Monday, November 5, 2012

Space 11/5/12

Happy Monday!

Remember tO vOte tOmOrrOw guys!  ;)



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1 Anonymous said... 1

I was a tad bit disappointed in mizindependent. I never took her for a racist, and it's sad to see her play flimflam's disingenuous game of semantics and code-speak.


Ever since she outed herself as a Freeper, nothing about her surprises me. She's as bad as Lynloon, just not as screamy.

2 Anonymous said... 2

Kendra isn't going to bother voting.

3 Anonymous said... 3

I guess no one is riding Penisring like a rented mule because it's after 10am and she's done one thing:

* Cleaned off the counters and cabinet doors next to the sink

4 Anonymous said... 4

Remember tO vOte tOmOrrOw guys! ;)
Is that a reference tO yOur candidate Of chOice, Jane? :)

5 Anonymous said... 5

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." --John Wayne

6 Anonymous said... 6

I'm with Kendra. ;p I will never, ever, EVER vote for any man who plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. Nor will I vote for a liar who hasn't done jack shit for 4 years. I refuse to be forced to pick between 2 assholes. This country is so screwed.

7 Anonymous said... 7

For the fucking life of me, I can't figure out WHAT it would take to actually be considered a racist at Two Peas. People like Lynlam say the most inflammatory things in reference to class and race and still manage to get people like MizIndependent and others to say
"Wha? Racist? Wha? Nuh uh!"
Fuck. That place is such a giant black hole of skewed reality. It's bizarre.


Completely, 100% agree.

That's why I've mostly stopped going to 2Peas. The racism, conspiracy theories and general batshittery is weird, disgusting and depressing. Thank GOD I rarely have to deal with those types IRL.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Let's take a baff. A bubbly bubbly baff.

9 Anonymous said... 9

6- I do hope you understand the difference between how government is supposed to work, and how it does (ie follow the $$). But even if you are discouraged on the Federal level, your local people and issues need your vote, too!


10 Anonymous said... 10

This one needs some tin foil, stat. She's as nutty as Skybarf.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Obama for 4 more years!!!

And we're also electing a Senator in Ohio as well so I'll be voting for the incumbent Dem there too(Brown).

Considering Obama inherited a huge ass mess from GWB, I think he's done a fairly decent job. He needs more than 1 term to clean up that mess. The economy is just starting to improve. If Rmoney wins, it's gonna go back in the shitter again. We'll be MORE screwed if Rmoney wins, I weep for our country.
Gays should be allowed to marry. If you don't like abortions, don't have one. Keep your bible out of my human RIGHTS!

12 Anonymous said... 12

Yeah right! You know that fat cunt is all over a Monte Christo!

13 Anonymous said... 13

L'Urine really shouldn't be eating a whole BLT. The fact that she CAN is really surprising. She will be gaining her weight back for sure!

14 Anonymous said... 14

OF COURSE busypea and myshelly talked about every single important thing before they got married. Of course they did.

15 Anonymous said... 15

This one needs some tin foil, stat. She's as nutty as Skybarf.


I predict a nasty case of botulism poisoning and a Honorable Mention at the Darwin Awards in her future.

16 Anonymous said... 16

Vote for Pedro!

17 Anonymous said... 17

Is her stepson a future psychopath or something? She won't "feel comfortable" in her own home AND her kids have to go back to sharing a room? Poor baby. That's the risk you take when you marry a man with children, bitch.

I feel sorry for her stepson, unless he really is a future psychopath. Which I doubt.

18 Anonymous said... 18


Well fuck, Shih Tzu Mommy, you don't already have a private island? I thought you were the richest broad on the board.

19 Anonymous said... 19

I guess Romney supporters are all calm law-abiding citizens and all Obama supporters are thugs. Based on Lynlam's predictions for rioting after the elections.

November 5, 2012 9:44 AM


Because, deep down in LynLoons lizard brainstem, she knows that if the radical conservative dominionists continue with their program of systematic disenfranchisement of minorities and the poor the shit IS going to hit the fan. Rightly so, IMHO.

20 Anonymous said... 20

OF COURSE busypea and myshelly talked about every single important thing before they got married. Of course they did.

Right?! Fuck them. IRL I doubt anyone I know did that. The Peas are such fucking goody two shoes. Little Miss Perfects. Oh except for their major flaw - they go around acting and talking like they are better than everyone else. Except to them that doesn't count as a flaw I guess.

21 Anonymous said... 21

I'd love to post about what DH and I talked the most Yep, we were (and still are) awesome in the sack together. We almost broke up, but decided the sex was way too good to end it. We have been married for 13 years, still have sex almost every day, rarely fight, and are extremely happy.

22 Anonymous said... 22

I'm in the minority on the stepson thing. I can see how it would be weird to suddenly have a 16 year old boy move in with you, stepson or not. I mean 16 year old boys...that's pretty old already, so it's not like they're going to want to follow your rules or respect you.

And yes it's weird when anyone is new to the home. I mean I love having people over but I can never truly relax unless it's just me, DH, and our kids. We all can be real with each other and not worry about what each other thinks.

I have a struggling nephew in his 20s and I've offered to have him live with us - I love him to death and would never NOT offer. But yes it would change things around here. Different way of doing dinner, cars, tv watching, computer sharing, hanging out - everything. Bathroom privacy. Heck I wouldn't even be able to rip off my stupid bra when I walked in the door. ;)

I get where that OP is coming from. You can love people but suddenly having an almost-adult move into your home IS going to change your whole way of living at home.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Oh please 21. Anyone who has to go around announcing that they're great in bed...probably isn't all that great in bed.

That's nice you and your DH are happy with your sex life but get over yourself. You're not in your early 20s anymore so I'm guessing your body isn't all that slamming either.

24 Anonymous said... 24

That's just it 23, I'm not announcing it to anyone, except the anonymous smack blog. I'm not like myshelly and busy pea where I have to remind everyone how perfect I am. I don't need to go around patting myself on the back for all the perfect choices I made. PS - I didn't say a word about my body or what it looks like. I'm confident, as the only two opinions that matter think it is awesome. I don't care what anyone else thinks. (although, my jeans size is in the single digits)

25 Anonymous said... 25

Also 23, the point was what DH and I discussed before marriage. That's pretty much what we talked about, sex.

26 Anonymous said... 26

holy hell mrs tyler is an insufferable twat.

27 Anonymous said... 27

We talked about sex and kids that's about it. I didn't need an expense report or a budget plan for his retirement. That is just too much.

28 Anonymous said... 28

holy hell mrs tyler is an insufferable twat
In other news, the sky is blue.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Wow...the whole point went right over #23s head. Must be a typical pea, only reading what you want and not the actual content of the post.

30 Anonymous said... 30

Don't you know she's bi-polar 23? Bi-polar women are freaks in bed.

31 Anonymous said... 31

BWhahahahahahah 29...nice try!

32 Anonymous said... 32

Oops, I meant nice try 30! Thanks for the laugh tonight!

33 Anonymous said... 33

High-five to Redboots!

34 Anonymous said... 34

Can I post a link to my online Scentsy party on 2Peas? I am going to donate all of my proceeds to our local branch of Toys for Tots. I realize I am not as popular as Cheri but mine is for a good cause too!
If anyone else did that they would be bitched at. And by the way, the consultant is only donating 10% of her commission? Hmm. There is some money in it for her than.

35 Anonymous said... 35

only if you are a tier one pea 34.

36 Anonymous said... 36

I don't think anyone should be shilling anything on NSBR but who is to be the person that says something to a mom who lost her only daughter?
No, it's not entirely fair but I'm not a big enough bitch to call out any women who's lost a child.

37 Anonymous said... 37

maybe squillen will join in and sell thanksgiving boxes of cookies and donate 10% of her profits to a good cause...then back out after everyone ordered the boxes of lard...I mean crappy cookies...

38 Anonymous said... 38

ITA with 36. I give Cherie a pass on a lot of stuff. Same for anybody who's lost a child.

I do wish the TOU were evenly enforced, but as we have seen, that's a lost cause.

39 Anonymous said... 39

The battery delivery and installation crew??? To change the battery in the remote??!?!? Is this for real?

40 Anonymous said... 40

High-five to Redboots!


It's only fun when Republicans make fun of Democrats, 33.

41 Anonymous said... 41

First KikiPEA is too lazy to post the link to her store, tells people to look at her siggy even though someone might have siggies turned off. How dumb is she? Pretty dumb considering her over priced crap she is selling!

42 Anonymous said... 42

I'll be honest...I avoid the political threads, and I have no idea what mrs tyler is politically.

43 Anonymous said... 43

squillen said there will be a riot on her facebook page if Romney wins, does this mean she's not voting for her fellow mormom?

44 Anonymous said... 44

holy hell mrs tyler is an insufferable twat.


That uptight bitch is soooooo jealous of those other peas....

45 Anonymous said... 45

A good mocking really gets their goat, doesn't it? LMAO

46 Anonymous said... 46

wonder how typhus is voting on the MN marriage issue?

47 Anonymous said... 47

For Pineapple Ass:

48 Anonymous said... 48

wonder how typhus is voting on the MN marriage issue?

November 5, 2012 7:15 PM


Pu-lease. Angry White Jesus smites fags. An abomination.


49 Anonymous said... 49

Unless she is kissing one of her girl friend's as a joke! Then it is ok!

50 Anonymous said... 50

Oh now Lurine doesn't think it's funny. I hope no one answers any of her posts. That would be epic.I love how they are just ignoring her.

51 Anonymous said... 51

Lowrent is ramping up...but nobody is listening.

Well done, Peas.

52 Anonymous said... 52

Kelpea, just post the link to the fucking article. Don't jumble shit up with those annoying characters.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Ha, 50 got there a minute before me.

That warning she got from STJ must have worn off.

54 Anonymous said... 54

Here's our secret weapon libtards:

We're sending the leftist back to Kenya!

55 Anonymous said... 55

LMAO! I saw that yesterday and thought it was a joke.

56 Anonymous said... 56

Pepea! Just walk away from Voldefart.

57 Anonymous said... 57

Anyone voting for someone other than Obama/Romney tomorrow? I live in Utah where Romney will win the popular vote, and the winner of the popular vote takes all the electoral college votes. I can vote for Rocky Anderson without feeling like I'm wasting my vote!

58 Anonymous said... 58

I LOVE that just about every pea on this thread is ignoring Lauren. She is purposely trying to incite a feeding frenzy but no one's buying it.


59 Anonymous said... 59


60 Anonymous said... 60

58 here....didn't see the previous posts that pointed out the new Ignore Lauren plan. Looks like its pretty much bucket wide. LOVE IT!!

61 Anonymous said... 61

Foo. Somebody who didn't get the memo will break down and engage the ugly bitch. And that's all she wants. Happens every time.

Although I do enjoy imagining her in her no doubt junk-filled living room. STEAMING MAD that nobody will answer her posts.

62 Anonymous said... 62

L'Urine is so fucking predictable.....that is there to respond to? SSDD. {yawn}

63 Anonymous said... 63

There's always some well-intentioned, overly patient person who tries to reason with Lowrent/Skybarf/Typhus/Lynloon/frother of your choice. That's usually when you see Typhus start posting after each and every response--she's gotta have the last word.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Lauren giving parenting advice? LMAO. Her two worthless crotchnuggets turned out SO well. /

65 Anonymous said... 65

4Anonymous said... 4 Remember tO vOte tOmOrrOw guys! ;)
Is that a reference tO yOur candidate Of chOice, Jane? :)

November 5, 2012 12:53 PM

ReMeMbeR to vote toMoRRow guys! ;)

66 Anonymous said... 66

Hey if nobody responds to Lauren, she'll just create two or three alters to froth with her and praise her for her post. Unbelievable. She's turned into 2peascybil.

67 Anonymous said... 67

^^oops, sybil.
Hey look, I'm talking to myself too! lol

68 Anonymous said... 68

holy hell mrs tyler is an insufferable twat
In other news, the sky is blue.


69 Anonymous said... 69

There's this little part of me that wants Oboma to win *just* so we can all see the following peas implode on The NSBR:

Mrs Tyler

(Feel free to add your own head-exploding, frothing repub favorites )

You have to admit, it would make for great entertainment!

70 Anonymous said... 70

^^look who's frothing^^ SMH @ the dumb liberal moonbat!

71 Anonymous said... 71

^^ Look who's frothing!

72 Anonymous said... 72

real mature 71, go on with your bad ass liberal self LMAO!

73 Anonymous said... 73

I'm just interested in how they're gonna twist themselves into knots trying to spin a loss.

You know, since their pollsters and pundits have *assured* them Romney will win with 325 EVs. Landslide!

74 Athena Noonan said... 74

It's in the bag, people! The yardsigns!! THE YARDSIGNS!!!!!!!!

75 Anonymous said... 75

I feel bad for her but watching porn isn't cheating.

76 Anonymous said... 76

I agree 75 but there are lot's of women that feel differently, I think it's mainly because the don't masturbate. Pretty sure if they did they'd be thinking of someone other then their dh all the time.

Plus wasn't there some pea who would turn magazines at the check out counter around so her dh wouldn't see them and feel a stirring in his loins?

I forget her name but she was from Canada, was against welfare but used our system while her dh got a degree from so bible university.

She named her dd something with anal in it.

77 Anonymous said... 77

Georgiapea, you are a fucking dumbass:

Oh, my goodness, I can't imagine not discussing something this important with DH. We reach a consesus so we know our votes will count. Usually, it's the one who feels most strongly about an issue or person and the other of us falls in line. We personally feel it's important to present a united front.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Another dumbass, janetr:

I ask him who to vote for and he tells me.

79 Anonymous said... 79

77 Georgiapea has always been an idiot. She's voting for Obama but is a republican. Yep, she's an idiot.

80 Anonymous said... 80

76 that would be courtneylynn (see "Epic posts and hairflips above, she's #2). I don't know about her kids' names though. WTH..

81 Anonymous said... 81

When I saw this, I immediately thought of the winger peas who think Oregon will go Romney. Guess they did know more than they let on.

82 Anonymous said... 82

Scrapbrooke says:
quite honestly, I dont know if we would have a very happy marriage if we voted differently.

Um, it's easy...We have our own brains and can get along with and love and be partners with someone who doesn't think exactly the same way as us. We're not all close-minded sheep whose entire group of friends, family, churches or wards or whatever they're called feel the same about every issue in life.

83 Anonymous said... 83

No fan of PossumPea, but I sorta go along with her. I helps that DH and I are pretty well aligned politically. So we always vote our party for president, but down ticket local races we discuss and for the most part come to a consensus.

84 Anonymous said... 84

I would not and could not marry, live with, or fuck a man who was anti-choice, homophobic, etc.

85 Anonymous said... 85

I would not and could not marry, live with, or fuck a man who was anti-choice, homophobic, etc.

Ditto! Good thing my man and I are Dems :D

86 Anonymous said... 86

81Anonymous said... 81

When I saw this, I immediately thought of the winger peas who think Oregon will go Romney. Guess they did know more than they let on.

November 6, 2012 8:56 AM

bad apple

87 Anonymous said... 87


88 Anonymous said... 88

My girlfriend votes the way her husband tells her to, hell, she even gives him her mail-in ballot to fill out. She says it is because he is more politically savvy. I keep my mouth shut while thinking she is an idiot.

89 Anonymous said... 89

88 I wouldn't say a thing if I saw that happen. Umm..depending on which candidate they were voting for. LMAO!

90 Anonymous said... 90

80 Anonymous said... 80

76 that would be courtneylynn (see "Epic posts and hairflips above, she's #2). I don't know about her kids' names though. WTH..


Thanks 80 that's who I was thinking about her dd's name was like Analessa or something, I can't remember. I looked at courtneylynn's gallery. I see she's one of those long straight hair jean skirt wearing Christians. I have never understood why women still have to wear dress or skirts but men could wear jeans. Back in Jesus's day everyone wore a robe type garment.

91 Anonymous said... 91

Jesus Christ - this is an election, not kindergarten!

92 Anonymous said... 92

I think my eyes might roll right out of my head. Give me a fucking break.

93 Anonymous said... 93

Are all these Peas joking about being disappointed they didn't get an "I Voted" sticker today? Or is this a real thing?

I even saw it twice on Facebook (also Peas). People are actually disappointed they don't get "the cool sticker" because their precinct didn't have any.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

94 Anonymous said... 94

I would not and could not marry, live with, or fuck a man who was anti-choice, homophobic, etc.

Okkkkk? Voting differently doesn't always mean these issues are involved..??

95 Anonymous said... 95

Holy fuck, is she serious? She actually TURNED HER CAR AROUND and went back to ask???! It's a sticker. I can't get over this today. These Peas are seriously weird.

Is it sad that I'm sort of pissed that I didn't get a sticker? I even turned my car around and went back to ask! I don't even care if it was the boring oval sticker, I just wanted a freaking sticker!

96 Anonymous said... 96

They are pissed because they won't get the deals at all of the stores and restaurants in kelpea's thread for election day deals.

They'd probably freak out if they got my sticker. It has spanish on it!

97 Anonymous said... 97


98 Anonymous said... 98

It's in the bag, people! The yardsigns!! THE YARDSIGNS!!!!!!!!


99 Anonymous said... 99

87, you dumbass, ACORN never touched a single friggen ballot. Unlike cheating Repubs.

100 Anonymous said... 100

99, you dumbass, you took the bait. No one said shit except "ACORN". Go vote you dumbass moonbat LMAO!!!!

101 Anonymous said... 101

So, big fucking deal, there's a voting place in Philly that has an Obama mural. I doubt that anyone going in that wants to vote for Romney is going to be swayed by some mural. SMH (this should not be news.)

I'm a Republican and I approve of this message.

102 Anonymous said... 102


103 Anonymous said... 103

Scam! My DH and I were approached the other day. I told the girl to go sell her gold chain and rolled up the window. She went to the next vehicle.

She had on an awesome winter coat funded by the idiots giving her "a few dollars for gas".

104 Anonymous said... 104

I would not and could not marry, live with, or fuck a man who was anti-choice, homophobic, etc.



105 Anonymous said... 105

Everything 99 said was correct.

106 Anonymous said... 106

Who wants to fuck with the sticker-obsessed peas, and tell them that it's the mark of The Beast?

107 Anonymous said... 107

105Anonymous said... 105 Everything 99 said was correct.

November 6, 2012 10:57 AM

[well deserved pats on the head for you]

108 Anonymous said... 108

Who wants to fuck with the sticker-obsessed peas, and tell them that it's the mark of The Beast?
Double dog dare you!

109 Anonymous said... 109

Why do we need two threads with the exact same subject?

110 Anonymous said... 110

"They'd probably freak out if they got my sticker. It has spanish on it! "

That doesn't freak me out or surprise me, but it does piss me off. America = English language. No prob whatsoever with preserving native languages in any way, shape, or form, but if you are in this country, speak fucking English. Most ballots are confusing enough AND I think money is uselessly wasted to add another language to the ballots.

Wow, guess I am freaking out after all. ;-)

111 Anonymous said... 111

There is no national language in the United States of America.

112 Anonymous said... 112

Dear #100

What, pray tell, exactly is a "dumbass moonbat"'

You've used that a number of times now, and I have no clue what you are trying to say. You sound like a petulant 5 year old, a moron or an idiot. Or all of the above.

In any event, it's not really an insulting phase, in fact, I find it pretty damn childish and funny.

Thanks for my laugh of the day!

113 Anonymous said... 113

Who wants to fuck with the sticker-obsessed peas, and tell them that it's the mark of The Beast?



114 Anonymous said... 114

Ignore the troll.

115 Anonymous said... 115

Moonbat isn't any more childish then all the lame ass Kendra shit.

116 Anonymous said... 116

. No prob whatsoever with preserving native languages in any way, shape, or form, but if you are in this country, speak fucking English. Most ballots are confusing enough AND I think money is uselessly wasted to add another language to the ballots.


Native Americans might have a thing or two to say on this topic.

117 Anonymous said... 117

Demografía es el destino, perra.

118 Anonymous said... 118

"Native Americans might have a thing or two to say on this topic." I'll bet they do.....but they aren't demanding that ballots also include their language.

"Demografía es el destino, perra." @@ So is karma, hooker.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Or, for #117 since you prefer ESPANOL: Así es el karma, el hooker

120 Smackers can be trolls too said... 120

Ignore the troll.

Ahem, isn't this a blog full of trolls? DUH

121 Anonymous said... 121

Asegúrese de votar, amigas!!!!

122 Anonymous said... 122

@@ The wetbacks have invaded the blog.

123 Anonymous said... 123

@ 122, hi lynlam!

124 Anonymous said... 124

I voted today.
I ran 3 miles today.
I took a shit today.

Wheres my pat on the head?

125 Anonymous said... 125

The wetbacks have invaded the blog.

Where are teh gays???

126 Anonymous said... 126

This bitch vOted tOday!

127 Anonymous said... 127

Guessing that the wingnuts will shit themselves if Puerto Rico votes to become a state. All those brownish spanish-speaking furriners!

128 Anonymous said... 128

This bitch is On her way hOme tO vOte!!!

129 Anonymous said... 129

I feel sorry for mrs tylers students today and matter who wins...

130 Anonymous said... 130

There's no way this thread could go bad...

131 Anonymous said... 131

Kendra's sticker is the ABSOLUTE BOMB! She is soooo happy she voted!

132 Anonymous said... 132

Only a few more hours to go before heads on side of the political spectrum or the other start to explode. Fun times coming!

133 Anonymous said... 133

I VoRRted

134 Anonymous said... 134

Countdown until the shrieking from avowed "federalists" and "strict constitutionalists" to abolish the Electoral College

135 Anonymous said... 135

We would have avoided eight terrible and painful years of George w. Bush without the electoral college. They forget so quickly who won that popular vote. No giant tax cuts for rich people, no housing crisis, no irresponsible squandering of our surplus.

136 Anonymous said... 136

His ex was right, they will just drink it and "so what" is the wrong response to that.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Surprised there's no talk of what a stupid name DIEM is!

138 Anonymous said... 138

#133, you made me laugh. Rmoney deserves voRRteRs like you. LMAO!

139 Anonymous said... 139

There was talk of what a stupid name it is, I can't believe some of the dumb ass names people give their poor children.

140 Anonymous said... 140

did you read the thread 137? There were like 3 or 4 post about how they didn't like the name/thought it was stupid...

141 Anonymous said... 141

112Anonymous said... 112 Dear #100

What, pray tell, exactly is a "dumbass moonbat"'

You've used that a number of times now, and I have no clue what you are trying to say. You sound like a petulant 5 year old, a moron or an idiot. Or all of the above.

In any event, it's not really an insulting phase, in fact, I find it pretty damn childish and funny.

Thanks for my laugh of the day!

November 6, 2012 11:42 AM

google image is your friend

you ARE a moonbat, get over it.

142 Anonymous said... 142

Cute baby, horrible name. There has to be a reason they named that poor child Diem. And AKathy better just get used to comments about that name.

143 Anonymous said... 143

The students at my school participated in a mock elections today. Obama won 68% of the vote. I'm in a newly purple swing state too. Heh.

144 Anonymous said... 144


145 Anonymous said... 145

vOted early.

146 Anonymous said... 146

vOted by mail last week :o)

147 Anonymous said... 147

Just saw the latest prediction from Dick Morris: Romney over Truman with 311 EVs.

148 Anonymous said... 148

vOted by mail last week :o)



149 Anonymous said... 149

I vOted tOday at my lOcal high schOOl. nO line, gOt my sticker. :)

nOt pOsting a picture Of it, thOugh.

150 Anonymous said... 150


151 Anonymous said... 151

Made for peas.

152 Anonymous said... 152

I voted early but it doesn't mean anything. Romney is going to easily take my state with at least 75%

153 Anonymous said... 153

There's a whole lot of back-patting going on here. I'm suuuure Shih Tzu Mommy has a "very tender heart." Sure. And I have never once seen a homeless person refuse food. I think that's another "I saw a welfare queen pay with food stamps and then drive off in an Escalade!!!!!" bullshit story.

By the way, I work in midtown Detroit. I see homeless people by the ramp to I-75 every single day.

154 Anonymous said... 154

If Dick Morris wasn't such blob of lard, I'd swear he was doing coke.

155 Anonymous said... 155

Looks like Pineapple has appointed herself queen of the election thread.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Pineapple's husband isn't going to be causing any santorum tonight in the conjugal bed. Miss Money Shot is going to be mainlining Chunky Monkey and washing it all down with cheap vodka. Then her head will explode.

157 Anonymous said... 157

Keep calm and trust in Nate Silver.

158 Anonymous said... 158

Looks like Pineapple has appointed herself queen of the election thread.


Of course she is.

159 Anonymous said... 159

Mitt Romney has prepared his concession speech.

160 Anonymous said... 160

L'Urine, UK supports Obama because he is a strong and diplomatic leader. Mittens is a fucking sabre rattling war hawk and a cult member to boot. He is also pathologically incapable of telling the truth.

161 Anonymous said... 161

Keep calm and trust in Nate Silver.


Or one could do as the wingnut peas: Get hysterical and follow NoSliver.

(She'll make an appearance later tonight to say how disappointed she is in the peas' behavior.)

162 Anonymous said... 162

Also Obama never made a trip to the UK to insult everything about it.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Here she goes again. She seems to find something whine about every day.


164 Anonymous said... 164

Do I see a BCP vs MrsT ramping up on the electioneering thread? Should be good.

165 Anonymous said... 165

President Romney. Embrace it.

166 Anonymous said... 166

Obama is winning the Jewish vote in Florida by 40%.

167 Anonymous said... 167

#65, you are delusional.

168 Anonymous said... 168

Did you mean #165? #65 seems pretty reasonable.

169 Anonymous said... 169

Karalynn is totally pissed that she got called on being an idiot and sore loser. Now she's ramped up and she's determined to GET THE LAST WORD!!!! I predict at least two more pages.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Funny someone told her to just log off and be done!

171 Anonymous said... 171


172 Anonymous said... 172

Romney is gonna LOSE Florida. Muahahahahaahahahaaaa.

173 Anonymous said... 173

I REALLY want someone to ask typhus how objective she was when teaching about the MN Marriage amendment.

174 Anonymous said... 174

So the states are falling just like that skinny leftist commie numbers fag from KOS *spit* said they would?


I will savor your bitter pathetic wingnut tears.

175 Anonymous said... 175

HA!! Michigan hates Rmoney and Wisconsin hates Ryan. Woohoo!!!!

176 Anonymous said... 176

Romney is a big, fat LOSAH!!!!!

177 Anonymous said... 177

Yo Pineapple! Where are those 300+ EVs, ya fuckin' moran?

178 Anonymous said... 178

Where is Skybarf today? I haven't seen her babbling on any threads. Maybe she's saving her bullshit for tomorrow's THE DEMS STOLE THE ELECTION! IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!!!! threads.

179 Anonymous said... 179

#tcot haz a sad, guys.

180 Anonymous said... 180

Suck it, Scott Brown!

181 Anonymous said... 181

Adi-fucking-os Scott Brown!

182 Anonymous said... 182

Suck it hard, Scott Brown!! Go Elizabeth!!!!

183 Anonymous said... 183

and mourdock can crawl back under his rock.

184 Anonymous said... 184

Oooh, Obama just jumped ahead in the EV count. It's all over, wingnuts.

185 Anonymous said... 185

Mrs. Tyler once again illustrates her excellent command of the english language:

"I hoped you were fairer than to make those kinds of assumptions about anyone."

186 Anonymous said... 186

Awwww, all the wingnuts have abandoned the pod. WAAAAAAAA!!!

187 Anonymous said... 187

Someone so full of hate can't be neutral. They can think it all they want, but it always shows.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Yo Pineapple! Where are those 300+ EVs, ya fuckin' moran?


I know, right? And everyone over there buys her "I'm soooooo politically awesomesauce" BS.

BS which cold, hard facts do not support.

189 Anonymous said... 189

Can't wait for all the wingnuts to start whingeing about the POPULAR vote.

190 Anonymous said... 190

mrs tyler must be feeling sick...she hasn't posted for more than 5 minutes!

191 Anonymous said... 191

"Dh and I hav NEVER bad mouthed the President out loud in front of our own children. But DD is in first grade and she was bummed because Obama won her school election (all classes participated as it was school-wide). She said, "I really wanted Rome-ee"."


192 Anonymous said... 192

And Akins can join mourdock under that rock.

193 Anonymous said... 193

Dick Morris is an absolute moron.

194 Anonymous said... 194

And Akins can join mourdock under that rock.
Bye-bye, you peckerwoods!

195 Anonymous said... 195

Peckerwoods. Hs!

196 Anonymous said... 196

HA! THat should have been.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Combed-over freak sounded too good for Akin. I'm not sure what else to call Mourdock. "Fucking idiot" is too mild.

198 Anonymous said... 198

Radical republican peas are gettin' testy!

199 Anonymous said... 199

I can't believe the Peas didn't latch onto the Condom Measure for porn stars out of LA County. That would have been a fun thread.

200 Anonymous said... 200

The derp on the election thread is boggling. Why do they call the election before all the votes are in???? It's not fair that other people can vote differently than I'd like!!! Congressional gridlock: YIPPEE!!!


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