Sunday, November 20, 2011



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1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2

Oh my God ...second!!!!

3 Anonymous said... 3

Elf on a Shelf, elf on a shelf. Get ready for DAYS and DAAAAyyyyysssss of elf on shelf.

Can't just put the fucking elf on a shelf, oh no. The elf must have ADVENTURES! The elf must DO THINGS around the house! Next I'm sure
'the elf' will have community service or deliver stuff to the neighbors.

I don't know why this bugs me so much. I love Xmas, but it's driving me insane.

4 Anonymous said... 4

My sis does Elf on a Shelf. He just stays put on the mantle. The kids' imagination does the rest. The Peas make everything so needlessly complicated.

5 Anonymous said... 5

What a strange thread.

Notice that 2PeasDogBrain says that music isn't important to her, doesn't impact her like it used to. We already knew the woman was dead inside, but wow.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Sister BDSQ "hates" Thanksgiving, wonder what that is all about.

7 Anonymous said... 7

On the sperm donor thread. That Muellertime is a fucking idiot. She's the one whose husband is an alcoholic and a terrible husband but she won't divorce him because she doesn't believe in it.

so it's better to give your child an alcoholic asshole and a narrow-minded mother who puts up with all the shit he dishes out, and who have big financial problems, than it is to give your child a home with a single mother who is loving and financially secure. That single mother will probably give more time, energy and attention to her child than an idiot like Muellertime does.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Sister BDSQ "hates" Thanksgiving, wonder what that is all about.

She's probably dying for someone to ask.

9 Anonymous said... 9

What a nosy brainless twat. Does she really think someone with an eating disorder is going to spill to her? People with eating disorders are super secretive. And if she's sick, it's none of her damn business either. I wonder what kind of "nursing" school she's in? Phoenix Tech Budget Digreeys?

10 Anonymous said... 10


11 Anonymous said... 11

Sister BDSQ "hates" Thanksgiving, wonder what that is all about.


Because the white people stole the land for the Native Americans.

12 Anonymous said... 12

should be stole the land FROM the Native Americans. She's bitched about it in the past.

13 Anonymous said... 13

Pennyrings a moran, really? charging per hour for your time is "foreign" to her. Maybe someone should alert her boss, he could save a ton on wages.

"I always just took what they could afford. Sometimes that was $5 for spending all day with 3 kids. Babysitters charging per hour is so foreign to me, but hey, if you can get it, why not? "

14 Anonymous said... 14

Apparently "foreign" is pennyrings new go to word.

"2. I can't imagine my mom typing up my homework for me. Like ever. That seems totally foreign and I'm not sure the point of that either."

15 Peter Walsh said... 15

10, looks like she's headed for an episode of Hoarders. That's too much crap.

16 Anonymous said... 16

10, did you see the rest of her blog?

Here's the cooking page. BARF. Most of this slop looks horrible.

17 Anonymous said... 17

That's some nasty crap, 16. Poor photography, too. The pictures and the recipes look like they came from a 1970s time capsule.

18 Anonymous said... 18

MmmKAY! First we got Macaroni salad, then Pressure Coked Gr. beans and ham! And NO WHERE does she tell ya how much coke to put in!

19 Anonymous said... 19

oh bless her heart! Her blog is just sad - between the photography and the awful recipes I feel kinda bad for her.

20 Anonymous said... 20

18, I didn't notice that. I was too distracted thinking about vomiting.

21 Anonymous said... 21

She repeatedly says "I seen it" which is enough for me to write her off.

22 Anonymous said... 22

We already knew the woman was dead inside,
I don't know why, but this made me LOL.

It's so true, and a perfect description of her.

23 Anonymous said... 23

I need a good meatloaf recipe.

24 Anonymous said... 24

Sister BDSQ "hates" Thanksgiving, wonder what that is all about.

I think it's when her fiancee killed himself. I might be wrong but I think the anniversary of his death is around the holiday. It must be very painful for her around that time each year.

25 Anonymous said... 25

Or it's because she's a vegan. I don't think it was Thanksgiving that he committed suicide. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was in February.

26 Anonymous said... 26

I like the taste of meatloaf if it's good but I can't get over that it always looks like a giant loaf of poop so I don't ever make it.

27 Anonymous said... 27

oh bless her heart! Her blog is just sad - between the photography and the awful recipes I feel kinda bad for her.

yeah it's not as slick as the professional blogs but she has a job. It's not like she can spend her whole day online like some people at the bucket seemingly can.
Some of those "professional" bloggers make me wanna hurl.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Here's why she hates Thanksgiving:

For various reasons:
1. The native people of this land didn't deserve to be tricked by shady real estate deals, or to be thanked for helping the newcomers not starve and die by receiving Smallpox infested blankets, or to have their women raped, etc. But hey, history is written by the victors.

2. I'm a vegetarian.

3. Americans are fat and gluttonous enough every day, we really don't need a whole day devoted to it.

I guess that makes me a USA hating, Godless whore.

But what you dont know is I serve every year alongside some great people on Thanksgiving.

Dad and Uncle Gino (dads oldest bro) and I serve meals at their church every year, with Uncle doing the ride service for people with no transportation and meal delivery for shut ins, Dad cooking, and me doing desserts (plus I'm famous for my cranberry relish).

Uncle passed away in September and I told Dad we needed to run Uncle's station to honor him. Unfortunately, the school hall is under construction and we had no place else to host. We tried, but there just wasn't a place to accommodate our needs. So it was cancelled. Im sad for me and Dad, and I miss my uncle terribly, but mostly I'm sad for the hungry and lonely people we wont help this year.
My Thanksgiving is ruined and I've been crying.

29 Anonymous said... 29

oh bless her heart! Her blog is just sad - between the photography and the awful recipes I feel kinda bad for her.
November 20, 2011 1:01 PM

Yeah . . .not so much. I'm pretty sure she's the one who started that uber-cunty thread about her SIL's house burning down to the ground, and saying it was karma.

She's not just trashy and pathetic-she's pretty damn sick and mean, to boot.

30 Anonymous said... 30

I don't feel all that sorry for Sister BDSQ, she comes off as feeling smug and superior to others.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Yep, here's pookiethetrashybear's "karma" thread

She's not right.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Lauren schools us all about politeness:

To all those who say the OP was wrong or should have waited...this is the reason that so many people today have so little regard for the time and feelings of others; because they know others will not make a stink about it. They know that in the end, they can be as rude as they like and that the other person will just put up with it. We teach people how to treat us and most of you teach people that it's perfectly fine to treat you like sh*t. I see it here time and time again with platitudes like "I don't want to punish the child for the parent's rudeness". I've repeatedly said that doing just that is often the only thing that will make rude people sit up and take notice. But then, that may be the reason I only had one instance of people not RSVPing to my child's party. Because that child did not receive a goody bag.

If you're willing to accept inappropriate behavior from other people, you're going to keep getting it.

To the OP, i'd have done what you did. Left. But I also would have made sure the other

33 Anonymous said... 33

32 - oh the irony of Lauren's post. She's lucky that there are peas that put up with her rude shit.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Lauren lecturing other people on politeness is like Karalynn lecturing people about tolerance, or 2peasfaithful lecturing about a weight-loss plan.

35 Anonymous said... 35

31 - thanks for the link on pookiethebear. I'm idiot for expressing any sympathy about her shitty blog. I had no idea.

36 Anonymous said... 36
A fashion/style blog, really Karmatir really?

37 Anonymous said... 37

Heh. That is beyond coming from L'Urine.

'Cause, you know, she is oh so understanding when others won't accept HER inappropriate behavior.

She is so fucking clueless that it's really comical.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Lauren schools us all about politeness:

To all those who say the OP was wrong or should have waited...this is the reason that so many people today have so little regard for the time and feelings of others; because they know others will not make a stink about it. They know that in the end, they can be as rude as they like and that the other person will just put up with it. We teach people how to treat us and most of you teach people that it's perfectly fine to treat you like sh*t. I see it here time and time again with platitudes like "I don't want to punish the child for the parent's rudeness". I've repeatedly said that doing just that is often the only thing that will make rude people sit up and take notice. But then, that may be the reason I only had one instance of people not RSVPing to my child's party. Because that child did not receive a goody bag.

If you're willing to accept inappropriate behavior from other people, you're going to keep getting it.

To the OP, i'd have done what you did. Left. But I also would have made sure the other

hahahahahahaha that's fucking rich.

39 Anonymous said... 39

And it's beginning to sound like the holidays! Let the inlaw bashing begin!

But this poor pea isn't getting any sympathy. She's going to need more backstory to pul this one off.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Why are peas bashing Panera Bread? Hasn't there been about three threads so far complaining about stupid shit like a pea not understanding the "pick 2" menu and croutons?

Here's another one now. Here's a clue peas, don't fucking go to Panera Bread.

41 Anonymous said... 41

I don't get the panera hate either. For people who hate panera bread so much, the peas sure seem to be there all the ducking time.

42 Anonymous said... 42


43 Anonymous said... 43

the funniest part of this was the OP's avatar

44 Anonymous said... 44

43, I thought that too! Then I felt bad.

45 Anonymous said... 45

My husband is jacking off in the bathroom because I won't get off of two peas and give him attention!

46 Anonymous said... 46


47 Anonymous said... 47

My first thought too 43.

48 Anonymous said... 48

I don't own a pair of elastic waist pants so I guess I can't do this.

49 Anonymous said... 49
This thread is a fucking hoot-especially pennyring's posts.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Pennyring. You are a fucking idiot if you cannot understand the "Pick 2" option at Panera Bread. Their menu is is pretty self explanitory.

I understand it, and I don't have a genius IQ like your dumbass husband.

More soup for me....

51 Anonymous said... 51

Wow, this Amypep must have found this OLD thread by googling shit about nieniedumbshit and bumping it LMAO!! She's gone off the deep end, this should be some decent entertainment.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Bumping this 3 days later was just lame!

53 Anonymous said... 53

I could have kissed Jonell when she busted Vonnie's chops about just showing up to handslap
was this recently, or a while back? anyone got a link?

Yvonne had the thread deleted. It happened on a Saturday morning so not a lot of peas got to see it six or eight months ago. Scrappylicious might soon be taking Yvonne's prom queen title away soon. Just wait for her upcoming gown thread. I'm sure she'll be posting pics in all her gowns standing next to all the 'extras' at the fundraiser.

54 Anonymous said... 54


55 Anonymous said... 55

Scrappylicious is really kind of a twat. She seems to be ramping it up lately

56 Anonymous said... 56

Things really aren't going well for Sam el on her "compromised" child thread.

57 Anonymous said... 57

55 - ITA I'm annoyed her thread couldn't have a more descriptive title.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Scrappylicious & Yvonne are buddies, notice how Yvonne always shows up out of the blue on Scrappylicious's threads.

59 Anonymous said... 59

I wonder if Yvonne's illegal alien husband ever got his Green Card?

60 Anonymous said... 60

yvonne married an ILLEGAL alien?

61 Anonymous said... 61

Maybe 3BeStupid would like music more if she listed to this. Her dog could listen with her.

62 Anonymous said... 62

"we have had to hire an atty to protect a small amt from a life ins. policy left to my mom"

What the fuck? Atty? Amt? Does Katie Watson have an issue with real words?

From the "Christmas with my dads gold-digging wife" thread

63 Anonymous said... 63

62-she is probably Peaing from her iPad and doesn't want to type out full words...@@

64 Anonymous said... 64

Even if I were texting someone I wouldn't say "amt" for amount.

65 Anonymous said... 65

It happens to be the right abbreviation for amount in business and accounting. Some people aren't just aren't smart enough to know that though. [sigh]

66 Anonymous said... 66

How the hell did BrandyMoron splash toilet bowl cleaner in her eye? I don't get how that's even possible unless her head is in the bowl while she's pouring.

Unless she's just flat out lying.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Then you've never really cleaned a toilet, have you? If you're too far away when putting the cleaner in, it will splash up pretty high.

Go clean your fucking toilet.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Mary Mary has a cleaning lady? Can someone please tell me what she does all day (besides shopping)?

69 Anonymous said... 69

67, I clean my house every Saturday. How do you get cleaner under the rim if you're holding the bottle too far away?

70 Anonymous said... 70


71 Anonymous said... 71

65: Yeah, I'm not in the field of business or accounting, I am so stupid.

I never said it wasn't the correct abbreviation. I think that the amount of abbreviations in her posts were pointless and stupid.

Sadly, some people are not smart enough to get that [sigh]

72 Anonymous said... 72

katie whateverhernameis is just kind of strange. I could swear she started or was all up in some drama a while back.

73 Anonymous said... 73

Anonymous said... 71 65: Yeah, I'm not in the field of business or accounting, I am so stupid.

I never said it wasn't the correct abbreviation. I think that the amount of abbreviations in her posts were pointless and stupid.

Sadly, some people are not smart enough to get that [sigh]

November 21, 2011 12:20 PM

I never said *YOU* were stupid [sigh] just that some people aren't. Project much?

74 Anonymous said... 74

[sigh] the both of you are giving me a fucking headache.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Anonymous said... 74 [sigh] the both of you are giving me a fucking headache.

November 21, 2011 1:29 PM

People need to learn to scroll instead of whining! (thus giving themselves headaches)

76 Anonymous said... 76

OMG Don't read the blog! You will get a headache, stroke or aneurysm!!! Runn!!

or a tumor!

77 Anonymous said... 77

katie whateverhernameis is just kind of strange. I could swear she started or was all up in some drama a while back.

I think it was one of those "my husband is leaving me and I have no money or resources" situations.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Is Mymindseyepeas blog for fucking real?

79 Anonymous said... 79

mymindseye=total fucking loon

major headcase

80 Anonymous said... 80

Mary Mary has a cleaning lady? Can someone please tell me what she does all day (besides shopping)?

You mean blogging. She has that horrid devil child Kitty she doesn't discipline so she must spend her days running after her while holding the baby. Then she has to do laundry daily and cook for the her large family plus her sister living in the basement. She's in church for 3 hours on Sunday and takes a nap when she gets home (per her blog). Add on her calling.

81 Anonymous said... 81

I wonder if Yvonne's illegal alien husband ever got his Green Card?


He did, he benefited from Ronald Reagan's mass amensty.

82 Anonymous said... 82

80? Add on her calling? What's that? I don't speak mormonese. (Really I assume it's a religious calling?? but what does that mean to mormons?)

83 Anonymous said... 83

Anonymous said... 77 katie whateverhernameis is just kind of strange. I could swear she started or was all up in some drama a while back.

I think it was one of those "my husband is leaving me and I have no money or resources" situations.

November 21, 2011 3:28 PM

Which Katie, the one I thought this post meant is single. hmmm

84 Anonymous said... 84

No one in the mormon church gets paid so they hand out all the jobs involved in running the church to all the members. They say you're called to do it. This is a way to keep people involved in the church. It is the opposite of volunteering to help.

85 Anonymous said... 85

84 - how is it the opposite of volunteering? Many LDS people love their callings and they're not paid. I know critics of the church want to believe that they're tied to ropes making pyramids for the Pharaoh and being whipped and bullied, but it's not the case. Jesus was all about giving service to others without compensation.

86 Anonymous said... 86

How did I just know it was going to be about something church related? lol

87 Anonymous said... 87

Hm, seems that the Mormons could actually give to others rather than just 'giving' to the church. Love the circular 'good deed' bullshit that only benefits a small, self-selected group of people. It's totally like the RAK pack at the pid. Nothing more than a small little clique RAKing each other. So NOT what aRAK really is.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Heh. Looks like a bunch of scrappylicious' "gowns" came in and either none of them fit or they look like shit.
Wonder how all those refunds are going to go for her.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Anything about Mormons =. *yawn*

90 Anonymous said... 90

There is a big difference between standing up and asking people to sign up for something and telling them what their assignment is, like it or not. I have heard a lot of bitching about callings and bitching about how much time callings take away from the family so it isn't all cheerfully given.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Huh. Gown lady looks like an aging chonga.

92 Anonymous said... 92

chonga? how about chola?

somebody should tell her that padded mattress bra looks ridiculous.

93 Anonymous said... 93

84 - how is it the opposite of volunteering? Many LDS people love their callings and they're not paid. I know critics of the church want to believe that they're tied to ropes making pyramids for the Pharaoh and being whipped and bullied, but it's not the case. Jesus was all about giving service to others without compensation.


The opposite of volunteering is being TOLD you have a calling. lol Sure they can say no, but they feel guilty doing so. Back in the day there used to be tons of pea threads talking about how they hated their calling. Think they all wised up now not to mention anything negative about their religion on the board.

94 Anonymous said... 94

it isn't all cheerfully given.
many many mormons seem very greedy and materialistic. Not at all surprising that they would bitch about giving anything to anyone

95 Anonymous said... 95

Why the fuck should we care????

96 Anonymous said... 96

Well Mary has a few extra free minutes in the day now that she's chopped off all her hair.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Chola works too.

98 Anonymous said... 98

***The opposite of volunteering is being TOLD you have a calling. lol Sure they can say no, but they feel guilty doing so***

Not me! I've said NO before.

99 Anonymous said... 99

87: I give to plenty outside my own church.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Yvonne married a f.o.b.?

101 Anonymous said... 101

Jesus was all about giving service to others without compensation.


Well, how very convenient for the free loading church elders of the world. I suspect though, that Jesus thought rather more highly of giving to the poor than toiling for the temple itself.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Mary Mary has a cleaning lady? Can someone please tell me what she does all day (besides shopping)?


Perhaps she actually interacts with her kids during the day? I got a cleaning service after my third child was born. The younger two were on opposite nap schedules, and I was sick of staying up until midnight scrubbing toilets/floors/ect. I keep the house tidy, and the cleaning service does the deep cleaning for me.

103 Anonymous said... 103

101: Blah blah blah...

104 Anonymous said... 104

I think it is so assholian (read entitled) to order up a gazillion "gowns" when you only intend to buy one of them and send back the rest. And for pete's sake, she is getting dog hair all over the silver one. Tramp.

105 Anonymous said... 105

I'm hoping she gets charged a pretty penny in return shipping fees for returning all the gowns. I'm also predicting a vent/PVM thread about said fees for returning the gowns.

106 Anonymous said... 106

ok...I can't google right now, but what is up with the nienie obsession at the bukkit?? I've seen threads about her there, but I've never read her blog. Is it really that bad??

107 Anonymous said... 107

Anonymous said... 84 No one in the mormon church gets paid so they hand out all the jobs involved in running the church to all the members. They say you're called to do it. This is a way to keep people involved in the church. It is the opposite of volunteering to help.

November 21, 2011 8:05 PM

Can you tell us about the planet Kolob?

108 Anonymous said... 108

Sorry short women don't look right in long gowns. You got to have long legs.

109 Kyeligulagh said... 109

I am pretty sure Grinning Cat is just a guy who was born with a vagina by accident.

110 Anonymous said... 110

How did I just know it was going to be about something church related? lol


God isn't doing shit "in your life." He's your invisible friend.

111 Anonymous said... 111

Posted: 11/16/2011 5:30:53 PM 
I would of loved this as a gift when I was a teacher.


Wow. You would OF?

112 Anonymous said... 112

Amen, 87.

It pisses me off when churches restrict their "good works" to their own kind.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Does KikiNichole ever just shut the fuck up!????

This bitch posts ten times a day about the stupidest fucking shit. I am so sick of seeing her name there everyday.... God she annoys the shit out of me. Does she have a fucking life at all???

114 Anonymous said... 114

Anything about Mormons =. *yawn*

hello mormon reader! I'll be sure to discuss your cult more often.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Where did my post go about KikiNichole?

Again that annoying little bitch is posting about yet another thing. Does this chick have a fucking life or what? God I cannot stand her! She lives to post at twopeas..... god already enough!

116 Anonymous said... 116

Mary Mary has a cleaning lady? Can someone please tell me what she does all day (besides shopping)?


Perhaps she actually interacts with her kids during the day? I got a cleaning service after my third child was born.

Nope Mary only has 2 home during the day and if you read her blog you'll see that the 3 year old is a terror and tried to burn down her house. She has no control of that child.

117 Anonymous said... 117

Sorry short women don't look right in long gowns. You got to have long legs.


Plus she has ginormous jugs on that small frame so nothing fits her right.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Mary Mary has a cleaning lady? Can someone please tell me what she does all day (besides shopping)?


Perhaps she actually interacts with her kids during the day? I got a cleaning service after my third child was born.

Nope Mary only has 2 home during the day and if you read her blog you'll see that the 3 year old is a terror and tried to burn down her house. She has no control of that child.


I posted that...I guess I am really far out of the loop, as I have never read her blog. If I am bored later, I might have to see if I can find it. I HATE SAHM's that give the bad SAHM stereotype.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Her face is all f*up up in that first pick! Ouch! Put some makeup on. You're scaring people.

120 Anonymous said... 120


121 Anonymous said... 121

Anonymous said... 113 Anything about Mormons =. *yawn*

hello mormon reader! I'll be sure to discuss your cult more often.

November 22, 2011 8:27 AM

Please, tell us about planet Kolob!

122 Anonymous said... 122

Somebody break the bukkit?

123 Anonymous said... 123

112: Then don't be pissed at the LDS Church, because they don't do that.

124 Anonymous said... 124

Fuck you yvonne! The Muppets are awesome!

It's funny how you are the ONLY one on your own thread that thinks otherwise.

125 Anonymous said... 125

bukkit is broken for me too

126 Anonymous said... 126

I didn't break the bucket, but it is broken. Must be all that holiday shopping everyone is doing since they have such amazing merchandise.

127 Anonymous said... 127

Hmmm, so I posted two posts about KikiNichole and they are both gone.... kinda fishy

128 Anonymous said... 128

*Jane* writes *too* well to be *Kiki*. *:)*

129 Anonymous said... 129

Buttercup cracks me up! Jill does post a photo about a dozen or so times before she stops.

130 Anonymous said... 130

She's so bored in her "mountain cabin" that she's posting about stupid toilet paper? She needs a life.

131 Anonymous said... 131

Well fucking'KikiDipshit, you just got a dog put to sleep. Why didn't you just wait for the neighbors to return from their THANKSGIVING trip or contact a rescue? I hope you can't sleep for awhile over your own stupidity.

132 Anonymous said... 132

Come this Friday, everyone is going to post about their Thanksgiving. I cannot wait!

133 Anonymous said... 133

jrenea will find a way to post pics of her kids in any thread and if the thread is already about kid pictures, she'll flood the damn thing with pictures of her kids.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Well fucking'KikiDipshit, you just got a dog put to sleep. Why didn't you just wait for the neighbors to return from their THANKSGIVING trip or contact a rescue? I hope you can't sleep for awhile over your own stupidity.

Tier 1 Pea: oh, it's not your fault, it's the rotten irresponsible neighbor's fault for letting their dog run free plus it bit your friend, it was just a dangerous dog to be sure- you did the right thing!!! {{hugs}}

Tier 2 Pea: How could you have known what the Animal Control was going to do. In MY town... blah blah blah...

Tier 3 and lower Pea: How could you do that to the dog! It was none of your business and not hurting anyone huddled on your porch in the rain!! Now it will be killed and its all your fault! What about the family's cancer stricken child that was best friends with the dog- you've deprived that child of its only companion! And I am sure your friend was manhandling the dog with the AC guy, just asking to be bitten! OMG!!

135 Anonymous said... 135

Well fucking'KikiDipshit, you just got a dog put to sleep. Why didn't you just wait for the neighbors to return from their THANKSGIVING trip or contact a rescue? I hope you can't sleep for awhile over your own stupidity

Actually you're the idiot. The owners have 10 days to claim him. But who goes out of town with their dog outside? Someone has to feed the dog. He's a stray.

136 Anonymous said... 136

I'm convinced jrenae's baby is by a different daddy. He looks Mexican.

137 Anonymous said... 137

134-her husband is dark complected...looks Italian or something. Much better looking than she is. She married up.

138 Anonymous said... 138

On that photo thread: ADDHousewife...teach your daughter how to brush her teeth or take her to the dentist. No 13yr old kid should have teeth that friggin' yellow. And while you are at it, stop dressing her like she is a novice nun in a convent. Poor kid.

139 Anonymous said... 139

If this thread were bashing women instead of men, the peas would be having shit fits. Hypocrites.

140 Anonymous said... 140

136, the discolored teeth could be from antibiotics when she was younger. I agree about the outfit, though.

141 Anonymous said... 141

131: Went to the thread. Looks to me like people are sharing pics of their kids. Scandalous!

142 Anonymous said... 142

did you notice that jill posted the same exact photos of her kids that she had on another thread or two? or part of her signature? it's not scandalous.

143 Anonymous said... 143

Actually you're the idiot. The owners have 10 days to claim him. But who goes out of town with their dog outside? Someone has to feed the dog. He's a stray.

She should have contacted a rescue organization. They don't kill dogs but find homes for them. KikiNicole is the idiot along with you.

144 Anonymous said... 144

As the Idiots Clash...

145 Anonymous said... 145

140: What's wrong with it? Other peas do it too. Some even say, "I already posted mine on (thread), but here they are again." Look, I'm all for smacking on here, but sometimes the criticisms are just ridiculous. I've never seen Jill bully another pea or start trouble with other peas. I've always scratched my head of why she seems to be a target around here. Sure, she can have her annoying moments, but so do so many other peas, including myself!

146 Anonymous said... 146

That dog thread is going just the way I figured it would when I first started reading it. Good grief. I hate animal freaks. Everybody on there is an idiot. From her looking for praise for what she thought was the right thing, down to Jennifer scolding her. Jennifer is the kind of fucking nut job that makes me not care. Like Jesus freaks and PETA people. - And Gail. lol.

147 Anonymous said... 147

I've never seen Jill bully another pea or start trouble with other peas. I've always scratched my head of why she seems to be a target around here. Sure, she can have her annoying moments, but so do so many other peas, including myself!
November 22, 2011 2:39 PM


Really? LMAO. How long have you been around sweetie?

148 Anonymous said... 148

145 - I said I've never "seen it". I don't camp in pealand all the time and I don't have a pea spreadsheet. Give me a link of when she's stirring the crap with other peas.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Kiki is annoying as shit. Her groupies will always try to make her feel better and the second anyone disagrees with her she goes into bitch mode. She should have known better than to post that a dog would be euthanized with as many crazy fur-mommies there are on twopeas. Really.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Jill is an attention whore.

"LOL, look what I did to my husbands phone! I'm such a prankster! Worship me!"

"LOL, I cleaned my DD's room! I'm the meanest mom ever! Come tell me how rockin' I am!"

"Look at my kids! Here's a pic of my kids! Oh, I think I'll post a pic of my kids. Anyone wanna see a pic of my kids!?!?!?!?!?!"

151 Anonymous said... 151

Okay - is there anyone on this fucking board who knows what the HELL they are talking about?
No - don't answer........

152 Anonymous said... 152

148: I read the phone one. It sounded like humor. But maybe I'm just not as bitchy, I don't know. I thought it was funny and so did others. Laughter is good, right? As for her daughter's room, I remember that as more of a frustration with the clutter and trying to vent. But again, maybe I'm just not judgmental enough. I never saw it as "see how great I am" As for the pictures, people post pictures all the time. They start threads, they respond to threads. I don't see the issue there. Again, maybe I'm just not mean girl material. I am over 40, after all. Maybe that's the problem.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Jill is an attention whore. So obvious. And no, people do NOT post pics of their kids as much as she does.

154 Anonymous said... 154

134-her husband is dark complected...looks Italian or something. Much better looking than she is. She married up.

Someone always mentions this when someone says that baby doesn't look like Jill or her dh. Her dh doesn't look Italian or dark to me at all. He has darker hair than Jill So what. Dark hair doesn't make everyone Mexican or Italian.

Actually I've always thought he looks like a woman. Married up? LOL

155 Anonymous said... 155

150 must be Jill's only friend.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Jill is an attention whore. So obvious. And no, people do NOT post pics of their kids as much as she does.


157 Anonymous said... 157

Jill totally posts things ON PURPOSE to get blog attention. In almost every post she will also post a disclaimer to the "blog bitches". She knows ahead of time she will be talked about. She loves it.

158 Anonymous said... 158

I will say something nice on the blog....Aprilfays baby boy is adorable (those dimples!) and Sunshine's nephew is a cutie patootie as well.

159 Anonymous said... 159

134-her husband is dark complected...looks Italian or something. Much better looking than she is. She married up.

You missed the point. There are 2 other kids here which both look like their white bread parents. The third baby does not look like the pale father, can you comprehend that?

160 Anonymous said... 160

The thing with Jill is that she has to bring up the same crap over and over and over like "see how funny I am" or "look how fun I am". Actually she could very well be a fun person but she ruins it by being so needy of praise and attention and she also has a HUGE chip on her shoulder. She takes a lot of things in a negative way and always thinks someone is out to get her. Always something wrong with her coworkers, her family, her inlaws, her friends, her neighbors, the kids teachers, the waitress, the cashier, etc. She thrives on drama. She practically begs for the slams she gets over here.

161 Anonymous said... 161

I also think there is something effeminate about Jill's husband. I'm LMAO at whoever said she married up.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Is Really Red the same pea who had a fit because there wasn't a chair for her high school daughter in one of her classes? She had a fit about that. There was also some previous drama regarding the same daughter. I know the chair drama/previous drama was definitely the SAME pea but not positive if it was Really Red? Anyone know?

She seems to always think someone is slighting her daughter in some way.

163 Anonymous said... 163

The peas hate the Muppets, hated Bridemaides and hate the Target lady commericals. Total funsuckers! They hate everything. I have never come across such negative people in entire life. It's just amazing how they all found each other.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Gah! I detest rabid animal lovers. Kiki may be annoying, but she runs a daycare and had to call AC. Cycworker is still arguing that she should go back and get that poor dog back.
Did she read any other post besides the original? Idiot.

Pretty sure I'd switch daycares if I had to fight a freaking biting dog every day taking my kid in and out. Betting it was one of her "Mommies" the damn dog attacked. No way can she bring him back.

165 Anonymous said... 165

I really enjoy my inlaws so I'll have no complaints come the day after Thanksgiving.

Maybe I should make some up

166 Anonymous said... 166

I also think there is something effeminate about Jill's husband. I'm LMAO at whoever said she married up.

Well he's Mormon so he's not going to look smoking hot or overly hetrosexual.

167 Anonymous said... 167

ITA 161 and this thread is another example. Just constant negativity about every last little thing they see on Pinterest.

Always so much Pinterest drama. It's a site to save pics/ideas for yourself and yet somehow it's been turned into some kind of Keeping up with the Joneses or Facebookish craziness. People really DO live by the internet. It's nuts.

168 Anonymous said... 168

Is Really Red the same pea who had a fit because there wasn't a chair for her high school daughter in one of her classes? She had a fit about that. There was also some previous drama regarding the same daughter. I know the chair drama/previous drama was definitely the SAME pea but not positive if it was Really Red? Anyone know?

She seems to always think someone is slighting her daughter in some way.
November 22, 2011 3:53 PM

No, that was pea-t-a mom with the dd who needed a chair.

169 Anonymous said... 169

I think really red is the pea that claimed kids were having sex at a school dance or some craziness.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Jane, do you ever have that...not so fresh feeling?

171 Anonymous said... 171

Not every pea hates the Muppets, just the idiot prom-queen-wanna-be.

172 Anonymous said... 172

And only half of them hate Bridesmaids. I didn't open the Target lady thread, so I can't comment on that.

173 Anonymous said... 173

gawd damn, there's more than a few peas i'd like to line up, yank 'em by the hair and pepper spray 'em in the face from point-blank range.

yes, i'm looking at you lynlam. you wouldn't mind either, sense your dh says it's no big deal. better thans a clubbing. right? right?

174 Anonymous said... 174

tough girls like you, who talk so big. such a bully you are.

you make me sick you fraud.

anyone with a dogs brain can see you are an angry, scared, ignorant coward lynlam.

175 Anonymous said... 175

OP sounds like a bitter hag with a pussy husband

176 Anonymous said... 176

I actually don't believe a word "kiki" writes anymore. She posts way too often, always with some pending drama. I think she just likes the sound of her own typing and thinks her little *anecdotes* are highly entertaining. Sadly, a lot of the dumbass peas encourage her in this delusion.

177 Anonymous said... 177

I still want to know how *kiki* writes so fucking much and so fucking often when she is *supposed* to be a daycare provider. I could see posting during naptime, but she is on *all*fucking*day*long. Are the kids just running wild in her house???

178 Jane Doe said... 178

Hey #127:

I checked, and your posts ended up in the spam filter.

I went ahead and published them for you.

-Jane :)

179 Anonymous said... 179

Can someone explain to me why so many Mormons run around with hair so greasy it's practically glued to their heads? I started noticing the trend of some of them who don't shower daily a few years back. Unfortunately for me last weekend I attended a crop and got stuck at a table with 5 of them and not a one of them had showered that day. Is it due to the large family thing and they never get hot water or something? Or is it just culturally acceptable within their churches and families that showering isn't a priority?

180 Anonymous said... 180

Jill is the poster child for people who try too hard. You know she had to have been a reject in school and she still hasn't learned social skills. It's got to be hard being such a social loser.

181 Anonymous said... 181

I like crazy Jill. She just brushes off her bullies like BF. It's pretty acceptable to fuck with her at the pod. Assholes like BF are the only stupid bitches showing their true colors, claws and a desperate need for a life.

182 Anonymous said... 182

I am one that didn't think Bridesmaids was all that funny but I DO love the Muppets and the Crazy Target lady!

183 Anonymous said... 183

I can't stand Jill. Her attitude sucks ass.

184 Anonymous said... 184

I like the Muppets, probably will go see the movie this weekend. Bridesmaids was way disappointing. Molly McCarthy was the best part of it and no opinion on the Target commercials, we tivo and fast forward through all commercials.

Jill tries to hard, Kiki should stfu and watch those kids like she's being paid to.

185 Anonymous said... 185

posting a picture now and then on a thread=great
completely dominating every single picture thread=obnoxious

186 Anonymous said... 186

Ah, Jill, the over-bumper of her own threads.

187 Anonymous said... 187

184 - You clearly don't try hard enough knowing the difference between "to" and "too".

188 Anonymous said... 188

Oh I'm sorry Jill did 184 hurt your feelings?

189 Anonymous said... 189

The peas hate the Muppets, hated Bridemaides and hate the Target lady commericals. Total funsuckers! They hate everything.

I hate the Target lady, loved Bridesmaids, and am neutral on the Muppets. Don't hate them, won't see the movie.

You want to know who hates everything? READ THIS BLOG.

190 Anonymous said... 190

You want to know who hates everything? READ THIS BLOG.


191 Anonymous said... 191

I can see the pea influx here too much. I don't just mean it in the usual, "Ugh, the influx of pea stoopid" kinda way. People are starting to defend people like Jill-- Shut up, it is a smack blog, let us smack.

It's becoming too much like the pod, with people offering their opinions on fucking Bridesmaids and defending idiots and responding to smacks with epic length talk-it-out posts that they think people care about.

I want a new blog.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Then go start your own blog 191, no one is putting a gun to your head to come here.

193 Anonymous said... 193

thanks 192, I never knew I had the resources to start my own, this newfangled interweb thing is really complicated.

It wouldn't serve much of a purpose, now would it, you dumb twat? If I were to tell everyone the new blog address, the influx would come right along with it.

194 Anonymous said... 194

Anonymous said... 188 Oh I'm sorry Jill did 184 hurt your feelings?

November 23, 2011 8:00 AM

The person that posted 184 mentioned several subjects yet you focused on Jill? hmmm

I really think a "hi jill" is fitting here.

Go take some more pics for us to see OO

195 Anonymous said... 195

thanks 192, I never knew I had the resources to start my own, this newfangled interweb thing is really complicated.

It wouldn't serve much of a purpose, now would it, you dumb twat? If I were to tell everyone the new blog address, the influx would come right along with it.

You would complain if they hung you with a new rope.

196 Anonymous said... 196

Hang me with an old rope, I need that right now. Life sucks

197 Anonymous said... 197

194 - I'm a FB friend of Jill's, and what I've noticed is that she is just a visual person. She doesn't just post pictures of her kids or family. She posts a lot of different jokes and stuff with pictures. It reminds me of the days with Nurse Kitty posting all the funny visual pictures and jokes.

198 Anonymous said... 198

Amish hate? Sick I tell ya!

199 Anonymous said... 199

If only hell were real, people like lynlam would get their just reward for spewing such hatred in this life.

200 Anonymous said... 200

I'm all for smacking, but not if the smacking is a lie.

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