Monday, October 24, 2011



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Anonymous said...

Lauren is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

True that #1!!! She's a bitch skinny or fat!

Anonymous said...

L'urine has got to be tired from batting all the flies on the steaming pile of a shit Iraq thread!

If Typhus wasn't such a homophobe they could go off to a corner together.

Anonymous said...

That's right, get him diagnosed as ODD that way it won't be your fault when he misbehaves.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who had her DD diagnosed with ODD, it really should be called I Didn't Do My Job As A Parent When My Child Was Younger. IDDMYJAAPWMCWY, but that's way to much.

From what I could see she never disciplined when DD was a toddler and pre schooler. Now as a 7th grader she's totally paying the price.

Anonymous said...

Predicting now that the service dog thread will get ugly. Another special snowflake mom wanting special treatment. What happens when my severely dog allergic special snowflake is the next customer??!!

Anonymous said...

Brandy327 has psoriasis scarring on her scalp, and her hair follicles are dead. That's why her hair is so thin. (I always wondered why, so I paid attention when she explained.)

Bald or not, she is a really nice person, so let's return to our regularly scheduled bitch bashing.

Lowrent looks like a teacher I had in the third grade, but she was nice. Maybe Lowrent is her evil bitch twin.

Anonymous said...

I wish they'd all just fucking admit their blinding rage against the black guy.

It'd be so much easier ladies - you wouldn't have to make up lame as shit reasons to diss him.

"President's a Nigger!!1!" So much easier and simpler.

Anonymous said...

What is the history on Ms Mariah and Ms mariah/kaptain K???

Anonymous said...

Yesterday we go to have Holiday photos made of the boys at the local JC Penny. We are members and we save usually a good bit with coupons
Something's not right about the dog thread OP. Since when do you have to be a "member" of JCP?

As a veteran retail manager, I can say that we always bent over backward to please special-needs customers. I can't see any store doing what she says they did.

Anonymous said...

Something's not right about the dog thread OP. Since when do you have to be a "member" of JCP?

I was thinking she meant a member of their photo club thing, like the Smile Saver Club at Sears. We take the kids their for some of their portraits, and the Smile Saver Card does save a good bit of money over not using it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 10. I didn't know they had a photo club thing.

I still think the OP is fishing. :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, 11.

Anonymous said...

7-OMG....GIVE IT A FUCKING REST. No one is making fun of Brandy and her hair. A few people wondered why did she didn't try wearing a wig.

Anonymous said...

captain K is fishing for an argument on that usual...

Anonymous said...

Captain K has a hard on for Meridion. For some fucking reason, she is hell bent on believing Meridon is Ms Mariah. Whateva!

Anonymous said...

What was the 'perception' of ms mariah that CK keeps talking about??

Anonymous said...

well, as long as we are talking meridion ... I have had a weird vibe about her from the beginning - she posted a very strange response on a thread early on that pinged my radar. She seems more "normal" now but that earlier thread had me shaking my head. Something about being "needy" in relationships, especially in the beginning - like demanding that the guy call her all the time, that she needs alot of reassurance. It was weird.

But now she talks like she is in a relationship, has kids, etc. Something's not right.

Here's the link:

Hers is like the 4th or 5th response.

Anonymous said...

captain K is fishing for an argument on that usual...

Yep. She's a shit-stirrer extraordinaire under the guise of a 'regular pea'. She should cough up her own former self before she goes after others to do the same.

KeriWest said...

What is the history on Ms Mariah and Ms mariah/kaptain K???

There isn't one, jesus. No one liked ms mariah, and she left, stop beetlejuicing!!!! Can't you bitches be happy even when a good thing happens?

Captain Kunt is just that, a Kunt. Has anyone ever seen her actually make a nice comment to anyone? about anything?

Anonymous said...

Why yes 20, I have.

Elizabeth Taylor said...

She seems more "normal" now but that earlier thread had me shaking my head. Something about being "needy" in relationships, especially in the beginning - like demanding that the guy call her all the time, that she needs alot of reassurance. It was weird.

I saw that one and looked again after it was bitched about here. She was giving an example cuz the OP was talking about some guy not doing what she wanted him too. I took it as, look if you need the guy to call you all the time, you tell him, you need to call me all the time.

Who fucking cares? with all the twunts at the bukkit this one's not even on my radar.

Lady Gaga said...

"Yesterday we go to have Holiday photos made of the boys at the local JC Penny. We are members and we save usually a good bit with coupons"

Photos TAKEN. Photos are TAKEN, not MADE. Moran.

Katy Perry said...

I don't believe the two of them are the same for a very simple reason. ms mariah used to brag on her photo and computer expertise all the damn time. meridion couldn't even get her sig file pic to load right for forever. made me want to stab my own eyeball out. her avatar pic is still wonky. no I am not saying shit to her about it, I dont care enough.

Anonymous said...

first peanut butter. now flour. what's next.

Anonymous said...

But 25, that op is not asking for a ban on flour. She is asking what she/her DD can do to help her DGD. There is a big difference.

Anonymous said...

Brandy's hair thread.

Anonymous said...

I've always found Brandy to be one of the most consistently nice and real seeming Peas. She is confident and beautiful - beaming smile and gorgeous eyes.

Anonymous said...

how is losing 100+ pounds through weight loss surgery an "accomplishment"?

Anonymous said...

I agree, 29. Losing weight via exercise and lifestyle change is hugely admirable.

Waddling your fat ass to the doctor's office and getting a surgery because you "just can't lose weight"? Not so much.

Every single person I know who has had any kind of weight loss surgery is a lazy slob, pure and simple. People who get the surgery like to talk about lifestyle changes and blah blah blah, but the truth is that most of them view it as a quick fix.

Of 5 people I know who have had some kind of surgery, 4 have either not lost significant weight or have gained weight back. None of those 4 have significantly changed their eating or exercise habits, either.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that while she lost 118 pounds of fat, she's still 150 lbs of bitch and she ain't no where near losing any of that.

Anonymous said...

I know two people who have had weight loss surgery. One lost 100+ pounds, then gained that back plus at least another 75. She actually bragged the day she could eat and hold down a hamburger. She also consumed a 12" Subway sandwich. After she ate the sandwich, I actually asked how she could hold that volume. She said "I just worked up to it" Oye.

The second person lost all her weight. Actually went down below normal and looked scary for a while. She has kept it off for 2 years so far. She has changed her lifestyle. I see her out riding her bike all the time now. She looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

the word is spiel not spill.

Anonymous said...

lol #33...I was trying to figure out what she meant by spill, but I could not get it...thanks for solving the mystery for me!

Anonymous said...

Only people who are ignorant about WLS think it's easy. And besides what difference does it make to any of you how a person loses weight. The important part is that it's gone and the person is healthier.

First you call people fat and then you bitch when they lose weight. What a bunch of rotten apples.

Oh, and before anyone says it, I'm not Lauren. But I have had WLS. I've kept my weight off for almost 10 years now by eating right and exercising. WLS is not easy so go fuck yourselves. Then again, I have a feeling you are all overweight bitches who sit home typing shit on a blog because you have no life and no friends.

I'm going back to 2 Peas where at least people who are cunts do it right to you face rather than hiding behind a blog.

Anonymous said...

Missbitts has suddenly appeared on the Iraq thread as Thread Police. Where was she when Mrs. T melted down, and Lauren and a few others? Way to keep it going. She doesn't even have an opinion, just wants to handslap. Every time it starts to die, someone starts up in a whole new direction.

Anonymous said...

#35, go back to the bukkit. We don't want your cunt smelling up the blog here.


Anonymous said...

I'm shocked you can smell my cunt given the reek that's already here. You must be smelling your own stench.

Anonymous said...

Seriously #37 & #38??? Talk about junior high arguments. Grow the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

You're right, 35. Weight loss surgery is SOOOO fucking hard. You first have to get your ass over 100 lbs overweight, then you have to march said fat ass into the doctor's office, and then you have to have the doctor sew your fucking stomach shut.

Afterward, you have to eat like a normal person and exercise like a normal person.

What a fucking difficult thing.

Oh, and P.S.: I've struggled with my weight my whole life, but manage to maintain a certain weight range (110 - 120 lbs) by modifying my lifestyle when I notice my weight creeping up.

Willpower and exercise are fucking hard.

Also, in regard to how miserable we all are: sounds like you're a real peach, honey. Bet it was hard when you realized that the reason you didn't have friends when you were fat wasn't the fat; it was the fact that you're an angry fucking twatwaffle.

Also, if you're not Lauren, you should hook up with that cunt. Cunts of a feather and all that.

Anonymous said...

when is teacher typhus going to learn the use of paragraphs? Those dense (pun intended) blocks of text of hers are fucking hard on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Wow #40...I would rather be overweight than be a narrow minded fucking bitch like you. (for the record, I am 5'11" and about 150).

Anonymous said...

Of 5 people I know who have had some kind of surgery, 4 have either not lost significant weight or have gained weight back. None of those 4 have significantly changed their eating or exercise habits, either.

3 out of the 4 people i know who have had bariatic surgery have gained their weight back. They start off good, but eventually right back to where they started. waste of $$.

Anonymous said...

"Cunts of a feather "

I lol'd.

Anonymous said...

This story just sounds off to me. Yesterday she was venting about people eating chips off her plate, then today this? Something seems fishy to me...

Anonymous said...

You're right 45... if nothing else, I would imagine chips are not on her medically supervised 1200 calorie/day diet.

If the story about the weight loss brochures is true, I do feel bad for her.

Anonymous said...

45-yeah, I think she is totally full of bullshit!! Where does that bag of chips fit into her 1200 calorie a day supervised diet???

Anonymous said...

45 maybe she embellished part of the story where the girl tried to reach into her bag of chips. What really happened after that is that lespea brought down a sledgehammer on grabbing cunt's germified hand. This was payback,

Anonymous said...

not lespea, you know who I mean

Anonymous said...

Myshelly is a lawyer????????????? has she shared this bit of information before?/

Anonymous said...

Of 5 people I know who have had some kind of surgery, 4 have either not lost significant weight or have gained weight back. None of those 4 have significantly changed their eating or exercise habits, either.

3 out of the 4 people i know who have had bariatic surgery have gained their weight back. They start off good, but eventually right back to where they started. waste of $$.
That is what I have seen IRL too. I know one lady who gained the weight back on purpose because she couldn't stand the flabby skin and couldn't afford to have it removed.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen AMarvel lately? LMAO

Anonymous said...

You know what? the twats on the latest Libya thread who are fucking terrified that the Taliban is going to govern Libya?

These are the very same fat twats who will not be happy until this country is a Chrishun Whities only theocracy. No more women at work, no more contraception, no more abortion, prayer forced into all our fucking underachieving unfunded schools where the kids are forced to learn about the miracle of creationism, no more fucking education period that's worth a shit. So forget about getting more than a minimum wage job when you graduate. Oh, and they are going to lower that fucking minimum wage on your lazy, entitled, good for nothing, ignorant fat ass. I'm thinking we will be better off WITH the fucking Taliban.

Anonymous said...

MeGlop has come out as a Gaddafi apologist on the Libya thread, and come in to defend Typhus on the Iraq thread.

The cockroaches are emerging at night.

Anonymous said...

This is a great customer service story? So she ordered something and they made it. BFD. That wouldn't be a blip on my radar. And certainly not post worthy.

Anonymous said...

I guess urine got sick of pulling the pigtails of the typhus kickers on those threads. Looks like she poisoned-mailed *kiki*, tossed out a few half hearted digs at some others, then fucked off early to to suck on her gin bottle.

Anonymous said...

Dominionists 53.

And yes, the flip side of the Muslim extremist coin. It's amusing that the Christaliban's can't see the similarities.

Anonymous said...

These are the very same fat twats who will not be happy until this country is a Chrishun Whities only theocracy. No more women at work, no more contraception, no more abortion, prayer forced into all our fucking underachieving unfunded schools where the kids are forced to learn about the miracle of creationism, no more fucking education period that's worth a shit.



Anonymous said...

It's amusing that the Christaliban's can't see the similarities.


That is a fucking awesome word there lady. Love it.

O_o said...

Aren't these the same peas who were bitching about Obama and the withdrawl from Iraq?

That is, until it was pointed out that he was abiding by an agreement GWB signed in 2007.

At which point these same peas started arguing that our withdrawal is another victory for Bush?

Yeah, I think they are the same peas.

Anonymous said...

"In all labor there is profit, But idle chatter leads only to poverty." - Proverbs 14:23

Anonymous said... bitches rag on fat people and then rag on people who have had WLS. Which is it? Either way, it's weight LOSS. 2pEAfAITHFUL has had success maintaining her wt loss. So it's not a failure for most people.

And until you've gone through it yourself, you have NO FUCKING CLUE what the fuck you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Myshelly is a lawyer????????????? has she shared this bit of information before?/
October 24, 2011 7:57 PM

Yes she has shared that with us already. She says she practices family law. Also she hates dogs.

I'm not much of a myshelly fan, but she kicked ass on that thread.

Anonymous said...

I'm going back to 2 Peas where at least people who are cunts do it right to you face rather than hiding behind a blog.
you idiot, we ARE the peas. There are not two distinct groups. You never know who is being nice to you there and being a bitch here...or maybe we hatenyou in both places, but we are the same people who post over there.
Not a rocket surgeon are you?

Anonymous said...

She also hates homemade treats and can't imagine how a marriage could survive if a spouse has to travel for their job.

Anonymous said...

lol 64 maybe she's a brain scientist.

Anonymous said...

Is it even possible for Anabella to be another other than a complete dipshit just once?

Anonymous said...

LOL 64, yes she is a rocket surgeon!

Anonymous said...

Let's look at Annabella for a second, because any longer would actually hurt my head. She travels with her mother. She has parties and charges admission because she cannot afford to fund a party on her own. She tries to be smart but she only proves her stupidity.... hell, she's stupid like Gomer Pyle.

I wish her internet connection would drop.

Anonymous said...

OMG now Annabella is trying to collect a spreadsheet of the pea-depressed, not to mention KILLING someone with all that Niacin! Holy hell that's way more than people take for cholesterol, and even THAT causes flushing so bad you feel like you'd die. What a dumb, dangerous pathetic BITCH

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know what others think of this. Legit complaint or political correctness gone too far?


I really hate when OP's throw out a topic for discussion without telling what they think. It's like they don't want to commit to having an opinion until they see which way the thread is headed. Chicken shit.

Of course all the PC peas are going to be on there saying how OFFENSIVE it is. Halloween is OFFENSIVE. Breathing is OFFENSIVE.

Anonymous said...

WLS: you will never convince those who've never had it that is work, so I've stopped trying.

But I will say this...I've been at my goal weight for TEN YEARS post-op gastric bypass. How many of you WW aficianados can say that?!?

Anonymous said...

^^^meant aficionado

Anonymous said...

you idiot, we ARE the peas. There are not two distinct groups. You never know who is being nice to you there and being a bitch here...or maybe we hatenyou in both places, but we are the same people who post over there.
Not a rocket surgeon are you?


Exactly. I kind of see this place as a reality check. If I was mentioned on here that would mean that maybe I need to take it down a notch in peadom. Maybe take a look at myself and realize I'm not perfect or that other people don't see me that way.

Anonymous said...

Funny IPF IPeaFreely has disappeared post-wise since being outed as starting this blog.

We didn't forget

Anonymous said...

Peabay's dd is dressing as a geisha for Halloween and the peas are tripping over themselves to tell her how it won't be offensive, I wonder if a lesser known pea's dd was dressing like that, I bet they'd be NO WAY totally offensive.

As for fred freddys no comment in the op, she annoys me on principle. Any time a step daughter thread is in effect she's right there to bitch about her step daughter.

Anonymous said...

IPF comes and goes, she's not a constant at the pod.

Anonymous said...

holy SHIT I am in agreement with Pet

Jackie is such a douche why doesn't she buzz off already

Anonymous said... to go with 78

Anonymous said...

to go with 78

Anonymous said...

Peabay's dd is dressing as a geisha for Halloween and the peas are tripping over themselves to tell her how it won't be offensive, I wonder if a lesser known pea's dd was dressing like that, I bet they'd be NO WAY totally offensive.


No kidding. That's why I don't post at 2peas anymore. It's too predictable. It's not worth the effort it takes to disagree with some of them because I don't want to spend all day babysitting a thread because I had a differing opinion.

Anonymous said...

Who cares who started this blog? I'm happy it is available to us.

Anonymous said...

No kidding. That's why I don't post at 2peas anymore. It's too predictable. It's not worth the effort it takes to disagree with some of them because I don't want to spend all day babysitting a thread because I had a differing opinion.


word. and their arguments are absurd anyway.

Anonymous said...

Why is she such a drama whore?

Pretty soon she's going to be AnnnnnnnnnieSM because she changes her name so much.

Jane Doe said...

I am NOT IPF. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Why is she such a drama whore?

Pretty soon she's going to be AnnnnnnnnnieSM because she changes her name so much.

No doubt.

Wonder what dueling banjo bar she met her husbands in.

Or were they customers at the strip club she was working.

Somehow I doubt where she met them is someplace like "in a college classroom" or "while I was volunteering at an opera fundraiser".

Anonymous said...

holy SHIT I am in agreement with Pet

PE keeps calling Chaz "Chastity". She is intolerant, plain and simple. No, Chaz can't dance but PE is a nasty piece of work.

Anonymous said...

87 well I agree too/.her given name is chastity. she'd like to call her vag a dick too but that doesnt mean we have to go along with the charade.

Anonymous said...

87 That's like saying everyone who wants someone other than Obama is racist. Give it up @@

Anonymous said...


"Jackie I
Ancient Ancestor of Pea

PeaNut 60072 - January 2003
Posts: 6096 Layouts: 3
Loc: Ohio

Posted: 10/25/2011 12:05:57 PM

Thanks for the kind words and support Duchess. Sorry that you have now been dragged into the fray with me. There are some really ugly things happening on this thread that quite honestly I don't even understand. And it's heading for a trip over the edge (if it wasn't already there). I'm apparently a gender bender well on my way to becoming a man??? At least I think that's what the incoherent rantings of PE are saying.

I'm glad you and I can share this "scary place" of kindness and respect. I personally will enjoy inhabiting it with you.

And yes, I'm pretty sure PE is making a point with repeatedly calling Chaz "Chastity" or "her". She knows HIS name is Chaz.

Anonymous said...

That's why I don't post at 2peas anymore. It's too predictable. It's not worth the effort it takes to disagree with some of them because I don't want to spend all day babysitting a thread because I had a differing opinion.

Anonymous said...

I don't get how peas still engage with Lauren, even when she's posting her i got my stomach stapled look at me posts. She makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

I don't get how peas still engage with Lauren, even when she's posting her i got my stomach stapled look at me posts. She makes me sick.


Me either. I wish no one would post to her PVM threads. That would be funny.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what all the "my kid is honoring another culture" peas would think if another kid dressed up as them. Fat and all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words and support Duchess. Sorry that you have now been dragged into the fray with me. There are some really ugly things happening on this thread that quite honestly I don't even understand. And it's heading for a trip over the edge (if it wasn't already there). I'm apparently a gender bender well on my way to becoming a man??? At least I think that's what the incoherent rantings of PE are saying.

I'm glad you and I can share this "scary place" of kindness and respect. I personally will enjoy inhabiting it with you.

And yes, I'm pretty sure PE is making a point with repeatedly calling Chaz "Chastity" or "her". She knows HIS name is Chaz.


Oh the drama @@

Anonymous said...

x3 on the Lauren PVM threads. I don't get why anyone responds. Lauren is utterly useless, even if she tries to act normal sometimes.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! "Conference call"

Leads a Charmed Life

PeaNut 43843 - July 2002
Posts: 38534 Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast

Posted: 10/25/2011 2:11:20 PM

scrapopotamos - thanks for sharing that! I'm on a conference call now, will read the rest of this thread later.

Anonymous said...

wtf is she talking about? a guy that likes to collar? isn't this superboob that lives in HI with the boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

They broke up. Unlike some of you lazy cunts she decided a career was more important than a guy who looks like he has DS.

Anonymous said...

Seanna's trolling the pod again

Anonymous said...

Is pet enthusiast drunk?

Anonymous said...

Seanna seems drunk most of the time as well as Captain K.

PE seems to be the voice of reason amid the bitches

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine weight loss surgery. I also cannot imagine being so fat that I needed it, because I actually think about and monitor what goes into my mouth. God, what people eat in this country! Read the Peas' weekly dinner threads! :barf. But, you know, weight loss surgery is ALWAYS the only solution.

10-20 lbs. Overweight, ok I get it. But more than that? Sorry, change your fucking disgusting dietary habits.

Anonymous said...

87 well I agree too/.her given name is chastity. she'd like to call her vag a dick too but that doesnt mean we have to go along with the charade.


Chastity Bono legally changed her name to Chaz.


Anonymous said...



Calling him anything else is flat-out shitty.

And says a lot about your character.

Anonymous said...

Why is she such a drama whore?

Pretty soon she's going to be AnnnnnnnnnieSM because she changes her name so much.


and Kiki Nichole isn't? I swear she posts about 1,000 times daily about stupid shit!

Anonymous said...

"Is pet enthusiast drunk?"

She sounds manic to me.

Anonymous said...

101/107 why do you post that same thing every single new space?

You seem pretty invested in PE, maybe it is you that is the problem with this fixation

Anonymous said...

and Kiki Nichole isn't? I swear she posts about 1,000 times daily about stupid shit!


LOL. Did Kiki even post on that thread?

I'm sorry, whenever someone mentions drama whore we must know include Kiki. Memo noted.

Anonymous said...

I posted 101 and I'm not 107. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Did Kiki even post on that thread?

I'm sorry, whenever someone mentions drama whore we must know include Kiki. Memo noted.

Sounds good. While we are at it, there are a few others who should be included not just annniesm.
As far as I am concerned half the posters on the bukkit are drama whores!

Anonymous said...

Someone's bumpin old threads

Anonymous said...



Last I checked she has a vagina, her tits were cut off simply to alter her appearance, and her beard is artifically made via hormones. It's not a HE babydoll.

Anonymous said...

IDK 113 I think it's more of how your brain feels then you physical body parts. Sometimes things get scrambled or mis-wired. Physically Chaz maybe be female but obviously he self identifies as a male.

Does it really effect your world that much if someone is doing what they need to feel better about themselves?

Anonymous said...

ps for the grammar police, it's been a long day, and I just can't remember if it's effect or affect.

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, you were a cunt 113.

Anonymous said...

Why are you checking 113's cunt anyway, 116 you dyke?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 114 IDK 113 I think it's more of how your brain feels then you physical body parts. Sometimes things get scrambled or mis-wired. Physically Chaz maybe be female but obviously he self identifies as a male.

Does it really effect your world that much if someone is doing what they need to feel better about themselves?

October 25, 2011 2:27 PM


One word: Venis

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine weight loss surgery. I also cannot imagine being so fat that I needed it, because I actually think about and monitor what goes into my mouth. God, what people eat in this country! Read the Peas' weekly dinner threads! :barf. But, you know, weight loss surgery is ALWAYS the only solution.

10-20 lbs. Overweight, ok I get it. But more than that? Sorry, change your fucking disgusting dietary habits.


This reminded me of a Pea recipe thread a few years ago. All the meals were incredibly heavy, cream-oriented, or smothered in massive amounts of butter or cheese or both. Then one Pea posted a pretty simple recipe of broiled chicken breast, lightly dusted in thyme and rosemary.

The response? Another Pea actually called out her chicken recipe with an "Ew! I'm sorry, but that doesn't appeal to me at all." Crap, I wish I could remember who it was, but I'm pretty sure it was a high tier Pea. But it explained so so much.

Anonymous said...

119, I've noticed that the peas who post on recipe/kitchen gadget/baking threads tend to be the same ones who post on weight loss threads. Isn't it ironic?!

Anonymous said...

@104 If it makes him happy then good for her.

Anonymous said...

I hate the term "kidlet", it ranks right up there with "on the spectrum".

Anonymous said...

jeeze, what a fucking crisis! She makes it sound like it's highly out of character for 10 year old kids to be more into doing something fun when dinner is ready. Newflash: that's kids being kids hon.

Anonymous said...

kidlet reminds me of a cross between a kidney and a cutlet, so that's what I always think of whenever I hear it.

Anonymous said...

I think cake diva was being a bitch, she couldn't give the kid a heads up and say dinner in 10 minutes?

Anonymous said...

no shit 123 give the kid a five minute warning first then if he ignores it you shut off the game

Anonymous said...

I think "neuro typical" is more annoying then "on the spectrum". Just say normal, and yes some kids are normal and some aren't. If yours isn't I'm sorry but why make all the kids have "diagnoses"

Anonymous said...

cake diva is losing it. All that yelling, and she says SHE won't be spoken to like "that", like the kid was really bad. The kid said, ""Why? I'm just finishing this round".

Anonymous said...

Definitely, 119, 120.

I read somewhere that people get so used to the flavor of all that heavy, buttery, salty over processed crap that their taste buds are deadened to more natural, subtle flavors. It's gross.

But I guess just keep on with your cream of beouf casserole and then get that stomach stapled, peas.

Anonymous said...

I think PE likes to hang out at the blog and defend herself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 130 I think PE likes to hang out at the blog and defend herself.

October 25, 2011 3:23 PM

You could say that about any pea that gets defended here. I see more complaints about her than compliments. And I'm not her and I like her though I think she's a little crazy

Anonymous said...

Yep, 130.

Anonymous said...

God, I really cannot stand fraidyscrapper. She is seriously a mega bitch!

Anonymous said...

fraidyscrapper is such a mega cunt!

Anonymous said...

Can I ask something because I don't post very much at the pod, I don't want to ask it there. But why does everyone hate that annnie girl?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Can't see the reasoning for that one OR Pet? WTF?

What alternate universe are you living under?

Anonymous said...

rainbow crappper
is buying her kidlet a ipad
shouldnt she pay the landlord for the hole
she burn in the carpet when the log rolled out first

hip o crite

Anonymous said...

WTF is with old pea new name?

She just likes to troll the internets 24/7 looking for shit to get riled up and start threads about??

Jesus, so freaking lame. Get a life moran.

Anonymous said...

"Get a life moran."


This never stops being hilarious :D

Anonymous said...

Can I ask something because I don't post very much at the pod, I don't want to ask it there. But why does everyone hate that annnie girl?
October 25, 2011 4:28 PM

Annie, don't you get enough (negative) attention already from the Peas? Now you want more here?

Anonymous said...

On the off chance 135 is legitimate, Annie is a liar and a drama queen who starts bizarre threads and asks lame questions that she should already know the answers to, just to get attention. Then she backtracks when everyone jumps all over her, then she starts deleting like crazy. I believe she is unmedicated bipolar and boy, does it show in every post. She's also under-educated, foolish, and uber-klassy.

Anonymous said...

Attention Whore, if ever you existed, they name is MaddieKsMom:

Anonymous said...

THY name, that is :)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah you got her good.

huh? I must be missing something here.

Anonymous said...

Lauren? Is that you?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking chopped liver.

Anonymous said...

Does it really effect your world that much if someone is doing what they need to feel better about themselves?

--- not the grammar police but it doesn't AFFECT my world anymore then if affects the world of anyone else who makes a comment about her(him). If we restricted our opinions/comments to things that only affected us personally the pod, the blog etc would be dreadfully boring and terribly PC.

Anonymous said...

145 IPF has been MIA and acts drunk most days, as does Captain K

Anonymous said...

IPF just posted....

Anonymous said...

coincidental timing! :O

Anonymous said...

It's a bullshit attention seeking made up drama post anyway

Anonymous said...

OMG PetEnthusiast is giving Lauren a run for the peaboard drunk. PE is one fucked up psycho bitch.

enter PE to defend herself again...

Anonymous said...

I have GlitterFiend on ignore, and can't figure out why - I'm pretty sure she's the only person I have on ignore. She must have posted some vile crap at one time or another, considering I don't have people like Lauren on ignore...

Not Pet said...

Pet was posting earlier in a manic phase. Pet IS crazy

Anonymous said...

I want to punch punchprincess in the face.

Lady Gaga said...

I agree 152/154

glitterfiend is vile.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Notice any mention of IPF is followed by several 'Pet is manic' 'Pet is a drunk' posts.
Every. Single.Space. see for yourself.
Funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

SharlaGCockshine- is this dumb bitch trying to be funny with her screen name? It is bad enough that we have to put up with her stupid questions.

Anonymous said...

158- nice try. I posted one of the Pet posts and there is no way in hell that I am the cunt that is IPF.

Anonymous said...

Oh look PE aka #158 showed up. Saw that one coming.

Anonymous said...


You need to understand that IPF is not the only pea that thinks you are a fucking retard. Take your medication, it just may help. Remember, every time you post, a cat dies.

Anonymous said...

Cuntwalla's face: Hilarious or super-offensive?

Anonymous said...

163, both

Anonymous said...


You need to understand that IPF is not the only pea that thinks you are a fucking retard. Take your medication, it just may help. Remember, every time you post, a cat dies.


*High five*

Anonymous said...

lizJUSTliz is human debris

Anonymous said...

Nope not Pet, you crazy cunt but keep high fiving yourself. Projection is a funny thing isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Compy's ok.

Anonymous said...


You need to understand that IPF is not the only pea that thinks you are a fucking retard. Take your medication, it just may help. Remember, every time you post, a cat dies.
That was fantastic. I'd say there is a few of us that think PE is a raging cuntasaurus.

Anonymous said...

Freebirds "trash to treasure" dresser, looks like crap. I think it looked better before. I can't believe she thinks it now a treasure.

Anonymous said...

I know her very well IRL. Not a chance in hell.

Anonymous said...

How do you know who it is?

Anonymous said...
________________________________________ can't figure it out on your own???

Anonymous said...

Remember, every time you post, a cat dies.


OMG I literally choked on my coffee. SNAP!

Anonymous said...


You need to understand that IPF is not the only pea that thinks you are a fucking retard. Take your medication, it just may help. Remember, every time you post, a cat dies.



Anonymous said...
________________________________________ can't figure it out on your own???

This really isn't about sinks; it's an opportunity to mention her "mountain home".

Anonymous said...

173, I loved zombie girl's comment!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, trash to bigger piece of trash...

Anonymous said...

176, TreeLover used to do shit like that all the time.... "in my vacation home's present wrapping room"....

Anonymous said...

Ugh, trash to bigger piece of trash...
I hate FreeBird but I have to say she did well on that piece. It was a lower quality beat up dresser that was not worth restoring to original. She turned it into a kitschy little item that will likely be snapped up quickly. She might not be making heirloom items but she has an eye for what will sell.

Anonymous said...

176, TreeLover used to do shit like that all the time.... "in my vacation home's present wrapping room"....
Oh good Lord she use to annoy the hell out of me with that crap. I remember one thread about house size where I thought my eyes would roll out of my head. She posted something about her tiny 5000sq ft home or some crap like that. Then backed it up saying compared to the 20,000 sqft home she grew up in it was a shack.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if treelover found the blog and that's why she's been mia for awhile. Camicar, another pea that drove me nuts is gone too.

Anonymous said...

We can only hope, 182. Maybe she choked on a piece of achingly sharp cheddar.

Anonymous said...

who starts bizarre threads and asks lame questions that she should already know the answers to, just to get attention

Doesn't everyone on the bukkit?

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I miss TreeLover! I looked forward to every post from her because they always made me laugh. What a trip. High powered career. Hot, successful husband. Brilliant, athletic sons who ate like horses. Actual horses. Tennis court. Pool. Gated driveway. Libraries and music rooms. Vacation homes. Hot body and healthy diet. It all trickled out in each little post. She was awesome!

daanibee said...

I'm obviously not IPF, and I definitely think PetEnthusiast is bat-shit insane. "Manic" is tossed around way too much.

Anonymous said...

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want...

Anonymous said...

Batya just drives me insane. Please just stop posting, do man-kind a favor.

Anonymous said...

I don't miss treelover, but I liked cami car. I do miss her.

Anonymous said...

Batya just drives me insane. Please just stop posting, do man-kind a favor.

That isn't even her name. It's her Jewish or Hebrew name or some crap. One of the girls that went to dinner with her said her name is Bobbie.

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

In my mountain home, which sink do I use for washing?

Idiot. I think she's giving Annabella a run for her money.

Anonymous said...

Batya should change her avatar line to:

Making the WWW better with ONE LESS post at a time.

Shut up batya.

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

Anonymous said...

I was looking through some profiles on two peas. I cannot believe some people have been members since 2000!! You have spent 11 years on a stupid message board, really? Don't ANY of you have a life?! 11 fucking years!!

No wonder half of your husbands left you!

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