Friday, November 16, 2012

Space 11/16/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1


2 Anonymous said... 2

Thanks Jane

3 Anonymous said... 3


4 Anonymous said... 4

And...Sammel rears her empty head. Or maybe it's just full of lint and soundbites from Fox News.

5 Anonymous said... 5

Talk about attention-whoring. No, bitch, you're not the only person stressing about Thanksgiving. The difference is, normal people don't whine about it on a public message board.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Who the fuck got them all worked up about abortion again? Jebus, there's 3 or 4 posts about it.

7 Anonymous said... 7

The logo on the BACK of the dish? Christ almighty, what a stupid thing to get worked up about.

And I bet you stress over a stupid pimple or a run in your stockings....

8 Anonymous said... 8

Au contraire. I've never experienced pimples in my stockings.

9 Anonymous said... 9

Kendra's drier than you are.

10 Anonymous said... 10

Simply_Lovely sounds like she visits here often.

11 Anonymous said... 11

Au contraire. I've never experienced pimples in my stockings.

You are stupid.

12 Anonymous said... 12

I don't need to wear stockings and a pimple is a part of life. A logo on the BACK of a dish is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever heard someone get worked up about. You have to look at the logo while you load and unload the dishwasher. Do you realize how god damn stupid that sounds? There are people in our own country without food and a warm place to sleep and you get worked up over a logo on the BACK of a dish. Pardon me for being so appalled at how STUPIDLY naive you must be for getting upset about something so trivial. Good for you for having such a kept life that those are the things that bother you.

13 Anonymous said... 13

Ignorance truly is bliss among the Peas. I bet you get upset about your Christmas gifts too.

14 Anonymous said... 14

I really think the logo lady was BS'ing you guys. And you all fell for it. Sweet.

15 Anonymous said... 15

I can't believe how many peas go "house with the strictest rules wins". So her ds can't play his video games over the Thanksgiving weekend because his cousin isn't allowed. I wonder how the mom would feel if her in laws said "we don't drink alcohol at our house, so none for you in your house."

16 Anonymous said... 16

You are stupid.

November 16, 2012 6:55 PM

Because I don't get pimples in my stockings? I just have really awesome smooth skind. Idiot.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Ignorance truly is bliss among the Peas. I bet you get upset about your Christmas gifts too.


only the homemade crap and the out of style shit someone bought with a coupon and thinks no one can tell it's a piece of shit (pennyring). Her inlaws are probably asking for a set amount because they're tired of getting garbage they don't want or can't use.

18 Anonymous said... 18

15 Anonymous said... 15

I really think the logo lady was BS'ing you guys. And you all fell for it. Sweet.


Maybe, it's hard to read sarcasm on here, but cmpeter and her OMG I have to look at the Kirkland logo on my hanging cookware wasn't.

19 Anonymous said... 19

surely "most lax rules wins" is a much funner rule of thumb.

20 Anonymous said... 20

19, that's the thing these bargain shoppers don't realize that their wasting their money on crap people just throw out. I don't care how expensive and impressive you *think* it is, buying a $150 android tablet instead of an ipad is not the same thing so it ends up getting trashed.

21 Anonymous said... 21

I don't care if she was baiting me, it is still the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Those kept peas have such nice and naive lives. Nothing exists beyond their property line.

22 Anonymous said... 22

20 Anonymous said... 20

surely "most lax rules wins" is a much funner rule of thumb.


Totally, but if I have to follow your rules at your house, why should I have to follow your rules at my house?

My ds is looking forward to 4 days of video games. If he had a cousin who wasn't allowed to play the same games, then I would make sure my ds had some time of his own to do what he wanted without his cousin. He may not get all the video game time in he wanted but I'd make sure he had some.

I'm not going to hold ds to the other families rules in his own house.

23 Anonymous said... 23

What I don't understand is how the heck did they not notice the damn logo when the bought the dishes or pots and pans?

24 Anonymous said... 24

23 I couldn't care less about rules and that was my point. One thing that drives me mad at the bukkitt is all their phoney rules. Sounds like you fit in great.

25 Anonymous said... 25

My bullshit meter is going off.

26 Anonymous said... 26

25 Anonymous said... 25

23 I couldn't care less about rules and that was my point. One thing that drives me mad at the bukkitt is all their phoney rules. Sounds like you fit in great.


Dumbass, how would I fit in when I'm saying my kid wouldn't have to follow the other families rules. It's our house my ds can play Halo or COD if he wants. They can also watch/read Harry Potter and have an occasional soda.

Strictest house rule wins is fine if they'll be here for a few hours but all weekend? No way.

27 Anonymous said... 27

My house, my rules, your house, your rules. If you don't like them, don't come.

I think it's disrespectful to expect everyone to cater to your rules, no matter where you are.

Strictest house rules win? Bullshit.

28 Anonymous said... 28

My house, my rules, my logos, my pimples in stockings, the rest of my family can go suck it.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Must admit on that whiner TG thread, the in laws sound like totally suckky cooks and lazy asses. Can you imagine apple pie made of Ritz crackers and canned filling? I'd probably put it out in the back yard and forget to bring it in at dessert time.

30 Anonymous said... 30

"I'm SOOOO frugal! Praise me!"


31 Anonymous said... 31

Keriwest's employees can suck her Hummer and all go on medicaid and SCHIP like they entitled lazy moochers they are. If it's good enough for Walmart....

32 Anonymous said... 32

Her farts do not stink, so I've heard.

33 Anonymous said... 33

My ds is looking forward to 4 days of video games. If he had a cousin who wasn't allowed to play the same games, then I would make sure my ds had some time of his own to do what he wanted without his cousin. He may not get all the video game time in he wanted but I'd make sure he had some.

I'm not going to hold ds to the other families rules in his own house.

Is this a fucking joke. Jesus fucking Christ. Turn off the goddamn tv - oh no! my son has been so waiting for 4 full days of halo! he'll never forgive me if I make him play with his cousin!

FYI - you're turning your son into a basement dwelling LOSER!

34 Anonymous said... 34

cool story bro.

35 Anonymous said... 35

What kind of business does keriwest have? (In other words, are her employees qualified for another job or are they screwed?)

36 Anonymous said... 36

There's one person here that needs to get laid. Uptight bitch needs to relax some.

37 Anonymous said... 37

all go on medicaid and SCHIP like they entitled lazy moochers they are.


and turn them into demoncrats?! hahaha. great plan.

38 Anonymous said... 38

oh good god, what a spaz

39 Anonymous said... 39

Poor pitiful woman can't even decide if she should return bread so she has to ask the peas.

How pathetic her life is.

40 Anonymous said... 40

CountryHam is a sickening piece of shit. Does she really believe she's off to heaven with that attitude?

41 Anonymous said... 41

34 Anonymous said... 34

My ds is looking forward to 4 days of video games. If he had a cousin who wasn't allowed to play the same games, then I would make sure my ds had some time of his own to do what he wanted without his cousin. He may not get all the video game time in he wanted but I'd make sure he had some.

I'm not going to hold ds to the other families rules in his own house.

Is this a fucking joke. Jesus fucking Christ. Turn off the goddamn tv - oh no! my son has been so waiting for 4 full days of halo! he'll never forgive me if I make him play with his cousin!

FYI - you're turning your son into a basement dwelling LOSER!


No, he's a good kid and student, he doesn't get to play video games during the school week. A new call of duty came out on Tuesday. He saved for it and bought it. If he wants to use his Thanksgiving weekend playing it fine. His fall baseball just ended and basketball doesn't start until December.

I don't know why I'm justifying this to you but I think you can balance video games with life. It's his hobby not the only thing he does.

And anyway, why should another families rules trump mine in my house?

42 Anonymous said... 42

I think there are several good options already given...
Let DS have a half-hour or so each day to play his coveted game w/out younger cousin.

But otherwise, I'd send them outside with a football, or to make leaf piles to jump in or something. Or play board games together if the weather doesn't cooperate.

I hear where you're coming from... I had a friend who severely restricted what her kids watched or played. One time they came over to play, and my DS had absentmindedly left the TV on... The mom actually gasped and said, "OH my word, it's Spongebob!", so I had to run over and shut off the TV. ::eye roll::

43 Anonymous said... 43

And anyway, why should another families rules trump mine in my house?

especially when their rules are so ridiculous.

44 Anonymous said... 44

LOOK!!!LOOK!!! SEE??!!! Dubya was teh awesome too! See????

Fuck, those wingers are pathetic.

45 Anonymous said... 45

aslan screams out "FACTS FACTS OHHHH MY GODDD FACTS!!!!!" when she orgasms.

46 Anonymous said... 46

39-I cannot believe she posted her DD's paper for the pea's to proof. Really? It's a Friday night, you have all weekend to proof it. Last thing I want to do on a Friday night is proof a stranger's term paper after dealing with my own kid's homework all week. It's funny how she just got crickets.

47 Anonymous said... 47

LOOK!!!LOOK!!! SEE??!!! Dubya was teh awesome too! See????

Fuck, those wingers are pathetic.

Yeah, Bush was so fuking awesome his party was too embarrassed to let his miserable ass speak at their convention! How pathetic is that? Pretty sure Obama will be at the 2016 Dem convention!

48 Anonymous said... 48

They're fucking insane, period.

49 Anonymous said... 49

And they learned absolutely nothing from this election. I held out hope for a day or two that reality might pop their echo-chamber, but no.

Continue down the same frothy path - hell double down on the wingnuttiness, he blinding hatred, the racism and the looney conspiracies. That will work out really well for you *this* time, I'm sure.

Go for it.

50 Anonymous said... 50

The GOP lost and so now they have to have a conniption fit over *something* to distract and rile up their constituents.

Otherwise they might actually have to do some actual governing-type work.

51 Anonymous said... 51

theshyone (what a stupid fucking name, btw) needs to stop attention whoring already. I'm glad she's getting better, but jesus. It's like she stepped in to take Ella Pea's place on the "woe is me" cross.

Speaking of Ella, a few weeks ago she was requesting prayers for her sister who was supposedly at the end of her life....and then was posting a week after that like nothing. No mention of her sis.

There are some really lonely whackjobs at the bukkit.

52 Anonymous said... 52

I think it's sad the the bukkit is where theshyone turned for comfort. You'd think she'd want irl family and friends.

53 Anonymous said... 53

72Anonymous said... 72 The logo on the BACK of the dish? Christ almighty, what a stupid thing to get worked up about.

November 16, 2012 4:07 PM

Someone got worked up? Really?

54 Anonymous said... 54

I wonder what kind of grain she will use. Maybe something grown by virgins under the first full moon in June?

55 Anonymous said... 55

19Anonymous said... 19 15 Anonymous said... 15

I really think the logo lady was BS'ing you guys. And you all fell for it. Sweet.


Maybe, it's hard to read sarcasm on here, but cmpeter and her OMG I have to look at the Kirkland logo on my hanging cookware wasn't.

November 16, 2012 7:08 PM

CMPeter didn't say OMG and didn't act like an ass over it. You guys need to quit making shit up.

56 Anonymous said... 56

21Anonymous said... 21 19, that's the thing these bargain shoppers don't realize that their wasting their money on crap people just throw out. I don't care how expensive and impressive you *think* it is, buying a $150 android tablet instead of an ipad is not the same thing so it ends up getting trashed.

November 16, 2012 7:11 PM

Umm, you're about the dumbest idiot around. Buy a fucking ASUS android tablet and then bitch.
Ipads are junk in comparison once you buy all the ASUS accessories (keyboard etc...) You cheap ass bitch!

57 Anonymous said... 57

Pretty sure Obama will be at the 2016 Dem convention!
of course he's the token

58 Anonymous said... 58

Not shyone, but I would think if you were in a hosp for wks, just laying around, you would talk to whoever. She was bored, she needed to talk.

59 Anonymous said... 59

45Anonymous said... 45

LOOK!!!LOOK!!! SEE??!!! Dubya was teh awesome too! See????

Fuck, those wingers are pathetic.

November 17, 2012 9:11 AM

What's wrong? You don't like Bush being nice to Obama's kids? hmm? You moonbat.

60 Anonymous said... 60

compnowasha you need to wash your hair, that no-poo shit isn't for you. Ew!

61 Anonymous said... 61

It's bad when you can guess who a pretentious pea is without reading the thread. (55's link)

Really, you can buy a zillion kinds of organic, all-natural blah blah flour pretty cheaply. Why go to the trouble of buying a tool to grind your own? For bragging rights?

62 Anonymous said... 62

Yes I agree bcp, there is nothing worse then the existential angst a chicken goes through when you take her egg.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Sick of peas posting photos of their *beautiful* mothers and grandmothers. I am glad that they love them, but to everyone else they are just another old lady.
No-one else cares.

64 Anonymous said... 64

Has Aslan always been such a cunt?

65 Anonymous said... 65

64 Anonymous said... 64

Sick of peas posting photos of their *beautiful* mothers and grandmothers. I am glad that they love them, but to everyone else they are just another old lady.
No-one else cares.


I'm guessing no one is going to be posting pictures of you in 40 years. I get that this is a smack blog but damn some of you go just a little to far.

And yes 65 Aslan has. A self righteous one at that.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Yes, she has, 65.

Her racism gets ever more thinly-veiled each time she posts. She was a total fucking psycho about George Zimmerman (killer of Trayvon Martin, who was guilty only of WWB).

67 Anonymous said... 67

Damn. She must be a fucking barrel of laughs, irl. What a cunty bitch.

68 Anonymous said... 68

I'm guessing no one is going to be posting pictures of you in 40 years. I get that this is a smack blog but damn some of you go just a little to far.
LOL hit a nerve? Did no-one care when you posted a pic of your wrinkly relative?

God forbid if my daughter is desperate enough at 50 to be posting my photo on a public MB to get validation...I'll clip her around the ear in disgust and tell her to get a life.

69 Anonymous said... 69

69 Anonymous said... 69

I'm guessing no one is going to be posting pictures of you in 40 years. I get that this is a smack blog but damn some of you go just a little to far.
LOL hit a nerve? Did no-one care when you posted a pic of your wrinkly relative?

God forbid if my daughter is desperate enough at 50 to be posting my photo on a public MB to get validation...I'll clip her around the ear in disgust and tell her to get a life.


No I don't post pictures of relatives at the pod. I also don't make fun of those who do. I prefer to smack on peas who can't handle looking at logos on cookware, pray for the drought to continue so they can get their carpet in by Christmas and dumb asses who have to ask if a dog has a brain.

70 Anonymous said... 70

I prefer to smack on peas who can't handle looking at logos on cookware, pray for the drought to continue so they can get their carpet in by Christmas and dumb asses who have to ask if a dog has a brain.
Hey bitch, be careful throwing those stones from your glass house.

I *do* make fun of people who post pictures of relatives...that's why a smack blog exists. You want a bunch of rules then go create your own blog and stop telling others what they can post and what they can't.
I bet you get made fun of over here a lot don't you? You'd be one of those irrational, uptight cunts who gets bagged over here on a regular basis.

71 Anonymous said... 71

Ipads are junk in comparison once you buy all the ASUS accessories (keyboard etc...) You cheap ass bitch!

You can get keyboards for iPads too. So, what were you saying again?

72 Anonymous said... 72

CMPeter didn't say OMG and didn't act like an ass over it.

Saying she couldn't stand to look at the Kirland logo so she gave them to goodwill is acting like an ass.

73 Anonymous said... 73

CMPeter never said she gave her stuff to Goodwill. Reading comprehension.

74 Anonymous said... 74

Yes I agree bcp, there is nothing worse then the existential angst a chicken goes through when you take her egg.

Reading comprehension. You should try it.

75 Anonymous said... 75

72Anonymous said... 72 Ipads are junk in comparison once you buy all the ASUS accessories (keyboard etc...) You cheap ass bitch!

You can get keyboards for iPads too. So, what were you saying again?

November 17, 2012 7:56 PM

It was the android reference, keep up.

76 Anonymous said... 76

^^and the cheap $150 comment LOL
ASUS "ain't cheap"

77 "ain't cheap" said... 77

78 better link said... 78

^ link is dead

79 Anonymous said... 79

73Anonymous said... 73 CMPeter didn't say OMG and didn't act like an ass over it.

Saying she couldn't stand to look at the Kirland logo so she gave them to goodwill is acting like an ass.

November 17, 2012 7:57 PM
74Anonymous said... 74 CMPeter never said she gave her stuff to Goodwill. Reading comprehension.

November 17, 2012 8:17 PM

74 is right. Someone is making shit up. I saw what she wrote and didn't see anything wrong with it.
She didn't even buy them, they were a gift. LOL

80 Anonymous said... 80

Meh, doesn't negate she doesn't like looking at the logo and is bothered by it.

81 Anonymous said... 81

Who does this chick think she is? Why would anyone want to spend their Saturday night reading and editing a term paper from some random kid across the fucking country that we don't even know??

Jesus. Get over yourself. We all have our own kids with homework 5 nights a week. On our night off we're not reading YOUR kid's paper.

Especially with all those fucking weird characters in it that you couldn't even bother to fix after posting.

So funny to see she didn't get any replies.

82 Anonymous said... 82

#13 you seriously need to get laid.

You getting that crazy over something so minor is just unstable.

As for the logo stuff, oh who cares. We all have little petty things that drive us crazy. Some of us more than others. I'm not OCD in the traditional sense, but there are some things that I just can't deal with and it's damn common. I might not be bothered by a certain logo, but there are hundreds of things that drive me crazy like that. For that Pea, the logo was bugging her. So why should she have to be bugged every day in her own house? If she can afford new pans, what's it to you? Maybe she sold or donated the old pans.

I'm broke as hell so I would've had to keep the pans, LOL. BUT, if that was one of my 'drives me nuts' things, I'd be getting new pans first chance I got. It's not always a matter of being kept, spoiled, or naive. I'm far from any of the three.

83 Anonymous said... 83

What I don't understand is how the heck did they not notice the damn logo when the bought the dishes or pots and pans?

They were probably in a box, dumbass. And who inspects them that closely? She probably noticed later on that it had the logo and only after a while did it annoy her. Too late to return by that point.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Political affiliations aside, Sammel is SO dumb. I mean really just not smart. And people that dumb should never post about politics and other worldly topics. It's SO embarrassing. I cringe. She has NO IDEA she doesn't even make sense and her questions are so off-the-wall ridiculous.

I almost wish she'd go back to her constant whining and posting about all the teeny things from her day that offended her greatly.

85 Anonymous said... 85

81Anonymous said... 81 Meh, doesn't negate she doesn't like looking at the logo and is bothered by it.

November 17, 2012 9:35 PM

No but the comment was to whoever said cmpeter freaked out. She didn't. Had to do with her attitude (the made up bullshit that she had freaked out).

86 Anonymous said... 86

84Anonymous said... 84 What I don't understand is how the heck did they not notice the damn logo when the bought the dishes or pots and pans?

I've only seen people talking about cmpeter here in regards to the pans. She didn't buy them though LOL

87 Anonymous said... 87

They were probably in a box, dumbass. And who inspects them that closely? She probably noticed later on that it had the logo and only after a while did it annoy her. Too late to return by that point.

Dumbass eh? Right. You need to take a good long look at yourself.

88 Anonymous said... 88

I've only seen people talking about cmpeter here in regards to the pans. She didn't buy them though LOL

You missed Walmart woman from the last post? They were talking about her too.

89 Anonymous said... 89

13 here. I'm not unstable, I can just see beyond my property line.

90 Anonymous said... 90

Oh and thanks for the handslap *kikipea*. Keep your responses shorter next time.

91 Anonymous said... 91

89Anonymous said... 89
I've only seen people talking about cmpeter here in regards to the pans. She didn't buy them though LOL

You missed Walmart woman from the last post? They were talking about her too.

November 17, 2012 10:45 PM

What? More made up bullshit? No one on the thread bitched about walmart pots and pans either. Yes, they were mentioned.

92 Anonymous said... 92

No one on the thread bitched about walmart pots and pans either. Yes, they were mentioned.

Who said it was on that thread? No one. I said the last post, meaning the last post on here. Derp.

93 Anonymous said... 93

The "derp" poster is just some cunt like L'Urine or flimflam trying to to derail thing on a continual basis. Ignoring the trolls really is the best policy.

94 Anonymous said... 94


95 Anonymous said... 95

94Anonymous said... 94 The "derp" poster is just some cunt like L'Urine or flimflam trying to to derail thing on a continual basis. Ignoring the trolls really is the best policy.

November 18, 2012 8:16 AM

Agreed and ignorning the derper.

96 Anonymous said... 96

83 and 84, BRAVO! Thank you for posting my thoughts exactly.

97 Anonymous said... 97

Someone posted here that her dishes, not pans, had an annoying logo on the bottom she had to see everyday when loading/unloading the dishwasher. She donated them to Goodwill She never said how long she had them before replacing them., could hvae been a month or years.

Then the woman with pimples flamed her for allowing a logo to bother her so much.

Pimple woman needs to have a drink or two.

98 Anonymous said... 98

^sheep^ baaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa

99 Anonymous said... 99

Fuck. Enough with the goddamn pans.

100 Anonymous said... 100

Pan people with pimples? Really 98? Grow up and move along.

((100)) +1001

101 Anonymous said... 101

89Anonymous said... 89
I've only seen people talking about cmpeter here in regards to the pans. She didn't buy them though LOL

You missed Walmart woman from the last post? They were talking about her too.

November 17, 2012 10:45 PM

You missed 56 from THIS page..

102 Anonymous said... 102

No 101. Why don't you go back to school and learn to read.

103 Anonymous said... 103

Sammel says she has a masters is reading. Too bad that degree didn't come with comprehension as well. She is dumb as a bag of hair.

104 Anonymous said... 104

103Anonymous said... 103 No 101. Why don't you go back to school and learn to read.

November 18, 2012 9:59 AM

I'm sorry you can't keep up and need to divert from the real deal. [pat pat]

105 Anonymous said... 105

103Anonymous said... 103 No 101. Why don't you go back to school and learn to read.

November 18, 2012 9:59 AM

LOL @ your hypothetical pimple defense! Keep up the entertainment by showing your stupidity :) Thanks!!!one!11!1

106 Anonymous said... 106

It's funny that a maybe 10 response thread about someone needing adviCe on what pots/pans to buy for someone else turns into a three ring circus on the blog!! LOL!!

107 Anonymous said... 107

Someone is trying to hang onto their youth for a little too long.

108 Anonymous said... 108

105 and 106 are pimple girl!

109 Anonymous said... 109

I would never tattoo a logo of a company on my body. What if the company pisses you off? Now you are stuck with the reminder of them. She's fucking stupid.

110 Anonymous said... 110

I love all these parents who hear a happy little song Whistle and think it's so cute when their little sneauxflaiykes sing along. Cracks me up!

111 Anonymous said... 111

109Anonymous said... 109 105 and 106 are pimple girl!

November 18, 2012 12:26 PM

109 has a pimple on her ass and is the pimple of the blog!

112 Anonymous said... 112

It must be exhausting to be so controlling. This isn't really directed at anyone in particular, all of the Peas seem to have problems with letting go of control.

113 Anonymous said... 113

I think tattoos are overrated. They don't mean much if everybody has one. Not many are done really well, anyway. I worked with a woman who had stars behind each ear that were done so poorly, they looked drawn on with a dull eyeliner.

JMHO. Commence snark.

114 Anonymous said... 114

I think tattoos are trashy even those that some say are "done well". And it doesn't matter who the tattoo is on either. JMHO

115 Anonymous said... 115


116 Anonymous said... 116

113Anonymous said... 113 It must be exhausting to be so controlling. This isn't really directed at anyone in particular, all of the Peas seem to have problems with letting go of control.

November 18, 2012 1:08 PM

Too right you are!

117 Anonymous said... 117

116Anonymous said... 116 Gobsmacked????????

November 18, 2012 1:47 PM

???????????? what about it ???????????????

118 Anonymous said... 118

Gobsmacked is British slang, similar to saying you are shocked or appalled.

119 Anonymous said... 119

The "derp" poster is just some cunt like L'Urine or flimflam trying to to derail thing on a continual basis. Ignoring the trolls really is the best policy.

Nope. Not a cunt, maybe a tool, but not a cunt, and I'm not named after a French Pee either. And what exactly am I trying to derail? The sound of silence? Fer sure!

120 Anonymous said... 120

112 must be pimple girl, lol!

121 Anonymous said... 121

I don't mind well-done tattoos but I don't think I'll ever feel the need to get one.

Steph's wrist tattoo is innocuous to anyone who doesn't recognize it as that company's logo, but I bet people who do recognize it will think it's stupid.

Not that it matters because tats only need to be appreciated by the wearer, yadda yadda yadda. I still think it's dumb.

122 Anonymous said... 122

I just can't think of anything I like enough to have it dyed into several layers of my skin by a high powered needle and then have it there for the rest of my life. I don't even like to wear my wedding ring to bed.

123 Anonymous said... 123

Tattoos, good, bad, and ugly, are so common now that it's more unique to NOT have one.

124 Anonymous said... 124

That tattoo will look killer 20 years from now!

125 Anonymous said... 125

so staph got a tattoo of the dildo company she works for on her wrist. klassy.

126 Anonymous said... 126

That's Staph!

127 Anonymous said... 127

125 Anonymous said... 125

That tattoo will look killer 20 years from now!


meh, do what makes you happy today as long as you're not hurting anybody, no one is guaranteed tomorrow much less 20 years.

128 Anonymous said... 128

I just can't think of anything I like enough to have it dyed into several layers of my skin by a high powered needle and then have it there for the rest of my life.


ITA. I also think most tatoos are either trite (dolphins anyone? tramp stamps?) or ugly. Tho I do like a well-done sleeve on a dude.

129 Anonymous said... 129

I just can't think of anything I like enough to have it dyed into several layers of my skin by a high powered needle and then have it there for the rest of my life.


ITA. I also think most tatoos are either trite (dolphins anyone? tramp stamps?) or ugly. Tho I do like a well-done sleeve on a dude.
people also tend to forget that as you age, your tats age to....and often times they don't age well. What was a pretty rose at the age of 20, looks drab and wilted at 60.

130 Anonymous said... 130


131 Anonymous said... 131

Happy ThanksGiving

132 Anonymous said... 132

people also tend to forget that as you age, your tats age to....and often times they don't age well. What was a pretty rose at the age of 20, looks drab and wilted at 60.

There's this really cool ad about decisions you regret and the ones you don't - it's about - dare I say it - pans! There's this elderly woman who's cooking with these pans and she has this tribal tatt on her upper arm. It's basically saying you won't regret the pans, unlike some decisions.

133 Anonymous said... 133

121Anonymous said... 121 112 must be pimple girl, lol!

November 18, 2012 4:38 PM

I see scrappertastic has made it back to the blog.

134 Anonymous said... 134

Pimple girl!

135 Anonymous said... 135

I have a tattoo that has personal meaning to me. Not a company logo but an animal that I like holding my favorite flower.It's not very big and can be easily hidden for work purposes.

I'm also planning to get a tattoo that honors my heritage and incorporates the name and birthdate of my only child. Just have to figure out WHERE I want to put it as again, it has to be covered by clothing for work. I don't think that a few well placed tats are trashy at ALL! I'm not a fan of full arm sleeves and tats all over peoples chests and backs and legs, etc but to each his own.

136 Anonymous said... 136



PeaNut 283,235
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Loc: The Buckeye State

Posted: 11/18/2012 10:56:22 PM

I just got back from Vegas - friends are planting a church there and I know a whole contingent of sweet,smart, godly college-degreed young people who surely would watch your child.


Is godly supposed to be seen as a selling point?

137 Anonymous said... 137

WTF is 'planting a church' ??

138 Anonymous said... 138

138, you just bury a bible, sprinkle with water and fertilize with the dust of three fairies. Duh.


139 Anonymous said... 139

lmfao @ 139

140 Anonymous said... 140

Holy water, 139, of course.

141 Anonymous said... 141

135Anonymous said... 135 Pimple girl!

November 19, 2012 4:56 AM

Signing your name now? Thanks!

142 Anonymous said... 142

Hey pimple girl!

143 Anonymous said... 143

133 Anonymous said...

There's this really cool ad about decisions you regret and the ones you don't - it's about - dare I say it - pans! There's this elderly woman who's cooking with these pans and she has this tribal tatt on her upper arm. It's basically saying you won't regret the pans, unlike some decisions.


But what if the pans have logos on them, couldn't that cause some major regrets? I mean God forbid you have to look at a logo while they're hanging from pan racks or coming out of a dishwasher.

144 Anonymous said... 144

I just got back from Vegas - friends are planting a church there and I know a whole contingent of sweet,smart, godly college-degreed young people who surely would watch your child.


That's funny, with all the pedos hiding out as "good Christians" I won't let my kid anywhere near them.

145 Anonymous said... 145

I mean God forbid you have to look at a logo while they're hanging from pan racks or coming out of a dishwasher.

God forbid you understand that everyone else is DIFFERENT than you.

146 Anonymous said... 146

But seriously, worrying about a logo is pretty fucking stupid.

147 Anonymous said... 147

143Anonymous said... 143 Hey pimple girl!

November 19, 2012 8:42 AM

FFS more than one person has disagreed with you and now you'll call them all pimple girl? Nice going pimple ass/scrappertastic.

Hi high-fallutin' walmart pan lover!

148 Anonymous said... 148

146Anonymous said... 146 I mean God forbid you have to look at a logo while they're hanging from pan racks or coming out of a dishwasher.

God forbid you understand that everyone else is DIFFERENT than you.

November 19, 2012 8:56 AM

It seems that scrappertastic is going to defend her walmart logo and die on this hill while calling people pimply LOL!! Classic!

149 Anonymous said... 149

146 Anonymous said... 146

I mean God forbid you have to look at a logo while they're hanging from pan racks or coming out of a dishwasher.

God forbid you understand that everyone else is DIFFERENT than you.


And God forbid someone finds your hatred of logos odd and wonders what the big fucking deal of having to look at a logo is.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Steph (D)Rebel
I'm what the *buzz* is all about!

PeaNut 69,964
February 2003
Posts: 20,450
Layouts: 213
Loc: South Centralish Ohio
Posted: 11/18/2012 2:30:40 PM
Yeah. It's a pink heart of ribbon. It'll still be a pink heart when i'm retired. It's not like it's a logo that is super recognizable- it's not the golden arches or the apple logo. It's a logo that has huge meaning to me personally. While I appreciate your 'concern' my focus when i'm choosing ink is personal meaning to me and I didn't really take your opinion into consideration and probably won't start now.

I've never been involved in a pyramid scheme and I haven't changed what I do or how much I love it at all. The only thing that has changed is the corporate backing I have and the warehouse my client orders ship from. The company I started with is amazing and i've never changed my stance on that. It absolutely changed my life and gave me huge opportunities. The new company is a better fit for my family and the things I value. It's not incredibly rare for someone to change jobs if they find an opportunity that suits them better. I'm not entirely sure why this is a big deal to you and why you're so invested in it, but it is pretty awesome. Need a catalog?

This: The new company is a better fit for my family and the things I value.

Equals: I value my dildos!

151 Anonymous said... 151

146 Anonymous said... 146

I mean God forbid you have to look at a logo while they're hanging from pan racks or coming out of a dishwasher.

God forbid you understand that everyone else is DIFFERENT than you.


And God forbid someone finds your hatred of logos odd and wonders what the big fucking deal of having to look at a logo is.

November 19, 2012 9:32 AM

I'm glad more than one person has told you to give it up. Can't you just move along? Are you that stupid? I can't help but think you're s-tastic, only someone with the same mentality can do the "I know you are but what am I?" all day and night long (with different people LOL).

Stuff your logo (cheap or not cheap) up your ass LOL!!!!

152 Anonymous said... 152

Of course busypea dresses in business casual for Christmas. Of course.

153 Anonymous said... 153

Pimple girl has nothing of any intelligence to contribute, what else is she going to do? Make fun of those who don't like seeing logos? We know it's probably impossible for her to mature to an adult level.

154 Anonymous said... 154

What's this "WE" shit 154, no one has agreed with your "I LOVE MY WALMART LOGO" crap yet.

155 Anonymous said... 155

4Anonymous said... 154 Pimple girl has nothing of any intelligence to contribute, what else is she going to do? Make fun of those who don't like seeing logos? We know it's probably impossible for her to mature to an adult level.

November 19, 2012 9:54 AM

"Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmm, brother won't stop hitting me and now someone on the internet doesn't agree with meeeeeeeeeeeeeee whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacrywhaaaaaaaaaaa."

Dear Scrappertastic, you need to step away from the internetz!

156 Anonymous said... 156

What is the Reader's Digest version of the Scrappertastic/pimple references?

157 Anonymous said... 157

It's sad that some little brained idiot is butt hurt (it's probably the pimple) because someone three days ago said they would ditch their walmart logos.

158 Anonymous said... 158

157Anonymous said... 157 What is the Reader's Digest version of the Scrappertastic/pimple references?

November 19, 2012 10:03 AM

Scrappertastic has a pimple on her ass and hate walmart logos. In other words, some idiot is upset about something from three days ago and anyone who talks to her gets called pimply LOL

She needs to take her medication and a nap!

159 Anonymous said... 159

You know what's more trashy than tattoos?

The word tats

160 Anonymous said... 160

Uh 155, she can use "we" because I agree with her.

161 Anonymous said... 161

There is one person who ditched her Walmart dishes because of the logo and then there's the pimple girl who's all butthurt because of it.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Wow she must being doing fabulous if she can afford a weekly cleaning service plus a daily neighbor lady to clean up. I think having the neighbor lady make her bed is a bit much but whatever.

Maybe I should get into the dildo business.

163 Anonymous said... 163

Opps sorry I forgot, only if the dildo's don't have logos on them.

164 Anonymous said... 164

161Anonymous said... 161 Uh 155, she can use "we" because I agree with her.

November 19, 2012 10:39 AM
162Anonymous said... 162 There is one person who ditched her Walmart dishes because of the logo and then there's the pimple girl who's all butthurt because of it.

November 19, 2012 10:40 AM

Agreeing with yourself doesn't count! LMAO!!

There's more than one disagreeing and getting called pimply as well - she's the one with the pimplybutt hurt though. Poor thing can't "phantom (thanks annafreebella)" anyone disagreeing with her. I wish the logo hater would come back and set her straight but she must be busy cooking with her pots and pans.

165 Anonymous said... 165

Sorry Sam, all I see is TWO trashcans AND a bag of garbage.

166 Anonymous said... 166

I guess she cropped it 166 cuz I'm not seeing all that.

167 Anonymous said... 167

Hahaha she DID crop it 167. You can still see the trash in the back left(the contents of one can), the silver trash can on the right and the black trash bag to the left that was sitting (full looking) on the floor.

No big deal really, it didn't look totally gross, it looks like she'd been cleaning and left some things out actually. I was just being a bitch to be a bitch, I'm in the right place at least.

168 Anonymous said... 168

Logo ater probably loves her gaudy Coach purse with the C's all over it, her iPhone and her Pandora bracelets.

But don't you dare put a logo on my dishes!

169 Anonymous said... 169

Where is this logo hater?

170 Anonymous said... 170

Who will be the first of 10 (first 9 nobodies will be ignored) to post that Kate Middleton is pregnant?

171 Anonymous said... 171

If all of these people bitching about how Hostess has gone under and won't be making Twinkies anymore were BUYING Twinkies, this shit would have never happened.

I've never eaten a Twinkie so I'm not broken up about this at all, but the past few days of shelf clearing and bitching is really stupid.

172 Anonymous said... 172

Agreeing with yourself doesn't count! LMAO!!

Do you know everyone that posts here?

173 Anonymous said... 173

You know something nobody else does, 171? Did you witness the peeing on the stick? j/k

And ITA about nobodies being ignored. Only first tier peas count. I myself am a thirteenth-tier pea.

174 Anonymous said... 174

Kelpea will make a thread about Kate Middleton with an attempt of a catchy and sassy title. The body of the thread will be full of bad puns and half hearted replies.

175 Anonymous said... 175

Where's pimple girl at? Frothing over what everyone else does?

176 Anonymous said... 176

173Anonymous said... 173 Agreeing with yourself doesn't count! LMAO!!

Do you know everyone that posts here?

November 19, 2012 1:08 PM

176Anonymous said... 176 Where's pimple girl at? Frothing over what everyone else does?

November 19, 2012 1:24 PM

Of course! LOL!!!! Go on with yourself Mrs.T (the only chick to NEVER.GIVE.UP)

177 Anonymous said... 177

Looks like you can't give up either 177, and I am not Mrs. T.

178 Anonymous said... 178

You know what's more trashy than tattoos?

The word tats

Yeah, it should be tatts.

179 Anonymous said... 179

Opps sorry I forgot, only if the dildo's don't have logos on them.


that's only an issue if you put them in the dishwasher or hang them from a rack.

180 Anonymous said... 180

Nails on a chalkboard right there

181 Anonymous said... 181

You know what's more trashy than tattoos?

The word tats

Yeah, it should be tatts.
Really, who gives a flying fuck??

182 Anonymous said... 182

Holy shit, do you girls still worry about who shot J.R.? Move the fuck on!!!!!! There's stuff ripe for smacking and you all are worrying about an imaginary pimple girl.

183 Anonymous said... 183

Go on with yourself Mrs.T (the only chick to NEVER.GIVE.UP)

Nah, you forgot Skybarf

184 Anonymous said... 184

#182 - it was a joke, get a grip

185 Anonymous said... 185

#183 - no, I still worry about who killed Laura Palmer.

Some of you are as uptight as the peas you smack about being uptight.

186 Anonymous said... 186

185Anonymous said... 185 #182 - it was a joke, get a grip

November 19, 2012 1:35 PM

Can't win here, she'll hound you now and call you pimply. Pimply assed Mrs.T CAN'T LET YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!11ONE1!!1!1one!!!!1

187 Anonymous said... 187


:-) Haaaaa, this place is a breath of fresh air sometimes! I needed a laugh today, and the logos, pimples, tattoos, and dildoes just have me giggling.... thanks!

188 Anonymous said... 188

^^^ Sorry, this quote was supposed to be inside the < >:

"Hi, high-fallutin walmart pan lover!"

189 Anonymous said... 189

Ummmm, Staph? Your new hair in your avatar looks cute, but 1988 called and wants that heavy black eyeliner back, mmmmkay?

190 Anonymous said... 190

I wonder if Staph brought her black bf with her to the Mitt event she attended? I'm sure Mitten's staff would have grabbed him and seated him in the token bleacher seats just feet away from the podium. lol

191 Anonymous said... 191

190Anonymous said... 190 Ummmm, Staph? Your new hair in your avatar looks cute, but 1988 called and wants that heavy black eyeliner back, mmmmkay?

November 19, 2012 2:19 PM

Her hair looks like shit. Her eyeliner is fine.

192 Anonymous said... 192

If all of these people bitching about how Hostess has gone under and won't be making Twinkies anymore were BUYING Twinkies, this shit would have never happened.

I've never eaten a Twinkie so I'm not broken up about this at all, but the past few days of shelf clearing and bitching is really stupid.


No kidding. Never fear, lovers of shortening and HFCS processed food-like substances, Bimbo will likely buy the brand.

193 Anonymous said... 193

Color me jealous, 163 - I wish I could afford a housekeeper - just weekly would be awesome :)

194 Anonymous said... 194

"Hi, high-fallutin walmart pan lover!"

Grats hon, you are top of the class when it comes to stupidity. Here's your crown, we all know you'll wear it proudly.

195 Anonymous said... 195

I think the pod is officially getting to me. Its not just typos anymore, its people who are truly too lazy to care, too lazy to know the difference, too lazy to have spent the time learning how to spell when they had the opportunity. Gads. I am no spelling nazi and can certainly forgive the occasional they're, there, their mistake- but it's just damn many of them!!

/rant off/

196 Anonymous said... 196

196 are you referring to "diatition" because I'm far from a spelling Nazi but I was like wtf. I had to open the thread to figure out what she was asking.

197 Anonymous said... 197

I love all these parents who hear a happy little song Whistle and think it's so cute when their little sneauxflaiykes sing along. Cracks me up!


Are there really people that don't know what that song is really about??!?!

198 Anonymous said... 198

195Anonymous said... 195 "Hi, high-fallutin walmart pan lover!"

Grats hon, you are top of the class when it comes to stupidity. Here's your crown, we all know you'll wear it proudly.

November 19, 2012 3:20 PM

^^still butthurt over pans!^^

199 Anonymous said... 199

What is the Reader's Digest version of the Scrappertastic/pimple references?

200 Anonymous said... 200

I'm going to go find a Christian to persecute. I haven't persecuted one lately. Anybody want to join me?

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