Monday, July 9, 2012



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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now Lynloon is crying that us blog bitches are the Liberal trolls on that Typhus call out bitchy thread

She couldn't be more wrong!

Anonymous said...

Official thank you note to Jane:

Dear Jane,
Thank you you for having this blog. It is much appreciated. I enjoy having a venue to voice my opinion about the dumb asses over at two peas.
Thanks again!
Sincerely, Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I second #3's thank you!
Signed an anonymous blog bitch!!

Anonymous said...

10 Anonymous said...

"Um, YES, you are selfish is you expect some sort of recognition for a gift you gave because you are ultimately doing it FOR THE RECOGNITION and not just being generous and nice."


I think you're confusing doing a good deed or giving a donation for gift giving.

It's not about EXPECTING a thank you. When given a gift the social norm is to make sure to thank the giver.
That's just a fact. Arguing against it won't make it not so.

Anonymous said...

WTF?!?!? Um, at birth it is a very simple choice.

Anonymous said...

Again, people are just not understanding what I am saying.

Yes, it is polite to thank someone for giving you a gift. However, if you are giving a gift to EXPECT something in return, then you are doing it for your own selfish reasons.

The definition of gift:

"A thing given willingly to someone without payment"

Without payment, meaning expecting nothing in return. A thank you is payment for gift giving. If you expect payment, you are being selfish.

Last time...I'm out....

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, Teacher Karalyn finally let Maureen know she failed the Wingnut Purity Test!

Anonymous said...

Link #8????

Anonymous said...

She couldn't be more wrong!


Yep. They're an embarrassment, doing R's no favors with their extremism and divisiveness and I wish they'd shut the hell up and let sane, rational conservatives talk.

Anonymous said...

8: The "In Plain English" thread.

Anonymous said...

Wait. I thought they claimed to be above the Blog and never came here. How do they know everything being said about them?

I smell plus-sized mom jeans scorching.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, Teacher Karalyn finally let Maureen know she failed the Wingnut Purity Test!


That was so fucking insulting to Maureen.

Anonymous said...

Jesus. Lynlam is in full-on victim mode, isn't she?

Newsflash: Nobody (sane) is buying it.

Anonymous said...

That was so fucking insulting to Maureen.


Well, I've been tossed out of the Republican Tent too for being pro choice and not giving a shit if two dudes marry each other.

Their loss.

Anonymous said...

so mrs. tyler had deemed herself judge and jury of who is/isn't a "true" conservative?


Anonymous said...

From Mrs Typhus on the baby gender thread:

"We found out only with our middle child- mainly because my IUD failed and I was 20 weeks along before I realized I was pregnant with him."

What? The idiot didn't know she was pregnant for twenty weeks? And also, the crazy frothing christian used BIRTH CONTROL?

Anonymous said...

I've heard of obese people not realizing they were pregnant because they didn't have significant body changes. I can also see Karalynn flat out lying on that thread for her own purposes.

On the BC--she's a flaming hypocrite, as we all know.

Anonymous said...

OMG LYnlaminsanity's little poem on the Typhus quixote thread has me LOLing!! Hilarious! Just as hilarious as Typhus thinking Beautiful Morning is Lz!

Anonymous said...

What a condescending, shitty thing to say. Karalyn owes Maureen an apology - a real apology, not some "sorry you were offended" BS.

Will never happen though.

Anonymous said...

Piss on the Maureens and embrace the Michele Bachmanns and Ted Nugents?

Let me know how that works out for ya.

Not a club I wanna be a member of.

Anonymous said...

You're a fucking bitch.

I'm sorry if you were offended by me calling you a bitch.

How does MrsT not see that's not an apology?

Anonymous said...

Dear God what a bunch of prudes.I mean let your kid see it, or don't, whatever that's your choice as a parent. But it's just a movie for crying out loud.
BTW magic mike was totally tame.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any Liberals on the board spewing the hate regarding Conservatives, a la Typhus, L'Urine, Skyfart and Lynloon. Maybe THAT'S why there's no Trolls that attack the Libs on the board? Hmm...there's a thought! No, it's just easier for the aforementioned people to blame us blog bitches. Who knows? Maybe one of us IS a troll over at the bukkit? I find it funny that Typhus thinks BM is Liz. Why they keep banning her is beyond me yet it's ok for L'urine to wish death on another members kid...mmmmk then!

Anonymous said...

I'd be too embarrassed to tell the peas I couldn't afford plane tickets and am making my family drive for 2 days to get to disney - cake diva.

Anonymous said...

Who says she cant afford to fly? Some folks will just NOT get on an airplane!! My husband for one!

Pamela said...

"A thing given willingly to someone without payment"

Without payment, meaning expecting nothing in return. A thank you is payment for gift giving. If you expect payment, you are being selfish.


payment = $$$

Shit if youre gonna be looking up shit in the dictionary look up EVERY word.

Someone gives you a gift, you fucking thank them. Obviously that is too much effort for you, you socially backward neanderthal. Go back to the peas, you fit right in!

Anonymous said...

"Who says she cant afford to fly? Some folks will just NOT get on an airplane!! My husband for one!"

I hate planes. Plus, my best memories as a kid was trips in the car with my family.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any Liberals on the board spewing the hate regarding Conservatives, a la Typhus, L'Urine, Skyfart and Lynloon.


Punchprincess, Edgy Coolness, Krustina

Anonymous said...

26 Anonymous said... 26
Who says she cant afford to fly? Some folks will just NOT get on an airplane!! My husband for one!


She said herself that it wasn't in the budget.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've been tossed out of the Republican Tent too for being pro choice and not giving a shit if two dudes marry each other.

Me too, #15! Also not speaking up that I'm a Christian. Not ashamed of Jesus at ALL, but totally humiliated by Mrs. T and the crew at the pod. We're not all like them. Embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Woe is me! What does she want us to do? All Bergdorf Blonde ever does is whine.

Anonymous said...

Who says she cant afford to fly? Some folks will just NOT get on an airplane!! My husband for one!

Your husband is a small minded idiot.

Anonymous said...

Typhus has earned the title of Tier 1 Peabitch. I bet she cried herself to sleep last night because everyone was so mean to her.

Anonymous said...

I think this ones trying to take over ipg's queen of hypochondria title.

Anonymous said...

I hope her kids never do anything stupid when she's not around.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand people who won't fly. Grow up and stop being a little baby. My FIL and MIL have enough money to travel the world and FIL has dreamed of doing so his whole life. He worked his ass off starting at age 14 and worked hard his whole life to support MIL (who never worked a day in her life) and their children.

Now he finally retires and they still can't go anywhere. Heck, he'd be happy with one trip to Europe probably. Or even Hawaii or some island. But no, MIL won't fly, so they end up driving to like 2 states over to go to the same boring beaches, outlet malls, and sightseeing they've gone to for 50 years.

They can't even drive cross-country b/c she doesn't want to be in a car longer than a few hours. It's like they're chained to their home state.

My FIL probably wants to drive a stake through his head. All that big wide world out there he's dreamed about his whole life, plenty of money to go live the best retirement ever, and he must know deep down he's going to die without ever doing any of it.

I tell him to go without her, go with another relative or friend, but he's too nice. I tell her to take a valium or have a couple drinks and just do it - but no.

I understand fears but you have to grow up when it's something that's taking away so much enjoyment from your husband of 50 plus years.

Anonymous said...

You're a fucking bitch.

I'm sorry if you were offended by me calling you a bitch.

How does MrsT not see that's not an apology?


lest we forget- IOKIYAR, the hypocrisy with the whole lot of them is un-freaking-believable

Anonymous said...

Maybe if cake diva wasn't so selfish putting tens of thousands of dollars into that unnecessary gigantic restaurant-level kitchen - just to make fucking CAKES - then there'd be room in the budget to not have to drive from fucking ONTARIO to Orlando, FL.

My neighbor has a hugely successful cake business. She's even been on cooking shows like Phantom Gourmet and stuff. And she has a normal kitchen.

Or maybe cakediva could return that extra mixer thing she bought by mistake and refused to return, even though it was brand new still in the box. Didn't she say it was $800? Or $500 maybe?

I love car rides but 4am until 9pm with those strict rules about stopping is ridiculous.

My generation is so annoying. Everyone spends tons of money on their own crap - they'll ONLY stand for their Starbucks daily, designer handbags and shoes, Dyson vacuums, KitchenAid mixers, hith-end SUVs, iPhones, iPods, iPads, extra laptops, every other gadget under the sun............but god forbid their kids ever get a toy or if they get invited to a birthday party and feel pressured to bring a $10 gift.

I can't stand cheap people who spend all kinds of money on themselves but can't donate $20 to a charity or let their kid buy a $8 monkey stuffed animal at the zoo gift shop.

So selfish.

Well I hope those precious kids of hers don't get blood clots in their legs from not taking enough breaks in the car.

Anonymous said...

Kendra is completely sympathetic to those that have fear of flying. It's more than just a preference. Kendra hopes you never have to deal with that kind of fear, 37.

Anonymous said...

It's almost like Mrs Tyler thinks NSBR is her middle-school grade classroom.

And she's the one holding all the knowledge, truth and wisdom. Which she expects her students (us) to accept and absorb.

And she's the one in authority, making the rules and handing out punishment for not obeying her, for not regurgitating her truths.

Seems like Mrs Tyler gets super pissy when NSBR doesn't work like her classroom and we don't act like her subordinate 7th graders.

Anonymous said...

Non-flyers make my vacations less crowded.

Anonymous said...

Mrs T = snarky fun

Anyone who disagrees with Mrs T = vicious bitches

Got it?

Anonymous said...

Typhus may be a bitch - but there was some seriously raging cuntiness on that thread. Some people are seriously unglued about her.

Anonymous said...

Typhus may be a bitch - but there was some seriously raging cuntiness on that thread. Some people are seriously unglued about her.


Pretty funny to watch the blatant hypocrisy. Makes me think of "I know you are, but what am I" type comments. What a pissing match.

Anonymous said...

Pamela said :
""A thing given willingly to someone without payment"

Without payment, meaning expecting nothing in return. A thank you is payment for gift giving. If you expect payment, you are being selfish.


payment = $$$

Shit if youre gonna be looking up shit in the dictionary look up EVERY word.

Someone gives you a gift, you fucking thank them. Obviously that is too much effort for you, you socially backward neanderthal. Go back to the peas, you fit right in!"

Pamela, if you could learn just an eensy weensy bit of reading comprehension that would be GREAT. I'm not advocating not thanking someone for a gift. I've said from the beginning that of course it is polite to thank someone for a gift. My point this entire time is that if you give gifts and EXPECT to be acknowledged for it, then you are doing it for selfish reasons. You NEED your gesture to be acknowledged.

I give gifts out of the kindness of my heart, not expecting anything in return. If I get a thank you, that's nice, but I don't expect it. I also don't make a note to stop giving gifts because I DON'T get that acknowledgement. (Not saying you do that, but it was mentioned in the TY thread)

Oh, and payment certainly does not equal JUST cash. You can make payment in lots of ways that have nothing to do with currency. For example, if someone does a favor for you, and you do a favor for them in return, is that not payment?

Anonymous said...

I hope her kids never do anything stupid when she's not around.

I get the feeling from that thread the helicopter's going to be hovering WAY too much for that to happen.

Anonymous said...

Who is Kendra and what is her pea name?

Anonymous said...

Both sides do it.

Sorry if you were offended.

Anonymous said...

Kendra is nothing but a fever dream.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any Liberals on the board spewing the hate regarding Conservatives, a la Typhus, L'Urine, Skyfart and Lynloon. Maybe THAT'S why there's no Trolls that attack the Libs on the board?


They spew it here where no one wants to hear it but themselves.

It makes Republicans look even better too. (You do realize that the *few* Republicans that spew shit at the bucket are not like *ALL* Republicans.

Nice paintbrush you have though. Oh and not to mention such a broad and open mind.

Froth on! (I will not be responding to you since you will not understand anyway)

Have a nice day bitches!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Tyler is a class act.

Anonymous said...

It makes Republicans look even better too.


Convenient, no?

Anonymous said...

"Nice paintbrush you have though. Oh and not to mention such a broad and open mind"

Nice reading comprehension ass. That post never said "ALL" republicans, in fact, it listed the ones in partictular that the statement was referring to. Twat.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else get tired of ProfDW's threads? Seems she enjoys this minor status boost of importance in the pod but truth be told any diet change at her weight would give immediate results.

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck is anyone taking the "Oh, the economy must be booming because we see lots of folks out and about on our vacations" post by "lotsokids" seriously?? She doesn't post all that often, but when she does she always hits my radar because her posts are always poorly veiled attempts at bragging about how wealthy and blessed she is. She's like Treelover reincarnated. And like Treelover, I suspect she's completely full of shit.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any Liberals on the board spewing the hate regarding Conservatives, a la Typhus, L'Urine, Skyfart and Lynloon. Maybe THAT'S why there's no Trolls that attack the Libs on the board?


They spew it here where no one wants to hear it but themselves.

It makes Republicans look even better too. (You do realize that the *few* Republicans that spew shit at the bucket are not like *ALL* Republicans.

Nice paintbrush you have though. Oh and not to mention such a broad and open mind.

Froth on! (I will not be responding to you since you will not understand anyway)

Have a nice day bitches!!
July 10, 2012 10:44 AM

I agree. - Blog bitch republican.

Anonymous said...

Miserable mzza, raging liberal cuntess, calling out Typhus is priceless.

Anonymous said...

51 said:
"You do realize that the *few* Republicans that spew shit at the bucket are not like *ALL* Republicans."

No shit sherlock, that's why THEY WERE LISTED in the post.


Anonymous said...

Down with big government!

Anonymous said...

I'm not political at all, and don't really mull over what "label" anyone is, but I do notice if someone is insufferable.

And that would be Mrs. Tyler, Lynlam, Skybar, Sylvia, SabrinaM, etc. They're all so weirdly alike in their behavior. And I notice their "labels" because they trumpet them day in, day out. Everything to them is political. How do they think like that? How do they know what everyone is at all times, whether it's a troll, or their neighbor, or random people on the street?

The only person who stands up to them and also identifies as a Republican, but treats others with respect and kindness is Maureen. And now she's told she's not really a Republican. Ok.

So to all of these blog bitch Republicans: where are you when Mrs. Tyler tells Maureen she's not good enough to be in their club? Where are you when Lynlam tells everyone that people who don't agree with her are stupid? And aren't good Americans? Or need to be investigated? (That was Wildcatmom on a non-political thread.)

Because when the term "Republican" is uttered: I think of the screamers, not Maureen. She's an outlier, and Republicans on the board have made it damn clear that she doesn't belong, and isn't deserving of the brand.

Anonymous said...

Same place you are when Punchprincess froths her nonsense. Don't see liberals coming out of the woodwork to reign her in do you? Nope.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a liberal.

So your answer of just standing back is that you sort of agree? Or disagree and don't think it's worth it to go against Lynlam or Sylvia? Do you think they'll harass you or pile on?

Anonymous said...

And if PunchPrincess ever said non-liberals should be investigated and lose their jobs, I missed it. And would think it fucking horrible of her, and would consider it ominous if no liberal called her out.

Anonymous said...

How do they know what everyone is at all times, whether it's a troll, or their neighbor, or random people on the street?


They're too fucking stupid and buried too deep in their Fox echo chamber to realize how extreme they've become. Which leads them to give the boot to everyone not suffiently ideologically "pure", like Maureen, myself and countless others.

I wish them the best of luck with that strategy.

Anonymous said...

PunchPrincess doesn't speak for all liberals any more than Lynlam speaks for all conservatives. It's not anyone's job to police what looney toons have to say. If you choose to engage those afflicted with the batshit crazy then that's on you. Don't feed the trolls. Not even when they've been around long enough to become familiar trolls. Quit talking to them as if they are reasonable people. They aren't.

Anonymous said...

Spot on 66. I don't carry a pod badge.

Anonymous said...

What's striking to me are the number of neutral, non-political peas who've piped up to tell Mrs T they think she regularly comes across as bitchy.

Won't do a bit of good though, Mrs T will just dismiss their criticism and put them on her liberal enemies list.

Anonymous said...

#57 = Me GOP, sly, underhanded, patronizing cunt.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, 66. Nuts is nuts. Period. I recognize it but I don't have to call it out on either side. I'm responsible for what comes out of my own keyboard and that's it.

Anonymous said...

54Anonymous said... 54 "Nice paintbrush you have though. Oh and not to mention such a broad and open mind"

Nice reading comprehension ass. That post never said "ALL" republicans, in fact, it listed the ones in partictular that the statement was referring to. Twat.

July 10, 2012 11:32 AM

Damn! Some of you say you can read! Call names too? LOL You need to reread all statements before frothing my dear.

Anonymous said...

Dear 54 & 59,

Read this part of it (stop skimming to the names of people you hate LOL).

quote from OP:"I don't see any Liberals on the board spewing the hate regarding Conservatives,"

You don't see them spewing on the board *a la* ___longlistofnames___ because they DO IT HERE.


Anonymous said...

66Anonymous said... 66 PunchPrincess doesn't speak for all liberals any more than Lynlam speaks for all conservatives. It's not anyone's job to police what looney toons have to say. If you choose to engage those afflicted with the batshit crazy then that's on you. Don't feed the trolls. Not even when they've been around long enough to become familiar trolls. Quit talking to them as if they are reasonable people. They aren't.

July 10, 2012 1:06 PM

Nicely put!

Now if the others could see this and understand. They have a problem reading today. It must be the heat!

Anonymous said...

It gets me all wet and tinglely in my nether region that fat ass typhus has very little support!

Anonymous said...

You admit to that? I'd be rather grossed out if anything to do with her did that to me!

Anonymous said...

Typhus is frothing!

Anonymous said...

Typhus is always frothing.

I agree with the person who said not to engage the trolls like Typhus and lynlam. Just b/c they've been around a long time doesn't mean that they're not trolls.

Anonymous said...

Why all this political talk?

Anonymous said...

Wake up and smell the coffee 78, it's 2012.

Anonymous said...

I thinks it's so weird when grown women call their fathers Daddy. And she has Mama in there too.

Anonymous said...

I agree 80.

Anonymous said...

I call my father Daddy and my grown daughter still calls me Mommy sometimes. Fuck you if you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

I love a good road trip - but 18+ hours at a time in the car does not make for a "good" road trip!

My h hates road trips because his childhood family trips were the kind where they left at 4AM, drove forever, stopped only when they needed gas, and he and his 2 brothers literally had to pee in a Gatorade bottle because his dad refused to stop.

Anonymous said...

If I'm speaking to him, I call my father Daddy, my adult kids call him Granddaddy. If I'm talking about him, I call him "my dad".

My mother called her parents "Mama and Daddy" her whole life. My dad called his parents "Mother and Daddy".

I don't see anything weird or abnormal about it either, 82.

Anonymous said...

Calling your parents mommy and daddy when you are an adults is creepy shit.

Anonymous said...

The woman's father, dad, daddy just died. #80 to say you are a twat is an insult to twats

Anonymous said...


Typhus really, really REALLY HATES Maureen.

Anonymous said...

IME, most adults who use the terms Mommy and Daddy are southerners.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked busypea has satellite tv, you'd think her family would be too good for television that wasn't PBS.

Anonymous said...

Hey Typhus! You're a disgusting waste of skin, and if you had the vaguest grasp of self-reflection, you'd recognize what an empty and worthless piece of shit you are. Expect to die alone in an old folks home, and be forgotten about five minutes after you kick the bucket.

(The above was "tongue-in-cheek," lmao!)

Anonymous said...

Is Typhus one of the Peas that doesn't allow her in-laws at the house during Christmas morning? She's just teaching her children to do the same thing to her when they get married.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else here wonder if Mrs. T will ever find herself fired from teaching in IRL? I mean, with some of the stuff she puts out lately; the fact she uses her real name(at least I think it's her real name? Please correct if I'm wrong) and pics of herself on her posts it makes me wonder if someone from the school she works at would recognize her and find her unfit to teach.

Anonymous said...

It's her real name. A quick Google search will tell you where she teaches and everything.

I don't know if she could get fired for some of the stuff she posts, but I'd be really surprised if it escaped the notice of her students, other teachers and administrators. I wonder if any student has ever asked her about which flavor of Chapstick is best? @@

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any student has ever asked her about which flavor of Chapstick is best?

Oh, holy hell 92, I forgot about that. Puke.

Anonymous said...

Do I want to know @ 92?

Wow, it was painfully easy to find out where she works, her work e-mail and her phone number.

Anonymous said...

More evidence of her stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit. You're starting to sound like a bunch of stalkers.

Please don't.

Anonymous said...

Don't what?
I'm not one of the above posters, but pointing out that someone has all their personal details 'out there' and is easy to find is not the same as 'stalking' and it doesn't mean anyone will do anything with him. Leave that stupid paranoid shit over at the bukkit. No-one is stalking her, in fact I highly doubt any is invested enough in her to bother.

I recently wondered what happened to a good friend of mine from high school - I googled found her Facebook, her kid's Facebook, found a few youtube videos and saw what she had been up to all these years including where she currently works. That was it, curiosity satisfied and no intent to do anything else and nothing creepy, but I was surprised at how much I could find out and how quickly.

So don't make a make up a story that doesn't exist because the next thing Tyshit will be over at the bukkit getting sympathy because "the blog bitches are stalking me in real life"

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutchers unite! How about this, if you don't know who a comedian is, check them out before going to see them. There are some pretty vile ones out there, but just because you think they are awful doesn't mean that they are.

Anonymous said...

EllaPea, that's just pathetic. Seriously? Every Monday at 11pm you need to immediately buy all their new items? Psycho.

Anonymous said...

$100 for a pair of yoga pants. That seems a bit much!

Anonymous said...

97Anonymous said... 97 Don't what?
I'm not one of the above posters, but pointing out that someone has all their personal details 'out there' and is easy to find is not the same as 'stalking' and it doesn't mean anyone will do anything with him. Leave that stupid paranoid shit over at the bukkit. No-one is stalking her, in fact I highly doubt any is invested enough in her to bother.

I recently wondered what happened to a good friend of mine from high school - I googled found her Facebook, her kid's Facebook, found a few youtube videos and saw what she had been up to all these years including where she currently works. That was it, curiosity satisfied and no intent to do anything else and nothing creepy, but I was surprised at how much I could find out and how quickly.

So don't make a make up a story that doesn't exist because the next thing Tyshit will be over at the bukkit getting sympathy because "the blog bitches are stalking me in real life"

July 11, 2012 12:39 AM

Well it's good that you won't "do anything". There are people that will and HAVE at the bucket. Employers have been called. Husbands have been called. (Mostly because of the info found by people was posted to the blog but not always blog related contact).

I think you took that persons comment the wrong way. I don't think they were out to "make shit up" either. jmtc

Anonymous said...

(Mostly because of the info found by people was posted to the blog but not always blog related contact).

Rephrasing this LOL: (Mostly because the info found by people was posted on this or other blogs. It's not always blog posted contact info though.)

Plus, it's been mentioned here before that people knew where she worked. I can't imagine anyone really hates someone *that* much to call their employer but there are a lot of whacked Dems that hate her so you just never know.

Anonymous said...

I doubt highly that it's only "whacked Dems" that dislike Typhus. But go on and assume that people have to politically disagree with her to find her a bitch. She IS a bitch, right? *Youbetcha*

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone truly hates her. She is the most exasperating person on the board, no doubt about it, and she is one of the last people I'd ever want to meet or interact with in real life. She just now had to make ONE more post just to get the last word in but that is not a crime worth calling her boss over.

At this point she is 85% troll and should be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Peas ordered that book. ;)

Anonymous said...

It should be eye opening for Typhus that people are pointing out her info is all out there for everyone to see with a simple google search. Only an idiot uses their real full name on websites these days.

Anonymous said...

As annoying as she is I find it comical that someone thinks she might have posted something on a message board that would jeopardize her job.

I think the vast majority of employers would laugh their asses off at someone calling them and saying do you know what your employee is posting on the internets.

I mean short of sending death threats I sincerely doubt it would even be a blip on the radar.

Makes me wonder if the person who posted that has ever had a real job.

Anonymous said...

Many employers make you sign a NDA/online behavior agreement these days. I saw someone get fired because they posted a picture of their name tag online. It isn't difficult, especially if you're in an at-will state.

Anonymous said...

She is unabashedly full of shit because there is comic sans all over her classroom website.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Peas love to body shame and then wonder why their daughters have eating disorders.

Anonymous said...

Comic sans seems appropriate for a school website. A fortune 500 company, no.

Besides the question she asked was just does the font influence your perception.

Seriously innocuous post. Makes me wonder if she posted "the sky is blue" how pissed off people would get.

Anonymous said...

IMO someone is a stalker when they look up personal info (blogs, facebook, whatever) because they dislike someone. No, they may not be looking to do anything with it but if she didn't put in a "siggie" (dumbest name for that) then it had to be googled/searched. I see that as stalking. La la la I don't care if you (general you) sees that as something else.

**don't take this personally 97

Anonymous said...

Seriously, 112. Some of the stupid things people post about on this blog just show how bored they are.
I thought this blog was supposed to be entertaining. If you're just bored and there really is nothing to complain about at the bucket, don't try so hard by posting stupid shit. Go find something else to do.

Anonymous said...

I doubt highly that it's only "whacked Dems" that dislike Typhus


no one said ONLY "whacked dems". mmmkay?

Anonymous said...

107 crazy peas have called employers before. Yes, it's crazy vs. crazy over there.

Anonymous said...

107 crazy peas have called employers before. Yes, it's crazy vs. crazy over there.
July 11, 2012 11:26 AM

96 here, and yes this is what I was worried about.

It's one thing to smack Mrs. T here. Calling her school would be stalking and that's where I thought that talk was headed.

Anonymous said...

I'm #91
I wasn't talking about stalkers (although that is a scary thought, and something to be mindful of when posting online). I was talking in terms of her employer,co workers, students, and students parents coming across her online posts if that could affect her job, since as is seems she does use her real name. I have Family members who are teachers that had to sign the type of agreement that #108 mentioned(thanks BTW). I was just wondering if other people wonder about the same thing.

Anonymous said...

At least KENDRA has better things to do than stalk Typhus.

Anonymous said...

91/118 I think they meant 92.

Anonymous said...

KENDRA isn't smart enough to figure out how to Google, so no one is worried about KENDRA stalking anyone.

Anonymous said...

I think Typhus already got a warning at work. She used to Pea all damn day, but seemed to have cut way back on that in the last year.

Anonymous said...

Running/Walking Thread


Anonymous said...

Am I...the only one..that thinks cinyupnorth..has got to be..13 years..old..with the way..she..types?

Anonymous said...

"Husbands and employers" have NOT been called.
One husband, because someone said they were going to kill themselves.
No-one has any proof that employers were ever called. Just because Typhus stopped posting so much during a work day is not proof that someone called her employer. IF something was said, they probably worked it out for themselves, there are probably 30 kids in the room as she is constantly on her iPhone typing away, not rocket science that one of them told another teacher or a parent.
Stop doing the usual pea shit of rewriting history.
And no, looking up someone on line one time is not the same as stalking. Try googling the definition... Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Silverdolphin. She's baaaaack. And she's the only one on the kid locked in the car thread who says why no, she wouldn't call the police. Dumbshit.

Anonymous said...

no one said ONLY "whacked dems". mmmkay?

pull the stick out, mmmmkay?

Anonymous said...

"Anita, that clip is hilarious. My go-to fonts are century gothic and ariel. Love the personification of the different fonts!
If I want something to be light and kid-friendly, I like marker-felt over comic sans."

Ahhh, Typhus enjoys using the "Ariel" font.. She's a teacher? Goodness.

Anonymous said...

"Husbands and employers" have NOT been called.
One husband, because someone said they were going to kill themselves.
No-one has any proof that employers were ever called. Just because Typhus stopped posting so much during a work day is not proof that someone called her employer. IF something was said, they probably worked it out for themselves, there are probably 30 kids in the room as she is constantly on her iPhone typing away, not rocket science that one of them told another teacher or a parent.
Stop doing the usual pea shit of rewriting history.
And no, looking up someone on line one time is not the same as stalking. Try googling the definition... Idiot.
July 11, 2012 2:24 PM

Yeah Okay @@
You're exactly the idiot I was worried about stalking Tyler.

Anonymous said...

How is googling a person that puts their full name on the internet (with part of their full name AS THEIR USERNAME) stalking someone?

Anonymous said...

Just because Typhus stopped posting so much during a work day is not proof that someone called her employer. IF something was said, they probably worked it out for themselves, there are probably 30 kids in the room as she is constantly on her iPhone typing away, not rocket science that one of them told another teacher or a parent.


IIRC Typus got a new principal about the same time she scaled back her work peaing and the speculation was that the principal brought the hammer down.

Anonymous said...

How is googling a person that puts their full name on the internet (with part of their full name AS THEIR USERNAME) stalking someone?


it's not.

if you make your personal info accessable on teh net, dont fucking cry stalker when someone looks at it.

Anonymous said...

You're exactly the idiot I was worried about stalking Tyler.
I don't know why I am replying, because it is very clear that you only have two functioning brain cells.
Explaining the truth to retards like you is generally a wate of time. I don't care about Typhus, I have never looked up her details, i haven't posted on that thread, I have a life...and I don't think I am the only one. Those that did post...arguing with someone on a message board, does not make them stalkers. Plus no-one else has been "stalked" at the bukkit, if they say they have, then they are the crazy delusional ones.
Fuck me, could you be any more stupid?

Anonymous said...

Karalynn's school web page is a migraine-inducing clusterfuck. Mismatched random fonts and cheesy clipart galore.

Though I didn't see any blinkies, so there's that.

Anonymous said...

Kendra just took her kids to 7-11 for the free Slurpees!

Anonymous said...

So, where is this child's FATHER? Hmmm?? He's a responsible and upstanding citizen, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

kinda funny Mapsworker posted on the running thread just after someone reported Crafterbeth's response to the blog on the blog.

I read the thread because I like to run but never post there, I don't need the criticism and false hoorahs.

Anonymous said...

Actually an employer HAS been called. It wasn't on Mrs. Tyler though. It was years ago and I'm not going to say whose employer, b/c imo they had to go through enough back then, don't want to cause further trouble for them.

Two husbands have been called that I know of.

Obviously the most infamous incident was Sass' death claim. And it seems no one will ever forgive the girl (again leaving out the name although most prob know who it is that called) for calling. However, I was on the Grumps & Fro boards back then, and I was there the night the family got called...both the young daughter (who Sass had gotten in on it and claimed her mother had killed herself) and the husband (who told the truth). I had read all the conversation, back and forth for a while, before it was decided she would call. She was truly NOT trying to be a bitch thinking "I'm going to call out Sass and prove she's not really dead" - people were truly concerned and there was a bit of peer pressure going on. When she was willing to call, there was a LOT of support for her on the other board saying yes, she should, it's the right thing to do, yada yada.

Not saying we all loved Sass, and most of us did think it was all a scam. But that truly wasn't the reason behind the call. Anyway of course once all hell broke loose and people found out who called, that poor girl got all the blame (and still does), and the rest of the women that urged her she was doing the right thing and "voted" for her to yes, make the call, slunk away and didn't back her up.

I always felt bad about that. She's now known as this crazy person who will call Peas homes, when really there were dozens of women who told her to do it, she just happened to be the one who said she didn't mind being the one to actual dial. And she reported back to us what went on, the truth came out, and imo the way she spoke to the daughter & husband was very kindly and not rude or mean at all.

I always felt bad because the whole thing did NOT play out on 2Peas, it was on the other msg board, so of course the Peas jumped to their own conclusions about the girl who called and were terrible to her for years. Meanwhile they welcome Sass back time after time with open arms even though she has lied continually over her years there.

At one point back then I really wished I had spoken up on the other board and told everyone we should explain how it truly went that night and back her up, but I never did and I do regret that still. I'm sure she has moved on now, but it really wasn't fair how that all went down.

It was never done in "mean girl" fashion like the Peas think it was. Unlike when the employer got called - that was all very hatefully done.

Anonymous said...

lmao at hysterectomy beth. This might be the first time she hasn't mentioned that.

Of course, she was on a roll ranting about the evil blog. But it doesn't bother her. Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

Holy FUCK, #138. Take a breath.

Anonymous said...

Til the day I die I will NEVER, EVER understand why the Peas still speak to Lauren, let alone drop on their knees to praise her like they do.

She is one of the worst human beings I've "met" online (and believe me, I waste plenty of time online). She has been hateful and mean and rude and cruel time after time, and I just don't get why she gets treated the way she does over there.

It truly blows my mind.

If ANYONE else had written that thread, the Peas would be crucifying them for leaving the son out of it. But not Lauren - no, they fawn all over her grandmotherly saintliness and tell her how wonderful she is and how Jackie is so lucky to have her.

No mention of what a shitty mother she was and what a shitty son she raised (and daughter). Two screw-up children, including Jackie's father. But let's hush-hush all of that because she pays for some stupid dance lessons. Grandmother of the Year.

I bet the other grandmothers on the board who actually are wonderful people read that and their eyes roll back so far into their head they can't get em back.

Anonymous said...

Isn't L'Urine's daughter lesbian? That does NOT make her a screw-up but I'm sure it bugs the shit out of L'Urine.

Anonymous said...

141, I don't get it either. She's such a wretched cow yet people fawn all over her. Yes her granddaughter is beautiful, but her grandmother is a vile excuse for a human.

Anonymous said...

Lauren's son and baby mama sound like real winners.

And yes, I called her "baby mama", because that term is low class and quite apropos here.

IMO, Lauren probably tries so hard with Jackie because she royally fucked up her own kids.

This was a very unsubtle way for the Wicked Witch of the Pod to brag about how much she does for Jackie. Another lame attempt to obtain favor and sympathy from the general Pea population, which you can tell is ignoring her in increasing numbers.

Pretty soon, posts from Lauren, Skybar, Lynlam and Typhus are going to turn into an echo chamber, where only the four of them are commenting.

And they'll all blame it on the evil libs. Because their politics are somehow out shined by their glowing personalities. ::eyeroll::

Anonymous said...

Til the day I die I will NEVER, EVER understand why the Peas still speak to Lauren, let alone drop on their knees to praise her like they do.

Fascinating dynamic, isn't it? They remind me of court jesters trying to gain favor from the King.

Anonymous said...

"lmao at hysterectomy beth. This might be the first time she hasn't mentioned that.

Of course, she was on a roll ranting about the evil blog. But it doesn't bother her. Yeah, right."


She also said she doesn't read the blog. That was pretty funny. Yeah, right "someone" told her. Yeah - sure.

And now she said she has come back because she enjoys acting like a mentor and encouraging "beginning" runners. Because, well, she's such a pro now. (insert eye-roll here).

Runners are an odd bunch. Never met a one that didn't have a big ego.

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon, posts from Lauren, Skybar, Lynlam and Typhus are going to turn into an echo chamber, where only the four of them are commenting.


I've noticed pretty much this exact thing happening the past few weeks/month....lots of RW threads started that go nowhere and are pretty much just the same ol handful of nut jobs screetching to each other about the Obamanation.

Anonymous said...

Never met a one that didn't have a big ego.
I agree, but cuntybeth has a ginormous ego-even for a runner.

Anonymous said...

Mrs T is posting like a fiend, trying to pretend her assholian meltdown never happened and that the peas like her.

Must've learned that from Lurine.

Anonymous said...

146 - My Uncle is a marathon runner and is obnoxious about it, he can't let a conversation go by without mentioning his marathons. Its so tiring.

Anonymous said...

Another pea-genius-child post. This one just finished 2nd grade and reads at a 7.5 grade level, folks. Later in the thread someone says, "He sounds just like my kid."

WTH school tests 2nd graders at a level that high? I know here our first grade teacher said the top reading group tested as high as she could test them which was like third grade.

Someone's full of shit. How did such a bunch of dumbasses give birth to such intelligence?

Anonymous said...

"Obviously the most infamous incident was Sass' death claim. And it seems no one will ever forgive the girl (again leaving out the name although most prob know who it is that called) for calling."

You mean StacyAngel? She called Sass' house because she's a nosybody and a bitch to boot. Also, Stacy's not a GIRL, she's a woman.

Anonymous said...

"WTH school tests 2nd graders at a level that high? I know here our first grade teacher said the top reading group tested as high as she could test them which was like third grade."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the schools where my kidlets go, they can test as high as the kids can go. Both of mine are way above their grade level in reading. BFD

Anonymous said...

152, do you have reading comprehension problems?

Of course I mean StacyAngel, dumbass. Did you read the part that said I was trying to leave her name out of it on purpose? Or did you just feel the need to show us all how smart you are for knowing her name?

And were you with us on the other board the night we ALL DECIDED (not just Stacy) that she should do it? Then who are you? If you weren't there, then shut up, b/c you don't know her motive. That was the whole point of my post. It wasn't becasue she was being a bitch or a nosybody. It was because of several other reasons, which about 20 of us had gone over ahead of time. She didn't just do it to be nosy. It was a group decision and she took the fall and everyone who was ONLY on 2Peas decided she only did it b/c she is nosy.

Because they (and you) don't know the real story of what went down that night.

Also, I can use girl if I want. I can't stand the word woman, so I choose not to use it. Relax.

Anonymous said...

#154: Hi Stacy! Oh, and fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Runners are an odd bunch. Never met a one that didn't have a big ego.


Yeah, and if you're friends with a runner on Facebook, it's ALL THEY EVER POST ABOUT. And all their photos are of them at finish lines. BOR-ING.

Same with the gym rats - seriously, you're going to be on Facebook just to tell your 300 friends that you just got back from the gym? Well let me get on my knees and worship you, you amazing person.

It's like they have no other life. They work and go to the gym, and talk about going to the gym. And about how much they benchpressed or how much they lifted or how many hours they were there. My fave is "Just had another great workout". Talk about dulllllllllll.

How about your house? Your children or your bf/gf? Or you went to a great new restaurant or you are planning a trip? How about a guy cut you off in traffic and later you saw him pulled over? How about you're looking for advice on what kind of pool to get? How about you tell us you got a fucking Christmas tree. ANYTHING BUT TELLING US ABOUT ANOTHER WORKOUT EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Calm the fuck down. No one wants the same report every single day. You're amazing, you love yourself, you don't think of anyone or anything else. We get it. Yay for you. Shut.Up.

Anonymous said...

oh god here we go

Anonymous said...

154 I gotta say it's weird the word "woman" bugs you, but I will back you up on the rest. I was there that night too, and remember how a whole group of us thought the call should be made. I don't remember it being 20 of us - more like 12 or 13 maybe. But yes, it def wasn't just StacyAngel.

And no I didn't defend her either!! But I was kind of an unknown so nobody would have listened to me anyway I think!!

Innnnnteresting, now I wonder who you are. We probably were/are friends from way back. Weird. That was a pretty small grp.

Anonymous said...

Same with the gym rats - seriously, you're going to be on Facebook just to tell your 300 friends that you just got back from the gym? Well let me get on my knees and worship you, you amazing person.



Gah. I have one of these spends her days bouncing from the gym to the nail salon to the botox doc to the lash extension place to the hairdresser. Seriously that's it, every day. So weird.

Anonymous said...

136 where is he? in jail.

Anonymous said...

Stacy Angel is a pill popping, busy body, piece if shit!

Anonymous said...

Damn, Crafter must have read entry after entry to go all the way back to the Jemima thing. Jesus, that was months ago.

I don't remember seeing anything about her family. I don't even know if she has kids or what her husband looks like.

Anonymous said...

154 Anonymous said...

Also, I can use girl if I want. I can't stand the word woman, so I choose not to use it. Relax.


Are you grinning cat? Do you also hate to wear dresses while gourmet cooking at your journalism job while photographing your foodie creations?

Anonymous said...

Gah. I have one of these spends her days bouncing from the gym to the nail salon to the botox doc to the lash extension place to the hairdresser. Seriously that's it, every day.

We must have one of the same friends! I have another friend on my list that posts beach pictures. She tans every day at a salon, I had to hide her because I swear to god I've seen a picture of every single beach in the world. It's sad because they never seem to realize how shallow it makes them look. jmho

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm pretty much the opposite of grinning cat. Most days I want to wring her neck b/c she's so over-the-top ridiculous. Actually I'm very girly. But, I do hate the word woman. Just like I hate the words slacks, Sammiches, preggo, preggie, preggers, siggie, and probably a dozen more.

Anonymous said...

Hold up. Lowrent's son is in JAIL? Oh, that is just too fucking precious.

Anonymous said...

#153, I'm sure your little genius is earning college credits in 2nd grade. Little touchy aren't we?

Anonymous said...

Two husbands have been called that I know of.
So who was the other husband that got called 138?

Anonymous said...

Stacy Angel became as psycho as Sass when she injected herself into the drama and called her house. That will never change.

Anonymous said...

#153 here again. "a little touchy" ??? Please re-read. Did I call my kids geniuses? Do you know what BFD means? It means Big Fucking Deal. As in, I'm not bragging about it on the bucket. Or here. A lot of people have kids who read at higher grade levels. Again, BFD. It doesn't make my kids (or theirs) more special.

Anonymous said...

How are we supposed to know the recipe in your own head? God damn this place sets me off with the silliest things.

Anonymous said...

Reading at a "higher level" is useless if the student is not COMPREHENDING at a higher level. I test third graders every year who can de-code at 6th and 7th grade levels but cannot tell me what it is they just read. If a seven year old is DE-CODING at at 7th grade level but is "on target" in all other areas, I say BFD. You have an average kid. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Reading at a "higher level" is useless if the student is not COMPREHENDING at a higher level. I test third graders every year who can de-code at 6th and 7th grade levels but cannot tell me what it is they just read.

^^^exactly the point. the peas never discuss comprehenson for their uber advanced smarty-farties. i bet kids could read some of war & peace but it doesn't mean they understand it. the reason i said BFD is because i know my kids aren't geniuses just because they can read a 5th grade book instead of a 3rd grade book. please unclench. it's just a pissy smacker blog.

Anonymous said...

Kendra reads at a 40 year old level. But she can decode at an 80 year old level.

Anonymous said...

Is Kendra your reta0dted daughter?

Anonymous said...

lmfao at #174

Anonymous said...

YAY! Aslan is back!

Anonymous said...

oh goody

Anonymous said...

Yes 175, Kendra is her retarded daughter.

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to admit how much of it I own. And my oldest DD owns. And how much of the kids Ivivva line my youngest DD owns.

Uh no you're not, or else you wouldn't have mentioned how much of it you have. And your daughter has. And your other daughter has.
If you weren't you'd have said nothing.
Just because you didn't put a number to the statement...doesn't mean you didn't just tell us how much you have.

Anonymous said...

This confirms my suspicions that Mary Mary is stupid and immature, and that the peas will kiss any first tier's ass no matter how dumb the thread.

Anonymous said...

I've seen people here claim Lauren's son is in jail many times. How does anyone know? I've been at the bukkit for years and she's never said it. So how do you know this? I love a good piece of gossip as much as anyone but I like it better when people aren't just blowing smoke out their ass.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Lauren's son a drug addict?

Anonymous said...

Having Lowrent for a mother would drive me to drugs. Fuck, she's nuts.

Anonymous said...

Finally one of the pug peas called out one of their own on the latest BM thread (where Aslan made her debut this evening) Nightowl totally called out Lynloon for her Rush Limbaugh-esque remark.

What a fucking tool.

Anonymous said...

Well will ya look at that! Maddieksmom's son tends to over react a lot...gee...where do you think he got that from???

Anonymous said...

I would have called Sass too if I had had her number. I wasn't around back then, but suicide threats are not something to be taken lightly. Guess that makes me a psycho. Whatevs.

Anonymous said...

No. Sass was already "dead" by the time Stacy Angel stuck her nose into it.

She didn't call because she was concerned, or wanted to give condolences. She called to keep the drama going, and--as one poster above stated--because they "knew it was a scam" so it was important to Stacy to call her out and catch her in the lie.

Sass is all kinds of psycho. And Stacy Angel is all kinds of loathsome. Don't ever confuse Stacy for a nice person, or someone to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Good for Nightowl. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

It's about time Lymloom was called out on her fucking batshit crazy self by another conservative.

Anonymous said...

#189. Good for Nightowl. Seriously.
Whats good for nightowl?

Anonymous said...

Lynloon's dumb post put the lie to the never ending claim that Limbaugh is "just an entertainer" and nobody listens to him or takes him seriously.

Anonymous said...

For calling Lynlam out on her vile statement about college girls who have sex.

Anonymous said...

thanks #193 from 191#

Anonymous said...

What do the blog bitches think--troll? And who is the actual pea? She/he/it strikes me as the type who doesn't understand why there isn't an event specifically called White History Month.

Anonymous said...

What do the blog bitches think--troll? And who is the actual pea? She/he/it strikes me as the type who doesn't understand why there isn't an event specifically called White History Month.
Clearly somebody trying to either start a multi-page thread or somebody so upset by their personal tragedy they don't understand why the whole world has not stopped.

Anonymous said...

What do the blog bitches think--troll? And who is the actual pea? She/he/it strikes me as the type who doesn't understand why there isn't an event specifically called White History Month.
Clearly somebody trying to either start a multi-page thread or somebody so upset by their personal tragedy they don't understand why the whole world has not stopped.
I guess we all will be breaking out the popcorn soon either way. Either one of you two could be correct.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...I was just coming here to post that thread. Weird one.

Anonymous said...

Lindybrown is free to get up off her sofa and fundraise and advocate for prostate health. If it's so important to her.

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