Friday, October 5, 2012

Space 10/5/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1

Jane you ignorant slut.

Seriously though, hope all is better for you in your world.

2 Anonymous said... 2

I hope so too, Jane.

3 Anonymous said... 3


4 Anonymous said... 4

Peas are the most neurotic bunch I've ever seen.

Fascinating and horrifying at the same time.

5 Anonymous said... 5

the whole lot of them.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Hi, hmblthrp and Keely~B! *waves&

7 Anonymous said... 7

hmblthrp you got your name in the smack blog because you are bragging about a 3rd grader being in a "pretty rigorous college-prep school", 3rd grade, at that age do they really need to be worrying about sat scores?

How about getting them out of the Magic Tree House books before worrying about Yale.

And what will you do if you baby geniuses decide that college isn't for them? The world needs plumbers and not everyone is going to go on to higher education.

8 Anonymous said... 8

LOL, Magic Tree House. Nope, I make them read Physics textbooks only. ;-)

Hmblthrp here... I wasn't "bragging" about the school. The OP asked about HW for her kids' private school, so I was just trying to share what worked for us because our schools sound similar.

No big deal.

9 Anonymous said... 9

You could have said "my kids school", instead you went with "pretty rigorous college-prep school". see the difference?

10 Anonymous said... 10

okey-dokey, point taken.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Bullshit. Maybe she left the note for herself the night before, and signed her son's name to it.

12 Anonymous said... 12

Is she saying her ds ran a bath for her? Complete with candles? Thanks creepy.

"I had a similar experience earlier this week! After a lousy day at work and some early evening running around, I came home to a bath and a candle with a sweet note from my son thanking me for all I do- and the note indicated he hadn't lit the candle so he wouldn't burn the house down." worker-pea

From 11's thread.

13 Anonymous said... 13

"No, I'm not really a spur of the moment type person. I'm a planner.

If I try a new restaurant I look up the menu online first. If they don't have a website I'll ask for a menu and read it before I get a table. If I can't tell what the seating area is like from the hostess stand I will say something like "I'm meeting a friend, can I go look and see if she's here yet?" Then I'll walk around the dining room to check it out before getting a table. Usually I'll scope things out, pick a table, and then ask for that specific one.

At the restaurants I go to regularly I know the servers and know their schedules/days off. I'll ask for a specific table and a specific server.

Yep, I'm a planner. And a control freak."

What a peach, I bet she is just lovely in person.

14 Anonymous said... 14

Here's a thought, email or call your uncle and ask him. Dumbass.

15 Anonymous said... 15

13 Anonymous said... 13

"No, I'm not really a spur of the moment type person. I'm a planner.

If I try a new restaurant I look up the menu online first. If they don't have a website I'll ask for a menu and read it before I get a table. If I can't tell what the seating area is like from the hostess stand I will say something like "I'm meeting a friend, can I go look and see if she's here yet?" Then I'll walk around the dining room to check it out before getting a table. Usually I'll scope things out, pick a table, and then ask for that specific one.

At the restaurants I go to regularly I know the servers and know their schedules/days off. I'll ask for a specific table and a specific server.

Yep, I'm a planner. And a control freak."

What a peach, I bet she is just lovely in person.


lol funny stuff, I bet those servers just love when they're on shift and she shows up.

16 Anonymous said... 16

what thread is that from 13?

17 Anonymous said... 17

For 13.

18 Anonymous said... 18

Oh myshelly again yes she is a freak alright. She'll never survive the zombie apocalypse if she can't even deal with accepting whatever table the hostess sits her at.

19 Anonymous said... 19

I will refuse a table if they try to seat me by the bathroom or the kitchen door but I'd never demand a specific table in advance.

20 Anonymous said... 20

I am not a violent person but sometimes I'd like to punch lynlam square in the mouth.

21 Anonymous said... 21

I've put lynlam on ignore - her utter insanity and paranoia is too disturbing to watch, frankly.

22 Anonymous said... 22

Mitt won the debate because he wears magic underwear

23 Anonymous said... 23

It's hilarious that Mitt "won" the debate by renouncing the far right frothing talking points that he's been spewing for months.

I can't believe how fucking stupid the Republicans are. If they don't get it by now, they never will.

24 Anonymous said... 24

Eh, he knows his supporters don't care if he lies.

25 LYNLOON said... 25

math = arabic = OBAMA'S SHARIA LAW!!!!!111!

26 Anonymous said... 26

The froth-in thread.

They are going apeshit again.

It's hard to see it all slipping away, even when your frat boy supposedly 'won" the debate.


27 Anonymous said... 27

Avedadiva/Micki sure does love her drama.

She said she changed her peaname so her husband would quit staling her online. Then every time she posts, she makes sure to link her old handle with her new one. @@

And now the dramatic suicide/moving vehicle/rescue thing.

So much drama and angst. She's in her element.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Tracey/Darcy/MeGOP/Three Faces Of Eve has just shown up. If Sylvidiot and MapTwit comes in we'll have bingo.

29 Anonymous said... 29

oops, should be stalking, not staling.

30 Anonymous said... 30

AvedaDiva, you can't change your name and then say who you are in the title.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Darcy's not MeGOP. She's a fucking PUMA. I know a bunch of bitches who loved Hillary and never got over the bitter for Obama.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Hey, your leg is missing, probably as the result of serving our country, but fuck you for parking in a handicapped spot because you try to keep in shape. You aren't handicapped enough by MY standards to use one.

33 Anonymous said... 33

Bedroom shoes? wtf? Does she not mean slippers which is what normal people call them? Or does she mean stripper heels?

34 Anonymous said... 34

She probably means house shoes, but she's clearly an idiot since she's talking about wearing the around her house and not just in the bedroom.

35 Anonymous said... 35

Last post and I really am out. My BIL is here and so I asked him if there was one space left and this man took it and he and mom had to park further away or go home and he said and I quote "I'd be pissed". I take his opinion on this matter as it directly effects him and not me as carrying more weight then anyone here. Think what you will.


Wow, teh stoopids is genetic then. How unfortunate.

And I already look down on people who don't know the difference between then and than. From the prosthetic leg parking thread.

36 Anonymous said... 36

And affects/effects.
This bitch gives blondes a bad name.

37 Anonymous said... 37

I especially liked prostatic leg. The mental image It conjures up...

38 Anonymous said... 38

Not genetic, but definitely in the family. BIL is not genetic. More it illustrates how birds of a feather flock together.

39 Anonymous said... 39

I especially liked prostatic leg

I think the stupid cunt spelled it like 3 different ways in that dumb thread, none of them even close.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Somebody actually thinks Rmoney has charisma?

41 Anonymous said... 41

Governor HolyDrawers is an arrogant ass. He looked good on the tube the other night but now people are realizing that all he did was lie, lie lie and threaten poor Big Bird. He will never be president. He's a Mormon freak.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Does she have book of 365 stupid questions??

43 Anonymous said... 43

Somebody actually thinks Rmoney has charisma?

October 5, 2012 5:10 PM

Isn't that a scent by Avon? :D

44 Anonymous said... 44

Have you ever watched Rmoney walk? He walks like he's either holding a golden tablet between his butt cheeks or his shoes are a size too small. Very bizarre. I wonder who dyes his hair for him.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Bedroom shoes? WTF? Does she me slippers?

46 Anonymous said... 46

Does she MEAN slippers, that should be.

47 Anonymous said... 47

44 I said to my husband that mittens has a mincing almost feminine walk.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Kitten "heals". Cracks my shit up. Also, I love Compwalla.

49 Anonymous said... 49

I'm sure she only needs a good pair of knee pads in her bedroom. Bedroom slippers indeedy.

50 Anonymous said... 50

If I had a "prostatic" or a "prostectic" or a prosthetic leg, I would take it off and beat her with it. Then, I'd post it on youtube.

I'm disappointed I can't use a strike-through tag on the blog!

51 Anonymous said... 51

I'd watch that.

52 Anonymous said... 52


53 Anonymous said... 53

1. Why would you move your large family to a city whose schools you know suck?
2. What do you expect from a school district with a high school named after a Confederate general?
3. You bitch about everything even remotely connected to your kids' school district. You are the woman who cried wolf.

54 Anonymous said... 54

53, I knew before I looked it was ADD. Ffs. I feel so fucking sorry for her kids.

55 Anonymous said... 55

OMFG, the motherfuckers squat when they shit. I soooo didn't want to know that. WHO (besides a freaking pea) would admit to ordering this?

And I have never seen footprints on toilets. OMG.

56 Anonymous said... 56

How did I know before I opened this that the Pinterest Interest was going to be male? Poor pathetic bitch.

57 Anonymous said... 57

If it were the other way around, I have to wonder if she would be offended.

58 Anonymous said... 58


59 Anonymous said... 59

No, the kid would've part of some devious libtard/soros conspiracy to indoctrinate the other students into the Cult of Herr Obama.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Can we get an update KKKimM?

61 Anonymous said... 61

The real story doesn't fit their narrative so down the worm hole it goes.....

62 Anonymous said... 62

skyfuck on the contraception thread
"this pill is ok, then why isn't some other pill they want to swallow ok?"

Spoken by one who clearly swallowed the blue pill.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Second time in a week this damn site has tried to give my computer a Trojan virus. What's up with that Jane?

64 Anonymous said... 64

No one over the age of 40 should be posting crap like "R U", "gr8" "laff" as a regular matter of course on their FB page. It makes you look desperate.

65 Anonymous said... 65

This OP sounds crazy.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Is there are 40+ doing this, 64, or is your post just more of a generalized rant/vent?

67 Anonymous said... 67

ugh, should say Is there a 40+ pea doing this?

68 Anonymous said... 68

sammel is a frothing lunatic

69 Anonymous said... 69

check out my auction:

70 Anonymous said... 70


71 Anonymous said... 71

I wish this election would just hurry up, I can't believe that there are people out there that are still undecided. There should be stricter time restrictions on campaigning in this country.

72 Anonymous said... 72

Hey, 71, less than 60% even bother to vote, so at least give the ones who are going to make an informed decision the chance to do so! Maybe it should be done like an X-factor audition? Just don't complain when you get stuck with Mr Sucky head!

73 Anonymous said... 73

Who said I wasn't going to vote? I've made my decision and I will be at my polling place on election day, proud to do my civic duty. I don't watch bullshit competition reality shows either so it wouldn't matter. Other countries have strict guidelines of campaigning and it works perfectly fine.

I'm sick of this election cycle lasting two years, let's get down to the real issues and make the changes needed instead of just being a bunch of windbags that go on and on about what they would do if they were in office. Lip service doesn't mean shit to me.

74 Anonymous said... 74

ITA, 73.

75 Anonymous said... 75

Mrs. Tyler really has stepped it up in the "Thinly Veiled Racism" department.

That fucking fat bitch has a chip on her shoulder about anything African American. I'm thisclose to emailing her principal a list of the hateful shit she's spewed all over Two Peas. It offends me that my tax dollars support this twit.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Mrs. Tyler really has stepped it up in the "Thinly Veiled Racism" department.

Unfortunately for her it's the only thin thing about her. ;o)

77 Anonymous said... 77

LMAO @ 76!

78 Anonymous said... 78

I'm thisclose to emailing her principal a list of the hateful shit she's spewed all over Two Peas. It offends me that my tax dollars support this twit.
October 6, 2012 2:14 PM

She's from Michelle Bachmann's district. Those fuckers would probably give her a raise.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Sad but true, 78. Sad but true.

80 Anonymous said... 80

I really don't understand all the political angst.

I am starting read about an easy Romney win. The debate tipped the scales generously in his favor.

Why then are the peas getting so upset and posting so much fear mongering crap about Obama?

What a waste of time and energy. Get out and vote and shut the hell up. It's embarrassing to the Republican party.

81 Anonymous said... 81

I am starting read about an easy Romney win. The debate tipped the scales generously in his favor

LOL you shouldn't be reading comic books at your age. Funniest thing I heard all week.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Yeah. I wonder how Rmoney is going to look after the second debate. Probably like the arrogant asshole he is.

83 Anonymous said... 83

skyfuck on the contraception thread
"this pill is ok, then why isn't some other pill they want to swallow ok?"

Spoken by one who clearly swallowed the blue pill.


Ha! So true.

84 Anonymous said... 84

64 here. My rant was a general one from things I've seen on FB.

85 Anonymous said... 85

I guess I'm just not special enough for an imaginary friend in the sky to speak to me.

86 Anonymous said... 86

Pennyring is so full of shit. She can't afford those things, so that's why she's not jealous.

87 Anonymous said... 87

I think it is bullshit when peas says that they don't pay attention to other families. With facebook and other social media it is impossible not too. Sure, it may not be as important to others, but you can't tell me that you don't notice when a friend gets a fabulous vacation, or a family buys a new home. All bullshit.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Karalynn Tyler has been showing her true colors lately. Bitch has gotten nastier and nastier as the election season wears on.

She's such a shining example of a Christian professional.

89 Anonymous said... 89

And the pile on starts in 10...9...8...

The reason her friend can't find a shichon breeder on the AKC's website is that the shichon isn't a breed. It's a mutt puppy mills pass off on idiots as a "designer breed." Period.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Karalynn Tyler is NOT a racist because her imaginary skyfairy friend assures her that she isn't.

Awesome how that works!

91 Anonymous said... 91

I guess I'm just not special enough for an imaginary friend in the sky to speak to me.


I, for one, am happy to not hear voices in my head, TYVM.

92 Anonymous said... 92

"I skipped feeding everyone, they all had more money than we did so I didn't feel it was necessary. I timed the ceremony to be after lunch and to end prior to dinner. It worked for us!"Rainbow scrapper

Yeah she's a klassy one isn't she.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Chick has food issues for sure.

94 Anonymous said... 94

I guess I'm just not special enough for an imaginary friend in the sky to speak to me.
That thread turns my stomach. They sound insane.

95 Anonymous said... 95

Any guesses when The War On Christmas kicks off? We should be getting close.

96 Anonymous said... 96

"I skipped feeding everyone, they all had more money than we did so I didn't feel it was necessary. I timed the ceremony to be after lunch and to end prior to dinner. It worked for us!"Rainbow scrapper

Yeah she's a klassy one isn't she.

How much of this crap can she post and still be taken seriously? I guess the rightwingers don't mind having her around to pad their numbers at the pod.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Any guesses when The War On Christmas kicks off? We should be getting close.

+ + + + + + + + +

Gotta deal with Satan's holy day, Halloween, first.

98 Anonymous said... 98

Pineapple gets snottier and more arrogant by the day. Even on the most mundane, fluff threads.

99 Anonymous said... 99


Why is it insane? Because you've never experienced what they have? I feel sorry for you.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Oh, 94. I guess we're not all lucky enough to have had god answer our prayers for lost dogs, lovers or keys.


101 Anonymous said... 101

Feel sorrry??? LMAO. Please, DON'T.


102 Anonymous said... 102

101-Ah, but I do.

103 Anonymous said... 103

It's interesting that you think God is so intimately involved in the affairs of a bunch of middle class white American women, because it seems oddly silent when it comes to issues like starvation, poverty, child abuse and genocide, cancer, etc.

Please reserve your pity for yourself and the rest of your brethren. It seems that you willfully deny use of this awesome brain that you believe your great god gave you.

104 Anonymous said... 104

'God' is a crutch for the weak-minded.

105 Anonymous said... 105

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."

- Seneca, Roman philosopher (c. 3 BCE - 65 CE)

106 Anonymous said... 106

That thread almost made me vomit, what a bunch of simple minded morons. No wonder terrible things are happening in the world 'god' is too busy looking for fucking lost dogs.

107 Anonymous said... 107

That thread almost made me vomit, what a bunch of simple minded morons. No wonder terrible things are happening in the world 'god' is too busy looking for fucking lost dogs.

I was afraid hollymolly was going to say god diddled her.

"Over a year after the divorce, I was feeling very lonely one night, and I told God that even though I know He's enough for me, I still really needed physical comfort."

108 Anonymous said... 108

I'm amused by Pennyring calling someone a self-centered bitch.

109 Anonymous said... 109

It's 6:10am and I've been awake for 2 hours. Sucks. Tomorrow when I need to be up at 5:30am I'll be sleeping soundly. WTF is wrong with me?

110 Anonymous said... 110

I know this is a joke but it's a sad joke:

"My sister however, has 6 boys and 1 girl and always says that she would trade her girl for 6 more boys." JenAllyson

111 Anonymous said... 111

I'm not going to say on her thread but I wonder if adopting the second kid has anything to do with the first kids problems. Seems like this ODD thing is new.

Also she really should take a long hard look at the adderall, it very well could be a bad reaction to the new meds but she just keeps say no to that.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Should I feel bad that my "best date" was not with my husband? It isn't that we haven't had great dates, and in fact, our first date was pretty outstanding, but it isn't my best or most memorable.

My best was technically more of a "booty call." I can still remember almost every detail of that night.

113 Anonymous said... 113

Glad I didn't go to Pennyring's hillbilly wedding. YEEEEEEEE-HAW! Pass the cornbread Billy Bob!

114 Anonymous said... 114

Obviously 112 anyone that went on dates with a guy they didn't end up marrying will be viewed as a massive slut by the peas.
Personally the best date I ever went on was with a guy I met at church, we read our bibles and prayed soooo hard for all the lost doggies of the world to be returned to their owners.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Great! My friend who has been getting chemo for 18 months (fighting breast cancer) was just told there is no further treatment and that she has but months to live - all because some bitch needed to find her lost dog!!!

116 Anonymous said... 116

From the Snoop thread:

"I personally don't care for Snoop Dogg (he seems so creeeeeeppppyy to me)"

says the woman with the giant cartoon picture of her and a penguin at an amusement park.....

117 Anonymous said... 117

I was afraid hollymolly was going to say god diddled her.
It's fucking creepy!!

Stupid bitches who think god answers their prayers for lost dogs and dining room tables while African children are being starved and raped on a daily basis ARE fucking insane and/or brainwashed. No two ways about it. Their hysterical, nonsensical rantings about "god's mysterious ways" proves they're just too stupid to think for themselves.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Truly sorry about your friend 115.

119 Anonymous said... 119

I wanted to post on the god spoke to me thread but I'm too angry and would probably end up saying something I regret.
Here in the UK a little girl is missing, police have arrested someone and are charging him with her murder. I'm pretty certain that her parents have at some point over the past week prayed to god for her safe return. What made them or her less worthy of gods protection and grace than Wingnuts effing dog? Seriously I could cry over the moronic rubbish that's been spouted on that thread.

120 Anonymous said... 120

If prayer works, why can't god give amputees their limbs back?

"Me and my whole church prayed god would give me back my legs and by his grace, they grew back," said no amputee ever. God is wishful thinking and group hysteria.

121 Anonymous said... 121

I think God decides who He will help. Some of us need to suffer some in order to learn how to be humble.

122 Anonymous said... 122

I'm not going to say on her thread but I wonder if adopting the second kid has anything to do with the first kids problems. Seems like this ODD thing is new.
I think ds1 already had issues before she adopted ds2, but things have definitely escalated. She has her hands full, and I think she's a single mom. I really hope her DS's behavior issues are resolved.

123 Anonymous said... 123

I would never, ever post anything hurtful about anyone, even these women. Thank you all for your support, it means so much to me. Devon Hickmann, the only thing I ever did was to open my own shop around the same time Vanessa opened hers, she was really mean to me and posted snarky comments every time I added a product to my store, I just took it as jealousy and I blocked her, Ever since then she's been after blood! I just ignore her the best I can...Kathleen Driggers lol Sarah Dunkin Kilmer starting this group got me banned. Seen & Noted hasn't shown up yet :( Wish I could go to the warehouse and get it for you but alas, I'm dependent on the mailman lol


i heard you got your ass banned Kathleen Driggers because you lied to the administrators as well as the drama you created on your own site about the other group. you are not the innocent victim as you profess you have scammed people in your 20% restocking fee drama which is bull shit it needs to be in stock before you charge people you are misleading people with you so called business. you plead out poor me to get the sympathy sales that you have been doing. i also read from more than one individual and not any of them were administrators from any boards that you flaked on people orders were of the its not here when you told them it shipped and it had not i also heard that you were got into trouble with some of the manufacturers because you could not follow their rules. you always blame others and NEVER take personal responsibility for your own fucked up shit. you are pathetic

124 Anonymous said... 124

What's that about 123? What did I miss?

125 Anonymous said... 125

I think God decides who He will help. Some of us need to suffer some in order to learn how to be humble.


that's disgusting. People suffer because they aren't humble enough? I would never worship such a horrible entity. People are sick, abused, neglected because they just aren't grateful and humble enough? Wow. Too many shitty people have great things happen to them and too many good people suffer for me every to believe such nonsense. And it always astounds me how your god gets all the credit for good but is never responsible for the shit

126 Anonymous said... 126

I think you made a wrong turn, 123. This isn't the "scrap"smack blog.

127 Anonymous said... 127

#125 - I totally agree.

128 Anonymous said... 128

Stupid bitches who think god answers their prayers for lost dogs and dining room tables

Don't forget praying for the rain to end in a drought-stricken area so that one idiot can get their carpet installed @@
That was a prize winner.

129 Anonymous said... 129

121 - that attitude is exactly why people get turned off to religion.

I guess crime victims, people who die of awful diseases, and parents of children who die need to learn humility, but the negligent owner of a dog is rewarded by god with the safe return of their pet because they are sufficiently humble. Got it.

Glad I slept in this morning instead of going to church.

130 Anonymous said... 130

"I took two or three months and I came up with a reason that I thought was enough and I went with it: if there is a God he's definitely not benevolent. We should mean less to him than ants. And if there is a God or there are gods they would value, more than anything, free will. "
Tarsem Singh

131 Anonymous said... 131

Hindsight is 20/20. These people "hearing" God are full of shit.

132 Anonymous said... 132

Hindsight is 20/20. These people "hearing" God are full of shit.

What egos!

133 Anonymous said... 133

It's called faith bitches, and since you don't have any....

134 Anonymous said... 134

And we're okay with that.

135 Anonymous said... 135

It's called faith bitches, and since you don't have any...

then I'm quite comfortable in my view that the tooth fairy, Santa, and all variations of religious entities are man made

136 Anonymous said... 136

Tooth fairy and Santa have nothing to do with religion. They were made up for kids.

137 Anonymous said... 137

No I don't have any faith since the time I was 6 years old.

@ 133 - Tell me did God tell my Dad to sexually abuse me for three fuckin years - he went to church and was so religious.Those peas on that thread remind me of him !
Eventually I told my Mom what he was doing,fat lot of good that did to me at the time. She sent me to live with my Aunt - so that the " church" people wouldn't get to hear of it!!!!! I can hear the conversation now - " Oh please God help me, what are people going to think", " I'll ( that's my mom) never be able to show my face in public again"
I suppose God told her to send ME to my Aunt and stay faithful to my Dad -some God that was!!!!!

Thankfully my Aunt never set foot inside a church and gave me so much love & care and made me to be the person I am today - without this so called God's help !!!!

I might have been saved if I had been a fucking dog !

138 Anonymous said... 138

Well 137, I am glad God told her to send you to your Aunt's, so you can stop being abused.

139 Anonymous said... 139

Thank God you had an Aunt that could help you!

140 Anonymous said... 140

But 138 and 139, where was that God when she was getting sexually abused?

141 Anonymous said... 141

Santa has nothing to do with religion.

Are you sure about that?

142 Anonymous said... 142

@ 140

Helping find lost dogs I would think.

and for the record 138 & 139 it wasn't God that send me to my Aunt. It was my Aunt that made the decision to take me away, nothing to do with God. He certainly didn't speak to my Aunt, she didn't believe in him - so don't give me that crap !

and for the record there is far more sexual abuse going on in " religious" family homes that there are in non religious familiy homes.

143 Anonymous said... 143

isn't this pointless? c'mon bitches. more smack less jeebus. I want to know who this is the alter for

144 Anonymous said... 144

God rescued you using your Aunt.

145 Anonymous said... 145

God rescued you using your Aunt.


And he let other kids get abused using her father.?

FFS, 144, just how dumb can you be?

146 Anonymous said... 146

And what about the Gods in other religions? There's more to religion and faith outside of the Christian denomination. Or do those Gods not count?

147 Anonymous said... 147

How do you know that's the case 145?

148 Anonymous said... 148

Because, 147, people who sexually molest kids don't tend to stop just because God let an aunt step in on one. That's how I know. You may want to do a little reading about it.

149 Anonymous said... 149

You see 147, some bitches here think they know EVERYTHING because they read it on the internets!

150 Anonymous said... 150

I bet the dimwit posting these blog comments at the bukkit calls herself a Christian.

151 Anonymous said... 151

Two more annoying words aspie and kindie.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Lauren must be drunk, bored or both today. Her new alter, Desertedbrainlesspea, is busy c&p'ing from the blog.

Better watch it, honey. They can track you by IP address, you know....

153 Anonymous said... 153

Well whoever it is she's certainly brainless that's for sure !!

154 Anonymous said... 154

Stupid bitches who think god answers their prayers for lost dogs and dining room tables


Magical thinking.

155 Anonymous said... 155

I think God decides who He will help. Some of us need to suffer some in order to learn how to be humble.


Funny, 95% of the time those who 'need to suffer' are poor brown foreigners.

156 Anonymous said... 156

"Religion is regarded [snip] by the rulers as useful."


Proof? Look at the USA, c. 2012.

157 Anonymous said... 157

Bra's what?

I don't get bent out of shape about typos, but this is a third-grade grammar mistake.

158 Anonymous said... 158

#157, I was just coming here to post the same thing. I have never been one to point out grammar or typing mistakes, but the wild apostrophe throwing bugs the living crap out of me! And then cindyupyours comes in and does the same thing. Argh

159 Anonymous said... 159

115 here...thanks for the thoughts. It really sucks. She's only 43 and has been fighting like crazy since April 1st of last year when she was diagnosed. They just couldn't get it under control enough for her to have surgery.

When she went back this time it had spread to her lungs. She has a rarer, more aggressive form called inflammatory breast cancer, when the cancer is in the lining of the breast as opposed to a lump.

I find myself thinking about her a lot. We went to high school together but never really hung out. Facebook and reunions got us in touch again and even though we still aren't super close, it still affects you.

Sorry! Done babbling!

160 Anonymous said... 160

159, I'm sorry for the suffering your friend and you, her loved ones, are experiencing. Wishing you all peace and comfort.

161 Anonymous said... 161

Mrs. Tyler just can't shut her fucking mouth. The bitch needs to have the last word on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.

162 Anonymous said... 162

I prefer to call her TyPHOON!

Such a sanctimonious bitch she is!

163 Anonymous said... 163

Not only are Pea spawn all geniuses, they all learn to walk at 5.87 months in handmade, $400 shoes made from the hide of baby pandas. Fuck me.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Crapper is seriously disturbed.

165 Anonymous said... 165

144 stop posting to her, seriously. She said she doesn't want to hear it, so leave her alone. WTF is wrong with you? Someone posts about being molested by their own fucking father and you have to poke at her and stress her out?! Why, to use this time when she's vulnerable to "spread your faith" or try to convert her to what YOU believe in? SELFISH.

Aren't you an adult? Don't you know when to keep your mouth shut? Guess "God" forgot to teach you there's a time and a place to talk to people and this isn't it honey.

To the poster whose jackass father did that to you, I'm so sorry. Sometimes I think I had a shitty childhood and then I hear things like that and it reminds me I'm being a whiny brat. I'm really sorry you had to go through that, and that even though you got help from your aunt, you still have to live with the memories of it now as an adult.

166 Anonymous said... 166

I think it is bullshit when peas says that they don't pay attention to other families. With facebook and other social media it is impossible not too. Sure, it may not be as important to others, but you can't tell me that you don't notice when a friend gets a fabulous vacation, or a family buys a new home. All bullshit.


Yeah they're all full of shit. No one was saying "Do you and your 3 best friends get in catfights over who has the best SUV?" ...obviously the OP didn't mean it that literally. EVERYONE hears and sees people getting the new things and even if you don't try to keep up with the Jones' you're lying if you say you don't notice what people have these days.

But Noooooooooo they're all insisting they have no idea what type of horrid people the OP could be talking about! Not in THEIR circle! They have GOOD people as friends, not materialistic ones! *gasp*

Meanwhile they all have the following in their lives, I guarantee: iPad, iPod, iPhone, laptop, desktop, flat-screen tv, DVR, SUV or nice sedan, nice home, digital SLR, a handful of Coach purses, Uggs, a North Face jacket, and a fucking Kitchen Aid mixer in RED.

All quite "necessary" in daily life, natch.

167 Anonymous said... 167

If they don't have a website I'll ask for a menu and read it before I get a table. If I can't tell what the seating area is like from the hostess stand I will say something like "I'm meeting a friend, can I go look and see if she's here yet?" Then I'll walk around the dining room to check it out before getting a table. Usually I'll scope things out, pick a table, and then ask for that specific one.


Holy fuck. What a psycho.

168 Anonymous said... 168

#166, You'd be wrong... Some people could actually give two f*cks to what their friends have. It says more about you than them. Jealous much?

169 Anonymous said... 169

165 and 166 needs to chill out a bit.

170 Anonymous said... 170

I thought 144 was being sarcastic, hard to tell intent over the net.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Oh Look! Lizzy tries to be silly and MotherofJackoffs has to be a complete bitch. ShOcKiNg!!

172 Anonymous said... 172

1. Of course, it's an "upscale" gym.

2. The whole story sounds fake, fake, fake.

173 Anonymous said... 173

Oh Dewsgirl just STFU already, what a diatribe of bullshit.

174 Anonymous said... 174

I live where they do this and I'll never get it, that's just ugly

175 Anonymous said... 175

I live where they do this and I'll never get it, that's just ugly


I live where they don't do this and I think it's hideous. What a waste of money. You know she probably spent at least $100 for tht crap. Then what do you do with it? Hang it on your wall and let it collect dust. Gross.

176 Anonymous said... 176

It's almost as if she admitting her family had slaves.

177 Anonymous said... 177

Posted to soon, guess she wants everyone to know her family was involved in the underground railroad.

178 Anonymous said... 178

I found an old will from someone in my family history and they had donkeys, cows, sheep and slaves listed (specific names) to go to other family members. Very embarrassing.

179 Anonymous said... 179

The mums would be cute if they weren't so obnoxious and gaudy. Why do the ribbons have to reach the floor? And why are there teddy bears on so many of them? If it is made to look like the actual flower it looks so much better.

When will it stop? The mums are bigger than the girls wearing them!

180 Anonymous said... 180

We don't do mums around here, and looking at the pictures I'm glad. Fugly is the word that comes to mind.

181 Anonymous said... 181

I'm so glad we live in a mum free area as well. I find them hideous and obnoxious. Really, it's nothing more than my mom/my boyfriend's mom is better than/richer than/craftier than yours. Talk about keeping up with the Joneses. Any peas mention that on that thread?

182 Anonymous said... 182

^ ITA just another way for women to compete - like who spent the most on their dress for the dance, who had the trendiest, fanciest wedding decor or baby shower decorations. Crazy

183 Anonymous said... 183

I am Jen is the ONLY pea who likes fiesta ware and kitchen aid but isn't influnced by the peas. It makes her happy that others are excited about things she collects.

What a douche.

"Fiestaware & Kitchenaid mixers. I love them both & am glad to read all the talk about them, all the time.

I wasn't influenced to buy them from the peas, but it makes me happy to see others excited about something I collect."

184 Anonymous said... 184

How can you possibly bitch about people waiting on you, cleaning and keeping up with housework? I get it, people have their standards, but when you can't do anything about it just sit back and let people take care of things without judgement.

185 Anonymous said... 185

Lizzy is a lame-ass twat, and MOJ was correct.

186 Anonymous said... 186

Knew who you were talking about, 184. Skunkeye Sandy is going to bitch and moan about this injury till the end of time. Poor guy took time off work and I'm sure her disapproval is obvious. nice when someone is trying to be nice to you. smh for real.

187 Anonymous said... 187

Of course your child's teacher is asking for her help. Offfffffffff course she is.

188 Anonymous said... 188

It's called a walking cast Sandy, get the fuck up and do it yourself if you're that picky. FFS it's a broken foot, not brain cancer!

189 Anonymous said... 189

Crap....185 here, freebird just posted what I was saying and thinking about Punkeye Sandy. I must be really bitchy today if I'm thinking like freebird. Ugh

190 Anonymous said... 190

She's probably being way too easy on herself and her injury. She should be trying to do more than what she's doing now or else her recovery is going to take that much longer. I've never seen someone bitch so much about an injury.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Really Red's a typical pea, her dd is so uber smart and talented that the teacher asks for her help and of course the teacher is just a big bag of dumb according to RR.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Buckeye Sandy will be screwed if she ever really has any type of health problems. My mom did complain that much while going through breast cancer with chemo and a mastectomy.

193 Anonymous said... 193

The thread already isn't going her way, she will probably abandon it.

194 Anonymous said... 194

Opps sorry I meant to say my DIDN'T complain as much as Sandy. Sorry Mom.

195 Anonymous said... 195

I've never seen someone bitch so much about an injury.
October 8, 2012 10:40 AM


FFS, she's in a walking boot. No excuse for not getting off her lazy ass and doing it herself if everyone else's help isn't up to her standards.

And WTF? If she's such a nitpicky compulsive cleaner, I wouldn't expect her house to be covered in filth and dust after a couple of weeks anyway.

Fucknut Sandy is just a whiny attention-whore. Why she thinks people should fall all over themselves making over a broken foot is a mystery. It's not a serious injury.

An inconvenience, yes. Major injury necessitating babying and being taken care of for weeks on end? Fuck no. If it were that serious, she'd be in a rehab hospital, FFS.

196 Anonymous said... 196

It's refreshing to see that even the peas are tired of Sandy's whining and attention-whoring.

197 Anonymous said... 197

I picture her following her husband around with a stink-eye and a sarcastic comment for each task he does. He's a man, he can't possibly know what it means to be clean.

198 Anonymous said... 198

No shit...she's complaining of "Large puppies" (bigger than dust bunnies) you know how long you have to go without dusting for them to be that big? Does everyone in her house shed 24/7?? Fucking idiot.

199 Anonymous said... 199

Can't wait to see all those bitches come crawling back to the Border Patrol thread to apologize for berating the media and Obama for not shutting down the country because an officer was killed. Turns out he did it himself. Drew fire on two other BP agents and got killed by the return fire. I'm betting no one comes back to issue a mea culpa.

Oh hey, and maybe that's why most media doesn't report things in their entirety before getting all of the information possible. So they (FOX) don't look like assholes politicizing something that turns out to be the fault of the person who died. No big brown boogeymen killing an agent here...just him making a sad and fatal mistake.

Kinda makes Dynalady's "shoot first and ask questions later" policy a bit

200 Anonymous said... 200

Oops...that should be so they (unlike FOX) don't look like assholes....

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