Sunday, March 4, 2012



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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sure thing....just as soon as you give up your coveted caramel recipe bitch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I have always felt like Satan wants us to feel alone, Condemned and doubt every action we make."

Yeah cuz Satan has nothing better to do then sit around and make you feel like a shitty parent. He has more important things to do like make sure Kony doesn't get captured.

Anonymous said...

Haha @ #2. I was just coming to post this. I wonder if she expected that outcome - I bet she did it on purpose for the drama.

There are about 5 million cooking sites with frosting recipes.

Anonymous said...

Bandwagon! Let's all hop on!!!!

That Invisible Kids charity is a scam....the kids that they purport to help get a pittance of the donations that the charity receives.

Susan G Komen, anyone?

I sure hope any one who thinks about donating checks IK out first:

Anonymous said...

Some of these peas never cease to amaze me. They're going to travel a shorter distance because of gas prices? What are we talking about for most of them? An extra $50? If you're that concerned about spending another $50 on a vacation you probably shouldn't be going in the first place.

Anonymous said...

7 You're right. They should go anyway, blow their budget and then cry in the bucket cuz they can't afford groceries for the week. Or better yet they should consistently overspend and file banko. Judgemental idiot.

Anonymous said...

No you confused twatwaffle, my point was that they should probably stay home if $50 will break their bank. Better to save it.

Anonymous said...


If you have a child with a disability, it is your responsibility (and JUST yours only) to feed, clothe and otherwise provide for this child for his or her life. It is NOT the governments responsibility (ie - mine as a tax payer) to provide for this child just so you don't have to.

Many, many Peas are opposed to Social Security and Medicare for retirees, yet want and demand it for their "special snowflakes".

I'm sorry, but if you're going to take away my SS, then *I* shouldn't have to support YOUR child for life. I'm fed up with my tax dollar going to schools for all of the IEP's, special testing, aides, etc for every little learning disability so YOU don't have to pay for it. (and yes, there ARE some who do deserve it, but really every 1 in 4 kids do, now a days???)

When you have a special needs child you need to start saving and planning for their future, even if it means no big houses, vacations, new cars, etc. They are YOUR children and your responsibility, not the governments - or mine.

Rant over.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

If you're that concerned about spending another $50 on a vacation you probably shouldn't be going in the first place.

Exactly. Gas is a minor expense compared to what they'd spend on accomodations, food and entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Righteous rant 210, I totally agree.

Maybe if we start yanking the gubmit freebies from the nutters (and they get plenty), they'll have an epiphany?

Nah, probably not.

****2012**NEWT**2012**** said...

11Anonymous said... 11 189...


March 8, 2012 11:50 AM



Anonymous said...


Jane Doe said...

New space is up :)

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