Sunday, November 6, 2011



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1 Anonymous said... 1

First bitches

2 Anonymous said... 2

2nd!! wooooot

As for the Majikal Beouf, it is nothing but a crockpot cheap ass roast with some packaged crap sprinkled over it. The damn Peas acted like it was the second coming.

Us blog bitches just like saying "All Hail the Majikal Beouf"

3 Anonymous said... 3

I wouldn't care if the peas didn't act like it was the greatest thing since sliced cheese. It's the constant asskissing of BurningBeef that gets me.

Plus, as I said before, I tried it. It sucked.

4 Anonymous said... 4

I'm sorry, but the blue couch from the blog looks like it belongs in a funeral home. Yuck!

5 Anonymous said... 5

The beef tastes like any boiled beef would. Yuck! And that couch is butt ugly

6 Anonymous said... 6

I feel great so far luckily,

that's cause you're like 10 minutes pregnant

7 Anonymous said... 7

and how is she 5 weeks pregnant if the eggs were retrieved and implanted less than a month ago?

I am only 5 weeks, haha.

Posted: 10/18/2011 8:49:42 AM
Just got home from my embryo transfer.

8 Anonymous said... 8

This op keeps changing her story and adding more details...seems very fishy to me...troll?

9 Anonymous said... 9

Never have I once received a pea xmas card from anyone in Australia, NZ, Canada, Italy or UK.

10 Anonymous said... 10

They count pregnancy "weeks" from the first day of your last menstrual period.

So if you get a positive pregnancy test on the day your period is due, you can say you're "4 weeks pregnant" when, really conception only occurred about 2 weeks before. It's dumb, but it's what they do.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Anonymous said... 200 yeah right 199 you must be the fuckbucket loon.`

November 6, 2011 4:57 PM

Nice try fuckbucketbrain, it's too obvious you are the one talking to yourself.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Are you fucking kidding me Steffie? She's off her meds again..

13 Anonymous said... 13

Anonymous said... 8

This op keeps changing her story and adding more details...seems very fishy to me...troll?

November 6, 2011 7:51 PM

I don't see that anything changed, just worded differently. Comprehensionfish is your friend.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Anonymous said... 7 and how is she 5 weeks pregnant if the eggs were retrieved and implanted less than a month ago?

I am only 5 weeks, haha.

Posted: 10/18/2011 8:49:42 AM
Just got home from my embryo transfer.

November 6, 2011 7:41 PM

LOL Nice catch!

15 Anonymous said... 15

10/18 to 11/6 is 19 days plus the 2 weeks that is added from the LMP = just about 5 weeks

16 Anonymous said... 16

what is lmp, don't know your lingo

17 Anonymous said... 17

lmp = last menstrual period

Conception is two weeks after lmp but pregnancy weeks are counted from lmp so a woman with eggs implanted three weeks ago is five weeks pregnant.

18 Anonymous said... 18

oH jeesus. this place is getting as bad as the fucking bukkit for reading comprehension. Bitches, if you can't be bothered following along fuck off back over there.

19 Anonymous said... 19

Anonymous said... 18 oH jeesus. this place is getting as bad as the fucking bukkit for reading comprehension. Bitches, if you can't be bothered following along fuck off back over there.

November 6, 2011 10:16 PM

Look, you hostile bitch, the only one with the problem is *YOU*. Get over yourself promptly.

20 Anonymous said... 20

Never have I once received a pea xmas card from anyone in Australia, NZ, Canada, Italy or UK.
...and just how many cards did you send to those countries?

21 Anonymous said... 21

fatties unite

22 Anonymous said... 22

Anonymous said... 21

fatties unite

November 7, 2011 12:17 AM

LOL I started reading it and thought Pennyring got a haircut!

23 Anonymous said... 23

There is so much more to this story.

DH was embarrassed to say he hadn't brought his wallet and told the hosts that I was making dinner at home and that they would wait.

I'm guessing he left the wallet at home because he's a cheap ass who knew there was a possibility he was going to have to pony up some cash.
None of the other guests were caught by surprise at the dinner ordering.

24 Anonymous said... 24

None of the other guests were caught by surprise at the dinner ordering.


How would you fucking know this? Were you there? /eyeroll

25 Anonymous said... 25

OP does say that everyone else ate, just her DH and DD sat there with their thumbs up their asses. I can't imagine my DH consistently not carrying his wallet or money; it's ridiculous. The men in my life have always carried several hundred dollars plus on them at all times.

I feel for them and get it that they're in a financial shithole right now; that really sucks. I still can't imagine a man not having some means to get himself out of a bind.

26 Anonymous said... 26

But he doesn't carry a wallet due to do "sensory issues" I find it hard to believe an adult routinely walks around with no id or way to buy anything. If a think wallet bugs him so much just put your id and a debit card in your pocket.

27 Anonymous said... 27

dammit think = thick

28 Anonymous said... 28

How would you fucking know this? Were you there? /eyeroll

They were the only 2 not eating.

29 Anonymous said... 29

You are all RIGHT about AnnaBanana! She is the stupidest CU Next Tuesday to ever take up space on the planet. I posted the thread - there are a lot of us horsey peas in the pod - and I have never seen AB on them, but here she is, turning it immediately to herself and spewing some sort of gibberish that basically says, "Hey - I don't know the front from the back!"
Thanks - don't be too mean to me!;_)

30 Anonymous said... 30

The questions about how to count a pregnancy make me wonder if there are only men posting here. Any woman would know that.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Not necessarily, 30. I don't have kids, but I read a lot--that's how I knew. Someone who doesn't have much medical info might not know. So cut some slack.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Is the bucket broken??

33 Anonymous said... 33

Has luvcookies always been so dumb, or is it a recent development?

34 Anonymous said... 34

I have three kids, and I really didn't know they counted from LMP. I know at my first appointment they always asked when it was, but I never looked at the dates and actually counted the weeks. My OB usually saw patients for the first time at 8 or 10 weeks, so when I called to say I was pregnant and needed an appointment, the nurse just set it up. I had healthy pregnancys, and didn't use them as an excuse to be lazy (like so many peas do).

35 Anonymous said... 35

either way, posting things about what maternity stuff you need when you've been pregnant a whopping 3 weeks (or "5 weeks" pregnant) is silly.

posting that you're pregnant 2 minutes after you peed on a stick, IVF or not, is just a really bad idea.

Unless you happen to be a huge attention whore.

36 Anonymous said... 36

either way, posting things about what maternity stuff you need when you've been pregnant a whopping 3 weeks (or "5 weeks" pregnant) is silly.

posting that you're pregnant 2 minutes after you peed on a stick, IVF or not, is just a really bad idea.

Unless you happen to be a huge attention whore.


Eh, I just don't give a shit. If someone wants to post that they are pregnant, that is their choice, not mine.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Agreed 100% #35. I'm curious to know if she is this vocal about her pregnancy IRL.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Well she has wanted to be pregnant forever and it's been hard for her to get there so I guess that's why she's all "look at me I'm with child" just glad I don't know her irl and have to deal with it in person.

39 Anonymous said... 39

More specifically, 35, it's a bad idea to let people like Lauren know as soon as you get pregnant. I think Lauren stores up information to hurt people, and a miscarriage certainly qualifies as something she might use.

40 Anonymous said... 40

More specifically, 35, it's a bad idea to let people like Lauren know as soon as you get pregnant. I think Lauren stores up information to hurt people, and a miscarriage certainly qualifies as something she might use.

I agree about that because there are some very nasty people and the thought of it just makes me cringe.

Add to that the fact that the poster we're talking about hasn't spread love and sunshine around so freely herself, it could get ugly.

41 Anonymous said... 41

I wish janedoe a healthy pregnancy, but i would have waited a bit before posting it.

a bit=a couple of weeks to make sure that i was good and pregnant

42 Anonymous said... 42

What are you talking about Rosie? Miss your medication this morning? That's a lot of ugly over your misunderstanding.

43 Anonymous said... 43

just a quick check on gulfcoastgirl. zoloft taking, only been on 2 other horse threads in 6 months, first post on blog is ME. you're as bad as annafuckfanna.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Anonymous said... 30 The questions about how to count a pregnancy make me wonder if there are only men posting here. Any woman would know that.

November 7, 2011 6:48 AM

The poster that asked about how she could be 5 weeks was a good question. If you don't know about *IVF* then you don't *KNOW* that they go back to lmp since they *KNOW* when she was impregnated.

People who don't go through *IVF* don't know the *DAY* they were impregnated so going back to lmp makes sense then.


45 Anonymous said... 45

fuck off with the ****'s everywhere, damn if I want to read something by kikinicole I'll find her on the bucket.

46 *GET* *OVER* *YOURSELF* *BITCH* said... 46

Anonymous said... 45 fuck off with the ****'s everywhere, damn if I want to read something by kikinicole I'll find her on the bucket.

November 7, 2011 8:37 AM

*F*U*C*K* *Y*O*U*, *SORRY* *IF* *A* *NERVE* *WAS* *HIT*, *BITCH*!!**!!*!*!!one!11!!1

47 Anonymous said... 47

Seems more like someone hit your nerve 46.

48 Anonymous said... 48

47 doesn't know what humor is when it *HITS* her in the face. LMAO!!!

49 Anonymous said... 49

#46 maybe you should step away from the computer for a day or so.

50 Anonymous said... 50

I guess if you're a 10 year old that would be top shelf humor but honestly 46 I'm not seeing the funny regardless of where it's hitting me. It seems more like you were annoyed that some one dislikes ***'s.

51 Anonymous said... 51

Has Pineapple checked in yet with the latest Herman Cain talking points concerning the new accuser? When Jonduh wakes up (sometime around noon in his mother's basement) he'll have brilliant legal insights to share.

He needs to load up first on Froot Loops and YooHoo.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Love the responses on this one. "This is not an organized religion problem."


53 Anonymous said... 53

Anonymous said... 49 #46 maybe you should step away from the computer for a day or so.

November 7, 2011 9:19 AM
Anonymous said... 50 I guess if you're a 10 year old that would be top shelf humor but honestly 46 I'm not seeing the funny regardless of where it's hitting me. It seems more like you were annoyed that some one dislikes ***'s.

November 7, 2011 9:24 AM

Take your own advice and step away (and stop talking to yourself FFS). You're losing it if you think someone gives a rats ass what you think on this blog.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Anonymous said... 50 I guess if you're a 10 year old that would be top shelf humor but honestly 46 I'm not seeing the funny regardless of where it's hitting me. It seems more like you were annoyed that some one dislikes ***'s.

November 7, 2011 9:24 AM

Dear Influx,
Please go back to the place you came. You can't handle it here.

Now, please, show your true colors, get all upset and start frothing and pretending to take the high road (which for you does not exist).

55 Anonymous said... 55

Sorry but they're right, it's not an organized religion problem. Abusers are everywhere, scouts, boys and girls clubs, sports programs, schools. Anywhere there are kids there will be abusers. If religion was done away with it would not eliminate abusers.

56 Anonymous said... 56

46 was the only one "frothing" 54.

57 Anonymous said... 57

Nice try #53, but those two posts are NOT from the same person. Are you trying to be the Yvonne of the blog? The blog prom queen? Too bad you can't have that as your siggy.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Anonymous said... 56 46 was the only one "frothing" 54.

November 7, 2011 10:43 AM

It only took you 1 minute to try to defend yourself this time. You are slacking. Try to keep up dearest.

59 Anonymous said... 59

Anonymous said... 57 Nice try #53, but those two posts are NOT from the same person. Are you trying to be the Yvonne of the blog? The blog prom queen? Too bad you can't have that as your siggy.

November 7, 2011 10:47 AM

FFS, STFU people! It's obvious when people are the same (as in YOU 57). Bitch about Ps or give it up.

60 Anonymous said... 60

WTF? The demands from the peas keep getting dumber and dumber. Want to know about Toys R Us? Fucking pick up the phone and call the damn store...or you could just google it.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Take your own damn advise #59. And, no, I am not any one of the other posters today.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Music teacher here -- it is a staple song. It comes in many variations as noted by the London's burning comment. It is usually taught to younger kids in straight form (as a normal song) and parts are taken in higher grades as prep for part singing.

I can see some not knowing it if there is a weak or non existent music program. It is also not a song covered for many days so if one was absent on that day it is quite possible to have missed it.


Or maybe they were too busy teaching us to play a violin in our "weak" music program to teach some silly little ditty (of which there are probably thousands).

63 Anonymous said... 63

61-the FUCKING WORD IS ADVICE YOU MORAN. You can ADVISE someone but you give someone ADVICE. Jesus fucking Christ on a Cracker. I am so tired of you dumbasses that can't get that right.

You know who does that all the time? Fucking Lauren...cuntnozzle. I bet you are her, aren't you? Take your yeasty shit face back to the bukkit.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Is candygurl always this crazy???

65 Anonymous said... 65

I'm sick and tired of the dumbasses that police the blog over NOTHING! For fucks sake, get over yourself.

66 Anonymous said... 66

I will laugh my ass off if her daughter is lying. She admitted that they are "working" on that.

67 Anonymous said... 67

I will laugh my ass off if her daughter is lying. She admitted that they are "working" on that.

Think she'll come back to the thread and fess up if that's the case?

68 Anonymous said... 68

Of course she won't come back and confess. My only question is, did the kid make up the story for attention from mom, or did the mom make up the story for attention from peas?

69 Anonymous said... 69

I can see some not knowing it if there is a weak or non existent music program. It is also not a song covered for many days so if one was absent on that day it is quite possible to have missed it.

That was the stupidest thing I read today.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Yep, 67, looks like the DD was doing a pre-emptive strike to deflect attention from her own behavior. Mommy's little angel ain't so sweet.

Of course, the teacher will be called a liar.

71 Anonymous said... 71

Looks like y'all are wrong #68 and 70. The child is going to be punished...and the teacher was believed!

72 Anonymous said... 72

Anonymous said... 55 Sorry but they're right, it's not an organized religion problem. Abusers are everywhere, scouts, boys and girls clubs, sports programs, schools. Anywhere there are kids there will be abusers. If religion was done away with it would not eliminate abusers.

November 7, 2011 10:42 AM

K, it also a problem of organized scouts, organized kids club, organized sports, and organized shcools. It's the "organization" that hides and sometimes protects these pervs. The fucking organized church hid abuse for centuries.

73 Anonymous said... 73

I can't believe she asked if she should believe the teacher. Uh, hello!

74 Anonymous said... 74

With the way teachers are crucified at the bukkit, I'm not at all surprised that she asked.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Isn't *kikinichole* a daycare provider??? How in the fuck can she be peaing all day? Where are the kids she is entrusted to care for???

76 Anonymous said... 76

Re: The pea husband who forgot his wallet. so he and child didn't eat.

Some peas always have to bitch about something. If husband and child had eaten, then the pea would be bitching about that...."hubby and child went out to eat and I didn't get to go. Not fair, whine, complain, pout, etc..."
There would thread, a poll, and a huge discusson about "is eating out unexpectedly/spontaneously, if one family member isn't present, fair/acceptable or not?"

77 pot *AND* kettle said... said... 77

Anonymous said... 65 I'm sick and tired of the dumbasses that police the blog over NOTHING! For fucks sake, get over yourself.

November 7, 2011 11:26 AM

78 Anonymous said... 78

Re: The pea husband who forgot his wallet. so he and child didn't eat.

Some peas always have to bitch about something. If husband and child had eaten, then the pea would be bitching about that...."hubby and child went out to eat and I didn't get to go. Not fair, whine, complain, pout, etc..."
There would thread, a poll, and a huge discusson about "is eating out unexpectedly/spontaneously, if one family member isn't present, fair/acceptable or not?"
No, because (let me put this in simple words for some of you) the issue was never that the husband didn't have his wallet. The issue was that the rude, thoughtless hosts decided to order dinner for themselves only in the middle of a party they were hosting.

It wouldn't matter if the DH had whipped out his wallet and paid for his dinner. The hosts were still rude, even if everyone else ended up buying themselves dinner.

Why is that so very difficult to understand? (Unless maybe you really don't see a problem with inviting people to a party and then telling them to buy themselves some food or just watch you eat yours.)

Even the vast majorities of peas could figure that one out.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Peas like scrappinrandy piss me off. What is the point of posting if you are not even going to read the updates and other comments? What a fucked up answer to give.

80 Anonymous said... 80

Yes, Brandy, we get that you went to zumba today. Congratulations for finally jumping on the bandwagon 2 years later. This is the 3rd thread about her going to zumba today...attention whore much????

81 Anonymous said... 81

Who told AnaBanana she was a beautiful American?

82 Anonymous said... 82

Uh, 180, I think you are getting the Brandi/e/ys confused. Brandi M is the one who can't function without help. Brandy327 is the one with thinning hair who is nice. They've both posted about Zumba today.

83 Anonymous said... 83

^^^Oops, should be 80, not 180.

84 Anonymous said... 84

I stand corrected. I guess Brandy M only posted twice about zumba today. She still annoys that crap out of me.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Yeah, she's a moran. It seems like her threads are always about stupid shit that any doofus could figure out. Except for her.

86 Anonymous said... 86

as someone who homeschool's my children and maintains perfectly healthy & happy children - it would be a sad day that we have to be routinely 'inspected' for something like that. What a sad message to my children that their safety is in jeapordy
Ack. Another homeschooling mom who can't spell or use proper punctuation. Fuck me running.

87 Anonymous said... 87

I cringed several times when I read that thread #86. It was pathetic.

88 Anonymous said... 88

I hope he remembers his wallet.

89 Anonymous said... 89

90 Anonymous said... 90

November 7, 2011 5:05 PM

No shit!

91 Anonymous said... 91


92 Anonymous said... 92

No, because (let me put this in simple words for some of you) the issue was never that the husband didn't have his wallet. The issue was that the rude, thoughtless hosts decided to order dinner for themselves only in the middle of a party they were hosting.

It wouldn't matter if the DH had whipped out his wallet and paid for his dinner. The hosts were still rude, even if everyone else ended up buying themselves dinner.

Why is that so very difficult to understand? (Unless maybe you really don't see a problem with inviting people to a party and then telling them to buy themselves some food or just watch you eat yours.)

Even the vast majorities of peas could figure that one out.


there are 2 issues here.

1. the hosts were rude. undeniable.
In fact, so far beyond the pale that it makes me wonder that they didn't tell anybody that they would be having dinner and that people would be paying for their own.
Unbelievably rude, actually.

2. That a man would let his CHILD sit there and watch her friends eat because he can't stand the feeling of 2 twenties rubbing together in his pants pocket, or say "hey, I forgot my wallet, can you front me a 20" to buy the kid some damn cheese sticks.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Okay, I accept that the dad is an idiot. But I still say the real issue is the tackytackytacky hosts.

94 Anonymous said... 94

2. That a man would let his CHILD sit there and watch her friends eat because he can't stand the feeling of 2 twenties rubbing together in his pants pocket, or say "hey, I forgot my wallet, can you front me a 20" to buy the kid some damn cheese sticks.

It wouldn't kill her to wait an hour to eat. If she was famished they could have gone home.

95 Anonymous said... 95
wet your pants, move, can't sleep after seeing a picture? It embarrasses me to be a woman when the Peas carry on about things like this.

96 Anonymous said... 96
Oh, Ashley Nickhole...spawn of BurningVag, you certainly have come a long way from spending nights at the USO dressing up like a World War II WAC with the last living virgin, MapChic.

Now you are gonna live in granny's basement instead of shacking up with your premature balding, sexually ambiguous, knowing his biological clock is ticking to find an actual woman, lover.

I remember when you were fat (or fatter since you now have MediFast) 19 and your BurningVag momma was posted of pics of you and your then fiance. Let us all bow our heads and hope you have finally landed one-hook, line and sinker and you finally SHUT THE FUCK UP about your lame ass life.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Pennyring: "Conversely, there's also the school of thought that says sometimes it's good to feel a little shamed for taking charity. I consider it encouragement not to EVER need it again. You get too comfortable, a little entitled, you get too much good stuff for free, it's pretty much encouragement not to change your situation."

Shorter: St Ronnie's lazy Cadillac-driving black welfare queens. Compassionate conservatives, also, too.

98 Anonymous said... 98

"Conversely, there's also the school of thought that says sometimes it's good to feel a little shamed for taking charity"


Oh yah, this is a very well known and widely respected "school of thought" dat. From the highly regarded "Pennyring Midwestern School of Whacko Economics & Perlittical Filosofee". Just 2 doors down from the pig farm.

99 Anonymous said... 99

The mofo's have shipped all the damn jobs offshore and then lay a fucking guilt trip on the out of work folks trying to put food in their kids bellies? Really? :(

100 Anonymous said... 100

Remember, if you have an refrigerator or a microwave or a shitty 10 year old xbox (that was a gift) in the house .....YOU CAN"T POSSIBLY BE POOR.


Hope you like a well-aged peanut butter.

God bless America:

101 Anonymous said... 101

Midwestern School of Whacko Economics & Perlittical Filosofee


I believe you're referring to the Chicago School of Economics.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Using her granny's place to fuck! Lovely. Ash sounds pathetically immature and desperate. She probably wants to keep a closer eye on her cheating blue man.

103 Anonymous said... 103

Who wants to bet AN schedules her sex sessions with her fiance?

That whole situation seems so prepared and unromantic. Don't propose within two months? You're out.

But the peas fall over themselves telling her how great she is, yack.

104 Anonymous said... 104

Why do the peas fawn over kaylaaimee?

I'm happy Scarlette is doing well but if wanted to read about every shit she takes, I would go to her blog.

105 Anonymous said... 105

AN is such a loser - why would she even post that that shit? She must know is isn't well liked at the bukkit.
So she won't live with him, but she's happy to fuck him in granny's basement?

That sounds like a future episode of "Grimm"

106 Anonymous said... 106

Someone needs to clue in Simpleton Crafter that 2 weeks of pain is not considered 'chronic'

107 Anonymous said... 107

what happened with the fiance?

108 Anonymous said... 108

He's dating AN

109 Anonymous said... 109

Make sure he takes his wallet!

110 Anonymous said... 110

Wearing granny's old and ripped and yellowed wedding dress, AN will lure him into the basement with the promise of show tunes and pink cupcakes...and he will never be seen again.

111 Anonymous said... 111

"AN will lure him into the basement with the promise of show tunes and Financial Peace University videos...and he will never be seen again."


112 Anonymous said... 112

Not believing No woman would look at her and be remotely jealous.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Not believing No woman would look at her and be remotely jealous.
I don't believe anyone said his memory was a good one. There are smells I avoid because of very negative memories.

114 Anonymous said... 114

I think hergie is a big fat lying bullshitter, she's came up with these things before remember the tacky birthday party story:

and this one about her son being bullied on a scout trip she says a few posts down no parents were invited to go on the field trip:

115 Anonymous said... 115

Not proud to admit this but pennyring is from the Pacific Northwest, and for her to be so conservative is weird, we tend to be a bunch of left leaning liberals around here.

116 Anonymous said... 116

So Starting Overs cheating dh now decides he wants to stay with her? Yeah right, I guess some bored ass pea made a troll account and decided to try her hand at making shit up. Lame is all I can say.

117 Anonymous said... 117

opps should have finished reading starting overs thread, towards the end she's back to divorcing him again.

118 Anonymous said... 118

*sits next to the left leaning liberal from the PNW in 115*

But we got plenty of teh stoopids, especially up in Sno/Skgt Counties, and up in that neck o' the woods, conservative dogma rules where the reservations end and King and Whatcom abut.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Really SharlaG? Who gives a fuck about you or your lack of croutons?

120 Anonymous said... 120

There's one woman at my church who always takes her kids with her to the grocery store to go shopping specifically for our food drive. The kids have instructions to choose only things that they like to eat. Her caveat is that it has to be healthy things, but the kids are also allowed to choose a desserty thing, one each. So the kids pick out peanut butter, and pasta, and spaghetti sauce, chili, soup, cereal, things that they love. I think this teaches a nice lesson to the kids. And our food drive benefits by getting brand new stuff, not someone's "clean out the cupboard" things.

This is pretty much our approach. We let the kids look through the sales flyers and coupons and get the most bang for their buck. We also typically call ahead to the food bank we support to ask what their biggest needs are and try to meet those as well. Last time they asked for feminine products, toothbrushes and paste, and toilet paper. Jelly and peanut butter are always on their list too!

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back there.

121 Anonymous said... 121

120, I think that is a great idea! You mad because you didn't think of it first?

122 Anonymous said... 122

Anonymous said... 121 120, I think that is a great idea! You mad because you didn't think of it first?

November 8, 2011 10:16 AM

Looks like LilMissArgumentative is back for the day.

123 Anonymous said... 123

Who gives a fuck about anything SharLag has ever said?

124 Anonymous said... 124

Looks like LilMissArgumentative is back for the day.

Yes, we see you have made it here.

125 Anonymous said... 125

120, I think that is a great idea! You mad because you didn't think of it first?

No I have a job, therefore no time for extra trips to the grocery store.

I gave cash. I figured they could buy whatever they needed and not have to sort it.

126 Anonymous said... 126

Please baby Jeebus let the sputum thread fall from the front page. Amen.

127 Anonymous said... 127

I don't want to piss anyone off, but what thread had the pennyring comment on it?

128 Anonymous said... 128

The expired donated food at the food bank thread.


Give the lazy, shiftess poors watery gruel and expired tuna , of course.


129 Anonymous said... 129

I gave cash. I figured they could buy whatever they needed and not have to sort it.


Even better idea.

130 Anonymous said... 130

Anonymous said... 124 Looks like LilMissArgumentative is back for the day.

Yes, we see you have made it here.

November 8, 2011 10:42 AM

That wasn't expected, at all! @@

131 Anonymous said... 131

My daughter had her dress hanging in the kitchen while we were cooking pork in a roaster. we cannot get the smell out of the dress, no matter what we do..



132 Anonymous said... 132

120, I think that is a great idea! You mad because you didn't think of it first?

No I have a job, therefore no time for extra trips to the grocery store.

I gave cash. I figured they could buy whatever they needed and not have to sort it.


Pot, meet kettle.

As a side note, I had more time to grocery shop when I was a full time working mom than now as a stay at home mom.

133 Anonymous said... 133

go now 132 and get the fuck off the blog LOL

134 Anonymous said... 134

Nope, two babies napping. One hour of cleaning time, then about an hour of 'me' time.

135 Anonymous said... 135

CindyUpYours has complained about the lack of attention her husband gives her ad nauseam in the past now she likes the alone time. All pea husbands would rather jack off to gay porn or play WoW then deal with those petty nit picking bee yothces!

136 Anonymous said... 136

How soon until we start seeing her in pic wearing muppet stuff???

137 Anonymous said... 137

120, I think that is a great idea! You mad because you didn't think of it first?

No I have a job, therefore no time for extra trips to the grocery store.

I gave cash. I figured they could buy whatever they needed and not have to sort it.


Pot, meet kettle.

I was taught better than to talk about how saintly and giving I am unless it's anonymously.

Since you have no idea as to who I am, I hardly think it's the same thing.

Sorry you've got butthurt because someone pointed out how holier than thou a message board post was.

138 Anonymous said... 138

I was taught better than to talk about how saintly and giving I am unless it's anonymously.

Since you have no idea as to who I am, I hardly think it's the same thing.

Sorry you've got butthurt because someone pointed out how holier than thou a message board post was.


Holier than thou would be the poster going on about how wonderful her kids are and how much they LOVE doing it and they talk about it all the time. Or say that they are SO MUCH BETTER because this is how that do it, or that everyone needs to do it their way. Saying this is how we do x is not really holier than thou at all.

139 Anonymous said... 139

Obviously 132 does not understand the phrase.

140 Anonymous said... 140

Really 139?? The poster just stated how she donated to the food bank. The blog person made fun of that, then stated how SHE donates to the food bank. How is that not pot meet kettle??? The poster on the bukkit did not brag or say she was better than anyone, she just posted what she does. The blog poster posted what she does, ie give money. Wow you people are dense.

141 Anonymous said... 141

Saying this is how we do x is not really holier than thou at all.

Standing alone, it wouldn't be.
Except for the fact that it was in response to a thread and a post where people were kvetching about others who had donated expired cans or less than desired food.

142 Anonymous said... 142

And you call the peas pearl clutchers?!?!!? This is too funny. Thanks for the laughs today! (ps - reading comprehension is your friend. The thread started that way, then went off topic as people said 'I didn't know people raided their own pantry to give to the food bank,' and others chimed in on how they got food for the food bank)

143 Anonymous said... 143

Really 140?

144 Anonymous said... 144

Sorry that was over your head #143. I'll remember to dumb it down next time.

145 Anonymous said... 145

127 she said it on the food pantry donation thread.

146 Anonymous said... 146

I guess kelpea doesn't realize "limey" is an insult to British people.

147 Anonymous said... 147

My daughter had her dress hanging in the kitchen while we were cooking pork in a roaster. we cannot get the smell out of the dress, no matter what we do..


gonna be more than one kind of pork in the roaster with the dress

148 Anonymous said... 148

So what does 'limey' mean to British people?

149 Anonymous said... 149

144, you don't need to dumb it down, you are already dumb enough.

150 Anonymous said... 150

I'm sorry that simple logic is too advanced for you #149.

151 Anonymous said... 151

152 Anonymous said... 152

#148, a slang term for a brit that has negative connotations :)

153 Anonymous said... 153

Gotcha #152. I guess I was thinking it was more specific than that...

154 Anonymous said... 154

It's like calling a white person a cracker, it's a insult but not really.

155 Anonymous said... 155

Not believing No woman would look at her and be remotely jealous.



Her story is so ridiculous. And cucumber melon? REALLY?

156 Anonymous said... 156

Normally I love a good political discussion, but every time I try to read a political thread on the bukkit, my eyes gloss over and my head explodes. I can't even imagine someone with no/limited knowledge of the issues forming an opinion from the crap that is spewed there. FTR, I am talking about all sides and all parties.

157 Anonymous said... 157

It's 2011 get a damn phone with caller id and call waiting. Cut the cord. Geeze even my grandma has caller ID. And to Maizie who thinks a phone with caller ID is a "fancy phone", damn girl do you think an iphone is Magic then?

158 Anonymous said... 158
My heart hurts for this child. I wish kelpea would quit oversharing.

159 Anonymous said... 159

I was thinking the same thing #158. Also, her son is admitted and what is she doing...peaing.

160 Anonymous said... 160

"What a fabulous story!!!!

I recently married my high school sweetheart after a 28+ year absence from each others' lives. When we reconnected, one of the first things he asked me was if I ever still wore Love's Baby Soft as he had associated that scent with my memory all his life. Guess what I immediately went and hunted down a bottle of?"

Spongemom leaves out the part about divorcing her husband and tearing apart her family for her old boyfriend.

161 Anonymous said... 161

And my British company in USA always called themselves Limeys. Sorry if I offended!
WTH is Kelpea talking about? What British company? I thougth she was a teacher?

162 Anonymous said... 162

kelpea really needs to stfu about her son. Doesn't she have any real life friends or family to talk to?

163 Anonymous said... 163

I think she means people visiting for England, as in she had company over for dinner. Either way she should know better than to use limey.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Her "little guy" is back in the looney bin. I picture the kid as a teenaged version of Damien from the Omen. Why does she keep posting this shit? Attention Whore.

165 Anonymous said... 165

I just noticed that the thread had 100+ views, but only 5 responses. Guess the peas are over it too...

166 Anonymous said... 166

Kelpea is worried about fucking limeys and her kid is in the bin again. She is total fucknut.

167 Anonymous said... 167

121 views and 5 comments, does this mean kelpea has slipped a tier?

168 Anonymous said... 168

Wingnuts story on the cucumber melon thread is absolutely crazy. This part:

""To my utter shock and disbelief, the now very married woman to a guy I dated in high school caused a HUGE fight with her SIL (the one getting married) AND her MIL (mother of the bride). It delayed the reception by more than an hour. All because I was at this wedding.""

I don't believe. Why would the bride and the mother of the bride just stand and listed to some lunatic and delay a wedding? Makes no sense at all that 3 people would be that crazy as to let it drag on that long...

169 Anonymous said... 169

This will be a very entertaining thread to read!

170 Anonymous said... 170

That cucumber melon story is such bullshit. I wouldn't give a shit if the bitch wore Chanel No. 5, no woman would act that fucking stupid upon meeting a girlfriend from their DH's past.

Another fucking attention whore.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Lot's of Hergie's stories are bullshit. I think she takes a small grain of truth from her day and blows it out of proportion. She probably did meet an ex's wife but there was no sniffing.

172 Anonymous said... 172

omg yeah your kids soooo gifted he's going to be bored by academics at age 4.

173 Anonymous said... 173

I think it is a tragedy that a 4 year old has to be worried about being 'bored' by 'academics'.

174 Anonymous said... 174

captain k has a soft spot for pigs and dolphins! Who knew?

175 Anonymous said... 175

hergie is completely full of shit.

none of her stories are ever even remotely plausible.

she's a serious attention seeker.

176 Anonymous said... 176

We needs Bootze back. There are several threads that need a good smackdown on dumb peas. Bootze...where are you??? Time to make a new ID and work your magic!

177 Anonymous said... 177

wow...there is a poster on that thread, pigsathome, that has been here 8 years and only has 4 posts. That is just crazy!

178 Anonymous said... 178

omg yeah your kids soooo gifted he's going to be bored by academics at age 4.
I don't think some Peas understand the difference between boredom and being developmentally unready for a topic and therefore showing no interest.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Where is Yubon? If you ditched your blog bitches and are spread eagle getting your ass licked I'm disappointed in you

180 Anonymous said... 180

Here is a GREAT quote from the gifted kid thread:

"But next year when the other kids are just learning their letters and numbers, she is concerned. He's already reading and writing now, plus doing quite a lot of math... she is worried about keeping him engaged while the other kids are learning what he will have known for 2+ years at that point."

Her kid is currently 3.5, so next year he will be 4. So he learned to read, write and do math at age 2? I quite honestly feel sorry for that child. Looking for a new preschool that "challenges" a 4 year old is preposterous.

181 Anonymous said... 181

Did you notice how Kelpea says they are "not going to take any more of his crap" I mean really, if you kid was in the psych ward would you talk about him like that???? Crap???

I think it must be that her kid is a brat & they are taking him to some sort of detention center or something but for the pea sympathy vote she is acting like he has some sort of illness. Does that make sense to anyone?

182 Anonymous said... 182

No. No, it doesn't make sense at all. @@

183 Anonymous said... 183

Oh sure, because Carla has never, ever passed judgment on anyone in her life (or at least not in her 2P life). What a fucking pretentious phony.

184 Anonymous said... 184

Oh sure, because Carla has never, ever passed judgment on anyone in her life (or at least not in her 2P life). What a fucking pretentious phony.

Well you know she only sees things in black and white. Because you can't support someone's "right" to do something while still thinking it's not what you would choose to do.
That would be hypocritical. @@

185 Anonymous said... 185

What a fucking pretentious phony.
If it wasn't for pretentious phonies 2Peas would be crickets.

186 Anonymous said... 186

Peas like Jenjie are annoying. They post a dramatic thread title, then bitch about something stupid and irrelevant.

"diarrhea mouth" = commentary about a feminine item purchase???

Some peas get their panties in a bunch over the silliest thing, and then want to turn that silliest thing in to a dramatic event.

187 Anonymous said... 187

Wait a's ok to date more than one person at a time? Really? This is interesting. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
angieyp's response on the dating thread...

hahahaha! some troll needs to say 'yeah, but you have to actually HAVE a date first'

like that old maid dates.... hahahahaha

188 Anonymous said... 188

Something about kelpeas story just makes me wonder if the kid is a typical teen. Just one who wasn't parented well when he was a child.

Honestly he sounds like a couple of kids my friends know. There are no mental issues just a kids who were never shown boundaries and now that when their parents try to disciple them it just blows up into arguments.

Her comment on a long term care facility makes me think she just doesn't want to deal with a mouthy attitude laden kid.

189 Anonymous said... 189

Here's part of motherofjackels comment on gifted pre schooler thread:

"Having a truly gifted,brilliant,smart ect. child is as much a blessing as a curse. It isn't simply sitting back being a proud mama because your darling earned another gold star. It is a hard road that you can't really explain to anyone who has not walked it. Public education is aimed at the middle of the Bell Curve and the farther your child is on each side of that curve the less the public education system will serve them."


She's a hoot, what with having the white man's burden of having gifted kids and all, she claims 4 out of her 5 kids are gifted with the 5th about to be declared a genius also. White man's burden is a heavy one.

190 Anonymous said... 190

189- I never said any of my children were geniuses. I stated that by the standards of their current schools the label of "gifted" had been applied to them. Your attitude is actually a perfect example of what makes educating them hard. I'm grateful to live some place where I can focus on good education rather than survival. So laugh at my first world problems all you want, I'm sure you have plenty of your own.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Oh and BTW it's Motherofjackals if you like spelling and Motherofjackoffs if you just think I'm a stupid white trash bitch.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Well your attitude of "OMG it's so hard to educate the gifted" is what makes people roll their eyes.

You say it's not simply sitting back and bragging but re read your post. You come off as "poor me and my gifted kids" it's such a struggle. You come of as bragging. I mean really 5 out of 5 kids gifted. That sounds like but bragging and bullshit.

193 Anonymous said... 193

Batya dumbass doesn't see she's the poster child for the OP. She didn't work growing up, then wasted her parents money at a "prestigious" university by not using her law degree.

194 Anonymous said... 194

To me thinking a child is gifted, especially in the preschool - elementary years is like thinking my child will be an Olympic athlete because he walked at 8 months.

195 Anonymous said... 195

192- actually it's pretty common for all the children in a family to have IQs within about 10 points of each other. So saying all your children have similar levels of intelligence is like saying they all have the same eye color. Big whoop. I don't brag about their intelligence anymore than I do about their hair or eye color. Yes I contributed to it on a genetic level but that is about it. My statement about it being difficult is true and your "you are just bragging" comment is another perfect example of why it is difficult. Like I said raising kids like this isn't just proud mama moment and gold stars. It has it's good points without question but it is not some easy little cake walk through life. Like any parent I struggle and my kids struggle the difference is because they learn a little different or catch on a little faster to some things in general people hold them to a much higher standard and very often an unrealistic one. My child might read like a child twice their age but they are still emotionally on target with peers. No matter how well my 10yr old reads I cannot make her act like she is 18. She may be very articulate but she is also still a child. People often forget that and it leads to many uncomfortable situations.

196 Anonymous said... 196

To me thinking a child is gifted, especially in the preschool - elementary years is like thinking my child will be an Olympic athlete because he walked at 8 months.
I think that depends on the child. Could you decide if a child was mentally disabled as a preschooler or at elementary age? In some cases even a layperson could, in others it would take a professional identifying gifted children is very similar. The difference is every parent with child a who doesn't know their alphabet at 3yrs old isn't rushing for the label of "disabled".

197 Anonymous said... 197

omfg Motherofjackals give it a rest already. We get it you've spawned brilliant little gifted snowflakes who must be guided and shepherded through the big bad public schools. The horror of having to deal with the "regular" students who just don't understand them and other adults who can't grasp what it means to try and raise an above average intelligent child.

And yes ALL your kids are gifted blah blah blah.

198 Anonymous said... 198

197- you truly don't get it. I've never said any of those things and my kids are far from precious little snowflakes. I don't think I've said more than a few things about them in 10yrs on the board. You can make up little things in your mind and rant and froth though if you like it's actually pretty amusing.

199 Anonymous said... 199

Where is Yubon? If you ditched your blog bitches and are spread eagle getting your ass licked I'm disappointed in you


Good for her if she's getting some great sex.

Typhus needs it, but the guy would have to get some sort of combat pay. (Mr. Typhus seems useless in this regard.)

200 Anonymous said... 200

If it wasn't for pretentious phonies 2Peas would be crickets.


Truer words were never spoken.

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