Monday, November 26, 2012

Space 11/26/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1

Thanks Jane!

2 Anonymous said... 2

BurningTwat's hair looks bad...really bad.

Stringy, lifeless, no style and FUCKING GRAY!! She looks absolutely BUTCH in that picture with her dogs.

I think she leads punkin' headed Verne around by the ballsack.

3 Anonymous said... 3

#2 - gray? So what? I have gray hair, although not stringy and lifeless. I can't be bothered coloring it because the grow out looks awful and it's a needless expense.

4 Anonymous said... 4

Where's the link to this photo?

5 Anonymous said... 5

It's in her signature, just click on any of her posts.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Burning Feather looks fine. Her gray hair looks fine too. Her skin looks smooth and no wrinkles.

Some jealous bitch here at the blog is all pissed because she's not 100 pounds overweight and covered in pimples.

7 Anonymous said... 7

What happened to *Jenny* ? I think she may have combusted after the election.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Has anyone read Obsidian's adultery thread? Da fuck is she talking about? Gays, beards, and being pushed into a potted palm?

Bitch has a hell of a imagination I'll give her that.

9 Anonymous said... 9

#8 - I knew what she was talking about but I'm not an ignorant little pea, so that helps. I get out of the pod most days

10 Anonymous said... 10


11 Anonymous said... 11

I was just thinking today that BF looks very nice in her photo. Her hair does not look stringy at all. I guess you have no idea what "stringy" actually means. It means thin and greasy. Her hair is far from it, it has a lot of body to it. Sheesh get over it already, and before you say it, I'm not BF, nor am I a leg humper. I barely have spoke to her.

12 Anonymous said... 12

I like BF too. =)

13 Anonymous said... 13

I really don't understand a 7 year old that is 'diagnosed' as being 9 grades ahead 'mentally'. So they are super book smart, but socially stunted??

14 Anonymous said... 14

Yeah 13, they call it Aspergers.

15 Anonymous said... 15

according to that thread, it's not...

16 Anonymous said... 16

What a twat

we are saying 'look at her face; does she look happy right now what what you are doing/saying?' I feel that this will work much better b/c she knows it's a bad choice she just doesn't know how to read other's actions.

If she can't read other people's actions, asking her this question is completely pointless. I know, I've dealt with kids with Aspergers. I don't care with the OP says or her psych says, her kid has Aspergers.

17 Anonymous said... 17

I know every mother wants their child to be super special, but not every child is.

18 Anonymous said... 18

I don't have a link, but it happens often on TwoPeas. If people talk about an expensive item 9 times out of 10 they make sure to add that it was on sale, or they had a coupon or they got some sort of rebate.

Why can't people just own the fact that they pay full price for something? Or why do they have to throw in that qualifying statement about how much they saved? Just say you bought something and leave it at that.

19 Anonymous said... 19

Nope, I'm quite happy with my 3 average kids. Average grades (mostly B's and A's), average at sports, and no labels at all.

20 Anonymous said... 20

Bf looks ok, but she looks older than she is. She isn't unkempt or stringy, but she lacks style for sure.

21 Anonymous said... 21

I do that 18. It's mostly because we live on a very tight budget, and I have been asked to do things that are just not in the budget...but then the next week, I might buy an expensive item, but the item was half or more off, so it's really not that expensive. Funny thing is, part of our budget is while I might say that x is not in our budget, we could easily afford it, but it is not a priority. I guess it just heads off the annoying questions of how it can be afforded.

22 Anonymous said... 22

Busypea's son will either be an Urkel-grade dork by junior high, or a total rebel who hates his mother.

23 Anonymous said... 23

Isn't the OP the one who was "literally in Satan's clutches" a few months back? And had else something we commented on just recently?

The peas with variations of "mom" in their names just run together for me, so I have to ask. Sorry.

24 Anonymous said... 24

Busypea's son will either be an Urkel-grade dork by junior high, or a total rebel who hates his mother.

Agreed. Trying too hard to make her kid sound 'supah speshal' All kids that age love to dance, sing and play instruments. It's not special, it's normal.

25 Anonymous said... 25

9 Anonymous said... 9

#8 - I knew what she was talking about but I'm not an ignorant little pea, so that helps. I get out of the pod most days


Yes I get the beard reference but did you read what she wrote:

This might not go well. I was just about to get to know a young man rather well when he insisted on bringing in a third person. And if it's two men and one woman it's almost always going to be the woman stuck watching. So I declined and left so they pushed me into a potted palm.

Very bad manners.

I got a lot of millage out of that story. Jerks make great stories.

Next time a gay couple asked me to join then I asked could I bring my knitting. lol.

Gay rights are very important. It stops them hitting on hetro women in order to have a beard.


It was in a country where two gay men having anal sex would have got the death penalty.

They could have abstained until they left the country.
Or they could have asked for a beard.

Instead they acted like jerks. One spent days getting to know me treating me like a princes, buying me gifts kissing my hand. He finally invited me up to his room and then sprung his boyfriend on me. I said no. He could have just asked me to be his beard and I would have without the lies. But the way he was playing it. With nobody would be able to trust him and nobody would be his beard. They threw me against the wall and a potted plant broke my fall.

And everybody on the tour laughed at them for being idiots.

Nobody was willing to be their beard. So they had to go home early.

Gay rights in that country would have stopped the situation happening in the first place. But it wouldn't have stopped them for being lying jerks. Good shoppers though.


It just sounds like a lifetime movie or some other made up bullshit.

And she titled the thread adultery, what the fuck does any of that have to do with adultery?

26 Anonymous said... 26

25-Yeah, that was some fucking WEIRD ASS SHIT she posted right there!! I don't know which one of you twats said you understood what she was saying but if you do, you are either a fucking liar or a looney toon.

And, BF probably photoshopped her wrinkles. She is a homely midwestern gray haired bitty with a cunt for a daughter and a retard for a husband. She is also a condescending bitty and thinks she is top tier.


27 Anonymous said... 27

I work in a high school. They would be shocked at what goes on at 14.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Wouldn't a NORMAL person go to management, not ask a bunch of anonymous women on an anonymous scrapbooking website what should be done?

29 Anonymous said... 29

DS will be 5 in March. He LOVES music. Always has. We constantly have music on, he loves to dance, sing, and toy instuments have been some of his very favorite toys since he was very young.

He has been talking for a while about wanting to learn an instrument. We are going to get him an instrument for Christmas and then start lessons. We're not sure what instrument to go with, though. His answer when asked which one he wants to learn to play is always, "All of them!" He doesn't have a clear favorite in what he chooses to play with from his toys, or when he listens to music.

Duh. Buy him a harpsichord, because I'm pretty sure he's the next Mozart.

30 Anonymous said... 30

Can't wait for busypea's kid to enter school...I can't wait for all the posts about how GIFTED he is, and how FAR AHEAD he is. Busypea will be that teacher's worst nightmare. I can just see her post now..."it's been 5 minutes since I e-mailed my question to the teacher, should I call or just e-mail again? My gifted child is so bored, we need to talk ASAP!"

31 Anonymous said... 31

The alternative is that busypea's making up stories for the Internet. The more fabulous her life gets, the more I think that's it.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Busypea just needs some high self-esteem.

33 Anonymous said... 33

busypea just needs to shut up and get laid. can you imagine her bedroom talk? Totally lights out he better not make a mistake!

34 Anonymous said... 34

Leads a Charmed Life

PeaNut 43,843
July 2002
Posts: 41,220
Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast
Posted: 11/26/2012 7:03:25 PM


I will rent designer dresses, but for some reason when I go to clothing swap parties I just don't want anything. I also don't have the patience to look through consignment stores.

35 Anonymous said... 35

God, how many times do we have to tell you? It's biddy, not bitty.

At this point, you're probably doing it to be annoying, but honestly it just makes you look illiterate.

36 Anonymous said... 36

#25 - not necessarily made up. I'm sure some of my stories would sound made up but they aren't. Some people just manage to attract odd happenings in their life.

37 Anonymous said... 37

you understood what she was saying but if you do, you are either a fucking liar or a looney toon.

Or not an ignorant red neck like you. Could be, right?

38 Anonymous said... 38

Eh, not a fan of thrift/consignment stores either. I despise stores like Ross and Marshalls, too.

Random shit all jumbled together gives me hives.

39 Anonymous said... 39


40 Anonymous said... 40

Can't wait for busypea's kid to enter school...I can't wait for all the posts about how GIFTED he is


I hope he is gifted because he will drive her up the friggin wall if he is. Gifted kids are a pain in the ass when they are younger.

41 Anonymous said... 41

I work in a high school. They would be shocked at what goes on at 14.


True dat. My niece at that age was smoking, drinking and having regular sex, all unknown to her parents but an adult (not me!) she confided in ratted her out.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Fucky biddy...

These bitches still use advise instead of ADVICE. It make me want to punch them in the throat.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Only the fucking peas complain about how someone says, "you're welcome". Christ on a cracker.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Well 43, look who's complaining. I'm not surprised one bit!

45 Anonymous said... 45

Your daughter feels like shit, what will help? Giving her crappy music about how her imaginary friend is "in her corner."

46 Anonymous said... 46

I work in a high school. They would be shocked at what goes on at 14.


True dat. My niece at that age was smoking, drinking and having regular sex, all unknown to her parents but an adult (not me!) she confided in ratted her out.

November 26, 2012 9:53 PM

If some of the peas we not so narrow minded about sex & nudity in general then their kids might not be so quick to taste the " forbidden fruits"
Same with drinking. I couldn't believe how many of them wouldn't let a kid of 16/17 have some wine or the odd beer AT HOME when it was discussed on a thread some while ago.
Keep telling a kid that something is bad, bad, bad is a sure way for them wanting to try it.
Don't make a song & dance about it then you'll find they are not interested!!

47 Anonymous said... 47

Hi Freebird!

48 Anonymous said... 48


49 Anonymous said... 49

Why do the peas think anyone cares to see their kid's birthday pictures? Especially Lauren's 25 yo dd.

Who the fuck cares!

50 Anonymous said... 50

What it sounds like to me is the recipient isn't gushing all over her telling her how great and awesome her gift is.

"They're just not very good gift receivers. They're not unappreciative,'s just that they are so, I don't know what the word is...picky? But I'm not even sure that's's part of it, but it's more that they really don't get excited about much." *guess* *who* *said* *it*

51 Anonymous said... 51

I've been on the spelling Nazi's list before, for a few dumb errors but nothing like these from dalayney. They are so cute:


52 Anonymous said... 52

LOL! Lauren's daughter is fat. Maybe she should put down that cake.

53 Anonymous said... 53

I love how stressed the girls get about Christmas on two peas. If you don't want to buy a gift for someone DON'T DO IT! If you don't feel like schlepping your family to 8 different homes on CD, DON'T DO IT!

No is a complete sentence. Christmas is more than just the gifts. If you make something stressful don't be surprised when you are always stressed out.

54 Anonymous said... 54

52Anonymous said... 52

LOL! Lauren's daughter is fat. Maybe she should put down that cake.

November 27, 2012 9:13 AM

I didn't think she was that big at all. You can tell a lot of that is shadows. @@

55 Anonymous said... 55

"When I decided to join a local boot camp and get serious about exercising, I discovered that *I* need vigorous exercise almost daily to feel a deep connection to my body."Busypea

Who the fuck talks this way? A "deep connection" with her body, like what the rest of us are just renting space in our heads not really realizing we have a body. What douche.

Since she needed weight watchers at some point I guess she doesn't eat as much of that virgin river dolphin and home ground wheat as she like us to think.

56 Anonymous said... 56

I can feel when I need to poop too, busypea.

57 Anonymous said... 57 river dolphin

58 Anonymous said... 58

52-when she says "isn't she a beautiful young woman?" I wanted to post..FUCK NO!!

ps..she is fat
like mother like daughter

59 Anonymous said... 59

Christ on a krispy kracker, give it up already, JourneyFan!! Fuck that low carb shit. Just eat a twinkie already and quit your bitching.

I swear, she probably hasn't lost a fucking pound yet.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Hey, you can count points on virgin river dolphins!

61 Anonymous said... 61

where is vonnie?

62 Anonymous said... 62

59 - She says right in the OP that she hasn't lost anything yet!

63 Anonymous said... 63

So she wasted 15 minutes waiting for anonymous company across the internet??? I really don't get it...

64 Anonymous said... 64

"The Romans killed Jesus, you Jesus freak. You give the rest of us Christians a bad name with your ignorance, "

The Jewish officials handed him over to the Romans. The Jewish leaders are just as guilty.


"I couldn't believe how many of them wouldn't let a kid of 16/17 have some wine or the odd beer AT HOME when it was discussed on a thread some while ago.
Keep telling a kid that something is bad, bad, bad is a sure way for them wanting to try it."

Forget whether it's bad or not. It's frickin' ILLEGAL to drink that young. Period. Nice way to teach them the law doesn't apply to them.

65 Anonymous said... 65

It's not illegal to offer/provide alcohol to YOUR child in YOUR home. It is illegal to offer it to other peoples children.

66 Anonymous said... 66

There's a difference between having a couple sips or a small serving of alcohol vs. getting full blown wasted. I think most rational parents that monitor their child's consumption and don't allow them to get fall down drunk.

That's sort of the point, to teach alcohol in moderation instead of letting the flood gates open at their first day on a college campus.

67 Anonymous said... 67

It's not illegal to offer/provide alcohol to YOUR child in YOUR home. It is illegal to offer it to other peoples children.

Actually that depends on the state. There are 5 states I think that do not even require parental consent for minors in a private setting.

on private, non alcohol-selling premises,
without parental consent in 6 states

Examples: private home, private office, or private property without parental consent or presence

Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, South Carolina

68 Anonymous said... 68

That's sort of the point, to teach alcohol in moderation instead of letting the flood gates open at their first day on a college campus.

November 27, 2012 1:23 PM

You've got it 66.

So more sensible!

69 Anonymous said... 69

LOL! Lauren's daughter is fat. Maybe she should put down that cake.

Pick on Lauren, not her daughter who has enough to contend with; her mother is Lauren.

70 Anonymous said... 70

Isn't lauren's daughter an adult? If so, and Lauren posted a picture of her, sorry the daughter is open to any hateful stuff folks want to smack on here.

71 Anonymous said... 71

70, if Lauren's daughter posted a pic of herself, I would agree with you. I would be mad as hell at my demon Mother for posting a pic of me on a message board where she is seen as the devil incarnate and so I don't think the poor thing is putting herself out there to be smacked. FFS, as others have said, it's enough to be labelled as her Mother's child.

72 Anonymous said... 72

ffs ask your doctor dumbass.

73 Anonymous said... 73


1 gift for 4 kids?That's like opening a pack of socks and giving them each 1.5 pairs. I really hate family "gifts". Just buy the damn xbox, but don't make it the *big* gift for 4 kids to share.

It's like those jerks who book a vacation as the kid's gift that the WHOLE family gets to enjoy. How is that the *child's* gift if your fat ass is going to?

74 Anonymous said... 74

If an Amazon shipment is going to "ruin your kid's surprise," don't shop Amazon. Buy in a store. Problem solved.

75 Anonymous said... 75

73 Anonymous said... 73


1 gift for 4 kids?That's like opening a pack of socks and giving them each 1.5 pairs. I really hate family "gifts". Just buy the damn xbox, but don't make it the *big* gift for 4 kids to share.

It's like those jerks who book a vacation as the kid's gift that the WHOLE family gets to enjoy. How is that the *child's* gift if your fat ass is going to?


I think money is tight for them, not what I'd do for my kids but fuck it at least her kids are getting something.

I hate the "let's trick them into thinking they're not getting what they want" ideas shes looking for.

I also hate the you get three things, one to read, one to wear and one to play with. Seems like it'd make for a very blah Christmas.

76 Anonymous said... 76

#73 - disagree. It sounds like the kids are getting individual presents as well. So I'm not seeing what's wrong with one big gift for the four kids to share. They are going to share it anyway.

77 Anonymous said... 77

I also hate the you get three things, one to read, one to wear and one to play with. Seems like it'd make for a very blah Christmas.

Not if that's what you are used to. And I heard it was four things, the fourth being one they need. Problem is, most people are spoiled rotten at Christmas and most of them don't even play or use half of what they are given.

78 Anonymous said... 78

Problem is, most people are spoiled rotten at Christmas and most of them don't even play or use half of what they are given.
TRUE! Not just kids, but adults too. I'd rather have quality over quantity.

In other news, busypea is so full of shit she squeaks.

79 Anonymous said... 79

It's not illegal to offer/provide alcohol to YOUR child in YOUR home. It is illegal to offer it to other peoples children.

It's illegal in my state. Earlier this year, a mother was arrested for allowing her 18-year old son drink at their home as celebration of his high school graduation. The son's father called the police because he disagreed with it and the mother went to jail.

80 Anonymous said... 80

How many kids does ADD Housewife have? She says:

"This is the big gift for my 4 oldest. "

Four oldest? So she has younger kids too.

And they did have two dogs, but they now have only one?

81 Anonymous said... 81

78 Anonymous said... 78

Problem is, most people are spoiled rotten at Christmas and most of them don't even play or use half of what they are given.
TRUE! Not just kids, but adults too. I'd rather have quality over quantity.

In other news, busypea is so full of shit she squeaks.


I get that, and I'm not saying buy stuff just to have a ton of presents but I buy the kids things they ask for. Not everything, but I stick mainly to their lists.

I buy them clothes when they need new ones not as Christmas gifts. As for books we go to the library weekly, plus they go to the school library.

I'm just projecting my childhood Christmas's of practical gifts that I needed but didn't want. I mean what kid wants to unwrap a coat or shoes? As a teen I did appreciate the clothes but I would have rather had them in the beginning of school.

82 Anonymous said... 82

I think ADD had to rehome her other dog after it bit one of her kids.

83 Anonymous said... 83

80 I think one of the dogs was smart enough to run away when it got a chance. I imagine that house as very chaotic.

And depending on the ages of the kids the younger ones may not want a xbox. Most of those games are geared toward older teens. A wii would be better for little kids.

84 Anonymous said... 84

82 Anonymous said... 82

I think ADD had to rehome her other dog after it bit one of her kids.


No her dumbass dh let the dog out back and didn't make sure to bring it back into the house. The dog ran away. Not sure if they found it or not.

85 Anonymous said... 85

Here's her list of kids from her blog.... 6 kids!

The Family
Just so you can keep track of us:

D (my husband)
The Boy (15)
Leelee (13)
Little B (11)
Danger Girl (9)
Punky Brewster (5)
Little Miss (3)

86 Anonymous said... 86

The dog ran off and they never found it. I bet ya they will have a new dog before next Spring... like they need one /eyeroll

87 Anonymous said... 87

I'm just projecting my childhood Christmas's of practical gifts that I needed but didn't want. I mean what kid wants to unwrap a coat or shoes?

I guess I am too because, honestly, I would have loved to have some really nice shoes and a new coat as a kid. We didn't have a lot of money, so most of our clothes were second hand and the shoes boring and practical.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Oh, just shut the fuck up.

89 Anonymous said... 89

67Anonymous said... 67 It's not illegal to offer/provide alcohol to YOUR child in YOUR home. It is illegal to offer it to other peoples children.

Actually that depends on the state. There are 5 states I think that do not even require parental consent for minors in a private setting.

on private, non alcohol-selling premises,
without parental consent in 6 states

Examples: private home, private office, or private property without parental consent or presence

Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, South Carolina

November 27, 2012 1:35 PM

Thanks Busypea

90 Anonymous said... 90

No 84, there were two dogs. In the same thread where she talked about her lost dog she also mentioned that her other dog was on thin ice and she eventually had to get rid of him after an incident with one of her kids.

91 Anonymous said... 91

I hope they never get another dog.

92 Anonymous said... 92

Oh, just shut the fuck up.


No 88 - she's a complete idiot! WTF do we care about a fucking cookie.

93 Anonymous said... 93

I get that, 81. And I can appreciate it. I meant, people go waaaay overboard giving their kids toys and all manner of other presents. Example: I had a frenemy/coworker who had two boys, six and eight. They got tons of stuff from her and her boyfriend, their dad and stepmother, and FOUR SETS of grandparents. And then my frenemy wondered why her kids wouldn't play with all their stuff.

She also had to borrow money from me at Christmastime to have her electricity turned back on, and filed bankruptcy a few months later. I went to her BK lawyer appointment with her--she lied like a rug.

94 Anonymous said... 94

That's sort of the point, to teach alcohol in moderation instead of letting the flood gates open at their first day on a college campus.


This. My maternal side came over from Italy, where children were given small glasses of watered-down wine at holiday dinners. Everyone on that side drinks responsibly - not an alcoholic in sight. The uptight, by the rules other side of the family tree? Eh, not so much.

When my kids hit about 16, we'd offer them a glass of wine at family functions. We looked at as teaching them how to do it responsibly. Similar to teaching them to drive a car.


95 Anonymous said... 95

D (my husband)
The Boy (15)
Leelee (13)
Little B (11)
Danger Girl (9)
Punky Brewster (5)
Little Miss (3)


Jesus. I'd be in an asylum if I had that many kids.

96 Anonymous said... 96

Jesus. I'd be in an asylum if I had that many kids.


and could only afford to buy them a $200 gift to *share*!

97 Anonymous said... 97

Ahhh, but was it an all organic, fair trade and gluten free cookie, busypea?

98 Anonymous said... 98

That's sort of the point, to teach alcohol in moderation instead of letting the flood gates open at their first day on a college campus.

Totally agree. I occasionally let my child have a sip of wine or whatever and she doesn't like it much. I'm sure she will be responsible, however, only time will tell. OTH, my BIL and his wife are non drinkers and their kids let rip in their early teens.

99 Anonymous said... 99

82 Anonymous said... 82

I think ADD had to rehome her other dog after it bit one of her kids.


OK I've missed a post somewhere, last time I was paying attention one of the dogs escaped the back yard.

And busypea is such a dingus, of course she paid for both lunches, the cookie and left a huge tip.

Hey BP, did your "deep connection" with your body tell you that it needed a lemon cookie?

100 Anonymous said... 100

ADD's son let the dog out...she blamed the DH till the kid fessed up

101 Anonymous said... 101

Grandpa Cranky McCain needs to go the fuck away already.

102 Anonymous said... 102

Who cares about the dog?

103 Anonymous said... 103

That poor dog! I hope he found a good home!

104 Anonymous said... 104

She got a perfect fake tan, too.

105 Anonymous said... 105

Fake tans make people look like wieners.

106 Anonymous said... 106

If your daughter is the scary one in your avatar, I'd be worried about her "strong will"...

107 Anonymous said... 107

ADD's kids' "names" on her blog are stupid/trying too hard to be cute. She is an idiot, so I guess I can see where the stupid names come in. LeeLee and LittleB and DangerfuckingGirl? The hell??

108 Anonymous said... 108

Burning Feather is building a house? What city in Texas got stuck with her? Did she ever say?

109 Anonymous said... 109

#106 - oh my heck, she looks like she could be cast as Damien's sister or daughter.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Doesn't Mary Mary use made up "cutesy" names for her kids on her blog? I wonder if ADD is a MM wannabe.

111 Anonymous said... 111

You guess'ster 110!

112 Anonymous said... 112

Lots of scrappers, and non scrappers, use made up names for their kids, what's the point exactly?

113 Anonymous said... 113

The point is, it's stupid.

114 Anonymous said... 114

Libis is in the hospital. She is rejecting her 2nd donated kidney. I really do feel bad for her.

115 Anonymous said... 115

#114...that's too bad. I would not wish organ rejection on anyone....

116 Anonymous said... 116

Didn't agnostic busypea just request p&pt a day or two ago? That never makes sense to me. What is that, kind of well, just in case...........

117 Anonymous said... 117


Posted: 11/28/2012 6:23:54 AM

I'm not offended, but I am confused about it being a 'Jesus thing'?? I thought christmas came about as a homage to st Nicholas??
Does anybody know why and want to explain it to me?


Are you fucking kidding me? What a fucking dumbshit!

118 Anonymous said... 118

117 - I agree....her dumbness is showing BIG TIME. FFS how do some people get through the day without any semblance of brains???

119 Anonymous said... 119


I guess her dh finally gave her back her computer cord.

120 Anonymous said... 120

Wow, just checked out libis' blog. Very sad indeed.

121 Anonymous said... 121

117Anonymous said... 117 mandy*g

Posted: 11/28/2012 6:23:54 AM

I'm not offended, but I am confused about it being a 'Jesus thing'?? I thought christmas came about as a homage to st Nicholas??
Does anybody know why and want to explain it to me?


Are you fucking kidding me? What a fucking dumbshit!

November 28, 2012 6:25 AM

Would she feel better knowing "St. Nick" was a pedophile? People put their kids on his lap every year too LOL Seriously.

122 Anonymous said... 122

I don't see anything on libis blog other than a photo of her kid during their thanksgiving 'picnic' in the hopsital. Either navigation is poor on her 'new' site or there just isn't anything there. (maybe i'm just too stupid to navigate - there i said it before some bitch does lol)

123 Cat Lady said... 123

122, that post talks about her being in the hospital for anti-rejection drugs. I didn't see her saying that it was for sure that she'd have a rejection, but it appears to be a problem. I don't know anything about organ transplant, so I don't know if it's a given if rejection is discovered if it's for sure or not. I could google, but I don't care that much.

Good luck to her, of course.

124 Anonymous said... 124

I hope Libis doesn't reject the kidney and hope she can go home soon.

I still think she's an entitled, selfish asshole, though, and wouldn't be surprised if she and Jamie came out with another plea for help to "keep the lights on."

125 Anonymous said... 125

I can't believe those idiot peas are still talking about that fucking lemon cookie!

126 Anonymous said... 126

Well, isn't she special.

127 Anonymous said... 127

Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ. It is traditional of course as someone smarter than I figured He was probably born in the summer.

Yeah because Christmas is never in the summer, eye roll.

128 Anonymous said... 128

Didn't agnostic busypea just request p&pt a day or two ago? That never makes sense to me. What is that, kind of well, just in case...........


I thought agnostic meant you believe in *something* just not the Christian God. Agnostic people do pray, just not to the same deity as Christians.

129 Anonymous said... 129

An agnostic is a person who believes that the existence of a greater power, such as a god, cannot be proven or disproved

130 Anonymous said... 130

Agnostics hedge their bets to an extent and don't pray. Honestly, who would an agnostic pray to? All of the Gods, as a cover all bases kind of thing?

131 Anonymous said... 131

So by your reckoning, 128, Muslims and Jews would be agnostic, because they don't pray to the "Christian god"?

132 Anonymous said... 132

Take away all iPods/Kindles, TV time, video game time, social media and non-school related computer time away until she moves out.

Fucking a, just give her a coat that doesn't fit or is ugly. She'll want her old coat back.

133 Anonymous said... 133

Nope, 131, I was only using Christians as the example. I could have listed all the religions that pray, but it would have gotten to long.

134 Anonymous said... 134

128, I don't think agnostic means what you think it means. @@

135 Anonymous said... 135

Aprilfay defending her babydaddy again.

136 Anonymous said... 136

I would classify myself as agnostic and, to me, I always thought agnostic meant 'I just don't KNOW'.

There *may* be a God (no, I am not *KiKi Nichole*) but I have no proof of it and do not worship or have faith in any of it.

However, I admit I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

137 Anonymous said... 137

Yes. One kid out of wedlock is an accident. Two kids out of wedlock is a shame.

Are YOU married yet? Yeah, I thought not.

What a bitch! And what century is she living in again?

138 Anonymous said... 138

2 reasons for that many calories...either an extreme athlete or someone that is morbidly obese that needs to gradually lose weight.

139 Anonymous said... 139

Ahh 137, good ole' Captain Kunt is back at 'er! Just in time for the refreshing! lol

140 Anonymous said... 140

Atheist: No belief in God.
Theist: Belief in God.

Agnostic: We cannot know whether God exists or not.
Gnostic: We can know whether God exists or not.

You can be a gnostic theist. (A mormon who says they have sure knowledge their God exists, is a gnostic theist) Some theists are agnostic. Atheists can also be gnostic or agnostic.

In general I am an agnostic atheist. I don't think we can know whether some sort of god or gods exist for certain, but I do not have a belief in any God. Now, when it comes to certain god concepts, for example the Mormon God, I am a gnostic atheist. I don't belive in the mormon god and I think we can emphatically know that he does not exist.

141 Anonymous said... 141

138-315 lbs there ya go.

142 Anonymous said... 142

DarkAngel should we working with a reading tutor, too.

143 Anonymous said... 143

Yep, 315 would be morbidly obese, hence the high number of calories starting out...

144 Anonymous said... 144

Ooh, two annoying people - Clee and Kiki - fighting with each other. Yay!

I'm with team KikiNichole on this one.

145 Anonymous said... 145

clee and *miss hand slap* getting into it about Santa.

146 Anonymous said... 146

Insert the name of any one of the major deities into that conversation instead of Santa and I wonder how the peas would react.

147 Anonymous said... 147

Yes. One kid out of wedlock is an accident. Two kids out of wedlock is a shame.

Shrug, I kind of agree with her that bastard babies are nothing to be proud of, given the fact that you can just walk down to the courthouse and make them legitimate in an afternoon.I don't get why someone wouldn't do that.

148 Anonymous said... 148

Bastard babies? What century do you live in? Married parents do not make better parents but it does make some of them judgmental douchecanoes.

149 Anonymous said... 149

I had two children out of wedlock because I did not want a husband. No regrets on my decision. My children are doing great too.

150 Anonymous said... 150

I have learned busypea and shihtzumommy's real names. One is actually quite beautiful. The other looks worse than her attitude. Which do you think is which?

151 Anonymous said... 151

I'm with Lauren on this one...

152 Anonymous said... 152

Give up the goods, 150! At last a picture so we can guess who is who.

153 Anonymous said... 153

150, why not get married if your tied to this person for the rest of your life?

154 Anonymous said... 154

the only thing I don't get 149 is the cost factor. If you went to the courthouse, and got married, it would cost less than $100 for the marriage license and you wouldn't even have to tell anyone. Then you have full legal and medical benefits to your spouse and children. If you go to a lawyer to have the same rights made legal, it would take so much more money. That is the part I don't understand.

155 Anonymous said... 155

I guess shitzu as the pretty one and busy as the awful looking one...

156 Anonymous said... 156

I wouldn't think busypea has a BAD attitude, she's jut a granola snob. I've never been offended by something she says like half of the things that come out of shihtzu's mouth.

busypea makes me roll my eyes, shihtzu makes makes me gasp.

157 Anonymous said... 157

busypea seems much more high maintenance, so I would think she also uses the expensive make up and cleansing systems, wears the expensive clothes, I'm thinking busypea would look better.

158 Anonymous said... 158

"150, why not get married if your tied to this person for the rest of your life? "

She could have had sperm donors. Remember you don't have to have sex to get pregnant anymore....

159 Anonymous said... 159

Boo fucking hoo.

160 Anonymous said... 160

Yea, I don't have any sympathy for her.

"Do I have any recourse?"

Yea, you sit and be patient. You are't the only person ordering packages that need to be shipped in your small town.

161 Anonymous said... 161

I know who Busypea is. She has twitter, linkedin and facebook.

It took all of about 3 seconds to find her on-line.

She actually shares quite a lot about herself.

162 Anonymous said... 162

I googled "busypea" and didn't come up with much. Could you at least point me in the right direction? I've always been curious as to what she looks like.

163 Anonymous said... 163

She could have had sperm donors. Remember you don't have to have sex to get pregnant anymore....

Since the 1940s actually.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Is that when turkey basters were invented? ;)

I'm curious about what busypea looks like, too. It would be nice to see if she's really 100 pounds overweight with chin hair and a mustache.

165 Anonymous said... 165

Believe it or not, I'm with Lauren on this one, too. How and why can a middle schooler still believe in Santa?! WTF? That's lame.

166 Anonymous said... 166

I agree 165... sorry, but a middle school teacher shouldn't have to perpetuate a myth intended for little kids.

167 Anonymous said... 167

If the teacher supported the idea that unicorns or gremlins or the tooth fairy were real, we'd be complaining. Why is santa different?

168 Anonymous said... 168

Because the peas want to infantilize their children. Some of them base their entire lives on their children, so if their kids grow up, the peas won't have anything left. Or so they think.

Notice the peas who have jobs and hobbies and other stuff are those who don't talk about their kids all.the.time? And don't infantilize their children.

169 Anonymous said... 169

Anyone who says that their 11 year old and up still believes in Santa is either lying or kidding themselves. My kid knew there was no Santa by around 8 or 9, but we both pretended he still existed. We both knew we were pretending though, it was just a part of Christmas.

And it had been a discussion about the Great Pumpkin, it would have been a totally different conversation.

170 Anonymous said... 170

Back when I was in 6th grade, it wouldn't have mattered if I had to do chores all day. No school? Awesome! And she didn't even have to fake sick!

171 Anonymous said... 171

It is admirable that she wants to adopt, but doesn't she have enough on her plate as it is?

172 Anonymous said... 172


Cookie mixes, hand scrub and trail mix as gifts? I'm so glad no one I exchange with is so cheap.

173 Anonymous said... 173

#170 - I would have hated that. I would have preferred to go to school and do nothing all day, instead of chores. 6th grade was easy.

174 Anonymous said... 174

What a bitch! And what century is she living in again?


It's 2Peas.

175 Anonymous said... 175

FFS, this lady is so damn wishy-washy and whigny! Where the heck is this party that it costs so much pp?

176 Anonymous said... 176

That santa thread is hilarious. Twinsmom nailed it...if your 11 or 12 year old still believes either there's a problem with cognitive function or they're playing the parents.

177 Anonymous said... 177

ITA. #171

And why from China. There are a lot of Special Needs/Medical needs children right here in the US.

I guess it just seems more glamorous to adopt from oversees. It really appears to be an ego thing.

178 Anonymous said... 178

Shih Tzu Mommy is an uptight twat. And yes she is being snobby and judging. What a cow.

"I realized that the people I have heard say they love them also tend to eat at places like Golden Corral and Red Lobster. So perhaps it is a palate thing. Not being snobby or judging, I enjoy Cracker Barrel from time to time myself. But if you regularly enjoy certain foods you are going to have a different opinion of a product than someone who does not enjoy those same foods."

179 Anonymous said... 179

Well 178 I guess you are not a connoisseur of the finer things in life, such as virgin river dolphin and achingly sharp cheese.

Why don't you take you nickel grubbing self down to Appleby's for some lunch today? Or if that's out of the budget I hear McDonald's has a dollar menu.

180 Anonymous said... 180

Still waiting for the shih zu vs. busypea links.

181 Anonymous said... 181

I guess it just seems more glamorous to adopt from oversees. It really appears to be an ego thing.
Adopting from China has a bit more red tape and cost but the chances of having mom or dad come back in 6 months or 6 years wanting the child are pretty much zero. Adopting in the United States you will always live with a 'what if' fear because judges don't give a squirt about what is best for the kids.

182 Anonymous said... 182

lol 163 - I obviously failed at being snarky...

183 Anonymous said... 183

Well 179, the high horse you rode in on is shitting on the lawn.... why don't you scoop that up and shove it down your throat.

184 Anonymous said... 184

183 Anonymous said... 183

Well 179, the high horse you rode in on is shitting on the lawn.... why don't you scoop that up and shove it down your throat.


Guess it's hard for you to read sarcasm on line, don't worry Sheldon Cooper has the same problem irl.

185 Anonymous said... 185

Wow batya's latest response is full on bitch:

It's ok. I'm allowed to do that. B/c I DO believe in G-d and I don't believe in Santa. It's clear that your personal beliefs and your visceral reaction made your synapses jump your critical thinking skills and miss the point.

186 Anonymous said... 186

Asian babies are so darn cute too.

187 Anonymous said... 187

Guess it's hard for you to read sarcasm on line, don't worry Sheldon Cooper has the same problem irl.

Guess it's hard for you also, for I was being sarcastic back.

188 Anonymous said... 188

#180, you sound seriously stalkerish.

And these dumbass peas who are insisting their 12 year old kids have every right to believe in Santa are going to be posting about their kids being bullied any day now. Middle schoolers will not be kind on this issue.

Seriously, has to be "special" kids to still believe a fat guy in a red suit is able to fly with reindeer to every single kid in the world delivering toys and goodies in a single night at 11 or 12 years old. Most kids start to question that at a much younger age. Now they may be pretending because they are afraid to disappoint their silly parents and have fewer presents or something. I find the whole thing weird. Had no idea a kid might buy the story this long.

189 Anonymous said... 189

180 does not sound stalkerish. She just shared her opinion. Get a grip.

190 Anonymous said... 190

Oh wait, my bad. I was reading wrong post.

I too would like to also see shitzu and busypea links also, just out of curiosity. Like putting a face with a name, but I'm not stalkerish.

But someone probably posted that shit laughing. We'll never see any links.

191 Anonymous said... 191

188, you have kids? Because I can see kids playing their parents for more presents and parents just being dumb about it.

192 Anonymous said... 192

Desertpea is at it again. When will otherwise smart people learn to stop engaging her/him/it?

193 Anonymous said... 193

Damn, kikistnickole is fucking melting down over the Santa issue.

194 Anonymous said... 194

And mergeleft leaves her daughter in danger of a break in just three days after a string of them in her neighborhood, just to prove a point. Great parenting!

195 Anonymous said... 195

she had gladys watching the house. LOL

196 Anonymous said... 196

193 leave the nicknaming up to the pros, you suck at it.

197 Anonymous said... 197

180 is not stalkerish, the people *claiming* to have links to people's pics are just lame wanna be tier one peas that have now tried to stir the pot at the bukkit. Apparently their life has fallen to a new low...

198 Anonymous said... 198

tiki mama is still butthurt!

199 Anonymous said... 199

Didn't darkangel post about being on food stamps and how hard it was? How can she financially afford to eat 3000 calories a day? How can she afford a trainer?

200 Anonymous said... 200

here u go.

pea 1:
pea 2:

which do u think is which?

bonus, pic of pea 2's son:


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