Thursday, April 21, 2011



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That facebook post isn't bitches at their finest! WE ARE. BITCHES AT OUR FINEST!


Anonymous said...

Well $1000 is a lot of money for the broke fuckers at the pod. I can see now why they're are foaming at the mouth.

Anonymous said...

I think once you deduct the time spent in her kitchen, squills isn't winning much of anything.

Anonymous said...

Rlw9 just outed herself as Ronna Waller. And she's mad. Just look for her feet avatar.

Anonymous said...

And Danid just pulled a Lowrent/SabrinaM and dragged LizJuan's kid into it.

Anonymous said...

#4, I think $1,000 for two days' work is pretty good. I'd like to make that!

Anonymous said...

Tax-free too.

Anonymous said...

So we have Athena defending Squillen making some bank on her cookies, and MrsTyphus claiming it's not a business at all. Which is it?

Anonymous said...

And Danid just pulled a Lowrent/SabrinaM and dragged LizJuan's kid into it

Anonymous said...

#4 what would her time be spent doing otherwise? cleaning the house? lol

Anonymous said...

Weird suspicion: what are the chances that one of those Peas in that FB thread forwarded the screenshot to Flst? It would be the perfect cover.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly why I do not accept friend requests from peas. My real life and pea life are separate and never the twain shall meet.

Anonymous said...

11- or heaven forbid watching her kids??

Anonymous said...

14 - her kids are in school

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin Olan right now..flicking your clit..SNORT!

Anonymous said...

Olan is such a disgusting pig of a person.

Anonymous said...

Wow so Squillen makes $2500 per order.

Keri popped up out the blue to say absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

And Danid just pulled a Lowrent/SabrinaM and dragged LizJuan's kid into it

Another word.

Ah, the hypocrisy is just mind-blowing.

Anonymous said...

I don't like how Suzanne is hiding out letting her friends do the dirty work for her.

Anonymous said...

Squillen isn't a sweet pea. Her post in the foreclosure thread highlighted that. I think certain peas who have a popular blog following or store know they have to keep their trap shut on the board.

Anonymous said...

$2,500 per order.

Deduct $10.00 Per box for shipping

Deduct cost of supplies + overhead (higher electric bill) @$500.00

Then figure out how much she is making an hour baking + cleaning up.

When you look at the numbers, it's a stupid business to run.

Especially if her ass gets caught and she has to pay fines. And this time she had to replace her mixer. $350.00

It's why her bakery failed, she has no business management skills.

Then add on top of that the drama she just added into her life? Stupidity at it's finest. And for the post who thinks her final take home was $1,000 per day doesn't understand anything about cost of goods sold, which is business management 101. She doesn't pocket $1,000 per day. The amount is dismally lower than that, and even worst than that once you add in her hourly wage.

She's robbing Peter (her household budget) to pay Paul (supplies, overhead, postage, mixer).

It's just dumb dumb dumb.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the hypocrisy is just mind-blowing.

As a "nice pea" myself, even I am shocked by it. I am rethinking my participation on the board. They don't seem to understand why she is doing is illegal in her state. Yet they defend it.

Anonymous said...

Keri popped up out the blue to say absolutely nothing.


Every time she posts you can hear only the Charlie Brown trombone.

Anonymous said...

15- she only baked and did this during school hours, I think not.

Anonymous said...

I don't like how Suzanne is hiding out letting her friends do the dirty work for her.
April 21, 2011 11:20 AM

This is Squeals' standard MO. She even said so in the FB exchange.

Her friends all know this. They are only too happy to do her dirty work for her. MeanGirls 101

And the hypocrisy of all the defenders shrieking that the squillen "bashers" are over-invested????


Anonymous said...

Keri popped up out the blue to say absolutely nothing.

Has Keri ever done anything different? Oh yes, the vote for Marissa thing--sorry.

Anonymous said...

All Queen bees let the worker bees fight their battles.

Queen Cookie is no different. Those of you siding with squills, think about this, do you REALLY want to be the worker bee defending an illegal home bakery, schilling on a website that has a TOU stating they'd rather you not do this. And when she is busted, are you going to pony up the money for the fines and taxes?

You are tools being used. Stop it. Just stop it. You are making fools out of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

15- she only baked and did this during school hours, I think not.

She does have a hubby to watch the kids in the evening.

Anonymous said...

15- she only baked and did this during school hours, I think not.

She still had to buy the supplies, ship the packages and trust me, she baked for more than when her kids were in school. I've baked that much for gifts one Christmas, and the total time invested, is hefty.

There is nothing wrong with a Mother running a home business. It's better than sitting on your fat ass and doing nothing if your family needs the money. But if you are going to do it, do it fully legally. Pay your taxes, have your licenses, inspections and everything else in order.

She is just going about it all in a sneaky underhanded way that could be unsafe.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Typhus and her stupidity is mind blowing. She really doesn't know what a business is.

Anonymous said...

I think the most tell-tale part of this whole recent uproar is that Squillen hasn't responded to any of it. It's been all the bitches over there defending her while she's probably sitting at her computer, eating cookies, and laughing her ass off.

Anonymous said...

PeaNut 399301 - November 2008
Posts: 4 Layouts: 0

Posted: 4/21/2011 1:38:38 PM

Speaking of teaching social studies....Mrs. Tyler: Why aren't you doing this right now?

Are you as invested in the futures of the students you "teach" as you are in defending Squillen?"


OMFG! Someone posted exactly what I was thinking!

Anonymous said...

Hm, I thought school was out during Spring Break. Of course, I could be grossly mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, because spring break is the only time Typhus posts, huh?

A quick search of her posting history for the last six months yields 31 pages of results at Two Peas. (Note that that's not 31 posts, it's 31 PAGES worth of threads that Typhus has posted on.)

She must be posting only during personal time and I must be grossly mistaken.


Anonymous said...

What happened to Squillen's bakery business? I must have missed that she closed it. Anyone know why?

Anonymous said...

Typhus is consistently among the top posters on the board. Her heaviest times are always during the day. In fairness, she does post every night too. 2Peas is a compulsive thing for her.

Not to mention that she might have an alter or two.

Anonymous said...

FFS which is it Lefty are you our Nuclear Physicist or a CPA? Which is it troll?

Anonymous said...

Suzanne is furiously emailing behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Ronna is really really furious about people knowing her last name. Is she from a bigtime Texas family? Is her husband in politics or the media?

Anonymous said...

I think the most tell-tale part of this whole recent uproar is that Squillen hasn't responded to any of it. It's been all the bitches over there defending her while she's probably sitting at her computer, eating cookies, and laughing her ass off.
April 21, 2011 11:58 AM

Meh. She doesn't need to respond--her meangirl friends will willingly go to bat for her. Like someone else said, the queen bee always sends the workers to fight her battles.

ITA that she's probably sitting back, watching the fur fly, shoving cookies in her gullet and laughing her ass off. I think it's what she intended all along.

No harm no foul on being a bitch. I think Yubon's great. She just doesn't try to hide behind a sugar-coated persona. Like olan said, you can sprinkle as much sugar as you want to on shit--it's still shit.

Anonymous said...

Ronna is really really furious about people knowing her last name. Is she from a bigtime Texas family? Is her husband in politics or the media?
April 21, 2011 12:16 PM

Not sure, but if she's worried about people knowing her last name, she's quite possibly the stupidest twat over at the pod.

You don't friend peas on FB--at least not with the account with your real name on it. That's basic internet common sense.

Maybe one of the detective blog bitches can google her. Honestly, I don't give two shits who she is.

Anonymous said...

What is Ronna's peaname? I must have her on ignore because I couldn't figure out who the poster was calling Ronna.

Anonymous said...

FFS which is it Lefty are you our Nuclear Physicist or a CPA? Which is it troll?


sorry she just switched gears
shes now a Psychologist and doling out her own loony brand of Psychotherapy

to many hats to wear for such a small pinhead of a person says I

Anonymous said...

Is anyone breathing a sigh of relief they can't be named a suspect? lol

I personally don't see the uproar in finding the mole. Squillen seems like the type to post her facebook link on 2peas and accept ALL.

Anonymous said...

Ronna is rlw9. Her feet are really big.

Anonymous said...

Now that we've sufficiently debased and humiliated Squealz, And while we're on the topic of TOU, should we pile on peas who use profanity on the boards??

Anonymous said...

It's not her feet. It's her crazy toes. I've never seen feet like that before in my life!

Anonymous said...

How are we certain they're her toes? Spreadsheet? Could just be an avatar.

Anonymous said...

lmao @ Keri now getting paranoid and offering to share spreadsheets on FB friends with Ronna. Damn, KeriWest hasn't changed since the Seanna/OD days. She loves intrigue and pointing fingers.

Anonymous said...

Those toes are a bit misshapen.

Anonymous said...

Glad my toes are perfect. Come to think of it, I'm completely perfect.

Anonymous said...

The person who sent the info to Flst. may not have been a Squillen friend. Rather, it could have been a friend of Athena, Danid, Dogshavenobrains, or dun...dun...dun...Ronna Waller. If one of your FB friends posts to a non-friend's thread, you can see the whole thread even though you're not friended with the OP.

They'll probably scapegoat someone who had nothing to do with it. That poor pea.

Anonymous said...

LMAO JenKate just declared she was on *team squealin'* LMAO what a bunch of freakshow brown nosers

SUEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SUEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here piggy piggy piggy

Anonymous said...

I don't care whose toes those are. They are odd looking. Why someone would have that as an avatar is a mystery. I don't have my worst features as my avatar.

Anonymous said...

they're such stupid bitches
no ones going to hand over their full friends list
to the other because the mole doesn't want to out themselves

its one of their own
bitches stabbing bitches

Anonymous said...

Maybe the tragedy is that her feet *are* her best feature.

Anonymous said...

55., I know! Those toes are just disturbing. They're as long as fingers. She could play a piano concerto or do sign language with those things.

Anonymous said...

I don't care whose toes those are. They are odd looking. Why someone would have that as an avatar is a mystery. I don't have my worst features as my avatar.

highly doubt that it's her worst feature
think about it
she only shows her toes
too many of squealin's cookies

Anonymous said...

dalayney is going to get that thread pulled with the penis cookies picture.

Anonymous said...

highly doubt that it's her worst feature
think about it
she only shows her toes
too many of squealin's cookies
Hi Gina!

Anonymous said...

Keen observation 60. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Ronna is flipping out now. She wants people to Name The Names. She sounds like Joe McCarthy. She wants LizJuan's, Flstatewhatis last names and where they live, and maybe a few others.

Anyway, you can imagine her pointing angrily with that long long big toe of hers.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I think the less time MTyler spends teaching children the better off we will all be.
Olan FTW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Picturing some of those peas eating those penis cookies is a disturbing vision. Between that and those toes, I am thoroughly skeeved out.

Anonymous said...

that's what they're going for with the penis cookies.

When one of the meangirl bees is outted, they always end up posting something against the TOU to get it pulled.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, you can imagine her pointing angrily with that long long big toe of hers.'


Tried that. Not that funny.

Anonymous said...

63 now I am picturing a long aye aye style toe pointing at us. How much you all want to be the peas would attack those penis cookies by eating the balls first?

Anonymous said...

Remember, don't point a finger unless you want five toes pointing back at you!

Anonymous said...

I actually prefer balls to penis myself. No cum in my mouth that way. The salt is the best part.

Anonymous said...

Sweet, buttery jeebus, her toes are freaky!

It is also very amusing to watch them JUST NOW realizing that one of their "friends" is a backstabber.

The irony of their outrage at being led to believe that a bitch is hiding under a sweet persona is really too delicious. Possibly even as delicious as a penis cookie.

Anonymous said...

I find it ironic that Olan is posting from work - considering she's berating Mrs. T about it.

Anonymous said...

Where has Ronna been hiding herself? She's Blog comedy gold!

Anonymous said...

Well said 72.

Anonymous said...

Is Olan as post heavy as Typhus?

Anonymous said...

Not even close. Typhus is a school teacher FFS. Olan is probably some lowly assistant like Anna.

Anonymous said...

Olan started out nice - and now she's just a raging bitch. Wonder how that happened?

Did her fiance break up with her trifling ass?

Anonymous said...

What's a Typhus?

Anonymous said...

I actually prefer balls to penis myself. No cum in my mouth that way. The salt is the best part.
wholamor-is that you?

and we need more Yubons and olans at the bukkit.

Anonymous said...

Someone fill me in - why is it ok for Yubon and Olan to be bitches, but when others get bitchy at the POD you all crack ass on them?

This place. It makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

- 79 - Yep that's me. How'd you guess?

Anonymous said...

For the millionth fucking time. Wholarmor is NOT the ball sniffer. That was FAVFOURCREW.

Anonymous said...

You bitches don't like balls? So fun to suck on and play with! I agree with #70. MUCH MUCH BETTER

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is Daanibee? I've been at the Pod for over 5 years and I do not recall that name. And I think I'd remember the bitch. She would have been in the middle of every drama.

Anonymous said...

There is NO way Scrapperfatstic is not a troll.

Anonymous said...

EVERYBODY is in the middle of every drama, #84 thats why we're here LOL. altho she does seem to be around lately, her badge says 4 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is Daanibee? I've been at the Pod for over 5 years and I do not recall that name. And I think I'd remember the bitch. She would have been in the middle of every drama.

Hi steffie.

Anonymous said...

The point I was trying to make is some of those women at the pod would eat the balls first, instinctively just like they have emasculated their husbands. Balls gone!

Anonymous said...

Olan aways likes to stick up for the little guy
Yubons a equal opportunity smacker

the cunty FB Cookiegate 11?
theyre just bitches year round to any pea that they deem lower on the totem pole

Anonymous said...

80. Who is the biggest bitch? Olan or Yubon. Just look at the post history? I love me some Yubon but Olan doesnt even come close. Let me guess? Ronna?

Anonymous said...

Yes, we know #82. She like the smell of her retard husband's schweaty ball sack and the her dog's frito feet.

Did her fiance break up with her trifling ass?

HAHAHA!! Whoever posted that *trifling* shit must be from the south. No other place on earth is that ghetto tastic word used!!!

Anonymous said...

80 said "Someone fill me in - why is it ok for Yubon and Olan to be bitches, but when others get bitchy at the POD you all crack ass on them?"


Consistency with a smattering of common sense and something near to logical thought. Others do not share those 'gifts'.

Anonymous said...

WRONG 91. I use trifling all the time. To make FUN of the ghetto ass peeps from the south.

Anonymous said...

I think Olan tries too hard.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!! Whoever posted that *trifling* shit must be from the south. No other place on earth is that ghetto tastic word used!!!

You are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Just went I think the pod couldn't get any lower...I think I'd have to become a hermit if people acted like this in real life all the time. It's like a soap opera on steroids.

Anonymous said...

Just say no to flip-flops!

PeaNut 48769 - September 2002
Posts: 8564 Layouts: 12

Posted: 4/21/2011 1:59:00 PM

Monique--nice to see you on the board. It's interesting how you show up on the drama threads, but I never seem to notice you any other time. Do you have a batphone or something?



Anonymous said...

We all have 'batphones'. Flstdumbass and Olan's just happens to be the blog. And LizandJuanValdez own it.

Anonymous said...

#95-shut your trifling ass ghetto tastic mouth beyotch!!

Anonymous said...

SabrinaM talking about Typhus


WOW. Do you have her on ignore because you disagree with her on a political level because I've never seen her nasty to anyone.

LMAO how can anyone say that without having their eyes twitch out of their heads?

April Hummert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Whoops!! Busted!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, April, what's your Pea name?

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott's Wife!

Anonymous said...

What comment did she make? Man I step away from the computer to make dinner and look what I miss.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Outed. But all I said was that I don't believe Scrappertastic is a troll. Look at her LOs and Pics. She also posts on the GS board. That's a lot of trouble to go to for a troll. I wish some Peas wouldn't be so mean to her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LMAO how can anyone say that without having their eyes twitch out of their heads?


Or their nose growing rapidly while pants are flaming. Besides having SabrinaM as a character witness is like having Torquemada vouch for you.

Anonymous said...

Any other comments you want to own up to? Probably not you only read here right?

Anonymous said...

Did "Trollie15" just paste an authentic quote from Squillen?

Anonymous said...

Vote for Marissa!!

Anonymous said...

#95-shut your trifling ass ghetto tastic mouth beyotch!!


You do sound like you are from the ghetto.

Anonymous said...

I think #34 is Mrs. Tyler herself...are you in study hall, or are your kids 'testing' right now?

And don't forget, Typhus: your history of prolific posts (many of which include disparaging remarks about students and/or reveal details which are best kept private) is readily available to anyone...including current and potential employers.

I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Before we contact the IRS on Squeals could someone please call Typhus principal?

Anonymous said...

Ronna got owned about having her info on the layouts in the gallery- and can't admit it.

BF admits she is in on the scam, and thus heavily invested in the record being set "straight"

All the usual MIA-except for drama dried up cunts like Sno sliver of intelligence has shown up.

Anonymous said...

Ronna says she's not upset about her name being posted, but her actions says differents!

Anonymous said...

BF used to be the no-nonsense, call out the bullshit kind of Pea. What happened?

Anonymous said...

80 said "Someone fill me in - why is it ok for Yubon and Olan to be bitches, but when others get bitchy at the POD you all crack ass on them?"


Maybe because they are bitches and will flat out admit to it.

Peas like Squeals get their asses cracked because they sit around deriding any bad, bitchy behavior---except when the bad, bitchy behavior is their own. Or Lauren's. I can't explain the Lauren part. Except that maybe Satan's minions instinctively stick together or something.

I'm loving that one of their "friends" has flung that FB thread into the fray. And while QueenSqueals and crew are cackling at the haters that perhaps they should get some real friends and try a little light-hearted snarky, behind the scenes "joking" one of their own FRIENDS has thrown them into the water like the chum they are . . . classic.

Anonymous said...

BF used to be the no-nonsense, call out the bullshit kind of Pea. What happened?
April 21, 2011 2:53 PM

She was accepted into the clique and now needs to get her evil bitch on in order to maintain her place in the plastics. She doesn't appear to have a problem with that. Good for her. Now she has FRIENDS.

Anonymous said...

maintain her place in the plastics

WTF? What are you, 12? The plastics? Someone watches 'Mean Girls' too much in her room at her mom's house, spittle flying whilst plotting against 'the plastics'.

The plastics. L.M.A.O.

Anonymous said...

Aww, the squeals posse is here. Smooches to all of you. I hear that y'all are some great friends to have!!!

Anonymous said...

121 - typical dumbass response when you have nothing else to say. I'm NOT in the posse. I'm simply pointing out your hypocritical behavior. You're acting like a two year old.

Anonymous said...

Squillen ought to be hoping and praying that no one is crazy enough to contact the IRS or powers that be in her state or county, etc.

Maybe her FB friend that posted earlier has already taken care of it.

Anonymous said...

Is that Paypal gift instruction for real? That can't be serious.

Anonymous said...

Run along and play with your FB friends, 122. I'm sure you're missing out on plenty of fun.

Anonymous said...

It is real. It's how she avoided some of paypal's charges.

Another dishonest move.

Anonymous said...

Not 122 - but I think that you are being an idg. So obvious when the girls who try to hide behind nice personas (I'm looking at you April) and then get outed. Its AWESOME!

Which nice girl are you 125?

Anonymous said...

Is that Paypal gift instruction for real? That can't be serious.
April 21, 2011 3:20 PM

It totally is. I remember seeing it on one of her last (overt) cookie hawking threads. I would go find it, but I just don't give enough of a shit. Squillen and her "friends" know it's true, no matter how much they shriek and shout and try to justify or explain it away. And even more importantly, GOD and JEEBUS know it's true.

Anonymous said...

125 here. I am not a nice pea. I am not a tiered pea. I am a total nobody at the pod.

This shit is amusing. Nothing wrong with that. Even squeals and her friends love them some crazy pea drama ;)

Anonymous said...

It is real. It's how she avoided some of paypal's charges.

Another dishonest move.
April 21, 2011 3:22 PM

Surely, no one could be surprised by this?

Anonymous said...

Now that we've sufficiently debased and humiliated Squealz, And while we're on the topic of TOU, should we pile on peas who use profanity on the boards??


#47 YES! I hate with all the fire of a thousand suns the peas that can't spell out a curse word.They're grown fucking women for fucks sake. Don't say "oh she's a b#tch"or the one I really hate "she's a rhymes with witch".

They also can't type out porn, sex, boobs, penis, vagina, dildo or any word having to do with sex. idiots.

Anonymous said...

She was accepted into the clique and now needs to get her evil bitch on in order to maintain her place in the plastics.
OMG...this is CLASSIC! Those bitches are total Plastics. Squills is the Regina George of the bunch making the rest of the ass kissers sign her slam book!! HAHAHAHAH I love it!!

They are all so enamored of her, I can see their eyes getting glazed over and they start to drool. I KNOW this describes the Canadian Cunt Trace to a friggin' T!!

Anonymous said...

They also can't type out porn, sex, boobs, penis, vagina, dildo or any word having to do with sex. idiots.


Instead of vagina, Baby Jesus prefers the term "hoo-ha."

Anonymous said...

L'Urines going to be rolling up in her Buick any time on Squealins thread
bitch can't stand to have someone else get attention

pile ons will not be approved unless L'Urine dips her swollen sausage fingers into the water first

Anonymous said...

Lauren doesn't dare let water touch her, she'd burst into flames if it was accidentally holy water.

Anonymous said...

Why do they even care about not spelling out the actual word? I may be dumb, but why does it matter if 2peas come up in a search for porn?

Anonymous said...

lmao @ Lowrent and her 1972 Buick LeSabre. She'll be along soon.

Anonymous said...

Athena says:

I didn't mark gift any of the four times I placed an order.

ETA: Corrected - I've ordered four times from her.


Careful wording. She doesn't deny that Squillen asked her to.

Anonymous said...

Careful wording. She doesn't deny that Squillen asked her to.
April 21, 2011 3:48 PM

I would expect nothing less from Athena. But the bat signal has gone out, so I'm sure that squeals has deleted her original post about the GIFT designation on paypal.

Anonymous said...

No you silly bitches, Athena didn't "mark" GIFT any of the times she placed an order, she just "checked" it. Or insert any other term into the " "

Anonymous said...

Is that Paypal gift instruction for real? That can't be serious.
April 21, 2011 3:20 PM

It totally is. I remember seeing it on one of her last (overt) cookie hawking threads. I would go find it, but I just don't give enough of a shit. Squillen and her "friends" know it's true, no matter how much they shriek and shout and try to justify or explain it away. And even more importantly, GOD and JEEBUS know it's true.
April 21, 2011 3:23 PM


Anonymous said...

Typhus deleted her comment where she said Squealin's friends were just
*helping a friend out* by buying her cookies

made her sound like a charity case LMAO!

nice friends you have there squealin'

Anonymous said...

pile ons will not be approved unless L'Urine dips her swollen sausage fingers into the shamrock shake first

Anonymous said...

Trace is batshit crazy
rabid crazy
frothing at the mouth crazy

talk about a chick who's over invested into a fake online relationship

Squealin' could care less about you
try not to look so desperate
you come off as crazy needy
and clingy
and foamy

Anonymous said...

Even though they're not the same people, Trace bears an unnerving resemblance to ScrapprJess The Crazy. (Not meant as a Beetlejuice!)

Anonymous said...

Well I did some pea detective work and found out where Mrs. Cherry works. Me thinks I should email her boss. Interesting job by the way.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh 101 is a fat ass too. Hm wonder how many other fat asses are out there?

Anonymous said...

Who's Mrs. Cherry?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Mrs. Cherry?

Anonymous said...

146, maybe you could out Squealz's turncoat friend. They'd probably GIFT you plenty of money to hand them that ID on a platter. Because, you know, only one of them could possibly be a back-stabbing bitch.

good times

Anonymous said...

That whole nest of vipers really is so stoopid.

They could have just ignored the initial comments and this whole thing would have blown over fairly quickly. They keep claiming that teh cookies are no big deal, yet they just keep posting and posting and posting to those threads.

Such dumb twats.

Anonymous said...

And of course, here comes Lard-Ass Lauren starting a thread asking about sugar free cookies, she just can't stand not getting a piece of the action can she??

Anonymous said...

And of course, here comes Lard-Ass Lauren starting a thread asking about sugar free cookies, she just can't stand not getting a piece of the action can she??
LMAO I was just coming to post this

mi'ladys Buick has arrived at thee pod
mi'lady would like to carve some attention out for herself
mi'lady is going to eat the arm off of her DGD if she doesn't get er damn sugar-free biscuits ASAP

Anonymous said...

The Buick has screeched into the building.

Anonymous said...

152 beat me to it.

The scree of tires was heard by one and all as Lowrent yanked her LeSabre to the curb, and then up over it into the grass where she ran over a kid's tricycle and crushed it.

Frantically rolling down her window she leaned out and screamed for sugar-free cookies, her hood billowing before her breath.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I see I was slow on the draw ;P

I'm wondering if L'Urine is FB friends with Squeals? Posting that FB thread here is so totally a Lauren kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys. That is all.

Anonymous said...

lefty is freaking strange how she always gets over invested in others

creepy really

Anonymous said...

Lefty just isn't right.

Anonymous said...

The Buick has screeched into the building.
That rocks.

Anonymous said...

not many peas trust L'Urine enough to be FB friends with her

she's pulled way to many crazy ass stunts over the years

what few friends she has
limit what she has access to and sees

Anonymous said...

I think that Lefty is the one that posted the FB conversation. She is FB friends with most of them. She is always up in the drama. LTO loves to stoke the fires and then will sway whichever way the wind blows.

Anonymous said...

not many peas trust L'Urine enough to be FB friends with her


In a nutshell. I blocked LeSabre L'urine years ago.

Anonymous said...

LTO loves to stoke the fires and then will sway whichever way the wind blows.


This is exactly my impression of her. She also seem to have an impulse issue.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Tyler says...
"I'm proud that my students' trimester test scores for our coarse were the highest in the district..."

I'll bet they don't score the highest in spelling! She is such an embarrassing dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

Lefty has more troll names than a junkyard hound has fleas

shifty that one is
plain shifty
maybe got dropped on the head as a babe
maybe the dingo ate her mama
who knows how these things happen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is seriously one of the funniest Thrusdays ever at the pod.

So many worker bees foaming and frothing about how lame this Thrusday drama is, yet they're the ones furiously fanning the flames.

They call us blog bitches hypocrites, yet one of their own posted that facebook shit.

They are literally falling all over themselves defending, deflecting, denying, and just generally talking seriously crazy smack.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if LTO is the mole. She's just as foaming, frothing crazy as Trace, but she thinks she's sneakier about it.

FFS, this is some funny shit.

Anonymous said...

She also seem to have an impulse issue.
April 21, 2011 5:24 PM
Oh yeah, that's putting it fucking mildly. Were you around during her beje days? Bitch is either totally mentally or has a serious drug problem. No normal, non drugger could have kept up her posting pace.

When she got seriously called on it, she disappeared for the blink of an eye, then re-emerged as LTO. She *thinks* that she is flying low under everyone's radar. That's some funny shit right there.

And spot on about her having gobs and gobs of troll ids. Oh yeah.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

somebody ask LeSabre L'Urine how much tonnage she has dumped since the surgery

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do they even care about not spelling out the actual word? I may be dumb, but why does it matter if 2peas come up in a search for porn?

Especially since no one searches for "porn" it's usually more like "big tits facial cumshot"

Jane Doe said...

There is new space for ya chatty bitches. ;)

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