being said - I've learned not to let my being overweight control the rest of my life. I still go out, I still wear nice clothes, I still fix my hair and makeup. If people want to judge they will judge. If its not weight they pick on it's something else. If someone chooses not to get to know me because I'm too fat, it's their problem, not mine.

Anonymous said...

What happened to that slap-happy bitch KikiNicole? I just realized I haven't seen anything from her for a while. Either I've learned to totally ignore her or she's MIA.

Anonymous said...

she posted several times today.

Anonymous said...

I love you #123. You are honest and have a great attitude. Hugs

Anonymous said...

I don't really care how much someone weighs if they are clean and polite. Though, 123, you'd probably have more energy if you dropped some weight.

Anonymous said...

If you could lose the 75 pounds in less than a year, then why not do it? You are only hurting yourself carrying around an extra person on you. At some point, you are going to be faced with health issues that could have been prevented if you only watched what you eat and exercised 30 minutes a day.

Anonymous said...

If you could lose the 75 pounds in less than a year, then why not do it? You are only hurting yourself carrying around an extra person on you. At some point, you are going to be faced with health issues that could have been prevented if you only watched what you eat and exercised 30 minutes a day.


I'm 123 and yes you are so right. I'm trying to make a change and I know what I need to do.

Anonymous said...

At 215 pounds I am about 75 pounds overweight and wear a size 18. I am fat. I do work hard at my job and have had numerous promotions. I'm not lazy at work.

I will admit I am lazy about my eating and exercising habits. I could probably lose the 75 pounds in less than a year if I stuck to a strict plan.

The fact is I'm damn tired when I get home. I'm stuck in a horrible rut, but I am the only one who can change that.


Yeah amen and amen.

Sure you could restrict yourself and lose it all in a year. And then 2 years later its all back and more. Thats why WW and JC are multi billion dollar companies. Their shit doesnt have any long term effect but people keep hoping it will because of morans like the ones on this blog who really believe diet and exercise is all that is needed. Please.

I'm overweight. Yeah plenty overweight. I also go to the gym regularly and am in the best fucking shape of my life HEALTHWISE. Shape as in what I look like? I look like I lay around eating cheetos all day. Because I do weight training not cardio. I lift weights.

I'm also damn tired when I get home. Work a full day (NOT PEA-ING) and commute and have a family and a house to deal with. Plus oh yeah a marriage to keep alive.

I don't care if people are fat. It's your life, your body, you are an adult, you get to do what you want.

People who are stupid? those are what bug me.

Anonymous said...

FFS has Jane forwarded her domain to fucking Weight Watchers or something? shut the fuck up. Go start a thread on 2Peas.

Anonymous said...

morans on this blog blah blah blah about weight loss are to me LIKE JESUS FREAKS.

Fat people are fat because they have never heard of a diet, never tried a diet, never lost weight on a diet, don't know about diet and exercise.

Are you that fucking stupid?

Any fat person anywhere knows more about dieting and exercise than ANY thin person anywhere. Any fat person you see has been on at least 5 diets. They have been on weight watchers, jenny, nutri system, south beach, atkins, eat nothing but cabbage soup, fast all day drink juice all night cleanse, you name it they can tell you about it.

Just like a Jesus freak. "If you don't love JESUS its because no one ever TOLD you about Jesus. Because if you just knew about JESUS then you would LOVE JESUS like I LOVE JESUS."

"Yeah thanks, I have in fact heard of Jesus before, you think you are the first one."

"But...but... JESUS IS FOR EVERYONE! How is it possible you can have heard about Jesus but don't love Jesus like I do?"

"No! You must have heard it wrong. Or it wasn't explained right. Because it is so simple... Let me tell you about Jesus. Again and again and again."


"It's not possible! Everyone knows JESUS works for everybody! Maybe no one explained it to you..."

--stab stab stab stab ---

Anonymous said...

If you could lose the 75 pounds in less than a year, then why not do it? You are only hurting yourself carrying around an extra person on you. At some point, you are going to be faced with health issues that could have been prevented if you only watched what you eat and exercised 30 minutes a day.


I'm 123 and yes you are so right. I'm trying to make a change and I know what I need to do


That's the first step, knowing what to do. The second step is actually doing it, which is where failure comes.

I need to lose 30 pounds. I know what I need to do, but it's the schedule I need to change so I can go to the gym. 100% my fault, no one to blame but me.

I wish I had a friend that lived close by so we could both go and motivate each other. That would help me. But what's motivating me is seeing the opinions of others and what they really think of fat people. First impressions are everything.

It's only 30 pounds today, but could be 100 pounds this time next year. I need to start now.

Thanks ladies... I needed that motivation.

Anonymous said...

"I did some googling and I told him to give this answer:
"No one is perfect, but my I'm qualified for this job and there's nothing that would keep me from performing this job to your satisfaction."

It doesn't really answer the question, but it's also not the eyerolling make a negative into a positive.

I hate that question, I vow to never ask it.


That is a terrible response, of course it comes from smug Free~Bird.


What I find particularly delightful is all those who come on to say, "that is the stupidest question, I would never ask it" OR an iteration of "I would answer that question like a rockstar who doesn't give a shit about their stupid interview questions." Bitches, please. It isn't about whether it's a good question, nor is it about how you would like to answer it. It's about a candidate being in the hot seat and needing to answer interview questions in a way that will get them a mother fucking job. And Free Bird, who asked the original question, is a cunt of the highest order who doesn't REALLY want her kid to get that job. She just wants to be the big-ass fish family in her small-ass town. Fuuuck. How do any of these people manage to pay the rent?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 132 - that's a cop out. There is no magic bullet - in order to lose weight you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. It isn't rocket surgery.

BTDT - used to be fat, now I'm not, and haven't been for years.

I don't have any medical problems that made weight loss difficult or caused me to gain weight. I was eating crap and not physically active.

I got sick of it and decided to make a change. It isn't easy, but it's certainly doable for most people. When you read about the crap people on two peas are eating and feeding their family, it's no wonder there is an obesity epidemic.

I don't judge people based on their weight - I know I'm the same person thin as I was fat.

Anonymous said...

Compwalla is so incredibly annoying and condescending. Because someone's curly hair is not exactly like hers it is "a miarculous anomaly"

Anonymous said...

Awesome 135!! So it worked for you, so that means it should work the exact same for everyone else! What a narrow closed minded view. So you were a bitch fat, and you are still a bitch thin! Good for you!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see anything bitchy about 135's post.

But 137, you sound like an overly defensive fattie.

Do you claim to have fibro, too?

Anonymous said...

Weight loss has the same concept, burn more calories than you eat.

Anonymous said...

Yep. There's no getting around it-in order to lose weight, you have to be burning more calories than you take in. Even hold true for weight loss surgery.

Anonymous said...

Krustina CaringBridge and maddiesmum - rage on you raggity andy bitches!

Anonymous said...

wow, 138, I do have you think that is connected to my weight? Who would have ever guessed! I also have ADD, OCD, ADHD, ODD, and the *worst* back pain the Dr has ever seen...he told me mine is the *worst* ever! Maybe it is all connected...hmmm, I did make a homemade supper tonight, it included velveeta, cream of mushroom soup, cheese, and spam. I rounded it out with creamed broccoli with cheese sauce.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 132 - that's a cop out. There is no magic bullet - in order to lose weight you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. It isn't rocket surgery.

BTDT - used to be fat, now I'm not, and haven't been for years.

I don't have any medical problems that made weight loss difficult or caused me to gain weight. I was eating crap and not physically active.


This is the bitchy part. This poster was eating crap and not physically active, so that mean that every person that is fat is eating crap and lazy, right??? Oh, wait, no that is not right. Some people have other things that factor in...hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Krustina CaringBridge and maddiesmum - rage on you raggity andy bitches!

It's RAGGEDY Andy, idiot. Whatever the fuck that means.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with the spelling. Google is your friend asshole.

Anonymous said...

ffs have the peas never heard of google?

Anonymous said..., they haven't

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen Princess Lasertron at the Pod much these days but it looks like after planning the ultimate hipster wedding, she and her gay husband are divorcing.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with the spelling. Google is your friend asshole.

Sorry dipshit but I prefer to use an ACTUAL dictionary not urban dictionary. That's what you retards use.

Anonymous said...

Holy fucking shit kristina got her ass handed to her on that thread. maddiemoron is a moron but krustina, fuck get off political threads if you are just going to cut and paste disproven bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Link, 150?

Anonymous said...

Disproven bullshit? Hardly.

Anonymous said...

Kristina uses her forehead to use the spacebar. I can see her slamming her head on there repeatedly. Her mullet isn't very appealing either.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, more hopey changey shit.

Anonymous said...

Here you go 151:

And yes krustina aka 152. That dailyko list is dumb as fuck. Let's compare the killing of our fucking ambassador with a bunch of shit that didn't kill anyone, or where they accidentally killed themselves.

Anonymous said...

Does peace sign really need another kid?

It's great she's stepping up and fostering but ffs shouldn't she deal with the two she already has?

"i just implemented a reward chart for my new foster son who doesn't eat anything...except sweets. i have two other boys and a job, so i'm definitely not getting into a short order cook situation. so far, it has worked fairly well."

Anonymous said...

"Coming and going at all hours of the day and night, no set daily schedule, friends and family stopping by at random times, rarely hanging out in the front yard, the only window up front has blinds closed or a curtain drawn, and not particularly sociable with the neighbors. My other significant other spends a lot of time here, as well as spending the night when my DH is out of town and has a key to let himself in to take care of our pets whenever DH and I are out of town together. Often he will stop by in the evening on his way home to pick up some supper or a treat if I've been baking, and pull up in the driveway where I run out and bring him a bag and give him a hug and kiss through the window."


Uh, what the what? Why does she have a boyfriend if she has a husband? Isn't one enough?

Anonymous said...

hey 123- want to try something easy? get a good pedometer. Take a week to see how much you walk in a regular week and write down your steps/mileage. Then- set goals to increase your daily/weekly mileage. It might just be a little enough kick start for you to make something happen!! And it doesn't have to be a fitbit or anything fancy. That in itself might be too much. Pedometer, pen and paper = easy peasy.

But- as they say, it all starts with one step!!

Anonymous said...

157 is that Tracy? She has mentioned before she is polyamorus and has another partner.

I know it's hard to fathom anyone living different from you in your white bread suburban world.

Anonymous said...

ha ha yes it is Tracy!

love how she makes all the little straight white vanilla heads explode - boom! boom! BOOM!

Anonymous said...

So when it is a Pea you guys like, it is an alternative lifestyle but when Mariah2 talks about it she is vilified and made fun of.

Just making sure we keep up with the hypocrisy of this smack blog. You're just as bad as the Peas that lick batya's ass regardless of what she says.

Anonymous said...

So, Magz new daughter is medically challeged, too. She really has bitten off more than she can chew

Anonymous said...

No 162, go read it again, slower this time.

Anonymous said...

Krustina always gets her tits in a twist when anybody dares smacks on her lezbo crush Hillary. Even that dried up old hag Hill wouldn't touch that krusty thang!

Anonymous said...

Magz the liar named her daughter Olive?

I don't usually criticize people's baby name choices, but that's just odd. The baby will spend her life saying, "Not Olivia. OLIVE!"

Anonymous said...

So when it is a Pea you guys like, it is an alternative lifestyle but when Mariah2 talks about it she is vilified and made fun of.

Just making sure we keep up with the hypocrisy of this smack blog. You're just as bad as the Peas that lick batya's ass regardless of what she says

No Mariah2. We are not purposely picking on you. Your attitude is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Olive Oil. Nice.

Anonymous said...

the rest of this thread is so laughable I hate wasting my lunch even responding, but reading it was awesome...thank you for my lunchtime back to your regular scheduled programming.

Surely you can do better than that Krusty CareBridge. You're better off slinking off when you're smacked that hard than trying to pretend that you didn't get your ass handed to you.

Anonymous said...

165? She's a liar?

Anonymous said...

Krusty Carebridge? Is that supposed to be witty or something? Like Moonbat?

Smack-Infighter/DumbRepub/(stoopid)Enough--Take your hard-on for Kristina and shove it up your ass. Then, toddle back on over to the bucket and try to use your mad skillz to actually say something intelligent for once.

Anonymous said...

165? She's a liar?

That refers to her hairflip a few years back. Here's a link to it.

Lots of people think she lied about that whole thing and about her cancer diagnosis. Something about that never rang true for me.

Anonymous said...

I actually find Krusty entertaining. And, she's is loyal--you have to give her that. The media could have an up close & personal video of Congressman N.E. Democrat murdering a wheelchair bound grandmother during rush hour in the middle of Grand Central Station and she'd a) deny it ever happened, or b) rationalize that 'the bitch deserved it', or predictably c) swear that Bush did it first.

Anonymous said...

I vote c 172. Krusty is nothing if not predictable.

Anonymous said...

170 - get back to work krusty. Your second attempt on that thread just proved you have not watched a second of actual testimony. You're proving yourself to be a fool. But your nose is so far up Obama's ass you don't even realize it.

Anonymous said...

So when it is a Pea you guys like, it is an alternative lifestyle but when Mariah2 talks about it she is vilified and made fun of.

Just making sure we keep up with the hypocrisy of this smack blog. You're just as bad as the Peas that lick batya's ass regardless of what she says

No Mariah2. We are not purposely picking on you. Your attitude is the problem.
May 9, 2013 at 11:02 AM


Mariah2 is one of THE cuntiest peas at the pod

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Magz's latest daughter. Mom has gone off the deep end WRT to names.

Saddling your daughter with the name of a martini garnish is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

170="infighting" idiot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Olive, I all can think of is around Christmas time she's going to hear Olive the other reindeer a lot.

Anonymous said...

Typical Liberal Pea

PeaNut 55,230
November 2002
Posts: 17,452
Layouts: 106
Loc: Hawkeye Nation
Posted: 5/9/2013 4:13:11 PM

Sad that there isn't much response to this. Guess kids killing themselves and others has become so commonplace that it is no big deal.


No, because they've all over on that Benghazi thread drooling over themselves and thinking what bad asses they are.

Change WILL happen, it will just take more time but unfortunately, we will lose more of our children and citizens to this assinine and preventable violence.
"they've all over on that Benghazi thread"

I think the previous poster (who she quoted) was talking about America not twopeas. She's unreal. She was so busy banging her head on the keyboard with her rage that she's somewhat incoherent. It's a good thing *that* is looked over.

I don't think she realizes that there *are* responsible gun owners out there and they don't want kids dying either. She's just bang bang bang on her keyboard trying to get a point across to a very small population. Twopeas is smaller than they want it to be. It's really not that big of an audience for PSA's.

She's an embarrassment to America not just her party.

Anonymous said...

Krusty Carebridge? Is that supposed to be witty or something? Like Moonbat?


I know, right? I have to believe Krusty Moonbat Poster is really a Dem trying to make Repubs look like idiots.

And succeeding.

Anonymous said...

She named her "olive"? Oh my.

You know, to tell the truth, I really don't mind seeing a resurgence of older, even a little old- fashioned names. It's really nice and appropriate, especially if the name is a "family" name.

But Olive? Ugh. My mother- in-law, was born in 1920. I knew her as Elizabeth. Everyone called her that. It was YEARS before I learned she was really "Olive"! Her own family hated the name so much they never, ever called her Olive. Even her own mother never called her Olive.

In this day in age, it's a pretty ugly choice for a little girl's name. I feel sorry for her. Magz is not the brightest bulb in the pack, is she.

Anonymous said...

Magz is not the brightest bulb in the pack, is she.
May 9, 2013 at 3:44 PM

That's putting it mildly ;)

Anonymous said...

Meh, I don't mind Olive. There's plenty worse names out there.

Anonymous said...

You Americans sure are a fucked-up bunch of loons.

Anonymous said...

Way to overgeneralize, 185. I'm not going to argue that we've got a lot of messed up losers here, but I'm sure your great country isn't exactly immune to fucktards, either.

Anonymous said...

I didn't originate Krusty Carebridge. But I fucking love it. I haven't forgotten that stupid cunt posting on the Caringbridge site about 2peas. And then fucking outing herself here by saying she deleted it and then realizing she couldn't. She's as stupid as she fucking looks.

Anonymous said...

Holy fucking shit. She's posting hysterical rantings from liberal blogs now. Is she that fucking stupid? She's becoming lyloon of liberals.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

188 Anonymous said... 188

Holy fucking shit. She's posting hysterical rantings from liberal blogs now. Is she that fucking stupid? She's becoming lyloon of liberals.
May 9, 2013 at 4:47 PM



Anonymous said...

whoa..187...chill out...krusty was not the only pea that posted on that Caringbridge site and I don't remember her outing herself here, but your obsession about it is a bit over the top.

Anonymous said...

say what you want about DesertPea (or Lowrent who whoever she/he is) but this smack to Batshit is golden!

"So please take your bullshit comparisons of unalienable rights to drug usage and break your own addiction to stupid."

Anonymous said...

Wow krustybar is a freak! It's her way or the freeway. wtf? As IF anyone cares that she was on two peas on her lunch break banging away on her keyboard claiming it's over her allotted time for politics. She really thinks that the world cares what she's doing, thinking and spewing. Amazing! She says it's her entertainment, she's quite entertaining as a freak.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit 191 - assuming you're not lying krusty caring bridge. She fucking outed herself, and she was too stupid to realize she couldn't delete the post on caringbridge.

They knew there were no WMD, lied to American people about it, and went to war anyway because Cheney and his Halliburton buddies stood to make a metric fuckton of money off the blood of American servicepeople and their families. They ARE guilty of thousands of murders.
March 20, 2013 at 1:01 PM

March 20, 2013 at 1:27 PM
23 Anonymous said... 23

Hey Kristina why don't you shut the fuck up about Cheney long enough to go delete the 2peas info you posted on justusscrapper's caring bridge site - dumbass.

March 20, 2013 at 1:30 PM
24 Anonymous said... 24

WTF? I have to stay away from the bukket because I am thisclose to telling all those self-absorbed twats off.

Same here. I know the peas are generally fools, but you'd think this was one time they could stop the selfishness.

I notice that bitch Elaine Lang (Lanus) posted on Barb's CB site, too.
March 20, 2013 at 1:31 PM
25 Anonymous said... 25

Hey Kristina why don't you shut the fuck up about Cheney long enough to go delete the 2peas info you posted on justusscrapper's caring bridge site - dumbass.

Hey asswipe! Why don't you pull your empty head out of your ass? Cheney WAS responsible for starting an illegal war. History doesn't lie. What a fucking dumb ass you are!
March 20, 2013 at 1:33 PM
26 Anonymous said... 26

I don't give a flying fuck about Cheney - as I said go delete the 2peas bullshit off of the real life person who just fucking died! It's not all about you and your fucking opinions all the time kristina
March 20, 2013 at 1:35 PM
27 Anonymous said... 27

I'm so sad to hear aabout justusscrapper. :( Wishing her family healing love & light.
March 20, 2013 at 1:39 PM
28 Anonymous said... 28

She did delete it. Can you shut your giant piehole now, fucktard?
March 20, 2013 at 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...

194..your rantings are as bad as what you accuse krusty of doing....I'm not seeing what you are trying to prove, but just seem to be coming off sounding a bit unhinged also and no, I'm not krusty.

Anonymous said...

195 seems pissed but not unhinged. Nice try though, kinda...

Anonymous said...


BHOKB=Bangs Head On Keyboard

Anonymous said...

Yikes. The cray-cray is in full force here.

Anonymous said...

you just seem to be coming off sounding a bit unhinged also and no, I'm not krusty.



Anonymous said...

193 Anonymous said... 193

Wow krustybar is a freak! It's her way or the freeway. wtf? As IF anyone cares that she was on two peas on her lunch break banging away on her keyboard claiming it's over her allotted time for politics. She really thinks that the world cares what she's doing, thinking and spewing. Amazing! She says it's her entertainment, she's quite entertaining as a freak.
May 9, 2013 at 5:33 PM


196 Anonymous said... 196

195 seems pissed but not unhinged. Nice try though, kinda...
May 9, 2013 at 6:00 PM


Anonymous said...

What's the over/under for when Mrs T's marriage collapses, due to MN gays gettin' married???

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