Monday, November 12, 2012

Space 11/12/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1


2 TickleMe said... 2


3 Anonymous said... 3

No, furst, dammit

4 Elmo loves said... 4


5 Anonymous said... 5

Elmo loves 16 year old boys.

6 Anonymous said... 6

This is all part of the War on Sesame Street!

It was supposed to be the October Surprise, but The Count (a GOP operative) was doing Republican math.

7 Anonymous said... 7

The link to the House resolution for impeachment is comedy gold. The repub led house knows it'll never get the senate to vote on an impeachment resolution. Then the administration will invoke the War Powers Act, like nearly all the previous admins have done since Nixon.

But please, keep that impeachment pipe dream alive.

8 Anonymous said... 8

I'm so sick of the word yummy. Especially when not describing food.

Choke on your big, yummy towel, Chele.

9 Anonymous said... 9

That was it on the freebird thing? Huge disappointment! FB didn't even say a word about it...and the thread didn't even make it to a page! Lame...

10 Anonymous said... 10

Is Janelle really twice divorced??

11 Anonymous said... 11

Is Janelle really twice divorced??

I don't know, but Dennis Prager is. :P

12 Anonymous said... 12

Duh! Sorry, stupid question.

13 Anonymous said... 13

JanelleK's horrible dated haircut and red blotchy skin make me want to throw up every time I see her picture. Does she not own a fucking mirror? She looks horrible, how can she not see that?

14 Anonymous said... 14

I don't know what is worse, the dated hairstyle or the tiger stripe highlights.

Ladies, you aren't fooling anyone when your highlights are uniform on your scalp.

15 Anonymous said... 15

God, I love Maureen.

Janel K. is all about morality and the Bible but only as they apply to other people.

Teh gayz will ruin the sanctity of marriage! I guess Janell knows all about the sanctity of marriage, seeing as how she's done it so many times.

I hope God blesses her with a little rape baby, too. Since she is so righteous and shit.

16 Anonymous said... 16

I'm 15 and I should have re-read Maureen's post before I got all crazy about Janell K's multiple marriages.

Dennis Prager, whom Janell was praising, has been divorced twice and is now married for a third time. For now.

Janel is still as dumb as a box of rocks, but I have no idea whether she's been divorced or not. I do still wish she'd be blessed with a rape baby, though, since she thinks it's such a great blessing.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Carey Ayn looks great. It's nice to see a pea who lost a lot of weight the hard way, not the dodogshavebrains/Lowrent way.

Carey, if you read this, you really are an inspiration.

18 Anonymous said... 18

17-yes, she looks good but didn't she say she STARTED at a size 18? No way in the hell did she fit into an 18 according to those before pics.


Wonder if Squealin' will post some before and after pics...hahahaha!! I guess she thinks we are all stupid and forgot what a fat, lard ass she was just a few months ago.

She disappeared from the board for a bit. Wonder if she went for gastric bypass or the lapband. No way did that fattie lose that much weight on her own.

19 Anonymous said... 19

I agree 17 and she didn't do a weekly "clean eating, walking/running or ww" thread about it either. She just did it. Good for you Carey Ayn!

20 Anonymous said... 20

Thanks, 19 I really appreciate that.

21 Anonymous said... 21

20- :::hi, carey ann:::

Why not just post here with your real name if you are here trolling for validation?

22 Anonymous said... 22

Maybe she doesn't have a Google account or whatever you need to post under your real name. I don't.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Ha that whole "clean eating" thing didn't last to long did it? Who was that who was always going on about it? I bet whatever water weight she's lost she's put it all back on and then some.

24 Anonymous said... 24

She disappeared from the board for a bit. Wonder if she went for gastric bypass or the lapband. No way did that fattie lose that much weight on her own.

She prolly did get the surgery. She doesn't have enough discipline to lose weight on her own. She looks evil in her avatar photo.

25 Anonymous said... 25

ITA #23...I find it hilarious on the 'low sugar/low carb' threads, it's always people saying "I had a bad day/week/month, but I'm back on the bandwagon" then the next week the same thing. Just admit that no carb is not the way to go, and do the sensible thing...moderation. No, you can't eat pasta every single day, but once in a while is just fine.

26 Anonymous said... 26

surprised squillen didn't take the thread over with crappy pics of her ice cube shape 'truffles'! Too bad she didn't give the advise of trying to shill your cookies on the MB for $60/box!

27 Anonymous said... 27

Cary Ann - If you are here, you look amazing! Your hard work is inspiring...I only have ~20 to lose, but you give me motivation! Thank you for sharing!

28 Anonymous said... 28

16Anonymous said... 16 I'm 15 and I should have re-read Maureen's post before I got all crazy about Janell K's multiple marriages.

Dennis Prager, whom Janell was praising, has been divorced twice and is now married for a third time. For now.

Janel is still as dumb as a box of rocks, but I have no idea whether she's been divorced or not. I do still wish she'd be blessed with a rape baby, though, since she thinks it's such a great blessing.

November 12, 2012 1:49 PM

You are an asshole!

29 Anonymous said... 29

7Anonymous said... 7 The link to the House resolution for impeachment is comedy gold. The repub led house knows it'll never get the senate to vote on an impeachment resolution. Then the administration will invoke the War Powers Act, like nearly all the previous admins have done since Nixon.

But please, keep that impeachment pipe dream alive.

November 12, 2012 10:55 AM

I have to laugh at your ignorance. Go read about the War Powers Act before spewing crap everywhere.

30 Anonymous said... 30

You are an asshole!

Hi Janelle!

31 Anonymous said... 31

Wishing a rape on someone???? Yes, that makes you a FIRST CLASS asshole. No, I'm not Janelle, or the other poster.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Wishing a rape on someone???? Yes, that makes you a FIRST CLASS asshole. No, I'm not Janelle, or the other poster.


You know what? My best friend in college was raped and became pregnant as a result of it. Janelle is a first class cunt who has openly stated that people like my friend, who choose to abort their rapist's child, are murderers. She also said that a child is the greatest blessing that can come from rape, so fuck her and fuck you, too.

That cunt obviously doesn't know what it's like to be so traumatized by something and would dare use her "Christianity" to judge a hurt and victimized woman.

So yeah, I hope that she can have a "special blessing" in her life so that she can walk in the shoes of the women she's so harshly judged.

All in the name of Jesus.

33 Anonymous said... 33

two wrongs don't make it right. Janelle's statement also makes her a FIRST CLASS asshole...but you don't have to lower yourself to her standard...

34 Anonymous said... 34

32Anonymous said... 32 Wishing a rape on someone???? Yes, that makes you a FIRST CLASS asshole. No, I'm not Janelle, or the other poster.


You know what? My best friend in college was raped and became pregnant as a result of it. Janelle is a first class cunt who has openly stated that people like my friend, who choose to abort their rapist's child, are murderers. She also said that a child is the greatest blessing that can come from rape, so fuck her and fuck you, too.

That cunt obviously doesn't know what it's like to be so traumatized by something and would dare use her "Christianity" to judge a hurt and victimized woman.

So yeah, I hope that she can have a "special blessing" in her life so that she can walk in the shoes of the women she's so harshly judged.

All in the name of Jesus.

November 12, 2012 4:11 PM

Her comment bothered you that much? Take it to the bucket, to HER! Wishing that shit on ANYONE is definitely assholian!

35 Anonymous said... 35

Or, when Skybarf tries to tell Jews about their religion.

Pretty damn rich.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Oh this is going to be great.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Busypea will chime in any second to talk about the no doubt expensive, elite natural peanut butter she buys. And mention why normal-people peanut butter just isn't good enough.

38 Anonymous said... 38

We only eat peanut butter that is made from peanuts grown by nomads in the Himalayas. It is less oily and tastes more elite than he peanut butter commonly sold in the united states to commoners.

39 Anonymous said... 39

And it costs $25 for a small jar.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Who the fuck is homespunhurricane?

41 Anonymous said... 41

A frothing nutjob who couldn't even spell her pea name correctly.

42 Anonymous said... 42

After decades of losing and gaining weight, I finally had surgery. I DID lack the discipline to lose weight without help. I couldn't/wouldn't stop eating, so now if I eat too much, I get sick. I work out 4 times a week and I'm feeling good.

I figured taking the easy way out was better than having a stroke, heartache or dying.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Oh, Jesus Christ (pun intended). Skybarf may finally be chewed up and spat out. Go, Jewish peas! Take her down!

44 Anonymous said... 44

42-Is that you, Squillen?

45 Anonymous said... 45

Nope, not Squillen.

46 Anonymous said... 46

I wonder if JustLazy's dd can relate to how JL feels about staying with her own parents?

47 Anonymous said... 47

I'm guessing the first, third, and fourth options.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Fuck! I hate Nightowlscrapper! She broad brushes everything, then whines about being painted with a broad brush. Fucking hypocrite!

49 Anonymous said... 49

Squillen must be spitting nails that somebody else's cookies look better (and probably taste better) and got more attention. Her "compliment" was almost an afterthought.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Squeals better step up her game after the Peas see what really beautiful cookies can look like. They aren't gonna wanna pay her 60 dollars for crap in a box anymore.

51 Anonymous said... 51

I would never buy or eat any of Squeal's food/cookies. She looks nasty.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Why do the people who pass for moderators at 2P delete the OP but leave the rest of the thread? Wouldn't it make more sense to ditch the whole thing so the troll doesn't get the attention?

Oh, wait...2P never makes sense. @@

53 Anonymous said... 53

41Anonymous said... 41 A frothing nutjob who couldn't even spell her pea name correctly.

November 12, 2012 6:41 PM

Caine is probably her last name.

54 Anonymous said... 54

1) people who read crap on the internet and take it as fact.
2) My oldest sister. Everything about her pisses me off. She's lazy, she's a liar and a cheat. She's one of these bombastic homophobic, ultra-racist who never hesitates to say incredibly offensive things in public. She also treats service people like shit. My most fervent wish is that someone will kick her ass. SOON. I cannot understand how it's possible we share the same DNA. She was once acting so crazy in public that I turned to the person she was yelling and and said,"Please excuse her, she forgot to take her medication."
3) My grandmother's not based on science 'facts.' Although I can sort of excuse her because she's 97, but still.
4) Rude people.
5) Entitled kids and their entitled parents.
6) My co-worker Jennifer. She is two offices down from me and I can hear her ANNOYING LAUGHTER ALL DAY LONG. I hate her.
7) Another attorney I call "very learned." She's not "very learned," at all, but she says she is.
8) The male Judges. We call them the "pink panty brigade." They are assholes and they are wrong about points of law about 99.9999 percent of the time. We call them the "pink panty brigage" because they'd rather wear pink panties than admit they are incorrect.


Yeah it's on a vent thread but man does she come off as bitter.

Maybe holding on to your virginity isn't such a good thing.

55 Anonymous said... 55

7) Another attorney I call "very learned." She's not "very learned," at all, but she says she is.

Hahaha! Um, unless they faked their college and law degrees, they're pretty much more "learned" than her. Maybe the attorney is annoying or condescending, but to say they're not learned is a little green monster-ish.

56 Anonymous said... 56

8) The male Judges. We call them the "pink panty brigade." They are assholes and they are wrong about points of law about 99.9999 percent of the time.

The Judges are wrong 99.9999 percent of the time? Really? Come on now. I can see how Judges could rub the "workers" the wrong way, but what a bitter betty she is.

57 Anonymous said... 57

6) My co-worker Jennifer. She is two offices down from me and I can hear her ANNOYING LAUGHTER ALL DAY LONG. I hate her.


This is my favorite, God forbid someone be happy and enjoy life.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Peabay does cookies too, and they're 1000 times prettier than Squeal's. Except she doesn't go around shilling them online or posting pictures of them often. So people just assume Squeal's cookies are so fancy-schmancy. Sometimes I wish other Peas like Peabay and this other chick would start posting more pictures of theirs so Squeal's boxes would look as sad and stupidly expensive as they are.

59 Anonymous said... 59

Fuck Peabay's cookies!

Her cookies aren't shit.

Brandy's, now those are something to see.

60 Anonymous said... 60

41Anonymous said... 41 A frothing nutjob who couldn't even spell her pea name correctly.

November 12, 2012 6:41 PM

Caine is probably her last name.


umm... as far as pea names go, I do believe they are USER names, so I would think that a USER can spell their own name any damn way they please. Don't be so lame, find a real issue then come here and trash all you like.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Who knew the Peas were all stay at home political experts. The CIA should hire them.

62 Anonymous said... 62

60Anonymous said... 60 41Anonymous said... 41 A frothing nutjob who couldn't even spell her pea name correctly.

November 12, 2012 6:41 PM

Caine is probably her last name.


umm... as far as pea names go, I do believe they are USER names, so I would think that a USER can spell their own name any damn way they please. Don't be so lame, find a real issue then come here and trash all you like.

November 13, 2012 8:40 AM

Duh, you copied someone elses reply to calm the dumbass down. Don't get all hostile.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Don't be so lame, find a real issue then come here and trash all you like.

November 13, 2012 8:40 AM

The real issue is that she's a hateful, homophobic cunt!

64 Anonymous said... 64

yeah, what she said!

65 Anonymous said... 65

63Anonymous said... 63 Don't be so lame, find a real issue then come here and trash all you like.

November 13, 2012 8:40 AM

The real issue is that she's a hateful, homophobic cunt!

November 13, 2012 10:56 AM

Hurricaine is? Oh, okay.

66 Anonymous said... 66

It was an accident. Buy a new TV and move on.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Busypea is at it again. [eyeroll]

68 Anonymous said... 68

Skybars Rabbi Thread.

I just need to say that right now I *heart* Batya, and am totally enjoying the fact that Batya's non-confrontational, fact filled posts have apparently chased Skybar away.

It is usually so hard to be rational when dealing with a non-rational, bat-shit crazy like Skybar, but in this case, Batya has handed Skybar her ass on a plate - and politely, too.

Kudos to Batya.

69 Anonymous said... 69

I can't believe people haven't put her on ignore yet and still argue with her! lol I can't believe people argue with children either. It kind of makes Batya look special as well.

70 Anonymous said... 70

68 if you think Batya is go awesome why don't you go tell her on the pod, personally I don't think she's said anything that is more special then any of the other Jewish peas have said.

71 Anonymous said... 71

have apparently chased Skybar away.
Looks like you spoke too soon, 68. Skybarf never gives up. And yeah, there are plenty of Jewish peas who have (attempted in vain to) set Skybarf straight.

I have to agree with 69. We all know Skybarf/lynlam/desert pea/you name is is nucking futs. Attempting to reason with them just makes you (general you) look silly.

72 Anonymous said... 72

That's why I gave up posting over there. They're too far gone.

73 Anonymous said... 73

Why do you think some of the peas try so hard to be popular at the pod? Kelpea comes to mind.

74 Anonymous said... 74

HAHA....Alwaysa4h thinks the Toronto Blue Jays will HIRE HER??? Are ya kidding me???? She has this sick obsession with baseball players....

75 Anonymous said... 75

Whoever marcal is, you are a picking on a nice pea, yes the poor girl doesn't stand a chance of getting that job but she's no squillen so how about laying off.

76 Anonymous said... 76

I don't get being mean just to be mean, I enjoy a good pea slam as much as the next blog bitch but I prefer my slams to go to someone who truly deserves them. Some narcissistic bitch who thinks God should continue the drought so she can get new carpet or a Christian that doesn't see anything wrong with keeping someone's heirloom dining table.

77 Anonymous said... 77

I haven't looked at the pod much today, has anyone updated the Elmo thread or even acknowledge that the accuser retracted his allegations today?

78 Anonymous said... 78

Hey 76 don't forget about mom's who basically have changed their child's name to "special guy".

79 Anonymous said... 79

Agreed #75 BUT someone needed to be honest with her. She needs to be more realistic and the pod people just keep feeding her crap.

80 Anonymous said... 80

Link to Cecilia's thread?

Cecilia may be unrealistic, but I wouldn't want to be the person who shot her down. As my grandmother says, sometimes it's better to be nice than to be truthful.

81 Anonymous said... 81

^^^Never mind, I found the thread.

82 Anonymous said... 82

79 Anonymous said... 79

Agreed #75 BUT someone needed to be honest with her. She needs to be more realistic and the pod people just keep feeding her crap.


When you're as big as she is you know it, I don't see how pointing it out is anything but hurtful. It's people like me who need to drop 20 pounds that are delusional about ourselves.

marcal could've just left it out they'd hire a Canadian first, didn't need to get a "look in the mirror" on her.

83 Anonymous said... 83

79Anonymous said... 79 Agreed #75 BUT someone needed to be honest with her. She needs to be more realistic and the pod people just keep feeding her crap.

November 13, 2012 3:27 PM

Feeding her crap isn't helpful either. They just want her to keep posting pics so they feel better about the way they look!

84 Anonymous said... 84

I hate it when PinKKKy Zebra shows up on a thread. Her brand of racism makes me really, really uncomfortable. Like Jasper, Texas uncomfortable.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Peas that don't give gift receipts also bitch about getting crappy gifts that they can't return.

86 Anonymous said... 86

I agree with #76, Cecelia is pretty harmless, is nice and flies under the radar. Pretty shitty to say that to her in a thread. Do you think she doesn't know she's fat.

87 Anonymous said... 87

What's with all the threads that are *fluff* in the title?

88 Anonymous said... 88

#86 She lives in a fairytale world....please....she thinks those ball players this summer had the hots for her....she needs to be realistic. The Blue Jays are not going to hire a morbidly obese person to intern for them....she might be a nice person but honestly, she's in LaLa land....someone had to be honest.

89 Anonymous said... 89

I don't know who's nuttier: the people in this thread who believe a "reality" TV medium, or MizCindy.

90 Anonymous said... 90

How the fuck do you figure she thinks that about those ball players? She never implied it ever. Maybe she just likes baseball.

Haters gonna hate.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Dang, Marcal, bitchy much?

92 Anonymous said... 92

85, that's because they're passing off used crap or dollar store gifts.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Sweet, someone played the "psychics are messing with demons" card on the Long Island Medium thread. Maybe it's the God Warrior.

94 Anonymous said... 94

Seceding BS=Tea baggers having tantrums

95 Anonymous said... 95

All of the peas that believe in the Long Island Medium are stupid, MizCindy is just crazy.

96 Anonymous said... 96

It must be tiring to always be in tip top handslap form.

97 Anonymous said... 97

I can't believe she even has to ask that question. What a moran, yes dumbass take the poor kid to the doctor. Sounds like she just doesn't want to be bothered by bring all those little kids with.

98 Anonymous said... 98

WTF is 'AF'? I know what they are talking about (duh!) (and would DIE if my mom talked about it!) but don't know what 'AF' stands for!

99 Anonymous said... 99

Auntie Flo.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Oh, for fucks sake. Never thought of that! That's as old as the hills! Thanks!

101 Anonymous said... 101

Thanks for asking 98! I thought it was about Abercrombie & Fitch when I read the title.

102 Anonymous said... 102

"I thought it was about Abercrombie & Fitch when I read the title. "

I LOL'd at that

103 Anonymous said... 103

When Lowrent seeks attention.

104 Anonymous said... 104

From 96's thread.

"I would not post to the thread and I would turn the post over to the police."

Seriously? They are talking about a zombie apocalypse. Get your head out of your ass and lighten up.

105 Anonymous said... 105

Lauren is nuts. Stop the insanity, indeed. She might try turning off Fox "News" and try getting her political news from BBC or CBC for a week. She'll feel really stupid.

106 Anonymous said... 106

Marcal is a fucking coward hiding behind a troll account. At least when I post something negative, I use my real id.

Marcal, you are a fucking cunt in the biggest way, enjoy your new title!

107 Anonymous said... 107

I know I'm dealing with an idiot when the words "liberal media" are mentioned. Liberal media = not Faux News.

108 Anonymous said... 108

Dumb ass of course the nurse wasn't going to strip your kid and wash her butt. Can you imagine the law suit just waiting to happen over "OMG the school nurse made my snow flake take off her undies".

109 Anonymous said... 109

I know I'm dealing with an idiot when the words "liberal media" are mentioned. Liberal media = not Faux News.

They still haven't learned their lesson from watching Faux bubble news. lol

110 Anonymous said... 110

I noticed earlier in the week that lespea was back and now I see why...she has a "please vote for me" thread going.

111 Anonymous said... 111

Zella says wool makes her itch but thinks sheep skin slippers will work. Let me know how that works out for you, you freaking hypochondriac.

Or maybe she just doesn't know where wool comes from.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Yup - noticed that as well 110. didn't surprise me at all when I saw that thread of hers...they all leave, come back for votes and take in the idiot peas who have spennt time saying how glad they are to see them back. time and time over.

113 Anonymous said... 113

110Anonymous said... 110

I noticed earlier in the week that lespea was back and now I see why...she has a "please vote for me" thread going.

November 14, 2012 10:57 AM

Go vote for the other ones then.

114 Anonymous said... 114

We do, 113, ALWAYS!;)

115 Anonymous said... 115

irishwed may as well just link her 'please vote for me' now! LOL

116 Anonymous said... 116

why is she looking for a studio apartment? doesn't she need at least 8 BR for all those kids?

117 Anonymous said... 117


118 Anonymous said... 118

116 Anonymous said... 116

why is she looking for a studio apartment? doesn't she need at least 8 BR for all those kids?


Earlier this month on a vent thread she had a doozy about marriage troubles and dd troubles. She was talked about her and the post was deleted.

I'm guessing all is not well in the house of uber geniuses.

119 Anonymous said... 119

*here, not her

120 Anonymous said... 120

117 Anonymous said... 117



I know, like she really needs to just back into a relationship. Wonder how long until she's knocked up trying to keep this one.

121 Anonymous said... 121

why is she looking for a studio apartment? doesn't she need at least 8 BR for all those kids?

She's been hinting a while at marital problems but I'm surprised she's leaving her kids.

122 Anonymous said... 122

114Anonymous said... 114 We do, 113, ALWAYS!;)

November 14, 2012 11:48 AM

Oh yay, the "we" mentality is back. I KNOW MOST people do go vote for the others. Keep your "WE" shit out of it.

No one needs your approval btw.

123 Anonymous said... 123

122 Anonymous said... 122

114Anonymous said... 114 We do, 113, ALWAYS!;)

November 14, 2012 11:48 AM

Oh yay, the "we" mentality is back. I KNOW MOST people do go vote for the others. Keep your "WE" shit out of it.

No one needs your approval btw.


What's the matter 122 did your dh finish first last night and leave you frustrated?

124 Anonymous said... 124

When Republicans hear things that align with their own ideology, it's the truth. When they hear things they disagree with, regardless of the validity of the argument, they flatly discount it. This makes them really, really narrow minded and downright stupid. If you need evidence, the results of the election last week should enlighten you.

125 Anonymous said... 125

The mother of 5 kids (or is it 6?) is looking for a 1-bedroom apt and no one thinks to ask what's up?

126 Anonymous said... 126

So true! Especially the "cult of homely housewives" one.

127 Anonymous said... 127

123Anonymous said... 123 122 Anonymous said... 122

114Anonymous said... 114 We do, 113, ALWAYS!;)

November 14, 2012 11:48 AM

Oh yay, the "we" mentality is back. I KNOW MOST people do go vote for the others. Keep your "WE" shit out of it.

No one needs your approval btw.


What's the matter 122 did your dh finish first last night and leave you frustrated?

November 14, 2012 12:32 PM

Is that all you got? Lame!

128 Anonymous said... 128

Bullshit. You're not stuck in anything, you're a troll that is trying to find stories to use on other forums.

129 Anonymous said... 129

123Anonymous said... 123 122 Anonymous said... 122

114Anonymous said... 114 We do, 113, ALWAYS!;)

November 14, 2012 11:48 AM

Oh yay, the "we" mentality is back. I KNOW MOST people do go vote for the others. Keep your "WE" shit out of it.

No one needs your approval btw.


What's the matter 122 did your dh finish first last night and leave you frustrated?

November 14, 2012 12:32 PM

Did you run out of batteries Staph?

130 Anonymous said... 130

How many sets of fiestaware does one person need?????

131 Anonymous said... 131

I'm guessing all is not well in the house of uber geniuses.

The mother of 5 kids (or is it 6?) is looking for a 1-bedroom apt and no one thinks to ask what's up?

She's been hinting a while at marital problems but I'm surprised she's leaving her kids.
You all know I read and post here. So how about some fodder for the blog. It's bad. Very bad. Think about how bad things would have to be for you to be okay with never seeing your kids. It's that bad. Have a good cackle over that. I'm well past the point of caring. I only asked for info on the pod because I have zero. I mean zero people to turn to IRL.

132 Anonymous said... 132

I was surprised that child of grace didn't start that thread, 130. She must be at Kohl's trying to decide on colors.

133 Anonymous said... 133

((HUGS)) to you 131. I'm so sorry for whatever is going on in your life that you have come to the decision you have. I hope and pray you find an apartment and that you are still able to see your children.

134 Anonymous said... 134

133- thank you. I know the blog bitches have had a good laugh at me and my kids but it's nice to know you all are not totally heartless.

135 Anonymous said... 135

I think most of us are here to comment on stupidity, not to gloat at someone's misfortune. Ignore the others. I hope everything turns out well for you, 134.

136 Anonymous said... 136

131Anonymous said... 131 I'm guessing all is not well in the house of uber geniuses.

The mother of 5 kids (or is it 6?) is looking for a 1-bedroom apt and no one thinks to ask what's up?

She's been hinting a while at marital problems but I'm surprised she's leaving her kids.
You all know I read and post here. So how about some fodder for the blog. It's bad. Very bad. Think about how bad things would have to be for you to be okay with never seeing your kids. It's that bad. Have a good cackle over that. I'm well past the point of caring. I only asked for info on the pod because I have zero. I mean zero people to turn to IRL.

November 14, 2012 1:48 PM

I didn't cackle over it. I did go read the thread after it was brought up here. I wish I could help you, I truly would never wish what you're going through on anyone (even the bitch that did bring it up here).

I hope you are able to get out of the situation and able to have your children one day soon!!

Good luck with your apartment and may you find peace! ((Hugs)) (from a bitch) :)

Fuck off!!! (To the other bitch ragging on you)!

137 Anonymous said... 137

You all know I read and post here. So how about some fodder for the blog. It's bad. Very bad. Think about how bad things would have to be for you to be okay with never seeing your kids. It's that bad. Have a good cackle over that. I'm well past the point of caring. I only asked for info on the pod because I have zero. I mean zero people to turn to IRL.

I'm not laughing. I hope things get better for you.

138 Anonymous said... 138

Desertpea is a Jew? eeeeewwwwwwwwww! Broke down trailer living frothy bagger Jew? I thought Lauren was the only one. lol

139 Anonymous said... 139

I see this place as a place to bitch about someone from the bucket if they've lied or ripped people off but not as a way to bash them for things they sometimes can not control.


140 Anonymous said... 140

Waiting for some anonymous hard-ass(read as fake) bitch to tell us she doesn't come here for the mushy shit. Well suck it! lol

141 Anonymous said... 141

Desertpea and Lauren are one and the same. I've been saying that for months.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Desertpea is flipping out on that 50 states thread.

143 Anonymous said... 143

Oh horseshit. Using essential oils didn't get someone out of a wheelchair.

If she hadn't said she was a skeptic, I'd be asking how anybody could be so naive.

144 Anonymous said... 144

Wow...anabella actually has some really great advise in this thread! No comment on the op, though.

145 Anonymous said... 145

Sorry for your troubles MOJ. I hope things work out in the end for you. There was a time when you where all high and mighty about how brilliant your kids are and how parents without gifted children just couldn't understand.

You have to see how that could rub some people the wrong way.

I still don't get a mom leaving her kids but whatever.

146 Anonymous said... 146

FWIW motherofjackels I'd stay away from here if I were you. Sounds like you need some positivity in your life and you won't find it here.

147 Anonymous said... 147



christ on a crispy cracker...get it right.

148 Anonymous said... 148

145-gotta agree with you. MOJ can be an uber bitch. How the mighty do fall.

I don't understand what could be so fucking bad that you honestly entertain the idea of leaving your kids behind.

149 Anonymous said... 149

131 Anonymous said...

You all know I read and post here. So how about some fodder for the blog. It's bad. Very bad. Think about how bad things would have to be for you to be okay with never seeing your kids. It's that bad. Have a good cackle over that. I'm well past the point of caring. I only asked for info on the pod because I have zero. I mean zero people to turn to IRL.


I don't get it, how can you have no one to turn to irl? No parents? Siblings? Friends?

And honestly I can't think of anything so bad I wouldn't be able to see my kids.

150 Anonymous said... 150

147Anonymous said... 147 144-ADVICE


christ on a crispy cracker...get it right.

November 14, 2012 4:00 PM

So many people get it wrong at the bucket, I seriously thought it was some joke I missed or 10 page thread about someone who hates when it's not spelled right.

151 Anonymous said... 151

149 here, sorry I also wanted to wish you well and hope things aren't as bad as you seem to think they are.

I'd pray for you but I don't do that.

152 Anonymous said... 152

147 Anonymous said... 147



christ on a crispy cracker...get it right.


I don't understand getting that upset by grammar/spelling mistakes on an anonymous smack blog.

ps it's Christ, not christ if you're going to nit pick make sure you're prefect first.

153 Anonymous said... 153

152-christ christ christ

take your own ADVICE and shove it

154 Anonymous said... 154

153 Anonymous said... 153

152-christ christ christ

take your own ADVICE and shove it

Wow there are some angry bitches here.

155 Anonymous said... 155


156 Anonymous said... 156

Sorry about the spelling error. I admit, I'm not a perfect pea, and sometimes I make typo's. So...did anyone read Anabella's advice? She actually makes some good points!

157 Anonymous said... 157

It's PERFECT, not "prefect".

158 Anonymous said... 158

Misspellings are not typos.
Oh, and it's typos, not "typo's".

159 Anonymous said... 159

Misspellings are typos when my fingers and my brain don't work at the same speed. I know how the words are spelled, and if I was writing them out they would be spelled correctly. Good thing my job does not involve regularly typing documents or letters.

160 Anonymous said... 160

I'm just putting everyone here on notice that spelling nazi is back and mad as hell.

161 Anonymous said... 161

Annabella surprises me sometimes by popping out some thoughtful and intelligent posts...

...then she'll go ahead and say something incredibly stupid or shallow and the world makes sense again.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Sorry for your troubles MOJ. I hope things work out in the end for you. There was a time when you where all high and mighty about how brilliant your kids are and how parents without gifted children just couldn't understand.

You have to see how that could rub some people the wrong way.
I'm sure I come off like that but until you have had a teacher tell you that your child will basically spend the school year as a tutor for kids learning English because he scored good enough on the testing at the beginning of the year that they were not worried about making bench marks you really don't know what it is like. This happened to my oldest child for 2 years before our state shut down ESL classes and I found him another school. His job everyday was helping other kids with their school work. That is utter and complete bullshit. I do come off as a bitch about it because my kids got the shit-end of things many times because they meet a minimum standard so the teachers stopped doing anything with them. Truth be fucking told my kids aren't gifted they simply are good enough for my shit-hole school district and their bench mark tests. Kid can count to 100...stop teaching. Kid can tie his shoes...job done for the year. Kid can open a book...passes 4th grade.

I don't get it, how can you have no one to turn to irl? No parents? Siblings? Friends?
I am an only child, both my parents are dealing with serious health issues. My father will likely die within the next few months. They are divorced. The friends I did have pretty much vanished when I left my church a few years ago. People I knew for 10-15yrs now look right through me when they see me at the store.

163 Anonymous said... 163


164 Anonymous said... 164

I can't think of anything so bad I wouldn't be able to see my kids
It's is a matter of how things are working out. I was a SAHM for 15 years and even though I went back to school and got a degree my income is nowhere close to what DH makes. I will be barely by the skin of my teeth in a rat hole apartment be supporting myself. I have no money for lawyer and DH has a lot of back up as far and family, coworkers and friends. I don't want an ugly drawn out divorce like my parents had so I am simply going to walk away and be okay with seeing my kids minimally because I will likely also need a second job at least until my student loans are paid off.

165 Anonymous said... 165

I'm sorry for what you're going through, MOJ. I hope you can get past this hardship quickly and that you are able to have your children live with you soon.

I'm not sure what church you left, but you might want to consider looking for a support group for people who have done the same thing, whether online or in person. You need all the support you can get right now.

Take care of yourself.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Sounds like she is describing squillen...wasn't there a debate about turning squillen in? Since she was promoting on-line sales from a home bakery??

167 Anonymous said... 167

MOJ, screw the bitches. I like you and I wish you well. I hope you can get your life together and get your kids back soon.

168 Anonymous said... 168

((HUGS)) MOJ...but I have to your almostXH really that much of an ass that he will not help you out? Will you get spousal support and/or child support? I can't imagine you being a SAHM for that long, and then he just kicks you out. I'm truly sorry for the situation you are in. ((HUGS)) (and by helping you out, I don't mean supporting you forever, but just enough so you can get your own place with room for the kids?)

169 Anonymous said... 169

164, your DH should pay for your school loans. In most states, he would have to pay you alimony since your job was to take care of the kids and he would pay for two years of schooling so you can get a job and take care of yourself.

You really need to get a lawyer and they will usually ask the judge for the husband to pay their fees.

170 Anonymous said... 170


171 Anonymous said... 171

I gagged at the 'recipe' in this thread...spread mayo like you are frosting a cake??? EWWWW!!!

172 Anonymous said... 172

164, sorry but that is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard. You do that and you may end up more screwed than you think. Get a lawyer woman; stand up for yourself and your kids for Pete's sake.

173 Anonymous said... 173

what do you expect? The recipes usually are nasty.

174 Anonymous said... 174


175 Anonymous said... 175

I've actually had that salad, my mom made it when we were kids. It wasn't bad. The mayo disperses when you get your portion.

176 Anonymous said... 176

Annabella surprises me sometimes by popping out some thoughtful and intelligent posts...

...then she'll go ahead and say something incredibly stupid or shallow and the world makes sense again.

I sometimes wonder if her pea account is being hacked by one of her more intelligent, politically-savvy friends, trying to save face for her.

177 Anonymous said... 177

Anything intelligent from Annafreebella is probably something she's heard at work.

178 Anonymous said... 178 quit being fucking lazy and post something interesting then!

179 Anonymous said... 179

twopeas is down. I hope they are not making any more shitty changes

180 Anonymous said... 180

8) The male Judges. We call them the "pink panty brigade." They are assholes and they are wrong about points of law about 99.9999 percent of the time.

The Judges are wrong 99.9999 percent of the time? Really? Come on now. I can see how Judges could rub the "workers" the wrong way, but what a bitter betty she is.

It's only the male judges huh? riiiight.
I think she just needs to give it up and come out of the closet. she'd be much less bitter.

181 Anonymous said... 181

Oh horseshit. Using essential oils didn't get someone out of a wheelchair.

Sure it does. If they were in the chair due to acute hypochondria.

182 Anonymous said... 182

HA! Good one, 181.

Mary Mary should order some, then. I'm starting to think she's got a bad case of Gullibility.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Well she does buy into the whole have as many kids as possible and rule your own planet thing the Mormon's preach so yeah I'm guessing rational deduction doesn't come easy to her.

184 Anonymous said... 184

MOJ I understand what you're saying. I'd be screwed if DH and I divorced now too. Even though I have a college degree from a really great school and worked after college for 10 years, I then was a SAHM and that really messes things up. I have been looking for a job for over a year now and except for being a UPS package handler for $8 an hour, I have gotten no other offers. It makes me sick to think I'm still paying college loans on my "great" education but can barely cover the bills each month and haven't bought new clothes in about 6 years. If I needed to support my kids, I'd probably end up in a shelter.

People are going to make comments to you and judge you, because they probably haven't been in a situation where money issues are such a big part of life. It's a whole different way of living and some people will never get it.

Honestly I get what you're saying. I'm guessing the shelters might not be able to take in you and 6 kids. And you're probably thinking they'd be better off with their Dad than in a shelter anyway (hopefully he is not abusive and is a good Dad?).

But I do think you should call around - find a phone book or look online - there are lawyers that can help you without you needing to pay. Maybe it won't be the best lawyer ever, but at least you could get a couple legal documents in place just in case you will need them later. I know you probably trust your DH right now but you never know what will happen down the road if he gets remarried or if he gets frustrated trying to raise all the kids on his own, or whatever. He may strike out at you in the future and if you have nothing legally in place, you can be in big trouble. Don't just call lawyers - call the hospital, call the shelters, call the infants/children program - someone at one of those offices will be able to point you in the right direction. I know I'm not in your area or I could help you.

Good luck. I hope you have not been abused at least. Not that any divorce is easy, but I just mean I hope you're not in fear for your life or anything like that.

185 Anonymous said... 185

Haha, Lowrent has two threads on the first page that have ZERO responses!

186 Anonymous said... 186

The USPS has big problems, but the solution isn't turning it over to a private entity. What would happen if somebody like Rmoney controlled the USPS?

And something doesn't have to make money to be beneficial. Fire departments don't, and only an idiot would think it's a good idea to get rid of them.

187 Anonymous said... 187

From KeriWest: Our small business will no longer pay for it's employee premiums

Um...yeah, sure. Your "small" business, my ass.
How small can a business be when it pays for that god awful McMansion and the whore house furnishings that go with it? Not to mention your Hummer, Porsche and numerous plastic surgeries?

Stop being such a consumer pig and maybe your oil company can continue to take care of its employees. She makes me ill.

188 Anonymous said... 188

The USPS isn't supposed to be profitable, though. It isn't a private company.

My ex's father and step-mother both worked for the USPS in the "corporate" side. They were not hurting for money at all and they will not be hurting for money when they retire.

189 Anonymous said... 189

187Anonymous said... 187

From KeriWest: Our small business will no longer pay for it's employee premiums

Um...yeah, sure. Your "small" business, my ass.
How small can a business be when it pays for that god awful McMansion and the whore house furnishings that go with it? Not to mention your Hummer, Porsche and numerous plastic surgeries?

Stop being such a consumer pig and maybe your oil company can continue to take care of its employees. She makes me ill.

November 15, 2012 10:23 AM

LOL She does NOT own an oil company her husband works for one. He's a peon.

Her Daddy's construction company paid for her mcmansion.

The rest is DEBT DEBT DEBT

190 Anonymous said... 190

My cousin bought about 20 acres in Texas and they struck oil! They are building their McMansion for nearly nothing.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Hi Ellie Mae!

192 Anonymous said... 192

Brandy takes a break, and this is the crap she posts when she gets back?? She doesn't get it does she??

PS - Yubon, you seriously need to get laid ASAP!

193 Anonymous said... 193

maybe someone could start a paypal account for yubon so she can pay for a 'escort' to take care of her needs...or maybe to pay for some toys from Steph and a few extra batteries...

194 Anonymous said... 194

According to yubon she's made a killing day trading, she can buy her own escort and toys.

195 Anonymous said... 195

192Anonymous said... 192

Brandy takes a break, and this is the crap she posts when she gets back?? She doesn't get it does she??

PS - Yubon, you seriously need to get laid ASAP!

November 15, 2012 1:08 PM

I loved kiki's response to Flubs!

196 Anonymous said... 196

Someone needs to ask Lauren why her DS won't be at the Thanksgiving is his daughter that L is bringing, after all!

197 Anonymous said... 197

And just a few post down kikinicole handslaps:

If the baby wasn't bothering anyone, who cares. He's running in the hallways? So?

Do *you* run willy, nilly through the lobby of a movie theater? If not, why should your child.

And that's a perfect reason why he shouldn't be there. Because the theater is intended for people who can sit in their seats and pay attention...not for kids to run wild. That's what a park is for.

198 Anonymous said... 198

I think kikin has a compulsion to hand slap, she can't stop herself, that and making sure every post has at least 2 **'s in there somewhere.

199 Anonymous said... 199

You know all the peas are going to say, "Yes I'd pay for whatever my child broke, but I'd never ask anyone else to pay if their child broke something."

And on the other apple cider spilled in the suv thread, what kind of a dummy pays 500 dollars to clean that mess up and how could it take that long for her to notice? I wouldn't pay half of that bill.

200 Anonymous said... 200

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