Monday, November 19, 2012

Space 11/19/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1

kendra is first to the corner!

2 Anonymous said... 2

Can somebody tell me when the Great Persecution of Christians is taking place, so I can arrange time off from work?

3 Anonymous said... 3

fuck that thread #2. Now it's all the wanna-be-tier-one peas making lame jokes about toasters.

4 FML said... 4

I feel bad for all the peas who've lost their husbands. I hate when the ones who still have thiers bitch about what they did wrong. (ie Paige's Dr. husband who forgot a bag of groceries in the trunk). Mine can not bring in the groceries. Mine can not work. I have to do everything. I wish my husband was a Dr. and I didn't have to bring in groceries (not really).

Stop bitching about your husbands!

5 Anonymous said... 5

191Anonymous said... 191 I wonder if Staph brought her black bf with her to the Mitt event she attended? I'm sure Mitten's staff would have grabbed him and seated him in the token bleacher seats just feet away from the podium. lol

November 19, 2012 2:20 PM

She's single.

6 Anonymous said... 6

Dotty vs. Batya battle of the shes who cannot be wrong.

7 Anonymous said... 7

Dottyscrapper is marginally less biased than Batya. Frankly, I'd trust her judgment before Batya's.

8 Anonymous said... 8

what thread #6?

9 Anonymous said... 9

For 8.

10 Anonymous said... 10

I know the sheep have ruined the thread, 3, but the poor benighted OP just struck me as funny.

11 Anonymous said... 11

I love how some no-name peas asked questions, but the sheep totally ignored them just to make jokes and try get noticed by the tier 1's!

12 FML x1000 said... 12


13 Anonymous said... 13


14 Anonymous said... 14

yubon must be really bored to be bumping threads from months ago to bash people on!

15 Anonymous said... 15

13Anonymous said... 13 FYL FYL FYL FYL FYL FYL

November 19, 2012 6:20 PM

Thank you.

16 Anonymous said... 16

FFS. The way Batya tells it, Israel is completely innocent in all things, and the evil Palestinians invaded Israel, murdered all puppies and kittens, and is now unjustly bombing the poor, innocent Israelis. Few conflicts are as one-sided as she wants this one to seem.

I see Annabella has made an intelligent post on that thread. That's usually noteworthy.

17 Anonymous said... 17

friends want you to go on a quick trip you cannot afford

Bookmark this ThreadWatch this ThreadReport ViolationReturn to Last List . Post Reply . Post New Topic Posted 9:20:03 PM by old pea new name in NSBR Board

old pea new name


Just pull a Annafreebella and let them pay for you.

18 Anonymous said... 18

Way to derail the toddler mom thread. Fucking cunt lauren.

19 Anonymous said... 19

that thread is from JULY!!!

20 Anonymous said... 20

18Anonymous said... 18 Way to derail the toddler mom thread. Fucking cunt lauren.

November 19, 2012 8:04 PM

still trying to figure out why flubs bumped this thread.

she must have been logged in on the wrong pea name and wanted to stir shit.

21 Anonymous said... 21

I know the sheep have ruined the thread, 3, but the poor benighted OP just struck me as funny.
- ---------------------
Check out the OP's blogs. She's mentally ill. Religion has fucked with her head, big-time.

22 Anonymous said... 22

OH SHIT! I just read that whole fucking thread. Fuck you flubs!

23 Anonymous said... 23

True 21. Definitely needs to up the meds that one.

24 Anonymous said... 24

I expected Ursula to look like my mental image of Skybarf, yet she appears normal. That's even scarier.

But yeah, she's FUBAR.

25 Anonymous said... 25

Why do you guys call Yubon "flubs?"

It's hilarious, though!

26 Anonymous said... 26

Annabella is an idiot. Always and forever.

27 Anonymous said... 27


PeaNut 308,882
April 2007
Posts: 2,354
Layouts: 15
Posted: 11/19/2012 8:13:34 PM

I really wish some of you would learn to think before talking out of your ass

life link started in 1985

OP some of us are tired of christian try to rule our life and the life's of our friend and family. If christian had there way They would still be burning people of my realign. christian need to pull there heads out of there back side and let people live there life's. With out having to hear your BS all the time about what is right or wrong. As long as people are not hurting them self or other Then I don't give a Fyling F what they are doing with there life.

28 Anonymous said... 28

Darkangel is why kids need to stay in school.

29 Anonymous said... 29

I had to put DA on ignore so I wouldn't have to see her word salad.

30 Anonymous said... 30

"I don't give a fyling F" doesn't have quite the same punch somehow.

31 Anonymous said... 31

Fucking lot of drama over at the bukkit tonight.

32 Anonymous said... 32

Must be the TG dinner, house guest stress coming to an ugly head.

33 Anonymous said... 33

I feel bad for all the peas who've lost their husbands. I hate when the ones who still have thiers bitch about what they did wrong.


Oh please. Like husbands don't bitch about their wives too. Let the women blow off a little steam. I'm not talking about the ones who drag their DH's name through the mud or say humiliating things about him, but the normal annoying husband things are ok to vent about.

It's life. Those who lost their husbands will be surrounded by living husbands for the rest of their lives. We can't shelter them from every hearing a bad word said about a husband.

Just like the infertile Peas. I feel horribly for them that they have such a difficult time getting pregnant. But that doesn't mean other women should never post pictures of their kids on 2Peas or on FB. Or that we can't complain if we've been puking our guts out for 7 out of 9 months of pregnancy, all day, every day.

Sometimes you have to vent, even if you're lucky enough not to have a dead husband or no babies.

EVERYONE is missing something or someone. There are people who have never had a home - should we all stop complaining about our mortgage payments? There are people who lost their mother when they were 5, like me. Does it sting a little when people bitch about their mothers? Sure. But I would never dream of asking people to never complain about their mothers around me.

34 Anonymous said... 34

I wonder if he's just angry at what he's been dealt and I get the backlash and have to deal with it. Anyone know if that's normal? How are people who are caregivers to deal with this shit?


Yes, that is normal. The closest one to the sick (or old) person usually gets all the worst treatment taken out on them. I'm sorry you're going through this.

Question - before he got sick, would he say things to you like you've written here (i.e. Fuck you bitch)? Because if that's how he's always been, I'd be out. But if it only started when he got sick, I don't know...I guess I'd be committed to stay even getting treated like that.

I don't know though. I have a lot of pride, and it would take a LOT for me to stay with someone who talked to me like that, sick or not. My mother raised me to know I'm worth way more than that.

But if he's just freaking out inside and this is unusual behavior for him, well...yeah I'd probably stay but try not to engage when he says the bad stuff. Just stay calm and talk matter-of-factly to him, like "Here are your pills" or "I washed your sheets, let me know when you want me to change them".


35 Anonymous said... 35

lmao #30 - no, no it doesn't. HAHAHA

36 Anonymous said... 36

Ursula is an ignorant cunt.

37 Anonymous said... 37

Got that right 36. It's horrible. A literate skybarf.

38 Anonymous said... 38

33Anonymous said... 33 I feel bad for all the peas who've lost their husbands. I hate when the ones who still have thiers bitch about what they did wrong.


Oh please. Like husbands don't bitch about their wives too. Let the women blow off a little steam. I'm not talking about the ones who drag their DH's name through the mud or say humiliating things about him, but the normal annoying husband things are ok to vent about.

It's life. Those who lost their husbands will be surrounded by living husbands for the rest of their lives. We can't shelter them from every hearing a bad word said about a husband.

Just like the infertile Peas. I feel horribly for them that they have such a difficult time getting pregnant. But that doesn't mean other women should never post pictures of their kids on 2Peas or on FB. Or that we can't complain if we've been puking our guts out for 7 out of 9 months of pregnancy, all day, every day.

Sometimes you have to vent, even if you're lucky enough not to have a dead husband or no babies.

EVERYONE is missing something or someone. There are people who have never had a home - should we all stop complaining about our mortgage payments? There are people who lost their mother when they were 5, like me. Does it sting a little when people bitch about their mothers? Sure. But I would never dream of asking people to never complain about their mothers around me.

November 19, 2012 11:06 PM

I get what you're saying and as you said, "sometimes you have to vent". I vented and it felt a little better.

I have plenty I want to say to you about specific comments you made but I don't have the energy to. That said, I'm off to pretend my world consists of rainbows and unicorns (not).

39 Anonymous said... 39

I didn't even read her lengthy posts.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Alright, this post is hella long, but apparently it explains a lot of Ursula's mental illness. It is funny that she says that she doesn't understand how her mom could be so mentally ill and still have such faith in Jesus. I think the two go hand in hand.

It also seems as though she had some lesbian child's play with a friend around 11 and her sister (step, I believe) so maybe that is why she is so freaking homophobic.

From Ursula's blog...her story:

41 Anonymous said... 41

If you need to vent sometimes that's fine, but there are a few peas that can't seem
to ever have a nice thing to say about their husbands.

42 Anonymous said... 42

So I'm reading through Ursala's blog, I've got to say do people really have this much drama in their lives?

43 Anonymous said... 43

It's all drama if you think your mainstream life is being persecuted, or if you feel under attack every minute of every day. I think she does.

44 Anonymous said... 44

Alright no fucking way is Ursala's blog for real.

45 Anonymous said... 45

What is the story with ScrappingSpidey? Can anyone give me the Cliff's Notes?

46 Anonymous said... 46

ScrappinSpidey's husband was killed when their truck/trailer lost control and overturned on the freeway last summer. She's been trying to get her life back together ever since.

47 Anonymous said... 47

I went and looked at Ursula's blog and it was like deja vu. I'd read it already some time in the past. So this not her first brush with making a bad name for herself on twopeas. I just don't remember the details now.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Is Ursula on 2peas??? Name???

49 Anonymous said... 49

I wonder why ScrappinSpidey's lawyer told her to deactivate all of her online profiles for now. I hope everything is ok, she's been having a hell of a time.

50 Anonymous said... 50

Interesting that she's upset and annoyed that her son has to sell tickets the day *before* Thanksgiving, but she doesn't understand why some people are upset and annoyed that they/their families members have to work on Thanksgiving day.

And yes, I had to make sure to throw in a ** for good measure.

51 Anonymous said... 51

Ah, thanks 46! I remember that now, I do wonder why a lawyer is involved and telling her to delete the posts?

48 - her 2peas name is Ursula Schneider, can't miss it!

52 Anonymous said... 52

I went and looked at Ursula's blog and it was like deja vu. I'd read it already some time in the past. So this not her first brush with making a bad name for herself on twopeas. I just don't remember the details now.

I was thinking the same thing. She posted her story on NSBR back in June.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Funny how people like Ursula think they've "come out the other side" unscathed. Fuck me.

54 Anonymous said... 54

For those that have read Ursula's blog do you believe it? I don't want to be cold hearted but damn I just find it hard to believe she's suffered that much.

And the story of her friend, the one that sexually abused her, being kidnapped, raped and dropped back off at the kidnap spot just seem off.

55 Anonymous said... 55

Pennyring has a skewed view of what's normal behavior. Remember, she's the one who has never had a pap/pelvic exam. Probably due to her freaky upbringing.

56 Anonymous said... 56

That TurkeyGate thread was EPIC!! I wonder, didn't the OP of that thread eventually divorce her DH?

57 Anonymous said... 57

Oh my fuck! I used to know Ursula in another life, she always seemed so reasonable. WTF happened?

58 Anonymous said... 58

#55 - I'm pretty sure that was Country Ham or Yubon

59 Anonymous said... 59

Hey 58 you might try reading the second link 55 posted:

"I'm wondering because I've never had an exam down there and refuse to, so having a kid freaks me out because I know they'll want to do that." pennyring

60 Anonymous said... 60

#59 - I stand corrected. I didn't read very far into that thread because, well, it was kinda long winded and noting I hadn't read before elsewhere.

61 Anonymous said... 61

57 Anonymous said... 57

Oh my fuck! I used to know Ursula in another life, she always seemed so reasonable. WTF happened?


So do you believe her blog posts? If they are true I am truly sorry for her. I just can't fathom dealing with everything she has. What a crazy life.

62 Anonymous said... 62

Tattoo is hideous.

63 Anonymous said... 63

don't know whether ursula's story is true, false or embellished. but she clearly has mental illness. she's not rational.

64 Anonymous said... 64

I am the not christian and do not fallow the bible


Another dark angel gem.

65 Anonymous said... 65

So do you believe her blog posts? If they are true I am truly sorry for her. I just can't fathom dealing with everything she has. What a crazy life.


I don't know. When I knew her, we never talked about families, except for immediate family. I only ever knew her on line and 'met' her around 2005/2006? We were both doing digital scrapbooks and digital art journals (yeah, way before it was trendy). She then become a designer at ScrapGirls and I lost touch with her.

The thing is, if her mom had a mental illness, there's a possibility she does too.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Tattoo is hideous.

The fish scale border on the top is weird.

67 Anonymous said... 67

Her tattoo is not one I would get, but the story behind it is sweet. To each her own

68 Anonymous said... 68

OF COURSE 2peafaithful would accept a trip if someone wanted to *bless* her with one. She's the biggest fucking moocher at the pod!

69 Anonymous said... 69

My husband is a doctor and I still have to bring in the groceries! I would never complain about some of the LAME things those peatards do...don't sweat the small stuff!

70 Anonymous said... 70

The guy gave an example of "your brown eyes really match your chair" for the situation where you are just out of other substantive things.


If my dh and I were having marriage problems and that's the best we could come up with to compliment one another I think I would call it a day and get a divorce.

And the way the op describes her dh I have to wonder why she even wants to stay married. He just sounds like a dick. She says she doesn't like him anymore why even bother to stay together.

71 Anonymous said... 71

What's her shit about? An attorney told her to deactivate her account? Divorce?

72 FML said... 72

69Anonymous said... 69 My husband is a doctor and I still have to bring in the groceries! I would never complain about some of the LAME things those peatards do...don't sweat the small stuff!

November 20, 2012 5:03 PM

Can I borrow him?

73 Anonymous said... 73

I don't get why yubon would ask such a dumb question, go where it interests you! Other than to brag that she's going to Europe? sans any friends because she has none

74 Anonymous said... 74

The OP was widowed last summer, 71. I don't get the whole "an attorney told me to deactivate my Two Peas and Facebook accounts" thing. I have a feeling there is something big she's neglecting to tell the sheep. It doesn't jibe.

75 Anonymous said... 75

I think it's because a insurance company is trying to blame the accident on her dh and not pay what it should. She probably has to delete so they can't trace her post from right after the accident.

76 Anonymous said... 76

How did the accident happen? Was there somebody at fault?

77 Anonymous said... 77

If I remember correctly they were pulling a trailer and a gust of wind pushed it? Maybe picked it up somehow? And they wrecked. I think she said the insurance company is saying her dh over corrected or made some other driving mistake and refusing to pay. I hate insurance companies. They only seem to look out for their bottom line. Not their customers.

78 Anonymous said... 78

I don't get the whole "an attorney told me to deactivate my Two Peas and Facebook accounts" thing. I have a feeling there is something big she's neglecting to tell the sheep. It doesn't jibe.

Agree. It sounds very fishy.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Is crazy Ursula the same Ursula that's always mentioned over at the Scrapsmack/Smack Center site for saying stupid shit all the time?

80 Anonymous said... 80

Anybody want to make a bet on how long Batya's Israel-is-right-and-everybody-else-is-wrong thread will go? I say eight pages.

81 Anonymous said... 81

Ursula is a scrapbook celebrity....

82 Anonymous said... 82

looks like Ursula's peamail is full...wonder how many are nasty messages vs the nice ones...

83 Anonymous said... 83

She's not asking for recipes. She's asking for adulation. Period.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Hmmm...what happened to Ursula's twins?

Studio Calico profile

TwoPeas profile

85 Anonymous said... 85

For fucks sake, 83, she is excited about her project and wants some new recipes. Find something real to smack on...

86 Anonymous said... 86

it's really interesting she lists her oldest (lesbian) daughter as being married!!! Totally against what she said in her posts...

87 Anonymous said... 87

Yeah, no big deal asking for recipes. It's for a good cause, bravo to her.

88 Anonymous said... 88

Isd a bunny considered an animal? Do Peas have brains?

89 Anonymous said... 89

It was the way she said it, 87 and 85. Look-at-me came first, recipes were an afterthought.

90 Anonymous said... 90

I think she said one of her daughters was, not necessarily the eldest, but after reading her blog, I don't believe that.

One is currently in Teen challenge, so not moving into any apartment anywhere with anyone and the other one appears to have a boyfriend, at least, she's always turning up at the house with a guy in tow.

As for the twins, it appears she only sees them once every month or every two months. Don't know the whole background there though, as I haven't got to that part yet.

Yes, I admit, I had nothing else to do to day.

91 Anonymous said... 91

FFS 89, there are plenty of idiot peas to smack on, leave the ones that are actually doing some good alone!

92 Anonymous said... 92

did you read the link 90? It says: "I have 6 children, Kaitlin 19 and married, Millie, 19, Hunter 16, Maddie 15, Cody and Jacob 8(twins!)"

I take that to mean that Kaitlin is married...

93 Anonymous said... 93

I never said Kaitlin wasn't married. Where did I say that? She has two other daughters, as I pointed out, and she merely stated, as far as I could see, that one of her daughters was a lesbian and I was saying I didn't believe that any of them were.

94 Anonymous said... 94

I'm not trying to argue...just figure out her story! What did you mean by this: "I think she said one of her daughters was, not necessarily the eldest, but after reading her blog, I don't believe that." What don't you believe after reading her blog? (again, not confrontational, just trying to figure out the story)

95 Anonymous said... 95

I don't believe that any of her daughters are lesbian.

Kaitlin is married
Millie has a boyfriend (at least, she turns up with one, which wouldn't be necessary if she came out)
Maddie is in Teen Challenge (so, if it's Maddie, there's no way she could be moving into an apartment right now with her girl friend)

Sorry if I'm not very clear.

96 Anonymous said... 96

Thank you. Interesting that she is lying about having a lesbian daughter. I just skimmed her blog, and it seemed to be mostly about her scrapbooking...does she make more posts about her kids if I keep reading or are you on a different blog? For some reason, I am just fascinated by her 'story' (I think there is more made up than actually true, but that is just my opinion from what I have read of her posts)

97 Anonymous said... 97

What is Teen Challenge?

98 Anonymous said... 98

I had look up Teen Challenge. Apparently it's a non profit faith based program for teens with alcohol and substance abuse problems.

Yeah, she does talk about her kids a bit more. I found it interesting that she was quite negative about her adopted kids (Millie, Maddie and Hunter) until Hunter turned to Christ, and suddenly he's a great kid.

99 Anonymous said... 99

Ahh, yes, squillen's crappy looking truffles! If I had paid $60 for a box of goodies, and got ice cube tray truffles, I would have been pissed! They look terrible!

100 Anonymous said... 100

I like that Squillen mentioned it wasn't hard to make those truffles, because she has a mold. She neglected to mention the molds were two for $1 at the dollar store.

101 Anonymous said... 101

They looked moldy

102 Anonymous said... 102

The bitch is still whining on her blog. The persecuted Christjun! They don't understand me at the pod..... What a lame bitch.

103 Anonymous said... 103

Just noticed a lack of Burning Feather posts. Where has she been? Y'all run her off? LOL

104 Anonymous said... 104

@103 - I also notice Peasful1 hasn't posted either. Maybe getting therapy for her bitchiness?

105 Anonymous said... 105

I agree 102. I wonder which peas left anon comments on her blog. Whoever it was gave her all the excuse she needed to continue to feel persecuted and blog about it. Someone should post it in her double standard thread, that would guarantee at least a 7-pager, right?

106 Anonymous said... 106

Is Squillen gonna sell her cookies again this year? I'm sure she won't get as many orders as she did last year. Some said they were disappointed.

107 Anonymous said... 107

I don't think she will bring it up at 2P. She got her hand slapped last time, plus better bakers have posted photos. Now everybody knows that Squillen's cookies are ugly crap.

I imagine she will shill on her FB page. I left, so I can't confirm it.

108 Anonymous said... 108

Someone needs to start a thread titled:


Can you help? Are you selling cookies?

109 Anonymous said... 109

So she can now end discussions? What a bitch.

110 Anonymous said... 110

Looks like Staph has lost some weight. Too bad she got an ugly tattoo.

111 Anonymous said... 111


"They are 14 and 17 now. My 14yo said something very unexpected a few months ago. "Mom, I'm glad you have always been picky about the games we play and the movies we see. The kids at school that have moms who aren't so picky, who let them play whatever, they do and say some really strange things. They kind of worry me, and I don't like to be around them anymore."" Nightowl

112 Anonymous said... 112

yep, 100 and Squillen's truffles have a nasty bloom on them that just screams amateur:

113 Anonymous said... 113

109 sounds like she is going back to him, so she has to shut that thread down. There will be blood from the peas.

114 Anonymous said... 114

I played Grand Theft Auto when I was 14 in front of my 2 year old cousin. I'm obviously going to Pea hell.

115 Anonymous said... 115

113 - I thought it was because she has more than one thread about this right now?

116 Anonymous said... 116

115 that doesn't make sense. The other thread is dormant and if she was worried about it, she would have "closed" the old thread, not the new one. duh

117 Anonymous said... 117

Actually, she "closed" both threads.

118 Anonymous said... 118

She doesn't want to talk about it anymore because she can forsee the shitstorm coming from outraged peas that her daughter is going back to the abuser. It's obvious. Wonder how the peas will handle being shut down.

119 Anonymous said... 119

112, didn't Shillin' Squillen get all defensive last year about the chocolate bloom on her ice-cube-tray truffles?

120 Anonymous said... 120

Yes. She said they were frosted because she'd just taken them out of the freezer.

121 Anonymous said... 121

I played Grand Theft Auto when I was 14 in front of my 2 year old cousin. I'm obviously going to Pea hell.

I can one up you. My dh and I got drunk and let our 4 year old play GTA. That was the last time (11 years ago) I drank to oblivion.

122 Anonymous said... 122

Yes. She said they were frosted because she'd just taken them out of the freezer.

Freezer? Is she kidding? Ugh!! You never freeze chocolate.

123 Anonymous said... 123

They should add some new terms to this.

GASB: Going all Skybarf.
GAHC: Going all Heartcat; i.e., writing epic posts for no reason.
GAKN: *Going* *all* *KikiNichole*.
GL: Getting Libised; i.e., getting caught in a big fat one, usually involving money.
SQ: Violating TOU, Squillen-style.
WJW or TPS: The blog that must not be named.
and so on...

124 Anonymous said... 124

I love me a frozen Snickers bar. Otherwise, I agree.

125 Anonymous said... 125

COG: Going all child of grace and asking a zillion stupid questions.
BTY: The arbiter of all that is wise and true. And the "official" reading threads.

126 Anonymous said... 126

GCH: going all Country Ham and being a complete fruit cake.

127 Anonymous said... 127

He's not even cold yet and you have to make a thread about it? Jeez.

128 Anonymous said... 128

How can a dish that involves any combination of jello, cool whip, powdered sugar, cottage cheese, fruit, marshmallows and pretzels be called a salad? Do you have it with turkey and gravy? I gagged reading the recipes.

129 Anonymous said... 129

#128 - total barf fest. Where did you see that?

130 Anonymous said... 130

72 FML said... 72
69Anonymous said... 69 My husband is a doctor and I still have to bring in the groceries! I would never complain about some of the LAME things those peatards do...don't sweat the small stuff!

November 20, 2012 5:03 PM

Can I borrow him?
Nope, sorry...

131 Anonymous said... 131

Soggy pretzels make me gag. That "salad" is atrocious.

132 Anonymous said... 132

Jell-o doesn't belong on any dinner table, no matter what time of year it is. Jell-o only should be consumed when you're sick or if it has alcohol in it.

133 Anonymous said... 133

If you are talking about this, it just sounds like a cheese cake with a jello topping and pretzel base, instead of graham crackers. Not sure how this is even considered a salad.

134 Anonymous said... 134

1. I hope her DD has an easily resolved solution to the weight gain.
2. The OP protests a bit too much about pregnancy/birth control. I'll laugh my butt off if her DD does turn out to be on the pill (on the sly) or pregnant. Of course, the OP wouldn't admit to it.

135 Anonymous said... 135

I like the pretzel salad with the cream cheese and jello and strawberries. The pretzels stay crunchy under the cream cheese layer. Creamy & salty & sweet. So good. Not a daily food, but a delish treat once on a while. I don't get the hate for it.

136 Anonymous said... 136

110-Nothing says "carpet muncher butch" than a fucking anchor tattoo on a chick. That tat is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

No, she hasn't lost weight...she photoshopped her torso in that pic.

137 Anonymous said... 137

134-I totally agree. I will eat Staph's snatch if that kid doesn't end up preggers or taking BC pills.

We will most likely never hear from the OP concerning the subject again.

138 Anonymous said... 138

103-Burning Twat is licking her wounds since Romney lost. She is probably also crocheting bibs for her pumpkin headed drooling husband.

OR she is counting her gray hairs and keeps having to start over because the number gets too high.

Take your pick but I am happy the twat hasn't been around.

139 Anonymous said... 139

LOL! Staph photoshopped about a hundred pounds off of her!

140 Anonymous said... 140

136Anonymous said... 136 110-Nothing says "carpet muncher butch" than a fucking anchor tattoo on a chick. That tat is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

No, she hasn't lost weight...she photoshopped her torso in that pic.

November 21, 2012 6:00 PM

The wife beater tank/shirt is the best thing about the picture.

141 Anonymous said... 141

She changed her avatar photo so now she does look fatter.

142 Anonymous said... 142

If someone I know committed suicide, the last thing I would do is post for prayers on a message board.

143 Anonymous said... 143

Now AddHousewife is a photographer? I thought she was an editor/writer/lazy housewife?

Maybe she can afford some extra school uniforms, so she can stop bitching about them.

144 Anonymous said... 144

I like the pretzel salad with the cream cheese and jello and strawberries. The pretzels stay crunchy under the cream cheese layer. Creamy & salty & sweet. So good. Not a daily food, but a delish treat once on a while. I don't get the hate for it.

And I don't get the like for it (and it looks like I'm not alone), so I guess that makes us even.

145 Anonymous said... 145

I'm thinking ADDHousewife lives in a made-up world. She's a photographer today, editor tomorrow....

146 Anonymous said... 146

HAHAHAHA!! BeautifulMorning called out Staph on the photoshopping of the tat pic!!

147 Anonymous said... 147

Is Jillsie Pea a troll or just a troublemaker? (from the Staph tat thread)

148 Anonymous said... 148

Hi Beautiful Morning!

149 Anonymous said... 149

The entire photo has been put through an instagram filter, but I don't really see anything other than that.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Looks like Jillsie is calling BM out on her bullshit.

151 Anonymous said... 151

CoG starts another adoption thread. I wonder if this one will go better than the last.

152 Anonymous said... 152

Doesn't her daughter already have a child or two?

153 Anonymous said... 153

Yes. I don't remember exactly what her reasons were for wanting to adopt, but I think (don't quote me on it) that COG made some rather ignorant comments about adoption and got called on it.

154 Anonymous said... 154

Ok, COG has really gone over the edge.

That woman is fucking nuts!!!!

155 Anonymous said... 155

147 is BM.

156 Anonymous said... 156

Yeah 154, that's who we are talking about. I belive her daugther already has a child or two but wants more? Be happy with what you got and let those that can't even have one child adopt a baby.

157 Anonymous said... 157

Smoking is awful and I wish it were banned completely, but I wonder how the peas would feel if I said fat people are "dirty, disgusting, selfish people." I don't think it would go over well.

158 Anonymous said... 158

If ADD lazy housewife is a "photographer", I'm betting it involves wearing an elf costume and the gig will be up on 12/24.

159 Anonymous said... 159

You can tell that Staph whittled down her big belly and her backfat in that tat pic. It is pretty obvious. Staph is a BIG girl and nowhere near that svelte.

Nice try, Staph. We ain't buying it.

160 Anonymous said... 160

158 FTW! She did say she was in a store on her break...

161 Anonymous said... 161

Yeah, she's taking pics of kids with Santa at the local Hicksville mall.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Smoking is awful and I wish it were banned completely, but I wonder how the peas would feel if I said fat people are "dirty, disgusting, selfish people." I don't think it would go over well.

Smoking is universally awful but not all fat people are dirty, disgusting, selfish and lazy, like not all thin people are these things.

163 Anonymous said... 163

You can tell that Staph whittled down her big belly and her backfat in that tat pic. It is pretty obvious.

Agreed. There's weird white lines near the back and unexplained over saturated white areas in the front. The way she has done the photoshopping would make her look like a line backer if you saw her from the front.

164 Anonymous said... 164

Wow, COG has been obsessed with this adoption thing since around 2009! For someone so into listening to what god says, she's not really listening to what he's trying to tell her about adoption (not that I'm a believer, but she is). Typical.

165 Anonymous said... 165

Are there any gays on the bukkit anymore?

166 Anonymous said... 166

I am sure there are quite a few.

167 Anonymous said... 167

Ok so Lauren doen't wan't to pay for people's lifestyle choice to use birth control, but she was quite happy for other people to pay for her lifestyle choice to stuff her face and sit on her fat ass until she became obese and required WLS. If both are covered by insurance I don't see the difference. Are not both gluttony and fornication sins?

168 Anonymous said... 168

Steph has lost weight you bitches. A pretty good bit. And I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that it was a weird angle. You heifers are always so jealous of everybody.

169 Anonymous said... 169

no she didn't 168 LOL

170 Anonymous said... 170

167Anonymous said... 167 Ok so Lauren doen't wan't to pay for people's lifestyle choice to use birth control, but she was quite happy for other people to pay for her lifestyle choice to stuff her face and sit on her fat ass until she became obese and required WLS. If both are covered by insurance I don't see the difference. Are not both gluttony and fornication sins?

November 22, 2012 4:46 AM

I'm pretty sure she paid for her insurance. DUH

171 Anonymous said... 171

And other people who pay for their insurance still can't get access to the reproductive choices they would like. DUH

172 Anonymous said... 172

So we now have proof that at least one pea (old pea new name) was dropped on her head when she was little.

173 Anonymous said... 173

Leads a Charmed Life

PeaNut 43,843
July 2002
Posts: 41,212
Layouts: 46
Loc: East Coast
Posted: 11/21/2012 8:54:35 AM

I notice everything on everyone, faint scars, a missing tooth in the back of their head, fine lines on their face. I saw a recent interview with lauren scruggs, the girl who walked into a plane propeller, and she has a scar across her cheek, but you know I was impressed that it doesn't take away from her look at all. You see it but you don't think oh what a shame she's not pretty anymore, it's just there. Her scar does not define her or her beauty.

Would you notice someone's slightly (1/4 inch) nostril crease?

That's honestly not something anyone can answer without seeing a photo. Hypthocially speaking will not give an accurate answer.

Thanks for the entertainment Annafreebella! Sometimes comma placement is everything LOL

and Hypthocially is GREAT!!!

174 Anonymous said... 174

Are not both gluttony and fornication sins?


You do realize that Lauren is not a particularly religious person if at all.
She is fiscally conservative.
I doubt the idea of sin enters her mind.

175 Anonymous said... 175

Jewish people aren't particularly religious now?

176 Anonymous said... 176

Jewish people aren't particularly religious now?

Absolutely. Because Lauren=all Jewish people.

Logic people.

177 Anonymous said... 177

Today is the one day of the year I will eat cream o'anything soup. I love green bean casserole.

Just a random observation.

178 Anonymous said... 178

I'm pretty sure she paid for her insurance. DUH



Jesus. You poor, ignorant Faux bubble sheep. It's good, I guess, that you are so un-self aware. The embarassment would be crushing.

179 Anonymous said... 179

176Anonymous said... 176 Jewish people aren't particularly religious now?

Absolutely. Because Lauren=all Jewish people.

Logic people.

November 22, 2012 9:13 AM

That comment was in reference to the Lauren comment. Comment was all about Lauren.
Thanks for playing the logic game dumbass!

180 Happy Thanksgiving said... 180

Happy Thanksgiving BITCHES! (to those who celebrate it)

181 Anonymous said... 181

May all of your mother in law's drink themselves into an early slumber and may you all trample all over each other in the name of Jesus later this evening.

182 Anonymous said... 182

181? When did jesus become part of thanksgiving?

183 Anonymous said... 183

182, your sarcasm makes you look like another idiot.

184 Anonymous said... 184

Weirdest fucking thread ever! Pig Bristle wooden toothbrush?

185 Anonymous said... 185

183Anonymous said... 183 182, your sarcasm makes you look like another idiot.

November 22, 2012 11:27 AM

That was sarcasm? Thanksgiving isn't religious LOL

186 Anonymous said... 186

The pilgrims were religious, dumbass. They gave thanks to GOD!

187 Anonymous said... 187

I believe 181 is referring to shopping for Christmas.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Lauren swings closer to those wing-nut christchuns than judaism. Besides, I thought she was calling herself an atheist not too long ago? Wily little chameleon goes along with what suits her.

189 Anonymous said... 189

Kendra helped with dinner clean up and was glad everyone enjoyed her jello salad.

190 Anonymous said... 190

Y'all don't know anything about Ursula, so stop your crap. People do in fact deal with as much crap as she as. Don't be so ignorant!
Kaitlin is 20 and married.
Millie is 20 and lesbian and living with her girlfriend. Ursula loves Millie, and isn't disowning her, or her girlfriend, or anything like that.
Maddie is in Teen Challenge and Hunter is home. The twins were foster. Get your story straight before you talk crap.

191 Anonymous said... 191

Ooh, Ursula has a leghumper now. Or 190 is Ursula herself.

Ursula (or her leghumper) should get her story straight, and STOP BEING SUCH A BIGOT, before she talks crap. People wouldn't be smacking on her if she hadn't shown herself to be such a flaming bitch.

192 Anonymous said... 192

#190 - so was Millie only pretending to have a boyfriend? Who is this guy Michael she keeps turning up with?

You haven't said anything that hasn't already been said, so, what story are we supposed to have straight?

193 Anonymous said... 193

Ursula needs to take a break away from the keyboard for awhile.

194 Anonymous said... 194

What I can't picture is how to get milk, yogurt, things like that, in anything but plastic. Our Whole Foods has milk in glass, but it is prohibitively expensive.

Love this.
Getting rid of plastic is really important to me. Unless it's going to cost me money.

195 Anonymous said... 195

Avoiding plastic must be the latest pea trend. There's a Tupperware thread with people talking about using glass only.

Disclaimer: I don't use much plastic, but I also don't microwave much. I don't like the way microwaved food tastes. But I think it's a bit impractical to get rid of all plastic. Bar soap for shampoo, really?

196 Anonymous said... 196

Interesting that daughter #1 left home as soon as she could and that daughter #2 also left home as soon as she could. I'm betting that son will leave home as soon as he can and so will daughter #3.

You cannot mold children into something other than what they are. Accept them for who they are.

I'm finding Ursula's blog entries about her children disturbing.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Getting rid of plastic in my house would be hard. We buy some things in bulk, like rice and flour, and having them in anything but a plastic container with a lid would be impractical. My daughter has a packed lunch for school, which goes into plastic containers. Left overs also go into plastic containers in the fridge (who would put those in glass in the fridge?) As for the rest, like cereal etc. I leave them in the packages etc they came in. I don't see the point in putting them in something else.

I don't microwave much either, but when I do, they got into glass or ceramic microwavable bowls or cups.

I'm not really seeing how getting rid of existing plastic items you have is all that green.

198 Anonymous said... 198

Haven't the Bic for Her pens been covered several times already?

199 Anonymous said... 199

I've never noticed this pea before but she sounds real mature:

"Well, my MIL isn't even here and still manages to be passive aggressive to me on this holiday...whatevs. Maybe one day she will be thankful for what I've done for her son." scrap_pea_junkie

200 Anonymous said... 200

That one sounds like a nut. "What I've done for her son"?

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