Monday, October 29, 2012

Space 10/29/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1


This OP's gotta be a troll/alter.

2 Anonymous said... 2

It's about time Jane! You really need to check the blog more often. Getting over 200 posts is a pain on blogspot.

3 Anonymous said... 3

Sadma=Peabay. 18 year old DD dating 37 year old. Maybe Sandy will take him out.

4 Anonymous said... 4

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I knew it! Yeah, right Squeals, you can't make a buck off of it so why try?

5 Anonymous said... 5

Her first posts are to announce that she's hospitalized, but pea posts make her happy? *coughdramawhorecough*

6 Anonymous said... 6

No I don't think it's peabay. Not sure who it is though. The posts are put together in a coherent fashion so obviously it isn't cindyupnorth.

7 Anonymous said... 7

Did anyone else read the hair washing thread? I read it this morning on my phone...all I have to say is EWWWW! I don't care how much you think it does not smell, it does.

8 Anonymous said... 8


9 Anonymous said... 9

I wash my hair three times a week. It doesn't smell. My hair is much healthier though.

10 Anonymous said... 10

Of course it doesn't, honey, of course it doesn't.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Is the bukkit broken?? I just went there, and there hasn't been a new post for almost an hour!

12 Anonymous said... 12

I don't think Sadma is Peabay, I think it's a Canadian pea because of some of the vernacular.

I also only wash my hair every other day, and once you get into that routine, it does not smell. I will admit it took a while to get to that point where the 2nd day didn't make me crazy, but now it actually looks better on day 2.

And before you can do it, "sure it does, honey, sure it does, bless your heart".

13 Anonymous said... 13

I haven't seen any new posts either.

And unless you are a sweaty beast, your hair does not smell after one day of not shampooing. I shampoo every other day and do a rinse otherwise. It doesn't have that flowery/fragrant smell on those days but it also doesn't stink. I'd rather people wash their butts and armpits daily than their hair.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Mariah2 broke the pod, that cunt.

15 Anonymous said... 15

"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

/mb_edit.asp, line 1153"

That is the error I get when I tried to do a test reply on a thread.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Wonder how many 15 minute cleaning challenges are being done right now?? Or maybe the peas are just sitting there hitting 'refresh' over and over and over again...

17 Anonymous said... 17

Of course it doesn't, honey, of course it doesn't.


18 Anonymous said... 18

busypea is probably pissed that she has to work now.

19 Anonymous said... 19

Did that hit too close to home #17??

20 Anonymous said... 20

Why would your hair smell, unless you worked out? I wash mine if I get sweaty, but I don't that is rare, lol. But if it's hot and I'm outside. Otherwise, every 3-4 days. I have really dry skin, and if I wash it more I get dandruff, now that's eeewww.

No seriously- what would make hair smell after even a week? What do you people do with your hair, wipe your ass? Smoke?

21 Anonymous said... 21

I don't think Sadma is Peabay, I think it's a Canadian pea because of some of the vernacular.
___________________________________________________________________________I agree...especially the word university

22 Anonymous said... 22

Its too bad we can't ship stupid back to the bukkit.

The reason your hair gets greasy when you skip washing it is because your body is trying to replace the natural oils that get stripped away by shampoo. If you start skipping a day, within a week you don't get the big oil buildup. Besides, you can condition your hair every day if you like. Once the oil in your hair gets back to natural levels, it won't be as greasy.

I was every three days or every other day, depending on the weather. The main reason I decided to try cutting back is that my hair is getting thinner and cutting back was receommended to me by my stylist.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Some people have smelly scalps. It's kind of an "old-skin" smell.

24 Anonymous said... 24

but once you get into a routine of not daily washing, that smell goes away

25 Anonymous said... 25

You wouldn't go three days without showering. Why would you go days without cleaning your head? There are bacteria feeding on your natural oils and dead skin and after a few days you're going to smell not fresh. I can see not using lathering shampoo on your scalp every day but not even getting your hair wet? You stink. Just because you're accustomed to your own animal odor doesn't mean other people can't smell it when they hug you or get close.

26 Anonymous said... 26

You bitches just think it doesn't smell after your scalp gets used to not being washed every day because your damn NOSE gets used to smelling your stink. Trust me, people can smell your scalp when they walk in your house. Maybe not if you wash every other day, but go longer than a couple of days and you smell nasty.

27 Anonymous said... 27

"Did that hit too close to home #17?? "

She nailed it, you are a cunt!

28 Anonymous said... 28

That's too bad that original thoughts are too much for your little brain to handle #27.

29 Anonymous said... 29

28 needs to be knocked off her high horse.

30 Anonymous said... 30

You stink. Just because you're accustomed to your own animal odor doesn't mean other people can't smell it when they hug you or get close.

Not true. But hey, you keep washing your hair every day. What we do should have no impact on your life.

31 Anonymous said... 31

I see L'urine is here.

32 Anonymous said... 32

wow Sandy knocked out the nsbr. At least there's an error message for the first time in what 15 years...

33 Anonymous said... 33

28 is the blog's hater.

34 Anonymous said... 34

If I don't bathe everyday my paws smell like Fritos.

35 Anonymous said... 35

Washing your hair every day is bad. That statement is myth. The fact is, everyone is different. Those with dry hair and/or dry scalp more than likely do not need to wash it everyday. Yeah for you.

However, people like me that have fine, thin, limp hair, that use a fair amount of hair products, etc., actually benefit from daily washings. A gentle shampoo/scalp cleanser helps keep the scalp healthy. Healthy , deeply rooted hair comes from a scalp that is clean and free from debris. Build-up of sebum or products blocks hair follicles and can prevent new hair coming through the skin and maturing. In time, the lack of new growth will make hair look increasingly thin.

So - if you have thick, dry, frizzy hair - wash it as little as you want. But a daily cleaning is a must- for me.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Nope, 33, not the hater. Just sick of stupid middle school minds on here.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Why do people even feel the need to discuss their personal hygiene habits on a public chat forum?? People are morons.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Because it feeds their need to feel superior. As in "I don't wash my hair and it's so HEALTHY!! I get compliments all the time on how BEAUTIFUL it is!" They think they found some great secret...but the real secret is that everyone is different, and what works for them will not work for everyone. But, they can go on with their bad self, thinking they are the smartest person ever.

39 Anonymous said... 39

I have fine, thin and limp hair too. Too much product just coats your hair and weighs it down even more. I use a small amount of argan oil and call it a day. I still rinse my hair completely and scrub with the tip of my fingers everyday, shampoo every other day.

Shampooing strips the oil from your scalp so your body ramps up the oil production every time you shampoo. It is like washing your face with a really harsh and drying cleanser and then not moisturizing afterwards. You just end up like a grease ball.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Gee 36, you are here posting. Puts you in that category that you are so sick of.

41 Anonymous said... 41

Nope, #40, I don't post stupid crap like "she nailed it" or lower myself to name calling.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Just in case that went over your head #40, I was talking about specific behaviors on here, not just general posting.

43 Anonymous said... 43

I'd rather read about the peas washing/not washing/co-washing their hair, than read about their "recipes" or their sex lives (ralph) or whatever else they think is so wonderful. At least the hygiene/product threads are somewhat interesting.

44 Anonymous said... 44

It always amazes me how many of the pea recipes have cream of crap soup or dry onion soup mix in them.

45 Anonymous said... 45

I wash my hair once a month and I let my pubes grow really long and I wash them once a month too. My husband likes me not to shave my armpits and we have sex on my period.

Did you know my snatch smells like shrimp after I eat shrimp? Mmmmmm....shrimpy.

46 Anonymous said... 46

Is the Pod down for anyone else? B O R I N G

47 Anonymous said... 47

@ 44: Or cream cheese or ranch dressing.

48 Anonymous said... 48

I bet more Peas wouldn't be as uptight if they got laid more.

49 Anonymous said... 49

or the horrid italian chicken with dried italian dressing, cream cheese and cream of crap soup. I puked in my mouth just reading the recipe!!

50 Anonymous said... 50

Oh, but to hear the pea-sheep tell it, the Italian beef is the greatest thing since homemade bread. I tried it--smelled good cooking, no taste.

51 Anonymous said... 51

bwhahaha...the pod is kind of coming back, and there are a bunch of posts like "is the board broken for anyone else" and "is the board not updating"...I can just see the fat frumpy housewives going crazy trying to figure out what is wrong with the bukkit. It would be horrible to actually spend some time with your family!

52 Anonymous said... 52

One can of the cream of crap shit has more sodium than you need in a week. If your recipe has more canned shit in it than fresh ingredients...ugh.

And microwaving vegetables until they are sad little remnants of food doesn't make it healthy either.

53 Anonymous said... 53


54 Jeff Spicoli said... 54

I agree with 48. Another thing that helps is smoking a huge fatty.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Anybody here belong to the pea "organizing" group on Facebook? It's pretty damn funny--a bunch of women talking about how to organize and what they need to organize, and not actually doing it. I read sometimes just to remind myself what not to do. The bucket's like that for me, too.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Thanks, Mr. Hand. Heheheheheheheh.

57 Anonymous said... 57

Nothing better than smoking a bowl after a nice roll in the sheets.

58 Anonymous said... 58

I tried it--smelled good cooking, no taste.

It was the opposite for me. It smelled like wet dog when it was cooking. It had taste, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make it again.

I actually did make it twice, the second time I found a better recipe online somewhere.

Even then, I would rather go to a local Italian deli for a sandwich like that.

59 Anonymous said... 59

I would never tell anyone that I smoke pot.

60 Anonymous said... 60

I also like to make edibles, they really send you to another level.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Pot brownies over rated as are most pot edibles. You must be a light weight, 60

62 Anonymous said... 62

Who said anything about pot brownies? You just spread that buddah on toast and let it ride.

Or you can simmer some stems and a bit of a nug in some half & half for 30 minutes and then make yourself a coffee.

63 Anonymous said... 63


64 Anonymous said... 64

Great. Who let the fucking potheads in??? Close the damn door when you leave!!!

65 Anonymous said... 65

62, that sounds awesome! When dh retires from his secret squirrel job, we are so doing that.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Bless Trollie for wanting the Frothers on their own board. They're clearly not getting what they want at the NSBR.

67 Anonymous said... 67

I hate hate hate when brides wear a dress like in photo A. They look like a bad wedding cake.

D is the most flattering.

68 Anonymous said... 68

65 - it taste terrible, but when you spread the buddah on toast it gets the job done quickly and for a longgg time.

69 Anonymous said... 69

Getting beyond tired of the Wingnut Tourette's.

Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

70 Anonymous said... 70

Holy hell, of all the rude behavior, this pea takes the cake... ""UGH! I hate that! My daughter invited her class over for a party last year (all of them...we find it is just easier...LOL). She was turning 7. One of the brothers (a 5th grader we don't know) decided that he was staying, too, because it looked fun. His dad insited that he could stay...I insisted that he couldn't. Dad ran out the door without him. I made the boy (who I think was old enought to know that NO means NO) sit on couch. No games, food, goodie bag. I was irritated and explained to the dad when he picked up his daughter that it was not okay that he did that and that we would not be able to have her over again because of it. I hate to punish the girl, but I will not be steam rolled in my own house again.""

So the dad was very rude, but the party host actually made the poor kid sit on the couch and watch the party???!?! That is torture for a kid!!! I understand being pea-livid at the PARENT, but to take it out on the kid?? Outrageous!!!

71 Anonymous said... 71

So far today:

Body by vi shake with sf/ff butterscotch pudding mix
hamburger with bacon
2 liters of water
2 glasses of diet pepsi

dinner is going to be a big salad with rib eye steak.

^^^THIS is clean eating??? WHAT THE FUCK???
from this thread:

72 Anonymous said... 72

70-why the fuck would a fifth grade BOY want to be at a little girl party for 7 year olds? I would have made the little prick sit on the couch too and the dad is a BIG PRICK slash DOUCHEWAD.

73 Anonymous said... 73

I'm hoping my state legalizes weed. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama moves it off the Fed drug list if he gets a 2nd term.

Overdue. Waaaay overdue.

74 Anonymous said... 74

Low carb/Low sugar is NOT the same as clean eating!!

75 Anonymous said... 75

Body by Vi shake are a big fucking pyramid scheme. What an idiot.

76 Anonymous said... 76

75-And the dolt puts FF PUDDING in it? Nothing but chemicals in that shit.

These Peas and their fucking stupid ass diets. They lose 50lbs and gain 30 back because who the hell can go on with life eating the stupid shit they eat. Gluten free? Unless you have celiac disease, gluten free shit can make you gain weight. They do nothing but jump on the latest bandwagon but they are all still fat asses.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Did you read the thread 76? That is exactly what they were ALL do they not get it? Eating like that just messes up your body, and you do gain it all back! You can't pick one thing to cut out (carbs, fat, sugar) and expect it to just magically work! It astounds me how so many have tried it, lost weight, gained it all back, just to try the same thing again. How about you learn from your mistakes, talk to a REAL nutritionist (not the quack Jorge Cruise) and actually eat healthy food??

78 Anonymous said... 78

So Willard used, then ultimately cheated, the Mormon church? Shocker. Not.


79 Anonymous said... 79

Actually, you can go gluten free without being a celiac patient and it can do wonders for you. My coworker did. Lost over 100 lbs. She is a different person. She is very committed to staying G-free (she was one of those different fad a week dieters) and from doing a little research, gluten free CAN be a good way to eat (as long as you aren't stuffing your face with all the gluten free processed stuff out there because that is just as bad as eating regular processed stuff.)

80 Anonymous said... 80

Yes, I do. We shouldn't let anyone vote who doesn't know how to use an apostrophe by the time they are old enough to vote.

81 Anonymous said... 81

79 she didn't lose 100 pounds because she went gluten free. She's eating healthier and not eatnig processed stuff. You said it yourself in your last sentence. Gluten-free does not make someone lose weight. Eating less and healthier does.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Kendra subsists on a strict diet of sperm and meth.

83 Anonymous said... 83

I'm in shock that there are people who have never heard of the Tomb of the Unknowns. Really? I don't live anywhere near Arlington National Cemetery and I've heard of it. And I'm not any kind of history buff or anything. Every year we see the president lay a wreath there on Memorial Day. We learn about it in school. Or we should learn about it. Momofsweetlillad (or whatever her name is) is an idiot.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Get over it, 83. There are a lot of memorials across the US, those that didn't know were probably trying to see which one is was. And not all Peas are from the US.

85 Anonymous said... 85

I hate the word clean when it comes to eating.

86 Anonymous said... 86

81, well, if you count eating buffalo chicken dip for breakfast healthy eating, then ok. Yes, she DID lose weight by eliminating wheat from her diet. And NO, my last statement does not confirm that eating gluten free doesn't mean losing weight. My statement was that eating gluten free NATURALLY helps, but eating all the processed gluten free stuff (muffins, cookies, etc) doesn't necessarily help.

Today's wheat is completely different genetically than wheat grown 50 years ago. There are a lot of studies that are showing that today's wheat gluten is having a much different effect on our bodies. There is also another protein, gliadin, that can actually produce cravings in some people, because it activates opiate receptors in the brain.

For the umpteenth time, cutting calories and exercising is NOT always the answer for some people. There are many who have other things going on that contribute. Just like the whole "Thanks for dinner" debacle...what works for some may not for others. Quit trying to fit everyone into the same mold. It's not always that easy.

87 Anonymous said... 87

*snicker*snicker* I'm a hoarder but it's OK because once in fifteen years we used something I hoarded. WTF?! These women are sick.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Hey #84, it's not that she didn't RECOGNIZE the photo, sure lots of people might not recognize it off hand. It's that she said she'd "never heard of it". Never heard of the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. And she's an American not a foreigner. Of course I don't expect someone from another country to have heard of all our monuments. I stand by my opinion that Momofsweetlillad is an idiot.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Of all the annoying peas, GailinOH annoys me the very most. 3 effing animal threads on the front page. Keep in mind PEOPLE'S lives are in danger today, including children and the elderly. Eff a bunch of pets! Yes, I'm hostile and very tired of animals being more important than people. America has gone over the top in pet love. Next thing you know, people like Gail will be out on the streets of NYC with cages trying to spend money saving all the drowning rats in the city! Send your money to Save the Rats, Peas! Paypal & all major credit cards accepted.

90 Anonymous said... 90

She's been responsible for more than one stupid thread, so I say yeah, she's an idiot.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Hey 89, this is a smack blog. You can write fuck. You can write fucking. It's okay. If you clutch your pearls at the thought, maybe you should go and play nice at the Pod.

92 Anonymous said... 92

I have very little sympathy for people on the Jersey shore who are whining this morning about no one coming to rescue them. YOU WERE TOLD TO LEAVE. If you decided not to leave, too bad, so sad. Fuck me, people are stupid.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Why even bother changing your name so the ex can't look you up when you keep tying your new id to your old one.

ffs he probably doesn't even look up avedadiva96 anymore this is like the third time she's connected the two.

94 Anonymous said... 94

93-maybe he doesn't even care anymore.

95 Anonymous said... 95

They may try to eat CLEAN but they are still a bunch of dirty fat whores.

96 Anonymous said... 96

If I had a choice between saving you and my dog, I'd totally save my dog.

97 Anonymous said... 97

94 Anonymous said... 94

93-maybe he doesn't even care anymore.


I would hope he doesn't care anymore, other wise it's stalkerish. Why doesn't she just go back to her old id then?

She's a moran for trying to hold on to him for so long. She would have been better off if she'd divorced him 10 years ago. It was always something with her. I think she's one of those who thrives on drama.

98 Anonymous said... 98

I hope when I am this old, I don't have to ask people on a message board what color the interior of my car should be. She is one lonely granny!

99 Anonymous said... 99

Child of Grace is an embarrassment to all baby boomers every where. She is a shining example of why younger people think all boomers are stupid, lazy, selfish and inept.

When I see her as the OP of a post, I always wonder what assine thing is she posting about now?

No one on the 2Peas board knows how old I am because I do NOT want to be associated with her type of stupidity.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Okay then, fucking GailinOH annoys the fuck out of me with all the fucking animal threads!:)

101 Anonymous said... 101

Nice, 100, nice!!!

102 Anonymous said... 102

Reading this sentence made me throw up in my mouth: "and I always have frozen stuff like chicken nuggets, fish patties, Tombstone pizza, etc."

WTF is a fish patty???

103 Anonymous said... 103

From the Help is on the way thread:


"I think it's great when Americans put aside their differences and lend a hand.

WTF differences are people putting aside to help? Are states at war with one another? Just goes to show you what a frother she is. She only sees things as Dem or Rep. For her, its Dems and Reps coming together to help. THEY'RE HUMANS. They do it because its needed. It has nothing to do with what side of the aisle you fall on.

Now Chris Christie thanking Obama for his response...I know the frothers are CHOKING on that one.....

104 Anonymous said... 104

Fish patties -

105 Anonymous said... 105

Anna*Fucking*Banana is a shriveled up, mean and nasty cunt of a human being.

106 Anonymous said... 106

Somehow I don't think ~amanda's~ fish patties are 100% fish fillets...I picture her the type to buy 'minced' fish sticks...

107 Anonymous said... 107

There are many recipes that can be prepared in less time than it takes to heat up a tombstone pizza. Or a fish patty.

108 Anonymous said... 108

No kidding, 107. If you're that fucking lazy you can buy organic, pre-grilled chicken breast strips at Costco and at least something that approaches healthy protein.

109 Anonymous said... 109

Has anyone discussed Romney's deregulation of pharmacies in Massachusetts? The meningitis outbreak is directly related to this deregulation. Sure! Let businesses police themselves! Everything will be okay! 350+ cases of meningitis is a small price to pay, right? Republicans are a bunch of sick, sick, selfish puppies.

110 Anonymous said... 110

I have never ever seen a bigger bunch of dumb fucking women in my life than at 2Peas! Between the asinine questions, ridiculous political pontifications and inappropriate personal information it makes me feel like my head is going to explode everytime I go there.

I think I need a break from the pod. I feel my IQ dropping every time I'm there.

111 Anonymous said... 111

103, I hear you. There was a thread a couple of years ago about whether one could be "friends" with someone of the opposite political party.

So many of the frothers said no. Typhus went so far as to say that she immediately lost respect for coworkers when she found out they were democrats.

Heck, there was a harmless thread just weeks ago about something fluffy and inconsequential--I can't even remember the subject, maybe it was about pants. Anyway, LTO posted right in the middle with an random Obama dig. It was so bizarre, how out of nowhere it was. Luckily, nobody took the bait, but it was so pathetic. They really can't turn it off. They can't have normal conversations, they can't have normal relationships, and it's doubtful they have any friendships in real life. Just abstract online allies who belong to the echo chamber.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Haters gotta hate.

113 Anonymous said... 113

More proof that Deena174 is a miserable twatwaffle.

114 Anonymous said... 114

You'll have to include PierKiss in the miserable twatwaffle club because Deena174 was just parroting what PierKiss had said.

115 Anonymous said... 115

This HAS to be a troll...

116 Anonymous said... 116

Gah, busypea is an insufferable twat. Yes obviously it's a strange and weird gift but she's just over the top shitty.

117 Anonymous said... 117

True, 114. But that, coupled with Deena's post a few days earlier about how her husband can't breathe too loud around her, puts her in the running for Twat of the Century.

I guess I should stop being surprised by how bitchy and unhappy most of the peas are, though.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Agreed 117...especially when you factor in that deena is a stay at home wife, and overweight, and lazy...hmmmm seems to be all the pea stereotypes rolled into one barrel of fun!

119 Anonymous said... 119

How convenient that when brandy decided to come back to the pod, it's in a post about her giving money to someone of lesser means...and she mentions it in the title, so you don't even have to open the thread to see what a wonderful human being she is ::eyeroll::

120 Anonymous said... 120

Drives me insane when they complain about free stuff. They got a free bag for doing nothing, yet it is still not good enough for some of them.

121 Anonymous said... 121

I never even noticed Brandy_M left the Pod.

Was it over the Boy Scout thread? Didn't 99% of the Peas back her up and thought it was all hilarious? I thought she was an ass about the who thing, but didn't post. What did she want.....100% validation to prove she is Tier One pea?

122 Anonymous said... 122

Agreed 117...especially when you factor in that deena is a stay at home wife, and overweight, and lazy...hmmmm seems to be all the pea stereotypes rolled into one barrel of fun!


MrsScrapDiva is another one in this category. I seem to remember her posting about her husband wanting her to work and being upset that the house is always a mess when he gets home. I also seem to recall more than a few mentions of what a shitty housekeeper she is.

Times like this, I wish I kept a spreadsheet.

123 Anonymous said... 123

Let me guess before I look, 120...the whiny pea bitches are complaining about the new Target freebie bag. Typical of the peas.

124 Anonymous said... 124

Yep, 123. Apparently there are no samples in bottles, and others didn't like the assortment in the FREE bag. The entitlement over there drives me crazy! I fully admit I have gotten those beauty bags and I haven't been crazy about all the stuff in them, but I pass them along to my sisters/nieces and we all call it a day. I would never complain on a message board about them!

125 Anonymous said... 125

Was mrsscrapdiva the one that couldn't afford bacon, but when called out on it, she defended her staying home saying they really didn't want bacon, she was just noticing it was getting more expensive??

126 Anonymous said... 126

Figures, 124. I got my bag today. There are a few things I will use; I'll give the rest to people who will.

Pea life, day one: I got something for FREEEEEE! Neener neener!
Pea life, day two: I got something for free but it isn't good enough for me. Target should have consulted me and allowed me to pick which freebies I got!

127 Anonymous said... 127

ITA with 103 & 111. Spot on assessments.

128 Anonymous said... 128

'Heckofajob Brownie' is complaining about the POTUS's emergency response? Holy fuck, that's some brass balls.

Oh and BENGHAZZZZZZI!!!!!!!!!

Radical conservatives are fucking insane. Full stop.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Yep. They think Obama needs to be impeached for what happened in Benghazi, but give Bush a pass for ALLOWING (yes, I'm saying it) 9/11 to happen so he could have an excuse to invade Iraq.

130 Anonymous said... 130

97Anonymous said... 97 94 Anonymous said... 94

93-maybe he doesn't even care anymore.


I would hope he doesn't care anymore, other wise it's stalkerish. Why doesn't she just go back to her old id then?

She's a moran for trying to hold on to him for so long. She would have been better off if she'd divorced him 10 years ago. It was always something with her. I think she's one of those who thrives on drama.

October 30, 2012 9:13 AM

Wow, you sound like you know her (are you following/stalking her?) Damn. How do you know she should have ditched him 10 years ago? I remember her from a long time ago but not 10 years at the bucket.

I will assume you are assuming. @@

131 Anonymous said... 131

129Anonymous said... 129 Yep. They think Obama needs to be impeached for what happened in Benghazi, but give Bush a pass for ALLOWING (yes, I'm saying it) 9/11 to happen so he could have an excuse to invade Iraq.

October 30, 2012 5:26 PM

Bush tended to the nation after 9/11. Obama went to Las Vegas to campaign.

Your comparison isn't even comparable. I don't think I'll be changing your mind and didn't type this out in an attempt to. Take it as it is, a comment/opinion. I have mine. You have yours and already typed it out..

132 Anonymous said... 132

30 THIRTY people DIED while people in the situation room watched and did nothing. Obama knew and still went to Las Vegas.

133 Anonymous said... 133

The father of one of the Navy SEALs who died there is asking that his death NOT be made political.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Wear a jacket that will cover your fat.

135 Anonymous said... 135

Bet you got your 'facts' from WND or Fox, right?

136 Anonymous said... 136

Remember when conservatives where HUGELY concerned about the POTUS's financial dealings and investments? I'm thinking about the years and billions of taxpayer $$ spent on Clinton's Whitewater land deals.

Yet Willard can hide his tax returns and financial dealings from the electorate.

IOKIYAR - as usual, right?

137 Anonymous said... 137

Brandy wasn't gone long. I don't think she should have asked the mother what she was giving her DD. NOHB

138 Anonymous said... 138

135 are you living under a rock?

139 Anonymous said... 139

Your comparison isn't even comparable.


You're right, it isn't comparable.

A handful of people were killed halfway around the world on 9/11/12.

3,000 people were killed on US soil on 9/11/01.

140 Anonymous said... 140

139=teh stoopid

141 Anonymous said... 141

135Anonymous said... 135 Bet you got your 'facts' from WND or Fox, right?

October 30, 2012 6:41 PM

That would at least be better than pulling it out of your ass.

142 Anonymous said... 142

WND/Fox/Breitbart/FreeRepublic = Pulling it out of Roger Ailes' ass.

143 Anonymous said... 143

30 THIRTY people DIED while people in the situation room watched and did nothing. Obama knew and still went to Las Vegas.


Wasn't there just a 2 page thread on the Pod asking for credible proof of this? Nobody could provide it. If you have it, go back and pony up!

144 Anonymous said... 144

Speaking of which, have the Nutters gone all HAARP!!!!11!! at the pod yet?

145 Anonymous said... 145

HAARP is right up lynlam and skybars alley. chemtrails also too.

146 Anonymous said... 146

143Anonymous said... 143 30 THIRTY people DIED while people in the situation room watched and did nothing. Obama knew and still went to Las Vegas.


Wasn't there just a 2 page thread on the Pod asking for credible proof of this? Nobody could provide it. If you have it, go back and pony up!

October 30, 2012 7:06 PM

Didn't see the thread. Are you living under a rock? Everyone in the situation room and pentagon had access via their computers to view what was going on. Sorry if your little brain can't comprehend facts without a wittle bitty linkie poo LOL. Go catch up on real current events and stop looking to the bucket for news and you might get somewhere.

147 Anonymous said... 147

143Anonymous said... 143 30 THIRTY people DIED while people in the situation room watched and did nothing. Obama knew and still went to Las Vegas.


Wasn't there just a 2 page thread on the Pod asking for credible proof of this? Nobody could provide it. If you have it, go back and pony up!

October 30, 2012 7:06 PM

The President himself could call you on the phone and tell you he watched and you would still not believe it. Just so you could have something to bitch about.

148 Anonymous said... 148

Everyone in the situation room and pentagon had access via their computers to view what was going on. Sorry if your little brain can't comprehend facts without a wittle bitty linkie poo LOL. Go catch up on real current events and stop looking to the bucket for news and you might get somewhere.

You gotta link for that?

149 Anonymous said... 149

Nope, I don't believe frothers that make up crazy "facts" and call them the truth. I much prefer a credible source so I can verify what is fact and what is hype.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Who are you responding to 149?

151 Anonymous said... 151

OMG, this is the frothers new board, isn't it? Bummer.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Leave it to yubon to once again be a bitter bitch.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Yubon makes a good point on the divorce thread.

154 Anonymous said... 154

What good point??

155 Anonymous said... 155

About her name, der der!

156 Anonymous said... 156

154 Anonymous said... 154

What good point??


That it's dumb to change your pea name to post shit you don't want your exdh to see and then link your old pea name with your new pea name.

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out.

157 Anonymous said... 157

Not really a good point. The affair is long out in the open, and the divorce is what does it matter if she uses her old name or not? People do ask about her, and her update threads are always multi-pagers, so why not make it easier and just put her name right there? Yubon is just a bitter bitch as her FB dumped her skanky ass and moved on.

158 Anonymous said... 158

That it's dumb to change your pea name to post shit you don't want your exdh to see and then link your old pea name with your new pea name.

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out.


That might have been true in the beginning, but it's long past that point.

159 Anonymous said... 159

Hi Yubon! Are you out of batteries again?

160 Anonymous said... 160

156Anonymous said... 156 154 Anonymous said... 154

What good point??


That it's dumb to change your pea name to post shit you don't want your exdh to see and then link your old pea name with your new pea name.

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out.

October 30, 2012 8:24 PM

"rocket surgeon" That's from a movie that is 3 years old. It's only funny for 3 months or so..

161 Anonymous said... 161

Yubon thinks she did divorce right LOL She wants to think that it is the only way to do it. Making it work is more impressive.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Flubs is bitter. She's a hag. She's also jealous of how well Avedadiva is doing. I'm embarrassed for her. She goes after all of the divorcees whether they are taking it well or not. She goes after them because they're "not doing it right" like her LOL

163 Anonymous said... 163

I guess I missed when yubon got did she do it right???

164 Anonymous said... 164

How many peas hate the gays but love to watch Ellen everyday?

165 Anonymous said... 165


166 Anonymous said... 166

What kind of perverted, soul-less asshole willfully and maliciously tweets false information in the midst of a disaster? Fuck these fucks.

167 Anonymous said... 167

The President himself could call you on the phone and tell you he watched and you would still not believe it. Just so you could have something to bitch about.

Try me. Link please?

168 Anonymous said... 168

Nope, I don't believe frothers that make up crazy "facts" and call them the truth. I much prefer a credible source so I can verify what is fact and what is hype.


+ 1000

Have they come up with a source yet?

169 Anonymous said... 169

No, and they won't. Some freeper probably made the shit up and they parroted at the bukkit and now that they've jumped on it they can't back it up.

170 Anonymous said... 170

163Anonymous said... 163 I guess I missed when yubon got did she do it right???

October 30, 2012 8:45 PM

She wishes.

171 Anonymous said... 171

169Anonymous said... 169 No, and they won't. Some freeper probably made the shit up and they parroted at the bukkit and now that they've jumped on it they can't back it up.

October 30, 2012 9:44 PM

Get out from under your rock.

172 Anonymous said... 172


173 Anonymous said... 173

172Anonymous said... 172 Pithy!

October 30, 2012 10:45 PM

Your head is going to explode, go to sleep.

174 Anonymous said... 174

Some freeper probably made the shit up and they parroted at the bukkit and now that they've jumped on it they can't back it up.


ROTFLMAO: Faux's "Justice with Judge Jeanine" in concert with The Blaze are the ones pushing this.

Naturally, they *completely* ignore this from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta: “(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place. And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

Gen. Carter Ham is the head of U.S. Africa Command, and Gen. Martin Dempsey is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These three men KNOW: 1. where our military assets are located; 2. their capabilities, and 3. the difficulties involved in inserting and extracting an armed force into an uncertain situation in another country. Peas don't.

The RW Keyboard Commandos argument is that Obama should have ignored the advice of Panetta, Ham and Dempsey and FUCK YEAH AMERICA! charge in there with Delta Force and Seals and missiles and bayonets and shit. Into a rapidly changing crisis situation in the ME, despite confusing and conflicting information as to what was happening, who was attacking, what they were attacking with.

The shreiking you hear is because the RWNJ's are *extremely* butthurt that they didn't get their 'Blackhawk Down' moment to hang around the POTUS's neck.

They've got a Plan B though: Darrel "Car Thief" Issa is working on articles of impeachment this very moment.

175 Anonymous said... 175

When did Suffy Ann jump into the frother mix? Eww! We have another lily white Indian at the pod that has never set foot on a reservation. lol I call all of them the white foot tribe.

176 Anonymous said... 176

Happy Halloween, my Bitches! May the day bring us something awesome to smack that is NOT about politics for a damn change!

177 Anonymous said... 177

For fucks sake, Jrenne and her damn halloween photos. It's not possible to post one family photo and move on. Not even 2 or 3 pics. It has to be like 10. The costumes aren't even that great.

178 Anonymous said... 178

Call me a skeptic, but not way am I believing all these peas hand out full-size candy bars to every kid, especially the ones who claim to have hundreds of kids. Sure you do, peas. haha You know most of these bitches are giving out one pack of Smarties or a Dum-Dum and complaining about that.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Someone actually named their kid BayLea? Reading the thread title I thought it said Bay Leaf. Poor kid, just fucking spell it Bailey ffs. And why name a girl that?

180 Anonymous said... 180

You know I never really took much notice but the Peas really can't do a goddamn thing without consulting the pod first. Just on the first page today we have:
Lemon with Water? (2 fucking pages long discussing whether you drink your water with lemon or not)
Finish or Cascade dishwasher soap?
Educate me about Beyblades, please (for a 7 year old) (it's a childs toy...a glorified top)
How do you drain grease from meat? (are you fucking kidding me?)
31 gifts can you return an item? (call them and ask)

That's just page one right now.... for fucks sake people get up off your fat asses and go live life, these things are not rocket science.

181 Anonymous said... 181

You know, Annabella looks adorable in her costume but she looks older than she says she is.

182 Anonymous said... 182

Most women do 181.

183 Anonymous said... 183

181-Yeah, that blonde hair makes her look like a used up middle aged Housewife of Orange County.

184 Anonymous said... 184

"rocket surgeon" That's from a movie that is 3 years old. It's only funny for 3 months or so..
Maybe it was in a movie 3 years ago but it is an old saying and it is better than calling somebody a retard.

185 Anonymous said... 185

174 YOU are a major frothing freak! Their policy is also not to leave anyone behind. There were SEALS THERE already. SMH

Go back to you rock house where you live in your fairy tale freak show.

186 Anonymous said... 186

180 I think quite a few peas don't have any friends they can talk to IRL that's why all the inane questions.

I always feel bad for the ones posting from the hospital about their illnesses. Like the shyone. It seems sad that they have to go to the pod to get well wishes from a bunch of strangers.

I guess I'm lucky enough to actually know people to talk to and who would be there for me if I hit a major illness.

187 Anonymous said... 187

175Anonymous said... 175 When did Suffy Ann jump into the frother mix? Eww! We have another lily white Indian at the pod that has never set foot on a reservation. lol I call all of them the white foot tribe.

October 31, 2012 2:08 AM

Yet Mexicans in the U.S. get to still call themselves Mexicans LOL Better tell them they are white.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Does RainbowCrapper have a job? Or does she suckle at the govt teat, while decrying entitlements?

189 Anonymous said... 189

Anyone else find it sad she felt the need for the disclaimer. Says a lot about the board.

190 Anonymous said... 190

188Anonymous said... 188 Does RainbowCrapper have a job? Or does she suckle at the govt teat, while decrying entitlements?

October 31, 2012 7:46 AM

I don't keep tabs on her or anyone over there so I'm no help answering your nosey ass question.

Do you have a job? Or do you suckle at the govt teat, while decrying entitlements? (I really don't care about you or your answer lolol)

191 Anonymous said... 191

I see someone offended Rainbow.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Hey Rainbow!

193 Anonymous said... 193

I pretty sure this is your answer: "she suckle at the govt teat, while decrying entitlements?"

After all she's the one who sends a blind kid on a school bus, expects them to make special meals for her kids and seems to think Democrats never give to charity.

194 Anonymous said... 194

Trick or Treat bitches! Happy Halloween

195 Anonymous said... 195

191Anonymous said... 191 I see someone offended Rainbow.

October 31, 2012 8:36 AM
192Anonymous said... 192 Hey Rainbow!

October 31, 2012 8:40 AM

Hi Sass!

(yeah, really.)

196 Anonymous said... 196

187Anonymous said... 187 175Anonymous said... 175 When did Suffy Ann jump into the frother mix? Eww! We have another lily white Indian at the pod that has never set foot on a reservation. lol I call all of them the white foot tribe.

October 31, 2012 2:08 AM

Yet Mexicans in the U.S. get to still call themselves Mexicans LOL Better tell them they are white.

October 31, 2012 7:44 AM

Most African Americans never set foot in Africa. Better tell them they are white also!

197 Anonymous said... 197

194Anonymous said... 194 Trick or Treat bitches! Happy Halloween

October 31, 2012 9:10 AM

Get a life!

198 Anonymous said... 198

197 Anonymous said... 197

194Anonymous said... 194 Trick or Treat bitches! Happy Halloween

October 31, 2012 9:10 AM

Get a life!

Happy Halloween to you anyway 197. Life is short try and enjoy it.

199 Anonymous said... 199

** SPACE **

200 Anonymous said... 200

** SPACE **

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