Thursday, March 1, 2012



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Anonymous said...

42,000k before taxes doesn't leave a lot to save every year.

Heck, you probably make more in tax credits than you pay into the system. Save your damn refund (that the rest of us pay for) to save for your kids' college.

Anonymous said...

I am shaking my head at the idiotic people that can't figure out how to put some away for the college education of their children AND save for retirement. They aren't mutually exclusive, you nimrods.

Quit buying your bourgeois "keeping up with the Jones' purchases," tithing 10% to your idiotic sky fairy, and donating to the bloated GOP and save some fucking money.

Anonymous said...

42,000k before taxes doesn't leave a lot to save every year.

At that salary I hope you're in your 20s, a secretary, and your dh makes the real money?

Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of all the questions about her dog. I can't decide whether she is bragging about her designer breed or she's just so dumb that she can't make a decision on her own. She's like child of grace for dogs.

Anonymous said...

I am shaking my head at the idiotic people that can't figure out how to put some away for the college education of their children AND save for retirement. They aren't mutually exclusive, you nimrods.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you shouldn't have had kids if you can't fucking afford them. I certainly don't want to have to pay for your precious spawn just because you can't.
Affording kids and college funds are mutually exclusive things. Just because "I" am not personally saving for their college education doesn't mean that my child doesn't have some sort of savings acct for college.

I don't believe that for one second a college degree=success and making a decent living. I know PLENTY of people who have what I deem useless college degree, while others who don't even have a college degree are doing quite nicely for themselves.

Not every precious snowflake is cut out for college. That's why we have technical schools. And the military! A relative received a FULL ROTC Air Force Scholarship to a state university, she was far from valedictorian and was also busted for underage drinking her senior year of high school.

Anonymous said...

sweet jebus. different strokes for different folks. some parents can and do help with their kids' education, some don't. there's no absolute right or wrong here, folks. you're wasting pixels arguing over it.

Anonymous said...

The average household income in the US is 50k so shut the fuck up and get off your god damn high horse about sending a kid to college. People are living paycheck to paycheck and may not be able to send their kids.

My parents didn't and I paid my own way through fucking school with no debt. My combined income is more than the average and I'm in my 20's but we still don't have a lot of extra money to save.

Somebody needs to be smacked down into the real world where not everybody is making 250k. And this is coming from a non-parent. The world is not black/white @@

Anonymous said...

The average household income in the US is 50k so shut the fuck up and get off your god damn high horse about sending a kid to college. People are living paycheck to paycheck and may not be able to send their kids.

My parents didn't and I paid my own way through fucking school with no debt. My combined income is more than the average and I'm in my 20's but we still don't have a lot of extra money to save.

Somebody needs to be smacked down into the real world where not everybody is making 250k. And this is coming from a non-parent. The world is not black/white @@


Anonymous said...

Deeming any college education "useless" = you are an idiot

Anonymous said...

Deeming any college education "useless" = you are an idiot

Says the 42K/yr homemaker with a Philosophy degree from the community college

Anonymous said...


You can't agree with everyone

Anonymous said...


You can't agree with everyone



Anonymous said...

And the military! A relative received a FULL ROTC Air Force Scholarship to a state university, she was far from valedictorian and was also busted for underage drinking her senior year of high school.
There's an idea. Let your kids be cannon fodder for the military if you haven't planned for their future. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

My combined income is more than the average and I'm in my 20's but we still don't have a lot of extra money to save.
The you are an idiot who never learned to spend well or save.

Anonymous said...

189 is still talking to herself, now there's something to laugh about!

Anonymous said...

Deeming any college education "useless" = you are an idiot

Says the 42K/yr homemaker with a Philosophy degree from the community college
March 4, 2012 4:49 PM
No, says the Ivy League poli sci major who lives a happy, successful, but not wealthy life. You can't see past the end of your nose. Life does not begin and end with a practical degree from the local state college.

Anonymous said...

Says the 42K/yr homemaker with a Philosophy degree from the community college


Anonymous said...

189 is still talking to herself, now there's something to laugh about!

No bitch. No one here is talking to themself. But your stupidity is something to laugh at!

Anonymous said...

"There's an idea. Let your kids be cannon fodder for the military if you haven't planned for their future. Brilliant."


Anonymous said...

Honey, you're muttering now.

Anonymous said...

My combined income is more than the average and I'm in my 20's but we still don't have a lot of extra money to save.
The you are an idiot who never learned to spend well or save.


Hey Dumbass, I said I'm IN MY 20's. That means I have a shit ton of years left to save for my future children's college if I choose to pay for some of it. Plus I live in one of the most expensive cities in the US so go fuck yourself.

And if you are going to critique someone on their grammar, you may want to check your own.

Anonymous said...

Go pull the pineapple out of your ass Keri.

Anonymous said...

"There's an idea. Let your kids be cannon fodder for the military if you haven't planned for their future. Brilliant."

The family member whose daughter got the ROTC scholarship BOTH have well paying jobs! ONE is the curriculum director in our school district(PhD) and the other parent is the wastewater plant superintendent, ie. combined income of approximately 200K/yr. They DID not have savings accts for their precious snowflakes to attend college. They never planned to have one and both have said their kids are on their own for college!

One was Valedictorian of her high school class, the other DD got the ROTC scholarship. Their DS is still in school and is academically gifted. So, they are shitty parents because they didn't have savings accts for their children? I think they'd beg to differ with you!

Jane Doe said...

New space is up!

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