Thursday, October 11, 2012

Space 10/11/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1

Hi, bitches!

2 Anonymous said... 2

22Anonymous said... 22 21, I just looked at her picture and I'm not sure what point you're making. What does her daughter's picture say to you?

October 11, 2012 10:05 AM

LOL 21 here and I did not make the homely comment after that.

To 22, I don't need to answer your question. I made a statement. Make your statements and move along. That's what the blog is for.

3 Anonymous said... 3

Fuckity fuck fuck ya all

4 Anonymous said... 4

Gee 2, someone asked you a question and you can't asnwer it?

5 Anonymous said... 5

4Anonymous said... 4 Gee 2, someone asked you a question and you can't asnwer it?

October 11, 2012 7:32 PM

Someone makes a statement because they have their own opinion. No need to question what someone thinks. It's simple. Yet, there is always someone here bitching, moaning and picking fights but no one owes them a damn thing.

I don't get all the questioning of peoples opinions on here lately. It's just some fat ass bitch with nothing better to do. (not saying it's you 4 lol, if it is, stop that shit).

6 Anonymous said... 6

4Anonymous said... 4 Gee 2, someone asked you a question and you can't asnwer it?

October 11, 2012 7:32 PM


7 Anonymous said... 7

It's just some fat ass bitch with nothing better to do. (not saying it's you 4 lol, if it is, stop that shit).


You wish someone was as fat as you.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Who let Lauren in? Whoever it is with the "smart" retorts sure sounds like her.

9 Anonymous said... 9

I don't get all the questioning of peoples opinions on here lately. It's just some fat ass bitch with nothing better to do. (not saying it's you 4 lol, if it is, stop that shit).


I'm sorry, but you need to knock off your shit. You think you control things around here? Maybe in your shithole where you live but not here.

Go fuck yourself and remove that stick up your ass.

10 Anonymous said... 10

Would it be tacky looking to install white kitchen cabinets with beige floor tile?

11 Anonymous said... 11

Thanks for calling me smart 8.

9? Fuck you, I think you read wrong but go ahead and fuck yourself too, remove *your* stick and stop trying to control things. You're fucking insane, really!

12 Anonymous said... 12

10Anonymous said... 10 Would it be tacky looking to install white kitchen cabinets with beige floor tile?

October 11, 2012 8:03 PM

LOL Are you going to ask about day bed fabric too? :P

13 Anonymous said... 13

9Anonymous said... 9 I don't get all the questioning of peoples opinions on here lately. It's just some fat ass bitch with nothing better to do. (not saying it's you 4 lol, if it is, stop that shit).


I'm sorry, but you need to knock off your shit. You think you control things around here? Maybe in your shithole where you live but not here.

Go fuck yourself and remove that stick up your ass.

October 11, 2012 8:01 PM

ITA with #5! You just sound bitter #9.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Isn't this OP on the bible-thumper side? If so, my guess is it's something as minor as finding out her kid is agnostic or something.

15 Anonymous said... 15

I guess nobody wants to join the "I love Paul Ryan" official fan club?


16 Anonymous said... 16

Biden cracked the whip and had that smug fuck on the run all through the debate. All the losing side can focus on is bad veneers and smirks. And they went from praising the mod at the beginning when Lyin' Ryan won a few points, to hating her, once Joe got warmed up. Translation---We are sore losers.

17 Anonymous said... 17


Wonder if she'll have to resort to a bump?

18 Anonymous said... 18

Responding to 160 & 161 from previous thread:


well this one got lively after bitch from hell showed up

I think so many people have bitch on wheels on ignore these days because hardly anyone even responds to her posts anymore.


I agree. I think a lot of the Peas have finally had it with Lauren's hateful bullshit and most of them just ignore all of her threads.

I also think she got a warning after her last meltdown and has to tread carefully if she wants to maintain her only form of human contact.

She really seems to hate everyone, but young women especially.

19 Anonymous said... 19

ITA 100% 18.

20 Anonymous said... 20

Forget the political crap, something about Paul Ryan skeeves me out. Those gym pics - omg gross douchebag eww.

21 Anonymous said... 21

Ryan is a poser and a turd. He's got his eyes on a Sarah Palinesque cash bonanza as soon as the campaign is over.

22 Anonymous said... 22

Scissor would rather be sweaty in public then obese in public. I would say that might piss a bunch of Peas off but they'd never open a thread called Women and Gym so I think she is safe.

23 Anonymous said... 23

I'd rather see more women sweaty in public than obsese. Some peas can benefit from joining a gym and working out.

24 Anonymous said... 24

25 Anonymous said... 25

Amazonian Woman! Scary! Losing weight doesn't make the ugly go away.

Where's the cookbook Squeals?

26 Anonymous said... 26

Bill Maher called Ryan "Eddy Munster" - lmfao!

27 Anonymous said... 27

#24, It will be interesting to see if she eventually spills the beans about what the kid was reading/doing online. I feel sorry for her if it is something really upsetting.

gay? agnostic? goth?

28 Anonymous said... 28

26Anonymous said... 26 Bill Maher called Ryan "Eddy Munster" - lmfao!

October 12, 2012 7:54 AM

Not that funny. Bill Maher is a douchebag (there's even a facebook page called that).

I don't like or dislike Ryan either. Bill Maher does nothing for me.

29 Anonymous said... 29

@28 - I agree, Bill Maher is not for everybody. He an certainly be a douchebag, but he still makes me laugh. Besides, I just wanted to hack on Paul Ryan ;)

30 Anonymous said... 30

#24 and #27 - even worse...DEMOCRAT????

31 Anonymous said... 31

If Michael Vick were white, they'd all be saying he deserves another chance and that he's paid his debt.

The peas have made me a cynic and I don't like it. Time to take a break.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Ahhh #30, that made me LOL!

33 Anonymous said... 33

#24 and #27 - even worse...DEMOCRAT????


LMAO. If so, keep WN away from all knives, guns and pills.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Is that squillen in her avatar?

35 Anonymous said... 35


Newsflash squillen, making abortions illegal won't stop them, they will just become dangerous back alley procedures that result in more dead women. How's that war on drugs working out? People still do drugs and they are illegal.

36 Anonymous said... 36

34Anonymous said... 34 Is that squillen in her avatar?

October 12, 2012 9:33 AM

Yes and it's scary!

37 Anonymous said... 37

Say goodbye to your IVF if Rmoney gets elected. But perhaps that is a good thing since we will suddenly have plenty of perfectly good children that need a good home with abortion being illegal.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Re: Squillen
It looks like she lost weight. If so, good for her. But I don't like the picture.

Re; Ryan
The peas seem more interested in how good looking Romney/Ryan are, rather than the political aspects. Makes me embarrassed to be a woman.

Michael Vick:
That guy is scum. I refuse to open any thread about him and read about how great an athletic he is. Great athletic and a scum ball.

39 Anonymous said... 39

Say goodbye to your IVF if Rmoney gets elected. But perhaps that is a good thing since we will suddenly have plenty of perfectly good children that need a good home with abortion being illegal.



40 Anonymous said... 40

Squillen: " no. I don't think women should go to prison for having an abortion. Fine them, yes - but no jailtime. Our prison population is already maxed out."

Then abortion REALLY isn't the same as murder, is it?

If it were, you'd all be advocating for stiff penalties on par with existing murder statutes.

And if it were, you all would be against ANY exceptions.

Fucking imbecile.

41 Anonymous said... 41

Get out of here with your logic, 40.

42 Anonymous said... 42

I know this is a bit too invested, but I almost threw up when I read about Michael Vick. Disgusting, murdering POS. Being a good athlete has nothing to do with his complete lack of remorse. SMH

43 Anonymous said... 43

Squillen is about as smart as a box of rocks. She looks pissed about something in her new avatar photo. If she lost weight, it's probably from lapband. Maybe she photoshopped that photo. Either way, she's an ugly hag.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Get out of here with your logic, 40.


Yeah, no kidding.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Well, small (tiny) point to Squeals for answering.

99% percent of the anti-choicers steadfastly ignore the "penalty for a woman obtaining an abortion?" question.

46 Anonymous said... 46


That's what I'm thinking, gay, she probably found gay porn.

47 Anonymous said... 47

It's sad when a parent thinks the worst thing a teen could be is gay.

48 Anonymous said... 48

It's sad when a parent thinks the worst thing a teen could be is gay.


Poor guy. Hopefully in 20 years, being gay will not be a big deal to anyone.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Thinking outside the bucket
PeaNut 80947 - April 2003
Posts: 5627 Layouts: 183
Loc: Sacramento-bouts

Posted: 10/11/2012 9:40:36 PM

I haven't bought tp for about a year now.
Not sure what pennyring does but we use wet wipes instead.
I found a pack of 80 somethin at the dollar store that's alcohol and anti freeze free. 3 packs lasts us a month.
Both my daughter and I are prone to blatter infections and after using these has greatly reduced our occurrences.


on the toilet paper thread.

WTH is a blatter infection? and thank god her wet wipes are anti freeze free!

50 Anonymous said... 50

#48, I hope so

51 Anonymous said... 51

Is your DH a gamer?

No, I married a man not a boy.

52 Anonymous said... 52

What's the difference between playing a few hours of video games and sitting in front of the tv with your hands deep down in your crotch with a beer watching football?

Hobbies are hobbies, until they interfere with your responsibilities.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Gaming interferes with responsibilities.

54 Anonymous said... 54

I honestly don't see much of a difference between gaming and obsessive sports watching. My friend's husband is ridiculous. Every time we visit there is sports on. I mean, christ on a cracker, you invited us to come spend time with you TURN OF THE FUCKIN' TV!

55 Anonymous said... 55


56 Anonymous said... 56

Squillen is about as smart as a box of rocks. She looks pissed about something in her new avatar photo. If she lost weight, it's probably from lapband. Maybe she photoshopped that photo. Either way, she's an ugly hag.


Would you mind posting your new avatar photo to compare. I'd like to judge for myself who is uglier.

Um, no? Yeah I didn't think so but then I don't need to see your face, I can tell who is uglier.

57 Anonymous said... 57

Take a break from here as well @31. If you are incapable of recognizing what a heinous person Vick is and you think it's just because he's black...then you are more fucked up in the head then all the peas put together.
Color has nothing to do with this one, fighting two animals to the death as a form of sport and to make money is sick and immoral no matter what damn color you are. For once the outraged peas have got it right.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Any hobby, screen time or drinks at the bar can interfere with responsibilities.

How many Peas would flip shit if their husbands tried to tell them they were spending too much time on TwoPeas/FB/Pinterest?

59 Anonymous said... 59

Then abortion REALLY isn't the same as murder, is it?

If it were, you'd all be advocating for stiff penalties on par with existing murder statutes.

And if it were, you all would be against ANY exceptions.

Fucking imbecile.


........they'd be holding funeral services for miscarriages.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Would you mind posting your new avatar photo to compare. I'd like to judge for myself who is uglier.

Um, no? Yeah I didn't think so but then I don't need to see your face, I can tell who is uglier.


Hi Squillen! I'm not that stupid to post my photo on some message board.... unlike you.

61 Anonymous said... 61

LOL! Squillen certainly is ugly, no doubt about that!

62 Anonymous said... 62

Staph is "getting her GOP on" right now at the Romney rally. lol Selling dildos has gotten to her head. She must think she's going to become a millionaire. You know the GOP, all about being up in your vagina.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Shocker. The peas who've got their panties in a twist over Joe Biden and claiming 'incivility!' were the same ones high-fiving each other when that douchebag republican shouted out "You lie!" during the state of the union.


64 Anonymous said... 64

2 Anonymous said...

To 22, I don't need to answer your question. I made a statement. Make your statements and move along. That's what the blog is for.


What the hell is wrong with you?
Yeah, you made a statement that nobody understood and I was just asking what you meant.

If you have to make statements that nobody can understand and refuse to say wth you're talking about, why bother?

65 Anonymous said... 65

If I wanted to be ruled by Catholic dogma I'd move to fucking Rome.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Let it go 64. Obviously, she has no understanding of her statement and feels as though she doesn't need to explain anything.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Let it go, 66? I only responded to the craziness once, so I'm not really holding onto anything. Moving on.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Squeals! Doing the photoshop on her avatar photo so she doesn't look so fat?

69 Anonymous said... 69

Forget the political crap, something about Paul Ryan skeeves me out. Those gym pics - omg gross douchebag eww.

October 11, 2012 11:58 PM


Well Lindsey Lohan, Donald Trump and Ted Nugent think he's dreamy.

70 Anonymous said... 70

A Lesson in Full Body Smirking, by Mrs. Tyler, eh?

That's a whole lotta body smirking in her case!

71 Anonymous said... 71

Bill Maher called Ryan "Eddy Munster" - lmfao!

THAT'S who he looks like! lol

72 Anonymous said... 72

RIght...more like Body Guffaw.....

73 Anonymous said... 73

Typhus is too fucking stupid to realize how she constantly contradicts herself like the stupid Smirk thread. She is outraged when people attack her and calls them immature and hateful, and then she goes and posts that shit. What a fucking idiot. I'm willing to bet her students are WAY more mature than she is.

74 Anonymous said... 74

Take the kid to the library and let her pick out a book ffs. Is this really something you need to ask the peas about? Or did you just want to mention: "DD is in 6th but is in advanced classes so the she chooses needs to be above her grade level."

75 Anonymous said... 75

Oh fuck off Lauren, you're just not participating in election threads because you were a disgusting pig one too many times and have been hand slapped into fluff threads about your granddaughter, blenders and crock pots. Don't think for a minute that you won't be just as nasty once the election is over and people settle back into the regular Pea drama.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Greek salad, broccoli salad, and fruit salad for a tailgait Squealin? Really?

77 Anonymous said... 77

Staph is "getting her GOP on" right now at the Romney rally. lol Selling dildos has gotten to her head. She must think she's going to become a millionaire. You know the GOP, all about being up in your vagina.

I knew something was wrong with her when she would kiss and defend L'urine's ass. L'urine must be her biggest dildo customer.

78 Anonymous said... 78

60 - Yawwwwwn typical comeback.

79 Anonymous said... 79

WTH is a blatter infection? and thank god her wet wipes are anti freeze free!

October 12, 2012 12:13 PM

I really did LOL when I read this last night. What a fucking eejut. Anti freeze in wet wipes? Who knew?

80 Anonymous said... 80

LOL! Squillen certainly is ugly, no doubt about that!
October 12, 2012 2:06 PM

Yep. It's not the fat that makes her ugly, it's her black heart.

81 Anonymous said... 81

I'm fucking sick of these made up problems. Let the kid wear what he wants. He not a fucking toddler!

82 Anonymous said... 82

Yea, I roll my eyes at most "sensory issues" that the Peas bring up. Sure, there are truly kids out there with sever problems, but this just seems trivial.

83 Anonymous said... 83

I'm giving that OP a pass, 81. I'm pretty sure those kids were adopted from foster care, and who knows what their lives were like before. It isn't the usual pea snowflake "problems."

84 Anonymous said... 84

I'm giving that OP a pass, 81. I'm pretty sure those kids were adopted from foster care, and who knows what their lives were like before. It isn't the usual pea snowflake "problems."
October 12, 2012 5:55 PM

This. Those kids came from some kind of hellish background. This mom is not the WingNut and other helicopter, excuse-making, attention seeking, white-bread type of typical pea mom.

She gets a pass from me.

85 Anonymous said... 85

May you bitches be itched with a thousand tags.

86 Anonymous said... 86

How the fuck can you sit there on your iPad? THERE IS A HORSE IN NEED!!!!!!!!!

87 Anonymous said... 87

Dayum...just saw Squealin's new avatar pic. Now I know why she was AWOL from the Pod...bitch got weight loss surgery. No way in hell that cow lost that much weight without a staple or a lapband.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Meh. Not sure if squeals had surgery or just lost 20 lbs and figured out some photoshop techniques.

Her pictures are ghastly, though, no matter how much she weighs.

She's all around gross and bitchy.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Okay I'll give the sensory issues kid mom a pass. I figured she was another nutter like ADD housewife.

As for the cunt who wished we be itched by a thousand tags. Uh, fuck you...tags already bug the shit out of me, but I don't need to label it so I can "brag" about my sensory issues.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Why are the peas so damn susceptible to trolls?

91 Anonymous said... 91

T-Rex, MeGlop already has an alter.

92 Anonymous said... 92

is trex supposed to be pointing fun at sabrina?

93 Anonymous said... 93

Who is glops alter?

94 Anonymous said... 94

Dayum...just saw Squealin's new avatar pic. Now I know why she was AWOL from the Pod...bitch got weight loss surgery. No way in hell that cow lost that much weight without a staple or a lapband.

Her and Candleangie have some hard ass looking mugs. They look like old spinster Victorian women from another era. Who would hit that? Ick!

95 Anonymous said... 95

64Anonymous said... 64 2 Anonymous said...

To 22, I don't need to answer your question. I made a statement. Make your statements and move along. That's what the blog is for.


What the hell is wrong with you?
Yeah, you made a statement that nobody understood and I was just asking what you meant.

If you have to make statements that nobody can understand and refuse to say wth you're talking about, why bother?

October 12, 2012 2:40 PM

What the hell is wrong with me? That is the dumbest question ever considering the topic (that you don't understand). Sad..

It wasn't hard to understand at all. Sorry that your comprehension is nil.

You got lost in the different posts about the same subject obviously, there was more to it than just the post you referred to.


96 Anonymous said... 96

cease-fucking-fire already. damn.

97 Anonymous said... 97

How exactly would Romney/Ryan policy that only allows abortion in cases of incest, rape, or the health of the mother would actually be regulated?

How many doctors notes would you need? How does the court system figure into this - seems like you'd need an ruling from a judge in order to legally proceed with an abortion, correct? Or go before some sort of tribunal? Would the girl/woman be forced to go to court against her rapist? Would a conviction be required prior to the abortion? What about the time issue?

Please, Squealin' Typus, Glop, Pineapple et al, explain - in detail - how your "only in cases of rape, incest, or health of the mother" panacea will work.

I'm intensely curious.

98 Anonymous said... 98

Wingnut's son isn't important as her dog, it didn't garner another conversation with the voice of god.

99 Anonymous said... 99

96 looks like fish bait.

100 Anonymous said... 100

96 makes no sense!

101 Anonymous said... 101

66Anonymous said... 66 Let it go 64. Obviously, she has no understanding of her statement and feels as though she doesn't need to explain anything.

October 12, 2012 2:53 PM
67Anonymous said... 67 Let it go, 66? I only responded to the craziness once, so I'm not really holding onto anything. Moving on.

October 12, 2012 3:03 PM

LOL craziness? Haha!! Later you say "nobody understood". I think you're wrong big time. It made perfect sense and you must be kelpea to still be so butthurt over a tiny statement made days ago on a completely different page. Out of curiosity I had to go see what all this "craziness" was about. Big deal and who cares about it?

102 Anonymous said... 102

LOL craziness? Haha!! Later you say "nobody understood". I think you're wrong big time. It made perfect sense and you must be kelpea to still be so butthurt over a tiny statement made days ago on a completely different page. Out of curiosity I had to go see what all this "craziness" was about. Big deal and who cares about it?

God that shit was two fucking days ago and you are still bringing this shit up?

Get a fucking life!

103 Anonymous said... 103

Did anyone catch that ADD's brother served time for statutory rape and other charges?

Here's her post:

Also, a 19 yo having sex with his 15 yo girl friend and is caught and prosecuted will be labeled as a sexual offender. My brother served time because the girl lied about her age. He thought she was legal. He was 5 years older than she was, tho he thought they were the same age. He bought her alcohol (obtained legally). He was convicted of many things including statutory rape, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, alcohol related charges, etc...because her parents wanted to teach him a lesson. Because of mandatory sentencing, he spent his 20s in prison and is now a registered sex offender. He had to go live in a halfway house because my parents live too close to a school.

I'm not defending my brother. He was hugely stupid to be having sex in a park to begin with, coupled with all the other dumb stuff he was doing when he was 21. But it is unfortunate that he was the one prosecuted when he took the word of his date and didn't check her ID.

His case isn't isolated. There are many reports of young people doing dumb things and ending up on the register.

I don't believe for one minute that he thought she was 21, when she was 16. And that's coming from someone who "looked older" at that age, AND who lost her virginity to someone who could have spent time in jail for it. I'm pretty sure I lied about my age and said I was 18 at first, but I clearly remember after the deed was done, him proudly proclaiming that he was the same age as my oldest sister - 12 years older than me. He had lied about his age too.

I was stupid, and drunk from the alcohol he (legally) purchased, and in hindsight, despite being told by many (mostly men) that I looked older, I really didn't.

104 Anonymous said... 104

Sorry that was so long! I wanted to include her post in case it disappears.

105 Anonymous said... 105

It really bothers me that sammel/oldpeanewname is a teacher. Especially since it seems like not long ago she was an unskilled worker in a crappy job.

Her last post in this thread seems really defensive for no reason, no one was accusing her of not being a teacher, just asking her about her relation to the student- homeroom teacher etc.

That said, I don't believe she's a teacher, I think she's trying to gain some credibility at 2peas after all her lame political arguments/threads.

106 Anonymous said... 106

If he'd just kept his dick in his pants (btw isn't that what Jesus wants?) he wouldn't find himself in such a mess.

Isn't that what the fundies keep saying about women? Keep your legs shut?

My sympathy level: 0.

107 Anonymous said... 107

Kendra is taking the kids to get pumpkins today, then she is dropping them at Grandma's for the night and going out and getting wasted. Go Kendra!

108 Anonymous said... 108

Kids in high school look like they are in college. Yes, girls today look much older than their age.

109 Anonymous said... 109

Kids in high school look like they are in college. Yes, girls today look much older than their age.

That's fucking bullshit.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Kids in high school look like they are in college. Yes, girls today look much older than their age.
October 13, 2012 11:25 AM

You're an idiot.

Some do, some don't. It's been that way for generations.

Like someone above said, guys need to keep their dicks in their pants until they're sure of a girl's age.

111 Anonymous said... 111

Why am I not surprised that ADD's brother is a sex offender?

112 Anonymous said... 112

I agree with 108. It's amazing how these girls look so mature.

113 Anonymous said... 113

God forbid males take any fucking responsibility for fucking. It's all us slutty, of-the-devil temptresses. If only we wore burkas and were not allowed out alone, then dudes wouldn't fall into our vaginas in public parks.

114 Anonymous said... 114

ITA 113.

It's sad how fucking stupid some women are. Drinking the misogynistic KoolAid and all . . .

115 Anonymous said... 115

Where's the aspirin for these men to keep balanced on their dicks so they don't get anyone pregnant?

116 Anonymous said... 116

102Anonymous said... 102 LOL craziness? Haha!! Later you say "nobody understood". I think you're wrong big time. It made perfect sense and you must be kelpea to still be so butthurt over a tiny statement made days ago on a completely different page. Out of curiosity I had to go see what all this "craziness" was about. Big deal and who cares about it?

God that shit was two fucking days ago and you are still bringing this shit up?

Get a fucking life!

October 13, 2012 7:50 AM

You need to reread what you copy and pasted. "Teh" stoopid is here again!

117 Anonymous said... 117

I don't think 16 year old girls are naive babes in the wood. Rape happens, but a lot of girls consent to something and then change their minds later. A bad choice is different than rape.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Or parents find out and want the guy punished.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Rape happens, but a lot of girls consent to something and then change their minds later. A bad choice is different than rape.

October 13, 2012 1:15 PM

This has nothing to do with statutory rape.

And I think they should go on the sex offender list. There is a section of the male population that gets off on younger childlike women and prey on them. That IS a form of pedophilia.

120 Anonymous said... 120

Jerry Sandusky's lawyer was done for statutory rape too. The sex offender defending the sex offender in the pedophilia club. How did that work out you Jerry?

121 Anonymous said... 121

God forbid males take any fucking responsibility for fucking. It's all us slutty, of-the-devil temptresses. If only we wore burkas and were not allowed out alone, then dudes wouldn't fall into our vaginas in public parks.


No shit. It's always the female's fault. Every fucking time.

122 Anonymous said... 122

Bitch is being forced to start her own threads in order to get any attention at all. Most people have her ignore now so it is the only way she can get her digs in. And her threads aren't getting much attention either. She must be so pissed.

123 Anonymous said... 123

Where's the aspirin for these men to keep balanced on their dicks so they don't get anyone pregnant?


Don't be silly. Viagra is their God-given right as decreed in the bible and constitution (redundant?). Because a limp dick is a medical CRISIS.

124 Anonymous said... 124


Stick a cork in it, pennyring. This girl was harassed out of three different schools. Parents should be teaching their little shit head kids about what forever truly means in terms of the internet.

125 Anonymous said... 125

Did this stupid, neglectful bitch actually think she would get sympathy from the peas? Keep your declawed cat inside, idiot!

126 Anonymous said... 126

Kendra ran a 5K today!

127 Anonymous said... 127

desertpea is amazingly ignorant. and proud of it.

128 Anonymous said... 128

desertpea is also pretty much a troll.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Hey Typhus, you are a jackass.

That's not bullying. It's just a fact.

Wench is right. For someone who claims never to come here to the blog, you sure are knowledgeable about every little thing that goes on over here.

Oh, I almost forgot, to say hi to Wenchie. Despite your claims to the contrary wench, you're here all the time, too.

130 Anonymous said... 130

Quit pickin' on poor, innocent Mrs. T!

131 Anonymous said... 131

This story is so sad and I'm sorry this young lady didn't get the help she desperately needed. I wish her therapist, school counselor, teacher, parent, friend, someone had intervened and gotten her admitted to the hospital for more intense treatment and therapy.


What dafuk are you talking about? Are you turning into some kind of weak, spineless, tree-hugging leftist Mrs T?

A quick trip to the free ER was all that was needed!

132 Anonymous said... 132

Mrs. Tylers extreme self-importance and know-it-all-ness is really, really, REALLY off-putting.

That snarling bitch Pennyring is more tolerable.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Obviously that girl didn't PRAY HARD ENOUGH.

God was off finding lost dogs that day.

Praise Jeebus!

134 Anonymous said... 134

So,Janelle-the-deficit-is-the-most-important-thing-evah!, who did you vote for in 2004 and 2008?

Please, enlighten us.

135 Anonymous said... 135

I'm so glad to hear this irritates the fuck out of so many peatards. Gonna ramp up my use!

136 Anonymous said... 136

Mrs T:

You are a bloviating, fatass know-it-all - the Rush Limbaugh of Two Peas.

We hate your guts and feel incredibly sorry for both your students and your family.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Hi cindyupnorth! (#135) You're the biggest peatard at the bucket. You can't string a coherent sentence together and have absolutely nothing of value to add to any thread, ever! You are a moron and a total clown.

138 Anonymous said... 138

No shit, 135. What's the difference between typing "+1" or "that" or "I agree completely with Tier One Pea/whomever I'm sucking up to"?

I'll have to use +1 more often.

139 Anonymous said... 139

sammel is not a certified teacher. She's been an aide on and off for several years, in different capacities. Then over the past year she was in some program to become some sort of reading specialist. But it was less than a year, she's not a full-fledged certified teacher like she sometimes implies. She teaches some kind of reading to young elementary kids.

140 Anonymous said... 140

so she's puffing* herself up? why am i not the least surprised?

*by puffing herself up, i mean lying.

141 LYNLOON said... 141


142 Anonymous said... 142

Mrs T:

You are a bloviating, fatass know-it-all - the Rush Limbaugh of Two Peas.

We hate your guts and feel incredibly sorry for both your students and your family.



143 Anonymous said... 143

It should be a crime for someone like sammel to be around kids.

She's one of those crazy bitches who has some pissant aide position and tries to pass herself off as a teacher. You can bet your sweet ass she just wants the dirt on why that kid was suspended and will be spreading gossip about it all over the community. It's sad that soapy schools have such low standards and will hire ass clowns like sammel, typhus, et al. Public schools are in the shitter

144 Anonymous said... 144

I'm sick of the running posts. Can't you take your 'race report' to runners world? I think I'd rather read about scrapbooking.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Also tired of running posts.

But laughing at the aspirins balanced on the...!

Can't figure out who you are calling Glop or MeGlop? Sometimes the nicknames-for- screen names give me the stooopids!

146 Anonymous said... 146

MeGOP = MeGlop

147 Anonymous said... 147

And so it begins. Sigh. And all the peatards MUST outdo the others.

OMG, I think I will have our fucking elf parachute in! Surely I know someone with a plane!

148 Anonymous said... 148

I don't mind the running threads, but was surprised to see how many Peas get teary eyed over someone running a marathon. I mean, damn, one of the things that has always surprised me the most about the NSBR is what a bunch of misanthropes they all are. But running makes 'em cry. Go figure.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Here we go, no one who loves their children would EVER drink around them.

150 Anonymous said... 150

"I mean, damn, one of the things that has always surprised me the most about the NSBR is what a bunch of misanthropes they all are. But running makes 'em cry. Go figure"

That's lol funny!

151 Anonymous said... 151

Here we go, no one who loves their children would EVER drink around them.


seriously, i'm beginning to think that that whole website is some sort of 'the onion'-type parody.

152 Anonymous said... 152

I don't think Scrapwench has ever denied coming here, nor does she rail about the posts here.

Typhus on the other hand, is obsessed. She loves to accuse random peas of being Blog posters when she's losing an argument.

153 Anonymous said... 153

How the fuck am I supposed to deal with a bunch of brats without a glass of wine? Fucking hell, alcohol purists breed alcoholics.

154 Anonymous said... 154

She asks for advice, receives it, and chooses to ignore. Typical pea.

155 Anonymous said... 155

Newsflash, your BF and SO are screwing each other.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Kaleidoscope is one unpleasant bitch, isn't she?

157 Anonymous said... 157

And stupid as shit to boot. Clueless.

158 Anonymous said... 158

Read wench's last comment on pg 1, #152

159 Anonymous said... 159

Funny how when asked for sources rather than conjecture, they always pull the "I'm on my phone" or "I'm sorry, I'm headed out for the day and won't be able to post at all." Yet right up until that moment they somehow manage heartcat-long spittle soaked rants that rival an episode of Glenn Beck and his trusty chalkboard.

160 Anonymous said... 160

lunch is for wimps

PeaNut 261669 - May 2006
Posts: 12735 Layouts: 0
Loc: Hotel for Cats
Posted: 10/13/2012 12:34:25 PM
Oh for fuck sake, keep your cats inside AT ALL TIMES! You have no one to blame but yourself.


Your son is going to end up being hard ass when he starts school if you don't lighten up. He's going to be bitter and "try to hard" to be mean, like his mother.

161 Anonymous said... 161


What the fuck, TravelAgent? Why wouldn't you let your child say goodbye to their dog?

162 Anonymous said... 162

What is it about Travel Agent's avatar pic that creeps me out?????

163 Anonymous said... 163

Reminds me of the movie version of Roald Dahl's "The Witches" right before they all remove their wigs and let their freaky faces come out.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Probably the teeth. Or the hair. Could be her face. Or clothing. Or the background.

Face it - the entire pic is creepy. That is the essence of Travel Agent.

165 Anonymous said... 165

pennyring is a twit

166 Anonymous said... 166

I'm sick of the running posts. Can't you take your 'race report' to runners world? I think I'd rather read about scrapbooking.

I don't understand comments like these. Don't fucking click on the thread. I'm sick of the animal rescue site click daily thread, and the fucking political threads, so guess what? I.DON'T.FUCKING.OPEN.THEM.

167 Anonymous said... 167

Funny how when asked for sources rather than conjecture, they always pull the "I'm on my phone" or "I'm sorry, I'm headed out for the day and won't be able to post at all." Yet right up until that moment they somehow manage heartcat-long spittle soaked rants that rival an episode of Glenn Beck and his trusty chalkboard.


Yeah, I've noticed that as well.

168 Anonymous said... 168

So. The GOP's voter suppression attempts are getting shot down by the various courts around the country.

The race is shaping up to be not close enough (despite all the 'horserace' bullshit) to make election tampering viable.

What I'm seeing now is the Repubs, led by their scummy crook Issa, laying the foundation to trump up some impeachment charges against the president.

What a vile group of people. To think that they claim to be paragons of patriotism and virtue. SMH

169 Anonymous said... 169

TravelAgent looks like a female Paul Ryan sans widow's peak.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Go find a political board. Vote for who you want.

171 Anonymous said... 171

What I'm seeing now is the Repubs, led by their scummy crook Issa, laying the foundation to trump up some impeachment charges against the president.


If they do, it's solid proof that they're idiots living in their own Fox News echo chamber:

Chris Stevens' family is publicly *BEGGING* them to not turn his son's death in political fodder.

241 marines killed in Beruit attack under St Ronnie.

August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Bulletin: Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US.

Monica Lewinsky fiasco. Congress's approval ratings are not low enough, continue to do nothing constructive for this country and diddle around wasting enormous sums of money and time on stupid, grandstanding partisan crap. Maybe they can get their approval ratings sub-zero.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Fiddle while Rome burns!!!!!!!!!!!

173 Anonymous said... 173

Travel Agent's avatar reminds me of The Bird Lady from Kids in the Hall.

Google it and thank me later ;)

174 Anonymous said... 174

LOL #173, I don't even have to Google it! Loved Kids in the Hall.
"Fresh out of my body, right onto your plate!"

175 Anonymous said... 175

Speaking of avatar pics...

If you had a condition which caused visible loss of hair, wouldn't you ummmm, you know, buy a wig? or a female toupee, if there is such a thing?
(or wear a sassy hat or scarf when your photo is taken?)

I know people can't really help what they look like (mostly), but this one puzzles me.

176 Anonymous said... 176

Runners/Marathoners are an odd bunch.

I've never met a one (and I think it shows up on the Two Peas running threads), that are *not* at the very least at least somewhat obsessive/compulsive (i.e. they freak about not being able to run), narcissistic (ooh,ooh look at me! Look at what I did!) and also masochists ("I tore up my knee, but I'm still running! or "I lost three toenails and my feet are bleeding, but whoohoo! Aren't I grand!!!)

I'm not sure if there is any other group that is the same about their "sport", if you want to call it that.

177 Anonymous said... 177

175, it depends on what you're comfortable with. Brandy has discussed her decision not to do so, and I greatly admire her for it. I think she's beautiful.

178 Anonymous said... 178

I hear ya, 177... I never heard her reasoning behind it. She is certainly much braver than I could be.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Oh crap....Dropping kids off in other neighborhoods to trick or treat once again. Sigh. Same shit different year.

Backtopeality is either completely full of shit or lives in the ghetto.

180 Anonymous said... 180

177 Anonymous said... 177
175, it depends on what you're comfortable with. Brandy has discussed her decision not to do so, and I greatly admire her for it. I think she's beautiful.

The only thing about Brandy is, well, frankly - her hair style. I have very, very fine and thinning hair. Does it look good all the time - hell no.

But - I did find an excellent hair stylist that cuts and styles my hair in such a way that it can look okay much of the time. One of the biggest thing I had to come to grips with is that I CAN NOT wear my hair long or parted down the middle. It just doesn't work with hair as fine and thin as mine OR Brandy's.

So - dear Brandy - Please get a different hair stylist! Some where out there is a professional that will give you the proper cut for your hair, show you which products to use to make it appear fuller and show you how to style it. Really - you will feel even more confident and look even better. You are a sweet lady and deserve it!

181 Anonymous said... 181

180, I don't recall Brandy asking for your, or my, opinion on how she should style her damn hair. I don't seem to recall Brandy mentioning any self-esteem problems, either.

Save your "friendly" opinion for someone else.

Brandy is happy, beautiful and confident.

Without your unsolicited, unnecessarily "helpful" advice.

182 Anonymous said... 182

Things your kids say are funny to you and your dh, the rest of the world, not so much.

183 Anonymous said... 183

I agree, 176. I do think many distance runners can tend toward narcissism and obsessive-compulsive behavior.

That being said, I think more Peas should go for a good run. It can be very therapeutic, and if anyone could use some therapy.....

184 Anonymous said... 184

Dear 181

Or should I say "hello, Brandy"!

In fact, Brandy DID post a thread some time ago asking for ideas on how to style her hair. Many peas gave some useful, helpful advise. She then had her hair done and was very, very insecure about how it looked. Of course, the usual suspects said it looked great, when in fact, it did not.

So, sorry Brandy, this isn't 2peas. People here say it like it is. Some one here brought her hair up, I gave my opinion. Get over it all ready.

185 Anonymous said... 185

This is Lauren.

186 Anonymous said... 186

181, and I'm not Brandy.

I find your obsession with her hair strange. Why don't you PM your helpful advice to her, since you're such a caring individual?

Oh, wait. You're not. You just wanted to snark on someone's appearance and do it under the guise of being "helpful."

Well, I'm calling a spade a spade: you're a passive aggressive cunt. I'm sure you're a fucking supermodel.

187 Anonymous said... 187

No, it's oblio. Are you new?

188 Anonymous said... 188

187 is in response to 185.

189 Anonymous said... 189

Amazing! Cara posted a picture of her 'special guy' without saying he's special!

190 Anonymous said... 190

cindyupnorth : "WOW!! I like that some of the Ps names are sooooo deep!?? I Never knew! that is sooo cool!! I wasn't that deep when I picked my name. "

Is it possible for you to type a normal sentence without sounding like a 13 year old valley girl? Lyke OmG!

191 Anonymous said... 191

No kidding 190. Pathetic.

192 ATHENA COULTER said... 192


193 Anonymous said... 193

Actually, you're just a smarmy cunt.

194 Anonymous said... 194

I am a distance runner and I don't think I'm a narcissist, but I am obsessive/compulsive about it. You have to be a runner to understand.

195 Anonymous said... 195

when you use DB to describe your "dear brother" I still read it as "douchebag."

That is all.

196 Anonymous said... 196

I'd say this thread sums up why so many peas are such miserable uptight bitches. Most of them are married to selfish piglike jerks.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Here we go, no one who loves their children would EVER drink around them.

These are the kids who end up in the ER getting their stomach pumped out on the first weekend as a freshman in college because they don't know how to drink in moderation.

198 Anonymous said... 198

And Juanita lays another turd in the pea punch bowl. That chick is a grade A ass. She shows up lays sturdy and never comes back. I'm an Obama fan but hate most of the pea supporters.

199 Anonymous said... 199

Those Pea husbands end up like children because their wives allow them to be lazy pieces of shit, it isn't until 15 years later when it catches up to them and they realize what terrible men they've married. I don't do my husband's laundry, he's a big boy he can take care of it.

200 Anonymous said... 200

Single copies of Ensign are readily available at

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