Monday, October 15, 2012

Space 10/15/12


1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3

so effing dumb! wasting space claiming to be the first - get a life!

on to more important things....pennyring on the bullying thread - WTF is her problem???? amazes me that people really think like that. :(

4 Anonymous said... 4

Crafterbeth had a post on the what does your pea name mean and she deleted it.

But I'm sure this will not come as a surprise she mentioned marathons.

5 Anonymous said... 5

Ha! She did. Something about being uncreative when choosing her pea name, but working hard for her pea title. I rolled my eyes when I read it.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Pennyring thinks men try to pick her up in Walmart. She also doesn't have kids and has NO CLUE what parenting is about. Her response was total bitchiness at its finest! On par with l'urine wishing Yvonne's baby dead

7 Anonymous said... 7

To be truthful, fellow blog bitch, L'urine didn't wish death on that baby. That was just a bunch of false nuttiness and word twisting) spewed by the "pea"nuts.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Oh really? She didn't? So someone copied and pasted a twisted statement? I saw it posted myself on the bukkit back in the day and I don't think it was 'made up'.

9 Anonymous said... 9

I was there for the wishing of death on Yvonne's daughter... Lauren said it and anyone who tries to make it sound like she didn't is as a big a POS as Lauren is.

10 Anonymous said... 10

I was there for the wishing of death on Yvonne's daughter... Lauren said it and anyone who tries to make it sound like she didn't is as a big a POS as Lauren is.


Quoted for truth. Still can't believe there are those trying to spin this.

11 Anonymous said... 11

To be truthful, fellow blog bitch, L'urine didn't wish death on that baby. That was just a bunch of false nuttiness and word twisting) spewed by the "pea"nuts.
October 15, 2012 8:48 AM

Bullshit. I read the post. It was up at the meatblog for years. I'm sure it's still floating around out there somewhere.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to claim that something that is documented never happened? @@

12 Anonymous said... 12

as stupid as YOU for arguing it did. bwahahahah

13 Anonymous said... 13

7 and 12 must be Lauren

14 Anonymous said... 14

nope, 7 and 12 here and I'm not Lauren...but enjoying this nonetheless. Carry on.

15 Anonymous said... 15

bullshit lies in defense of the indefensible - how awesome!

16 Anonymous said... 16

bullshit lies in defense of the indefensible - how awesome!


Must be Athena. No one can spin the truth like that witch.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Wherever there are posts demeaning the value of higher ed, Lynlam is in the thick of it.

Still laugh when I recall her posting once that a Harvard degree "wasn't really worth it."

18 Anonymous said... 18

has anyone preserved Penny 'fount of public opinion' Ring's brilliant addition to the bullying thread?

19 Anonymous said... 19

It's been copied and pasted in MANY pea postings on that thread and they ALL agree that she was being an asshat

20 Anonymous said... 20

bullshit lies in defense of the indefensible - how awesome!

Must be a Republican!

21 Anonymous said... 21

I'm sorry but how strenuous could a "caseworker" job be. Seems to me if you can sit and pea you could sit and fill out forms for cases. It's not like she has to pick lettuce for eight hours a day.

I guess I just really don't understand the whole "fibro" thing.

22 Anonymous said... 22

"From now on I'm going to use clip art that says, "kiss my ass" and "your a idiot". When someone gets upset about it I'm just going to say sorry that's just there for visual interest."

thatgirlintexas, I'd take you more seriously if you could tell the difference between your and you're. This is the second time I've seen you mix them up today.

23 Anonymous said... 23

21, I agree. Looks like the fibro isn't keeping her from crusing and visiting ruins.

24 Anonymous said... 24


25 Anonymous said... 25

Must be Athena. No one can spin the truth like that witch.



What ever comes out of her mouth/fingers - believe the exact opposite. You can't go wrong.

26 Anonymous said... 26

GROSS!!!!! who the fuck is this CRAZY woman that makes her WHOLE family use the toilet before flushing?????

I mean come on people????? how much money can REALLY be saved this?

Lots of weird shit on the cut expenses thread

27 Anonymous said... 27

If it's yellow let it mellow,

if it's brown flush it down.

28 Anonymous said... 28

She should go on that Extreme Cheapskates show on TLC. They had a woman on there that pees in a jar and then pours it out in her yard.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Could you imagine if one of the Peas saw her neighbor pouring piss into their own yard? Or what if the neighbor dared to pour it out on a Pea's lawn! Oh man.

30 Anonymous said... 30

My friends do that. They have well water and even though its just the two of them and they don't own anything like a dishwasher that would suck up the water, they don't flush as long as they pee. Its gross.

One time we visted and I was on the rag. I explained to the wife why I had to flush every time I went so they didn't get pissy (no pun intended) thinking I was trying to waste water.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Skybarf needs to visit Walmart for some tin foil. Now not only is President Obama not a citizen, he was born in Kenya AND his Kenyan father is not his father?! I need a flowchart just to keep up with her nuttiness.

32 Anonymous said... 32

has anyone preserved Penny 'fount of public opinion' Ring's brilliant addition to the bullying thread?

19 Anonymous said...

It's been copied and pasted in MANY pea postings on that thread and they ALL agree that she was being an asshat


When ISN'T she being an asshat?

33 Anonymous said... 33

Oh man, that "were you bullied" thread is hilarious.

34 Anonymous said... 34

What's her definition of "hurtful"? She's going to unfriend her kid because the kid is a liberal?

35 Anonymous said... 35

Looks like wing nut is an all around fuck up when it comes to raising kids(in her narrow view) One's a liberal and the other is gay. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bitch. Maybe she'll pray the gay away.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Yeah, I'm thinking WingNut is one of the more hysterical, over-reactor Jeebus freak, helicopter mom peas that gets the vapors if her little darlings ever try to assert their own personhood.

She sounds like a drama-mongering nutjob. Big money says that her melodramatic thread the other day about discovering something GHASTLY about her kid online was nothing more than this inane shit.

God, she's a fucking twat.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Did pennyring delete? I don't see her at all on the bullying thread?

Or maybe there are 2 bullying threads?

38 Anonymous said... 38

omg just found the pennyring posts. Dying at Yubon's post to her about the men falling in love w/ her etc. HAHAHAHA Go Yubon

39 Anonymous said... 39

She's gotta be a Pea:

"Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting."

40 Anonymous said... 40

There isn't enough tin foil in the whole of China to keep the radio signals from reaching skybarf's tiny brain. Goddam, it's not a brain at all, it's a black hole.

41 KaraLynn Tyler said... 41


42 Anonymous said... 42

OH shut the fuck up, scorPEAo, I live in a nice neighborhood and I don't have an HOA up my butt. And I don't have to essentially pay rent to live in my own home.

43 Anonymous said... 43


some of these peaple really live like pigs.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Because they want to clean their carpets? Wut?

45 Anonymous said... 45

WTF are you talking about 43??

46 Anonymous said... 46

I'm guessing that 43 is referring to this

"I only need to do two bedrooms; the rest of the house is tile and the other bedrooms are beyond help and the carpet needs to be replaced"

I read that too & was instantly disgusted.

47 Anonymous said... 47

Attention-seeking behavior at its finest.

48 Anonymous said... 48

If Romney wins, it'll be interesting to see how fast the Birchers quit fucking shrieking about government spending and return to their pre-2008 "Deficits don't matter" mantra.

It will go hand-in-hand with another ME war, obvs.

49 Anonymous said... 49


Send her a fucking p-mail, idiot.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Some people have way too much free time...

51 Anonymous said... 51

More grief-whoring.....

52 Anonymous said... 52

I'm not political in the least but I'm enjoying the political threads. First the polls say Obama is up and the conservative peas are posting nutty anti-Obama thread after thread and now that the polls have tightened up the liberals are posting crazy anti-Romney shit. Entertaining.

53 Anonymous said... 53

OH shut the fuck up, scorPEAo, I live in a nice neighborhood and I don't have an HOA up my butt. And I don't have to essentially pay rent to live in my own home.

Let's see. I pay an HOA fee but I don't have to carry homeowners insurance and I got a new roof paid for by the HOA. If there are termite or rodent problems the HOA pays for it. I have access to a private pool, and I live in a small (22 houses) gated community located on a golf course. HOAs that are run by the community and not a corporation are actually well worth the money.

54 Anonymous said... 54

I don't have to carry homeowners insurance
You own the house?? Homeowners insurance is mandatory with most mortgage companies, at least out here.

55 Anonymous said... 55

I pay an HOA fee but I don't have to carry homeowners insurance and I got a new roof paid for by the HOA.
I think what some of us are calling a HOA is very different than what you have. I can't imagine owning a home without having it insured that sounds very foolish.

56 Anonymous said... 56

I can't see how or why an HOA would pay for a new roof.

57 Anonymous said... 57

The only solutions I have are it's a condo or a retirement complex.

58 Anonymous said... 58

48Anonymous said... 48 If Romney wins, it'll be interesting to see how fast the Birchers quit fucking shrieking about government spending and return to their pre-2008 "Deficits don't matter" mantra.

It will go hand-in-hand with another ME war, obvs.

October 15, 2012 6:47 PM

They would blame all the lame ass shit left behind by OB on MR.

59 Anonymous said... 59


60 Anonymous said... 60

I pay an HOA fee but I don't have to carry homeowners insurance and I got a new roof paid for by the HOA. If there are termite or rodent problems the HOA pays for it. I have access to a private pool, and I live in a small (22 houses) gated community located on a golf course.
You live in a condo? Townhouse?

61 Anonymous said... 61

I think she started a thread just like this in 2008 when she was sammel.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Is Lynlam still unavailable to post her sources? It's been two days and she has managed to post multiple times since asked to back up her comments with some proof.

63 Anonymous said... 63

61Anonymous said... 61 I think she started a thread just like this in 2008 when she was sammel.

October 16, 2012 4:49 AM

OMG!!! The Horror!!!

64 Anonymous said... 64

62Anonymous said... 62 Is Lynlam still unavailable to post her sources? It's been two days and she has managed to post multiple times since asked to back up her comments with some proof.

October 16, 2012 5:06 AM

Blind people are not going to see it and believe it anyway. I guess people ask so they can discredit the "source".

65 Anonymous said... 65

I live without an HOA and have my own pool, carry my own home owners insurance and can do whatever I damn well please with my yard. The cost of my weekly pool maintenance and my home owners insurance is still cheaper than what a monthly HOA fee would be. Oh and I don't have anyone breathing down my neck if I don't bring my trashcans in and I can have guests park overnight without fear of towing.

I'm a mature adult that can make decisions for my own home. I don't need a committee or board to hold my hand and tell me how to live. And the best part is I don't live in a sea of beige!

66 Anonymous said... 66

Pineapple is just as much of an asshole on the sekrit board as she is on Peas. Talks down to everybody.

67 Anonymous said... 67

I like how FLCindy backtracked on the sightseeing once she was called out on her "disabling fibromyalgia."

Such a made up, bullshit "disease." They should call it "bored hypocondriac white lady disease."

68 Anonymous said... 68

66Anonymous said... 66 Pineapple is just as much of an asshole on the sekrit board as she is on Peas. Talks down to everybody.

October 16, 2012 9:00 AM

Link or it didn't happen. You know how it goes. If you can't link or c&p it's all bullshit.

69 Anonymous said... 69

67Anonymous said... 67

I like how FLCindy backtracked on the sightseeing once she was called out on her "disabling fibromyalgia."

Such a made up, bullshit "disease." They should call it "bored hypocondriac white lady disease."

October 16, 2012 9:10 AM

That's like saying sickle cell anemia is only for blacks. The stoopid is here again today.

70 Anonymous said... 70

How can FLCindy afford such a trip with her being on disability?

71 Anonymous said... 71

That's like saying sickle cell anemia is only for blacks. The stoopid is here again today.


Oh, the irony. The majority of people affected by sickle cell anemia *are* black you dumb cunt.

Just like the majority of "fibro sufferers" are bored, hypochondriac white women. One need look no further than the "fibro sufferers" at the bukkit to see this.

72 Anonymous said... 72

67Anonymous said... 67

I like how FLCindy backtracked on the sightseeing once she was called out on her "disabling fibromyalgia."

Such a made up, bullshit "disease." They should call it "bored hypocondriac white lady disease."

October 16, 2012 9:10 AM

I don't see it as backtracking at all. I think she slapped down a troll by having to give more details.

Cookies and her Guns is disgraceful.

73 Anonymous said... 73

Cruises are cheap?

74 Anonymous said... 74

I don't see it as backtracking at all. I think she slapped down a troll by having to give more details.


Okkkaaaaay. You probably have "fibro," too, so you speak the same bullshit language as FL Cindy.

In her first post, she stated, "But, Belize is a port we've never visited. Of course, we want to take advantage of the fun......whether it is endorsed by RC or otherwise. "

"WE want to take advantage of the fun." Self-explanatory.

".....whether it is endorsed by RC or otherwise. "" Meaning: We are open to excursions that are not operated by Royal Caribbean. Last I checked, there weren't many "sit on your ass and suffer" excursions offered by cruise ships.

Nice try, though.

75 Anonymous said... 75

You can do a one week Carribean cruise for less than $400/person. That includes all you can eat meals and lodging and entertainment. I consider that a cheap vacation.

76 Anonymous said... 76

Pineapple is just as much of an asshole on the sekrit board as she is on Peas. Talks down to everybody.


She's such a arrogant, devious little liar.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Such a made up, bullshit "disease." They should call it "bored hypocondriac white lady disease."


My dh's doc calls it "Lazy, complaining hypocondriac womens imaginary disease".

78 Anonymous said... 78

74Anonymous said... 74 I don't see it as backtracking at all. I think she slapped down a troll by having to give more details.


Okkkaaaaay. You probably have "fibro," too, so you speak the same bullshit language as FL Cindy.

In her first post, she stated, "But, Belize is a port we've never visited. Of course, we want to take advantage of the fun......whether it is endorsed by RC or otherwise. "

"WE want to take advantage of the fun." Self-explanatory.

".....whether it is endorsed by RC or otherwise. "" Meaning: We are open to excursions that are not operated by Royal Caribbean. Last I checked, there weren't many "sit on your ass and suffer" excursions offered by cruise ships.

Nice try, though.

October 16, 2012 9:51 AM

LOL throw your fibro accusation if you must. No, I don't have it but you are reaching just to bitch about something today.

They sell tickets to people every day for cruises. People sit pool side all day on those cruises. I could give two shits about what she does or what she has but you are still reaching.

Call me what you want. Claim I have a disease LOL I do not care.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Pineapple is just as much of an asshole on the sekrit board as she is on Peas. Talks down to everybody.

Her husband won't fuck her; her anger and unhappiness has to spill over somewhere.

80 Anonymous said... 80

I find it hard to believe she has to personally train every client in whatever job they get. Around here the social worker helps them get the job the employer trains them. Can you imagine the law suit if she were to get hurt shoveling manure or slipped while mopping.

81 Anonymous said... 81

And yeah her op makes it sound like she's going to being all kinds of sight seeing, not sitting by a pool.

She's just another one tired of working looking for a disability payment.

Funny how she never stated how physical her job was before.

82 Anonymous said... 82


Here's an idea, how about you rinse your hair for longer than 15 seconds.

83 Anonymous said... 83

Because giant signatures are fucking annoying *KikiNichole* is it really that much of a brain buster to figure that one out?

I've had signatures turned off since my first day on the Pod.

84 Anonymous said... 84

81Anonymous said... 81 And yeah her op makes it sound like she's going to being all kinds of sight seeing, not sitting by a pool.

She's just another one tired of working looking for a disability payment.

Funny how she never stated how physical her job was before.

October 16, 2012 10:35 AM

So what. Where are her disability payments coming from? An employer insurance for LTD that she paid into for however many years or is she just dregging society? I don't know enough about her personal business to know which she receives.

I don't have a problem with it if she's paid into the system, that IS what it's for. Is it for people who lie to get it? NO.

I hope you never get sick. I hope if you're married your spouse never gets sick. With those well wishes to you, I hope you have a great day. :P

85 Anonymous said... 85

Calling it "FIBRO" shows how lazy you are. Is it so hard to say fibromyalgia? You don't hear diabetics calling it BEATIES!

86 Anonymous said... 86

You just had to post something, Anything. And that's the best you could come up with, 85?

87 Anonymous said... 87

lol at the peas who just don't get it..."I don't see a video, just a big white space" Um, ya, that is the whole fucking point of the thread!! No, freeidiotbird, there is no video, that's why you have never seen it. The stoopid just keeps going...

88 Anonymous said... 88

You can do a one week Carribean cruise for less than $400/person. That includes all you can eat meals and lodging and entertainment. I consider that a cheap vacation.

Uh, that must be SOOOOOOOOME cruise. *shivers*

89 Anonymous said... 89

Hi, Kendra. I mean, 86.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Not Kendra, 89.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Here's an idea, how about you rinse your hair for longer than 15 seconds.


Kaleidoscope isn't all that bright, from what I've seen.

92 Anonymous said... 92

85Anonymous said... 85 Calling it "FIBRO" shows how lazy you are. Is it so hard to say fibromyalgia? You don't hear diabetics calling it BEATIES!

October 16, 2012 11:07 AM
86Anonymous said... 86 You just had to post something, Anything. And that's the best you could come up with, 85?

October 16, 2012 11:33 AM

You both look really stooopid.

93 Anonymous said... 93

87Anonymous said... 87

lol at the peas who just don't get it..."I don't see a video, just a big white space" Um, ya, that is the whole fucking point of the thread!! No, freeidiotbird, there is no video, that's why you have never seen it. The stoopid just keeps going...

October 16, 2012 12:49 PM

Did you not read the title of the thread? Really? Talk about stoopid.

94 Anonymous said... 94

exactly #93...if you don't even read the title, why bother commenting? Just makes you look like an idiot.

95 Anonymous said... 95


96 Anonymous said... 96

94=classic blog stoopid

97 Anonymous said... 97

You can do a one week Carribean cruise for less than $400/person. That includes all you can eat meals and lodging and entertainment. I consider that a cheap vacation.


I consider that a perfect title for the movie "My Big Fat American Vacation".

98 Anonymous said... 98

Lodging? lol, you mean they let you bunk on the ship too? Oh, I thought they dropped you off at the nearest buoy or island for the night.

99 Anonymous said... 99

Of course the op is better to the step daughter then the bio mother is, sure she bullied her dd into a hair cut just to ruin your wedding pictures.

ffs didn't this one just get divorced? Now jumping right back into marriage.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Same thing I thought, 99. It's always They Done Me Wrong at 2P, never I Screwed Somebody Over. See home disclosure thread.

101 Anonymous said... 101

I guess I just don't really see that as a punishment. How does money equal trust?

102 Anonymous said... 102

Yeah, I tended to make the punishments fit the crime. Lie about where you are at = grounded.

That said, in this case he fessed up so I'd let it pass w/o punishment. I WANTED my kids to talk to me, even if I disagreed with or didn't like what they were telling me.

/2 cents

103 Anonymous said... 103

IMO certain peas moms are authortarians who enjoy punishing others.

104 Anonymous said... 104

99Anonymous said... 99

Of course the op is better to the step daughter then the bio mother is, sure she bullied her dd into a hair cut just to ruin your wedding pictures.

ffs didn't this one just get divorced? Now jumping right back into marriage.

October 16, 2012 4:12 PM

I don't know if she just got divorced or not but I wonder if she is marrying feederlynn.

105 Anonymous said... 105

oh and [sarcasm] for those idiots who won't see it.

106 Anonymous said... 106


PeaNut 495880 - January 2011
Posts: 46 Layouts: 0
Loc: Ireland
Posted: 10/16/2012 6:19:18 PM

I found Neurontin better than Gabapentin for my neuropathic pain.

I think this troll is trying to fit in.

Neurontin and Gabapentin are the same!

You're not a very good troll, go back to yahoo checkers.

107 Anonymous said... 107

What are you talking about #96???

108 Anonymous said... 108

I found Neurontin better than Gabapentin for my neuropathic pain.

I think this troll is trying to fit in.

Neurontin and Gabapentin are the same!

You're not a very good troll, go back to yahoo checkers.

October 16, 2012 5:02 PM

true dat.
idiot pea troll.

109 Anonymous said... 109

New SSR ruling. Fortunately, in July 2012, Social Security issued a ruling explaining when fibromyalgia should be found as a medically determinable impairment (MDI). The ruling directs claims examiners and judges to rely on criteria issued by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) to determine whether an applicant has fibromyalgia, and thus has an MDI. There are two alternatives in ACR criteria that can be used in determining whether you have fibromyalgia; either one will suffice.


Oh look Fibro became a "medically determinable impairment" under the Obama administration.

LOL .just.sayin'.

110 Anonymous said... 110


More of my tax dollars for more imaginary diseases. You do realize that many of these parents with kids "on the spectrum" also get SSI benefits for their little snowflakes, right? So, in addition to taking up way more resources than a normal child in the school system, they mooch off the taxpayers from the time they're born.

Wonder how many of the uber Republican peas fall into this category? You know Rainbow Crapper most likely does. ADD Housewife is another.

111 Anonymous said... 111

It's been shown time and time again that the biggest frothers are almost always mooching off the gubmint in some form or another. That's just one of the many reasons why they're hippocrates.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Mittens really knows how to talk shit.

113 Anonymous said... 113

You do realize that many of these parents with kids "on the spectrum" also get SSI benefits for their little snowflakes, right?
I have a friend whose son is autistic (not pea "autistic," either). He gets SSI, and my friend and her pothead husband use that as an excuse for only working part time (her) or not at all (him). Drives me crazy. I can see getting some money, because he does have special needs. But his parents saying "the government will make up for what I don't work" is bullshit.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Speaking of all these Pea snowflake autistic kids....what's the deal with "High Functioning?" Is that some kind of badge of honor?

115 Anonymous said... 115

That's the pea way of letting you know their snowflakes have special needs but are also geniuses.

116 Anonymous said... 116

What the fuck are we going to do with all of these "on the spectrum" kids that can't even handle a fucking long sleeve shirt in winter when their parents are gone? Who takes on that responsibility?

117 Anonymous said... 117

I know someone who's child is very autistic who doesn't get a dime in SSI for her kid; I guess we all have anecdotal proof to support our individual arguments.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Maybe it's based on parental income. That would explain my friend who gets more for her son if she works less.

But yeah, we all have anecdotal proof.

119 Anonymous said... 119

I just can't put ADDHousewife/Mowse in the same bracket as RainbowCrapper. Mowse is well-meaning, just kind of pitiable and clueless.

Crapper is a nasty, pustulent piece of shit. Her kids suffer more than we know.

120 Anonymous said... 120

The mere thought of a man having ex with rainbow_crapper is enough to make me vomit.

121 Anonymous said... 121

Look, even my keyboard wouldn't let me us the entire word so I could save the rest of you from the disgusting thought!

122 Anonymous said... 122

what's the deal with "High Functioning?" Is that some kind of badge of honor?


there's high functioning autism and there's low functioning autism. low functioning autism is the kid who never says a word but grunts & flaps & whatever else, high functioning is the kid who can talk & learn & do things but has some odd learning & behavior patterns & social problems. it doesn't mean the kid is a genius, its a behavioral label. hth.

123 Anonymous said... 123

Mittens believes that women have a right to contraception. I wonder if that applies to binder women as well.

124 Anonymous said... 124

Speaking of all these Pea snowflake autistic kids....what's the deal with "High Functioning?" Is that some kind of badge of honor?

That's the pea way of letting you know their snowflakes have special needs but are also geniuses.
No it means there kids is only slightly disabled and might with the right help be able to hold a job someday and maybe even move out of the house. Lots of Peas have kids who will be lucky to ever get out of diapers or dress themselves.

125 Anonymous said... 125

SSI is based on household income.

126 Anonymous said... 126

That was sarcasm, 124.

My friend's son is almost nine and still in diapers.

127 Anonymous said... 127

I see Squillen changed her avatar AGAIN. She must have not enjoyed the comments about her old one here. It's not much better.

128 Rafalca said... 128

Dogs go on the roof, women go in the binders!

129 Anonymous said... 129

110Anonymous said... 110 Ugh.

More of my tax dollars for more imaginary diseases. You do realize that many of these parents with kids "on the spectrum" also get SSI benefits for their little snowflakes, right? So, in addition to taking up way more resources than a normal child in the school system, they mooch off the taxpayers from the time they're born.

Wonder how many of the uber Republican peas fall into this category? You know Rainbow Crapper most likely does. ADD Housewife is another.

October 16, 2012 5:39 PM

If they've worked at all they will get SSD based on that. You can't receive SSD if you've never worked. There are exceptions, blindness and some others. Fibro will not fit that though.

If Rainbow is getting money for her dd, that's good. Hopefully she uses it for her dd. She can not get it for fibro, if that's what you were implying.

130 Anonymous said... 130

127Anonymous said... 127 I see Squillen changed her avatar AGAIN. She must have not enjoyed the comments about her old one here. It's not much better.

October 16, 2012 10:08 PM

The purple shirt one? That's the one that was mentioned here the other day as "new".


131 Anonymous said... 131

Huh, I guess pennyring really is important. She's in the front row for the debate

132 Anonymous said... 132

124 Anonymous said... 124

Speaking of all these Pea snowflake autistic kids....what's the deal with "High Functioning?" Is that some kind of badge of honor?

That's the pea way of letting you know their snowflakes have special needs but are also geniuses.
No it means there kids is only slightly disabled and might with the right help be able to hold a job someday and maybe even move out of the house. Lots of Peas have kids who will be lucky to ever get out of diapers or dress themselves.


In the real world that is what "high functioning" means, it the pea world they tend to think their child will be the next Sheldon Cooper.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Forgot to add ADD/Housewife is good for comparing her ds to Sheldon.

I'm glad I have a regular not on any spectrum kid. Even if he is a C student at least he can handle food and clothes with out texture issues.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Paigepea on her duvet thread:

"Would you buy the same one again?

We have a queen bed but really want a king in our future. We're finding our queen duvet too small for our queen bed (dh and I argue over the duvet and I want it to fall further over the edge of the bed). I've decided to buy a king duvet and cover to see if that helps us get over our duvet issues at bedtime.

I LOVE our Calvin Klein bedding set.

Would you try to buy the same duvet cover again to go with the sheets because you love it or would you buy a whole new set. Our set is currently discontinued but I could buy a NIP king duvet cover on ebay for $80. A new set would be something under $300. It isn't about the money. It's more - is it silly for me to buy the same duvet cover in 2 sizes."

Um, yeah, Paigepea, it is ALWAYS about the money with you? Why do you have to mention that your current bed set is Calvin Klein? Why do you have to mention what it would cost to replace? None of it is germane to the discussion. Just more of you saying "OH, look how much money I have!!"

135 Anonymous said... 135

I find it odd that her dh has an opinion on a duvet, I doubt mine would even know what one was much less care and have an issue over it.

136 Anonymous said... 136

135Anonymous said... 135 I find it odd that her dh has an opinion on a duvet, I doubt mine would even know what one was much less care and have an issue over it.

October 17, 2012 7:39 AM

She words it like an idiot. She means the fight over it. Meaning he takes his share of the blanket. She wants a bigger one.

Got it? [pat on head]

137 Anonymous said... 137

Isn't Calvin Klein the name brand you buy at Ross or TJ Maxx? I would not consider the Calvin Klein to be of any prestige unless we were back in the 80's.

138 Anonymous said... 138

Got it? [pat on head]


Bitch alert.

139 Anonymous said... 139

You think that post is about her and her husband fighting over a blanket?

Reading comprehension issues. You haz them.

140 Anonymous said... 140

135 Anonymous said...

I find it odd that her dh has an opinion on a duvet, I doubt mine would even know what one was much less care and have an issue over it.

WOW, your husband must be so manly! Color us all impressed.

141 Anonymous said... 141

140 I'm just saying my dh would care about a duvet about as much as I would care about a hammer.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Congratulations on complying to the stereotypical gender roles, 141. You must be voting for Romney.

143 Anonymous said... 143

I still want to know what the horrifying thing was that the kid had been looking up on the computer! Who was that; I'm drawing a blank (and obviously too lazy to search).

144 Anonymous said... 144

138Anonymous said... 138 Got it? [pat on head]


Bitch alert.

October 17, 2012 7:57 AM

Dumbass that can't read alert.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Dumbass that can't read alert.

^^^^ Now here's someone that needs to stay off the internet.

146 Anonymous said... 146

139-141 must not have men in their lives that they sleep with every night. FIGHTING for the blanket. She's not american ya know...

147 Anonymous said... 147

I can see me arguing over the blanket when I'm not covered LOL If I stole the blanket in the middle of the night I can imagine he'd be arguing as well.

SMH @ some of the stoopid here today. Every day actually.

148 Anonymous said... 148

145Anonymous said... 145 Dumbass that can't read alert.

^^^^ Now here's someone that needs to stay off the internet.

October 17, 2012 9:56 AM

^^Miss Pick a Fight over bullshit every day is here^^

149 Anonymous said... 149

^^Miss Pick a Fight over bullshit every day is here^^


^^ You are not clever. at all.

150 Anonymous said... 150

^^exhibit 1,489,351^^ Case Closed.

151 Anonymous said... 151

"A game I recommend when watching a movie is to write all the character names on pieces of paper and then put the slips of paper in a hat or bowl. Each character is assigned an action (making a fish face or jumping up and down 3 times) or a sound (barking like a dog) The girls choose a piece of paper and each time their character comes up, they have to perform their sound or action. The girls switch their character everytime a dog is shown or a bus or something random. This game makes for a serious case of the giggles and you wear them out! They never really watch the movie anyway." 3JaysA&C


An idea for a child's party, yeah nothing makes watching a movie even better then having people making annoying sounds randomly or jumping around.

152 Anonymous said... 152

"I try to be balanced, and calm, and collected but if anybody messes with my kids in any way I just turn into the Hulk. It is such an animal response, and usually so disproportionate to the offense that it always takes me by surprise. After the whole thing is over I am sitting there thinking "wow, that was intense"" Maite


Just wondering wtf is happening with her kids that she has to have such an extreme reaction. So glad I'm not her kids teacher.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Trying to get on that fibro train. Gonna ride it till I hit disability!!!

154 Anonymous said... 154

Kendra has fibromyalgia.

155 Anonymous said... 155

I have fibro, too!

Belize, here I come....

156 Anonymous said... 156

LOL 151, I agree - that sounds so dumb and annoying! Do we really need to play a game during a movie anyway? No wonder we all have ADD - pick one activity at a time for cripes sake

157 Anonymous said... 157

143 it's on the tip of my tongue. She's a big time republican...her username begins with a W I think...

158 Anonymous said... 158

143 and 157: It was WingNut.

What an absolutely appropriate name.

159 Anonymous said... 159

You know who has a horrible profile picture? Lumo. I hate looking up her nose.

160 Anonymous said... 160

140 Welcome to 2012. This isn't 1950. Girls can use hammers and boys can like or hate a duvet. Don't be a helpless ditzy wife, it's so embarrassing.

161 Anonymous said... 161

Alert the media.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Sorry but I think M2 homeschooling just isn't a great idea.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Something tells me pennyring will be showing up on this thread to casually mention something amazing about herself....

164 Anonymous said... 164

Something tells me she's doc-shopping already. @@

165 Anonymous said... 165

Epic fail, Lefty. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

166 Anonymous said... 166

164 what does doctor shopping have to do with her voting?

167 Anonymous said... 167

No surprise that Lauren and Skybar have no problem with these images. Women are the only people those two hate more than non-white Christians.

168 Anonymous said... 168

L'urine is up to posting an average of one new thread every two days. This is her new way of getting into it with other posters. Since so many people have her on ignore, it doesn't work anymore when she posts on threads started by other people. I'm really enjoying the display of desperation. She'll be up to one thread a day soon.

169 Anonymous said... 169

I linked the wrong thread, 166. My apologies. Here's the right one.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Those abortion trucks don't even show what happens in a real, legal abortion. But there is not point in me telling the likes of Skybar and Lauren. They are lost causes.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Ancient Ancestor of Pea

PeaNut 33199 - March 2002
Posts: 8016 Layouts: 15
Loc: Southern California
Posted: 10/17/2012 11:03:23 AM

I can be calm in huge, catastrophic situations, and lose it completely at life's little irritants.

This is me too. Two examples:

I once lost my brakes in my car while driving down a hill. I was calm and collected while I finally brought the car safely to a stop. It's like all the driver's training just clicked on in my brain and there was no panic.

Last night I went on a huge rant/vent with DH about a neighbor down the street. He's renovating his house and has three used toilets sitting in his driveway right next to the sidewalk. I've had to drive by and look at those things for a week. It's so effin' trashy. (See I'm still upset).



172 Anonymous said... 172

I love that the peas get upset about what their neighbors do, but have cows when their neighbors tell THEM what to do.

Toilets in front of a renovation: trashy, not the end of the world.

173 Anonymous said... 173

I hope her neighbor decides to use the toilets as flower planters. That should really send her screeching to her dh.

174 Anonymous said... 174

I've had to drive by and look at those things for a week.


Look away!!

175 Anonymous said... 175

Seriously? I think she just wants to brag about all the healthy food her ds eats.

176 Anonymous said... 176

"Two of my daughters just got accepted to college, and they each got 4 year scholarships. We, of course, gave Him all of the glory, honor, and praise. It belongs to Him. If they would not have been accepted, then we would have known that that was not what He wanted for them, and we would have continued to apply to other schools. I trust and know that His plans are the best, and I praise Him for many things every single day. It all belongs to Him!!!!!"


Wow glad to know God has a hand in picking colleges and handing out scholarships. Here I thought the whole starving children thing might take up to much of His time.

177 Anonymous said... 177

From 175...

He even asks for kale and chard for dinner

Your 4.5 year old asks for chard for dinner.
yep he's going to be in insufferable twit just like his mother.

178 Anonymous said... 178

"Two of my daughters just got accepted to college, and they each got 4 year scholarships. We, of course, gave Him all of the glory, honor, and praise. It belongs to Him. If they would not have been accepted, then we would have known that that was not what He wanted for them, and we would have continued to apply to other schools. I trust and know that His plans are the best, and I praise Him for many things every single day. It all belongs to Him!!!!!"

Good thing He didn't decide they should be pregnant unwed teenagers.

179 Anonymous said... 179

We, of course, gave Him all of the glory, honor, and praise. It belongs to Him
I'd be mad as hell if somebody gave a skyfairy the credit for MY hard work. God my ass.

180 Anonymous said... 180

I knew 175 was talking about busypea. I really didn't have to look.

I think she's full of shit and her kid eats frozen fish sticks, mac and cheese, and Spaghetti-Os every day.

181 Anonymous said... 181

I picture busypea as raising a little Fraiser or Niles Crane. Not a bad thing, I'm sure he'll be successful but junior high is going to be a bitch for him.

182 Anonymous said... 182

Lefty's stupidity is a pre-existing condition.

183 Anonymous said... 183

I picture busypea as raising a little Fraiser or Niles Crane. Not a bad thing, I'm sure he'll be successful but junior high is going to be a bitch for him.
October 17, 2012 4:08 PM

so, so true!

184 Anonymous said... 184

Lefty's stupidity is a pre-existing condition.
October 17, 2012 4:10 PM


185 Anonymous said... 185

The reason Lauren doesn't participate in this years political thread is because she got a hand slap from STJ

186 Anonymous said... 186

No 4 year old is going to be eating what an adult considers a meal. Get off your high horse busypea and get back to work, since you're posting during west coast work hours.

187 Anonymous said... 187

This thread amuses me because all I can think of is October 23, 1983.

Reading Reagan's daily White House diary he KNEW that the Marines were in danger and YET 241 American servicemen died. The commission found that the barracks guards didn't even have loaded weapons.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Waiting for the next "pay attention to me" thread from child of grace. I wonder what it will be next, what brand of soap detergent do you use?

189 Anonymous said... 189

Lefty's stupidity is a pre-existing condition.


190 Anonymous said... 190

I just don't see her marriage lasting.

191 Anonymous said... 191

ITA #190. I really like the op of that thread...but whenever the peas post about what lazy assholes they married, I am always shocked. Apparently I hit the husband lottery, as my DH has always been an equal opportunity partner, as in, if something needs to be done, he does it...and I don't have to ask, please, bargain, nag or anything. I always want to post and ask if they were always like that, but I don't want to come off smug so I just don't post at all. But I truly am shocked at the amount of lazy worthless pea husbands.

192 Anonymous said... 192

I always wonder how lazy pea husbands really are, or if they're just not picking up ALL the slack while their wives are on Pinterest or 2P. It's a two-way street--how can the peas complain about how little their husbands do while some of them have shit tons of posts?

193 Anonymous said... 193

Good point 192...I guess there are two sides to every story. My DH pitches right in...but I also do things to make him happy as well.

194 Anonymous said... 194

I suspect that there are a lot of Pea wives who don't get things done during the day because they're glued to the computer screen.

I can't remember who it was, but there was a Pea who mentioned her husband's dissatisfaction with her poor housekeeping .... while failing to note that she had thousands of posts and could probably be using her time better.

I don't get messy people, though. I'd much rather my family have a clean home than share my opinion with the peas.

195 Anonymous said... 195

I love it when they complain about their husband gaming... most men I know game to escape their wife's bitching.

196 Anonymous said... 196

"DH is limited to making about $900 a month (loooong story; just take my word for it) so it's pretty much on me to bring home the bacon." peapermint


I wonder why her dh is limited to only being able to make 900 a month.

197 Anonymous said... 197

OK never mind she answers a few posts down, something about being legally barred from working more the 25 hours due to a work injury.

So I'm guessing making anymore the $900 must cut into some kind of disability he gets.

198 Anonymous said... 198

That would be my guess, too, 197.

Which means that he is probably contributing more than she lets in financially.

199 Jane Doe said... 199

Space is up!

200 Anonymous said... 200

Last smacker standing!

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