Maybe you should think about that for a few minutes - sleeping with the fishes. Because when you are dead, what will you have left behind? Oh yes, a pile of nasty stupid shit hiding behind a screen. Useless life, useless person. And while money is no big deal for me, not only will I have a hell of a lot more of it when I die, I'll die knowing I accomplished a hell of a lot (all those degrees, jobs, kids, etc.), and I'll also know that I never lived like an insect crawling on it's belly. Won't be able to say the same for you. Anyhow, carry on with your little searches. Here's a big P.S. - You WON'T find a lot of stuff on the internet if it wasn't PUT on the internet - get it? For instance, you DON'T know who I'm related to, you DON'T know where a lot of income comes from, now do you? Ever think of that, little detectives. Why do I bother with silly kids? I'm going to bed. The invitation still stands - stop by (if you can find me), and we'll chat. I'd LOVE to meet face to face.
I googled shapardanis successful, shapardanis wealthy, and shapardanis powerful. You know what I found? Dick. There's nothing special about the Shapardanises, although I will say, Michigan seems to be crawling with them. Lucky Michigan. @@
205 they are restaurant moguls don't cha know. Movie producers and CEOs of CitiBank. Powerful people that Sharpardanis clan IIRC someone mentioned that they are smart?? haha!
oh limapea it looks like you've been outted and all your lies have been exposed. Your life lesson here is to never underestimate the blog bitches. You are probably too self absorbed to notice that you will forever be a laughable joke here. if I were you I would accept defeat and slink quietly into obscurity. poor old fool.
I was so worried there would be some serious backlash when I posted her last name. I was scared to check back in afterwards but officially have zero regrets. Smack on, ladies. This is when the blog gets interesting.
Are you losers still at it!?!? Amazing. STILL don't get it, do you? You STILL have no power! The magnificent power of the blog bitches!!! Ha! What power is that? You see, you have absolutely NO POWER over anything! I STILL have all my credentials, homes, kids, successes, etc. I'll STILL keep posting here, on 2 Peas, etc. You can't stop me from ANYTHING. You have not discredited anything! It's all in your teeny tiny little empty heads. You THINK you can control my behavior, my life, whatever. Ha! Still laughing.
Limapee you're like the annoying little kid at school who just keeps saying 'I know you are but what am I' to absolutely everything. This applies to no one here but you Because when you are dead, what will you have left behind? Oh yes, a pile of nasty stupid shit hiding behind a screen. Useless life, useless person. You keep mentioning family, a husband, kids, why are you wasting time here talking shit if your life is so full? Do happy, fulfilled people really scream in CAPS on the internet or are they too busy with their happy fulfilled lives to do so? I know that one of the symptoms of hypomania is over inflated self esteem and grandiosity but you're taking it to a whole new level.
200 - Keep trying to make yourself feel better, Sparky. You have not proven any "lies," you have not discredited anything. Just because you can't find my entire family lineage and income sources and all other pertinent facts of my life on the internet does not mean they don't exist. You are a yellow-bellied, chicken-livered, big mouth bully. You have some delusions that you can control people because you look their address up on the internet! Okay, you go little girl!
There are more than 2 people with that family name, Einstein. All you are doing is just proving more and more what an incredible fucking idiot you both are, since it's probably just the two of you losers who desperately search for info to "blog bitch" people. What a joke. I REPEAT - I don't fake things, I am what I am, I have what I have, I stand by what I say. You will find NOTHING that I have written that is not true. There is nothing phony about me, MS ANONYMOUS!! OH HI MS. POWERFUL BLOG BITCH - ANONYMOUS!!!! NOW THAT'S FUNNY!!! OOOOOHHHH!!
Poor little clueless jackasses. Don't even realize they just reinforce MY OWN ARGUMENT. You have NO BRAINS, NO ETHICS, you have nothing to smack WITH, so you have to rely on smacking how people look, the size of their homes, the income you THINK they have. Since you have no other redeeming qualities, you think these silly superficial things are what is SOOOO important in life. You don't know how to debate anyone on any ACTUAL ISSUES, smackable or otherwise, so you run around like a bunch of stupid animals, wasting all your time INVESTIGATING people, when I've said from the very beginning I'm easily identifiable!
It wasn't an ACCIDENT or MISTAKE that I posted layouts using my name on 2 Peas - I DON'T CARE. Because I AM WHO I SAY I AM. A smart, credentialed, talented, ethical person who doesn't think houses and cars make a person what they are. You pathetically think you are going to try to somehow undermine that with your oh-so-clever investigations. Go right ahead. Seems like you're wasting a lot of time proving what a bunch of stupid fucking idiots you are. And again I'm going to remind you - you are treading on dangerous ground.
Oh honey. Were you up all night trying to save face. In less than a week you went from having 7 degrees from University of Michigan and a career in academia to being outed as an assistant with a sociology degree from Dearborn and owning a shack in bumfuck Michigan. And here you are still crowing about your intelligence and credentials. It's too fucking funny.
The thing is Lima, almost everyone has some kind of online information about them these days so Googling your surname with Citibank CEO, movie producer,attorney or whatever would have a least a few hits. They don't have anything at all though which seems a little strange.
17 - Sigh. Did I say I worked at Citibank? No, I did not. I said I had FAMILY that did, you know, siblings, cousins, etc. But since you are all SOOO interested in my life, just keep going! Just spend all your time researching my family and guess what - you'll be in for some surprises! I'd tell you now but I'd rather you did all the work and find out for yourself since you seem to be so obsessed.
STILL don't get it, do you? I couldn't give two shits about my Harvard cousin who is worth hundreds of millions. Or his brother who runs the treasure of a state. They aren't me. I don't care about money. I use it, then I spend the rest on helping people, you know - houses, cars, educations. You can google until you drop dead and you'll will never find the assets we have. They are not what drive me in life.
BUT, if you want to waste all your time obsessing about someone you "think" you know, go ahead. In the meantime, I'm still sitting here scrapbooking, reading, spending money.....oh that's right! You can't do that! Because you pathetic losers have to GO TO WORK every day for $8 an hour. That's sad, to tell you the truth, but understandable. People who don't invest heavily in themselves never get anywhere in life. And not just materially. They end up being a waste of resources that people around the world die for. Back to the shitty layouts! Still laughing, but I sure could use some mustard on this bagel.
You know what 19? The more you write, the more stupid you look because you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole. You have GOT to be either Lauren, desertpea or Mrs. T. I can't think of other more stupid people. I've NEVER worked for only $8 an hour. Furthermore, you brainless fleas just can't seem to comprehend that there are such things as family money in trust so I don't have to work. Or that my husband makes enough so I don't have to work. Or that I don't have to work because I DON'T WANT TO WORK. I'd rather scrapbook.
I never "maxed out" anywhere. As a matter of fact, previous employers call me all the time to come back, but I don't want the headaches. You little infants think that EVERYONE with money buys HUGE mansions and SUPERNICE cars. You give yourself away the more and more you write. As a matter of fact, there are many millions of people with money that you would never suspect had it. Because they don't flaunt it - they live in modest homes and pay cash for cars, for instance. And they have money in trust. Go ahead and dig, dig, dig, little kids! By the way, the bulk of my career is nowhere on the internet. I don't have the time or inclination to update silly sites.
Keep digging dearie. You're a nobody with nothing. I'm sorry your life is pathetic and you envy your cousin. See if you'd been good at math maybe, you too could have been someone.
Hey! Remind me again how POWERFUL you are, BLOG BITCHES. Don't underestimate those BLOG BITCHES! No sir, they'll go ahead and look up your name YOU ALREADY POSTED! That's just how clever they are! And then they'll waste all their "precious" time trying to show you're a fake!!! And then, with all that POWER, they'll force you Okay, help me out here, I'm stuck. Damn, you know, bagels really ARE better with mustard!
Tell us again how we want your life: living in your little shack, reminiscing on our career as an assistant, dreaming that we could be as successful as our smarter relatives.
Sorry little kiddos, not going to work. You wish you could have my "little shack," or "shacks" rather. You couldn't even afford to pay rent to live in the basement. That's neither here nor there. Mother has shitty layouts to do. Time is of no essence, money is of no concern, but I can't keep wasting it telling you the same thing over and over. YOU GOT NOTHING. YOU ARE NOTHING. YOU WANT TO BE ME, but unless you spend a LOT of time and money on yourselves, it won't happen.
Aren't you powerful blog bitches due in surgery to perform the brain operations you're so good at - you know, since you have all those advanced degrees yourself? Or is it international law you need to get back to? HA! Funny. Poor kids couldn't even get into a community college. Keep studying up on the GED kids. Sooner or later it's BOUND to pay off, right?
Lauren, you really need to stop with this stalking bullshit. ----------------------- Reinforcements have arrived!!! Maddiesmum aka Liz to the rescue!!! Hooray!!! Three cheers for the delusional duo!!!
a melt down on the blog, a nasty comment about special needs kids at the bucket and a few more fucking ugly layouts. Just another super awesome day in the glamorous life of lumpy the bag lady.
Kind of funny how you reserve all your insightful remarks for here, 32. Why not post them at 2 Peas, scaredy-cat? Oh, I know, you were kicked off 2Peas! They won't let you back on. Or because then we'd know who you were, now wouldn't we chicken chicken chicken. Bawk bawk.
maybe lumphus will treat her friend maddiesmum to lunch at one of the exclusive restaurants that her cousins husbands sisters ex husbands family owns. After that she can read a few encyclopedias, give some money away, buy one of her crotch nuggets a car, kick some blog bully ass, share some more of her brilliant foreign policy knowledge at the bucket and complete an average day in her full and rewarding life filled with awesomeness.
"I'm not maddiesmum (not that it matters)...." -------------------- Really? Liz aka maddiesmum is the only Pea I know who manages to insert Lauren into EVERY frickin' Pea and Smack topic---all the while claiming Lauren is the obsessive one stalking her. Talk about projecting your own foibles onto someone else!
okay Liz you win it's me Lauren and I'm the only person here who thinks you're pathetic. Feel better now? *pats maddiesmum on top of her pointed little head*
Enjoy your lunch at the food bank with lumpy the bag lady. if you're really a good little immaginary friend maybe you two geniuses can have a sleep over in the school bus. Fun times!
Enjoy your lunch at the food bank with lumpy the bag lady. if you're really a good little immaginary friend maybe you two geniuses can have a sleep over in the school bus. Fun times! ------------------ Trying to remember wa-a-a-ay back during maddiesmum "lizandjuan" days. Didn't Liz claim to have a sociology degree? Looks like there's a pattern to the insanity.
maybe Lizzie can show lumpy how to start a callout thread. Its been a few weeks since I've read a good callout thread on flimflam, lowrent or typhus from dizzy Lizzie.
limphus seems to be obsessed with the same peas as Lizzie so maybe she should save a few gigantic brain cells and just BTT @^@
"maybe Lizzie can show lumpy how to start a callout thread." -------------------------- Judging solely on vocab level, I actually think Ms. Limpy (yes, I pulled her doctorate) is the brighter of the two. So, I don't think there's much Liz can show her. The Lizard's rants are pure middle school, complete with smilies--except for her cut-n-pastes. I bet she still dots her i's with little hearts on her handwritten notes.
Just thought some of you might want a little refresher on cyberharassment. Who knew it was a criminal offense? Posting any personal information about someone on any type of internet site actually has legal ramifications, especially if it's something like the address of a minor child. That's a big one. Maybe some of you might want to scroll down and read what the State of Michigan thinks about this.
Now that I think about this more, I wonder if Jane Doe's blog host, you know, Blogger, which is owned by Google, has a legal department that has ever dealt with this before? Good thing I have a brother who's an attorney who's done criminal prosecution. Not like I'll have to pay anyone to do stuff for me. Gosh, especially since I helped him get his law degree! These things really do help out sometimes. You should try it - give people money to go to college and the next thing you know you get free legal services for life! It's pretty great. It would have been nice if someone had warned you about what you were doing.
I wonder if Google or Blogger is able to find the IP address of the people who post things on blogs? I don't know if they have those technical skills yet, but I guess my brother could always ask them and find out. Oh by the way, this is Limapea, you know, the fraud?
Nope, Ingrid's an adult and profanity is allowed as long as it's not threatening (freedom of speech). But I'll just let you find out the particulars yourself. Posting the address of a minor child actually has far greater consequences than posting an adult's address, which is bad enough.
Back to 2Peas to post more layouts. What a cute little kid my brother is in some of those photos! So skinny and scrawny! Who knew he'd grow up to be such a PIT BULL in court? Never lost a case yet!
I haven't visited the blog in ages and came to find the hilarity that is Limapea. HOLY SHIT, LADY.
You're bonkers and totally full of shit. In my opinion.
It's hilarious how your jet setting lifestyle suddenly became a normal lifestyle once theories started floating about your real identity.
Your story about buying your kids homes makes no sense. If you bought one or all of them a house, would have been paid off, right? And no way it could have gone into foreclosure? Your crazy story about how your kid lost her job so you had to buy her a bigger home makes zero sense and fails to explain that FORECLOSURE that was posted here. Which may or may not be you.
I also love it when people who are, in my opinion, lying liars who lie, threaten the internet with legal action once they get the butthurt.
Yes, Limapea. Why don't you have your Greek Mafia Legal Eagle brother that you put through college come after the internet and a bunch of anonymous meanies? While you're at it, you should round up all those people who owe you favors (you know, the hundreds of people you've put through college and purchased homes for) and have them come to your defense, too?
You're a regular Oprah Winfrey, aren't you?
Thanks for the entertainment, though. You're frothy and hilarious.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 249 of 249 Newer› Newest»Maybe you should think about that for a few minutes - sleeping with the fishes. Because when you are dead, what will you have left behind? Oh yes, a pile of nasty stupid shit hiding behind a screen. Useless life, useless person. And while money is no big deal for me, not only will I have a hell of a lot more of it when I die, I'll die knowing I accomplished a hell of a lot (all those degrees, jobs, kids, etc.), and I'll also know that I never lived like an insect crawling on it's belly. Won't be able to say the same for you. Anyhow, carry on with your little searches. Here's a big P.S. - You WON'T find a lot of stuff on the internet if it wasn't PUT on the internet - get it? For instance, you DON'T know who I'm related to, you DON'T know where a lot of income comes from, now do you? Ever think of that, little detectives. Why do I bother with silly kids? I'm going to bed. The invitation still stands - stop by (if you can find me), and we'll chat. I'd LOVE to meet face to face.
Wait for it guys....
"My Greek-Irish family is so powerful that they've erased themselves from the internet!!"
you bitches are good! best time ive had on Jane's shit blog in a long time. keep posting limpdick. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
Kendra would love to have a big fat Greek wedding.
I googled shapardanis successful, shapardanis wealthy, and shapardanis powerful. You know what I found? Dick. There's nothing special about the Shapardanises, although I will say, Michigan seems to be crawling with them. Lucky Michigan. @@
205 they are restaurant moguls don't cha know. Movie producers and CEOs of CitiBank. Powerful people that Sharpardanis clan IIRC someone mentioned that they are smart?? haha!
Well, there WAS something about free dinner coupons. They're impressive and kind of intimidating, those Shapardanises.
oh limapea it looks like you've been outted and all your lies have been exposed. Your life lesson here is to never underestimate the blog bitches. You are probably too self absorbed to notice that you will forever be a laughable joke here. if I were you I would accept defeat and slink quietly into obscurity. poor old fool.
I was so worried there would be some serious backlash when I posted her last name. I was scared to check back in afterwards but officially have zero regrets. Smack on, ladies. This is when the blog gets interesting.
Poor kiddo, she's now threatening lawsuits because someone called her on her bullshit.
Let us know how your lawsuit goes.
Are you losers still at it!?!? Amazing. STILL don't get it, do you? You STILL have no power! The magnificent power of the blog bitches!!! Ha! What power is that? You see, you have absolutely NO POWER over anything! I STILL have all my credentials, homes, kids, successes, etc. I'll STILL keep posting here, on 2 Peas, etc. You can't stop me from ANYTHING. You have not discredited anything! It's all in your teeny tiny little empty heads. You THINK you can control my behavior, my life, whatever. Ha! Still laughing.
Limapee you're like the annoying little kid at school who just keeps saying 'I know you are but what am I' to absolutely everything.
This applies to no one here but you
Because when you are dead, what will you have left behind? Oh yes, a pile of nasty stupid shit hiding behind a screen. Useless life, useless person.
You keep mentioning family, a husband, kids, why are you wasting time here talking shit if your life is so full? Do happy, fulfilled people really scream in CAPS on the internet or are they too busy with their happy fulfilled lives to do so?
I know that one of the symptoms of hypomania is over inflated self esteem and grandiosity but you're taking it to a whole new level.
200 - Keep trying to make yourself feel better, Sparky. You have not proven any "lies," you have not discredited anything. Just because you can't find my entire family lineage and income sources and all other pertinent facts of my life on the internet does not mean they don't exist. You are a yellow-bellied, chicken-livered, big mouth bully. You have some delusions that you can control people because you look their address up on the internet! Okay, you go little girl!
There are more than 2 people with that family name, Einstein. All you are doing is just proving more and more what an incredible fucking idiot you both are, since it's probably just the two of you losers who desperately search for info to "blog bitch" people. What a joke. I REPEAT - I don't fake things, I am what I am, I have what I have, I stand by what I say. You will find NOTHING that I have written that is not true. There is nothing phony about me, MS ANONYMOUS!! OH HI MS. POWERFUL BLOG BITCH - ANONYMOUS!!!! NOW THAT'S FUNNY!!! OOOOOHHHH!!
Poor little clueless jackasses. Don't even realize they just reinforce MY OWN ARGUMENT. You have NO BRAINS, NO ETHICS, you have nothing to smack WITH, so you have to rely on smacking how people look, the size of their homes, the income you THINK they have. Since you have no other redeeming qualities, you think these silly superficial things are what is SOOOO important in life. You don't know how to debate anyone on any ACTUAL ISSUES, smackable or otherwise, so you run around like a bunch of stupid animals, wasting all your time INVESTIGATING people, when I've said from the very beginning I'm easily identifiable!
It wasn't an ACCIDENT or MISTAKE that I posted layouts using my name on 2 Peas - I DON'T CARE. Because I AM WHO I SAY I AM. A smart, credentialed, talented, ethical person who doesn't think houses and cars make a person what they are. You pathetically think you are going to try to somehow undermine that with your oh-so-clever investigations. Go right ahead. Seems like you're wasting a lot of time proving what a bunch of stupid fucking idiots you are. And again I'm going to remind you - you are treading on dangerous ground.
Oh honey. Were you up all night trying to save face. In less than a week you went from having 7 degrees from University of Michigan and a career in academia to being outed as an assistant with a sociology degree from Dearborn and owning a shack in bumfuck Michigan. And here you are still crowing about your intelligence and credentials. It's too fucking funny.
And you are wasting more of your time proving what a stupid fucking idiot you are. You sound kind of scared there Lima, someone hit a raw nerve??
The thing is Lima, almost everyone has some kind of online information about them these days so Googling your surname with Citibank CEO, movie producer,attorney or whatever would have a least a few hits. They don't have anything at all though which seems a little strange.
17 - Sigh. Did I say I worked at Citibank? No, I did not. I said I had FAMILY that did, you know, siblings, cousins, etc. But since you are all SOOO interested in my life, just keep going! Just spend all your time researching my family and guess what - you'll be in for some surprises! I'd tell you now but I'd rather you did all the work and find out for yourself since you seem to be so obsessed.
STILL don't get it, do you? I couldn't give two shits about my Harvard cousin who is worth hundreds of millions. Or his brother who runs the treasure of a state. They aren't me. I don't care about money. I use it, then I spend the rest on helping people, you know - houses, cars, educations. You can google until you drop dead and you'll will never find the assets we have. They are not what drive me in life.
BUT, if you want to waste all your time obsessing about someone you "think" you know, go ahead. In the meantime, I'm still sitting here scrapbooking, reading, spending money.....oh that's right! You can't do that! Because you pathetic losers have to GO TO WORK every day for $8 an hour. That's sad, to tell you the truth, but understandable. People who don't invest heavily in themselves never get anywhere in life. And not just materially. They end up being a waste of resources that people around the world die for. Back to the shitty layouts! Still laughing, but I sure could use some mustard on this bagel.
Well we all know why you're obsessed with thinking we work for $8 an hour. That's what you maxed out at working at Orchard's as an ASSISTANT.
You know what 19? The more you write, the more stupid you look because you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole. You have GOT to be either Lauren, desertpea or Mrs. T. I can't think of other more stupid people. I've NEVER worked for only $8 an hour. Furthermore, you brainless fleas just can't seem to comprehend that there are such things as family money in trust so I don't have to work. Or that my husband makes enough so I don't have to work. Or that I don't have to work because I DON'T WANT TO WORK. I'd rather scrapbook.
I never "maxed out" anywhere. As a matter of fact, previous employers call me all the time to come back, but I don't want the headaches. You little infants think that EVERYONE with money buys HUGE mansions and SUPERNICE cars. You give yourself away the more and more you write. As a matter of fact, there are many millions of people with money that you would never suspect had it. Because they don't flaunt it - they live in modest homes and pay cash for cars, for instance. And they have money in trust. Go ahead and dig, dig, dig, little kids! By the way, the bulk of my career is nowhere on the internet. I don't have the time or inclination to update silly sites.
Keep digging dearie. You're a nobody with nothing. I'm sorry your life is pathetic and you envy your cousin. See if you'd been good at math maybe, you too could have been someone.
Look in a mirror and say all that shit to yourself, a little self awareness would do you the world of good.
I don't have the time or inclination to update silly sites.
Except this one...constantly!
Hey! Remind me again how POWERFUL you are, BLOG BITCHES. Don't underestimate those BLOG BITCHES! No sir, they'll go ahead and look up your name YOU ALREADY POSTED! That's just how clever they are! And then they'll waste all their "precious" time trying to show you're a fake!!! And then, with all that POWER, they'll force you Okay, help me out here, I'm stuck. Damn, you know, bagels really ARE better with mustard!
Tell us again how we want your life: living in your little shack, reminiscing on our career as an assistant, dreaming that we could be as successful as our smarter relatives.
Sorry little kiddos, not going to work. You wish you could have my "little shack," or "shacks" rather. You couldn't even afford to pay rent to live in the basement. That's neither here nor there. Mother has shitty layouts to do. Time is of no essence, money is of no concern, but I can't keep wasting it telling you the same thing over and over. YOU GOT NOTHING. YOU ARE NOTHING. YOU WANT TO BE ME, but unless you spend a LOT of time and money on yourselves, it won't happen.
Oh I shouldn't poke the sick puppy. Sorry your fantasy life was exposed limpy. Tell us again about your multiple degrees and life in academia.
I want to be you about as much as I want to be a pimple on a crack whores ass. For someone to whom money means nothing you sure do bring it up a lot.
Aren't you powerful blog bitches due in surgery to perform the brain operations you're so good at - you know, since you have all those advanced degrees yourself? Or is it international law you need to get back to? HA! Funny. Poor kids couldn't even get into a community college. Keep studying up on the GED kids. Sooner or later it's BOUND to pay off, right?
stand back..........she's gonna blow! This is some epic hair flip shit right here!
Lauren, you really need to stop with this stalking bullshit. I hope Jane deletes all the personal info that she posted here.
Please get some professional help, Lauren. While you used to be amusing you're getting into dangerous territory. I'm so embarrassed for you.
Lauren, you really need to stop with this stalking bullshit.
Reinforcements have arrived!!! Maddiesmum aka Liz to the rescue!!! Hooray!!! Three cheers for the delusional duo!!!
a melt down on the blog, a nasty comment about special needs kids at the bucket and a few more fucking ugly layouts. Just another super awesome day in the glamorous life of lumpy the bag lady.
Kind of funny how you reserve all your insightful remarks for here, 32. Why not post them at 2 Peas, scaredy-cat? Oh, I know, you were kicked off 2Peas! They won't let you back on. Or because then we'd know who you were, now wouldn't we chicken chicken chicken. Bawk bawk.
maybe lumphus will treat her friend maddiesmum to lunch at one of the exclusive restaurants that her cousins husbands sisters ex husbands family owns. After that she can read a few encyclopedias, give some money away, buy one of her crotch nuggets a car, kick some blog bully ass, share some more of her brilliant foreign policy knowledge at the bucket and complete an average day in her full and rewarding life filled with awesomeness.
Sigh. You really are a hateful cunt, Lauren. I'm not maddiesmum (not that it matters) but yet another person who thinks you are scary and psycho.
"I'm not maddiesmum (not that it matters)...."
Really? Liz aka maddiesmum is the only Pea I know who manages to insert Lauren into EVERY frickin' Pea and Smack topic---all the while claiming Lauren is the obsessive one stalking her. Talk about projecting your own foibles onto someone else!
okay Liz you win it's me Lauren and I'm the only person here who thinks you're pathetic. Feel better now? *pats maddiesmum on top of her pointed little head*
Enjoy your lunch at the food bank with lumpy the bag lady. if you're really a good little immaginary friend maybe you two geniuses can have a sleep over in the school bus. Fun times!
Enjoy your lunch at the food bank with lumpy the bag lady. if you're really a good little immaginary friend maybe you two geniuses can have a sleep over in the school bus. Fun times!
Trying to remember wa-a-a-ay back during maddiesmum "lizandjuan" days. Didn't Liz claim to have a sociology degree? Looks like there's a pattern to the insanity.
You're very scary, Lauren. Are you drinking again?
maybe Lizzie can show lumpy how to start a callout thread. Its been a few weeks since I've read a good callout thread on flimflam, lowrent or typhus from dizzy Lizzie.
limphus seems to be obsessed with the same peas as Lizzie so maybe she should save a few gigantic brain cells and just BTT
"maybe Lizzie can show lumpy how to start a callout thread."
Judging solely on vocab level, I actually think Ms. Limpy (yes, I pulled her doctorate) is the brighter of the two. So, I don't think there's much Liz can show her. The Lizard's rants are pure middle school, complete with smilies--except for her cut-n-pastes. I bet she still dots her i's with little hearts on her handwritten notes.
That should teach them to stop smoking.
Just thought some of you might want a little refresher on cyberharassment. Who knew it was a criminal offense? Posting any personal information about someone on any type of internet site actually has legal ramifications, especially if it's something like the address of a minor child. That's a big one. Maybe some of you might want to scroll down and read what the State of Michigan thinks about this.
Now that I think about this more, I wonder if Jane Doe's blog host, you know, Blogger, which is owned by Google, has a legal department that has ever dealt with this before? Good thing I have a brother who's an attorney who's done criminal prosecution. Not like I'll have to pay anyone to do stuff for me. Gosh, especially since I helped him get his law degree! These things really do help out sometimes. You should try it - give people money to go to college and the next thing you know you get free legal services for life! It's pretty great. It would have been nice if someone had warned you about what you were doing.
I wonder if Google or Blogger is able to find the IP address of the people who post things on blogs? I don't know if they have those technical skills yet, but I guess my brother could always ask them and find out. Oh by the way, this is Limapea, you know, the fraud?
Well for your sake let's hope Ingrid doesn't consider being called a "smug little bitch" cyberharassment.
Nope, Ingrid's an adult and profanity is allowed as long as it's not threatening (freedom of speech). But I'll just let you find out the particulars yourself. Posting the address of a minor child actually has far greater consequences than posting an adult's address, which is bad enough.
Back to 2Peas to post more layouts. What a cute little kid my brother is in some of those photos! So skinny and scrawny! Who knew he'd grow up to be such a PIT BULL in court? Never lost a case yet!
New space is up!
I haven't visited the blog in ages and came to find the hilarity that is Limapea. HOLY SHIT, LADY.
You're bonkers and totally full of shit. In my opinion.
It's hilarious how your jet setting lifestyle suddenly became a normal lifestyle once theories started floating about your real identity.
Your story about buying your kids homes makes no sense. If you bought one or all of them a house, would have been paid off, right? And no way it could have gone into foreclosure? Your crazy story about how your kid lost her job so you had to buy her a bigger home makes zero sense and fails to explain that FORECLOSURE that was posted here. Which may or may not be you.
I also love it when people who are, in my opinion, lying liars who lie, threaten the internet with legal action once they get the butthurt.
Yes, Limapea. Why don't you have your Greek Mafia Legal Eagle brother that you put through college come after the internet and a bunch of anonymous meanies? While you're at it, you should round up all those people who owe you favors (you know, the hundreds of people you've put through college and purchased homes for) and have them come to your defense, too?
You're a regular Oprah Winfrey, aren't you?
Thanks for the entertainment, though. You're frothy and hilarious.
Does anyone have anything to say on this page, or are we just posting random words?
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