Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Space 10/23/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2



How long until someone calls busypea out for going to a Louis C.K. show? I think he is hilarious, but he is pretty well hated around the Pea parts.

3 Anonymous said... 3

"Looks like Kathleen Driggers has duped another FB groupie out of a large sum of money! Geez I wish she would just crawl back into the hole she came out of. I know we've discussed this before but $475.00 is a lot of money.

I just don't understand how people think they can just open up a business with NO business background."

What is this all about?

4 Anonymous said... 4

I already know what I'm getting and I'm fine with that. I don't usually ever need or want something as we just usually buy it when we need it BUT since...

I'm going on a girlfriend trip to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February 2013 and since hubby isn't going and I'm going to be gone for 6 days, travelling from Canada, I asked for this as my Christmas gift.

I'll have to wait 2 months to actually "get" my gift, but when I'm in Florida and it's freezing back home I will be very happy!LOL


5 Anonymous said... 5

Apple is expensive and she wants everyone to know that she has the money to spend on expensive things. She is the kind of person who can't say 'my car'. She has to say 'my BMW.'

My BMW was $115,000 and it was not top of the line.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Crafterbeth really needs to find a better purpose in life... one that does not revolve around running.

7 Anonymous said... 7

You know, what the car talk brothers say is true. Everyone who owns a BMW is an asshole.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Kendra's BMW cost $200,000.

9 Anonymous said... 9

Is there a link to the Kathleen Driggs thing?

10 Anonymous said... 10

Is there a link to the Kathleen Driggs thing?


It's all over the Scrapyard. You have to be a member of the group to see the thread. I'm sure it will hit 2P's soon enough. She's been trashed over many sites yet people still continue to buy from her. Amazing.

11 Anonymous said... 11

From the Significant OtherXmas thread: "My hubby just got his 2012 911 in April. I ordered him a sign for his garage that says "Porsche Parking Only; all others will be towed."


Ok, call me snobby, but I see those signs in junk catalogs all the time, and...I just can't believe that people who actually have enough money to own Porsches would want and/or buy one!? They just seem so cheesy.

I already know in my whole life I'll never be owning a "nice" car like a Porsche, but if I did, I just can't imagine hanging that dorky sign next to it in my garage. *shrug*

12 Anonymous said... 12


I have to wonder if busypea isn't a shill for apple, she's all over any apple thread. It would make more sense then her "high placed banking executive". She peas a lot for a having such an important career.

On that thread she's explaining why their stock dropped after the mini ipad announcement.

It's odd how apple can do no wrong in her world.

13 Anonymous said... 13

10 can you screenshot or c/p it here?

14 Anonymous said... 14

she's trying to convince herself and everyone else that 'fewer' = 'none' ???


riding a bike around France = being ambushed in the jungles of Vietnam

15 Anonymous said... 15

11... I think those are tacky. Truly rich people do not display their wealth like that. It's a nouveau riche thing to flaunt their Rolexes and Porsches. They have nothing to prove to anyone.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Or it could just be a joke sign. We got one for my dad for his garage. It was about Mustang parking though.

Have you blog bitches lost your sense of humor?

17 Anonymous said... 17

I wouldn't have one. *shrug*

18 Anonymous said... 18

Only the 47% have those tacky things!

19 Anonymous said... 19

Kendra has a solid gold one in her car elevator.

20 Anonymous said... 20

I wonder what identicaltriplets had to do to deserve a 911 from Jesus? Or is that Jesus' gift to her husband for putting up with her?

21 Anonymous said... 21

Of course it's a joke sign! It's still tacky though, just like her haircut.

22 Anonymous said... 22

Being offended by a joke sign is as bad as the peas outrage over thank you cards. It just isn't that big of a deal.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Who is offended?? I'm not offended, I just think it's tacky. Do you not know what tacky means? SMDH

24 Anonymous said... 24

Fair enough, I should have used the word judgmental instead of offended.

Not everything in life has to be oh so classy, a joke sign in a garage? Who gives a fuck?

25 Anonymous said... 25

Good point, 12. If ANYTHING is posted about Apple, PerfectPea is all over it. I like and use a MacBookPro, but damn, buying every new Apple product the day it comes out?

26 Anonymous said... 26


The OP should ask Skybarf--she knows all about disability.

27 Anonymous said... 27

I know it's been said before, but never in the history of the world has a husband suggested his wife ask the Peas anything because they have the best advice. Particularly about lube.


28 Anonymous said... 28

Mrs. Tyler needs to get fucked in the ass a few times, that might dislodge the fucking sequoia she has shoved up there.

29 Anonymous said... 29


The M&M police aren't going to come after you for not trademarking their brand on your piddly little sign.

30 Anonymous said... 30


The op isn't even talking about her child, she thinks someone else's kid has autism.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Has Mittens gone all soft and liberal? He sounded like a fucking hippie last night with all his peace and understanding crap. Bring back the draft dodging saber rattler!

32 Anonymous said... 32

Mrs. Tyler needs to get fucked in the ass a few times, that might dislodge the fucking sequoia she has shoved up there.


Honestly, she's so entrenched that nothing will change her for the better.

A lost, hopeless case like Lauren, that is best ignored.

33 Anonymous said... 33

It's funny how many Bircher peas are claiming that Ann Coulter is a nobody....pretty much any time I stumble upon Fox News there's a 50-50 chance that she'll be on. Doesn't she publish a new book every six months or so? Have a significant of Twitter followers?

I smell BS. She's grifting SOMEONE, actually lots of someones.

34 Anonymous said... 34

If Ann Coulter had said the N word, rather than the R word, the frother peas would be defending her left and right. They're only diminishing AC because the R word isn't acceptable at 2P.

35 Anonymous said... 35


Yes, I put a single deck of cards in each stocking, and nothing more.

36 Anonymous said... 36

And just because the circle of crap doesn't end up on YOUR news feed doesn't mean that it isn't going on in the real world.

37 Anonymous said... 37

So driving home today I stumble past the right wing talk radio station right when Hannity is once again comparing atrocities commited by each candidate, saying "how much worse" eating a dog is than strapping one to the roof of a van and travelling a long distance because "at least Seamus made it to his destination."

What in the fuckety-fuck-fuck-fuck???

Obama was like, SEVEN YEARS OLD. Eating in a country where dog is food. Where I'm pretty sure he had no idea what he was eating (and if he found out, was probably told to shut up and eat it like most kids would).

Romney was a GROWN ASS MAN who make the decision to strap a dog to the roof and drive for twelve fucking hours!!!!!

The fact that Hannity thought what Obama did was worse just proves to me HOW UNBELIEVABLY FUCKING STUPID Republicans are!!!

And yes, I'm making a generalization here, because I have barely seen any proof to the contrary!!!!!

WHew....I feel better now.

38 Anonymous said... 38

The bitches talking about REAL plates in that paper plate thread are irritating. Why do people have to be so smug about things? Why can't you just say "no, I don't use them."

39 Anonymous said... 39

>>>>>>>I didn't have a lot of time to shop, and could not find a single appropriate LBD or a wrap dress in any of the stores I went to! Crazy.

I ended up buying a bright green dress from Old Navy (sort of shirt dress style) with a tie just under the bust. It has elbow length sleeves when folded up, so I won't need a cardigan or blazer with it. And I bought navy tights with red polka dots, and am wearing one of my favourite pairs of heels -- they are super glossy and navy blue. DH is out running a last minute errand at the mall (someone left middle DD's tights behind?) and is picking up a necklace with some navy blue in it.
I have a green and blue jacket to wear to the graveside.>>>>>>>>

I know you don't have to wear only-black to funerals any more, but uhhhh that doesn't mean you should dress like a clown!

Bright-green dress with navy tights that have RED POLKA DOTS on them? What the what?

40 Anonymous said... 40

She didn't have a pair of black/grey/brown/navy/bone/burgundy/any color slacks and a plain top? Not one?

41 Anonymous said... 41

I need more attention, I am going to focus on a tragedy that had nothing to do with me, by making about me.

The lady who lost her friend, and was directly affected, didn't post a thread and this asshole does?


42 Anonymous said... 42

I can't believe how many Peas in this day and age rely on paper plates every single day! Truly, I'm not obsessive about these things, but I find this sooooo incredibly wasteful AND lazy.

43 Anonymous said... 43

That outfit is hideous sounding, even for the circus. But a funeral??????????????????

44 Anonymous said... 44

I was curious enough to look up the bright-grn dress on Oldnavy.com, and... it ain't cute.

It might be OK with sandals or wedges, but navy/red dotted tights and shiny navy heels??? Just say No!

45 Anonymous said... 45

Look out for pigs with wings and icicles in hell....


46 Anonymous said... 46

Look out for pigs with wings and icicles in hell....



And they all line up to tell her "well done!" Barf.

47 Anonymous said... 47

Not hard to tell Mrs_Tyler is here to bash biopea since she was forced to actually apologize.

48 Anonymous said... 48

We use paper plates occasionally...for a quick sandwich, toast, microwave bacon or on pizza night.

But we never use paper napkins, always cloth.

Cool Pea? Or no?

49 Anonymous said... 49

biochempea's funeral that she is wearing the dress for is not until tomorrow...someone should gently tell her that her 'ensemble' is not appropriate!

50 Anonymous said... 50


I'm actually surprised she didn't try to blame it on President Obama. And if I hadn't already read articles about the Wisconsin shooting, I'd be more surprised. Some people are so predictable.

51 Anonymous said... 51

I ended up buying a bright green dress from Old Navy (sort of shirt dress style) with a tie just under the bust. It has elbow length sleeves when folded up, so I won't need a cardigan or blazer with it. And I bought navy tights with red polka dots, and am wearing one of my favourite pairs of heels -- they are super glossy and navy blue. DH is out running a last minute errand at the mall (someone left middle DD's tights behind?) and is picking up a necklace with some navy blue in it.
I have a green and blue jacket to wear to the graveside.
I know the peas like to think they are so creative, but OMFG NO! Give up the clown suit and wear normal clothes to a funeral!

Next BCP post: Somebody didn't like my outfit for a funeral! Wahhh!

52 Anonymous said... 52

Ugh Ann Coulters adams apple is bobbing on my tv right this minute.

Glad she's one of yours.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Who wears multi colored polka dot tights to a funeral? OMFG

54 Anonymous said... 54

I don't know why the government wastes taxpayer funds on a CIA and NSA. When we have the combined brain's trust of the WUPS (Wingnut Usual Pea Suspects) at the bukket to analyze all the intel.


55 Anonymous said... 55


you know what's worse than the "vote for my whatever" threads? the ones that make you feel guilty since OP has voted for others. I have never posted a VFM thread, and have never voted, but this one makes you sign up with an email and address she's crazy.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Ann Coulter is the poster child for a badly botched sex change operation.

57 Anonymous said... 57

ita 54. bunch of semi-literate housefraus from bumfuck arkansas who think they're foreign policy experts. smh

58 Anonymous said... 58

Deena posted this in response to BCP's original question, before she described her outfit - too bad she didn't take her advice:

"I think as long as you're not dressed in a clown suit or jammies, you'll be fine."

59 Anonymous said... 59

Polka dot tights don't belong in any outfit, ever. Unless you are dressing up as a clown or jester for Halloween.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Or you're four.

Sometimes BCP comes across as a real dodo.

61 Anonymous said... 61

BCP is a freak.

62 Anonymous said... 62

I like Biochempea but that outfit sounds inappropriate for a funeral. Bright green dress, red and blue tights, shiny blue shoes, green and blue jacket. Maybe it will come off as somber mourning hipster but I have my doubts.

63 Anonymous said... 63

But YAY, she says she will post a pic of the funeral outfit tomorrow! ;-)

64 Anonymous said... 64

I clicked on the link for the red and blue tights. The red dots are very small. I was imagining huge red dots. These are more like pinpoints. It might be ok. I wonder what she means by BRIGHT green though.

65 Anonymous said... 65

I know it's been said before, but never in the history of the world has a husband suggested his wife ask the Peas anything because they have the best advice. Particularly about lube.

And I love the Peas answering her question about what kind of lube they like and use...all the while they have pictures of their husbands, kids, and themselves in their signature. So you can see the Pea and her husband and picture them using the lube. Nooooooooooo thanks

66 Anonymous said... 66

Not everything in life has to be oh so classy, a joke sign in a garage? Who gives a fuck?

No one is giving a fuck. We're just saying it's not even a funny sign - it's an old, cheesy, lame product that's been in mail-order catalogs since I was a kid. I just don't get why someone would want one, let alone someone that has the money to buy whatever the fuck they want for their garage.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Jesus Christ. The pod wingers are cut & pasting lunatic conspiracies from the fucking Free Republic?? What next? Storm Front?

I'm done with Two Peas.

68 Anonymous said... 68

I looked up the tights on Old Navy, as well. Thankfully, they are very tiny polka dots. I was envisioning much worse. Still a wacky outfit for a funeral, but at least the dots are small!

69 Anonymous said... 69

Free Republic, where the commenters routinely call the Obamas - including the children - gorillas, apes, silverbacks etc. And are oh so creative in their various spellings of nigger.

That's the company that Miz Independant and her ilk keep. Good to know.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Miz Independent is a Freeper? Yikes, I thought she was better than that.

And yes, they have strong ties with Stormfront.

71 Anonymous said... 71

I got laid twice tonight by my hot as shit husband. This is why I don't get hung up I paper plates or breast feeding ads. A good fucking goes a long way.

72 Anonymous said... 72

"hot as shit"?
You realize that's not a compliment right?
Shit is brown and ugly, therefore if someone is only as hot as shit, then they must look pretty damn bad.

73 Anonymous said... 73

"Hot as shit" is just an expression. I knew exactly what she meant - and I'll bet you did too. Duh.

Lighten up!

74 Anonymous said... 74

just for kicks, let's get off the politics and get on to religion. no way i could post this at the pod! the older i get, the less i believe in god. my kids are young and MIL is totally bible belt, but i am getting uneasy telling the kids all this shit about god that i don't believe anymore. i'm stuck and feel like a phony. when i see peas posting that god gets the glory and god is there for me when i'm lonely, i want to throw up. i can't spoon with jesus.....

75 Anonymous said... 75

"i can't spoon with jesus....."


76 Anonymous said... 76

If your spanx are showing a thigh line either it's a size too small or your legs are really squashy and flaccid.

77 Anonymous said... 77

No I will not vote for you "kidlet" just because you called it that.

78 Anonymous said... 78

*your kidlet

79 Anonymous said... 79

the older i get, the less i believe in god.
same here. I would say in fact I am an atheist.

80 Anonymous said... 80

My parents never raised me with religion. I was baptized to appease my father's dying mother. She passed away about two months after my baptism.

I have never set foot in a church for a regular service. I've gone for funerals, christenings and weddings. I've never attended Sunday School or anything of the sort. Religion and God were just never really discussed in my home and it has never made me feel like less of a person.

That is what chaps my hide about extremists in religion, they act like they feel SO sorry for me because "He" is not a part of my life. Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there are millions of people all over the world that don't need religion to justify the things they do in life.

So that means, me, as an Atheist am much more gracious, selfless and not selfish because when I do a good deed, volunteer or anything else of the sort I am doing it from the goodness of my heart. I'm not doing it to appease a man upstairs.

81 Anonymous said... 81

I hate the word "kidlet" the only think worse is "kiddos", our local weatherman uses the term when he discusses the bustop weather forecast. Makes my skin crawl - ick

82 Anonymous said... 82

Kidlet makes it sound like you're calling your kid a baby pig. Not very flattering.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Hey, freaky GOP women voters! When your daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, and nieces get RAPED, it's OKAY! Seriously! God says it's okay!! It's a GIFT!! Don't you feel better now?

84 Anonymous said... 84

Sounds like 72 needs some dick in her life.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Be interesting if/when the forced-birthers get their way and rapists started asking for visitation rights of their precious little gifts from god.

God decrees that every child have a mother AND father, right?

Suck it up, you whores of Babylon.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Gawd wanted your daughter to be scarred for life so another snot nosed brat could be brought into this world to be neglected and abused. He is great! Hallelujah!!!

87 Anonymous said... 87

Amen #80!

88 Anonymous said... 88

72 isn't that smart of a person.

89 Anonymous said... 89

Heh.....I just watched a Youtube vid (BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals ) of the Mormons secret ceremonies...fucking nutbag weirdos.

90 Anonymous said... 90

I don't need some skyfairy-channeling illiterate bronze-age goatherders to tell me right from wrong, how to live my life.

I have a brain for that.

91 SARAH PALIN said... 91



92 Anonymous said... 92

That was a weird video 89, I wonder how many peas have been in the temple and been through those rituals.

93 Anonymous said... 93

"I got called a bitch and a terrible mom when I refused to buy a trophy for my kids rec soccer league." Raindancer


It's rec league soccer, I don't see how buying your kid a trophy is going to give them false self esteem.

My ds son plays little league baseball, at these lower levels after the tournament everyone gets a trophy. It's more of a "I played baseball this year" thing then anything.

My son is under no illusion he's an awesome player due to a the trophy. Kids can still see you has skills and who need to work on them.

94 Anonymous said... 94

There is a lot of Mormon secret-spilling on the web. Go to www.exmormon.org lots of recovering Mormons, trying to get their lives back after scarring experiences in the church. Terrible stuff.

95 Anonymous said... 95

I remember back a year or two or three, I was raked over the fucking coals for using the NY Times as a source.

Now the conservatives are using FR??!!!!

Holy Overton Window.

96 Anonymous said... 96



I give it an 90% chance that some famous conservative publically calls the POTUS a n****r before or on election day.

97 Anonymous said... 97

I get wanting your partner to pitch in and the fact that a grown man shouldn't need to be told to do stuff around the house but you would leave a bag of garbage in your doorway for two days to prove a point?


98 Anonymous said... 98

Nope, I don't have patience for passive aggressive bullshit like that.

99 Anonymous said... 99

Just bored and curious but is the Left Leaning Pea group of bitches still alive and kicking?? Or did the group disban when PDR had a fucking meltdown of epic proportions when they excluded her.

100 Anonymous said... 100

I'd like to say no, 97, but I must admit that I've left my husband's crap (not garbage, I admit) lying around where he's dumped it in heavily-trafficked areas just to see how long it would take him to put it away. It amuses me at first but by day 3 or 4 I'm more annoyed than anything else.

101 Anonymous said... 101

97 one pea has a box in her kitchen since JULY.

102 Anonymous said... 102

I agree, 93. My kids get a trophy or certificate at the end of little league baseball every year. No one parades the kids around on their shoulders shouting "you're a winner! You're the best!!!" It's really just meant to be a nice memento of the season.

I'm so tired of hearing people kvetch about how trophies and awards foster a sense of entitlement in kids.

103 Anonymous said... 103


the youtube showing some secret temple footage

wacky-ass shit....and this is only a few of their crazy stuff. There is a lot more (trust me, I know firsthand!)

104 Anonymous said... 104

It's more of a "I played baseball this year" thing then anything.

My son is under no illusion he's an awesome player due to a the trophy. Kids can still see you has skills and who need to work on them.

ITA. Raindancer is cheap and uptight.

105 Anonymous said... 105

104-Raindancer needs some dick.

106 Anonymous said... 106

@ 84
72 here, I get plenty of dick....but unlike 71 my husband doesn't look like shit!

107 Anonymous said... 107

Calm down pennyring.

108 Anonymous said... 108


If the people on this thread don't realize this woman is totally bullshitting THEN there is no hope for humanity. What peatards.

109 Anonymous said... 109


Fucking shih tuz mom with her "primary house". Brag much bitch?

And I would hate to live somewhere that you were only allowed to put up white lights.

110 Anonymous said... 110


She's about a week late with this post.

111 Anonymous said... 111

109-what the fuck is a primary and a secondary home anyway???

People have summer homes by the shore or cabins in the woods but WTF is this bitch talking about?

I bet her primary home is her double wide and her secondary home is her teepee up at Brokeback Mountain.

112 Anonymous said... 112

On that same thread, would SOMEBODY tell scrappychica2 that the picture of her kid is a pedophile's wet dream.

I wince every time I see that stupid picture on a thread. What was that dumb bitch thinking about when she posed her kid like that???

113 Anonymous said... 113

LLP asses are alive well and still have a board.

114 Anonymous said... 114

prove it.

115 Anonymous said... 115

112 You've already posted that here 2-3 times, we get it! Personally I don't think it's too bad. It's just that the kid's back is angled in a way that makes it come off as trying to be sexy. I'm sure the kid was just kind of off-balance. The Mom obviously doesn't see it as a sexy pose or she wouldn't have posted it. I think it does come across a "little" that way, but I've seen worse on 2Peas, namely the naked little boy...son of Jill or whatever her name is - the one with the big forehead.

116 Anonymous said... 116

115-no, I have never posted about that pic before. At least jill's pic isn't in her siggie and the kid wasn't sprawled out looking like Lolita Jr.

117 Anonymous said... 117


I swear to god, every. fucking. day. now.
Sorry so many people have you on IGNORE that you have to start your own thread every. day. Guess it must get real frustrating posting to ongoing threads only to be ignored. LOL Twat.

118 Anonymous said... 118


What a dumbass question. Really? You've never worn jeans before so you had to ask this?

119 Anonymous said... 119

ITA, 117. I was about to get cranky until I saw
backtopeality lay a smackdown on the stupid bitch on that thread. Ha!

120 Anonymous said... 120

80Anonymous said... 80 My parents never raised me with religion. I was baptized to appease my father's dying mother. She passed away about two months after my baptism.

I have never set foot in a church for a regular service. I've gone for funerals, christenings and weddings. I've never attended Sunday School or anything of the sort. Religion and God were just never really discussed in my home and it has never made me feel like less of a person.

That is what chaps my hide about extremists in religion, they act like they feel SO sorry for me because "He" is not a part of my life. Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there are millions of people all over the world that don't need religion to justify the things they do in life.

So that means, me, as an Atheist am much more gracious, selfless and not selfish because when I do a good deed, volunteer or anything else of the sort I am doing it from the goodness of my heart. I'm not doing it to appease a man upstairs.

October 24, 2012 9:09 AM

Where are you coming across these religious extremeists that act as if they feel SO sorry for you? Maybe you shouldn't go there/be there?

Avoid it if you don't like it.

121 Anonymous said... 121

So she has a primary and a secondary residence. That's hardly unusual.

Jealous, much?

122 Anonymous said... 122

Wow, I just watched that mormon you tube video - that is freakier shit than I would have thought.
What educated person who lives in the real world and watches honey boo boo and real housewives and jersey shore thinks that any of that shit is true or normal??

123 Anonymous said... 123

117 is backtopeality.

124 Anonymous said... 124

122, it's hard to believe any free-thinking, intelligent human being would adhere to the Mormon religion. It's just downright ridiculous. And they send missionaries all over the world to get them to believe this shit.

Off to pray for my celestial planet of the next world to come! Bye!

125 Rush Limbaugh said... 125

We're sick of all you moody, bleeding cunts voting libtard. From now on we're issuing you bitches mandatory free birth control so you'll vote the proper way.


126 Anonymous said... 126

121-fuck off. how many people do you know that have two homes? pull the high horse outta your ass.

127 Anonymous said... 127

Many people, including family members of ours, own more than one. It's not exactly a novel concept.

128 Anonymous said... 128

LDS, Catholics, evangelicals, scientologist.....they're all fucking crazy, just different flavors of crazy.

129 Anonymous said... 129

126, ever heard of a beach house? a mountain house? a city apartment to supplement the home in the suburbs? an annual timeshare, even? I guess in your circles NOBODY has a vacation home? Please.

130 Anonymous said... 130

128 - TRUE, THAT.

131 Anonymous said... 131


Full legs=code for fat. I guess the weight-loss surgery she talked a doctor into giving her couldn't help with that.

132 Anonymous said... 132

122, it's hard to believe any free-thinking, intelligent human being would adhere to the Mormon religion. It's just downright ridiculous.

ITA. And so many convert as adults. Dummies.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Anyone read The woman who wasn't there?

I've decided Angievp reminds me of the bitch in that book.

134 Anonymous said... 134

All religions are fucking crazy to me.

But I get where 124 is coming from. For me, it's the secrecy aspect of Mormonism, and Scientology too for that matter, that takes it to the next level.

135 Anonymous said... 135

126, ever heard of a beach house? a mountain house? a city apartment to supplement the home in the suburbs? an annual timeshare, even? I guess in your circles NOBODY has a vacation home? Please.
In my "circles" no nobody has a second home. If you honestly think it is normal and common to have such things you are living in a dreamworld. I don't feel a bit jealous because if that is your normal you have so far to fall I cannot do anything but pity you.

136 Anonymous said... 136

Dont forget snowbirds...retirees with summer homes in the north and winter homes in AZ or Fl.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Disagree 134, They're all insane.

138 Anonymous said... 138

They're all insane and they've polluted the GOP with their insanity.

139 Anonymous said... 139


How is it possible that a grown woman is incapable of spelling the word 'douche'?

140 Anonymous said... 140

Sounds like twopeas faithful carries her weight on the bottom. Cankles and a badonkadonk with a regular sized torso.

141 Anonymous said... 141

Chiming in on the "secondary" home business. I agree, it is very common. Many baby boomers I know have a primary home up north and a winter home in Florida...or the reverse....Florida more than half the year, and an apartment or small house up north for warm weather. Also many 40-somethings have beach houses in our area, about an hour or two from the suburbs where they live. It's pretty common. I smell jealousy and it sure stinks.


142 Anonymous said... 142

Whatever 141. In your circle it's common, not in mine. Not jealous either.

Won't bragging on it be consider gauche though?

143 Anonymous said... 143


144 Anonymous said... 144

Simply dtating something is not bragging about it.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Who posts here? I mean, I know people are anonymous. But do you think it is mostly very active peas? Or more laid back peas with fewer posts at the bukkit? Just curious. I have no clue who anyone is on the blog.

146 Anonymous said... 146

145 I think it's mostly the chickenshit peas who have no backbones and are afraid to say what they think. The same idiots who think there are tier 1 peas and bullies.

147 Anonymous said... 147

*stating, that is!

148 Anonymous said... 148

I smell jealousy and it sure stinks.
I will admit I would prefer a life without the constant worry that comes with living paycheck to paycheck.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Simply dtating something is not bragging about it.
Acting like people are cave dwelling trolls if they don't have the same standard of living you do is idiotic though. Anyone with a second home who isn't up to their eye sockets in debt is living the high life. They fall into the elite class no matter how much they want to pretend and protest otherwise.

150 Anonymous said... 150

OMG the paper plate thread has four pages. LOL But seriously, there are so many lazy ass Peas who use paper and plastic disposables DAILY? Eeegads!

151 Anonymous said... 151

I thought about buying a beach home, but the thought of keeping up with two houses drives me nuts! Cleaning one house is enough. I'd rather travel than deal with a second home.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Who posts here? Lauren, Mrs. Tyler, Peabay, and Crafterbeth.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Bingo 151. We had a beach house for a few years. Having the cleaning and maintenance on two houses got real tiresome after a while. It became on obligation and we found we wanted to travel more widely. So we sold and have't regretted it. YMMV.

$200k buys a lot of hotel rooms and airfare.

154 Anonymous said... 154

I could see the upkeep of two houses taking some of the joy out of it!

155 Anonymous said... 155

Def Mrs. Tyler

156 Anonymous said... 156

146Anonymous said... 146 145 I think it's mostly the chickenshit peas who have no backbones and are afraid to say what they think. The same idiots who think there are tier 1 peas and bullies.

October 24, 2012 5:13 PM

Hi chickenshit pea who has no backbone and is afraid to say what they think. You're an idiot.

157 Anonymous said... 157

146 Anonymous said... 146

145 I think it's mostly the chickenshit peas who have no backbones and are afraid to say what they think. The same idiots who think there are tier 1 peas and bullies.


I post here and I'm not a chicken shit, I also post at the pod but as I'm not a tier one whatever I say is ignored until a more popular pea says it, then it's parroted but others with +1, what tier one said, and I'm sitting with tier one!!!!

158 Anonymous said... 158

I post in both places. I have been at the bukkit for about six or seven years. I post a lot but am usually not too controversial. I enjoy soaking up the crazy and laughing about it.

159 Anonymous said... 159


I think I just heard Skybarf's brains splatter all over the wall.....

160 Anonymous said... 160

Mittens walks like he's trying to hold his nutsack between his thighs. Do you suppose that's because of the holy underwear?

161 Anonymous said... 161

No 160 it's because at his age he has to be careful to not step on them.

162 TIER ONE, BABEEEEE said... 162

I am a TIER ONE PEA!! Bow down and kiss my cankles, you bitches!!

Wanna take guesses as to who I am? Winner gets paper plates and plastic sporks free for a YEAR!!

What kind of lazy ass cow uses plastic sporks every single day to feed her family. Her damn kids won't know what real fucking silverware is. Can you imagine? They are 20 years old at a nice restaurant with a date and they don't know what a soup spoon or salad fork is? OMG...the fucking HORROR!

163 Anonymous said... 163

160-Mormon fart blocker undies do not support the ball sack and its contents. Mitt has fuzzy wrinkly old man nutz down to his knobby knees.

164 Anonymous said... 164

I have relatives who use paper plates on a daily basis. I find it very, very strange. We use paper plates when we go camping.

165 Pill Poppin' Wifey said... 165

Damn, am I bored.

I hate it when nothing is on the boob tube, the Pod is boring and my asshole husband is going through percocet withdrawals.

His drug riddle ass won't get out of bed because he ran out of happy pills. Fucker.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Well, Governor Holydrawers sure isn't happy about his junk swinging free. He walks like a tranny in miniskirt.

167 Anonymous said... 167

Mittens walks like he's trying to hold his nutsack between his thighs. Do you suppose that's because of the holy underwear?

Thanks for the image! (Although I may have nightmares now) LOL

168 Anonymous said... 168


Why the fuck would my DH care who I "friend" on FB? If he thought he needed to tell me who I could talk to, we wouldn't be married very long. Shit. Personal space.

169 Anonymous said... 169

Wanna take guesses as to who I am? Winner gets paper plates and plastic sporks free for a YEAR!!

What kind of lazy ass cow uses plastic sporks every single day to feed her family. Her damn kids won't know what real fucking silverware is. Can you imagine? They are 20 years old at a nice restaurant with a date and they don't know what a soup spoon or salad fork is? OMG...the fucking HORROR!

Totally! Holy shit.

170 Anonymous said... 170

168 one pea wrote about deleting her DH's friends without his knowledge but no one caught it.
Yes and I would hope that if I asked him to do so that he would. But that's how I roll. He's never asked. And yes, I do live with a bit of distrust. I've never asked but have conveniently defriended him from certain people without his knowledge. He just thinks they defriended him.

171 Anonymous said... 171

People wear cuffed jeans? Srsly?

172 Anonymous said... 172

Thread title: Terrible insomnia, any suggestions?

Yeah. Get some sleep.

173 Anonymous said... 173

enough about willards nutsacks. do not want.

174 Anonymous said... 174

159 Anonymous said... 159

I think I just heard Skybarf's brains splatter all over the wall.....
Skybarf has brains?

Please stop with the speculation about R-money's balls. All I can think is: lights off, socks on. Ewwww.

175 Anonymous said... 175

Is PennyRing bitchy or am I imagining it?

176 Anonymous said... 176

You're not imagining it.

177 Anonymous said... 177

lights off, socks AND magic underwear on.


178 Anonymous said... 178

176, 175 here. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

179 Anonymous said... 179

What kind of lazy ass cow uses plastic sporks every single day to feed her family. Her damn kids won't know what real fucking silverware is. Can you imagine? They are 20 years old at a nice restaurant with a date and they don't know what a soup spoon or salad fork is? OMG...the fucking HORROR!
October 24, 2012 7:17 PM

Please! I don't want to have to read four pages of that boring-ass trash. Who's the pea that said this?

180 Anonymous said... 180


Biochemipea's update on her funeral clown outfit. She must have been the laughingstock of the funeral.

181 Anonymous said... 181

Biochemipea's update on her funeral clown outfit. She must have been the laughingstock of the funeral.
God that is embarrassing. I would have stayed home if that was all I had to wear.

182 Anonymous said... 182

She looked like something out of a bad Christmas play.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Judging by her hair, I think she thinks dressing foolishly makes her "creative," rather than silly.

184 Anonymous said... 184

Wow, that is really green. What a clown. It is a funeral not a FUN-eral. The stupid is strong in that one. What a joke.

185 Anonymous said... 185

That dress could NOT be more unflattering to her. omg

186 Anonymous said... 186

Yes, that funeral outfit is horrible. Surely she had SOMETHING else to wear?! I hate shopping for clothes and I could go to my closet and put on something. Who says you have to wear a dress anyway? Wear some dark pants, a shirt and a blazer or sweater. Doesn't everyone own some version of that? But even if I had to wear a dress I could put on one of several. And on top of that, if I had to go shopping for a dress for a funeral I wouldn't buy a bright green one. OMG.

187 Anonymous said... 187

163Anonymous said... 163 160-Mormon fart blocker undies do not support the ball sack and its contents. Mitt has fuzzy wrinkly old man nutz down to his knobby knees.

October 24, 2012 7:19 PM

At least he doesn't wear terrorist robes like obama would be comfortable wearing.

188 Anonymous said... 188

At least he doesn't wear terrorist robes like obama would be comfortable wearing.
I want to think this is a joke, but I know how fucking stupid people are.

189 Anonymous said... 189

Bad outfit for a funeral. But what I thought was weird was that a funeral day turned into a family photo-op!

190 Anonymous said... 190

At least he doesn't wear terrorist robes like obama would be comfortable wearing.
I want to think this is a joke, but I know how fucking stupid people are.

The really scary thing is that the peeps making the magic underwear jokes are doing just that, joking. Cray Cray's like the one above really mean what they say.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Going to my uncle's funeral in a few days. I will NOT be wearing bright green. My wardrobe is not vast, but I think I can pull together an outfit of dark dress pants and a sweater,so as not to embarass my family. I can probably accomplish this without a shopping trip too.

192 Anonymous said... 192

I love green but of all choices for a funeral?!?! OMG..

193 Anonymous said... 193

meh maybe the deceased requested fun colors at the funeral. I will say though that is a fugly dress. At least the red polka dots on the tights aren't that obvious.

And as long as I'm going to hell for judging people, does BCP get her hair done at the same place ADD housewife does? I'm not rocking some awesome do but at least my hair doesn't look like I've cut it myself.

194 Anonymous said... 194

The raging cunt bomb dropper is Typhus for sure!

195 Anonymous said... 195


OK on the one hand finding out your grandma died via facebook would suck, but considering how many peas won't answer either their door or phone it's bound to happen.

Plus I think facebook is almost replacing the phone in terms of communication.

Between email, facebook and texting I don't make or receive a lot of phone calls.

196 Anonymous said... 196

" I have no doubt that she will be the first one to post it on facebook," PierKiss

I wonder if her family member is a pea, you know they love to try and be the one who starts the "guess who died" thread.

From 195s thread.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Can someone explain to me why a group of six 16 year old girls can't be allowed to walk around a mall together for a couple of hours as a birthday treat?

Is the mall in Dallas particularly dangerous or something?

198 Anonymous said... 198

What's the problem about paper plates? Jesus H. Christ. Why is someone fucking lazy if they use them? Some women have young kids with assholian husbands who don't lift a finger. If paper plates help save time and emotional sanity, what's the BFD?

199 Anonymous said... 199

198 Anonymous said... 198

What's the problem about paper plates? Jesus H. Christ. Why is someone fucking lazy if they use them? Some women have young kids with assholian husbands who don't lift a finger. If paper plates help save time and emotional sanity, what's the BFD?


Sorry if you use paper plates, bowls and plastic forks as much as some of those peas you are lazy.

It's funny how they are always on about "reduce, reuse and recycle" but now that so many have admitted using paper plates I'm betting all their "green" talk is bullshit.

200 Anonymous said... 200

I will say though that is a fugly dress.


Isn't it from Old Navy? I never shop at Old Navy for this very reason.

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