Friday, November 9, 2012

Space 11/9/12


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1 Anonymous said... 1

BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!1!!! is the new SOCIALISM!!!!!11!

2 Anonymous said... 2

Lovin' the sordid details seeping out from the Gekko/Galt campaign.

Competent businessman/leader? Not so much.

And the GOP isn't a political party's one big ugly money grift.

3 Anonymous said... 3

funny stuff on the web. found

"Pictures of Republicans looking sad as news stations broadcast Obama win"...46 pics, some screaming, crying, looking horrified, throwing stuff.

"Tweets sent out by Republicans after Obama win news spreads"...completely OTT and of "the sky is falling" type...sweet!

"Republican tweets about moving to Canada after Obama win"...most of these are people chiding them for their stupidity as Canada is a socialist country.

Lots of funny stuff.

4 Anonymous said... 4

I think it was the spray tan on Univision that done him in. Seriously.

5 Anonymous said... 5

thanks jane!

6 Anonymous said... 6

Some of the people on this thread scare the ever-loving shit out of me. Then I start wondering if some of my casual friends, acquaintances, neighbors are like these Peas, and I just don't realize it yet because I don't know them that well yet. Because if there are this many nutcases on one message board, chances are there are a handful of them in my life somewhere, right? Gives me the shivers.

Holy fuck I wish my parents were still alive so I could thank them for not raising me to be a lunatic weirdo like those Peas.

7 Anonymous said... 7

i see the last llp has crawled out of her hole. elaine is still an unhappy witch. not a positive thing to say ever.

8 Anonymous said... 8

Been trolling around the darker corners of teh internets and OMG THE HILARITY. Wingnuts everywhere threatening to leave the socialist shithole of the US for - get this..... Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, etc.

Completely clueless that there's no place in the civilized world they can go with less SOCIALISM than the US.

It's completely apparent to me why conservatives hate education.


Facebook too.

9 Anonymous said... 9

Wow seems like you all have forgotten 04 when Democrats where whinny bitches threatening to leave, Alex Baldwin anyone?

10 Anonymous said... 10

Sorry Alec

11 Anonymous said... 11

I'll see your Baldwin and raise you one 'Dead or in Jail by April' Nugent.

12 Anonymous said... 12

This is an "amazing life-changing event"? How shallow can you get?

9, Alec Baldwin is a drunk and a blowhard. I don't know a single person who takes him seriously.

13 Anonymous said... 13

Who is Elaine?

14 Anonymous said... 14

My brother and sister-in-law go on and on about how Americans love to be bent over a barrel and how Obama is turning everyone into lazy, entitled slobs.

All of this while in the last two years my brother has been on unemployment benefits longer than he's been employed, their son is on state funded medical insurance and my sister-in-law quit her job to go to culinary school and then quit that within two weeks and hasnt lifted a finger since. They live with my sister-in-law's mother and have no plans to leave any time soon.

But it is all Obama's fault!

15 Anonymous said... 15

Can I ask a real question? :-) Don't jump on me...

I know there was a thread previously about tween boys turning smelly (LOL). My DS is almost 12 and has suddenly developed the most horrendous breath! (Saw the dentist not long ago, so I don't think it's something like decaying gums or poor toothbrushing.)

He's got a bit of B.O. too, but I don't think it's excessive... That breath is insane though. Somebody tell me it's just a phase please!! We're trying mouthwashes, brushing more often, drinking more water... not helping much.

Google "tonsil stones". then check to see if he has them.

16 Anonymous said... 16

12, I can see that being a life changing event. Her fiance is being honored and they are getting a newly painted home that they probably can't afford to do themself.

17 Anonymous said... 17

Here's another "spiritual attack" by Satan line of crap.

18 Anonymous said... 18

Is Country Ham a serious poster, or is she an alter that some Pea made up to just get everyone riled up? If so does anyone know who she really is?

19 Anonymous said... 19

countryham is just another crazy "christian" fucknut.

20 Anonymous said... 20

2008 seems like yesterday.
2016 feels like tomorrow.

I wish the presidential candidates for 2016 would announce it now and start their ads.


21 Anonymous said... 21

Kendra likes ham. But don't tell anyone that.

22 Anonymous said... 22
Dear god some woman off twopeas has some friends that have pissed off satan so if you're not too busy looking for lost dogs and making sure it doesn't rain so some other woman off twopeas can get her carpet fitted can you please help. Thanks and amen I guess.

23 Anonymous said... 23

OMG If he doesn't gets enough votes (still counting votes in some states) WHO or WHAT are we going to blame? Party? Race? Hmmm

24 Anonymous said... 24

Hold the fucking phone. LDS send their CHILDREN to "seminary"??? WTF is that all about?

25 Anonymous said... 25

Angela sounds crazy with all that satan talk! lol And yes I'm a Christian.

26 Anonymous said... 26

I'm over on Red State reading all the comment sections. There are dingbats over there that think Obama caused Storm Sandy. LMAO!

27 Anonymous said... 27

I hope Obamacare covers butthurt because there is an awful lot of it going around.

28 Anonymous said... 28

I think seminary is just religious school. Like Catholic kids go to CCD. The LDS kids I know go to seminary in the morning before high school.

29 Anonymous said... 29

Three posts on the crazy "satan is pissed off" thread.

You people are as bad as the peas trying to be the first to report a celebrity death.

Don't you read before posting?

30 Anonymous said... 30

I can't decide about child of grace. I'm torn between 1)So stupid she can't wipe her ass without help from the peas; 2)Totally nuts (as in Skybarf nuts) but too dumb to keep it to herself; 3)A total fake who likes to troll.

31 Anonymous said... 31

I hope Obamacare covers butthurt because there is an awful lot of it going around.

Greatest line ever.

32 Anonymous said... 32

I hope Obamacare covers butthurt because there is an awful lot of it going around.

I am crying from laughing so hard at this! Quite possibly my favorite line from the smack blog EVER.

33 Anonymous said... 33

i see the last llp has crawled out of her hole. elaine is still an unhappy witch. not a positive thing to say ever.


llp? What's that?

And, for what it's worth....I enjoy Elaine's posts and was glad to see her back. I don't always (usually) agree with her, but I definitely respect her ability to present her views respectfully and tactfully.

34 Anonymous said... 34

llp = left leaning pea

35 Anonymous said... 35

I can't decide about child of grace. I'm torn between 1)So stupid she can't wipe her ass without help from the peas; 2)Totally nuts (as in Skybarf nuts) but too dumb to keep it to herself; 3)A total fake who likes to troll.

She's a fat 62-year old white-haired woman who's very bored with her life. Her husband obviously doesn't do anything for her and her kids obviously want nothing to do wtih her too, so she spends all her time on the peas. I suspect that her stupidity is why no one wants to be around her, so your answer is 1.

She starts threads in hopes of getting a two-pager. That helps her low self-esteem and ego. Kinda sad though.

36 Anonymous said... 36

Why are people pretending that his affair had something to do with Benghazi? From the articles I've read, the affair started last year--long before Benghazi.

The peas act like extramarital and/or premarital sex was just recently invented. They need to google "George Washington and West Ford" and "Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings."

37 Anonymous said... 37

Eh. Elaine's okay for the most part.

But she will not allow anyone to say anything about autisic individuals that is not 100% positive. She goes bat-shit crazy if any dares disagree with her on the topic, become a sanctimonious bitch and hair fiips off the board every.single.time.

Just when I think she's semi- normal, she goes ballistic over something and disappears for awhile.

38 Anonymous said... 38

Isn't Elaine the mom of two autistic kids?

39 Anonymous said... 39

31Anonymous said... 31 I hope Obamacare covers butthurt because there is an awful lot of it going around.

Greatest line ever.

November 10, 2012 5:18 PM

That depends on what plan YOU PAY for.

40 Anonymous said... 40

Those stockpilers are kweeepy.

41 Anonymous said... 41

You know what's creepy? Grown women who use words like besties, cra cra, skeered, and kweeepy.

42 Anonymous said... 42

Well it looks like Allen West has lost the re-election. I guess all democrats in Florida are racist. They don't want the scary black republican man huh? [sarcasm]

He will be taking it to court from the looks of things. Nothing like a good old fashioned recount for Florida.

43 Anonymous said... 43

Oh my fuck. Gross, gross, gross.

44 Anonymous said... 44

The teatards, Birchers, Galtists, racists and fundies should split off from the GOP and start their own super-conservative party. Please, please please do it.

45 Anonymous said... 45

Why are people pretending that his affair had something to do with Benghazi? From the articles I've read, the affair started last year--long before Benghazi.

They're paranoid conspiracy theory nitwits who also think there's been some 50+ year super secret coup in the works to usurp the presidency.

46 Anonymous said... 46

We're watching a segment of society collectively descend into madness. Pyschologists must find them fascinating.

47 Anonymous said... 47

It's fucking amazing how many people believe stereotypes about people on government assistance. And it's fucking amazing how many stories about "people they know" are the same. It's like there is a script they read from--"welfare recipients driving Cadillac Escalades!!!! Using smartphones!!!"

I'm not saying there are NO people scamming for benefits, because I know there are. But I don't believe that it's anywhere near the number people say there are, based on their anecdotal evidence. I'd bet my house there are exponentially more upper-middle-class and Romney-level people scamming the government.

Sorry for the long post, fellow bitches. "Welfare queens" is a sore point with me.

48 Anonymous said... 48

Democrats=Liberal=Earn and give welfare recipients what they want/need=Entitlement

Republican=Conservative=Earn it and keep it for yourself=Smart

49 Anonymous said... 49

ITA 47. It's the tactic of taking an outlier and making it the norm in order to fit an agenda.

They also claim there's a huge problem with people on welfare using drugs. Every study shows that this is not true...they also think it's the lazy colored sucking up all that sweet sweet assistance money. Wrong again. Then there's the "Obama" phones. Lordy, I know I have an idiot on my hands when someone brings that canard up.

50 Anonymous said... 50

49Anonymous said... 49 ITA 47. It's the tactic of taking an outlier and making it the norm in order to fit an agenda.

They also claim there's a huge problem with people on welfare using drugs. Every study shows that this is not true...they also think it's the lazy colored sucking up all that sweet sweet assistance money. Wrong again. Then there's the "Obama" phones. Lordy, I know I have an idiot on my hands when someone brings that canard up.

November 10, 2012 9:56 PM

Who are "they"? Surely you don't mean everyone that is and votes republican. Nice broad brush you have there for your stereotypical bullshit.

51 Anonymous said... 51

The "pray for us, Satan is after us" thread is just beyond nutters.

52 Anonymous said... 52

50, 49 and I were talking about people who believe and spout BS stereotypes about aid recipients. Neither us mentioned Republicans, other than me mentioning people with Romney's level of money.

Get over yourself. There are plenty of people on either side of the aisle who spout welfare queen bullshit.

53 Anonymous said... 53

Resentment is the fuel that runs the modern GOP.

54 Anonymous said... 54

"They" = idiots.

Make what you will of that.

55 Anonymous said... 55

52Anonymous said... 52 50, 49 and I were talking about people who believe and spout BS stereotypes about aid recipients. Neither us mentioned Republicans, other than me mentioning people with Romney's level of money.

Get over yourself. There are plenty of people on either side of the aisle who spout welfare queen bullshit.

November 10, 2012 10:22 PM

Get over myself? LMAO Thanks for the advice, bitch! Taking that shit to the bank.

56 Anonymous said... 56

From last page:

195Anonymous said... 195

So if peainmominca thinks Bill Clinton should have resigned after his in-office affair, she'd be okay with David Vitter/Newt Gingrich/every other cheating Republican resigning, too? And what should happen to Rush Limbaugh (is a big fat idiot)?

November 9, 2012 6:19 PM

I agree, Clinton should have resigned, just like Nixon did. Nixon showed more class by stepping down.

What did these other people you have listed do under oath? Did they lie under oath in a court of law too? I don't recall Limbaugh going to court for anything but I don't follow him either, did he lie in a court of law. Also, speaking of Limbaugh he isn't an elected official. I think you may have your apples and oranges in the wrong basket LOL

57 Anonymous said... 57

I believe there is a pretty good chance Obama could be impeached. We'll see how that goes I guess. If you don't believe that, that's your prerogative; everyone has an opinion.

58 Anonymous said... 58

Opinion doesn't equal fact.

59 Anonymous said... 59

I hate that I confuse JustT with JustLizzy.

They are both in Missouri, but JustLizzy is an entitled, whiny bitch who rants about other people taking advantage of the system while she sits on her 50 year old retired state pension receiving ass.

60 Anonymous said... 60

Maybe he'll just go visit his Cayman and Swiss bank accounts.

61 Anonymous said... 61

Impeached for what, exactly?

62 Anonymous said... 62

Presidentin' while black.

63 Anonymous said... 63

Why would Obama be impeached?

64 Anonymous said... 64

ScrapBrooke is stockpiling because an article in an African newspaper warns of a GLOBAL food crisis that will raise the prices of food being EXPORTED FROM the US and other countries.

So, essentially she is helping the crisis along by stockpiling.

I don't think she understood that article at all.

65 Anonymous said... 65

It's the tactic of taking an outlier and making it the norm in order to fit an agenda.


It distracts attention from those who are *really* doing the thieving of our tax money.

66 Anonymous said... 66

Leftist community organizer Obama spent $1.80 a vote and fiscal conservative CEO Romney spent $6.30.

67 Anonymous said... 67

#62 FTWin!! Lol

68 Anonymous said... 68

Mitt's letter to his supporters:

"Thank you for the work that you did -- going across neighborhoods to knock on doors and put up yard signs."

69 Anonymous said... 69

58Anonymous said... 58 Opinion doesn't equal fact.

November 11, 2012 4:32 AM

Well no shit Sherlock. LOL

70 Anonymous said... 70

59Anonymous said... 59 I hate that I confuse JustT with JustLizzy.

They are both in Missouri, but JustLizzy is an entitled, whiny bitch who rants about other people taking advantage of the system while she sits on her 50 year old retired state pension receiving ass.

November 11, 2012 4:47 AM

Entitled to what she worked for? Jealous much? Twat!

71 Anonymous said... 71

61Anonymous said... 61 Impeached for what, exactly?

November 11, 2012 6:33 AM
62Anonymous said... 62 Presidentin' while black.

November 11, 2012 6:54 AM
63Anonymous said... 63 Why would Obama be impeached?

November 11, 2012 6:56 AM

I supposed you are one of "those people" who pretend to be up on current events. LOL You are so precious!

72 Anonymous said... 72

67Anonymous said... 67 #62 FTWin!! Lol

November 11, 2012 7:38 AM

More like FTW as in Fuck The What!

73 Anonymous said... 73

I supposed you are one of "those people" who pretend to be up on current events. LOL You are so precious!


So you can't answer why Obama would be impeached?

74 Anonymous said... 74

Entitled to what she worked for?Jealous much?

You have obviously never read her threads. She retired too early and can't make ends meet. She is now trying for disability and her whining posts about her financial state almost always sound like she's hoping some stupid Pea will start up the Paypal donations.

No, not jealous at all.

75 Anonymous said... 75

To 68 - huh? OMG, Romney actually thanked people who worked on his campaign? For knocking on doors and putting up signs? OMG. The Right Wing Freak! The election is over. Let it go.

76 Anonymous said... 76

75, you are too stupid for words. I'm done with you.

Keep on counting YARD SIGNS!

77 Anonymous said... 77

No really, what is the yard sign thing?
They have too many? Not enough? Their signs insulted Obama?

78 Anonymous said... 78

Throughout the campaign Republican peas brought up the lack of Obama yard signs as proof that Romney would win the election.

Despite people telling them (repeatedly) that the Obama campaign doesn't think yard signs are worth it.

79 Anonymous said... 79

Leftist community organizer Obama spent $1.80 a vote and fiscal conservative CEO Romney spent $6.30.

November 11, 2012 7:22 AM

Fiscal conservative/CEO = FAIL!!!!!!

80 Anonymous said... 80

Spielberg made a huge mistake. He did not consult with Mrs Tyler before filming. Shame.

81 Anonymous said... 81

She really doesn't like it when slavery is talked about anywhere.

82 Anonymous said... 82

#80, thanks, that made me actually LOL (and I haven't even read the thread yet!)!!

83 Anonymous said... 83

I had to take Typhus off ignore to read her comments. She's totally pushing a political agenda in her first post.

And yeah, she really doesn't like it when slavery or race are talked about anywhere. I wonder what her specific problem is.

84 Anonymous said... 84

Typhus can't have an orgasm, must be from the lesbian guilt and abortion she had back in her college days.

85 Anonymous said... 85

71, why are you not telling us about Obama and why he should be impeached?

86 Anonymous said... 86

Typhus, your white privilege is showing.

87 Anonymous said... 87

Kelpea stop with the "skeered, skeery and skeering." You aren't cute, you're an adult. Act like one.

88 Anonymous said... 88

oldpeanewname/sammel is an idiot. I can guarantee that there are houses in the Midwest for $170,000 that aren't dumps, are a decent size, and in good neighborhoods.

Now granted, there won't be enough land for a barbed-wire fence and a bunker.

89 Anonymous said... 89

#80, lol. Honestly when MrsT posts from her "knows-so-much-more-than-the-rest-of-you perspective, I tend to read as blah, blah, blah.

90 Anonymous said... 90

73Anonymous said... 73 I supposed you are one of "those people" who pretend to be up on current events. LOL You are so precious!


So you can't answer why Obama would be impeached?

November 11, 2012 8:41 AM

I owe you nothing dear. Come out from under your rock.

91 Anonymous said... 91

78Anonymous said... 78 Throughout the campaign Republican peas brought up the lack of Obama yard signs as proof that Romney would win the election.

Despite people telling them (repeatedly) that the Obama campaign doesn't think yard signs are worth it.

November 11, 2012 9:17 AM

Wasn't it ONE pea? I didn't read the political shit and feel sorry for anyone who bothered, frankly.

92 Anonymous said... 92

91 here, to clarify. I only saw it mentioned here that "so and so" (i don't remember who) mentioned signs. Did it become discussion after ONE person mentioned it.?

93 Anonymous said... 93

85Anonymous said... 85 71, why are you not telling us about Obama and why he should be impeached?

November 11, 2012 12:09 PM

After you answer this: did you get the change you hoped for? How's that working out?

Oh wait, you are posting from an Obama phone, right?

94 Anonymous said... 94

It was Lefty, Denda, MissBitts and a few others.

95 Anonymous said... 95

#90 = L'Urine. She loves to call people "dear".

96 Anonymous said... 96

95 she's not the only person to use that. Nice try though & thanks for playing.

97 Anonymous said... 97

so, I asked a while back if anyone remembered fairyquadmother. Not sure why the name stuck with me as a pea; must have been an ass.

Figured it out though, it's freebird! lol

98 Anonymous said... 98

Yes she is. Nice try though & thanks for playing.

99 Anonymous said... 99

94Anonymous said... 94 It was Lefty, Denda, MissBitts and a few others.

November 11, 2012 3:06 PM

Ah so not that many really. I also remember it being more recently, not "throughout the campaign" but whatever.

100 Anonymous said... 100

98, LOL @ YOU!!

I forgot to give you your consolation prize. Do you prefer a free phone? a car? gas? or your mortgage paid?

101 Anonymous said... 101


102 Anonymous said... 102


103 Anonymous said... 103

Bless your heart, Mrs. T

104 Anonymous said... 104

Ah so not that many really. I also remember it being more recently, not "throughout the campaign" but whatever.

November 11, 2012 3:32 PM

It became one of the more hilarious memes out of the peatard thugs this election cycle. Sorry you can't share the humor.

105 Anonymous said... 105

I nominate #100 as QUEEN OF THE SMACK BLOG. She awesome.

106 Anonymous said... 106

104 that's so sweet of you to think you know what I do or don't think is funny. I just asked a simple question about it..move along now.

107 Anonymous said... 107

Maybe I should have been a detective. I just figured out why Lana/Freebird stopped being Fairyquadmother. It seems she tried to fake having triplets or quads on another site for triplets. Nice huh? Here's a link from her on twopeas (notice the body building reference - LOL BTW!!!).

and yes, it's on page 9 of a multi-multi-pager

i love google lol

now check this out. lots of deleted posts but wait until the next link lol.

and now we have someones personal blog who exposed her LOL even though the link says fairygodmother it IS'll see.

Nice going Lana. I love when they catch her saying her name "quad" was because of bodybuilding (from the outers blog) not because she had quadruples. I think she's one of the ones that loves a good callout thread. :P

108 Anonymous said... 108

What a weirdo.

109 Anonymous said... 109


SJ Fanatic
Posts: 1528

Reg: 05-30-02

04-22-05 09:59 AM - Post#540214
In response to gemmysnap5

gemmysnap5 Said:OMG....thats..interesting! I like your screen name by the way!

Thank you! It's from my days of body building, I can't let it go it's me. LOL. I don't work out lke I used to, but I hope that I'll make it back that direction again some day. P.S. Check out our BRAND NEW line of Christmas and Halloween papers!
The Designer's Library by Lana

*Scrapbook tools ~~
*Tinted tags, envies, paper and other goodies!~~
*Dozens of Alphabets ~~

110 Anonymous said... 110

Really? They think he's good looking? Barf.

111 Anonymous said... 111

112 Anonymous said... 112

notice the fairyquadmother at the top :P

113 Anonymous said... 113

jesus fucking christ I can't get away from the political shit. Not here, 2peas or my own fucking facebook! I think I'm going to go read 50 Shades and masturbate until my palms grow hair, or I go blind.

114 Anonymous said... 114

He looks like a typical Bush nerd to me. Probably as dense as one, too.

Have fun, 113.

115 Anonymous said... 115

WTF? on the faking quads thing

I always thought freebird was kind of strange, but that kind of psycho bullshit is just inexcusable.

116 Anonymous said... 116

turns out she's a freak 115

never know who you're talking to

117 Anonymous said... 117

Almost as good as Feederlynn. Too bad it happened 7 years ago, I don't think the Peas will care.

118 Anonymous said... 118

Feederlynn happened longer than 7 years ago and people still bring it up.

119 Anonymous said... 119

Lana/Freebird was fairyquadmother? Holy mother of god!

I always thought something was kind of "off" about it, but could never figure out just what it was.

So - is this her, too? (Scroll down to a pic of a 'fairyquadmother' )

120 Anonymous said... 120

I hope one of the trolls that reads this board brings the freebird drama to 2peas. I just want to watch the drama unfold!!

121 Anonymous said... 121

114Anonymous said... 114 He looks like a typical Bush nerd to me. Probably as dense as one, too.

Have fun, 113.

November 11, 2012 5:15 PM

Are you afraid of the scary white man? Oh wait, the scary Mexican?

122 Anonymous said... 122

Feederlynn happened longer than 7 years ago and people still bring it up.

It wasn't 7 years ago, I wasn't a Pea 7 years ago and I was around for Feederlynn.

But that wasn't what I meant. I mean the fake quad thing happened 7 years ago, so I doubt the peas will care about it now.

123 Anonymous said... 123

I don't think any Bush has a chance of being elected to significant office anytime soon. Maybe years in the future, after the bad memories of W. and his wars fade away. So no, I'm not afraid of his nephew, no matter which heritage he chooses for the day.

How long until somebody/Freebird shows up here and starts defending FB?

124 Anonymous said... 124

119Anonymous said... 119 Lana/Freebird was fairyquadmother? Holy mother of god!

I always thought something was kind of "off" about it, but could never figure out just what it was.

So - is this her, too? (Scroll down to a pic of a 'fairyquadmother' )

November 11, 2012 5:42 PM

I would venture to say yes, that's her.

125 Anonymous said... 125

wow free bird got some issues. crazy bitch.

126 Anonymous said... 126

In addition to being geniuses, the peas also seem to only have thin kids. No matter what the number is 80lbs or 40lbs, they're tall and muscular without an ounce of fat on them. Must be awesome to have such perfect kids.

127 Anonymous said... 127

107 holy crap. What a bad job she did of faking the birth certificates. They caught her for a BUNCH of different reasons - the Female/male, the 1959, etc.

I love how they tell her to go to the Multiple Birth Fakers group.

128 Anonymous said... 128

So not only are pea kids brilliant and skinny but they love being at home. Boysnme kids didn't even like going on vacation, they'd rather be a home.

129 Anonymous said... 129

Talk about looking for a problem where there isn't one. Jesus honey, chill. If that's a worry of yours, you must have a cushy life going on there.

130 Anonymous said... 130

129 I'm surprised she didn't ask us all to pray for her son - omg what could be WRONG with him, he likes being at home *gasp*

131 Anonymous said... 131

it's funny that Lana/Freebird hasn't posted since right around the time this was posted here. Yep Lana, BUSTED!

132 Anonymous said... 132

122Anonymous said... 122 Feederlynn happened longer than 7 years ago and people still bring it up.

It wasn't 7 years ago, I wasn't a Pea 7 years ago and I was around for Feederlynn.

But that wasn't what I meant. I mean the fake quad thing happened 7 years ago, so I doubt the peas will care about it now.

November 11, 2012 5:52 PM

I know exactly what you meant.

I also know that Feederlynn was around 2004 or 2005. You may have seen the redredged version of it LOL

133 Anonymous said... 133

Must be awesome to have such perfect kids
Except then they post photos and we know it's not true.

134 Anonymous said... 134

I also know that Feederlynn was around 2004 or 2005. You may have seen the redredged version of it LOL

I think it was 2007. SamanthaBaker was the Pea that took it from the Meatblog and posted it at TwoPeas. Her join date is 2007.

135 Anonymous said... 135

Must be awesome to have such perfect kids
Except then they post photos and we know it's not true.

OMG YES!!! I have a FB friend that posted that her child's Dr mentioned (while her DD was out of the room), that friend needed to watch her DD's diet and increase her physical activity, as she was getting too heavy. Friend pitched a fit, went on and on about how 'fit' her DD was, how there wasn't an ounce of fat on her, and on and on. She left that Dr and wrote a scathing letter to the Chief of Staff at his clinic. That sad thing was, her DD WAS overweight. It's two years later, and I would bet that the DD is now in the obese category, not just overweight. It's really quite sad.

136 Anonymous said... 136

"My boy is going to be 9 in three months and weighs 57 lbs."


137 Anonymous said... 137

LOL I missed this (google led me to it because someone mentions stingerlynn). I must have been busy when it was posted and I didn't see it posted here. WHY? You guys were slacking big time! BethAnn cracks me up.just.sayin.

138 Anonymous said... 138

I owe you nothing dear. Come out from under your rock.

Probably because you don't know.

139 Anonymous said... 139

138Anonymous said... 138 I owe you nothing dear. Come out from under your rock.

Probably because you don't know.

November 11, 2012 6:55 PM

You're still butthurt? That was hours ago!

140 Anonymous said... 140

I've come to the conclusion that I am boring... NSBR Board 11/11/2012 5:11:36 PM


LOL Freakbirds last post..

141 Anonymous said... 141

You're still butthurt? That was hours ago!

Seems like you are butthurt that you don't know what you are talking about, so you deflect.

142 Anonymous said... 142

This thread is like a ride on the crazy train!!

143 Anonymous said... 143

Ah, yes, busypea just doing her daily good deed of spreading her vast knowledge in the most condescending manner possible.

144 Anonymous said... 144

It was Lefty, Denda, MissBitts and a few others.


Pea political expert Pineapple was all over the 'O's doomed because not yard signs!' thing as well. LMAO.

145 Anonymous said... 145

141Anonymous said... 141 You're still butthurt? That was hours ago!

Seems like you are butthurt that you don't know what you are talking about, so you deflect.

November 11, 2012 7:07 PM

LOL Classic typical bullshit. You hate that you're wrong. I don't owe you an answer, no one here owes you shit.

As they say "it will all come out in the wash".
Brace yourself tootsie/dearest/sweetie.
[pat pat on the head]

146 Anonymous said... 146

144Anonymous said... 144 It was Lefty, Denda, MissBitts and a few others.


Pea political expert Pineapple was all over the 'O's doomed because not yard signs!' thing as well. LMAO.

November 11, 2012 7:52 PM

Awww how cute, you think all republicans think like athena does? SMH @@

147 Anonymous said... 147


148 Anonymous said... 148

Wasn't me, but I didn't think it would take long after the challenge was issued.

149 Anonymous said... 149

Oh, I hope she engages.

150 Anonymous said... 150

Engage! Engage! Engage!

Good job Henny

151 Anonymous said... 151

refresh before you post!

152 Anonymous said... 152

I doubt she'll engage, I won't if I were her dumb ass. It's also very vague so unless someone's seen it here no one will understand, and since NONE of the peas read the blog no one will be able to admit to understanding what Henny is talking about.

153 Anonymous said... 153

As long as the trolls are reading here - the title is too vague - make it "Freebird, are you a mom to quads?" that will get all the gossipy peas to open the thread.

154 Anonymous said... 154

I wonder why freebird would pretend to be a mom of multiples. That's just weird. And then go to all the trouble of forging birth certificates, talk about having to much time on your hands.

155 Anonymous said... 155

Henny, just post the post from here with all the blog and message board links. That will get everyone fired up:

Maybe I should have been a detective. I just figured out why Lana/Freebird stopped being Fairyquadmother. It seems she tried to fake having triplets or quads on another site for triplets. Nice huh? Here's a link from her on twopeas (notice the body building reference - LOL BTW!!!).

and yes, it's on page 9 of a multi-multi-pager

i love google lol

now check this out. lots of deleted posts but wait until the next link lol.

and now we have someones personal blog who exposed her LOL even though the link says fairygodmother it IS'll see.

Nice going Lana. I love when they catch her saying her name "quad" was because of bodybuilding (from the outers blog) not because she had quadruples. I think she's one of the ones that loves a good callout thread. :P

156 Anonymous said... 156

Are you going to put anything back in the post or just keep it blank??!?!

157 Anonymous said... 157

November 11, 2012 7:07 PM

LOL Classic typical bullshit. You hate that you're wrong. I don't owe you an answer, no one here owes you shit.

As they say "it will all come out in the wash".
Brace yourself tootsie/dearest/sweetie.
[pat pat on the head]

The other poster is right, you don't know what you are talking. You avoid the question and talk your smack to feel better about being so stupid... did all of that go over your head [pats head].

158 Anonymous said... 158

Damn 157, you're showing your dumb ass! You two (if it's in fact two lolol) and many others need to pay attention to real news. (Go ahead and throw out some lame foxnews comment LOL even more typical).

Pay attention! I owe neither of you anything. You don't owe me either but prove I'm wrong. You'll see LOL

[pats the exploding head /splat]

159 Anonymous said... 159

Come on Henny, is that all you got?

160 Anonymous said... 160

Gee 158, you really need to stop skipping your meds. Get a fucking grip. [pats empty head]

161 Anonymous said... 161

LOL @ 160, glad that bitch finally shut her trap.

162 Anonymous said... 162

Awww how cute, you think all republicans think like athena does?


Well, the pea ones sure do all have their noses buried up her ass.

163 Anonymous said... 163

delphinium twinkle trying to act all big and bad lmao We Don't Like Trolls Here

164 Anonymous said... 164

163-I don't know how she has time for the board with all the fucking showering and hair washing she does plus scrubbing her entire house down every day. Not to mention the 1000 pins she makes on Pinterest every single fucking day.

Bitch is a fucking weirdo.

165 Anonymous said... 165

Ha! She was on my Pinterest thing too but I blocked her b/c of the thousands of pins. And most of them are for no reason - let's pin all things Blue! Let's have a board to pin everything we see that's Red! Let's pin pictures of all the animals we can find on the entire internet!

Not really the point of Pinterest!

There's another Pea that did the same. I blocked her too but can't remember her username right now. She was even worse than this one.

166 Anonymous said... 166

160/161 (yes, same person).. Congress already introduced a bill asking for his impeachment as per article ii (2 for the simple minded) section 4 in the constitution back in March 2012.

160 I would take my meds if you didn't steal them. (Yeah, it's as lame of a comment as yours is).

167 Anonymous said... 167

not bill..concurrent resolution.

pardon me!

I'm sure when he's impeached he won't leave office just like Clinton didn't. No class.

168 Anonymous said... 168

You know what drives me bananas on 2Peas? When people say that whatever "trolls" say means nothing because they have only X number of posts. Like DT says about Henny - and continues to argue the point as if how could Henny know anything about anyone if she only has 27 posts? Or has only been here for X number of months.

OBVIOUSLY DT, Henny is an alternate name for some other regular Pea, who doesnt' want to user her real id to post about the FreeBird scandal.

Is DT really that stupid, thinking Henny could never know enough about Freebird or any other Pea? I have proof! I'm so smart! Look everyone, this person only has 10 posts! She's only been here 3 days! So therefore any info she claims to have about X Pea must be WRONG!

Of course not. We all know the Peas with 5 posts who start talking about Peas and threads from years ago are obviously alters who might have good info but don't want to go down in flames. SO WHY MUST THEY PRETEND THIS ISN'T THE CASE??! Drives me insane.

169 Anonymous said... 169

167 Okkkkkkkkkk because we all know Republican politicians are the only ones with class. Shall I start a list of politicians with sex scandals, money laundering, or both? Let's not generalize by party, be honest - the government is filled with sleaze across the board. So klazzy, those guys.

170 Anonymous said... 170

now come on, you know how super mensa intelligent DT and her entire faimily are.

171 Anonymous said... 171

Right, I'm sure that shit for brains crackpot enjoytotheend read and absorbed all those freebird threads. "I agree with everything careyann says". Dumbass sheeple twat wants to be one of the in crowd so bad.

172 Anonymous said... 172

169Anonymous said... 169 167 Okkkkkkkkkk because we all know Republican politicians are the only ones with class. Shall I start a list of politicians with sex scandals, money laundering, or both? Let's not generalize by party, be honest - the government is filled with sleaze across the board. So klazzy, those guys.

November 11, 2012 10:18 PM

Did they lie under oath? Sure, start a list of ones that lied under oath or started military action without congresses permission. Feel Free!

173 Anonymous said... 173

Hahahaha...from plastic frat boys letter to his disappointed fans...


Ann and I cannot thank you enough for supporting and believing in our cause.
This was more than just a campaign -- this was a national movement.
Thank you for the work that you did -- going across neighborhoods to knock on doors and put up YARD SIGNS!

174 Anonymous said... 174

who the fuck let nightpoopshitter in here?

175 Anonymous said... 175

171Anonymous said... 171 Right, I'm sure that shit for brains crackpot enjoytotheend read and absorbed all those freebird threads. "I agree with everything careyann says". Dumbass sheeple twat wants to be one of the in crowd so bad.

November 11, 2012 10:26 PM

I posted the original freakbird stuff here. I see where caryann is coming from BUT why would someone going to that much trouble use their real name (lana/beth/sarah/whatever). ALL three or four sites referred to body building.

Hmm, maybe the original "witch hunt" was wrong. Although in her first private mail she admitted to the person to be a faker and in the second she said she wasn't and THEN and only THEN did she claim she wasn't on a scrapbook site.

Who knows. It was fun while it lasted anyway. I still wonder why Lana stopped posting as soon as it was posted here. Real life I suppose? LOL

176 Anonymous said... 176

173Anonymous said... 173 Hahahaha...from plastic frat boys letter to his disappointed fans...


Ann and I cannot thank you enough for supporting and believing in our cause.
This was more than just a campaign -- this was a national movement.
Thank you for the work that you did -- going across neighborhoods to knock on doors and put up YARD SIGNS!

November 11, 2012 10:34 PM

You realize that's what the volunteers do right? Both sides. Both sides also appreciate and thank the volunteers.

I guess you have had your head up your ass too far to go out and volunteer for something you feel so strong about. SMH

177 Anonymous said... 177

She's belligerant AND dumb. No way to go through life, girlfriend.

178 Anonymous said... 178

appears as though all the 'SMH' you're doing has knocked something loose

179 Anonymous said... 179

Libtards are the evilist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SPIT on them!!!! President SATAAAAAAAAAN!!!!I mean CLINTON got a BLOWJOB 15 years ago!!!!!

OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


180 Anonymous said... 180

176 you obviously missed the joke you stupid moran twat. now go buy your one way ticket to BS Mountain where you should spend the rest of your days.

181 Anonymous said... 181

I think 176 failed to read the secret messages in teh YARD SIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

182 Anonymous said... 182

Your nappyheaded pos is going to jail derpocrats

183 Anonymous said... 183

put that on a yardsign

184 Anonymous said... 184

obummer blackmailed hillary int killing vince foster. bet ya dumbocrats didn't know that did ya? impeaching soon to come. haha

185 Anonymous said... 185

cantor and issah know alllllllllllllll about it.

186 Anonymous said... 186

177Anonymous said... 177 She's belligerant AND dumb. No way to go through life, girlfriend.

November 11, 2012 10:41 PM
178Anonymous said... 178 appears as though all the 'SMH' you're doing has knocked something loose

November 11, 2012 10:43 PM
179Anonymous said... 179 Libtards are the evilist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SPIT on them!!!! President SATAAAAAAAAAN!!!!I mean CLINTON got a BLOWJOB 15 years ago!!!!!

OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


November 11, 2012 10:51 PM
180Anonymous said... 180 176 you obviously missed the joke you stupid moran twat. now go buy your one way ticket to BS Mountain where you should spend the rest of your days.

November 11, 2012 10:53 PM
181Anonymous said... 181 I think 176 failed to read the secret messages in teh YARD SIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 11, 2012 10:56 PM

You = Uninformed (I'll add a "Hostile" in there for good measure).

I didn't post the nappy comment but did laugh!

187 Anonymous said... 187

Here's the link you wanted. If you can handle the truth. Have a good night after reading it. LOL

I'm going to print this out and make a yard sign!!!!!!! I'll put it next to an empty chair. Sadly we'll have to deal with Biden.

188 Anonymous said... 188

Hey 183 go do some puzzle solving to calm yourself. There's a new bumper compendium out.."Math that Rethuglicans do to make themselves feel better"/Piggy Rove and Prick Morris. Super simple but a big surprise at the end. :p

189 Anonymous said... 189

188Anonymous said... 188 Hey 183 go do some puzzle solving to calm yourself. There's a new bumper compendium out.."Math that Rethuglicans do to make themselves feel better"/Piggy Rove and Prick Morris. Super simple but a big surprise at the end. :p

November 11, 2012 11:07 PM

Look at the derpocrat trying to make sense!!! HIGHLarious! Put down the pipe!


191 Anonymous said... 191

OMG Henny is a chickenshit. There was no need to delete your posts. Damn woman!

192 Anonymous said... 192

I don't think Henny deleted, I think two peas deleted.

193 Anonymous said... 193

""Elmo"'s reputation is going to wind up damaged by it, in the eyes of grownups. I really hope NOT in the eyes of littles who idolize that overly cheery little red fellow." Ratqueen

Really? Elmo having a damaged reputation for something the guy with his hand up his ass did? And who the fuck would tell their "little" (I hate that term for kids) that the dude who makes Elmo work was messing with a teenager?

194 Anonymous said... 194

She has 198 posts in 7 years and she has to come to the Peas to ask a dumb question like this? Google is your friend.

195 Anonymous said... 195

192Anonymous said... 192 I don't think Henny deleted, I think two peas deleted.

November 12, 2012 6:32 AM

That's rich!

196 Anonymous said... 196

That Elmo thread is whack.

It's a fucking puppet! Even the Elmo haters seem detached from reality.

If I knew Nightowlscrapper in real life, I would drag her down the toy aisle and turn on all the Elmo's at once. It would be like rock music to Noriega.

197 Anonymous said... 197

Yeah 194, and the only person to answer her so far is Squillen! LOL! Did Squillen get the lapband surgery? Her avatar photo looks horrible, like she's sick or something.

198 Anonymous said... 198

From elmo thread:

An Amusing Little Riesling

PeaNut 76,343
March 2003
Posts: 5,533
Layouts: 16
Loc: Past tense.
Posted: 11/12/2012 8:06:31 AM
If I recall correctly, Clash has a DAUGHTER older than that!

Hate to hear this. Elmo's my fave


He wasn't into girls.

199 Anonymous said... 199

Those runners do more recruiting than the Mormons!

200 Anonymous said... 200

"The 4 other children that we didn't have."megmc

I never understand comments like that. How about you be happy with the children you do have.

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