Thursday, July 21, 2011



Anonymous said...

takes the spot just so you pathetic losers can't claim first

Anonymous said...

Mandolyn son is probably being a candy fiend at camp, because Mandolyn is probably a helicopter mom, who controls sweets, meaning no candy for the kids.

I can't believe Mandolyn considers taking money from ones own piggy bank stealing? WTF?
Yes, the kid stole when he took the change from the car, but from his own bank?

Sucks to be a kid with a controlling helicopter mom. It's summer camp...let the kid buy a candy everyday!!

Anonymous said...

ITA #2.

My sister is like that with her son, she doesn't let him eat red meat or carbs, when we have family gatherings he says, "I can't have that, it's not protein." She NEVER lets him eat a candy or treat.

When he's at my house he freaks out when we let him have a treat. My kids are all very thin and tall, and they eat treats regularly in moderation. Yet my nephew is very chunky because he sneaks food and overeats when he is allowed to have it.

IMO, that kind of mentality of being a helicopter mom with food is what makes our children obese. They know they can't have it at home, so when they are at a friends' house or at school the overeat on the junk. We need to teach our kids moderation, not the diet mentality.

Anonymous said...

The church wants you to tithe 10% because they are greedy fuckers.

They probably laugh all the way to the bank giggling to themselves about "god giving back". Bullshit.

Anonymous said...

"Tithe the 10 percent and sit back and let God work! You will be AMAZED what will happen."

What will happen if the OP doesn't tithe? Is the implication here is that if one does not tithe 10% bad things will happen?

Anonymous said...

If you do not tithe your 10% where on earth will the minister get the cash for the whores?

Anonymous said...

To be totally 100% honest I like my teens better than I liked my babies. Newborns are okay because they are easy to please but that age between when they are mobile and when they truly understand danger. I was also NOT a fan of the stage before they could talk and tell you what hurt, what they wanted, or if they were dying or simply tired. .

I'll take a mouthy 15yr old over trying to guess if what my toddler just swallowed was a cheerio or a dime.


ITA. It's fucking exhausting (and damn near impossible) to follow toddlers and preschoolers around every minute of every day.

I am SO PROUD, my son will be Feeder Lynn when he grows up said...

He is 10 years old! He hasn't got a chance, poor kid if he isn't already warped about food he soon will be. And they wonder why the number of Male Anorexics is steadily climbing.

If she doesn't want him to eat "fattening" foods then why did she buy them? Why the hambeast must be fed of course and she probably "sneak eats" which is where the kid learned it.!

I bet the doctor didn't say anything about putting him on a diet which is why she didn't get a referral to a nutritionist or even the old exchange diet.

Anonymous said...

FFS - carbLover is just fucking DESPERATE and feels that tithing will get her way out of her mess (of her own making I would guess) the same way other people who don't have 2 cents fucking gamble on a game or play the lottery. Never done it before, doesn't go to DEEP debt but, hey, suddenly need to tithe. May as well find a lucky bean and stroke it once in a while - she says "I really want to take a leap of faith and trust God that He will work it all out" - maybe she should take that money and find someone who can help her manage her debt. If she prays first, before ringing the first on the list, God might ensure she got a good one.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who IMMEDIATELY thought of Kevin and Amanda?

Anonymous said...

8---GAH, I hate reading the way some of these women monitor their kids' food. Obviously, no one should shovel junk food down their kids' throats all day long, but 2 pieces of pizza, a "veg/fruit smoothie" and a few apple slices for a growing boy? WTF? That the poor kid thought he had to sneak a slice of pizza into the backyard makes me seriously sad.

Anonymous said...

Carblover can tithe her money to me, I'll take it. I'll probably put it to better use than those jeebus freaks.

Anonymous said...

Er, Carblover says she only addressed her post to CHRISTIAN peas - sorry, but my church is not of the tithing minority and I am still a Christian.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe there are still idiots out there stupid enough to believe that tithing to a corrupt business will bring them some kind of gain. The entire concept is so damned hypocritical and smarmy. What a bunch of fucking losers.

Anonymous said...

The tithing thing is centered around the belief that if you give 10% of your income to X church, your money problems are magically solved or reversed.

Because god is pleased with you. Not making this up.
July 21, 2011 8:06 AM
Anonymous said... 193
Yes you are 192.


Tithe the 10 percent and sit back and let God work!

You can't make this shit up. don't need to.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who IMMEDIATELY thought of Kevin and Amanda?


I did. She tries a bit too hard. That is one scary looking chick. She looked so much better before she lost weight. Now she look gaunt and unhealthy. I hope she is not ill.

Anonymous said...

*she looks gaunt

for the grammer nazis

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Amanda? Sorry don't know the back story.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's GRAMMAR nazis 17, fucking idiot.

I love how the grammar nazis get bitched out and called stupid, yet you're all so scared shitless of being called out you correct your posts just for them. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

hostile's back!

Anonymous said...

AnnieSM is a thundercunt.

Anonymous said...

you're the fucking idiot. I spelled it that way on purpose you fucking grammAR nazi.

Anonymous said...

My friend ended up with two kids with major weight issues, mostly of her own doing.

When they were little (like starting at 4) and they started getting a tiny bit chubby, she rode them hard about it and started obviously monitoring/restricting their food. Next thing you know, they're hiding food, binging, spending all their allowance at the 7-11, etc. Now she's got to severly obese teenagers.

Several times throughout the years, I *gently* suggested that a better way to go was to not make such a big freaking deal about what they eat - keep the house stocked with healthy stuff, point them towards fruits and other healthy snacks, and have family meals on a regular schedule.

As a mom, you CAN guide and form your childs eating habits without making it obvious and beating them over the head about it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, how the hell would anyone know that a common spelling error was done on purpose? You made no indication of sarcasm, jokes, or anything of the kind.

If you spell like a dumb twat, people are going to call you on it, you stupid cunt.

PS, I am not hostile. I honestly don't even know who or what hostile refers to.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 22 you're the fucking idiot. I spelled it that way on purpose you fucking grammAR nazi.

July 21, 2011 1:55 PM

I saw it for what it was, no need to add that there is sarcasm LOL. 24, you're a complete idiot and real classy to boot! I bet you're a real peach to be around.

Just for the record, today, you are dubbed "Hostile" LOL

Move along now, nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

Why do people try and attack others based on class? If you're here, you're not classy.

Anonymous said...

Jeezua christ! He's 19 years old and just did yard work. What an uptight bitch

Anonymous said...

26 thank you for being honest and admitting you are classeless.

Anonymous said...

you can always tell when newbs are posting. Morans!

Anonymous said...

Fuck yeah, I'm classless! It's a hell of a lot more fun than sitting with a stick up my butt. Thank YOU 28 for not being a thundercunt!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 26 Why do people try and attack others based on class? If you're here, you're not classy.

July 21, 2011 2:05 PM

Welcome, Blog Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 26 Why do people try and attack others based on class? If you're here, you're not classy.

July 21, 2011 2:05 PM

Oh riiight, you were "attacked" LOL

Anonymous said...

but but but it's the law 27 you know peas never ever break any type of law, rule or etiquette guide line!!!!

Most of them are so rigid and inflexible I'm surprised they don't snap in half in a heavy wind, oh wait, most also weight in at 250 or better so they're safe.

Anonymous said...

My grandad used to give us a tiny bit of wine mixed with lemonade every Christmas Day. We were like little kids and it didn't harm us. We loved joining in and feeling grown up. Uptight bitch in thread in 27 would have had a coronary.LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey spelling/grammar Nazi why do you get such a hard on for mistakes made here? This isn't thesis paper blog, who really cares if someone screws up theirs there's or they're. Is you life that blah you have to point out ridiculous things like that to make yourself feel better?

Now feel free to correct all my mistakes if it makes you feel superior to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure her DH is just going to be thrilled to come back and find she and the kids decorated his office.

Anonymous said...

Hey spelling/grammar Nazi why do you get such a hard on for mistakes made here? This isn't thesis paper blog, who really cares if someone screws up theirs there's or they're. Is you life that blah you have to point out ridiculous things like that to make yourself feel better?

Now feel free to correct all my mistakes if it makes you feel superior to me.

this is exactly what I meant! You all hate the grammar nazis and yet you're all so scared you have to fix all your mistakes just so they won't call your stupid ass out! LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Ummm yeah I'm shaking in my chair cuz my post might be critiqued by some wanna be English teacher. The point of my post was why is it so important to the Nazi to point out others errors? What is missing in your life that you get a kick from finding a run on sentence or a spelling mistake? Didn't your mommy hug you enough? Or did your daddy hug you to much?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm a grammar Nazi and I do feel superior to people who don't know the rudiments of the English language.

Anonymous said...

It's funny, because I'm not a "wanna be" English teacher, I'm an English teacher...

Also, I'm not the usual grammar nazi, I only called 17 out because she spelled grammar wrong "intentionally."

Wow, are you insinuating that I was molested by my father? That definitely crosses the line, you're a sick person.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 35 Hey spelling/grammar Nazi why do you get such a hard on for mistakes made here? This isn't thesis paper blog, who really cares if someone screws up theirs there's or they're. Is you life that blah you have to point out ridiculous things like that to make yourself feel better?

Now feel free to correct all my mistakes if it makes you feel superior to me.

July 21, 2011 2:32 PM

You really think it's just one person?

So what if "they" fixed it, you didn't need to go hostile on "them" LOL

You look like the bigger idiot here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 38 Ummm yeah I'm shaking in my chair cuz my post might be critiqued by some wanna be English teacher. The point of my post was why is it so important to the Nazi to point out others errors? What is missing in your life that you get a kick from finding a run on sentence or a spelling mistake? Didn't your mommy hug you enough? Or did your daddy hug you to much?

July 21, 2011 2:39 PM

You're really dumb, it shows. Nuff' said (oh let me point out my 'nuff means enough so you don't have to freak out, Hostile!)

Anonymous said...

I too, find it hilarious that you think there is one grammar Nazi. All boards have grammar Nazis, get over it. The more you type the bigger chance you have of making a whoopsie and getting the grammar Nazi on your dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

Raindancer is just an all-around argumentative, grouchy bitch, isn't she?

Anonymous said...

You fucking dumb cunts... church tithe is to pay for the upkeep of the church among other things... some of you bitches need some Jesus in your life.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sister Christian aka 45 for reminding me why I stopped going to church with you holy rollers.

Anonymous said...

so much hostility, so little time...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sister Christian aka 45 for reminding me why I stopped going to church with you holy rollers.
July 21, 2011 2:53 PM


Anonymous said...

Spot on 36. My DH would be pissed if he came back from a business trip to find that his office had been redecorated by the kids and I.

Anonymous said...

45 LOL I think the whole point of the posts on here was that tithing is just a money maker for the fucking church. So what is your point exactly?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Tithing to the catholic church is supporting the pedophile defense fund. fuck that.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the Catholics that shield the pedophiles. But you're absolutely spot on, 52.

Anonymous said...

Tithing because God might pay you back someday is the same as making a wish on a star. As my dad used to say, wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

Anonymous said...

OH, sweet tiny baby Jeebus! If I give you all my money, will you make me famous like P. Diddy? Rolls Royce in the garage and sluts in the bedroom? Oh, please,please, sweet tiny baby Jeebus! I will even give you 15%.


Anonymous said...

When a parent makes food forbidden, it is human nature for the kid to crave it and want it more. We all want what we cannot have, it is fucking human nature.

These damn food Nazi mothers are doing NOTHING but making their kids obese closet eaters and food sneakers.

Problem is, they are too fucking stupid to realize THEY are the problem, not their kid.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct, 56. My crazy ass mother used to forbid food and police us all the time. Food was power and control, and it was also a reward. SHE hid food from the rest of the family all the time. Then she was outraged and stupefied if someone snuck something.

All of us kids have had some major food issues to overcome. Shocker.

Way too many pea moms sound like my crazy azz mother. Poor pea kids!

Anonymous said...

Rachag's kids are cute, but someone ought to slap her for getting that little boy's hair cut that way. poor little guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand these people.$detail75$

If your DH doesn't like the beach and it means so much to you, didn't you discuss this before you get married? Also it's his kids from what I understand, maybe they just don't like their stepmom?

I don't know, I don't think I could marry someone who didn't share my love of the beach and ocean. It's such a big part of who I am and where I like to spend my free time. I understand it's good to have different hobbies than your S/O but you should like some of the same things too.

I'm high on my pain meds right now, so my rambling may not make sense. I know how you all like to rag on the peas with fibro - which I don't have so don't make out to be one of those who always complains about their illness - I've never mentioned mine at the bukkit.

Anonymous said...

Woops - wrong link above - I was trying to figure out where that pea saw that bracelet.

Anonymous said...

59-I agree with you. My husband loves the ocean, the beach and fishing. I don't think he could have married me if I didn't share his love of those things since one of his goals is to eventually live on the coast.

Anonymous said...

48, I'm sure the church was also glad you stopped going too!

Anonymous said...

Agreeing with 58, not smacking on the kid at all his a cutie but that hair cut, it looks like his little sister took the clippers to his head. It's very unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

It's killing me not to post "what happened to his hair?"
Can you Imagine the flame fest if I did?? lol

Anonymous said...

Look at this one, it doesn't look shaved. He may have a receding hairline. Cute little 'ole guy!

Other pics indicate this too and she did say that it photographs lighter on the sides.

I think he's cute too!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice that all the peas pay their bills before they are due and are so damn efficient? Like the ones who don't pay their bills are going to post and admit to it!

Anonymous said...

He's got strange hair & he's an average looking kid, nothing particularly cute about him.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 67 He's got strange hair & he's an average looking kid, nothing particularly cute about him.

July 22, 2011 6:22 AM

I bet you're a cutie too! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am.

But seriously? Why get all pissy about calling him average? This isn't the bukkit, we don't have to all gush and pretend kids that everyone's kid is the cutest thing that ever walked the earth. Some kids just aren't 'cute'

However he does have weird hair.

Anonymous said...

large photo frame as a prop in pictures = looking stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 69 Yes, I am.

But seriously? Why get all pissy about calling him average? This isn't the bukkit, we don't have to all gush and pretend kids that everyone's kid is the cutest thing that ever walked the earth. Some kids just aren't 'cute'

However he does have weird hair.

July 22, 2011 6:40 AM

LOL absolutely no one got pissy with you. Sorry someone had a different opinion than you.

You poor thing, you can't even *tell* when someone is upset with you or not.

Oh and your "we" mentality *IS* just what the bucket is made of. ""WE" don't gush?"

It does sound like you're out of touch with reality dear. (If that's getting pissy with you LOL I really do feel sorry for you!).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 67 He's got strange hair & he's an average looking kid, nothing particularly cute about him.

July 22, 2011 6:22 AM

Nice of you to rag on a kid. Lots of people said he's cute, too bad there's some hag out there feels the need to be a complete bitch (beyond blog bitch).

Anonymous said...

*oh* "hi" Kiki *nice* of "you" to *STOP* by with YOUR super "intelligent" human insights.
*fuck* OFF now back to the "bucket*! LOL

You're an idiot. *LOl"

Anonymous said...

"Average looking" isn't a smack, it's an opinion.

72 - if someone called you average, it would be a compliment.

Anonymous said...

Leave my kids alone!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I pay my bills a few days before they are due.

I think I've only been late once but paying bills once a month would drive me crazy.

Anonymous said...

I pay mine online well before they are due. I generally try to pay 2 weeks ahead if possible. I hate being charged late fees.

Anonymous said...

pfffff....I pay my bills the very HOUR that they are due online. yeah,sometimes I forget and pay late and get a late charge. So fucking *sew* me all you perfect twats.

Anonymous said...

Aw, Rachel's son is cute. But the Travis Bickle hair needs to go.

Anonymous said...
This one gets the gripiest bitch award for the entire summer. She does nothing but bitch constantly.

Anonymous said...

79, it is less about being perfect and more about being cheap! I'd rather have the money to buy crap I want or go out to eat!

Anonymous said...

The hair looks like it's just a grown out mohawk. Not sure what the big deal is.

Anonymous said...

There is no "big deal." It's just a goofy do. When you consider the mommy source, it's not a surprise.

Anonymous said...

There were other pic links here, they're in her gallery (or whatever) he has a receding hairline. She also said (also mentioned here) it photographs lighter than the rest, nothing *wrong* with it. :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 74 "Average looking" isn't a smack, it's an opinion.

72 - if someone called you average, it would be a compliment.

July 22, 2011 7:04 AM

Awww, someone got all butthurt and gave a pathetic shot at an insult.

Anonymous said...

If you are 'thinking about' a Pea, isn't it a little fucking lazy not to look at whether they had posted recently? Leftturnony hasn't exactly been hiding under a rock in the past few days.

Anonymous said...

While doing a search the old What is a grump? thread came up. How lame the pod use to be!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought cycworker didn't have kids?

Anonymous said...

interesting find 88, i clicked randomly on page 10 and saw one of PDRs troll ids. (talking to angelag, alag referred to her as PDR)

Anonymous said...

Noticed the first of many "how do I pack lunch for my picky eater" threads today. The peas are like clockwork. How many bento box threads will there be this year?

Anonymous said...

Noticed the first of many "how do I pack lunch for my picky eater" threads today. The peas are like clockwork. How many bento box threads will there be this year?
Whenever I see threads about picky eaters I want to say STOP catering to them. Unless your child has a medical condition or an allergy the best thing you can ever teach them is to learn to try and enjoy new foods.

Anonymous said...

Didn't jarmommy just get divorced? She already has herself a DBF. When will these women learn to be there for there children and not out trolling for the next man?

Anonymous said...

jarmommy is an idiot. not surprised that landing a man has been her top priority since her divorce

Anonymous said...

While doing a search the old What is a grump? thread came up. How lame the pod use to be!!!!


Wow, I forgot all about the GRUMPs. What a bitch Miss Jenn is, lordy be.

Anonymous said...

Skybarf/Stephanie Perfect is having a tantrum.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Skybar pissed when Obama walked out like a week ago but Boehner walking out is GOOD?

Skybar could fall off the face of the earth and nobody would be sad.

Anonymous said...

MissJen is an uber bitch. That Grump thread showcases it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Skybar is off-the-rails, fucked-up CRAZY. She needs to be institutionalized. For reals.

Anonymous said...

Miss Ang is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

I'll second that 100.

Anonymous said...

MissHenJenn.... what an ugly woman.

Anonymous said...

Picture perfect hoarder.

Anonymous said...

Miss Ang is a bitch!


Why? I hadn't noticed that. Miss Jen..YES a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the guy arrested today for killing the Norwegian camp kids was a regular follower/poster on Pamela Geller's website. He and Athena have that in common.

Anonymous said...

A blond haired, blue eyed terrorist. Banana brain, Lauren, Vonnie, Athena and Sliver must be so disappointed!

Anonymous said...

The Bigot Brigade

Anonymous said...

#106, agreed. Had it been one of those scary mooslims, the right brigade would be frothing at the mouth. Funny how when it's one of their own they are strangely silent.

Anonymous said...

Say 103, what makes you think these women are hoarders? Just because they go to Goodwill?

Anonymous said...

It's sad that FlaMom thinks her mom died because she didn't pray hard enough.

"I *am* quite entrenched in my faith, but all that says to me is that my mom died because we didn't pray hard enough or believe enough."

Anonymous said...

It must be a damn sad life if you think something bad happened to someone else if YOU didn't pray hard enough.

It's much easier being an atheist. There's far less guilt about things I can't control.

Anonymous said...

Say 103, what makes you think these women are hoarders? Just because they go to Goodwill?
I think it's the people who go to BUY not just LOOK every week or even everyday. I treat thrift shops like any other store. I go when I need something or stop by when I know they are having a big sale to see if they have something great. Going constantly to collect all the pyrex you can find or buying "just a few" things each week adds up fast. Nobody needs that much junk and hoarding often starts like that.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that FlaMom thinks her mom died because she didn't pray hard enough.

"I *am* quite entrenched in my faith, but all that says to me is that my mom died because we didn't pray hard enough or believe enough."
July 23, 2011 7:28 AM

I thought she was saying the opposite. That it's stupid to claim prayer will save your loved one, that she prayed and her mom still died. She just worded it badly. I think.

Anonymous said...

113, I took FlaMom's post to mean that her mom died even though she prayed hard and believed. If she had said "my mom died despite my prayers and beliefs" I would have interpreted it differently. I'm not sure it was misworded.

Anonymous said...

So scrapwench hasn't confirmed Amy Winehouse yet? and yet the peas believe it?!

Anonymous said...

114 you could be right. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. Haha.

Anonymous said...

So scrapwench hasn't confirmed Amy Winehouse yet? and yet the peas believe it?!

Hi Cindyupnorth!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha my typing wasn't nearly atrocious enough to be CindyUpNorth. But nice try!

Anonymous said...

Say 103, what makes you think these women are hoarders? Just because they go to Goodwill?

Have you never watched Hoarders? Goodwill is a favorite source of hoarded "goods". Besides, most households have too much accumulated shit already, without adding to it with weekly Goodwill visits. It's more junk that no one really needs.

Anonymous said...

For Cindy:


Anonymous said...

#106, agreed. Had it been one of those scary mooslims, the right brigade would be frothing at the mouth. Funny how when it's one of their own they are strangely silent.


Yep. Athena's tweet feed is mum on the slaughter. She's too busy flirting with some guy named @DoctorLinguist. Is she thinking of trading up?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Dr. is a cunning linguist.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is strange how as soon as the weren't able to blame Muslims or liberals, those threads sank like a rock.

AnnabBanana tried pretty hard in the earlier thread. Then she went with the Neo-nazi theory, turns out he was the opposite.

He's way more like her.

Anonymous said...

Need new thread

"Sky Barf think-alike, bat shit crazy right wing christian fundie, massacres defenseless leftie children".

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how fast you hear crickets chirping when the crazy killers turn out to be crazy right-wingers.

Anonymous said...

Does Fred Phelps' gang ever do overseas trips?

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, the threads would be flying if this had turned out to be mooselims.

Anonymous said...

So scrapwench hasn't confirmed Amy Winehouse yet? and yet the peas believe it?!

Hi Cindyupnorth!


Ha. I'm not Cindy, but I admit anytime a celebrity dies I always laugh about how stupid scrapwench was during the Michael Jackson thing.

Anonymous said...

How did that crazy blonde gunman kill 80+ people before he was stopped?

Does that seem like a really high number to anybody else? Or did the bombing account for more than 10 people?

Anonymous said...

He killed 80+ people on the island because the police had difficulty getting to it--they didn't have a helicopter readily available, and they had trouble getting a boat. So the homegrown nutcase was shooting for ninety minutes before the police got to the island.

Anonymous said...

There were over 200 people on a tiny island. He was dressed as a cop so it was a horribly confusing scene. They didn't have a helicopter and had a problem initially getting a boat.

Given the circumstances, nation where gun violence never occurs (not prepared), perp dressed like cop, tiny enclosed space, tons of defenseless people, yeah, I can imagine it happening.

Anonymous said...

He also had multiple weapons, and one of them is reported to be an automatic. Killing tons of people? Easy peasy.

Anonymous said...

batya is so dumb

Anonymous said...

knee high Converse? they sound fucking ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Is Sacteach too stupid to search? There's at least 4 nyc threads this week asking the same question.

Anonymous said...

How terrifying must it be to be stuck on an island with a crazed gunman. Sounds like a horror movie :(

Anonymous said...

He was a cold POS. He'd call out to the kids that the cops were there and that they were safe. They'd run out, and he'd laugh and shoot them.

When the real cops arrived, they had to put down their weapons before any of the children would come out of hiding or respond to their calls.

Anonymous said...

So fucked.

Anonymous said...

hi! just checking in to see how the hostiles are doing. maybe have a cookie or piece of cake. that may sweeten your disposition. go ahead and go one with your hostile posting now. have a nice night!

Anonymous said...

Who fucking cares that Amy Winehouse died. She's a fucking pathetic drug user.

Anonymous said...

140, you need to get laid.

Anonymous said...

FFS - OP's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

ITA 143
"I am so gorgeous that random guys want to ravish me right there on the floor of my brother's house, even though I am happily married"

"How do the rest of you deal with being so stunningly attractive that the opposite sex can't control themselves around you?"

Anonymous said...

Miz independent has horrible taste in shoes.

Anonymous said...

I deal with it by spraying mace at every guy I see 144. I'm proactive. I know mens can't leave me be so I just nip it in the bud.

Anonymous said...

143 when she wrote "he semmed over pleased to see me", I thought she was going to say he had a woody. What a stupid twat!

Anonymous said...

OMFG, on the ugly shoe thread, I loves pjaye.

She wrote, "They look like they are ready to be put in the 'donate' pile after a shoe clean out".

And stupid twat miz independent replied, "You have successfully confused me. Please...elaborate."

What is there to be confused about? She just said they look like trash.

Anonymous said...

and pjaye is right, they totally look like the shoes you wore when you worked down the salt mines all those years.

Anonymous said...

Those TOMS shoes look like they stink like cheese feet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 144 ITA 143
"I am so gorgeous that random guys want to ravish me right there on the floor of my brother's house, even though I am happily married"

"How do the rest of you deal with being so stunningly attractive that the opposite sex can't control themselves around you?"

July 23, 2011 8:25 PM

Waiting for Pennystink to chime in on that thread.

Anonymous said...

No wonder some guys are so fucked up and confused about women. If every time they pay a compliment some bitch is about to scream "rape" and feels compelled to make loud comments about her husband so the poor schnuck gets that she's taken already.

Anonymous said...

I am so gorgeous that random guys want to ravish me right there on the floor of my brother's house, even though I am happily married"

"How do the rest of you deal with being so stunningly attractive that the opposite sex can't control themselves around you?"


I also agree that the OP is nuts. But what the fuck is Jrenae talking about on that thread? Is she on crack?

Anonymous said...

152, I agree. Just take the compliment and leave it. Why make a big show about talking about her husband? So stupid. She gets all icked out? Be flattered and move on.

Anonymous said...

Totally, 151.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit the bride better get her $ back...

Anonymous said...

Ha ha... I came over here to post about Jenjie's stupid post. She prayed for God's intervention and wisdom because a guy gave her a compliment at a family barbecue?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 156, I hope she wasn't paid for her services. And it doesn't seem cool that she's posting some random girl's photo on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 152 No wonder some guys are so fucked up and confused about women. If every time they pay a compliment some bitch is about to scream "rape" and feels compelled to make loud comments about her husband so the poor schnuck gets that she's taken already.

July 23, 2011 9:29 PM

I am guessing here but I think it's because he had already said "really good to see you" (or whatever and then he just *had* to add "really really really good to see you". Some guys aren't fucked up and confused about women but are truly creeps. See the difference? :P

and LOL @ 157, that was pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

159--there were only 2 "reallys" in the op on that thread. Exaggerate much :-)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 160 159--there were only 2 "reallys" in the op on that thread. Exaggerate much :-)

July 23, 2011 10:47 PM

miss the "(or whatever)". I don't care to go to the thread and count them.

Stupid much? LOL

Anonymous said...

More nitpicking influx here, it's getting pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 160 159--there were only 2 "reallys" in the op on that thread. Exaggerate much :-)

July 23, 2011 10:47 PM

159's post was fine except that the guy said "very very good to see you" not "really really" so if you're going to pick apart a post 160, do it right.

Anonymous said...

161 then why are you even commenting? you are just making shit up as you go along. Douchebag much??????

163 keep your fucking nose out. 159s post was a total misreprsentation, wrong on the facts and had no point. we all know some guys are creeps. That doesn't mean every guy that pays a compliment is a raging psycho. Twat much?

Anonymous said...

163 keep your fucking nose out
I am not one of the posters involved in this exchange, but but this made me laugh.
Is that the equivalent of "this thread is closed"?
People can post what they like, and you just sound pathetic telling them not to.
It doesn't work for tier 1 peas at the bukkit and it's as sure as shit not going to work over here.

Anonymous said...

Be the light.

Anonymous said...

165 if you don't have anything to add to the topic maybe you should keep your nose out too. Some people here (you being one) are so fucking quick to jump in and post some bullshit off topic side issue, like how many reallys or verys were in a thread and yet they have NOTHING of substance to add. I couldn't give a fuck about your bukkit tiers.

I suppose I should sympathise with you that you were unable to get peas lower in tier than you to STFU whenever it is you tried to close a thread. But honestly, I'm glad it happened to you. It couldn't have happened to a better person. You are a bigger dumbass than the other two.

Anonymous said...

167 - stop already, you are making me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

Your brand of stoopid is hard to find over here, so thanks for stopping by to entertain us!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 164 161 then why are you even commenting? you are just making shit up as you go along. Douchebag much??????

163 keep your fucking nose out. 159s post was a total misreprsentation, wrong on the facts and had no point. we all know some guys are creeps. That doesn't mean every guy that pays a compliment is a raging psycho. Twat much?

July 23, 2011 11:19 PM

What the fuck is your problem Hostile? Seriously I think you're over invested in the whole thing. It's really not that fucking important as to whether there was 1 or 100 fucking *VERY'S* or *REALLY'S*. Go take your fucking medication and get the fuck over it!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 165 163 keep your fucking nose out
I am not one of the posters involved in this exchange, but but this made me laugh.
Is that the equivalent of "this thread is closed"?
People can post what they like, and you just sound pathetic telling them not to.
It doesn't work for tier 1 peas at the bukkit and it's as sure as shit not going to work over here.

July 23, 2011 11:51 PM

LMAO perfectly said!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 167 165 if you don't have anything to add to the topic maybe you should keep your nose out too. Some people here (you being one) are so fucking quick to jump in and post some bullshit off topic side issue, like how many reallys or verys were in a thread and yet they have NOTHING of substance to add. I couldn't give a fuck about your bukkit tiers.

I suppose I should sympathise with you that you were unable to get peas lower in tier than you to STFU whenever it is you tried to close a thread. But honestly, I'm glad it happened to you. It couldn't have happened to a better person. You are a bigger dumbass than the other two.

July 24, 2011 12:04 AM

Quit fucking talking to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 168 167 - stop already, you are making me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

Your brand of stoopid is hard to find over here, so thanks for stopping by to entertain us!!!

July 24, 2011 1:04 AM

The influx of "Hostiles" is hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 164 161 then why are you even commenting? you are just making shit up as you go along. Douchebag much??????

163 keep your fucking nose out. 159s post was a total misreprsentation, wrong on the facts and had no point. we all know some guys are creeps. That doesn't mean every guy that pays a compliment is a raging psycho. Twat much?

July 23, 2011 11:19 PM

No one said they were raging psychos but I think I'm talking to one. Keep the hilarity going, this is priceless!!

*Twat much?* Really? LOL Seriously? LOL

Anonymous said...

BTW that whole hostile thing is getting old, and always was pretty lame.
You're not impressing anyone with that old shtick.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 174 BTW that whole hostile thing is getting old, and always was pretty lame.
You're not impressing anyone with that old shtick.

July 24, 2011 2:22 AM

I don't think anyone is out to impress you toots.

Anonymous said...

Phew! That's good, I was sitting here just so worried that you were trying to impress me, but had failed...

Anonymous said...

It was a 100 degrees in NJ yesterday, how good could she really have looked at a BBQ?

Anonymous said...

Why did she fade the photo so much? You can't see where her shoulders end/begin. I think this photo sucks.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 176 Phew! That's good, I was sitting here just so worried that you were trying to impress me, but had failed...

July 24, 2011 5:35 AM

Riiiight, it's always just about you.

Anonymous said...

178 she said it's to bring out the brides eyes, all I think it does is make me wonder why it's such a washed out looking photo. It's not what I would want my wedding photos to look like. Pretty sure she's doing "blown" wrong.

Anonymous said...

MissHenJenn.... what an ugly woman.

OMG YES! There's a reason jeebus made her unable to procreate from her OWN DNA....don't want to continue with the ugly. Good thing her little snowflake has someone else's DNA!!

Anonymous said...

While the bride looks good the picture makes it look like it's just a head floating there. This is why amateur photogs get such a bad rap. She's trying for artsy and it's not working.

Anonymous said...

OK so Miss Jen isn't all that great looking that was just plain mean 181. On the other hand I always wonder about all these religious women who MUST have a baby and yet suffer from infertility. If they are that religious won't they think it's God's will that they not procreate. Maybe He is trying to tell them to adopt and take care of some of the unwanted babies and kids out there.

Anonymous said...

Amen, 183. I think the same thing about those religious women who use extreme medical technology to get pregnant, say it's a "miracle," and then refuse to use medical technology to give some of those babies a better chance at a normal life. Such hypocrites! If they really just want to be a mom, ADOPT!

Anonymous said...

jenjejeebusfreak is so full of shit and self-deluded that it's actually funny.

That blown-out bridal photo is awful. Looks like an evil, dismembered corpse-bride's head. And so not cool to post that girl's (crappy) bridal pictures all over the web w/o her permission. Perfect example of why truly pro photographers are few and far between.

Re: MissHenJen. It's true. That kind of ugly should have been stopped way before MissJen.

Anonymous said...

1 page

3 days

blog is dying again

Anonymous said...

Nah, 186. It's summer. The traditional slow season.

Anonymous said...

MissJen actually had the nerve to start a thread criticizing Donald Trump's looks. She was amazed how good looking his children came out despite his own fugliness. MissJen isn't that spiritually evolved for adoption. She stomped her feet month after month until she could knock herself up.

Anonymous said...

MissJen's looks just match her personality. Perfectly.

Anonymous said...

186, Here are a couple of clues: Summer weekend.

Jane Doe said...

New space is up. :)

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