Friday, October 26, 2012

Space 10/26/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1

It's about time!

2 Anonymous said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3

Kendra thanks Jane.

4 Anonymous said... 4

LMAO at "Pea taint"

5 Anonymous said... 5

finally, thanks Jane!

6 Anonymous said... 6

There is a reason it has been popular for over 80 years and it isn't because the Peas jumped on the bandwagon. No shame it's good stuff even if it has Pea taint.



7 Anonymous said... 7

Meatloaf?? LMAO.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Kendra eats meatloaf with her crotch nuggets in the trailer park.

Or was that staph?

9 Anonymous said... 9

tainted love..

10 Anonymous said... 10

thanks cake diva/freebird/whoever

11 Anonymous said... 11

9Anonymous said... 9 tainted love..

October 26, 2012 10:31 AM

too bad Meatloaf didn't sing that song.

12 Anonymous said... 12


13 Anonymous said... 13

This twat nozzle did a multi page bitch thread about not having a computer so her kids can get their homework and now she is asking about a Disney vacation???

Fuck me running.

14 Anonymous said... 14

What a cunt.

15 Anonymous said... 15

13, maybe she won the trip. You should ask before going all hostile. LOL

16 Anonymous said... 16

Has this already been posted? (sorry if so) Back where I come from, people like that are called smarty pants. Followed by a bless your heart.

I can't stand when people think they are sooo much smarter than everyone else in the room. @@

17 Anonymous said... 17

1. The OP doesn't make any sense. The Internet would go down because something is in the news?!

2. She's jumping (back) on the Obama-is-evil bandwagon.

3. I never thought she was even moderately bright, and she's proven it again.

4. The frothers are going to be really pissed in less than two weeks. Four more years!

18 Anonymous said... 18


19 Anonymous said... 19

These people have gone seriously around the bend. Scary.

20 Anonymous said... 20

I'm starting to come around to the idea of secession.

21 Anonymous said... 21

Who the fuck is this runner5 and where did she leave her brain?

22 Anonymous said... 22

Can I come with you, 20? We'll call it the United (Socialist) States of Sanity, and give IQ tests before we accept immigrants. If you score below 100, you can't come in. That and the socialist part will keep out the frothers.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Poorly educated housefraus who've never been out of Cinderblock, Kentucky know more than the SOS (current and former) POTUS CIA DOD FBI etc.


24 Anonymous said... 24

Free abortions with every Starbucks Leftiststan!!

25 Anonymous said... 25

It doesn't even matter that former Secretary of State Condileeza Rice (sp) said right on Faux News that the President didn't lie and they handled things the best they could (because lets face it...she's BTDT) they are STILL frothing about the Benghazi shit....

26 Anonymous said... 26

I've refused to vacation/spend any money in racist redneck states (south, AZ etc) for the past 5 years so it'd be fine with me if they want to leave the union.

27 Anonymous said... 27

Can I come with you, 20? We'll call it the United (Socialist) States of Sanity, and give IQ tests before we accept immigrants. If you score below 100, you can't come in. That and the socialist part will keep out the frothers.

October 26, 2012 1:09 PM

lol, I'm in!!

28 Anonymous said... 28

Have the lunatic peas jumped on the fake video of Obama's "mom" "giving birth" to 25 lb, 1 year old "Barack" in "Kenya" yet??

It will be epic. Get out the popcorn.

29 Anonymous said... 29

I'm sure it's awaiting me in my inbox, sent by my teatard fox brainwashed mil.

30 Anonymous said... 30

How long until MGG comes in and says "With 4 kids, one with severe special needs, I don't have time to stand in the kitchen and use a manual can opener."

31 Anonymous said... 31

They are still on that Benghazi thing like bees around a honeypot. Shameful. Vulchars.

32 Anonymous said... 32

4. The frothers are going to be really pissed in less than two weeks. Four more years!


damn you are delusional LOL

Froth on!

33 Anonymous said... 33

Damn 32 is delusional.

34 Anonymous said... 34

Kim M is an insufferable "think she knows it all/I'm so much smarter" twat. I think she needs a good orgasm to chill out, but maybe between her posts on fast and furious and now Benghazi will bring her that relief.

35 Anonymous said... 35

The rethuglicans are losing it. Grasping, grasping, grasping. That Mittloaf serenade with Mittens was hilarious. Awkward!

36 Anonymous said... 36

I'm sorry but I think there are some serious fuck ups with the whole Benghazi thing. And I've voted for Democrats since 1988.

37 Anonymous said... 37

What these fucking idiots don't realize is there were tons of attacks on US interests during the Bush administration but because the media wasn't looking for a reason to hang the President, no one even batted an eyelash.

Some idiot frother said that Obama would get re-elected, impeached and we'd have Biden as President. WTF did he do that was an impeachable offense?? These bitches are so fucking stupid I could just scream.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Stop that 37. Stop with your high-falutin' facts and logic.

39 Anonymous said... 39

I'm far more concerned with what fuckery Mitt is hiding in his tax returns.

40 Anonymous said... 40

I'm sorry but I think there are some serious fuck ups with the whole Benghazi thing. And I've voted for Democrats since 1988.

October 26, 2012 3:57 PM

Desperate right wing propoganda = 1
Objectivity and facts = 0

The internets are breaking!

41 Anonymous said... 41

October 26, 2012 3:57 PM

Desperate right wing propoganda = 1
Objectivity and facts = 0

The internets are breaking!


I didn't say anything about the internet dumbass, I just said I think there is more to the Benghazi story then what we've been told. I think the President did know it was a terrorist attack but for some reason down played it.

Don't try and paint me as some right wing frother. I am a registered Democrat and will stay one but I do think there is something hinky about Benghazi.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Don't try and paint me as some right wing frother. I am a registered Democrat and will stay one but I do think there is something hinky about Benghazi.

October 26, 2012 4:51 PM

Not painting you as anything really. But all i'm seeing from the right is continual harping on this Benghazi. The last great hope of the wing. Some of it may stick even if there is nothing there. That's how propoganda works.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Oh, FFS. I don't know whether to laugh or just roll my eyes.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Anna Bannana and the Frothers. Must be what she meant when she said "we".

45 Anonymous said... 45

Now they are trotting out their alters to make more Benghazi and other nonsense anti-Obama threads.

46 Anonymous said... 46

You notice that, too, 45?

47 Anonymous said... 47

Anna*Fucking*Banana LOVES Ann Coulter and would marry him if given a chance. They are two peas in a pod.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Yup 46.

49 Anonymous said... 49

Damn. When did they change things at the Pod? I haven't been there for a couple months and now my shits all jacked. Does anyone else hate it or is it just me?

50 Anonymous said... 50

It changed a week or so ago. It's annoying but gives me an excuse to avoid 2P. The color scheme reminds me of a badly done blog.

51 Anonymous said... 51

Jacqab's head is going to explode in about 11 days. I wish I could be there to witness it and I hope it hurts really, really, really bad.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Forcible rape.
Legitimate rape.
Child conceived during a rape a gift from God.
God intended that to happen.

How the fuck could ANY woman vote for these people? If you don't "believe" in abortion, DON'T. FUCKING. HAVE ONE. Keep your fucking nose out of my business and I'll keep mine out of yours.

53 Anonymous said... 53

37Anonymous said... 37 What these fucking idiots don't realize is there were tons of attacks on US interests during the Bush administration but because the media wasn't looking for a reason to hang the President, no one even batted an eyelash.

Some idiot frother said that Obama would get re-elected, impeached and we'd have Biden as President. WTF did he do that was an impeachable offense?? These bitches are so fucking stupid I could just scream.

October 26, 2012 3:58 PM

Clinton - USS Cole

54 Anonymous said... 54

Looks like there are a few democrats on here tonight that have blown a gasket. What's the matter, afraid to show your true frothing ass over at the bucket? Chickenshits! LOL!!!

55 Anonymous said... 55

Runner5 is the pea formerly known as Utahpea.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Looks like there are a few democrats on here tonight that have blown a gasket. What's the matter, afraid to show your true frothing ass over at the bucket? Chickenshits! LOL!!!

Said the anonymous poster. What a moron.

57 Anonymous said... 57


58 Anonymous said... 58


59 Anonymous said... 59


60 Anonymous said... 60


61 Anonymous said... 61

Rolling pin.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Kendra likes pie.

63 Anonymous said... 63

I just hope that Gov. Romney wins so our country can get back to normal with a normal president leading our country.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Jeebus, the election sure brings out the nutjobs.

So fucking tired of all the spittle and froth.

65 Anonymous said... 65

Does it feel good to be a racist? Cuz I can't imagine.

66 Anonymous said... 66

My vote's going to Herman Munster for sure.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Oh, great. The race card. Just because someone is a republican, doens't mean I'm a racist.

68 Anonymous said... 68

Gomez Addams has my vote. Morticia would make a GREAT First Lady.

69 Anonymous said... 69

June 14, 2002, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide bomber kills 12 and injures 51.

February 20, 2003, international diplomatic compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Truck bomb kills 17.

February 28, 2003, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Gunmen on motorcycles killed two consulate guards.

July 30, 2004, U.S. embassy in Taskkent, Uzbekistan
Suicide bomber kills two.

December 6, 2004, U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Militants stormed and occupied perimeter wall. Five killed, 10 wounded.

March 2, 2006, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide car bomber killed four, including a U.S. diplomate directly targeted by the assailants.

September 12, 2006, U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria
Gunmen attacked embassy with grenades, automatic weapons, and a car bomb (though second truck bomb failed to detonate). One killed and 13 wounded.

January 12, 2007, U.S. embassy in Athens, Greece
A rocket-propelled grenade was fired at the embassy building. No one was injured.

July 9, 2008, U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey
Armed men attacked consulate with pistols and shotguns. Three policemen killed.

March 18, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Mortar attack misses embassy, hits nearby girls' school instead.

September 17, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Militants dressed as policemen attacked the embassy with RPGs, rifles, grenades and car bombs. Six Yemeni soldiers and seven civilians were killed. Sixteen more were injured.


Were you 'concerned' about any of those incidents?

Thought not.

70 Anonymous said... 70

I just hope that Gov. Romney wins so our country can get back to normal with a white president leading our country.


71 Anonymous said... 71

Obama wasn't president for those attacks. President Cheney could do no wrong. Shit. He got away with shooting a guy in the face in Texas. I rest my case.

72 Anonymous said... 72


73 Anonymous said... 73

What's wrong with a white president?

74 Anonymous said... 74

Caprese panini

75 Anonymous said... 75

Isn't BO half white?

76 Anonymous said... 76

Ruth Margaret Durkin

77 Anonymous said... 77

MapShit is still around? Huh. Is her narrow-minded Catholic ass going to vote for a Mormon? Seriously? She'll go to hell for that one...except Catholics can murmur "mea culpa" to a priest in a closet and all is forgiven.

78 Anonymous said... 78 is your friend.

79 Anonymous said... 79

What's wrong with a white president?

October 26, 2012 7:00 PM

they get all those white guys endorsing them because they are the same race...stacking the deck :)

80 Anonymous said... 80

Dang, that's some forehead Ruth-Margaret has. She should rent it out to Rmoney for advertizing.

81 Anonymous said... 81

55 Anonymous said... 55
Runner5 is the pea formerly known as Utahpea.
UTPea--Tennessee, not Utah, I think. Either way, she's an idiot.

82 Anonymous said... 82

I just checked out AN's wedding blog. Uh...

83 Anonymous said... 83

No, being a Republican doesn't automatically make someone a racist. But there are so many Republicans pursuing bigoted agendas, it gives one pause. And it's nothing new (see Reagan, Ronald and "welfare queens").

Just like voting R doesn't automatically one sexist. But I have to wonder about anybody, especially a woman, who votes for people like Todd Akin.

84 Anonymous said... 84

56Anonymous said... 56 Looks like there are a few democrats on here tonight that have blown a gasket. What's the matter, afraid to show your true frothing ass over at the bucket? Chickenshits! LOL!!!

Said the anonymous poster. What a moron.

October 26, 2012 6:24 PM

At least they aren't frothing about politics, moron! LOL You're not that edgy.

85 Anonymous said... 85

65Anonymous said... 65 Does it feel good to be a racist? Cuz I can't imagine.

October 26, 2012 6:44 PM

Because a vote for Romney = racist? Nice try blog troll LOL

86 Anonymous said... 86

69 Why don't you keep going back in history a little further. Truth really hurts huh.

87 Anonymous said... 87

Pea All You Can Pea!

PeaNut 36,843
April 2002
Posts: 16,193
Layouts: 25
Posted: 10/26/2012 4:39:46 PM

Here's a scenario that came today -

Obama gets re-elected and then impeached over Benghazi. So ... Joe Biden as president.


damn she's stupid. Bill Clinton was impeached and that didn't make Al Gore president. She is making republicans look back with the gobbly gook.

88 Anonymous said... 88

I just watched Meatloaf singing to Rmoney. You all can keep Meatloaf. We'll keep The Boss.

89 Anonymous said... 89

WTF?? Romney dyes his hair, Obama clearly doesn't. Beyond that, what the fuck is she blathering about?

90 Anonymous said... 90

Did you open the thread? There's a stupid picture of the candidates shopped with each other's hair. Stupid.

91 Anonymous said... 91

They've also got unrepentant pedophile Ted Nugent. The Rs can keep him, too. But they might want to lock up their teenage daughters when he's around.

92 Anonymous said... 92

Jesus Christ. Your location says where you are, which is how people know. And why don't you turn on the Weather Channel and find out?

93 Anonymous said... 93

82-hook us up. I wanna see her wedding blog...hahahaha!!

94 Anonymous said... 94

I can't wait for the election to be over so people stop caring about politics again.

95 Anonymous said... 95

Kim M is an insufferable "think she knows it all/I'm so much smarter" twat. I think she needs a good orgasm to chill out, but maybe between her posts on fast and furious and now Benghazi will bring her that relief.

And big phony. She pretty much killed the BB threads by her excessive talking about herself.

96 Anonymous said... 96

They should all be embarrassed that Swiss Mitts Fake-n-bakes. What an idiot! lol

97 Anonymous said... 97

Damn, I must be looking at the wrong internet sites and watching the wrong tv channels. I see more talk about Benghazi on 2P's than anywhere else.

98 Anonymous said... 98

Not every woman wants to be Mrs fucking Beaver with an apple pie cooling on the window sill. Christ.

99 Anonymous said... 99

I've never met a bigger bunch of sexually shamed women in my life. For a bunch of women that grew up during the sexual revolution they sure are a bunch of prudes.

100 Anonymous said... 100

99-does you like the butt sexes???

101 Anonymous said... 101

Not really my cup of tea! But I'm not ashamed to say that I lo0o0o0o0ove sex and GASP, wasn't a virgin when I got married.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Mitts looks on as Meatloaf butchers America the Beautiful. WTF! LOL!

103 Anonymous said... 103

like I said upthread 102. One word. Awkward.

104 Anonymous said... 104

ITA 99.

The 2 Peas Army of God is revolting.

105 Anonymous said... 105

HEADS! They be 'splodin. I think tonight we saw the frothers try to actually manufacture "news" to be outraged about. Fun,fun,fun.
If tonight is any indication. Nov 6 is going to be great fun.

106 Anonymous said... 106

Meatloaf needs to get himself into rehab stat. Did you read/hear his endorsement? In-fucking-coherent. Shades of Clint - w/o the chair.


107 Anonymous said... 107

YYou cunty cowss nedd to stfu get of the interntt.Your men are waiting on their sammich and blowjob. Get to it bitches.

108 Anonymous said... 108

YYou cunty cowss nedd to stfu get of the interntt.Your men are waiting on their sammich and blowjob. Get to it bitches

I see DarkAngel has found the blog! LOL!

109 Anonymous said... 109

Forcible rape.
Legitimate rape.
Child conceived during a rape a gift from God.
God intended that to happen.

How the fuck could ANY woman vote for these people? If you don't "believe" in abortion, DON'T. FUCKING. HAVE ONE. Keep your fucking nose out of my business and I'll keep mine out of yours.

Same with Gay marriage! Don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married! UGH! I weep for this country if Mittens wins election!

110 Anonymous said... 110

This super twit is getting as needy as Ellapea. She was never on my radar in the past, but lately she can't take a shit without consulting the Peas. Dumb ass!!

111 Anonymous said... 111

I saw nothing even slightly humorus in this thread first time around. WTF's with bumping it?

And what's with the influx of new idiots at the pod. Suddenly I don't recognize half the names.
Same old shit, only more boring lately.

112 Anonymous said... 112

93, Google Ruth Margaret Durkin. You'll find it.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Not every woman wants to be Mrs fucking Beaver with an apple pie cooling on the window sill. Christ.

Newsflash. You don't have to be a housewife to want to know how to feed yourself food that isn't from a restaurant or some pre-made crap.
You can have a career AND be a good cook.

114 Anonymous said... 114

This super twit is getting as needy as Ellapea. She was never on my radar in the past, but lately she can't take a shit without consulting the Peas. Dumb ass!!

Yes annoying as hell. And this...


She keeps inviting me places but now I can't trust that she will follow through. Another thing when we went on a vacation to Las Vegas with another friend she ditched me most of the time and I felt VERY left out. I didn't tell her at the time though because I loathe conflict. I just tried to let it go.

10 bucks says the other two friends were wanting to party and gamble (what you're supposed to do in Vegas) and this twit was pissed because the friends didn't want to hang with her at the hotel room.

115 Anonymous said... 115

You can also not be a good cook and have someone else do it for you. That's ok too. Not every woman needs to be a walking stereotype.

Men can cook too, and they can do more than just grunt "HRRRRMEAT HRRRRRFIRE GOOD!"

116 Anonymous said... 116

93, Google Ruth Margaret Durkin. You'll find it.

Ik! I have to bleach my eyes out after looking at all that fug! They met on eHarmony just two years ago! Losers!!! LMAO!

117 Anonymous said... 117

Usual frother hypocrisy. War advocated by Republicans = good. War advocated by Democrats = bad/we must take care of our own first!/the deficit must be reduced!

118 Anonymous said... 118

AN is hiding all her chub behind her fiance. She's fooling no one.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Found husband on eHarmony, Old Maid virgin of honor from a scrapbooking messageboard, and registry from Amazon. All from sitting on her ass in front of her computer.

120 Anonymous said... 120

You can also not be a good cook and have someone else do it for you. That's ok too. Not every woman needs to be a walking stereotype.


She didn't say anything in the post about why WOMEN couldn't cook.
Besides what do you do if there isn't "someone else"?
Assuming you don't go from living in your parent's basement directly to married?

121 Anonymous said... 121

lol @ the registry. toothbrush, tent, spaghetti server and a router to name a few LOL!! Beg much?

122 Anonymous said... 122

Mapchic looks a lot like MissJen. That's not a compliment to either. Where is MissJen? hmmm?

123 Anonymous said... 123

Hurricane Sandy is ringing Kendra's doorbell.

124 Anonymous said... 124

What's the link to AN blog?

125 Anonymous said... 125


PeaNut 21,316
September 2001
Posts: 2,372
Layouts: 28
Posted: 10/16/2012 8:02:20 PM

I didn't know about the smile rule. I have always taken my own passport photos, so at least I can discard the really heinous ones. I can also edit out the meth sores, whiten my heroin teeth, and fix the red in my marijuana eyes. The last thing I want is a cavity search


126 Anonymous said... 126

Leads a Charmed Life

PeaNut 43,843
July 2002
Posts: 41,012
Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast
Posted: 10/26/2012 1:06:12 PM

A gift certificate for dinner for 2 would be nice.

LOL Annabella always has to get a freebie thrown in.

127 Anonymous said... 127

The op asked for suggestions, and annabella wasn't the first or only one to suggest a gift certificate.

128 Anonymous said... 128

"A perfect stranger saved my four year old daughters life. I made him a card, with her picture in it and a guardian angel quote. Then I wrote him a letter of thanks, and told him that if, at any point in his life he felt like he was unimportant, or felt like he'd never done much in his life, please just look at that picture of my baby. And know that his quick thinking and actions saved a whole beautiful life of a child.

I still pray for his life." puttabuttononit

So if this is true did she ask for his address? Sounds fishy.

129 Anonymous said... 129

This is so awesome. She can't not leave the restaurant until the Peas answer her question. If nobody answers will she just stay there forever?

hahaha, I'm cracking up.

130 Anonymous said... 130

* can't

131 Anonymous said... 131


132 Anonymous said... 132

Wow. That girl is gorgeous. She looks older than 14, though.

133 Anonymous said... 133

132, She is a very pretty girl; it is unfortunate that her mom is such a negative bitch.
I met her in person, trust me.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Grandmom, sorry. I never met the granddaughter's mom :)

135 Anonymous said... 135

Love that question on the thread about her "complexion". You can hear the voice asking if her mom is a nigger. Isn't enough that the girl is a beautiful young woman?

136 Anonymous said... 136


Damn I love the stupidity on the Pod.

137 Anonymous said... 137

AshleyNIckedhole's wedding blog.

She works for Franklin Covery...don't they make organizers? Aren't those things going the way of the doodoo bird?

Her fiance looks fragile. I think she beat him.

138 Anonymous said... 138

It's Franklin Covey. And it's dodo bird.

139 Anonymous said... 139


140 Anonymous said... 140


141 Anonymous said... 141

Anyone wanna play battlships?


142 Anonymous said... 142


143 Anonymous said... 143

Ashley Nicole is another fatty.

144 Anonymous said... 144

127Anonymous said... 127 The op asked for suggestions, and annabella wasn't the first or only one to suggest a gift certificate.

October 27, 2012 4:34 PM

Awwwww, Sweetie, you missed the point. She doesn't just want ONE dinner she wants a dinner for TWO. [pats you on the head]

145 Anonymous said... 145

144 Anonymous said... 144

127Anonymous said... 127 The op asked for suggestions, and annabella wasn't the first or only one to suggest a gift certificate.

October 27, 2012 4:34 PM

Awwwww, Sweetie, you missed the point. She doesn't just want ONE dinner she wants a dinner for TWO. [pats you on the head]


OK my bad, I just assumed the gift certificate would be for two. Who gives a dinner for one gift certificate?

146 Anonymous said... 146

People on the thread were saying a set amount :)
Even the OP asked if a GC was okay to give.

Only Annafreebella, who has people pay to attend her parties, would make this suggestion in such a way.

147 Anonymous said... 147

I think this Mom is full of herself. Is her child bilingual like most of the class? Maybe she should know two languages first. LOL

148 Anonymous said... 148

Yeah Lauren, prolly why your husband divorced you. You should ASK him before you commit him to anything, regardless of whether or not he can afford it.


149 Anonymous said... 149

Oh poor me! My child is so much smarter than anyone else on the face of this earth and I have NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!

Let's face it, your child is just like everyone else. But you keep that dream alive!

150 Anonymous said... 150

Something about the OP makes me think that she is an annoying, needy friend and THAT is why her friend flakes on her. She also seems more concerned about losing the essential oil party/revenue than she is about losing the friendship.

151 Anonymous said... 151

149 Anonymous said... 149


Just a few short months ago the poor dd was having such problems in school that Satan had to be renounced.


152 Anonymous said... 152

151 that is some scary shit.

153 Anonymous said... 153

The meal is still called dinner, it's just served with leftovers. By her logic if I serve pancakes and bacon for dinner I should be calling it breakfast.

154 Anonymous said... 154

Great not only am I a pea mom failure, none of my kids are in the gifted program or on the "spectrum", but my dh doesn't thank me every time I cook. Now I'm also a pea relationship failure.

ftr I don't thank him every time he mows the lawn or takes out the garbage either.

155 Anonymous said... 155

Thanks for posting that, 151. I'd forgotten what a pathetic freak (and attention whore) that OP is. Poor kid.

The bible-thumpers would be amusing if they weren't so frightening.

156 Anonymous said... 156

That bible thumper thread is hilarious and frightening. God gets credit for keeping a husband alive five years suffering from cancer but none of the blame for letting him get cancer in the first place.

157 Anonymous said... 157

My husband usually thanks me when I cook, but I don't do it for the thanks...I do it because we need to eat! I don't need constant gratification for the things I do, I'm confident I know what the fuck I'm doing in the kitchen.

158 Anonymous said... 158

Great not only am I a pea mom failure, none of my kids are in the gifted program or on the "spectrum", but my dh doesn't thank me every time I cook. Now I'm also a pea relationship failure.

ftr I don't thank him every time he mows the lawn or takes out the garbage either.


My husband always thanks me for dinner. I appreciate it. I don't see why you're so bitter about this.

159 Anonymous said... 159

151 that is some scary shit.


No kidding. And these crazies want to run our country.

160 Anonymous said... 160

My husband always thanks me for dinner. I appreciate it. I don't see why you're so bitter about this.

No one is bitter. I think it's a bit over the top.

161 Anonymous said... 161

It's over the top to thank your spouse for cooking a nice meal?

Alrighty, then.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Good manners are never over the top.

163 Anonymous said... 163


Errands were sure as shit way more fun with an Aunt or a different family member besides my parents. She's being ridiculous.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Mrs. chicken breast was so surprised and shocked how well spoken and articulate Rice was. LOL

165 Anonymous said... 165

I think some thanks go unmentioned. I know it would annoy me if my husband thanked me every time I cooked something.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Wow, she really is pretty.

167 Anonymous said... 167

She likes to bully her own family.

168 Anonymous said... 168

I think some thanks go unmentioned. I know it would annoy me if my husband thanked me every time I cooked something.


You must be a real fucking joy to live with. What kind of bitch gets annoyed by a "that was great, honey, thanks?"

But then again, some of us cook real food instead of the processed bullshit you probably reheat and throw on a plate for your family. I wouldn't thank you for opening a bunch of boxes and feeding me cancer, either.

169 Anonymous said... 169

Yea, I really hope I never become so jaded that I get annoyed by good manners. Frankly I don't think people say please and thank you enough.

170 Anonymous said... 170

You must be a real fucking joy to live with. What kind of bitch gets annoyed by a "that was great, honey, thanks?"

But then again, some of us cook real food instead of the processed bullshit you probably reheat and throw on a plate for your family. I wouldn't thank you for opening a bunch of boxes and feeding me cancer, either.

Stick-removal-from-ass, isle 4 please.

171 Anonymous said... 171

I bet you bitches don't thank your husband for paying for that roof over your head, or working a day so your fat ass can stay at home, or taking the fucking trash out.... or fucking your ugly skank-ass once a month... now do you?

Hell, I don't need my husband to "thank" me for cooking dinner. I know he appreciates me for everything I do.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Oh, the hostile is as strong as the stupid with 171.

I work full time and let's just say my husband is quite pleased with the size of my ass :)

One of the reasons we're still happy after 18 years together is that we do thank each other for the little things. He thanks me for dinner, I tell him how nice the yard looks, etc. We just went on a great vacation and, at different points, thanked one another for working so hard to create the life we have.

Gratitude isn't forced for some of us.

I go back to my original point, though: YOU SOUND BITTER AND MUST BE MISERABLE TO LIVE WITH.

173 Anonymous said... 173

If I only had sex once a month I'd get the hell out of that relationship. How fucking boring. I know most women do the bait and switch when they get married, but some girls really enjoy a roll in the sheets more than once a month.

174 Anonymous said... 174

Gheeze 172, looks like some stranger got you all riled up there. If anything, you sound like the bitter one.

175 Anonymous said... 175

Hell, I don't need my husband to "thank" me for cooking dinner. I know he appreciates me for everything I do.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Same here.

176 Anonymous said... 176

LMAO @ 174. Okay, honey. Tell yourself that.

We're not all stuck in shitty lives with men we hate.

177 Anonymous said... 177

How does it feel to wake up everyday hating your own life so much that you have to project that hate to everyone around you? How fucking hard is it to just say thanks? Or to hug your husband for more than 2 seconds?

When was the last time you took the time to compliment him? Or rub his shoulders for 15 minutes? If the thought of a couple being considerate and grateful of each other sends you into such a tizzy, perhaps you should reevaluate your relationship and your shitty behavior.

178 Anonymous said... 178

The only tizzy I see is coming from 172.

179 Anonymous said... 179

I bet you bitches don't thank your husband for paying for that roof over your head, or working a day so your fat ass can stay at home, or taking the fucking trash out.... or fucking your ugly skank-ass once a month... now do you?

Hell, I don't need my husband to "thank" me for cooking dinner. I know he appreciates me for everything I do.


You dont sound bitter at all, 171. 172 sounds happy to me..

180 Anonymous said... 180

I don't see 172 as having a tizzy at all. I think she's right and knows how to appreciate a good thing. I'm sure she'd rip that man down if he decided to fuck it up by cheating or whatever too. Seems to have her deck stacked like it should be.

Whoever is trying to go blog style on her, I don't think it's going to work LOL

181 Anonymous said... 181

182 Anonymous said... 182

Am I really the only one who is wondering why this person needs to put a tarp on the roof? Sounds like a great neighborhood.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Their sources are two retired(military) right-wing fame-whores.

184 Anonymous said... 184

I see yubon is back to her former cunt self. Her post-divorce fuck buddy must have dumped her.

185 Anonymous said... 185

182 Anonymous said... 182

Am I really the only one who is wondering why this person needs to put a tarp on the roof? Sounds like a great neighborhood.


No that was my first thought as well. Guess they don't live in a HOA neighborhood.

186 Anonymous said... 186

Extra precaution for roof leaks during this "Frankenstorm?"

187 Anonymous said... 187

A tarp will do exactly NOTHING in a hurricane.

188 Anonymous said... 188

"I should work but I don't want to"? Pure selfishness. I wonder what her husband thinks.

189 Anonymous said... 189

I clean it. Chemical smells just make your house smell like...chemical smells.

190 Anonymous said... 190

I cook at home. Nothing smells better than baking bread or simmering soup. You can have all that chemical Scentsy/Glade crap.

191 Anonymous said... 191

167-She likes to bully her own family.

You must be ZombieTwat. Looks like we outed another blog bitch.

192 Anonymous said... 192

You didn't out shit, idiot. I don't post on the pod, I just lurk.

193 Anonymous said... 193

Hi Hostile!! Welcome back!

194 Anonymous said... 194

Hi Fatty, how many ring dings and ho-ho's did you stuff your face with today?

195 Anonymous said... 195

I love it when the mental midgets come out to play. Fat jokes are what people too unintelligent for real insults resort to.

196 Anonymous said... 196

All the hurricane talk and I can't get CASH! and GAS! out of my head!

197 Anonymous said... 197


198 Anonymous said... 198

You're not worth the effort, you don't care enough about yourself to be worth it.

199 Anonymous said... 199

Everyone should make their husband give thanks for cooking dinner.

200 Anonymous said... 200

Everyone should try to give three compliments a day, and make a real effort to say please and thank you to customer service people.

My service at the grocery store I work at is incredible, I rarely wait, my items are bagged perfectly and I never find myself with a crushed loaf of bread or smashed eggs. All it takes is treating people like they are humans, not servants.

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