Actually, it is the overproduced bullshit foods that use corn and soybeans, which has been proven is not good for you. So I agree, we don't need the excessive amounts of corn and soybeans grown. ***********
Then you've never used lipstick, bought a magazine, or used a disposable diaper? All of those things have corn by-products in them, and of course, any and all foods with HFCS, but keep in mind that pet and stock feed (for right or for wrong) also contain corn and soy by products, sadly it is horribly pervasive in our culture at large.
ADD meds to curb apetite? Really? ********************************** I know! What the fuck? Are ADD meds the new Dextramin for 21st century mothers of fat girls?
Geezus...start the kid on ADD meds for weight loss and by the time she is 17 she will be hooked on percocet. Dumb fucks!
Then you've never used lipstick, bought a magazine, or used a disposable diaper? All of those things have corn by-products in them, and of course, any and all foods with HFCS, but keep in mind that pet and stock feed (for right or for wrong) also contain corn and soy by products, sadly it is horribly pervasive in our culture at large.
I know that very well. @@ I understand we need corn and soy for other items. No argument. We don't not need the excessive amounts of corn and soy in our foods. I do have a large problem with the excessive feeding of corn to animals which is fed to them because it is cheap. It is quantity vs. quality. Corn fed to animals does not add nutrition to meat. Besides this, corn fed beef tastes like crap compared to their forage fed counterparts.
Anyhow, I also believe we need to reduce the cattle herd sizes, sort of "cull the herd". When there is less of something, it drives up the prices. Look at world market prices of a commodity like wheat. Last year, there was drought and floods, which reduced the world wheat supply. So what happened to wheat prices? They skyrocketed.
What is peanutter's obsession with Beadhound and why in the world does she think Annabella actually knows *anything*? That's the blind leading the blind.
oh how I have missed you. I needed to get my bitch out and I had no outlet. It was sad.
May 13, 2011 12:48 PM Anonymous said... 140 #137 - agree. Kudos in some respects (however disgusting) she's playing a great game on them. Sick, though.
May 13, 2011 12:48 PM Anonymous said... 141 dontcha ever wonder who these trolls really are?
is it the sweet assed pea, the one that sugar won't melt in her mouth?
is it the bitchy pea, the one you would suspect?
is it some pimply faced teenager home sick from school?
is it some dude that gets his jollies jerkin' off a bunch of housewives?
things to ponder
May 13, 2011 12:52 PM Anonymous said... 142 Who was it that posted the exact same depression/husband issues a few months ago?
May 13, 2011 1:25 PM Anonymous said... 143 #141, I don't ponder it, the sick bitch that brought me to Two Peas is a delusional psychohosebeast herself and I wouldn't put is past her or her troll doll to post have the Thursday crazies threads. She makes Silverdolphin look sane. Hell I would even bet that SD was her alter.
May 13, 2011 1:30 PM Anonymous said... 144 dog+bone= the idiot not2peased on blackdiamondrun thread.
May 13, 2011 1:32 PM Anonymous said... 145 #143-what the hell? Who is the Pea and how do you know such a psycho? Does she act like a crazy on the Pod?
May 13, 2011 1:40 PM Anonymous said... 146 Quoted from Compwalla on Chopped Liver's thread about making dinner and no one eating it: *The oldest one stopped by 7/11 on the way home from school and spent his allowance on Dr. Pepper and Doritos and the youngest one saved his afternoon snack to eat in the car on the way home from aftercare so no one is hungry.*
DORITOS and DR. PEPPER???? I thought Virginia only fed her family organic, free range crap from the local farmer? She is constantly talking about how clean her family eats.
Funny how once her kid gets the chance, he spends his money on crap food. I don't care how much your preach or say you never give your kids junk food, they will want it and get it somewhere.
May 13, 2011 1:43 PM Anonymous said... 147 #144- I agree that Kerry is an insufferable bitch.
Do you know what the land was used for before the house was built? Maybe that would help or find out if someone ever died in your house before you moved in.
The land my house is on used to have farms and ranches on it and had a train depot. So I am thinking the spirits in my house come from that are just use my house as a portal. But not really sure why they call my name, when my mom heard them call hert she says they called for Mom and she came to my room thinking I called her.
Earler the front door had opened and I didn't even hear it open but I did notice my dogs outside so I had to call them back in and then I locked the door just in case the wind opened it.
We have had many lights break and fall to the floor too. 88888888
I find it ironic that Crappertastic can string coherent posts together sometimes with limited misspellings and then other times she's a complete trainwreck.
what's this bullshit about being a natural blonde back in the day? You mean when you were 3? shit weren't most people blonde as a baby? doesn't make you a natural blonde.
I don't get the whole Motherless Mother thread. My mother is alive and we have a great relationship. However she spoils the grandchildren crazy and I would never call her for parenting advice.
Anyone who can't relate to the pain Olan must be going through is a heartless bitch. I consider my self pretty void of emotion but the loss of such an important figure in your life must be tough. And the so called daughters of narcissistic moms can't compare a shitty mom to a dead mom.
22 ITA and the peas comparing their shitty moms to moms who died - especially great moms who died - are stupid and rude.
18 i think by parenting advice it's more for infant stuff like colic, poor feeding, etc., not discipline type stuff.
or maybe even just the emotional, friendship stuff. because olan was a nanny for years so she is prob pretty confident with children. my mom died before i had kids and honestly it is gut-wrenching to me. not because i needed help w/ my kids (i was confident with babies and kids from day one, not sure why), but just because they'll never know her and she never knew them.
and lots of other junk i should prob be in therapy for lol anyway olan if you're reading this, good luck. it really sucks not to have your mom around at this time. you'll get through it though, just take one day at a time
#22, Really? You ought to realize by now that many PEAS are devoid of most human emotion where another person's feelings are concerned. From what I have observed most of the Peas that complain about their narcissistic or shitty mothers lack empathy and often post the most insane hatred towards their own children. Example: Let's give that fattie some ADD meds so she can lose weight or put her on a "fad" diet where she eats something that would not be appetizing to any child.
Her OP: So I got my reports back today, just sad! My math skills are at 5th grade level. I knew I hated math and wasn't good at it but I didn't think I was this bad.
My Iq is at 95 which is Low average.
This just makes me feel stupid.
FYI, 95 is Average intelligence. She is a TROLL or someone who suffers from a serious mental illness and is an attention seeker.
First, I want to clarify that I have been out of town due to a family death, so don't bitch at me for not keeping up, ok? Who is this pea who is constantly pinning things on Pinterest? The last thread and the one before that mentioned this person. I am curious. Anyone want to throw me a bone and give me a link?
27 the one I was talking about is October Beauty or something like that. There's one other too but I can't think of her name right now...Marianne maybe? But Oct Beauty was way over the top.
Anonymous said... 8 I think it's time for Compwalla to find a new pic and sig~line. It's old and well, her hair looks like the fucking spaghetti piehole shit on her head.
May 13, 2011 2:18 PM
It does look like a pile of shit on her head. She could have gone to the royal wedding!!
If you don't believe her then please people...just don't post. Common decency should tell you this. Because it could all be true now could'nt it? Stop and think...please.
Why invest the time in this crazed idiot. People have told her to get out and given her advice and yet this PEA wants to handslap people who don't believe her.
The latest post from BDR: 1.when i get a chance i will tell why he pushed me 2.I was going to leave and he pulled me back in the room and shoved me further in.
Why do these stupid women even believe this is true?
If her husband is a real abuser, she wouldn't have internet access.
Burning Feather needs to get a life. She is seriously going to watch every single minute of the Casey Anthony trial, isn't she? And report it all baack to the peas. Who the fuck cares? Get a life you fucking retarded useless fat ugly blind bitch!
#63, Why don't you get a life. Shove a HoHo in that pie-hole of yours, you cranky hungry bitch or better yet, swallow a few more of those ADD pills you shill for weight loss.
Anonymous said... 63 Burning Feather needs to get a life. She is seriously going to watch every single minute of the Casey Anthony trial, isn't she? And report it all baack to the peas. Who the fuck cares? Get a life you fucking retarded useless fat ugly blind bitch!
May 14, 2011 3:03 PM
Her eyes were repaired and she's hardly retarded. Did she piss you off?
Learn to skip threads and not blow a gasket while foaming at the mouth over it.
Just take your ass to the hospital and have your baby. All of these dumbass home birth, homeschooling, we-don't-want-to-associate-with anyone-outside-of-our-house-or-the-internet women are insane.
Uhhh, your ex-DH is not longer married to you. Seems like its time go get over it. And kissing in front of your daughter? THE HORROR. Maybe if you did that more he wouldn't' be your ex.
I know I'm being bitchy, but oh well. This women has often posted about being flat broke. Remember her posting a couple of Christmases ago about how she could go about depositing some cheque she got into her mother's account, because if she put it in her own, the bank would take it cause she was behind in her payments? And she figured she'd keep the money instead of getting current. Or something like that. Anyway, she hasn't got a pot to pee in, but she can afford a kindle. Ya.
I didn't even realise Lauren has friends IRL - I'd love to see the vent from the other perspective...the friend MUST be either more able than I am regarding blocking out the bile that spews out of L's mouth, or is so socially/mentally inept she doesn't understand.
Or, old shrivelled Lowrent really is the fucking coward many suspect - the PUSSY (cat) in real life who bigs herself up on 2-Peas where no-one she actually knows can verify that she's a pathetic piece of shit who can't cut it among other real life human beings.
Or, old shrivelled Lowrent really is the fucking coward many suspect - the PUSSY (cat) in real life who bigs herself up on 2-Peas where no-one she actually knows can verify that she's a pathetic piece of shit who can't cut it among other real life human beings. May 15, 2011 1:49 PM
96 - big difference between christmas a couple of years ago and today. and who cares anyway whether or not she can afford it. shut the hell up and worry about your own self. sitting here bitching about other people all the time. what does that say about you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
100-I'm not a Lauren fan by any stretch of the imagination but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked. If you are good with goole you can find out quite a bit about Lauren.
I guess I'd like to know what kind of hairstyles do these women have that they just wash and let it air dry while they are out and about? It can't look good! Yuck.
Why do the peas gush all over Keegan? She's homely as hell. That is not a pretty girl. I don't get it. I'm sure she's a nice girl but come on, all of the beautiful comments are a little nuts.
106-they are probably Pennyring types. won't go to the doctor to get her cooter checked for cancer and a script for birth control pills but doesn't have a problem having sex.
i never knew there were so many freaks in the world until I came to the Pod.
That Cook guy sucks ass and Cookscrapper it a total freak.
Be a stalker, have your obsession but keep your freaky ass shit off a public message board cause we don't freaking wanna see your dumb ass pics anymore. NO ONE CARES.
PeaNut 393905 - October 2008 Posts: 2583 Layouts: 0 Loc: central Illinois Posted: 5/15/2011 4:59:41 PM
we've had an expensive weekend!
Friday was date night so we bought dinner, then got a new garbage can and wastebasket, and a knee brace for fiance. And paid the sitter.
Saturday we picked up a take out pizza.
Today we had lunch at Culvers, got ds a haircut, got soda/milk/new underwear for ds at KMart, and went to Sams. We got potatoes, OJ, oil, rice, lunchmeat, and swim trunks for fiance. Stopped at Redbox on the way home and grabbed a movie for later ---------------------------------------- Expensive weekend???? LMAO!!!!!!!
102, I already admitted to being bitchy. She gives off a whole air of looking for people to give her something. She's made comments since she's been there about being deep in debt, and then when she gets some money, she pulls one over on her creditors by having her mother deposit it into her own account so she can continue to not pay. She's one of those that ya'll are bitching about having to support. But she has a kindle. And a computer. And can get her kids all pierced up.
I think she's one of those who is throwing out the poor me shit in the hopes that someone will send her money or handouts. Kind of like Kaminer was doing.
I can't believe I'm about to say this: I agree with Sharon Buckner. The only reason James Durbin lasted as long as he did was because he was a "special snowflake" like most of the peas kids. Once he was booted off - he acted like an arrogant jerk. Showed his true colors. No sympathy from me. I'm glad he's gone. Loser.
I guess I'd like to know what kind of hairstyles do these women have that they just wash and let it air dry while they are out and about? It can't look good! Yuck. ----------------------------------
Seriously? There are a lot of hair styles and textures where that's what you're supposed to do! Mine included. My hairstylist has me leave the salon that way too - my hair plus a hair dryer = major disaster.
100-I'm not a Lauren fan by any stretch of the imagination but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked. If you are good with goole you can find out quite a bit about Lauren. May 15, 2011 2:35 PM
That's what I meant. I'm sure she is very nice to the people she knows IRL. She saves the bitchery and the craziness for the Peas.
And really 103? "By a quirky coincidence" ?? yeah-cough-lauren-cough-RIGHT
Aw, 124 & 125, I like the orange. She pulls it off wonderfully. I'm not as big a fan of the boy's outfit but that's only because I don't like white tuxedos. I think they look great together.
132-real men have hairy ass cracks too. Peas wives don't get anywhere near their husbands asses so they have no clue. They all prefer hairless men that remind them of sexless Justin Bieber types.
Well, I guess I'm lucky. My dh doesn't have a hairy ass or a hairy back. And no he doesn't look like Justin Beiber (that was funny by the way and so true with the peas.) DH has a hairy chest and a fair amount on his arms and legs obviously, but no hairy ass.
Anonymous said... 128 Aw, 124 & 125, I like the orange. She pulls it off wonderfully. I'm not as big a fan of the boy's outfit but that's only because I don't like white tuxedos. I think they look great together.
May 15, 2011 6:40 PM
I'm 125 and never said I didn't like the orange but it *had* to have the construction comment.
130, must you call that kid a hoochie mama, really? Did you forget the rules here when it comes to kids? *handslaphandslap* BAD Blog Bitch!!
No the baby is not part of either of them. They "adopted" a number of already fertilized eggs. Therefore her these potential babies are frozen, so that's where the snowflake comes from.
100-I'm not a Lauren fan by any stretch of the imagination but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked. If you are good with goole you can find out quite a bit about Lauren. May 15, 2011 2:35 PM
That's what I meant. I'm sure she is very nice to the people she knows IRL. She saves the bitchery and the craziness for the Peas.
And really 103? "By a quirky coincidence" ?? yeah-cough-lauren-cough-RIGHT
I'm with you, there's no f'n way in hell that L'Urine
a. has friends other than ones she pays for services b. is highly successful
so I guess I should say, "Hi L'Urine"
crazy azz bitches like that cannot function in normal society or with what's considered a normal functional family. They just don't. She's more than *depressed* she's bi-polar and not being treated. Everyone knows it at the pod, except her.
I'm sure her family and friends have run far far away years ago. If anyone ever thought she was bad at the pod, then multiply her behavior there by 100 and just imagine what her poor family and *friends* have had to put up with. They've long since washed their hands of her sorry azz.
149-nope, that kid does not have their DNA. I think she adopted the frozen kidsicles because if she hadn't, they would have been destroyed and according to her, that is a sin because they are fertilized eggs. I can't remember all the deets cause it has been a few years now.
Anyway, she has a kid and hopefully she doesn't end up being a total helicopter mom and the kid turns out okay.
For 146-Anthony Bourdain is a chain smoking, booze guzzling, earring wearing old fart that has a show on the Travel Channel. He thinks he is cool in his skinny jeans and like to tell people how stupid they are. He is a chef that wrote a tell all book about the restaurant biz and now he thinks he is edgy and cool (sound familiar?).
He got kicked off the Food Network and other tards that want to seem edgy and cool fawn all over him. I wouldn't want to screw him. I bet he has herpes, crabs and needs viagara to get a woody.
MissJen and her husband "adopted" another couple's leftover frozen embryo and had it implanted in MissJen's uterus because they couldn't conceive on their own.
They could have adopted an already born but unwanted child but they didn't because this was about MissJen's need to be pregnant. She bitched about that in TTC thread where she said she just wanted to be pregnant like all the other moms and feel the baby inside and it wasn't fair yada yada. It wasn't enough to be a parent.
When people post asking for advice on what to wear on vacation do you think they are really asking for advice or a passive agressive way to say look where I'm going on vacation?
I mean do you really need to ask what type of clothes to take to Hawaii??
Anonymous said... 157 When people post asking for advice on what to wear on vacation do you think they are really asking for advice or a passive agressive way to say look where I'm going on vacation?
I mean do you really need to ask what type of clothes to take to Hawaii??
May 16, 2011 10:30 AM
of course, every time it's a *ME ME ME* thing.
of course if it's Vegas it's all about yubobo LOL since she's the *only* bobo that's *ever* been there.
I like KikiNick whatever just fine but.. really? your kid graduates from college and that's what you wear? Was she stopping off in between trips to Costco????
#152, FFS, I would rather fuck 12 pack a day smoking skinny old fart earring wearing drunkard Anthony Bourdain with his herpes, crabs and Viagra any day than the epitome of Pea MARRIAGE: the very married and cheating Failed Frat boy trying to relive his glory days in manpris.
You know and probably married him, that one married to 90% of the complaining Peas, the one who dresses and acts like a psycho-toddler in his Air Jordan Hi-Tops or gawd awful male flip flops, Golf Shirt and over-sized cargo pants, the dreaded manpris, straining to encompass but slipping snugly under his "DUNLAP" spare tire, yeah he still wears that 32 inch waist right above his mangina, THAT trolls the internet looking for ANY CHICK and especially his favorite target to insult --THE FAT CHICK -- because his "FAT" (only in her brain and because of him) wife won't suck his dick much less fuck him.
Yeah, at least with Drunk and Diseased Skinny Smoker's hack Tony, I'm gonna get THE BIG "O" in the sack thanks to Vigara and his brand of sexual perversions and not have to FIND his weenis in the mangina under a 20 month pregmo belly the married Frat Boy is sporting who only wants his wee penis sucked because that isn't cheating.
I find it ironic that Crappertastic can string coherent posts together sometimes with limited misspellings and then other times she's a complete trainwreck.
Still think she's fake. ____________________
Me too. Check out the pic she posted of her dog. (3rd post down)
I know Kiki annoys alot of people but I don't mind her too much. But wow, wtf with that outfit?! Was she trying to look like a college coed herself? She looks like she is trying too hard.
I might need to collaborate my monitor, but every time I look at that pic of Scrappertastic's dog, I assume she tried some kind of selective coloring that went wrong - that tongue...that other 'thing'.
I actually like Kiki and think she makes a lot of sense in most of her posts. But it's so transparent how she is fishing for compliments on her looks and body. She decides to post a handful of pictures of her DAUGHTER'S graduation day but KIKI is in most of the ones she chooses to post. If I picked out 6 pics of a graduation to post, there might be one with me and the grad, but the rest would focus on the grad. I wouldn't "happen" to be in half of them.
lol, 159, I came to post the same thing about Kiki's graduation pictures.
Around here, graduations are something we dress up for... jeans wouldn't cut it. But then again it looks like the graduates were pretty casual, too. It looks like her dd is wearing ugg-like boots, I noticed another girl wearing leggings, and someone else wearing flip flops.
Yeah, Mary Mary's 4th little one doesn't look as much like the rest of them either, does she? She is a cute kid, but the others all share a similar look - all adorable. (I'm not knocking the looks of a child here just commenting that Kitty doesn't look like the others.)
The new baby does resemble that "darcy look" even as a newborn. She does make cute babies!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»
notcomputersavvy still has her 6 year old in a stroller???
it says the stroller is for the 3 year old and the 6 year old would benefit from the exercise.
Now I understand why Annabella is so ditzy.
reading comprehension....
there is no understanding why Annabella is such a dipshit
From the past thread:
Actually, it is the overproduced bullshit foods that use corn and soybeans, which has been proven is not good for you. So I agree, we don't need the excessive amounts of corn and soybeans grown.
Then you've never used lipstick, bought a magazine, or used a disposable diaper? All of those things have corn by-products in them, and of course, any and all foods with HFCS, but keep in mind that pet and stock feed (for right or for wrong) also contain corn and soy by products, sadly it is horribly pervasive in our culture at large.
ADD meds to curb apetite? Really?
I know! What the fuck? Are ADD meds the new Dextramin for 21st century mothers of fat girls?
Geezus...start the kid on ADD meds for weight loss and by the time she is 17 she will be hooked on percocet. Dumb fucks!
Then you've never used lipstick, bought a magazine, or used a disposable diaper? All of those things have corn by-products in them, and of course, any and all foods with HFCS, but keep in mind that pet and stock feed (for right or for wrong) also contain corn and soy by products, sadly it is horribly pervasive in our culture at large.
I know that very well. @@
I understand we need corn and soy for other items. No argument.
We don't not need the excessive amounts of corn and soy in our foods.
I do have a large problem with the excessive feeding of corn to animals which is fed to them because it is cheap. It is quantity vs. quality. Corn fed to animals does not add nutrition to meat.
Besides this, corn fed beef tastes like crap compared to their forage fed counterparts.
Anyhow, I also believe we need to reduce the cattle herd sizes, sort of "cull the herd". When there is less of something, it drives up the prices.
Look at world market prices of a commodity like wheat. Last year, there was drought and floods, which reduced the world wheat supply. So what happened to wheat prices? They skyrocketed.
Like I say, excessive corn and soybeans grown.
Wonder whose seat Donna Downey will leave a six pack of beer under this year, at the inspired event. hahaha!
LOL at Athena, Kath and Wildcrapmom wetting their pants over Newt Gingrich. Maybe amongst them is a candidate for Wife #4.
I wish you two would stop with the corn one cares.
#6: And fuel.
#4? What you talkin' 'bout?
I know no one "cares" about the corn debate but sometimes you just have to get it out of your system. I'm done now :o)
What is peanutter's obsession with Beadhound and why in the world does she think Annabella actually knows *anything*? That's the blind leading the blind.
Anyone who thinks Annabella knows anything doesn't know Annabella.
But PP is having a fit over that thread for some reason.
bead and PP are friends. ;)
Oh, that makes sense, lol.
Peanutbutter should be asking PP what Bead's alter is.
go fuck yourselves!
Hostile! You're back!
Amping up for an abortion maybe?
what a weird thread
what the fuck does that even mean, #3? Abortion, no, miscarriage is where the sympathy and $$ is at.
Either way she is a slut
Anonymous said... 3 Amping up for an abortion maybe?
May 13, 2011 2:10 PM
You're beyond blog bitch. What the fuck is wrong with you, seriously?
I think it's time for Compwalla to find a new pic and sig~line. It's old and well, her hair looks like the fucking spaghetti piehole shit on her head.
Anonymous said... 139 :::caresses the blog:::
oh how I have missed you. I needed to get my bitch out and I had no outlet. It was sad.
May 13, 2011 12:48 PM
Anonymous said... 140 #137 - agree. Kudos in some respects (however disgusting) she's playing a great game on them. Sick, though.
May 13, 2011 12:48 PM
Anonymous said... 141 dontcha ever wonder who these trolls really are?
is it the sweet assed pea, the one that sugar won't melt in her mouth?
is it the bitchy pea, the one you would suspect?
is it some pimply faced teenager home sick from school?
is it some dude that gets his jollies jerkin' off a bunch of housewives?
things to ponder
May 13, 2011 12:52 PM
Anonymous said... 142 Who was it that posted the exact same depression/husband issues a few months ago?
May 13, 2011 1:25 PM
Anonymous said... 143 #141, I don't ponder it, the sick bitch that brought me to Two Peas is a delusional psychohosebeast herself and I wouldn't put is past her or her troll doll to post have the Thursday crazies threads.
She makes Silverdolphin look sane. Hell I would even bet that SD was her alter.
May 13, 2011 1:30 PM
Anonymous said... 144 dog+bone= the idiot not2peased on blackdiamondrun thread.
May 13, 2011 1:32 PM
Anonymous said... 145 #143-what the hell? Who is the Pea and how do you know such a psycho? Does she act like a crazy on the Pod?
May 13, 2011 1:40 PM
Anonymous said... 146 Quoted from Compwalla on Chopped Liver's thread about making dinner and no one eating it:
*The oldest one stopped by 7/11 on the way home from school and spent his allowance on Dr. Pepper and Doritos and the youngest one saved his afternoon snack to eat in the car on the way home from aftercare so no one is hungry.*
DORITOS and DR. PEPPER???? I thought Virginia only fed her family organic, free range crap from the local farmer? She is constantly talking about how clean her family eats.
Funny how once her kid gets the chance, he spends his money on crap food. I don't care how much your preach or say you never give your kids junk food, they will want it and get it somewhere.
May 13, 2011 1:43 PM
Anonymous said... 147 #144- I agree that Kerry is an insufferable bitch.
#4-I know. I hate veiled, secret bullshit that some women totally get off on. It gets so annoying.
Scrapwench posted so maybe it is Steve Perry's birthday. Who, by the way, looks like an old woman.
Give it up already Asslan. Your thread FAILED! Now there's Typhus beating a dead horse with you.
PeaNut 430552 - July 2009
Posts: 1140 Layouts: 47
Loc: Texas
Posted: 5/13/2011 4:09:28 PM
Do you know what the land was used for before the house was built? Maybe that would help or find out if someone ever died in your house before you moved in.
The land my house is on used to have farms and ranches on it and had a train depot. So I am thinking the spirits in my house come from that are just use my house as a portal. But not really sure why they call my name, when my mom heard them call hert she says they called for Mom and she came to my room thinking I called her.
Earler the front door had opened and I didn't even hear it open but I did notice my dogs outside so I had to call them back in and then I locked the door just in case the wind opened it.
We have had many lights break and fall to the floor too.
I find it ironic that Crappertastic can string coherent posts together sometimes with limited misspellings and then other times she's a complete trainwreck.
Still think she's fake.
i wonder what happened in her session she was supposed to have yesterday.
she mentioned it early in the week that it was on thRusday.
i wonder if she didn't mention it since the blog was down (definitely a troll)
Didn't you hear? She no longer counts on her nose! @@
we'll have to assume that you do still
what's this bullshit about being a natural blonde back in the day? You mean when you were 3? shit weren't most people blonde as a baby? doesn't make you a natural blonde.
I don't get the whole Motherless Mother thread. My mother is alive and we have a great relationship. However she spoils the grandchildren crazy and I would never call her for parenting advice.
#13 ITA! The whole IQ thread was just weird, I don't even read her threads anymore.
Anonymous said... 15
Didn't you hear? She no longer counts on her nose! @@
May 13, 2011 4:06 PM
I don't even understand what that means. How the hell do you count on your nose?
#20, she is OCD among her many mental and educational problems. She is like a "DISEASE OF THE WEEK" movie, that one.
Anyone who can't relate to the pain Olan must be going through is a heartless bitch. I consider my self pretty void of emotion but the loss of such an important figure in your life must be tough. And the so called daughters of narcissistic moms can't compare a shitty mom to a dead mom.
22 ITA and the peas comparing their shitty moms to moms who died - especially great moms who died - are stupid and rude.
18 i think by parenting advice it's more for infant stuff like colic, poor feeding, etc., not discipline type stuff.
or maybe even just the emotional, friendship stuff. because olan was a nanny for years so she is prob pretty confident with children. my mom died before i had kids and honestly it is gut-wrenching to me. not because i needed help w/ my kids (i was confident with babies and kids from day one, not sure why), but just because they'll never know her and she never knew them.
and lots of other junk i should prob be in therapy for lol anyway olan if you're reading this, good luck. it really sucks not to have your mom around at this time. you'll get through it though, just take one day at a time
Anonymous said... 19 #13 ITA! The whole IQ thread was just weird, I don't even read her threads anymore.
May 13, 2011 5:15 PM
huh did you mean 13?
what iq thread too?
#22, Really? You ought to realize by now that many PEAS are devoid of most human emotion where another person's feelings are concerned.
From what I have observed most of the Peas that complain about their narcissistic or shitty mothers lack empathy and often post the most insane hatred towards their own children.
Let's give that fattie some ADD meds so she can lose weight or put her on a "fad" diet where she eats something that would not be appetizing to any child.
#24, here is the thread about her "low" IQ:
Her OP:
So I got my reports back today, just sad! My math skills are at 5th grade level. I knew I hated math and wasn't good at it but I didn't think I was this bad.
My Iq is at 95 which is Low average.
This just makes me feel stupid.
FYI, 95 is Average intelligence. She is a TROLL or someone who suffers from a serious mental illness and is an attention seeker.
First, I want to clarify that I have been out of town due to a family death, so don't bitch at me for not keeping up, ok? Who is this pea who is constantly pinning things on Pinterest? The last thread and the one before that mentioned this person. I am curious. Anyone want to throw me a bone and give me a link?
27 the one I was talking about is October Beauty or something like that. There's one other too but I can't think of her name right now...Marianne maybe? But Oct Beauty was way over the top.
Blarghhh, I am bored. Slow night here at the blog and 2Peas is a friggin snooze fest.
Thanks, #28. I will go have a look right now.
aslan is certifiably insane AND as dumb as a box of hair.
The crazy Pinterest person is Mary Beth Burrell from Georgia.
Leftturn is the Mary Beth Burrell of the pod. Maybe it's her mom.
Anonymous said... 8 I think it's time for Compwalla to find a new pic and sig~line. It's old and well, her hair looks like the fucking spaghetti piehole shit on her head.
May 13, 2011 2:18 PM
It does look like a pile of shit on her head. She could have gone to the royal wedding!!
How old was loan when her mother died?
Was she just a child when she lost her mom?
From the Pod and BlackDiamondRun's thread:
If you don't believe her then please people...just don't post. Common decency should tell you this. Because it could all be true now could'nt it? Stop and think...please.
Why invest the time in this crazed idiot. People have told her to get out and given her advice and yet this PEA wants to handslap people who don't believe her.
The latest post from BDR:
1.when i get a chance i will tell why he pushed me
2.I was going to leave and he pulled me back in the room and shoved me further in.
Why do these stupid women even believe this is true?
If her husband is a real abuser, she wouldn't have internet access.
PlanetJanet strikes again. I thought she was finally run off and she's back with another doozie of a thread.
LMAO child plays with dead squirrel.
Planet used to always complain about her "stuck up neighbors" not accepting her or her kids.
well, there's your sign.
She's the villiage idiot of 2peas.
Go back to the CKMB Planet Janet.
Lauren IS SharonBruckner
the S/O thread about the rapture and pets is no doubt hers.
Lauren IS SharonBruckner
the S/O thread about the rapture and pets is no doubt hers.
May 14, 2011 9:00 AM
I think so too. I almost posted that in the thread and then I thought oh why bother?
Interplanet Janet = disturbingly stupid
@36 I'm guessing 13-18 maybe. She said neither of her parents saw her graduate High School so it looks like her father died when she was young too
the. blog. is. dead.
dead I say.
dead dead dead
ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch? The wicked witch.
have you noticed this about peainmominca
she's a bitch
no really a bitch
43, 44, 45 and 46 must be the same person.
i see dead people
Attica! Attica!
frankly my dear, i don't give a damn.
oh holy heck! i can't believe what weapea just posted! i can't decide if she's a loon or just plain genius.
cat fight tonight. that's for sure.
get your popcorn ready.
They're ramping up...
the suspense is killing me
I'm so flippin' nervous. I have no idea how I'm going to tell me family.
you know, if I had a nickle for everytime someone said that to me, i'd be a freakin' millionaire.
wow. just. wow.
another one bites the dust
Drama. It's what's for dinner.
Burning Feather needs to get a life. She is seriously going to watch every single minute of the Casey Anthony trial, isn't she? And report it all baack to the peas. Who the fuck cares? Get a life you fucking retarded useless fat ugly blind bitch!
#63, Why don't you get a life. Shove a HoHo in that pie-hole of yours, you cranky hungry bitch or better yet, swallow a few more of those ADD pills you shill for weight loss.
I have been co-sleeping for 10.5 years straight because when done properly it is the safest way to sleep.
Please tell me she does not have a 11 year old in the bed with her.
IPG says her mother is a faker and a hypochondriac. Looks like the apple doesn't fall from the tree with that one.
I hope Casey Anthony fries, but Burning Feather is seriously over-invested in that trial. She absolutely does need a life.
Please tell me she does not have a 11 year old in the bed with her.
May 14, 2011 4:21 PM
It's a pea posting. Odds are very high that she does.
#68-or she is a breeder and has like 5 or 6 kids and has co-slept with all of them.
Cookscrapper is a freak.
or she is a breeder and has like 5 or 6 kids and has co-slept with all of them
How can you breed if you have kids in your fucking bed all the time!!???
How can you breed if you have kids in your fucking bed all the time!!???
Not fuck in your bed? ;)
Anonymous said... 63 Burning Feather needs to get a life. She is seriously going to watch every single minute of the Casey Anthony trial, isn't she? And report it all baack to the peas. Who the fuck cares? Get a life you fucking retarded useless fat ugly blind bitch!
May 14, 2011 3:03 PM
Her eyes were repaired and she's hardly retarded. Did she piss you off?
Learn to skip threads and not blow a gasket while foaming at the mouth over it.
Meh. BF really IS an insufferable bitch.
Not fuck in your bed? ;)
LOL I knew I left myself wide open for that response.
Anonymous said... 74 Meh. BF really IS an insufferable bitch.
May 14, 2011 5:10 PM
Yes but that's no reason to resort to calling her blind and retarded.
Thank you, Jeebus, for saving me from my clogged drain. Amen.
Link for the dead squirrel thread please. Thanks.
It's the one with 'dead squirrel' in the title, pretty easy to find...dimwit.
I didn't see the Hambeast anywhere at CheleOh's daughter's graduation?
they broke up
can still see him here (she has her albums open so i looked when she posted lol, i'm a nosey bitch i guess. so *sew* me)
Why did they break up?
Cheleoh needs to change her avatar
he probably didn't want 2 wives and that's what you get when cheleoh is involved
i have nothing
he probably didn't want 2 wives and that's what you get when cheleoh is involved
Seems plausible
her poor son is probably mortified having mom take pics of them eating before prom
Just take your ass to the hospital and have your baby. All of these dumbass home birth, homeschooling, we-don't-want-to-associate-with anyone-outside-of-our-house-or-the-internet women are insane.
"For crine out Loud?" Really?
Please tell me that I'm a great friend. Please, please, please.
The "aka I'm an intolerant bitch thread"
Tell us something we don't know, L'Urine.
maddieksmom is of course bashing the husband because of all the things that need to be done.
Uhhh, your ex-DH is not longer married to you. Seems like its time go get over it. And kissing in front of your daughter? THE HORROR. Maybe if you did that more he wouldn't' be your ex.
Who is ccm800, and why are they bumping old threads?
a bored french teenager?
not all are old
maybe he/she marked them to respond later?
otherwise, wouldn't he/she be deleting the bump?
i have nothing
I know I'm being bitchy, but oh well. This women has often posted about being flat broke. Remember her posting a couple of Christmases ago about how she could go about depositing some cheque she got into her mother's account, because if she put it in her own, the bank would take it cause she was behind in her payments? And she figured she'd keep the money instead of getting current. Or something like that. Anyway, she hasn't got a pot to pee in, but she can afford a kindle. Ya.
Cheleoh needs to change her avatar
Which one is her? I can't even tel.
96-she has been on my radar for a while now. i am not sure what her story is but something stinks.
I didn't even realise Lauren has friends IRL - I'd love to see the vent from the other perspective...the friend MUST be either more able than I am regarding blocking out the bile that spews out of L's mouth, or is so socially/mentally inept she doesn't understand.
Or, old shrivelled Lowrent really is the fucking coward many suspect - the PUSSY (cat) in real life who bigs herself up on 2-Peas where no-one she actually knows can verify that she's a pathetic piece of shit who can't cut it among other real life human beings.
Or, old shrivelled Lowrent really is the fucking coward many suspect - the PUSSY (cat) in real life who bigs herself up on 2-Peas where no-one she actually knows can verify that she's a pathetic piece of shit who can't cut it among other real life human beings.
May 15, 2011 1:49 PM
I'll take door two.
Crine out loud?
96 - big difference between christmas a couple of years ago and today. and who cares anyway whether or not she can afford it. shut the hell up and worry about your own self. sitting here bitching about other people all the time. what does that say about you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
100-I'm not a Lauren fan by any stretch of the imagination but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked. If you are good with goole you can find out quite a bit about Lauren.
I guess I'd like to know what kind of hairstyles do these women have that they just wash and let it air dry while they are out and about? It can't look good! Yuck.
A lot of them are SAHM and even if you're not, you have plenty of time to pea but no time to blowdry and fix your hair? Pure laziness.
The women who felt violated while giving birth at the hospital get on my last nerve. Violated? Really? Drama queen much?
Why do the peas gush all over Keegan? She's homely as hell. That is not a pretty girl. I don't get it. I'm sure she's a nice girl but come on, all of the beautiful comments are a little nuts.
106-they are probably Pennyring types. won't go to the doctor to get her cooter checked for cancer and a script for birth control pills but doesn't have a problem having sex.
i never knew there were so many freaks in the world until I came to the Pod.
Re: Lucy....non hair butt? Gross. I've never been with a man that had a hairy butt. WTH?
I totally get you #107. I don't get it either. She is not pretty.
Peas are overly invested in her because her helicopter mother posted every intimate detail of her life on the bukkit.
Cookscapper is a huge stalker. Can you imagine the poor guy whenever he sees her face everywhere he goes?
102-calm yourself down there honey. and honestly, if that is your attitude, you need to stay the hell off this blog.
people here smack, it is what they do. if that gets your control top pantyhose in a twist, find another blog to read.
That Cook guy sucks ass and Cookscrapper it a total freak.
Be a stalker, have your obsession but keep your freaky ass shit off a public message board cause we don't freaking wanna see your dumb ass pics anymore. NO ONE CARES.
PeaNut 393905 - October 2008
Posts: 2583 Layouts: 0
Loc: central Illinois
Posted: 5/15/2011 4:59:41 PM
we've had an expensive weekend!
Friday was date night so we bought dinner, then got a new garbage can and wastebasket, and a knee brace for fiance. And paid the sitter.
Saturday we picked up a take out pizza.
Today we had lunch at Culvers, got ds a haircut, got soda/milk/new underwear for ds at KMart, and went to Sams. We got potatoes, OJ, oil, rice, lunchmeat, and swim trunks for fiance. Stopped at Redbox on the way home and grabbed a movie for later
Expensive weekend???? LMAO!!!!!!!
102, I already admitted to being bitchy. She gives off a whole air of looking for people to give her something. She's made comments since she's been there about being deep in debt, and then when she gets some money, she pulls one over on her creditors by having her mother deposit it into her own account so she can continue to not pay. She's one of those that ya'll are bitching about having to support. But she has a kindle. And a computer. And can get her kids all pierced up.
I think she's one of those who is throwing out the poor me shit in the hopes that someone will send her money or handouts. Kind of like Kaminer was doing.
Speaking of Kaminer, what happened to her?
Kaminer is off on a world cruise selling her stoopid herbal wraps to foreign markets.
Well, crappola #114, if you are poor, that is an expensive weekend.
but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. whatever you say L'Urine.
LMAO 116
Anonymous said... 97
Cheleoh needs to change her avatar
Which one is her? I can't even tel.
May 15, 2011 1:28 PM
LOL are you trying to be funny? it was (even if you weren't)
She is the one on the right.
I can't believe I'm about to say this: I agree with Sharon Buckner. The only reason James Durbin lasted as long as he did was because he was a "special snowflake" like most of the peas kids. Once he was booted off - he acted like an arrogant jerk. Showed his true colors. No sympathy from me. I'm glad he's gone. Loser.
107- I don't get it either. I wouldn't say she's homely necessarily, but "stunning"? "Beautiful as always"? I don't think so.
I guess I'd like to know what kind of hairstyles do these women have that they just wash and let it air dry while they are out and about? It can't look good! Yuck.
Seriously? There are a lot of hair styles and textures where that's what you're supposed to do! Mine included. My hairstylist has me leave the salon that way too - my hair plus a hair dryer = major disaster.
Oh no. Just no, no, no.
Beware: Construction umm err I mean prom ahead!
Good lord, Chele has to mention one of her kids in every freaking post! From the thread 124 linked:
LOVE the orange! I always envy people who can wear it, and they both can!
I hope they had fun! My son's off to his prom tonight, too!
100-I'm not a Lauren fan by any stretch of the imagination but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked. If you are good with goole you can find out quite a bit about Lauren.
May 15, 2011 2:35 PM
That's what I meant. I'm sure she is very nice to the people she knows IRL. She saves the bitchery and the craziness for the Peas.
And really 103? "By a quirky coincidence" ?? yeah-cough-lauren-cough-RIGHT
Aw, 124 & 125, I like the orange. She pulls it off wonderfully. I'm not as big a fan of the boy's outfit but that's only because I don't like white tuxedos. I think they look great together.
The orange looks stupid but the kids are cute.
Aww come on 124, they are cute. Much better than the hoochie mama with the hat and the turkey feather bouquet from last week.
cindyupnorth's dd was kinda cute, her figure rocked in that dress but her date looked like something the cat dragged in.
"By a quirky coincidence" ??
Whatta load a crap!!
Real men have hairy butts. Are you people married to teenagers or what?
133, why the OMG? Unless you are cindyupnorth who was a total bitch to the poor woman, I see nothing that is OMG worthy.
Jesus, the woman lives in New Zealand, she doesn't have a clue about cold weather and Norway gets fucking cold. Don't be such a bitch.
132-real men have hairy ass cracks too. Peas wives don't get anywhere near their husbands asses so they have no clue. They all prefer hairless men that remind them of sexless Justin Bieber types.
The hairy butt thing has me LOL'ing. My DH has hair in only two spots. The middle of his chest, and his butt. LOL
They hairy butt thread has me wondering what her sister was wearing, I would easily share a bed with my sister but I would insist on some sort of pjs.
blog is slow tonight. all the dorks must be watching the survivor finale and creaming their pajama jeans over Boston Rob, especially Kim M.
Well, I guess I'm lucky. My dh doesn't have a hairy ass or a hairy back. And no he doesn't look like Justin Beiber (that was funny by the way and so true with the peas.) DH has a hairy chest and a fair amount on his arms and legs obviously, but no hairy ass.
138 some of us have no idea who the hell those people are
not a fan or watcher
Anonymous said... 128 Aw, 124 & 125, I like the orange. She pulls it off wonderfully. I'm not as big a fan of the boy's outfit but that's only because I don't like white tuxedos. I think they look great together.
May 15, 2011 6:40 PM
I'm 125 and never said I didn't like the orange but it *had* to have the construction comment.
130, must you call that kid a hoochie mama, really? Did you forget the rules here when it comes to kids? *handslaphandslap* BAD Blog Bitch!!
cindyupnorth is a royal bitch.
I kinda like the orange....
I want to fuck Anthony Bourdain RAW.
Anonymous said... 144 I want to fuck Anthony Bourdain RAW.
May 16, 2011 12:04 AM
cadoodlebugtvqueen is that you?
i have no idea who the guy is and don't care lol
Can someone explain Miss Jen's mommy to snowflakes meaning? Her baby is someone else's egg and her dh's sperm?
No the baby is not part of either of them. They "adopted" a number of already fertilized eggs. Therefore her these potential babies are frozen, so that's where the snowflake comes from.
WHAT? Jen's baby is neither her egg or his sperm? WTF?
100-I'm not a Lauren fan by any stretch of the imagination but she is a highly successful person irl. By a quirky coincidence I know someone who knows her and she is respected and well liked. If you are good with goole you can find out quite a bit about Lauren.
May 15, 2011 2:35 PM
That's what I meant. I'm sure she is very nice to the people she knows IRL. She saves the bitchery and the craziness for the Peas.
And really 103? "By a quirky coincidence" ?? yeah-cough-lauren-cough-RIGHT
I'm with you, there's no f'n way in hell that L'Urine
a. has friends other than ones she pays for services
b. is highly successful
so I guess I should say,
"Hi L'Urine"
crazy azz bitches like that cannot function in normal society or with what's considered a normal functional family. They just don't. She's more than *depressed* she's bi-polar and not being treated. Everyone knows it at the pod, except her.
I'm sure her family and friends have run far far away years ago. If anyone ever thought she was bad at the pod, then multiply her behavior there by 100 and just imagine what her poor family and *friends* have had to put up with. They've long since washed their hands of her sorry azz.
149-nope, that kid does not have their DNA. I think she adopted the frozen kidsicles because if she hadn't, they would have been destroyed and according to her, that is a sin because they are fertilized eggs. I can't remember all the deets cause it has been a few years now.
Anyway, she has a kid and hopefully she doesn't end up being a total helicopter mom and the kid turns out okay.
For 146-Anthony Bourdain is a chain smoking, booze guzzling, earring wearing old fart that has a show on the Travel Channel. He thinks he is cool in his skinny jeans and like to tell people how stupid they are. He is a chef that wrote a tell all book about the restaurant biz and now he thinks he is edgy and cool (sound familiar?).
He got kicked off the Food Network and other tards that want to seem edgy and cool fawn all over him. I wouldn't want to screw him. I bet he has herpes, crabs and needs viagara to get a woody.
MissJen and her husband "adopted" another couple's leftover frozen embryo and had it implanted in MissJen's uterus because they couldn't conceive on their own.
They could have adopted an already born but unwanted child but they didn't because this was about MissJen's need to be pregnant. She bitched about that in TTC thread where she said she just wanted to be pregnant like all the other moms and feel the baby inside and it wasn't fair yada yada. It wasn't enough to be a parent.
I don't think she used this *company* though she had *tried* them. That was weird to type out.
It is probably a good thing that the baby doesn't share DNA with Mr and Miss Jen. They are both so unfortunate looking. That baby is really cute!
love that comment " unfortunate looking"
When people post asking for advice on what to wear on vacation do you think they are really asking for advice or a passive agressive way to say look where I'm going on vacation?
I mean do you really need to ask what type of clothes to take to Hawaii??
Anonymous said... 157 When people post asking for advice on what to wear on vacation do you think they are really asking for advice or a passive agressive way to say look where I'm going on vacation?
I mean do you really need to ask what type of clothes to take to Hawaii??
May 16, 2011 10:30 AM
of course, every time it's a *ME ME ME* thing.
of course if it's Vegas it's all about yubobo LOL since she's the *only* bobo that's *ever* been there.
I like KikiNick whatever just fine but.. really? your kid graduates from college and that's what you wear? Was she stopping off in between trips to Costco????
#152, FFS, I would rather fuck 12 pack a day smoking skinny old fart earring wearing drunkard Anthony Bourdain with his herpes, crabs and Viagra any day than the epitome of Pea MARRIAGE: the very married and cheating Failed Frat boy trying to relive his glory days in manpris.
You know and probably married him, that one married to 90% of the complaining Peas, the one who dresses and acts like a psycho-toddler in his Air Jordan Hi-Tops or gawd awful male flip flops, Golf Shirt and over-sized cargo pants, the dreaded manpris, straining to encompass but slipping snugly under his "DUNLAP" spare tire, yeah he still wears that 32 inch waist right above his mangina, THAT trolls the internet looking for ANY CHICK and especially his favorite target to insult --THE FAT CHICK -- because his "FAT" (only in her brain and because of him) wife won't suck his dick much less fuck him.
Yeah, at least with Drunk and Diseased Skinny Smoker's hack Tony, I'm gonna get THE BIG "O" in the sack thanks to Vigara and his brand of sexual perversions and not have to FIND his weenis in the mangina under a 20 month pregmo belly the married Frat Boy is sporting who only wants his wee penis sucked because that isn't cheating.
I find it ironic that Crappertastic can string coherent posts together sometimes with limited misspellings and then other times she's a complete trainwreck.
Still think she's fake.
Me too. Check out the pic she posted of her dog. (3rd post down)
Just order the shit hair.
160 tl;dr
163: iu;phsm (I understand. Paragraphs hurt small brains.)
159--I was surprised by the photos too.
159 - I agree.
I know Kiki annoys alot of people but I don't mind her too much. But wow, wtf with that outfit?! Was she trying to look like a college coed herself? She looks like she is trying too hard.
I might need to collaborate my monitor, but every time I look at that pic of Scrappertastic's dog, I assume she tried some kind of selective coloring that went wrong - that tongue...that other 'thing'.
You need to collaborate you're monitor? For crine out loud! Why have you waited sew long?
Not familiar with the adoption process, but is the agency just opting not to give her a baby but don't want to tell her?
I actually like Kiki and think she makes a lot of sense in most of her posts. But it's so transparent how she is fishing for compliments on her looks and body. She decides to post a handful of pictures of her DAUGHTER'S graduation day but KIKI is in most of the ones she chooses to post. If I picked out 6 pics of a graduation to post, there might be one with me and the grad, but the rest would focus on the grad. I wouldn't "happen" to be in half of them.
So sew me, 168, for crine out loud! ;)
Why would Mary Mary have another baby when the last one was such a terror?
Because she has to populate that celestial kingdom. Jesus said so.
Really Miss Hair, you had to describe your vomit in your thread title? Would have been nice if she'd maybe have put TMI instead.
lol, 159, I came to post the same thing about Kiki's graduation pictures.
Around here, graduations are something we dress up for... jeans wouldn't cut it. But then again it looks like the graduates were pretty casual, too. It looks like her dd is wearing ugg-like boots, I noticed another girl wearing leggings, and someone else wearing flip flops.
Kikipea and her Hawaii trip are so damn annoying, she must post about it twice a month just in case someone forgets where she's going.
Yeah, Mary Mary's 4th little one doesn't look as much like the rest of them either, does she? She is a cute kid, but the others all share a similar look - all adorable. (I'm not knocking the looks of a child here just commenting that Kitty doesn't look like the others.)
The new baby does resemble that "darcy look" even as a newborn. She does make cute babies!
What the hell is wrong with Cindyupnorth?
@ 177: I think Kitty's super cute. Though she's often got a super pissed (and/or kinda evil) look on her little face.
@177: Kitty is distinctive looking. She looks kind of a like a little old lady in a toddler's body.
Is Lauren too cheery for you?
Kikipea and her Hawaii trip are so damn annoying, she must post about it twice a month just in case someone forgets where she's going.
I know right! She's so annoying! lol
That might be the stupidest post I have ever seen. How in the hell can you not know what to say to a FIVE and TWO year old? What a moron.
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