Angel Marvel is filthy and lazy. I could NOT believe the photos she posted of her house, shit piled everywhere! The floors were nasty. And her poor child, neglected! That diaper set a world record!
I feel bad for Peasful1's future dils. Can you imagine having to deal with a Debbie downer queen hand slapper mil? Wasn't Peasful1 one of the original LLP's? She said she can't wait until her fat son grows up and looks down on all of the baseball mothers who called him a chubette. (assuming he stops eating) He must be a big babied Baby Huey. Peasful1 is the only one to blame for that.
I remember Angela Marvel whining on two peas, that her husband wanted her to get a job to help with the bills, before they had any more children. Angela wanted to be a stay at home mom, so instead of finding a job, she got pregnant again on purpose.
This should be everywhere, I've been saying that for at least 10 years. The article says that it makes it look like everyone thinks everyone that is on welfare is on drugs, I don't think that at all.
What I do think is that because it's paid into by working people who HAVE to take drug tests, they should have to as well.
I agree 15. One or two words at the most. And she has been at the pod for years.
Hey, who is the fucking dweeb that keeps post a period (.) and that is it on the blog? Check out post #14. What the fuck? Some weirdo does this almost every night. Makes me wonder if we have another OceanDreamer ISP harvesting scheme going on. Out yourself freaky period poster!!!!
I know that there are at least two of us period posters and I suspect for the same reason.
On my iPad, sometimes the comments won't refresh with new comments unless I post something. Since I don't always have something to say, I post a period.
Shut the fuck up about Angela Marvel. No one cares. I seriously doubt she is nice or normal. Nice and normal people keep their houses clean, change their kids' stinky, saggy diapers and get a job when their hambeast husband asks them to. They don't spend all day in their skanky lingerie taking pictures of themselves.
I'll bet you don't mind *at all* when you, your 10 year old dd, your baby, and your granny (with the colostomy bag) get a full-body groping by some McDonalds dropout every time you fly, amirite?
#23 you're way over-exaggerating! How can you compare a drug test that most working people have to take prior to employment to security check points for travel? People had to take drug tests for their jobs years before 9/11 and security implemented thereafter.
Not seeing your point at all, but then again, you probably can't understand my point either.
Flymflam/Smitty can't even post under her own name to defend Palin anymore? LMAO! Flymflam and Sylviot actually took their daughters to see that tomato. How pathetic!
I'll bet you don't mind *at all* when you, your 10 year old dd, your baby, and your granny (with the colostomy bag) get a full-body groping by some McDonalds dropout every time you fly, amirite?
How about when you want to take a train?
Go inside a mall?
June 5, 2011 11:24 PM
Awwww I'm sorry they'll take your guv'mnt cheese away when they know you're doing your drugs. Your comment didn't even make sense.
I saw those angela marvel pictures. Disgusting. I needed brain bleach after seeing her nasty ginger hambeast in a dirty wife beater. *shudder* And that poor kid's diaper was beyond full/soaked. He must have had constant, horrific diaper rash.
Wonder what Angela Marvel is doing today? Let's see, take 50+ photos of herself with various props while the kids eat crumbs off of the floor. What else, let's see...
peasful1 has a dd, I was shocked when I found out. She very rarely ever mentions her. Didn't know her ds was overweight, that has to suck for the poor kid.
=============================================== Really? Where did you get that information from?
Those "tests" actually cost more than most people realize and considering that the federal government as well as most state and local governments are supposedly nearly bankrupt, who IS going to pay?
Also, which type of drug test are the welfare "cheats" gonna take?
There is a major difference between a urine SCREENING test used by employers as a false attempt to make the work place safe and the blood conformation tests for drugs used to prosecute criminals by the law. Also, there are a bunch of over the counter medications and disease processes that cross react with some of the drugs tested on a urine drug screen.
And even if an employee has a positive urine drug SCREEN, the employee has the right to retest but that does not seem to be the case for the welfare "cheat" according to all the articles floating this pile of steaming shit.
Yep, lets test those welfare "cheats" because we all know that the urine drug SCREEN is 100% all the time.
You don't think you've ever asked for this before?, you're right...usually you ask for prayers for stupider things like dining room tables and sneezing.
Insecurity running rampant on this thread! Most of those women wouldn't be able to function in a regular office or corporate setting!
I don't know how that lady functions as a teacher.
Oh my god. I had to go see that post for myself. Seriously, that's a classic kid's mistake, but not one from someone over the age of 14, and certainly not a teacher.
Because it's the slow but steady erosion of our civil rights and FREEDOM - something wingnuts are constantly yapping about, but actually seem to know very little of. Instead you're all like frogs in a pot.
In America, we *used* have concepts called called 'presumption of innocence' 'innocent until proven guilty' 'due process' and 'right to privacy'.
If a welfare recipient is doing drugs, there are plenty of opportunities for LE, caseworkers, friends and family to turn them in and proceed through the legal system. Blanket manditory drug testing of an entire class of citizens is a very bad move with respect to our collective civil rights - specifically the right to privacy and the right of due process.
You clearly are unaware of A) the actual ineffectiveness of current TSA procedures (no you're NOT safer - really) and 2) the mission creep at DHS/TSA. Every year, they get a bit more invasive...BTW, they ARE searching outside of airports, wherever they damn well please.
There's a shit-ton of money being made in the security industry these days - from new prisons, increasing testing, body scanners, red-light cameras, to TSA, ICE and the DEA war on drugs and all their new toys. It most certainly pays to keep you all outrage and scared.
Unforchunately we're paying with more than just our tax dollars.
oh 43 this is a smack blog not OMG they are taking all rights crazy conspiracy blog. If you're that afraid of the government move to a cabin in Montana and go off the grid.
What is with all the provisos the peas add to thread titles?
First, most of them are not even capable of typing a simple thread title without an error in it. Seond, those stupid provisos, like, "this might get long", or "I don't know if I've asked this before", drive me nuts. Plus, adding dumb stuff like that gives them more chance of making teh typo.
I wish I could be the board mod. I would get rid of all threads with provisos in the title, all disney threads, all prayer threads (half of them don't even say please or thank you), all pinterest threads, all reality show threads, all camoflauged PVM threads, all braggy photo threads, all pimping wares threads, and all posts with egregious misspellings, e.g. carrot
Anonymous said... 43 Because it's the slow but steady erosion of our civil rights and FREEDOM - something wingnuts are constantly yapping about, but actually seem to know very little of. Instead you're all like frogs in a pot.
In America, we *used* have concepts called called 'presumption of innocence' 'innocent until proven guilty' 'due process' and 'right to privacy'.
If a welfare recipient is doing drugs, there are plenty of opportunities for LE, caseworkers, friends and family to turn them in and proceed through the legal system. Blanket manditory drug testing of an entire class of citizens is a very bad move with respect to our collective civil rights - specifically the right to privacy and the right of due process.
You clearly are unaware of A) the actual ineffectiveness of current TSA procedures (no you're NOT safer - really) and 2) the mission creep at DHS/TSA. Every year, they get a bit more invasive...BTW, they ARE searching outside of airports, wherever they damn well please.
There's a shit-ton of money being made in the security industry these days - from new prisons, increasing testing, body scanners, red-light cameras, to TSA, ICE and the DEA war on drugs and all their new toys. It most certainly pays to keep you all outrage and scared.
Unforchunately we're paying with more than just our tax dollars.
June 6, 2011 10:27 AM
1st thing, unforCHunately? Really? Geez.
All of the jobs you listed, the people are drug tested. Why should their money go to pay for low-life drug habits? Sorry dear, your way of thinking is ridiculous!
I've only seen one person from the bucket use the word egregious, hmmmm. It may be an identifier, maybe not. Definitely not part of *everyones* every day vocabulary.
So many Pea threads can be answered with a simple Google query. Like the Red Lobster Biscuit thread...why doesn't she just Google it? It'd be so much faster to GOOGLE IT than to type out a post about how she's pregnant and blah blah blah and other nonsensical blabber. Instead, she has to wait for a PEA to respond. That Pea probably Google'd it herself.
And the "What should we do in _____ town/state?" Those threads wouldn't be so bad if the OP gave some details as to WHERE in the town/state they're staying, what things they're interested in, and so on. But no. Peas are notoriously -- PLEASE PLAN MY VACATION FOR ME FOR I DON'T WANT TO DO ANY OF MY OWN RESEARCH.
Oh, and here's a great example of Pea laziness - please do my homework for me!
Games, easily google-able questions, PLEASE DIAGNOSE ME (how could I forget that one?), anyone been to Hawaii/Vegas/Skiing, but that sort of comes under a general brag type category. And, another I just thought of, all posts that have the word Thrusday in them.
Notice how all the "Please diagnose Me", end up being either a heart attack, a stroke or a migraine?
Games, easily google-able questions, PLEASE DIAGNOSE ME (how could I forget that one?), anyone been to Hawaii/Vegas/Skiing, but that sort of comes under a general brag type category. And, another I just thought of, all posts that have the word Thrusday in them.
Notice how all the "Please diagnose Me", end up being either a heart attack, a stroke or a migraine?
June 6, 2011 11:40 AM
Secret? No. Shy? Hell no. Moranic? Well maybe when I defended you here on the blog, I won't make that mistake again.
My wedding band cost $12,000, but that's only cause it's made of gold that was spun by magical elves and contains 32 carrots of high quality baguettes (luke, Coloe: "a" (diamonds so clean they invented a new category for me), clarity: Vvvvvsss0, bitches, and my cut is rated supercalafragilisticexpealudocious.
irishwed PeaFixture PeaNut 418318 - April 2009 Posts: 3860 Layouts: 0 Posted: 6/6/2011 3:16:15 PM ---------- Get off the computer and go shopping. That's a Pea Order. 8888888888 What a dumbass. The OP hasn't posted for over 2 days. Don't people over there have any comprehension at all?
my wedding band is the pull ring off a Coors lite can. the inscription reads "Ma Ho XOXO". We managed to get a shit load of them for free with a groupon, so each time I get wasted, or you know, slippery, and lose it, I can just replace it.
I'm thinking of getting an upgrayed to a Sam Adams Amber Neckter ring, but hubby says stop being so fucking retarded and pretenshus. says he'd be embarrassed walking into Thanksgiving at his moms trayler with me wearing flashy shit.
She still has her original 4 mummified, wizzened carrot ring trailing from her hand. Gets me pewkey when fragments break off it sometimes as she's prepping the turky hamburger helper ontray though.
43 is someone obsessed with the TSA and supposed erosion of civil liberties. The same person posts their paranoid ranting frequently on random Amazon book reviews. It's always the same rant, the words just in a slightly different order. The TSA always figures prominently.
No, there's a whole segment of society that can see the bigger picture. People who pay attention and have a clear understanding of what personal liberty is really about - it's not just some word-salad platitude. Too bad you can't.
Can I join the evil club, 59 & 72? Because I always want to post something like, "cancer. Definitely cancer. Or possibly stupidity. Some of the symptoms of stupidity mimic the symptoms of cancer."
Anonymous said... 75 Can I join the evil club, 59 & 72? Because I always want to post something like, "cancer. Definitely cancer. Or possibly stupidity. Some of the symptoms of stupidity mimic the symptoms of cancer."
June 6, 2011 2:32 PM
I mean, there's no shortage of sites like web MD out there that probably know a hell of a lot more than the peas. Then all they end up doing is sending the complainer to the ER. Like our ER's aren't full of stupid complaints already.
"I threw up after Mexican food" Go to the ER. Now.
"I've got this throbbing pain in my toe" You MUST go the ER RIGHT NOW. This could be a stroke.
"I have a moldy rash under my tits" My GOD, do you have chest pain with that? You must go to the ER.
"I'm choking on a fish bone and can't breathe" Sounds like how my migraines start. If it doesn't get better and you pass out, you must call 911
Shut the fuck up about Angela Marvel. No one cares. I seriously doubt she is nice or normal. Nice and normal people keep their houses clean, change their kids' stinky, saggy diapers and get a job when their hambeast husband asks them to. They don't spend all day in their skanky lingerie taking pictures of themselves. ------------------------
Typical hypocritical blog bitch. Bitching about someone else being abnormal while she sits on the Internet cruelly criticizing someone she has never met. Super normal and nice. Yes, a saggy diaper and an unkempt house ( I saw the photos; messy but not a health hazard) is so fucking abnormal.
Anonymous said... 88 Shut the fuck up about Angela Marvel. No one cares. I seriously doubt she is nice or normal. Nice and normal people keep their houses clean, change their kids' stinky, saggy diapers and get a job when their hambeast husband asks them to. They don't spend all day in their skanky lingerie taking pictures of themselves. ------------------------
Typical hypocritical blog bitch. Bitching about someone else being abnormal while she sits on the Internet cruelly criticizing someone she has never met. Super normal and nice. Yes, a saggy diaper and an unkempt house ( I saw the photos; messy but not a health hazard) is so fucking abnormal.
June 6, 2011 5:31 PM
As you sit on the internet defending someone you claim you've met to someone anonymous.
No, I'm not the person who wrote that either, again, .just.sayin'.
Gawd I hate Cindy up north. She's some real backwoods trash. Only seems fitting that she loves Nascar and her husband cheats on her. I bet they both have mullets and bad teeth.
Uhh... gee, way to be incognito you dumbfuck "CindyLou". I'm sure that Wretchelle would have found the thread on her own. Maybe she'll make another post about the pod again so she can get more hits like the last time the pod talked about her. lol.
Wretchelle is kind of like nienie.. begging for hits, willing to do pretty much anything to get anyone to notice her.
What ever happened to that weird pea dude who thought he was going to be the next Versace? He sewed some really hideous jeans and a purse. Had a retarded, homemade logo stitched on everything? Barf? or something?
Can someone post a link to the pics of the messy house and kid with the full diaper? I would search the forum, but since I have no idea what kind of thread it was on, it might be hard. I did post "Take a look at my pics of my disaster house and my kid right before a diaper change" but nothing came up.
I don't remember seeing those pictures at 2Ps. I remember seeing them at her *old* blog. She now has a new blog and probably removed those knowing they were ragged on.
Lets see, dirty diapers, nasty fish tank, stuff just everywhere.
About the link 91 posted: Am I a jerk for wondering why someone would NOT want their deaf child to have the opportunity to hear? The OP in that thread seems off to me. Also, how is she a teacher if she's deaf? Is she a teacher in a deaf school?
Get a dollar and buy a clue #113. Pepea ain't the only bitch in town that can't stand Scrapwench. Poor thing, how will she plan her vacation-you know, the one that she is taking her kid that wants lipo and the kid's boyfriend? I hope she buys up all the condoms and spermicide her discount pharmacy sells in addition to they KY lube she packs for the little lovebirds.
Angela Marvel's photography is so photoshopped. She needs to clean her house and take care of her kids, not post on a message board begging for attention.
dear coconut, if you have that many pet stains on your carpet and you're so poor you can't replace the flooring but "yay for me, i just saved up enough to buy paint for the room!"
you don't make enough to afford a pet much less a pet that constantly shits on your floor.
Anonymous said... 117 Angela Marvel's photography is so photoshopped. She needs to clean her house and take care of her kids, not post on a message board begging for attention.
June 7, 2011 8:56 AM
She needs to invest in some shampoo. Superman uses it.
If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in thier granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
Gotta agree. It seems like there are very few really single men on these sites. It is always sex deprived, pervy married men wanting to get their rocks off.
What's the deal with Ms. Mariah changing her un over at the pod?
OhMahGAWD I don't FUCKING care about Ms Mariah or whatever she calls herself or what pictures she has in her siggie or what the fuck EVER. She wasn't even on my radar now every time she scratches her ass someone is over here talking about her. No.One.Cares.
Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in thier granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
June 7, 2011 1:18 PM
Men would die too! They're not the only ones doing it **coughemilycoughahem**
Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in thier granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
June 7, 2011 1:18 PM
You must be proud to hang out with all the balding fat men, way to go! WINNER!!one111!!
Lady Gaga said... 139 What's the deal with Ms. Mariah changing her un over at the pod?
OhMahGAWD I don't FUCKING care about Ms Mariah or whatever she calls herself or what pictures she has in her siggie or what the fuck EVER. She wasn't even on my radar now every time she scratches her ass someone is over here talking about her. No.One.Cares.
June 7, 2011 1:50 PM
You sound jealous and of what? Oh who knows. Too bad no one notices when *YOU* scratch your ass.
I bet all of you to the first question and none of you on the last...
Seriously, how are you guys any better than the women at two peas? You say everything under an anon name! It's scary that some of you are mothers. I feel sorry for your wretched shitty little children!!
Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
This is so TRUE! and no wonder these ladies can't find anything better to do.... I cannot count how many times I have been hit on my married men. Prob over 1,000 times!
Anonymous said... 144 How many ladies here are fat?
How many ladies here are getting laid?
I bet all of you to the first question and none of you on the last...
Seriously, how are you guys any better than the women at two peas? You say everything under an anon name! It's scary that some of you are mothers. I feel sorry for your wretched shitty little children!!
June 7, 2011 4:08 PM
LOOK!!!one11!!! A fat-assed blog bitch came to tell everyone off! FAIL!!!one11one!!!1!111
Anonymous said... 145 Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
This is so TRUE! and no wonder these ladies can't find anything better to do.... I cannot count how many times I have been hit on my married men. Prob over 1,000 times!
signed poster #144
June 7, 2011 4:10 PM
Yes, it's unfortunate that they tend to look for the single skanks that don't give a damn about themselves.
serious question - why are the idiot husbands telling you in their texts that they are married? shouldn't they just say they're single, so they'd have a better chance? obviously there are a lot of girls who would still have sex with them but some won't, so why do they admit it?
oh please. fatness is always the reason a guy cheats? halle berry is drop dead gorgeous and she seems to get cheated on all the time.
nice try blaming it on the wives but if a guy's an ass, it doesn't matter what his wife does, says, or looks like.
my cousin's husband hit on my SIL on his own freaking wedding day. my cousin is skinny, beautiful, funny, smart, and nice. she looked and probably felt amazing on her wedding day, but the rest of our family is just embarrassed for her, knowing how her husband is. he thinks he's great but he's the ultimate sleaze and to most people he's a big joke.
Anonymous said... 153 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties. ---------------------------------
Yeah you must be a real catch if you have to meet guys through texting on dating sites. What's the matter, no one in REAL LIFE asks you out?
June 7, 2011 6:09 PM
She must be on the fatty site where feeder_lynn gets it on.
wonder what's up with andyapc? mysterious. my money's on either one of her girls has something bad like cancer, or she does. or that her dh has been cheating or got someone else pregnant...i say this one because someone on her blog wished her and her girls well, but didn't mention her dh. seemed like maybe she knew what was going on.
Does anyone watch the Voice? Can I just say I would die happy if I could be in a Blake Shelton/Adam Lambert sandwich. Lame to post here, I know, but my gram is on my FB page so I need to censor such nonsense. Damn they are hot. And Adam has that charisma/charm shit that always used to get me in trouble with guys when I was young.
OhMmmGee...158 is ANOTHER fucking FAG HAG! Why do these middle age bitches cream their jeans for gay guys? Dude will borrow your eyeliner but he won't go down on you! What the hell is the matter with you? Blake-Adam sandwich? More like Adam wants to put his wiener in Blake's toasty buns and pack the Hershey highway...grossssssss
And Adam has that charisma/charm shit that always used to get me in trouble with guys when I was young. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& How can you get in trouble with queer dudes? Did you borrow his pirate boots and you both got into a slap fight?
Jeeze, did you actually read what you wrote? Adam saves his charisma for guys like your in the closet gay husband. Lame ass
At least 158 wrote like she's a bit older than 12. Seriously, you can bitch and laugh at people all you want here (that's the point), but I would love to know how old some of you truly are. The expressions you use are so juvenile. Is it exciting for you to talk that way here because your Mommy would've fainted if she heard you use the word shit?
OMG shit!!!! I am 158 yes I meant Adam Levine. What a freaking idiot I am. I ***HATE*** Adam Lambert. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I can't believe I wrote that up there!!!!!!!! Fuck.
Hahaha don't feel bad - I knew who you meant. AT first I didn't even realize you put the wrong name. Wondered why people were saying how gay he was and then it hit me you put lambert like that idiot pea who is obsessed w/ him.
Count: 2 Posted: 6/8/2011 3:45:00 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I don't know yor age but if you are on a hormone supplement, check it out. My mom suffered horribly from migraines, for a totally unrelated reason her doc took her off the estrogen supplement she was on and WA-la! no more migraines! ============================
Sunday nights suck.
Who? Where?
Angel Marvel is filthy and lazy. I could NOT believe the photos she posted of her house, shit piled everywhere! The floors were nasty. And her poor child, neglected! That diaper set a world record!
I used to like ScrapWench, but she has really become as cunty as the peas I hate.
I feel bad for Peasful1's future dils. Can you imagine having to deal with a Debbie downer queen hand slapper mil? Wasn't Peasful1 one of the original LLP's? She said she can't wait until her fat son grows up and looks down on all of the baseball mothers who called him a chubette. (assuming he stops eating) He must be a big babied Baby Huey. Peasful1 is the only one to blame for that.
I remember Angela Marvel whining on two peas, that her husband wanted her to get a job to help with the bills, before they had any more children. Angela wanted to be a stay at home mom, so instead of finding a job, she got pregnant again on purpose.
Where were the pics she posted of her filthy house and kid in a full diaper?
I used to like ScrapWench, but she has really become as cunty as the peas I hate.
That makes two cunts.
Drug tests for welfare recipients in Florida.
This should be everywhere, I've been saying that for at least 10 years. The article says that it makes it look like everyone thinks everyone that is on welfare is on drugs, I don't think that at all.
What I do think is that because it's paid into by working people who HAVE to take drug tests, they should have to as well.
The tests do not cost that much.
I love it!
8, search for them on 2Peas, duh! She posted them on the thread.
She posted photos of her nasty house on a thread some time ago. Not sure how you can search for threads older than six months.
Another vote for Typhus being the anti-wanking fanatic.
Who is BoSoxBeth? 14,000 2 and 3 syllable posts and I still don't know who the hell she is or what she's ever saying. Strange broad.
I agree 15. One or two words at the most. And she has been at the pod for years.
Hey, who is the fucking dweeb that keeps post a period (.) and that is it on the blog? Check out post #14. What the fuck? Some weirdo does this almost every night. Makes me wonder if we have another OceanDreamer ISP harvesting scheme going on. Out yourself freaky period poster!!!!
I've met amarvel. She seemed normal and nice me.
Normal and nice to me.
I know that there are at least two of us period posters and I suspect for the same reason.
On my iPad, sometimes the comments won't refresh with new comments unless I post something. Since I don't always have something to say, I post a period.
Didn't mean to get you riled.
Shut the fuck up about Angela Marvel. No one cares. I seriously doubt she is nice or normal. Nice and normal people keep their houses clean, change their kids' stinky, saggy diapers and get a job when their hambeast husband asks them to. They don't spend all day in their skanky lingerie taking pictures of themselves.
Tracy is that you?
Seriously. I'm the first to notice this?!? And I don't even post here...
I'll bet you don't mind *at all* when you, your 10 year old dd, your baby, and your granny (with the colostomy bag) get a full-body groping by some McDonalds dropout every time you fly, amirite?
How about when you want to take a train?
Go inside a mall?
Ha thanks for the period clarification.
LMAO Slyviaisanidiot cant tell a dick from a peppermill...
I'm masturbating to Anthony Bourdain!!
Shih Tzu Mommy and Nowomannocry are both pinging my radar....either dumb as Dogshavenobrains or trolls.
#23 you're way over-exaggerating! How can you compare a drug test that most working people have to take prior to employment to security check points for travel? People had to take drug tests for their jobs years before 9/11 and security implemented thereafter.
Not seeing your point at all, but then again, you probably can't understand my point either.
Flymflam/Smitty can't even post under her own name to defend Palin anymore? LMAO! Flymflam and Sylviot actually took their daughters to see that tomato. How pathetic!
Anonymous said... 23 #10:
I'll bet you don't mind *at all* when you, your 10 year old dd, your baby, and your granny (with the colostomy bag) get a full-body groping by some McDonalds dropout every time you fly, amirite?
How about when you want to take a train?
Go inside a mall?
June 5, 2011 11:24 PM
Awwww I'm sorry they'll take your guv'mnt cheese away when they know you're doing your drugs. Your comment didn't even make sense.
Go clean yourself up!
I saw those angela marvel pictures. Disgusting. I needed brain bleach after seeing her nasty ginger hambeast in a dirty wife beater. *shudder*
And that poor kid's diaper was beyond full/soaked. He must have had constant, horrific diaper rash.
Peasful1 has a chubby Baby Huey??! Interesting.
Please tell me she doesn't have any daughters. With the way she hates and denigrates women, a daughter wouldn't have a chance in that household.
Wonder what Angela Marvel is doing today? Let's see, take 50+ photos of herself with various props while the kids eat crumbs off of the floor. What else, let's see...
peasful1 has a dd, I was shocked when I found out. She very rarely ever mentions her. Didn't know her ds was overweight, that has to suck for the poor kid.
MrsTyler, it's karat not carrot.
I don't know how that lady functions as a teacher.
#10: The tests do not cost that much.
Really? Where did you get that information from?
Those "tests" actually cost more than most people realize and considering that the federal government as well as most state and local governments are supposedly nearly bankrupt, who IS going to pay?
Also, which type of drug test are the welfare "cheats" gonna take?
There is a major difference between a urine SCREENING test used by employers as a false attempt to make the work place safe and the blood conformation tests for drugs used to prosecute criminals by the law. Also, there are a bunch of over the counter medications and disease processes that cross react with some of the drugs tested on a urine drug screen.
And even if an employee has a positive urine drug SCREEN, the employee has the right to retest but that does not seem to be the case for the welfare "cheat" according to all the articles floating this pile of steaming shit.
Yep, lets test those welfare "cheats" because we all know that the urine drug SCREEN is 100% all the time.
You don't think you've ever asked for this before?, you're right...usually you ask for prayers for stupider things like dining room tables and sneezing.
Insecurity running rampant on this thread!
Most of those women wouldn't be able to function in a regular office or corporate setting!
He's dumb? You married him. How stupid is that?
MrsTyler, it's karat not carrot.
I don't know how that lady functions as a teacher.
Oh my god. I had to go see that post for myself. Seriously, that's a classic kid's mistake, but not one from someone over the age of 14, and certainly not a teacher.
Her stupidity! It burns!
Hey moran...
It's carat not karat.
Karat refers to gold weight. carat refers to diamond weight.
MrsTyler's cheap-ass husband only went for half a carrot. MY husband got me a ten carrot ring!
Either way Mrs t was wrong 40
Because it's the slow but steady erosion of our civil rights and FREEDOM - something wingnuts are constantly yapping about, but actually seem to know very little of. Instead you're all like frogs in a pot.
In America, we *used* have concepts called called 'presumption of innocence' 'innocent until proven guilty' 'due process' and 'right to privacy'.
If a welfare recipient is doing drugs, there are plenty of opportunities for LE, caseworkers, friends and family to turn them in and proceed through the legal system. Blanket manditory drug testing of an entire class of citizens is a very bad move with respect to our collective civil rights - specifically the right to privacy and the right of due process.
You clearly are unaware of A) the actual ineffectiveness of current TSA procedures (no you're NOT safer - really) and 2) the mission creep at DHS/TSA. Every year, they get a bit more invasive...BTW, they ARE searching outside of airports, wherever they damn well please.
There's a shit-ton of money being made in the security industry these days - from new prisons, increasing testing, body scanners, red-light cameras, to TSA, ICE and the DEA war on drugs and all their new toys. It most certainly pays to keep you all outrage and scared.
Unforchunately we're paying with more than just our tax dollars.
oh 43 this is a smack blog not OMG they are taking all rights crazy conspiracy blog. If you're that afraid of the government move to a cabin in Montana and go off the grid.
What is with all the provisos the peas add to thread titles?
First, most of them are not even capable of typing a simple thread title without an error in it. Seond, those stupid provisos, like, "this might get long", or "I don't know if I've asked this before", drive me nuts. Plus, adding dumb stuff like that gives them more chance of making teh typo.
I wish I could be the board mod. I would get rid of all threads with provisos in the title, all disney threads, all prayer threads (half of them don't even say please or thank you), all pinterest threads, all reality show threads, all camoflauged PVM threads, all braggy photo threads, all pimping wares threads, and all posts with egregious misspellings, e.g. carrot
a nice side effect of removing all posts with egregious misspellings, will be the disappearance of most of Lowrent the Loiyor's posts.
Damn 45 what would be left then? Please diagnose me threads?
Anonymous said... 43 Because it's the slow but steady erosion of our civil rights and FREEDOM - something wingnuts are constantly yapping about, but actually seem to know very little of. Instead you're all like frogs in a pot.
In America, we *used* have concepts called called 'presumption of innocence' 'innocent until proven guilty' 'due process' and 'right to privacy'.
If a welfare recipient is doing drugs, there are plenty of opportunities for LE, caseworkers, friends and family to turn them in and proceed through the legal system. Blanket manditory drug testing of an entire class of citizens is a very bad move with respect to our collective civil rights - specifically the right to privacy and the right of due process.
You clearly are unaware of A) the actual ineffectiveness of current TSA procedures (no you're NOT safer - really) and 2) the mission creep at DHS/TSA. Every year, they get a bit more invasive...BTW, they ARE searching outside of airports, wherever they damn well please.
There's a shit-ton of money being made in the security industry these days - from new prisons, increasing testing, body scanners, red-light cameras, to TSA, ICE and the DEA war on drugs and all their new toys. It most certainly pays to keep you all outrage and scared.
Unforchunately we're paying with more than just our tax dollars.
June 6, 2011 10:27 AM
1st thing, unforCHunately? Really? Geez.
All of the jobs you listed, the people are drug tested. Why should their money go to pay for low-life drug habits? Sorry dear, your way of thinking is ridiculous!
45, you had your own typo there .just.sayin'.
I've only seen one person from the bucket use the word egregious, hmmmm. It may be an identifier, maybe not. Definitely not part of *everyones* every day vocabulary.
So, you'd leave all the games too?
43 put down the crack pipe and go take your drug test. We can have you hoggin' all the guv'ment cheese!
Duh 48, teh typo was deliberate. Dumbass.
And no, I would not leave all the games. Thanks for reminding me.
ok, I don't know who uses egregious, please fill me in.
Anonymous said... 50 Duh 48, teh typo was deliberate. Dumbass.
And no, I would not leave all the games. Thanks for reminding me.
ok, I don't know who uses egregious, please fill me in.
June 6, 2011 11:22 AM
Really? You spell second seond all the time, *dumbass*?
Not filling you in, *dumbass*.
That's the best rebuttal you can come up with?
I guess my expectations are too high.
LOL @45. ITA with you.
So many Pea threads can be answered with a simple Google query. Like the Red Lobster Biscuit thread...why doesn't she just Google it? It'd be so much faster to GOOGLE IT than to type out a post about how she's pregnant and blah blah blah and other nonsensical blabber. Instead, she has to wait for a PEA to respond. That Pea probably Google'd it herself.
And the "What should we do in _____ town/state?" Those threads wouldn't be so bad if the OP gave some details as to WHERE in the town/state they're staying, what things they're interested in, and so on. But no. Peas are notoriously -- PLEASE PLAN MY VACATION FOR ME FOR I DON'T WANT TO DO ANY OF MY OWN RESEARCH.
Oh, and here's a great example of Pea laziness - please do my homework for me!
I should know this, but I don't: What is a PVM?
Anonymous said... 52 That's the best rebuttal you can come up with?
I guess my expectations are too high.
June 6, 2011 11:25 AM
Who are you talking to? There are several topics right now.
OMG flanz is an idiot. Really where to stop. How about getting a map and looking at the route. Fucking moran.
Sweet corn on the cob the peas are helpless. Is there no google on their internet?
I guess I agree with 45 and 53
Woohoo here goes GiaRenee again.
51 you got me. LOL.
but why not fill us in? Secret? Shy? Moranic?
Yes, ok everybody, I missed some out:
Games, easily google-able questions, PLEASE DIAGNOSE ME (how could I forget that one?), anyone been to Hawaii/Vegas/Skiing, but that sort of comes under a general brag type category. And, another I just thought of, all posts that have the word Thrusday in them.
Notice how all the "Please diagnose Me", end up being either a heart attack, a stroke or a migraine?
Anonymous said... 57 51 you got me. LOL.
but why not fill us in? Secret? Shy? Moranic?
Yes, ok everybody, I missed some out:
Games, easily google-able questions, PLEASE DIAGNOSE ME (how could I forget that one?), anyone been to Hawaii/Vegas/Skiing, but that sort of comes under a general brag type category. And, another I just thought of, all posts that have the word Thrusday in them.
Notice how all the "Please diagnose Me", end up being either a heart attack, a stroke or a migraine?
June 6, 2011 11:40 AM
Secret? No. Shy? Hell no. Moranic? Well maybe when I defended you here on the blog, I won't make that mistake again.
Let the wolves feed.
I can't play anymore today, have fun.
I am always tempted to answer on the diagnose me threads, "I'm pretty sure it's cancer" but I don't want to jinx myself by being that big of a bitch.
PVM= Please validate me. Make up about 90% of threads on bucket
53, it's called getting input. The OP didn't say do my damn homework for me.
June 6, 2011 11:40 AM
Secret? No. Shy? Hell no. Moranic? Well maybe when I defended you here on the blog, I won't make that mistake again.
Let the wolves feed.
I can't play anymore today, have fun.
58, then you really must have me mixed up with someone else because I have idea what you refer to. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda has a roommate?
Yes, he lives with her, her husband and family.
They're young and it's probably nice for them to have extra $ for the bills.
Are the Casey Anthony trial whores out today?
Who is the freak that masturbates to Anthony Bourdain?
How many CARROTS is your ring?
Did your husband wank one off this morning in the shower?
Inquiring minds want to know!
My wedding band cost $12,000, but that's only cause it's made of gold that was spun by magical elves and contains 32 carrots of high quality baguettes (luke, Coloe: "a" (diamonds so clean they invented a new category for me), clarity: Vvvvvsss0, bitches, and my cut is rated supercalafragilisticexpealudocious.
PeaNut 418318 - April 2009
Posts: 3860 Layouts: 0
Posted: 6/6/2011 3:16:15 PM
Get off the computer and go shopping. That's a Pea Order.
What a dumbass. The OP hasn't posted for over 2 days. Don't people over there have any comprehension at all?
Is 43 Heartcat? I thought someone broke her keyboard.
my wedding band is the pull ring off a Coors lite can. the inscription reads "Ma Ho XOXO". We managed to get a shit load of them for free with a groupon, so each time I get wasted, or you know, slippery, and lose it, I can just replace it.
I'm thinking of getting an upgrayed to a Sam Adams Amber Neckter ring, but hubby says stop being so fucking retarded and pretenshus. says he'd be embarrassed walking into Thanksgiving at his moms trayler with me wearing flashy shit.
She still has her original 4 mummified, wizzened carrot ring trailing from her hand. Gets me pewkey when fragments break off it sometimes as she's prepping the turky hamburger helper ontray though.
69-THANKS for the laugh!! Good stuff der buddy!
43 is someone obsessed with the TSA and supposed erosion of civil liberties. The same person posts their paranoid ranting frequently on random Amazon book reviews. It's always the same rant, the words just in a slightly different order. The TSA always figures prominently.
@59 I'm as evil as you, I always want to type "it's probably a brain tumor"
No, there's a whole segment of society that can see the bigger picture. People who pay attention and have a clear understanding of what personal liberty is really about - it's not just some word-salad platitude. Too bad you can't.
Maybe when the water starts to boil...
You mean bad?
Can I join the evil club, 59 & 72? Because I always want to post something like, "cancer. Definitely cancer. Or possibly stupidity. Some of the symptoms of stupidity mimic the symptoms of cancer."
MsGreenGenes: my brother is deaf, therefore I know everything about deafness, and certainly more than you non deaf people will EVER know.
grrrlsmom: I am actually deaf.
MsGreenGenes: As I said, my brother is deaf. I know everything about deafness. Maybe I can teach you a little sumthin' about being deaf, grrrlsmom.
grrlsmom: But I am already deaf. I can't hear.
MsGreenGenes: What could you possibly know? MY BROTHER IS DEAF!
Sylvia just had her biggest and best orgasm since 1998 and the jizz-stained blue dress!
Anonymous said... 75 Can I join the evil club, 59 & 72? Because I always want to post something like, "cancer. Definitely cancer. Or possibly stupidity. Some of the symptoms of stupidity mimic the symptoms of cancer."
June 6, 2011 2:32 PM
I mean, there's no shortage of sites like web MD out there that probably know a hell of a lot more than the peas. Then all they end up doing is sending the complainer to the ER. Like our ER's aren't full of stupid complaints already.
"I threw up after Mexican food"
Go to the ER. Now.
"I've got this throbbing pain in my toe"
You MUST go the ER RIGHT NOW. This could be a stroke.
"I have a moldy rash under my tits"
My GOD, do you have chest pain with that? You must go to the ER.
"I'm choking on a fish bone and can't breathe"
Sounds like how my migraines start. If it doesn't get better and you pass out, you must call 911
I see weinergate is back up.
Dontcha just love saying *weiner*
The peas have been very phallic-obsessed lately. Now that the weinergate story has reached its climax, whatever will be next?
Who is this whackadoodle and why does she think we need a daily update about her fucking shoes?
I don't give a fuck if your ipad isn't refreshing the comments. Quite posting a period.
OK quit....dammit
Now that one wasn't me. The other period poster needs to fess up.
Quick, someone call a WAHHHHmbulance.
Shut the fuck up about Angela Marvel. No one cares. I seriously doubt she is nice or normal. Nice and normal people keep their houses clean, change their kids' stinky, saggy diapers and get a job when their hambeast husband asks them to. They don't spend all day in their skanky lingerie taking pictures of themselves.
Typical hypocritical blog bitch. Bitching about someone else being abnormal while she sits on the Internet cruelly criticizing someone she has never met. Super normal and nice. Yes, a saggy diaper and an unkempt house ( I saw the photos; messy but not a health hazard) is so fucking abnormal.
Angela Marvel is super normal and nice? I know you are not saying that.
What thread are you referring to #76?
I think 72 was referring to this post:
GreenGenes & the op sound crazy. Since when us deafness a culture?
Sorry, meant 76.
Anonymous said... 88 Shut the fuck up about Angela Marvel. No one cares. I seriously doubt she is nice or normal. Nice and normal people keep their houses clean, change their kids' stinky, saggy diapers and get a job when their hambeast husband asks them to. They don't spend all day in their skanky lingerie taking pictures of themselves.
Typical hypocritical blog bitch. Bitching about someone else being abnormal while she sits on the Internet cruelly criticizing someone she has never met. Super normal and nice. Yes, a saggy diaper and an unkempt house ( I saw the photos; messy but not a health hazard) is so fucking abnormal.
June 6, 2011 5:31 PM
As you sit on the internet defending someone you claim you've met to someone anonymous.
No, I'm not the person who wrote that either, again, .just.sayin'.
Asking someone how much their wedding band cost is as horrible as asking how much their weigh.
WHY DO YOU CARE--unless you are bitching to your husband that you need a bigger ring.
Carrots baby, it is all about the carrots.
That's what Mrs. Typhus said!
Gawd I hate Cindy up north. She's some real backwoods trash. Only seems fitting that she loves Nascar and her husband cheats on her. I bet they both have mullets and bad teeth.
She admitted that she reads Rechelle unplugged/pie near woman stupid assed blog. I check on a link and I see this:
Uhh... gee, way to be incognito you dumbfuck "CindyLou". I'm sure that Wretchelle would have found the thread on her own. Maybe she'll make another post about the pod again so she can get more hits like the last time the pod talked about her. lol.
Wretchelle is kind of like nienie.. begging for hits, willing to do pretty much anything to get anyone to notice her.
What ever happened to that weird pea dude who thought he was going to be the next Versace? He sewed some really hideous jeans and a purse. Had a retarded, homemade logo stitched on everything? Barf? or something?
Can someone post a link to the pics of the messy house and kid with the full diaper? I would search the forum, but since I have no idea what kind of thread it was on, it might be hard. I did post "Take a look at my pics of my disaster house and my kid right before a diaper change" but nothing came up.
I don't remember seeing those pictures at 2Ps. I remember seeing them at her *old* blog. She now has a new blog and probably removed those knowing they were ragged on.
Lets see, dirty diapers, nasty fish tank, stuff just everywhere.
There was a picture of her husband in a wife beater and the couch was dirty and the blinds behind the couch were dirty and torn up.
Interesting that she started posting again just last week. Hmmm..
gah, enough about angela marvel please. aren't there plenty of peas we can bitch about instead?
how about that troll susans sister bitching about her emergency haircut?
She must read the blog. I sure hope she is cleaning her house better than she used to.
Anonymous said... 106 She must read the blog. I sure hope she is cleaning her house better than she used to.
June 6, 2011 9:56 PM
I think that's why it's here. It's ran a lot of Ps off the board, hopefully they got the hint and took care of what needed to be taken care of.
Some stop oversharing. No fun for here but at least they get the hint, sometimes.
Are you listening Typh?
About the link 91 posted: Am I a jerk for wondering why someone would NOT want their deaf child to have the opportunity to hear? The OP in that thread seems off to me. Also, how is she a teacher if she's deaf? Is she a teacher in a deaf school?
Whole lotta pinnin' goin' on.
Mapchic's living in the 50's. She's always pinning wedding dresses. Is she getting married?
Guess Barf and Jonduh never hit it off. Two walking contradictions.
Poor scrapwench, she can't pea all day while at work anymore.
Poor scrapwench, she can't pea all day while at work anymore.
Seriously Pepea, you are really getting creepy with your obsession with Scrapwench.
Get a dollar and buy a clue #113. Pepea ain't the only bitch in town that can't stand Scrapwench. Poor thing, how will she plan her vacation-you know, the one that she is taking her kid that wants lipo and the kid's boyfriend? I hope she buys up all the condoms and spermicide her discount pharmacy sells in addition to they KY lube she packs for the little lovebirds.
WTF Why does coconut keep updating us on her laser hair removal experience?
Coco-NUT must be a hairy HAMBEAST
Angela Marvel's photography is so photoshopped. She needs to clean her house and take care of her kids, not post on a message board begging for attention.
dear coconut,
if you have that many pet stains on your carpet and you're so poor you can't replace the flooring but "yay for me, i just saved up enough to buy paint for the room!"
you don't make enough to afford a pet
much less a pet that constantly shits on your floor.
there's your sign.
Anonymous said... 117 Angela Marvel's photography is so photoshopped. She needs to clean her house and take care of her kids, not post on a message board begging for attention.
June 7, 2011 8:56 AM
She needs to invest in some shampoo. Superman uses it.
I hate my period!
your period is overflowing. stuck a super tampon up your vag and spare the rest of us.
What's the deal with Ms. Mariah changing her un over at the pod?
I would clean my house but I am too busy taking photos of myself!
Where is peasbkind? I haven't seen her around for a while. Did she get her feelings hurt again?
Anonymous said... 124 period
June 7, 2011 9:59 AM
Chlerbieoverflow? Is that you?
Why is grinningcat posting in this thread? Clearly it is a question for married couples/families!
If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in thier granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
132 - YES...This wiener dude isn't the only married man getting his needs met by sexting. Happens ALL. THE. TIME.
#132, Why would they spread it when they have you to do the nasty with their overweight balding husbands?
Gotta agree. It seems like there are very few really single men on these sites. It is always sex deprived, pervy married men wanting to get their rocks off.
134, I never do. I am just saying that most the men I "meet" online are married. Once I hear that news, I never respond.
135, exactly. It scares me away from ever wanting to be married.
#134, not all husbands are overweight and balding. Mine's pretty hot. And calling sex "the nasty" doesn't help.
What's the deal with Ms. Mariah changing her un over at the pod?
OhMahGAWD I don't FUCKING care about Ms Mariah or whatever she calls herself or what pictures she has in her siggie or what the fuck EVER. She wasn't even on my radar now every time she scratches her ass someone is over here talking about her. No.One.Cares.
Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in thier granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
June 7, 2011 1:18 PM
Men would die too! They're not the only ones doing it **coughemilycoughahem**
Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in thier granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
June 7, 2011 1:18 PM
You must be proud to hang out with all the balding fat men, way to go! WINNER!!one111!!
Lady Gaga said... 139 What's the deal with Ms. Mariah changing her un over at the pod?
OhMahGAWD I don't FUCKING care about Ms Mariah or whatever she calls herself or what pictures she has in her siggie or what the fuck EVER. She wasn't even on my radar now every time she scratches her ass someone is over here talking about her. No.One.Cares.
June 7, 2011 1:50 PM
You sound jealous and of what? Oh who knows. Too bad no one notices when *YOU* scratch your ass.
Ms Mariah....I mean #142...don't you have a library to run?
How many ladies here are fat?
How many ladies here are getting laid?
I bet all of you to the first question and none of you on the last...
Seriously, how are you guys any better than the women at two peas? You say everything under an anon name! It's scary that some of you are mothers. I feel sorry for your wretched shitty little children!!
Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
This is so TRUE! and no wonder these ladies can't find anything better to do.... I cannot count how many times I have been hit on my married men. Prob over 1,000 times!
signed poster #144
oops "by" married men
Well, #144-I could stand to lose a few pounds but I am not obese by any means AND my husband gives me sex anytime I want it.
How shitty are your crotch maggots?
Anonymous said... 143 Ms Mariah....I mean #142...don't you have a library to run?
June 7, 2011 3:52 PM
Aww you wish you had been slapped by Mariah instead of me!
Anonymous said... 144 How many ladies here are fat?
How many ladies here are getting laid?
I bet all of you to the first question and none of you on the last...
Seriously, how are you guys any better than the women at two peas? You say everything under an anon name! It's scary that some of you are mothers. I feel sorry for your wretched shitty little children!!
June 7, 2011 4:08 PM
LOOK!!!one11!!! A fat-assed blog bitch came to tell everyone off! FAIL!!!one11one!!!1!111
Anonymous said... 145 Anonymous said... 132 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties. Always the same thing "I love my wife but she won't give me enough sex" Spread them wide girls, your husband looks elsewhere. Trust me.
This is so TRUE! and no wonder these ladies can't find anything better to do.... I cannot count how many times I have been hit on my married men. Prob over 1,000 times!
signed poster #144
June 7, 2011 4:10 PM
Yes, it's unfortunate that they tend to look for the single skanks that don't give a damn about themselves.
serious question - why are the idiot husbands telling you in their texts that they are married? shouldn't they just say they're single, so they'd have a better chance? obviously there are a lot of girls who would still have sex with them but some won't, so why do they admit it?
oh please. fatness is always the reason a guy cheats? halle berry is drop dead gorgeous and she seems to get cheated on all the time.
nice try blaming it on the wives but if a guy's an ass, it doesn't matter what his wife does, says, or looks like.
my cousin's husband hit on my SIL on his own freaking wedding day. my cousin is skinny, beautiful, funny, smart, and nice. she looked and probably felt amazing on her wedding day, but the rest of our family is just embarrassed for her, knowing how her husband is. he thinks he's great but he's the ultimate sleaze and to most people he's a big joke.
If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties.
Yeah you must be a real catch if you have to meet guys through texting on dating sites. What's the matter, no one in REAL LIFE asks you out?
Anonymous said... 153 If the peas knew how many married men text me when I go to dating sites they would die in their granny panties.
Yeah you must be a real catch if you have to meet guys through texting on dating sites. What's the matter, no one in REAL LIFE asks you out?
June 7, 2011 6:09 PM
She must be on the fatty site where feeder_lynn gets it on.
Troll Poll 2009 Lame
OK, Cara's new avatar is HILARIOUS!!!! CAP AND GOWN BABY!!!
wonder what's up with andyapc? mysterious. my money's on either one of her girls has something bad like cancer, or she does. or that her dh has been cheating or got someone else pregnant...i say this one because someone on her blog wished her and her girls well, but didn't mention her dh. seemed like maybe she knew what was going on.
Does anyone watch the Voice? Can I just say I would die happy if I could be in a Blake Shelton/Adam Lambert sandwich. Lame to post here, I know, but my gram is on my FB page so I need to censor such nonsense. Damn they are hot. And Adam has that charisma/charm shit that always used to get me in trouble with guys when I was young.
158, instead of a weirdo, you are a queerdo. And lame.
Thanks! You're so clever. :)
OhMmmGee...158 is ANOTHER fucking FAG HAG! Why do these middle age bitches cream their jeans for gay guys? Dude will borrow your eyeliner but he won't go down on you! What the hell is the matter with you? Blake-Adam sandwich? More like Adam wants to put his wiener in Blake's toasty buns and pack the Hershey highway...grossssssss
And Adam has that charisma/charm shit that always used to get me in trouble with guys when I was young.
How can you get in trouble with queer dudes? Did you borrow his pirate boots and you both got into a slap fight?
Jeeze, did you actually read what you wrote? Adam saves his charisma for guys like your in the closet gay husband. Lame ass
It's Adam Levine on The Voice people, not Adam Lambert.
You people really are morans in need of rocket surgery. ;)
At least 158 wrote like she's a bit older than 12. Seriously, you can bitch and laugh at people all you want here (that's the point), but I would love to know how old some of you truly are. The expressions you use are so juvenile.
Is it exciting for you to talk that way here because your Mommy would've fainted if she heard you use the word shit?
OMG shit!!!! I am 158 yes I meant Adam Levine. What a freaking idiot I am. I ***HATE*** Adam Lambert. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I can't believe I wrote that up there!!!!!!!! Fuck.
ITA 164. Grow up people. You're not in 7th grade.
Hahaha don't feel bad - I knew who you meant. AT first I didn't even realize you put the wrong name. Wondered why people were saying how gay he was and then it hit me you put lambert like that idiot pea who is obsessed w/ him.
I'm 12. Period. I want to be in a Blake / Ms Mariah sandwich.
I bet Ms. Green Gene's brother just pretends he's deaf so he doesn't have to listen to her bullshit.
Sorry 168-Ms Mariah ate the sandwich then she ate Blake.
Why are the ads in Chinese?
Wishing for Bassetville Acres!
PeaNut 417049 - March 2009
Posts: 7144 Layouts: 0
Count: 2 Posted: 6/8/2011 3:45:00 AM
I don't know yor age but if you are on a hormone supplement, check it out.
My mom suffered horribly from migraines, for a totally unrelated reason her doc took her off the estrogen supplement she was on and WA-la! no more migraines!
Another member for the "WA-la club of stupidity"
lol WA-la club of stupidity nice 172.
172, lame. Seriously. That's all you have to smack on?
Yes that was it - better than you 174, you can't even make it over to the pod and back.
Now who's lame?
Fuck off 174 I thought it was funny. Pretty sure we are allowed to comment on things we find amusing.
174 knows it's not wa-la, edumacated people like her spell viola correctly.
Rachel Ray has been having a little too much of the good life. She looks like shit.
No one gives a rats ass about Rachel Ray.
No one gives a rats ass about YOU.
what is the point of painting fake windows on a garage door? I've never seen something so dumb.
8 fucking paragraphs from heartcat about a kid behaving normally.
I kind of like the garage windows. It's a cheap way to give your house some curb appeal.
viola? how bout voila.
CHEAP is the operative word there #183
I think the garage door looks nice.
I think you're just jalous ;)
I think the garage door looks cheap. And how is that house craftsman style?? Looks like old farmhouse style.
Nope, not "jalous" lol
It looks like she bought those vinyl wall stickers and put them on.
There is new space.
-JD (Blogger is being weird and won't let me sign in)
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