I'm going to be a peacock. Last year a pea posted a homemade costume of her daughter and since it's my favorite bird and I'm always getting peacock things so I couldn't wait to try it as well!
Interesting that 2peasfaithful's go-to meal is a cheese and bacon quesadilla that she BUTTERS on the outside! I wonder if that is on the Dr approved menu after weight loss surgery??
OMG, Donald Trump didn't have a thing to do with Amanda Knox's conviction being overturned. LOL. He said she could now become a "star" now that she's out of jail, but how in the world do you think DT had anything to do with her charges being overturned? LOL
Maybe she thought it was weird that a grown woman and her husband would have her mother there during the ultrasound asking questions.
Oh, and WTF? Cindytreds boss called her OB to ask if everything was alright with her pregnancy? I swear pealand is some bizarro world that I can't figure out.
Anonymous said... OMG, Donald Trump didn't have a thing to do with Amanda Knox's conviction being overturned. LOL. He said she could now become a "star" now that she's out of jail, but how in the world do you think DT had anything to do with her charges being overturned? LOL
October 4, 2011 9:59 PM
Someone *asked* who he paid off (stupid question really). The original comment was that she had the backing of his money. Of course he didn't have shit overturned, that's ridiculous.
His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me.
His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me. --------------- Hi Donald!
Anonymous said... His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me. ---------------Hi Donald!
You missed the point completely. I don't care what you or him think, frankly. The point was that he *DID* give them financial help. That's all that was said here (to begin with) but just like the bucket people have to ask stupid questions and people assume shit.
All I ever said is that he did, in fact, help them with money and his reason for doing so.
Go get some rest dear. I am, (boredom does that to me).
#31, if you're talking (being bitchy) to me #30 you're wasting your breath. First of all, I wasn't any of the other people you were talking to and I wasn't agreeing, disagreeing, arguing, or questioning you, I was just making a related observation. Second, I don't give a shit about whether I'm boring you or not.
The Knox family issued a statement saying they refused Trumps help - financial or otherwise - because they didn't want to be beholden. They've got pretty smart advisors around them and they sure as shit didn't want her pressured into appearing on The Apprentice with that thick-fingered vulgarian.
I guess there are still a few people who are clueless to the fact that Trump REPEATEDLY inserts himself into situations that are none of his business and say ANYTHING, truth be damned, to get attention.
He's nothing but a gross, ugly, lying attention whore.
I guess there are still a few people who are clueless to the fact that Trump REPEATEDLY inserts himself into situations that are none of his business and say ANYTHING, truth be damned, to get attention.
He's nothing but a gross, ugly, lying attention whore.
I'll take "Obama's Birf Certificate" for $1000, Alex.
His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me.
I also have it on good authority that Trump and Knox are madly in love (prison correspondence!). He actually Fed Ex'd her his sperm and a turkey baster and - viola! Little Donnatella is expected in March! He's kicking Melanie to the curb next week. Trust me.
So, it was a stupid question to ask how DT was involved in the Amanda Knox case? I'm sorry I don't sit around and read people and watch fox news all day. I actually have a life, and following DT and how he spends his money is not part of it.
If she were my daughter, I would have done anything I could to get her out, and it sounds like they did that. I don't believe what that person is saying about DT helping since 2010 but I'm also not googling for hours.
50? Fuck-stain? Really/Seriously? I'm sorry that your google skillz are inferior. You are the true meaning of Hostile with the Fuck-stain thing. Hilarious, you really need a chill pill LOL (especially since you don't care that much about it LOL).
51, here, it's not that difficult, here's a link from 2009 - he's supported her for years now (financially? maybe? who cares, like you said, anything for your daughter) http://blog.seattlepi.com/thebigblog/2009/12/16/donald-trump-on-amanda-knox-boycott-italy/
Really doesn't matter at this point if he helped financially or just helped - it really doesn't. People are going to hear what they want, say what they want and who the hell cares really. The frother's are going to moan and whine and throw names around to try to get some different point of view out there, that's the way it goes.
So, it was a stupid question to ask how DT was involved in the Amanda Knox case? I'm sorry I don't sit around and read people and watch fox news all day. I actually have a life, and following DT and how he spends his money is not part of it. October 5, 2011 9:04 AM
You are right, spending my 20 minute downtime looking at 4 different websites means I have no life at all. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways. I will buy people mag asap. Might I remind you, that you are on this website as well?
The fat cunt has spoken on the wall street thread (Typhus)
"God Jonda, Thank you so much for the run down of the illogical complaints this group of freeloaders and morons put out.
They certainly have the right to protest. They have the right to stand up for what they believe in... as long as they are peaceful and abide by the laws. But I also have the right to roll my eyes and think they're a bunch of whiny-ass hippy wannabe's who have entitlement issues an don't even realize word of their "cause" has only reached the masses because of those very "evil" corporations they think are holding them back from experiencing their drug induced version of utopia"
One can literally SEE the latest meme travel the wingnut grapevine, from Rove and THF to the Rush O'Hannity to the Athena's to the little moran peabrains at the pod.
If they do this then they are putting more control in husbands hands. I was a SAHM for 13 years and was not allowed to have a credit card. This was HUGELY problematic in my life and marriage as I could NOT do a lot of things without the help of my husband. It put him in complete control of me.
________________________________________________ And it never occurred to you to just go out and get a fucking JOB?
These protesters would be patriotic Americans with legitimate concerns if only they would:
1. Tie teabags to their hats. 2. Carry around mis-spelled, incoherent, racist placards. 3. Protest while riding Hoverrounds and Little Rascals, paid for by the evil gubmit.
Biochempea must be a blog bitch...yesterday someone commented on her nose in her picture, and today I noticed she has a new picture...interesting how that works...
Wow...I could never be married to someone so controlling (re #73). Why wouldn't she have a card from before she was a SAHM?? ================
Being a SAHM to a controlling jerk is pretty much your only choice if you get married right out of high school to said jerk. No credit card because she figured that was what men were for.
These women would create lives where they depend on men and then complain when they have to depend on them make my head spin. They are fine when they call all the shots and have their men by the short hairs but if he puts his foot down or says no to anything he is a control freak and abusive.@@
It's so much fun to get you all fighting against yourselves.
The chick who claims to have no time for the internet and searching stuff instead of asking (and then bitching the peas can't do their own searches LOL) is hilarious. You *Have no time* yet you keep going on an on.
I'm not searching through pages and pages of hits to find one little piece of info that you could be blowing out of your gigantic ass. October 5, 2011 9:05 AM
This was the funniest shit so far. Slow down chick, you're going to bust a vein.
Proof? Not proof, someone said they didn't have time to look shit up. Someone else gave 'em a link. Don't think anyone was trying to prove something but doing something for someone else who didn't have time.
Hey, 90, it's Annabella and she IS that stupid. Honestly, I wish others wouldn't advise her how to get back on. She is better off not spewing the stoopid all over the boards.
I am gonna send a 'thank you' e-mail to Bill Gates right now.
94, I knew where that link was going to lead. I thought the exact same thing. If you are too stupid or inept to make your own decisions, then you aren't ready for any kids. How do people like this function? Seriously?
I love how she tried to ward off any criticism with the words "I'm not stupid..." LOL, um, yeah, you are plenty stupid if you can't figure this out for yourself.
Great. The peas are already racing to post 5.000 threads about Steve Jobs dying. FFS, why do so many of them feel the need to report news on the damn NSBR board? Why, why, why do they feel the need to turn it into a race? Dumb bitches
Great. The peas are already racing to post 5.000 threads about Steve Jobs dying. FFS, why do so many of them feel the need to report news on the damn NSBR board? Why, why, why do they feel the need to turn it into a race? Dumb bitches ___________________________________
Someone should post "dammit you need to put 'spoilers' in the title" on all the death threads.
There are four or five posts on the first page. Either everyone was racing to be first, or they are too stupid to check the first page before shouting their breaking headlines (my bet is on the second reason).
And the stupidest post I've seen on those threads so far: "Obviously I didn't know the guy, but I feel really sad about this." You didn't "Know" Steve Jobs? No shit Sherlock. He wouldn't wanted to have risked losing brain cells associating with those mental midgets
How many Steve Jobs breaking news threads will be started by the peas who are desperate for validation? The insatiable need to be "the one" who starts the breaking news of the moment" threads. Pathetic.
Notice how Typhus made sure her kids were smiling in their new pics after people mentioned how sad and empty they looked on the blog. Poor little things growing up with a mother like that.
That free bird thread is fucking hilarious. Have you guys checked out any of the posts? from one of them,
"When i was working ( in a law office) and I would go shopping after work in my suit..I was alwyas helped...offered expensive things etc.
If I went to that same store on the weekend ( dressed in casual clothes) the girls behind the counter wouldn't give me the time of day and looked down at me.
I felt like saying "don't look down on me...you're the one making $6 an hour behind the counter and you're judging me??"
LOL, half the stories sound made up or heavily embellished, the other half make the poster sound like a self deluded smug twat.
I'm confused...don't they throw out wax paper just like the baggies? It would be kind of gross to reuse it over and over. Why not just get tupperware-type stuff??
If you're going to be a stupid tease and say you're a "well known pea" then you should have the balls to say who you are, otherwise you're just a cowardly bitch.
Hard to believe this loser is an attorney. Fucked up family and apparently no interpersonal skills whatsoever. ------------------------------ Meh-she's got nothing BUT studying/working. She's obviously someone who can't be in any healthy kind of relationship--family, friend, anything. She's the 40-something y.o. virgin, right?
Something's very mentally wrong with someone like that. If you can't maintain any kind of personal relationship at all, that's just beyond fucked up.
I also think she might be gay and in denial. Maybe if she'd just accept and admit it and come out, she could start to function like a semi-normal human being.
Her whole life seems so sad and empty and pointless.
FUCKIN HELL typhus!! This is exquisitively histrionic, even for you
" I will give freely to those in need because Christ told me- a person, not a corporation or a government- to do so. Christ didn't come as a politician. He didn't come to tax the rich to give to the poor. Too many people confuse Christ with Robin Hood. What He came to give to humanity was poured out on the cross- not collected in a tax coffer. A life of peace and fulfillment isn't something achieved by demanding that those who are financially successful share with you."
I'm surprised Mrs. Tyler's head doesn't explode from the stupidity and nonsense that's swirling around in there. So glad I don't know her IRL - I'd have to smack her silly on a regular basis.
I'm continually amazed at the number of women who are in denial about their life-style and weight. It's good too see some success stories on this thread though. http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/mb.asp?cmd=display&forum_id=15&thread_id=3123148
Avoid any eyeliner that comes in a tube... no pencils, no liquid, no gels. None of those things. Get yourself a good bevelled eye brush and use eyeshadow to line your eyes. It stays much better than anything that you have to draw on. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wondering if she's every actually worn makeup. Possibly the worst makeup advice ever.
Pretty sure the op was thinking the peas would have her back. She should have known that peas love proper grammar. And really a kid in the 3rd grade should know that a period goes at the end of a sentence.
Typhus lives in Minnesota. In Michele Bachmann's district. Remember the news stories about the rash of gay suicides happening all at once in one school district?
If OldPeaNewName (aka Sammel) spent as much time looking after her family as she did obsessing over Liberals, maybe her father wouldn't have died as he did, alone and passed out in the snow.
When I went to school you were penalized for improper punctuation, spelling and grammar throughout. They each contribute to overall comprehension. that's why they is rulz mommie
The tea party/fundie argument is that Jesus never said to give your money to the government to give to the poor. He said give it to the poor directly.
It doesn't explain why they argue so hard against the government funding programs to fight poverty with tax money since the end result is that the poor are helped but if you mention Jesus that's why they say.
"I have a family member who gave me a box of photos and I've been scanning them and emailing them to family members. This past week I sent out a couple of photos to family members on FB and I get accused of having my grandmother's photos and that I've stolen them from her outbuilding. She's been gone since 1986 and her outbuilding has never been gone through! I guess it's better than everything sits there and rots away than for me to have possession of them...which I don't! Evidently, no one in the family is allowed to have any photos other than my dad's brother and sister. My dad passed away five years ago and obviously members of my family think everything that my dad had that had been left to him by grandmother reverts back to his brother and sister.
I just got another message stating my uncle wants to prosecute for stealing...gee.
On FB today I have called everything from a lying and thieving bitch to a cunt. I guess it really doesn't pay to be nice to people. I'm just gobsmacked today! I feel like hitting something..."
lol, 157. It would make the pod a much better place if liberal peas quit responding to the Rethuglican frothers every time they start a political thread.
Free~Bird demonstrating just why sales clerks don't want to deal with her....
"Wow, are you my cousin? That totally sounds just like something my crazypants (literally) aunt would do. she did accuse me of stealing the photo of my dad's family out of my grandma's CASKET.
Yes she did.
I was totally like "WTF?". Turns out they think the funeral home didn't remove it and buried her with it. Go grandma - she's the one that birthed 6 kids, she deserves to have it last.
Anyway, this would be my message back. "Please PLEASE PLEASEEEEEE call the cops. I can't wait for you to look like the asshole that you are in front of everyone. Then after they come here accusing me, I'm going to file a harassment complaint about you.
I don't have the family pictures... CUNT. So STFU."
Click. Delete."
Honey, you can dress as what you think 'nice' looks like, but you can't take the trash out of trash.
FreeBird is always a bitch. She hates everyone and everything. I've never seen anyone who hates the world that much except maybe Jill. They are constantly bitching about a neighbor, a family member, a clerk, a waitress, a salesperson, a teacher, the mailman, etc.
Nicole in TX says she reported Bootzee as a troll. Who the fuck is she? Some third tier pier that thinks she is something special because she reported someone she thought was a troll?
And who the fuck is Brynne and why did she give a shit if Bootzee got banned? Doesn't she have a penis to suck?
Signed, The girl who is peaing from Freebirds happily eating my burrito inside while my car is parked in the Take Out Only spot right next to the door and who feels no guilt about that. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
And somebody tell Typhus that Christ actually did demand that you share with the poor, dirty hippie that he was. ------------- He also made it very clear that the rich who didn't share their wealth until it hurt were in big trouble come judgement day.
rich man, eye of needle huh Typhus? this old atheist remembers all the bible stories stuffed down my throat as a kid. not the just the convenient ones.
In the parable of the widows mite Jesus talks of the rich giving of only their excess and making a huge deal about how much they gave and how that means much less than a widow who gives just a mite and goes about her day.
There are also references about sacrificing the first of a flock (or in others words the best) to God not just whatever you can't sell or the ones taking up space.
Proverbs speaks of giving freely and becoming richer and withholding what you should give only to wither.
The actual words "give until it hurts" are not in the bible but it is very clear that if you consider yourself a disciple of Christ that you should be less attached to your material possessions and more attached to caring for your fellow man in any way you can. If you are given a talent you share it, given wealth you share it ect.
does anyone else get the vibe of a "new" typhus? I mean in the way she posts. Since her latest spawn I get the feeling she's been less (if that is possible) politically correct in her postings and more strident. She seems to spend less time bothering to explain why she feels a certain way and just screeches it all out and is more openly hostile about groups she despises???
Athena and her Pineapple have worsened too. When somebody responded to one of her posts, I saw the quote and seriously thought they were addressing Skybar, because there was so much rage and spittle all over it, not to mention "Lefty this" and "Lefty that."
Why is Gail allowed to keep bumping those animal threads??? I thought we were done wit the summertime and your pets one, but now there is a winter and your pets??? WTF??
THANK YOU 186! I just saw that and came here to the blog to ask if anybody else was annoyed by her fucking PSAs. Does she not realize that EVERYBODY has a cause that is dear to them for one reason or another? Fuck, I appreciate animals, but that girl drives me nuts.
I keep reading her thread hoping somebody will say something to her, but noticed now we get daily updates on her weather.
I never thought anyone could get crazier than Skybar! FlymFlam's a straight loon! I don't know who disgusts me more, her, or Jonduh. They're both flaming white trash.
I fucking hate Gail's animal threads. It makes me so mad I think I'll go beat the shit out of my dog. How is it any different than annoying game threads?
My guess is that all the dumbasses who still use IE got all pissy when Jane couldn't fix the problem with IE and The Blog, so they left, or can't post anymore.
This is why you switch to Chrome/Firefox like the rest of the world, idiot n00bs.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»First Bitches
holy shit biochemipea is one fucking ugly bitch. her nose is the biggest nose i have seen.
Does anyone know who scrappylicious is? All these boring political posts from this pathetic loser
janedoescrapper2: cunt who only is nice when it is time to talk about IVF
Pineapple Athena is really channeling her inner Skybar on the Wall St. protest thread.
Very much so.
i'd much rather be around or be a bitch than an empty headed mental midget.
I'm glad I have more options than that in my life.
October 4, 2011 6:56 PM
You've just shown yourself to be of the mental midget variety. Reading comprehension not being your strong point.
myshelly being her normal bitchy ass self
you really need to put her on ignore.
hi myshelly
-couldn't resist-
i'd much rather be around or be a bitch than an empty headed mental midget.
I'm glad I have more options than that in my life.
October 4, 2011 6:56 PM
You've just shown yourself to be of the mental midget variety. Reading comprehension not being your strong point.
Higher level thinking is not your strong point.
I'm going to be a peacock. Last year a pea posted a homemade costume of her daughter and since it's my favorite bird and I'm always getting peacock things so I couldn't wait to try it as well!
That is the only cock that pea is going to get.
Apparently logic isn't yours
You are a hoot #13! Thanks for the laughs tonight!
myshelly is really getting called out on the parking thread...
The op of this post is homeschooling a child? I'm not against homeschooling, but I am 100% for testing the 'teacher' before allowing to homeschool.
Anonymous said... 18
Amanda Knox got off because who wouldn't when Donald Trumps money is helping you out..
not true, tho he wants everyone to think that.
October 4, 2011 6:54 PM
It is totally true!
I haven't followed the amanda knox case...but who did DT pay off? The Italian judge??
Interesting that 2peasfaithful's go-to meal is a cheese and bacon quesadilla that she BUTTERS on the outside! I wonder if that is on the Dr approved menu after weight loss surgery??
That parking thread is insane. So many of the peas are just miserable fucking people. No surprise that Lauren and MyShelly agree on that thread.
Bitches of a feather......
She can have Yvonne's cream of mushroom steak for dinner too.
OMG, Donald Trump didn't have a thing to do with Amanda Knox's conviction being overturned. LOL. He said she could now become a "star" now that she's out of jail, but how in the world do you think DT had anything to do with her charges being overturned? LOL
Maybe she thought it was weird that a grown woman and her husband would have her mother there during the ultrasound asking questions.
Oh, and WTF? Cindytreds boss called her OB to ask if everything was alright with her pregnancy? I swear pealand is some bizarro world that I can't figure out.
L'Urine's new avatar screams Century 21. lol
Anonymous said... OMG, Donald Trump didn't have a thing to do with Amanda Knox's conviction being overturned. LOL. He said she could now become a "star" now that she's out of jail, but how in the world do you think DT had anything to do with her charges being overturned? LOL
October 4, 2011 9:59 PM
Someone *asked* who he paid off (stupid question really). The original comment was that she had the backing of his money. Of course he didn't have shit overturned, that's ridiculous.
His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me.
His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me.
Hi Donald!
Anonymous said... His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me. ---------------Hi Donald!
October 4, 2011 10:50 PM
Typical response, so boring.
Hello Moron
Typical response, so boring.
Hello Moron
You don't have much of a sense of humor, do you?
Bless your heart, moran.
Great sense of humor here but you're not even remotely funny. I do give credit where credit was due and you owe me some change. :P
If Donald Trump thinks she's innocent, I think *I* just decided she must be guilty as hell.
You missed the point completely. I don't care what you or him think, frankly. The point was that he *DID* give them financial help. That's all that was said here (to begin with) but just like the bucket people have to ask stupid questions and people assume shit.
All I ever said is that he did, in fact, help them with money and his reason for doing so.
Go get some rest dear. I am, (boredom does that to me).
#31, if you're talking (being bitchy) to me #30 you're wasting your breath. First of all, I wasn't any of the other people you were talking to and I wasn't agreeing, disagreeing, arguing, or questioning you, I was just making a related observation. Second, I don't give a shit about whether I'm boring you or not.
you sound paranoid 32, maybe your crazy meds have warn off, no?
The Knox family issued a statement saying they refused Trumps help - financial or otherwise - because they didn't want to be beholden. They've got pretty smart advisors around them and they sure as shit didn't want her pressured into appearing on The Apprentice with that thick-fingered vulgarian.
Oh, and it was an eight-member jury.
I guess there are still a few people who are clueless to the fact that Trump REPEATEDLY inserts himself into situations that are none of his business and say ANYTHING, truth be damned, to get attention.
He's nothing but a gross, ugly, lying attention whore.
Hi Hostile!
I guess there are still a few people who are clueless to the fact that Trump REPEATEDLY inserts himself into situations that are none of his business and say ANYTHING, truth be damned, to get attention.
He's nothing but a gross, ugly, lying attention whore.
I'll take "Obama's Birf Certificate" for $1000, Alex.
Hmmm...Knox, her entire family and entourage flew home to the US commercial.
You'd think her alleged sugar-daddy Trump would've ponied up a chartered jet?
His money *WAS* involved though, he admits it and says he's always believed in her innocence. He backed her and the family financially, trust me.
I also have it on good authority that Trump and Knox are madly in love (prison correspondence!). He actually Fed Ex'd her his sperm and a turkey baster and - viola! Little Donnatella is expected in March! He's kicking Melanie to the curb next week. Trust me.
October 4, 2011 6:54 PM
It is totally true!
You've been reading NewsMax again I see.
janedoescrapper2: cunt who only is nice when it is time to talk about IVF
Hi Jane!!
Typical response, so boring.
Hello Moron
You don't have much of a sense of humor, do you?
Bless your heart, moran.
I admit it, I chuckled.
Someone needs to unclench.
L'Urine's new avatar screams Century 21. lol
- - - - - -
Hilarious comment - giving you *mad props* for that one!
Anonymous said... 42 Typical response, so boring.
Hello Moron
You don't have much of a sense of humor, do you?
Bless your heart, moran.
I admit it, I chuckled.
Someone needs to unclench.
October 5, 2011 4:18 AM
chuckling at your own comments again, I see.
The Donald has been helping since 2010 FFS, no surprises, really..
L'Urine's new avatar screams Century 21. lol
I was thinking Amway double diamond.
The Donald has been helping since 2010 FFS, no surprises, really..
Link please?
Anonymous said... 47
The Donald has been helping since 2010 FFS, no surprises, really..
Link please?
October 5, 2011 8:46 AM
Post a Comment
So, it was a stupid question to ask how DT was involved in the Amanda Knox case? I'm sorry I don't sit around and read people and watch fox news all day. I actually have a life, and following DT and how he spends his money is not part of it.
You don't think I did that fuck-stain?
I'm not searching through pages and pages of hits to find one little piece of info that you could be blowing out of your gigantic ass.
I really don't care if DT helped that family.
If she were my daughter, I would have done anything I could to get her out, and it sounds like they did that. I don't believe what that person is saying about DT helping since 2010 but I'm also not googling for hours.
49? Fox news? Who sits around watching that??
50? Fuck-stain? Really/Seriously? I'm sorry that your google skillz are inferior. You are the true meaning of Hostile with the Fuck-stain thing. Hilarious, you really need a chill pill LOL (especially since you don't care that much about it LOL).
51, here, it's not that difficult, here's a link from 2009 - he's supported her for years now (financially? maybe? who cares, like you said, anything for your daughter)
Really doesn't matter at this point if he helped financially or just helped - it really doesn't. People are going to hear what they want, say what they want and who the hell cares really. The frother's are going to moan and whine and throw names around to try to get some different point of view out there, that's the way it goes.
Anonymous said... 49
So, it was a stupid question to ask how DT was involved in the Amanda Knox case? I'm sorry I don't sit around and read people and watch fox news all day. I actually have a life, and following DT and how he spends his money is not part of it.
October 5, 2011 9:04 AM
You *DON'T* have a life, it's very obvious.
This is your proof?
You are right, spending my 20 minute downtime looking at 4 different websites means I have no life at all. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways. I will buy people mag asap. Might I remind you, that you are on this website as well?
Really doesn't matter at this point if he helped financially or just helped - it really doesn't.
I guess you're right, Einstein - if you consider running his mouth all over the TV and the constant patting himself on the back "helping".
The pod has been drama free for quite a while now. I have to wonder when the streak will end.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh! Love me some backpedal!! LMAO.
You do realize, #58, that there is more than one person posting here?
I admit it, I chuckled.
Me too.
Also @ the Century 21 etc comments. Spot on, as they say!
You do realize, #58, that there is more than one person posting here?
Make up your fucking mind.
What are you talking about #61?
The fat cunt has spoken on the wall street thread (Typhus)
"God Jonda, Thank you so much for the run down of the illogical complaints this group of freeloaders and morons put out.
They certainly have the right to protest. They have the right to stand up for what they believe in... as long as they are peaceful and abide by the laws. But I also have the right to roll my eyes and think they're a bunch of whiny-ass hippy wannabe's who have entitlement issues an don't even realize word of their "cause" has only reached the masses because of those very "evil" corporations they think are holding them back from experiencing their drug induced version of utopia"
chuckling at your own comments again, I see.
Riiight. Because there can only *possibly* be one single person out there who thinks you're a idiot.
Ah yes, let the 'dirty, lazy, stoned hippie' demonization begin.
"they're a bunch of whiny-ass hippy wannabe's"
LOL, I so want to smack her down for the misuse of the apostrophe.
She's getting very shrill on that thread.
One can literally SEE the latest meme travel the wingnut grapevine, from Rove and THF to the Rush O'Hannity to the Athena's to the little moran peabrains at the pod.
She's getting very shrill on that thread.
Ironically, a toke or two would do that shrill bitch a world of good.
Economic Protest = Reefer Madness
Got it. Thanks for the in-depth, thoughtful analysis Teach.
2Peas classic.
Cranky bitch is being a cranky bitch.
Typhus needs to get back to work. You know, teaching history, like the French Revolution. Or the Arab Spring. Or the Solidarity movement in Poland.
If they do this then they are putting more control in husbands hands. I was a SAHM for 13 years and was not allowed to have a credit card. This was HUGELY problematic in my life and marriage as I could NOT do a lot of things without the help of my husband. It put him in complete control of me.
And it never occurred to you to just go out and get a fucking JOB?
These protesters would be patriotic Americans with legitimate concerns if only they would:
1. Tie teabags to their hats.
2. Carry around mis-spelled, incoherent, racist placards.
3. Protest while riding Hoverrounds and Little Rascals, paid for by the evil gubmit.
Wow...I could never be married to someone so controlling (re #73). Why wouldn't she have a card from before she was a SAHM??
I never get the cheese (too much fat) and always thought I should be comped with more "meat". Peal, I can't imagine asking for half the meat!
A gem from a pea in the Subway thread. Yep, cheese has too much fat, so pile on the meat instead. Genious! (yes, I know I spelled it wrong)
Shit, every week for much of the last decade, my dog got credit card (0% interest!) solicitations.
She's just playing the victim here.
is this working?
Biochempea must be a blog bitch...yesterday someone commented on her nose in her picture, and today I noticed she has a new picture...interesting how that works...
Hey 79, did you notice most people's avatars are changing because they implemented a new picture system?
And no, I'm not her.
Wow...I could never be married to someone so controlling (re #73). Why wouldn't she have a card from before she was a SAHM??
Being a SAHM to a controlling jerk is pretty much your only choice if you get married right out of high school to said jerk. No credit card because she figured that was what men were for.
These women would create lives where they depend on men and then complain when they have to depend on them make my head spin. They are fine when they call all the shots and have their men by the short hairs but if he puts his foot down or says no to anything he is a control freak and abusive.@@
Yes, #80. It was her NEW picture that people were commenting on. It was a different pic of her. Now she has a pic that is not her.
honestly, i think myshelly is a troll id of a regular pea. no human can be that much of a bitch.
The dave ramsey zombies are slipping. 4 posts on a debt thread, and not one saying the 'friend' in debt must RUN to the teachings of dr...
It's so much fun to get you all fighting against yourselves.
The chick who claims to have no time for the internet and searching stuff instead of asking (and then bitching the peas can't do their own searches LOL) is hilarious. You *Have no time* yet you keep going on an on.
Have fun fighting today..
Anonymous said... 50
You don't think I did that fuck-stain?
I'm not searching through pages and pages of hits to find one little piece of info that you could be blowing out of your gigantic ass.
October 5, 2011 9:05 AM
This was the funniest shit so far. Slow down chick, you're going to bust a vein.
Donald Trump helped start the 2Ps website.
Biochem had that picture in her profile, it was switched to her avatar. Same thing happened to lots of other peas
Anonymous said... 54
This is your proof?
October 5, 2011 9:36 AM
Proof? Not proof, someone said they didn't have time to look shit up. Someone else gave 'em a link. Don't think anyone was trying to prove something but doing something for someone else who didn't have time.
Get your head out of your ass.
Hi Annabella. We don't really believe you are this stupid. The dumb blonde act doesn't sell anymore.
Hey, 90, it's Annabella and she IS that stupid. Honestly, I wish others wouldn't advise her how to get back on. She is better off not spewing the stoopid all over the boards.
I am gonna send a 'thank you' e-mail to Bill Gates right now.
"Wow, I'm still back at.....had a miscarriage on Sept 11th.
I'm sorry for you. That was such an emotional day all around. I can't imagine having a miscarriage on that day to boot."
Only the peas could decided that having a miscarriage is worse if it's on 9/11.
Annafuckfana absolutely is that stupid. There are multiple layers and depths to her stupidity.
you shouldn't be having more kids, that's the answer...
can't believe that thread has 41 responses. She's talking about a 30 day difference between going ahead and waiting? Really?
94, I knew where that link was going to lead. I thought the exact same thing. If you are too stupid or inept to make your own decisions, then you aren't ready for any kids. How do people like this function? Seriously?
I love how she tried to ward off any criticism with the words "I'm not stupid..." LOL, um, yeah, you are plenty stupid if you can't figure this out for yourself.
yes, yes you are stupid. someone should tell her to start trying asap and let the universe decide how important the vacation is...
Great. The peas are already racing to post 5.000 threads about Steve Jobs dying. FFS, why do so many of them feel the need to report news on the damn NSBR board? Why, why, why do they feel the need to turn it into a race? Dumb bitches
hmm, i only see 3..oh and this one on the blog
Great. The peas are already racing to post 5.000 threads about Steve Jobs dying. FFS, why do so many of them feel the need to report news on the damn NSBR board? Why, why, why do they feel the need to turn it into a race? Dumb bitches
Someone should post "dammit you need to put 'spoilers' in the title" on all the death threads.
There are four or five posts on the first page. Either everyone was racing to be first, or they are too stupid to check the first page before shouting their breaking headlines (my bet is on the second reason).
And the stupidest post I've seen on those threads so far:
"Obviously I didn't know the guy, but I feel really sad about this."
You didn't "Know" Steve Jobs? No shit Sherlock. He wouldn't wanted to have risked losing brain cells associating with those mental midgets
I like the pea that asked what was wrong with him.
Have you lived under a fucking rock?
Who gives a fuck if the peas post about deaths. It's news.
Place your bets here:
How many Steve Jobs breaking news threads will be started by the peas who are desperate for validation?
The insatiable need to be "the one" who starts the breaking news of the moment" threads.
Just like the first bitch had to bring up that the peas have to be the first to post.
Oh the irony.
Hi CaptainK
LMAO This chick was completely ignored. Guess no one wants to see those pics.
Anonymous said... 104
Who gives a fuck if the peas post about deaths. It's news.
October 5, 2011 5:13 PM
Relax Spanky.
Oh and it's not news until Stench confirms it.
I am relaxed. I'm token' it up with Typhus. She smells like patchouli and sulphur.
Myshelly just pissed because she was one of the ones who posted and now realizes she looks like a fool
I just saw that on my facebook on a friends post and came straight here for the scoop-I figured if it was real there would be a link...
From the Steve Jobs thread...really? You come here first to check breaking news???
Whoever said that Lauren's avatar is so very Century 21 was spot on. The cheese factor is just incredibly high.
lol @ 110.
I am relaxed. I'm token' it up with Typhus. She smells like patchouli and sulphur.
Hmmm.......I always pegged her as having fat girl B.O.
Typhus is vile and I'm sure she smells the same way.
Mrs. Typhus smells of constipation and failure.
don't forget boob yeast, sour milk and bitterness.
OMFG what the fuck is this twat yammering on about?
don't forget boob yeast, sour milk and bitterness.
Typhus And Lowrent have much in common.
What, no Palin thread? Why would that be?
OP - "I have a random pain I can't describe very well. What terrible thing is wrong with me?"
Peas - "Oooh. I have a crystal ball. Let me diagnose you."
121, you mean like this 2 pager from yesterday?
Notice how Typhus made sure her kids were smiling in their new pics after people mentioned how sad and empty they looked on the blog. Poor little things growing up with a mother like that.
Can you imagine the poor kid out there right now who will have Typhus as a mother-in-law?
I think this OP is FLCindy. Another "fibro" tale of woe.
I need to poop.
I remember free-birds previous avatar and she didn't look dirt poor, but she did look like shit.
Free bird lives in a trailer
That free bird thread is fucking hilarious. Have you guys checked out any of the posts? from one of them,
"When i was working ( in a law office) and I would go shopping after work in my suit..I was alwyas helped...offered expensive things etc.
If I went to that same store on the weekend ( dressed in casual clothes) the girls behind the counter wouldn't give me the time of day and looked down at me.
I felt like saying "don't look down on me...you're the one making $6 an hour behind the counter and you're judging me??"
LOL, half the stories sound made up or heavily embellished, the other half make the poster sound like a self deluded smug twat.
Bootzee...you need to make a new ID and build a bigger presence! There are peas that don't know who you were!
I'm confused...don't they throw out wax paper just like the baggies? It would be kind of gross to reuse it over and over. Why not just get tupperware-type stuff??
Anonymous said... 131
Bootzee...you need to make a new ID and build a bigger presence! There are peas that don't know who you were!
October 6, 2011 2:39 PM
Brynnetheduckfacedshitstirrer doing what she does best, stir shit.
Oh, and hi Stacy
nope, not stacy. I am a fairly well-known pea, though. Keep trying!
Hard to believe this loser is an attorney. Fucked up family and apparently no interpersonal skills whatsoever.
Anonymous said... 135
nope, not stacy. I am a fairly well-known pea, though. Keep trying!
October 6, 2011 3:13 PM
Wasn't saying you were Stacy, it's obvious she was reading here again though (who doesn't).
I have to laugh at *fairly well-known pea* though. As if it's some great thing to be LOL
(You set yourself up for that one) :P
If you're going to be a stupid tease and say you're a "well known pea" then you should have the balls to say who you are, otherwise you're just a cowardly bitch.
"What, no Palin thread? Why would that be?"
In what respect, Churlie?
Hard to believe this loser is an attorney. Fucked up family and apparently no interpersonal skills whatsoever.
Meh-she's got nothing BUT studying/working. She's obviously someone who can't be in any healthy kind of relationship--family, friend, anything. She's the 40-something y.o. virgin, right?
Something's very mentally wrong with someone like that. If you can't maintain any kind of personal relationship at all, that's just beyond fucked up.
I also think she might be gay and in denial. Maybe if she'd just accept and admit it and come out, she could start to function like a semi-normal human being.
Her whole life seems so sad and empty and pointless.
Angievp last Christmas or something was posting about buying her FRIEND jewelry from Tiffany. Freak flags were flying like crazy
FUCKIN HELL typhus!! This is exquisitively histrionic, even for you
" I will give freely to those in need because Christ told me- a person, not a corporation or a government- to do so. Christ didn't come as a politician. He didn't come to tax the rich to give to the poor. Too many people confuse Christ with Robin Hood. What He came to give to humanity was poured out on the cross- not collected in a tax coffer. A life of peace and fulfillment isn't something achieved by demanding that those who are financially successful share with you."
NoSliver of a brain is talking through her irrelevant ass again.
Where does Typhus live? Where is this backwards part of the country at?
I'm surprised Mrs. Tyler's head doesn't explode from the stupidity and nonsense that's swirling around in there. So glad I don't know her IRL - I'd have to smack her silly on a regular basis.
I'm continually amazed at the number of women who are in denial about their life-style and weight. It's good too see some success stories on this thread though.
Avoid any eyeliner that comes in a tube... no pencils, no liquid, no gels. None of those things. Get yourself a good bevelled eye brush and use eyeshadow to line your eyes. It stays much better than anything that you have to draw on.
Wondering if she's every actually worn makeup. Possibly the worst makeup advice ever.
Pretty sure the op was thinking the peas would have her back. She should have known that peas love proper grammar. And really a kid in the 3rd grade should know that a period goes at the end of a sentence.
What's interesting is that it's mostly the teachers who have her back. No wonder kids get out of school and don't know anything.
Typhus lives in Minnesota. In Michele Bachmann's district. Remember the news stories about the rash of gay suicides happening all at once in one school district?
Guess who teaches there?
I think I can count on one finger how many people confuse Robin Hood and jeebus, Typhus..you are it.
If OldPeaNewName (aka Sammel) spent as much time looking after her family as she did obsessing over Liberals, maybe her father wouldn't have died as he did, alone and passed out in the snow.
Since when did Robin Hood collect funds for a tax coffer? Is that the new Teabag version of the story?
And somebody tell Typhus that Christ actually did demand that you share with the poor, dirty hippie that he was.
When I went to school you were penalized for improper punctuation, spelling and grammar throughout. They each contribute to overall comprehension.
that's why they is rulz mommie
Yep. Drama whore.
The tea party/fundie argument is that Jesus never said to give your money to the government to give to the poor. He said give it to the poor directly.
It doesn't explain why they argue so hard against the government funding programs to fight poverty with tax money since the end result is that the poor are helped but if you mention Jesus that's why they say.
"I have a family member who gave me a box of photos and I've been scanning them and emailing them to family members. This past week I sent out a couple of photos to family members on FB and I get accused of having my grandmother's photos and that I've stolen them from her outbuilding. She's been gone since 1986 and her outbuilding has never been gone through! I guess it's better than everything sits there and rots away than for me to have possession of them...which I don't! Evidently, no one in the family is allowed to have any photos other than my dad's brother and sister. My dad passed away five years ago and obviously members of my family think everything that my dad had that had been left to him by grandmother reverts back to his brother and sister.
I just got another message stating my uncle wants to prosecute for stealing...gee.
On FB today I have called everything from a lying and thieving bitch to a cunt. I guess it really doesn't pay to be nice to people. I'm just gobsmacked today! I feel like hitting something..."
Didn't she hairflip outta here? She seems klassy.
HaHaHaHa...the twats are so fucking frustrated that their bait isn't getting any bites. They keep bumping and bumping it.
lol, 157. It would make the pod a much better place if liberal peas quit responding to the Rethuglican frothers every time they start a political thread.
and up pops another one....like she couldn't have posted this on one of the original threads? LOL
She should give Squillen some tips
I really hope the peas will quit giving them the attention they crave. If all they want to do is argue, they need to hit a political board.
Squeals doesn't need cooking, baking, or kitchen inspection tips. She needs how to lose weight or not be such a twunty bitch tips.
Free~Bird demonstrating just why sales clerks don't want to deal with her....
"Wow, are you my cousin? That totally sounds just like something my crazypants (literally) aunt would do. she did accuse me of stealing the photo of my dad's family out of my grandma's CASKET.
Yes she did.
I was totally like "WTF?". Turns out they think the funeral home didn't remove it and buried her with it. Go grandma - she's the one that birthed 6 kids, she deserves to have it last.
Anyway, this would be my message back. "Please PLEASE PLEASEEEEEE call the cops. I can't wait for you to look like the asshole that you are in front of everyone. Then after they come here accusing me, I'm going to file a harassment complaint about you.
I don't have the family pictures... CUNT. So STFU."
Honey, you can dress as what you think 'nice' looks like, but you can't take the trash out of trash.
FreeBird is always a bitch. She hates everyone and everything. I've never seen anyone who hates the world that much except maybe Jill. They are constantly bitching about a neighbor, a family member, a clerk, a waitress, a salesperson, a teacher, the mailman, etc.
Nicole in TX says she reported Bootzee as a troll. Who the fuck is she? Some third tier pier that thinks she is something special because she reported someone she thought was a troll?
And who the fuck is Brynne and why did she give a shit if Bootzee got banned? Doesn't she have a penis to suck?
TravelAgent looks like a Proboscis monkey.
Could Annabella BE any dumber?? That point was just explained like 2 posts above her. JESUS Stupid should hurt.
The girl who is peaing from Freebirds happily eating my burrito inside while my car is parked in the Take Out Only spot right next to the door and who feels no guilt about that.
I think myshelly is a troll.
144 is Monique. Swirling in the head is classic Monique terminology.
171 are you high?? That is *not* an uncommon phrase to use.
And somebody tell Typhus that Christ actually did demand that you share with the poor, dirty hippie that he was.
He also made it very clear that the rich who didn't share their wealth until it hurt were in big trouble come judgement day.
rich man, eye of needle huh Typhus? this old atheist remembers all the bible stories stuffed down my throat as a kid. not the just the convenient ones.
There is also the story of the widows mite. I think that suits the current state of affairs more than any.
It doesn't say to give until it hurts. You're making shit up. I'd like to see where you found that exactly.
In the parable of the widows mite Jesus talks of the rich giving of only their excess and making a huge deal about how much they gave and how that means much less than a widow who gives just a mite and goes about her day.
There are also references about sacrificing the first of a flock (or in others words the best) to God not just whatever you can't sell or the ones taking up space.
Proverbs speaks of giving freely and becoming richer and withholding what you should give only to wither.
The actual words "give until it hurts" are not in the bible but it is very clear that if you consider yourself a disciple of Christ that you should be less attached to your material possessions and more attached to caring for your fellow man in any way you can. If you are given a talent you share it, given wealth you share it ect.
We've all seen that nasty, saggy, yeasty tits resting on the table pose of Lauren. What's your point?
does anyone else get the vibe of a "new" typhus? I mean in the way she posts. Since her latest spawn I get the feeling she's been less (if that is possible) politically correct in her postings and more strident. She seems to spend less time bothering to explain why she feels a certain way and just screeches it all out and is more openly hostile about groups she despises???
Athena and her Pineapple have worsened too. When somebody responded to one of her posts, I saw the quote and seriously thought they were addressing Skybar, because there was so much rage and spittle all over it, not to mention "Lefty this" and "Lefty that."
Wow. Lynlam frothing at the mouth. Somebody needs to clap her in restraints and drag her to the quiet room
If I recall, her husband pulls in disability and a pension from being a LEO. And he wasn't injured on the job either.
Why the fuck is Ana Banana asking this:
"Is it slow at the blog today?"
on the Wall Street protest thread?
Stupid fucking cunt is probably a blog regular and is butt hurt because we all find her annoying as hell.
Why is Gail allowed to keep bumping those animal threads??? I thought we were done wit the summertime and your pets one, but now there is a winter and your pets??? WTF??
THANK YOU 186! I just saw that and came here to the blog to ask if anybody else was annoyed by her fucking PSAs. Does she not realize that EVERYBODY has a cause that is dear to them for one reason or another? Fuck, I appreciate animals, but that girl drives me nuts.
I keep reading her thread hoping somebody will say something to her, but noticed now we get daily updates on her weather.
I never thought anyone could get crazier than Skybar! FlymFlam's a straight loon! I don't know who disgusts me more, her, or Jonduh. They're both flaming white trash.
I'm not bothered by the animal threads. I'm beyond irritated with those fucking game threads tho!
flimflam must have missed her rabies shot. She should be quarantined in a cage.
Jesus, jonda! Don't you have an anus to felch?
Step away from the keyboard!
More bait dangled out. Hope none of the libs reply to the thread.
I fucking hate Gail's animal threads. It makes me so mad I think I'll go beat the shit out of my dog. How is it any different than annoying game threads?
Jesus, jonda! Don't you have an anus to felch?
Step away from the keyboard!
Him and his Russian orphan probably can't jack off together by cam tonight because of his orphan's shoddy dial-up connection.
1 page in 6 days LOL
Bitch slackers!
Word. This place is a total snoozefest lately.
My guess is that all the dumbasses who still use IE got all pissy when Jane couldn't fix the problem with IE and The Blog, so they left, or can't post anymore.
This is why you switch to Chrome/Firefox like the rest of the world, idiot n00bs.
but I've always used IE and have never had a problem. the reason it is quiet is because the pod is quiet. this place follows the pod.
I loathe these types of threads. And the doofus couldn't even link up.
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